Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12967-018-1644-y Journal of Translational Medicine

REVIEW Open Access Chronic viral in myalgic /chronic fatigue (ME/CFS) Santa Rasa1, Zaiga Nora‑Krukle1, Nina Henning2, Eva Eliassen2 , Evelina Shikova4, Thomas Harrer5, Carmen Scheibenbogen6, Modra Murovska1 and Bhupesh K. Prusty2,3* on behalf of the European Network on ME/CFS (EUROMENE)

Abstract Background and main text: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ (ME/CFS) is a complex and controversial clinical condition without having established causative factors. Increasing numbers of cases during past decade have created awareness among patients as well as healthcare professionals. Chronic viral as a cause of ME/CFS has long been debated. However, lack of large studies involving well-designed patient groups and validated experimental set ups have hindered our knowledge about this disease. Moreover, recent developments regarding molecular mechanism of pathogenesis of various infectious agents cast doubts over validity of several of the past studies. Conclusions: This review aims to compile all the studies done so far to investigate various viral agents that could be associated with ME/CFS. Furthermore, we suggest strategies to better design future studies on the role of viral infec‑ tions in ME/CFS. Keywords: ME/CFS, Viral infections, Biomarkers

Background [4]. According to the available literature, already back in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome 2009 around 17 million people were diagnosed with this (ME/CFS) is a disease that causes central nervous sys- disease, including 800,000 patients in the United States tem (CNS) and disturbances, cell energy of America and 240,000 in the United Kingdom [5]. Eti- metabolisms and ion transport dysfunction, as well as ological factors for ME/CFS include genetic predisposi- cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal dysfunction, tion, stress, trauma, exposure to toxins, physical activity cognitive impairment, , arthralgia, orthostatic and rest ratio, as well as a recent history of infectious intolerance, infammation and innate immunity dis- disease [2]. Females within the age group of 30–39 years turbances. Te main clinical sign is persisting chronic are more prone to this disease [6]. Nevertheless, ME/CFS fatigue, which is not relieved by rest and lasts for more can afect individuals from all races, genders, age groups than 6 months [1]. A large group of patients remains and social statuses. Population studies show that the wheelchair-dependent and many remain housebound or prevalence of ME/CFS worldwide is from 0.2% of clini- even bedbound [2]. cally diagnosed up to 3.48% of self-reported population ME/CFS is sporadic with occasional outbreaks [3]. depending on the applied diagnostic criteria. Most of Currently around 80% of ME/CFS cases are undiagnosed the patients with ME/CFS sufer from long lasting symp- toms, with only 6% of patients experiencing remission of the disease [7–9]. ME/CFS symptoms range from long *Correspondence: bhupesh.prusty@uni‑wuerzburg.de lasting fatigue, memory loss, difculty concentrating, 3 Institute for Virology and Immunobiology, Würzburg, Germany sore throat, lymphadenopathy, muscle pain, Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat​iveco​mmons​.org/licen​ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creat​iveco​mmons​.org/ publi​cdoma​in/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 2 of 25

and un-refreshing sleep to extreme fatigue after exertion. the possible association of viral infections with ME/CFS, Te pathomechanisms of ME/CFS are still unknown, and focusing on human herpesviruses, B19V, and enterovi- there are no standardized biological markers or tests for ruses, which all can trigger ME/CFS. Tese , after diagnostics; therefore, even the existence of this medical an acute infection, remain in the body as mostly latent, diagnosis has been questioned for long time [10]. persistent infections and may reactivate under various During the past 2 decades, few illnesses have been as conditions. Immunologic disturbance associated with extensively discussed as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). ME/CFS may be the result of viral infection or may lead A consensus for the proper diagnostic defnition for CFS to reactivation of latent viruses. Once reactivated, the was reached in 1994 on a case defnition from the United viruses may contribute to the morbidity of ME/CFS via States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [11]. infammation and immune dysregulation, especially the Terefore, prolonged fatigue is defned as self-reported, herpesviruses EBV and HHV-6, which infect immune persistent fatigue lasting 1 month whereas chronic cells [28]. Viral infections can trigger an autoimmune fatigue is persistent or relapsing fatigue lasting 6 months response as well [29]. In the majority of ME/CFS cases, or longer [11]. Later in 2011 International Consensus there is no conclusive evidence for chronic viral infec- Panel (ICP) developed International Consensus Criteria tion, but it is plausible that viruses could act via a “hit and suggesting that this disease is to be defned as myalgic run” mechanism; this theory proposes that viruses trigger encephalomyelitis (ME) due to neuropathological infam- the disease, cause immune abnormalities and leave a dys- mation [12]. functional immune system and/or . Clinical evaluation for identifying underlying or con- tributing conditions of chronic fatigue is required before Human herpesviruses further diagnosis or classifcations can be made. Besides According to the International Committee on Taxonomy persistent post-exertional fatigue, ME/CFS is charac- of Viruses, family includes Alphaherpes- terized by substantial symptoms related to cognitive, virinae, and Gammaherpesvirinae immune and autonomous dysfunctions [13, 14]. Tough subfamilies. Currently there are nine human herpesvi- ME/CFS is a chronic illness of uncertain cause with ruses: (HSV)-1, HSV-2, varicella unknown pathogenesis, there is abundant evidence of an zoster virus (VZV), EBV, CMV, HHV-6A, HHV-6B, underlying biological process. Since sudden disease out- HHV-7, HHV-8. HHV-6 and HHV-7, members of the breaks in patients start with a “fu-like” illness, it seems Herpesviridae family, Beta-herpesvirinae subfamily, plausible that an infectious agent can trigger the syn- genus, are most studied human pathogens drome. In fact, viral-like illnesses appear to precede ME/ in association with ME/CFS [30]. HHV-6A was frst iso- CFS onset in approximately 50% of patients [15]. In addi- lated in 1986 from peripheral blood mononuclear cells tion, there are indications that immunological dysfunc- (PBMCs) of patients with acquired immunodefciency tion may contribute to the emergence of symptoms [16]. syndrome (AIDS) and lympholeukosis [31]. HHV-7 was Te pathogenesis of ME/CFS is likely multi-factorial frst isolated in 1990 from ­CD4+ lymphocytes of healthy and various microbial and viral infections are consid- adult [32]. Primary infection with these viruses usually ered to be the possible trigger factors of ME/CFS. Te ill- is observed in early childhood—from age of 6 months to ness has been frequently accompanied with various viral 3 years. Tey can cause infantum or Exanthema infections and studies have been conducted on associa- subitum with , rashes and elevated body temperature tion of ME/CFS with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) [17, 18], lasting for 3 to 5 days. In addition, it can afect several (CMV) [19], human herpesvirus (HHV) organ systems, including CNS [33]. Likewise, infection 6, HHV-7, HHV-8 [20–22], human course can be asymptomatic [34]. HHV-6B and HHV-7 (B19V), [23], lentivirus [24] and as are widespread and prevalence is more than 90% of gen- [25], causing borrelia, Q fever eral population [35]. Te seroprevalence of HHV-6A is causing Coxiella burnetii [26] and other pathogens. unknown. However one study of Chinese individuals Still, the association of ME/CFS with a single infec- put the prevalence at 11% of controls [36]. One feature tious agent has not been confrmed, and the role of viral of all herpesviruses is that they can establish a lifelong infections in ME/CFS remains obscure [2, 27]. Tis may persistent infection termed latency [37]. Latent HHV-6 be attributed to the small size and/or heterogeneity of can reside in a dormant state inside human host cells studied ME/CFS populations, not well-characterized by integrating viral genome into telomeric ends of host ME/CFS patients, lack of adequate controls, high preva- cell chromosomes (ciHHV-6) [38]. Recently also chro- lence of persistent viral infection in the general popula- mosomal integration of HHV-7 into the host genome tion, diferent methodological approaches applied and so was discovered [39]. During latency, minimal viral tran- on. Here we present an overview of studies addressing scription and no production of infectious virions occurs, Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 3 of 25

