Minutes of the Privy Council 1851-1852 I

72002.1851.001 331

Ahakuka Malu Ape:rila ? l.651

Noho :ma.i la Ka J,roi Wahine Ka :Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Kanaina Kapaakea Armstrong Judd Kekuanaoa Wyll.ie Paki Namakeha Kaeo Ua heluheluia ka pule Wyllie Kakau- olelo Ua hoonohoia ?-·tr.Wyl1ia e kakau i ka :rrooolelo, no ka mea, aia o Aneru i ka Aha Hooko1okolo Aole i heltL~eluia ka mooolelo o kela Aha na Palapala ,I. Gen. :.Ciller ma Rieke ae la :',Ir. Wyllie i na palapala ana i kakau ai 1 na Kan:ikele o Beri tan·ia a me Ferani marnule o ka olelo hooholo o ka la 21 o ]![arak:1.

Roike mai no 'h.oi oia i ke ano nui o ka mea a ke Kanikele nui i pane mai ai No ka mai o Mr.Severance aole oia 1 pane mai Palapala a Mr. Perrin Hoakaka mai l.a ]Jr. Wyllie i ke ano o ka Mr .Perr in mau

palapala i heluia he 19 a me 20, no ka haawi ana i ka Peresidena o Ferani e noonoo i ka. nui o ka poino i

loaa; a minamina oia no ko J\Tr .Perrin ae ole i kela haawina

:tira m.ea ma_riiai a H .Pearce ma Eia ka olelo hooholo a :Mr .Judd no ka palapala noi a H. Pearce ma no na dala he 1309.78 ma na mea mahi ai a lakou, ua lawe ia mai ma ka inoku o Loo-Choo Hooh.l.

Hooh. l. Ua hooholoia; E hoi hou ia na dute e pili ana i na mea :mahiai ai a me na mea e ae i oleloia i ka aoao 144 o ma rm kanawai o Julai 1850, na mea hoi a Henry Pearce.Ai lawe mai ai ma ka Loo-Choo. 332 Privy Council April ?th 1851

Present Her Hajesty the Queen

His Highness John Young

Kanaina Kapaakea Armstron,c;; Judd Kekuanaoa · Wyllie Paki Har11akcha Kaeo Prayers were read as usual

Mr.Wyllie Sec. Hr.Wyllie was appointed to take the rriinutes for

Mr. Andrews who was de taine

The minutes of the last meeting were not read. Despatches to Ur. Wyllie submitted the despatches t 11at he had Gen .1a11er & J,..r.Perrin addressed to the Rep re sen ta tives of G1~ea t :Jri tain and

France, pursuant to tj1e Resolution of the 21st of J;~arch.

He made kncwn the suhstance of the Consul Generals reply.

Severance sick Mr. Severance, being sick, had not yet replied J ]/Cr. Perrin I s ]Jr. Wyllie made knovm the contents of 1:r. Perrin 's Nos. 19 & 20, upon the subject of the reference of the question of indemnities to the President of France

·and expressed regret that Hr. Perrin had not acce1)ted

t~-ie form in which the reference was first offered • .i .J H .Pearce & Co. }~r •. Judd 1:.1oved t~1.e followinG Resolution on t}ie

_j Agricultural Peti ti0n of J.ressrs. H. Pierce & Co. in regard to im:olenen ts ~H309. ?C agricultural implm1en ts fo1· their use h1ported.

by t'ne Loo-Choo

Res. 1

Res.l. Resolved; That the duties be reri1itted uIJon all asricul tural iT,1p1e,nents and oti,er articles as described.

at paee 144 of the. lavlS of Jul:r 1850 nhich have l~een

i:1ported by Henry Pearce & Co. in the Loo Choo. 333

Kekuanaoa Heluhelu mai la Hr. Armst:r.ong i ka palapala noi a Hoololi aina Ke:kuanaoa no ka hoololi aina i Jfona

Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; o ka palapala noi a Kekuanaoa aka la 4 o Aperila 1851 no ka hoololi ama i na aina elua o Haukalua ma Kona i Hawaii,no Keawaula a me Kahauahaiki ma Waianae i , e haawiia no ia ia Keoni Ana e ninau ma ka mea ike pono i ka waiwai o ia mau aina, a.

e hoike: i keia aJ1a.

Lililehua Eia kekahi olelo i hooholoia e pono ai ia Lililehua

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia, ua aeia i ke.Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ia Lililehua no na

pa.hale ma Puiwa 1 Uuuanu; ua heluia 1345 e ka poe Hoona, ia ia no e uku mai no ko ke Aupuni kuleana i na dala he kanaha kumamako1u a me ka hapaha {$43.25)

Iwiula Ua hooholaia hoi keia Olelo e pono ai ia IwiuJ.a. Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Iwiula 1 palapala sila nui ano alodio no kekahi aina ma Kaukahoku, oia hoi ka helu 1476 o ka poe hoona; ia ia no ho 1 e uku mai no ko ke Aupuni kuleana i kana.hiku kuma.malima dala

Keawe:;liuahi Eia ka mea 1 hooholoia no Keaweluahi Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Ua hooh_oloia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Keawelua.hi i palapala sila nui ano alodio no na aina ma Kamakela

\ I ~34. Kekuanaoa Mr. Armstrong submitted the app1ication of Kekua­ Exchane;e lands naoa f'or the exchange of' lands in Kena Hawaii I . Res. 2 Ree. 2. Resolved; That the application of M. Kekuanaoa of April 4, 1851 to ex~hange the two lands KaUkalua in Kona Hav,aii, for Kea,vaula ~and K~anaiki, in Waianae, Oahu be referred to Mr. Young to make enquires through a proper agent as to the comparative value of said / lands & report the same to this council. Lililehua. The follow·ing Resolution was passed in favor of Lililehua J Res. 3. Ree. 3. Resolved; Th.at the Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant a title in fee simple to Lililehua for the lots of land in Puiwa · Nuuanu known as claim Uo., 1345 of the Land Commies.ion

upon his paying f"or the Govt. right therein the BUl'l • of forty three & 25/100 dollars ($43.25) J Iwiula. On the behalf of Iwiula the following resolution .was passed Res.4. J Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be and is hereo:r authorized t.o grant to Iwiula a fee sim­ ple :ror the lot of land in Kaukahoku, .known as claim 1476 of the Land Commission, upon his paying for the Go:wern11ent rights therein the sum of Seventy five

J Keavrnluahi On behalf of Keaweluahi the foll.owing Resolution was passed

Res. 5. J Res. 5. Resolved; That t 1·1.e Hinister of the Interior he and is hereby authorized to grant to Kea'.:cluahi a fee aL,ple title for t~·1e lots of land in Ka1:akela, 335 i , Oahu, ua ikeia he mau apana 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, a me 9; ua heluia hoi 919 e ka Poe Hoona, aia ke ulcu ko mai ia iAke Aupuni kuJ.eana 1 hookahi haneri i.Wiakalua kumamahiku dala a me ka hapalua {#127.50.) Hoopaneeia ae la a i ka Poakahi, hora ll 330

Honolulu, Oahu, known as Ayana.a l,2,3,5,6,& 9, of cl:d'?J !To. 919 of t 01e Land Corru11ission upon his paying for t:·1e Govern»1ent riehts t~'1erein t~1e sur'l of one hundred & tvrnnty seven and 50/100 dollars. (3127. 50)

Adjourned till :nonday at 11 A.F. 337 Ahakuka Ii.Calu Aperila 14 1851

r;oho mai la Ka Moi o Kaxreha."lleha III.

Ka lifoi Wahine

Ka l!ea Kiekie o Keoni Ana

Paki Kanaina Namakeha Kaeo Kekuanaoa Armstrong Judd Wyllie Kapaakea Bates,hele mai mahope Ua heluheluia ka pule No ka nalowale ana o Aneru aole i heluheluia ka

Mooolelo o ka la 7 Palapala noi a na haole Hoike mai la lEr. Young i ka palapala noi a kekahi poe haole e noho ana ma Honolulu, ku e kona ano i kahi

e kukulu nei i hale no ka mea kinai ahi. ua kakauia ua palapala noi la i ka la 9 o Aperila ua ae :Mahope o kekahi kuka ana, ,-/{ ia e hoopanee ae. ila.

a hiki mai Hr.Bates no Mr.Vida Ua heluheluia ka pa.lapala nci a J.r.r. Vida,.kekahi aina ma Holo o kahua, a ua hoo:ttoloia penei Hooh. 1.

Hooh. l. Ua hooho1oia;_ ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi

aku ia F.R.Vida i ka palapala s.ila nui ano alodio no ka apana aina ma ka huina o na a.la Kamehameha a me Alapai, aia ke 1oaa ia ia ka palapala kuleana no ka pa

p. Kekuina e moe ana. no ia make kua o ua. wahi la, a uku mai no hoi ia i kanalima dala ($50,) Manao o Mr. Bates no kahi o I ia manawa komo mai Hr.Bates, a huli hou ke kUka ka. hale kinai a.hi ana i kahi e ku ai ka hale mea kinai a.½.i. Hoo·le Mr. .. Batea 1 kela wahi no ke kupono ole, o na ala laula ka mea 1 makemakeia. ~Ja ke ano kanawai he ka.n·a.1ua kona aole paha e hiki i ke aupuni ke la.we Privy Council April 14th 1851

Present His Ivra; estv Ka.neharr1eha III t., V Her }":ajesty the Q,ueen His Highness John Yeung Paki .Kanaina Namakeha Kaeo Kekuanaoa Anr1strong Judd Wyllie Kapaa.kea Bates car,ie in late Prayers were read as usual J Minutes not Owing to the abscence of M.r. Andrews the ninutea read of the 7th instant were not read.

V Petition of Mr. Younr~ broue;ht forvrard a petition dated 9th Residents April hy many foreign residents ae;ainst the localit.y C!2.0sen for the engine house After sor1e discussion, it was aereed to postpone

the furt11.er conaide:cation of the r,1atter, till Mr.B'ates I should be present. Mr. Vida Mr. Vida's application for a piece of land on the

plain v1as taken up and the follov1ing Resolution was passed j Res. 1. Res .. 1. Resolved; That the Hinister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to F.R.Vida a fee si:r,1ple title for the lot of land at the corner of Ka:mehaFleha and Alapai Streets, v1hen :'r1e shall have

acquired a title to t:1e lot of Kekuina which lies in the rear of said lot, upon his paying therefor the sum j of Fifty dollars (j50) Mr.Bates'opinion site of the Engine Mr. Bates having C0i:ne ip, t 11e subject of the :house site f'or an Engine house was resumed., J;rr. :Bates ob­ jected to the site on the ground of general inexpedi­ ency, it beine; desirable to have v1ide streets. On the , legal merits of the question, he had great doubts that the Goverm1ent could legally encroach upon or take a.way 339

i kekahi wahi o ke alanui kahi e hele ai kanaka. A heluhelu oia 1 kekahi mau pauku o na loia naauao i mea

e paa ai kona manao TuTr. Wyll.ie Hooakaka ae la Ur.Wyllie i kona manao a ae aku la no ma.mu!l.1 o ka manao o Mr.Bates.

Mr.Judd. Hoakaka ae la }ffr. Judd. Kupono kona manao i ka pono a

me ka hana mau ana. Kekuanaoa ma Paa ae la ka manao o Kekuanaoa a me kekahi mau alii e ae, i kukuluia no ua hale la ma ia wahi no Mr.Bates Olelo ae la Mr. Bates, ua ike pono oia, e hooltOlokoloia auanei make kanawai, a i kona manao e kue no ka manao e hooholoia Wahi hou.ae Eia ka mea i holo; na ke komite e imi hau i wahi no ia hale W.Chambe:rlain Helu.lielu ae l.a Mr.Judd i ka palapala noi /. a W.Chamber­ lain i ole he dute ma kona mau mea mahi ai Hooh. 2. ia Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia Mr. W. Chamberlain e hoopae iuka A i kona mau mea ma.hi ai i oleloia ma kana palapala i ka

Mea ohi dute me ka dute ole

; Palapala a Mr. Wetmore na pal. Heluhelu ae la :Mr. Judd i ka palapala a Mr .Prosper he 15 M. Wetmore o ka la 29 o lfovemaba. 1850 me na Bu.ke 15 no ka Mooolelo ·holoholona a new York

Eia ka mea i h-0oholoia Hooh. 3. Rea. 3. Ua hooho1oia; ua kauohaia ke Kuhina o ko na Aina e e palapala oluolu aku no ka loaa ana na buke i haawiia i

ke Aupuni Hawaii e ka poe hooponopono i ka Ohana o New York.

Hoakaka ae la Mr.Judd i kona manao i hoonohoia ka mea hou nana e hoopololei i na buke waiwai, no ka ona pinepine ana o Mr.Jarrett; a olelo mai oia, e hoonoho oia i mea kakau i ka waiwai o ke aupuni. any part of a puhlic street or thorough rare. In­ support of this opinion he cited nu.-r,erous cases of / leeal decisions :'.':r .Wyllie M:r .Wyllie expressed. himself as fully agreeing wi'th

:Hr. Ba tea in the principles he had laid down. / JJr .Judd J..:r. Judd made several explanations bearing upon J. the question of right and usage Kekuanaoa ma Kekuanaoa arid several other chiefs were strong1y

inclined to have ·t;he house put.up in the site selected.

J :Mr.Eat es Hr.Bates stated from his certain knowledge that the ques_tion would be tried at law, and in his opinion j with the certainty cf an adverse decision. Another place It was agreed t1,at t~1e Co,111111 ttee should lcok out j for· another place W.Chamberlain Ur. Judd hrought forward Hr. W. Char11berlain 1 s

application for exemption from duties of agricultural

implements. j Res. 2. Res. 2. _Resolved; That 1Jr. W. Chamberlain be authorized imstrmnents to import the Agricultural A free of duty referred to the J in ¥-ii letter of the Collector of Customs. Mr. Wetmore I s· Ur. Judtl. brought f'ori.1ard Mr. Prosper 1~. Wetmore'a Letter with 15 Vols. letter of 29th November 1850 vd tl1 15 Volu:ncs of ti1e N.Hiet. nahiral history of Jr.York.

The followin~ resolution was passed

Hes. 3. Rea. 3. Resolved; 'l'hat tl~e 1!.inister of Foreir..;n Relations is hereby ins.tructed to courteously acknowledGe the

receipt of t:r~e :Books presented to the Hawaiia11 Govern­ \ ment by the Regents of the Stace of I:"ew York. New Auditor Ur. J-udd brour~h t forward a proposal that a new a.udi tor of public accounts should be aJ.)1)0inted on

account of the imtempera te ha"b its of !.rr. Jarrett, and

notified tl1at he would a~opoint a rer;istrar of public • accounts 341. E holo ana Mr. Bates i Roakaka ae la Mr .Bates 1 kona manao e holo i

Kauai me kana wahine, a1a paha, pau ke1a hebedoma, a

o Samuel Burbanks kona mea pani haka. Mr. Jarrett Eia ka mea i holo no Mr.Jarrett

Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; 1Ja ka Moi e hoonoho i ka mea hou nana e hooponopono i ka palapala no ka waiwai ma kahi o Mr.Jarrett.

Ua hooholoia; E kaawale ka moo dala o ke Kalai­ aina a me ka ka Waiwai mai ka la 1 o Aperila nei a e hoonohoia he kakauolelo eke Kuhina Kalaiaina Kinimaka Ua heluheluia ka palapala a Kinimaka e noi ana e

hoololiia kona aina.; a ua haawiia ia Mr.Younge pala­ pala. aku. Haunaele ma Ewa Hoakaka ae la l'~r. Armstrong i keka...h.i mea no na haunaele ma Ewa. Ua hooholoia ae la penei

Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; e kauohaia no o ke Kiaaina o Kekua• naoa, e hoopuniia. ka halepaahao no na wahine ma :Ewa e ka paa ikaika, a na ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa i ka bila ke laweia mai

Hoopaneeia ae la a i ka Po akahi. I 342 ,.".r .Bates go to lrr. Rates, gave notice that he thought of' leaving Kauai for Kauai v,ri th his vlife, about t}ie end of the week, & v Er .Burbanks that Sar,rnel Burbank would attend to his businea:e when necessary

_/ ...V r. J arre.,..,+t: On the subject of Hr • .Tarrett's case, the :follq_w­ ing resolutions were passed Rea. 4. j Res. 4. Resolved; That His :!.Iajesty the King be requested to appoint an auditor of 3'inance in place of Fr.Jarrett

Resolved; That the accourits of t}1e De_JJart:rnent o:f

the Interior be kept separate froM that of Finance f'rcm

the 1st day of April current by a clerk appointed.

by the J'l"inister of the Interior

Kini:ma.ka The letter of Kinir-1.aka applying for an excha:i;ige of lands was taken up and refer:ced to }.~r. Young to reply to it. j Disorders at }.'Ir .Anristrong brought forwai-d the case of the Ewa disorders existing at Ewa.

·Upon this subject the following resolution was

passed ' J Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; T•1at Gov. Kekuanaoa be instructed to

have the prison for women in E,1a enclosed by a f¢i

Adjourned till t:onday

• 343 Ahakuka Halu Aperila 211851

Hoho mai la Ka Hea Kiekie Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa !-Tamakeha Kanaina Wyl1ie Kaeo Judd Ii Lee Kapaakea Armstrong . Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia.

Wellesley Hoakaka ae l.a lir. Wyllie i ke kumu o ke kani ole: mai o ka pu aloha o Kapena Wellesaley. He lawe ukana kona :moku, elua wale no pu maluna Kuikahi me Hamburg Hoakaka ae la ~(r.Wyllie, ua hooholo a ua hoopaa ia ka olelo kuikahi me ko Hamburg.

Mr .Gos,aler Olelo hou mai la Mr.Wyllie ua loaa ia ia ka palapala na Mr.Goesler mai, oia ke Kanikele Havtaii ma Hamburg.

Kaholoau HelUhelu ae la i ka palapala n<::>.i a Kaholoau no ~ palapala ano alodio no kona aina Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Ua hooho]oia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Kaholoau i palapala sila n~i ano alodio no kona

wahi aina ma Honolulu; ua heluia i 59,57:B. ma na bUke o ka poe Hoona a ua lilo ia ia, nana no e Uku a.ku i $10 mau dala no ke kuleana Aupuni malaila.

John Ii. Olelo ae la Mr. Ii, he wahi mea aie paha ia ia no kona

hookaa ana i na bila o Loeau no kona noho haumana i ke

Kula Alii;

Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; 1:ra ke Kuhina Waiwai e • Privy Council April 21 1851 Preeen t His IIighnes~ •John Young

Kekuanaoa :Nam:akeha Kanaina Wyllie Kaeo Judd Ii Lee Kapaakea Arr1strong

Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read Hinutea were read and approved I . . --1 Capt. Wellessl:r Er. Wyllie explained the reason why Capt. Wellesley

had ·not fired a salute - his ship beinr; a store ship

& having only tvrn cannons on deck.

T:rea ty with Har1burg Mr. Wyllie gave notice that the treaty with Ha.~­ j burg, had been ratified ' 1Cr.Gossler i:r.Wyllie also said that he had receivec.L a letter from Hr. Gassler the Hawaiian Consul at Hamburg. 'y Kaholoau. Mr. Lee brought forward the apylication of KaJ101o-

au for a fee simple title to some land. hes. 1. • J Res. 1. Resolved; That the J:Iinister of the Interior be

and is hereby aut:'::1orized to' grant a title in fee sir>J.ple

to Kaholoau for his lot of land in Honolulu aina, Knovm

as as Ho. 5957:B. on the books of the land Cor:.miaa,icn-,

and av:arded hi~1 by t:ie sai:-te on his paying t11e sum of J $10 for the Goverrn1ent righ• in said lot. r~r. Ii Mr.Ii said t~ere was sonethinc due to hin on the her part of Loeau for money he adva:r..ced "' while a scl1olar

of the ; ~1erefore Res. 2

Res. 2. Resolved; That the 1Tinister of Finance be and 345

haawi aku ia 1lr .John Ii i elua haneri dala na na dala i 1ilo no ka noho haumana ana a Jane Loeau Kaaa. Hooaka.ka ae I.a :Mr. Lee i kekahi mea no· Kaaa ma Nuuanu

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e ¥.iiyl/ ~Ji. ii kuai i ka aina o Kaea i heluia 1329 Apana 2 ma Laimi, no na dala $150 a na ke Kuhina Waiwai e hooks.a a.ku; a ua kauohaia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi ia ia i ka

palapala. sila nui ano alodio no ka apana 1 o ia wa.½.i no, ia ia no hoi e uku i iwa.kalua kumamalima dala no

ko ke Aupuni kuleana malaila Palapala a :Mr Pease Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala a Hr.Peaae no Kauai mai no kekahi poe kamaaina.

Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia ia l[r. w. H. Pease e kuai i na apana aina i na kanaka maoli ma Waioli a me Hana1ei ( aole nae i o.i aku i ka hap aha o ka eka hookahi no, ke

kanaka hookahi) o ka aina aupuni hoi i waiho wale ia ' ma Waioli ma ka aoao hikina hoi o ka muliwai Waioli; eia ke kumu kuai haahaa loa, kanalima keneta no ka eka hookahi Ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Kalaiaina. e hooko aku i keia olelo hooholo; a ua aeia ia ia e haawi aku i na palapala sila nui ano alodio no ia aina 1 kuaiia pela, a elua hoi dala pakahi ka palapala alodio. Hale Hookolo- Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee i ka palapala aka poe kolo Hale paahao komite i hoike ai no ka Halehookolokolo a me ka hale paahao; a ua Hooholoia ae la Penei

Hooh. 5.

Hooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; o ka palapala a ka poe komi te no ka hale hookolokolo, e aeia no, a mamuli hoi 346 ' 'f / is hereby authorized to pay ?!r. John Ii the sum of two hundred dollars, for tuition money paid f'or the . . I education of Jane Loeau out of his.own pocket. Kaaa. Hr. Lee brought forward the case of Kaaa in Nuuanu. I Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That the Uinister of the Interior be

and is hereby authorized to bu~, Kaaa' s land claim No. 1329 Apana 2 in Lair~i, ~or the sum of $150 and to draw on the Hinister of Finance "for the sa..,,e; and he a als6 authorized to grant him a royal Patent for Apana 1 of the same claim upon his paying for the Govern..-rnent rights therein the sum of twent3r five dollars. J Letter of I.fr .Pease. l:r. Lee read a letter frortJ. :Mr. Pease of Kauai in behalf of natives of that island. J 1-'.es. 4. Resolved; That Mr. W. H. Pease be and is hereby Authorized to sell parcell.s. of land to the natives of Waioli and Hanalei (not exceeding one quarter of an acre to any one individual) of the unoccupied lands belonging to Government in Waioli on the east side of the Waiqli river, at a minimum price of fifty eents

per acre - The 1v1:inister of the Interior is hereby charged with the execution of the above resolution,

( and is autJ1orized to issue Royal Patents for the land

sold under the sar.i.e, at the price of two dollars per each patent. Com.on Jail. :Mr. Lee read a report of a committee on the court hou&e and jail on which the following Resolution was passed

Res. 5. Resolved; 'rhat the Report of the Committee on \ Res. 5. the court House, be received, and ag.opted; and that }:)tu=- 347

o ka mea i oleloia malaila; ua kauohaia ke Kuhina

Kalaiaina, e kukulu koke i Hale Hookolokolo, a e

hoolimalima hoi me ke Kakauolelo makaukau e hoopono­ pono i na Hana Aupuni, a nana hoi e kuhikuhi aku i ua hana la. Kom. Moku Mahu. Reluhelu ae la Mr.Judd i ku palapala aka poe komite no ka poe Moku mahu

Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Ua hooholoia; 0 ka palapala aka poe komite no ka holo moku mahu ana a me na uapo kapili moku maloo; e aeia no ia, a e waiho wale no ia ma ka papa He wahi kamailio no ia no ka halawai ana o ka Ahaolelo

Wyllie Ua haawiia ia Hr .Wyllie nana e palapala ia J!.Cessra Benson laua me Kingsbury no ka poe moku mahu

Hoopanee ae la a i ka Po akahi

, suant to the recommendation therein contained the Minister of the Interior is hereby empowered and in­ structed to erect a court house :forthwith; and to enploy a competent clerk f'or the superintendence of J public works, to oversee the construction of t1'1.e s8J'le. Rep. on Steam Mr. Judd read the report of a co:mI!littee on a atean. Company navigating co111pany, on which it was J Ree. 6. Ree. 6. Resolved; That the Report of the Committee on

Dry ! Steam Navigation and Docks be and is hereby accept­ l .I ed, and that the same lie on the table Some conversation followed respecting the l meeting of the Legislature ]tr .Wyllie It was given to J!fr. Wyllie to reply to tl1e Letters

of Messrs. :Benson & Kingsbury on the subject of a Steam Company Adjourned till Monday next 349

Aha.ku.ka l!alu Mei 2 1851 He papa Waiwai

Noho mai la Ia Moi o Kamehameha III

Ka Mea. Kiekie o Keoni Ana

R.C.Wyllie P.Kanoa R.Armstrong M.Kekuanaoa Ioane Ii Ch.Kana.ina K. Kapaakea. J.Y.Kanehoa Geo.L.Kapeau B.Ka.makeha

Kakau iho la na Lii i ko lakou inoa ma ka Buke inoa Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Ua ~ooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa i ka bila no ka mea kani $50.00 No ka malamalama e kauia ma ka Papu aole nae e

oi aku i na dala he $50.00

]Ta ke Ku..1-]_ina Kalaiaina ka imi i ua malamalama la

Na G. P. Judd i kakau . ! 550

Privy Council May 2 4851 ae a Board of Finance Present His Haj esty Kamehameha III.

His ·Highness 'J'.ohn .. Young R.C.Wyllie P.Kanoa. R.Armstrong li,.Kekuanaoa Ioane Ii Ch. Kanaina K.Kapaakea J. Y .Ka.nehoa Geo.L .. Kapeau :a.&ma.Iceha

llemb-ers inscribed their namnes in the book. j Reel. Res. 1. Resolved; That the Minister of Finance pa.y ~or Musical Instrument · $53.00 For a light to be kept upon the Fort not to exceed - 50.00 That the Minister of the Interior· provide the said light G. P. Judd Pro.Tern. 351 Ahakuka Malu Mei 31 185J. Noho mai la Ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Mr.Judd K~kuanaoa Wyll.ie Kanaina Armstrong Ii Kanoa Kaeo Kapeau Kapa.akea Lorrin Andrews Kakau.olelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Mr.Judd Dute Heluhelu aela 1-:r. Judd i ka palapala na ka M:ea chi no M:a waiwai misionari dute mai, no ka hookaa ana i na dute o ka waiwai i laweia mai e na Missionari Amerika - a pau ke kamailio ua hoonohoia ]Tr.Wyllie i komite e kamailio me ];,fr.Castle

no ia mea. Cooke laua me Castle - Aina Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong na Messrs.Cooke laua me miesionari Castle no ke kuleana o na li:fisionari i ko lakou mau hale

a. me ko lako,u mau pahale; a ua hoohol.oia kekahi olelo

e hoonoho i poe komi te e imi a e hoakaka mai. Hooh. l.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; o ka palapala a J,ressrs .Castle laua

me Cooke no ka la 9 o Jperila, e haawiia i kekahi

komite, na lakou e hai mai i ko lakou mana i keka.hi Aha mahope; O Hessrs.Wyllie,Lee,:Batea kela komite.

Hoa. Heluhelu ae la Jftr .Armstrong i ka palapala noi a Hoa, i palapala ano alodio nana. Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2·. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi i ka palapala 8'ila nu.i ano alodio no na pa aina

eha ma Puiwa, Honolulu aina, Oahu, ua hoakaka ia i ka

palapala hooko 1 heluia 1331, ia ia no e uku r1ai i na dala he kanalima no ke Aupuni. Privy Council May 31 1851 Present His Highness John Young Paki Mr.Judd Kekuanaoa , Wyllie Kanaina Armstrong Ii Kanoa Kaeo Kapeau Kapaakea Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read j lHnutee were read and approved Yr.Judd Mr. Judd read so::-1e corrmunications fro11J. the Dutties. on lUasi<,m- j ary importa- Collector of Customs in relation to payment of dutie.a tions on goods imported by the America...l1. Missionaries. -

after conversation Mr. Wyllie was appointed a Committee to confer with Mr. Castle on the sub,j ect

J Cooke & Castle Mr. Armstrong read a letter from 1-!essrs. Cook and Titles to 1.!issionary Castle relative to the title of Missionaries to their Lands dwel11ng houses and lots upon which the foliowing Resolutions recom..T!lending a committee of three to be appointed to report on the subject; was adopted.

Meaars.Wyllie, Bates & Lee were the c0!'1I!littee Res. 1

Res. 1. Resolved; That the letter of Messrs. Castle & Cooke of April 9th be referred to a committee, conaie­

ting of Messrs. Wyllie, Lee & Bates, to report upon at a (Ifill subsequent meeting of this Council. Hoa. Mr. Armstrong read t~e application of Hoa for an allodial title to his land Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the :Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant Hoa a fee simple title to the four lots of land in Pu)wa HonoluJ.uaina, Oahu, described in a.ward of claim No. 1331 upon his paying the sum of Fifty Dollars for the Goverrun.ent rights in the s~~e. 353 Keal i ikanaka­ ole Heluhelu ae la Hr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi i ano alodio na Kealiikanakaole.

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Ha ke Khina Kalaiai:n,a e haawi ia

Kea1iikanakaole i ka palapala sila nu_i ano alodio no

na aina 5 i hoakakaia i ka palapala hooko 1 heluia

1282 o ka poe Hoona Kuleana aina; ia ia no hoi e Uku mai i kanaono kuma:malua a me 50/100 Dala no ko ke Aupuni hapa olaila.

Kealiiakaloa Heluhelu ae la l":r. Armstrong i ka palapala n

Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; E aeia 1t ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Kealiiakaloa i palapala aila nui ano

alodio no ka aina i hookoia nona e ka Poe Hoona, ua heluia 724 ia ia e u.ku mai i na dala he kanaono • kumamalua 50/100

Ulualoha Helu_r1.elu ae la Ur. Armstrong i ka palapala noi ~ 1 ano alodio a Ulualoha

Hooh. 5.

Hooh. 5. Ua ';1.1/,,li.,l/_~ hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaia.ina e haawi aku ia Ulualoha i ka palapala sila nui ano

alodio nana, no kona aina ua heluia 773 e ka poe Hoona; ia ia e uku mai i ke Aupuni i kanalima dala ($50.) Kuluwailehua Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong 1 ka palapala noi i ano alodio na na hooilina a Kuluwailehua.

Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku i na hooilina a S. Kuluwailehua i palapala

aila nui ano alodio no na aina ma Kamoku II i Waikiki,

oia na apana 4 a l'!'le 5,, a 1281 kona heluna i ka poe

Hoona; na lakou no e Uku mai 1~~200 no ko ke Aupuni kuleana malaila Kaihe Heluhelu ae la J:r .Armstrong i ka palapala noi ano alodio a Kaihe.

Hoch. 7. Hooh. 7. I 354 Kealiikanakaole ~Tr. A.r1stront:i: read the application of' Kealiikanaka:­ ole for an allodial title. J Res. 3. Pes. 3. Resolved; That the ~''.inister of t:1e Interior be and is

hereh~.r authorized to srant to Kaliikanakaole a fee

simple title tc the 5 lots of land described in Arward

lTo. 1232 of the land Coarniss ion upon his paying the sun

of Sixtv-two 50/100 Dollars for the Governnent rights . ~ , ...,,nere 1n..

Kealiiokaloa J-'.'r.AI"!'1strong read t},e application of Kealiiokoloa for

an Allodial title to his land Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; That t?ie 1 inister of t 11e I:"cterior he and is hei.~eby autr.orized to grant Keliiokaloa a fee si-n,:ple

title to t:i-1e land awarded to hin a~d kno1:m as clain lTo.

'724 of t~;.c I"and Cor·1!Yfiss ion, fer t}1e su::. of Sixt:,:/ t,1.;vo

50/100 :Dollars. Ulu I Ulualo'1a Nr. Ar~stron,ri_; read the a:pplication of ;(.¢'aloha for " an allodial title to his land.

j Res. 5. Ees. 5. Resolved; T}-1at the s.:inister of the Interior he t~: is Ulualoha ?lereoy aut'c-:.orizcd to '.:i;rant a fee si"1ple title to Y/,/~,N./.

for tne lot of land knovm as clai.1'1 Eo. ?73 of the La:ri_d

Co1JI1ission, upo.n ?::..is )u.yin;~ for the Governnent rig:1ta

therein the sun of fifty dollars (~50) J Kuluwaile}rna 1:r An'lstronc; read an application of the heirs of

Kuluwailehua for an allodial title for their land j he B. ti Eea. 6. Resolved; ihat t!-:_e T:inister of ti:e Interior lie ,l is hereh~r authorized to .r_;rant to t 1:e heirs of S.Ku.Lxwa.i-

lehua a fee ai.,.·i_~>le title for the lots of la!7 d ir.. Ka'70k:u.

II Waikiki knc1:m as parts 4 fc. 5 of cJ_~irri. Ho.12fn of t:b..e

La!'ld Co"1l;'liasion, upon his payinr; for tl:.e Gov.rih:!.-1ta

t:~erein t:i:e sum of ~::200. e l Kai'he }Ir.Ar:-'lstronr, read an application of Kaih,I r·or an

I allodial title.

\ Res.?. hes. ? • 355 Ua hooholoia; Ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Kaihe 1 palapala sila nui ano alodio no na aina elua, o ka 1 a me ka 2 a ua heluia i 1591 e ka pee hoona; aia ke loaa ke Aupuni na dala hookahi hane­ re no kona kuleana olaila. Kawailau Heluhelu ae la lrr Armstrong i ka palapala no,i Ka ano alodio na/"Wailau Hooh. 8 Na Hoch. 8. Ua hooholoia;J/,t' ,t'/f./. 1 ke Kuhina Kala·iaina e kauoha aku ia Mr. Bonde ana i 150 ,teka ma Kalala, i Kohala no Kawailau a e haawiia no nana ka palapala sila nui ano alodio> $2 ke kumu kuai no ka eka hookahi; Eia kekahi, aole e.pili keia aina me ka aina i kuaiia me Kaneihalau ma. Konaaialee Heluhelu ae la Jir. Armstrong i ka palapala .noi i ano alodio na Konaaialee Hooh. 9. Hooh. 9. Ua hooholo,ia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e. ha­ awi aku ia Konaaialee i palapala sila nui ano alodio no ka aina i aeia ia i.a e ka poe hoona, a ua heluia hoi i 1552, ia ia no hoi e uku mai i kanalima dala no ke Aupuni Pahale Kula Heluhelu ae la l:r .Armstrong i ka palapala noi i pahale kula ma Kula o Kahua Hooh. 10. Hooh. 10. Ua hooholoia; ua ae aku keia Aha i ke koho ana a ke

Kuhina Ao Palapala i ka pa 6 ma Kulaokahua a ua aeia i

ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hookaokoa i ua pa la i wahi e kukulu ai i hale kula; oia wale ka pa i koe iho iwaena o na alanui o Alapai a me Washington. :Needham laua me Kelk Heluhelu ae la 1':1r Armstrong i ka palapala a Messrs Needham laua me Kelk no ka aina ma Hana. Hooh. 11. Hooh. 11. I 356 Resolved; That the }~inister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to Kail-le a fee sinple Title

to. lots lTos. 1 & 2 Avrard Uo .1591 of' the Land comr.iieution

upon receivi~g the SlL~ of One hundred dollars for the Governnent rights therein. j Ka.wailau Mr.Armstror:g!read the application of Wailau for an allodial titte J Res. 8. is Res~ 8. Resolvec.l; T:·a~ tl·e Minister of tJ::e Interior be andAhere by authorized to instruct llr. Bond to cause 150 acres ' in Kalala,Kohala,to be surveyed for Kaw~ilau and that

t:he. s~":le be conveyed to :her in fee simple at the price of $2.00 per acre;Provided always that this grant is not in any wrty to interfere with the land sold to I Kaneihalau and others. Konaaialee Mr.Ar~strong read an application of Konaaialee for an allodial title

Res. 9. Res. 9. Resolved; That t:he Minister of the Interio:r- be and is

hereby autho1·ized to grant Kona.aialee a. fee siM:ple

Title to the la!1d awarded to hin1, and described ir.: award }To .1552 of the Land Cornnission upon hie paying the sum of Fifty Dollars for the Goverill'lent rights j therein. School House lot. 1/!r. Armstrong read an application for a. school lot in Kula o Kahua 1 Res. 10. Res •. 10. Resolved; That this council approve of the selec­

tion by the l!inister of Public Instruction of Lot no 6

Kula. o Kah.ua and hereby authorize the Hinister of t}1e Interior t0 reserve said lot as a site for a school house, it beinc the only lot unsold hetween Alapai and j Washington Streets. Need..lia:m & Kelk Hr .ArPistrong read the application of l'Tessre. Eeed­

ha:m & Kelk for larcd in Eana Res. 11. Res. 11. 357 Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi

aku i ka palapala aila nui ano alodio ia W.G.!Teedham laua me E.J.Kelk no na eka aina 441 ma Honomaele Hiki- na, i Hana, :; ua anaia e Mr~Alexander, eia ka uku, ekolu dala no ka eka hookahi koe nae na kuleana kanaka maoli.

Kupa a me Heluhelu ae la !!Ir .Armstrong 1 ka pa.lapala noi a llakahiki • Kupa laua me Makahiki no ka aina :ma Hana.

Hooh. 12. na Hooh. 12. Ua hooholoia; e hooleia ){ipalapala noi aina ma Wanana- lua, ma Hana a Kupa laua me ?rakahiki; a na. ke Ktlhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku i kanalima eka i kela i keia o laua ma kekahi aina e aku, ke makomake mai laua,$2 hoi ka uku.

C.Copp. Helu.helu ae la 1lr .Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a Charles Copp no Hana

JI ooh. 13.

Hooh. :13.• Ua hooholoia; .ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Charles Copp i ka palapala eila nui ano alodio no

na eka aina i 300 ma Kaeleku a me Holokalani i Hana, J>Kaui; no na dala elua no ka eka hookahi; a no na eka

aina e ae i 300 e elua dala no, no ka eka hookahi koe

iho nae na kuleana kanaka maoli s.c.spalding. Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina as. C. Spalding. Hooh. 14.

Hooh~ 14. Ua hooholoia; .0 ka palapala a S. c. Spalding· e noi

ana i 50 eka aina ma Waikiu, Hana; e aeia no eia ke kumu kuai $3. ma ka eka hookahi

J .H.Smith Heluhelu a.e la Hr.Armstrong i ka. palapala noi aina a J.H.Smith no ka aina ma Waialua Hooh. 15.

Hooh. 15. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Joseph Smith i palapala aila nui ano alodio no kekahi aina ma Kamananui, Waialua, Oahu 358 / Resolved; Th.at the !~iniater of the Interior be ar;d il,

hereby authorized to crant to W.G.2'Teedham & E.J .Kelk a

fee siTI'Jple title to 441 acres of land in East Honor1.aele

Hana; Yaui as surveyed by Fr. Alexander, for the SU.'111 Of

t!1.ree Dollars per acre, reserving t:;.e ri;:;h ts of 11a tive J tenants. Kupa & Yakahiki J\0r.Arnstron.~ read an application fror1 Kupa and

:.r:akahiki for land in Eana j Res. 12. Ka Res. 12. Resolved; That the applications of Kupa and J\l~aka- hiki :for land in Wananalua,Hana be refused; and that the ~inister of the Interior be instructed to grant Fifty acres for each of t:hem in so::-r1e other larn.l, if they j ~Iii wish so nuch at $2 per acre. C.Copp. Mr.Armstrong read an application froM. Charles Copp for land in Hana Res. 13. l Res. 13. Resolved;That the Hinister of the Interior be autho- rized to grant to Charles Copp a Fee Simple title to

300 acres of land in Kaeleku & Holokalani,Ha.na,lratii;:for

two dollars per acre: And to the 300 acres additional for two Dollars per acre. Reserving native tenan~s rights j . S.C.Spalding Hr.Armstrong read an application of S.C.Spalding :ror land

j Res. 14 Res. 14. Reaol'ted;Tha.t S.C.Spalding 1 s application f'or 50 Acre& of land in Waikiu,Hana;be granted at the price cf $3.00 per acre. j J.H.Smith J~r.Armstrong read ~he application of J. S. Smith f'or land at Waialua hes. 15 Rea. 15. Resolved; 1'hat the Minister o.f the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to Joseph Smith a Fee Simple title to the land in Kamananui,Waialua,Oahu applied

/ 359

Ua loaa kana palapala noi i ka la 10 1851; ia ia no e uku mai i $2 dala kekahi mau aina uuku elua ~l ma ka eka no ka aina nui :;,,r. Ives Heluhelu ae la ~,Ir.Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a 1'Iark Ives.

