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X'- X / \ V FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1984 CV. PAOETWENTT Ayerage Dolly Net PreM Rtui' ' ■. ■/ T o r , 46* We*Ir'EnB* 1 1 ,2 3 3 A bout Tow n 'the home of ly.vRobert Keeney, Mrs. Samuel Robb of 122 Cam- supper Monday evenihg at Lake Fiair and llttU* ekange tai I 75 flobert Rd. /Tomorrow the an­ bHdg'e St. and to Mr; and Mrs. Am'ston. Members arc asked to ■ ' M em ber of the A udit''' peratsire tnaigbt sad jMiaday. Th« Mw)che*ter Fir* Pepwt- nual picnic for adult* and children Chester Vawors!:t of 41 'Edward* meet promptly at 5:^5 at the Le­ B ureau of C lroalatlon -xittent will participate in a parade of the Covena'nt-Congregational 3t. gion Hom^and leave,for the lake Manche$ter—^A City of Village Charm ’ at Terryvilie tomorrow. AH mem­ Church will be held at" Gdodwln at 6 P- m., alao to provide their - ber* are requested to report qt Park. Hartford. -They .will meet Among divorces granted In Su­ own ailverware. Mrs. Theodore Fairbanks, chairman,' will be as­ (£laaailled AircftltlBg ra Pag* 10) the fire house, Main at Hilliard at the church at 11:30; and pro­ perior Court yesterday by .Tudge 1 /VOL. LXXIir, NO, 2 it MANChESTER,/UONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1951 (TW ELVE PACES) PRICE nV E CENTS Street, at 11 a. m , wearing their vide® their own picnic lunches. sisted by Mrs. Ferdinand Tieslng . . . Big News All Summer •lames C. Shannon-were I>)—•» had no plgn* other than to retui Peter Borden. Friend. They have to his home st Lander, Wyo. June 19 (A*)— The PEAT HUMUS I for the men and women at the Odd a two-year-old daughter, Linda Sen. Lester (r. Hunt (D-Wyo) ‘ ‘ ** Fellows Home in Groton, to be Hunt is a native of Isabel, III. TAMPAX Shredded and Screened . Lee. Mrs. Friend prior to her >\ SPEGIAL SALE was found shot in the head in ig Three were agreed to- ‘Welconie Deiiio(;rat' George Hunt's cottage st Lake ■ician to Congrea*. authorized a m1ng In 1950. . lem of h6y»' to get it there, Ha.vward. Colchester. The group QUALITY SHEER, statement that Hunt wa.* found ijppn hi* graduation he began asfteiS.SMr^sr.u-S'- .will meet at thie church at 6 p. m. LOOK! wounded and removed to the bos- practice of dentistry in Lander 1 and when. dispoMl. 5, li**» » r »*t«oai "teds. M cCA N N and. in case of rain, will hold the pilal. An office aide, found him and shortly after served in the | The requestX designed to k«P .supper in the church. Members MEN S CUSTOM MADE when he apriv*4 at.w ork about Army In'W orld War I *a a lieu- the Jindochina w V from spreading- are aaked to bring their own NYLON 9:1.% a. m. ' tenant. Be now Is a major In the westward into Thailand, failed in plates a lid silverware. The statement said Hunt suffer- 1 the Security Goiinc\ yesterday be- BROTHERS me siaiemeni aain Hum aimer Xfter postgraduate atudy at ra„»e of the So*-iet\unlon'a veto. SUITS ed a wound over the right temple Norlhweatern University he, re- : The vote wa* 9-1-' \*^h Lebanon Plumbing and \ from a .22 caliber rifle bullet. Only HOSIERY sun)^ dental practice.. ____ | al^ataining. Htoting Contractors $69.50 "The Senator wa* alone in hi* Hunt entered politics In 1932, Map Procedure' By SAM SI MMERLlN ' office, when his condition was dis­ AT Tn new flattering summer shade.*, serving in the W yoming State Henry. Cabot Ixxige, Jr\-of the Tegucigalpa, Honduras, June 19 OLD SPICE SHAVING LOTION ...... EVAN LIGHTERS ...... $2.95 t hurchill meeting opening here next \veek. This-proapect was held about a third of Guatemala. ington______at____ Ihe.requMt ___ of President i! (2i To resume that session and biinught out yesterday in a letter - —------adjourn it immediately. - clearing He said two planes had machine-1 Eisenhower and Secreta’ry of SUt* gunned the. Presidential Palace in l John Foster Dulles to make,a per- MEN'S DEODORANt STICK ...... PAPERMATE PENS ...... $1.69 to $2.98 Feel free and ea.«y in sent hy President Elsenhower .to the board for a special session, French President Rene Coty and which would then be r.all^ under Hoodlum Says j* F n ^ f the capital. I | sonal report on> the Indochina WATERMAN'S iALL POINT PENS...... $1.00 Action Co-ordinates that made public by the White House. France Picks The invasion was the culmina- ■ peace talks. During Sntith * ab- YARDLEY shaving BOWLS . .. the general rules by majorttycon- ,on hr . , g delegation 'wiU ^ Eisenhower, noting he would be sent. |jr^ rp • 1 * l^ sil ifx C f-f f CJ'i' JLMULy ttO JL L f o f ' • '‘>ng-»t*nding effort to ESTERBROQK FOUNTAIN PENS ...... $Z30 keep you pretty while Tncelihg informally with Prime l3l^To wait until the next regu­ £ 1 0 X n 0 L l l O pinseat the Communist-backed gov- be headed by the American A m - MENNEN SKIN BRACER ...... Minister Churchill and British For- , Two, Self for erfimertt o f President Jacobo Ar- basf^dor to Czechoslovakia, U. lar a.ssembly .session starts Sept. ! benr Guzman. j ou play. eign Secretary Eden the weekend ■ 21. A>«x:* Johnson. SHAVING BRUSHES ...... WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS ...... $4.60 ; AtalemrnI *-'P»stpoiird of June 2%, told Coty that he look- ' Cabinet Posts Thailand had asked the coiincil ‘Specs’ O’Keefe Ckcck Oil ProbcrS ' Informed quarterii' said''Edmi KEYWOOD CROSSWORD GAME...... $2.98 ee 1950 a.ssenTbly*. - The same execute Joseph J. "S p e ck s " Sen. McClellan of Arkansas, $27.50 to $29.50 Green Stamps Given With Ca.sh Sales^ inside Guatefivalat- .was at Quaxal- F.den Intends tp take/^art In a the government of France had Those were the foreign ministry. S.vstem provide.* that ifi ca.se.s 'O'Keefe. 47. a, suspect in the flonior subcommittee Democrat and sjieajting foi the three minori­ Staller Chain tenango.: a good-sized city about foreign affairs debat^ beginning come into the hands of a new pi.e- where the_ council,cannot act, the J l,219,000 Brink's, Inc., holdup SCHitK INJECTOR RAZORS .. ... v.hich he i.s keeping for himself; ty paily member.*, demanded pub­ SO miles.due west'of Guatemala Wednesday in the iWuse of COm- OVER THE TOP niicr, Pierre. Mendea-France, of assembly "can be called into spe­ 4 'j yeHr^ ago. whose Idea.* American official* the finance ministry, which Edgar^ licly yesterday that the subcom­ City. j- tnou* then go m to Waahlng- SLACKS of rayon and Paurr w ill'occupy as he did in the cial .session on 24 hours' notice by Police said the 3Z-year-old GILLETTE RAZOR SET ...... ,... •.. have ifi the pa.sl been critical- ' mittee move fa.*t to find out why, Of Hotels Sold The "liberation" troops, which loq with Prime Mmister Sir Win­ ... $Xoo acetate in grey ‘ ‘and I.aniel . government; and Gen. a majority of its members or. any Burke told them he was heihind a The Eisenhower mea.sage was as he pul it. the {wa have not re­ attacked Guatemala- by land-, sea ston Churchill 1^ the end. of tha r*ierre Koenig at the defence minis- j'aeven Security Coucil membe'.*s. machine gun that aprayed 30 SHAVING MIRRORS...... 75c o n f il .25 beige check^. Size.* 10- X considerably more than an action bullet.* at a man in a dooi*way of ceived Dcfen.*e .'D ept, security and air yesterday, were reported week Jor talks with Preaident CO. 20. $4.98 and $5.98. \ of friend.ship, * however, becau.se trv. Koenig will succeed Rene; Diplomatic sources said the a Dorchester housing project at clearance to handle classified For 80 Million lo<-ked in bloody combat, with sje-- Eisenhower, ^t^rd Reading wilt rieven. Big Three had accepted a British RON^N RIGHTERS...... $5.50 and $6.50 .M A ik H im i Co im 5 in carefully constructed language i 12:3% a. m.. Wednesday' and that doiiiments for which application ____ , fending forces at four important lake over\*g' head of. the British Mendea-France saw a acore of argument that this provision could i o Keefe wal* the tariret It warned the French that so far ,h» mr»-nine hill 1-ie I— ------1 .i_: ______„ U IXeClC WB.* IOC targei. was maile nioie than a year ago. ' k. -Jiine 1^ {JPt Direc-, 'Sere report* of, delegation./“x . ' men during the morning, biit he not be . used in the present- cas'’ aa the United States is concerned X. Victim Missing - "I will second it," Mundt said in \ A stal^eriV , issued by' the U.8. A. wayi .still juggling men ifrrd minls- becauae The provision referred tors of Hotels Statler, Inc., have ' _7_ BLOUSES — Short time is running out tor ratifica­ O'Keefe has been mis.sing since an Intel view, if McClellan will a.*k (Continued on Page Five) ^legation 'saidis ’ Iriea. / xmly to "a threat to the peace, decided to sell the hotel ihain to .sleeves and .slceveles.s in tion of the proposed European De- that time. A blood-stained wrist the Pentagon " t o takl^ up these \ tn i4apon.*e to^ requests from fen.se' Community (EDCi. The Surprise Winner breach of .the peace or act of ag- cases and .say-'yes'-or 'no.' " on the the New York real estate firm of • Prokjij-enl Eisenhower and Seci’te check.s, stiipe.s and plain \ Mendes-France's' accession as watch, cut o ff its owner's wri;--t m EIX’ i.s a U. S.-support,ed plan for grea.*lon,” whereas the Thai re.so- by one of the bullets.' has' been application*. ' Webb fi Knapp. Inc., for approxl- . 5-'-i..ry- ^f State Di.lles that he report colors. Size.s 30-38. Price a aix-nallon defense sy-stem" in the, 14th postwar French premier liition mentioned, "international Aside from Mundt'.* cbniment. matel.V 80 mrUlon dollars. R adford Claimi; to Zhei; in persffn on the Geneva caught Americans her- hy sur­ traced to (TKeefe. High police of­ $2^98 and $3.98; ■ jT. which Germany would take part. tension." which was something there was little sign of liarmony The sale, worked out with Webb -laT cphfereiiyc. Waltc-r--BedelL,Waltc-t--BedelL, Smith, prise. They don't know quite what ficial.* ■ were reportec conA’inced The me.s.sagc advised the French else again. • betxyeen the .nepuhlu-an. and * Knapp's president. William ' g - s f United State.* repre.*er)tative.,will government, moreover, that while tp make of him. that Burkc'fl story wa.* true. But O'Keefe jfia.* not turned up in any, Democratic niombera in the wake Zeckendorf. was approved iiy the ’ rts-l-tl C "el. 1 xC -Xl, irsve Geneva for Washingtonashington on the United .State.* remains deeply Almost none of the top figures ho-^pital nor has \ any doctor of the. group's first closed-dooi* direi-lois .vesterday hut must still I the afternooh of June 20. . interested in forming a "united In the Americar. embassy had ever meeting ye.stcrday following the ALSO SLEEVELESS reported treating him'> be latifled by Statler stockholders. ! "Upon Gen. Smith * departure n defense" against Gommuni.st talked seriously'lo'him. They knew hearings'-'end 'Fliur.sday. Tlie group Vietminh Holds During a grand jury'investiga­ .Statler , president A'rthur F. War Uiicertaili and in his absence., thq United BLOUSES in sizes 40,-44. force.* in Indochina, it is receiv- about him at second hand, as did plans future .similar get-togethers tion of the un.splvcd Brink's holdup I>>iiglas, outlining; the plan f o r ' States i:epre.*enUUive in Gehtvn White and pretty stripes. ing the right to judge what t^ght ! many French and -American busi- for the job of Writing up their re­ cariicd out by a band of hpoded sale, said Webb * Knapp would ' wvill be U.. Alexis Johnson, Ameri­ be done under any future, .decistfin. 1 nessmen here. B;'t until he actually port. __ ■ *■’'... Qiiantii-p. Va., June 19 / (4% ' $2.25. Five American men who invaded the armored rar .ony J.%0 a share for the company’s; .Adiu. Arthur Radford, rhnii man can ahibas.*ador to CBechoslovalcia,/ The President put it this way; \,as voted In as premier yesterday Mundt’ .said he umlersland.s the j firm's counting office in the NoHh outst.-inding stock or w.Ould pur- ' • "In Indochina our nation has few could believe it Was going to ' two subcommittee staff members, of the Joint riiref.* of .Slk'to ^ End the P'Bl disclosed an atfi:- cha.se Its a.Ssets for Ir price that | loda^v Arfieri»*G> mililiuy planners of. Slate for f ar Eastern AfWr*. long shown Us deep concern by happen. • - . - . Air Mechanics davit in which an agent said he .who haye not been nanted... jihve | . aunot be certain xyhetr "the next Aniba*.*ador Johnson ^ be^li co- jvqt specifically been denied,; \ -oiild equal $50 a. share. heavy financial- and material aid ‘The .surprise hasycalled for a | had reason to believe O'Keefe pos- ordiaator of the United Sta tea del- which continues. The pioposal.* for "reappraisal.” / | cleWram es despite delay of 14 ; ^ The company'.-i stor k was quoted | war " might come oi/ if it .does. ses.sed S70.000 o f the Prink s loot. w-heUier it wf,)uld 'he short and MISS CALIFORNIA by Gantner a united defense which we sub­ "W e may And it is a good thing;.; ‘ Saigon, Indochina. June 19r(/pi, mon.th* in one ca.se and 15 month.* i ” the ovcr-tlie-coiinler market | Authorized French military However, the grand jury relurne The explanktion-js this: Mendes- went to jail in Pennsylvania on a fair to the individual to take so J since Monday have been captured buildings.- in Boston and one- in this and other diililarv planning French inspiration in the bodld’e inset, but the curving and grave derision. France proniiaed In winning as- three-year sentence for yaerying long" bei aii.se the delay lai.ses pos- by the Communist-led'Vietminh. Los Angeles. ... In addition it h.as probleius on the line be.fore the - pockets, to, rhake a waist look,small, are casually Cali­ "Xolhing has happened here to sembly suj^po' that he Would get arriis. _ sihly'imfaft. qiiivslions about them. ' nation's ■ d-lenise. loaders in\aj 12 « \ eharige the attitude thus exp.re.«s a cease-fire in Indochina by July A French cnmmand\spokesman hotels under con.struction, in Hart­ fornian!' Princess lines. "Three button trim. Lightly -1 One-published account purport­ ■McCarthy told a new.* (o'nfei- said the Americans weVy captured ford. Conn., and Dallas. Tex. i .s.e<-i ei *es.sioty of the Defense sec-j Bimetins boned-. . . may be worn strapless.- Talon tipper back. ed, even though the lapse of time 20 or get out of office.' That puts ing ' to explain Burke’s presence en.ce yesterday he know s,of no rotaries' anmial i-otiferenie' here. i a big burden on him and Kla new in the village of My Khe about a Cities where it now operates Finest taffeta faille la.stex. Colors:Turquoise,-coral and snd the events which have c.o'me here quoted him as saying he had stafLmember.*- "refused clearance ", .In excerpts from his prepared j tn pass have, of poiirse. created team in negotiating with the Com­ mile south of the beach where they hotels are .N’ew I’ ork.- Biutton. B u f-' from the AR Wires black. Sizes 32-38. . had gone to bathe. been sent to Boston to "rub out" I emai'ks that were made puhlic, / a new situation. But l a'saure yo.u munists in Geneva. It ' ha* one falo. Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis. : SPORTSWEAR-SECOND FLOOR. , ' Marrhrd Away Bv Captors O’Keefe because _ the latter' . „ wa.* . . (Continued on Page Four), Radford made clear he believes TYPE 130 TYPE 180 COMBED PERCALE The men. stationed at the i ‘ “o muth al?out the Brink s Washington and Los Angeles. . | uncOMalnties of the world ! . fContlniied on.Page Elevea) \ .(Continue on Page Two) ASK t'l T IN DELEGATES.... French,Air Force Bifsc of Tourane robbery. . .Mebh A Knapp plans -to foi$i „,t„ation put this country in a ' Hartford, June 19 t'jn-rCnMe .Murders Not- Murder a. new- company to buv and ,oper.> 450 .miles east Of Saigon. wer* position "where we have to -plai-e nerticiit llenioeratir lealiers to- w h it e p il l o w c o v e r s At Police ptation 16 , Burke ate (he chaip under the siatler CANNON EJNE ^AlffiLIN taken iqlo the village, then march- glister reliance on coiuhat-ieadv da.\ nailed down 'a plan to eiit looked at six-fqot Patrolman name, a joint' .*tatemenl hy Z e ck -1 led southward by their rebe/cap- f.prces in being." He also said future stale convention delegaf Sanforized and zippered.. Frank Crawford, who took the News Tidbits endorf and, Doiigla.s said. Present ' SHEETS ond Piat)W CASES tors, the spokesman said. They atonuc power hy it.self la not ' totals by around 4t per 1.50-poiind gunman with no trou­ officers, and management person­ Attorney General-Elect were reported last seen by villagers Guli^ from AP Wires enough. ■ • i The new- plan, approved about 10 mile.VJlouth of'M y Khe ble. and remBiked. , "You made a nel for Statler properties w-ouhl be . Closed Meeting Slated | better pinch than' you think, -cop- retained, they .aaid. , t-ohvenllon/'' Rule*-- C'l trudging',, along I^ilh 20 -French Tlie-.closed ivieetin>a of 100 top will he submitted fjir ^AUllra- REG. $2.29—63x99 ...... $1.79 Union war prisoners. per.” fine of the l^ger Statler stock-'j liienihers .o f the Defen.se Dept, C^fch "I know," aaid the 220-pound \ Former Airman Robert W. Toth holders is the* w idow of Ellsw-orth j .tinii to the ..ronventton'a IJM7 7 9 ^ GREEN STAMPS Murdered in Alabama search party was .sent to the carries to Supreme Cc\urt. hi* fight ariiied -foices and other high gov- Crawford. "You're . wanted, for Statler, who founded the cliaih in : delegates next Katiirda.v. Tha villag'e“i.*"soon as this was learned against standing trial before Air empient officials was schediileil \ GIVEN rtiurder." eonventinn opens the evening but they found nothing.. Other Force eoiirt m-artial In connection Buffalo. *H e died in 1928. .Mrs. >^>get under ws.v in advance of a before. RIG. $2.69— 72x108 ______What a valuer Extra flne’.quallty combed percale cover*,_#ae* Phenix City, Ala., Jiine 19 (Ah— • teifiient Assn, blamed what he "Put s on that, copper. It's, j * * * 8 $2.19 WITH CASH patrols searched the area. .Th*'vil- with, 1952 slaving of South Ko.-. Statler is al.*o a trustee of an/vi.Sit today by President Ei.sen- ..forized and with ilpper, Giime-fighling Albert 'L. Patter- called ' the crime' syndicate " for ( iage"thopgh not hold bv the Viet- murder.*, riot murder.;;, Bui ke said. .r-. J ■ I. . -.,] iTan civilian . . . In wake of Wide-i SALES aon. Alabama a newly- nominated ttve former atale Senator's death . mlnh, ha* been described as "sua- t'ti.MPI.ETE.'i C.ABI.\'ET Did you shoot Specks.G Koffe ' M,.ca, thv - Armv (Continued on Page Tvvo)- (Continued on Page Eleven) Paris. June 19 iJ’i—Premier* Attomev General, was gunned to ^ and vowed swift revenge. So did, pecL" Rebel forces have beee aeon he w-aa asked. REG. $2.89—81x108 .. ****** $2.29 probe. 37 GOP' and Democratu- ; Pierre Meudea-F'ranee today death in his car here last night Patteraon's former Army Major ; slipping in and out of the hamlet "Yes, d shot him." he leplied, Senators move to bar coninier<-ial just aa he had predicted he might .*on, Jopn, who waa 'a mem.ber of after dark. namert his new cabinet— the SOtll "out on Victory Road the other sponsoriship of "fV coverage of fu­ hLS father* law firm. ! The five Americana drove from since F'ranre'a llberatioa 19 be. ntght." ture Sifdale hearings. years , ago— (if 16 ministers aad Al l. o r OUR RECUIjAR STOCK OP _ The ,%9-year-old Democratic F'ear New Slaying the base without pa.4aes Monday Senate Democrats to Fight REG. 59e—42x36 CASES...... 49c Buikc w-as said to w-.nnt to stay Communist Ea.*t Germany I secretaries of slate. He kept nominee, who was to take office Howard Pennington, president in a French weapons carrier and in Mas.sachu.setts fa th e r than go of Hie Betterment Aasp.. which eases restrlctiltns on travel in and 'the F'nreign Ministry for (Am * 36" STRIPED and PLAID DENIMS Jan. 17. was shot in the mouth by headed for the beach. The group- back to . New Yrtrk. w lijere police out of Jl^mile "security'bell" along self. an assa-ssin who. officers said, ap­ has campaigned-for years, to clean spent some lime at the beach then said he,- Is wanted in the slaying For New tncorne Tax Cuts up IJhe once gay and gaudy Phenix border that divides Soviet Zone . parently rammed a small caliber from ' West Germany . . .^GOR JAYC'F.ES STY’ MIED Rejg. $2.69 52 X 52 Colorfjil Startex Fast Color pistol between Patterson s lips and City, told repoptera he had -heard (Continued on Page'-Tw-o). (Continued on Page F'lve) „ Patterson say onljl Tuesday night Senators air-patronage gripe.* to) Washington. June 19 i.P) Sen. lntervl?^v Democratic slrategiata f'olurado Springs, Colo., Jun# fired twice. . ' ■ I Att-y, Cien. Brown,ell and he is skid 19 ,;Tir-^It* Avie-rtay coaveattoai l^g. 79cyd. 9 7 / One stfeel Jacketed cartridge .was that "they might try to get me.” _ ! to have promised to speed c l e a r - ; ‘^'"■’ge (D-Ga i .said today Demo- have-settled on t\Co alternate pro-" He said "There'* nothing you posals for full Senate considera-' dfHcially ended..the IT.S. Jo|ilar. PRINTEP TABLE CLOTHS foiind wedged in an opening where- , ^ . ance of nominees for such po.sts ' crata would ftg'ht in the Senate to two or three front teeth had been can do to-help me. Pennington tion; * ■ I Cham)>er of Commerce atlU «vaa a* federal judge*, attorneys andKvrite new-_ imome tax cuts into w-lthout jk new president early A beautiful range of denims In all color..comblnmtioai. knocked out. -- rec alled,."and the only thing., he I. To reduce personal .income Shot Three Time* -c ! asked was that if they did get him. marshals. , ^ general ta.x revi.vion bill that al- taxes $2,400,00p.0(io annually by a ,- today after Ave hours of kallot- French Empire, Fading Japa-n'e Welfare Minist.cy order* - ' Ing. Tied in the voting were E. Early today, following ah autop- he didn’t want them to get hy with leady- provides nearly I'-j billion' $i0() Increase in personal exemp-! all local government to lest sea­ ,I-a Mnr Buckner of Ogden, Ctaki »y. Circuit Solicitor Arch Ferreir it- And they won't." dollars in tax r'eliipf for corpora- tion*. SUMMER JEWELRY water at public bathing-beaches tions and-.indlylduaTii. and' tV. 1 . Howard o f jMonraa>. -a said Patterson had been shpt three ! Then ’only Thursday night, just ■ william I- Kyan, Associated Pres* foreign news Fnal.Vst, Is ' for possible radip*L-tlvity from ,'2. To give each taxpayei^ a $20! la., a third candidate, K. Kirk Ell^t patteme tt theee Jong wearing,' faat color- colerful print­ times, but he declined to-tell where ' 24 hour* be,fore he wk* slain, P,»L-.. Wtqding up a tour around the vVorlj). He Has produced two’ series American hydrogen bomb testa in The bill wk* headed-for possible, annual income tax! credit. It waa Vew-ell of Swamperott, iMai*a-> REG. 79c STRIPED ^ndJ^LAIN the third bullet struck. terson'told i s Phenix City church Senate deT.aSe-ne.xl wee!; after the .e.sfimated this plan Would mean a ed cloth by tSUilcx. All color comblnationa. In earrings, necklaces isnd bracelet*. * All of stories—one on Indochina, the seccuid F'rance page House-passed measure that, takfcn:-declined; to give any infor- attorney' general." last,.night, but forn.ier President )the finance corn mittae .would ■ hot NEW FLOOD THKEATff : itself and then op to Nprth Africa where the'F'rench govern­ would' overhaul; dhe nation'.* tax . malion, saying the funeral hqnie Pennington aaid ha will ask Gov. is reported feeling better today, comment on‘ propo*^ \*fiiend-‘ D es' Mnlne*. June I t iP>—• Green Stampg Given With. Cash Sales had bean-instructed in a telephone Gordon Person* to declare martial ment .Fgnin U under henvv nttack, WJtb hi* background, Rv an Igw-s. for the first tinie iq 70 year*. menu, .bli.t he predicted the\enale I* thus able to dhiwr I'ogether the story of'the tottering .French Newspafjera In Talpeh predict Rampaging river* and. rieela In call from Atty. Gfn, Si Garrett, to law in.^ Phenix City gnd that hi* ,' TheoDenrocrat* on tlie commlt- would accept the bill! about as ,'it J -1 empU*e ns no other reporter, to nur knowledge, has been able .to do. , p r.' V. K. Wellingto.n Koo soon nort-kiem-lowa.-hurled addtOaMU ' ■jgiv^ put no information^ OTganiMtion will demand .a- ap«- •tee had talked of trying to in- came from hi* gnou)i.' -He Is writing a. series which vvlll start Monda.v in the ; will 'be- replk(-ed' as- Nationalist Aood threats at seve^l tMrM i 6 7 ^ x"** State Inveetigalors and the aa- .ciai gi-fnd jury and a apacial pros­ , CflUia's Amba8» •• 4- .Jx- . ’ - I ■ ' . » ‘ \- X' ■ \ . X V l \ /