resulting in no detectable clinical complications. How- association between ME/CFS and HHV-6, with a greater ever, activated forms of HHV-6A/B and HHV-7 are prevalence and higher levels of HHV-6-specifc anti- known to have immunomodulating properties such bodies in patients, as well as a greater prevalence of as modulating the expression of several cytokines and DNA in PBMCs from those with ME/CFS. Notably, in chemokines or inducing by trigger- both of these studies, HHV-6A was found to predomi- ing apoptosis in lymphocytes [40–42]. Since both viruses nate among ME/CFS patients. Moreover, an associa- are ubiquitous, concurrent infection is common and it tion between active HHV-6 infection and ME/CFS has has also been reported, that HHV-7 can reactivate HHV- been demonstrated in studies distinguishing between 6A/B [43–45]. active and latent infection using immunofuorescence Reactivation of latent HHV-6A/B can be caused by assays directed against HHV-6A antigens or early anti- various stress conditions leading to increased severities body assays [58, 59]. On the other hand, there are several of multiple human disorders [46, 47]. Even though evi- studies in which both serological techniques as well as dence is lacking, it is also possible that exposure to cer- PCR-based techniques distinguishing between active and tain drugs could reactive ciHHV-6. One known chemical latent infection lead to the conclusion that HHV-6 infec- to reactivate HHV-6 in vitro is the HDAC inhibitor Tri- tion does not correlate with ME/CFS [60, 61]. Chapenko chostatin A [48]. Similarly two other commonly known et al. [62] also evaluated whether HHV-6 infections could pharmaceuticals, sodium valporate and amoxicillin, also be the causative agent for ME/CFS. Tey found active enhance HHV-6 replication [49, 50]. Virus reactivation HHV-6 more often in ME/CFS patients than controls, is possible in cases of immune disturbances, long-term and active infection correlated with the occurrence of the stress, immunosuppressive therapy, prolonged anaesthe- clinical symptoms of ME/CFS, including lymphadenopa- sia, transplantation, AIDS and others [21]. For example, thy, subfebrility, and malaise after exertion. HHV-6A reactivation has been found in patients with Te presence of HHV-7 and other HHVs has been (MS) [51] and HIV infection [52] and determined in patients with ME/CFS. Sairenji et al. HHV-6B reactivation has occurred in [53] and revealed 100% HHV-7 seropositivity among 20 patients hepatitis [54]. Te virus can also reactivate in the pres- [63]. In another study involving 17 ME/CFS patients, ence of malignant and non-malignant diseases [55] and HHV-7 reactivation was detected more frequently than HHV-6A are a risk factor for non-Hodgkin HHV-6 reactivation and concurrent active HHV-6 and lymphoma [36]. HHV-7 infection was accompanied by immunological Due to its life-long persistence and its broad tissue changes in the form of signifcantly increased ­CD95+ tropism, HHV-6 has been speculated to be a possible cells, decreased CD3­ + and CD4­ + T cells, and a lower trigger for ME/CFS. Te involvement of herpesviruses CD4/CD8 ratio [64]. Active HHV-6, HHV-7 and B19V in ME/CFS was already considered in 1988, when sero- infection/co-infection was confrmed analysing 108 logical evidence pointed to reactivation of HHV-6 among patients with ME/CFS [62]. patients, and a subset of patients were found to exhibit However, PCR analysis showed a similarly high detec- higher levels of antibodies against the EBV viral tion rate of HHV-7 genomic sequences among patients antigen (VCA) and early antigen (EA) but an absence of with ME/CFS and controls (82% vs 83%) [65]. In another antibodies to EBNA [56]. Based on earlier reports and study, the percentage of HHV-6, HHV-7 and co-infection presentations, Ablashi suggested in 1994 that ME/CFS was similar between patients and controls; nevertheless, could be a result of immunological disturbances after HHV-7 was approximately two times more prevalent herpesvirus reactivation [57]. Investigating this hypothe- than HHV-6, with HHV-6 and HHV-7 DNA detected sis, Buchwald et al. started the frst large study [20], when in the PBMCs of 26.7% and 69.9% of healthy adults, the case defnition for ME/CFS had not yet been made. respectively, and 35.1% and 77.3% of ME/CFS patients Teir study included 259 patients with ME/CFS symp- [66]. Others found HHV-7 DNA in only 7.7% of periph- toms. Serum chemistry tests and polymerase chain reac- eral blood lymphocyte samples from patients with ME/ tion (PCR) assays confrmed the fnding of active HHV-6 CFS using PCR [67]. In addition, detection of HHV-7 infection in 70% of patients. Even though they suggested in a high percentage of gastro-intestinal biopsies from that active replication of HHV-6 represented reactivation patients (85–92%) and controls (66–83%) with quanti- of latent infection due to immunologic dysfunction, they tative PCR (qPCR) is reported, though without statisti- did not directly address HHV-6 playing a role in produc- cal diference between the groups [68]. No diference ing ME/CFS symptoms. between severity of symptoms and viral load of HHV-6 Follow-up studies using only serological techniques and HHV-7 in saliva and PBMC of ME/CFS patients and could not diferentiate between active and latent infec- controls was shown [69]. Besides, detectable reactivation tion [21, 22] but revealed a slight tendency to an of HHV-6A/6B and HHV-7 in saliva is considered as a Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 4 of 25