Hooh. 16. Hooh. 16. Ua hooholoia; e aeia i ke·Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi

aku i ka palapala aila nui ia Mark Iwea no na eka aina

232, aia ma Maili,Kamananui,Waialua,Oahu,hookahi dala

ma ka eka hookahi ke kur:1u kuai

Ko poe Heluhelu ae la J1r Arma trong i ka olelo hooholo no kekahi poe noi aina ma J·rolokai

Hoch. 17. Hooh. 17. Ua hooholoia; o na palapala noi aina a Karnehana,Kaluna.,

Loko:naikai ,:Uakapo ,Kealohanui,Karnaipelekane,Poka,,J. C.

Eazzard,Kanakaokai,Napaepae a me Kanaulu ma l':folukai; e

kuJ1iku...riiia lakou ia Rev .S .G.Dwight, nana no e hoakaka e i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina i ke ano o ke kuai ana, a mahope ka hooko ana.

LTr .Ruggles,. Heluhelu ae la Jtr.Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a ?{r .Ruggles i Kula,Haui. Hooh. 18. Hooh. 18. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke KUhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia E. s. Ruggles i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio

no na eka aina 4 ma Haalae ,Kula,!laui ia ia no e uku mai i ekolu mau dala no ka eka hookahi J.Wilkinson& Titcomb. Heluhelu ae la l!r Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a Hr.Johnson Wilkinson laua me Charles- Titcomb ma Kauai Hooh. 19. Hooh. 19, •• Ua hooholoia; o ka palapala noi aina a Johnson Wilkin­ son ma Kalihi,Oahu,e hoole ia Ua hooholoia; oa ka palapala noi aina a Charles TitcO?Ib no ke koena o Lepeuli,Kauai; e hoole ia Ua hooholoia, ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina 360

:ror by him Hay 10 1851, upon his paying ~2 per acre f'ar the two snall lots, and $1 per acre for the large ones J :M.Ives. Er .Armstrong read an application :from 2''.ark Ives ' for land Res.16. I Res. 16. Resolved; That the l':inister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to the Rev. Hark Ives a

Royal Pa tent for the 232 acres of land in Eaili Kamana­ nui -./~/, Waialua,Oahu;at the price of one dollar per acre j Persons on Hr.Armstrong read a resolution concerning persons Molokai on Holokai applying :ror land Res. 17. J. Res. l?. Resolved; 'l'hat the applications of Kanehana,Kaluna,.Loke . . maikai ,Eakapo,Kealohanui,Kamaipelekane ,Poka,J .G .Haz- zard,Kanakaokai,1'Tapaepae ,and Kanaulu f'or land on Molo­ kai, be referred to Rev. S.G.Dwight,he to inform the Minister of the Interior of his propoaals before the sales a.re conf irr.:ed. j Ruggles Mr.Armstrong read an application of Er.Rµggles f'or land in Kula J'faui.

Res. 18 } ·nes. 18 Resolved; That the ltinister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to E.S.Rugglee a fee &Ltnple title for the 4 acres of land in Haalae,Kula,I'"aui,.

applied for by him, upon hie paying therefor the sum Of three dollars per acre. j Johnson Wilkinson & Mr. Amstrong read an application from 1~r .Jlilkinson Titcomb. & Charles Titcomb /\Kauai f'or land Res. 19 1 Res. 19. Resolved; That the application of Johnson Wilkin­ son for land at Kalihi,Oahu, be refus,ed. Resolved;That the application of Charles Titcomb for the remaining part of Lepeuli,Kauai be refu.aed. Resolved; That the Hiniete'r of the Interior be 361 e haawi aku ia Johnson Wilkinson i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio no na eka aina 100 ~ Lepeuli, Kauai; $1 no ka eka hookahi

Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e kauoha aku ia W.H.Pease e kuai aku i ke koen~ o Lepeuli,i Kuai, ma na apana, iwakalua eka a emi iho ma ka apana hookahi; a $1 ke ~u1nu no ka eka hooka...½.i

Hoopaneeia i ka hara 2. I 362 authorized to grant Johnson Wilkinson a fee si~ple titJ..e

to 100 acres of land in Lepeuli, Kauai at the price of t~l. per acre. I Resolved; That the }Tinister of the Interior be authorized to instruct W.!!.Pease to se11 the remainder of Lepeuli, Kauai, in lots of twenty acres or less at $,1. per ~ere Adjourned at 2 O'Clock 363

Ahakuka Halu Iune 2 1851

J:foho mai la Ka !:fea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Kapeau Kakuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Uamakeha John Ii Armstrong Kaeo Judd Kapaa.kea Wyllie • Kanehoa Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Wyllie ,Komi te Hoike mai la nr. Wyll.ie, he komite ia ma ka mea i haawiia ia ia i ka la 31 o Mei, a ua aeia kona

manao, a eia ka olelo i hooholoia no ia mea. Hooholo. Hooh. Ua Hooholoia; I mea e maopopo ai ka Uku ole ana i na dute ma na waiwai aka poe miaionari i lawe mai ai no u lako,,,Jho paha, no ka haawi wale paha, a.Ole nae e poino ai ka poe kalepa maoli, a hoemi iho ka waiwai o ke aupuni, a ku pono no hoi me na hua a me ke ano maoli

o ka apana 14 Kanawai 1, l-itokuna 1, :Mahele 3, Kanawai Elua o Kamehameha. III, Eia na mea e pono ai na misio- nari a ~au ke hana. I ka la mua o January o kela ka me,ttiki keia makahiki> e hoike no lakou i ka Luna Dute i ka palapala e hoakaka ana i na inoa olakou a me na

wahi noho ai a pau ka poe i kaa ole i ka dute a me ka

nui o ka waiwai i makemakeia i laweia mai no na mea i

oleloia maluna, a o na waiwai a pau i oi aku mamua o kela, e uku aku no e like me ka poe kalepa maoli, a e

* haa.wiia no i ka Luna ohi dute i ka pau ana o ka maka­ hiki

Hooholoia; e haawiia ke kope o keia olelo

Hooh. hooholo i ke Kuhina Waiwai, i hiki ia ia ke hoakaka aku

i kela mea keia mea e pili ai

Hoopaneeia 'e la. 364 Privy Council June 2 1851

_Present His Highness John Young Paki Kapeau Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Na.r1akeha John Ii Amstrong Kaeo Judd Kapaakea Wyllie Kanehoa I Lorrin Andrev,s Secretary ~~r. Wyll. ie a 1:fr.Wyllie,, a committee reported on a subject Com.Report J'Iay 31 assiGned to hi:r1 · on Saturday and his report was

accepted and the following resolution was adopted j Res. Res. Resolved;That to render the exemptions from duties on

goods imported by Christian IHssionariee, :for their private use or for gratuitous distributio~ compatable with the interests of lay importers,. and the King's

revenue, in accordance with the letter & spirit of

Section XIV,Act I,Ch~p.I PartIII ~econd Act of Kameha­ meha 3, it shall be the duty equally of all christian missionaries on the first day of January every year, to of Customs present to the CollectorA a Schedule expressing the names and local residence of every miseionary en­

titled to such exemption & #,// the amount of goods that each requires to inport during the year 'for the purposes aforesaid, and tr_at all goods exceeding such

amount imported by any denomination &hall be subject to the customary rates of duties on such goods,which

duties shall he paid to the Collector General at the \ end of the year. Res. Resolved; That a copy of this resolution be paese-d to the l'.inister of Finance that he may make it knovm to the parties interested and carry its provision& into effect Council Adjd. 365 Ahakuka Jlal u June 3 185,l Noho mai la Ka Hea Kiekie Ke.oni Ana Paki Kanoa Kekuanaoa l'Jamakeha Kanaina Armstrong Kaeo Judd Kane:hoa Wyllie John Ii Kapaakea Kapena Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo

Hr.Judd Helu..½.elu ae la 7:'Ir Judd i kekahi mau Olelo hooholo

no wela oleo na hale i ke ahi

HoohoJl.o ..

Hooh. Hooholoia; ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hoao mal una o ka hale o Aunui i ka hamo o !.:r. Fre ick, a e. haawi aku ia Dr Freick 1 ka palapala hana a pela hoi. no kana hana ana i na. pohaku no na makahiki he umi

Hooh. Hooholoia; na ke Kuhina Waiwai e haawi aku ia Dr.Freick i na dala aole e oi aku mamua o

na dala he taueani, i mea e kuai 1 mau mea hana, i hiki ia ia ke hana a paa na mea e pono ai. 12 hapa haneri ka uku hoopanee Hoopaneeia ka hana a i ka la eono

.. 366 Privy Council June 3 1851 Present His High.nes::, John Young Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Namak e}',...a Kaeo Armstrong Kanehoa Judd John Ii Wyllie Kapaakea Kapena Lorrin Andrews Secretary I T1ir • Judd Hr. Judd introduced a resolution respecting a Fire Protec- tion method of protecting buildings from fire Ree. j Res. Reso1ved; That the ~inister of the Interior be requested to make trial upon the roof of Aienui of :Fr. Friecks fire proof paste and to grant a patent to Dr. F. for the same, also a Patent for hie composition j stone for ten years. Res .. Resolved; That the Minister of Finance: be autho­ rized to lend Dr. Frieck to purchase raw material and to enable him to carry into effect those usef'ul manufactures at 12 per cent interest, a sum not to exceed one thousand dollars payable in one year Adjourned till Sat. ll o'clock 36?

Ahakuka l~lu June ? 1851 Noho mai la Ka 11ea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Kanoa Kekuanaoa Kapeau Kanaina Eamakeha Kaeo Arm-strong Kanehoa Wyllie John Ii

Lorrin And:re:we Kakauolelo . Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia na mooolelo hope ekolu a ua aponoia Wyllie's Report Reluhelu ae la JJ!:r. Wyllie i kana palapala hoakaka o ka la 30 o ]Iei, he k0:ni te ia no na Uku na poe hapai i ka

hana a ke aupuni mamuli o ka Olelo hooholo o ka la 3 o Januari i hala

Ua hooholoia; e laweia i ka Hale o ka Poeikohoia r e like me ke ano o ka olelo hooholo o Jan-3 1851 Leiter of' Armstrong L.Lyons Helu."1-ielu ae la Mr .1-/till i ka palapala a Mr .Lyons, no Waimea i Hawaii no na aina kuai a me ke ana ana . a ua hooholoia keia Olelo hooholo

Hooh. Mo ka manao a ]l[r. +'yens no Waim.ea, Hawaii, i hoike mai ai ma kana palapala o ka la 6 a me kona ae ana e kokua i ke aupuni i ke kuai ana i na aina i na kana.ka maoli

ma Ham.skua i Hawaii; a no kona manao e hana wale me ka uku, no kona aloha 1 na kanaka i loaa hoi ia la.kou ka aina; Uolaila Ua hooholoia; ua aoia ke Ku.."1-iina'Kalaiaina e haawi aku

i na palapala noi aina ma Hamakua ia Rev.L.Lyons: Aia

' na rJ.lt/. aina a pau e kuaiia i ka ae a me ka hoole o ke Kuhina Kalaiaina; aole e oi a.ku na eka he 50 i ke kuaiia i ke kanaka hookahi: Eia ke kumu kuai uu.ku loa $1 i ka eka hookahi. Aole e kuaiia kekahi aina 1 kapaia o Kaohe. E hooikeia no na Konohiki o na aina e

pili ana i ka wa e ana ia Ua hoopaneeia ka Aha a kaheaia mai eke

Kuhina Nui. 368

Privy Council June?. 1851.

Present Eis !Iighness John Young

Paki Kanoa Kekuanaoa Kapeau Kanaina ~: ar1ak e:ha Kaeo Arnstrong Kanehoa Wyllie John Ii Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers read as usual I lUnutes of ti1e three last meetings read & approved. }!:r .Wyllie' a Er. Wyllie presented his report dated 30th l''ay,. Report on Salaries as a Committee on the Salaries of Government Officers

under the resolution of 3rd. January last; whereon

Resolved tr.at it be passed to the House of Eepre­ sen ta tives pursuant to the Original resolution of Jany. j 3. 1851. :·:r. Lyons ' 1:r. Arr1s'trong read a letter fror:i: ?·Ir. Lyons at Letter about lands Wai:m.ea Hanaii respe~ting land clairris & the surveying ·J of land; The follcwing Resolution was passed. Res. The Rev. L. Lyons of Wairiea, ~:awaii having expressed in his letter of the 6th instant a willing­

ness and desire to assist in selling lands to natives I in Hamakua, Ea\7aii, and having of:fered hia services

gratuitously from his love to the people and his wish

that they rr:ay obtain lands; Therefore Resolved; That the ?~inister of tl1c Intcriur be

& is hereby advised to refer to Rev. L. Lyons all

applica ti ems :for land in Ham.akua, · All sales s.ub,j ec t

to the approval of the 1.Iinister of the Interior not

more than 50 acres to be sold to any native; and at the l,rinirm.,.Tl'! price of one dollar per acre. }To pa1·t of the

Land called Kaohe is to be sold. The Konohikis- of

adjacent lands to be notified vrhen tl~e lands are


Council Adjd. to ·be called together by the

Premier 369 Ahakuka Malu June 18 1851 Hale o Keoni Ana. Noho mai ka r.rea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki 11/:itlt Kekuanaoa Namakeha Kanaina Kapaakea Kaeo Ii Kanoa Armstrong Kanehoa t#i~~ Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Aohe Pule, aole i heluheluia ka mooolelo no ka mea ua pili keia Ahakuka Malu i ka A..ri.aolelo a na Lii Oka manao o keia Ahakuka Malu no ka ninau. ana mai o ke Kuhina Kalaiaina no ke Keaka lio, Eia ka mea i holo

E hoole no, aole haawi i palapala ae i ka mea nona ia Keaka. 370

Privy Council June 18 1851 1rr.Young•s House Present :::ris Eighness John Young Paki Y;t:Li:lt Kckuanaoa }T a.':lakeha Kanaina Ka:raakea Kaeo Ii Kanehoa Arr.istrong Kanoa ~fii~~ Lorrin Andrews Secretary This neeting being in L'!lmediate connection with / a meeting of the House of }:ables, the .accustomed prayers were not read neither were the minutes. J The :following was the opinion of this Privy

Council on being asked by t:1e Pinister of the Interior, J Resolved; that a negative answer be given to the application for a circus. 371 Ahaku..'lca Ma.1 u June 27 1851 Uoho mai la Ka :Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki }Tarrtakeha Kekuanaoa Ii Ka.naina Mr.J"udd Kaeo Mr.Wyll.ie Kanehoa Mr.Hopkins Kanoa Mr.Lee ) puka mai Kapeau Mr .Bates) ma.hope Kapaa.kea Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Hooolelo hope a ua aponoia Hoolewa o Kekauonohi Heluhelu ae la }"r.Wyllie i ka palapala no ka hoolewa i ke kino o.Kekauonohi i ka Poakahi 10 o ka hora. Ua oleloia hoi ke a.no o ka hale ana, a ua kauohaia. na keia Aha ua hoakaa oia i Kanehoa Olelo ae la o Kanehoa Kiaaina 0 ]·!aui, "/.I ~Ii ,, / 1/.I eha tautani dala elua tausani koe /.Ii#/ no ka aina i kuaiia ma Y:aui,A a noi aku oia i e hoopaneeia ka manawaA hokaa ai ewalu pa.ha ma.lama. Ua aeia pela. Judd Olelo ae la Mr.Judd, ua kuai oia i kekahi aina ma

Hana i ].Kaui; aka, aole i loaa ia ia ka aina ana i

r manao ai, aia no i kekahi aina e pili ana a no ke Aupuni no; nolaila, manao oia e ku.ai hou i kela wahi

e pili ana. Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; e kuaiia hoi na aina o Pakahia i Maui ia Mr .Judd, e likeia hoi ke kumu kuai me ka. mea i hooholo­ ia i ka la 22 o Januari, aole nae e oi aku ka nui o ka aina i eono haneri eka. 372

Privy Council June 27 1051 PrescY1t :'Tis Hic;h:r;.ess John Young Paki Na.makeha Kekua.naoa Ii. Kanaina Judd Kaeo Wyllie Kanehoa Hopkins Kanoa Lee ) Kapeau Bates) ca~e in late Kapaakea.

Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read ::'Tinutes of last meeting read and a::)11roved. JFuneral of ::~r. Wyllie read a notice of the funeral of Kekau­ Kekauonohi onohi on Yonday next at 10 o t clock.

The order of t:1e p:rocession vras read; it \ms also ordered t:w.t the council wear crape upon the left arn j for thirty da:,s. had/aid G.J.Young Gov. Ja:-ies Young stated tb,i. t he /s/1! //Y.Ji four thousand dollars to Govern;1ent f'or the land he had owed two thousand r.,ore for which he oought on I'."aui, and~ asked for an extension of t}~e tirm of J payment eight nonths - which was granted. 1'~r .Judd Er. Judd stated that he had bought sor1e land in Hana Haui, but he had not got the piece he designed

as it was in an ad,j oining land. which belonged to

Governnent; he wished therefore to purchase the

adjoining piece. j Res. 1. IIooh. 1. Resolved; 'fhat the Government lands in Pakakia :r~aui be likewise sold J'!r. Judd on the terms of the Fesolution passed 22nd Ja!!.uary - but not to exceed six

hundred acres. 373 Dala Hoolilo Eia na nea dala i hoolilo no kela me keia ma ka hooholoia 'na. Penei

Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; e hookaaia paha keia puu dala eke . Kuhina "t,l/.,1./ill,1 Waiwai me na dala hoi i haawiia no na mea like, a ina e oi aku ka flea i lilo, e hookaaia noloko o ka waihona i waiho wale ia.

liro ko ke Kiaaina 0a.lJ.u Kakauolelo $600

Hawaii II 300 ' ' " n Kauai II 300

Ina hoi na Hae hana $550.

II Maui n 300 '· Ko ke Kuhina Kalaiaina Kakauolelo 1.500

Nona Kula (nana i ka Hooholo 3) 350

Kuhina Uui Ninau mai ke Kuhina Kalaiaina, Ehia Palapala ae

i ke kuai ram.a i keia maka.11.iki ka mea e pono. Ua

hooholoia, He Umikurn.ama.lima. Pupule• Heluhelu ae la Mr.Judd i ka palapala a me ka Olelo hooholo no ko Pupule hoomaunauna ana i na dala kula

' Hooh. 3. ae Hooh. 3. No ka mea, 0 Pupule, no kona 'ii.ttt 1?1ai, ua hoo-· maunauna ia i na dala kula i kona wa i noho ai i mea ohi dala kula, a $350 kula i nalowa.le, a ua pono Ole na kula o Koolaupoko i keia manawa no ka lilo ana o - ia dala, o no ko Pupule hoolilo ana i ke Aupu..~i i

kona aina o Palai me kona manao iho no i mea e pani ai i ua dala la. Nolaila; e Hooholoia, na ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa i ke Kuhina Aopalapala i na dala he $350 no kela aina he hapalua ia o Palai, a e lilo no ua aina la i ke Aupuni. I 374 Surns f'or The :followinf:: resolution passed grantinr; ... suns different purposes. for different purposes, as follows i j Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That t~:c following SU:'15 be paid provi­

sionally by t}1e irinis ter of Finance, including what

has been appropriated :for similar objects, and all excess over the ap.ropriation to he hereafter provided f'or,out -of the reserved fund viz.

For Clerk Gov. of Oahu $600 " II Hawaii 300 ti II Kauai 300

If he can obtain l:r .Ha $550

Clerk Gov. Maiti 300

II l~. J' :.in. Interior 1.500

; , Schools as per note and resolution J }To. 3 350

1~r .Yeung Hr. Younc t:r,e : inister of t:he Interi()r inquired Licences. hov, many licences to sell Spirits should be p.;rar.ted

this year. Voted, Fifteen. j Default of Hr. Judd read a proposition and resolutiun Pupule respecting the default of Pupule in school funds.

Res. 3. j Res. 3. 'Whereas Pupule the late collector of Koolaupoko,

ha.a, on his own confession, been a defaulter to the

amount of ~~350 of the sd1ool /-/iii money, & the schools of that district are now suffering for want of said noney, and -Pupule has voluntarily given up to

the Governnent, his portion of the land Palai in Kaneohe in lieu of said money; Therefore, I~esolved; That the Finister of Finance is authorized to advance

to t:1e Jli:r,ister of Public Instruction the amount of

~?350 in lieu of said land half of Palai which is now t~1e p1~operty of the G-overnncnt. 375 Bila o Andrews Ua heluheluia ka bila a L.Andr-ews no ke: kanana a me na mea e ae e pono ai ke Ahakuka Malu he $12.75 ka bila. Kuhina N'ui • Ninau ae 1a ke Kuhina l'Jui i kekahi kuleana o ka Hoi ma keka.hi mau hana; a ua hoonohoia o ke Kiaaina o Oahu o Kekuanaoa i komite nana e kamailio pu me ka Moi. Hele: koke ae la ke Kiaaina.

G. Wood. Heluhelu ae la Wr .Lee 1 ka palapala a George Wood no

kona pa ma Honolulu

Hooh. 4. • Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi i ka palapala sila nui a.no alodio no kona make Al.akekee o Honolulu; ua heluia hoi e ka Poe Hoona he 18; ia ia no hoi e uku mai i ke Aupuni i kanahiku ktm1amalima dala.

!LJ .Noliens Heluhelu ae la Mr .Lee i ka palapala a 1,ftr. Tur. J. Nol.i­ ens, noi mai ia i ano alodio no kekahi aina i Lahaina Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; o ka palapala noi a :M. J. Noliens o ka la 30 o, Aperila 1851 i kuaiia kona. kona kuleana i heluia 241 e aeia no ia, a ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Kalai-

. aina e haawi aku i ka' palapala sila nui ano alodio ia David Burrows no ia wahi, nana no hoi e hookaa aku i kanakolu ku:mama1ua 50/100 dala no ke Aupuni o.R.Wood Reluhelu ae la :rr. Lee i ka palapala a Oral Wood no kona pa a.ina. Hooh. 6. Hooh. 6. Rooholoia; ua aeia ka palapala a O.R.Wood o ka la 26 o Aperila 1851; a na ke Kuhina Kalaiai:na e haawi i ka

palapala sila nui ano alodio no k'a pa aina i olelo ia

ma ka.na pala.pala, ia ia no e uku aku i ke Aupuni i kanakolu dala. v 370 Ji.~r .Andrews Mr. Andrews presented a bill :for Stationar:? for Bill. J the use Ir -tieN/i of the Pri'VY Council to the amount

I of $12. 75 which vras allowed · J Premier. The Premier :nade some enquires respecting the prerogative of t:!:1e King in certain cases, on which Governor Kekuanaoa was appointed a committee to converse with his J~aj esty. The Governor i:mmedia tely / went. George Wood. Ifr. Lee read a docur1en t fro1.1 Geor~e Vlood respect- ing his land in Honolulu. j Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; That the 1Iini1:1ter of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to George Wood a :fee simple title f"or the lot of land in Crooked Lane

known as claim No·. 1s- of the Land Co:mn:iesion upon his paying for the GoverrL'!lCnt rights therein the sum of

seventy five dollars. J JI. J .lToliens. Mr. Lee read an application of M. J. Noliens for an allodial title to Land in Lahaina I Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That the appJ.ication of H.J. lJoliene dated 30th April 1851 for the commutation of Land claim No. 241 be and is hereby granted, and the Minis~er of the Ititerior is l1erebj autho~ized to grant a royal patent to David Burrows for said claim, upon the pay­ ment of the sum of thirty two 50/100 dollars for the Govern..ment rights therein.

\ O.R.Wood. Mr. Lee read an application of 1-Tr. Oral Wood for an allodial title to hie land Res. 6. Res. 6. Resolved; That the application of O.R.VTood of the 26 April 18!n. be and is hereby granted and t:1e Finister of the Interior· is hereby authorized to grant a Royal Pate~t for the lot mentioned in his application upon the payment of thirty dollars for the Govern.'Tient rights 377 H.Harris. Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee i ka palapala noi a Henry Harria i palapala ano alodio nana.

Hooh. 7.

Hooh. ?. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia 1 ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Henry Harris i palapala sila nui ano alodio nana no kona pa aina ma Honolulu make alanui Nuuanu,

ua heluia e ka Poe Hoona he 630 ia ia no hoi uk:u aku i ke Aupuni 1 kanalima dala Ka.ma.kani Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i·ka palapala noi a Kama­ kani, i ano alodio nona Hooh. 8.

Hooh. 8. Ua. hooholoia; Na ke KUhina Kalaiaina e haawi i ka palapala aila nui ano alodio ia Kamakani no kona mau pa aina.ma Kawaiahao a me Kikikihale i Honolulu, ia

ia no hoi e haawi a.ku i ke Aupuni 1· kana.hiku kwnama.hiku

50/100 Dala.

Emma Jones. Heluhelu ae ia. 1,fr .Lee 1 ka palapala noi a Emma Jones i ano alodio no kona pa ma La.haina

Hooh. 9.

Hooh. 9. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Emma. Jones i palapala sila nui a.no alodio no

kekahi pa a.ina ma Lahaina i Maui Ua heluia he 58 he hapa ia o ia heluna e ka Poe Hoona, ia ia no hoi e uku 1 ke Aupuni i iwakalu.akumamal.ima dala. Eia hoi kekahi Hooh. 10 Res. 10. Ua hoohol.oia; na ke KUhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Kauhiahiwa laua me Kea1awaa 1 palapala eila nui ano alodio na laua no ka pa aina i Lahaina ma llaui o kekahi hapa no ia ka helu 58 1 ka Poe Hoona, ia laua iwaka.lua no hoi e uku aku i ke Aupuni 1 'tl-,(1'¥#'/. kumamalima Dala.

._,,·._, 378 I H.Harris. Hr. Lee read an application of Henry Harrie f"or an allod.t:a,l title Res. 7. j Res. 7. Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to Henry Harris a fee si~ple title to the lot of land in Honolulu on Ruuanu Street, known as claim No. 630 of the Land Commission, upon his paying the Government rights I t:1erein the sum of fifty Dollars $50. Kamakani. Mr. Lee read an application of Kamakani for an allodial title to lands in ~onolulu J Res. 8. Res. 8. Resolved; That the J~inister of the Interior be and is hereqy authorized to grant to Kamakani a fee simple title :for tJ-:e two lots of land in Kawaia.ha.o and Kikikihale, Honolulu~ :,1pon her payfng f'or the Government rights therein the sum of seventy seven j 50/100 Dollars. Emma Jones. Mr. Lee read an application of Emma. Jones for an 1 allodial Title to land in La.....~aina Res. 9. Res. 9. Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant tO,Ennna. Jones a fee simple to the lot of land in Lahaina Jraui known as Part of claim No 58 of the Land Co:nmission, upon her

paying for the Goverm"!ent rights therein the sU.11. of I twenty ~ive Dollars. Also Res. 10. Res .. 10. Resolved; That the J1Unister of the Interior be ' and is hereby authorized to grant to Kauhiahiwa and Kealawaa a fee si!!lple title to the lot of land in Lahaina,Faui known as Part 2 of claim No 58 of the Land Commission upon their paying for the Government rights twentv therein the sum of ~ii/iii five Eollare. 379 Ka.halema.ke Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee 1 ka palapala noi a Kahalemake i ano qodio nona. Hooh. 11. Hooh. 11. Ua hooholoia; na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi a.ku ia Ka.halemake 1 palapala eila nu.i ano alodio no kekahi

pa aina ma Lahaina i :Maui, oia hoi ka apana 2 o ka helu 236 o ka Poe Hoona, ia ia no e uku i ke Aupuni i ehiku dala no kona kuleana malaila. Hooil.ina o Makohikohi Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala noi a na hooiline. o Makoliikohi 1 ano alodio nona. Hooh. 12.

Hooh. 12. Ua hooholoia; ua ae ia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Poopuu ia Kauhane a me Kupa 1 palapala sila nui ano alodio no ka aina i heluia e ka poe Hoona i 929 ke uku aku lakou 1 ke aupuni ·t umi da.la, aole nae e uku no ka palapala aupuni. Ali. Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee i ka palapala noi a Ali (Pake) i palapala alQdio na.na Hooh. 13. Hooh. 13. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia ka palapala noi a Ali no ka

palapala eila ano alodio no kona aina ma Lahaina Ua heluia 281 B. ia ia no e Uku 1 ke Kuhina Kalaiaina i kanalima Dala.

A. Adams. Heluhelu ae la }tr Lee i ka palapala noi a Alex­

ander Adams 1 palapala a.no alodio no kona aina i Kalihi Na Ke KUhina. Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia 1 ka pala­ Hooh. 14. pala sila nui ano alodio ia Alexander Adams no kona mau aina ma Kalihi ua hoakakaia a ua heluia e ka poe hoona i 803 me ka uku ole. Eia keia kekahi o na kuJ.e­ ana a pau o na kamaaina, ina paha ua maopopo ke kuleana, a ma.hope paha e maopopo ua ks.a.wale ia mau w~i, e like no ia me ke ano o ke kanawai. 380 I Kahalerr1ake Itr.Lee read an application of Kahalemaka for an allodial title. Res. 11. I Rea. 11. Resolved; That the ){inister of the Interior be and is hereb;:r authorized to grant to Ka.-ialema.ke a fee

si:!!!ple title to the 4 lot of land in Lahaina, Eaui known • as Part 2 of claiM l:o. 236 of the Land Cormis:sion upon

her paying the slk-n of Seven Dollars f"or the Government j rights therein. Heirs of Mr. Lee read the application of_ t:'1.e he ire of Makohikohi. }Takohikohi :for an Allodial title to land j Res. 12. Res. 12. Resolved; T:hat the },finistet- of the Interior be arxi is }1.ereby authorized to grant a fee si:r1ple title to Poopuu, Kauha:ne and Kupa f'or land claim Yo. 929 of the land Commission, upon receiving,the payment of tne j dollars, without pay ($4.00) f"or the Patent. Ali. l"r. Lee read an application of Ali ( china""lan) f"or

an allodial title to his land J Res. 13. Res. 13. Resolved; That the application of Ali for a Royal

Pa tent f"or claim No. 281B. La.haina ia granted, upon hie paying to the 1,,.inister of the Interior the sum of fifty Dollars. j A.Adana. 1tlfr .Lee read t!le application of Alexander Adams f'or

an allodial title to his lands in Kalihi Res. 1'4. j Res. 14. Resolved; That the J'.finister of the Interior be & is hereby_authorized to grant a Royal Patent to Alexan­

der Ada.,ryie :for his lands in Kalihi Valley descri1Jed in Award no. 803 of the Land Co:mr1ieeion, without commuta­ tion; Provided, however, that ·the claims of all ten­ ants on any of said lands as they.are or may be here­ ···\..- after awarded by the Land Commission shall be express­ ly reserved in said Grant,according to law. 38J. C .cocket Heluhel u ae la lfr .Lee i ka. palapala noi a Charles Copket i palapala ano alodio nana. Hooh. 15.

Hcfoh. 15. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Charles Cockett i palapala eila nui ano

alodio no ka aina o Mahinahina ma. Kaanapali, a no ka

aina hoi ma Honokahau 1 Maui ua heluia e ka. poe Hoona i 75 a me 753; ia ia no e uku 1 ke Aupuni i iwa.kalua­ kumamalima dala no ka mua, a i umikumamalima no ka lua.

Hoopaneeia a i ka Poalua 382 j C.Cockett Ur. Lee read the application of' Charles Cocket & Honokahau for an allodial title to land in Kaanapali Haui. A Ree. 15

Rea. 15. Resolved; That the :Minister of the Interior be ·& is hereby authorized to grant to Charles Cockett a fee simple title to the Land Mahinahina in Kaanapali and also to the Land in Honokohau, Maui knovm as claim 75 and 753 of the Land Cornnission upon his paying ror the Government rights therein the sum of Twenty five dollars :for the former and Fifteen f'or the 1.atter.

Ad,i ourned to Tuesday next. 383 AhakUka lfalu Ili.lai 1 1851 Eia ka Poe i noho mai . . Ka Moi o Kamehameha III.

Ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana

Paki Jlamakeha Kekuanaoa Ii Kanaina J"udd Kanehoa Wyl1ie Kanoa Hopkins Kapeau Lee. Kapaakea :Bates Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponcia

Henry S. Swinton Olelo mai la Mr.Judd i kekahi mea no ka 1110 ana o • keka.hi dala aupuni ia Henry s. Swinton a nalowale; a mahope heluhelu ae la i kana palapala e hoakaka ana;

a ma.hope iho, ua hooholoia keia. Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. No ka mea, o Henry S. Swinton ka mea ohi dute aupuni ma Lahaina 1 Maui, ma kana palapala 1 hiki mai 1 keia la, ua hoike mai oia ma kana palapala dala, I ¥/ii aupuni, ua ae mai oia ka hoanoe ana 1 na dala aupuni 1 $ 6.479 20/100 · Ua hooholoia; ua kauohaia ke Kuhina. Waiwai e: h6opau koke i ka noho ana o Henry s. Swinton i mea ohi dute aupuni ma Lahaina., a e imi ikaika hoi 1 na mea e

ohi i ke koena. o kana. aie mai i ke Aupuni. Pal.Koolaha na ka Poe Ohi Heike ae la ke Kuhina. Waiwai i kekahi pa.la.Pala hoola.ha dala auhau. na ka Poe ohi i ka dala auhau no ke aupuni e ka

hoo.aaaua.o aku i ke ano o ka lakou hana ana; ua. kakauia i ka· lo .Tulai 1851, ua heluheluia ae la a ua aponoia

.. 384 Privy Council July 1 1851 Privy Council 11embers Present Hie ]',~aj es ty Kamehameha III. His Highness John Young

Paki lT a.ma.1.:: eha Kekuanaoa Ii Kanaina Judd Kanehoa Wyllie Kanoa Hopkins Kapeau Lee Kapaakea Bates Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read J Minutes were and approved.

Henry Swinton Mr. Judd ma.de some stateY'l.ents & read BOT'le papers respecting the pecuniary ma ttera of Henry S. Svlin ton \"ri th the government when there appeared a deficiency / on which the following Resolution was passed. j Rea. 1. Res. 1. Whereas Henry S. Swinton Collector of Customs at

La.h.aina. Hau1, has by his account current 1.vith the · Hawaiian Treasury, this day laid before ua, admitted. himself to have been guilty of embezzlement of Public tl/:tl.11' Funds to· the a.p10unt of six thousand :rour hundred:.A& seventy nine /iiii dollars & 20/100. J Resolved; That the Minister of Finance is hereby directed to cause ·the i:rrmiediate removal of Henry S

Swinton from the office of Collector at Lahaina & to

take ef:rtci.ent means to collect from him the Bala.nee due the Hawaiian 1/-///-/.l,l/.t. Treasury. J Circular For The ~inister of Finance presented a circular to Tax Gatherers the Tax Gatherers of the Kingdom approving instructions

a.s to their duty, dated, July l. 1651 which being read were approved 385 Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee i keia Olelo Hooholo i hooholoia ia a.a la. Hooh. 2 Auhau aina. No ka mea, o ka auhau aina e noho nei ha mea paewaewa ia, a he pono ole, a he mea kaumaha hoi i na kana.ka maoli; Nolaila •

Hooh. 2. E hooholoia e ka Moi a me ke Kuhina Jfui a me na Alii e noho kokoke ana me ka Ii/./ Moi; Penei, o na auhau aina. apau ma keia aupuni, e hoopau ia no, a hiki ka. 1Aha1a.wai hou ana o ka Ahaolelo e kau kanawai; alaila, aia no i ka. manao o na lii a me ka poe e kohoia e hoopaa. paha e hoopau pa.ha Hanaia 1 ka A..~a.kuka Malu i ka Hale Alii ma Hono1ulu i keia la 1 o Iulai M. I. 1851 Inoa Kamehar11eha Inoa Keoni Ana W.Cuthbert Heluhelu ae la Mr .Lee i ka pa.la.pa.la noi a Warren Cuthbert, i hoihoi hou ia kona. ulcu no kona noho ole ana 1 mea jure i ka Ahahookolokolo hope, he hana a up uni kana. Hooh. 3. Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; ua kauohaia ke Kakauolelo o ka Aha Koik~i e hoihoi aku ia Warren Cuthbert 1 ka uku hoopai

a.na i hookaa ai ($20) ua hoopaiia oia ma. ka Aha Koikoi

i ka ma.lama o Aperila i hala aku 1a

He Moku no ka Moi. Hoakaka ae la Mr.Hopkins, i ka manao-o ka Moi, e holo a.ku no i Hawaii a me na wahi e ae; aka, aole ona moku; nolaila noi aku oia i ke ku.mu e pono ai ka moku. Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; Na Mr.Younge imi 1 ke ano o ka moku o ka. Moi i manao ai e kuai; o ke k_umUkuai ha.aha.a loa no na. dala, a e hoa.ka.ka mai i keia Aha i ka hala.wai hou a.na. 386 Hr. Lee read t:'le f"ollowing Resolution which was j passed Land Tax. Rea. 2. Res. 2. Whereas; T:'-le present Land Tax is unqueal, and t,{ unjust, bearing hard upon the poor-natives; Therefore, 3e it Resolved; by His· Maj est~,,, the King, the Premier, and the ::rohles resident near His Ha,i esty, that all land taxes novr existing in this kingdom ahall be, and are n.ereby abolished, until the J'eeting of the next Legislature,#/./¥./ when it shall be at the option of the Nobles and Representatives to conf"irm or annul this resolution Done in Council a.t the Palace in Honol.ulu, This 11 day of July A.D.1851 Signed Signed Keoni Ana

J W. Cuthbert. ·1i;rJ.,J..r. !,ee read a requ~st of 1/Tr. Warren Cuthbert to have :1ie f"ine for non !3-ttendance as a juror at Court )II remitted as he was employed by Governrient J Res. 3. Ree. 3. Resol•ed; That the Clerk of the Superior Court be a.nd is hereby instructed to re!"lit and return to Warren

R.Cuthbert the fine of $20 imposed upon hiM by the J' Superior Court at the last April tehn. King's Vessel. J'Ir. :::-topkine stated that His Hajest;y thought of taking a trip to Havraii and other places, but he had no vessel; Ile asked that t~e means of providing for a vessel might be appropriated. Res. 4. l Res. 4. nesolved; That J!r. Young be and is hereb~.r instruc­ ted to ascertain the character of the vessel the King wishes to have purchased, and the lowest price for which she can be bought f'or cash; and report the same to this council, at the next meeting. 387

Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i keia Olelo hooholo Kiaaina o Ua hooholoia. o ka hoolima ana· a ke Kiaaina o Hawaii Hawaii i ka Hale pohaku o Willia:m P. Leleiohoku ma Kailua , Hooh. 5. Hawaii, e hoopauia; a ina he koena uk~ ko kela Hale ia. W.P.Leleiohok~ e uku ai, e uku no ke aupuni, no ka

noho ana o ka Oihana Kiaaina malaila, i na makahiki 1

ha.la aku nei Ua heluheluia ke ku.ai kudala ana o na palapala a.e kua.i rama; a ua aeia. Pa.l.apala noi a. I.A.Rowe HelUhelu ae la 1lr. Lee i ka palapala noi a J .A. no ke Kea.ks. ··· ka Rowe i hana hou 6ia'ma~hale Keaka. Ua heluheluia hoi ka palapala ku e; a pau ka olelo ana; alaila,ua hooholo ae la keia palapala. Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Ua hooholoia; Mamuli o ka palapala noi a John Gavin a me kekahi poe e ae, ke olelo aku nei ka Moi a me ka poe

kuka. malu 1 ke Kuhina Nui, mai ae aku ia ;'N:,(. r;l,l.ft.,{ Jlr. Rowe a haawi i ka palapala ae no kona Hale Keaka

Roopaneeia a i ka po Aha 10 o ka hora

• 3tl8 I Irr. Lee read the rollowing Resolution a.grec:nent Gov.Eawaii Resolved; that the A of the Governor of Jrawaii for F.ee. 5. the stone house of William P. Leleiohoku at Kailua :Iawaii be 1-/-/,,l,ttli cease, and if ther:e be any rent due unpaid for that house, let the Government pay it for the occupation of the Governor as an office ror several years past. An account of the sales of Licences for the ·; selling of Spirits was read and ap1;ruved Petition of J. Hr. Lee read a petition of Er. J. A. Rowe for a A.Rowe for Circus license for the continuance of the Circus; also a Counter Peti- tion petition against it; after which the following

resolution passed. Hes. o. F.es. 6. Resolved; That agreeably vii th the peti cion of

John Gavin & others, the King in Privy Council, hereby advise the Minister of the Interior net to grant l:Tr. Rowe a licence for his circus. Ad.i ourned till Thursday 10 o clock 389 Ahakuka Malu Iulai 3.18fil Noho mai la Ka Moi o Kamehameha III.

Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana.

Paki Namakeha Kekuanaoa Ii Kanehoa Wyllie Kanoa Hopkins Kapeau Lee Kapaakea Bates hiki mai mahope Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluhelaia ka pu.1e Ua. heluheluia ka Uooolelo a ua aponoia

Olelo a ]Ir. Young no ka Hoakaka mai la 1.:r. Young i ka mea i kauohaia ia moku·no ke Alii. ia ineihfnei, e nana i ka.·moku no ke Ke Alii; Ria ke kum.u kuai no ka Moku $5.500; a makemake ae la hoi ka.

Moi 1 $6000 i mea e hooponopono ai. Eia ka mea i hoohol.oia

Hooh. 1 .. • Hooh. l . Eia ka mea i hooholoia e ka Papa malaMa Waiwai; e haawiia no $6.500 noloko mai o ka waihona dala aole i hooliloia na ka mea. e ae, i mea kuai i ka Moku no ka

Moi, a me ka hooponopono aku - Ria kekahi, a e hooholo­ holoia ua moku la, a e hooponoponoia, a e uku aku ka. Moi i ka mea lilo me kona dala ponoi no. Kooli1o ia Mr. Ia wa ka.kau ae la Ke Alii a me ke Kuhina. nui i ka Wyllie i mea. kakau Olelo palapala i ka.kauia i ka la 1 e hoo1ilo ana i ke Kuhina Kuika.hi. o ko na Airia e, e kakau i Olelo kuikahi hou me ko Beretania.; a me ka palapala hoi e ae ana ia ia e kakau i olelo kuikahi me ko Breman. Kekuana.oa. Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala a Kekua.naoa, :manao·: oia. e hoololi i kekahi :mau ai:;m. me .ke Aupuni. Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia.; e aeia i ka palapala a Kekuanaoa e hoololi ae la i na aina ma Hawaii, ua kakauia ua

palapala la i ka la 3 o Julai 1851 390 Privy Council July 3 1851

Present 1 "!"is J'a,i esty K~""le~1rurreha III.

Eis 1!ii:;hness John Young Paki Na.r1akeha Kekuanaoa Ii Kanehoa Wyllie Kanoa Hopkins Kapeau Lee Kapaakea Bates ca~e in late Lorrin Andrews Ka.kauolelo. Secretary Prayers were read The ~inutes were read and approved. j Mr.Young's F..eport of a 1'!r. Young made a verbal report concerning the Vessel for the King. vessel he was appointed to inspect and which the King

had in mind to purchase. The vessel could be obtained

for t5.500, But his r~aj esty wished an appropriation of $6.000 in order to put it in repair. The following resolution was passed. Res. 1.

Res. 1. Res.olved, By the Board of Finance that the sum of SiK thousand :five hundred dollars be and is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the purchase of a Yacht :for the King and the ritting of the-same for sea.--Provided always, that the vessel shall be run and_kept in re­ pair at the expense of the King's private purse. j '!Tr.Wyllie em- The King & Ku.,.11.ina nui then signed the Fative of powered to make Treaties the Power dated 1st instant to the l:inister of Foreign Relations regarding the new British Treaty; and the

native & English of the Power relating to the Bremen J Treaty. Kekuanaoa Mr. Lee read a paper of Kekuanaoa asking f'or an exchange of 1-ands on Ha·:1aii with the Governwent. j Rea. 2. Res. 2. Resolved;That the application of :'~.Kekuanaoa for

the exchange of Landa on ::awai i under date of July 3 391 nana no e hoolilo i ke Aupuni i na ai.na o Honuaino

a me na aina elua i kapaia o Haukaloa ma. Kona, a e lilo ia ia Upolu 1 a me ko ke Aupuni hapa o Upolu 2 ma I Kohala~ Eia nae ka mea mau, o na kuleana o na kanaka ma ia mau aina, e paa mau no ia ia lakou. Wyllie Heluhelu ae la ]Jr. Wyll.ie 1 keia Olelo hooholo, a ua hooholoia a.e la Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Ina pa.ha aole e hoi hou mai ka. Moi i ka.

Puni ma.kahiki ana, oia ka la 31 o keia ma.lama; Na ka

Mo i Wahine a me ke Kuhina nui e pani 1 kona ha.ka.haka, a e hana hoi e like me ko laua manao he pono. Admiral Thomas Manao ae la :Mr. Wyllie, he pono ke kukulu i ke kii o Admiral Thomas ma kona Paaina ma Rolooka.hua. Kanaina laua me Kanele Ho&\,kaka ae la Mr.Iii kekahi hihia iwaena. o Kanaina a me Kanele no kekahi aina ma Hawaii. Ua hoopaneeia

ka Ole lo hooholo a hiki mai o Ka.naina. Paki. Roaka.ka ae la hoi o Paki, he wahi aina kona Kona 1 he ma ,..Hawaii, a ,.,_wahi kuhihewa mala.ila, o ka. hoopololei a.ku ka pono. Ua kamailio no, aohe mea i hooholoia Palapala noi a na Haole,i Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka Palapala noi a kekahi Alanui ma Nuuanu poe Haole, i hoomaikai ia ke Alanui ma Nuuanu a i Koolau Hooh. 4. Koch. 4. Ua hooho1.oia.; No ka manao ana i ka. Palapala noi o R.W. Wood a me na. mea e ae no na $5000 e hoomaikaiia ke Alanu.i Nuuanu; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e kauoha aku i ke Kakauolelo o na Hana hou e hoakaka ma ka palapala i ke ano :maikai loa o ka hana a.na i ke Alan'Ll!i mai Hono­ lulu aku a i ka Pali; o ka nui o na dala lilo kekahi; a he palapala hoakaka e ae hoi no ke ano hana a me ii na dala 1ilo mai ka Pali aku.

Hoopaneeia a i ka poakahi llo ka hora. 392 1851; he giving the Government the l.ands of Eonuaino,

the two ::Iaukalnae in Kena, in exchange for Upolu 1 and

the Governrrnnt hal:f of Upolu 2 in Kohala be and is

hereby granted: Provided, always, that tbe rigi-~te of

tenants in the above named lands shall. be 1;reeer"1Ied J and guaranteed to the~.

Wyllie Lr .Wyllie read the f ollovdng Eesolution ·which passed I Res. 3. F.es. 3. Resolved; That in case the King should not be back

in tine f'or the celebration of the Rea:toration Anniv.el'l­

aary of the 3ls"t instant, the Q,ueen and the Prer-tier

receive on that day in His Majest:,s na.me,and make such J demonstrations as to them may seeE1 proper on the occa­ sion. Admiral 'I'hOY'.1as 1'.~r. Wyllie proposes tJ-~a t a bust of Adr1iral 'i'homas I be put up in his lot on the plain~ Kanaina a me :;rr.Ii stated that a difficulty existed between Ka.nele Kana.ina and Kanele respecting sor1e land on Eavrai. The

decision was postponed to another meeting v1hen Kanaina j should be present. Paki. Paki stated that he had a land in Kana Eav1aii about which there was sor1e mistake which he wished

rectified;some talk but no vote passed. Petition of :'.°r .Lee read a Petition of a nwnher of Foreigners Foreigners for Eoad for a better road the Valley of !;"uuanu to Koolau

j Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; That~ in consideration of the Petition R.W.Wood and others for the sum of ::5'ive thousand

dollars to be expended on the ~-Tuuanu Valley Road,

iater .of the Interior is hereb.:r instructed. to cause the

clerk of the :Bureau of Internal Improvem.ents to prepare a plan of the best mode of building a good road from Eonolulu to the Pali with an esti!_:1ate of the expense; and also another plan and estimate f'or the road over

the Pali

Adjourned till Jronday next 11 o I clock 393 Ahak:Uka Malu Iulai 11 185l. Noho :mai la Ka :Moi. Ke Kuhina Nui

Pa.ki Kanaina. Nama.keha Kaeo Kanoa Kapaakea C. G. Hopkiru, R.C.Wyrllie Kekuanaoa Ua heluheluia ka pule

No ka paa ana o Aneru i ka Ahahookolokolo ua hoo,no.hoia Mr.Wyllie 1 ka.kauolelo

Hoike ae la Mr. Wyllie i kan:a Pala.pa.la, o ka Olelo Kuikahi hou me ko Beritania; ua hooholoia e laua me ke Ka.nikele Beritania inehinei malalo o ko laua kuleana -_Pela na Palapala i heluia i 1 a me 2. Pau ia mau palapala i ka maheleia e Mr.Hopkins Hoike mai la no hoi Mr.Wyllie 1 na olelo hooholo elua;

aka, no ka pili ana o keia mau mea i ka hana a Ka Moi; ua hoololiia ua mau olelo hooholo la i mau kauoha na Ka :Moi; Penei Kawoha ae la ka Moi ia. 1rr.Wyllie e palapala a.ku i Ladana no na buke kanana he 12 a he 111 hipa paha, e

humlllb:umuia no, i mea e kakau ai i ka hooko ana i na Olelo kuikahi Hoakaka ae la Mr. Wyllie i ka palapa~ ... aka Peresidena o Peru 1 Ka Moi, a kauoha ae la ka Moi ia ia e pane ~ku Haawi ae la Mr.Wyllie i ke Alii 1 ka Olelo kuikahi • i hookoia .me ko Hamburg, a hoakaka ae la i na mea i ae like ia me ll!r .Reyn-olda no ka Olelo kuikahi me ko J3remen. Ae. mai la Ka lfo i, e hele mai Mr .Frick a me ko:na

ohana i ka Hale Alii 1 ka Po elua. e hiki mai ana i ka hora 12 awakea Hoopaneeia ae la 394 Privy Council July 11 1851

Present His Faj esty the I:ing His Highness the Premier Paki Kanaina !T~"Tlake:!1.a Kaeo Kanoa Kapaakea C.G.Hopkins R.C.Wyllie Kekuanaoa Prayers were read as usual :.(r. Andrei.vs being detained in Court, J'r.Wyllie was appointed to take the rninutes for him l~r. Wyllie aubmi tted the draft of the new Treaty with Great Britain, signed by him and the 3ritish Con­ sul General yesterday under the respective powers -

Also Protocols ~oa. 1 & 2. All these docuJnents were interpreted by ~,-r .Hopkins Mr. Wyllie subrriitted two resolutions; but matters relating to Treaties being considered as touching the Sovereign Kings. Prerogatives, the fonn of the resolutions was

changed into that of a Royal Command, as follows; J Mr. Wyllie received the King 1 & directions to order from London 12 copies of blank pa:g_er or vellum, bound in Velvet,f'or the exchange of His l~ajestyts Ratifica­ tions to Treaties j Hr.Wyllie interpreted the letter to the King from the President of Peru, and received ::Iis Eajesty's orders to transmit his reply. Hr.Wyllie_presented to t!'le King the ratified Treaty with Hamburg, and explained the Understanding

vii th :::-r. Reynolds in regard to a Treaty with Bremen. The King consented to receive Hr. Frick and his

fa_"'"jily on Tuesday next at 12 noon.

Adjourned sine die 395 Ahakuka Malu Iulai 18 1851 Noho mai la Ka :Moi o Kamehameha III. Ka Hea Kiekie o Keoni Ana.

Paki Ii Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Mr.Wyllie Kaeo Bates Nama.keha , Hopkins Ka.paakea , Lee Lorrin Andrews Kakau,olelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua. aponoia. Kanikele Beritania Hoakaka ae la Mr.Wyllie i ka hope o kekahi kamailio am me ke Kanikele Beritania no ko Beritania paipai ana i ko Ferani. He wahi noi kekahi ko ke Kanikele Eeritania no na mea elua e pono ai na kanaka Beritania.

J .:M"akee HelUhelu ae la Mr .Ea tes i ka ·palapala no,i a James

Ma.kee: i wahi palapala. ano a-lodio no kona aina ma Nuuanu. Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. No ka mea, o ka pa.hale e noho nei o James Makee

ma Nuuanu, he wahi hoolimalima ia ma.mu.a ia Pierce laua me Brewer no na makahiki he iwakalua. kumamamaha mai ka la eono o Augate 1839 iwakalua kumamalima dala ka uku makahiki; ikeia ~anawa e noho nei, u.a 1ilo ia James Makee m.amuli o ka palapala hoolimalima ana; a no ka mea hoi ua manao o ua Makee nei e kuai i ke ano alodio o ia wahi malalo ae o ka palapala hoolimalima

Ua hooholoia; Make Kuhina Kalaiaina e kuai a.ku i

ua aina. la ia J'amee :Ma.kee a .e haawi 1 ka palapala an,o alodio ia ia a me kona poe hooilina; ia ia hoi e uku a.ku 1 ak:olu haneri dala a me ke koina no kana hana • • 396 Privy Council July 18 1851 Present His :·_ajeaty Karaeha~'1eha III. His Highness John Young Paki Ii Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Ilr. Wyll.i e Kaeo Bates Eamakeha Hopkins Kapaakea Lee Lorrin Andrevra Secretary Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read and approved.

1 Eng.Consul l~r.Wyllie stated the result of a conversation with the 3ritish Consul respecting the influence of the English with France. Also a request of the British Consul on tvro P,Oints J in favor of 3ritish sub::Jects. J. Makee }Tr. :Bates read an application f'rom .Tames Fakee for a fee simple title to his land in lTuuanu. \ Res. 1. Res. 1. Whereas, the Lot now occu}J ied by JaJ1es J1takee in

Nuuanu Valley, formerly leased to Pierce & Brewer for twenty four years from the sixth day of August Eighteen hundred and thirty nine for the annual rent of twenty five dollars; is now in the possession of the ·said,liakee

as assignee of the Lease, and whereas, the said M:akee i.vishes to purchase the fee. simple of the said property subject to the Lease Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior is hereby directed to sell to the said James J~akee the

fee simple of the said premises and cause a patent to

be granted to him & his heirs upon the payment of Three hundred Dollars and the fees of his office. 397 Makai nui Ua heluheluia ka Palapala a Mr.Park no kekahi mau mea Park. Makai. Mah.ope o ke kuka ana. ua aeia e waiho ma ka papa. Kalama HelUhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala noi a Kal.runa; .. i wahi palapala alodio no koila aina. Ua heluh.elu.ia hoi kekahi palapala kue; a hookaawale Mr. Lee i ua mau palapala la.

Wm.Wallace Heluhelu ae la 1.fr .Lea i ka palapala noi 1 palapaJ.a ano alodio a William Wallace no kona aina Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooho1oia; Ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e ha.awi ia William Wallace i ka palapala eila nui ano

alodio no kona ma.u wahi aina ma Waiawa i Ewa, ua komo no ia i ke kuleana i heluia 10.942 o ka poe Hoona, ia ia no e uku no ke kuleana aupuni i umi dala.

Heluhelu ae la Mr .Lee i ka palapala noi a Papa­ makua., i wahi palapala alodio nana. Hooh. 3. Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Papamakua i ka palapala a.no alodio no kona mau pahale ma Olomana, 1 Honolulu, ua heluia e ka poe hoona 1 6.059; ia ia. no e u.ku a.ku i ke Aupun1 no kona kuleana malaila, i t,IJJ,;/ kanaha Dala ($40) Kaholo Reluhelu ae la Mr. Lee 1 ka palapala noi a Koholo, 1 palapala ano a.lodio nana Hooh. 4.

Hoch. 4. ,Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kala.iaina e haawi i ka palapala eila nui ano alodio ia Ka.holo no kona mau pahale ma Olomana 1 Honolulu; ua heluia e ka poe hocna

i 236 R; ia ia no e Uku aku no ko ke Aupuni kuleana 1

kanaono klmtamalua 50/100 De.la. 398

I Parke the Jtar­ A letter from :r-Tr. Pa:ck the Yarshal was read res­ ehall pecting some Police natters. After discussion it was J voted to lay it on the table. Kalana. :r~r. Lee read an application from ICalar'1a for an allodial title to her lands; also a counter petition J'.fr. Lee withdrew them both. I Wm.Wallace T~r. Lee reada}re application of William Wallace ,,• . ~~ . }..::t··· for an allodial title to his land~. j Rea~ 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the l"'inister of the Interior be, and is hereby authorized to grant to William Wallace a

fee simple title for the lots of land in claim Waiawa·,

Evra, included in :ro. 10.942 of the La!'ld Commission upon his paying for the Governnient rights therein the sun of Ten Dollars. J Papamakua M:r. Lee read an application of Paparnakua for ari allodial title to his land.

Res. 3. Res. 3. _Resolved; That the J-anister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to Papa.-r:iakua' a Fee Simple Title to the two lots of land in OloBana, Hono­

lulu; known a~ claim :No. 6059 of the Land Corrrnission, upon her payin1s for the Government rights therein the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.) j Kahola Hr. Lee read the app.lication of Kaholo for a fee simple title to his land. \ Res. 4. Rea. 4. Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be &

is hereby authorized to grant to Kahola a Fee Sinple

Title to the two lots of land in Olomana Honolulu,

known as claim ;To. 236 R of the Land Commies ion upon his paying for the governMent rights therein the sum

of sixty two 50/100 Dollars. 399 A.Manuel Heluhelu ae la Mr .Lee i ka palapala noe a Antonio Manuel, i palapala a.no alodio nana, ¢.,I. t,/,1. Hooh. 5.

Rooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; Ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hooponopono pu me Antonio Manuel no kona kuleana ma.

ka aina 1 hooko ia is. / ~,I. me ke kuhihewa, a. e Ul:u

aku ia ia i ka dala e like me kona manao he pono. Ia ia no e kikoo i na da.la o ke Kuhina Waiwai~no na dala ku pono. Kom.Waiwa.i Lilo ae la ka Aha Kuka Malu i komite no ka waiwai aupuni; a eia ka mea i hooholoia. Hooh. 6. Hooh. 6. Ua hooholoia; Ua aeia i ka Lunakanawai n~i o ka Aha Koikoi e kikoo i na dala aupuni o ke Kuhina Waiwai i hooka.hi tausani dala, ua hookaawaleia e ka poe Aha­ olelo iho nei no na Buke a ia mea a.ku, i mea e pono ai ka Aoao Lunakanawai; a ia ia no e kuai aku e like me kona m.a.nao he pono. Na Wyllie Heluhelu ae la.Mr.Wyllie i ka palapala pili i na Kanikele o ke Alii e noho ana ma na aina e ae, e

kauoha ana ia lakou e hoola.ha ae i ko Hawaii kanawai D) ka komo ana o kona aina e 1 keia Aupuni. Ua kulcaia, ua hapaiia na lima me ke kue i kona manao, koe nae Mr.Wyllie ka Makemake ae la J!Ir. Wyllie i paaia mea i ke A kau.ia, a ina e hiki mai ka haunaele no ka puka ana mai o na kanaka ino, aohe ona hewa. Na Aneru Heluhelu a.e la Mr.Wyllie i ka palapala e kauoha ana ke ae mai ke Alii, i na Kanll:ele Hawaii ma kahi Ka.hiki no ka pae ana iuka nei na kanaka kahiki; a ua hoole ia

Hoopaneeia a i ka Po akahi hora 11. 400 A.Manuel. -:-~r. Lee read the application of Antonio Yanuel f'or a fee simple title to 1and in Ewa. Hee~ 5.

Res. 5. Resolved; That the I'inister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to arrange vri th Antonio lfanuel :fer his rights in the land awarded to him by mistake a....'1d co:,1pensate him in T.:oney as he may think right. He is authorized to draw on the Jlinister of Finance for j the sum necessary. P.C. a Com.of Privy Council here resolved itself into a F'inance J committee of Finance & the following Resolution was passed.

Res. 6. Res. 6. Resolved; That the Chief Justice of the

Superior Court, b.e and is hereby authorized to draw upon the ]"inister of Finance for the sum of one thous­ and dollars appropriated by the last Legislature for Books etc, for the Judiciary Department; and to expend the same as he may think best f'or said Department. '.Minute by Mr.Wyllie brought forward a circular to the King's Mr.Wyllie Consular Agents abroad, directing them to make known the Hawaiian laws relating to the ingress,!-/ and stay of Foreigners in the kingdom. After some discussion a vote was· taken, and all voted against it, except I'r. Wyllie· hiMself' :Mr. Wyllie desired the minute to be made, in case disorders should occur from the free ingress or j bad characters, as at present Minute by the :rrr. Wyllie read a circular to be sent to f'oreign Secretary o:f the sa::"'1ething. Consuls for the approval of the King in relation to

the landing of :i:roreigners on these shores, which v.ras negatived Adjd. to Jconday 11 o'clock 401 Ahakuka Malu Iulai 21 1851. lloho mai la Ka Hoi Kamehameha III.

Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Hr.Wyllie Kekua.naoa Judd Kanaina , Bates Ii , Ii~e Kanoa Hop.kins Namakeha ' Kapaakea Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluhelt1ia. ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Pa.lapala a Kap Howard lfoku Heluhelu ae la Mr.Wyllie i ka palapala a Kapena Ma.hu Howard, ma.nae oia e hooholoholo i na moku ma.hu iwaena

o keia pae Aina. C.R.Hitchcock Moku Mah.u Heluhelu no hoi Jvfr .Wyllie i kekahi palapala. a Charlea R. Hitchcock no na moku ma.hu no hoi. Mr.Frazer Ua. heluheluia hoi ka palapala a Mr .Frazier no ia Moku Mahu a.no hooks.hi no. O ke kamailio iho la no ia, a mah.ope iho; hooholoia ae la keia Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; e kohoia ka poe komite eko1u a kama.i1io pu me Capena William A.Howard no kana pala­ pala o ka la 19 o Julai nei 1851; na lako~ e hoonoho­ noho i kekahi kumu kupono no ka hooholo ana i na moku m.ahu, ke manao lakou he pcno; a e hooakaka mai no hoi i ko lakou manao, i aeia pa.ha, i hooleia Paha e keia Aha.. Poe Komite a Mesa rs. Wyllie, Bat es, a me Lee: oia ua poe komite la Holohclona Hoakaka mai la :Mr.Ba.tee i ke ano o na :tio a me na aupuni bipi o ke Aupuni ma Kauai; a mahope iho eia ka Olelo

i hooholoia Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. 402 Privy Council July 21 1851

Present His J~jeaty Ka:1ehaneha III His Highness John Young Paki :.'fr. Wyllie Kekuanaoa Judd Kanaina Bates Ii Lee · Kanoa Hopkins Na..'l!lakeha Kapaakea Lorrin Andrews Secretary. Prayers were read as usual I Minutes of last meeting were read and approved Capt.Howard's :Mr.Wyllie read a letter fro!!l Captain Howard maki~ Letter j SteaMer a proposition for a steamer to run between the islands. C.R.Hitchcock ;irr. Wyllie also read another co:rnnunica tion from Stea.mer Charles R. Hitchcock on the same aubject. I !.fr .Frazer Also a proposition frol'.'l Mr. Fraser of the same I Steamer tenor. After considerable conversation the following resolution was passed j Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That a committee of three be appointed

to confer with Captain William A. Ho,vard on his propo­

sition of July 19, 1851 with power to fix upon sor:re definite plan and terms for the Stear;1 Navigation pro­ pos.ed, should tl:ey think best; and with instructions to • report the result of their conference :forthwith f'or the// adoption or rejection of this Council.

Committee 1Jfessrs. Wyllie,. Ba tea & Lee were the above nar1ed \ committee. G.Cattle Er.Bates brought up t}·1e subject of Governnent

cattle & Horses on the Island of Kauai_; after v1hich the following resolution was passed. \ Res. 2.

Res. 2. I 403 Ua hooholoia; i ko -,.{1' kakou manao he mea ia e pono ai ke ¥-~~/ kauohaia ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e kuai aku ma ke ku dala paha ma ke ano e ae pa.l-ia, no ka uku ano pau no ke lieae paha, aia i kona ma.nao, 1 na lio a me na bipi aupuni ma Kauai H.H.Freuck Heluhelu ae la Mr. Hopkins i kekahi palapala a H.H.Freuck na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina; ua aeia nana e pane aku. H.Rhode-s Heluhelu ae la Ur.Lee i ka palapala a Henry Rhodes

o kona manao no ia e kuai i ka pa o ka Aha hookolokolo e noho nei.

Hooh. 3. Rooh. 3. Ua hooholoia, Aole e kuai hou ke Aupuni 1 ko lakou mau pahale maloko o ke kulanakauhale o Honolulu,

a maopopoia na pa e makemakeia i wahi hale aupuni

Hoopaneeia ae la a i ka po elima

• J 404 hesolved; T:hat we deeri it expedient that the ~~inister of the Interior be instructed to sell at times public auction or ot1':.erv.rise upon -/.,-/p{.I 'or for cash

as he_ may deem it wise,. the horses and cattle belong­ \ing to the Government on the Island of Kauai. i r H .H .~euck :r..rr. Hopkins read a communication :f'rom H.H.Freuck addressed to the J'!rinister of the Interior who was directed to reply. ) Henry Rhodes Hr. Lee read a propoe.i tion of Henry Rhodes to purchase t:1e site of the .present court house

Res. 3 j no Les. 3. Resolved; That tli Lots belonging to the Govern- ment within the city of Honolulu, be disposed of until after they shall have ascertained what lots they will require for the sites of public buildings

Adjourned till Friday 11 o'clock. 405 Ahakuka Malu Iulai 25 1851

Noho mai la Ka :Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Mr.Wyllie Kekuanaoa , J'udd Kanaina Bat.es Ii ' Lee Kanoa ,' Hopkins · Kaeo Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka lv!ooolelo hope a u.a aponoia Makai nui o Kauai Hoakaka mai la Mr. Lee i keka.hi mea no ka Uku ana o ka Makai nui o Kauai. A no ka hiki ole mai o ke Kiaaina o Kauai ua. hoopaneeia a hiki mai ia.

Na Polunesian • no na makai 'Hoakaka mai la no hoi :Mr.Lee i ka mea e pono ai na. Ma.kai nui; o ka loaa wale ia lakou a wuu pepa Polynesian. Na Mr Young e haawi aku noloko aku o ka aoao kanawai.

No na Moku · mahu Ua helub.eluia ka palapala aka poe komite no ka nI hotli.010 ana i ia -mokU mahu iwaena o keia pae aina; ua aeia ka ma.nae o kela poe komite; a eia ka Olelo hooholo

i puka :m.ai ai Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; e kakauia na kope elua o ka palapala a William A Howard no ka hooholoholo ana 1 na i/. mollu ma.hu iwaena o keia pae aina, i hooho1oia i keia la e ka poe Aha ku:ta ma.lu, ma na Olelo Beritania a ma.. na olelo Hawaii, a e haawi ia i ka JJoi a me ke Kuhina nlrl, i kau laua i ko laua ma.u inoa ma ka aoao o ke Aupuni, a na Mr. Howa:zrd e ka.kau o )(.,'."I.Hi.I~ i kona inoa iho a me ko kona. mau hoa f/l,(.,- hana. 405 Hrivy Council July 25 1851 Preent ~is Highness John Young Paki Hr.Wyllie Kekuanaoa Judd Kanaina Bates Ii Lee Kanoa Hopkins Kaeo Lorrin Andrews Secretany. Prayers were read as usual read j 1.Unutes of last meetinc were A & approved Sheriff of 1:r. Lee brought forward th.e subject of compensa­ Kauai tion for the Sheriff of Kauai. As the Governor of Kauai had not arrived the subject was postponed until j he should be present. Polynesians for Hr. Lee brought forward the subject Of furnishing Sheriffs a Polynesian for each Sheriff. It was a:ssigned to Mr. Young to see that they were :rurnished fror.i. the department of law. J Rep.o:r Com • The Report of the Committee on the Steam naviga­ . on Steam Naviga- tion among the Islands- appoir..ted on the 21 read their

report which was accepted & the f-ollovring :Resolution was passed. j Hes. 1. Res. l. Resolved; That duplicate copies of the Articles

in relation to William A. Howard's propositrbn.:ro1~ the establishrnent of inter island steam na~igation this

day passed in Privy Council lrn prepared in the Hawaiian and English Lanr;ugagea, and presented to the King and Premier :tor sir;nature on the part of the Governnent,a.rrl to Ur. Howard fo_r signature on the part of himself and his associates. 406 She·riff of Kauai Eia ka Olelo hooholo 1 Hooholoia no ka Makai nui no Kauai: Ua hiki ma.i ke Kiaaina 1 ka Ahaku.ka. malu.

Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia.; Noloko ma.i o na De.la. elua. tausani

i hooka.awaleia e ka. Ahaolelo hope no na. l!a.kai ma Wa.iwa.i Kauai; na ke Kuhina Jl://.t/.i.,{,L e haawi a.ku 1 ka. Ma.kai nui o ia. mokupuni i eha. haneri dala i uku no kona'

noho Makai a.na. E hoomaka. ia a e heluia ma.i ka la

0 kana pa.la.pa.la hookohu , Roopanecia ae la a i ka po akahi hora 11.

f I 407 1Iakai o Kauai The following was the Resolution respecting t:ie Sheriff of Kauai; The Governor of Kauai having cone into council. j Res. 2. Rea. 2. Resolved; That out of the two thousand dollars appropriated by the Last Legislature for constables on Finance the Island of Kauai, the Minister of N./ 1'!//-/lr/1 is hereby authorized to pay to the: Sheriff of said island the sum of Four Hundred Dollare as a salary. Said salary to beg.in and be co"!".'!puted from the date of his commiasion. Adjd. to meet on J.!onda.y next 11 o clock

- 408 Ahakuka Ualu .Tulai 28 185J.

Noho mai la Ka Jlea Kiekie Keoni Ana. Paki Mr.Wyllie Kanaina. Judd Ii Bates Kaeo Lee Namakeha Hopkine Lorrin Andrewa Kaka.uolelo Ua. heluheluia ka pule. Ua. heluheluia ka Mooolelo, ua. hooponoponoia a pololei.

Kahookano Heluhelu ae la Hr Lee i ka palapala noi a Kahoo-· ks.no, 1 wahi palapala ano a.lodio nana no kona aina i La.haina Hooh. 1. Ree. 1. Ua hooholoia; Ua aaia i ke Kuh.ins. Kalaiaina e

haawi aku ia Kahookano i pa1apala sila nui ano alodio no ka aina i koia ia ia e ka poe Hoona i Heluia 337 no na dale. 32 a me 50/100 ($32.50). Ka. Heluhelu ae la Mr Lee 1 ka palapala noi a Kahula no ka aina alodio ma Lahaina Hoch. 2. Hoch. 2. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi ia

Ka.hula i wahi pale.pals. sila nui ano alodio i kekahi ai- ·

·na ma Lahaina i hoa.ka.kaia ma ka palapala 1 heluia 331 e ka poe Hoona, Kanalima Dala ka Uku. Kalaikini Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala noi i ano a Ka.laikini alodfo A no kona. aina ma La.haina

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Na. ke Kuhina Kalaia.ina e ha.awi aku i ka pala.pala sila nui a.no alodio ia. Kalaikini no ka aina i hoakakaia ma ka palapala i heluia 347 e ka poe Hoona no na dala he kanaono a me kumamalua a me ka ha.palua - 409 Privy Council July 28 1851 Present His Highness John Young Paki ;.:r. ,,Vyllie Ka.naina , Judd Ii Bates Kaeo Lee Na:makeha Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Se9ret.ary Prayers were read as usual The minutes were read, a..""!ended and approved. J Ka..riookano Mr. Lee read the application of I.K~ookano ~or

an allodial title to his land in Lahaina, See j hes. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the Minister of t!1e Interior be arni is hereby authorized to grant to Kahookano a Fee ,Simple

Title to the .land awarded to him by the land CommiBfriO?J

Claim 1'To. 337, for the sum of Thirty two & 50/100 Dollars. J Ka.hula Hr. Lee read the application of Ka..11.ula for an allodial title .to his land in Lahaina Res. 2. ~ . Res. 2. Resolved; That the ::~inister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant Kahul.a a :ii'ee Simple Title to the land in Lahaina described in award J'To.331

of Land Commission for the sum of fifty Dollars. i Kalaikini lvir. Lee read the application of Kalaikini for an allodial title to Land in Lahaina Rea. 3. \ Res. 3. Resolved; That the 1anister of the Interior be and is ~ereby authorized to grant Kalaikini a hoyal Pa te:1t :for the land described in Award ]Jo. 347 of the

Land ConJttission for the sum of sixty two 50/100 Dollars. 410 Thompson Wahine Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala noi Mrs. Thompson ano alodio no kona pa ma Honolulu.

Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; Ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e

ha.a.wi i ka palapala. sila nui a.no a.lodio ia Mrs •. Thomp­

son -,{rfi;f/1 -.;ft,..,li;f / no keka.hi pa aina ma Honolulu 1 kapaia ko Voss, nana e ma.la.ma i ua aina. la no James A. Thompson laua me Kathleen Thompson kana mau keiki a me ko laua mau hooilina. a me ko la.ua hope; na.na. e Jii-;J. hookaa 1 ka. mea aie a hiki i keia manawa a me na dala hou aku ekolu haneri. C.R.:Bishop Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka pa.laps.la noi a C.R. Bishop a. me :J.a no hoi no kekahi a.pane. aina ma Waikiki; alaila, pwca·aku iwaho oia.1 1 kukakukaia, a ma.hope ua Hooholcia peneia. Hooh. 5 • . Hooh. 5. Ua hoohQloia; ua aeia 1 ka pa.la.pa.la nci a C.R. ~ishop no kekahi a.pans. aina ma Honolulu papu no na dala. he umL Hoopaneeia ae la a i ka Poaka.hi. j 411 J{r. Lee read the application of J'~rs Tho!!lpson f'or an allodial title to a lot in Zonolulu. j Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; That t:1e Itanister of the Interior is

hereby authorized. to grant a. Fee Simple Title to Mrs. F.W.Thonpson in trust f'or the use of Jam.es A.Thor_-rpson and Kathleen Thompson her two children now living and their heirs and assigns for the John Voss. premises in

Honolulu upon payment of the rent now due anti the

f'urt:-:er sm1 of three hundred Dollars. J C .R.Bishop. ;Jr. Lee read an application of C .R.:Bishop and himself for a small piece of- land at Waikiki and then the retired while tit ordinary enquiries were made after - which the fo::1-1owing resolution was passed Res. 5.

Res. 5. Resolved; T}1at the application of Charles R. Bishop Es~uire for a small piece of land on Honolulu Plain, ia granted for the sum of ten dollars.

Ad.jd. till Monday next. 412

Ahakuka Malu Augate 4 185].. Noho mai la Ka 1/l:oi Ka..-rnehameha III.

Ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana. Paki Namakeha Kekuanaoe. Kanehoa Kane.ins. Kapaakee. Kae-o Mr.Wyl1ie Ii , Judd Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Admirala Olelo ae la Mr. Wyllie 1 ke Alii; ua. oluolu ka Ua­ nao o ka Admiral no na mea ana i ike maka ai a me na mea ana i lohe ai ma Honolulu nei, a manao ae la oia, ua maikai ka hoomalu ana o keia pae aina. Poe Kinai Ahi Olelo ae la Jifr. Judd, noi mai la ka Poe kinai ahi i kaawale la.kou, aole e hookupuia no ka hana ala.nui

Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; E hookaawaleia ka poe k1nai ahi o Honolul1111 aole e hookupu no ke alanui Pala.pals. noi a Peresidena o ka Poe Kinai Heluhelu ae la Mr. Judd 1 ka palapala noi aka Ahi -. Poe Kinai Ahi i hanaia na mea e halo ai ka wai a me na a.1 kio wai i mea e pono,._ke kinai a.hi ana. Ua hoopan•eia

Pala.pa.la noi a Mr.French ma. Heluhelu ae la Mr. Judd i ka palapala noi a kekahi mau haole, i hoopauia ke kanawai no ka hana alanui,. ua heluh.eluia hoi ka palapala a Mr.French

Ua hoopaneeia ae la a i ka Poelima 413 Privy Council August 4 1851

Pres er: t His Faj es ty 1.::anehar:1eha III.

His Highness John Young

Paki 1J ar,1a.k eha Kekuanaoa Ka!iehoa Kanaina Kapaakea Kaeo Mr.Wyllie Ii Ur.Judd Secretary Lorrin Andrews 'I\ Ka.kau olelo

Era.vers were read as usual · ) lu1m:.i:tes were reaa. and approved. J\{r. Wyll.ie llr. Wyllie stated to the King that the Admiral Admiral was pleased with what he saw and heard and went away :favourably impres:aed with the ata.te of the Islands &c. &c. &c. J Fire Company lfr.Judd ///./. s,tated that the ;,:embers of the Fire

Company applied to be released frm:: the road tax. Wherefore

Res. 1 j Res. 1. Resolved; That the Firemen of Honolulu be exe~pted from the road tax. J Petition of Mr.Judd read a. petition from the President of the Pree. of Fire Company Fire Co!!rpany requesting that Hydrants and Reservoirs o-r water be made -ror t~1e u&e of -riremen in the city. Defen~d J Petition of

I llr. Judd read a Petition of certain Foreigners ::Jr.French & . J others for the aoroga tion of t:1e road tax together with Lr.

Frencl1. 1 s letter. .. Council Adjourned to Friday next • 414 Ahakuka Malu Augate 8 185J. Noho mai la Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Aria. Paki Namakeha Kekuanaoa Kapaakea Kanaina Mr.Wyll.ie Kaeo Hopkins Ii Lee Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka JCcotlel.o a ua aponoia

Kuikahi me ko Bremen Hoike ma.i ·1a Mr. Wyllie i ka pa.la.pa.la Olelo Kuikahi me ko Bremen, ua kakauia e laua me Mr Reynolds i ka? mamuli o ka ae ana o ke A1ii a me kana ao ana 1 ka la 5 o Julai. Na Mr.Hopkins, e: hoakaka aku i ke Alii Ko Kali:fonia ko1ohe Kuhikuhi ae la Mr. Wyllie 1 na 1111 1 kekahi mea

ana 1 olelo a~ mamua, i makaukau la.kou no ka pilikia ke hiki mai, Heluhelu ae l.a ia i kekahi pa.la.pa.la na Mr. Wm.Ladd no ka hui ana o kekahi poa ma Kali:fonia e hana kolohe mai ma keia Pae Aina. Malama pa.ha o ka Belgian Contract ke kumu; He pa.la.pa.la :like hoi ke ano na :Mr.Castle Pal.aka Poe kinai ahi Ua lawe hou ia ma.i ka Palapala.noi a. ka Peresise:na o ka Poe Kinai ahi, ua hoopaneeia mamua, Eia ka mea i hooholoia Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia, Aole a pono ke hooholo 1 kekahi mea 1 ka Aha kuka malu no ka wai :tinai ahi, ha pone nae-A.ke hoomaopopo i ka nu:1. dala i tfi.,I koe ma ka Waihona dala, a me ka nui o na dala e 1-ilo no na mea e pono ai a i ka la 1 o Ianuari 1852 me ka nui hoi o na dala e komo ai il.oko o ka

- Waihona mamua ae o ka la 31 o Dekemaba 1851, a ua kauohaia. ka Mea nana e malama. da.1a e e hoakaka mai a i kona wa e hiki ai 415 Privy Council August 8 1851 Present His Higlmeas John Young

Paki Na.rn.ak e}1W. Kekuanao..,_ Kapaakea KanaiYJ.a. l·~r. Wyllie Kaeo Hopkins Ii , Lee Lorrin Andrews Secretary • Prayers were read as usual I Minutes were read and approved Treaty vdth Mr. Wyllie submitted the draft of a Treaty with Bremen Bremen, signed by him and M:r. Reynolds. on the 7th,

pursuant to the King's Powers ~1d instructions of 3rd July, Mr. Hopkins waa requested to explain it to the J ' King. :Mr.Wyllie Yr. Wyllie also refered the Chiefs to something refered the Chiefs to formerly said about beine ready if an:,r difficulty difficulties from Califor­ should occur. He read a letter from WM.Ladd respecting riia a combination of some persons from California to do

mischief at the islands. Perhaps some thine f'rom the Belgian Contract·. Also a letter from s. N. Castle of· j a sinilar i!nport. Pct.from Fire The Petition from the President of the Fire Company Company laid over from last meeting was called up & the following Resolution passed.