/ -A. -X>" J \ PACE THREE P ^ 9 t E T W 0 X- CHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, SATUR NK 19,1954 KANCH^STER rVENING HER^D. M ANC^5STm 4pNN, SATU^PAT-, .TTTNE 1?, f054 - " ______.... I- 11. I/>;—.I.,".. . 11—..- , 'ill " ...III ------' 'X ' ■■■■:—: — " - -■•'.A City CJntirt rqom 'at 10 a. m. have Wapping the. .^following caaes assigned: E fI ilpoii Rec^ivrn D egr^ France Hicks Salutatorian I Awarded IScltolarahip Statler Chain ille-yernon Tornado Vicliiiifi Accip0 TV Jackp^Prize \ V ietminh Holds W^jnter A ’. Colbusn vs. Charles Action Is D clar^ . ^ ’Hre et al; Fred Mann vs. Rich­ Superior Service Two, ^elf for Of Hotels Sold X ard Thuma, Jr.; Robert A. Cooke '5 4 D O D GE-- American Graduation Exercises Set et ,al vs. Charlla Paqutn; Mary ^On ZoilC S l/ t Rid M teoriNTO Paqiiin et si vs. RohC(;t A.jCooke; The ,‘5tipet inr f'ervtirr ^ttatmn. * station Wagon. V-S. radio, heater. Driven Cahinct Posts For 80 Million Alfred Barile vg. Lionel Mayer; located at 248 Spnice Pt., made its '| only 1,000 milesVSAVE OVER $5Q0 Air Mechanics JkN AWFUL Eor Elementary ScHpdls Andrew Ridzon vs. Helen G rif­ official "opening yesteiday- under Wapplng, June l9, — (Special) — PICKL'C fiths et al;,,Elmer Doyfe vs. James X;--- ■ ■ ■ (Continued from Page One) During a , meHtfig of the town< (Continued from Pkge One) Ftd Wil.son, pevy owrner. Who said (OoafliiMd fton Ps|* Om ) A. Doherty et si. Planning an/Zonlng 'Commission J 'RnrHville, ,hin« J9 (Ppecial) .Moose: July 3, P.^.^. va. Koaciuaz- KoscliUiizko Nine- Wink the fil.St day’.s hu.sine.s.s was very | / Tomorrow will be marked b v t w o iKo:,, Moose vs-E lks; July ^ sui-it'.s.sfYil ... " BRUNNER^S PACKARD disadvantage. The Communists this-week, /"tion was deferred on educational fund that holds con­ Ronnie Tourtellot banged his huded south throiig^h * coastal ;ciiiszko vs. Elks; Mooae vs. p.A.C.;. The. .stalionz-caiiics a cohiplete may try to hold off until the end 1 ^ siderable stock in the.copjpariy.' graduation exercises, one at St. secomj home nin'of the season with arsa described by a U; S. spokes- the applieatton of the Utilities In­ July 17,' Moose vs. Koscliiszko: of the month's ttrtie the premier Zeckendorf. 49. Joined)' Webb A the ba.ses loaded in the second in- line of Ajiinco producLs, The .sta-i| Open E^venirig^ and Sundays Joseph's Church, and one at the ; p.A.C. vs.'Elks; July 24, Elks -s. m*b as "infested with lAe^rhinh." allowed, in the hope that ho will d u s try Corp., which sought a Knapp ahortl.v" before World Wgr 4 r ng of last night's game in which lion is open Trom 7;30 a. m. to • No'iiitttfeif was launched, for accept poor terms Just to stay in chap^ from residential to Indu.s- II after buying one-fourth inter­ / ■Vernon Elementary RcHaol, | Moose: -Kosciiiszko vs. P.A.C.; tlie Kosciuszko club roasted to an ,9:30 p. m. sn^vyill he open the: them until they failed to shows up off)ce. 1 zones on its property on U.S. est jn the firm for *9,000. The • A class of twelve graduate* wlH ' P.A.G. vs. M ^ se; Elks vs easy to victory over thy •seme hours’on Rjinda\'S. ; Elks VS: 10 2 for Tuesday morning j-oll call. But one American diplomat saw it^6. company's*1953 annual report llst.s be presented with diplomas a l S t.' Kosiiiiszko: '• Moose. ■ , ,, Wilson, lyho had lived in Man- . L t Gen. John W. O'DSniel, chief another, prospect. He thought It TK/property In question, will be its liquiidating value at 75 million Joseph's School at 7:35 p. m. b yjP -A C.:^ Koschiszko vs. Mods?; Chester'all his litVr iva.s fornyefly Kosciiiszko; The game /ailed to produce any o f the V. S. Armed Force.s Mis­ possible the ComfministS ' might the site of a large plant to be dolltrs. the Rey. H. A. Lepak, the es;eT- ^ ''K - „ ■ of the thrills of the last contest with the Ghniian Ntotor SaleJj and ; sion in Indochina, Is conducting an choo.se to give him and his team leased by Pratt and Whitne.v Divi­ From a purely local firm it hat rises to be held in the school atidi-,•«/>«»« betiveen these, .teams. Kenn.v the .Manchester PolVc Dej'l. j ■■■X ,Inquiry, ' better terms ju.tl to keej him in sion o f United Aircraft Corp., for developed under Zeckendorf into ■ torium. 'The ceremony will lii'cl'ude ' Moo.se vs. _ , Satrvb. went all the way for the E L ,VI;Iy-NT.\R 4;.\Mr, u. S. Defense Dept, "officials In office. By keeping him in power r e a 'e a r 'c h and development df a firm with nationwide Interests l/songs and dancesX U agu e officials urge. Vernon Avenue boys and scattered i Washington said last night the they have gaified one round in atomic aircraft engines. Building and holdings in 18 states. X -The prbgram wUl end with a , « " P **'*"^ t»e*e games six Moose hits and notcheii 10 AMESITE the'ii; battle against„lhe Rurppean dedication of the graduates to th e i encourage the ^ y s by coming. Williamsport, Pa., lAk XPresident five included three Air Force and of the new plant is already under­ ZeckendorPs major real estate . .trying to/iWclde whlrh one .strikeouts. two Arm y men. These officials Defen.se Treaty the- European way. The commission yi‘111 take up Blessed Mother wl40 is to be their , the Recreation Field when the Thomas H. Richardson of\he-Class operations include piecing togeth- I of our tempUM mrala to ord«r. The game postponed Tuesday Identified them as: Arni.v pact. the matter again at a meeting .MiMfi.eif oyiih/y teams are achediiied to plav. Offi- A FfaOern League s.-'vs lii\ circuit / er the East Side Manhattan pro|i-! You'll find na^ mailer what dish foture aplntual , ' rial* dIao ^mnha*ir#4 that nipht on account of rain between Pfc. Donald E. . Morgan, son Mcndes-France has promised Tueaday night.. ertlea which now make up the gradutlea include: Justine Biesia- ' thp piUs and the Jfosc^azko .'v'-ill have R.s first All-f:t.-:!\ game DiaiVEW AYS you choose,/.It’ll glvA ,vou com­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles • M orgj^. that he will begin negotiating for ^The commission gr.mted the ap- decki. Lorraine Satryt., Ggrtrude no.collection no.collectlon^wlll be takgn at any j in historv. on .\ug. 2. Sijte m the •United 'Nations site in New York. I plete aalwactlon. Moderate teams will he playii'd at Recreation 210ft Missouri. Flint, Mich. // compromise arrangements on this t>licatlon of Harold J. A. .Collins time kn the Farm' Leagu? games. game will he ba.sed. oh the team Bruce T. Beat Misa/Martha Diana Misa Anti OA*ra prirca, ' ; Oprzadek, Leona Caron, ^lizabeti) Field this evening at 6:30 p.m. ^ EXPERTlyY INSTALLED PfeX'Leonard R, SrpufelfX wife treaty. That might throw the for a change from nesidential: to A man was complaining that he Popick, Margaret Chrzanowski, Watts S. Shattiicl( is Publicity with tlie host ntten.ilkm-o-r-e^fil, Director, /or- the League. •rko (10) Mrs. Beverly L. Srou/ek, 4748 whole thing into the soup. The MisayMa tha Dianai daughter general businesa zone on property Miss Anne...Shirley Ofiara has' had just boiiglit a prefabricated i Dorothy Kirfcman, Gerald Wilinok, Ah r h a p rbi Thj|j far FMmira leads in attend-i OCli t'hureh ('slender if *> Union Ave.. Chicago. Bruce H. Beal of TalcotlvillS .and four nations including Germariy of M /an d Mrs. Frank Diana, *;^^9l pf"the applicant on Strong Road, been awarded a schoiarahip of J260 hoii.se, and that it had, in the end. ; Bohiert Rauzza, Rona’ld Jantoii, .. 2 2 0 0 0 1' ance "(ib k pi'r capita b,-isis. Bast GradingMcichin* Spiood— Airman 20. Clvo ^ la s , Jr., son which already have ratifie.d it may 1.500' feet west of Pierce Roai‘ Starting tomorrow the morning i> ...... I) 0 1 the late Mr. Beal, was graduated O ak ^ l.. who was graduated frdhi by the State Board of Examiners cost htm *40,000. i Richgrd Lorenc .wnd Stanley,.^ 0 1 11 0 I) 0 Forms Sot — Power Rwed choose to scuttle it rather\ than |]^ANCING TONIGHT wor.>kiip service at the First Con-I! .. 1 - \l of Giro 8alas\8r.^24 N. Hazard from Harvard University with k tl)« Aviation Training School. .Bos- Permission was also granted in , for Nursing. Miss Ofiara, who Friend.. Forty,, thousand! 'Isn't i Narkawicz. . .. 3 i 1 D D (1 4. St. Los A ngel^ that an awful iot to pay for a ! W IT H ' • An invitation to the public to gregational 'Church of Vernon' .Ik'•■unckuii, n .. .1 1 2 ,S 0 n 1 Also: Porking Lots ~ Ttnnis Courts — WoBts will be held At 9:.30 a, m. in.stead ...... V . 1 1 fi M D D I) Airman Sc/Giacom o Appice, prefab? attend • the exercises is expected. 2 'll n of TO:45. This is the eiiminer wh/.u-I :tlV .. 3. 1 (1 3 brother Vl/Appicei «19 Baniett Home-Owner Yes. It wasn't iw CHARLIE WOLFE The Class song, "Golden Mem­ 4. 3 D I r I) \ 10% FOR CASH TRANSACTIONS St.', EliS^th, N. J., much to begin with, but I told the ories" will be sung-‘by tlie group. schedule and will continue until Wnli-/. if .. (• .2 (1 n n 1 0 PASQUALE .. \ (t o' 0 n 0 ' (1 Alrtnim Sc Jerry ScJjuller. son peaca senior class. factory I wanted It right awiy. /.ond Hi* Diplomats The valedictory ■ address will be Sept., 12. There will be no Cb'iireh r-- Torms orrongtd if dosirod. graduate of the ,1929 Class at Har ton. . . D 0 II 0 n n 0 PIZZA and GRINDER AmericanXdlplomat's- v i ^ waa Sl*e Is a member of the I(aiionaI Scliool during the si mmer months, (••la'rm.rk) . . 1 0 0 ()• D' 0 D of I t i ^ p d Mrs. Joseph Schuller, vard, .which held Its 2.5th reunion Miss Diana waa padua'ted with Rerivea College De^jree aqd they sent It to me airnniail. given ixy Ronald Janton and the that Mendes-France is l/an espe­ Honor Society, Senior Girl Ad­ Also The Rev:' George B. Higginn will rnuon^. . . .() '^0 0 0 ft (1 D SHOP 8894 IS lst St., Cleveland, Ohio. honors in the 1953 ciBsa of Man­ ..Mrs.- Harry Frink of Sullivan ^ ------7'^--- ^--- salutAtorv bv Leona Cai on. ... 0 0 n n n 0 ^ A U INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED BY this week. His mother, Mrs.. cially good position / negotiate visors, Girls' I„eagiie, Foreign A f­ have for his subject. ’'I Have/.'"” '''- 1 586 Center 8t. T?I. 511-9-8267 N.. French Pooild Oiiefrlllas chester High School.- Avenue received her bachelor of FLOOR SHOW . The clkAs of 19.54 of the Vernon Dorothy Talcott Beal, and brother, on that. FiratN.he/aa long ad­ science degree during commence­ fairs Club. Junior College Cliib, and Elementar.v School w i l l hold its Chosen You," a,nd eleven of Ihej-ri.tnis . 22 to (1 IS 5 i Ki • . Elsewhere in Indochina a thou- Stuart C. Beal, a student at the vocated dealing i ^ c t l y with the young people .who will attend! aand Commiinist-led .Vietmlnh ment exercises at Teacher'a Col­ the Athletic Assn, at New Britain graduation exercises tomorrow af- hoar- i bi • .1 , . . ' Herald Photo We Specialize In University of Miami, and his Communist rebej/l^der in Ipdo- High School.. summer youthXdnferenccs will Be 3,, Oemaio Brothers guerrillas were pounded by French lege of Connecticut, New Britain, ' ternoon at 3 p. m. at tlie school. I t o o 0 n •Mr. And Mrs. Bruno Rothe, left; are shown above r^ eivin g from • Pizza * Grinders grandfather.^Henry Beal of Bos­ china. Ho Chi M in h .. .That ihould Hebron Sunday. \ —Shirley, who attended Manchea- commissioned at the service. . I'.aiiz. if, i> 0 1 o .3 1 I ESTABLISHED 1920 planes; artillery and Unk guns in The graduation apeake*- wUl be John Mare, appliance Dept. Manager of Hotpoint Apphmees, the new • Spaghetti •Ravioli / ton. Mass., attended the com­ get him perhaps a friendlier re­ Mrs. Frink, a graduate of Mid­ ler public schools before moving ' The Pilgrim Fellowship o f the '■’’ i''"," l 0 0 ■ Vlggo Ander.son of Hartfoi'd. Mrs. I 0 0 refrigrator. they wpn on the- TV show, "On Your,/Account." .'The an abortive ambush along the mencement exercises. ception among the Communists a AIR-CONDITIONED a I'ival 4V t ' a 4 a zNM n 1 m l« F rz4|(8flri. Italian Sauce To Take Out Petition Circulated dletown High School, Class of 1919. to New Britain, plans to attend-the . Alice Hamniar, a member of -the First Congregational CTiurch of g Kilwsfl/.. r i. Rothes, who Jo.st their home in a. freak tornado during .the early pa-1 \ CALL NOW—ANYTIME Hanoi-Haiphong supply lifeline, than former Foreign Miplster Hartford Hospital School of Nursing ahflle.r Wlslers J«hs Payas Vernon held their cliwidg picnic ; So•-ri. ___ has been teaching the fifth grade IKirrjr Hiillli'sn lisa PM.rea: ^ Board of/Educatlon, will present of May. won the refrigerator as part of the maiti jackpot prize on the French high command report­ Georges Bldaiilt has had. this fan. In Coventry last night w i t h m e m - ' *’"csm,Ti Open 9 A. M. to 1 A. M. at the Broad Brook Elementary •TI,AV«IKI," "RAIIjN T4P Thocnaa Mason, Ronald Slaven.s, fn a combined acrvice. The repulni loran L i*anz: .Srtvr"i. Ru!«hoi Ajiplianee Woii The. official rieJ?gSte to the P2nd I come up with a "yes " answer and In PLAVGIRI- morning worship,will be held at Thnrada.v’s Box Scorp French-piloted American - sup­ ■ School were, g iv e / a Claas Night cause why they awarded the school years sgo and a daughter Sally Neil Johnson, Frank Deane, annual meetirtg of the National i there would be lesa recrimination also .im iN P.VYNF. In n a. m. with the Rev. F,dwin A .' plied warplanes, meanwhile, con­ bus contract to Elmer Thrall of Ann Frink, 18, who has Just com­ TELEVISION nald Roberts, Daniel Bmdley. ra­ n l ) r h <1 a <• r h i 1 party by Wednesday •V ■ It M O il Quiz Show Education' Aa.sn. to be held at . tinued stopped up bombing of Viet­ about the settlement reached. Manchester. pleted her freshman year at Al- I RAILS INTO LARAMIR fted G rills , Wales vyil^ox, James Brooks delivering the scrnioti. Arcliiw. if ... 3 1 (1 1 n n I) () ■ V ______Madiaon Smiare Garden will he minh bases inside the delta and night at Yeo Hall. Arrange- But .aside from Indochina, there " It is also the desire oKthe un­ bertiis Magnus College, in New MrCryslaC Richard Charest, Don­ The Pilgrim FcHowshifi of the K..<-lsrh, :ib T ICE CREAM PIE are other que.stions American.s are 4 II 1 n 1) A 1 poured tons of high explosives on menta for party were made dersigned that the' Hebron Board Haven. ald Stavens.'. • \ T a i c o t v i 11 e Congregational g ,o(V> ' 2 1 0 ID J It 1 ; Ellington, jflinc 19 ' (Special)William Fre>man of 12.5" A very St. | *Y rebel supply convoys moving to­ king about Mendea-France. of Education refrain from sitin g To Hold I’ fogreiMlve Supi>er (.'Hureh will bold art outing at Butkiiai.lt .'iii ri 0 1 ft ‘K A The Bruno Rothe family of, Wdtfl.- It ia exp.erled that 20.000 pe.'ple and carried out by the mothers of PROGRAMS p 1 1 tt rt ’'•'0 0 i n (; r k i) ik n t s Nfandes-France ha-s been a very NAinilton. .»’f .,, ward the delta defense perimeter.. a legal contract with .said Elnter j Manchester Evening- Herald The u s e s of the Methodi.st •Sweetheart l-jike thLs afteinnon 0 lY A the graduating clhss, assisted by MlllfkiM) rf __ 1 - .0 (t It aorville Road, Ellington, was pfe- will attend the leai'beiTs' rnnfei- Twenty miles West of Hanoi mo­ t and talented young man. (.■burrh will hold, a progre.ssive Tonight at 8 theie will he an open 1. 0 4 A A thelr/teacher. John . L. LaCroix; Thrall until Just cause for doing!W applng correspondent, Mrs.. An- Video E veryday^A ll Rights Reserved—H. T. Dickinson A Co., Inc. K-'v'*. 2b ...... e " sented with a new' 19.54 Hotpoint ,..ui -.(..k( i ,..,., n- „„,( i l Pkg. Nahj.BCii Chocolate Cookies,___ bile French artillery pounded three the kind who thinks twice' as fast so has- been shown. It is al.so" the j nje Collins, telephone MI ,5-4970. supper Wednesday \vening slarl- meeting with Dr. John Scotfor.l, Suubfrkl p , . 2' 1 n 0 IV A A refrigerator today by Gam.t.y . , , „ e' program included the class as siiVaverage man. Sucli bright n. :*funmc rf n 0 It n 0 n A vlllagres rebel guerrillas are using ing promptly al 'p.m. al the Ttrtircb arrhflect. regarding cer­ 1) ■story by John Sorrarchi; claas of desire of the undersigned that! ------r - 6 ('ah'it, if . . n 0 n 0 0 A Bros., Inr., of Talrotiville as the ' .-..'v,,,' ui 1 (iu.irt Shad.Y Glen Coffee Ice Cream minds Ntciid to worry diplomats tain arrangements in the sanc-tu- a n n n ■A A as bases. 19.54 Who's \Vho. Norma Beaudry ; such public hearing be called with-1 The difference between a man home of Mrs. Doris W e lW o n King KiiDwIton, rf The high command aaid B2i and biiSiW.ssmen. In two weeks of the date of this «nd. a woman is that a man will St. This will he the flri.aKmeeling ary of the church...... 1 " " ' ' r '^ ^ ^ ! attend the meeting are Miss M;.i individual histories. Karen An­ One strange problem , arises 2*^ 7 h IS ■y A 8 2 Tal>lesp*Mins .Melted IIuMer dive bombers cut highways a h ^ palition. June 14, 1954. " pay $2 for a *1 item he wants, of the group untitnexl S,ept?niber. Tomorrow's services st the Tal- kiwr T? t**) I our Arroiint - Rothe. whose i * ,e .rst thony and Francis. Baker; Class with the premier's determina­ O of rebel supply columns on "in\-a- - Something of a ninipiis has been ' while a womsti' will pa.v *1 for a Mrs. Hazel Johndrow is IhKne.v rottville CoHgregaliorRI Oli.rc'i a h r h ?h r X'V.r h i iiome and belongings were d e - ^ / '\ Will, Jimm.v Cobb. 2 <5 A sion routes" 13 and 41 west tion to he war in Indochina I town, #s the above I $2 item she doesn't want. DRIVE-IN president of the group. Other o f­ are a.s follows: 9:.30 a. m , Sunday , iv. .«t .?(• ...... 2 2 \ 1 stioyed by. tornado and fire in St. Miss Case.v, a teacher al Man- IIIRKt.TIONS: \ A one-act play, entitled "Moth­ quickly. By litopping the war, he D 0 7 II A A che.alej; High School, is the retir­ delta perimeter. Warplan^bomb- appeal shows, by the fact that bida.| rBIAUM^TUANPIKC* MlwmOTON^ ficers include; Mrs. Lillisn Toutr..School for all ages; 11 a. m. wor- 'J.X,',.',''" .‘>|, "j," D r- (t 1 A 1 eaily May. took part in the quiz er's Hidden Talent", was put on by will be k illln / or crippling the 2 D A ' A ing piFsidenl of the Manrliest'er ("riikli choroliite ronk'ii'a "llh rolling pin; add matted butter and press cookie crumbs ed one column o f M o lo t/ trucks of local bus ow:nci.s and previous 1 ------"¥4li||«||V ------teilol, vice president; Mrs. Heleniwship sen’ ic e w ith sermon iiy the pinh.k |." if* 1) 1 show on a recent trip to. New (t it A A Into buttered pic pan, sS'ing enough crumb* for topping. Fin crust «lth Study Glen bringing supplies. Somjr explosions the follawing cast: Roberta Mc- goose that lay.^goldcn eggs for FK»4ii'HU-il TANK Rev. James A. Bull. "W e are the l.af.-fTi'T".' if .T ft Education Assn. Mis. Maher, wluf transportation operators Were re- Long, recording secretary; Mrs. t) A 11 Y'ork: .Arrordirig to ,Iohn F. Gar- Quade. Russell Evans, Francis La- France, even themgh thf coiintry ri n 4 \ is the past secietary of the Mf!.5. roffc(* Ice 4 ream Soft enough fo spread. Cover top with rentainjng crumbs and cover and fires were repoi Lord'.':" 2:00 p. m.. committee It 11 n lY A fl Jecterl b.v the Schbol Board, though , Louise Usher, treasurer. ff, .I'f 2 rily of Garrity Bros., Inr.. local pie nllh aiiimimim foil. Place In deep freeze-rJltest fof S hours. Chappelle, Terry. B.arstrom. Mai- will bless him if hie does it. ft^ 0 0 A 0 A is a teacher at Rainard Srhocl. their combined bid wa.s leas than I ' ' Other secretaries include: pro; meeliMs w ith Dr, John Srotford. (•.,i..miiar,.*. Hotpoint dealer, this iF the first colm Barstrom, Dwight CBark, Bill n ip United S ta te ^ a s been con­ FUN ON What Guys: What Guts! CliilHren'a Day will be ob.served K.'k/l,«. lu *> ft .5 A A A Fi'eeman. the chief diilegate. Js that of ThraJi. The.se local opera­ motion, Mrs. Gladys Neri; mls- It (Y It A A A winner in this area, 11 ,ST BF.I 4 )H K SEIt \ ING— tbp ««it h \5 hipt>ed Ives, Chris LeBaron, Dartny Os­ tributing more tha^ three-quai- 1' vire. piesidcnt of the MEA. DuBakl^y^reseii Is tors, in addition, have had 27 years ANY BUDUET! ■ionary education and service. at th(^ . Community Methodi.^t "J'’ "';'/.!,./,' D lY II A (t 0 .Yceopted HH .YIeinhers ('ream If Dad likes it! mond.. Roger Racicot, Kathleen teis of a billion dollara a year to of aei-vicc in transportation, accl- [ "Immortal Battalion" Church at Cr.vstal I.nke with .*pe- Kealured spoakei.s al tlie (on- Mrs. Josephine Bryan; Cbriatian Off, •5 I'K 4 1 1 •lohn Luginbiihl and the Hoff­ \ - - i ‘ Kozclka, Barbara Randall, Eliza­ help finance the war inXlndoi lima. dent free. j HUY YOUR SEASON D.4VID NIVEN cial excrciaN: children of ... vention will be.John Foster Dulles, Social Relations and local church .JiJt.) Kl'H) -^ 7 man Brothers, both of this town, beth Renshaw. France .spends it for supplies, and I.EO GENN 2 I secretary of stale; Robert F. Wag- 5oiid Recital Thia move on the part of some TICKET EARI.y activities,, Mrs, " Doris Weller; the Sunday School at 9. under the J’nJ/ ; im .«Nt. have "been aerepted as members Ann Garriaon acted as mistress for pay- to Indochinese ^soldiers. direction of .Siipt. Mrs. .tolio Lata. : b w . ..i 2 ( all.':. I'ruUit’C : ner.-^mayor of New York City: I of the lownajigople has , been laid On Sale at Entranee' Mrs. Amelia Holmes, Mrs. ftalh- 'rri.-|.e. Bn.kli.ai.lt 'o f The Hol.stein-Friesian Assn, of of ceremonies and Michael May­ I From li soldiers don't getNAnieri- b.v the spokesmn'i) of the Republi- "CONQUEST OF HEALTH Phone The Nursery nrW Cradle Roll of denu.h'j' \ .H K ; G.ra.vson Kii'k, president of\ secon d ^ the closing season erine Pstlen and Mrs. G. Morse; rvr. I.uawic iiin.s.--i.-'e.it , PH"* Plank t Ameriea by action of the Board of nard waa master of ceremonies. can nioneyi'even for fightitjg in 1 can Town Committee to unsavory *.3.000,000 worth of DART'S DAIRY, Inc. 5II-5-64S0 the Union Congregational ('huicli ('ai:.-:- 2 Surnnrki 1 : SO Pl.ank 1, ( nr* _ . , , . tiimbia University and Dag tLuii- recTtals by th/DuBaldO Music The^ntlre class participated in COCHISE" student work, Mrs. Harriet Thayer; - . .__ 1.1 n Indochina). I methods on the part of the Demo­ pleasure at your VO Vh holding a partv fhls aflenioon ,V; 4 sinh-rki s Ih..- vff n»nk 4 Diiectois at their rerent meeting -mcrskiold secrelaiv gengral ofVhe Jenter w ilfb e p r i n t e d tomorrow the program, this hdlng the largest Dollars are dollars no maVlor fingertips: 20 Dally In Technicolor youth w o I K, Mrs. .losepmnc, /■ ( • _ o..—. 7 ...i,. m 1 "-2 inninc- 4nin»-T i t"' a in Gr;•and Rapids. Mirh. United' Nations \ /fit 3 p. rh. In the SmRh Methodist cratic Town Committee. OiissaFl I (furmerly •) New Ervan; children's work. Mis. Ellen j ’ ’C Amenean Leopn . keel , -j - |. ,p,„ni7mil Vinfitt^a. ; .class to graduate from the Por­ where they conic fior.i Features for the en­ JOHN HODIAK (I'tlRHe \ Al'NDAV, 4CNF ?# Thp Bs.soriaticin Itip world s.i Attpndftnl.«» will hIso visit .vcvVn O.urch by piano piibijs of Mi.ss It was. Indeed. G. Earle Porter, Satrvb; spiritual life, Mr.-t. Gladys ( I- flank S. ..rrr, M large.* ter School. supply of clollars a.ssiu . ill tire family. Coni- ('hmiaol SB New HVilaiR. €•••. i:M ( (I MAM, Of t AMK rgost flaii.y caltlp h'. redpra i si*.qsi(Sns of the ,1’ nitrd* Clara Rkrahaez and vio^-sliidents Democratic rhairnian, who first ! CkARnel Hi»l.vulie.\Msbb. N en V L it(l:a f:re and Publications. , ^ Rose S S eh j^ t , Refreshments and dancing France won't have a dollar gap plele facll(tlPK for SUN. "THE WESTERNER" Fllgtii from Cslhsv" hel'.l at .10:4.5 a. ni. at the Union ' of Bruno DuBaldo. Studtbts per­ brought the matter before the pub- I rkannei S3 WaterbarV, (laAii Ai>vf;NTrBf:— 5trs. Louise Plummer; supply Mrs Ro.se .Stengel Schmidt, 81.'.'''''"■y . "r’l’ '’" ’!'.w h ich witl he held at the I ’.enerat rounded out the rest of the eve­ that shortage' of free exihange - outings of any size "DEAD END’" J Channel Al Spris^lelrfs Msbb. (.’ongregational rhiii.-h r.nd 3 SchmltJl oied ■ members through- ,\^.,p,nniv. Among tho.se ^n-heduted forming solos and diieta . range ning. Guests i/luded the sixth However, there is only one .5lc»,v i.f Mair., P.ilr.,- S*. widow of Henry such as plagued her until a year — spacious picnic, haia oUowi"" from 8 to 15 years. They '.been iiioruat among the three local CHILDREN "~?"‘ FREE ) (Ml TO I.IVf: TOOCTHrill and seventh grades, the School or BO ago. , ' • grounds — delight­ A:9B < JI'HTiCK studying thrfe months to three Board apd parents. Of the 78.5 million dollara al­ operators, the majority being Newtnqiands Pl.ifyraunil Area ISIl .HATI.N'Kt; THKATKB ful beach and-bpard- ■ Tlif Kifhl A'll'^n Bfiv*'* years; The class night party is a con­ lotted France /or Indochina in iblicans. MA> TNi: rv }i SHOW (Ml. PACT.S I'ORI .M ter is there,fore, acting in the' walk. (331 i>i<:F:MA%' n o ix .8 Inrluded in the group fo.' this tinuation of the I’-TA's traditional 19.53-.54, France has received so «:H ( »l 07.uk A HABRIKT—dn- intere'als of both parties in send­ • (fil) POPCOR.N PLAVBOrSE ni'‘."llc comedy with the recital are James Wagner, Carole policy of providing some special far; only 88 u'lillions because'the |.:SB ( H) TV PLAVHOrHIi^ .N’e(«(.n familv ing ou\ this appeal. The fact re-' ECONOMY /IIR CONDITIONE D I 4~» [f. III. .-•UIlVirY^Y iSYTI Y It f YjtIM I f . *^s*' ...... - Nolan, Gerard Miller, John Morti­ festivity for the graduates Grad­ •U. S. Treasury demands conipli-' Drnnm \ • iM-Ui A.MI-lRirAN W'Kr.K bershlp. Mrs. Cecilia Snape. mains tbat the School Board has (3A> TALKNT ROIMH P (Ml ,\KWS A WKATHkR ' 8 a^m. Holy Comin.u.'iion; 10 a, m . (.-^^,1 (U.- Stengel, and one. sister.! ehai' oian of the refreshment com -) Trusteeship Division in the UN mer, N a n X and Janes Budd. uation at the Horace Porter School taled receipts and proofs of pur- ADMISSION ... To Attend Service* ; ^nil sermon seeminglV acted against the in­ *.V1» T.H.A. icii HOM.vwoon Ri;i-:i, ' Mi-ss Mathilda Stengel,■ both ipVof f niittee.luillee. Secretarial. Nancy ■, L.vnn Morton, . Claudia -will be VVednesfflj.v night. I liase before shelling out 'the Adiill*—lltmk «if Id tirkoth R'J.IA K EASTWOOD (.w> wkstf;rn pi.AVHoist; Th* members of l-ayeUe iKidge Sunday Mas.ses will ROUTi: 6 iMANCHKSTEU TEL. Mitchell 9-4243 terests.of its local bidders In'favor­ B;AA ( 81 THE I.O.VK RA.\Gl’:i he held a.s 'Rockville. 'Hie funeral will "he held Children's night will be oh- , Brown, Mahrl Swanson, Barbara Party Planned money, y. Hinfio R(lmi«>infi, TAr S7.KA ^ No. 69 will celebrate Saint John* ^m. at .the White Kii- served at the meeting Jiily-j^U. The. ikcvilty of the Elrnienlary ing an oiit^f-town bidder. n»nk of IJV lirki^U...... tl.7d M TERRIFIC TOGETHER ■ The Squire ■ Gladysz, Billy Fieiheit, Oiaiie But other purchases have been Hn\f IT.5A ^ . (»•» KI.Nfi OF THK IRKNT La.v by attending servKte*rxl tomor­ 7:30, 8:30. 9:30 'and 10:.30 a, m : noj-al Home, Rm-. Gordon Hohl. Any niemke ■ "n-ho has chimien School . •wil'h.be hosts at a parly Pape/D rlve Planned IN CINAMASCOPE Klimas, Bonnie DeNeis. Christine ordered arqi. even if the war slops, \ RAN(iKR8 The Fallot Studio row morning at the Ellington Con­ ^ t . Jo.sepli'.* Chiitch. "ISO and 11 ; pastor df- the F'irst Lutheran . who wishNn partieipate are asked given for 30 guests at the Ox Yoke A waste paljer drive will be con­ rhililrrn—Rinik »f. .'SA ticket* SI.AO A - NKHS k tl EATRFR and Johijimn. Jill Rosenzwrig. George the United States probably will .be aftmiuftion lAc—Sav.r SI.AA^ RiA.'i (Kl) FILM I gregational Clii.rch and jjartici-. ^.1; lii. with sermon in Polish; 8;4.5 chiirch. will officiate. Burial will to call Mrs\ Ernest Meyer-of Pin- '.Monday at 6:30 '(>, in. Guests in- ducted, tonioi^w , starting at 9 Marylin Monro* Slid Susan Walker. Joan Ciwte*. obliged to pay for them. In any Boftk of 70 tlrket« ...... S .AO^ 8:13 (81) INDI RTRV OS PAR l)E ' CAMERA SHOP pstihg in the regular morning wor- , and 10 a. 111. ih English; vespers. , m Grove Hill Cemeler.y. Friends nacle Rd. " . WANDELL- •vited to attend vncludc: Geo;-gc a m. sponsored Ky the local Ameri­ Sb*** SI.AOf^ Tiip K81Tth--Patricia Uriarin. Betsy event, even a cease-fire w'ould re- Rob*rt Mitchum • :3B ( 8) Yf»r ANKEI) FOR I .’>> } I'hinto Supplirfl. Portrait ship at 10:4.5 a m. The P.ev. Ken-j 3 p. 111.: ,Sa( red Hear! Cluirrli, 7:30 tnay call al the funeral home Sun- H(>ld lioIhg-.Vavay Party McLagan. Beth Tangerone and Graff, supeiinteiidrnl;. Miss Viola quiie continued heavy policing by can Legion PoslXpapera should hr ^ATI RIIAY~4I >K l»lh In Rei|U4\st,e for the ununual. and CofiHnercial PhatoEraphj' neth John.son will preach on "The tied in bundles Vnd left by the Art^Pakfr. emcre and 9:.30 a, m. day from 7 to 9 p m. , Mrs. Francis Bird of West Rd. Marion Creamer.' „ Lar.soii. school "supervi.sor;. Mrs. the military in Indochina, just as IM( K Roc ro I (340 IMM VTRV O.N PARAOi: 70 K. qpiitcr St. M1-S*M08 irark.s of Tru? Greatness." , APERSON Allen, school nurse. Mi.sa na|inc- road.side to he pickM op by trucks. Mnd HiH Orrh^ktrn ' "River Of No Return" The Rev; (’ arl W. Saunders will entertained a />art.v of friends The public is cordially invited. ' It ha.s in Korea. B)it' the end oi (.Mr NF.ns g W'KATHF.R 1 The lodge wfll open at, 10 a m. piearh on the. sermon topic "A ' Tulrotlvnie Item* are now han- Thursday night a\ her home frjr h.v, - SI hool ( U.stodiaii; Board of P. John PenhanAof this town Vree Roardwiilk IFiinro-l^fk- f.m I with Strrophonlf .Sound , (M( THIS. IS TITK I.IKK I the wsi- Will start a shrinking of f’*rAv#'r’ In e.pnnection \.1th the servire to­ Hand to Ih? Plow " at 10:4.5 in tlie )||pd through the .Ylanchester Eye- Mi.s. Donald Wallac? who is soon Building Education members and wives, Mr. the dollar .supply and France' wa.s alecied junior viM-conimander 3:20-6:.5n-l0;20 1:1* (.Ml NIGHT »:iflTOR 8en«a,llonal 4>rleii«- ■ HiKh Aeriiil?I ; LIVK IN morrow, rfiember.s have recalled .Methodist Cliurch. A niembci ship', ning Herald Rockville bureau W taking a trip to' California wit)*, and Mrs. Donald TuUcr, Mr. and of Oi.'trict 4. Amerlcati Legion, at l)oithle*Kw n.v Pole Herk n( ^ Also Terrific Co-Hit would begin to face that fact in a 8:U (1A> pACL KILLIAM HHOW 4:M ( S-M) YOl" ARK THEBli—"Th* the fart that Fayette ,Lod.(fe wa.s Mrs. VVallei Card. Mr. and Mrs. a meeting held In 'AVoodstprk. (3.V IMM STRV ON PARAIIF ■ la.ss will he held inAVesleyan Hall |.(.ated at One Market St., telrphonX hrr family. \ Contractors About Town year or so. ' ■ KIRK DOI'GLAS I’li.la of .VniK- Rolevn" originally atarted In Ellington. ■from 9:30 to 10:30 a, m, with George Peters and Mr and Mrs. Perliam has served forXtwo rears 7;BB ( 8) THIS (S >OI R LIFE ^ RANGE RIOFR VOI R CONGRESS riar. fe Resideiftiol-Cornmercial Zion Lutheran Church will hold Orean flearh Park. S>w London. K ‘‘ACT OF LOVE” (33) SrCCF.SS NTORV (SleeANK l■l(;KKNS SHOW Suspended sentences were giv?n The-Melliodijt .Ynutli Fellowship wa.v a. gift suit case packM with ./■ secrelary. .\fi.s, (Jiaumev Squire; one year aa di.strict a'djuitant, <’onn. " . Its -annual vacation school. Mon­ (sirl Si*oiils Plan 4;3.5-H:.5U <331 RKt PU ri RL 1:»* < 4-«i» TX t h e a t e r — three teenagers yesterday in Su­ will meet fru- 'n clo.sing slud>- ses­ various aiticle.*,.- .Mrs. Wallar(* AlterotidnS'Remedeling hot luni'h siipeivisor.s, Mrs. John (tOP CaiiniH Slnt<5 It) RRFAK THE RANK » Bert! ' .Mail •HI lb.- B lu ff perior Court for breaking, enter-, A sw ijrii L i . D c iic o ii day, June 28 through Jujy 9, with NIW LONDON'S sion, on the book, "I Believe." at would need on such a trip. .It W'lie.y, Mr.s. .Stanley'Field and Mrs. A 'Repuhliran caucus1 l^onday Pnrkn i iM.*5> KARN VOI R VACATION ing and theft at the Italian Friend-, 7 p. m. L.vnn . Chase and George ' “ HuBinoss lUiill On the exception of Satin da v *nd Lucian Heiinlquin.' Also, Mrs. will select delegates t'o the Stale, (331 IMM'STRV ON PARAHE (Ml Al tllOR .MF.ETS CRITIC W.S.* a rortiplele surprise to Mrs. Diul'n Day Outing SUNDAY ship Club here on May 3. Cha.s(-, Jr., will he in chai'ge. Monday. July .5. which be a George Patio,s, wife of,th e prill.- TrM ( K) .HAN RKHINI) THE RAr>(«E. 7:M ( a-M-.Ml YOl'R PI'.AVTI.MK— T o SiiniiiK'i* Camp Wallace. "y. Cu.stonier Satisfaction” Count.v find District Coni-eiicions, 'Ronald 5'era Ralstoii . (*H^p of ih<* Miitlnoui* In rouft. it was revealed that •lehovah'* Wltiiessr* hobday. .Sessions .will hegin^xat 9 ('row ' "VVai( for-Me Donn.talra’* . . V crpal. soon to he held, Mr.s, FlrtydX^ IjCilgilll Forest Tucker (.V.H SCIENCE REVIEW Frank'.i. ProCencher, 17, of Elling­ There will be a ptihlic lerlure FulUnsurance ,a. m. and clo.se at 11:4.5 each ci^ok- .Miss .VatM-h Improies Brownirs and Girl -Seputs will .(3A-.W) BEAT THE CLOCK^Riid («li ".NOW'' Dbcumencarv 5lanchester E\enlng Ifemld E l­ Fogil will act aa secietarv of the Dewpv Martin "J l'B IL E E ('Oliver x^ ton. Chster H. Hunt. 16, of Elling­ tomoi'inw at 3 p, m. by a repre- Camp Drum. N. Y. Secon.d Lt. dav morning. All children 111 the F'nciuls. Will he glflitl to Irarn | calebr,alf Fatlirr'a Dav iomorrow -pown Committee to fill a vacancy "PRISONER T liA IL E K ” (33) DOTTY MACK SHOW' l:M ( ti TOAST OF THE TOW.N— Reynolds J, Deaeon. 