biomarker for physiological fatigue, and can therefore be blot have shown that EBV is present, though not sig- used to distinguish between pathological and physiologi- nifcantly more often in patients with ME/CFS than in cal fatigue [70]. controls [81–84]. Tere is no statistically signifcant diference between Recently published data also support the hypothesis reported studies that have found no correlation between on herpesviruses involvement in ME/CFS development HHV-6/HHV-7 infection/co-infection and ME/CFS (in due to expression of antibodies against herpesviruses- total 17) and publications that noted a correlation (in encoded deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohy- total 12) (P = 0.2935) (Table 1). Nevertheless, some study drolases (dUTPases) that activates humoral immune cohorts are rather small to draw general conclusions response [85]; anti-EBV and HHV-6 dUTPase anti- about the association of a viral infection with the disease. bodies were present in 55.4% and 54.06% of ME/CFS Several groups have also reported co-infections of EBV patients in one cohort, respectively. Te same study with HHV-6 in ME/CFS patients [63]. Serological analy- found EBV dUTPase antibodies in 29.09% of patients sis has revealed a higher frequency of antibodies to EBV and 25.83% of controls overall from a separate cohort. VCA in patients than controls. In addition, these serum Compared to controls, the patients had signifcantly antibodies could persist for several years, indicating that higher anti-EBV dUTPase antibodies. immune disturbances may allow viral reactivation [71]. Serum and genomic sequence analysis of An abnormal immune response to EBV infection has HSV, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8, JC been reported in ME/CFS cases; however, later publica- virus, BK virus, and B19V in 22 monozygotic twin pairs, tion showed no diferences of EBV prevalence among of which one twin met criteria for ME/CFS and the patients and controls [72, 73]. Although Manian and col- other twin was healthy, revealed no diferences between leagues found higher titers of IgG class antibodies against the group of twins with ME/CFS and the healthy twins EBV viral capsid antigen in patients than in controls, they [61]. Similarly, Cameron and co-workers did not fnd did not fnd a statistically signifcant diference in titers of signifcant diferences in EBV, HHV-6, nor CMV sero- antibodies to early antigens of EBV, HSV-1, HSV-2 and positivity and viral loads between 20 ME/CFS patients HHV-6 in patients compared to healthy controls. Tere- and 10 controls using qPCR as well as serological assays fore, they did not conclude that there was a signifcant for HHV-6 IgG, CMV IgM, and EBV IgG VCA p18, IgG association between these infections and ME/CFS [74]. EBNA-1, and IgG EA [83]. Landay et al. also failed to Elsewhere, ME/CFS patients’ EBV antibody titers were fnd any serological links between these viruses as well not signifcantly diferent compared to controls [75]. In as adenovirus, HTLV I/II, HIV, papovavirus, human 1991, Landay et al. found antibodies to EBV early antigen spumavirus, rubeola, and coxsackie B4 and the patho- signifcantly more frequently among ME/CFS patients genesis of ME/CFS [76] Elevated IgG titers to CMV than healthy adults, but they observed equal rates of EBV were demonstrated in only 6/107 (6%) patients with VCA and EBNA seropositivity among patients and con- ME/CFS and only rarely were HSV, coxsackievirus, trols [76]. At the same time, other studies showed no cor- chlamydia, campylobacter, yersinia or candida infec- relation between EBV infection, nor CMV infection, and tions observed [81]. Likewise, serum analysis revealed ME/CFS [77, 78]. A very low percentage of EBV-specifc no correlation between ME/CFS and CMV, HSV-1, IgG class antibodies in patients and controls has been HSV-2 and adenovirus in another report [20]. However, described [79]. Zhang et al. have shown that EBV sero- analysis of more ME/CFS patients and controls showed prevalence (VCA IgG) among ME/CFS patients was sim- the presence of CMV IgM p52 and CM2 antibodies in ilar to that of the general population, but VCA IgM titers, 16/34 patients and none of the controls, suggesting an EBNA IgG titers, and EBV-related genes were associated etiologic role of CMV in ME/CFS [86]. HHV-8, which with ME/CFS subtypes [80]. Moreover, in this cohort, has been infrequently studied in this disease, was found most ME/CFS patients demonstrated primary infec- in 2/35 (5.7%) ME/CFS patients and in 1/25 (4%) con- tion/reactivation serostatus, while the serostatus of con- trols [22]. trols most often corresponded to the late phase of EBV Although an association of ME/CFS with viral infec- infection. tions has not been demonstrated in all studies, ME/ In some reports, EBV was not detected in blood CFS can be triggered by various factors, and infections plasma by PCR [61], and no diference was revealed in could contribute to a subgroup of ME/CFS patients [66, the frequency of EBV genomic sequences detected in 83]. Moreover, autoimmune, immune, metabolic and stomach and duodenum biopsies by qPCR [68]. Like- psychological disturbances could emerge due to infec- wise, other studies using immunofuorescence, enzyme- tious disease [2]. linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), PCR and western Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 5 of 25 - 6A 7 Yes: HHV Yes: - 7 No No: HHV Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Correlation assumed Correlation IFA PCR ELISA ELISA, nPCR, qPCR, REA nPCR, fow cytometrynPCR, fow ELISA, qPCR ELISA, IFA IFA, PCR IFA, ELISA IFA PCR PCR, ELISA IFA, Southern blot IFA, Method Serum, plasma Plasma, PBMCs Plasma, Serum Plasma, serum Plasma, Plasma, serum, PBMCs Plasma, Serum, blood Serum, PBMCs Serum, PBMCs Serum Serum Serum, PBMCs Serum, PBMCs PBMCs Sample type controls 63 patients, 40 controls 63 patients, 36 patients, 24 controls 36 patients, 74 patients, 151 controls 74 patients, 108 patients, 90 controls 108 patients, 17 patients, 12 patients with UCF, 20 12 patients with UCF, 17 patients, 10 patients 35 patients, 28 controls 35 patients, 52 patients, 51 controls 52 patients, 154 patients, 165 controls 154 patients, 20 patients, 26 controls 20 patients, 13 patients, 13 controls 13 patients, 259 patients, 47 controls 259 patients, 7 patients, 2 controls 7 patients, Study participantsStudy 1991 1995 2017 2012 2006 2001 2000 1996 1995 1995 1994 1992 1991 Year Landay et al. Landay Di Luca et al. Di Luca Halpin et al. Chapenko et al. Chapenko et al. Krueger et al. Ablashi et al. Zorzenon et al. Zorzenon Patnaik et al. Patnaik Sairenji et al. Sairenji Yalcin et al. Yalcin Buchwald et al. Buchwald Josephs et al. 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J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 8 of 25

