v>;-' . J X i. : ' i‘. > -■ v \ ;- \ - > X'- X / \ V FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1984 CV. PAOETWENTT Ayerage Dolly Net PreM Rtui' ' ■. ■/ T o r , 46* We*Ir'EnB*<l ’ T h e W w t l i e r s: J u n e I S . :1W 4 „ ForecMt of C. |L WobtlMr Bai The Covenant League will have Daughters were, recently born at Tb* American' Legion Auxiliary a meeting tohig^t at 8 o'clock at the Hartford Hospital to Mr. and will close its season with a plcpio > 1 1 ,2 3 3 A bout Tow n 'the home of ly.vRobert Keeney, Mrs. Samuel Robb of 122 Cam- supper Monday evenihg at Lake Fiair and llttU* ekange tai I 75 flobert Rd. /Tomorrow the an­ bHdg'e St. and to Mr; and Mrs. Am'ston. Members arc asked to ■ ' M em ber of the A udit''' peratsire tnaigbt sad jMiaday. Th« Mw)che*ter Fir* Pepwt- nual picnic for adult* and children Chester Vawors!:t of 41 'Edward* meet promptly at 5:^5 at the Le­ B ureau of C lroalatlon -xittent will participate in a parade of the Covena'nt-Congregational 3t. gion Hom^and leave,for the lake Manche$ter—^A City of Village Charm ’ at Terryvilie tomorrow. AH mem­ Church will be held at" Gdodwln at 6 P- m., alao to provide their - ber* are requested to report qt Park. Hartford. -They .will meet Among divorces granted In Su­ own ailverware. Mrs. Theodore Fairbanks, chairman,' will be as­ (£laaailled AircftltlBg ra Pag* 10) the fire house, Main at Hilliard at the church at 11:30; and pro­ perior Court yesterday by .Tudge 1 /VOL. LXXIir, NO, 2 it MANChESTER,/UONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1951 (TW ELVE PACES) PRICE nV E CENTS Street, at 11 a. m , wearing their vide® their own picnic lunches. sisted by Mrs. Ferdinand Tieslng . Big News All Summer •lames C. Shannon-were I><atha .M. and Mra. Charlea Romanowaki. uniforms. from Philip R. Lar.son. intolerable Ladies’ cards for Charter mem­ Thoae desiring trshsportation are cruelty, and Bernice fro:n Robert asked, to contact the committee. bership in -Manchester Kmblem L Graffman, intolerable cruelty Club. No. 284-. must be obtained Refreshiris: little cotton for ever.v summer day . comfor­ yj#}Asia Peace!6' and' habltiial Intemperance, both All the meinbers of the Army^ through th«~?nk.s. and those desir­ 01 this town. table, casy-to-sliprinto. Cool, crisp to wear from dawn ing further iriformalloh regarding Navy Auxiliary wishing transpor- through dusk. Plaids, prints and solid colors. same should contact Mrs. Charles Hition'to the outing June 27 should Sunset Rebekah Lodge will ob­ be at the club at 10:30 a. m- Pktrol Due W. Lathrop, the pre.sidcnt. .56 Ben­ serve Past Noble Grands pight at ton SI ., or Mrs. Mary. Halvorsen. Reaervatlona should be made by Its meeting Monday at 8 p. m. ifi June 20. • 89 dxfordvSt.^ Odd Fellows Hsll. An excellent $ 8 * 9 8 t o $ 1 6 * 9 8 program will be presented by the The son born Sunday, June 13. InFiillU.N^ officers and guards. Noble Grand to Mr. and Mr*. Hugh Friend of Mrs. M arjorie, Conloq reminds Kingston. Ont.. ha* been named United Na.tions,\ N. Y., ' members to bring some little gift Washington, June 19 ()?>)—•» had no plgn* other than to retui Peter Borden. Friend. They have to his home st Lander, Wyo. June 19 (A*)— The PEAT HUMUS I for the men and women at the Odd a two-year-old daughter, Linda Sen. Lester (r. Hunt (D-Wyo) ‘ ‘ ** Fellows Home in Groton, to be Hunt is a native of Isabel, III. TAMPAX Shredded and Screened . Lee. Mrs. Friend prior to her >\ SPEGIAL SALE was found shot in the head in ig Three were agreed to<iay I pre.sented to' .them Sunday, June He attended Wesleyan Univer*lty Truck load lot* 8.7.00 a yard' marriage was Miaa Elisabeth Kirk­ tftat Thailand’s Soviet-vetocxl M od«m method his Senate office today. in Bloomington, III., and was grad- Offer gOod until July 1st. ! 27. patrick of Highland Park. Her A EXTRA rejihesf for a southeast-Asia A t Casualty hoRpltal. to w h ich , uated' from St. Lout* University /' fo r nioitlhly husband is the son of Dr. and Mrs. he wa* taken, hts condition wa»| College of Dentistry In 1917." He Phetra MT-3-6515 j The Grace Center Church'wom^ peacesjiatrol should go to the A. E. friend of 79 Comstock Rd. reported ''seriousTf hot, critical.” Hwk* awarded a doctor of law* d«^ ^ . ■ tonitary prottdion en are having, a pot-luck picnic U.N. General As.sembly. They Monday night at 7 o'clock at Mrs. 60 G A U G E FIRST Dr. George W. Calver. the phy-1 gree by the University of Wyo-M^”j,e studying the prol>- ‘Welconie Deiiio(;rat' George Hunt's cottage st Lake ■ician to Congrea*. authorized a m1ng In 1950. lem of h6y»' to get it there, Ha.vward. Colchester. The group QUALITY SHEER, statement that Hunt wa.