2.3 Harvard lington correspondent. 5Irs, (J. F. T?I.XMI-9-;50(;i:? or neighborhood will lie welcome; Stti Anniver.ar.v Show — ton, Cheifter H. Hunt, 16, of Elllng- sen lative'of the Wat'ctllower .So- .that the (onilition of Miss Jean L. with a Dad's Dal- open hou.se forj ■ » OF W A R " In roliir (81) ETHEL AND ALHERT rity, ■ took *84..50 and cigarettes Rd , has been • appointed a supply Rerr,. telephone ROcksllle 5-931,5. ’ Tel. MI-:?;66.')I there is-no admission'charge. The e—t Sltuati'^n comedy' r.f a typi- i ■lackie 4;R.aium. Art Carrev, ( iety. G. K. Kalina. At 4:1.5'p. ni. ..\’nls( h IS nq) As serious, as pie-- their fathers. The outing will be j" Manchester Evening Herald He- no Harold Alien. Hal I.eRov , sh( rtly after midnight May 3 when offlrer on the command .staff of BARLOW MOTOR SALES •^ ROCKVILLE work of the teac'hing staff is vol\in- cal American cpuplt Peg I,eg" Bate., will Jor-■ 5 there will he a-stiid.v of the May viou.slv reported. She will remain held at Camp .Merri-Wood on, hmn I'orrespondenl. Miss .Susan the club wa.s closed. 1.5 Walchlowcr, subject,' "A ll Camp Drum, summer flel(T~3ra:n- Xhin.k of tho accidents it woul(j S’2 Ilaldwiii Road tar.V. Registration will take place In the W in ih qm Memorial H os-! Gardner Street from 3 O'clock in Pendleton flori. nuckv Maiclatiit telcphonr IIArrlsnn (»*) SI NOAY PI.AVHOI SE — Rivers remained in the auto ing "giound for ftO.nnO Army Re­ prevent if no driver's license were | Mkncheslpr, Conn. Monday. June 28, 8:30 to 9 a. ni. pitnl, however, for. further treat- the afternoon lintil dark. -. . . Stand FiViii." ’ . . 3 5359 ■'Corridor of Mirror. " while hi* rompariiorig . and a The Jehovah's Witnc.s.ses aie servist.*, and National Gfiardsmen issued to the "other fellow" The Home of kEAN, QUALITY USEQ CARS ment. i'- The. altehdanla may bring a pic- l*:h ON THE ROARIIWAl E — ■ 13-ye*r-<>ld boy broke into the having a 1954 District ■ As.sembly in the'eight'-sta'te northeaste.rn cor­ Kiddlc Ueilew Slated njr lunch but arc requested not to! INSURANCE ■ Fanl Whiteman Mr. and Mrs. Earl K. Swallow. l»*i SCNnAV 4'INK.UA al Fenway Park. Bosftnn, Mass., ner Of the natirfli. VISIT OUR MODERN ^HOW FLACE TO SELECT YOUR NEXT CAK Andover Grange, w.i" s)ionsor a bring anythibg that re53ilrea,.cpqk-' blub. 30 Oak Grove St., will keep "ojien Hfdivwood anil Vine" ' Provenrher was given six starting Thtir.sday and ending The young lieutenaht'enlered the hou.ee ' tomorrow from 3 to 8 p. ifi. Kiddle Review lo-hr presented Fn- ; ing. - (*ll SI M.MER CO.VtEllV HOI R— OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS TQ 9 P.M. REAL ESTATE • ■■('onlinenial HolldaV' month.* for breaking and entering June 27. This and many oljiers aie | Army-last September, after grad- in observance" of the 2!iU"i "aium er- /lay at- Yeonians hall. Colur'iihia at The ramp coniniittee. wliich -ha-s and three month* on the theft 8 p m. T lie t hildreii of AiidOvcr) been getting the camp ready forj ( *.*1) TELEVISION .PLAT heing held throughout the United | uatirig from Rensselaer Polyterh- aary of their marriage. anXexteml - Charles W. Lothrop HOI'SE .-"Write Me' Out count; sentences suspended; Riv­ States and Canada. All persons of pic Institute. Temporaril.y assigned \ will partit ipate Daitcng will fol-., the siiriimer arason. will collect MANC-H E S T E R 1 a chrdial invitation (o their fneiuts Agency, Inc. • Forever" "t* era and flunt received ailgpended goodwill are invited. to Drum. heW ill reassume his per­ 1953 CHEVROLET SUIURBAIN 1947 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR DLX. to celLduring the reception hours. low, imi.sic hv. the (.’ountry (Jlcntle- ] ciinip ■ registration mone.v tomor-j ( TELEVISION t h e a t e r :^ d lo , and healer, signal light*. OiiginaLhliie CHARLES W. LATH RO P ;^i>.eri (•ii/..inr" three months sentences on each Court Ca*P* .Assigned manent" duties as post armament , '‘bw, ' Ortu/e <»ni ROCKY count. The trio' was placed 4-DOOR > (mini. Very,'clean Interior.-.V Well B i O O C • . f 100 East Ceqter Street kl.NG—(•electiv* . ' The case of Leonard A. Bouoh- otficer ...... with the Ordnance section - Miss. Diane Stafilartiki.s ol Personal Mention B o l t o n »;M (Ml INTO THE NIGHT. ginirantei'd iiriginHl nillr*. Sfaniist kepi one owner ear...... Major H. Wilson and Faniilv. of Manrhester; Conn. on probaticin for th.ree years and ard vs. Herbert Wells, et als,.which !,at fK:"! ’’’ mid-aiiliimn SOUTH WOODSTOCK. CONH- Arm ory Street, S.prihgfleId, will A:oC're^ 6 ra/ ^ 4 A 'I .(Ml DOCTOR 1.4). ordered to niak? restitution. '■ . j has been atarted.W ill be contin- when the reserve" forces training green finisli. .\ii ininiaculat.- siihiirhan fully Foit'S ill, Okla . "sn ' Mrs.'.Marinn (*.41 THE .PLAINCLOTHESMAN— 1949 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE become the' bride of Peter E. _ l o o k NO FURTHER — 1:84 ( »-(!ll LORETTA VOrN'O SHOW They had been locked -up in i uerii at' the Tolland County Supe- program is conchided.here. A Mil* LoRg Lake, .625 Feet Above Sea Level b.lrked b.v A neu car giiaranli'e. Merisolis of Broad Street, .this SliorkcV of Palipci, .Mas.s , _wcrc FINAL DAY a:«e < ar hank on tUK STAR.a Penn.s.vlvania after fleeing there, rior Court Tuesday at ,10 'a. m.,'I His parent.*. Mr. arid MrMrs. Mal­ Black with hlark'-IVi'p. 4 brand new WAV t i r ^ gUc.s'ts of .Ml . ’ anlf r Mi-.s:.' Ooiuifd For. Real Plea.Sure and I^un You Can’t IMA.M JAC'KIK OLKASO.N SHOW Girl On A Flagpole" town, at a ceremony tomo.rrow a f­ AT KK(iULAK PRICES (.Ml KII..VI (Ml THR W'E«— and in Tolland County Jail after with Judge John 'T. Cullinan pre- colm 83. ~Deacon, reside at, 23 Har- 1948 CADILLAC MODEL 62 R e il. Slan.v. other fine aiVcs'shrie*.- Th i*1 f"ail ternoon at. 3 p. ., in SI. Gcuige'.s lilittlc Wednesdasr. .51iS. Wilson ihc , (SI) WHKRK'8 RAYMONU-kay " Look At The Clos'it'* j;\cenent running tow 'prirrid converyble tn 111 Heat The OAK (JRILL! (Ml BREAK THE RAflK ' being returne.d. ^ siding. ! varti.Rd. " Greek Orthodox Cliiiicli, Spring- former Mehic Shorkc , u.scil to he RolgW To Parade Tqmorrim' < ■< [- other case.* as.signcd for Tues­ 4-DOOR SEDAN ■k-'I condition. __ ■a frequent visitor here before her l:M ( *) AMATKI R HOI R - Ted (.4.41 .NOkTHA.MPTON TERCEN- field,'. Mas.s. Tlie Rev. Joseph THAT DANCING TOMUHT .Mack hn..t. Battle of Cham- TENARV PARADE ___ The Silhouette Drum Corps wi(l day include Catherine June VVheel- j marriage. llraiMifiil leliip finish. h>(lminati<, radio anit 1952 CHEVROLET D| LUXE Xaiithopoulos will officiate „A re-I Tha Thaafta In Park' LEO WATTS and his •RM'Y: RIDGE .MPI'NTAINEERS will be pirinB »;l.4 (L4) NIGHTCAP EDITION , go to Northampton Mass., tomor- er .Miner vs. ftog‘6"t'"B. Miner; Jo­ hpatrr wall tirp%. One nC Ih*" finrmt iiipll crption wnil follow at the Wayside I I ouNCTiOM azIZ-*i»»WItllMAWTIC'l («1) THE JA.MIE 8TORV l:M ( ill WHAT'S MV LINE-John . WT)W-to take part in the tercenten­ seph p. Poppielarczy'k v*. F.reder- 4-DOOR SEDAN .Manchester Evening Herald C.o- ^^Pieturel here tonight; music foe both modern and otd fhshlobed dancing.- —Rramlvn .J)eW|M» IHly •4 aitiliao \\r ka\r p\rr m*ch ami fnr Inn.'W'csl Spnngfiehl. a n e w : d i f f e r e n t : f;U U) rOAT TI.MIS C.8.A. (Ml THIS 18 THE LIFE nial celebration. Next SaUirda.v ick J. Raff; George Crowther vs. J Aa'lr* . / .Radio an'd heater.^ fender skirt*.. RMUHful liimhla corres|)ondenl, • Mrs. H.r- liM ( SI SATCRUAY MOHY R f!5 r«. rnLMS-C^iAS^ 1 • „\e\v England's Unrst . (41) DREW PEARSON they will take part In the conte.sl Marcel Kessel: Philip A. Becker !h FLASH BL'LBS. CAAES, 4 inetalllr maroon finish. Thi* egr t» new In li^nd Tasker, telephone H.\ .5-9.5.53. Dr|ve-in THAT EdiUe Albert and Uuegl »:44 (41) HI'BERT KREOELOH at Prospect, Conn. vs. Louis Leving; \Vilfred J. Rob- e^ery respect. Only 12.0(H) getual mile*. Boy A daughter was recently born T I s "a w e ll known fact— we Star. ^ 8I05TES, PARTS - ^ 1952 CHEVROLET CLt^B COUPE to Mr. and Mr.s. Frederick F, .1.1 (M-Ul TWO Foil THR MONKY — 1:44 ( XI SIIN'DAV NEWS SPECIAJL Cfamhake I inson vs, Howard McKn-ight; Carl ihi* car Svtth full confidence. Yoo’Il never be. Danc9l serve only the best In food Herb' Sbriher. quizmaater (Mi DREW PEARSON The Veteran* of Foreign»W ars | Joseph Peirolo vs, Stasia Ogoley. I. if'lvL lini*(l(, radlii iui(i hriitrr" siKnal wrong. — ;. Crowley of 75 Essex SI., at the and .legal beverages. OAK GRILL (S3i SATI RUAY n ig h i fights (411 SIX, STAB FINAL lighiv ^rat .roxcr*'. 11,000 actiml ■ Hartford Hospital. SO OAK ST.—MAVC'HKSTKR . —Joe Mlcclli-Pal I..owrv Post will hold ita -annual rla^- j Tue.sda.v aeaaion.* of the CourtL. ofUl j > Arthur Driic Stores j 1952 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR NOW S ito w EiSS. MCWAAO HUG Ml f.N IM) MY FAVORITK Hl'SHA.Nn, hAkfr. tom orrow At. Ih^ ItaUan So- comrrii r<*^|ip<;t. Full ffuar- 5« M-6-II piMoU' Joan ,'AulTterd-B.vrrv N'elaon eial Club on Snip.sic Street. The! - antf^. . Manchester Grange will meet fit liiru I.M) STAR'4 ON PARADK DE LUXE SEDAN .7:30 tonight in front-of the Holmes CLARK . JANLRUSSFU S:4S (.ISr FIGHT. TAI.K JOHN I. OLSON event will he held rain or shine, j ' - Radio and healer, 5-tonr green, white wall STATE TIKS. IS:M IS4-U1 THAT'S MV BOY— Eddie To Make Voter* 1953 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-COOR_ ...t'llno.ial Home, 400 Main. St., to. We succeeded in disposing of mo.*! of the lots advertised _-lire*,^.A real pretty little ear In the very be»t THE .. Mavehoff. , Foinfer and Ddeorofor The Board of Selectmen of the paj- la-st respects to " Francis P. GABLE ISlI FILM . last Saturday; There rare-a-few lots left on the'YYatcr-, II, 4100 g((ara>itrr(l niil(!s. . Radio and "heater."-condition possible. Ckintoiif. FRENCHUNE lt:M ( S-SI» FRIVATF, AKCMSITARV— 74 Town of Vernon, Herbert I. Pa- , poHergll(le. pouer slt^erlng, ovtort'sleal rn»-rrs. This Weekend Try The Ann .S<>utbern gani, Franklin G. Welle* and Ed- front and several overkiokinjr lake, with take'privilegoy. fiidercdaled. ,\ trillv beautltul;ear (n new rar 1952 DODGE CORONET CLB. CPE. (Ml CHINA S.M.ITH gar H. Wilson have announced A , A aon wae recently bom to Mr. H IK C B n E D ! ' lU I W'RKSTLING / HENRY STREET Yvhich Yve’ w'ill sell for $l-jO each. Jhis is positively the (•(jnditliin. Sa\e .\(iiirself hundreds of dallar*. I.lghi green finish. Radio and- b'eater, autn- and Mrs. Robert Gugliettt of 32 (U) TWO IN I.OVF.—Bert Parka aeriea of aessions to make, voters, NOTICE New car guarantee. ■ , ' inatir ffansmisslon. Wonderful (tependabi* the firit to be held at the office last time."these wiy he offered for sale.^ Oak St.i at the Hartford Hospitaf. SHO\V-V 10:15 lt:U (UI .PRKVI’F.8 11:14 (II) TV THELtEM tran*portation at a prke you’ll enjoy hemrlng. 11 ;M I II WRESTLING ■ of the /Town Clerk next Saturday, 1951 PONTIAC ;CHIEFTAIN DLX. BOLTON LAKE HOUSE INI THE LATE SHOW U :l» 4 ») FliRF-SinE THEATER.:." from 9 a. m. to 12 noon,: 1953 OLDS 98 4.DOOR SEDAN _/ RICH OFFER M fCATED O N B E A C TIFU L BOLTON L A K E — R O IT E 44-A ^ ■' The Coimterfellera" • Thf Klaa" ■ (III I.IBERArE-^Ptaniai (Ml THE LATE SHOW— It Is'planned to hold these ses­ THE kfUNCHESTER ITALIAN- CONVERTIBLE CLUB COUPE RAH, Hydro, 14,000 oHginal miles. New car (flFFLEVENTH HOPM MOVIE' . "Sherlock Holmei" sions mbhthly until November, all WATERFRONT LOTS Pmvidebce, R. I.’, June 19 015 7.5.000-iirlglrial miles. .V oni' owner ear. Beauti­ guarantee.’ See this wonderful car -.•V-sc. 1 VAILS 0 HATHIM; • S.\NDV BtUCH * PICNIC TABLES < tt MinNIOHT THEATER 11:4* 4 II FACTS FUHCM to be held ih the City w(th the kx- j Bo.xing Promoter .Manny Almeida —"Ar*nn Squad " AMERICAN SOCIETY ful metallic green rinlsli, tan top, 4 brand ncYv at "thl* unheatdble low prtrn P L I'S — 11:11 4 4) NEWS eeption of the July session which of Providence says he'll guarantee INTO 1:14 I ■) NEWS ,\VM .tires. .Vn Inuiiaciflale (-aY'throughout. of imlv ...... I • FIREPL.4CE • FISHING \Vill be held st the Vernon Kle- : $ 5 0 0 $239$ heavyweight champion Rockv u o y v | 1, AR A M IE Taaiamif'* Oayllma RigliHikla BaalHijr Dayllma -HighUglili irientsrv Srhool. "1 "'WILL j^ A']' HOLD MEETINfiS . . Liberal Term.s. If Desired Marciano *275,000 to defend his j II:M 4 4) STRIKE IT RICH ■ Farm iFagiie t « Start- . J t ! /l "<■( DANCING EVERY SATURDAY/Nl$^^ li i44 4 41 SI-PEB CIRl'PS • 3:44 4UI. BJl. PAYOFF - title In Rhode Island next Septem­ The local Farm League will get Electricitv To Each Ix*t — ToYs n Road To Property MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM . rMM WARNER BROS in W ^ KUSICAL! Shawn 8:4& —r Cartoons 8:20 1!'44 4 II. t h e 4JOL0HERU8 -y 1:44 (III MRS. r.S.A. ber. Alra'eida . last nighf tele-1 . With The Inimitable. •w ^def wav next Saturday and two . FOR. JliNE, JULY (H id iuO U ST . . IL\NK «.vn^:s — .VLL CARS'G^tlANTEED, ' ' ' graphed the -offer to Marciano's | P ItWlJtVOtpim gsmea win be played each Satur- Salesmen on Property Sunday- 12 nfwn to 7’ P. .>1. manager, A1 listing g pri\V STARTS t o m o r r o w FRANKIE* Kin g and his VAGABONDS - S y i lK%' lir it yghme . tci' stAr/ at lege of- taking-4?‘/ p e r cent of ‘-•EY EtyUTIA E S lT tE ” • FUN * ENTERTAINMENT * GOOD FOOD.- MORIARTY BROTHERS ^'|0 a;m. and thfl second at 2;30 p SleiHlMi'r* may pay their due* an the third Saturday of- June, How to ffet and Aug«st at the Club-Room frt»m 8 P. M. to U P. 51. the net gau for a title defense { piuii ”ANNAn;KNAi‘’ LVm. -Holden-Jiine Allyson . .. . ,.i .(•"■; ■iir : r ’r " , COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE The eoadhes fpr the teams are. j l agalnat Iwgard Cbarlei. j 5:b0, 8:00 ' ' * In Color Barbara Slanwyrk KoAimizHo.'John GllI;'P.A.C., Wll- ;| in aroing fco.m Hartford; on?Route'^.33 turn left at .\bing- f e a t u r in g o u f a m u s t b o n e s i a k . . The Drama- That .Ckipturcd Sun.: Marloii- Brando ""W ild -Paul Dmiglas ; ^ () - T ^ RANGE AND FUEL OIL Haiti KoWski: Elk^ Francis Smith-i . .4RTUi^0' Rreadent I Ion, dn . Route 91 and\ FOLLOW, the ARROWS TO Route ^3, Windsor AvenUeT'RpekviUe—TeL' RockviUo .5*2538 Spirlag cctmaa befora. the Wibimer : the Hearts and Minds of the One" plus Charlton'' Heaton r/HIt -'RACING BIXKlb" NO edvER — NO m i n i u m \\ wick’ Mp^?4*. MltCheH Orlowski. QUASSETT LAKE. ^ - i: X S F1R.ST DEALER ENTERING CITY gad. tor the beaggaiti prida' cornea i • World! "Bad' for Each Other." Bill WlUlama—In rolor. 315 CENTER ST — PHONEM I 3 S135 n i e schedule is aa f«H lw *: Junejl bttore.tb* falL M Elks Tf. P-A.C.; Kosciuszko va I . T "1 A'- \ . ■ r ' ■, ) . t ' / i \ V JIANOHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, ,IUNE l , F o y i i M ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M ANCHESTER, CONNw SATURDAY. JUN E U), J ‘*54 9 1954 X /^ A G E F IV E ’ ' -'“.r / r;-/ might be ct^veloped - if the case dorfiewhiitSunrelentinK appraixKl of were taJiAn to a grand jury room it heronifa hrin jinorn ttinn the pin e Nuwie-GraduatiPB WHAT-r-«IB Eden, Smith ..W ould Y o u Recognize 4 H illiard Sire e t Liberation Army ^ Captures wherp-^he testimony would have pnlitirn 'of hin t>«ni6rrdtip ('01'- Daily Radio 1410 Department Heads Ask nniitt^ ifrraUi ir y w - repeated without others be- loaFun.i, or the oity' ^ea.snnlne.'Mi W lA N B r^ O Castcni Btaadafid W TIC — 1080 FUlU.UiHJi.L> 1>V I'Hki xrtig pr'e.sent." , of his Repilblii-nn rolloBEiios, Two Vital Guatemala Ports nr.pti.n pRlNTlNt. V'O.. INC. / Senator Potter fopiid himself be­ ..M Increases in Budgets - IX BIwell street . y ' Murdered in Alabama Thtt’’. following phigram achedulei • /MancliMfcr. Conn, lieving that' eacIT side • had been WHAY—Sup'per bcrenatla (('ontiniicd from Page One) reM rt frolTi insurgent forcea aa THUUAS r FfcRUliSON, art-: supplied by the radio, manage* W(X*<’—iiood Kv^rtinir. Good Music t(V their effectlveneast although 'A'AlTrtK R PERGUtiW guilty of the principal accusation . (Conjttnued from Page One) a auticpmmlttee member^-Aaid one 'WKNB-T.B.A. . Publltnrra X ' ■ X” ment and are subject to change WTir—Army Baml/ Total . Budget Requests T o m o r r o internal iipri.sings throughout the .stillo's spokesman said- fire,- dirccte.d against i t , by the other , ------I of the two was . "Involved" in the Founded Ocicher^^ 1X81 mally proe^utee on behalf of the ’ McCarthy-Army row but he d'toh't without notice, WDRC—Sport Roumlup' E n g a g e d embattled country. •’ bomba were dropped on \the San ■ side. , ' Connecticut WGTH—Dinnc/Dal« M ore Than Estimated Jo.se gasoline, depot. \ . Publlaoed Kvery cnuig iii].cept i state. , know about the. other. l:SS— C:4 (Gontlnaed frolit Pag* One) Protest to I'.N*. / ftundayaiv« and HolldijHolt tiiilered at the He found the MeCrtrthy side Tlie governo'r ordered Maj. Gen^; The firewopka started up after W H AY-N cD a WHAY-S. GAnim**l • Arriadeo Chlnchilia. OtiatenilUan jich.'ater. Conn., aa Expendituresi,„, R e d u ce A Guatemalan delegate to ,Oie Post OJflce (U Walter J. Hanna. A'lebama ad- yesterday's^ aubcommlttee session WCCC^Ur Tiktc WeeC^Mbytd Kvrnihf. Good $IuslC "Accompanying Geri. Smith will ambajyitdor to Honduras. $W<1 he Eedond Claaa Mb Uatter. guilty ill tIii^iTiipeTt*» Yankee W KNB^Newa; M ie b e ll Matinea WKNB: A United Nations announced in/New Jutant general, to Phenix'Glty im- when,: '*■: Vv TIC—Newa iTiiy Bnnd - be W aller S; Robert.aoh. neputy heard brfrtfla smashed^ three " I m - ^ "Since the suhcommillee staff W elfare Dept. Costs BUiteCIUPTl.tN RATK8 ^ By A. H. O v ; mediately 'with full .Authority, to 1. McClellan held a news con- WDRC—Newi r>rtn Srhorr United Slates repre.sentative, aa- York laat night his ' gov^im en t portant ..Arifly renters' in Guate­ Payable in Advance - WGTH—Ntwa had protested to the /Security mala City, Ittshiding the PresV. ^na Year ...... S was investigating a very serlnus : ------ptake.plake, whatever whatever stepa steps ne. he. cop.siaerea cop.sldered jerence Jerefice'in in wmen which he he demanded detnanded * .Total btidgat rsqueata of the ■ aiatanl Secretary of State for Far Kintha ...... J.75 condition 'which 'vas alleged ,t<>' . As the Republican slate command ; nece.ssary. Uniformed NationsiyTiouse-cleaning" among staff dffi- WHAYt-TrunjAfiguration I Eastern Affairs. artd Herman Council against the "cnriiinal in­ dential Gu'ard bW acka and Army/"' town'a head of departments ia $4,- Months ...... fJO have existed in the Army, there ' easts about for the eampalgVi pro-[ officers rtdod h.v. - clal.s. appointed by McCarthy as WOCC—filartime * Phleger, the legal adviser, Dept. vasion of my country^ The dele­ headquarters;'.^itself.. This 'tseport gntTilonth ...... W KNB^Ncws: fiaaeball Matiiiea 5. Gammcll • 703,83.5.87, an'increaae of $984,000 gate, Eiluaido Ca.s^llo Arriola.- wa.s denied, "however, by Rooertn. Weekly *> , ‘ , ,, „ frim e in this .soutbee,st,.^xAls- regular stibrommlUee chairman, WTIO—iNeaa. Au«« Miller Show ; bf Stale; aa well as membbta of Slngle Copy ...... 0* never Should have, bee,, at any eedures it can profitably employi t h ^ > ^ a t - before the grpup undertakes anv WiJRC—George' Reno .Siippri* Pfrrnada over the eatimated expenditurea ! Gen, Smith's personal staff. .said the protest hajj been sent to Alvarado Fuente,s. . Giiatemal$ time any t onvershUon about . a ag.iinst. Abe Ribicoff. the one candi-, tahooctvee RivH-R'lvFi- from Columbus,Columbus. j new investlgatiSns. W iiTH —Ba^eoalj RanrUiand / PMtrl Kvpidnp. Good Muale for the current fiscal year which "The liolir of departure from Henry Ckbot Lo^e/; .Ii., of the. arhbassador in M exi^ City. Mt.MBNR UI' l:Se— t- , • / ^ WKNB'—'Nohb. Spnrl.v. ii)it,ni y .“tyatiis date the. Republicans least love to ' Oa., Imig, has fattened on soldiers- 2. McCarthy shot Tiack that the e Geneva airport will be .announced.” United States, council president. Commiinicationa ttUh Guate- THt; A assoc I AT kiD PR1-JS8 commission or the milit WMAY-^Bcarh raiiy AYTM' -SpotliRhl mt Paria. end.s Aug. 14. The Aaaociated l.’reaa la exclualve|y ns bv anyone run against, it lights on only one frum nearby Ft, Banning. “ Democratic, demand Was "clever, WCOi’—Muiuc Room / . WDRC—rarnt'^l riiiakrnom If the total request xvere ap- Eden and Smith c^ ferred brief­ A 'apokesmari for Col. Carlos mala City wared two -important lijlaiid Telegraph -Co. announced in New dispatches herein are also reserved. in this reapect: stands likelv to be a recurrent'rren^'-Rr-- - „ ■ . . WHAY —Beach rarly- A'l lT -SiM.iii^bi on PArU. never the case. It would mean^a Minister of Viet’ Nam, Nguyen what Pbenix City lAw>^r won the at use A statement that he has or­ lax rate o f over 40 mills* based on Qiioc Dinh. I ail^i enters. They-were: ; York lastiilght the A rbenz govern- "Top executives of the Arniv pubUi'.an theme, no matter . what , , • w e e r —Music Room WDRP—rapiloK rioakroom injerto Barrios. Guatemala s hig , nienl hM taken over the sendee, Pull service client of N. E. A. Serv­ happens torney, general nomination (J.ver dered a 'staff investigation of "re­ WKNB- spoils Today WcGTH— an unchanged Grand List and tin- ' The two western leaders planned ice. Inc. _ should never have encouraged th.i.^ Barbara .Ann M<

th* following: .Jesua went unto them, walking on the aea...the Women* Atteiicliiig olton r disciplea aaw him walking on the see.. i and they cried out for fear. Skywatch Schedule / But atraightyvay Jesua spake unto Bureau Conference Z»49 PACKARD them aaying. Be of good cheer: it •/ Seepnd Class Badges Given is I: be not afraid." (Matthew 14:- Kunday.June .30 Local women who xxlll attend 4“D(M)r Sedan. Black, radio, heater. Very ^ A Q C Midnight — 2 a. m. ., ai. ■lamro’ R/ C. Church 25-27), ...... Voliinteera Needed. the June conference of the Service VcnoB MethMiUt Church • Correlative passages from the 2 a, m. — 4 a; m...... *. A...... Fred Bon^. . clean. Full price ...... ^ i. . • • w VcriMMi. Cowicctirwt Rev. John F, Mnnnnn. Panlor Bureau for Women’s Organiza­ To^2^ Girl Scout Members MANCHESTER’S LEADING 4 a. m. — a. m.\ , ; . , Rev. GcnrKP P. HU|(hp« Christian Science textboolt, "Sci­ 6 , . ,T. Volunteers .Needed. tions to be held at St. Jo.seph .jrwood A. Tr**dw^ll. MluUtcr ence and Health with Key to the .6 a. m; — 9 a. ‘m. \ . ., Volunteers Needed. Marjorto Stcphimn, OrKuniKt Rev. EdKnr J. Farrell College, Weet Hartford are Mrs. Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, 9 a. m. — Noon ...... S a m Clemens; Victoria Filewlcz. V. E, Poeppelmeler, Mr*. Walter Bolton,^^une 19\ (f!pecial)--•• should pastoral aervic^ b e neces- YOUR GUIDE TO include the following: "In propor­ Noon — 3 p. m...... Cyril Banks, Sohardt. and Mrs. Stillman Shaw. BRUNNER'S PACKARD Ex’ery membeb>of theNqcal Girl sary during his absent. Barviea at 9:S0 am., Sunday. | Sunday Massea: tion as matter losea to human 3 p. m. 6 p. m. . . , . For adults.'6, 7. 8. 9. 10 and 11 ...... Volunteers Needed. Also attending the June 21 to Scout troop advanced loNaecond | Henry W^>nian^ Coj BUSINESS SERVICES Juna 30. ' sense all entity aa man, in that 6 p. m. —; 8 p. m. . . . , .Columbia De Carli, Celeste King. ■Open Sundays — Rockville Road, Talcoltville „ X , liimbia Congregal/onal Church Organ Prelude. "Arioso’’ Barh o clnck^Mth two^Mas.scs^aL 9^ ”J'* i proportion does rnan. biecohie its June 24’', meetlhg will be Mr* 8 p. m. 10 p. m. . , .Mr. and 5Ira. William Hewitt. Roger W.' Russell, xx-ho is ' hostess | class Scout in special cerenibt^wU,i,l occupy the )i^al pulpit the Cill to Worship in the main atiditorium for adults , enters >nto a diviner 10 p. m. — Midnight . . . . .\ . . . . George Kat,z, JrT*' at the last troop meeting I’v l^ next few Sundays. Hyiiui. "T h is Ja My F,ather’s and one for the children-in the chsirrilan, Miss Avery Rn«*iell. sense of the facts, and compre­ Maneiay. June 21 . / snd Mi.-s Maude Clark, all .o.f Thursday at the achool.,^The 291^ Masses will b^ celebrated at St; WorM” ■ •basement and two Masses at 10. hends the theology of Jesus., as' Midhight-/2 a. m. , ...... N,. Volunteers NeedtM / ■ girl* received their badges from ^ u r i c e Chapel at 8:30 and 10 ItMponBiva R«adin* BiedrDoni JNieeds at Howard’s Sleep Center YOUR PERMANENT WAVE St. I-Vanci* Aasisi (liiirrh 9 a.- ni. Nocn ...... "Jack Wlor 22. The ‘ pro’s and con’s of the: THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB Gloria Path . - . Noon 3 p. m Olmsted. Marilyn Rose, Grace Tut- 10 a. m. font row. The Rev. Ar- We will he fflad to (five you free advice reffardiiiR a South Windsor., Route ,10 ' , ’The Salvation A/my . . . . Tho’mas -Maxxx'ell .subject will be discussed by comic \ Affirmation of Faith, Apostles’ 3 J». m'.— 6 p.’ m...... ,...... V i,iiiiitTx«nx .'veenen ’ tie. Joyce Coseo, Marilyn .Smith.' thdr A. Wallac> Axlll .... begin _____ a aeries Re\. Arthur J. Heffernan, Pastor Major and JMrs. John Pickup Volunteers Needed book publirhera and professional ' permanent wave, your hair shaping and beauty needs ' Creed. 6 p. m.—8 p. m...... Richard Bohadik, Roderick Wright Carol Genta, Su.san McDermott, | of aenfions in Kl KS(>ping „ with th# Prayer of Dedication of Tithes and Rev. Kenneth V. Karrelia, Curate educator*. The meeting is open ; 8 p. m.— 10 p. m...... Ray Ecktar, Robert Coleman to al| interested persons upon pay­ Marsha Jewell, Dorothy Biondolo,! aummer aeaaon devdt^ to outdoor ' CALL AT V... Offerings Sunday. .June 20: >' Bonnie Valentine B,evcrly Lieb* scenes in the Bible^ Hi* topic to- /: 9:30 a. m., Sunday School classes 10 p. m. Midnight ...... • H. W.'Haitnah. George Sloasberg ment of a small registration fee. Offertory, " A r " from' Orpheus Masses at 7,. 8:.10, 9:.10 and 11 Volunteers may register at 4’lvll Defense Headquarters, Munici­ man, Mary. Thompson, Loi.s Caddy, morroxx' will be "Gardelxa in the Gluck a. ni. for all ages. Russell Clough, su­ The theme of the conference, j Gxven Oxvren, Barbara ..Valenti, Bjbif.” Guest organist for tHf serx’- perintendent. pal Building, Manchester pn Mondays, Wedm^a.vs and Fridays ^ x o lo g y ' from 1-5 p.,m. f'lvll Defense Telephone Number Ml 9-0068. which is the “ World’s Children’’, ShiJDn IlichHi'dson, , ice \«ni be. Mrs, Everett Keith of Hymn. "Faith of Oir Fathers ” 10:50 a. m.. Holiness service. will he carried out Jsy such Also,' Kathleen McDonitld, Joan Manxilv^ler. 'v St. Bridget’s fKiirch Benaonr-’’Our Father . . . " The youth band xx-ill play in this' sipeakers as Dr. Elhet Alpenfels, EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Hathaway, Su.san . Bornip, Cecile The K«tv’. Mr. Wallace and mem;-; Rex. John J. IVIane.y, Pastor service. Processional, "Ancient of Days.’’ at 10:15 and the 'Service xyill begin anthropologist: Dr. Kathafin/ Pepin, Nicole, Reynold.s, Lynn" hers of the church will attend a Mr. .^Treadwell Rev. Robert Carroll and Hymn, "Happy the Home Whap 2 p. m.. Music classes for the Sequence, "Once To Every Majl at 11:30. after xx’hlch the congre- Lenroot, former chief of the U. 0 . ; STARTING AT SHARP Broil. BiH'liaraCho.s.se.v, Deborah se.ssion of tW Thlland County As­ Rev. Theodore Guhala, Asaistanta Army’s youth. and Nation’ ’ 99 EAST CENTER ST,—TEL. MI-3-5009 God la There" . g*Uon will enjoy picnic lunches, Children’s Bureau; and Dr. DoCo-! i 20 RI:G .LAR GAMFS— .1 SPECIALS Bristol, Caroline, Glenney, (!arol s o c 1 a t ip n>,. of . Congregational 2 p. m,. Hospital visitation. Mrs Offertory, "Send Out Thy Light" sxx’inimlng and outdoor sports. thy Ferebee of the National | Weal, Linda FacchcltI, Linda Churches andr^Minislers fomorroyv Benedictlcin Ma!»8e.s on Sunday at 7, 8! 9. 10 Mildred-Pickup and Mf'a. Elizabeth ■ Gounod, Besponae I Organ Prelude "C h o ta le Prelude, Council of Negri) Women. There Fancher and Linda Pnggioli. afternoon at Itiuqn Congregational Poatlude. “ Andanta Religio.so” and 11 a. m . and Massya down- Wilson. Recessional. "Love Divine, .All . ’All Glory Be To God On High’ " will also be claives In technique.