Enteroviruses [97]. Enteroviral VP-1 protein could not be stained by Single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses from the immunohistochemistry in any of the samples. genus belong to the Picornaviridae fam- In 2008, Chia et al. found that 135/165 (82%) antrum ily. Tey comprise a large group of more than 70 difer- biopsy specimens stained positive for enterovirus VP1 ent enteroviruses that have the ability to infect humans. within parietal cells, whereas signifcantly fewer con- Although enteroviral infections in humans are frequently trols were stained positive (7/34, 20%) [98]. Enterovi- asymptomatic, they can exert a variety of symptoms rus RNA was detected in 9/24 (37%) parafn embedded during acute infections. In addition, chronic enteroviral biopsy samples, and only 1/21 controls had detectable infections have been implicated in myocarditis [87–89] enterovirus RNA. One out of 3 patients had detectable and in juvenile-onset type-1 diabetes [90]. enterovirus RNA from two follow-up samples taken Te role of enterovirus infection as a potential factor 4 years apart, whereas 5 patient samples showed tran- in the etiology of ME/CFS has been suspected for about sient growth of non-cytopathic enteroviruses [98]. In 3 decades. At the same time, it has been largely disputed, another study from the same group, 3 patients with as the data from the literature are controversial. RNA acute enteroviral infection developed symptoms of of enteroviruses has been found in variety of specimens ME/CFS during follow-up. Enteroviral persistence (blood, stool, gastric and muscle biopsy) from ME/CFS was demonstrated by detection of enteroviral RNA patients more frequently compared to control subjects sequences in gastric biopsy specimens and in periph- (Table 2). Clements et al. detected enterovirus-specifc eral blood leukocytes (PBL) by qualitative RT-PCR [99]. sequences in 36/88 (41%) serum samples from chronic It was also shown by Galbraith et al. that enteroviruses, fatigue patients, 22/82 (27%) acutely ill individuals, and 19/20 of which were substantially diferent from previ- 3/126 (2.4%) healthy individuals [91]. In further analysis, ously described enteroviruses, can establish persistent the same group determined the prevalence of enterovi- infection, and in some cases, they can lead to the mani- rus DNA and neutralising antibody in ME/CFS patients. festation of ME/CFS [100]. In the group of patients who Whereas enteroviral sequences in serum were found by had been referred for assessment of fatigue, 44/238 PCR more frequently in the ME/CFS group (42%) than serum samples and 29/175 throat swab samples were in the control group (9%), there were no statistical difer- positive by enteroviral PCR assay, while sera from 3/130 ences regarding coxsackievirus B antibodies in the neu- healthy individuals were positive using the enteroviral tralisation tests (positive: ME/CFS 34%, controls: 41%) PCR assay [100]. In a following study, eight individuals [92]. with ME/CFS were positive for enteroviral sequences, Gow et al. reported on the detection of enteroviral which were detected by PCR in two serum samples RNA in muscle biopsies from 53% of 60 ME/CFS in taken at least 5 months apart [101]. In addition, sero- comparison to 15% of 41 controls [93]. Furthermore, logical evidence has indicated that enteroviral activity quadriceps muscle biopsy samples from 20.8% of the 48 may contribute to ME/CFS; increased titers of antibod- ME/CFS patients were found to be positive for entero- ies against coxsackieviruses B1 and B4 have been found virus sequences by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR, among patients [74], and in a separate group, entero- while all 29 control samples were negative [94]. In a virus IgG class antibodies were present in 49% of ME/ study by Bowles et al. [95], molecular hybridization CFS patients. Within this cohort, acute infections were detected enteroviral RNA in muscle biopsies from 41 observed in 5% of patients [80]. Te results of antivi- of 148 patients with ME/CFS, 25 of 96 patients with ral treatment provided additional arguments in support infammatory muscle disease, and only two of 152 con- of a potential role for enteroviruses in the pathogenesis trols. In an earlier study, the same group had postulated of ME/CFS, as 7 out of 10 ME/CFS patients with per- that the enteroviral persistence in the muscle might be sistent enterovirus infection were successfully treated caused by a defect in the control of viral RNA synthesis with alpha interferon and ribavirin or a combination of as they found approximately equal amounts of entero- alpha and gamma interferon [102]. viral positive and negative RNA strands, in contrast to A study focussing on the analysis of immune activa- lytic infections, in which positive RNA strands domi- tion in ME/CFS found a signifcantly higher prevalence nate [96]. Tey speculated that persistence of viral RNA of coxsackievirus infection in 63 ME/CFS patients (90%) without synthesis of viruses could contribute to mus- in comparison to 40 controls (65%). However, geomet- cle dysfunction. In 2003, detection of enteroviral RNA ric mean antibody IgG titers were similar in both groups without production of viral proteins was reported by [76]. In contrast, another study found elevated IgG- Douche-Aourik et al., whose analysis of muscle biopsy titers against coxsackievirus in only 6% of 107 ME/CFS samples revealed virus RNA positive samples in 13% patients, arguing against a major role of active coxsacki- (4/30) of ME/CFS patients and none of the controls evirus infection in ME/CFS, at least in that cohort. Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 9 of 25 Correlation assumed Correlation Yes Yes Yes Yes for PCR, not for NA PCR, not for for Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Prevalence yes, titer not titer yes, Prevalence No - PCR - PCR 1 staining, RT- 1 staining, 1 staining, RT- 1 staining, - PCR - PCR Method PCR Hybridization Coxsackievirus B1, B4 antibody titer PCR, antibody in neutralisation assay PCR PCR RT RT VP VP Coxsackievirus B4 antibodies PCR Sample type Muscle biopsies Muscle biopsies Serum Serum Serum, bufy coat, stool Serum, throat swaps Serum, throat Muscle biopsies Muscle biopsies Gastric biopsies Gastric blood biopsies, Serum Muscle biopsies controls disorders) Study participantsStudy 60 CFS, 41 controls 148 CFS, 152 controls 20 CFS, controls 100 patients, 100 controls 100 patients, 88 patients, 126 controls 88 patients, 238 CFS, 130 controls 30 CFS/Fibromyalgia patients, 29 patients, 30 CFS/Fibromyalgia 48 CFS, 29 controls 165 CFS,34 controls 3 CFS 63 CFS, 40 controls 131 CFS, 101 controls (neuromuscular (neuromuscular 131 CFS, 101 controls Year 1991 1993 1994 1995 1995 1995 2003 2003 2008 2009 1991 1994. Aourik et al. - Aourik Author Gow et al. Bowles Manian Nairn et al. Clements et al. Galbraith Douche Lane et al. Chia et al. Chia et al. Landay et al. Landay Gow et al. ‑ ‑ viral - Publications on analysis of enteroviruses in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome fatigue encephalomyelitis/chronic in myalgic of enteroviruses on analysis Publications fatigue syndrome by polymerase chain reaction in polymerase chain reaction by muscle of patients with post muscle biopsy samples suggests fatigue that some cases of chronic a previous, from result syndrome infammatory viral myopathy bodies to Epstein–Barr virus, human Epstein–Barr virus, bodies to herpesvirus 6, herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, 14 enteroviruses is there fatigue syndrome: in chronic evidence of activation of a nonspe immune response? cifc polyclonal tion and enteroviral PCR in chronic PCR in chronic tion and enteroviral fatigue patients RNA in serum: the relationship to to RNA in serum: the relationship fatigue chronic viral sequences from patients with viral sequences from fatigue syndrome chronic skeletal muscle from patients with skeletal muscle from infammatorychronic muscle disease subjects and healthy or fbromyalgia thy: a postviral fatigue syndrome. with chronic enterovirus infection of infection enterovirus with chronic the stomach by myalgic encephalomyelitis/ myalgic by (ME/CFS) fatigue syndrome chronic and viral persistence condition associated with immune condition associated activation chronic fatigue syndrome chronic 2 Table Publication title Publication Enteroviral RNA sequences detected RNA sequences detected Enteroviral Persistence of enterovirus RNA in of enterovirus Persistence Simultaneous measurement of anti ‑ Simultaneous measurement Comparison of Coxsackie B neutralisa ‑ Detection of enterovirus—specifc Detection of enterovirus—specifc Phylogenetic analysis of shortPhylogenetic entero Detection of enterovirus in human Detection of enterovirus ‑ metabolic myopa related Enterovirus Chronic fatigue syndrome is associated is associated fatigue syndrome Chronic Acute enterovirus infection followed followed infection enterovirus Acute Chronic fatigue syndrome: clinical fatigue syndrome: Chronic Studies on enterovirus in patients with Studies on enterovirus Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 10 of 25 Correlation assumed Correlation No No No No Method PCR PCR PCR, antibodies Coxsackievirus B antibodies Sample type Muscle biopsies Muscle biopsies Stool, serum Stool, Serum Study participantsStudy 29 CFS 34 CFS 76 CFS, controls 508 CFS, 30 controls Year 1996 1996 1994 1996 Author Lindh et al. McArdle Swanink Buchwald (continued) ish patients with chronic fatigue ish patients with chronic syndrome reaction of enteroviral infection infection reaction of enteroviral fatigue in patients with chronic syndrome syndrome chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue fatigue and chronic chronic syndrome 2 Table title Publication chain reaction polymerase transcription reverse chain reaction, RT-PCR PCR polymerase antibody, NA neutralising syndrome, fatigue CFS chronic ‑ in Swed No fndings of enteroviruses Investigation by polymerase chain by Investigation Enteroviruses and the chronic fatigue and the chronic Enteroviruses Viral serologies in patients with serologies Viral Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 11 of 25