\ \ Rea. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That_ bef0re resolving upon the question of Hydrants, in view of the bill of a.ppropriaticn,,it is indispensable that the Board of Finw.nce be informed

of tne arnount now existing in the Treasury, and of all s.pecial appropriations,and other nece&sary payments; which have to be made out of thoae funds up to the

lat of January 1852 with an estimate of all BU1'1B likely

to lJe received hetw-een this date and the 31st of December 1851, and that the Registrar of Public

accounts be & he is hcrooy ordered to submit a return, e emb-racing th.¢'s,e particulars as a.con as possible. 416 Mr.Wyllie Hooikaika ae la Hr.Wyll.ie i na Lii, i kuai ae la Little dirty houses of na kanaka i ko lakou hale uuku a pelapela hoi a 1oaa ke Honolulu kumu no ke kulculu ana i na hale hou aole e pau koke i ke ahi. Serang Keluhe1u ae 1a Jlr. Lee i ka palapala noi a Mr. Serang no ka palapala ano alodio no kona wahi ma Lahaina Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Se-rang i ka palapa.la sila nui ano alodio no kona aina

ma Lahaina i hoakakaia ma ka helu. 352 o ka Poe Hoona ia ia no hoi e Uku mai i hookahi haneri dala no ke kulea• Aupuni malaila.

1lr. Heap. Heluhelu ae la :Mr. Lee i ka palapala noi a Mr. Heape kuai 1 aina ma Hawaii. Hooh. 3. Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala noi a Henry J.Heap eke Kuhina Kalaiaina ia George M.Robertson,i nana oia . i na aina i haiia ma ka palapala noi a e hoakaka -.1 1 ke Kuhina i ke ano o ka aina i noiia me ka nui o na ka.ma.aina. a me ko lakou inoa,a me na mea e aee pili i kela wahi. Hopkins. Heluhelu ae la Mr. Le-e i ka palapala noi a Mr. Hopkine, manao oia e kuai i keka.hi hapalua o na Bipi Aupuni ma Hawaii; A ua hoole ia Metcalf. Heluheluia o Mr.Lee i ka pa.la.pa.la a T.Metca.lf no keka.hi aina ma Yanoa; manao oia e kuai i ko ke Aupuni kuleana, he aina papu ia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e

hoa.kaka aku .. A.D.Allen Helu...½elu ae la Mr.Lee i ka palapala noi a A.D. Allene kuai aina ma Kohala Hooh. 4, Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia 1 ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi i • ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ia A.D.Allen no na eka aina 50 ma Honihu,Kohala,elua dala o ka 417 J ;;rr :~:yllie ,Ha.le Mr. Wyllie proposed t:·1a t the Chiefs s}1ould use uuku o na kanaka t::-ieir infl.uence to have t:ie. people sell t:heir little

dirty houses anrl get the means of bui~di!1g ones more

aaf e fr0r'! fire. l Hr .Lee read t:1e application of I.Ir. Serang :for an allodial Serang. title to 11.is lots in Lahaina. j Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the 1viinister of the Interior be

and is hereb~r authurized to grant Sera:1g a hoyal

Patent for t~1e la::-id in Lahaina, de.scribed iri award

:No 352 of the Land co::rr,r:1.ission upon the paym.ent of the

auJn of One Hu'1dred Dollars for the Gov. righ ta therein.

1,:r .Heap. :~r.Lee read an application of J'..r. ~Ieap to buy

land on Hawaii Res. 3.

Res. 3. Resolved; That° t:10 application of Henry J. Heap

be referred // by tho 1:Hnis ter of the Interior to

George ~ff. I:obertson, wit:1. the request that he will

exaw.ine the lands. na·'led in said application and report

to the said Minister the quality of the land applied

:for, with t..}ie m.1..r:iber and names of the native occupar1ts,

if any, and any other matte~ of impCJrtance relating



;,;r. Lee read t:-:c: o.::.):,lica tion of ~.:r. Hopki::.s to

buy one half oi' the Goverrn'lent cattle on Hawaii. The application was ne;;atived. Mr.Lee read a letter f:co:T. Mr.T.Metcalf respecting

some lan.d at J~anoa Valley of w:1ich he wished to buy the

government right it being :Port land. It was left for the TTinister of the Interior to settle. \ A.D. Allen. IJr.Lee read the application bf A.D.Allen :fr.om Kohala to buy land Res. 4. \ Res. 4. Reeolved;That the :Hniater of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant A.D.Allen a Fee Simple title to 5o·acres of land in Honoihu Kohala at the price 418

eka hookahi ke kumu kuai. Okoa nae na kuleana kanaka,

a na 1{r. :aond e kuhiku..11.i i 11a aina la. Piikoi. Helu.."'-lelu ae la Hr. Lee .i ka palapala a I .Piikoi,

noi mai ia i hoihoi hou io na la i kekahi aina 1 kuaiia

ia Dr.Wood; Ua haawiia ia mea ia J-t:r.Judd a me ke Kiaaipa. o Kanoa na laua e hooponopono aku Hoopaneeia ae la ka Aha a i ka Poakahi 419 of Two dollars per acre, Reserving native Tenant's j rights, /-/ said land to be located by r:-r. E. Bond. Piikoi. ~r. Lee read a letter fro~ J. Piikoi asking for the restoration of sone land whe he said had been

' taken fro:1:1 him & sold to Dr. Wood. The matter was

referred to Ur. Judd & Governor Kanoa to settle as they were now on the ground Council Adjd. till Monday 11 o'clock

• 420 Ahakuka }'"alu Augate 18 1851 Noho mai la Ka J\;1ea Kiekie Keoni Ana. Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa l!r .Wyllie Ka.naina , Lee Kaeo Bates Namakeha Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka l~ooolelo a ua aponoia Lawe mai la Hr.Wyllie i kekahi ope buke palapala.

na ka Mai; Na Gregory ma mai

Heluhelu ae la ]~r Ea tes i ka bila dala a !~r .Bran- don no ke kii Hale hookolokolo ana i kaha ai. Eia ka Olelo hooholo

Hooh. 1.

No ka mea; ~Jarnuli o ka noi ana a kekahi poe komi te i hoonohoia e keia Aha e irni i na mea e maopopo ai ke ano o ka Hale Hookolokolo; kaha ae la o William Bran­ don i kii no ka Hale Hookolokolo; ua ae r/.1/ aku no kekaha Aha mahope 1 ua 1tii la, a 1Jo ka mea hoi ma...11.ope

iho ua hooholoia e ka Ahakuka a. hana hoi :cramuli o na kii e ae a ua hoomakaia ka hale mamuli olaila; Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hookaa aku ia Wm.Brandon i ekolu haneri kanaono ku.mamalaa dala no na kii hale hookolokolo ana i ka...½a ai, a ia ia no e haawi mai i ka palapala loaa dala. Ua heluheluia kekahi pepa na ka Uea helu dala aupuni, e hoakaka ana i na dala pa.ha e koe i ka pau ana o keia maka.hiki;Mahope iho ua h.ooholoia keia Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia, Ua hooliloia na dala eono tauaani noloko ae o na dala aupuni 421 18 Privy Council Ausust 1851 Present His ITigh:1ess John Young Paki Kapaakea Kekuar:.aoa :;'tr. Wyllie Kanaina , Lee Kaeo , Bates 1ra..."'!lakeha Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual :Minutes vrere read and approved. ::~r. Wyllie presented a sraall · package. of letter

books to the King fro11 :ressrs. Gregory & Co. J ~r. Bates presented a bill for services rendered

in m:aking a draft ·ror a court house by Lrr. Brandon and the following resolution was passed Res. 1. j Whereas; William Brandon, purs,uant to the request

of a committee appointed to procure pla.na for a Court House furnished the sawie which was subsequently approv-

ed by the Privy Council; & Whereas, by a subsequent of t:i1e ~r'· resolution 1-lill, Privy Council other plans vrere final- ly agreed upon and t~.,e Court house ordered erected by then

Resolved; That t:he Hinister of t}:e Interior is

hereby directed to cause. to be paid to William Brandon three hundred ancl sixty two dollars, :for the plans :furnished by.him upon hi& ~rantinJ a receipt therefor. \ A paper was read from the Rer,iatrar of Public Accounts showing what money would probably be in the

Treasury on the 31st Dec. 1851. After vrhich the \ f'ollouing Resolution passed. Res. 2. Resolved; That the sum of Six 'l'housa~1d dollars is hereby appropriated out of ?:oneys in the Treasury, 422

aole e lilo :ma ka mea e ae, no ka hana ana i na kaha­ wai a me na kiowai make kulanakauhale o Honolulu mala­ lo ae o ke Kakauolelo no ka Paku hooponopono 1 ko loko

aupuni, a ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e kikoo i ke

Kuhina Waiwai no ia dala

Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka p~lapala no ke

Alanui mai Honolulu aku i Koolau ma ka pali hoi Na Mr.

Metcalf i kaha i ke kii laua me :rrr. Webster - Olelo mai laua he mea hiki ole ke hana i alanui kaa ma ka pali Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e palapala aku ia Mr.Metcalf me ke aloha no kana palapala kii a me kona manao :raaloko, a e hoakaka aku aole i nui ke kala iloko o ka waihona dala kupono me na dala $20.000, aka, e kupono no kona kii i ka wa e nui ai pono na dala, a e malamaia a i ka waAma..11ope

Helu..lielu ae la Mr. Lee i ka Olelo hooholo no ka aina o Oua ma Ka.makela

Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; Na ke KUhina Kalaiaina e haawi ia Oua i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio no kona aina ma Kamakela i Nuuanu, ua heluia hoi 2147 e ka Poe Hoona, a nana no e haawi i hookahi dala no ke kuleana

Aupuni, no ka mea, lawe ke Aupuni i ka nui o kona aina no ke alanui

Hoopaneeia a i ka Poakolu 423 not otherwise appropriated, for the construction of IIydrants and heservoirs in the City of Honolulu, under the direction of the clerk of t:he :lureau of Internal

improvements; and t:·:i.at t::1e }~inister of tl1e Interior is authorized to draw on the ?.Ii!!ister of Finance for said sum. Mr. Lee read a report on a road from Honolulu to

Koolau includine; the Pali by Jrr .r!etcalf and :r!r. Webster \Vho reported it an· il"lpracticabili ty to make a road :for carts down t::.1e pali

Res. 3.

j Resolved; That the Jiinister of the Interior acknowlede;e the receipt of #l J,,rr .l:T.etcalfe 's letter of the 8th with thanks f'or the valuable plan and esti­

mate inclosed, and flit state that the actual state of the Treasury will not allow of so large an expenditure as that of $20.000 but that t:he estimate and plan will

be preserved for future use, when an opportune occa­ sion may arise Mr.Lee read a resolution relative to the land or Oua at Ka.:r:iakela Res. 4. j "'f./ll/.,,i//./i Resolved; That the 1:-inister of the Interior is hereby authorized to grant Oua a fee simple title

for his land in Kamakela, :r,uuanu known as claim J0 o. 2147, of the Land Commission for the sum of one dollar, The i}overmnent having taken a large portion of his land for a public road. Adjd. till Wednesday. 424 Ahakuka Malu Augate 20 1851 Noho mai la Ka 1.Tea Kiekie Keoni Ana. Paki Namakeha Kekuanaoa 1v1r. Wyllie Kanaina , Lee Ii Bates Kapaakea Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua helu:h:eluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia

N'apoeha Helu."'lelu ae la Hr .Lee i ka palapala noi a Napoeha no kekahi aina make alanui kalepa. Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; 0 ka palapala noi a l'Tapoeha i aeia ia ia hoo e~aiki ai i ke Alanui kalepa; e hooleia ia ia. W.Sumner Heluhelu ae la Ji.Ir .Lee i ka palapala noi a William.

Sumner no ka aina i kapaia o Kaipapau.

Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; 0 ka palapalafltl. noi a Wil1-iam Sumner

no Kaipapau i Koolau; e hooleia Koekoe laua me Hoopala.h.ee Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala noi a Koekoe

a me Hoopalehee no ka aina i Kaipapau. Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Oka palapala noi a G.P.Koekoe a me M. Hoopalahee no ka aina i kapaia o Kaipapau 1 Koolau, Oahu e aeia ia ia (i mea e pau ai ka olelo hoowaha­ waha, Aohe aina kula ma Koolau 1 kuaiia i na ka.naka

:me.011. Auh.ea oe Elua no palapala noi no ka aina hooka­ hi. N:olaila o ka Hooh. 4 e like no me ke 3

., Kaaukai Heluhelu ae la Hr.Lee i ka palapala noi a Kaaukai no kekahi aina i Kohala

Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. 425 Privy Council August 20 1851 Present His 1Iighness John Young Paki xa,1.akeha Kekuanaoa Ur.Wyllie Kanaina Lee Ii , Bates Kapaakea Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read and approved J 1'Tapoeha Ur. Lee read the application of' Poeha. f'or a piece of land in Merchant Street, Whereon Res 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the applicat).on of Napoeha for permiasion to make Eerchant Street narrower than it now is, be and is hereby negatived. J Will.Sumner. ].~r. Lee read the application of William Sumner for

land called Kaaipapau j Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the application of William Sumner f'or Kaipapau,Koolau be negatived. I(/ Koekoe a me Hr. Lee read the applications of Koekoe and· ./ Hoopalahee Hoopala.,11.ee for land at Kaaipapau . Res. 3. j Res. 3. Resolved; That tho application of G.P.Koekoe M' •" . . and A :Hoopala.'riee for the land called Kaipapau, Koolau Oa_h.u be granted ( to remove the reproach that no Kula

land in Koolau haa been sold to the comm.on natives)

lf.E. Two applications were ma.de by the same per­ sons ~or the sane land, Hence Res. 4 would be just like Res. 3

Kaaukai Hr. Lee read the application of Kaaukai for land in Kohala. Res. 5 •. \ Res. 5. 426 Hooh. Ua hooholoia; O ka palapala noi a Kaaukai no ka Aina

i Kohala, e hoole ia, no ka mea ua loaa ia ka aina ma Waipio i Hamakua.

E.W.Clark Heluhelu ae la Ur. Lee i ka palapala noi a :Ur. aina i Maui Clark no kekahi aina ma Maui

Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia E.W.Clark i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio no na eka aina eha haneri me kanaiwa ma Apueo 1 llaui; hookahi eka hookahi dala; Ia ia no hoi e hoi­ hoi i kona aina ma Wahiawa; koe iho na kuleana kamaaina

E.Whittlesey Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee i ka palapala noi a E. aina i Hana Whittlesey no ka aina ma Hana i Maui.

Hooh. 7. Hooh. 7. Ua hooholoia; Oka palapala noi a E.Whittlesey no

ka aina ma Hana, i Maui, e hooleia, no ka mea ua kuai oia mamua i 672 eka ma ia apana no.

Kaaikanaka Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee i ka palapala noi a Kaaika­ naka no ka aina ma Kalihi - Ua hoopaneeia a anaia

Ka Poe ma Kohala Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala noi a kekahi poe ma Kohala. Na Mr.Bond ka palapala.

Hooh. 8. Rooh. 8. Ua hooho1oia, Oka palapala noi aina e kuaiia i na kanaka maoli ma Kohala, ua kakauia i ka la 24 o

June 1851, ua aeia mamuli o ka papa aina e. hoike ana

i na inoa. o ka poe noi aina, 0 ke ano o ka a.ina, o ka nui a me ke kumu kuai; koe nae ka palapala noi a Kaawa

no ka apana aina ma Upol.u he 50 eka; a na ke Kuhina

Kalaiaina e haawi 1 na palapala sila nui no lalcou.

Pal. a :Mr. Whitney Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee 1 ka palapala a Mr.Whitney no ka malama leta ana. Ua kohoia Mr.Bates i komite e hoakaka mai

Hoopaneeia ae a i ka Po akahi I 42? Res. Resolved; That the application of 3. Kaaukai for land in Kohala be neeatived,he havi!lg already a grant of land in Waipio Ha.,rriakua. 1 E .w .Clark. rrr .Lee read the application of Jrr. Clark :ror land land on }~aui on "''"aui

j Res. 6. Res. 6. Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to E.W.Clark a fee simple title for four Hundred and ninety acres of land in Aapueo,·Vaui; at the price of one dollar per acre; Provided he relinquish his right to the land at Wa.hi­ awa. :Native rights to be reserved.

E.Whittlesey J/rr. Lee read the application of E •• Whittlesey Land on Maui ror land at Hana Haui j Rea. 7. Rea. 7. Resolved; That the application of E.Whittlesey f'or land in Hana, Jlfaui be negatived; he having already purchasei

672 acres of land in that district. l Kaaikanaka nr. Lee read the application of Kaa.ikanaka for Land at Kalihi land at Kalihi - Postponed for the surveys. Certain pers.ons Mr. Lee read the application of certain persona a Kohala from Kohala throur;h Pr. Bond Res. 8. j Resolved; That the applicatiQns ror land to be sold Ree. 8. to natives of Kohala under date of June 24 1851 be and are hereby granted ae set forth in the table, exhibi­ ting the nariea of applicants, the quality of the land wanted, the quanti t:r and the price; with the exception of the application of Kaawa, ~dr a piece of land in Upolu consisting of 50 acres; and the Minister of the Intirior is hereby authorized to grant Royal Patents for the sa·:ne. J l'Tr .Whitney Mr. Lee read a comrnuni'cation fro.!"I. J17r.Whitney Post Office respecting the Post Office. Mr. Bates v1as appointed a committee to report Adjd. till Yonday next. 428 Ahakuka Mal u Auga te 25 1851

Noho mai la Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana. Paki Na.inakeha Kekuanaoa Kapaakea Kanaina Mr.Judd Kaeo , Bates Ii 1 Wyllie Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Palapala a Mr. Allen Hai mai la Mr.Wyllie i ka hiki ana mai ka palapala na Mr. Allen, no Washington mai. Eia ke ano nui Ua oluolu ko Amerika i ko Hawaii nei; Manao ae la lakou ua hewa o Fera.ni ma na mea a pau - ma.hope e halo mai na Manuwa elua. Kanele Ua haiia kekahi mea no Kanele, a penei ka hooholo ana Hooh.l. No ka hihia o na aina o Kanele, aoao 40 o ka bUke

mahele; Eia ka mea i holo.

E lilo ia Kanele o Kahauloanui a o kona mau aina e ae no ke Aupuni ia, Kaohe a me Puehuehu J.Robinson Ua heluheluia ka palapala noi a James Robinson i palapala sila nui nana; a ua hooholoia penei Hooh. 2.

. Hoch. 2. Ua hooholoia; Ma.mua o ka haawi ana i ka palapala sila nui a James Robinson i noi mai.ai ma ka la 20 o

Feberuari' 1851, Ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Kalaiaina, e hoolimalima me ia no ke kauwahi ma kahi i kapaia o Blond ma kona komo wale ana i ke alanui, a ina pono e

imi i ke kumu e kuai ai, na na mea i kohoia ma kela

aoao ma keia aoao e imi. Oia ka helu 786 o ka poe Hoona. 429

Privy Council August 25 1851

Present His }Iighness John Youn:g Paki Ka.paakea Kekuanaoa Mr.Judd Kanaina Bates Kaeo Wyllie Ii Namakeha Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual I Hinutes were read and approved. Letter from Irr.Wyllie stated that he had received a letter ~·r.Allen. from ::r.Allen at Washincton City. The substance was that t°!'le U.R.Cabinet were favorable to t~1.e Islands, that the believed the French v1ere wrong in every par­

ticular - that two ships of war would be here l.:c • I 5 ..J,1 Kanele 3one business was brought forv,ard flFFf'FFY1..1.~1l.f 1¢.riifJ.f-fl;,!, . J!f.1~ ~~~ ~/IKanele and decided as follows. I Hes. 1 Respecting the difficulty regarding the lands · of 1i/~//~ Kanele page 40 of the book dividing land it was resolved as follows Kahauloanui shall fall to Kanele and her ot}1er

lands Viz. Kaohe and Puehuehu snall belon~ to the j Governnent. J.Robinson The application of Janes hohinson for an allodial title to land was taken up~ the following Res.Passed. hes. 2. l Eea. 2. Resolved; '1.'hat befo:ce granting the aloodial title to James Robinson, applied for in his letter of 20

February 1851 the ~-inister of the Interior is instruct­ ed to negotiate with hirl for the purchase of so much

of the site occupied by the 13londe as abuts upon and

f'orr:is. a dangerous encroachment upon the street, and if necessary, to deten:iine. the value by appraisers mutual- ni7, • IJ:> 1 ' 'T 7 ., ~ f ' L ly c h osen. Lus1 c air, 1: o. oo o · the and Cormission. 430

J. Robinson Eia ka mea i hooholoia no na aina o Jarnes Robinson. Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Ua aeia i ke Kub.ina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia James Robinson 1 na palapala sila nui no

kona mau pa 1 heluia e ka Poe hoona 785 apana 1 me 2 786,787,788,790,a ne 927, # ia ia no e uku ai i ka hapaha hookahi a ka poe i manao ai ke ku..rnukuai oia ke kuleana aupuni; kaawale na kuleana kanaka maoli ma ia mau aina a pau; a ua kaawale hoi kau wahi i oleloia i ka hooholo 2 o keia la no ka helu 786. Kaaikanaka a me ka poe e a.e Heluhelu a.e la Mr.Judd i ka. palapala hoopii a

Kaaikanaka a me ka poe e ae no na palapala sila nui i

ko lakou mau aina ma Kal ihi Hooh. 4. h Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; o ka palapala noi a Kaaikana)la,

Kaaiawa, Halekii, Keuwiwi, Kaneawe a me Waianae i aina ano alodio no lakou ma Kalihi, Oahu; e aeia no, eia ke kumu kuai; hookahi eka elua dala, a na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi ia lakou i na palapala alodio e 1ike

me ka mea i oleloia maluna; Koe nae ke koele (aoie e kuai ia) • Alanui. Eia ka mea i hooholoia no kekahi alanui

Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; No ka palapala hoopii a kekahi poe: no ka Alanui ma Nuuanu; ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Kalai­ aina e hooana 1 kahi i manaoia e pono ai ua alanui la,

a e hoonohoia hoi ka poe jure e imi i ka nui o ka poino o ka poe nona ka aina kahi e holo ai ua ala la a e hoakaka mai i keia Aha.

.,,,,"!'- J 431 J.Robinson The following resolution was also passed respecti~

the lands ·Of' .. Ja..l'!les Robinson J hes. 3. Ree. 3. Resolved; That the J inister of the Interior be &

is hereby authorized to grant to 3ames Robinson Titles in fee si~ple for the lots of land knovm as claina 785,

Parts 1 & 2, 786, 78?, 788, 790 and 927 upon his pay­ ing one fourth of the apprized value of said lots for the Government rights therein. Fative rights to be reserved in all r/~i/i these lands. Be it understood

that a reservation is made in Resolution ~To. 2. of

this day respecting claim Ho. 786. ,,,.rhich .s.ee. f Ka.aikanaka ar. Judd read the Petition of Kaaikanaka and

I others for allodial titles to their lands in Kalihi. Hes. 4. j Res. 4. ~eaolved; That the applications of Kaaikanaka, Kaaiawa, Halekii, Keuwiwi, Kaneawe and Waianae for la.rd in Kalihi Oahu be granted at the price of Two dollars per acre; and the Minister of .t~e Interior is autho­ rized to grant them patents as above; Except the Koele

• (not to be sold) j The following was passed in relation to the for Road a road

Ees. 5. 1 F.es. 5. Resolved; With reference to the Petition of Par­ ties for a road in ]?uua.nu, the liinister of the Interior is instructed to cause a survey to be made o:r the moat convenient road and and a. jury be appointed to report on the a:nount to be paid to the owners of the land

where said road should pass & report to this Council. 432 Ahakuka Malu Sepatema.ba l 1851

N'oho ma.i la Ka Jirea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Nam.akeha Kekuanaoa Mr.Wyllie Kanaina , Judd Ii , Bates Kaeo Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia

Mr.Wyll.ie Ole lo ae la J.tr. Wyl1ie, ia ia no e lawe mai i ka hana no keia la; aka, aohe ona mea, o ka palapala a Mr.Allen wale no, a ua pauia lea nui i ka hoakakaia ma.mua. Pal.noi a I .:B. Wlli temore Raluhelu ae 1a Mr.Judd i ka palapala noi a kekahi poe no B.F.Whitemore, ua paa ia no ka aihue Pal.noi a J.Russel Heluhelu ae la Mr. Judd i ka palapala noi a John Russel, ua pa.a ia no ka hui e hana kolohe Pal.noi a Kaaukai Helu."I-J.elu no hoi :Mr. Judd 1 ka palapala noi a a r Kaaukai i Hawaii Hooh. 1. Eia na mea i hooholoia no ia mau mea maluna. noonoo 1 Ua Hooholoia; I ka "/,41./ ana i ka palapala noi a • kekahi poe haole, i kalaia ka hewa o B.F.Wllitemore;

Manao ae la ke.ia Aha, aole e kupono i ke Alii ke kala wale aku ia. ia. Hooh. 2. 2. Ua hooholoia; I ka manao o keia Aha, aole e kupono

ke ae aku mamuli o ke noi a.na o John Russel a me


Heluhelu ae la :Hr. Judd i ka palapala noi a kekahi poe. Aole maopopo ka.hi 1 kakauia'i a me ka

:manawa i kakauia' i ua palapala noi 1a. Hoopanee ae la a 1 ka poakahi. 433 Privy Council September 1 1651. Present His Highness John Young Paki Nanakeha Kekuana,oa l~r. Wyllie , Kanaina Judd Ii , Bates Kaeo Lorrin Andrevrs Secretary. Prayers were read a- usual Minutes were read and approved I lffi. Wyllie Mr. Wyllie stated that though this was his day to 1Jrin~ forward business, he had nothing except ?~r.

Allen's letter the substance of v1hich he had already j communicated. Petition for Mr. Judd read a petition from several persons in J. :B. Whitemore favor of B. F. Whitemore now in prison for stealing.

J Petition for Mr. Judd also read a petition fro:!!l. John Russel J.Russel confined for conspiracy; that he 1:1.ight be 1·eleased. Petitio:Q from Mr. Judd also read a petition from Kaaukai at Kaauka.i:· Hawaii

On the above., t:1.e following Resolutio!1s were 1 passed Res. 1. 1st. Resolved; That having considered the Pe.ti tion of sundry ilil/11 Residents praying for a pardon for

~3. F. White~ore, this council are of opinion t!1at tr1.e case is not one, in which it would be advisable for the King to exercise his prerogative of mercy. I Res. 2. 2nd. Resolved; That in t".'1e opinion of this co~ncil,it is not expedient to grant the prayer of the petition of John Russel and Kaaukai

1'':r. Judd read a petition fron several persons the peti~ion was without date or place

Ad.j ourned till l'.onday next. 434

Ahakuka Halu Sep a temaba 8 1851 1foho mai la Ka Moi Kamehameha III.

Ka Hea Kiekie Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Kapaakea Kanaina Mr.Wyll.ie Kaeo Bates Ii Judd lfamakeha Aniistrong Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua he1uheluia ka pule Ua heluhelu.ia ka Hooolelo a ua aponoia Hale Kula Alii. Hoakaka ae la Mr.Armstrong i kekahi mea no ka Hale kula Alii, a noi aku i dala hem i paa wawa ua

hale kula la. Hooh. 1.

Hooh. l. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Aopalapala e kikoo i ke Kuhina Waiwai 1 na dala aole e oi aku eko1u tauaan1·1 mea e hiki ai ia ia ke hana a paa ka Hale kula alii e hana nei ma.uka ae o Honol.ulu.. Pal.Al1en Heluhelu ae la Hr. Wyllie i ka palapala a Mr. Allen mai Washington mai; na Mr Armstrong i mahele Jarves Heluhelu kikokc:da i ka palapala a Mr Jarves, ua maheleia ae la. Barclay Heluhelu ae la Mr. Wyllie i ka palapala a Mr. Barclay o Julai 2, ua maheleia ae la S1.G.Simpson Heluhelu ae la Mr.Wyllie i ka palapalf! a Sir George Simpson, ua maheleia ae la hoi

Capt.Crabb Heluhelu ae la 1.fr. Wyllie i kekahi palapala a Capt. Crabb no kona mau pilikia

J .Booth Heluhelu ae la Jfr .B.ates i kekahi mau palapala no J.Booth no kekahi mau apana aina, noi mai oia i , palapala alodio Hoch. 2. 435 Privy Council September 8 1851 Present His J.Tajesty- Kameha:neha III Hie Highness John Young Kekuanaoa Kapaakea Kana.ina. Hr.Wyllie Kaeo Bates Ii Judd Naraa.keha Armstrong Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual j Minutes were read and approved Royal School Mr. Armstrong brought :forward some business rela­ House tive to the Hoyal School Building, asking a :further grant for finishing the house. Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the Minister of Public Instruction be and is hereby authorized to draw on the 1':Iiniater of Finance for an amount not exceeding three thousand dollars to enable him to complete and enclose the. Royar School House now in progress,· in the rear of \ Honolulu. Let.of Mr.Allen Mr. Wyllie produced the letter of Mr. Allen :rrom \ Washington which was read by Mr.Armstrong :Mr.Jarves Mr. Wyllie read extracts from Ur. Jarves' letter ' which was interpreted. \ Barclay Mr. Wyllie read a letter from M:r. Barclay- of' ' July 2 which was interpreted

\ Sir.G.Simpeon Mr.Wyllie produc·ed & read a letter from Sir \ George Simpson - interpreted by Hr.Armstrong Capt Crabb. Mr.Wyllie read a letter from Capt.Crabb relative to his diffic'ul ties

-j J .Booth Mr. Bates brought f'orward some papers in behalf of J. Booth relative to several amall pieces of land f'or which he wished an allodial title. Res. 2. 436 Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. No ka mea aia ia Joseph Booth kekahi mau palapala aina

kupono me ke kanawai,a ua heluia 2937,680 a me. 130 o l

kakaia ma ia mau palapala MR.Janion Heluhelu ae la Mr.Bates i ka palapala noi a Mr.Janion i palapala ano alodio nana

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia, e haawiia ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ia Mr Janion no na aina ana i noi ai·ll& kana pala,­

pala • ka la 30 o Augate 1850, ia ia no e Uku mai 1 $10 no ka pahale $166 no ka aina o ka Uku e noho nei ma ka makahiki he $20. K. Hawaii Olelo ae la Mr .Tudd, ua lawe e mai oia i kekahi palapala noi i ano alodio e like me kela. Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia

Kaia.pa Hawaii no kona Aina hoolimalima ma N'uuanu ia ia no e uku mai i kanakolu :tumamakolu dala Ir.Swinton Hoaka.ka a.e la Ur.Bates i keka.hi mau mea dala iwaena o ke Aupuni a me Mr.Swinton

Hooh. 5.

Rooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; Ua aeia, a ua kauohaia ke Kuhina

Kalaiaina e hooponopono i ka aie mai o Mr.Sw~nton i ka Waihona dala o ke Aupuni,a ma kona hookaa ana :mai e loaa na 437 I hes. 2. Res. 2. Whereas; Joseph Booth holds legal /tit~ transfers of the claims numbered 2937, 680 and 130 before the Board of Land CorJ'.l1"lissioners, from the several parties to·whom the said claims have been awarded, Resolved; That in case the said Joseph Booth shall :f"ile with the Jfinister of the Interior the legal trans­

fers of Awards numbered 293?, 680 & 130 and pay the sum of three hundred Dollars as a. commutation f'or a fee simple, the Hinister of the Interior is hereby instruc­ ted to grant to the said Joseph Rooth a pater_t for the J land described in said awards. Mr • .Janion Mr. Ea tea read an application from 1fr. Jani on for allodial titlea to some pieces of land. _ Res. 3. j Resolved; That a fee simple .title b,e granted to 1-1:r. Res. 3. Janion for the lands applied :for in his letter of 30th August 1850, on his paying $10 for the House lot rent

$166 :ror t}1e land the present rental of which is $20. K.Hawaii Mr.Judd stated that he had brought f'orward an application :for an allodial title in similar circum.­ stances. Res. 4. Resolved; That an allodial title be granted to Kaiapa Hawaii for his leased lot in Nuuanu, on his paying the commutation of thirty thre:e dollars. Mr.Swinton },fr.Bates made some statements respecting the pecuniary condition of the Government with Mr.Swinton Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That the Minister of Finance is, hereby- instructed and authorized to compound and arrange the debt due to the Hawaiian Trasury from Eenry S.Swinton and receive in payment therefor 438 na aina paha, na waiwai lew paha a o ka waiwai i hoo­ paa ia paha aia 1 kona manao e pono ai ke Aupuni; a ina pa.ha e loaa ia ia ka aina a o ka waiwai lewa paha, a.kU ua kauohaia oia e hooliloAia mea i ke Kuhina Kalaiain~, i mea e kuai hou aku i ka aina paha a i ka waiwai lewa paha Mr.Swinton Hoakaka ae la Mr.Bates i ka pili ana o ke Kanawai ia Mr.Swinton no ka ti.'// hoonalowale ana i ka dala aupuni; a ninau mai e hoopii paha aole paha? Kekahi poe J,fea Aina Heluhelu a.e la Mr. Armstrong i na palapala noi i ano alodio no ko lakou mau aina; Penei

Keanu Hooh. 6. Hooh.6 Keanu Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi ia Keanu i ka palapala sila n.ui ano alodio no kona mau aina ma Kaa.kopua,Honolulu,aia i1oko o na Helu 824 a me 6116 o ka poe Hoona, ia ia no e uku i ke Aupuni i na dala he iwakalua... Hooh. 7 Hooh. 7. Rana.wai Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina A e haawi aku ia "Hanawai i ka palapala s ila nui ano alodio no kona pa aina ma Kawaiahao, Honolulu,oia ka helu 280 o ka poe hoona, ia ia no e Uku mai no ko ke

Aupuni kuleana i kanahiku kUJnamalima dala ($75) Rooh. 8. Hooh. 8. Keanu Ua hooholoia; ua. aeia i ke Kuhina. Kalaiaina e ha.awi aku ia Keanu i ka palapala ano alodio no kona aina ma Kaakopua i Hono1ulu, oia ke kuleana i heluia 1607 i ka Poe Hoona, ia ia no e u.ku 1 ko ke Aupuni i iwakalua dala ($20) 439 either real Estate or personal property or securities should he deen it for the interest of the Government, and in case he should receive real estate or personal property, he is hereby directed to have the same tra.na­ ferred to the l'iniater of the Interior and to charge the amount allowed for the same to the purchase of I real estate or personal property as the case may be. ].fr.Swinton. :Mr. Bates brought up the f'act that Kr.Swinton was liable to a criminal prosecution :ror the embezzlement l of public Money and asked whether he should do it. Several persons Mr. Armstrong read the applications of the follow- ing persons for allodial title& to their lands. K~anu Res. 6. Res. 6. Resol.ved; Th.at the Minister of the Interior be

and ie hereby authorized to grant to Keanu a fee s,imple title for the lots of land in Kaakopua., Honolulu in­

cluded in clai:ma No. 824 and 6116 of the Land Commia­ sion upon his paying for the Government right therein the sum of twenty dollars. I Hanawai Res. 7. Ree. 7. Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be

and 1s hereby authorized to grant to A.Hanawai a fee sinple Title for the lot of land in Kawaiahao, Honolul~


five dollars $75. i Res. 8 Keanu Res. 8. Resolved; That the Hiniater of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to Keanu a fee aLmple

title for the lot of Land in Kaakopua, Honolulu known as claim No. 1607 of the Land Commission, upon his paying for the Govt. rights therein the sum of

twenty Dollars ($20) 440

Hooh. 9 Hoch. 9. W.Goodale Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina

e haawi aku ia Warren Goodale i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio no kekahi aina ma Kawaiahao i Honolulu, oia

hoi ka helu 603 o ka poe hoona, ia ia no e Uku i ko ke Aupuni kuleana 1 kanakolu dala ($30.)

Hooh. 10 Hooh. 10 Kaeo Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haaw1 aku i ka palapala sila nui ia Kaoo no kona mau

aina ma Auwaioli."llu, Honolulu f.,(lt~iil. Ua heluia 5190 Apana 1 a me 2, ia ia no e uku i ko ke Aupuni kuleana

i kana.kolu kumarnahiku 50/100 dala no ka mua a i iwa.ka­ lua kumamalima dala no ka apana elua

Hooh. l.l. Hooh. 11. K(lumupo Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi ia Kau."llupo i ka palapala ano alodio no ka aina

ma Kaalaalalo, Honolulu, ua heluia e ka poe hoona 707.B ia ia no e uku mai no ko ke Aupuni kuleana 1 iwa.kalua kmnamalima dala Hooh. 12 Res. 12. Hikiau Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi ia Hikiau i ka palapala ano alodio no kekahi

aina ma Lapakea, i Lahaina, Maui, ua heluia e ka poe hoona 326, ia ia no e Uku no ko ke Aupuni kuleana 1 kana1ina·dala.

Hoopanee a i ka Poakahi 441 j VT.Goodale Res. 9 Res. 9. Resolved; That the J'•inister of the Interior b~

and is hereby authorized to grant .to Warren Goodale a fee simple 'ritle for the lot of land in Kawaiahao,

Honolulu known as clai1.1 No. 603 of the Land Coramis.e.ion upon his paying for the Govt.rights therein the sum

of Thirty Dollars ($30) J Kaoo Res. 10. Res. 10. Resolved; That. the Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to Kaoo fee simple titles for the lots of land in Auwaiolimu, Honolulu

included in claim l'To. 5790 Parts 1 & 2 upon her payine for the-Govt. r,ights therein the sur~ of Thirty Seven 50/:l.OO dollars for the first, and Twenty five dollars for the 2nd part j Kaumupo Res. 11. Res. 11. Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant to Kau..mupo a Fee Sim­ ple Title.for the lota of land in Ka.alaalalo, Honolulu, known as claim 707B. of the Land Commission, upon his paying '!'or the Govt. rights therein the sum of Twenty five Dollars. j Hikiau Rea. 12. Res. 12. Resolved; That the Hinister of the Interior be.am. is hereby authorized to grant Hikiau a fee simple

Title f'or the lot of land in Lapakea, Lahain~,lraui

known as claim No. 32G of the Land Commission, upon his paying for the Govt right therein the sun of Fifty Dollars. " Adjd. till ~fonday next. 442 Ahakuka Halu Sept. 15 1851 Noho mai la Ka Hea Kiekie Keoni Ana. Paki Namakeha Kekuanaoa Mr.Wyllie Kanaina , Judd Kaeo , Armstrong Ii , Bates Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua Heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia

Hoakaka ae la Mr. Wyllie i kekahi mea no kekahi keiki 1 holo malu mai mai Hilo a ianei. Na Dala i loaa Heluhelu ae la Ur.Whitney i kana palapala no na a. i lilo hoi no na leta dala i loaa a me na dala i lilo ma:. ka Hale leta mai ka la aka.hi o Dekenaba 1850 a i ka la 12 o Sept. 1851 a ma.hope iho ua hooholoia penei Hooh. 1 • Rooh. 1. . Ua hooholoia; Na ke KUhina Kalaiaina e hookaa ia Henry M. Whitney o ka Luna Malama leta no Honolulu i elua haneri dala a me kanalima ma ka makahiki e hooma­ kaia ka Uku ana mai ka la 1 o Dek. 1850. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hookaa i ke Kakauolelo no kana hana ana ma ka Hale leta o Honolulu i $350 ma ka ma ka rnakahiki; .,{.i aia ke hoooiaio ae la ka Luna Hale leta; ua hana/,1 ae la ua kakauolelo la. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi

i ka palapala kikoo i ke Ku..i-iina Waiwai, a nana no hoi e hookaa ae la ia laua.