* Because of the more inten.sive Cliiirch in Rockville at 3 o’clock. stairs St 9 and 10:45 a..hr. 2 p. m.. Silver Lane Sunday Loves ExcelBng" ...... Bach for organization xx-omen, "panel*, work to be done to reach first The a.s'sociation will alt as a coun­ ; MANCHESTER Beethoven School. Cecil Kittle in charge. The Week The Week Opening Hym n-” This Is My movies and exhibits, and tripa to cla.s.s Scout and in an effort hi as- cil for the purpose of examining MIlLWORk CO. ,7 p. m-. Salvation Army aerVice Wcdne.sday Father’s World’’. Hartford institutions Involving; sure ex’ecy girl of the hecessary .folin T. Schwarz, Jr. for ordina­ 10:30 — 11:30, Sunday School North .Methodist ChiircH in the Center Park. Special muMc S94 Rrriod St— Tel. MI-9-S28S for all ages. Special Bible preseti.ta- 10 ai ni.. Mid-week celebration Anthem—"When Morning Gilds work -with 'Children. Registration! IMAGINE! help, Mrs. Converse iwked for tion. , .John E. Post, Minister by the band. of the Holy Communion. Serxlce — the. Skies’’ ...... Barnbv tlon aervice. .w. .should be made with the Serxlce' x'oliinleers among Scorn molhcra Church Bchool is in summer re­ James W. .McKay, ’The Wes'k for the Nativity of St. John the Sermon Hymn—"Fairest Lord '* Bureau for Women’s Organiza-; cess , St Bolton Congregational NOW! Featuring Monday. 6:30 to 8:00 p m. Inter­ Minister of Music . 8 8 to work with them rici^ year. Five the heft In ’Tuesday-^’ Baptist, .lesus". tlons, Hartford. / ' t $ were needed, one for/eacli patrol. Church...... mediate Youth Fellowship party. 12;30 p. m.. the Women'i Secular Events: Sermon: ’’’The Real. Thing". ------— .. . - - - I conxeisc ihhl iiigoL Nexv Arrival Sunday. June 20. 10 a. m. Mrs. Converse 9^01 s^d last night Leagije picnic gt Elizabeth Park, Weekly groups have now aus- Closing Hymn "F o r the Beauty The average vacation amounts k Jour parentsenta have Already volun- A daughter xvax born on Thurs­ a General Mlllwork Prelude—’’Canzonetta" Hollaender West Hartford. perided actixity for the aummer of the. Earth". lo txx’o weeks off immediately nclnding Mra. Robert D. day at Manchester Memorial Hos­ a. Complete Window Unita Communltv Baptist Church Introit 6:00 p. m.. Junior band practice, V ^THAT’S AM. YOU PAY leered inc with the exception of Senior Choir. Postlude--"Chorale and Varia­ followed by two off weeks. Valentinec, Mrs. pie'*0\vrrn, Mrs. pital to Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Thorp 0 All SIzo Doors •M Enat Center St At the Green Robert Rlchardaon. When you send out an announce-I hieldge knows exactly the set- Dependable Quality — Serrlen! John R. S'eubert. Minister Proce.ssional Hymn "Guide Me. Tuesday, 7:3(). and Boy Scouts, tions, ’In God, My Faithful for the hetx "STRE.\M FINER’*—all aluminum com­ Raymond Jewell' end Mrs. Johp’ of Notcfi Road. o Mitred and Glued Trim ’’ O Thou Great Jehovah ” 8:00 p. m.. Senior band practice, Coming Ex’ents 'ment you are sending out some­ upHor each organization. Bofieit M. Johns, Choirmaster Wednesday; 7 p. m. God' " ...... Buktehude bination, .scIf-slorinR window with the FINGER TOUCH MrDermolt. ^ ; / thing that represents .you. It.i'e- NoNJob is too large and no job o Expert Cabinet Wnrk Collect. Prayer ■ C. Peter Carlapn. The annual Men’a Club straw­ The Week The Scouts provided a jirogriinv Tickets are currently being sold o Complete Hardware Dept. Ormnnd g. West, Jr., Organist Thursday— control._ ^ . flects your personality and your too smbil to receive exacting at­ William H. Sehialdst S i l e n t Prayer " T h e Lord's berry festival will be held Thura- Rehearsal of Chancel Choir, RUBBISH an^VSHES of enlerlainmenl for their pnienls in town for a benefit softball game Prayer" ...... ("horal Amen 7:30 p. m.. Open air aervice on good taste. Businessmen realize 1 tention al^ Schieldge's. The shop Open 8 A. ,M. to 9 P. M. Dally 166 Spmee SL TeL Mt-O-TSM day from 5 to 7 p. m. Public ih- Wednesday, June 30. at 7:30. Volume huyinir helps u's" pass on the savings to YOU! on Thur.sda.v and exhibited in­ to be pla.ved at'the school diamond that it is imporiant to have an 9:45 n. m,. Church School for Anthe,m—"Jesus. Jewel Of ”My Main Street. Daxrid Addy .in R E M O V E D ' ^ on- July 16 between the United -1 is set up lo''t4ike care of practical­ all ages. Children cared for xlted. Oeneral firaning of Cellars, teresting < iirios from priXonal col­ Mnth r- 1 L "°''n<-’ements that reflect their ly any kind of-^york and estimate* Faith ” •...•■...... Bach charge. • Methodi.st team and the Columbia' ...... through Morning Worship. Yards and AttJrs \ Sec us for a full line of Aluminum Awnings, lections a.-i well a.s 'lohliy, xvork. rv I /-■ X. k , good taste yet so set up that the are given chlferfiilly. It goes Responsive Reading—"The Worth Gospel Hall Class Night Planned Congregational Church team. ,h . 10:15 a. m.. Morning Worship. of Man" RRASO.NABLE RATE^, Canopies. Venetian Blinds .. reading material, attracts the xxlthoiit saying that Schieldge's T. P. HOUORAN Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 415 Center 8t- Class night will be observed . "!I !. resder's allenlioii. Perhaps this Prelude—"Pensee Fugitive"...... Gloria Patrl '' , • . Oonenrriia Evangelical Lutheran (Missouri SynodV Also Ijindscaplng - eburch school building fund of the carries any kind of',paper stock ...... J. I. Battmanh Church Monday night aCJhe Klementary is why so many people instst on that anyone might req ^ e, both in MORRY'S FUNERAL HOME Affirmation of Faith Selection II Cooper and High Streets Sunday services: Call M a M—M;I-9-9757 local church. Hymn—"My God, I Thank Thee". Winter and Garden Streeta CALL BILL TUNSKY School for the graduating class in haxirig their work done at white and colored stock. MEN'S STORE Ideally located—convenient and Scripture Lesson Rev. Paul G- Prokopy, Pastor 10:30 a. m., Breaking of Bread. a party tendered by the local PTA. Oiildren'a Story. • Morning Prayer ’The Rev. Erich Brandt, Paator Schieldge's Print Shop. A full line of office sui^ies Is AND CLEANING SERVICE Miss Marlon A. Erdin, Organist 12:15 p. m„ Sunday School. c-o GREAT EASTERN 24 OAK STREET Giises will number about 100 and llanchester Evening Herald Rol­ A CO-MPLETE UN E OF away from the buey thorough­ Hymn—"Lord. When We Bend Be­ Ivan Beexvith, lon corresfi^ndent, Mrs. Doris For years arid .years the name carried at Schieldge’s and a hiim- Offertory "Offertory” .. Duboi» 7:00 p. m.. Gospel serxlce. \ TEL. MI-l-8271 or MI-9-9095 will include guests of the gradu­ of Srhieldge has represented the QUALITY . . . fare. Distinctive Service. Mod­ fore Thy Throne". Doxology Prayer of Dedication D'ltalia, telephone Ml S-5S45. ber of business firms and slore.s''dp Scripture Leason -Luke 15:1-24. Organlat and Chplrmaater June 2 0 -First Sunday after The Week ate*, the seventh grade class, the very be.st in printing and the fine all of their purchasing her^^, o WORK CLOTHES em FacIllUea. Choral Amen Tuesday, 8 p, m.. Prayer meet­ Anthem—"Like As the Hart" ... Trinity. entire staff at the school, jnembers ADVERTI.SEMENT— / work plus the genial disposition of Mr. Srhieldge is ftlwnys willing to o.FOOT WEAR ...... i .... .r. Palestrina Hymn of ' Praise "I V\^nl A' Sunday., June, 20, First Sunday ing. of the Board of Kdiicatioii and William Srhieldge, who has llter- Principle Within ” 9:00 m. m. Sunday School. Pepin's Grocery near Coventry- obtain 'any unusual item, that o SPORTS WEAR Sermon, "The Face of Chriat". after Trinity: (Note: Sunday School continues PTA representatives. all\’ Worked night and day to turn might be required. Nationally T. P. HOUORAN Sem'ion " T h e Value of an Indi- 8:45 a. m. Sunday School. Bolton line, Route 44-A, Bolton. Free Alterations ' Funeral Director Hymn—"O Jesus, Thou Art Stand­ until August 1.) TTie class will, prophecy and Store hours: doily 9 a. m, to 8 out excellent- job printing, has known names Such as Carter, Bo- ing”. ridual” 10:15 a. m. Nursery in the 9:30 a. m. Adult Bi,ble class. RIR-[OnDITIO(linG CLEANING AND INSTALLING history will open the program at made Schieldge's the popular plate stitch. Arrow and Markwell are Ju.*t As^littlo over a year ago cash; so why not enjoy’ better OPEN 9 A.M. to Poatlude—"Adagio" ...Beethoven Rece.ssional Hymn "Draw Thou parish house for small children mKKKKKKKKKK p. m.. Sunday 9 a. m. to 6 p: m. health through refreshing sleep’? C. S. McHALE. Jr. ■10:00 a. m. Nursery in the 7:30 p. m., followed by dancing un­ Stop in and save valuable time. it is. found here ahd binders, stapleis, Howard's Slo»ters and other By THF. ASSOCIATED PRESS Lamfi.*\of all kind* '-{or eVery Good.year Tires ’T Wailed for the I..ord" non. ed electrically. Each lox'al pupil arcompanied , „ . , ’ articles connected xx-ith the dairy aleep problema. to- make your bed X r e a s o .n a b l e p r ic e s Center Springs l^odge. nriecting. SUMMER BE SAFE . . . BE SURE t Special) The Grange met on St. Loui.* Robert N. , Denhfim, room are berried here. (Gso mir­ Repairs, Service Wednesday - Felix Mendelssohn The Week qn* of the present high .schoo stu­ a placs of refreshing sleep rather FREE ES’hM ATES Hyrfin ■ dents through her regular school Thursday evening oi'. the Grange j This'is th* first year the local 68, general counsel of the National than just a place in which to to.*.* rors and rtian.Vrother items tVi make Accessories T:00 Choir rehearsal. Monday th.ough Thursday. your home a ^ a a a n ler place in ROUTS SO—WAPPING CONN. Heqth Methodist Church Thursday— "O Lord, Our God. Ari.se" SUHEDltE OF SERVICES session snd one girl ex"en partici­ Hall and the lecturer's program i Grange has entered the contest, Labor Relations Board from 1947- and turn. To enjoy real rest you Luther \Leaguers xxlll leave for Atlantic District of P-- Lutheran pated in a swimming cla.s.s. An­ require a mattress suited to your which to live. ' Strip in at the Sleep 180 .Spruce Street AT THE RICHFIELD SIGN . Main Street and Hartford Rdad 8:00 Vacation Church Scliool Chiirch-Missoiiri S. at Con­ OF Call McKINNEY BROS: wa.* entitled "Our Ritual.” Drring although ,ijie contest '♦a* ' cun 50. Born in St. Louis. -..Died Center and see how'-ijiuch farther a picnic (Voll'owmg the service. other freshnian, foregoing a study aucces.sful'ly last year in many particular needs, some prefer a TEL. MI-S-5404 Bgv. Fred R. Edgar, .Minister staff meeting.' cordia Collegiate Institute, the meeting there wan the judging Friday. your dollars go here.'x^ Phone MI-9-0659 Rev. Percy Smith, Bring luifch. ' SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY period, went' to the necessary Granges, throughout the State. hard mattress, some a soft one; Bronxville, N. Y. CHURCH OF THE INAZARENE of the gingerbread contest which Houston. Tex. Dr. li. E. Ober- ..\eeociate Miniver ^ e -W e e k " TEL. Mitchell S-5S08—1S0-1S3 PEARL ST„ MANCHESTER trouble to obtain pn.s.se.s in order Patlrnts At Hospital othei-* want an extra, long or wide j ______"’x Bolton Congregational Church Monday. 7:30 p. m. Daily Va­ Friday, 4 p. nr. and Saturday, that she might take her guest on is a State-wide conte*ylThu)ng the I hollzer. 74. first president and one mattress. Here at the Sleep Cen­ MAIN STREET Granges. ---- Frabklin .Orciilt is a patient at Service of Worship at 8.00 and The Rev. Arthur \. Wallace, cation Bible School staff, meeting 1,0-a. ni., ConSrmation instruc­ a complete tour of the high school of the-.organizers of the University ter you can have just the mattiea.* I FOR EXTRA MONEY 'I'here were.eighth entries id the thri Hartford Hospital and xx-ould of Houston, Born in Patricksburg, DON WILLIS 10:00 a. m. .Minister at Emanuel Lutheran Church. tion. ' Church School— 9:30 a.m. plant. • appreciate cards. Floyd Standish suited to you,, and remeriiber that ; ,9:00 a. m. Service Walter Grzyh. Urgauist Wednesday. 6:30 p. m. Banquet I.Adles* I'nlt To MpH Grange and Judges . were Wrs. iJnd. Died Friday. Mr. Tuikinglon'a motto is "no .•♦ale | HIGH GRADE Charles rtpthawsy of Vernon b' a patient at the "Manchester I North Bay, Ont.—.-Welland S. WE W Y Prelude—"Cantabile" .. Demareal ■for Choir members and Sunday Worship Service— 10:45 a.m. Strawberry des.sert will be Memorial Ho.spital and also-vtould la considered final Until the pur- , .SUhday, June 20 Chiiri'h of the Nazarene served by the Ijidie.s’ Benevolent Grange and .Mrs. Donald ' Tedford Gemmell, 43, Ontario's .Minister of chaser is completely .satisfied." | GARAGE .Hymn, ’'All- Hail the Power of School staff members at our Youth Service— 6 :3 0 p.m. " ■ / ^ enjoy hearing from his friends. PRINTING /466 .Vlain Street Society, on Thiir.sday at 'Bolton and Mrs. Arthur Pinne.v of Bolton Lands and Koiesta for the last two Nationally known Gold Bond mat; 1 HIOHEST PRICES Jesua Name!" ' Summer Schedule of Services. Chiwch. C. E. M lnsloxx, Stinister 18X*i«^ St., tel Ml-9-4531 Offertory solo,—."Lord God of 10 a. m.. Serx'ice-'of Worship. Evangelistic Service— 7 :3 0 p.m/ Congregational Ctinrch pari.sh Grange. Masons To Meet years. Died Friday. tr’eases, Spring-Air. Serta Perfect - For Rags. Paper. Metate Florence Wood ai>d Prizes were awarded to Mrs. The members of Uriel I-odge JUB A.VD COMMERCIAL Abrahams" ...... Mendelssohn Organ Prelude, Mrs, Everett Caravan, Tuesday— 6:45 p.m,^ room. Shortcake and coffee will Pheni.x City. Ala. Albert L. Sleeper mattresaea, Sealy and | and Si-rap Iron Robert .J. Gordon. Jr., baritone' Keith, of Mariche.ster, will be our Emanuel Lutheran ('hurrh GertrXMle Wilson, organists be .served from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. Anne C. .Anderson first.; Mrv. A F & AM ' xx'ill' meet tomorrow Patterson. 6,3. who won Alabama's Firestone ';Foamex' are carried PRINTING ^ Spb^iglizing In Hymn—"Praise; My Soul, the King giie.st organist for thi.s K^rvicc. t'arl E. Olson, Pastor Prayer and Praise, Wednesd^iy— 7:45 p.m. Reservations will close Wodne.sdny Alice Williams second; and Mr.*. lo 'allend church the Second Democratic n'omination for Attor- here. Box springs, divans and , CALL OR DEUVER TO Dean W. Berg, Asst, to the Paator Sunday, June 20. / Ashford Lake . evening and should be made with Lillian HightCr third. The dress Congregational 'Church. Members studio couches are also aV’fiUable I Prompt and Efficient Printing of Heaven Proccs.sional Hymn, "When Mom- ne.v General on an anti-x-ire plat­ BRAKE^ERVICE A Cordial Welcome Axvails Everyone! coptest, will be held on Aug. 5 and and officers of Climax Chapter xx-ill Sermon—"God’s ' St andai d.s" . ing Gilds The Skies Philip N. Treggor. Church School, 9:30 a. m,, Mrs. 'I'homa.s C. John.son or Mrs. form. Died Friday. and you xvill be amazed at hoxv j of All Kind* ...... Dr. Fred R. Edgar Tenny^n McFall, ^perintendent. r. E. W INSLOW, Minister - - 26 AIILES E^AST OF .MANCHESTER—OFF ROUTE 44 William Clark. it is h«>ped that as many as pos­ also worship at the- same rhiireh reaaonably they may be ourchased. OSTRINSKY Anthem, "Breathe on Me, Breath Organist and Choirmaster sible will enter a dre.*s. Rules for Sunday morning, On June 27 both Rochester, Minn. Dr, Melvin S. Front End /^Hgnmont Dealer* In Waste Stateriols Hymn—“O Spirit of the Living of God," J. R. Gillette. Clas.ses for all agM will continue Church Calendar Purchases may b*. made 'four, Ia>Is now owned by residents of eleven Connecticut the iress content may be secured organizations have been invited to Hender.son, 71, founder' and chief COMMUNITY PRESS God ” Responsive Reading. ‘'God. The First Sunday After Trinity, throughout the ei^m er. Children's D.ay xvill be ob.serx’ed xx-aj!*: budget, charge, lay-away (j^ 731 PARKER ST. 'x from' Mrs. Anderson, chairman of attend services at the W’illington of th* Mayo Clinic's orthopedic Gonorol Ropoir Work Tel. M1-8-57SS or MI-^^SSTS Postlude —"Festaf March” . Faithful Creatoi'. ” June 20. ' Worship Service. 10:45 a. m. towns at this secluded summer living spot. at United Methodist Church to­ section until his retirement in 1950, Cor. No. Main and No. School Me*'«age. "Forti/ying the Faith of the Home ^ onom ic's Committee. Federated Churoh in South Wil- Streets—Telephone 51I-S-5727 ...... ’• •V...... Klvey Scripture Reading, Song of Songs Divine Worship and Church morrow at the 11 a. m. worship and a past president of the A n i^ S’ Our Fathers" I.aurel Is In Full Bloom Now service. Church School pupils xvill The Grange, will sponsor a lington. 10:00 a m.,'!l5ervice 2:11-13. - ■ School, 9:00 and 10:30. Nursery at Nexv Arrival Iran Orthopedic Assn. Died ThuM Prelude—“March” ...... •. Lpret Yoilth Seix’i^e, 6:.10 p. m. M(ir present their closing program of dairy, supper on Tuesday e'vening. day. . ^ HOLUTWOOD H.vmn, ,!This Is Mv Father’s 10.30. DRIVE TH T THIS WEEKEND! This supper Is also a State-xvfdp Proceasional hymn- ."AW Hail "the W orld" Prelude. ’'Andanle'’ . . . Guilmant tha McKinne/, president. the term at this time. ' V '• A daughter was bonj st the THK TIUK Bvangelr^c Service.'7:30 p. m. SELECT YOUR LOT NOW Since the Rev. J. Richard Yeager project end aponsrired by local Mancljester Memorial Hospital to (tw ictS ^ ’^CXaUofv SEA FOOD Power of Jewu.s' .N am e'" . , Sermon: Kirs^t in Summer Series Mn.st Holy" ...... Franck EXPKKT Anthem—'"Fierce Was the Wild Me.xsage. .’JWarks of Maturity",! j la rurrenly on varation. it has Granges In an endeavor to use Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Thorp of Bol­ RAY of SermiMiS, Odt-of-Doors Scenes Luther, Singers COME NEW COTTAGE FOR RENT OR SAI.^ ^ more milk.. There will be many ton. Mrs. Thorp , was the former A n t e STAIR Billow" ...... Noble in. the Bible. , "Gardens in Singspiration, 8:45 p. m. - j been suggested that parishioners 16 BRAINARD PL.VCE — ALWAYS FRESH — the Anthem (.second Servicel "Behold . T ■■■ • / ’ dishe.'* made from nriilk products. Mi,*s Betty Viany of this town and Giacrament of Infant Baptism Bible" Rece.s.sional Hx’mn. For Now, Prai.se the Lord" Tilcomb contact the Rex’, Arthur A. V^'al- and HEAR THE GLO^lOU.S GOSPEL OF THE lace or the Rex’. John E. post. Reservations or ticket* iriay be ob­ is the'daughter of Mr. and Mrs; J. GARAGE MEN! TRUCK. CAR, TRACTOR • LOBSTERS X ,«a^AM Y'S Offertory anthem "I am Alpha the Beauty of the Earth.".- Emanuel Choir _ ' TIRE-SPKCl.ALiST and Omega" ...... Stainer Rev. Charles Holman. cAu ART KNOFLA tained from Mrs. Harry Kitching, Martin 'Visny al.so of this town. SEE US FOR • OYSTERS ESSO SfeRVICENTER Posthfde., Mrs. Ex-erett Keith Anthem ifirsl Service) "O Lord Th.'rrsday, 6:45 p. r.v. Caravan. Thia is the enupie'a second child. RO.\» SERVICE Hymn— ’^Praise, My .Soul,' ’ the Offertory, "Allegro" Saiiil-Saens / MANCHE.STER .MI-.‘I-.5440 or MI-9-5938 / LI RRICATIO.V • SCALLOPS o Gas - o p il x^^o. Lubrication King -of Heaven” . Dalily Vacation -Bible ricbool LORD JESUS CHRIST Storj' llmir Slated * Ma c h i n e s h o p s e r v ic e Sermon. ’'Christian -Discipleship" u/il be'conducted Jure 28, July 9. Quick-TQ-Make-And-TrJm Plans are being made for an­ * EQUIPMENT , Bermdh—’’God’S' Standards” . t ’enler ( ’ongregatiimal. (,’hiireh Postlude, "Chqrale’ ...... Bach Wonderfully Slimming • CLAMS * T i r « • Batteries - ...... Dr. Fred R. Edgar The Rex'; f'liffiird O. 'Slmpaon, other story hour session st the a PARTS (nexv'and rebuilt)..... Ft^^Autoniolive Svervice The VVeek THIS Sl!5DAY EVENIINC AT 7 Porter Library Wedne.sday* and * ACCESSORIES FOR ' See (ietiyge Sieverts , • FILLETS • Accessories ' FecessionM hymn " O Spirit of .Minl.aler Monday, 0:15, ,Soflball game. ,St. .Inhn's I’nilsh NaTionnI a SUPPLIES the Living (jod” ' ' The Key. Watson Womlrtiff, any children inl.eiested can co*itact STOKACE. /• Tune I’p • Brakes Tel. MI-9.8107 Robertson park. 7-;3n, meeting of Catholic’ Church Mrs. W’alter S; Haven, librarian, * DUPONT PAINT. SUPPLIES GAME ROOM. Conway Wilson, Inc. Postlude— "Festal March" EIvcy Mlnisler Emeritiis Vacation Church School teachers, We Glx'c fireen Stam|Mi Middle Turnpike East 23 Goixvay SI. before June 30 so that plans cari GUEST ROOM 117! j Spruce SL, 'Tel. Ml-6-4513 •. Mhnefaester Lodge AK and AM .Xmlrexv R. Watjiort, administration room, GOSPEL HALL. . '(Comer Eatt -Center) Will be special thesis at the ten .Minister of Itusir. The Rev. Stephen S. Stryjewskl | be made for accommodations in MANCHESTER Tel. Mi*9-211A Tue.sday, 7:3(b Executive com ­ .Jlliss Clara Skraharz, Organist 1 the 'library room. Exclusive Distributors ■ o ’clock aervice. 7:00 p. hi. Epxvorth mittee of O urch School teachers, 415 Certter Manchester, Conn. IjetLgxit will elect ..officers, after Jiitiilee Simday, June 20 AMESITE DRIVES Ijxat year thja was done for the AUTO PARTS chijrcli office. Sunday. June 20: , - | first time and proved Very success­ Anderson Brothers • wliich William Sandberg- xv i 11 8:00 and 11:00 Church Services Wednesday. 6:15, Softball, Rob­ ^270 Broad S t—TeL liU-9-4528 TREE PRUNING ■peaJe. and ./how-pictures of the Prelude 'Andante Cantabile" 8:30 a m., Mas.s.'’ ■ lit whom we have.redemption through his l?Iqod, even ful. It is hoped that as many. If W0ODWDRKINO CO;. Inc. CUSTOM MANCHESTER ertson Park. 10:,30 a.m.. High Mass. During' the foi egi,vene.xs;of sins; Who is the image of the invisible No Money Dbwn* • 36 Months to PoyT not more. xx-Jll be in -attendance Mediterranean. On Moniiay,' 8:00 ...... y...... ; Tschaikow.sliy ■again this year. If ^enough are in­ Comer Pleasant Valley Road p. m. Installation Ceiempny of 'Anthem "G o'N ob Far Ff oni Me" Friday, (5:.30. Missionary OrCIe the benediction and procession of God. the flist-born of every treatiire: For by Him were and Routo '6 . AWNfNGS «|4 REMOVAL picnic at home of Mr. and. Mrs. I'he .Corpus Christi at High Ma.s.S- all things created, that are in heaven and that are in earth. Paving • Driveways • Parking Areas' terested there may be _ji possible DRY CLEANERS new officerw of the WSCS in the ...... Zingarelll surprise this year for the children. SOUTH WINDSOR, OO.NN. Mhetuary. . ScHpuiie reading ..Matthew 5;13- Rudolph Heck; 6:15, Softball, Rob- the Adoration, Society wU| ven­ Visible and invisible,Whether they be thrones, or dominions Join tho hundrods of TEL. HTFD. 6-6398 erl.son Park. erate the'sarramenCxVlth the light 93 WELLS STREET Have your treca -pruned and' 26, 33-43 r r principalities, or’, powers: sll things were created by -Manrheater Evening Herald housdWivos who boy oil removed by licensed and In­ Hymn "Vyhen Morning Gilds The .pf Christ and little girl? xvilh flow­ Him and for Him: TaJrottville ‘Congregational er.*. Manchester North 'Coventry eorresponde'nl, Tolopkono Mlri3.72M' sured tree aurgeoas. Skies" ...... : 7. V B'arnby Coxenanf Congregstional -fliureh Mrs. \Valter Haven,' telephone thoir moot, horo ooch Church Anthem . "I Soii:,ht The l>>rd’’ He is before all things and by Him *11 things consist. Bev. James A. Bull. Minister • 4.1 Spruce -Street And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the El S-8639. wook and watch tho sov* FOUNDATION • . Stevenson The Second CqngregatinnsI Mrs- Anthony Ffbanetti, '.Solm.st. Ida Woodhouse . Kev. K ., EJpar Rask, Mlnisler beginning, the firstborn from the dead.; that in all things Mitchell 9<5224 CARTER TREE Director of .Music 4’hiirch , He might have-the-pi'e-emlnence. Fop it pleased the ings you dorivO by so AND Expert Dry Offeiatoi'.y "Aria’; ...... Handel -.185 North 'Main Street Sermon.^ siibject -’'Anger" ...... Sunday. June 20. . ' Father that in Him should ail fulness dwell—Colossians ■ 9:30 n. ro.. Sunday School f6r all Sui.day scjvopl at 9:45 a. m. Kev. . Arnold'W.xTozer. .Minister ' 1:14-19. doing. BUILDING EXPERT CO. . . Rev. Watson M'oodruff, D. D, Cleaning Service PHONE Ml-.1-:695 •gei, including adults. ’Hymn ;T h i s Is .My k'ethe.r’s Morning'lWor.sKip at ll:0 0 a . ,m. Bari'lay F- Wood, Organist THOMAS COLLA CONST. CO. HOLLISTER 11:00 a. m.. Nursery for children World/;; Traditional English The aerm on,"Stand Up Like a Mni. Barbara K. Becker,^"*” YOU ARE WELCOME L. T. WOOD Of worshiping parents, -MclOKly Msn"; .will be dedicated to men In Choir Director 251 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER CONTRACTOR 11:00 a. m.. Service of Worship. honor of Father's Day. LOCKER PLAN’T VENETIAN BUNDS Postlude "Symphonique Finale" St Bissell SL Phone MItM 424 HAVE YOU SILVER Prelude-- "Chauson" ...... Groton .,.. — ...... Oirilmant Evening .Service St 7:30 p. m. /T he .parishioners-xx'ill travel,to CO.MBI.N’ATION STtIRM Hymn—"O “Worship the King’!... . "The Abundant Life". MERRILL'S THAT NEEDS H':(K) Reception for Jubilee Springfield, Mas*., xx'here they win TELEPHONE E.J. POLONSKI VnXDOWS and DOORS ...... ,...... : Grant members and friends in the Federa­ The eek - hold their morning vx-orship serv­ REHNISHING7 Old Testa.ment Reading I Kings, tion room. T\ies LJ*) 2172 99 SL John 8t„ TeL MI-S-7691 Howard's SpocioUst in Jowolry ised’ ...... J . Bode . ; .Masonic Temple p. m. oho spreader trip PosUuda-L"Andante Rehgioso" 8958 10-40 'WECO 6. FEER,uniqus dry com* ' ...... • ••...... Deshayes • \VALi>FLAME — p r e s s u r e BURNERS Keep your little ones, cool and ' Sunday -Siervice June 20, ll.OO oomtortable with tiiese adorable HOWARD'S IS , pound — lubliy ditposei of ;■ 2;00 p, m., Committee meetings a. m. - St. .M.sry’s Episro|>al Church • C0.1IPLETE HEATING UNITS Church sind’ Locust Streets mnsuits t.hat open out flat for easy This youthful sheath dress is ar- ' SS9 -Main Street—Tel. .M1-9-4SS.1 bfoad-lsovcd wsedi os it fssdi , Wdjlh Dr. John R.'Scotford, presl* Sunday School, 11:00 a. m. • INST.ALLED BV FACTORY TRAINED MEN "■ Sent of the North American A'ssn. The Rev. Alfred K Wllllsms, xysahing and ironin',. Atjd ruffles to : roxv^lim and so pretty for summer I the gra x'lo grooisr health and. Wednesday meeting 8:00 p. m. ' • FORCED WAR.M AIR — 8TEAB1 — HOT WATER ' tiers and ric-^ri-c to bl.x- trim eji.eh - " o f Chubch Architecture. __ ^ .... - Reading roohi hours: Reclor i'wear. And see how flattering the* beauty, Trsal 3.00 Pj m„ Ecclesiastical Coun- The Rex'. Donald N. Hungerford, With pretty blue-bird »tamp-on*. I'low neckline is.’ , ■ j 2500 I* ft , I 2.9J Friday and Tuesdays, Pattern No. 2172 contains tissue at the Union Churgh In Rock- 12:00—4 ;(j0 p.m. Tiirate-elect I Pattern No. 8958 is in sizes 10, DUBALDO 11,000 1* ft- U.TS rtlje. . " Sydney W. Mae.Alphine, .pattern-:-sizes 1. 2, 3 included; ma­ 112. 14, 16. 18, 20, 40. Size 12, 3>i ! A Sonrico Wedne.sday 7;00-^7:55•'p.m. terial requirement*!, sewing dlrec: f , The Weelf’- ■' Tuesday 7:0^9:00 p.m. -Organist'hnd Clioir Dlreytos i yards of'39-inch. •; O f-. MUSIC CENTER 4-Xp quick singl* action 1 * ...... Wednesday--. - FOGARTY BROTHERS^ tlons: color transfer !for l5 blue­ For' Ihi*' patlerri. Isend 30c in ! ,The_jgublic is cordially invited-to NBW DBS^N MODKSS conirol o f brood-fealsri.- bird and flower motifs. . I coins, your name, adqf***' •*** ^e- Bincority 186 MIDDLE TPK. WEST 10:00 a. th.. General Council of use iour reading jroom and attend The I'at Sunday'after Trinity— . TEL. M l-9 ^ 0 5 500'~'is f t .| .49 the Congrregational. - Christian 1>ur services.'' 8, a. m.. Holy vommunlpn. Th|a : ' Authorized Dealer Sends 25c in Coins.-your name, 1sired, anti the pattern number to 1 ■ ■ 2l00 is'ft. • .1.75 Ohtirghea opens. {)> New Haveh.- ^Boa; 6 f 12 m ly • Boat o f j^ only $1.49 addrars arid the Pattern .Number I SUE m BNETT; THE V. MAN­ .Where Personal ' ’Is The Universe, Including Man. service include.* a Corporate Cgm- / / / . 25fi CENtl^R STREET ^ to .ANNE CABOT, ..1.ANMC TO ' ’ ' S i i a i SPAEAPMS .Thii hqndy nja.chjn# rriaksi play MAxNCHESTER TEL. Ml-9-4539 AMERICAS, NEW" TOBK W, N. i-YORK *6. X. V. ... ■;i_\ ELECTRIC IASS SOLD^EXClUSiVELY IN MANCH^TER AT f^ O O p. m.. Adult Bible Study mon for ^urtday, June 20,1954. The 29 WwtdbMg* Shw • .V tory. 'rae- Re.v. Donald t Huiiger- The colortul 1954 Ne'edlework Send, 25 cierits now for your copy ’ hrf wsb^ing - feeding J tooding. : 6 / .9 i -anet 2 :8 4 * ‘ Group meets,, in the home o f Mr. Golden-Text^ia-Jrbni Psilms: ."(3oS foM, 'Ciirate-elecJ, xxllj aaain the . " , . 24 UOUR SERVICE .400 Moex S »^ - and ^MPLIFTe R /•ad Mn. Kraii Kilpairtch.' Albutt contains. 56 prigei of lox-fly of Basic FaShHjin.. Spring ’54(. oiir k ’ ' hath spoken oik$e; twice have I Rector for the firal time. Tliursday-:- I heard this; that'poW!sr belongeth desigqs, ; "ixpw-to-" sections on complete patt^rri\ • maguine. A ■ >250 .I v" JOHNSON PAIHT CO; 11a.' Bi), Morning Prayer and ARtHUR DRUG needlework, helpful room 'llluftra- complete guide in 'planning a xirell S WOLCOtr & SON VM p. m., Senior chOir i-I unto God" (62:11 j'. . ■ t sermon. by ^he rector. Senior choir. COAL-COKE-FUEL OIL €99 kA lN ST.* MANCHESTER PHONE M1-9-4S01 ’ feMiMl la Um Church. \ . 942 MAIN,BTBEET ^ 8T. JAMES BL( tiojiia 'ond directloji .1 eifbt jftft roujidrid "wardroha fori ■prlng- ' 1 Sel^Uena from the Bible includt MusIc^ ' duUIm M UiiiAVvlce: O R C H E B T R A f o r h i r e 180 MAIN STREET PHONE Ml^-8597 f ' T z -■ ,p a tt«n i. 36 ciSXM. | tlirau^-aumavtr. ' .A.-:, T *•:..... V t . / ' i t tl X \ <1.