Other studies were not able to detect enterovirus and controls, respectively, and IgM class antibodies not infection in ME/CFS patients’ blood, stool, serum, cer- present at all [115]. Due to the detection of B19V DNA ebrospinal fuid (CSF) and muscle biopsy samples [76, in gastro-intestinal biopsies from 40% of patients and 81, 103–105]. In addition, there were no signifcant dif- fewer than 15% of controls, some researchers have con- ferences in the rates of detection of enteroviral RNA in cluded that, at least in a subset of patients, B19V could be muscle biopsies from a group of patients with ME/CFS involved in the pathogenesis of ME/CFS [68]. (26.4%), compared with a group of patients with other While analysing the presence of B19V infection mark- neuromuscular disorders (19.8%). It was concluded that ers in the serum of 200 ME/CFS patients and 200 healthy persistent enterovirus infection is unlikely to play a path- blood donors using real-time PCR, B19V DNA was ogenic role in ME/CFS, although an efect in initiating detected in 11 patients with ME/CFS but in none of the the disease process cannot be excluded [106]. healthy blood donors. A signifcant diference was not revealed in B19V seroprevalence (the proportion of indi- Human parvovirus B19 viduals with anti-B19 VP2 IgG class antibodies) between B19V is an immunomodulating single-stranded DNA patients with ME/CFS, 75% of whom were seroposi- virus belonging to the family, the Parvoviri- tive, and donors, who had a total seroprevalence of 78%. nae subfamily, and the Erythrovirus genus. It was discov- Meanwhile, anti-B19V VP2 IgM class antibodies were ered in 1975 in the serum of an apparently healthy donor found in 4 patients. In addition, 41.5% of patients and [107]. only 7% of donors had IgG class antibodies against non- B19V was frst associated with a human disease in 1981 structural (NS1) protein, whereas B19V specifc NS1 IgM [108]. It is frequently detected in children, and conse- class antibodies were found in 3 patients and one donor. quently, 60–80% of adults have antibodies against this Te presence of B19V specifc NS1 antibodies indicates virus. It can cause rash, infectiosum or the ffth a severe and persistent or chronic B19V infection; in this disease, arthralgia, various skin lesions, neutropenia, liver study, 73% of those with anti-NS1 antibodies sufered and lung disorders, papular-purpuric gloves and socks from joint pain, and positivity for these antibodies in syndrome, hepato-biliary diseases, cardiac , ME/CFS patients was associated with greater expression autoimmune and neurological diseases, transient aplastic of the human ME/CFS-associated genes NHLH1 and crisis with a short life-span and aplasia of red blood cells GABPA [116]. Another report described fnding anti- that is observed in immunocompromised patients [109, VP2 IgG class antibodies in 74% of the analysed patients 110]. Viral DNA is eliminated from the serum within with ME/CFS and IgM in 1 patient. As was the case in 4–5 months, and antibodies rapidly decrease. Many years the aforementioned study by Kerr et al., B19V seropreva- after the primary infection and acute phase, B19V can lence among ME/CFS patients was shown to be similar persist in an organism, and persistent B19V infection has to the percentage in the general population [80]. More been investigated as a possible etiological agent in cases recently, B19V VP2 specifc antibodies were detected in of , , arthritis, autoimmune plasma samples from 85% of the ME/CFS patients and processes, fatigue and ME/CFS [111, 112]. 61% of practically healthy individuals [62]. Moreover, Initial studies using PCR to examine the presence of active B19V infection was detected in 28% of ME/CFS B19V DNA in serum and bone marrow aspirates did not patients compared to 2% of controls using nested PCR, fnd evidence of involvement of B19V infection in bone and active infection was linked to an increased frequency marrow dysfunction in any of seven ME/CFS patients. of joint pain [62]. In spite of these studies, there is no Out of these 7 patients, only 1 patient had B19V specifc consensus on B19V as a causative agent of ME/CFS. antibodies [113]. Additionally, an analysis of 22 monozy- gotic twins revealed the presence of B19V genomic sequences in only one of the healthy twins as detected by Xenotropic murine leukemia related virus (XMRV) PCR [61]. belongs to the Retroviridae family, Orthoretrovirinae sub- A link between B19V infection and subsequent onset family and Gammaretrovirus genus, which was identifed of ME/CFS (1–3 years post-infection) has been published in 2006 while studying the lack of ribonuclease L coding [114]. Te results from this analysis revealed a signif- antiviral gene RNASEL function in patients with prostate cant association between the development of ME/CFS cancer [117]. Te genome has 95% homology with several and high stress levels, as determined through the use endogenous murine retroviruses and 94% homology with of questionnaires, during acute B19V infection. Later, exogenous murine retroviruses [10]. However, Paprotka B19V DNA was found in plasma samples from 3/58 ME/ et al. concluded that XMRV is probably a recombinant CFS patients and 2/49 healthy controls, while IgG class virus, which was generated by the recombination of two antibodies were observed in 52% and 57% of patients murine retroviruses (pre-XMRV1 and pre-XMRV-2) Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 12 of 25

during passaging of prostate cancer cell lines in nude between XMRV and human diseases, and positive results mice within a time period ranging from 1993 to 1996 were consequences of contamination [142]. [118]. Studies on several other retroviruses (HTLV-I and -II, XMRV was discovered in patients with prostate cancer, HIV-1/2, spuma viruses) in ME/CFS were performed. and publications reported potential associations between Whereas DeFreitas reported on the presence of antibod- the virus and other diseases. Te observations of RNase ies to HTLV-II and retroviral sequences in blood cells L proteolysis in PBMC from patients with ME/CFS and in patients with ME/CFS, these fndings could not be infectious-like chronic immune system activation led to reproduced by other groups [76, 143, 144]. Terefore, the examination of XMRV in these patients [119, 120]. Te theory of retroviral etiology in ME/CFS is not currently XMRV gag gene sequence was detected by nested PCR supported. in PBMCs of 67% out of 100 patients PBMCs but only in 3.7% out of 218 healthy donors PBMCs, and further Ross River virus analysis revealed 99% sequence identity with XMRV by Another post-viral fatigue-causing virus is a single- sequencing viral genomes from 3 patients [120]. How- stranded positive-sense RNA virus—Ross River virus ever, Science retracted this article in 2011, citing poor (RRV), which belongs to the family Togaviridae, genus quality control in the experiments, the omission of . Mosquitoes transmit this viral infection important information regarding treatment of the ME/ from infected animals to humans, and symptoms of the CFS-patient PBMCs, and scepticism of the validity of the infection overlap with the symptoms of ME/CFS. Back study [121]. in 1996, Selden and Cameron published a study in which In 2010, Lo et al. reported on the detection of MLV- such symptoms as joint pain, persistent tiredness, leth- related virus gag gene sequences in 86.5% out of 37 argy, myalgia, lymphadenopathy, , and depres- patients and 6.8% out of 44 control group individuals sion were observed even 30 months after infection with [122]. However, in 2012, the authors retracted the publi- RRV in South Australia [145]. cation. Later, many researchers published their eforts to Using an antibody-dependent enhancement mecha- detect XMRV in patients with ME/CFS and donors using nism, RRV has been found to infect macrophages and serological and molecular methods. No evidence link- enable suppression of specifc antiviral genes expressed ing XMRV to ME/CFS was found in studies carried out by these cells, which results in unimpeded replication in Germany, China, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Japan, [146]. An additional study by these two authors showed the United States of America, Canada, the Netherlands, suppression of functional activity of STAT1 and NF-κB Latvia and Italy [123–135]. Te presence of XMRV or transcription factor protein complexes due to antibody- MLV-related sequences, antibodies, or infectious virus dependent enhancement of RRV infection [147]. was not confrmed in large ME/CFS patient groups, Later, acute RRV or EBV infection followed by fever, including a subset of the patients previously reported to malaise, pain, fatigue, and mood and concentration dis- be XMRV-positive by Lombardi and colleagues [136]. orders were correlated with elevated levels of pro-infam- It has been suggested that the earlier positive fnd- matory cytokines [148]. Analysing the same patient ings were based on laboratory contamination [136–140]. cohort in Australia, Hickie and colleagues studied the Studies have shown that commercial reagents and clini- prevalence and course of post-infectious fatigue and cal samples could be contaminated with MLV-related chronic fatigue following acute RRV, EBV and Coxiella virus genomic sequences containing murine DNA, and burnetii infection, demonstrating that severity of acute cloned or amplifed XMRV DNA might be the source of viral infection and the host response to it may determine contamination. It could also originate from frequently the course of post-infectious syndrome and ME/CFS [82]. used XMRV-infected prostate cancer cell line 22Rv1 More recent attempts to fnd a possible illness-specifc [141]. Various geographic localizations may explain dif- signature of peripheral blood gene expression in patients ferences in some results, but not in the same country. with post-infectious fatigue caused by RRV, EBV, or Cox- Another reason for problems with XMRV detection was iella burnetii, was not successful [149]. Subsequently, this thought to be XMRV sequence variation or the pres- team hypothesized that infammatory cytokines infu- ence of XMRV-like viruses. XMRV strain identity is 99%; ence the CNS, resulting in neurocognitive disturbances therefore, the existence of distinct or related viruses is following acute infection, and therefore, certain infec- possible, and detection of them with PCR or some other tious agent may not determine symptoms. Moreover, methods can be difcult [10]. After several years of stud- genetic predisposition of specifc cytokine expression has ies, large efort and expenses from clinicians, scientists been found to afect cognitive manifestations, particu- and patients, it was concluded that there is no association larly during acute infection [150]. Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 13 of 25

Molecular mechanisms behind viral pathogenesis molecular processes in host cells that defne clinical in ME/CFS conditions of ME/CFS (Table 3). Tree of the most fre- Viral infection can initiate a multitude of physiologi- quently discussed molecular processes, namely immune cal changes in host cells that can contribute to ME/ cell alterations, mitochondrial modulation and autoim- CFS development (Fig. 1). Viral pathogens frequently munity, are described in brief within this section. associated with ME/CFS are also known to alter various