Ka poe Kilou a me ka Haka Hoakaka ae la }~r.:Hates i kekahi mea no ka poe kilou a me ka haka, a mahope ua h·ooholoia ae la

Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia, I ko kakou manao he mea ia e 443 Privy Council Septe~ber 15 1851 Present His Highness John Young Paki lra.riakeha Kekuanaoa 1-fr .Wyllie Kanaina , Judd Kaeo Armstrong Ii , Bates Lorr in Andrev;s Secretary Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read and approved

1.f.r. Wyllie stated a fact concerning a native bioy brought uninte.ntionally from Hilo.

l Receipts & Expen- 1vrr. ];3,a.tes read the Statement of receipts & expen- · ces of Post Off ice ces o:f the Post Office Depaxtmen t from Dec 1 1850 to Sept 12 1851 after which the following resolutions were passed. Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the 1Jinister of the Interior is hereby instructed to cauae to be paid to Henry. TL

Whitney as Post ::~aster of Honolulu, Two Hundred and \ ~ifty dollar& per annum, his salary to co:rmnence on the l;Jet Dec. 1850. Resolved; That the J'ifinieter of the Interior is hereby instructed to cause to be paid ror services ren­ dered as a clerk in the Poet Office of Honolulu upon the certificate of the poat Master that such services have heen rendered, at the rate of $350 per annum. Resolved; That the lTinister of the 'Interior shall grant his warrants for the eu.r:1:s above ordered to be paid upon the ::'.'.°inister of Finance, who is hereby j authorized to pay the sa:rne. Hook & Ladder Hr. B:ates made aome statements respecting a Hook Company and Ladder company and t~en read the ~allowing resolutions Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved, That vre deem it expedient that there 444. pono ai ke huiia kekahi poe Kilou a me ka Haka no I Honolulu. I I Ua hooholoia; Ua ka Luna o ka Poe Kinai Alli ma / Honolulu e hoohui iho 1 kekahi poe Kilou a me ka Haka

a e hoakaka mai 1 ka hui ana o ua. poe la i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ka Luna Kinai Ahia nana no e imi a l.oaa na mea e pone ai ua poe Kilou a me ka Haka ke huiia i mea e makaukau ai lakou, a na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hookaa 1 na bila no na mea i lilo ke hoooiaio ae la ka Luna Kinai Ahi; no l.oko mai o na

dala i 1ilo no ke kinai ahi ka hookaa ana. Ua ho oholoia; ua ae.ia i ka Luna Kinai e imi a loaa i kela mea keia mea e pono ai ka Poe Kinai a.hi o Honol.ulu, ke ole e: ci aku ke kum.u lilo mamua o na dala i hoo1ilo no ke kinai a.hi ana ma Honolulu, a i kona hoooiaio ana i na bila na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hookaa.

Kiowai ma Hai mai la Mr. Bates i kekahi mea no ke kiowai Nuuanu ma Nuuanu, a mahope ua hooholoia. Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina. e hookukuu.u:ia ka pa laau hoooi eha kapuai ke kiekie a puni i ke

Kiowai, me ka pani puka pa.a no a e ki.koo no i ke. Kuhina Waiwai i na dala e hookaa ai Pa.lapala a ka 1Joi Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong 1 ka palapala aka Moi i ka poe Ahakuka Malu, e noi ana i na dala ($3000) no na malama ewalu. Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. .445 should be i:mr-iediately :f'orned an efficient Hook and Ladder Company f'or Honolulu. j Resolved; That the Chief Enginer of the Fire Department. of Honolulu is hereby requested to cauee to he ,,.organized such a Hook & Ladder Company and report the organization of the same to the Minister of the Interior. Resolved; That the Chief Engineer is hereby autho­ rized and empowered to --11/¢1/1 procure f'or the use ofl the said Hook and Ladder Company, when Organized,all the necessary r/#/i// appurtenances to render said Company efficient, and that the lUnister of the Interi­

or is hereby authorized to pay the 3il:ls f'or the sam.e upon their being duly certified by the Chief Engineer, out of the appropriation f'or the Fire department of j Honolulu. Resolved; That the Chief _Engineer is hereby authorized and empowered to procure any necessary apparatus for the use of the Fire Department of Honolulu, Provided the cost of the same does not exceed the amount standing to the credit of the appro­ priations f'or the Fiie department of Honolulu and that upon his /I certificate, the Bills of the same shall j be paid b;r the 1.:inister of the Interior. Reservoir Mr. Hates made sorr1e remarks and read a resolution respecting the Reservoir on the road to nuuanu Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved,That the Eini-ster of the Interior is hereby directed to cause to he erected a picket fence,four feet high, around the Reservoir, with a substantial

gate to the sa~e and pay the cost thereof by Warrants on the 1'·:inister of Finance.

Letter from the J:Tr .Armstrong read a 1-otter from the King to the King .Loan !':oney Privy Council asking f"or a loan of money ($3000) f'or eight !'lOnths Res. 4 Res. 4. 44.6 Ua hooholoia; E haawiia no ia Kamehameha III Ka Moi i ekolu tausani dala no na mala.ma ewalu, hookahi

hapa haneri ma ka malama, ia ia no e kaha a e haawi i

ke Ku.hina Waiwai i Morak:1 no ka Hale o Honolulu, a na no loko aku o na dala i hookaawaleda ke Kuhina Waiwai a hookaa aku ia puu dalaAke haawiia ua palapala moraki la. Dr.Wood Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala noi • a Dr.Wood no ka aina i hoolimalimaia e T.H.Stevens. Hooh. 5.

Hooh. 5. Ua hooholoia;Xhaawiia ka palapala sila nui ano a.lodio ia R.W.Wood no ka aina i hoolimalimaia /,I, e Thomas H.Stevene a ua pili hoi i kona aina ma Koloa ia ia no hoi e hoihoi i ua palapala hoolimalima la, a e uku hoi pakahi ka eka pakahi ka dala; ina paha no ke Aupuni ua aina la, a okoa hoi na.kuleana kanaka maoli. Whinepio Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka pala.pala noi a 1 pa.la.pa.la a.no alodio na.na.

Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Ua hooho1oia; E haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio ia Wahinepio no ka aina o Moonui i Lahaina ua heluia hoi

:6.50 afue\6753 e ka poe Hoona; ia ia no e Uku i ke Aupuni i kanalima dala j'50. Harbottle Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala noi a Wm. Harbottle i palapala ano alodio nana. Hooh. 7.

Hooh. 7'. Ua hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio ia A.Harbottle no kekahi aina make Ala Hotela i Honolulu ua heluia hoi e ka poe Hoona i 971; ia ia no e uku i kanalima dala no ke kuleana aupuni 44?- Resolved; That there shall ·be loaned to His Majes­ ty Ka:·.1ehameha III Three Thousand Dollars, for Eight months, at one per cent per month, upon his exet!uting to the ;'"inister of Finance a mortgage on the Honolulu House, and tl::.at the Hinister of Finance is hereby authorized to pay over that amount upon his receipt I of said mortgage. out of the reserved :rund. Dr .wood • Mr.Armstrong read the application of Yf:iiir/i// • f/,' /.id/~"//1.//.f /f'/ir/ 'fr/ -//,-/,/..Dr. Wood for the land leased by T.H.Stevens. J Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That a fee siflple title be granted to

R. W. Wood for t~rn land leased by Thos rr. Stevens, ad- j oiriing his Koloa plantation upon his surrendering the said lease and. paying the sum of one dollar per a.ere; provided that the said land belongs to Government; and j reserving the rights of the native tenants. Wahinepio J\.fr. Armstrong read the application of Wahinepio for an allodial title to land. Rea. 6.

Res. 6. Resolved; That an Allod,ial title be granted to Wahinepio for the lot of land in Hoonui La....11.aina., known

as claims 650 and 6753 of the Land Comnis.sion upon his paying for the (}ovt. rights therein the su...m of Fifty

dollars $50. j Harbottle Mr. Ar.nstrong read the application of Wm. Har­ bottle for an allodial title to his land

Res. 7. Res. 7. Resolved; That an allodial title be granted to A.Harbottle for the lot of land in Hotel Street Honolulu known as claim Ho. 91'71 of the Land Co-:n. upon his paying the sum of Fifty Dollars for the Govt. rights therein Kao1uplo Heluhelu ae la Mr.Arm.strong i ka palapala noi a Kao1ulo i palapala ano alodio nana. Hooh. 8.

Hooh. 8. Ua hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio .ia Kaolulo no kona aina ma Lahaina ua heluia e ka poe Hoona i 320; ia ia no e Uku 1 na dala he kanakolu kumamahiku a me 50/100 no ke kuleana aupuni. Hoopaneeia 1a a i ka poakahi / I 449 Kaolulo Mr. Armstrong read the application of K aolulo for an allodial title to land I Res. 8. Res. 8. Resolved; That an allodial title be granted to Kaolulo for the lot o.f land in Lahaina known as claim

No. 320 of the Land .Com •. upon his paying for the Govt.· rights therein the sum of Thirty aeven 50/100 Dollars.

Adjd. till JTonday next 450

Ahakuka Halu Sept.22 185,1

Hoho mai la Ka :r'[ea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki 1Tamakeha Kekuanaoa Ur .Bates Kanaina , Wyllie Ii , Judd Kapaakea Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka :,Tooolelo a ua ap:.:moia Uakai Nui Heluhelu ae la Mr .Bates i keia Olelo hooholo, • Hooh. 1 • Hooh. 1. No ka mea, hookaa ae la Wm.C.Parke ka Hakai nui o

Hawaii i kanaha kumamaiwa dala ia :Mr. i mea e pono ai kona mea lilo i kona holo ana mai J:foui a i

Honolulu a me ka noho ana malaila a me ka hoi hou aku;

ua kiiia oia he hoike e holo mai i Honolulu i maopopo

ka hewa o Hr .Lowry no ka hoohiki wahahee, na ka Loio Aupuni i kii ia ia; a no ka mea hoi, make kanawai aohe dala e hookaa 'ai i na ~ea like

E hooholoia; na ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa aku ia W.C.Parke i kanahakum8Jl'laiwa dala, ia ia no e haawi i

ka palapala loaa ia puu dala i mea e kii aku ai ia

i hoike ma ka hookolokolo ana iwaena o ka

:Moi a me Lowry no ka hoike wahahee Charles Reed Heluhelu ae la Jrr.Batea i ka palapala a ka }'akai nui no kekahi mea pio ma ka Papu

Hooh. 2.

Hooh, 2 No ka mea, ua maopopo ma ka palapala a ka Tiriakai, o Charles Reed kekahi kanaka pio e noho ana ma ka Papu a ua ahewaia oia no ka Aihue make ano lua., he nawali­ wali kona no ka mai, a manao oia, o ke kala wale ka pono ke haalele oia i keia aupuni.

Ua hooholoia; Eia ko kakou manao i ka J,roi e ae a.ku

i ka palapala noi a Charles Ree.a, a e kala aku i kona

hewa ke haalele oia i keia aupuni Privy Council Septenlier 22 1851 Present His Highness John Young Paki Namakeha Kekuanaoa Mr.Bates Kanaina , Wyllie Ii Judd Kapaakea Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual Jtinutes read and approved. }'fr .Parke ~fr. Bates read the follov1ing resolution Res. 1. J Res. 1. Whereas, Wm. C. Parke as Jrarshall of the Hawaiian Islands has paid the sum of forty nine dollars to a :rtr. to bear his expences from Jfaui to Hono-

lulu and while there & on on his return he beine au..-.n­ moned to appear at Honolulu as a witness to convict a J

Resolved; That the }Unister of Finance i,s hereby authorized to pay to W.C.Parke forty nine dollars,upon his granting a receipt -ror the same, as money expended to procure the attendance of Hr. as a wit- ness in the case of the King Vs. Lowry for perjury

. , Charles Reed Hr. Bates read a letter from the l'arshal respect­ ing a prisoner in the fort. Res. 2. j hes. 2. Whereas; it appears by a letter from the Harshal that Charles Reed a prisoner in his custody convicted.. of Larceny in the second degree, is suffering from

disease & that he rec 01"'1.Illends his pardon upon condi­ tion that he leaves t:10 kingdon Resolved; That we advise /:i/l 'tf-,(l, Eis Jfaj esty \ to grant to Charles heed a paruon upcn condition that \ he leave the Kingdon. Hao a me Paulo Heluhelu ae la :Mr.Judd i na palapala noi elua na kekahi mau ltanaka maoli 1 kaha 1 ka Moi 1 kalaia ko laua hewa apuka mai no 1oko ae o ka halepaahao Hooh. 3. Roon. 3. Ua hooholoia; Ona palapala noi a Hao a me Paulo; aole e aeia

Hoopanee a i ka po akahi 45Z J Hao a me Paulo Mr. Judd read two letters f'rom prisoners in the fort ·addressed to the King named Hao and Paulo. I Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That the application :for pardon b;y Hao and Paulo should not be granted. Adjourned till 1-~onday · 454 Ahakuka :Mal u Sepa temaba 29 185J.

Noho mai la Ka Jtfoa Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Nar.iakeha Kanaina Mr.Wyllie Kaeo , Armstrong Ii Judd Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Wil.iko o Lanai Heluhelu ae la Mr.Judd i ka palapala noi i ole e

pili ka dute i kekahi wiliko i laweia mai e Hr Rey­ nolds nana pono i no. Ua aeia e like keia Olelo hooholo

Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; No ka palapala aka Luna Ohi dute

nui o ka la 26; aole make ohi dute o keka.hi mea wi1i

ko $3.216.40 t.,(./ kumu lilo ai, a ua laweia mai hoi e lir .Reynolds nona pono ia, mamuli hoi o ka palapala o ia la Palapala a Mr. Armstrong Heluhelu ae la Mr .Armstrong i kana palapala no kona holo iho nei ana i Hawaii, me na olelo hoakaka no na Kula; a mahope iho heluhelu ae la Er.Wyllie i keia Olelo Hooholo

Hoch. 2.

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; 0 ka palapala a ¥I tfi.ll/flfl ke Kuhina Ao palapala i helw.ielu iho nei no na Kula ana i ike maka ai i kona holo ana i Hawaii, e aeia no a e mala..."l'laia ke kope Aie Aupuni Heluhelu ae la ],fr.Armstrong i keia Olelo hooholo

Hooh. 3. Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina. Kalai­ aina e hookaa i ka aie kahiko $400 o ke Aupuni i na

kumu kula ma ka Apana 3 o Maui, ma ka haawi ana i ka

aina aupuni ma ia wahi ~i2. no ka eka hookahi 455 Privy Council Septe~ber 29 1851 Present His Highness .Tohn Young· Pa.ki Mr.Wyllie Kanaina , Armstrong Kaeo , Judd· Ii 1Ta.Ina.k eha. Lorrin Andrews Secretary, Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read and approved J Pr.Reynolds }Tr. Judd read a request that the duties be taken Sugar J~ill off from a sugar }!ill imported by Hr .Reynolds for his own use. Request was gr~nted Res. 1. 1 Res. 1. Resolved; rl"hat in view of the letter of the Collector C}eneral of the 26, the Duties on the Sugar f"ill valued at $3.216.40 bought for and imported by Mr. Reynolds, for his use, be remitted as prayed for

j in his petition of the same date Report of Mr. Mr. Annstrong read a report of his late visit to . Annstrong the.Windward Islands, with explanations &c of the state of schools; after which Hr.Wyllie offered the following resolution.

Hes. 2.

Res. 2 • Resolved; That the Eeport of the Einister of Public Instruction, on the sub,iect or schools &c founded on personal inspection, during his late tour,

be received and preserved on file.

Debt of Gov. 11r. Anastrong offered the follo\ling resolution Res. 3.

/ R~s. 3. Resolved; That the rinister of the Interior is

authorized to pay off an Old Debt of $400 due by Governnent to the school teachers, in the Third Dis­ trict of }"aui, in Goverrmen t land in said district, estimating the upland at a minimwa price of $2 per acre. 4:56 Poe pope i Waia.lua Lawe ma.i la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala noi a kekahi mau kanaka pope o Waialua no kekahi aina Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi 1 kekahi poe kana.ka pope e noho ana ma Waia1ua mokupuni o Oahu i ka aina a lakou e noi mai ai i ka lalcou palapala i ke Kuhina Ao palapala i ka la 21 o June 1851, he aina lilo o+e ma ka palapala a.no a1odio na kwnamalima lakou hou e uku mai i iwakalua keneta no ka eka hooka.hi JI\ Hoopaneeia ae la ka Aha a i ka poa.kahi aku. 457 j Catholics at Mr. Armstrong brought :forward a. petition of aome Waialua chatholics at Waialua for a piece of land Rea. 4. j Res. 4 Resolved; That the.Minister· of the lnterior be & ' / he is hereby authoriz~d to grant to certain Roman Catholicks reaiding in Waialua, Island of Oahu any portion of the land they apply for in their letter to the Uin_ister of Public Instruction of June 21 1851

that may be unencumbered in fee simple on their paying for the same the nominal price of 25 cents per acre.

Council adj O"i..irned till Honday next. 458

Ahakuka J.~alu e Okatoba 2. 1851. }Toho mai la Yr. Young Paki Namakeha Kaeo Kekuanaoa Armstrong Judd Wyllie Ua kohoia Hr.Wyllie i kakauolelo panihaka no Hr. Andrews i hiki ale mai. Ua heluheluia ka pule

Noonoo ae la ka A.11a i ka make ana o James Young i alohaia, he Kiaaina hoi o Haui; hooholo ae la i keia olelo hooholo

Finamina keia Aha i ka 111ake ana o Iakobo Young

Kanehoa i ke kakahiaka o ka la 1 o keia malama, a e ka:n­ uia ke kupapau i ka la hoomalolo oia ka la 4 i ka hora 10 ponoi me .ke ano ku pono me kona alii ana, a e konoia na Kanikele Kahiki a me Kapena Aldham a me kona poe

Luna e hele nai

Hooholoia; l'-Ta na alii pili pu me ka J'-'foi e kau i hoailona no ka make no na la he umikUi."11:amalil:r,a mai ka la 5 ae Hoopaneeia a i ka Po Akahi Specia.1.Pri"ty, Council October 2 1851 459

Present Hr. Young Paki Namakeha Kaeo Kekuanaoa Annstrong Judd Wyllie

Mr. Wyllie was appointed to take the JHnut~s for Mr. Andrews who was absent Prayers were read as uaual,

The Council having taken into consideration the lamented death of JameB Young the late Governor of pr~pared · . j Maui 1-/l-//-lr/ the following resolution Resolved; that this Council deeply regret the death of Ja.r:1es Young on the morning of the 1st instant, that his funeral take place on Saturday the 4th instant at 10 o'clock A.M. precisely virith the honors due to his ran.k. And that the Foreign Consuls and Capt. Aldham and his officers be invited to attend. Resolved; That the Court be put in mourning for fifteen days from the 5th instant. Ad.Journed till Monday. 460 AhakUka .Malu Okatoba 13 1651 Noho mai la Ka J'ea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa Hr.Wyllie Kanaina , Armstrong Kaeo , Judd Ii , Bates lJamakeha , Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Ka.kauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka liooolelo a ua aponoia Pal.a Hr. Barclay Heluhclu ae la Er.Wyllie i ka palapala a l"r. B:arclay ke Komis ina Hawaii ma Ladana.

Er.Perrin Heluhelu hoi oia i ka palapala a J;r .Perrin i ka­ kauia ma Panama. Olelo mai la Mr. Wyllie i kekahi mau mea no ko na Aina e

Dr .Wood Heluhelu ae la Ylr. Judd 1 ka palapala a ka Luna

ohi dute no kekahi waiwai a Dr.Wood i la.we mai ai i mea e pono ai ka ma.hiai ana. Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; mamuli o ka manao o ka Luna Ohi Dute ma kana palapala o ka la 6 o Okat 1851, u.a aeia

i ke Kuhina Waiv;ai e hoole aole make ohi dute maluna o ka wai'wai a Dr. Wood ~{'3297. 26 ka nui. Judd 1-Tinau ae la Hr.Judd i ka manao o ka poe Ahakuka no

kekahi puu dala aupuni Bates Hoakaka ae la :.:r .J3a tea i kekahi mau mca no na dala i loaa ia ia no kana hana Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; no na mea a !Tr.Rates i hoakaka mai 0 ai, ua aeia i ke Kuhina Waiwai e hook,{f! mau a.ku no i

ke ae like ana me J>:r .l{a tes, oia ka Loio no ke Aupuni,

e like ;.1e ia i kakauia ma ka Iv~oolelo a ka Ahakuka Ealu; e hookaa. no ia ia make ano $1500 ma ka makahiki. 461 Privy Council Octuber 13 1851 Present His Highness John Young Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa Wyllie , Kanaina Arms-t;rong Kaeo Judd. Ii Eates 1Tama..k:eha Hopkino Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual 1.'finutes were read and approved.

J Letter of 1"r. Jvfr. Wyllie read a letter from Mr. Barcl.ay Hawaiian E;arclay Commissioner at London. 1 Mons.Per~in Also a letter from Mr. Perrin dated. at Panama. • .Mr.Wyllie ma.de some remarks on the state of j Foreign Relations.

Letter f .Cv;n l~r. Judd read a. lett~r from the Collector Gene1>&1 Cv.ilector of Cuaturns 0f Customs respecting some articles ir.apurted by Dr. Dr.. Wood. Wood for his plantation I Res. 1. Rea. 1. Resolved; '.I.'hat agreeably with the recommendation

of the Collector General by letter dated 6th Oct.ld51 the Minister of Finance is authorized to remit to Dr. j R.W.Wood the duties on $329?.26

11:r .Judd advioe :Mr.Judd asked th• advice of Privy Council respect­ ing -/ii aome of the Govern111ent funds. J Ur.Bates Jrr. Bates made sume stacements relative to his Salary salary Res. 2.

Res. 2. Resolved; 'l'hat in view of the explanation

renderea. by Mr.Bates the Minister of Finance be autho­

rized continue to car1·y out t.he agr·eement Hith Mr.Bates

as Law Adviser of the Governnent recorded in the

Minute-a of the Privy Council, by :paying hiri1 at JGhe ·

rate of $1500 a year. 462

Palapala a Dr. Anderson Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i kekahi palapala a Dr.Anderson, ua loaa ia ia me ka ope buke na ke aupuni o Masakuseta mai Hooh. 3.

Ff ooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Ao palapala e hoakaka aku i loaa ana o na bUke he:umi kumamaono .,Ji./ no ka hoonaauao ana mai ka aina o Masakuaeta, a e hoike aku i ke aloha o ka Moi a me kona poe kuhina, a e

ha.awi aku no .,hoi i ke Kakauolelo o ua aina la i warii kope o na kanawai o keia Aupuni a pau.

Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala kUkala no ka la hooaloha aku i ke Akua; ua aeia

Olei o Kukala Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala pili i na kula; ua aeia no hoi Pal na na Kula Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong; i ka palapala a Wm. Jarrett e waiho ana 1 kana oihana helu buke dala Mr.Jarrett Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; o ka palapala a Wm • .Tarrett e: hoihoi hou ana 1 kana oihana helu Bu.ke dala i ka Moi, e haawiia no ia i ka_:Moi i maopopo kona. manao Hoopaneeia a i ka po elima 463 j Letter from Dr. Ur. An:1st:rong read a letter frora Dr. Anderson Anderson which he received in connection with a bundle of

Books fro:r1 the Commonwealth of :Maaaachusetta

Res.. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That the Minister of' Public Instruction be authorized to acknowledge the receipt of sixteen valuable works on education from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; to return the thanks of the King and his Government for the same, . and to transmit to t!·1e Secretary of said Commonwealth an entire copy of the laws of this kingdom. j Proclamation for Mr.Armstrong read a Proclamation for a day of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving which was agreed. to. J Circular to Mr.Armstrong read a circular ~o school inspectors Schools which was approved. Resig.of Mr. :Mr. Armstrong read the resignation of Wm.Jarrett Jarrett. as auditor of Finance Res. 4. J Res. 4. Resolved; That the letter of Wm. Ja.n:ett tender­ ing to the King his resignation as auditor of Finance, be submitted to His Majesty, for his pleasure therein. Adjourned till Friday

,. 464 Ahaku.ka Mal u Oka t oba 1? .1851.

Noho mai la Ka Moi Wahine Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Mr.Wyllie Kaeo ' JUd.d Ii , Arm.strong Nam.akeha , Bates Kapaakea Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluhel~ia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia

Pala D.Webster Lawe mai la Mr. Wyllie i kekahi palapal~ a Daniel Webster Kuhina no ko na Aina e no Amerika Huipuia ua heluheluia ae la Ua 1ilo ka Aha i papa hooponopono waiwai Bila aie Heluhelu ae la Mr. Judd i ka Mooaie mai i ke Aupuni; a ninau mai oia, e koi aku anei oia i ka hook:aa, aole paha. Eia malalo ua mooaie la; a Mahope ua hooholoia ae la penei.

E nana i kela aoao

Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; I ka noonoo ana o keia Aha i na bila aie mai a ke Kuhina Waiwai i waiho mai i hoike

aku ke ia A..."1-J.a i kona manao 4ti5 Privy Council October l? 1&51 Present Her ]Taj esty the Queea His Highness John Young Kekuana.oa Jlfr.W;rllie Kaeo , Judd Ii Annetrong Namakeha Bates Kapaakea_ Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers uere read as usual Minutes were read and approved I J Letter of D. Ur. Wyl1ie presented a despatch :rrom Daniel Webster Webster Sec. of State :for the u. S. which was read. ) Board of Finance Privy Council resolved it self into a Board of Fina.nee Mr. Judd read a stateMent of accounts due the j Accounts due Government; and asked whether he should urge the pay­ Govern·nent ments by laa. The :following is the list; upon which the Board resolved as follows.

Sundry deb ts due ,Ghe Treas.ll:ry. j j Lime Joseph Booth. }Tote due Feb .4 ld:50 500 66 Due lb51 $100 650 00 i Land Chas.G.Hopkins. Sept.5 less ) Cattle Paul Manini .. Note due July 3 1851 1.000 00

.J Land Warren Goodale. Note due Apl .6 1851 leas $100 40 00 j Land George S.Kenway.No dat~,on delivery of ,,, patent Balance 290 00 ~ Land E.Bailey. Note due Yay 30 1851 Bal. 90 00 Penalties Robert G.Davis.Hote due 11 June 1851 less $,16 164 00 -I Land Chas. G.Hopkins .J\:ote & Mortgage due June 11 1851 less 400 l.tiOO 00 ~ Cash lent Bowlin & Cartwright.Note & Mortgap.;e due 20 feb.lb51 1.500 00 Wm.Jarrett. Note & Mortgage due 1.500 00 23 Apl 1851 7.67".5 00

\ Res. 1. Resolved; That this Board havine taken into consideration the ten bills receivable,all over due

submi"tted to them, for advise, by the Minis-cer 466 a i ka noonoo ana no hoi i ka pilikia dala oleo keia manawa, a me ka la.ko o na dala ma ka waihona dala; ua ke koi aeia i ua Kuhina Waiwai la e hoopanee i "¥.~'Jl.l,1¥,1.,1. ana a pau o kela poe hooaie mai i ke aupuni a i ka la mua o A Maraki 1852, aia i' kona manao; a e hoike a.ku i kela mea keia mea i ka nui o kona aie ana a me ka pa.nee ana

Alaila, heluhelu ae la Mr B'ates i keia Olelo hooholo, a ua hooholo ae la

Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; Mai ka la mua aku o Ianuari 1852 No-na aie aupuni na na Kuhina a pau o ke Aupuni e noi aku i na aie a pau i kela Kuhina keia Kuhi:na, iloko no o na la ekolu

mahope o ka la hookaa; a i ole e hookaaia iloko o na la ekolu mahope o ka hoike ana; e hoopii koke i ke

kanawai i hookaa koke ia; ke ole e kauohaia e hooki e ka papa hooponopono waiwai Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooho1oia; Na ke Kakauolel_o o ka A.'1-iakuka. Malu mau · e hoopail\.i ke kope o ia Olelo hooholo maluna ma ka

Polynesian i ikeia e na kanaka mai o a o 1 ke kanawai

o ka poe hooponopono waiwai no na mea aie mai i ke -aupuni mahope o ka la 1 o Januari 1852.

Livingston Hoa.kaka ae la Ur .Judd i ka poino o Mr .Livingston, ua houia oia e kekahi B;ipi aupuni

Hooh. 4.

Res. 4. Ua hooholoia; E hoo::Lil.oia kekahi i komite e

kamailio pu me Wm.Livingston he kanaka elee1e· a e

ninau ia ia i ka nui o kona poino no ke kolohe mai o

kekahi bipi aupuni i kona waiwai a i kona kino 46? J of Finance, and also the present pressure of the rnoney r:1arket, as well as the ample funds now in -che Treasury, hereby authorize said l!inis"ter to r;rant, at his discretion, unto all and several of·the parties in­ derJted on said notes an extension of time to r.he first

of :varcl1 1852 and to pass to each his account made up to date with advise of this extension. I J\fr. Bates then introduced' t:'1.e follovring resolutions which passed. Rea. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That from and after the first day of January About Gov. l.852, all of the Depa:ctrients of the Government are debts required to demand all Moneys becoming due to the several Departments·within three days after they becorre due and payable, and unless t~1e sar1e are paid within

three days after said demand, to cause legal :proceed- ings to be iirunediately instituted for their recove:ry, j unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Finance Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That the Clerk of the Privy Council is hereby instructed to cause a certified copy of the above resolution, to be published reguiarly in the Polynesian as a notice to the Public of the regula­ tions of the Board of Finance in relatiun "to debts to j become due to the Governnent after 1st January 1852. . J:r.Livingaton Ur. Judd brought up the case of Hr.Livingston who

had been gored by a Government Ox. Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; That a committee of one be appointed to confer with Willi@n Livingston a coloured man, and

ascertain upon v1hat terms his claims f'or dar:1agea resul tine to hi'rri fror1 the trespass of a Government Ox on his property and person can be settled. 468 Pal.a Mr. Heluhelu ae l.a Mr. Judd i kekahi palapala a Hr. Castle Castle no Mrs. Richards Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Ua liooholoia; Mamuli o ka palapala a Mr.Castle o ka la 15 o keia malama, ua aeia i ke Kuhina Waiwai apau e hookaa i ka uliu makahilci~a :Mrs Richards i ka la 30 o Sepatemaba o kela makahiki keia makahiki Pal.a Mr Castle Heluhelu ae .la :Mr.Judd i kekahi palapala ho:u a · na laau lapaau -Mr.Castle no ka uku no ka laau lapaau i haawi wale ia i ka poe ilihune

Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6 Ua hooholoia; E haawiia na dala elima haneri i

mea e .kuai ~~ lilo i laau lapaau, e haawi wale ia i na kanaka maoli, a na ke Kuhina Waiwai e haawi aku ia puu dala ia Messrs Castle laua me Cook, i Haawina Au­ puni no ia mea Mr.J:arrett Hoike mai la Mr.Young i kekahi mea no Mr.Jarrett, ua waiho mai oia i kona makemake e pau ia kana hana Nana buke Helu; aole :nae- i hooike mai ka Moi i kona manao. A mahope o ke ka.mai1io ana, heluhelu ae la Ur. Wyl1ie i ke ia Olelo hooholo a ua ae mai hoi o JJr .Kaeo. Hooh. 7.

Rooh. 7. Ua hooho1oia; I ka lohe ana 1 ka. olelo a ka l~oi is.

Mr.Young no ka hooki ana i ka oihana o Mr.~arrett e

hooleia, aole make hana hou no ka Nana bUke helu ana

a hoi mai ka :Moi. ·

Ale i holo 0 ka hoopaapaa hou no ia; a mahope iho, ua hapai

o J,!r.Wyllie,o Kaeo,oKapaakea,a me N'amakeha i ko 1a.k:ou

lima i holo ia manao. A hapai hoi o Kekuanaoa,o )I.-//

y/-,f.-,{.g Mr.Judd,Mr Bates a me Mr.Armstrong i ko lakou

lima, ku e i holo ole. Alaila heluhelu ae la Mr.Bates i keia Olelo hooholo Hooh. 8. Ua hooholoia; Eia ko rnakou manao e hooike 469 Let of Yr. Ur. Judd read a letter froP1 L:r. Castle respecting Castle ~~rs • Richards Hes. 5. 1 hes. 5 1.fr .Richards Resolved; That agreeably to the letter of Hr.

Castle of the 15th of this :z:ionth, the 1:inister of

Finance is authorized to pay the whole yearly allow-

ance to ~rrs. Richards on the 30th of September of j every year. Letter of 1lr. Mr. Judd read another letter from 1·:r. Castle Castle about ?~edicines respecting payment :for medicines given to the poor people. I Res. 6. Ree. 6. Resolved; That five hundred dollars is hereby

appropriated for the purchase of medicine for the gratuitous distribution a.,nong the natives anu that the Minister of Finance is hereby requested to place that

sum at the disposal of l~essrs. Castle & Cooke as granr.e Governm.e:1t ) of the Ha,vai ianA for that purpose. Mr. Jarrett Mr. Young brought up the case of 1Jr. Jarrett whose resignation as auditor, the King did not at once act upon. After some discussion the following Resolution

was moved by Hr Wyllie and recom.'"1ended by 1,Ir. Kaeo

Res. ? • \ heard Rea. ? • Resolved; That having~ the King' a injunction to on the s:,ipJ eat Mr. Young ~i ',I/ lli.Ji."'/1/i of Hr. Jan·ett's resignation, nothine; further be done in the matter of the Auditor­ ship until after his lTajeaty's return.

Vote taken After aone discussion t:1e question was put: Rea. lost Hess rs Wyllie, Kaeo, Kapaakea and Na.nakeha voted in favor; and :,:essrs. Kekua.naoa, Young, Judd, Ea tes and Annstrong against \ 1~r. Bates then introduced the follovling Resolu-

tion \ B.es. 8. Res. 8. Resolved; That· we recommend and advise 4?0 nei, na Ka H.oi e hoonoho koke ia M:r.Ed,vin o. Hall i mea nana buke helu no ke Aupuni Hawaii. Ua hooholoia; Ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Kalaiaina, e

hooike koke aku i kela Olelo Hooholo maluna i ka Mo1; na kekahi Luna e lawe aku a i ka .Moi. Iosua Kaeo Eia kekahi mea 1 hooholoia

Hooh. 9. Hooh. 9. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala. sila nu..i ano alodio ia Josua Kaeo, no kekahi pa aina ma Lahaina i Maui; ua heluia 975 e ka poe hoona; ia ia no e uku 1 ke·Aupuni i hooka.hi Haneri a me kanalima dala 471 J that his Hajesty shall appoint immediately J~r.Edwin O.Hall as Auditor of the Finances of the Hawaiian I • GovernMent. j Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior is hereby requested to cause the foregoing Resolution to

be ilnmediately made knovm to his Jfa.fe"st"y; by sending a j special,messenger to His Majesty •. J. Kaeo The follovring Resol.ution was then introduced- and passed. I Iles. 9. I Res. 9. Resolved; That a fee simple title be granted to

Josua Kaeo, for the lot of land in La.ha in a, J!"aui

knovm as claim No. 975 of the Land Co:rrinission, upon his paying for the Government rights therein the sum of One Hundred and f'if"ty dollars.

' 472 Ahakuka 14:alu Okatoba 20 1851 Noho mai la Ka :Moi Wahine Mr.Young Paki Kanaina Kaeo Namakeha Judd Armstrong Wyllie Bates Ua heluheluia- ka pule Nalowale o Olelo ae la Mr. Bates, no ka pa.a ana o Mr.Andrews Andrews 1 ka hooko1okolo~ e waiho i ka heluhelu ana i ka Mooolelo; ua aeia. Mr.Wyl:tie Ua kauohaia Mr.Wyllie e kakau i ka Mooolelo no Kakauolelo na. Lota Kiaaina Ma.muli o ka manao o ka la 17 hoike ae la Mr. Wyllie 1 kona manao 1 kohoia o Lota Kiaaina, a o 1lr .Harris pu kekahi i kokua nona Olelo ae la Mr.Judd e balota a.ku no ke Kiaaina no Maui. Aka, ua heluhelu mua ia na palapala noi Pal.kcho Kiaaina no Maui Koho ae la kekahi palapala 1 ka Hope Kiaaina e N'ahaoleelua 'noho nei o Na.haole elu.a. Nui na inoa o ia pepa.

Ii Koho ae, la kekahi palapala ia Ioane Ii nui na inoa_o ia pepa Kamakau Ua ka.kauia kekahi i ka la 7 o June, a koho no ia Ka.makau i Hope Kiaaina; a i keia :ma.nao ia poe e lilo ia Kiaaina Kaauwai Kuhi a.e la Mr. Judd ia Kaauwai e kau i na balota nona l\.e aku la Mr.Ann.strong mamuli o ko Ur.Judd manao. lfahalo ae la o Kekuanaoa ia Kaauwai, a koho ae la hoi ia Lota a o Ioane Iii kokua nona Bates Olelo ae la Mr. Bates, he mau hihia hoole 473 Privy Council October 20t11 l.851 Present The Q,ueen Hr. Young Ka.naina Pa.ki lJ aT'lak e ha. Kaeo Armstrong Judd Bates Wyllie 1 Prayers were read as usual Yr.Andrews, Hr. Bates moved that as J~r .Andrev,s ·is. detained in 1:n Court Court,. the reading of the ninutes be postponed. It was 1 resolved accordingly. 1-rr Wyllie Sec Mr. Wyllie was ordered to take the minutes for


Lot to b Gov. :,Ir. Wyllie agreeably to native given on the 17th, moved that Lot Ka~1eha:111e~'la be reco,:rrnended to be appoint­ ed as Governor, wit:'1 }~r. :Harris as an assistant

Mr.:. Judd moved. aa. an a.r1endnent to proceed to ballot :for a. Governor of Haui. But previously· the follov,ing petitions were read

Petitions :for One in favor of the present Deputy Ha.haoleelua Gov. of .:i:Tau i for Hahaole­ numerously signed by natives elua John Ii One in favor of John Ii also nuraerously signed

by natives

Ka.makau One dated 7th June in favor of Karnakau t}1en as Lieut. Governor, but now I,/ reconnnended him f'or Governor

Kaauwai Ttr. Judd recmrnnended Kaauwai and to proceed to ballot f'or him. Mr. Armstrong supported Mr. Judd's recon'Y!leridation. Kekuanaoa while doing justice to Kaauwai, recommended Lot, with John Ii as his assistant.

l,r. Bates Mr. Bates stated, as the law now stands, 474 make Kumukanawai Ua kohoia o Ia manawa hiki mai ai Mr .Andrews mai ka hoo)rolo- Lota ti kolo mai a hoouluuJ.u ae 1a i na. balota; penei ie1--,".., ke koho ana, Ewalu balota no Lota; Ekolu hoi no Kaauwai Ria ka Olelo i hooho1oia Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; ke kuhiku..lii haahaa aku nei ka poe

Ahakuka Malu i Ka Moi i kohoia o Lota Kamehameha i Kiar­

aina. no Maui a me na Moku.puni e pili ana e pani i ka hakahaka o ke Kiaaina o James Young Kanehoa a make aku

nei ma.mu.Ii o ke ano o ke kumUkanawai. Kono okoa nae Mr. Judd laua me Armstrong. Livingston Heluhelu ae la Mr.Judd i kana palapala no Mr. Livingston, ua aeia no ia

Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Wa.iwai e hooka.a aku ia Wm.Livingston i $129 no ka mana.wa poho; a i $71 no ke Kahuna Lape.au; huipu $200 no ka poino a me ka eha i

loaa ia. ia i kekahi bipi aupuni Kuleana Eia na mea i holo no na kuleana aina Aina Hoch. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala ano aiodio ia Paniani no kona wahi ma Auwaiolimu a me Kapawa, i Hono1ulu, oia na apana la me 2 o ke kuleana i heluia k umamah ilcu i 1121 e ka poe Hoona; ia ia no e uku mai i kana,1aluA 50/100 dala no ko ke Aupuni kuleana malaila. Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; e aeia no ka palapala noi a Kaue­ keawe no kekahi aina ma Kalihi; eia ke kUJnu kuai, elua d.a.la ma ka eka. 475 I There are Constitutiona1 objections. Votes counted ITr. Andrews arrived from Court and collected the

Bal.lots, and there reaul ted eig:1t f'or Lot and three for Kaauwai.