■\ v X A" • \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALli. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY. JUNR*19, 1954 PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD/MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURO JNE 19, 1954 \ T BY FONTAINE FOX f u n n y B t T S I N E S S BY HERSHBERGER DAIL’Y CROSSWOI^D PUZZLE TUONERVILLE FOLKS \ 7 ■/. Aniwer to Previout Pu3ild f f i M s - V s - F u t t v . A Gftup6E M a t c h Kortan Journey QQEl I OEaEia I CiaQLJ Sense and Nonsense Twilight 6as ue □ a a I a e s a a ■ a a i S L i aam ■□□□[!] tBauau . I ever heard: I'll bet ^ ten dollar* 3 B aU n c cjGaaaaaD M caucian Kamlly Tree M o , x ; ,X - AC«088 — Eiaaw Eicaiin ■■■ th at mv nam e Is harda|-. cham ber There was a tiinfi I liked to state t Korea also is LJDUQM aauaM acia Clevelander—Ail righl.^My name 4 Courtesy title The facts about Ita roota. Falcelta Hu Nassiffs Rack known at — uacaaaraaiauaciuLj Bui now that I'm s dad 1, prate is Stone. Alfred R. Stone, ^offe la ighli 3 Respecta □□uiarjaM auacjaci Littler Two-StrfikiS Four Teams to Operate 7 lU native About ita newest shoots., hard enough, i.sn't It, id take, that 6 B ird s’ homes Q iiciM iaaaanEaLsaiiii nam e la — - “ Rlchaiii Wheelrr ten dollars? Up Third Will 7 Affectionata «i-i I □ aaom au ia ■— 13 C orrect csaaacim caauiaEicju New Yorker*-Pretty hard n'arhe, 8 Princes but my name Is harder. ea^e Action 14 It once -wet aQ caiziEJisaciQ i ■ □ □ □ Voter And what will you do if Leader over Ii6gah In Rec-I Clevelander-^Bul what is your allied with the ” ^***^’^ □ □ a a ■ a s s n I esan you are elected? Americait - I..eginn Tackp Down Brown >& Braiipre C h in ese— 10 Strikes ______□ a c ju ______IE1C1CJC31______n a u name? Give niei>a chance to Judge! Candidate Good heavens wfial ,/ New Yorker—Harder — Harder Harirlix SnH|H«^ix-Gam^ 2-0 L9RR on Moriarty As Twrrcly Scatters Hprm'fi Oppow* BA Nine ^^flanM** ” (J6mb,"form) 2’ P«?5a|e in the 42 Irish fuel w.'LlI .1 do It I'm n o t? -Thoma.V B. Harder. I bet rhy Pprlngfleld. X. J„ .June 19 tfP' . ahd . Mi idlecofT and two 12 Fidding !>''*■'’ , 43 P ersian prince name was harder—here's my card \ Streak o f York, Nine;^Wpekend Ganiea Not since Bob'oy Jonea’ "Grand .voung pros Dick Four Hits, 12 to 0 Diiln’t Win 16 Squatter • It Is better to understand a lit­ In Opener; North Ends emperor 28 Require 45 Genus ol ^ V— and it is. ' sJenflam •• \.eai of Iton19.10 h..s«ne has n n e prisver lsy er '""'1'""<1 •''<'nK«rt ^ w ere only 17 W as victorious tle than to misunderstand a lot. ‘ fo^’. stroUe.s behind at 143. 19Shoshonean 29 Termini willows F o r Hull Win; Qrfrcia - hSTANDINCJS \ W I, P et. And CYO Play Friday; 18 Musical study • Anatole France ' been able to win loth the Open p Tommy Dolt. Bob Indian 33 Wool clipper 46 Duration of W L P e t.; Nassiff Arms ,... 3 n 1.000 20 G reat L akes If a man removea hts hat in an Blaukh jKeiil S ^ . 2-0 Team ' and Amateur golf chamrlonsiiiM To.'ki and Dick <_ hapir.an. who 21 Quit show 35 Straightens office •Fairfield Market .1 1 .8.13 First National ... \ 2 0 1.000 / All Gamefi.at Mt. Nebo ■'ca n a l ^veh when .you are looking for elevator, he has at least one of Iw-o Of the Ignited states within the _,hot tbe lowest 16-hole score of I.vv'i , , groups 36 Verb- forms 47 Formerly American Legion 4 3 .6 6 6 -I Brown A Beaupre y 2 .133 ;21 Irritates' things—good manners or hair. B y BKNb Ir n rm:F,4i.AI(PHl/RfiAK span of 1CS.S than a year. 22 Seen at a rink 37 Finish 49 Chemici trdtihle. there's no place like home. Moriarty Brothers 4 .1 .666 th- toiirnart’ent, had .. 114'.<. Sam E lk s - ...... •'0 1 .000 Com petition wl resum eti In ;23 Invisible A seoclatiit^'Preiw/kporta Writer 'Gene Littler could be th/ ne: "'"Xr Moriarty Brothers last night up six or seven strol'.es on Littler; . y . ' circuit will saving into Tlction. I birds 1 z r 5 " r & i6 II IT He —Y es, hut I havol ,*i|lvls:. . . Throus li er heis Just another promising 'T’n e y 'X beebeen busy taking bowK Wgiglis ‘20,5 ■ P ark , allow ing-only it. 16 holes if Gene should falter! I Arms 1 Rec. Supt. Jim Herdic reports 31 Solar disk We hear.relr.tii’ely few old wives' Height 6 feet 4...... — , young 'golfer.-y I& IH tale.s sny more, which Is not »ur- fqf, laKt night'a gamcH. when in 1 organWd pro ' Falretta s nne-hlt victory ; The Opcn-.\inateur "double "• Is : "otl ‘o " 0 ;.that foiir entrie.s have been ac- >32 Facility ' About all IhAl sUccesi.in life prlslng. No old wivds. in was nimon, l..«a, 1^.1949 . "'"Ved 4he Legion into a second X .. about the toiighe.st golf comhins-' Alumni League contest at Charter. I r.tpted for the loop'.’, They are j 33 Charger really m eans ia vilrat instead of ' P'"'''*! X " ^‘" l team wa'a’ n m to n li C !. Ml ruita there was st least one hurler , Slgnerl into the Washln^n '''‘h Moriarty Brothers -'ones idid iL'oskT ark, 12-0. For Nassiff's, it , l-ermls. British " Americans. St. '34 Church '1 cussing the streetcar eompany title S t GMshoma CU\ last --rp- within three months in 19.io after ,.... a , a There Bre three things a woman wlio had covered himself with svate'm In 19.10 . . . IMtebed fitr , " lowed no bases on balls and Jam es’ CYO and the Norjh Ends. >. m4H HU i dignitary you're worr.ving about plane res- tember while he still was in the ' v. inning the 192.1 Amateur and the ! "R""”" no de- li 16 4 ran make out of nothing--a hat, a ^4 •»« f*9 # »•• » to a CleVeTand gentleman, and not, A clergyman say.- letting hubby passed at/Sll games and money re­ door~eo I'm boring in from the baokt" 44 Asiatic nation i i 2m 2fe j r 2 e . 2 T on only,two hits and. two walks Open champion.ship 1 t the halfway j to take the Amateur title and Law'- ' Friday night. hearing his name distinrliy, re­ be the boss is the he.st w sy ’ to p re­ ha.nder anapped the Now York ceived will go toward operating .45 Follower while strikLng out nine. point w.lth 70-69' .-1.19. .son L ittle , who wop the 19.11 and Twerd.v pitched Ills second shut­ m arked : ’' serve s smooth home life. Now \vX Giants' sLx-game winning streak e.vpensea. OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith MAJOR HOOPLE ,1,48 Citrus fruits 16 m 4| v. ith Tiis third-straight Shutout, JV-0. Tom Ansa'tdi was the onlv Gas i -"-jJ l’*l *, a feat in JL9.1.1 A m a t e u r '‘cham pionships, | out, and la, three games he has OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS iw New Yorker I beg your par- know why there are so m v^/ • . .N > <. ^ .Iv*'a IK a D lt i<4 r\t Opening .game .Vvednesday,night ' SO Volcanic GFne- he's the kind of a kid didn't win the Open until 1910, . given up ohfy one run oh eight .J i don.x sir, but I didn't catch your squabbles. Houser to'get a hjl off Falcelta. 12 44 • pie in slln ctlv clv call by his flr.st when he was a seasoned pro, hits. Hcrllias Isiw d 1.4 base on halls \ llDflnd Herin’e, led by George. opening 1 i naniei^ IN WINNING HIS NINTH ron- The l.,rgiiin edRed one run home , D0660/1E./MISTAH MAJOR/EPDEM w name Is playing in hla tenth Littler. however, has been hailed Fratue. meeDWg Bobby DtBattls- 32 One holding n. doesn't ojl!pi>ose aerutivo game Haddix ran his In the initial Inning »n two errors, and has sIrurkXut .12 men. laint TWO MOSSES OOI^T U30K2ACKLV W P44 Clewaitder But my name is , The. average ma toiirnanieni as a'proYe.salonal. He's by the top pros as the greatest tb’s BA’s. FWilay night ’the .CYO.x OM, MO, MQT iO W E CAMCH goods in trust I g re- String of scoreless Innings to 32f, a delder'a rhoice and two hot liners night he was In^-froiihle only In SRE«r CAt6AR, JASOI^ a very hard olie to ratch. perhaps reform. What Irks hlrri Is being ■’comer” to turn up in years. He will pley the. North rads. All AOAiM.’ AFTER HOUSES \VECE ,EVEM LAV/ STORE T€STH.'; S3 Lamprey- longest in the majors this aeaijon. by E'alretia and 1‘hll McGehan. up against the long, cruel Bs'l- the first Inning w hX the Bees' had 'K.EPT CLOSED VMiTW SAHARA WAaFLOWER I ' mUv ' the hardest-name you ever heard. ' formed by somebody no b e tte r shov,-eN0 / H E 'S New YorWr - Harde.st name l'.thanjte is. pIsYer in the 19.11, Open to break 1 o’clock, with a -13 rnlnute tinm al­ FlMiSH— ATLAMTlO 34 Emphasis s.trikeout total by 7 to S(> and his hitless by Mlatretta. They scored defled the effoits of the world's allowecP two hits over the last five O F FRE£-&ttCe_ THAT klM P/ ITS ■AUTERltiiS/ — W AtT.' Ml m2 114 M$ % 17 / Baltu.sroTs totigh ,11-.16 '7 0 p a r ' lowance before a forfeit shall, be WALTZ AM' SA H A R A 85 Had visions in overall record to lI-3.~Nol)ody else the second ru n. In the third w hen [.best golfers to shatter par for two Innings. O U R P E A U T iFUL COA’ IMCj IM. AT HIS >4056 IS \*i PROMT- m 't i for t\vo roiinds. He did it with ah ' declared. t h ’ p o t t o la WALLfLOWER -THOSe I sleep CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Gary Kosak Was walked and - day.s. In a wild fourth inning the- NE.W KAMCHO M O/HE'S A Mi m4 id 5i ^ has won a s m any as If). S tan even "lYThe flrsh day and a super-! Following the first W e « k \ MOW', TOOy TWO POMIES IS CLOSER promptly stole second s«'orlng on j .\nd today he'll learn what pres- sporting gorids outfit sent sixteen TYPE HOUE'E.' DOWN s M'.i.sial hit his 22nd lioih$ run, top's lativel^; ateaciv 69'veateidav. I action, games will b* played every'y V)Hl6» H 51 ■n in .hotI) league.s. a wild throw to second hy 3loriar- sure is like The pressure of play- men to the plate. They scored ten SEHIM O/- 1 A nim tl ■ I Thi'a Is what a Jockey gets for Monday -and Wednesday night. A At ^Forbes Field Vein Law . one ty’a calehrr. .jiig for J6.000 prise money and a runs without the benefit of a base A V 4PP- stom ach ' CATTON HAD A 69 Thursday' finishing out of the money In mud. Schedule will be drawn up and re- ' r r i C W 45 \ of the National League .s briglitest The outstanding defensive play ■ title'tjiat is woi ’ih infinitely more. hit. Nasslffs received more bases / . /,PUTT-TT/ 2 Marsh (comb, to,,/ead the flr.st round. Paul Me- > i It’s Mike Weisman after getting for publication next week / I S c. c of the game was made by Legion j Going into .today’s final 36 holes, on bijlls along with two errors and y form ) • rookies, allowed Milwaukee only (Jcilre, an obscure young pro from . THE I^.VOCE wljl bf restricted. first bH.sCman D sve W hite who ; with Just 50 p'syers left out of had 11 men reaching base. The I nowhere in particular with Mam- V • three singles and won the game iVichila. K.in,. matched if early to Manchester residents or to men ' ■ / ____ 2-1 for Pittsburgh with a ba.ses- leaped high in the air to grab a i neatly 2.000 who originally innings last .10 minute.s, which |Lincoln Fields, hard by Chl- BUGS BUNNY sizzling liner off the bat of Dave' teied and l6i who starteci p^y ^'"**^*'''^’*'! w---- sAJ one.. reason fer , th/'vnme ' Vi»Vnc . i'■"K"- I rsen (NEA). • ' who are employed In Manchester. loadcd single in .the la.sl of Uie 'T-h..—u ... I u f i... v,.a . iX A niuateur. fired the lowYst i reason H;r the game being 1 / Sibrinsz to rob him of a base hit. I.erdic said. ‘ ® o ninthr, W arren Spahn, L aw 's mound ^iroU^ ^ defetidin J tournament.,,^ a 67. 'he .sixth on account of foe,, was no sloiich either, giving The next National la-agiie-game stroke margin over X X > They ,couldn’t sVav im-Xarkne.ss. Manchester has been without only ftve singles. Is tonight when FalrAeld Market c amn on en ogan a^ s e- p^,.rounds; " | Both coaches,'Tiny Pockelt of 'Twi League hall 'ailice midway in ' armed Ed Forgol, tied Cronin Takes th* 1932 .seaaon when operations UAA^ Porky Valentine, another rookie, eolUdes with Manchester Auto -mtls when ‘ Chapman’s round Ivas something . Nassiff’s ami Russ Cowles of That margin meana ceased for a number 0/ reasons. oiitdueled Curt Simmons as Cin- Parts at Charter Oak Park. Ntiirt- plaj-er like * freak. He had a hole,^in one i Brown ■& Beaiipre, siihstitiited einnati shaded Philadelphia 2-1, Ing time Is 6 o’clock. In the .Amer- >oure up ar"'n-''t a plater Ii,ic’t CYonin of Wethersfield [ Tbledo. Ohio. June 19 fJT Joe once, drove in. the only run tor the same league the Red Sox meet the ev<‘iv shot dts it h1* livellhood.de- peeled to fight it out for the title paced the field vestrrdav at i Yankees tn a battle for flrst place. pejid^d on it. Tiiesdav’a ..game iH-tnei-ii the ; . . ^ »e46ht, meets Toledo’s.Pat Lowrv lo.sers. Wally Post collected fotir with Hogsn. whom he beat in the Elk* and Manchester Trust has S la rG n g tim e Is ’j o’clock. Masters playoff. Sam. bothered .all \.,inche.sterCountryCli:binaC^- a, the Sports Arena tonight in a hits and drove in both runs for 1 been moved up to Monday, due to (21 .V IK)ZKX OTHKK playerd were the way by a stiff neck, added er­ tral Cbnnectlc it' Golf Aasn., On* 10-round bout that t's to be tele- the Redlogs as Valentine carefuHy DF.A.N .STtVXE Ah r. h A f i bi grailniithin dan<■ithin striking distance. Two for­ ratic' putting to his troubles yes- Dav Tournamerv(, He shot a one|J')**9 nationally. A former Marine, spa ed seven safeties. 3 start pruhiptly at 6 o’cl-Hk with Charlotte, N. C. of Trl-State MrtXhaii. Ih 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 mer champions Lloyd '•Mangnim terd av. over par 37-34 71 to take low|I)^Ty ha* been a pro for tw-o Ila-slv'-ll. JL . .. . , 2' 0 (1 3 ft H u Ron I.al’ninle on the hill for the League In I9.1’2 n lie re he was -y^ honbis bv a stroke in the 18-hole Oa* won 34 of 40 fights W5 HAvle TO THE JOY l.v FI-\TBI’MH came Fair -tla. p . .,. 3 0 1 n 1 M h Elks and George .Magiiuson plfvli- jrCfWlLLtAM£, fro-n Don N ew com be's flr.st com - | crcililed-'-edited w ith lwi>Iwii n<>-hitt,ers and a K<'.«ak r ...... 2 1 G ,Y I'l tl . 1- event ' I with 2- knockouts. Miceli,. a con- SWEAT THAT OUT* fi II M tl Ing for' the Trust. #»—»».««» y M I In n F.e 3 2 jvertfid lefthander who fights out I tele game .since May 7. The big 1'"o hllt.-r, won 17 game/ , U'liilr. lb / .... . 2 0 II 4 u Ti •n Arm« d? t»m,tiering a tro„hle«,,w J . - > y^vk, has had 6l*liul» m rijrhtharidpr turned back (’TaVago J with ( liatiaiiofii^ii hr^Aadharl a \. if . ,.. . 1 u 0 0 It U II Ah r h ,, A r vh i ter tro-iln. Uho a also a'l^et-j, n artinn If 2 0 0 /> n fl n Rocky’s Left Eye Only B a u h n ib :*’ . 2h ...... 2 1 1 r», 'I M 2 6-1 as the Dodgers chipped ihe.n«'able strikeout record aniKuasil\ «i '^ . ... A* ALLEY OOP Something Burning? BY V .T. HAMLIN i^^uinlu.' 2h ...... tl n II II I U 1 hall referee trails young , knockouVlost IS and drew fiv'i /Giants' league lead to a single *'nlled to Nats at tall end of twason Tolalj...... 21 3 M 18 3 3 1 Lr'vcl^ n ...... 2 2 • II II *1 U 1 Jhornton of .Manchester . by IbrgT , ^ gabTO. N ew com be stru ck out rig lit. I * trial. - . Morian E r iilh f r t <4M • KUiri u rr. rn ...;. • t •' It II 0 1 M (1 strokes at the end of the first alnFi ______1.__ NOW U X )W T THAT?/ - 1* •I'rt Sibr msz ri ... . i> THK Aa^lATliltt pilKSS fd-ed Detroit 2-1 snd Washington ’ New York, June 19 X ; Orlando ls<’Cb>n ___\ ...... lot (H»' 2 At N. Y. Polo Grounds U n til II A K c N iiiir r i t i ch'-ster plaver, traveled the route > A.UKRK’... a V I.FAGVt:^ Outlasted Baltimore 7-,1 In 1.1 in- Ziilneta. the clever Cuban light­ RF. M>.«It U» X 60' XIl.-IK'lin n Ful- Ah r h 4) n «» 1 h i 11. 37-3 .. ^__ __ .3*4'. K id h .I 5? . ______. . ’ M It II M M f to tie lour other play-! RiwVn,*”f'trvel*n(l'*’ 35o\ Fox, . HRF. ShCU.i t’, ('..i.k, Wltlkc. 3 H o use, ning.*.. , ] weight with the talrnteil left hand. -New' York. June 19 i.-Ii. Rocky H/V;ul. n«, U ... . . 2 li ti (I 11 M c s for thiid spot. Those who. tied m i Drtrott, .MVKMiii'Ukv, flii- And here’s how the pilclicrs today w us biding his lime waiting I'llW 1p ». 1*. 4‘ f . . . 1 II ‘t (1 U II 'it cacf., Mar. III : ; i .11 1) n .11 i Indian Mill. Sian Hagih. Pequa- DetrriR■oR. 13 ZerniaL Ph|1a\elphts Mike Garcia, the big hear of the Carter to get on with their litle T r i i 'H 3h ...... 2 1) 4 1 0 buck, and Ben Lewon of Edge- nnri. Vernonn. WaB.hington, 12. Hantle.‘ "She has the best batting averaiie in the league— aix of Tndians, turned ha«-i' the Red Sox fight, after evening an old si ('ir- ment of /a Marriano-E z z. ■ Mull* mjM. I*. •) O n 7'- M 0 .Ytirk, 11. I '•.'ood. I Pllchinff—Morgah.gsh. New York, 4J>. on four singles for hiS ninth vie-j with Johnny Gonsalves. > Charles rematch Sept. 23 at ((’hflniih’r. 2h j ...... 3 0 ' U 0 1 It ; Pick rr.)M'in. W' thcrf«fl< lit the seven fellows she dates have proposed to her!" M 'hiinll.i. If ...... 2 II U t> n U II 37-M 71 UHkJ, MtiBBl,' C’—JevFiWml. :U». “ tory. his rliih's ninth straight tri- ! W'hile wHLting for the i haibplon^ Y o rk ’a Polo Grounds. 'HAMfnrr. If ...... 0 0 (1 M M j Bill 3‘hDrmbn, Mam iirBlcr XV.T7 -72 Reynolds.' New YorkT'H-l. fiii Keegan. ..*1 0 :4auil .S;>'mlolinl,. Iiultaii Hilt .tt-.H- 72 Mhir^fo. *W2. >U .Mrl>‘nald N>iv urnph and the, Indi.sns' ninth suc- and ex-champion to set a ne\y date Charles Insists -’Pll be ready in F’.m i i i MI' i f ...... 2. II II 1 ii • tt ft K ii* 4’n in r f ...... II . o' II (I ii M II r-;'l L'-ric7ik IrttllHii Hill .3!»-.X> '74 Yi»rk Snd Slone. \Vs:4i. *4^1. ce.s.s In nine m eetin gs w ilh B oston for their iorr|atch, Zulufta is going ] 10 day.s" after getting a medleql' •Mike Ksipti.-ka ManrhK’Bi^r TT-'ir.. rj . veT'l^YV-Ki ■ e,*#*;* 1* ' BOOTS HER BUDDIES Really Something BY EDGAR MARTIN J 1 I c -’ t'; Ih •...... ‘1 11 II J li M .M 37-37- 74 .N.%TIO!SAI. leKAGI K thI.T vear. hack to Cuba to get married, buy , green light from the New York Sinn Hhcih. tViinabiirk 4'>..14 74 fUnme 8mder^*Br»Kikfvn, J7;i Muel­ oo X R-n Idwuii Kiicewtutd 74 ler, New Vt»rk. 3fi,1 MuBtaf 8i. Loiii.e ...... BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE land and build a hou.se. j Stale Athletic Commi.ssion. The T .. r t l * ...... II 4 iS 4 2 M ------LLM bblL MW I N U - if f * ...... lit ) 1II MX 12 Yp nrN Bu/tney. Imltah iliU .3Vx'{7 7.fi snil FloFvinBnti. Brooklyn. ■Wi. Hamner. OVO V H\AR R\0>HX ? M O IH XJB C>0\K»6 XO WHV -WHV .XMAX WOOXO SEX O.NLY -SOLACE for the ROil Sox ^12-year-old C'ncinnatl Negro .still Ih<,k Mortion. InrOan Hi31 Tfi Phila<|e|phia. ..*k»4 }ND 4ICU7 TO Ts'kl OPF.ASim, 7ailueta won a iinaniinoiia de- > 2B, R«niM'lpp ; HR l . f l ifrti M- i.r f I XHIIS! JUST WlUT HIY! Wk/iTS TNItNON? pufff'd around the face and lips t’lftnini'-i Bra.dA M< I'HI 2 >wlc.4». SiniKHllHiBki. M.-inch«’jiU-i' 3?V.37 ~7a •Home Rtmn ~Mu«iat. 8t L^u*. 22; OACCSOVb VA\.VtX X\Kl\SM XW t YORXRANX XHX: ART VOORVO OK> NXS EA R*. was the fir.st pitihing nppenrniue clslnn over GoiiHHlves In 10 roiimTs | 1 Stall ^ im is n .. Wf'ihrrBfi'rld m n im 0 0 0 0 m i l f i i , iT% TH5 2.,\Viicht MAjltiniHi. I .o n . NA.dHlff** 7. .r»-37 7*5 Sauer, I'hjcaco. 2«i Hotlge.*. Brookl>n. To m o r r o w v ^,<=, *. a k ) 0 C30\K>6 XO HE SX A RXT.O OX H\^ .iACQOTiS VAW tX .XHE I ’vi eiiN tok! since April 24bf 5lel Parnell. The In the stlflness of Madison Squnre YKNTKRUAV’H RKHI LTB s a patch of tape over the I'haih’v .Km* Tk}«*»wiHMl .m-.IS 77 18 MavB New York. 1". Snidet. Brookr TM6T W H U L -lttS 6-‘ t.T3 8€6-0ART! r s oo;ns Anirririin B 1 n - : B n , (%iW •A 4 U ‘ r ic h t I’Yank Iv'WtiiF, iniiian Hill V\ORM\V>6 TWAM'R VOO /\6AIK>, RA\K»X A VWNXt .c iA R V S S E tH A S X tR .?A\K>X\Kx2, HNS XNRSX lefthand''!'. i eenvefing fl'oiii .a w.i ist .Garden (nsf night. The Inlematlon- N*>w ^ '*ik f. f hfl’flfiLt fi. M- v a m 2, T n o n l i SO. I'liW h p 1 W r ic h i .3A-;W - 77 lyh and Kluax>W^ki. i*inoinnaYt Ifi COMIKS IN POK 6 UiSSiSS TO UNO On THJ : .hrn JojiF.k.. Ft'tmrm^'sdrtw 3fi-3n-77 Pitrhinc Milliken Br«*oki>n and Wil- T AtKk - AX I MAOAMl RVi66'LES > ?ORXRA\X W>\XH ♦ A R S .R 0 6 tj)hiA 2, D'’lrnii 1. fVSH over M arcian o ’s eye. ■ • 4 ft'i S n iij.e in 1 itinipK W ilphi o ftii B4in. Milwaukee, .W AtoDelti. X\Ki ^ OX M R S . AS HVS -tAOOEY'. lief and’ retired the Imhan.s iii attendance figures hut there ' f‘*>i’ii.ciuM-\ViiF|.|t*r "Ni 77 New S’ork, Fb2. .818. Haddi.x St WH*«;ifni 7. T), d atin g hack to' a butt from . Jo h n n y > Min.- in 2 1-3 U f.ir n mij.e i , .T?\(:k KllituH. I'rtjuAlMirk ' ROCjGVtS? . order. ' ' couldn’t have been m ore than 1,5.90 N ationai I 2-3 HBP bv Twf»nh j'f 3r inN» 19.10 fig h t at P ro v i­ K. T Lore’iiUm. 'Msnch'‘iit»'r 3<^.31»—7R Ra.«chl. St L'IUIb. ii-2. 75*!. At Cpmiakey Park In (Tiu'ago a j people. 8k. Loiiiji 5. N. w Yt.rk PiH'k«’t? r Kcrr-A'/M-.inf.i: 1. <*tiwl»' (1-1»},‘^5^‘»rF.r, DlAmi Tiib»‘. 2 lu. ' I’/Il l .Mnlt'’n, f'cfnjHlHK’.H 3<^.3»—78 pili her sLiriod in n different role. , Miller scored it BnM-kl,in *i. (’hirngo '{. dence, reqi^'ed 10 stitches from PO''! Sf . .tohri^ NisnchfVBi^K 4i.rr.-78 Virn mnati 2. Phriaib l;>hjn 1. the needle orNDr, V in cen t'N ard iello j Rill KniiM’jrAn, XVAlllnrf'Mfl* % Bob Grim,.called in a.s a relief man Judge Tonv Rossi 6-3-1 and .I*it(*tiiir>:h...... I MtlMauk'*' 1. 43-36 78 ; Pel .Var/!ai '‘nK. !'♦ i|UHbUfiN<;s who'ftrst cl“aXed away th^ scar 4«V.V- 78 in the fifth, .won l/ie game with | Gordon .1-1-1, all for ' I'M Bl'i.K-’ tVqujihuck 4iV3A—78 his hilling. .singled home tw.)' v.-ho weighed M l'e to Gpn- Ard^rii'aii tis.siic, • \ Hlaffonl Slot’k -lark M'lrgnn P»M|'ii,Bhuck 44»-.38 78 National I^oaj^ue ‘‘ \V Pel fJBI " I. think he .w ^ t be aide ^i^go I^'ic'lf’h R>n, SfBlilrv 4 2-37s 7»» 1 ankeT'runs in the ; xfh ami hit . q„|ycs’ 1,11 1,1 pounds. The A.s.sociated ('levflnntl ., ,712 42 ^ into the g.vm for^ s^ m onth or six »*a« l.fWfii. In'linn HHi 43-3fi 73 Farm Svstciii his flr.st. niajor league hoipe run, Pie.ss card al.«o w as .1H-1 for the (*li:rap' .. ., ...... 3k P <*. MftrFhalL Jr.. '.ivilh one aboard iji the eighth. N e w V o lk ...... 3!i 4 _uJVeelts, .said Manager A' Weill.'! T K a c o s F o iiijr lii ■ \Vnmpanf)«c 7^ k Cuban'. . . .. ML "W e w on't ta),, \Va«hins;or» ■ ■ , BnivcH , ‘ ■ " it IS . complctel.v healed. f i Jim KnkiwurJck. MsnrhrBtrr 4rt-31V- 78 f-ain in the ninth, Phil ( a'.’arret t a knockdo'A'ns, no .solid punching biit Phnn<1'’‘rphia I S t 'l f o r d Kpeed’>»iy tra ck otf- H»ll Allaire, i'iupnaiif^'’ 3a-4l -- 73 (Had vyhltexfll, Coach; George Rtltlniore L’li'.., How about a Septemb^ match leached him for a pinch hit home i ^ di.splav of boxing skill and I ficiills annoiin.^e*! tiiday the com- o, Sf-'jw. K<‘n»’v Park .18-41 73 Turkington. .AwL Coach; Hermon ■ ...... ?n -'"3 with Charles? KockY Marciano Fv M Roll*. • Manrh'*e|4'r ,38-42 . *’> ]2L. run.: and Carl Kawat.ski h.nslied *i,^„£cn^ive work. 7,iili;eta remained NatinnAl ! pictinn of plalis for Saturday Montie.' Manager; Carl Matson. % ■" "He's the match if we govover K<1 FMnat'D ki, r»<)tia)Hick . 40- 4<^ l^'l pipeh hit double which hrouglU in ,|,p 2 tighuveight contender, " . i . , .... night's .stock car racing program Art \yal4ltimii. Kthc* w<*«h| 4_’-.18- 80 A.(|uaPE(|uabiU’k 3V42 - 80 T"arpnite. R. Mat.aon, J. Walrath, MICKEY FINN ,A Shock! tent:ons of gofng to London to ^ x ii*h:U Ornlf_ S*'UthinjftDM 42- 3f»- 71 BY^LANK LEONARD fourth hit, a.rd Ferri.^ Fain pro- , Nu ^ ratin g bv the ile fiilt. ruiiind h»hu final report* are avaiTable for the p,ogram '. til be the-first night 41- 40 Kl George T. rkingtqn. Jqhn Rice. 1 WANT TO PAINT] ( IT'S G O T _____ ^___ - , S{.-.Loiii.-* .. - Don Cockell until,Charles made hi; Rob 1 »4inan1. WalHiiglf'i d riucc'd one more tun hut George ,tiifaLcr-TV but ..it w-*j entTmalPtl | of th^ ii'ea;cn' i lul is spnn- |K»»il iNiiUle. Imiian Kill 44-37 -M Kenneth Smith. Michael CTiurllla. SOMETMIN&, T O B E I' '' .1. Winifred Dn- D/PPBRENT/. s o m e t h i n g -I-l'M COIN' "If thkiies is rea3>i;*(and he says about 100,000 thfnlrr scat? by thr members I . 4»rrill, Southington 41-41 82 ^ - .LOOKINO ' run on third Piitvfidr eh ,s. he.sneau Robert Spencer. J.. C L'llSHERE, /WLAD.'WE'RE ALL ) W-WAIT, ' he posijively svill bei' and if Mar­ w^ue i»old and about ,30.0(Ki at | Sp P O R TO ASK you Lt wn.s th e .se.vcnth tune in nine T tluays ii.x.MFs Pfiik-.u Si i a.tuu.’in, J ’t uiiabiick 4t-‘-4:: S3 Pigotl, W.. Whitesall, 7-21 vs g el $> from „each th ea ter seat anf\ [ racing club in the Dick Arttmr. BO T.TSPt CMATERIAL! WU'fiE WAZy \ SECGEANTf HE'LL JUST ABOpT IT-AUP JCANP BESIPES, HAVE'yOijfiBAP&E deal New York and the fifth tinie weelCsl we ll probably hiake ' the Kail chiltl-\S’h,* ej*'i’ 41- dJ. 83 OF OUR ! ('nii’MiPcra <7-2). .7.*V cental from the drive-in.s with S \V Dike. \V"U»er.KrirM, 42M1 *3 I’tiillics TO AWKE L m I BE A OEPUTY IN NAME yELirnTYOOVE RIGHT HERE-STICK th e y ’ve lost to live Yahkee.s by a Philadf'lnhla at Detroit -^'ptr’ann i3-4> match for New York'in the fall. " 4'arl HuUen F'etftjjiburk VB Al»pr tfwii. ' the fighter.a taking, their usual | . Karh* racing reports' from the 42- 44*- 83 Harold ’Fyler. Coach; Carl A DEPOT)' XONiy! ALL HE'LL DO IS USING THE TAVPAVERS' YOUR CHEST!, single run. T on ig h t Jim Norris, president of the In­ I'm SiH’htn.-kl. Pefiuahuck 41-42 -83 at ('Irvrland 'Kl4'ly M-4i . v# split, Mstriaiio' 40 per .cent, -'Stafford track .shows that four Jim 'Valenlliie- F'etjuaburk 4f SL-*.1 Rohrback, Asst./ Coach. \Valter • • • Iar*mi»n - U Sinon, Manager/; IVinalow Man- AT BRIGGS ST.XDM M in .De­ ,Wa.«hlnKlon at Bxlttim*!#’ — Srtimii* ing anything for granted. He has ^.Savin Zaiar- tlH Main hentf^r E IS E !,^ - v i ^ Parts, 6 Charjer Oak. M-4> v.e che ter.. Asst. Manager; William troit ■. young Arnold Poitoi'nifei o had tirouble convincing Weill, to pending a 'final arrounting of- in point /landings !.oW'l! McMuJleh .Vanrh-sl-l' I'm «,1 Cards,.vs. Red Sox, 6 Waddell •NaH»nial >4 Inner* : Stuek. John Morhardt. A. Conlif^e rhecked the Tigers on fbilr hil.s •('hicfip.' at BrtMikhn RubIi lake fights before. I the theater-.TV and movies, no s^Ainat a conipcliliv^ field of over Field. , 160 cars. Kii*l low gi ■>.?«/».. DirkDlCli t,*fnMlni’r.'tiln, M'.'th- Dougla.s Tbnim . ’ Alb'erfcr-., F>’lcr. and was in l onipleje cbmn'innd af­ M'«vpr I.S-2C - • • * *. ,* exact purses are available. On ; 1 .f>. ;,l .IT;:'! 71, -^umluy. June 20 St.' aeoutu at N»*w "Rajchl H olding down nieS'ond s|mt n4»u j WtlUam McMullin, Donald tk>qg. ter Ray Boonc's.fir.at inning home "W E WOI’I.D LIKE! to promote the 'basks, of the ' figures kno.wn 2ml, Kt'-'f.’* Hill Thoi ritoH. 'Manc'lD’^ter^ ^ Dodgers vs. Yankees. 2 Wad- vj» Uftfivi cV3». V ' ■ , Is Dave R4»goff driving hfs C'hevy 14 41 JeffetA* Sinon, WUUnm Hanaon. ' rim. Only a week ago the Tiger.s i F,>id riiu’innatl at PhMadf'lphla—Barr.e-'wiikl a Marciano fight in the fall." he and an eatimate of the thester-TV. |M>were4t sportsman at. hreak-neck ;>U'l PCI'.'