HHV-6A HHV-6B EBV Enterovirus

Parvovirus B19 Ross River virus

Activation of autoreactive Reduced B cell response Antigenic mimicry immune cells

Altered Treg Neuroinflammation

Increased Pro-inflammatory cytokines

Autoantibodies Cytokines


Low ATP Oxidative stress Low Apoptosis mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial Altered immune Altered dysfunction response membrane potential

HSV-1 Parvovirus B19

EBV Enterovirus


Fig. 1 Schematic diagram showing various viral pathogens potentially associated with ME/CFS and possible molecular mechanisms altered by these pathogens that can contribute to ME/CFS development Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 14 of 25

Table 3 Possible viral contributions towards ME/CFS Viruses Contribution in ME/CFS

Human herpesviruses Persist after primary infection in latent phase and can reactivate causing lytic virus replication Infected cells are recognized by immune system resulting in chronic infammation that causes ME/CFS symptoms Disturb frst class major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules presenting virus antigen Alter NK, T and B cell function Modify expression of cellular transcripts Trigger immune dysregulation Alter cytokine production resulting in appearance of ME/CFS typical symptoms Contribute in afecting signalling pathways to proper immune response Activate humoral immune response by herpesviruses-encoded dUTPases Infect neurons and immune cells to impair CNS capillaries and micro-arteries, leading to brain damage Produce a pro-infammatory environment and autoimmune activity Damage tissue, leads to infammation and may activate auto-reactive T and B cells, thereby contributing to autoimmunity Local virus-associated infammation of nervous structures results in altered CNS and PNS signalling Alter ATP homeostasis, increase ROS, change mitochondrial metabolism and modulate mitochondrial DNA content Enteroviruses Infect various tissue (blood, gastric, muscle, brain) and stool Persistence of viral RNA could contribute to muscle dysfunction Induce tissue damage Dysregulate host microRNAs Induce greater oxidative stress, infammation, and pro-infammatory M1 macrophage activity Induced infammation can result in bystander activation of auto-reactive cells Coxsackie B4 virus infects beta cells leading to NK cell induced non-destructive infammation Severe acute enterovirus 71 infection diminishes number of NK and T cells and induces ROS accumulation Parvovirus B19 After primary infection and acute phase can establish persistent infection and lead to the manifestation of ME/CFS Interacts directly with cells leading to a more aggressive fbroblast function and degradation of cartilage matrix Active infection is linked to an increased frequency of joint pain VP1 protein afects arachidonic acid metabolism promoting infammatory reactions NS1 protein stimulates pro-infammatory cytokines production causing local infammation Activates NK cells Causes neuroinfammation Contributes to greater expression of the human CFS-associated genes NHLH1 and GABPA May induce autoimmunity Retroviruses No contribution Ross-River virus Infect macrophages using antibody-dependent enhancement mechanism Suppresses transcription and translation of antiviral genes Generate neurocognitive manifestations afected by functional polymorphisms in cytokine genes Cause joint pain, persistent tiredness, lethargy, myalgia, lymphadenopathy, headache and depression

Virus‑induced alterations to immune cells herpesviruses-encoded dUTPases in patients with ME/ One commonality among the viruses linked to ME/ CFS has been published [85]. CFS appears to be the ability to establish persistent Te establishment of a persistent infection is infuenced infections. In order to do that, viruses must bypass and by immunosuppression and activated immune com- evade immune cells, and in doing so may alter immune plexes, which may cause chronic infammation [15, 152, cell functions. While several viruses may contribute 153]. Chronic immune system activation is accompa- to ME/CFS, the immunomodulatory capacity of the nied by alterations in regulation of cytokine production viral species, perhaps paired with its ability to estab- [154], and stimulated lymphoid cells express or induce lish persistent infection, may underlie its pathological the expression of various cytokines in other cells that potential in the setting of ME/CFS. Elevated activity can set the stage for pathological manifestations [155]. of antiviral enzyme 2′-5′-oligoadenylate synthetase Low-level infammation and activation of cell-mediated (OAS) in PBMC from patients with ME/CFS has been immunity is observed in ME/CFS cases and the high observed. Tis protein is induced by IFN-α and IFN-β, level of TNF-α correlates with several clinical symptoms; and degrades viral RNA and inhibits virus replication. therefore, an increase of infammatory mediators might Terefore, it plays an important role in the response explain symptoms of the disease [156]. Likewise, it is pos- against viral infections. Te level of OAS correlates with sible that a viral infection causes dysfunction in cellular severity of ME/CFS, suggesting that a chronic virus immunity, which consequently induces viral reactivation. infection could be the cause of ME/CFS [151]. Moreo- Subsequently, viral proteins facilitate cytokine secretion, ver, proof of humoral immune response activation by resulting in appearance of typical ME/CFS symptoms, Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 15 of 25

such as fatigue, fever, sleep and cognitive disorders [7]. manifestations as fatigue, lymphadenopathy, joint pain, Chronic pain may be caused by infammatory signals and muscle pain [68, 175, 176]. Enteroviruses [177, 178] that are spread by glial cells activated by infammatory and herpesviruses may also contribute to these signs and cytokines and neuronal stimulation [153, 157]. symptoms through up-regulation of pro-infammatory In establishing persistence, viruses may induce immune cytokines [179]. disturbances directly and indirectly; for instance, they Some viruses, like RRV, are able to infect macrophages may infect cells involved in mediation of cellular and using an antibody-dependent enhancement mechanism, humoral immune response, and through indirect interac- suppressing antiviral genes and thereby resulting in repli- tions, they might alter cell surface receptor expression as cation [146]. Te antiviral response to RRV is diminished well as cytokine and chemokine expression levels, leading by suppression of transcription factor protein complex to local infammation [158]. Infection of cells by entero- activity [147]. In the case of acute RRV infection, func- viruses afects cellular miRNA expression, which may tional polymorphisms in cytokine genes may afect the result in dysregulation of immune pathways and cytokine infuence of infammatory cytokines in the CNS and production, and these viruses can reduce expression of resulting neurocognitive manifestations [150]. type I and III interferon, which are primarily produced by natural killer (NK) and T cells [159–161]. Herpesviruses Viruses and mitochondrial modulation like HHV-6 are also able to alter expression of cellular ME/CFS is considered to be a miRNAs in various cell types including NK cells [162, [180]. Some of the characteristic features of ME/CFS 163], as well as cellular expression of NK cell receptors involve altered adenosine triphosphate (ATP) homeosta- [164], and they may express their own miRNAs that aid sis [181, 182], increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) in immune evasion [165]. Downregulated cytotoxic activ- [183], changed mitochondrial metabolism [184, 185], and ity of NK cells in ME/CFS could be linked to a decreased modulation of mitochondrial DNA content [182, 186, expression level of NK cell activating receptor NKG2D 187]. Many of the aforementioned viruses modulate host [166], the ligand of which is down-regulated by HHV- mitochondria in a variety of ways that can potentially 6B [164]. In addition, the expression of viral homologs of present plausible explanations regarding the involvement cytokines/chemokines and cytokine/chemokine recep- of these viruses in ME/CFS. Viruses have evolved distinc- tors by herpesviruses can impact immune pathways [167, tive strategies to alter mitochondrial metabolism and 168]. Other herpesvirus-induced alterations to ligand/ bioenergetics, which may allow enhanced viral replica- receptor signalling between NK and associated cells tion and provide anti-viral defence. could also contribute to the pathogenic mechanism of HSV-1 infection decreases cellular ATP levels and the viruses in ME/CFS are described [169]. mitochondrial membrane potential [188], and HSV-1 Enteroviruses, as well as most of the herpesviruses, use anti-apoptotic protein gJ has been shown to induce ROS mechanisms that disturb frst class major histocompati- formation [189]. In vitro experiments in mammalian cells bility complex (MHC) molecules presenting virus antigen have shown rapid and complete degradation of host mito- [167, 170, 171]. Te HHV-7 U21 gene product interrupts chondrial DNA by HSV-1 [190]. Evidence of mitochon- viral antigen presentation to cytotoxic T cells that causes drial dysfunction has been associated with post-infective MHC class I molecules degradation in lysosomes. Besides fatigue after EBV infection [191], and EBV is known to interfering with the host cytotoxic T cell response, alter mitochondrial dynamics through direct interaction U21 lessens NK cell cytotoxicity [172]. Such changes of [192]; the immediate early protein of EBV, Zta, interacts immunological parameters as a decreased count of ­CD3+ with mitochondrial single stranded DNA binding pro- and ­CD4+ T cells, an increase of ­CD95+ and a decrease tein, leading to reduced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of ­CD4+/CD8+ ratio are observed in patients with a con- replication and enhanced viral DNA replication [193]. current active HHV-6 and HHV-7 infection [64]. Other HHV-6B improves viral infection through direct inter- studies also show ­CD4+ T cell response to HHV-6 [173]. action of its U95 protein with human GRIM-19 protein In vitro studies show that a possible mechanism of [194], and the virus increases oxidative stress during action for B19V is direct virus interaction with cells persistent infection by reducing glutathione reductase leading to more aggressive fbroblast functionality and activity [195]. During productive infection, HHV-6A degradation of cartilage matrix. Moreover, the activity can cause apoptosis through a caspase-dependent path- of capsid protein VP1 afects arachidonic acid metabo- way accompanied by altered mitochondrial morphology lism promoting infammatory reactions, and the B19V and lower transmembrane potential [163, 196]. Similarly, non-structural NS1 protein also stimulates pro-infam- latent CMV has been associated with greater oxidative matory cytokine production, causing local infamma- damage [197]. HHV-8 modulates mitochondrial antivi- tion [174] that might account for such ME/CFS clinical ral signalling via its interferon regulatory factor 1 [198]. Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 16 of 25