The :following resolution wa& then voted·. j Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the Privy Council reapect:f"ully­ no.,.,inate to His Hajeaty Lota Kamehameha to be appoint- . ··•· ·~. ed Governor of Maui and the Is-land adj~,, in the place of His F...xcellency James Young Kanehoa deceaaed,in accordance with the provisions of the constitution.

Messrs. Judd & Armstrong voting in the negative~ J Livingstone Mr.Judd brought :forward his Report in the case of Livingstone which was received and approved j Rea. 2. Ree. 2. Resolved; That the Kinister of Finance cause to

,be paid to Wm. Livingstone the sum of 129 dollars' loss of time and his Doctor's bill say 71 dollars - Total $200 in considerat'ion of injuries auatanied by him from a wound caus,ed by- one of the Goverrunent Oxen. Land claims On the subject of Land claims, the following resolutions Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; '.i:'hat an allodial Title be granted to Pa­

niani for the lot of land in :A.uwaiolimu & Kapawa Hono­

lulu, known as Parts 1 & 2 of claim No. 1121 of the Land Co:m:miesion, upon his paying for the Govt rights therein the sum of Eighty seven 50/lDO Dollars. 1 hes. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; That the application of Kauekeav1e :ror .land in Kalihi be granted at the price of two Dollars per acre 476 Rooh.5. Hooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala ano alodio

ia Kuohao no na eka aina 5 38/100 ma Kanewahine,

Waimalu,Ewa,Oahu;ia. ia e uku mai i elima mau dala ma :ka eka

Hooh. 6. Hooh. 6. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia no ka pa.la.pa.la a.no alodio ia I.U.Opunui no na eka aina he 129 83/100 ma Ka.1.Uli­ umi, Wa.imalu, ~,a, Oahu; ia. ia. no e uku mai i na dala pakahi ka eka. paka..rii ka dala okoa Parker Hooleia Ua heluheluia ka pa.la.pa.la noi aina. a J,Pa.rker o

ka. la 6 0 Aperila 1851 a ua hooleia J.Austin Ua helu...~eluia ka pa.la.pa.la noi aina a James Austin, Mr Turner hoopaneeia a me ka. pa.la.pa.la a Mr.Turner no keka.hi a.pans. e kokoke

a.na i ko Walla~e wa.hi. l'fo ka ma.opopo ole no Wa.llace

pa.ha ia mau aina 1 aole p-aha; ua. hoopaneeia ua ma.u pala­ pala noi nei a halawa.1 ka Aha. Bo ka pal.ape.la noi a.ina a Samuel Guest; eia ka mea 1 holo Hooh. 7.

Hooh. ? • 0 ka palapa.la. noi a.ins. a Samuel Guest no ke·koena o Honuaino, ma Kanai Hawaii, e aeia. no ia ia, penei ke kumu kuai $1.50 ma ka eka •olale hoopa.neeia. ·Ua hoopaneeia ka palapala noi aina a Molale aim

Aha hou Hoopanee ae la ka Pereaidena i ka Aha a i ka Poa.kahi e hiki mai ana i ka hara 11 A.H. 477 Rea. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That an al1odiaL title be granted to Kuo:'1.ao :for th·e 5 38/100 acres of land in Kanewahine,

Wair:1alu, Ewa, Oa.hu upon his paying :for the sa-ne the sum of fiTe Dollars per acre.

:kes. 6. J I-:.ea. 6. Resolved, That an al1odial Title be granted to I,. u. Opunui :for the 129 83/100 acres in Kaumiumi Wainalu, Ewa, Oa..~u, upon his paying for the sarne the

sum of one Dollar per Acre. j J.Parker J. Parker's application of Aprtl 6th fil 1851 was Refused read refused. j J.Auetin & 38.P'leB Austin's application was read & also Mr. ~ Mr.Turner II-Ii/Ill Turner!• :for a. certain land near to that of' I:r. Wallace. Postponed It being doubtful whether the land belonged to Walker J or not, both applicati_ons were put- off. 'NI -Iii/ ii,-,{{i. S.G-uest . till next Council.In the case. of' San,.1.1,el .Gutt.a.-; :the f'ollON . i_ng,._resolution was passed. j hes. 7. Pee. 7. Resolved; That the application of Samuel Guess for the remainder of Honua.ino, Kona, Hawaii be granted at the price of $1.50 per acre.

l·Tolale :M"ola.le 1 s application was postponed till next Postponed meeting The President adjourned ·the Council till Yonday

next at 11 A.F.

I 478 ... Ahakuka Malu Okatoba 27 1851 Noho mai la Ka Moi Wahine

Ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana. Kekuanaoa Yr.Armstrong Kanaina , Bates Kaeo , Wy11ie Kapaakea , Juda Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua helu}1eluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka llooolalo a ua aponoia HelUhelu ae la Ur.Armstrong i keia Olelo hooholo no ke kahu kula.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; ua ae mai keia Aha i ka hoonoho ana o Makaiki i kahukula no ka apana 4 o Hawaii, a o Haia hoi i kahulcula no ka Apana 4 ma Oahu.

01·e10 mai la M:r. Young, ua ae mai Ka :Moi i ka lilo ana o Mr .Hall i mea Nana buke helu no ke a up uni.

Ua helu..11eluia ka palapala a Ka Moi ia Mr. Young o ka la 25 no ka hoonoho ana ia Lota Kamehameha 1 Kiaaina o Maui Lile ka Aha i Papa hooponopono waiwai Hoakaka ae la Mr.Wyllie i kekahi mau mea no ke kanawai hooponopono waiwai, alaila, heluhelu ae la i keia Olelo hooholo.

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; No ka noonoo ana o ka Papa hoo­ ponopono waiwai i ka pil.ikia o ka Pauku IV .l.pana V Mokuna III o ke Kanawai elua o Kamehameha III (Aoao 182 o ka pai ana ma ka Olelo Beritania), Oia ke papa aku i ka hookaa ana i kekahi bila ma ka waihona dala,ke ae ole: mai ke KUhina. Waiwai ft~ '/I.-/.,{ '/t,{iil. mahope o ka nana ana; Nolaila, uu aeia i ke Kuhina Waiwai ma kana Oihana, e hookaa i na bila a kekahi mea e kakau ai, ke aie mai ke aupuni ia ia, a ua aeia hoi i ke Kuhina Waiwai 479 - Privy Council October 27 1851

.. Present Her raj es ty the Q,ueen His Highness John Young Kekuanaoa :ur .Armstrong Kanaina Ea tea Kaeo . , Wyllie Kapaakea Judd Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read Minutes were read and approved. j J~r. Armstrong introduced resolution respecting a school Inspector. Rea. 1 J Resolved; That this Council approve of the appoim­ ment of Makaiki as Kahukula for the 4th district on .Hawaii, and Haia for the 4th district on Oahu. J Hr. Young stated that the King had signified is consent that }"r. Hall should act as Audi tor J The King's Letter to 1-n:r. Y-0ung of 23 Oct was a.l&o

read respecting the appointment of Lot Ka.ne}1ameha as J Governor of J'faui Privy Council was. now resolved into a Boa.rd of' j .-Finance Mr. Wyllie made some remarks on the law of Fi•

nance and read the following resolution which passed~ Res. 2. Resolved; That the Board of Finance, taking into consideration the inconvenience of Section IV Article Second V Chapter III of the 1/-/ill/. Act of Kamehameha III (page 182 of the Ji~nglish version of the Statute Laws) h that prohibits that any cecque, order or draft be h cashed at the excequer without allowance by the Minis- ter of Finance, after audit hereby authorize the !·~inis­ ter of Finance under his !Unieterial attributes and

responsibility, to pay any cheque, order or draft made

by any party having at the time a balance to his cre­ dit equal to the amount of his cheque or any amount ~:µe under legal authority,and that the l\linister of 480 e kakau ma na buke o ka Oihana, i na dala a pau i 1oaa ana ia ia a me na dalaAi hookaa aku ai i mea e pono ai ke Aupuni me ka nana ole i kana bUke, o ka loaa ana 1 kela ,na Kuhina keia Kuhina o ke Aupuni, a a hoakakaia ma~hoike eha ana o ka makahiki. Heluhelu ae la Mr.Judd 1 ka palapala a Kauwahi e ninau ana i ka uku no ka hana Loio ana.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; No ka mea, 0 ka mea' e hana Loio ana mamuJ.i o ke aupuni ma ka hoopii ana i na karaima, ao1e e lilo ia ia keka...lii o ka uku hoopai i loaa no kana ha.Ia ana; a no ka mea hoi o ka mea e hana loio ana pela e pono no ke loaa ia ia ka Uku no kana hana ke hOa.kakaia a ua aeia i ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa ia J.W.H. Kau.wa.hi i iwakalua. iit,l kuma.malima dala na kana hana l.oio ana ke haawi mai oia i ka palapala loaa.

Heluhelu ae l.a. Mr .Armstrong i ka palapala a J .S. Emerson no na aina kuai a me ka uku Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; E loaa no ia J. S. Emerson he umi kumarnalima napa haneri 'o n~ dala a pau i ohiia e ia a e ohiia ~Ii ma keia hope aku paha no na aina aupuni i anaia a i kuaiia. e ia ma·Waialua mamuli o ka palapala i loaa ia ia na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina i ka malama o June 1849 oia hoi ka uku.no kana hana ana, no ka ana a me ke kuai, emi iho nae ka mea i loaa ia ia mamua.

Hoakaka ae :ta Mr·~ Bates i kekahi mau mea. no na hana kipi 1 hana iho nei Ua heluheluia ka palapala a Mr.Park no ka hale e pono ai ka poe Makai Hoopneeia ae la a i ka Po akahi -- 481 thorized and empowered to enter upon the Books of his Department all moneys received and paid out on account of the Government without audit other than such as are received and paid out by the :U:inistem of this Govern­ ment and reported in their quarterly accounts. / Mr. Judd ·introduced a letter from Kamvahi asking recompense f'or services.

Res. 3 / Resolved; That, Whereas, a person acting as the attorney of the Government in the prosecution of

crimes is n·ot entitle to any portion, of fines imposed

through his inetru....'Tientali ty, and Whereas, a person so actine; is entitled to pay f"or his services upon the statement of facts contained in the bills of J.W.H. Kauw_ahi, the }finister of Finance· is hereby authorized

to pay to the said J.W.H.K_auwahi the sum of twenty ~ive dollars for hisBBrTices upon his grantirrg a receipt for the sane. Mr. Armstrong read a letter from Rev. J. S. Emer­ son respecting the sale of lands and compensation. J Rea. 4. Resolved; That J. s. Emerson be allo~ed out of the proceeds fifteen per ,cent upon all monies collected.

by him or to be collected by him for Gov. lands aur-

.. veyed and and sold by him in the District of Waialua in

accordance vri th his commission oy the J,'rinister of the Interior given him in June 1849, as a compensation ~or

his s.ervices as surveyor ·and Land Agent, deducting any a.mount already paid him. Hr. :Sates ::nade some statements respecting the late acts of rebellion.

\ A letter was read fror,1 1Jr. Park respecting a station house for the Police Council Adjd.till Monday next. ,, 482

Ahakuka Hal u Hovema·ba 3 1851

l'Joho L'lai la Ka Moi Wa.,.11.ine

Ka Jfoa Kiekie Keoni Ana

Kekuanaoa ]~r .Wyllie Kanaina , Judd Kaeo , Armstrong Ii Bates • Kapaa.kea ' Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo

Ua heluheluia ka pule

Ua heluheluia ka 1!ooolelo a ua aponoia

Pai pal. Hai mai la l':r. Judd i kekahi :ri.ea no ka pa.i pala­ Aupuni pala ana a ke Aupuni; Ua hooholoia penei

Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Ua. hooholoia; Ho ka pilikia ma ka hana ana marnuli o

ka l~ahele 3 Pauku 1 Apana 1 N:okuna 1 o ke ka.nawai

hoonohonoho i ka oihana Kuhina; ua. aeia i ka lfea nana

e mala-r1a i ke paiP&lapala Aupuni e la.we no i na dala

i loaa no ke pai ana i mea e kaa ai i ka lilo ma

ke pai ana i kela la keia la, me ka hoike a.ku nae. i ke

Kuhina Kalaiaina i kela hapaha keia hapaha o ka


Kaeo Niele mai la o Kaeo i keka}1i mea no ke kuleana ia, aole nae "¥Ii mea i hooholo Kanaina Hoakaka mai la. o Kanaina i kekahi mea no ka au­

hau ana; Aohe mea i hooholoia

Lilo ka Aha K. i Kom. o ko na Aina e Lilo ka Ahakuka i Kami !;e . no kona aina e Hoakaka ae la 1,Tr Wyllie i kekahi mea, -no ·ka hiki

ana mai o ka moku a Vandalia

A me keka.hi lohe no ko Ferani ma Tahiti

O ke Kanikele Eeritania aohe ana palapala mai

Eeritania ;1ai

Pal .a ~:r .Ladd. Heluhelu ae la }'fr .Wyllie i keka..11.i palapala a Wm.

Ladd no kekahi poe ma Kalifonia. e ::nanao ana e hookahul.i

i keia Aupuni;a hel'.lhelu hou oia i kekahi mea like ma

ka Hupepa Kalifonia o Evening Pikayune Oct.15. .483 Privy Council Uov. 3 1851 Present Her 1''.aj esty th~ Queen ,His Highness Joun Young

Kekua.naoa Mr. Wyllie Kanaina· Judd Kaeo , · .. Armstrong Ii Bates Kapaakea Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayere were read as·usual j Minutes were read and approved Gov.Preas Tvrr. Judd introduced some business relative to the Government Press. On which j Res. 1. Rea. 1. Resolved; 1'hat in view of the inconveniences of Art. 3 Section 1, Part 1 Chapter ~irst of the act to organize the executive Ministry, the Director of the

Government Press, be and he is ~ereby authorized to , . use the monies derived from the press for the current . . expencee of his office, reporting the same to the j Minister of the Interior ~n a·quarterly account. Kaeo Kaeo asked some questions relative to the righta J of fishing - No resolution was passed Kanaina Ka.naina brought forward some business relative to j taxation. No order taken. Privy Council Com. of For. Relations Privy Council was resolved into a com. of Fo~eign j Relations V.andet.ltf:1:, Mr.Wyllie atated something relative· to the arrival of the Vandalia Also a report respecting the French a Tahiti The English Consul had had no despatches from \ England Letter f'rom Hr.Wyllie then read a letter :rrom Hr.Wm Ladd re:a- Mr.Ladd pecting an attempt against these Island& ~rom Cali~or­ nia - Also an extract from a California :pape_r - Eve. ~icayune Oct 15 484

O ke kamakamailio iho 1.a no ia a lo:Lh.1 1oa a ma.ho­ pe iho, hooholo ae la penei Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; No ka nalowale ana o ka Moi, ke me kauoha aku ne i ke Kuhina Nu-1 a )ca Ahakuka Mala i ke .Kuhina o ko na Aina e, e haawi koke aku i ke Komiaina o Amerika Haipuia i ka palapala 1 heluhelu ia iho nei

i keia Aha me kona mau mea maloko Ua hooho1o1a; e huna no i keia mea,aole make e hai

Watt. Heluhelu ae la J.[r .Armstrong i ka palapala a Mr.

Watt he kumu kula, noi mai oia i na dala e pono ai kona hale kula

Rooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; E ha.awiia iloko o ka lima o ke

Kuhina Ao palapalf!L, eha haneri a me kanalima dala i m~­ e hooponopono ai i ka halekul.a o Mr.Watt o ka mea e Ao -:-...,. ~- ana i ka olelo Beritania i na ka.ma.lii Hawaii; a ia ia no e hoike aku ma kana palapala hOike hapaha o ka maka­

hiki; a ua aeia i ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa aku i ua

Kuhina Ao palapala la i ua puu dala la Odel Ua heluheluia ka palapala noi aina a Mr.Odel ma Hawaii

Hooh. 4. Ua. hooholoia; e aeia no ka palapala a Mr.Odel; aia ke kumu kuai,elua dala no ka eka. hookahi,e haawi oia i kana palapala aie no na ma.lama 8 me ka uku hoo­

panee mai ka la i kakauia a~ ka palapala alodio

Puapoo Ua heluheluia ka palapala noi a Piia.poo Hooh.

Hooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia no ia Piiapo ka, palapal,a

aila a.no alodio no Pukaeo 1Kailua,Koolau,oahu,ia ia no e uku mai i ke aupuni i elima pakahi ka eka no ka aina

kale, a hookahi dala pakahi ka eka no ka aina kula 485 A long conversation here ensued after v1!1ich the following Resolution was pasoed. j Res. 2. Rea. 2. Resolved; That, t}:e King being absent, the Ku..'1-J:ina Nui and the Privy Council hereby order the Minister of ii ~I tiii i Foreign Relations to pass immediately and confidentially, to the Com.missioner of the United

States the note of late date which has been retld to this council together with its enclosures one Resolved; That this matter be considered II under j the seal of secrecy.

:i',f.r. Watt Mr. Armstrong read a. letter fror1 rr. Watt a teach­ er asking :for an appropriation :for his school house. Res. 3. Rea. 3. Resolved; That there be placed at the disposal of and fifty the Minister of Public Instruction :four Hundred" dol- lars to repair a building in which Ur. Watt is now teaching English to native sbhollars, the sarre to bo

accounted for by him in his quarterly reports,. and the 1finister of Finance is hereby authorized to pay the said sum upon the order of the ~Unister of Public Instruction. Mr,Odel The application of Dr. Odel was read for land in Kona Hawaii Rea. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; That the application of J. H. Odel be granted. at the price of two dollars per acre,he to give his note on interest payable in 8 months from the j date of the Patent. Piiapoo The application of Piiapoo was read

j Res. 5. Res. 5. Resol.ved; That an allodiaJ. title be granted to Piiapoo :for Puukaec ,Kailua,Koola.u, Oahu, he paying for the Govt. portion the sun of five dollars per acre for

Ka.lo & one dollar per acre :for Kula land. 486 Kekaua Ua heluheluia ka palapala noi a Kekaua Hooh. 6. Hooh. 6. Ua hooholoia; E haawiia no ia Kekaua ka palapala ano alodio no ko k~ Aupuni hapa o Punalau Hanapepe, Kauai,kanalima kenata ke kumu kuai pakahi ka eka

.M.Castro Ua heluheluia ka palapala a lUguel Castro

Hooh. 7.

Hooh. 7. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia Miguel Castro no na eka aina he kanalima ma Lepeuli, ~oolau, Kauai hooka..~i dala pakahi ka eka.

Z.Bent Ua helu...'1-ieluia ka palapala a Zenaa Bent Hooh. 8.

Hooh. 8 Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia

Zenas Bent no na eka aina 100 ma Lepeuli,Koolau Kauai, hookahi dala pakahi ka eka

Hobbs & Kapule Ua heluheluia ka palapala a John Hoobe a me Debora Kapule Hooh. 9.

Hooh. 9. Ua hooholoia, Oka palapala a John Hobbs no na eka aina 5 1/4 ma Mauna Pohaku,Koloa,Kauai, e aeia no ia ia u.~i dala pakahi ka eka, a pela no ka nui o ka aina e haawiia ia Denora Kapule ma ia kumu no

Kahtikikolo Ua heluheluia ka palapala a Kahtikikolo

Hooh. 10.

Hooh. 10. Ua hooholoia, E haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia Kahukikolo no na pa aina ma Kahehuna,Honolulu oia hoi

ka Helu 948 o ka poe Hoona; ia ia no e uku mai i kana­

lima dala. Falani Ua heluheluia ka palapala a Palani Hooh. 11. Hooh. 11. Ua hooholoia;E haaw-iia ka palapala ano alodio ia Palani na ka pa aina make alanui Hotela,i Honolulu Oia ka Helu 2322 o ka poe hoona, ia ia no e uku mai i iwakalua dala. / 487 Kekaua The application of J{ekaua was read I Ree. 6. Res. 6. Resolved; That an allodial Title be granted to Kekaua, for the Govt. half of Punalau,Hanapepe,Kauai at the price of fifty cents p.er acre

I I.iiguel Castro The application of Miguel Castro was read

Res. 7. I Res. 7. Resolved; That an allodial Title be granted to Miguel Castro :for fifty:acres of land in Lepeuli,Koolau Kauai, at the pr~ce of $1.00 per acre.

J Z .Bent The application of Zenas Bent was read Res. 8. j Res. 8. Resol.ved; That a.n allodial title be granted to Zenas :Sent for 100 acres o·f land in Lepeuli,Koclau

Kauai, at the price of ~~1.00 per a.ere

I J.Hobbs & T:1e applications o:f John Hobbs & Deborah Kapule D.Kapule ,:rnre read ~ Res. 9. Res. 9. Resolved,, That the app].ication of John Hobbs for 5-¼ acres of land in 1{auna Pohaku,Koloa, Kauai be granted at the price of ten dollars per acre,and that an equal amount be granted to Deb:ora Kapule at the sans j price Kahukikolo The application of Kahukikolo was read J hes. 10 Res. 10. Resolved; T11a t an Allodial ti tlc be grar,ted to Kahukikolo for the lots of 1-.ncl in Xahehuna,Honolulu, known as claim No,948 of the Land Com. upon his paying

the co:mrautation fee of fifty dollars Palani The a:oplication of Pala.Li was read Res. 11 Res. 11. Resolved; That an allodial Title be granted to Palani for the lot in Hotel St. Honolulu, knoVin as cla;i.1:1 no. 2322 of the land Co:n. upon his paying the co:mrnutatior: fee of twenty Dollars. 488 Kaapali Ua helu.~eluia ka palapala a Kaaplai Hooh. 12 Hooh. 12. Ua hooholoia; E haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia ,, Kaapali no kekahi pa aina make Al.a Hotela Ua heluia hoi e ka poe hoona. 8373, ia ia no e uku mai 1 iwakalua

kumama1ima Dala $25 Turner Ua heluheluia ka palapala. a Mr.Turner.

Hooh. 13. Hooh. 13. Ua hooholoia; E haawiia ka palapala a.no alodio ia A.F Turner no ka ili o ~apua.kea,Waia.hole,Koolaapoko, penei ke kumu kuai $6 dala pakah.i ka eka no ka aina kalo $2 dala pakah.i ka eka no ka a.ina kula

Heluhelu ae la :Mr. Wyllie i keia olelo hooholo

Hooh. 14.

Hooh. 14. Ua hooholoia; Na ka Puuku o ke Alii e hoakaka akU i ka halawai aloha, ma ka Hale Al.iii ka pau ana o ka makahiki oia ka la 28 o keia malama i ka hora 11 kakahiaka

Hoopaneeia ka Aha a i ka Poaka.hi I Kaapali The application of Kaapali v1as read Res. 12

I Res. 12. Resolved; That. an Allodial title: be granted to Kaapali :fer the lot of land in H-otel. St. knovm as claim 1'ro. 8373 of the Land Com •. upon hia paying the co:rnmutation fee of twenty fi've Dollara $25. j Turner The application of Mr. Turner was read Ree. 13 J Res. 13. ·Resolved; That an Allodial title be granted to A.F.Turner :for the ili of Kapuakea~ Waia.hQle,. Koolau.­

poko, at the pi;-ice of $6 per acre for, Kala & 2. j I dollars per acre for Kula land

Mr. Wyllie~- then introduced the following Reaolu- tion

Res. 14. Res. j.~. Resolved; That the Chamberlain issue a notice r·or

a levee, at the Pa.lace at 11 A. 1vt. on the approaching anniversary- of the 28th of thip month. Council Adjd. till llonday next 490 AhakUka 1falu Nov .10 1851 Noho mai la Ka M:oi Wahine Ka Mea Kiekia Keoni Ana .. Kekuanaoa. Mr.Arm.strong Ka.naina , Wyllie Kaeo ) . Ju.dd. lfamakeha Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua helu.heluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia J.Dudoit Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala a Mr. Dudoit e noi ana. i ka hocpanee UkU no kona aina

Hooh. l.

Rooh. 1. · Ua hocholoia.; Ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia J. Dudoit 1 ka ma.nawa hou ae, oia hoi ka makahiki mai ka ka 1a i kalcauia.' 1 ka Olelo hooholo, oia

ka la ? o Mara.lei 1851, e kuai an.a i ka aina 1 kapaia o

1'Namahana" ma. Kauai, a.laila e uku ai no ua aina la

Mea Ohi Dute· Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka. pa.la.pa.la aka lCea Ohi Dute e noi ana i kokua hou nona Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia. i ka Mea. Ohi Dute. nui e kikoo i ke KUhina Waiwai 1 na dale. aole nae e oi aku ma.mus. o na dala he kanal..ima ma ka ma.lama 1 mea e uku aku ai i kokua nona, he ka.kauolelo, a he mea ma.lama ' waiwai pa.ha ma ka hale Ohi dute ma Honolulu, ua hoaka­ kaia ka pono o ia mea ma kana palapala i ke Kuhina. Waiwai o ka la 5.

J'. Austin Mr-.Armetrong heluhelltl ae 1.a i ka palapala a J. Austin Hooh. 3. Res. 3. Ua hooholoia.; E haawiia no ia Jamee Austin ka palapala a.no alodio no ka ili o Uwau Waiahole Koolau­ poko $6 ke kumu kuai no ka eka ina he aina kalo $2 na ka eka ina _he aina kula. 491 Privy Council :November 1.0 185.l

Present Her lfa.jesty the· Q,u.een His Highness John Young Kekuanaoa Mr'.,Armstrong Kanaina , Wyllie Kaeo . , .' ·~· J""Qd. .?. ' ;. .; : Namakeha

Lorrin Andrev1s Secretary

j, ·~·. Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read and approved J ' ' Mr.Dudoit Mr.Armstrong read a request from lir. Dudoit to have an extension Of payment for land r-or one year

Res.• 1.. j I-{esolved; That the Hinister of the Interior is Res. l. hereby authorized to grant to J. Dudoit a credit of one J See Res.1st year :from the date of the resolution of this council, liov .17 after March 7th 1851 selling hiill the land called 11 Uamahana" on Kauai in v;hich to make payments. of the sa.rrte. J Collector of Mr. Annstrong read a letter f"rom the Collector Customs Gen. of Customs respecting an assistant Clerk. \ Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the Collector General of Customs be authorized to draw on the liinister of finance for a eu..rn not exceeding fifty dollars per mont;h for the pur­

poae of procuring an a&s,istant clerk & store keeper in the custom house in Honolulu, the necessity of 'li7hich is stated in said collector's letter to the lTinister of Finance cf the 5th instant j read J.Austin Mr.Annstrong"an application of J.Austin for land j Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That an alludial title be granted. to Jam.ea Austin for the ili of Uwau Waiahole Kolat..puko at

the price of 6 dollars per acre for Kalo & 2 dollars per acre for Kula land 492 :Moku hoolima­ lima. Helu.helu ae 1a Mr.Annstrong 1 ka Olelo hooholo e hoolimalima moku e hoa.kalca alcu 1 ka Moi ua holo ka Manuwa Ferani. (Ia wa puka rna.1 Jlr • .Tudd)

Hooh. 4. Rooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuh.in& Ka1aiaina e hoo11ma­ lima i ka moku uu.ku e holo pololei ·aku i Hawaii me ka

:ma.nao e hoalcaka aku 1 ka Moi; Ua haalele k& Jfoku-manUIII. koke Ferani 1 keia poe Aina, nolaila, aohe ku:mu e hoiAmai oia. i Oahu; a. na ke Kuhina. Waiwai e uku aku i na clal.a lilo no ia holo ana. Heluhelu ae la Mr.Wyl11e i kekah.1 mau mea. hoakaka no ka pale ana alcu i ke kolohe ke hiki ma.i, i mea e noonoo ai ka Aha Kuka a i ka halawai hou ana; Penei ia

' J 493 Hire Vessel Hr. Armstrong read a Resolution authorizing the hire of a vessel to report to the King the sailing of' the French man of War (At this time :Mr.Judd came in) j Ree. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; That the iviinister of the Interior is hereby authorized to procure- a small vessel to go directly to Hawaii with a view to inform the King that the French frigate has left the Islands and there is no necessity of his returning immediately to Oahu on that account; and the Minister of Finance is authorized.

to pay the necessary expences arising from the des- . I patch of such vessel. Propisitions. of Mr. Wyllie read a series of propositions for the Jfr .Wyllie for Defense of the defense of the Islands for the conside1·ation of Pr,ivy Islands Council at the next meeting ~1ich were as follows

j Hr. Wyllie ae Ex Officio-Minister of War gave

notice of motion to be considered at the next meeting of the Privy Council, for the defence of the Kingdom from Foreign Inval//-,{.ders.

That the foLlowine forces be iJ1Jinediately qrganized Viz. 600 Pikemen for t~:1e Hilo side of Hawai-i 600 ----·-··-· for t"he Kailua side------­ j 50 Cavalry for the Hil-0 &ide------­ I 50 Kailua------Total 1300 Hen 500 Pikemen for the Wa.iluku side of Faui 500 Lahaina do------·--- 50 Cavalry for the Wailuku side of H1aui 50 Lahaina Total 1100 Men

750 Piker11en for the Koolau side of Oahu 750 ------Honolulu do-----­ 100 Cavalry for the Koolau aide do 100 ------Honolulu------~ 100 Soldiers to be regularly trained,kept in Barracks and to be well paid as a pe1~anent garrison of Honolulu \ Total 1800---- 494

• 495 250 Pikemen for the Windward side of Kauai 250 ------Leeward------j 35 Cavalry for t~e Windward side of do 35 ------Leeward------Total --=5=?=0--:1=s en 200 Pikemen ) )For Hol.okai I 50 Cavalry ) Total 250 l<.'Len 30 Pikemen for Niihau J That the whole force of every Island be under the immediate Command of the Governor, to be called out only in the case of necessity, in which case, each governor to have power to e:r:1ploy f'oreign Officera,if j he think proper, to assist him. That in each Island the force be mustered as soon

as possible, and be reviewed and addressed by the King,

as COrL'!!'ander in Chief, and then dismissed to th~ir homes, with their arms, excepting only such :rorce as each Governor ma:r wish to keep embodied. J. That Alexander, Lot and William be appointed Honorary Colonels of Regimants. Tr.at of the above force of 5050 men, only the 100

Infantry for Honolulu be regularly paid. That each Cavalry soldier be armed with a Carbine ) or l~usket and a sabre. j That 50 Lancers be raised i:n Honolulu for the special :Body Guard of the King, to be command br Prince Alexander. That Forei~!1 Residents be offered anns from the Government Stores if they wish to enhody themselves

into volunteer Cor'!panies.

·., That whatever expences may be occasioned by this It{()#' 6r~anizaticn, be paid by the 1·inister of Finance under special warrant of the Board of Finance. 496

Piena He1uhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong 1 ka palapa1a noi &in.a alodio a Piena Rooh. 5.

Hooh. 5 Ua hooholoia; E haawiia ka palapala sila nui a.no alodio no kona mau pa ma Ka.hehuna., Honolulu, cia ke kuleana 930 o ka poe Roona, ia ia no e uku aku i ko ke Aupuni hapa he kanalima dala Heap. Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala a Mr. Heap ma Kona Hawaii Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6 Ua hooho1oia; Oka pa1apala a Henry J. Heap no na

eka aina 400 ma Kalukalu & Kaua.kau,Kona Hawaii, e aeia no ia $1.50 ke ktunu kuai no ka eka Pierce Helu.helu ae la Yr. Arm.strong i ka palapala a J.B. Pierce Rooh. 7. Hooh. 7. Ua hooholoia; Ua aeia ka palapala a J.B. Pierce

e noi ana i 81 eka aina ma Paleno laua me N"iumalu i Hana, Maui $1.50 ke kwnu kuai C. Brewer He:luhelu ae la :Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala a c. Brewer Rooh. 8.

Hooh. 8. Ua hooholoia; E haawiia ka pala.pala aila nu.i an.o a.1odio ia Charles Brewer no ka pa.hale: ma ka huina alanui

o na Ala Papua me Ala Beritania; Ua heluia hoi e ka poe Hooria i 575, ia ia no e Uku i ko ke aupuni hapa, o ia hoi $62. 50 j 497 That if necessary application be made to the next Legislature :ror a sriall Tax on each island to be spe­ cially applicahle to its military defence. J That the Governor of each Island be instructed in the event of Invasion to take the Invaders prisoners

without shedding one drop o:r blcod, if possible, and hold them in secure custody, subject to the King's

order, a:i.d on no account to permit any Invader to he killed or maltreated after he shal1 have·surrendered. J Piena. !~r. Arnstrong read the application of Piena

hes. 5.

J Res. 5. Resolved; That an Allodial title be rranted to

Piena for t 1,e lots of land in Kahohuna,Honolulu,kno,m

as claim No. 930 of the Land Commission upon his paying the Commutation fee of fifty dollars.

J l/fr .Heap 1.~r .Armstrong read the application of nr .Heap fro" Kona Hawaii j Res. 6. Res.6. Resolved; TJ,,_at the application of Henry· J.Heap

for 400 acres of land in Kalukalu & Kauakau Kona,Hawaii, be granted at the price of i1.50 per acre.

J.:B.Pierce Mr. An1strong read the application of J~r .J .R. Pierce

Res. ? • J Res. 7. hcsolved; T}1at the application of J. B,. Pierce :for 81 acres of land in Paleno and lifiu!i'lalu,Har:a Yaui, he

grant~d at the price of ~1.50 per acre j Mr. Arnstron-:r read the application of C. Breuer C .Brevrnr Hea. 8. Res.8. Resolved; That an allodial Title be ~ranted to Chas. Brower, for the lot en the corner of Fort and Beretania Streets, known as claim No. 5?5 of the Land

Com. upon his payine the cormutation fee of :f;io2.50 498

J .Martin Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong 1 ka palape.1a a Jer. Martin, a ua hoole ia Roopaneeia ae la a i ka Poa.kahi J 499 J .i,:artin Mr. Amstrong read the application of Jeremiah

J{artin v1hich \"Tas refused Adjd. till Monday next.

\ 500

Ahakuka l{al u N'ov. 17 1851 Noho mai la Ka Yoi Wahine Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana

Kekuanaoa lfamakeha Kanaina Jfr .Yyl.lie Kaeo , l3atea. Kanoa , ·, ..... , -.Tud4 Ii , Lee Kapaakea , Armstrong Lorrin Andr-e:ws Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Dudoit Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka Olelo hooholo hou i paniha.ka no ka mea i hooholoia i kela halawai no ka aina o Mr. Dudoit.

Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Waiwai e la.we i ka palapala aie a J. Dudoit no na male.ma 18 mai ka la

i aeia ia ia ka aina. o "Hamehana" 01& hoi ka la 14 o

Mei 1851 i uku no ia wahi,, me ka Uku hoopanee nae :ma.muli o ke kanawai; a ua hoopauia ka olelo hooholo o ka la 10 i ha.la aku nei Copp. Hoalcaka mai la Mr. Lee i ka aina o Mr.Copp. Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; o ka O!elo hooholo aka AhakUka o ka. la 31 o Mei 1851 e ha.awi ana ia Charles Copp i 600

eka aina ma Hana, e hooponoponoia ma ka hool.oli ana i ""1-~"t~t* ¥-I-I/it/." ii elua de.la i "kanalima. kenetan Ne.edham & Kelk Hoakaka hou mai Mr .Lee 1 kekahi mea like no ka aina o Nee.dham laua me Kelk. Hooh. 3. Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; o ka Olelo hooholo aka Ahak·u.ka o lea la 31 o Mei 1851 e kuai ana i ekolu haneri eka aina ma Hono.maele ia Needham laua me Kelk, e ~ooponoponoia ma ka hookomo ana i na hua hookahi dala i mau panihaka no na hua i "ekolu dala" 501 Priv~r Council JTov. 1'7 1851. Present Her Majesty the Q.ueen His Highness John Young

Kckuanaoa Na..--na.k e ha Kanaina Mr.Wyllie Kaeo Ur.Bates Kanoa Mr.Judd Ii Mr.Lee Kapaakea. Mr.Armstrong Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual J Minutes ~ere read aPd approved. Mr.Dudoit Mr'. Ar:n1strong read a new resolution in place of one passed. at the last nee ting respecting 1irr .Dudoi ts land. Res. 1. I Resolved; That the M:inister of Fina.nee is autho- Res. 1. ri.zed to take J.Dudoit's note at 18 months from the

date of the patent granting him "Namehana" Viz.May 14th

1851 in payment for the sane, with interest at the

legal rate & that resolution of the 10th inst he I rescinded. C.Copp. nr.Lee brought :forward the ca,se of l:r.Copp,Hana. Res •. 2. J Res. 2. Reso1ved; that the Resolution of Privy Council, passed May 31, 1851 granting 600 acres of land in Eana

to Charles Copp be amended_ by the insertion of the J . word "fifty cents." instead of two dollars. }-JeedhaH & Kelk Mr. Lee also brought a similar case reepe9ting

the land of :r.ressrs .Feed.ham & Kelk

hes. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That the Resolution of Privy Council of Hay 31 1851 granting three hundred acres of land in

Honomaele to }ressrs Heed.ham & Kelk be amended by the insertion of.the words one dollar instead of "three


j • 502 hou Wyl11e Rapai"'ae la Mr. Wyllie i ka manao ana i hoakaka

iki mai i ka la 10; a heluhelu oia i kekahi mau , palapala mai San Francisco mai - 0 kekahi mea hoi 1 Ber-itania i loaa ia ia make Kanikele Beritania, a mai ke Kani­ kele hoi e noho ana ma San Francisco - He palapala hoi na Mr Howard.

Mahope iho heluhelu hou me ka hoakaka i kana Olelo hooholo o ka halawai hope Hai mai la na Kiaaina o Kekua.naoa a me Kanoa,o Mr.

Lee a me Ii a me Kapaakea, a mahope iho, eia ka Olelo i hooholoia

Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; Ua aeia i ka Makai nui e hoomahua.hua ae, i ka poe makai haole a i ka umi a e uku aku ia lalcou

aole nae e oi aku mamua. o na dala he Kanawalu llli.O ka ma.lama, a loaa ke kauoha hou na ke Kiaaina mai; a ua aeia 1 ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa i ua poe la mamuli o ka palapala aka Ma.kai nui Wyllie Heluhelu ae la Mr. Wyllie i kekahi mau Olelo hooholo hou, i/t/ ,l.i/. i 'N,,4/.1/.J/i i mea e kuka ai -,J.N/p/. i ka la apopo Hoopaneeia a i ka la apopo. I 503 Wyllie Mr.Wyllie took up the motion of w:1ich he gave

notice er: t}:.e 10th and read some letters which he

had received from San Francis'co - Also some infonnation received from the English. Co:neul General n·om the

English Consul at San Francesco - Also a letter C:apt Howard

After this 1rr. Wyllie read and commented upon the motion he made at last rJ,f-/,fMeeting.

Governors Kekuanaoa & Kanoa & F:essrs Lee & Ii also expressed their opinions; and after :further conversa­ tion the following Resolution was passed. I Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; That -the Marshall is hereby authorized to increase his Foreien Police Force to the number of

ten, and pay to each a sum not exceeding Eighty Dollars per :month until further orders of the Governor of Oahu­

and the Minister of Finance is hereby authorized to

pay the salaries of the sarne upon the v1ri tten request of the Marshall • J , as a notice Wyllie Mr.Wyllie read several resolutions /'Ii#. /,fir/ -,(If i./tr/

AhakUka :Mal u. Nov. 18 1851

Nohe mai la Ka ltoi Wahine Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Namakeha Kanaina Mr.Wyl1ie Kaeo , :Hates Kanoa , Judd Ii , Lee Kapaakea , Armstrong Lorrin Andrews Kallauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo, ua hooponopono,ia a pono

Wyllie Hoakaka ae la Ur. Wyllie i na Olelo hooholo i

helu..~eluia inehinei e kukaia i keia 1a; I ae la ua oluolu kona manao ke hoopau i kana mau Olelo hooholo; ina e hoike mai kekahi i ka manao e ae i oi aku ka

maikai a kuhU:uhi ae la ia Mr .Lee he kanaka ike oia i

ke ano kaua; alaila, olelo mahuahua ae la; a pau kana, alaila hai mai o Namakeha, a o Kapaakea, o Mr .Lee·, o Kekuanaoa, a o Kanaina a me Mr. Ba tea; a pau kekahi

ha.pa o kana olelo; heluhelu ae la Mr Lee i kekahi mau Olelo hooholo, a mahope iho hoopau ae la Mr.Bates i kana olelo

Roopanee ae la a i ka la apopo. 505 Privy Council Nov. 18 1851 Present Her Ha~esty the Q,ueen His Highness John Young

Kekuana.oa Namakeh&.· Kanaina l'.:r. Wyllie Kaeo , Ba.tee Kanoa , Judd Ii ,. Lee Kapaakea , Armstrong Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayera were read aa usual :Minutes v.rere read, amended and approved. J • Mr.Wyllie Ur. Wyllie on taking up the resolutions submitted . • yesterday f'or consideration today; aaid that he was willing to withdr,aw his •resolutions if any one would

s.uggest anything 1Jetter; and /-/// referred to Mr .Lee as better acquainted with the whole subject. Hr.Wyllie · then spoke at length; after him }Tamakeha,Kapaakea Ur.