•• Dl . T'-it. I.rlfCil.vW; Ind-’mn Gregory Frey. MArshall D'.Avanzo, had beaten th e rookie 16-.1. j ’ Miiiida.x', Ju n e 21 (4“3» VB DtrkHftn i7*^». ' said., "Weill says 'he won’t'Anow!'Marciano will get e-bhyt 1247,116 l)>:i .eu-ts 74 ' — •Milwauk^'’ at PhtBlmrgli—NlrholB (4- . speeds t43-.i>e a coits^stant fnuit- William Fyler. (Tharl-.S'Rohrback. . And In BaltlnToi'fc- Boh P.qi'ter-| Rmanuel Lutheran vs. Second for six weeks. If Be can go ,\ve! and Charlea *12.1,568. t-tf-.-t ln-«- n*'i ess aii't uri,l*>r^>lis«rn>; r>t v« I«Htl4*fi<'lrt «2-lC ___ \ runner and'steady gainer vti» that Kinil k|"'ruJrtllii'i, In'Itan llitl 7J-.1 S-7 Br', an Fitzpatrick. Ruajell JBur- . •4r woujd like; to halve him fight! Chailea'was found ’’entirely ta-: \p fioM of the Senators .stayed. M ; Gongos. 6- Robert,«an Park.. top spot now held by Spark.v Bel 7njt Del; Jack hblHuff. r<-isl«n'k 77- nett. Innings for his eighth vnetory. The I Moriarty’s vs. Fairfield’s. 6-.- - ! Charlea. naturally. If he’ean’t^o, 1 tional. cheerRil and in'no pain" by !>>.. ST ■ pionshlp at the 1 ale course next then we'd like to make Charles and <’onimission dm tors yesterd.vy, mont rtf .Norvvich. r 3>-l C'-t' hri.t>-rl (Irrllt. SmiltiiaaU'n 41-. •- Ke4llrgs Orioles battered hint for 16 hits > f;i,3,.fer Qak. 1 fi fi.S ; Luf ten-CaPterre, Coach; Stanley CAPTAIN EASY week. First round matches are Cockell or maybe Cockell .and the Careful examination of the throat ■In third pla. e 1.1 t)ie progressive Tip-Off BY LESI.IE TURNBR pRIENDS ftjt he reniained in control. Jim Manrhe.stcr Tjre vs. Roy Motors. P’I i" " ; Krt'.*» ,T1'*’** McCon lick, Aest. Coach; Rqsano P r o je c t o AiEKItlLi. c. KI.OSSER .scheduled ■Diesday. Mandly la a winner of the-Hurricane Jackson- region revealed C harlea ha'd re­ I rowd-pleaaer Art Rousseau, driv­ > t;.b»l1nl 72. l.os nsf'- n ib Or-rll-K3-14 Busby .singled home the-two win-Xg. ,\v’est Side Oval. / Laliberte. Manager; John Dexter. former champion. INind Valdes match (July Hu. at covered completely from an ifi- ing, .car No. 621, -wtip has-.•climbed . ax ('h.xrlr* Kin* a as ch -1 Orrill BLAZE&'PCOIK NO, THE GIRL LEFT 'WHV. VBG! I THEN HERE5 A 1|a5V o p e n s it EA6BRUV..» , ning runs in the 1,1th. Micke^v > H artford Road Grill.^v.s. D eci’s, vi-ia -H.1 ib'i' (ir*'*. Aaat. Manager; Robert Craig. Brtt. TOO, VE*y jSUPPCWLV,.. WROTE HER NOTE LEFT IN MV y H a s Th e w a d A s m a l l o Oww- E a c h d a y y o u the Garden.’,’- " Jiyx to the larynx or voire box. up at a steady pace with hi.s ilai ing CARLA WILL BB Vou BEHOLD TME SUNDAE Vernon hit anfel.y'his first five- 'g ci^arter Oak. Barrett. ' Richard 1 irfe Y O U R S, / THAT LASTC UMTIL THE time.s at bat.* ' TiiCHiluy, Ju n e 3’2 WO.MEN’S OPEN TOD.XY McAutipyi’ John Dexter, Jerry ^\ 4T56A N VANI5HEP1 HMW^VOlI I'D BE HERE AND EAT- — ... , in .B'o.aton at which time young- a patch over the eve cut ia eager I CAN 6615' $0\te ADDRE55SDT0 _ — — ------MASTER AizTce ilARb Aty^B • ■Andy Andeison and hL- No 86 who i FtCANOOCO DON'T HAPPEN TO B£ ■TODAVl VOUi IM CARE op WMAr AND PAY A , F0U 0W IH 6 SATURDAY Pro Wrcitling, a;.10 Mt. Nebo. I atcr.a are admitted free of charge > to bo.x again thia fall. ' * Wilson, Paul 'McKee', er. Robert COtVFORt IF SHE'5 . 0 Robertson Park. Julv 1.1 and 16. Detroit; Au.gu.at ; get to training camp aoon enouah . SHE LEFT WITH RETURM m O T l l E PAY- AS-YbU-60RCB IRAN.' many pile-iips, Clo.se behind '^udy Gote. Richard Laliberte, John PkrAKEy* ’ Cards ys. Dodgcr.s, 6 Waddell ^ lO and 11. Washington; . August j I d like..to box ^again thIa i-ear' WA5H TUB85.1 kidnaping. 'Diq'd - I 24, Detroit, and August 27.. Balti-1 Charles would be? fine. He’s tough- ^ m f;;V^«w ng^ V.. Tex, hopesr'"Fee todayloua.^ sheenr . h*s McNeill.Mc.’xeiii, Peter esviveexer. Sylvester.’ Leadership in Poll lar Gene White who has •’’t’bw n, runner-up golf hex.1 . Giants ■- ! -Elks Vs. Manchester Tniat. 6— | more. Any local group* wishing to!er than J thought. Next time I'd has •’’•ww n runner-up golf hex.1 ■ Giants'- I Charter Oak. . j attend any of these games may box him dilTerenl. try to do some PiU'hiiig Harvev Haddixc •‘^L iTnV%,m‘e b^ck ‘n hi."" campaigner, who Vincent Feahler. Coach;.Cs;. C arm en Chlca.go. June. 10 (API ] j , i'Wedncwlay, .lime 21 i contact ' Sports Editor Earl Yost ! things that I learned Thur.sdav Ixuiis Cardinal*, hutlcd his. third |‘ werhoiise 2.10 JR ' .major tltl* 20 years FiUoramo'. A-Sstr'"'Coach; J a m ^ .. OrJsrti's -l-Mlnnirl Minoso. (Chicago I Emanuel Lutheran, vs. Dnited for further detsils. night at Yankee Stadium. He a straight .Shutout in ^beating the fa^teaf and - beat cars sn.k ’’" " r i'- S m iftr ■ ■ iM lIte-Sox left fielder, today jn-f Mptho4tat, 6 Robettaon Park. Joh-n Raniva;*. clever avoiding'punches. I never .New Y ork G ian ts. 5-0. driver* in the F^ast wtil be on h*ad. '■ ^ “ 'i Legion va. Manchester Kevin Reardon.' erased hi* lead a* the. highcat Auto i >R.\C?riftK: Notlb .Ends .Sun-, hit him a punch like I hit Joe.Wal- Batting Wally Post. Cincinnati to give the fans snother great 1 ‘"A*" Parts, 6-LCharter-0*k. a*S /K' Individual "vote collector in the day at 10 at Nebo;-Herm'a Mon--|CoU. ip Philadelphia'." Redlega, collected four hits *nd racing show that will' get under | Jam e- Harvey. John Reid, William All-Stai* baaeball poll., Bantl.v’s v.s. Police and f'ire, 6, da'v night aT6 at Nebo Actually Rocky would like to be drove in both riin.s sa the Redlega . B-1S ■ Loukse Suggs, petite 29-vear^old Foeter. Ravitiond Roberta,-Vincent Mlnoao’a total rcach«I 27.908 in — West Side Oval. in there battling'aa often a* Doaai- defeated the PhiladeTphia Phillirs. *■' ' in the. Se-hble" .show­ Feahler, Robert Ciste,, Peter tabulation nf return*. - j Ia k e BANKS.'-Fred Booth. Er­ ble. - ^ V 2-1. ” ...... down for the Women’s Western Deianey, Donald Peckham, Albert T M. Pee. U » fat «>■».. tW4 H m t twkw, iw. T. ■(.««. a *•*«. tn the larte.st EIBL BAT CHAMP He. ha.s an advan’.age of 2,796 nie, Noske, Red Caae and Plnkv • "• • ^ FKID.AY’S FltiiHTS Open. 'The '.vinner will" g^t Dabronski,' John M vAdam, Frank VIC FLINT This I.S The “Suit’ BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY votes—over. 'Jiia closest purauer, "Hohehthal will be with the North ".MV BEST ETfillTS wrre-ieliek New- YorJl ' Madison Square Garr $1,000. The runhei'-up gets $fW. Filloraino, Randy Smith. ‘ '"w THET STORY OF MARTH.A W’AYNE A D a le BY Wlli?ON SI'RUGGS New York, June 19 iJi'i^KJohn , ^ a n Musial o/ the ,St. LgiuiaXTard- SpqrL Chatter ’ E nd * 'ip ;'th e 'Twi' L eagu *:- I went three times a'qKmrlrFkFl»e-»*^ Orlando Ziilpela. 134’,. Ma­ A nderluh .of. C ornell .w oh'\he 19.14 ; In a l* .. MusiAl ha.s b5?en named, tin in Providence.’’ he said with a Y"""' oulpointed Johnny Gon- Elaatern Intercollegiate Baseball! ANP p a r BCNd.WRINKLE N FACT, M I$S W *M S>; nOKGUTOn. T wat ev en g s.. 25.112 ballots. ROS'TEKS of team* in the Na­ griii. "1*11 never go that long in ■•aalvea, 134. Oakland, C.al.if., 10., League batting champiOuahip with . PKOOP ANDdtAIM SfESIET- IT/5HCUPW.' tional Little League farm system TDwAi.MlSTEK The voting will determine .16 camp again;’’ he added, "feix f , ’'iv'i'l'iTiji - an aveiage of; .391, official* Ag-i ANT, IT 0BATB THBA4 hBW MILM AlLKHll'l BK.XVES will appear elsewhere on' the sports iKEWto'iOuR starters fop the 21st annual All- wteeks is long enough.’’ , _;, | H.N.AIJ4 urea showed :to; . .387. While Prince- June 11 and will rontinue tjntil Monday afternoon from .1.4o 4 equipment and information re-' are signed tor-a’televiaibh'appear- 'Fop-seeded Liois Felix of Meri- ' o r., i dan.'Conn.. meets '.aerond-ieeded, t-On'* Royce Flipped wa* third’ midnight July 3. There wef«" no | " fluek at Municipal Stadium. 'The garritiTg practice. John Reid la the ance Sunday > night. Rocky will '**" • SSorchangw ib the UtiisFcom- first part was to£.y from lO^a, -lewgue commissioner. go to Brockton. Maas., hi* home yiargaret Varner, s Ml Holyoke '•with .371. Meade won the stolen honors. 'W^U .jlevfn. t»iittion of.^raturiw’.^/. - town, early in the week to rest for physical educaUop "tewh- base bO.VB . attended'the first session A I S T K A U A N T A G -T E A M a mont'h .with hia'wif* and baby er from El Paso, Tex., in tody's 1U;1A>’S E'UK^ES N<|w modtfii 3 bay sarvica.Iillii^oR sooa to b*. opoii- S T O C « C.AR M.A-N Jeff jofles,, Whitey Piurek and Dan. match between Chief Black Hawk daughter. Charlea will return to final bf the Maaaarhiisetts Wom­ Je.auee'L a r e , in ch a rg e of.tiie .nd ETank Ja m e s aipd .R o’ L a n d \?inciiihatl'rajly. next week en 's T en n is ^I'oiiVna-ment 'a t L oiig- ■ ,' ■ V / .'— ‘ I tfl. ExcaHant op|»ortunity for tbo imok DaVlona Beach dNE.Vl-s-Hers- : J ■ 'f \ ' ,■ ■, eeker apd'An«>nio L^ne head-j-- - 1'he. I .U7e. ’'*.iitlIi was counting wiAidL 'Mi.ss Felix defeated^' Mrs.' !'■ l-andqve'r klills; Md. (.'S’EAI — ehel MfGrilf. winner of Ah* ®rst • linb* 'Tuesday night’te'-‘pro wres­ ca.Hh ■>'e.'«lenlav. com ing up W'ith l i : H uhkpna c'opeian'd b f-W e*tb n . 6-2. ill'-l^oLs ' E 'brt^ s 'is Ism e riid hi.s Pan-Amejicaa Mexickn Road, 'jl.M'KlHHFA'rKU K. Stin Hil- tling card at Mt. Nibo, ■ Ticket,Ticket griy^gate. of'Li 4T 092 i 4, not in--.6-1. ye.sierday tn gain.fhe final acaaonal dehpa hss I been- post- CALL HAl^TFCItO JA>«-02$3 . Rare, aigised to commie In stock ihskl apd Holly Mandl.v will com­ reservation*'may now be madelade ata l i rlu dfng in g $.15.0sl)0$.15.Q!l)0 from radiorad io and an d an! liri Mias'Vbrner'd^fi^ted M is* V a rn er jlefeH iled 19-year-old . _ ‘ pc,ned indefinitely. He was the-I . 'N • \ ' ------1 . . _ . i__------•.. andl HhVneyS - HbW •’« X'., ■ • ^ r - - ■[ » ' I - ■< . /. \ P A G E T E N MANCHESTKrf^ EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURITAY, .JUNE 13, 19?i4 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, RTANCHESTER, CONN., ^ATURDAYi^JUNE 13. 1954 PAGE ELEVEN

Rooms Without Board 59 Molorcyclea— •Bicycles 11 R o b f in t , I f - A Articlea For.Sale 45 Houselibid Goods I'Hudd also a scheduled discussion I I C consideniti^ tolto say to the French that ones / Autombbile^or Sale 4! Help wanted-—Male 36 Apartments— Flat»— Houses For Sale 72 H o u s ewPor s Sile - 72 MIDDLE-AGEtf Woman will shara by Adm. Radford oh the require* U . a ., r r * im .e l | po^gibie aUentatives. including the-l Europe’s - own nUlftary U^ngth l950, TRIXIMPH Thunderbird, .new, ROOFING—•-Specialising in rapali- WANTED Hlxperienced ' deltratea- GUARANTEED HOSIERY, M«n. ATTENTION laidlilibi! Slip-covers Tenements . 6^ Droodles • . " Z was built up by the addition of ONLY DOUCJLAS will ■*» you a her home with bitaineaa woman'Oman or SIX ROOM rolonial-^Mu-ee''Zuu-ee- down, m enu that te-i ;e v.'of,ld conditions' engine, new paint, exeelleni corl'- Ing roofs of all kinds. Alao^new -aen man-wlso'meat counter man. children and women-s hoaii'ry and drapes customim'm« renter. Full price $11,800. E and E men Into the reserves to create 9 manyi' down buys a 194# car, 1195 buys a Business^erviccii O ^red 1.1 3-5361. estsbilahed milk route. Good PENN. No. 209M Salt "Water .reel; JAckson 2-77S0'ttr JAckeon 4-0154 APARTMENT for rent In 'new that we^aU he resdv in the same I country gave I,anlel on April 16 CLASSIFIED ADVT. Wadsworth St. section. First floor has large living; Realty, 310 Main St. MI. 9-6297 or thr?e-mlllion-mah. pool of trained 1950, $295 buys a 1952. No addition­ salary and commlaaion. Write Box level wind, free spool, atSr LENNOX FURNACES and warm' ters. For interview. 67 Osk St., 9-3247. sembled the universal •iffililary The Presid«rt*iMaciy;d9 on EDC ' s deflsr'ation that U.S. forces will Good credit is our only require­ ances. Welding./ 180 Main Street. air heating. Earl Van Camp. Ml. i Manchester, Conn. STROLLER AND bsthlnette, prac- July I,t. T«l. Ml, 3-317S or »-n«). ] b^imom w7(h di-tMlnr: At tHI, b-atitlful C p- Cod horn, C O P Y c l o s i n g S: i m e ment, Douglas Motors. ,333 Main. ■training p.ogram pre6i0u.«ly re­ had the effect of ' w'shUp^ the . be mairitained/in- Europe a? long. Phone Ml 9-8A78. 9-5844. . ' . - I I tlcally new. Reasonable. MI. FIAJRENCE Oil burner range. Penonxl Notices FOR CLASSIFIJBD ADVT. z z/:: :. ■ ------Apartments—,Flata—>■ NEW THREE Room heated apart-i shd lavatory, tile bathroom I today. We'll be happy to show yon ceived cooly In .Gongrea.*, 'I.* now' French that while U. S. poTic% for s.sthe securi^of Europe is Ihreat- 1948 • STODEBAKER Lsndcriiiser 9-3716. Glenwood gaa range, one spare and powder room: third floor. Urge this property with its 7 rooms (2 MON. THRU FRI. STONE, BI iCK, fireplace and re­ PU M P^ AND Water systems, In- Tenements 63 ment. Tile bath, electric stove snd berhg stiifilefl--by the N ^ional Se­ seversl years has been based '•pc'n ened and that the. United States loilr'door sedan, dar’k green, fully Situations Wart heater. Ml. 9-5749. . ^ bedroom and storage space. Garage unfinished). Ceramic tile bath, ment wor* ca ll Ml. 9-5$81"or MI. gersoll Band, wholesale and re­ ZIP-GRIP That famous stainless ------:----i,------refrigerator, storm windows. Rent curity Cn»nci\. , / c.restioii'of a European A r m /in -'.r e s s rd s the ha.slc . North Atlantic 10:.10 A. M. •eqiiipped, including radio, heater In bssernent, hot water oil heat, open slaliway. hreczewsy snd)2- Card of Thanka 3-5042. tail. Engineeered estimates free ’ F em a le steel clothesline without ciolhes- COMPLETE Light walnut ^ i n g JDUR ROOM Apartment, second $92 including parking and utilities. eluding Germany and' F ra r^ as Treaty Alliance aa a treaty o f in- and overdrive. Excellent condi- Box A, Herald. SATURDAY S A. M. and -complete repair service. 5 year guarantee. Call JA. room set, $50. Slightly tijen Holly­ flrxj)', fireplsck. porch. Lease'only. venetUq blinds, weather stripped. • car garage. Lovely Undrjesped jot .There is plenty ,0/^hot air in the wejl as others, the United States definite duration so that in" could w» wt«h to thank all iHi"Mr,«*lthtwirs tlon. ReBaonirli^e. Call Ml. 3-8278, C O M P E T E Hand apil power lawn EXPERIENCED Laundress d'" $150 per month. Write Bojj Y, Owner. in a rural ' setting. Oriiy- a- $15,800. Terms arranged. Call Enterprise ' sires work. References. Write Box wood box spring on I^ s and "Summertime, e^viouslv. We- often will not wart indcfinitelv (or that he regaijded as remaining in force ■ «n/i fri'tids for th»• maftymahy ' b»S'iiiful- ' " TbVli'COOPERATION WIIX mower aalea andyservice. Motors 1775, Shepard Farm Equipment matching mattress,/$40. Piano Herald. ‘ \ ■ ' , wish certain paOpU would realize to-com e,aboiil«and the time for a as long a.s the proposed. .50r,vear X, Herald. Business Locations Mitchell 3-6518 SB APPRECIATED 195.'1 Buick Super , Riyiera- IdUe tphed ar .overh^led Pickup-and Cq.. 200 West Main St., Rockville, SEVEN BOTTOM sa.sh, single light bench, $5. MI. 9- JARVIS REALTY CO. -this jind Btjf'p tnlinif Irt mknufRc-j i-fupprftiNil in rupidlv jkppioachinc. KDC treaty. •' new radio heafef, dyiisfloiv, .delivery aervicjs; Gibson’s Ohrage. Cqnn, WILL' BABY Siff for 2 weeks, dsv 2'6” X 2’6fW «j.^^ttom sash, 2’6' F o r R en t 64 "Rug Eating a liW aver’ . r Dfpt- offirialji in fuel n^RurnnifR wri-r dRRtgn»d * .Mr wnd Mr<..W4UUm Ryi4- Ml. 3-5012. X 1’6 ", one hotttmr sash, single | KELVINATOR De lu x e -30 " electric \ Dial MI-3-5121 tinted glass.— $2295. / or night, Call MI. 3-5600 after Nolirc .654 center Street oa1l\liimpa of Advertisemene* 6^•.■t0 p.m. light. 3' X 2’6". One'Wqmbination ! range, rei .. r $229.95, $199.00, FRONT OFFICES See the ESCOTT AGENCY first candy with expensive tjoles in Adv^h:^isement Advertisement .\dvertjsemerit 1952 Plymouth Belvedere Coup^; WIRING I24STALLATION of mil for real yslues in housing In Man-' Moving— Triickinx storm door complete Withs.Jisrd- IjiFIamm P5SAppliance, 15 Oak St. •Town of Manchester Call MI-3-4112 theiri. The boles are expenkive be­ - $1295. types.. No job too small. Pater Chester, East Hartford, GUstori; i 1952 Plymouth Fordor Sedsat’-Bs- S to ra g e 20 ware 3’ x 6'8". Cherrdne Package ; MI. 9-6868 Office of the General Manager. FOR RENT Eveninga MT-3-7847 cause iv'holeaale holes come itt only Pantaluk, 40 Foater street. Phope bury, Ellington, Vernon, Bolton dio, heater. -$1195, Situations Wanted— Store, East Middle Tkimpike. Ml two ‘ Sizes: Doughnut and m g ei. 'Mitcpell 9-7303. MANCHESTER - Package Deliv­ J-7027 m ENCE combination gas­ Bih.s will he receive I in the o f­ Columbia. 1951 Chevrolet Belvedere - Radio, HOLUSTER SCHOOL Section. Six These' larger holes must be ^ut Report Of The Officers Of The Eighth School Lost and Found 1 ery. Local light trucking ' and M ale oil range with chrome pipe. Good > Spadou.8 Rooms heater. $1195. fice of thi;. Gener.-I Mstiager for down by complicated n'kchinea \o Ru b b is h a n d Ashes removed. package delivery. Re'ngeratora. ^ ^ STONE. Skyline Xjuarrv. Flagstohe, conditlohr-vjdesl for cottage. Ml MANCHESTER: New six room roqin colonial with attached ga FOUND—2 fellows who will wax, 1950 Pontiac Fordor Sedan "Ra­ the Town of Manche.stcr on Fri- CjyMcrtH-cleamng o f attics, collars washers and stove moving a 9-9259. Ptiyate Lavatories Garrison Colonial plus new and rSge, hot water oil heat. Lot 60 x | they can fit the little Ufesaver5/ w a s h aod clean out your car for dio, heater. $895. fla.i', June 25. 19.54, .tot later than 150. Liberal financing. Move right I rnd there's-a lot of wastf involved. and yards. Call M and M Rubbiah specialty. Ml. *»,0752. ,3:.’io P.M, Ea.atern Daylight Sav- laed Cape Cods. Col'onisls. Rsnehes Utilities District O f Manchester^ Conn. \ einly $5. For aervicie, telephone MI. 1950 Studebaker Fordor Champion 1/removal. Ml, 9-9757. . * • at'oll ^Of 7 CU FT. Kelvlnatd»s4Vfrlgerstor, in, Madeline Smith, Realtor. MI. Various types of creatures enjoy wall. Per Jon, $4, Inquire at inK Time, for the I'OM-strurllon of a snd two fsmlly. , 9-0751. - Overdrive, $045. / AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., i' Jack's Diivilion, Crystal l>ake. regular $549.95, $199.00rYia^amme Parking For Forty Cars 9-1642 or MI. 9-1146. Llics’avers: dogs, horses, Rolitl- ANTIQUES Refiniahed, Repairing ...... '.Appliance, 15 Oak St. Ml. Ib6g68 storm wrter sewer project as fol­ , EAST HARTFORD: Ideal, homt LOST—Thuraday, June in, some­ 1947 Na.«h Fordor Sedan- Radio, locAl' and long distance moving, -BOY DESIRES mowing and odd Cotin.. ,dn Route .30, Tel. Robert A-. „ . J ciana. children, goldfish. Msrlo heater. . $29.5. . / — 1----- atofage *" - —— ...... Xfinor/Roi'kville. Conn., 5-5042. ' lows: for older couple. BesutifUi grpiinds, 9*^ * Cod and garage - and, of course, Bugs. Btit PRESIDENTSI REPORT Eighth School and t'tUltle^ nutrief of Manchester where between Mildred and Stif- ?8« \omh*Ma/n 1 ^"1' “I- »-M*7! I “jobS' mT V - ^ fo. DE LUXE KELVINATOR, ironer. McKEE .'5TREE;T (feetween All cars In excellent conjiition CHapel 130 East Gehtcr Street gs.'den, garsge, nesr bus. ! then Bugs seem to enjov every- nUbiirsementa from Jiiil* I. 195.1 to June L 1954 ., Treasurer'* Report For H«cal 5'ear Ending June 1, I954 field Sts., Windsor l..orks snd^.Man. 3*WM3°” '*' I Hartford CHapel 7-1423. f -- ,____ regular, $249.95, $189. LaFlamme \V^W»^enter .St. and High St. Receipt* and good buys. u'.?^ow*‘^:nd J?reen, Almost snywheri you look Adkiiw Printing Co...... — ■$ 109 64 Chester, one builder's Dietr-geh Appliance, 15 Oak. St. Ml. 9-8868. ConcrelVjiipc approximately- 905 \JGLASTONBURY; A O 1 \J I> U rv 1 . NewAN r ys K-fOCape f»T3 Cod nls/lNtotm III w>ndowR ftnd serf^ns, IV*' 4Ka» —» " m Wi t W An' Ace E^ctric Motor ^Repair . , ...... 6.. 50 Balance on-hand June 1.. 1954 ...... 4.419.39 level in wooden, rase, with strap Ddx.s—'Birds— 'Pets 41 Boats artd Accessories 46 For Appointment Call Low Down Payment H A 1 RADIO-TV Service. Service naintinx— Paperinx 21 Im ft. and ranch; also two older homesj^tian blinds, ideal location, nicely; . . .hi, 1, Aero rHivsician Otii Co...... 110.5 Ca*h receipt* dfining year: handle. For rewardv call "nie Alex- charge $3.50. Tel, MI. 9-6665. Gary outboard BK^GAL 30J gaa range, .regular — - ...... Undacaped, $14.000.\ Owher MI. i ''' Bank Finance^ THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet /Th e NEW Johnson Concrete pipe w^mproklmately 165 Mitchell 9-9'779 near Main ■treet.'Good conditiofi. T. P. Am ranch, fireplace, large .rooms, pic­ In telling of difficulties' In ow priced for .3:4.5 P.M. eastern daylight saving 46 no General Expense ...... 16.960..3* and fixtucea.\Clarenre G. Smith, Set-voicing’ "Learn by D'rttng/ at PICK YOUR owp strawberries, 25c | first floor, apartment 9,_ i ------1 bilizallon of our i.iililary reaer've-s. Denis Fi"echette\ ...... 514 on RIDERS WANTED W Hartford, 364A. Manchester Motor Sales. 512 21 Knox St. Phpne MI. 3-8423. "Connecticut'a oldest electronics BOXER PUPS 4 month.s old. Coc quart. Bring yqur own contain-j quick ^ale. Call after 6 p.m. MI. time, for the ronsl'Uition of pave­ . Cock, now vacant. Central ' Lots For Sale 73 ■ "Neither ran we be certain that | Angelo Olola . , . " ...... 1.063.70 Scott Air Parks ...... • • State office hours. C ountry. PI. West Center St. Tel. MI. 9-5295. ,, 9-1256. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Two locatipn. Price i.8 $11.00'! •984 95 New cabinets ...... 1(15 on .schooT. " New term starUttg June P**P*. Zimmerman's Ken/fel, er. New bed. Pa.squalinl, Avery ment (trf repairs and Highway ; ______; the next, war will be onlv a short 1 -W O. Glenney Co;^.,...... ■...... 24.00 3-6320 after 5 :30. I ll-ake St. MI, .3-6287. St. . , ■ ■ Re-pavernents ail in accordance Urge, pleasant rooms. Central.- I TWO LOTS southwest corner; violently destructive affair. Nor H. Olin Grant, Postm*«,Kr ...... 123.12 Radio table ...... 28tb; Enroll now for day with \liberal mortgage 2.998.53 20.801.91 ; x : GRADING AND landscaping. Call ning division. Phone CH 7-1630 or I with specifrr alions anfl Instrrre- Rockville 5-3634. \ i Windermere and Irving Streets. : can ’we forer.a 1 precisely the year Harry Hampson . . , . • , ...... ■ 137 50 Two way Radio ...... 1947 m e r c u r y . Good -condition. available. Ml. 9-639't. .Write New England Tfchnickl In PICK YOUR OWN Strawberries. Machinery artd Toola 52 lions for the cqn.strrrction o f the I High and dry. Inquire 270 '- Oak ' qnd the amount of maximum | • Hai-tford Connecticut Trust Co. Interest on Brands 1,400.00 Automobiles for Sale\ 4 Good tires, $400. Call Ml. 9'54.59. Live Stock— Vehifdes 42 Ro\itc 8.5. Vernon, Just ■ past - - a . . . I — • ■ I . ---- , 5.00 Sewer Department SEWING MACHINE Repairs on all stitule, 193 TruiribuU/St., Hartford, ■rarue. ■ ' ' . [ Street. g a n g e r . { Hartford Countv Fire Emergency Plan ...... Burke's Greenhouse, left side. Tel. 1 IT 22 General Expense ...... 13.374.30 1952 OLDSMOBILE-Super 88. 2 d'nFhgeil to motor- down from the Macalaster''Bicknell Co...... \...... to 72 DaVid Wilson ...... 25,00 1952 Ford V-8 4-Dr. Sedan Ra- chester. 91.90 First m o r t g a g e s Second SALE 87..50 furnished, afid spacious r o o m .T h e -* "'dewalks, ( oncreie riii hs, windows and screens, large lot. asking $19,.500. 9 room Cape Cod. WhiW House this morning, spend Afanchester Evening Herald ...... ,Tohn.-«on Bros...... 58 00 . dio and heater 1...... $1195 1947 PLYMOUTH 4-door’ de luxe' high location, improvements, 7 the remaindei; of tjie day and drive ^ I WASEHNG MACHINEiS repaired. most complete light housekeeping giumte rurbs and leronstnirtion Near bus, school and new ghui-ch. Manchester Trust Co. 1 Investment of If S Ti-cnsun' e Electric Motor Co...... 6 ,50 sedan, radio, heater. Good paint. E'H.\ Coilfi'entionsI—G l acres, $13,706. 8 room center i-him- over - the east. 35-mile route to j Phone/MI. 9-97,57. Rose tone on •tone,. Reg. 87..50. facilities available in Manchester. *nd repair.'-.'all in a< < or rlani e with Wanted To Rent 6 8 : Vaesnt. IJlrect from owner. ML Billsi ...... : ...... 9.977 .3.3 Walter Kiihls ...... 148.35 1952 -Buick -Special 4-Dooy Sedan— -See to appreciate. MI. 9-0904. , AcUcIes For Sale 45 SALE 69,.50 3-5407. ney, colOnial. new oil furnace, old !-\Vashington late tonlgh-t. I Manchester Water Co...... 5,721 89 Fully equipped ...11295 Tel ms to 50 VeaVs -L ow est Rates You will marvel at the cleanliness ^pcrlfirations and In-slnK-lions fbr- \ Orforrt Soao C-o...... 20 6ft Of this building. Children accepted | the lonslrurtion of f e sanie. leatures. xoiitbujldings, approx. 3l ^^0 Marine Corps turned out ! Vincent P. Mai;cin ...... 157 52.00 CHEVROLET 1953 Bel-Air tudor, „ BEAUTIFUL Selection of wool rem- Green carved Axminster. An'gelo Olola ...... 1951 Chevrolet Bel Air — Power cream and bi'own. Radio, h ea ter, I E i\ld.stone a .specially, E CON.VEICTICUT ; nants at low prices. Also rug w ool' Reg. Central. Priced so reasonable Specifnatiq.is and instruttinns " w i r cSiklng^^f^acimlTs " " b y 'T c il SIX ROOMS compleT.: G arage^Vn 'acu e ^ ^ l S kS/’'”' mhe'; I for the weloomin^f .rercrtiony ItR-i .Marlows ...... \ ...... 18.02 91.31 116:.50. SALE 79.50 12.30 Manchester Water Co...... ,. . . . glide ■ ...... ,$1095 signal lights, back-up lights, seat j vU- 9-'320 MORTGAGE EXCHANGE ' and instructi >na in braiding tugs. you’llXgasp’ Be sure and see this I"’ the ron.stiiK-tion, re-ron.strur- business/h...ln,ft../ womanwoman. Call^Call Mis,Miss Smartly trairied troops to] Peter , J. Maitello ...... Southern New England Telephone Co. 30.80 X ' Call Rockville 5-5706. ' Oi-^y tone on tone. Reg. 112.00^ one. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. Xttlmi and lepairs m a y be had at Buendci/Ml. 9-2998, outlldi firSnface Immed ate hefore the commander-in- ! .„Ma.*on Woodworking , n o 20 138 54 covers. Excellent condition. MI. i ‘ 17.8.5 W G. Glenaev Co...... 1950 Nash Rambler Conv.—Radio, 3-6.54.5 after 6 p.m. Housphnnl Services 27 I.,ewis StVeet SALK, 87.50 — ----- —------—^— ----- : ------.'I the ,pffii-e of the Town Engineer,- “ ‘c%"^"nToo’"“ ^ tailored O. B Maxwell Beebe Welding Co ...... 3.38 heater, overdrive ...... $.595 SPACIOUS, Clean fumishe.d rooms, T o w h of Mnnche.stei. .Miiriiripal WANTED—3 Of 4 yoom unfurnish­ McKinney Bro.a...... 10(1110 Hartford CH-6^897 ' 1,-esperance. ANDOVER I-orated oh Route 6 ' nicn with the .shar p alertness of Alexander Jarvis Co...... 821 37 72,439.27 1947 CADILLAC, Model 62, club Offered " n-A ■IJOOK \ ; Cotton I iigSf with E'l inge: Blue, one light . housekeeping apart- Building. Man'rhestei. Conn. ed apartment. Middle-aged work­ throughout. Charles John Merz ...... 