* found ijppn hi* graduation he began asfteiS.SMr^sr.u-S'- .will meet at thie church at 6 p. m. LOOK! wounded and removed to the bos- practice of dentistry in Lander 1 and when. dispoMl. 5, li**» » r »*t«oai "teds. M cCA N N and. in case of rain, will hold the pilal. An office aide, found him and shortly after served in the | The requestX designed to k«P .supper in the church. Members MEN S CUSTOM MADE when he apriv*4 at.w ork about Army In'W orld War I *a a lieu- the Jindochina w V from spreading- are aaked to bring their own NYLON 9:1.% a. m. ' tenant. Be now Is a major In the westward into Thailand, failed in plates a lid silverware. The statement said Hunt suffer- 1 the Security Goiinc\ yesterday be- BROTHERS me siaiemeni aain Hum aimer Xfter postgraduate atudy at ra„»e of the So*-iet\unlon'a veto. SUITS ed a wound over the right temple Norlhweatern University he, re- : The vote wa* 9-1-' \*^h Lebanon Plumbing and \ from a .22 caliber rifle bullet. Only HOSIERY sun)^ dental practice.. ____ | al^ataining. Htoting Contractors $69.50 "The Senator wa* alone in hi* Hunt entered politics In 1932, Map Procedure' By SAM SI MMERLlN ' office, when his condition was dis­ AT Tn new flattering summer shade.*, serving in the W yoming State Henry. Cabot Ixxige, Jr\-of the Tegucigalpa, Honduras, June 19 </P)— Two strategic Guate* covered,” the statement added. ► TOYS 4 all with dark seams, reinforced House of -Representative*. He' t ^ l e d States told! the Cmincil. Water Systems. ^ FOR THE RIpDlES 4 malan .seaport* were reported in the hand.* of inViiding anti­ heel and tpes for extra super value. Former Qovemor was Wyoming Secretary of State "Taank heaven, we can stilt W on ^ Large Aetortment ^ communist ‘‘liberation army” forces today. Local ih(orm»nt.i A R C H IE Hunt. 61. a fotmer governor of from 1934 to 1942, when he. was' to Hhe a.*sembly.” Lalei', Soles and Service elected governor. H* was re­ of the Liberation Army identified the two porta a.s'^Puerto T H E T A I L O R Wyoming, was elentfA 1o the Sen­ privUie conferences with Britil elected governor . in 1946 and Barrios on the Carribesn and San * -------------------------------------------. '■■ ' -- Phoife Mitchell 3.5f 55 ^Arthur Drug SiorM 8!9 Center St. Tel. M<-t-488t ate in November 1948 "for*'a term Frenciriimd Thai repiesenlative.4 ending next Jan. 3. H* annpimc- served a* chairman of the gover­ he told repot ters, "W e are all in^ Jose on the. Psclfic. rnUtmamnm amtm AAA. The Army, lihder command of I c p a i r ed last Tuesday that he would not nors' conference In 1948. ! favor of calling' the assembly, hut be a candidate forr re-election this former Guatemalan Army Lt. Col. v l He served as president of- both exactly when and ho-3v is siib- E(den, Smitk fall becaiiae of "health condition.*,” the- W’yomlng aState * -'* Dental Sort.-consultationSocle betwei^ the Carlo* Ca.'.tillo Armaa. said two inland town* also may be in con­ \ X He had been undergoing treat­ ty and the state board of_ dental countries." ment. at the Naval . Medical cen­ examiners, in a period 1924 to Thanat Khomah. ThaUand's act­ trol of the invader*. ter in nearby Belheada. Md. 1928. ' ing permanent representative to These towns were identifled a.* \ Zacapa. whUh lies near the Hon- In announcing his plans tn re- the U. N,, said eailier his govern­ \ ^re from politics, Hunt ssid he (Ounllniicd on PAg* Five) ment, would request assembly con­ diira.* border between Puerto Barrio and Guatemala Citv. and (NOT sideration of its request but, he T om orrow sdded, "whether In a .special' ses­ the .smaller town of Retalhiileu. in EXACTLY A.*? NEW EASY TO CLEAN the southwest corner of the coun­ ILLUSTRATED) sion or s re.sumed se.sslon we will have to .ytudv,” try near the %texh'an border. Geneva, June 19 (/P)— Brit- The informant.*’ said, however, i.sh Foreign Secretary An­ SUMMER HANDBAGS U. S., France Parley The 60-nalion assembly, since fha'i if the Guatemalan Army has la.st Dec, 9. has been in recess on sent reinforcements into Ssn .In.se thony Eden and U. S. Under­ the Korean-peace queallon, subject foK In *11 wl^lle and rrmovable covers. and Puerto Barrio* the invaders secretary of State Walter S O t h to recall by majority yonsent.
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