In addition, porcine and canine parvovirus infection Te viruses discussed herein are capable of activating induces depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane, NK, B, and T cells, modifying expression of their cellu- damage to the organelle’s structure [199], and ROS accu- lar transcripts, altering cytokine production, and afect- mulation [200, 201]. Enterovirus 71 also induces ROS ing signalling pathways integral to the proper functioning accumulation [202] for its successful replication. of the immune response, potentially producing a pro- infammatory environment and autoimmune activity. For example, NK cells induce non-destructive infam- Viruses and autoimmune signature mation in response to beta cell infection by coxsackie B4 Autoimmune signature in ME/CFS has recently become enterovirus [211] and are activated by acute B19V infec- a subject of intense research [29, 203]. Viral pathogens tion [212], but NK and T cells are diminished in number can contribute to autoimmune diseases in variety of during severe acute infection of enterovirus 71 [213]. ways. Because the viruses associated with ME/CFS are HHV-6A-infected T cells express many miRNAs asso- also commonly detected among healthy individuals, it ciated with infammation and autoimmunity [214], and may be the case that underlying immune dysfunction persistent HHV-6A infection is associated with altered in the host acts as a predisposing factor in development NK cell profles in cases of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and of the disorder. Viruses may trigger immune dysregula- acute necrotizing encephalopathy. Tese infections were tion, but an individual may also be predisposed to either characterized by incomplete clearance of the virus and an exceptionally strong acute infection, an inability to a greater abundance of peripheral CD56bright NK cells completely clear the virus, or both. Subsequently, the [215, 216]. Tis environment of heightened cytokine abnormal immune profle post-acute infection may allow secretion paired with the inefectual clearance of infec- for continuous reactivation and incomplete clearance of tion may activate auto-reactive T and B cells, thereby pathogens, resulting in tissue damage and an overactive contributing to autoimmunity. Indeed, the cellular activa- yet inefective immune response leading to infammation tion of the CD56bright NK cells correlated with autoanti- and autoimmune changes. Te absence of strong viremia body levels in subjects with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. indicates that the viruses that are present are likely quite Interactions between the viruses and innate and adap- tissue-specifc, and data suggests that the viral activ- tive immune cells are dynamic and vary temporally, ity consists of greater “latency-associated replication”, across viral species, and between individual patients. as was noted for EBV [72]. Te success of valganciclovir Accordingly, activity of these cells has been found to (active against CMV and HHV-6) and valacyclovir (active vary across studies of ME/CFS and even within studies, against HSV, VZV, and EBV) [86, 204] as well as rituxi- according to the time-point [217]. Although cytokine mab and immunoadsorption of ß2 in expression and immune cell phenotypes have difered subsets of ME/CFS patients suggests that both the viral [62, 218], dysregulation of immune cell networks occurs activity itself and the immune response against/result- in ME/CFS patients, and a pro-infammatory milieu ing from viral infection may contribute to the signs and appears to predominate. Additionally, it is clear that symptoms of the illness [205, 206]. patients’ immune responses against viruses difer from Enteroviruses, particularly B coxsackieviruses, are unafected individuals. While healthy volunteers did not implicated in type 1 diabetes mellitus, which they may exhibit changes in cellular proliferation after vaccination contribute to through dysregulation of host microRNAs with infuenza strains, for example, ME/CFS patients [207] and induction of greater oxidative stress, infam- displayed signifcantly higher cellular proliferation in mation, and proinfammatory M1 macrophage activ- response to stimulation compared to baseline [219]. ity [208]. Chronic enterovirus-associated systemic or Baseline T cell proliferation was lower than controls, local infammation, as a consequence of a weak innate and post-vaccination proliferation was higher in ME/ immune response and virus-induced tissue damage, CFS patients compared to controls, although these fnd- may result in bystander activation of auto-reactive cells. ings were not statistically signifcant. Lower proliferative On the other end of the spectrum, an overactive innate responses were observed among other ME/CFS patients immune response may also result in infammation during as well [220], and decreased cytotoxicity of NK and T the initial acute infection, leading to the same outcome cells [217], as well as increased levels of cytokine produc- [209]. Tis scenario has been proposed for enteroviruses ing CD56bright NK cells [221], have been documented, in type 1 diabetes, but the theory may be more broadly although fndings have not been consistently confrmed applicable to other viruses and autoimmune conditions. between studies. Activation of auto-reactive bystander cells has also been Failure to produce IgG antibodies against EBV EBNA-1 proposed as a pathogenic factor in systemic lupus erythe- has been noted, as has low levels of antibody secret- matosus [210], as has molecular mimicry. ing cells specifc to EBNA-1 and VCA and an impaired Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 17 of 25