800(10 1950 Buick Super; Radio, he’ater, ''Two Decades of Mqitgage WE SAY AGAIN roroa, .sandalwood, light .green, | ing couple. No children. Call ML MI. 9-7620. and Hickorv Drive, juhj 6 miles experienced fighters, 214.58 coupe, excellent shape. Radio, FLAT FINI.SH, Holland windo'w ment. one room with kitchen 1 Richard Marlin from. Manchester Centh,r. five Remembering an e.nihat ra.s.smg Joseph McCooe ...... d.vnsflow ... '. . $S95 ; POWER MOWERS - i dark gieeh, red. grey, rm.se. Reg. ■ 9»4845 before 1 p, m. I 65 IrUei-efti ■ - .heater and white ■wall tires, $795.' shades, made to mW.sure. All Experience At Your Servire'' privileges and two aingles, suit­ General Manager E xceptionally Large bedroom room ranch, three bedrooms, moment last year. Marine Corps Morlarty Bro.a...... tjMlOOh No Money Down-i^$'2 Weekly i 57.50. SALE. 29.95. ■ i ' 47 10 \ Hartford Cnnnevtirnt Trust Co . Bonds <^arke Motor Sales, 301- Broad metal Venetian blind.sXat a new able tqr men. Apply Verhon Inn, ranch. Radiant heat, atlacbed ga­ kitchen and spacious livingVoom. I commander s and the . Defense of-' Edward Moriartv ...... 9.977.33 1949 Chevrolet 4-Dr. .Sedan Ra­ E'esuk Rrirke M%1 I^edm ^BTTDGET CENTER Talcottvilte. MI. 9-8'216. WANTED - 3 room unfurnished .3.50 00 ■ U Tressiiry Notes, due 7 15 .54 . "St. Tel. -Ml, 9;2012. low price., Keys-made ^ ile you rage, storm windows, fireplace. Full basement. Only 8 monthh old, ficials took special pains in setting Frank .Moidavsky...... dio and heater ... tv< - • $.595 91 Center Street WATKI.NS RROTIIKRS, Inc.' apartment In Manchester or vi- Electronics. In< . Two- wart. Marlow’s. Herahman Realty,' CH. 6-8$63, "fwo-car garage. Over''’ j acre'. nt s $4.9.*95 ex., long type EARN AT Home doing a^igh rtsy ■{ Woodshed, 11 Main St., Manrhea- ,,Top Quality Furhlturf PLEASANT Room for gentleman. Asking $15,200, Minimum down■11 .^■•ci-p last niinute changes in his ! ■ 5f*nrhe*ter Tnrst Co...... 1 868 94 placement, umbrellas repaired,- 3er, Conn. Good (laed hlmltiire Parking at . 272 Main St, MI. rooms unfurnished. Call AD. 3-7833 line. Built one year, six rooms, payment foe qualified veterans Oi-ford Soap Co...... 42.18.3 $7.95. Wrifteen gi^arantee. Cole ing handwork. InteresteSiJiCQmen Town of 5lsnchrsler *■ shhedule and his car sped i-ntn ■ 187..50 • ■ Fust Matronal Rank. Manchester t (VM1.00 $ 4.88*9* men's shirt collars reversed arid ...... „ ______bought and sold. Tel.*^MI. 9^154. Bfand Name Appliances .3-40'ri'. Offire nf the General 5tanager after 6 p.m largg sunroom, expandable to 8 .lai'vir Realty Co.. 6.54 Center St. Aldo Paganl ...... New Studebakeis Start At $181.5 Motors. M l, 9-0980; ■;a-ili be-taught. N,q-seUifl^involvedV ' j rooms, mahogany trim.- two tile the Marine base and drew up be­ Gilbert Park ■...... 197:7.5 ' replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend- Vrite*'BoN">96 Open 'til 7 p.m. and T v at Tremendous Ss'VIngs Miinirlpal Riillding- * , MI. 3-4112,' evenings MI, 3-7847. Inq Shop. t . ■ - Veal Hartford. ------^ ------■------— baths,hAths’ hoi"hnt' wateru.’At6br heat,h#flt heated„ga'h*At*r1 cta. fore, the quarters of Lt. Gen. Clif- Payroll iFire Departmenl. .lanitoi 1 2,l'2.3.40 ' I/iw Down Payments 5lanrhester, (’nnnrctteiil B u sin e s s P ro p e rty F o r S a le /01 bud'ding 42’ x ,56', I01200’ x 8.421.60 j COMBINATION Aluminum win- CHAMKERS? FURNITURE In Ri-coi-i:lance with the .provi- EA.ST WINDSOR-T wo year old Cates., commandant of the Payroll tSewer Department • ...... Auto Repairinx— Fsintinx 7 “ ; ------FUlX-OR PART lime bookkeeepere|V"'“‘"*^‘^*^ oa „ ■ ------—^------;—^ I 300’. SHrubberv and shade trees. ,, four room- r anch. Youngstown Marine Corps .schools,, where. ala;v ; 18 20- Mam-heater Fire Department Small Monthly. Instsllnienls SERV ICE ON all makes sewing p i e a W woikiqfc conditions. A p -' dows and screens. $1L95 and up SALES .sions of tire Town -Cliarlei-, sealed Barney Petei-maji ...... Atc<-< A I A . <4 ■-I/■>> van Il'na.L ' ^ ■ nl I I AS V\Mt vi SA « 9l Ar BUILDING, Id^al for professional' wooded background. . Suitable_ for. • Kitchen, full basement-;'hot water there was no one hbtne except a 68.50 machine.s. Also ele<-ti ifying. Work plus-'- installation. Combination propo.sala w ill he received in the Pioneer Commuhirat.iona. Inc. -. . . . To the President and Board of Directors of the tih School and ply Sb^akland St. Ml. 9-9483 . ' At The Green. ' SEPTI^ANKS men, space for two office suites 22 no CAR BURN OIL? ■ done in yoiir honre. Sichel, ML alumimlin doors $49,50 plus instal­ office of the Genrf-al Manager-.for . . u 1 / doctor or executive. Substantial oil heal. Lot 60 x 150, Price doorman. 'The welcoming commit - ; Ravco Bittner Sei-iice. ...,...... t'tititie.s Disfr'ct I .‘ubmil my report for the periOd June 6. 1953 .Mitohell 3-5187 Three large rooms each, also for .mah; See it today, Howard R, $11,200 Cash''.required $2200 . io meanwhile was racings fran- ! ' 42 24 .CHORCHES MOTORS...... 9-9419, Day phone 511. 3-5171. IT'S EA.W \viTH"Avon7 ap;' lation. Maiirhester Home Imt'ove-' the Town o f klaneliester, on Ra.*cher A- Belzokl Co...... to .lune’ 6, 1954, Economy overhaul, moat all "Avon teiTitqcy in your spare'time I ment Co., 35 Oak St. MI. $-8177. 'Hours: 10 to 5--7:50 to 8:30 P. M. two tenenVenla “ P-' A| , ; Hastings Agency, MI. 9*1107 any minute’s from Hamilton. Madeline Ucally b a c k e r Ora theV*baXe en-| Erneat Ritchie ...... 14 86 .Mirnis'in D'.stWct ...... 136 studebaker Sales and Service .CORNICES, Drapes and slip covers PLUaOED SfWERS iThursday, June 24. 19.54 not later zoned for busTneas. Building in ex- time. . ' ■ Smith R;eaUor, MI, 9-16t2 or .MI. trance three m iles'aw ay, where SSrOO- and watch yinii- inrome grow and . i I thhn 3:00 P,M ; ER.slei n Daylight Pe)er Roman ...... Marins OiV.s'de Di.strirt ...... ,...... 27 . cars. Parts and labor ?49.95. ciistom made by Classic Decora­ THE MURRIDOR, ' combination.; ... cellent condition. Steani snd 1 { _ •' ----- —— 9-1146. \ the- President's car had whisked Royal TypewriJpi- Co. 11 05 go Oakland Street MI-'9-94S5 grow and g i-mv, A few hours a day ; storm and screen-dOor full j"? KELVptATOR 2} electric range, I .Saviiig Time for iV.siirfacing the Mutual .\id Carts ...... '5 • No money down. $4.90 month­ tors, 41 Oak St. For free estimate water heat. Large parking lot.' MANCHESTER — High location,______\______bv nifnntes before I Riibinow A IJ«Belle ...... 125 00 can mean doHars in vour pocket. -; screen-a<»r luii i > '/Z.Z'•'hu'rnlZ• ” ’ ReeUlair $184..50, MaehiM G l^i«4 , cupola and dome on the Municipal $25,000 Carltftn W. Hutchins. ML outskirts. 2-family 11 rooms, 6 CO V E N 'T R Y __ Y t« Re.su.sitator ('alls ....p-. .. .,...... •••• 3i ■.call Ml, 9-2730. Call JA .5-2491 Stier 6'n m i thick, offers you comfprt and pro-: L?br --burners^ COVENTRY — YV.ar ioiind four wn...*.*' Harm' Rvjander ...... ,17 : V c- ' ■ --- . . ., BEFOtO:.JCOU Buy a used car ly. All work xuaTaDjeed. $149. I-aFlamnie AppliShre, 15 Oak : Building. Manchester, Conn. 9-5132, 9-4694* I rooms 2nd floor. Available for oc- rooni'cottage, two iinfintShed, ar-J , ‘ ■ Sea'Gdrman Motor. Sales. Buick tection at a moderate price. Al.soj 1 was official host at a lunrh"on' Sea.aioh Foundry ...... 91-79 Tnla-r Alarms ...... 151 ' ^ _ St. MI. 9-68'68." SepUe Twiks, Dry Wells, Sewer ! Specifications and insjruktions ------fti eujancy.cupikncy. Large Large lot, lot, excellent excellent te.slan well, heat. -Ml. 9-576L •JA. : V, Z a . .i*i , Sales and Service, '285 Mam Clutch Overhaul Buildinp— Contracting 14 combination windows -priced to' Gep.'Shaw A' S-on ...... 10.00 Va'Iue of pi:operlv involvert hi fire in district ...... $234,7.50(10 Help waited— Male .16; fit your pocketbook. Manchester Lines InstslIedZoilBr Water- [ for refini.sh-ng of said cupola mriy -J I trees. Beautiful grounds. 2-car ga- 2*607? . I? 'V was eifpected the fJ5,(10 atraet Mitchell 9-4571. Open eve­ Plate, Gasket.s and Labor WANTED V Proofing Dsno.^- be had at the offlr^ of the Town Farms and Land For o8l6 71 rage. CJity water and sewer. Prite — ------'—,------— ^^-rPreaident would address some in- .Iii.ifir Shinianski ...... lais...... 1.960.00 CUSTOM BUIL.T homes, ' general ------——1------I Awning Co., 195 West Center St. Southern New England Tel. ('o. . . 6-20.24 2' .' ho-w(* lard ...... 3700 ft. nings. Reliable, Honest Person i Engineer. Town of Manchester, $13,800. Phone MI, 3-6273! Brae- VERNON. Cape Cod. six rooms formal .remarks. Late in the. V *' $15.90 contr acting, remodeling, repairirtg. UNIVERSAL Irflghtning Rods^ Inc., ; Ml, 9-3091. Open all day Saturday. EASTERN Connecticut - Excep­ W illia m Steele A Son ...... - 174.00 1 i_.," hose' laid'...... V.,. 3(100 ft. 31 Walnut ‘ Conn.. Municipal Building, Man- Burn. . , and bath, four finished. 6 years afternoon after time fo.- golf . 1949 CHEVROLETS i.3» two for- Financing, arlanged. Free estj- .'H artford, COnn..; TO TAKE OVER MeKINNEV IROS. tional buys tlalry,’poultry farmey R-uth, Sturgeon ' ...... in. SO 'ft" hp.se lard ...... 5000 ft.. wants experienced men for direct ROYAL AND Smitn-('-6rona port- cheater, Conii. * -----;;------^ — :— ^ o l d . Oii hot water heat. Aluminum the Presidenl was invited tb an d ors,. one ttidor, all de -lu.xe.4, COLE MOTORS matei. V^ancoiir Con.straiction Co., I UNPA'ID BALANCE S eW E R A U e DISPOSAL CU. with or without, stock, 2 to 400 .Superior ^fuel-jean Fire Alarm f'o. 124.12 Inspecltons ntade .• ...... 75. , 1T2 Highfand-St. Tel. ,MI. 3-4836; ; .selling of-A*fa'st moving specialty i able and standard typewriters 1S0-IS2 Penfl SL Tel. MI-8-8308 Richard Martin ■*.. .1 » . n ’ ■ 11 1 • 1 combination windows. One-car ga- dut'do'or barbecue. , , 160,50 radios and heaters. Good tires. 436 Center Street. ilenr. yigh commissions—perfect;: All makes of adding machines MONTHLY PAYMENTS p /V a S W " * room all:,age. Ixil 6O x 2.38. Rack of lol ' Morning hu.rines» .sessions be- Frederick Siycet ...... Extinguishers re< barged ...... 48 Douglas Motors, 3$3 -Main. ' 7 General Manager .Calvin Taggert ...... - • c ,3 89 Respeotfiillv submitted. MI-9-0980 CABINET MAKI.NG—Ws also dp] fit for stor m window, siding or'in ­ Sold . or rented. Rep,airt on ail r i. J -O B U . ^ s ■ Cape Cod. Oil hot water heat, bordera Breezy I-ake. Near Park- jpre th'e PresHent arrived were ■ . Leon Thorp ...... 5(1,00 . JOHN J. MERZ. 1946 CHEVROLET' cluij;. ^. coupe]" all types of cai-penfry"work, .re-; sulation salesmen. makes. Marlow’s. FARM, WALES, Mass, J75 acre combination windows and way, school and hourly bus. concerned with discussions, of pro=' 25,00 3 COMPLETE ROOM.S OF $10.500.-> Immediate occupancy. Fred Thrall ...... Chief of Department. Nice condition in every jespeci'.' modeling, alterations, • etc. Good farm. Borders hard road for *^1®] screens gr-p.ss and problems jp re.sesrch Town ,of Manc'he.ftler 1 Water Dept 1 998,60 Black. Douglas Motora, 533 Main. -vi’orkman.ship, and reasonable ' Aftetnoqns anil evenings, to WINTER SEAL of Connectiput b r a n d n e w FURNITURE mile, 30 acres tillable^,-.ExreIlent ’ Tom Minor, Brower. Tsl, Rock­ and- weapon technology and In- A.u.to Driving School ^ A aluminum combination'storm, win- Beautiful Weatinghouse, Elec, R. D., Valentine ...... 206. 40 rates, 'Estimates gladly given, wa.sh ^ots rmd pans^ Apply, in per brook. Barn. 9 room house,-steam ) — Five room ranch, ville 5-5042, 600.00 son. Pine Pastry,, 658 Center St. I .-doiws and doors. Guaranteed Good Refrignatbr J. A, Volz ...... {'oinpanson of Departmental Expenses with Previqus'YeAr 1949 CHRYSLER Windsor four- door- BALLARD'S DRIVING SCHOfJL - Can Dick at PI. 2-6695 or John at heat, modernized kitchen. Onb’ , fy , combination win- ,500.00 — ^ ------— ___ Houaekeeping. .Manchester repre- Beautiful Bedroom Suite '53 CHEVROLET VERNON Small four room ’"house. Ray J5'arren ...... , Excluding Non-Recurring Ueliis sedan. Fully equipped. E'bur nfw "Manchester’s oldest.-" . Owner- MI. 3-5769, $12,000 Immediate occupancy. 1 200.00 FULL OR Part time man. Outside ; sentalive. M. J. GranfieJd, Ml. Beautiful Living Rborp Suits 6 years old.. Excellent condition. Wanted— Real Estate 77 Donald Willia ...... , ■ CTurrenl Prevt4 'mile, opposite North * rp|jj,nie men. live 6 rwm Cape Cod. completely j ^ ^ ~ ™ L M ID E 6 room spKt Henry street, ■' 1 . . .X 0025 Mills 33.862 54 ■^Molois, 333 Mam. Tel. Rm-kville 5-7445 or; 5-4558. . 1.069.16 car. I.arson Driving School. Ml. Windham fire Station. NO PAYMENTS TO BANK.S finished Recently redecorated on' A. R. WILKIK and CO. level home, large living room, DeVrca.se.’lhis ye,ar 9-6075. iicrd.« fli.ot. Call MI. 1 $15,000 for right place in Msnehes-i Oouglas,.333 Main. up roofs,' shingle roofs, gutters, FLAGSTONE. Stone tbr walla, 4.5,110 01 A.s.se*spienU psid duriltg. yesrAr «»*****«»>»»*• • 1 .'954.81 standard or sutomaU':. Ca;i Man position for a qualified -person. A - L B R T — S Garage, paved dnveway. cloae to J 9-2247 after ($ p.m. ■ \ ' ter' or, suburban .viclqity. "'rite , pvJ.-honduejort and lec) , repairs csli house. fronts, fireptac MANCHESTER-Cape Cod. 6 fin­ Authorized Deductions . 140.94 'cheitei -Orivin^ Academy. house, fronta, flreptace^^. Boi- .4.q.45 ^^l L y X ST., H A R TFORD ne.w school, shopping center, bus , ------' ‘ i Box L,'Herald. Please;no agents. 1941}. FpRb-Pick up ~ truck. Vi «Coughlin, 'Mitche;i 3-7707. Reply "giving sge,"ixperfehce and ton Nptch Quarry M’ ished room.a; garage, wooded lot, Assessihents outstanding as t f June 1, 1954 . 1 . . ------.$ 897.00 ton. MI 3-4505. 2-7249. ro ll free. line..Full set of screens, storm' qualificatlwS, near hew school, on bus line. Full Wanted— Reil Estate 77‘^ jji^j j c h e s t e r . Boiton, Coventry ■44.969.07 i ilNOTYPE OPERATOR wlndowa. Owner MI. t-llil, FOfi AlL k i n d s of rcwfii*,- siding ALL a l u m i n u m combination win-; ENTERPRISE Gas range, good price $ll]900. Many more lUtlng* IF READY to buy. 'aeU, ex ch an gi V erh w listings,- 4- to 8 room • Collected from 1951-^ Suspense List and fainting call Mamchestei’ Write Bo* N, <'o Herald . of all kinds, some approved for (’’apital Improi'emeriCs Sew-erqge, Treatment Plant 3983 .FORD Mainlini V8. 4 doori Mojercycles— Bicycles U :dowa and doors, ^elf-storing, save! condition, $40 Tel. MI. 3-6096. ___. ______9______■ins’ *> 18 7.50 and ud: two-fami- . . > ----- ■ -'Roofing and Siding Co. Free, .esti­ Real, comfort, convenience, last a.|— :— ------j— —. PULk-flM li EMPLOYMENT— APPLY IN PE^ON . G.l. Call The Ellsworth Mitten CUSTOM Bufetf four roomf exy.: roU estate, moc^agea' arranged, singles, ^,.50 anit ym two-fa mi- 44.970,69 iBond Issue ...... ; ...7 . . J ...... '*80.000.00 aedan. radio, heater, overdrive, pandable to f i » cabinet' kitchen, Consult Howard R Hastings • $i3,8pO and-up, WiU exchange! 1949'HARLE'Y Da.Vtdson, oVerh'eS'd mates. Tel.,,M l.-9-8933/ CHIEF ENGINEER, $12,000. Full :'lifetiniei. Frek demonstration. Call ^ MAPLE TWilN Bed, spring, mat; - Agency, Realtogt, MI.'.S-$9J0. ’ .T • small hqmes-for large homes or 'Turaed over to T rea su rer. - 44.970.69 'Expenditures to June'-.t. 19.54 s^ per Treasurer's. Report T3.488.8T elects rear jioor locks, slip valves. Excellent condition. Price ohaiTe. production research., de-, •anytime. BiW’ Tunsky. $41.-9-9695. | tress.-w d chekt, mahe^any cedar Urgexiivlng room, firepUce, oak - .Agency, MI. 9-1107. -* floors, sanitary molding, storm —------:------:------^ lire „ versa. — . Will - buy or sell-direcl^j covers. AbeoWely immacuJatej ,$825. Call MI. 9-J976, , , ' , R A Y ’S ROOFING Go. Buil| up velopmenf. Supervisory,Super.vnsory. -^xperi--lexperi-' ; .------" -L ------j -chest. Phone MI. A-4822 jTQUR ROOMS, excellent condition ' . ' -00.000 00 ‘ Botsnee in Geq’eral. Funds. June 1,-1954 ..;. ____ T.MO.T* one owner,,low .mileage. Dove windows, oil steam heal, 100' lot, TR'^' US FOR" fist, efficient, to u r -: Twenty-five years ,of. selling and i ■ ■ ' ’ ------■' ■ 't ,i%»pfs-, gutjer work, rodf. chimney ence, elecl^mech.antcsl • , field., TOR-SALE—$20 x;ompletq set hsrd- Oli heat. dow i . And ------— , —- - . ------. . . AJio remitted la Traaaurer iaterest ytoUeeted m the ambdnt.of. fra y . Stock No. I'OOP. $1375, Man- repairs. Free estimates. Ray Audio and'sound recor<_ engln-., w are. Stanley swing-tip S**"*** ipanrlicB ti^t lE ucnhu; l|craU i art^sns v#«*ttaa-hUflM,,'fenccdiAi isncee in r trass,.'.pMr - stdres,stores, bu^bua; $$9,900. tj^ . U[i.teous'selling teous selling of your hiomehOme tmor laitd. |i financing^ financing. fi®*'{****!!!***LConfidentiaP ^servi^'' eiiaaler Motor gales; 512 Weat 0*n- Yard Near stores;,' bps stop and! Carlton W. Hutchtna. |jn. 9-8I32, | Free appraisals. Villagt Realty. I Howard R . Hastings Agency. BOV'S 26 ” Bic ,VfIf. $17.' Gail Hagsnnw. MI. 9-2214, Ray Jack- eertngA Conflict- \Vilson, lency^l *dnor.'Atw vs prick less-OiiMi 8D%,J NATIONAL ■'P/essUTe eannsr and ' 'i- '*• '■ RAY wARjg^:l;.A- Boeda o u ts tih d litf June 1. 1198 eeesifabea IIO.OOO.M t*r XL 'Tdl. i p ; •-3285, ^ ,,•‘3807 aftsr • o'clock. i tiMi. M l. 3f8325. 84 ,Church, Hartford, Coiin. efist. CaU MI. 9-9809. 7 cook er No. 7. Calf. MI. •-6521. MW school. Owntr. MI. »-«30*. ' »-48f4. ' ' \ Ml- , , •1107 'any Urns. V y- ; V ' ,1 r A * • ___ ^ , -A •

i .'. '■ . J ' ' ,A. ’.(«■■■ 'T"" ■■ SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 19M PAGE TWELVE Average Daily Net Press. Run ' The Weather lEu^ning il|Bralii For the Week Ended . Faneaat nf D. 8. Weathar D raan \ Ju n e 19, 19.14 need n o t be m entioned—and 33 . Clhaann »f aeatte^ Mmader carat' plus. Struwberry Sales 11,210 •howera early tnaight. Law AboutTown 'The^ contre.ctor can, if he wlmts. Remeir-Maher Wedding ► COSMETICS i V Tneadsy la ir, w arw . efeawM uce a gilding wheel, whatever that ^ WR CARRY ALL : ^ 4 iber af 'Mm A udit •eatter^ thniMlerahower* Heard Along Main Street Amount to 1^2,857 Bareau'Of OIrealatioli day. High 85-9#. . Mr. iiMl Mr*. A. Theodore An­ la. B ut a t any ra te he has to brush ^ LEADING BRA-VDS ^ Manchesier^A City of Village Charm derson. 9» Rldg» St,, have aa their /ihd on Some of MancheUer's Side Sfrc.cl*, Too off thfe loose pieces and polish up ueat. Miss Eris Ryden of Asnn- the/end prod'.jct. - Th«' Msnehester Auction Mart ->* at Charter Oak Field’ cloacd Its t Arthur Drug Storts j Sen. Sweden, a niece of Mrs. An­ (OUuolfleil AdvariWB|t aa Paga^d) derson, wjio is In this country for , Signs of Hie Times - oversight could be remedied, at Pro or ^n?. first week of operation with total- lk > A VOL. LXXIII, NO. ?2» MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1954 (SIXTEEN PAGES^i PRICE FIVE CENTS A; Manchester resident, of not- least in part., I read about ,a senator , who of sales of 116,836.13 tot 1,484 and a two months' vacatibn. . She wiil / visit other relatives in Connecti­ tc^low standing;;was ognducting______^ It happened yesterday. . dreamed he wj^making a speech two tliirds icrat'es of 24 quarts of cut before Mtumini; to Sweden on ^n^ out-of-town friend —' <•-—’"U around We were headed towa.d our'at the McCarthy hearings and strawtberrlea each. WACUED Z A ugust 3, ' , ^ town the other night at abotit 11 favorite sideline, on Bissell Street when he woke up—hr.was. Safes' yesterday amounted to YYM dnCK M1^4587 p. m-. Vvhen a slinky blarck sedan near Main to watch, the smoke $2,851.18 for 237 c^jites. High was Reds Ceremony Sidelights Ill.BJ^'and low '.W’Sa $9.30 .a crate. 'arette The Salvation Army Corps ^W'ill by. *nd Aeck on the depth oj that The mart, sponsored by the holdiM a service , in Center Park to- 'xhe visitor/anything but a shy path, when McGrath approached' Piifkcd . up - at,the . ground break- REPAIBSI morrow a t? p- m- permission hav­ Manchester, Fruit and ’Vegetable individual iihd not w-itho\it cer- us, pointed to the ^^rpmre of l a n d : *’**'*' Producer’s Assn., opened Sunday Holdihfi 30 ing been- granted, by ' the Park taih powers of .perception, no- on the north Wall of the.- 55tate Prompt E^omiMl..y for the 21st season of opera­ ison .Commission t« hold's^iccs «*ch 1 ^ thaV the pssVing Viito con-. Theater, and sai^'^^tVhat. do' vou <29.0W more shovel^Ia to tion. It will remain open Sunday G u a U M itM d l ! tainrd rather charming mem-, thing of that a.s a kids' parking he°Tpaded^''l?p^the of the season, weather permitting. through Friday each week ns be-.-a of the. shall we say, weaker place? throughout the berry sea.son. Ameri Request numbers will ^'sung. or sex . :so he w ayed. « We looked over .the j^lot^f land first shovelful for the benefit . of WringtriRdls R*phK«(d selections played by^he Band if photographers. Growers report ligfit Shies the The pair thought little of thA it s about 10 fee.t ■,by/40 feet Sometime later when the cere­ first week because of - cool Non-Smokers Geneva, June 21 (iT) The notice is given a week in adv^ince. incident and continued on their-by the best calculation we could monies were completed.. Bowers w'eather. With w-iirmer weather The. male quartet'will 'also aing way past the high school. But, make without•> •«.iiv.,\«k. actuallyT«v. •"i.i.stepping wa« infftftiiar! Chihepe Contmunists Von- at sacral of these services.- w-as informed "this w^s once.A golf predirted, a bumper crop la exr Potterfon's \ a -few seconds later, they were hit off and said how- w-e thought firmed toda.v that they e_re coiifse; plea.se replace ' your peeled. 180 Center St., Cor. nf Chureh By ALTON 1* BLAKE.SLRE .tail cauaeo—among the cigarette somewhat surprised to see the car it looked rather small. divots.’’ . • (AP Sclenre Reporter) aibokers to be up to 7.1 per cent holding .30 American civilia\s ;Mia« lEslher C. Shapiro, l,*! Ash- "W ell.-it’ll be for sm a ll. kicl.s,’’ w e h h St., and David Kaye, for- had reversed its field and was The shln.v shovel w as’cleaned up' San Francisco, June 21 (JP) | higher than among the men who in prison, but said one civilia merlyxpf London, England, will be | bearing-down McGrath answered. "Mothers after the ceremony was completed OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY never am'oked. who come down tbw-h shopping —Cigarette smokers die soon " ”* and a number of'military•per­ inartleav tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. : One of the lassies leaned out and. handed hack, to the Gjjieral FATHER'S DAY j r o . - i For men who amoked a pack-a- sonnel listed by the United In TefnplSi Beth Sholom. w-ith re- the window and made a valiant could leave their "chilchcn here .Manager w-ho .was quick to an- pr th a n othennen aged ,'iO-to- cigarettea or moV the ^ . . . Resistance Group Plots Actioii .ception foliRwing in the vestry. attempt to strike up a conversa­ while they w-ent in to the .stores, noiince "she is all ready fo r Uje SERVICES 70 and they die mainly from death rate from heart diBeaae and! States as deUined were either It N. Urges tion. She Said, "hello," and w-hen "We’d fence it in, of course, and jne.xt cerempny,,' in case vve need to WESTOWN heart attacks and cancer, an cancer ia at certain agea double j dead or missing. Th* Manchditer Italian-Ameri-j .she got no rC.sponse from oiir get a woman to watch them, build anothCp-'school." , PH A R M A C Y ~ That Interpret The Wishes Amoi-irnn f'nnnpr ■ So<-iptV that of non-amokera. ■• . , Thia information w-aa pa.vted on A r D e n z esn Society wlllSiot hold monthly | heroes she followed her ini.tial M aybe the businessm en .^woiild.. While those words w ere in a vein 459 Hartford Rd. Cor: MrKee Of The Family /AC’Ci "'«>"■ to.riae the more , to the United Stale* In the fourth meetings during lune, July and (greeting up with a rather disa',m- pitch in a little dough eachto pay Of jesl,.P.'. A. Vcrplanck put the 9 amoked. meeting ,-between repreaentativea ^ e m a l a August. Members m ^' pay their ■ ing. "w-nat’s the matter can t you for it. Shouldn’t cost ton much, ” fim.shing'touches to the,, ceremony It. find.* an effect from cigarette.. Sffiojjidg only a pipe or,only of the U. S. and Chln'eae Clommu- dues oh the third'^turda.v of | talk?”'’ Since the thought of -someone when he said '-.voii have rny com­ on cancer.* other than king ran- elgar* doean’t aeem to affe:fct the niat delegationa on the exchange these three months aK the club Well, you can Imagine the cha­ pondering the problem of where plete approval, now get started." JOHN B. BURKE c, r. Numerically, the biggest •ef­ death rat.ea except poasibly for of detained oeiaona. to. park kids instead of car.4- fect could be in heart dteeaee, Ge^ Lse- fire ilitary Jlule room from 8 p;th. to U ^m . grin of. these tw-o innbeent lads FUNERAL H6ME cancer in general, but thia poaaibil-I The United Statea agreed to ■ ______:___ \ who had always been told (and seemed so fresh and, in fact, so not-Rqd Rniile PICK YOUR OWN aince far niote people die of coro­ Ity need* further Study, the report : j.l detained Chineae Na- by some! of the best authorities worthwhile after all, finding a A pedestrian w-ho dares cross TEL. MI-S-6SM nary di.xease than die of lung can ­ . tion* to leave the United State* By IVILIJAM N. OATIS parking place for the little ones is STRAWBERRIES cer. - on,the subject .tool that girls were any of the streets in the vicinity Cigarette* have been bis.med by and -return to the China main- United Nau(in-‘*. N. Y., June Bloodmobile Visit^ seldom the aggressors in striking sometimes even more' difficult of th e high .school on a w-eek da.v ai EAST CE.NTER ST, Ju.xt what the effect of cigarette aome aclen-tiftc reporta aa a cause , Und...... - ■ Te.gucigalpa. Honduras, June 21 (JP)— Insurgent leader's p acquaintanceships. In a w-ordt than finding a parking place for About noon or • shortl.V after five AMBULANCE SERVICE la. upon men under >10 or upon of an alarming rise in lung can- wi,. c-ui .1, , ... 21 (/P)-— The U. N. Security announced.'today the bombing of Cpban, a garrison to'wn in, Quota 150 Pints cy were, speechless, a car w-e gave what epeoUrage- ccrfainly takes his life in his hands. 25e Basket^ women can only be guessed eei>erially in men. plied preliminarv information on , C..6.11ed \linanimOUSly • central Guatemala, and threatened to bomb Guatelhala Cit.v, nt. this paralysis of the vocal ment we could to ihsidca. _ It Seems some of the local (or al until more studies arc made, the ' Today'* report 1* the first dls- the list of aipproximateiv The last we heard. McGrath w-as 8,1 last night for-a Wase-fire in the seat ,if President Jacobo Arben?: Guzman’s Comiilunist- cordk^must have been a mistake, loco I '.voiiths Ihiqk that that area Bring Your Own author* of tlie report said. clnsiire of any flndlrtg* frorrl a American ci-.iiian and military Guatemala and for all U.N. supported government. .■-'•«------— .— ...... ''Qfficials rtf the Manchester Bed for aXmuch as some women are off to the Chamber of Commenc 1 is best suited fed- a speedway and Confoinort 7.1% Higher Mong-awaited ACS atud« which set All resident* of the capital were Cross Blood Program are prepar- im prest by the strong, silent to see if he could get the ball roll- not —• a~ thortuighfare,. -i.