Lee,Kekuanaoa,Ka.naina & lir .Bates each declared their sentiments Res.of Mr.Lee Mr. Lee here read some Resolutions a:f'ter which Mr. :Bates finished his speech At 2 otclock Adjd. till toP.J.orrow. 506 Ahakuka Mal u Nov. 19 1851

Noho mai la Ka Moi Wahine

Ka Jlea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Mr.Wyllie Kanai:na Bates Kaeo Judd Kanoa Lee Ii Annstrong Kapaakea Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluhelmia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia

Roomau ae la Mr. Judd i ka Olelo kuka i hoomakaia ineihinei; a ma.hope ona, olelo ae la Mr.Armstrong

Mr.Young, J(r.Lee, Kekuanaoa,. Ii> Mr.Wyllie. A i ka 2. o ka hora Hoopanee ae la ka Aha.

/ 507 Privy Council Nov. 19 1851 Present Her Fa,j esty the Q,ueen His Highness John Young Kekuanaoa Hr.Wyllie Kanaina Bates Ka.eo,Kanoa Judd. Ii Lee Kapaakea Armstrong Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual I Minutes were read and approved Debate Mr. Judd continued the debate of yesterday on continued the defense of the islands f'rom foreign invasion. Ur.

Armstrong, Mr. Young, Irr. Lee, The Governor, Er.• Ii and Wyl1ie all spoke upon the subject. At 2 o clock Council Adjd. till tomorrow 508 Ahakuka Malu Uov. 20 1851 Noho ma.i la Ka Moi Wabi:ne Ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa l!ramakeha Kanaina Mr.Wyl1ie Kaeo :Bates Ii Lee Kapaakea Armstrong Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua hel.uheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia 14'.ahina ma Heluhelu. ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala a Mr. Bishop ka Mea ohi dute, no Mr.Miner ma i Maui

Hooh. 1. A.P. Hooh. l. Ua hooholoia; o ka palapala a Mr.AE~erett i

waihoia ka dute o kekahi waiwai i laweia mai e E.Minar ma i mea e: pono ai ka -y.;,,<,I. i:/ri :mahiai ana $614. 85, ka nui o ua dute: la i hoaka.kaia ma ka palapala a 'Jlr. E,,-ere·tt o lea la 19 o Nov. nei; e aeia no ia.

Hooh. o Mr .Lee Olea Olelo hooholo a Mr. Lee o ka la 1s·ua kUka

ia he pauku, he paUku

Ua kukaia ka pauku a.kahi a ua hooholoia , Ua kukaia ka pauku alua a ua hooholoia Ua kukaia ka pa:uku ekolu a ua hooholoia

Ua kukaia ka pau.ku aha a ua hooholoia Ua kukaia ka pauku elima a ua hooholoia Ua huiia ka pauku ecno a ua hooholoia

Eia ua. -.u Olelo hoobolo la Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. No ke kuka ana i ke ano, o ka hooponcpono ana i k~

poe koa i me-a e pa.le aku ai i ke ko·lohe mai ka aina e mai, a :nfr.Wyl1ie i hoike mai i na 10 a me ka la 17 Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhin:a Nui a me ka Ahakuka

Malu, ma ka inoa o ka :r.iroi a i mea hoi e po.no ai ka noho pono ana o ka Moi; e hooholo nei penei 1. Ra Ke Kiaaina o Oahu, e hooponopono koke 509 Privy Council Nov. 20 1851 Present Her Lajesty the Queen His Highness John Young

Kekuanaoa Na..T1.ak eha Kanaina. Mr .Wyllie Kaeo , · Bates Ii Lee Kapaakea A.tmstrong Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual j ~inutes were read and approved~ I~,, '§' M·iner & Co. Mr. An:istrong read a letter f'rom irr. Bishop

Collector of Customs in ·favox(,rif 1':'i:!7er & Co of Haui

/ Rea. 1. J Ree. I. Resolved; that the application of A.P.Everett for a remission of duties on certain merchandise introduced

by E. Miner & Co. for the use of their plantation· on Maui, a..,_-.n_ounting to $614.85 as specified in Irr~ ·Ever­ ett's letter of Nov. 19 be and is hereby granted. i Res. of Mr.Lee The Resolutions of Mr.Lee Qf the 18th"were.taken up for eonsi~eration article by article. After" discussion the 1st was passed

The 2 was read, discussed & passed

The 3 was read, discussed & passed

The 4 was read, discussed & Passed

The 5 ,vas read, discussed & passed

A 6 was then added & pa·ssed The above resolutions are as f'ollows Res. 2. \ Res. 2. Having discussed the plan of a :,~ili tary Organiza­ tion f'or the defence of the Kin·gdom from Foreign inva­

sion presented by !fr. Wyll.ie on the 10th & 1 ?th instant

Resolved; That the Kuhina ~'J°Ui and the Privy Council

in the name of the King & for his JJaj esty 1 s safety \ hereby order as follows

1. 'rha t the Governor of 0~11.u., i!!l!l'ledia tely organ- 510 i poe koa hookahi haneri a e hoopaikauia lakou a maikai e na Luna naauao i kela la keia la, koe nae ka la

Sabati a e noho mau lakou i poe koa kiai no Honolulu;a e mau no ka hapalua hookahi o lakou ma ka hale koa e kuoo, e kokua i na makai, a e ku e i ka poe kolohe o ko na aina eke hiki mai ia. 2. Na ke Kiaaina hoi o Oahu e hooponopono koke i ehi­ ku haneri a me kanalirna koa hele wawae no ka aoao o Kona o Oahu, o na pololu a me na mea e ae ko lakou mea eha e like me ka Manao o ke Kiaaina; e kuoo mau no la.kou e kue i ke kolohe ke hiki; eia ko lakou uku. i ka wa e hana ole ai, e kuuia ka auhau poo o lakou a me ka lakou mau wahine.

3. Na ke Kiaaina hoi o Maui e hooponopono koke i kanalima koa i maa loa i ke paikau ana ma Lahaina,e kokua i na :Makai a e pale aku i ke kolohe ke hiki mai ia; eia ka uku, aole e oi aku i na dala ewalu ma ka mala.ma pakahi ke koa. 4. Na ke Kiaaina o Hawaii ma kona kanaka o Mr.FWllk e hooponopono koke i ka poe koa i kanalima i hoohanaia a makaukau i ke paikau, i mea e pale aku i ke kolohe no ke Awa o Hilo,. aole nae e oi aku ka mea lilo mamua o na.,:dala eono pakahi ke koa, no kela malama keia malama. 5. Ua aeia i ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa i ka mea i lilo, no ka hooponopono ana, no na mea eha a no ka lako, a me ka ai o ia mau poe koa, a kuuia lakou e kauoha aka ICoi ma ka Ahakuka, mamuli o ka palapala o ke Kuhina o ko na Aina e, aia ke nanaia a pololei. 6. Na ke Kiaaina o Oahu e haavd i na pu a me ka pauda i na haole ke huiia lakau me ka manao e hoopau i ke aupuni a e hoomalu aku e like me ke kanawai

Ua noiia o Mr.Lee e lilo i Alihi kaua o na koa ma Oahu malalo ae o ke Kiaaina; a hoole loa ia 511 ize a cO:'.l:t}ar,.y of one hur-idred s,cldiors and }~u~:e the=n re.~~ula.rl:r trained '.1:n.der a1)le and. efficient officers, every day except on t:1.e Lord's du.:r, y;,10 s}1all he a 1 :;_Jer::1ane21 , :;arrison. f'or Eo:iolulu, and one half of 1-rl::.o::r: s:~alJ. -:oe c_:ns:.ar:tl:.r 0·1 du-~y and be kept in barracks ready to assist the police and repel roreisn invasion at a 11i11.ti.tes warni1:-:c.

/ 2. T1·1a t t}ie Guvernor of Oahu, i:rxnedia tely organize a "body of seven :iuridred and fift~r infantry for the Kuna side of Oal1u, t,J be armed with :pikes or o:thervJifJ.e as t::e Governor ::1ay direct, to he ready at a mi1F.i. tes nctice to resist a.n:r invasion, and whose only co:ripen­ aation, ilhen not ::>~1 dut:r, shall. be r:o l:1ore than the poll tax for t:1emsel vea & wives

3. That t~'le Governor of J":aui he cor:rr,1anq.ed to L'Yl.iedi- ately organize a body of fifty well-drilled a~d well ar.1ed soldires at La:':1aira, to assist t:1e police and repel an~t invasion at thut place,at an cx;)ense not exceeding Eig:'.:1t dollars per !!1onth for each aoldier

4. That the Governor of 1-Ia,:aii b;-.,r ::-1is Agent I~r.:Funk irronedia. tel~r orr,anize an effective and. well drilled force of fifty aoldiers as u defc::-1se for tLe Port of Hilo, at an expense net exceect.i:-;.r; six dollars per nonth for each soldier.

5. That the Irinister of Finance is hereby authorized to pay fer t:1e expense of cq;anizing, annir:g, equipping and maintaining the above nwned forces, until-disoanded by order of the King in Privy Council, upon the order of the Kinister of Foreign helations after t:rie -BaJ!le 811all have been duly audited. v/ 6. That the Govcrn0r of 0al1..;. be and is hcrel'Jy au.tho- r i.zed to supply ar,115 and ammunition .to ~ny Volunteer company or co111panies of f'oreig:1ers who may u:cganize for t:11.e l)u1·pose of 1:1aintaining the King's Gwven,mE:nt 01~ for ti1e preserva~io::i cf la\: a1:i.l. ordc1· •

• ,r. Lee was roques ted to take the Co1mnand of

the Troops of Oahu 1..mde:c· the Gvvorncr, but declined 512 Wyllie Helu.helu hou Hr. Wyllie 1 na Olelo hooholo ana i heluhelu ai i ka la 17. 0 ke kuka iho la no ia, a eia

wale no ka m·ea i hooholoia

Hooh. 3. rriea Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; No na~i loheia mai California mai no ka pilikia ana o ka 1Joi a me ka malu o ke aupuni; eia ka manao o keia Ahar i noi haa.haaia ka Moi e hoi

· koke mai i keia kulanakauhale, a. na ke Kuhina nui a me ke Kuhina o kona aina e e palapala koke aku i akaka ia ia keia mea. Ua kohoia o Mr.Iii lu:na lawe ia mau palapala Bates Heluhelu ae la Ur.Bates i keia olelo hooholo

Hooh. 3.

Hoch. 4. No ka mea, o Aaro.n B. Howe laua me AJ.exander J. Cartwright, noi mai laua ma ka palapala e hookoia

kekahi morak1 1 i kalcauia e Richard K. Bowlin laua me AU.red D. Cartwright maluna o kekahi waiwai i hoomara­

kiia mamua :1. m:ea e pono ai Gerritt P. Judd oia hoi ke Kuhina Waiwai i mea hoi e pono ai ka waiwai aupuni, a o Gerritt P. Judd o ke Kuhina WaiVlai o1a kekahi aoao

o ua palapala la, Ua hooholoia; ua aoia o Asher B.B:ates, ka Loio

Aupuni e hoomakaukau i olelo pane aku i ua palapala noi la, me ka hoakaka aku i ke kuleana o ke Aupuni, a na

ke Kuhina Waiwai e kakau i kona inoa i mea e pono ai

ke kuleana o ke aupuni

Heltihelu ae la JA:r .Lee i keia Olelo hoollolo

Rooh. 5 Hooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; ua ae;ia i ka Poe Hoona i na kule­ ana aina e loaa a e hookolokolo i ke kuleana o Kine­ maka no kona hapa o ka aina Papu ma Honolulu ua kapaia

o Kaaleo. 513 / lrr. W;rllie 1\-Ir. Wyllie then read the resolutions which he in­

troduced on the 17th. After discussion the following

was adopted Res. 3. Res. 3, hesol.vecl; T:1at under advices received. :fro1:1 Calif'o:r:-

nia of danger to t:-1e King I s Sover,:;ignty and to the

peace :and quiet of t:i.e Kingdom, it ia the unanir:1ous

opinion of this Council, tiiu.t his l'rajesty should be

respectfully req1..wsted to retu1·n to :1is Capital,v1ith the least possible delay; and that the Kuhina nui and

Jlinister of Foreign Relations nri te immediately to

the Kine .tc nake this knovm.

1Jr.Ii vras appointed to carry tneae lattc:cs to the J King. Mr .Bates Ur. Bates read the following resol-:.iticn which j was passed Res. 11:. Res. 4. Whereas,Aaron B.1Io,7e & Alexander J. Cartwrignt

have filed a Bil1 to foreclose a ~ortgage executed by D Ric~iard H. Bowlin and AlfredACartwrigh t on property on which there is a previous mortgage executed to Gerritt P. Judd a.s ;crinister of Finance f"or the oencfi t of the

exceque:c a.nd where Gerritt P.Judd as Minister of Fina.n­

ee is made a party to the Bil1 Resolved; That Asher B. Bates r, W##v'tslst aa so­ licitor for the Crown is hereby instructed to prepare an answ·er to the said Bill alleging the rights of the Govern::1cnt, and t11at t11e lUnistcr of Finance }1/f/ the swne and cause it to be filed a,o that the rights of the Govcrnxn.ent shall be protect.ed. .• ,-.. 'f, j :Mr. Lee read the follor1ine resolution\~~- Res. 5. -Res. 5. Resolved; That t~w Board of Cow.missioners. to quiet Land Titles is hereby authorized to r·eceive and

adjust the claim of Kinir1a:ka for his portion of the Fort LaY1.d in Honolc.1.lu knovm as Kaaleo. .514 Ahakuka Malu Nov.24 1851 Noho mai la Ka Moi Wahine Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Mr.Wyl1ie Kanaina .Judd Kaeo Lee Kapaakea Armstrong Namakeha Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Kanikele Heluhelu ae 1a !Jr. Wyllie i ka palapala a Gen .Mil­ Mi11er ler; i mai la, ua loaa ka Moi Wahine o Beritania i ka papa Benson Heluhelu ae l.a Mr.Wyllie 1 ka palapala a Mr. Benson o New York no ka Akihoo1ana

Hooh. l.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; ua kauohaia lifr.Wyll1ie e palapala a.ku

ia Mr. Benson,me ka hai aku, o ke ano maopopo o ka ke kuleana o Olelo hooholo ana i manao ai; pi1i noAka hana ana 1

ka Akihoolana ·i ka awa o Honolulu wale no; aka, ina e manao oia, a o ka mea e ae paha e hana i ka akihoolana a i mau akihoolana paha ma. kekahi awa e ae o keia aupuni, e loaa no ke kuleana o lakou wale no no ia awa

no na makahiki he iwakalua; e hana nio nae maloko o na makahiki elua mai ka i hoakakaia ko lakou manao 1 keia aupuni e hana i ka Akilana a i mau akilana paha. Wyllie Heluhelu ae la Mr.Wyllie i keia Olelo hooholo

Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; 0 ka pono i ha.awiia ia Capt.Howard,

e pau ana hoi 1 e hoo1oihi ae a i na la he kanaono mai ia la; a mah.ope iho, o ka Olelo hoolimalima ana i ae mai ai, e haawiia me ia ano no 1 mua ka mea nana e laweAmai ai i ka moku mahu maikai, e 1ike me ia ka nui a e holo ma ka Moana o ka 1!.oi me ka lako pono mai kekahi mokupuni a i kekahi mokupuni, a e paiia hoi keia Olelo hooholo 1 kela hebedoma keia hebedoma ma. ka Polynesian, a hoole ia 515 Privy Council Nov. 24 1051 Present Her Hajesty the Queen His Highness John Young Kekuanaoa 1.rr.Wyllie Kanaina Judd Kaeo Lee Kapaakea Annstrong Namakeha Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers v;ere rea.d as usual J Minutes were read and approved Gen.Miller l'fr. Wyllie read a let t.ur from General Miller stating the reception of a taole sent to the Q,uecn of l England :Mr.Benson I.fr.Wyllie read a letter f'rom Hr. Benson of New York respecting a dry dock, on which Resolved Res. 1. I Res. 1. Resolved; That :Hr. Wyllie is hereby instructed to

answer ]fl~. 3enson I s cor:naunication, inforitiing him that the proper construction of the resolution referred to

by him, con.fines the exclusive privilege of a dry dock to the port of Honolulu; but· that if he or any uthc:c person or persons aesire to erect a dry dock or dock& in any other port of this kingdom, they shal.l acquire the exclusive privilege for suc11_port, f'cr twenty yea1~s,by constructing the sa:'\e within two years frum .-..,..,, the date of thei.c inti.t:iation ~u this Govt. of his or

J their intention to erect such dock o:c uocka.

Wyllie Mr. Wyllie in t:ruduced

Howard which expires on th,e; 30th-~emher H35l be

extended to sixty

after, the .£.:?B._~~ f'or whi'eh he had stipulated be

given, on the sarrie tenna, to whomsoever shall f'irst place

an efficient steaner of the capacity indicated,in the King's waters,proµerly equ.ipped f'or inter-island stearn navigation;and that this Resolution be published every

week, in the Polynesian, till f'ur G11t:ff orders. 516 Kekuanaoa Niele mai la Ke Kiaaina o Kekuanaoa i ka manao o ka Aha no kekahi mau pUkuniahi; a mah ope o ke karnailio

ana eia ka mea i hooholoia Hooh. s. Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kiaaina e hoomaikai i mau pUkuniahi eha, aole nae e oi aku na dala lilo mamua o na dala 500. Aina ma Ha,vaii 1feluhelu ae la Ur.Armstrong i ka 0lelo hooholo no

kekahi mau aina ma Hawaii

Hooh. 4. - Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; Aole e pili ke kumu kuai uUku loa i

oleloia make kanawai; oia hoi 50 keneta ma ka eka 1 na aina ma Puna a me Kaui Hawaii; a o na aina o ia mau wa.hi e kuaiia eke Kuhina Kalaiaina ma kona kanaka e hoakaka i ke kumu kuai malalo iho e like me ia i manao ai he pono Paaka Ua heluheluia ka palapala noi a Paaka Hooh. 5.

Hooh. 5. Ua hooholofa; e haawiia ka palapala sila ano alodio ia Paaka no na eka aina he 50 ma KumUkumu, hoo­ kahi dala ma ka eka ke kumUkuai, e kuaiia hoi ke koena 1 na kanaka i ke kumUkuai uUku 50 keneta ma ka eka. Parker Ua heluheluia ka palapala a Ur Parker no Hawaii

Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Ua hooholoia; Ua aeia ka palapala noi a J.P.

Parker no na eka aina he 76 ma Keuleo,Hamakua,Hawaii, elua dala $2.00 ke kumu kuai ma ka eka. Aina Kohala Ua hooholoia keia 0lelo hooholo • Hooh. 7. Hooh. 7. Ua ~ooholoia; e aeia no keia poe noi aina ma Kohala make .kumUkuai 1 oleloia malalo; E nana 1 kela aoao I 51.7 Kekuanaoa Goven10r Kekual1aoa asked the advice of the Council respecting some Field pieces. Afte:c much conversation the following resolution was ado~ted j Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That the Governor have power to flUt the

four field pieces in p:cope:i:. repair, at an ex1.iense nut j exceeding $500. Lands iu Hawaii Mr.Ar..nstrong read.._ resolution respecting some

lands in different places on Hawaii . .J hes. 4 • Res. -.. Resolved; That the Minimum prive of fifty cents

pe,;,· ~ere prescribed by law, shall not a}l})ly to the

lands in Puna, and Kau,Hawaii,and that, in 1;hose dis­

tricts, the Minister of the Interiuc by his land agent

may fix the pr:ice as much lower as he may deem just / and proper. Paaka The application of Pa.aka fo:c land was read Res. 5. I Res. 5. Resolveu; That an allodial title be granted to Paaka f'or 50 acres of land in Kumukumu at the price of

one dollar per acre, & that the remainder be sold t-0 I nati'tes at the minimum price of 50 cents ~En· acre. Parker The application of Mr..Parker of Hawaii was r0ad J Res. b. Res. 6. hesolved; That the application of J.P.Parker for

76 acres of land in Keuleo, Hamakua,Hawaii; be granted J at the price of $2.00 per acre. Aina Kohala The following hesolution \las passed

j hes. '7. Res. 7 Eesolveu; That the foll.owing applications fo:c land in Koha.la he granted,at the .,t)rices annexed. Price • Applicant Ahupuaa No Acres per acre J E. Bond ifaulili 140 4/10 .76 C '1 II II Ainakea 37 .50 1 Nape Lohilohi Lahuik i, Kukuipa..riu 119 .75 Halepohaku ma Kala.la 1 300 1.00 ·1: Wa.hineiki 2 o7 1/3 .50 J Kepau Eakauikahio & Auau 16½ 1.00 j Keliiopunui Koaloa,Niulii 12½ 1.00 ~ II Waiau " 8 3/10 1.00 Aimaka Kala.la oti 1/.3 .50 518 Kaaihinahina Ua heluheluia ka palapala noi a Kaaihinahina Hooh. 8.

Hooh. 8. Ua hooholoia, e haawiia ka palapala sila nui ia Kaaihinahina no kona hapalua o Pueke, ia ia no e uku

no ko ke aupuni hapakolu, i kanalima (.5()) no ka eka. Nakookoo Ua heluheluia ka palapala a Nakookoo Hooh. 9.

Hooh. 9. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ia Nakookoo no na eka aina 1090 ma Halaua ma.rnu- 11 o ka ana ana o C.J.Lyons i kakauia 1 ka la 18 o Okatoba 1851 aole oia e uku mai 1 ko ke Aupuni Hapa. Keoho Ua heluheluia ka palapala a Keoho Hooh. 10.

Res. 10 Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala aila nui ia Keoho no kekahi aina ma Auwaiolimu, Honolulu, oia hoi

ka hapa 1 o ke kuleana 1 heluia 1128 o ka poe Hoona ia

ia no e uku mai i ke Aupuni i $25 H.Rhodes Heluhelu ae la Ur.Lee i ka palapala a H.R"lodes Hooh. 11. Hooh. ll. Ua hooholoia; I mea e pane aku i ka palapala a Henry Rhodes e kuai i aina ma Honolulu Aole ia he mea e pono ai keia Aupuni ke kuai ia kekahi pa aina ma Honolulu Sawkina He.luhelu ae la Mr .Lee i kekahi palapala a }.fr. Sawkins e noonoo ai ka Aha 519 / Kaaihinahina T}:e application of Kaaihinahina was read Rea. o. I Res. s. Resolved; That an allodial Title be granteu to Kaaihinahina for his half of Pueke, upon his paying

for the Govt. third at the rate of a half .dollar per acre j Nakookoo The application of Hakookoo was read. _ Res. 9. l Res. 9. Resolved; That an allod.ial title be granted to Nakookoo for 1090 acres of Halaua agreeably with the

survey of C.J.Lyons, bearing date Oct 16.1851 witj1out

paying any co:rn:mutation for the Govt.third therein •

./ Keoho The application of Keoho was read Bes. 10 j Res. 10 Resolved; That an Allodial Title be gr·anted to Keoho for the lot of land in Auwaioli:mu,Honolulu,known as part If l of claim Ho 1128 of the land CoI:1I:Iission .. f·or the commutation fee of twenty :rive Dollars

/ H.Rhodes .Mr.Lee read the application of H.Rhodes. Res. 11.

I Rea.11 Resolved; In reply to the application of Henry hhodes to purchase a lot in Honolu41, That the interests of the Government will not be

promoted by sell.ing any lot in Honolulu 1 Sav,kins Ur.Lee read a letter from Ur. Sawkins for i;;Jie future. consideration of the Council. 520 Ahakuka Halu Deke 1 1851 Noho mai la Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Mr.Wyl1ie Kanaina , Judd Ii , Lee Kapaakea , Armstrong Namakeha Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka 1,fooolelo a ua aponoia

Wyllie Makemake Mr.Wyllie i ka hiki ana mai o Ka Moi i lohe oia i na mea o ko na aina e. Ko California Imai oia, o na mea ma Kalifonia ua aneane like poe kolohe me na mea i lohea manei; ua maopopo no, ua hui maoli no kekahi poe; aka, o ke kuhihewa ke kumu, a me na olelo wahahee; a ua manaoia i k<.? lakou lohe ana 1 ke ano maoli o keia pae aina, a me _na mea i hanaia me ka manao pale aku,, malama paha e lilo ka lakou hana a me ko lakou manao i mea ole. Kanikele Hawaii ma B.Francisco Hoakaka ae la Mr.Wyllie i kekahi mau mea no ka haole i kapaia he Kanikele Hawaii ma San Francisco, ua heluheluia kekahi palapala a Capt. Snow no Mr.Post

ma California Ko ka 1.:foi Heluhelu ae la Mr. Wyllie i ka palapala a ke Komisina Domisina o ke Alii ma Ladana. Mr.Armstrong Hoakaka ae la Mr. Armstrong i kekahi mau mea no kue ka pa o ka hale kula · alii ma Honolulu Kekuanaoa Olelo mai 1a ke Kiaaina, nona no ia wahi, a mahope o ke kuka ana ua hoopaneeia a hiki mai ka MO·i.

Palapala a Heluhelu ae la l~r .Armstrong i kekahi palapala a Mr.Funk Mr.Funk ma Hilo no ke koho hou ana i ka poe i kohoia e kaukanawai, a ua hooholo ae l.a penei Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. No ka mea, he mea pono ole maoli no, ke koho na kanaka o kekal1i Apana, kahi a lakou e noho ole ai 521 Privy Council Dec. l ld51 Present His Highness John Young Kekuanaoa Ur.Wyllie Kanaina Judd Ii Lee Kapaakea Arri.strong Na.r-1akeha Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read Minutes were read and approved / Wyllie Mr.Wyllie expressed his regret that the Kine was not present to hear a statement of Foreign affairs. /' California He stated that affairs at California were not Invasion very different from what had been represented - that it

was certain that t1,tat a combination had existed & was

matured; but it arose from mistakea & misinformation;

and on hearing of the true state of the islands & what had been done here in a way of defence it was to be vI hoped that the ef:rorts would amount to nothing Hawaiian Consul Mr.\lfyllie made some statements respecting the at San Fran­ an extract f"rom cisco Hawaiian Consul at San Francisco. Also~a letter of J Capt. Snow respecting Mt. Post of California King's Mr. Wyllie read a letter :rrom t:1.e King's Commis­ Commissioner London sioner at London Mr.Anistrong Mr. Armstrong made some renarks respectine the Vs Kekuanaoa lot of the late Chiefs School in Honolulu which the

Gov. claimed as his. After some debate the sub.~ ect was j postponed till the return cf the Kine

!Jr.Funk's Mr.Armstrong read a letter from ]:~r. Funk at Hilo Letter· respecting the next election and the f"ol1owing resolation was passed

hes. l.. Res. l. Whereas, it is manifestly iriproper fo:r people belonging to one election district, to vote in another 522

ma kekahi Apana e aku, i ka mea a lakou e manao ai e komo iloko o ka Ahaolelo; Nolaila, e hooholo ia e ka Moi a me na Lii e noho kokoke ana, na ka Ahaolelo nae e hooholo loa, a e hoole paha, e hookomoia keia mau • huaolelo ma ka hope o ka pauku 11 o ke "Kanawai hoo-

1>onopono no ke koho ana i ka poe 1 kohoia e na Dtakaainana" peneia

Aole hoi e pono i kekahi ke aeia e koho, ke noho

ole oia ma ka Apana kahi e koho ai oia, i ekola malama

mamua o ka wa koho.

J. :Sooth Helu...lielu ae la Mr .Lee i ka Olelo hooholo no kekahi aina o J. Booth

Hooh. 2

Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala ano alodio i J.Vowles James Vowles, no kona pa aina ma Waikiki, oia hoi ka Helu 213 o ka poe Hoona, ia ia no e uku mai no ko ke , Aupuni hapa i $25 J.Reed. Heluhelu ae 1a Mr. Lee i ka palapala a J.Reed Hooh. 3. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; e haaviia no ka palapala ano alodio ia James Reed no na eka aina 100 ma HokUlcano, i Kona, Hawaii, ina paha koe iho ka haneri eka hookahi;hookahi

dala a me ka hapaha($1.25) pakahi ka eka Kekahi poe Heluhelu ae la :Mr.Lee i ka palapala a kekahi poe Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4 Ua hooholoia; o keia mau palapala noi aina ma Kona Hawaii e aeia no me na kumukuai i hoikeia penei Kainoa o ka Mea noi Ahupuaa Eka Kumu

Pananau Ke-ekee 1&2 & Ilileahi 50 • 75 Kapule It n " 50 .75 Pahia Kalama 3 20 .75 Manu n 5 10 .75 Kekukui " 5 20 1.00 Keoni " 10 50 • '75 / 523 v where they have no stated residence; Therefore,be it enacted by the King and 11/fl Chiefs residing near him, subject to the decision of the ensuing Legisla­ ture, that the following words be inserted at ~1e clooo • . . of section 11 of an Act entitled, "An Act to reculate the election of Repres,entatives· of the people"

And provided also that no })erson shall be allowed to vote, unless he shall have resided in the district Yvhere he offers his vote, for at least three months I J immediately preceedine trte election. J.Booth. Mr.Lee read a resolution respecting a certain ·; la::i.d of J.Booth. Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved.; TJia t an allodial Title: be granted to Janes Vowles, for his lot in Waikiki plain, knovm as·

clahn No. 213 of the Land Commission upon his paying J the commutation fee of $25. J.Reed Mr.Lee read the application of James Recd

Res. 3. / Res. 3. Resolved; Tha~ an allodial title be granted to Janes Reed :for 100 act'es of land in Hokukano, Kona,

Hawaii, provided there is so ~uch remaining, at the J price of one dollar and a quarter per acre $1.25 Kekahi poe Mr. Lee read the appl.ication of several persons

Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; that the followinc applications for land in Kona, Hawaii, be eranted at the prices annexed.

Applicant A.riupua.a No .Acres Price j . Pananau Keekee 1 & 2 & Ililea.hi 50 • 75 f Kapule It It " 50 .75 J -Pahia Kalama 3 20 .75 II I ...iifanu-'- 5 10 .75 '. Kekukui n 5 20 1.00 J. Keoni II 10 50 • 75 524

Sawkins Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee i ka palapala a lfr.Sawkins a me ka Olelo hooholo i mea e pone ai nona, a ua hoole ia

Hoopaneeia a i ka Po akahi 525 I Sav.rkins Mr. Lee read a propoa_ition from Ur. Sawkins a resolution in his favor was dra\m up but in voting it vras lost Adjd. till next Monday 526 Ahakuka Malu Dec.8 1851

Noho mai la Ka Mea Ki:ekie Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Mr.Wyl1ie Kanaina , Judd Kae·o , Armstrong Kapaakea , Lee Namakeha , Bates Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo, Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia M.J.Noliens Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee 1 ka palapala kuai al.odio a Mr.Noliens no Lahaina; Hooh. 1.

Hooh. l. Ua hoo:holoia; ua aeia ka palapala kuai alodio a

Michael J. Noliens no kona pa hale ma Lahaina, oia hoi ke kuleana 325, o ka p0:e Hoona; ia ia no e· u.ku mai i iwakalua kumamalima dala no ko ke aupuni kuleana malaila.

J.Dillon Heluhelu ae 1a Mr .Lee i ka palapala kuai a James D_il1on no ka aina ma Hilo; aole 1 aeia.

Kamaaina o / Hawaii Eia ka Olelo hooholo 1 hooholoia no na kamaaina :rra Kona 1 Hawaii Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; e aeia keia mau palapala noi aina

ma Kona i Hawaii me ke kumu kuai i hoikeia. E nana 1 kela aoao Kainoa o ka Mea Kuai Ahupuaa Nui o na eka Kumu kuai 52?

Privy Council Dec. 8 1851 Present His Hiehness John Young Kekuana.oa l{r.Wyllie Kanaina Judd Kaeo Annstrong Kapa·wcea Lee Namakeha Bates Lorr in Andrews· Secr~tary Prayers were read as usual Minute~ were read and approved / M.J.Noliens Ur.Lee read an application fror-i. Mr. Noliens of Lahaipa. The follov1ing resolutio!1 was passed. Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the application of Michael J. Noliens f'or a royal pa tent for his House Lot in La.½.a.inq. knovm as claim no. 325 of the Land Commission be and is· hereby granted upon his paying the sum of Twenty f'ive ,dollars f'or the Goverrnnent rights therein. J.Dillon ]Jr.Lee read the applfcation of Janes Dillon for • / land at Hilo. Not ~r_anted Natives of The following resolution was passed in favor of Kona Hawaii ,,. natives at Kona Hawaii Res.2.Not belone to t;'Je Govern :m.ent Resolved; That t11.e following applications for I.and in F'ces. 2. Kona Hawaii be grw.nted at the prices annexed Price Applicant Ahupuaa No .Acres per acre

~ Samu:ela }'~akaike Honuaino 3 50 .?5 . Kaoaokapu " 1 20 .?5 i, Kekaukal ima Kapalaalaea 20 .50 J Pu_11.i II 10 • 50 Hana.pule " 10 .50 Kuwahaku " 20 .50 Kapalau!1ulu fl 5 .50 /' . Kailiaa II 10 .50 528

Aina Papu HelUhelu ae la Mr .Lee i kekahi olelo hooholo no na aina papu • Hooh. 3. Hooh. 3. 529

j E. S. Kalauaka " 20 .50 Kapahu Pahoehoe 1 15 • 50 1Puuone " 5 ft / Mahina II 5 n

I Koeke n 10 ft j :Iookele ft 5 " j -Ulu II 15 " / Pau " 10 " J. Kea.po " 10 " I Puhi " 10 " I ::.roopu ti ;10 II / Kumukahi It 5 " / D.Kawaihoa It 50 II 1· Kapohuolahania Kapalaalaea 20 ft Kanewa Laaloa nui 20 II I Naikena It 20 n

v Pukai It 5 j " Pao II 10 n • I 1Tahuakou " 20 " / Ku..l-J.i n 10 " f KaalakEia ti 10 " I Kalaepaa II • 20 ti ) I Kaoo II 10 ft j Kalua " 20 " j_ Manuunuu " 15 II / Kuaau " 10 " \, II Kamakauahi " 20.. . { Keu " 20 " Kapihe " 10 II J Fort Lands !fr. Lee read a resolution rearrncting :tort la..""1d.s Res. 3. Rea. 3. 530

Ua hooholoia; ua kauohaia ka poe hoona kuleana aina e pai ma na Nupepa Polynesian a rne ka Elele, i hiki i na kanaka a pau nona na kuleana ma na aina papu o Honolulu,e haawi no i ka Poe hoona mamua ae o ka la mua o Aperila e hiki mai ana. Hoopau i ka Hoakaka mai la Mr .Lee i kona manao e lav1e mai ka auhau poalima Olelo hooholo i ka halawai hou ana o k.eia aha e hoopau ana i ka ha.na poalima ma na aina Aupuni a pau loa Poe waiho ole i na kuleana Heluhelu ae la Mr.Lee i ka Olelo· hooholo no ka

poe i waiho ole i ka palapala kuleana imua o ka Poe Hoona. Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. O na makaai:nana a pau i hookomo ole i ko lakou mau Kuleana imua o ka Poe Luna Hoona, Aohe o lakou kulean~ make kanawai, iloko o _lea aina.

Aka, he pono ke kuai ~ ia lakou i na wahi a lakou e mahi a e noho ai, ma na aina wale no o ke aupuni; alaila, ina aole a lakou makemake e kuai, e noho no malalo o ka mea nana e kuaiia aina, aia no i kona manao ke kipaku; pela no hoi na mea kul.eana ole i noho ma na aina i kuaiia mamua aku nei; aka, ina ua

aeia. e kuai kekahi apana aina, aole nae i pa.aka pala- - pala Sila, he pono no ke kuai me na kamaaina i ko lakou mau wahi i noho l.t a 1 :malu ai, ke lawa ka ili o ka aina, alaila, e kuai me ka mea i aeia.

:Mr.Wyllie Niele ae la Mr.Wyl1ie i kekahi mau mea no na hihia haole pi1ikia me kekahi poe no San Francisco Mau palapala Helu..~elu ae 1a Mr. Wy11ie i kekahi mau palapala noi mai i ka Oihana Luna kaua e ao aku i na koa maoli Ria ka mea i hooholoia no Mr .Mc Connie Hoch. 5. Ua hooholoia; 0 ka palapala a John :Mccormic i hoihoi hou ia ia ia kona waapa i lilo i ke Aupuni mamu-

11 0 531 Resolved; That the Land Com11ission are hereby instructed to publish a notice in the Polynesian and Elele, to all persons having vlaims in any of the Fort lands of Honolulu, to present the sarie to that CoL-i:nis­

I sion on or before the rirst day of April next. Abolish the J.fr. Lee gave notice that he s11all move a resolu­ Poalima tax tion at the next meeting of the Council abolishing all poalima labor on Governrient Land&, throughout the I Kingdom. respecting No claimants Mr. Lee read a resolution,. those who 1151.ve put in no vlaim to land bef"ore the Land Cormniss ion Res. 4. Natives. who have not entered their claims bef·ore Res. 4. . the Land Commission, have no Legal rights _i[t the seil. They are however tc be allowed the oppo:tunity of purchasing their lots_ first,on Government lands;should doing they neglect ti ii this they will be at the mercy of whoever purchases the land, as is now the case with all claimless natives living on land& already patented. Where la.rids have been granted but net yet patent­ ed, the Kamaainaa are to have 'the option of bµying their homes.teads, and the grantee be attended to

I afte r:warda, provided t!1c grant ·can be so located. as ) not to interfere with them. ]Ir.Wyllie Mr.Wyllie made some enquiries respecting some j anticipated di:fficulties with From San Francisco Read letters :Mr. Wyllie read some letters containing applica­ tions for the office commander of the Native Troops. The :roll.ov,ing Resolution respecting Mr .1fcCormic' s

Res. 5. Resolved; That the application of ..Tohn Mccormic

for the release of his Boat confiscated by ti1e Police 532, ka Olelo hooholo a ka Lunakanavvai hoomalu o Honolulu no ka hoopae malu i ka Ukana; aole e aeia; no ka mea he hala maopopo ia i ke kanawai o keia pae aina 533, ,/ Justice of Honolulu, :ror CllUggling, be not granted, on the ground that the offence v.ras committed with

full knowledge of the Law-a of the Kingdom 534 AhakUka Halu Dek.15 1851 Noho mai la Ka Moi Wahine Ka 11.rea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Hr.Judd Kanaina , Lee Kaeo Armstrong Namakeha Wyllie Kanoa Bates Kapaakea Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka Pule Ua helu.helud.a ka Mooolelo,ua hoopololeiia a pololei

Judd Hoike mai la Hr. Judd i kekahi mau nea no Mr. Jarre.t Jarrett,no kona aie i ke aupuni,a make kuka ana eia ka mea 1 hooholoia Hooh. l. Hcoh. 1. Ua hooholoia; Ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Waiwai e hooponopono pu me Wil1iam Jarrett i loaa ia ia ka me-a ke koena o e malu ai noAkona aie i kahi waihona dala aupuni a e malama i ua mau mea e malu ai la - Hoakaka hou mai Mr.Annstrong i ka mea ana i olelo Auhau palua ai i kela halawai; o ka auhau palua aina i na haole o Honolulu. Eia ka nea 1 hooholo. Hooh. 2. Kanawai He kanawai e hoopau ai i ka auhau poalua o na haole uku pono mai i ka auhau kula e naauao ai na keiki haole a me na keiki ano haole

No ka mea, ua rnana·o1a, no ka manao ole o ka ahaolelo mamua iho nei, ua hoopakele ia na haole o Honolulu i ka auhau poalua, oia hoi na haole i auhauia'i ka auhau kula e pono ai na kula no na keiki ano haole, a no ka mea hoi, ua kaumaha kekahi poe i keia auhau papalua no na kula; Nolaila, 535 Privy Council Dec. 15 1851 Pre.sent Her Majesty The Q,uecn His Highness John Young Kekuanaoa Ii:r.Judd Kanaina Lee Kaeo Armstrong Namakeha Wyllie Kanoa Bates Kapaa.kea Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read JIJinutes were read a.ucnded and approved. I Judd :r.fr. Judd brought forvvard s,ome notices respecting Jarrett Mr. Jarrett, he being indebted to the Government. On which the following Resolution was passed

J Res. 1. .Res. 1. Resolved; That the Hinister of Fina.nee is hereby requested to negotiate wi·th William Jarrett to obtain from him security for the Balance due from him to the

Hawaiian Treasury and to receive such secur#,ties as he j can obtain. Mr.Armstrong brought up the subject o.f which he Double taxation spoke at last Heeting Viz. th€ double taxation of

Foreigners of Honolulu. The following passed.. Res. 2: j/ Res. 2. An act to abolish the Poalua School tax of Tho&e An Act &c foreigners who pay a local schoel tax for the educa­ tion of children of foreigners extraction.