B cell memory response to the virus [72]. Responses of infection has been reported where antiviral therapy EBV-specifc B- and T-cells were suppressed, which has improved patient’s clinical condition [241]. been suggested to result from frequently reactivated EBV HHV-6B has weaker ties to autoimmunity, but it is and lymphocytic exhaustion. In contrast, reduced CMV thought to contribute to common symptoms of severe and HSV specifc B-cell responses were not identifed. drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome/drug reac- On the other hand, the presence of antibodies against tion with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DIHS/ EBV DNA polymerase and EBV-encoded dUTPase DRESS) when it reactivates strongly during the course has been detected in the serum of a subset of ME/CFS of the syndrome. Te immune response to the viral patients but not in controls [84], and the IgG response to activity is considered as potentially more destructive EBV EBNA-6 peptides has been heightened in ME/CFS than the viral activity itself and is implicated in visceral [73]. Sequences of amino acids in the EBNA-6 repeat organ damage [242]. Notably, initial regulatory T cell region were found to be homologous to the human lac- (Treg) expansion in this illness contrasts with subse- toperoxidase precursor (LPO) and thyroid peroxidase quent exhaustion of Treg cells during remission, which precursor (TPO) proteins as well as the two enzymes appears to set the stage for the autoimmune sequelae ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) and phosphofruc- that commonly occur afterward [243]. Autoimmune tokinase-1 (PFK-1), which have metabolic functions. thyroiditis and diabetes mellitus frequently arise post- Of these, only LPO peptide IgG levels correlated with DIHS/DRESS, as does chronic fatigue. HHV-6 has EBNA-6 peptide and protein IgG. However, antigenic been detected in Treg cells in a case of likely DIHS/ mimicry producing cross-reactivity among these proteins DRESS [244], and HHV-6A [245] and HHV-6B [246] is considered as a possible factor behind ME/CFS patho- are also able to induce the development of Treg cells. genesis. Analysis of genetic associations has revealed that Both upregulated and reduced levels of Tregs have been the EBV protein EBNA-2 and its related human tran- reported in ME/CFS [217, 221, 247]. scription factors are associated with many autoimmune Te molecular link between B19V infection and auto- risk loci, including those involved in MS, rheumatoid immune disorders is not very clear. However, B19V arthritis, type 1 diabetes, and systemic lupus erythemato- infection has been associated with development of auto- sus [222]. NF-kB was similarly associated. immune antibodies including rheumatoid factor [110, Although systemic immune dysfunction has been 248, 249], antinuclear antibody, anti-mitochondrial anti- observed, local virus-associated infammation of nerv- body, smooth muscle antibody, and gastric parietal cell ous structures resulting in altered CNS and peripheral antibody [250]. Recently, B19V infection has been shown signalling has also been hypothesized to increase levels of cytokines like IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, IL-2 as a mechanism behind ME/CFS [223, 224], and neuro- and TNFα in the plasma of rheumatoid arthritis patients infammation has been observed in patients [225]. EBV [251]. B19V induced upregulation of IL-6 has also been [226], HSV [227], HHV-6 [228], CMV [229], VZV [230], noted for its potential role in autoimmunity [252]. Two enterovirus [231], and B19V [232] can all infect the brain. of the B19V proteins, a proline-rich small protein [253] Notably, HHV-6A is able to induce neuroinfammation in and the NS1 protein [254], which also function as a tran- the absence of active replication in a mouse model [233]. scription regulator have been intensely studied because HHV-6A has also been found to impair myelin repair of their role in viral pathogenesis. Tese proteins also in vitro and in vivo using mouse with extensive loss of contribute to host cell immune modulation through their myelin [234]. involvement in cell survival pathways [254, 255]. B19V HHV-6 has been strongly linked to autoimmune dis- has been implicated in clinical cases of systemic lupus eases like Hasimoto’s thyroiditis [235, 236], connective erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis where various tissue disorders and MS [237]. Selective reactivation of auto-antibodies could be detected in patients. Intra- HHV-6 has also been shown in patients with autoim- venous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has been reported to mune connective tissue diseases [238]. MS patients are reduce symptoms in some patients with persistent B19V frequently detected with high levels of HHV-6A/B-spe- infection, but IVIG administration has also resulted in cifc IgG and IgM in the serum and CSF [239]. Myelin unexpected worsening of symptoms in a ME/CFS patient basic protein (MBP), one of the auto-antigens impli- [256]. Tis may indicate that, in some cases, the immune cated in MS pathology shares amino acid sequence response against persistent infection contributes to the homology with the U24 protein from HHV-6 [240]. development of clinical symptoms more so than infec- Hence molecular mimicry is considered as one of the tion-induced tissue damage, and IVIG may contribute to potential mechanisms for HHV-6 mediated autoim- increased infammation. Heightened viral replication was mune diseases. Clinical cases showing increased glu- also detected in this case, which was suggested to be a tamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies and HHV-6 result of antibody-dependent enhancement. Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 18 of 25

At least in a subset of patients, the mitochondrial dys- thereby, potential prevention and treatment strate- function and elements of autoimmunity that character- gies. However, this strategy requires defnition of ize ME/CFS may be linked to viral pathogenesis. Lack of ME/CFS subgroups. extensive analysis of molecular mechanisms linking viral 4. Use of high throughput methods to gain broader pathogens to ME/CFS restricts our understanding of this insight into potential biomarkers for infections by disease. Future studies need to focus on this aspect of obtaining and analysing large-scale data, which will ME/CFS research. raise the quality and signifcance of the research. 5. Confrmation of results by validation studies and Conclusions multi-centre cohort studies to obtain generalizability Currently available data on the role of chronic viral infec- of the study and promote implementation of credible tion with ME/CFS is still controversial, showing poten- biomarkers usable worldwide. tial viral involvement for at least a subgroup of ME/CFS patients. Terefore, it is necessary to assess the presence Authors’ contributions and markers of viral activity at the initial stage of the dis- BKP, SR, NH conceived the idea and wrote the frst draft of the manuscript; ease to evaluate possible etiological factors and conduct ZN, EE, ES, TH, CS, MM contributed towards writing and fnal editing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the fnal manuscript. longitudinal studies in order to assess active viral infec- tion and symptom severity variations over time. Moreo- Author details 1 ver, results should be compared not only between ME/ Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Rīga Stradiņš University, Riga, Latvia. 2 Biocenter, Chair of Microbiology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany. CFS patients and controls, but also with other co-mor- 3 Institute for Virology and Immunobiology, Würzburg, Germany. 4 Department bidities to assess specifcity of suggested biomarkers. of Virology, National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofa, Bulgaria. 5 Considering ME/CFS heterogeneity, the use of clini- Department of Internal Medicine 3, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Friedrich- Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany. 6 Institute cal characteristics and biomarkers to enable defnition for Medical Immunology, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow, of the disease subtypes is crucial. In addition, longitu- Berlin, Germany. dinal and standardized studies determining ME/CFS Acknowledgements course and therapy efectiveness with follow-up meas- We thank EUROMENE, a part of COST Action CA15111 under EU Framework urements in dynamics should be accomplished. Tis will Program Horizon 2020 for supporting the work. allow of the disease development and promote Competing interests development of a specifc defnition for diagnostics and a The authors declare that they have no competing interests. treatment plan. Availability of data and materials Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or Future strategies for development of infection analysed during the current study. biomarkers in ME/CFS Consent for publication Not applicable. 1. Use of quantitative assays rather than qualitative assays to assess the extent of the viral load instead Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable. of simple detection of presence or absence. Tis may facilitate monitoring of a response to treatment; Funding however, diurnal variations and individual response This review is based upon work from European Network on Myalgic Encepha‑ lomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (EUROMENE) as part of COST Action on treatment should be taken into account. Further CA15111 supported by the EU Framework Program Horizon 2020 (Website: comprehensive serological testing may help to iden- http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actio​ns/ca/CA151​11). Other funding sources—the tify a signature of active infection. Bulgarian National Science Fund [ДКOCT 01/9 to E.S.], Solve ME/CFS Initiative, USA (to BKP). 2. Use of additional biological samples together with blood and serum will be useful in determining the Publisher’s Note localization and distribution of biomarkers, as well Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub‑ as pathogenicity. Using hair follicles, virus integration lished maps and institutional afliations. can be detected. Similarly throat swab and stool sam- Received: 2 August 2018 Accepted: 24 September 2018 ples can be used for detection of enteroviruses. 3. Functional studies to compliment clinical biomarker studies in order to clarify functions and interactions of genes, transcripts, proteins, and immune cells References and molecules in cases of ME/CFS. Tis will facili- 1. Brurberg KG, Fonhus MS, Larun L, Flottorp S, Malterud K. Case defni‑ tate understanding of the disease aetiology as well tions for chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ ME): a . BMJ Open. 2014;4:e003973. as development and maintenance pathways, and Rasa et al. J Transl Med (2018) 16:268 Page 19 of 25

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