---— ...u,.,.which w-e —are The report la based on inter- out to learn about any affecta h...... s?!;te« iatea ...... 7 eitheri'the?",o'h'l to... be ...... m nV?Ln^’"“priAon...... or. r'‘to ', memliei’s to withhold ,.. Aid from urged in s clandestine radio broad­ ing. foh another visit of the Blood- types, th ^ girls wr,-en’t. Thev sure the town planners had In mind A^EW UFBfo, vifWB in 1952 iA;ith 187,7ft6 heulthy froni ^m^iking; Qa^m ncer .or other be prevente(i from lenvinp- China. — I! lorcf^.s tn^rp. cast of the Guatemalan ariti-Com- mobile knit to Woodruff Han oh took oft in/q cloud of exhaust for It when it w-as built._^’ CHRIS FALETTI men aged .V) to 70 about their ■ disease* The Chinese said W. L. Winter, The action came after the Soviet miinlst "liberation army ” to lake Uandy Sets I-’Winting Practiee ? Monday,' Jufie 28, from 12:43 to fumes. The drivers line lip along School 472 Tolland Tumpiko amoking habit’,*, and a rhorkup I It‘say* It finds evidence ciga- k missionar.v, had been arrested Union. cAst its 60lh veto in\roiincil cover "an obvious b)d to shake the 5:30 p. m. T ^s will be the second After the Ihcident was oyer, Annual Manchester High gnad-; .Street, and the dismi.s.sal hell at upon cause* of death of 4.8.14 of ,-ei£^s could have a caiise-snd-if- for espionage, but died In prisoh history on, behalf of G uat^ala’a grip Arben* has *o igfht to clam p uation exercises were held yester­ June visit of the unit, and upltke the out-of-town yputh began ask­ the high school serves as the tcem who died within 20 months. | . - Feb. 27. 19,11. Winter was a mis­ leftist government. The vetp de­ on Hre country through the im- 3:58 W^rld ths last half-unit visitation, will day morning at the State Theater. staitibg bell for the race. They It shows the death rate from j • (('iintiniied on Page Four) sion worked in a lepros.arium in feated a motion to refer, the Grtate-' poaiti^ of Martial Law, ing the obvious quVstions concern­ Following the distribution of di- be expected to achieve -a full ing protocol In the city of village then proceed to drive up Main Kiangsl Province. malan cqniplaint of aggression^ to 60\Mile« From iiapHal quota of 150 pihta. Staff Aides are plonias, one of the reporters Street to Eldridge. un.£ldrldge to the western hemisphere’s regional Headqu^tera of the resistance charm . . \ stalked out acro.ss Bissell Street, In the militar.v'. category, the starting to canvaa the lirt of Spruce, .south on Spruce to School, Fsllnt fitudid Photos RICH, CULtiVATED THROW THEM (Jhinese said three f)iera-F. K. organization, the Organization of tn Tegucigalpa'told of the.^ombing Mile Mark availkble donors to secure ap­ and met' up, with A1 Pear.'un; down School Street, and once in a MR?. GEORGE WILLIAM REMER AWAY Voorhis, H, D. Weese and A. D. American States (OASi. of Coban ye.sterday in, the land. pointments for that day. More Parking Spai music iftstiuctor a t Alie school./ w-hi!e they stop at the red light With the possible excephipn.of still Plenty Of Wear Left Hart. Jr. had died of injuries re­ Isxlge Warns Russia ae> anjJ air lampaign to overthrow "It will be difficult for ua tb "How did everything go?V we at the intersection. The race thew LOAM Never Get All tJ.S. delegate Henry Cabot the Arbenz regime. Coban ia a Turku, Finland, June 21 (/P) Miss Marion -Edith M aher,;*and tulle and she carried a bridal Iq Shoes Repaired Here ceived when the.v parachuted from asked. "Did an.vonc "faint proceeds along the same route and their plane oyer Anti’ing, North Ixidge, Jr., ooiineil president for town of alH>ul 7,000 population in —Australian miler John Lan- Big, smiMng Al h esitatea a *ew continues for approximately fifteen d aughter of Mr. and Mr.s. Harry Ibouquet of gardenias and ivy. coming Bloodmobile a e^:cessful c* - on o, .-.4 Tb* maid of honor and hrides- China. June .said tho Soviet veto showed the highlands 60 miles north’of d.v today became the second one." lud one of the Blood Pro- ^ w-?th Z m ^ seconds and then said. "Not a one. minute.s. b.v which time the stu­ E. .lunkins, 29 Coolidge St., and , .u SAM YULYES ’i’he United .State* had liMed 11 ; obviously the Ruasians have ”de- Guatemala Oty. gram worken, today. "We *re S»ree^ And wi h the mei- 'Ut at nc of the granvfiiai-, school dents are ii.sually dispersed and the „ • ...... ’ • „ “ , (maids wore ballerina length gowns 'For Sale in track, and field history to George William Berner, were unit-1 j,lue ta ffe ta w-lth pink rose- Shoe Repairing of the On Row, I new nipinber* of a U. S. Naval ' ”b the Americas. He warn- Tho nianes were reported to faced with the beginning of the aduation practice marches they racers have no spectators left. Better Kind Done While I patrol plane and a rescue plane as I angrily: shatter the four minute mile This situation might be remedied ed in marriag^ this morning, at 10 buds, and large hats of nylon tulle, i Also Excavating have taben off from Fsquipulas. a sum m erir holidavI season when many | question t ps i. • ha^ 12 yoimgslc/k faint this YAu W ait. probable detainees, but the Chi-K "I to the Soviet delegate: barrier as he set a new world The businessmen. . who see in wee,' by a policeman .situated at one of o’clock in St. James’ Ctiiirch. with: '•'tie honor attendant’s hat had' and Grading .s’oiithern ' Gi-atemalan town of M-anchester residents- go to the small pink roscbtids on the crown 1.3 M.4PLF. STREET nese representative said the two S‘«.v out At the western hemi- 2,7.10 know'n chiefly for a Roman record with a clocking of three lakes'or the shore for the season. added parking facilities more busi­ the four corners of the race track.’ Rev, Kdgar Farrell officiating. Washington, June 21 oes Blood Program operates, look of the spire nexC meetings with various BridKepoi't looks like a sure bet- Six Cons Kill Castillo-Arriola, speaking on the-4-bgokeii through-the barrier. tin or Mr. Shcekey climbing up Fisenliower administration leaders a peace observation commission at for the aitoine.v general.ship homi:- ing as fast as possible to his des­ the parking area and in the ha.se- in a rod or two of the, gateman’a through." once "to prove .the connivance" of basis of a telephone, call from therfe just to-see if the surface has Jenkin.s’ stnteiiienl wa.s-m a se-| and has "not been too badly dis­ nation. On Jun* 4, he ran the mile in tination on the other side of the nicnt. mapping out their strategy hut. We Imagine Adam, whose Honduras and Nicaragua. Repre- Foreign Minister Guillermo Toriel- 4:00.6 in the O im pton (C^allf.) re- been sanded ' smooth. You can street. for the big game. surname w-e can’t - spell but W-ho p arate interview a t which-, lii'ie)>l.v coiiraged" by their reaction. He Slate Rep. John N. Dempsey of \'Guard but Fail Smith A §saiLs , senfatives of tho.se two countries Piilnam ha.s, returned to the fore- ’ ' , lo. said the only milltai-y action lays. nc\-cr tell, though. The field js wide open-at Buck- has a! -'green thum b." ha.s had to icpoilers’ que.stions as to' did not name any of theae officials, ; termed th«? charges "dramatic and .was taking, place at Gualan, a Next comes the application of (tame of the \Ve<>k“- land and anyone w-ho cares to drop much to do with their healthy ap­ whether lie might run Irt)- the Sen- His resolution. Introduced June front as the likely nominee for I | n i | l < a « A r | U Landy, who get's in ^ape by , tremendous’’ ^ d "surprising" and lietenant governor. His chance.* AIX t74*.EX JJl. L;4la!V town of 3.000 pn the Motagua River chasing- butterflies around hla .one coat of .non-ferrous metal Monday night.’ if the w-eathier- in anti scoop the boys is w-elcome. pearance. Then too, w-e recall ate, he said some friends have i), was sent to the Senate Rules Red Oppodtioii ' said the matter should be referred I in east Guatemala near the Hon­ primer equal to a Certain brand Oh yea, there is no admlsidon and that they were pretty heavily fer­ ‘ expre.ssed doubt.* about the prorj'd cnimittee where no action .on it have been enhanced by Mayor home in Melbourne, has been flirt­ '49 CONVERTIBLE man cooperrtea, 'the Buckland I'to the' inter-American organiza- duran .frontier. . ing with th# foiir-jpitinute mile for’ which of course w-e could not men­ -.Rrhool diam ond w-411 be the scene you rah *it anywhere with an in­ tilized on that end last fall Which pnety" of efforts to induce hinT'A contemplated. Chairman Jenner ; tion. \ Richard C. Lee’s in.slslence that he ■ Lansing, Kan.. Jiine 21 The m artial law decree Waa an­ tion. When the priming coal is termission ticket. may account for it. to nin on the crest of publicity he |>\i.indi .ssid last week he doubted IS not a candidate for the ppst and , , •the IjMt tw o years!. Pkckard. Electric windows. (Jood motor. of the .'ccond anm«l aoftball At Peace Talks Yesterday’s meeting was the plans to continue to give Tull time Shielding themselves with six ler- nounced late last night, following dV-.,V. the whole business should be ■ game between the white collar received as counsel iii tlic inquiry, i whether time remains in this ses- Twice, in recentVracea on hia Full price. ,..,...... second’ Sunday council session in lo his New Haven office. rified prison visitors, six desperate a government appeal for all pri­ sanded again. w orkers of The Herald and the Father's i>a,v Triplet* Jenkins said he has not. yet Sion of Congress to give the That vate cars to be turned in for use Scandinavian tbiir I^ndy ran the The spcclft’cations for the con­ made a dccihlon, hut "I’ll know / ' Wa.shington, June 21 (41—Uilder- Tliere is still some sentiment* for convirls tried to force their way mile in 4:01.6. The flmt time waa grea.se monkeys, if we can ii.sb the | F Father is a real chum, • Wife; Ridiculous! How could you te. study. V (Continued on Page Foqr) in moving troop.*'. Re|>orta from tract do not make'it clear who xcithin two week.*’’ whether he will aecretary of . State Waller Bedell. May 31 here and the si^ond time term . • . I A Always likes to share our fun.' tell you swatted three male and Flanders said he called his news i 1 Guatemala .Said the decisive pha.se '" 'S m ith , flew home from the Gyn^iva We.stV H artford for second H^”ivli sjKil no , '’"fvesierdav K.ansa.s S ta te ’ Pri.son StockhoInx...Sw«^en. Twie 8. should be satisfied .with the second The first gqlp.ie. scheduled last T“--T"ea< lies w-hal Is go6*d and had. three fem ale file.*? re... conference because of '"a lot of the.battltf for that neighboring at BRUNNER'S PACKARD sanding operation or for that mat­ sea.«on a t C h arter Oak P ark, w-as lH Help.s to. rh e e r us wHen'vft, arc Husband Easy, my dear. Three’ - There has been some movement speculation in the press during the the Uckct_ Howeiei. p!?*'’’’’ A veteran, guard was killed, and t’rntrsi American nation may After Bannister’s sp^tacular ter, any subsequent sanding opera-, never played although the edi-| .sad, ' . were on the wine bottle and three in Tennessee, to run Jenkins; a past few dsya to the effect that mv " , . primai ily from some <>«« «>« C on- 1 ),ostages and two of the mile May 6, Landy said )ve w as Knoxville lawyer, on the Republi­ Police Probing! come within 48 hours. Open Nights -^.'RockviUe Roadi Talcottville tions. jorial. w-oikers claimed the game : F Every time thaLwe <-ry, were on the mirror. resolution .... is dead because of I nectieut leaders who ^ convicts were wounded in bursts Rattle Expected Next comes two coats of e.xterior oiKforfeit. At the'1 Ith hour on Uic away to uS he’ll hie fh ->Anon can ticket. its refei ral to .the committee on | ‘ «" Indochina peace Demp.sey * selection w-oi Id *1'"'-1 of gunfire, before the group, .sur- (Continued on Page FonrL. Harmony was noticeably absent nale their- candidates for other ; administration Aa.sociated Pres* Correspondent lead ami oil paint with the .second day I'he garne was qbhcduled, it P Stories tells to iirf at night, . niles." he continued: ’ « -w, ' i Death of Young; Jack , Rutledge. In G uatem ala coal tintcd-vvith’ chrome yellow oil w-as found ncccSsai-y to hold the D - Dne.>) our souls, gre.ot delight. following th* first executive ses­ • Thia resolution ia very much o mflexib e op(^.*- plfluFH on the uckftl. j buiUlme. sion Friday at which Mundt city, quoted Guateriialani„,.Jirmy color^ But between the coals every- hoys from the -Compo.aing i om A—Aftei- all is said and done, nn- alive. I have recelve-d many ex- T T n ■ .■ ' T candidacy of Joseph P., convicts were aimed with officers ss saying no field action Y—Yfes we have the hert of fun. nouneed the subcommittee had pre’Sision* . of support (mm col- ' body walls four days for drying. after cla‘-s for..several hours. DoWALT and DELTA Heir to : /.';^'‘Hree cnid^ «nd six had yet -been fought., They added. £ ^;ore sanding between and after, For months, .six to he 'exact;, Carroll VV. Hutchinson agreed informally "to try to agree ” league* on both side* of the aisle ' " P*‘''n'“nent, settlement • for reportedly has picked >‘p ste , m within the’prison Rivor Powor Tools for unanimity on at least some and I-did not Intend to let the mat- A . since the ' withdrawal of Mrs. ; - __ Bulletins of coiii-se. .Sandpaper IS always, the talk filled, the air about w-hat side (Cnntin{ied on Page Four)’ ; principal, ingredient in any recipe. • Blooming Rose* TRADES—TERMS findings. (j,op Hi* return from the talk* with '.'^Chicago, June 21 uP) — A uthori­ Chase .Going WtWdliouse ofi The si.x men rushed into., the' has the best players. Each side, Right afteiw-ards Sen. McClellan “K Sen. McCarlhv Has not purg- i precedes by onlji a few from the AP W.ires ASHFORD LAKE I fer finishing or refinishing soipe- without any doubt, had plenty of The Paul Scarlet climbing rdsea ties- Unlay Intensified their inves­ Sprague, from IHa raejt. 'Lyford.J visitors' roonu where about 25 vis- are looking their hc.st along the’ of Arkansas, s'enior Demoi-rat and ed hirnself of contempt of the S e n - ^ ' ’'•■"‘b's tigation of the- mysterious death rlors were talking w-ith prisoners. : thing. ' goo»Til talking ’ never Copitol Eqiiipmont Co. spokesman for his minority party : ale by’July 15 mv original tesohr-' Minister ChiirOhill '.during Secluded Summer Living - Then there is the coal of Ihng won a gam e fejire at North Main Street, near 58 .Main St.—Tel.'* SfI-S-795* of the 20-.vear-olJ heir to a million . (Cjontinned on-Page Four) They .seizerUthe hostages, including (VKeefe Woiiinled. I oil size eqiiai t-o something._nr olher Speaking from’ the white collat;| Depot Squpre, that is, those w-ith- colleagues, fSublicly demanded a. tion will either be brouglu out of Eisenhower prob- dollars a fte r being told th e ’.vpung two children, and rilshed to the f-TiOOD P E R IL GROW S 26 Mile.s East of Manchester—Off Route 44 ■hou.secleaning ’ amohg staff, committee or another reaolution in-I British cooperation man revised his will recenily to administration building. ' l>f* Mpine*. Ju n e 21 -Al— I and 10 nr a dozen t^oufij ffiore w ail-, end. Coach Alex Girell; has his I ______members before the group under- Iroduced on the floor in .setting up an interrfktional con­ H idiii^. Police ToU! f mg. squiyi "up" for the big game. make hi* fiancee principal bene- Fred Kenaga. 58. an una n^ed Heavy rains. Including torren« SELECT YOI R SITE P^OW takes any n^w investigations. Sen. ’-fn any case. I wlU not let this ference on anti-Communist de­ ficiar.v and.had exfire.ssed doubt tial douBpooTs at Fort Dodge, Then while the mess is still Girelh will attornpt to handle the fenses in the vital southeast Asia guard supervisor willi -25 .years • Choice iJocatiohs Available. Salesmen On Premise Sunday I tacky comc.s the aTtistic paii. ap- heltoiild live to come into his own of service, encountered the group Bo.ston. .lime 21 — Police in- giqux City, Maaon City and Dee l.'ihlalizing ’ hooks' of Alan 01m- (Continued off Page Four) (Continued on ' Page Four) sector'. ■ NewsTidbits NEW COTT.\GE FOR RENT OR SALE I pjviiig the gold leaf equal to a stead, one-time Yale star. Girelli inherittnee. al the administration building lensifled their search , ,Jp.lay for i Moinea, broadened the lowB TV SALES Hopes th a t the British Were flood' peril'toda.v after a week­ brand so well ' kpown its name learned- his CDF’s at Boston Urti- ; ready to go along on Such a plan Montgomer.v' "VVard Thorne was Culled from AP Wires door and was allot to death. , ,Io.sfph "Spec.* ” O’Keefe. 47. one-' versity. k .n . 1,. I found, dead in his studio apart-' R^fu*e*'l« Open Gates . . time' Brinks’ robbery suspect end marked by one flood drown­ SERVICE nAQ OFj(T.inK^xt.. to o\®r the pusl j 'Yipnt s t 54ita E»?* Scj«*y.** cott St.o* SaturdEV ing and hundreds of ne-wr evaru- cAii ART KNOFLA Other former collegian?) will be uefKenci. however, partly as a re- : . Inside a vealibiile the convicts afte.' learning he ' Aa* badly atlona. MANCHESTER MI/J-5440 or JHI-9-59.38 Advertisement— I^enny Zeidenberg from UCLA. | Ryan Reports (Ij suit...u of French political develop­ and Coroner Walter E. MoCarror Police say Unemployed Sirat- were stopped by two gate.* wounded early last'Wednesday in! Don Friedman fsom B.U., and; ments and partly because of apt said there were four needle inarks ; Threatening the hostages, the.v a gun battle at a' DOrcheater | Billy (England from' UConn. After , paierit concessions ^nnade by the oi his arms. The i-oroner «(»irti . V.\r.\TIONEB.S KILUDU Now Located At ^ there was no evidence Thorn* was ; •’“'‘•“P* yelled for gatekeeper- Ariefy H o i-, housing prcVject . : having guided the-jt’eam to a for- ( Reds to keep the . GeheVa ’ talks a user of narcotics, ' raining hous^ . Viethamese iipshead-tf) open the gales. ,H(*4 Atty.- (Jiarrelt H. Bvrne. “ Sy-dney. N. S.* June 31 iiPi —■ fell win last suinm er. Flat ! Yost ; going. , ThtW - .liiirrlcan vneattonero The coronal-, has ordered an ' I'p refused anctjhe.y fired at him. .^sa.va an associate of O’Keefe's. . ■stepped flown fro'm the coachfiig . 1089 TOLLAND TURNPIKE Frahce Faces Trouble TTie French development which )1’artl,en . Chailea Edmondson , John Henry Carlaon. 29. .diselosed were killed today and n fourth ranks boasting a perfect record. I dimmed the united front, outlppk, analysis of vt^.orsans, which he «»• "“‘"K was'rrltleally-Injured when their BUCKLAND * . OPP. POST OFFICE aaid .niav take (h.ee weeks. I "" rushed into th* Co-. ridor and drew ; that O’Keefe waa wound^ in an Salesman • Hal ■ -Turkington. \\iee Writle't was the .'installation of a new-' CYianaHi U'lll seiA’e^ cause of peace in Viet Nam fire from the convicts as the hoS‘ unsfilved gun fight and is in hid- ; ear left' the highway 35 mi lea Simp.s’on. Yo.st'and thc;ph6to boys. ! lire F’-ench government headed by M cCalron aaid he al.so h a j .sent ! AJUrces ape. ulate on , gc-.-eamed hysterically ing.' - . I tcnih here, nnd plunged into • (Inch Ofiari and Reggie Pinto are Pierre Mend“s-France who prom.- Klmer “Tiigger" Burke. 37,.. Ink#.' The yietims included the TNE AMSTON LAKE TELEPHONE MI- investigslora to Birmingham. from others w-ith the squad. Ah)o, W alt 3-5095 Mich., to interview the 25-vear.-old' ®„^J?i-i=-frpreafdem corridor again as New York hoodlum w ho pol-ce be­ wife and daughter of .Michael I Ferguson from the official family. Y (Continue on Page Two) .Murphy, 37. of Walpole. Mass., (EDITOK’S NOTt^^The lides of t,.N’orth Africa. It is ironic that daughter of a prominent Birming- i ^re^*^^V^Soutr Kel-ea ' lieve u.*ed„.a^ submachine gun . in Publisher Tom Feggiwon will he op|H)*itlon. beat fterlDel.v against France educated them, Tiam fam ily. The c oroner .said the i the Dorciie.stef. fraca.*, still ia in and an unidpotilled woman com­ in Portland,. Maine checking into Methodist bishop teatifiea ad- 1 COMPANY 4 INCLUDES: • NEW LINING • BLEED BRAKE LINES th* rmpir* Franc* built . on tw o Ei-en Ho Clii Minh. Communist girl, an art studenl,’ ocvUpied an ' panion; .Murphy waa brought the'"woods ” for'talent for next sld*s of th* world. Indochina is . . J, • ,.- vertising of alcoholic* beverages u * j lo the hospital here with a frae- ’ • ADD BRAKE FLUID • REPACK FRONT WHEELS leader w-ho seized the Nationalist T I’unian May Leave atiani ient adjoining Thome s »«; , ^^rfallv objectioiiable. on radio j (Ccmtiniied on Page Two) 1 (Continued on Pago Two) CAN OFFER YOU HEALTH and HAPPINESS year’s game. all hut -adrift, and North Africa movement, in Indochina, owes til F.-iday. lured *.k«l[ll nnd doctors said he Joe' LaF.orge, the ace bowler in TODAY'S McCarron did and TV becau.*e ’there li la an in-, i • DRUM SERVICE ADDITIONAL la shaken b.v th* waves of h'atiun- much of his education to -France. name.her. . was not expected to live. The Herald,’ Will serve w ith Rudy allam. lyilliani I:. Kyan has siir- Once .native leader* looked! Hospital in 10 Davs aolent Intruder " Jay, Stoiigh. who said h«^ had E stim ated 100.000 p "Homf .Run" Heck as co-mana, v’ry.rd-'th* prospects In both arras, upon the Frencl aa miracle j ' ■ ______!.^~ PICKERS DEFY LEWIS ger.s of the composing crew. DRUM S TURNED $1.50 Each i -bean ybtmg Thorne’s lawyer for watch 26th "Yankee" as wVlfas in France Itself. Thja ia worker*; France w-aa strong and! Kanaaa City,'June 21 (Jpi For- Congress Suspends to Mark FOR A S PER •Youth, definitely, will be on their the first of a series of artieje's this Veterans A.*.*n. bring its '^Tamaquq, Pa., 'June 21 (-B - side w ith .such youngsters as B ut­ promised them a better wa.v of | mer President Harry S. "rruman (Continued on Page Two) nual convention lo a e|o*e with bands of plcketa from LITTLE A S WEEK USED CAR SPECIAL w eek in Which he portrays the tot­ lifp. 'nie destruction of French { was reported today to have spent ter Harmirv. Jimmie Hobbs. Pete GENERAL REPAIR WORK tering empire—nnd how it weak­ parade of 2.1.000 m archers. , Deaths of Hunt^ Farrington •Tamaqua United Mine Workers grandei.r in the wake of two a re-stful night after an emerggn- Moacow- ’ Radio broadcaata leh g lh y eontlnulng. to defy'faBck;ta^j__ Flynn, ‘Rusa ■ Savory. AT Cutler. 19SHILDS "911” Dli l u x e A ' ened-) world 'wars produced cracks in Redtop Lailey and the two recent We havtt preciiiion equipment for test, and repair of cy operation in Whi^ Nr-ySii Eielit Villages Fall eulogy lb Charlea (Yiaplin, who' work orders from UMW president the French empire that-are still bladder and appendix>endix w eie re-i ” " chose lo live in Sw-itzerland. after John L, Lewis, — ngnlB ' tbdny additjons., names unknovvn. .in ' ---- 4.DOOR SEDAN generators, starter motors, voltage regu|at6rs. • By WILLIAM Ls RYAN widening.’■“ Indochina- is slipping '•Waahirrglon. June Both* be held tomorrow. with‘-the body BUILDING LOTS their lineup. AP Foreign-Nbwa Anal.vat ___ ^ ...... m oved., th. IT «» ordered VnouirvTi into his ' u—„ biwked resumption of nnlhrt^ Radio, heater, hydramallr. The riaakle a\^y in the east. A new Indpchina- "He slept well last night," Ve- To Freuch Raiders fo hv-e in A ^ ^ Houses of Gongreaa. arranged to being flown Uler to Honolulu for cite mining In ftmther Creek-val; APPROXIMATELY 5,000 Sp. FT. For week«..Ihe compoaera -have "98” offer* the iboat In luxury tran*- *‘YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS HERE” Tunis (,.4Y:-Ngiiyen Nguoc. tolls'j (j,jg In N orth “ . i.*”*— i_ suspend their buaineas aessiona^to-'^urial. - ley. .An autocaravaa"’ . awlrled been praclicing corner lots, in portd a nurah wno had just come j Light voting is reported in autockravu ' . swirled portgtinn al Mnall car price. O O M In an Indochi(ia rice field. Africa, is brewing. day -to m ark the, deaths o f Sen. Hunt, who served as governor of through the vsilley la the early , Mohammed Aly herd* goat* In from his )>edaide a t R eseatrh Hoa-. Hanut.''lndochina, June 21 (API Maine’s prinriary_ -o in "'wbieh ,h ’ Sen. l^ater C. Hunt iD-Wyor*nd^Dele- Wyofiiing■ for ■ six .vekr* before “efore com- Stock No. 33S.Ar-...... Old Methods Fall pilal where the surgery tcx>k place morning, dropping » few pickets 2 BEDROOM COHAGES NOW BEING BUILT Everyday Is Christmas M ozocca . French tanka, artillery, planes Margaret “•V” ■, gale eJosepli R. Farrington -iR-iR - ,ing,ihg to the Senate in 1949, w-aawaa St .fach'-sckeduled working pIscB, FOR A S LITTLE A S Political turmoil awirla about ,, r early Sunday’ morning. and gunboit* and Viethamese in- mnn, she claims Sen., MeCTarthy founff unconscious in hi* office if you t f ^ ot Voo’s. Wo givoXoiisumors'Profit these'peasant a gt outposts of the iminicatlona, Lpropaganda. aubver-! Tht* waa before hi* nl valclan (R-Wls) : apparently planted in rgee Hunt, depressed because of a-'Sifrurdoy moiiiing, a .22 caliber I alon and rta in g N atlonallam . the , r n v ^ a t t h ^ l^cLDita* to vteit ' “ ag-alnat her . jndocliina Confer- BELIEVED DROWNED - Y p U R Sh^hg Grooii Stomps FREE with ooeh 10c pur- French empire, but it means method* of a half century »go.! ^tifnt' aariea .cf Vletmlnh-,infested vllte kidney ailment. *hot-*and fatally "fie lying nearby. He died after I QUINN’S nothinr to them.. They are illiter­ _ „ iS-mllea northwest of Hanoi today ebce. delegates work iii private wounded himself-,ln.,)u* Senate of- an emergency Ivain operation.was { Old LynBe,.'June 31. uP) —A ate and care little who rule# wfhen F rance w as a t th e height of I meeting*' to arrange military negori man IdentlAed ss Stanley 'Zn< OLDSMOMLE ehoso. ‘ h e r . pOwer,’ d o h o t Suffice. The 76-year-old ex-President waa -jn (in overnight-mopup. flee1 Saturday. - .. Farnnglon. . 56...... died ' performed. . ■ in an effort to aave his .William .B> Brannlrk them.^ ’TJjey want to )>e lefi in aole to alt up in a chair for a-brtef ' a Fren^ spokesman Oaid the tiatlons for cease-fire in Laos and thJ^ same day of a heaff Biime'nt ! lifel rembn. Jr„ eif 48 H n is^ Rd„ ■ ' ' '! PHARMACY! peace to eke out a .living the way "Force no lorger frightens ’iM.": period yesterday. He told his dor-lrgjdem pu-hed through eight Cambodia. iat‘his deak'-in the hoviac pfflee District Coroner A. Magruder^,.East Hartlord. la Miming Bill Brannick, 3 Harttand, Briad ! .DEALER their forefathys did for ages be) a. I{orth 'African Nationalist told tc.r he 'considered -himself just Thai Premier Phibun Sbngkran ’ build.lng ^ .MacDonald jssueieled. However, a apfakeaman mile east o( Mm at Moriarty Br^Ihera -for, a/ Kodd j rreiieh poIlUcaL domlnatloa out of a i’^igv.Tm ) ^ (Cooittaeoii^iM .|^ip-Flee) (Coettanod «aJPapianea) town courU, in three counties. , ■■■■'' ^ for thq, family aa*d aervi e*s wivpuid I -(OealUued aa Page YIysU deal. V:,- A ■■ " ■■ ■ ■■