Whereas, it is believed to have been owing to an ove:rr:­ s igh tin the last Legislature that foreign Residents :In

Honolulu, who are required by law t.o pay a local scho·ol tax f'or the suppor~, of schoo1.s f'or children of foreign extraction are not exempted from the general school tax,com!'!lonly called the poal~a. tax; And Whereas a double school tax is burdensome to many of them Therefore

,. 536

Kanawai E hooholoia e ka ],foi a me ke Kuhinanui a me na ' 'Lii ·e noho kokoke ana Pauku I. E hoopakeleia na haole a pau e noho ana, a e hana ana paha ma Honolulu, i ka auhau poalua,elua dala no ka maka'hiki; oia hoi na haole uku pono mai i ka au.1-iau kula i oleloia m.aluna; a pela no hoi na haole e noho ana ma na apana e ae, e uku pono ana i ka au.1-iau kula e pono ai na kula no na keiki ano haole, e like :me ke kanawai o ka la 18,o June Nf.H.185Jl Pauku II. E 1ilo keia i kanawai i kona la i hooholoia'i a e mau no ia, a hiki i ka wa h-0opaa, a hoopau paha ka ahaolelo Hanaia ma ka Halealii ma Honolulu

i keia la 0 1851

Koopau auhau Helu..helu ae la Mr.Lee i ke ka.n.awai e hoopau ana poaha & poa­ lima 1 na auhau p_oaha a me ka poalima o ke aupuni no ka mea aohe waiwai o ke Aupuni malaila Hooh. 3. Hoo. 3. He kanawai e hoopau ai i na hana Konohiki ma na aina aupuni

l'{o lea in.ea_, o ka hana Poali.ma, a me ka Poaha a me Kanawai na hana Konohiki e ae ma na aina aupuni, he m~a ia e waiwai ole ai ke Aupuni; a nolaila, he mea hookauma~a wale i na kanaka o ia mau aina; Nolaila E hooholoia e ka Moi a me ke Kuhina nui a me na

'Lii e noho kokoke ana i Ka Jfoi Pauku I. 0 na hana Poalima a me na hana poaha 537

An Act &c Be it enacted by His Jfajesty the Kine, the Premier and Nobles resident near His Hajesty: Section I. 'rhat all foreign residents. residing or doing busi-

ness in Honolulu, and va10 shall pay the local school tax aforesaid,shall be and are hereby exempted from said general schGol tax of two dollars each; and the • sw11e exemption shall extend to all roreign residents of'

other districts who shall pay the local s,chuol tax fo1 the support of schools f'or children of foreign extrac-. tic_n, agreeably to the Act of June lo A.D.1851. Sec. II. This Act shall take effect from the day of its passage and continue in force subject to the confir­ mation or annulment of the next legislature Done and pass.ed at the Palace in Honolulu this day of December A.D.1851 / an Act Abolish certain Mr. Lee read I, /liltJtt/i abolishing certain tax- taxes es of the Government,such as the Poa.ha & Poalima as unprofitable .J Res. 3. Res. 3. An Act to abolish the Konohiki Labor on Govern­ ment Lands

j ------

An Act &c Whereas the Poalima,Poaha,and other Konohiki labor on the lands of Govermrient is unproductive of revenue to Ghe public treas1117; and hence an( unneces­

sary burden upon the· tenants of those landa·; There:r·ore

:Se it enacted by His Najesty the King, the Premier and lrobles resident near His Majesty; Section I That al1 Poalima Poa.ha or other Konohiki 538

Kanav,ai a me na hana konohiki e ae a pau ma na aina aupuni a

pau, e hoopau loa ia aku no.

Pauku II. E pili no keia kanawai mai ka la e pai ia 1 i ma ka Elele a e mau no ia a i ka manawa e hoopaa ia a e hoopau ia paha e ka Ahaolelo Hanaia a hooho1oia ma ka Halealii ma Honolulu i keia la o Dekemaba n.H. 1851

J.Russell Hoakaka ae la 1lr.Armstrong i ke ano o John Rus­ sel he mea paahao ma ka papu Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; Eia ko makou manao,he mea pono 1 ka Moi ke kala i ka hala o John Russel, ua hoopaiia oia no ia ia no e haalele i keia aupuni ,/ 639

An Act &c labor on any of the lands of goverr... men t shall he and the same is hereby abol.ished Section II This Act shall take effect frOT'l the day of its publication in the Elele Newspaper and continue in force, subject to the confirmation o:r annulment of the next Legislature

Done and passed at the Palace in Honolulu j this day of Decenber A.D.1651 John Russell Mr. Armstrong brought up the case of John Rue.eel a prisoner in the Fort Res. 4. \ Res. 4. Resolved; That we recommend to His Majesty to grantt a pardon to John Rus,sel, who was convicted of conspiracy to defraud, upon condition of his leaving the Kingdom. 540

.Ahakuka Mal u Dek. 22 1851 Noho mai la Ka Moi Wahine Ka Ji!ea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Namakeha Kanaina Mr',Wyllie Kaeo Judd Ii Bates Kanoa Armstrong Kapaakea Lee Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Kula Alii Hoakaka mai la Mr.Armstrong i kekahi rnau mea no ke Kula Alii Kah.Pope Olelo ae la hoi no na kahuna Pope Keiki Kolohe Olelo no i kekahi mea no na kula i pono ka poe lawehala opiopio Keohokalole Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala me ka

hoakaka aku no hoi no na aina o Keohokalole Hooh. 1. 1110 Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hoot,tl. i ka moo aina no Keohokalole, ia Kaapuna ma Kona,

Hawaii, a me Aapue·o 2 i Kula,Maui; a e hoolilo hoi i

ke Aupuni i kekahi o na Alae ma Kula, i Maui i paniha­ ka no.Aapueo.2 i kuaiia e Kapaakea me ke kUhihewa. Kamaka. Helu..'helu ae la Mr Armstrong i ka palapala noi a Thomas Cummings, i palapala alodio nana - hoopaneeia Unauna Heluhelu ae. la :Mr.Armstrong 1 ka palapala a Una,­ una no ke ano alodio

Hooh. 2. :Efooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; e haawiia no ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ii ia Unauna no kona pahale make ala Puuwaina o ka helu ?8 o ka Poe Hoona, ia ia no e Uku i ke kumu hoololi oia na dala he kanakolu $30. 541 Privy Council Dec.22.1651 Present Her Majesty t~e Queen His Highness John Young ·Kekuanaoa na';lakeha Kanaina Mr.Wyllie Kaeo , Judd Ii , B'ates Kanoa , Armstrong Kapaakea , Lee Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read and approvecJ, J Royal School Mr. Armstrong made some remarks respec~ing the Royal School J Jesuits He also spoke of the Jesuits. j Juvenile Also the importance of schools for Juvenile Of:fenders Offenders I Keohokalole Mr.. Armstrong brought forward a document and made · a;ome explanations respecting the lands of Keohokalole Res. 1. J Bes. 1. Reso:tved; That the Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to transfer to the list of

lands belonging to Keohokalole, Kaapuna Kona, Hawaii, and Aapueo 2 Kula Maui; and transfer to the Government

I list one of the Alaes in Kula, lTaui, in lieu of Aapueo

2 sold by Kapaakea,through a mistake. J T.Cummings Mr.Armstrong read the application of Thomas Cummins for an allodial title - Postponed. j Unauna Mr.Anistrong read the application of Unauna f"or

an allodial title Res. 2. J Res. 2. Resolved; That an allodial· title be granted to

Unauna for his lot of land on Punchbowl street known as claim No. 78 of the Land Commission,upon his paying the commutation fee o~ thirty dollars $30 542 Kealohapauole Heluh.elu ae J!.a Hr. Armstrong i ka palapala a Kealohapauole no ka aina ma Hilo Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Ua hooholoia; Oka palapala noi a Kealohapauole e kuai i ke kuleana &upuni o ka hapa o Paihaaloa 1

Hilo, Hawaii, ua aeia no, ia ia no e uku i-hookahi dala a me ka hapalua pakahi ka eka $1.50 Akina Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong 1 ka palapala a Akina (Pake) no Hilo

Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Ua hooholoia; Ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e

haawi i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ia Alcina no

kona pahale ma Hilo; oia ka mea i ko ia ia i ka Poe Ho­ ona ua heluia 11046 B. ia ia no e Uku mai i ke Aupuni

i kanahiku kumamalil!a dala ($?5) Hooponopono Hoakaka ae la Ur. Armstrong i kona manao i mahele aina hou ke Kuhina Kalaiaina 1 na aina

Hooh. 5. · Hooh. 5. Ua hooholoia; Na ke KUhina Kalaiaina e hooponopono i ka mahele ana o na aina mawaena o ke aupuni a me na kanaka e ae, a e hoike mai·i keia aha, aia i kona hiki

ke hana, i na mea pololei ole e like me kona manao malaila

O.R.Wood Heluhelu ae la Mr. Bates 1 ka palapala a lfr.o.R. Wood o ka makai haole Hooh. 6. Hooh. 6. Ua hooholoia; Nona mea i maopopo i hoikeia ma k~ Olelo hoopii a o.R.Wood, ua kauohaia, Na ke Kuhina • Waiwai e hookaa aku ia O.R.Wood i $68.50 oia ke koina

ana i uku aku ai i ke Kakauolelo o ka Aha Koikoi ma lea hookolokolo iwaena o Apung kue ia ia a e kakau ia mea ma ka buke moo hewa a me ka Uku. / 543 Kealohapauole Mr.Armstrong read the application o:f Kealohapauole

:for land at Hilo Res. 3. I Res. 3. Resolved; That the application of Kealohapauole to purchase the Governnent portion of Paihaaloa,Hilo, Hawaii, be and is hereby granted-, upon her paying for the same at the rate of one dollar and a halr per acre

$1.50 / Alcina Hr. Armstrong read the application of Alcina (Chi­ na.roan) of Hilo. Res. 4.

I I Res. 4. Resol~d; T,!lat the Minister of the Interior is hereby authorized to grant a fee simple or Royal Patent

to Alcina for his house lot in_Hilo, Awardea to him by

the Land Commission in claim No. 11046.B:. upon his paying for the Government rights therein the sum of Seven,t,;r '1-r/l/it five doll.are ( t??5) I Divi_sion o:f Mr. Armstrong moved that the lUnister of the lands Interior order a new division of lands I Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be and is requested to revise carefull.y the several divisions of lands b:etvreen this Government and ot:rier parties, and present to this council at his earliest convenience, such errors as may appear and such correc­ J tions as in his judgment ought to be made therein. O.R.Wood Mr. Bates- then read a communication from Hr.o.R. Wood the Sheriff, on which j Res. 6 Res. 6. Resolved; That in view of the facts set forth in • the petition of o.R.Wood, it ia directed that the Minister of Finance should pay to O.R.Wood the sum u:r

$65. 50, being the costs paid by him to the clerk of the Superior Court, in the case of Apung aeainst him, and .s charge the sa..'l'le to h:4d account of Fines & Penalties. 544 Bigelow Heluhelu a-e la !tr.Bates i ka palapala a 1.~r.B1ge­ lo"7, manao oi e hoolimalima no ka hale o Mr.S\vinton - Hoole ia Palapala Helu..rielu ae la Hr.Bates i ka 0lelo hooholo no na Kanawai buke o ka aoao kanawai Hooh. 7.

Hooh. ? • No ka mea, 0 ka Ahaolelo hope, hoo1ilo oia i

hookahi tausane dala i mea e kuai ai i mau huke a na

mea kakau no ka hana Lunakanawai ana; a N"o ka mea hoi,i ka la 18 o Julai i hala aku nei, hooholo ae la ka Moi

ma ka Ahakuka Malu, e ae ana i ka Lunakanawai Pere.ai­ dena e kikoo i ua puu dala la i ka waihona o ke KUhina a me Wa.i\vai a e kuai aku a loaa mai na buke kana,vai I na mea e ae paha e like me kona mana e pono ai ua aoao kanawai la; A No ka·mea hoi, ua maopopo ua lilo ka nui

o -JI. ia puu dala i na mea e ae; E hooholoia; Na ka Peresidena o ua Aha la e kikoo

i ka waihona dala aupuni i elima haneri dala no loko mai o kekahi puu dala 1 lilo Ii ole ia a e kuai aku i na Ruke Kanawai 1 mea e pono ai ke Aupuni Hawaii .Tudd Helu..~elu ae la Mr.Judd i keia 0lelo Hooholo me ka hoakaka aku, a ua holo ae la

Hooh. 8. Hooh. 8. Ua hooholoia; e hoolilo ia no e ka papa waiwa1 no kela mea keia mea o-ka aoao -/.iii/ii 1i/,//./ $ 500 Nona mea lilo o ka aoao kanawai 500 Nona mea lilo o ka aoao Kalaiaina 1.500 Nona mea lilo o ka aoao Ao palapala 200 No ka aina Aupuni Heluhelu ae la :Mr.Armstrong i keia 0lelo hooholo i holo ae la Hooh. 9. Hooh. 9. Ua hooholoia; Na ke KUhina Kalaiaina e hooakaka mai i keia Aha 1 na inoa o na aina aupuni i kuai ole ia

e me ko lakou nui,ma kela mokupuni keia mokupuni

Kanoa & Ka11. Heluhelu ae la Mr.~rmstrong i ka palapala a Kanoa e ae a me na mea e ae no na aina o Mahune 1 make. I 545 Bigelow Hr Bates read a letter from 1·r. Bigelow offering to rent lfr.Swinton's house in Lahaina - Offer not

,I accepted Books ror Hr. Bates read a resolution respecting- books for Law dep. the law department. I Res. 7. Res. 7. Whereas the Legislature at its last Session ap- propriated the sum of one thousand dollars -ror law Books, Stationary &c. f'or the Judiciary Department;and

whereas the King in Privy Council did on the 18th day of July last pass a resolution authorizing the Chief Justice of the Superior Court to draw said sum rrom the :Minister of Finanpe and ex.pend the same f'or law best , books or otherwise as may be" f'or said department: And Whereas, it appears that said appropriation has for the most part been diverted to other uses,

Be it resolved; That the-said Chief Justice be and is hereby authorized to draw from the Public Treasury the sum of five hundred dollars out of any moneys at the disposal of the Board of Finance,and invest tho 1 sa..-,ne in Law Books- for the Hawaiian Go:v,ernmen t Library Judd Mr.Judd read the following Resolution with remarks which passed ~ Res. 8. Res. 8 •. Resolved; That there be hereby appropriated by the Board of Finance f'or incidental expenses of the Department of Finance------···· - - ·· ·· $ 500 For the incidental expences of the Department of La·q------·---- 500 For the incidental expenses of the Department of the Interior------1.500 For the incidental expences of the Department of Public Instruction------200 \ Res.about land Mr. An:r:strong read the following Resolution which of Gov. passed Res. 9. That Res. 9. Resolved; ~The Minister of the Interior be hereby re­ quested to state to this council the names of & proba­ ble extent of Government lands yet unsold on the different islands

Kanoa et alii :Mr.Armstrong read a paper from Kanoa & others

Respecting lands belong to the estate of :i\~ahune · No Page 546. lUstake in numbering.

- 547 Ahakuka Malu Dek. 29 1851 Noho mai la Ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Mr.Wyl1ie Kekuanaoa Armstrong Kanaina Bat.es Kaeo Lee Kanoa Judd Ii Namakeha Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheliua ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Kala Aupuni Olelo ae 1a Mr.Judd malama paha he emi iho ke ka.la aupuni 1 na makahiki elua paha mahope aku; aka, e wail'JO wale ana no ke kala iloko o ka waihona dala i keia manawa, a manao oia e haawi aku 1 ka mea makemake no ka uku hoopanee Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia i ke KU..~ina Waiwai haawi akU i kekahi poe Mahiai koikoi no ka makahiki aka.hi, elua paha, na dala e pono ai ko lakou ne.i pi1ikia; a e haawi aku no hoi ia C.W.Vincent 1 kekahi i mea e pono a kana hana ana i ka pa"'kai; na lakou hoi e moraki mai i

~ ko lakou aina, aia ke ae aku ka papa Waiwai, he 12 hapa haneri ka uku hoopanee no ka makahiki, aole naa e oi aku ka huina o na dala mamua o na taueani he iwakalua

Aie o J. Y. Kanehoa Manao ae la Mr. Young e hoopau i ka aie o kona kai­

kuaana i make 1 ke aupuni ma ka haawi ana i ka palapala aie a Mr. Goodale Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Ua hooholoia; ua aeia 1 ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e lawe 1 ka palapala aie a W. Goodale 1 mea e kaa ai 1 ka aie o J.Y.Kanehoa 1 ke aupun1,elua tausani dala ka nui o ia aie Th.Hunt Reluhelu ae la Mr.Lee i ka palapala noi a Thomas

Hunt 1 palapala alodio nana no kona aina ma Ewa Hooh. 3 Hooh. 3. 548

Privy Council Dec.29 1851 Present His Highness John Young Paki Mr.Wyllie Kekuanaoa Armstrong Kanaina Bates Kaeo Lee Kanoa Judd Ii NaP1akeha Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were reatl as usual Mi·iutes were read and approved I 1'1r .Judd Mr. Judd stated the prohal>il.i t~r of a falline off' Gov.Funds of the Funds of Goverm0ent in a year or two, but there was money n~w in the Treasury, and he proposed to lend some of the funds on interest; accordingly

Res~ 1. ,/ Res. 1. Resol.ved; That the Minister of Finance be autho­ rized to loan 'f'or a period of from one to two years,to

our most substantial Planters such sums as they re- • quire t:or the relief of their present embarrassment, also to C.W.Vincent to aid him in the manu'f'acture of salt, on such securities on real estate as shall he approved by the Board of Finance, at 12 per cent

interest per annum, in sur,1s not to exceed in the aggregate Tvrnnty Thousand dollars. Debt of Gov. Mr. Young proposed to cancel the debt of his bro­ ther deceased to Government by a note from lrr Goo,dale J Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the Jtlfinister of the Interior is hereby authorized to receive W.Goodale's note for the arrJ.ount If due the Hawaiian Government from the I late Governor of Haui beine two thousand Dollars. Thos .Hunt Mr. Lee read the application of Thoe Hunt 'f'or an allodfal title to land in Ewa. ) Res. 3. Res. 3. . 549

Hooh. 3. Ua hooho1oia; Ua aeia i ke Kuhina Ka1aiaina e haawi aku 1 ka palapala ano alodio 1a Thomas Hunt no

kona kuleana aina i heluia 6Q. me ka uku ole lfanao o Kale Hoakaka ae la Mr.Bates 1 kekahi mea no C.W.Vin­ cent, manao oia e kuai i wahi puukoa. Aohe mea 1 hooholoia malaila Hoopanee ia a i, ka po akahi · 550 / Res. 3. Reaolved; That the llinister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant a Royal Patent to Thomas Hunt for his land claim No. 60 free of I commutation. C.W.Vincent Mr. :Bates made a proposition in behalf of c.w.

Vincent to buy a small piece of coral reef. On which no action was taken Adjd. to Monday next 551 r Ahakuka .Jan- 5 1852 Noho mai la Ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Namakeha Kekuanaoa :Mr.Judd Kana.ina , Armstrong Ii Wyl1ie Kaeo Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia

Hoike mai ]Ir .Armstrong 1 kekahi pepa, na Ka Hoi e

kakau i kona inoa i mea e pono ai 1Ir .Gilman no Lahaina,­ Ua hoopaneeia a na ke Kakauolelo e hoike mai i ka mea

1 holoia e ka Aha kUka no J{r .Bartow Heluhelu ae la_Mr.Annstrong i ka palapala noi a S.Reynolda no na dala $3000 Lilo ka AhakUka i Papa Waiwai, a ua hooholoia keia mau Olelo Hooholo. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; Ua ae aku keia Papai ka waiwai hoomalu a Mr.Reynolds i haawi mai ai me ka maopopo hoi,o na hale pu kekahi ma ia pa e komo no iloko o ka moraki, a ua ae ia i ke Kuhina Wai wai e haavvi aku ia Mr .Reynolds

1 elcolu tausani dala, he 12 hapa haneri ka uku hoopanee ma ka makahiki

Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi a Mr.Martial no Kauai no na dala $3000 Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Ua ae aku keia Aha i ka palapala hoo­ malu a Mr.James.,. B. Martial i haawi mai ai no ka loaa ana na dala ekolu tausani no na makahiki elua, a na lee Kuhina Waiwai e haawi aku ia Ur.Martial i kela -puu dala, 12 hapa. haneri ka uku hoopanee ma ka maka.hiki 662 Privy Council Ja~y. 5 1652

Present His Highness Joh!'1 Young Paki J;anake}~a Kekuanaoa Hr.Judd Ka:r.aina An!ls tro:r.g Ii Wyllie Kaeo Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual Hinutes were read and approved

./ Gilman i:r. Ar:1.strc~g brouGht forward a parrnr for the

King to sign in favor of Irr. Gilman of Lahaina - Acticn

v1as postponed for the Secretary to 1iresent t'!Te action • of Privy Council in the case of Mr.Bartow in similar I c irctUTIS ta.nee s. S .Reynolds, Tifr .Anis trong read the application of S .Reynolds ror a loan of $3000 Privy Council resolved itself into a Board of

Finance & the following Resolution was adopted

Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That this Eoard approve of the security offered by JiJr. Reynolds in the understandinc that the buildings on the lot arc to he included in the Mort­ gage, and authorize the J:inister of Finance to nake the loan to Jtr. Reynolds of thre8 thousand dollars at

12 per cent interest per annum.

J Harshall Mr. Ani1strong read an application fro:rt1 Er.J'1a.rtial of Kauai for the loan of $3000. Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That this J3oani ap_urove of the securi-

ties offered by 1rr. James F. B. }.Tartial f Ol" t::e lC1clll of three thousand dollars ror two years,and authorize the J.anis ter of Finance to lend to Mr .Martial that

amount at 12 per cent interest per annum. 553

Heluhelu ae la. 1Jr .Anastrong i ka palapala noi a C. W. Vincent i puu dala nana. Hooh. 3.

Hooholoia; Ua ae aku keia Papa i ka palapala hooma.lu a Mr.Charles W.Vincent i haawi mai ai no na dala ekolu tausani no na malama he 12, a na ke Kuhina Waiwai e haawi aku ia Mr. Vincent~ kela puu da.la, he 12 hapa

haneri ka uku hoopanee. i ka makahiki Helu.~elu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala a Dr. Wood i puu dala nan~. Hooh. 4.

Hooholoia; ua ae alcu keia Papa i ka palapala hoomalu a

Dr.R.W.Wood no ka ail'Fa i Hal.iimaile na na dala e1ima Tausani no na ma--'kahiki elua; a na ke Kuhina Waiwai e

Haa\d ia ia i kela puu dala, he 12 hapa haneri ka Uku hiki hoopanee ma ka maka p{.~ !reluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala noi a

A.B. Howe no kekah1 puu dala

Hooh. 5. / Hooholoia; Ua ae aku keia Papai ka palapala hoomalu

a A.:B,.Howe i haawi mai ai no na dala ekolu tausani;a

na ke Kuhina Wai'r,ai e haawi aku ia Mr.Howe i kela puu

dala 110 na makahiki elua, he 12' hapa hanari ka uku hoopanee

Hoakaka mai la .Mr.Hopkins i kona manao no ka M:oi,

e kuai aku i ka hale Honolulu, no ka mea he aie kona,a o ke kuai aku i kekahi o kona waiwai ka mea e pono ai. Mahope o ke kanailio ua aeia e haawi ia ia i na dala ma ka Moraki Hooh. 6. Hooholoia, Ua ae alru keia Papa e haawi h:ou aku i aiwa

tausani dala na ka Moi, he 12 hapa haneri ka uku hocpanee ma ka makahiki, e hoomalu aku nae i ka Hale Honolu1u~ a e komo no ka aie mamua ekolu tausani dala me kona Uku hoopanee, no na makahiki elua, a na ke Kuhina Waiwai e hana mamuli o keia Olelo hooholo H'oopaneeia a 1 ka Poakahi I 554 C.W.Vincent Ur.Ar1-'lstrong read the application of C.W.Vincent

for a loan of Money. j Ree. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That this Boa.rd approve of t21e securi-

ties offered by Mr.Charles W.Vincent for a loan of

three thousand dollars for ~2 Calender Irr.onths,l/.t and authorize the .Minister of Finance to lend to lvtr. Vin­ cent that amount at 12 per cent interest per annum.

/ Dr .Wood Hr.Armstrong read the application of Dr.Wood for a loan of Money. Res. 4. j Res. 4. Resolved; That this Board ap1Jrove of the securi-

ties offered by Dr.R.W.Woocl on the Haliimaile estate for a loan of five thousand dollars for two years and authorize- the j/i~ister of Fina.nee to make the loan to him at 12 per cent interest per annum.

A. B. Howe :Mr. Arnstrong read the application of A. B. Howe for a loan of Money Res. 5.

Res. 5. Resol.ved; That this :Board approve of the securi-

ties offered b~r A. B. Howe Esquire for a loan of three ·• thousand dollars, and authorize the Minister of Finanee to make the loan to t/.,{. 1v!r. Hov,re at 12 per cent per annum 'f'or two years.

Hopkins Mr. Hopkins proposed i:'.1 beJ1al:f' of the king to se:n. Hon'olulu House the Honolulu house as he was in debt & Must sell sone

of his propert~r. After some conversation it was thought best to loan the King so:r.1e money and the f'oll.owing passed. Res. o.

Res. 6. Resolved; That this Board approve of a. :further /loan of nine thousand,.. dollars to be granted to the King at 1.2 per cent interest per annu111 taking security upon Honolulu house, including in the same security' the three Thousand dollars already 1oanect with the interest

thereon for the period of two years & authorize the Hinister of Finance to ar:canee accordingly AdJd. till }Text Monday. 555 I r Ahakuka Jlalu Jan- 12 1852 Noho mai la 'JJ/.11/ Keoni Ana Kanaina Kaeo Kekuanaoa Narnakeha Armstrong Judd Wyllie Kapaakea Paki

Maka Aha Hookolokolo o Aneru, nana i noi mai ia Mr.Wyllie e: 1ilo i kakau olelo Ua heluheluia ka pule

Helu.helu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka mooolelo o ka la 5 ma na olelo elua a ua aponoia Upai Mamuli o ka manao o Mr.Arm.strong,eia ka mea 1 hooholoia no Upai

Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; ua aeia ka manao o ke Kuhina Ao pala­

pala, e koho ia Upai- o Lahaina, i Kah!'ukula no kela

Apana 1, o Maui Jan.12.1852 Lathrop Ua heluheluia ka palapala noi a Dr.Lathrop o ka la 3 o Januari 1852 no na $3000 no ka ma.kahiki la i 2 paha aole nae e oi aku i 15 hapa haneri uku hoopanee

:Mahope o ke kamailio ana, eia ka mea i hooholoia Res. 2.

Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; ua kauohaia ke Kuhina Waiwai e pane akU

i ka palapala noi a Geo.A.Lathrop o lea la 30 o ka mala­

ma i hala no na dala ekolu tausani; peneia, Aole e ku pono i ko ka Moi waihona dala ke haawi hou aku i na dala i keia manawa. 550

Privy Council Jany. 12. 1852 Present Mr. Young Kanaina Kaeo Kekuanaoa JJanakeJ~a Armstrong Judd Wyllie Kapaakea Paki

]Ir. Andrews in Court and Hr. Wyllie requested by

l1ir1 to take the minutes Prayers were read as ·usual. Mr. Armstrong then read, in both languaees, the J minutes of the 5th which were approved.

Upaai On motion of Hr .Armstrong in rerard to U.LJa.:i. the following Resolution was passed. I Res. 1.

Bes. 1. Resolved; That the choice by the J:inister of

\ Public Instruction of U_pai of Lahaina as KaJ-rllkula f'or

that district No. 1. of J.Iaui is approved. Jan.12.1852. Dr.Lathrop Dr. Lathrop's application of 3rd January 1652 f'or $3000. $3000, f'or one or 2 years at not more than 15 per cent interest per annum. After some discussion> the f'olJLowine; Resolution was passed Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the 1.Unister of Finance be and he is hereby directed to reply to the application of Geo. A. Lathrop of the 30th ult, for a loan of three thousand dollars, that the state of the King's Treasury does not admit of any f'urt:-r~er loans at the present time. 5,5,7 Hall Kanav{ai Pai hou Heluheluia ka pala.pala a Hr .Hall o ka la ek0:lu o Jan. hoakaka mai ia o ke pai hou o ka bUke kanawai no

na karaima e pone ai ma ka Olelo Hawaii

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina a ua

kauohaia hoi e paiia 1000 buke o ke kanawai karaima a

e humuhumu pu me na Olelo i hooholoia ma ka "bu.ke i pai­ ia mamua; a na ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa i na dala lilo ma ia hana ana mamuli o ka palapala kauoha a ke . Kuhina Kalaiaina aole nae e ci aku i $1000.

Hale I mea e pono ai o Hale, eia ka mea 1 hooholoia

Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; e haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia w. Hale no kona pa ma Auwaiolimu,Honolulu,Oahu ua heluia kona kuleana 1 596 e ka Poe Hoona ia ia no e uku mai i ke Aupuni i iwakaluakumamalima dala $25 A • .J.Shute I rnea e pono ai A.J.Shute,eia ka mea i hooholoia. Hooh. 5.

Hooh. 5 Hooholoia; ua aeia ka palapala a A.J.Shute no na eka aina he 20 ma Koloa, eko1u dala ma ka eka $3. F..Opunui I mea e pone ai o Ese Opunui,ua hooholoia,penei,

Hooh. 6. noi Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; O ka palapala111 a Ese Opunui no ka palapala ano alodio no kona aina ma Koloa, i Kauai; i keia manawa he palapala hoolimalima kana me ke Aupuni; e aeia no eono dala pakarii ka eka ke kumu kuai; a o ka• na palapala noi hoi no na eka aina he kanalima ma

Weliweli makai e aeia no hoi, 50 keneta no ka eka ke kumu kuai I 558 Hall.New Laws Mr.Hall's letter of 3rd January 1852 showing the necessity of having a new edition of the Penal Code in Native Res. 3. I Res. 3. Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized and directed to order a new Edition of 1000 copies of the Cri:minal Code to be

printed and bound together with the enactments includ­ ed in the volume as now hound; and the Minister of

· Finance is authorized to paJr his order to ~eet the I expences of the same to an a.mo:.m t not exceeding $1000. Hale In favor of Hale the follmvinc Resol.ution was

passed. I Res. 4. Res. 4.• Resolved; That a11 allodial Title be eranted W. Hale for his lot of land in Auwaiol:i,mu, Honolulu, Oahu, known as claim No. 696 of the Land Commission upon his payine the Commutation fee of twenty five dollars I $25. A.J.Shute In behalf of A.J.Shute, the fol1owing Resolution was passed Res. 5.

..... ~ . ·~ I Resolved; That the appl.ication of A. J. Shute for,"t ~. .,,.. Res. 5. ~:;; 20 acres of land in Koloa be granted at price of threer-·"'" :,.;. ·, J dollars per acre $3. E.Oponui On be11alf of Eke 0pti1il.Ai t:1e fallowing was passed. Res. 6. j Res. 6. Resolved; That the application of Eke Opunui for

an allodial Title for t:,,e lot of la;1d in ~oloa1 Kauai, which he holds under lease from Government be granted at the price of six dollars per acre, and that his application for fifty acres in Weliweli makai be also

granted at the price o~ 50 cts per acre. Hobbs - I mea e pono ai J'Ir .Hobbs a me kekahi wahine Kapule Hawaii eia ka mea i hooholoia

Hooh. ? •

Hooh. 7. Hooholoia; E hooponoponoia ka Olelo hooholo i

hooholoia 1 1 e ke ia Aha i ka la 3 o Nov. 18,5.1 e haawi ana ia J. Hobbs a me Debora Kapule i eliu1a mau eka

aina pakahi ma Maunapohaku, i Koloa, Kauai, ma ka hoo­

komo ana i ke,ia mau huaolelo "elirna dala" na ka apana i kuaiia ia Mr.Hobbs, a hookahi dala ma ka eka o ka aina i kuaiia ia D.Kapule Kaana I mea e pono ai o Kaana ua hooholoia keia

Hooh. 8.

Hooh. 8. Hooholoia; E haawiia ia Poomano ka palapala ano alodio no kona pa make Ala Hotela; oia ke kuleana i

heluia 887 apana 3 e ka Poe Hoona, ia ia no e Uku i ke aupuni i iwakalua kumamalima dala. T.Cummins I mea e pono ai Thomas Cummins,ua hooholoia

Hooh. 9. Hooh. 9. Hooholoia; E haawiia ka palapala alodio ia Thos. Cummins no ka apana aina ma Nuuanu; ua hoolimalimaia e

kana wahine ia Kaumaka i ka la 30 o Ma:r.1840 $15 ka Uku makahiki; ia ia no e uku mai i ke aupuni 1 hookahi haneri dala aka iwakalua kuna.malima $125 $150 Vanbrackban I mea e pono ai Isaac Vanbrackben ua hooholoia Hooh. 10. Hooh. 10 Hooholoia, Oka palapala noi a Isaac Vanbrackban a me John Antone no na eka aina 100 ma Keekee a me Ilikai, i Kona, Hawaii e aeia no; hookahi dala ke kumu kuai ma ka eka; Ke komo ole keia aina iloko o na

aina e ae i lilo o 5;0 e:ka ia Pananau a me Kapule 560 Hobbs In favor of Hr. Hob1)S and a native Woman the J D.Kapule followinz Resolution YiTat.i passed

Res. 7.

J Res. 7. Resolved; T:·1.at tho Resolution passed by this

Council on the 3rd Nov. 1851, granting to J.Hobbs &

Debora Kapule 5 acres eac:h. in Maunapohaku,Koloa,Kauai, he amended,by the insertion of the words "five dollars"

for the portion sold to l~r. Hobhs, & one dollar yer J acre for that sold to D.Kapule. Kaana In favor of Kaana the following·Resolution was passed j Res. 8. Res. 8. Resolved; Tilat an allod.ial Title be granted to

Poomano for her lot of land in Hotel St. Known as

clai.!"11 No. 88?, Part 3, upon her payini-:: the co1mrJ.u ta tion

fee of tventy five dollars.

I T.Cummins In behalf" of Thomas Ct11!1mins ·the follovring Resolu­ tion was passed

Res. 9. / Res. 9. Resolved; That an allodial Title be g[anted to Thos. Cummins for the lot of land in Nuuanu Valley,

leased to his la to wife Kaur,1aka on the 30th Mar. 1840

the yearly rental of which is $15. upon his paying

tn.erefor the sum of one hundred & twenty f'ive dollars / $125. $150 I.Vanbrackben In behalf' of Isaac Vanbrackban the follovring

Resolution was passed / Res. 10. Res. 10. Resolved; That the application of Isaac Vanhrack­

ban and John Antone for 100 acres of land in Keckee and Ilikai, Kona, Hawaii, be granted a.t the price of one

dollar per acre. Provided thut this shall not inter­

fere with the grants already 111ade of 50 acre a each to

Pananau and Kapule. 561 Rooke I mea e pono ai Dr.Rooke ua hooholoia Hooh. 11. Hooh. 11. Ua hooholoia, E haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia T .c .B .Rooke no kona mau pa aina 4 ma Puunui,Honol.ulu, ua ikeia keia kuleana he helu 610 e ka poe hoona me ka uku ole i ke Aupuni Ke

Kekuanaoa Hoakaka hou mai o ke Kiaaina 0 11Kuanaoa nona keka.hi a o na Kalaa ma ka mokupuni o K;,.uai-- a ina he mau Kalaa elua nona kekahi Hoole o Mr.Armstrong, aole e pono i keia A.lia ke hooholo l ka mea e hanaia e ka poe Hoona Huluili I mea e pono ai o Huluili, ua hooholoia Hooh. 12. Hooh. 12. Hooholoia; Oka palapala noi a Huluili no UlUkiu he ili ma Kapaa, Kauai; aole e aeia; no ka mea, o ke kumu o ka palapala noi, o ka loaa no ia o ka loi ia, aole nae ia he mea kuai Hoopau ae lake Kuhina nui i ka Aha kuka a i ka Poakani e hiki mai ana.

/; \\,, I 5G2 Dr.Rooke In behalf of Dr. Rooke the following Resolution·

was passed i Res. 11. Res. 11. Resolved; That an allodial Title be eranted to T.C.B.Rooke for his 4 lots of land in Puunui,Honolulu, known as clai-1:n No. 610 of the Land Con1T1isaion, with out c om.~nu tat ion. I Kekuanaoa Governor Kekuanaoa reasserted his claim to one

of the Kalaas on the Island of Kauai - or ·if there are tvrn Kala.as,, for one of them. v-1·· l{r. Armstrong objected to the competency of tnis C()uncil to take up a matter which belonged to the land Co1l'JI!l.ission v Huluili On behalf of Huluili the follouing Resolution was passed Res. 12. Res. 12. Resolved; That the application of Huluili for Ulu­ kiu ili in Kapaa, Kauai, be not granted, as the main object of the applicant &eems to be to secure a fish pond which is not for sale The Ku.hina nui Adjourned the P.Council till Monday next,, s,aving emergencies 563

Ahakuka Halu Jan. 19 1852 Uoho mai la Ka J'lea Kiekie Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Kapaakea Kaeo Mr.Wyllie Ii , Judd Namakeb.a , Armstrong Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka :Mooolelo a ua aponoia Mea J.ii/ Mahope o ka olelo hoakaka,heluhelu ae la Er Arm­ Luna Hale paahao strong i keia Olelo hooholo, a ua hooholo ae la

Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Hooholo; Ike koho ana o ke Kuhina Kalaiaina ia

E .P .Bond a me /. W. Smith 1 mau Luna o na Halepahao o Kauai me ke Kiaaina o ia mokupuni; ua aeia no, a o ka nui o ko lakou Uku, na kela Kuhina e haawi aku marnuli o ke kanawai Halepaahao. Huluili Ua hooholoia hoi keia

Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooho~o-ia; O ke koho ana o ke KuJ1ina Kalaiaina ia Hul.uili i Kiai halepaahao ma Nawiliwili i Kauai, a o

Nakapaahu, oia ke k(iicua nona, ua aeia no.

Kekuanaoa Hooakaka hou ma.i o ke Kiaaina o Kekuanaoa ma o

Mr.Annstrong i kona kuleana i ka pa halekula alii. A i ka hapai ana o na lima ua hoopanee ia a noho mai ka ~'oi. Na bila o Pelham ia Lawe,.mai ii. H.,'/f/.1,,t f kekahi mau bil.a no na hana i hanaia ma ka halepaahao ma Hilo

Hooh. 3.

Res. 3. Hooholoia; Ua aeia i ke Kuhina Ealaiaina e kikO·O

i ka dala o ke Kuhina Waiwai i mea e ltaa aku ai i ka bila a John Pelham - e komo no ia i ka moo lilo no ka poe kolohe - pela ke ano o ua bila la. 564

Prlv.r Council Jany. 19 1852 Present His Highness John Young Kekua.n'aoa Kapaa.kea Kaeo Ur.WyTlie I± ,, Judd Namakeha Ann.strong Lorrin Andre\7s ·. Secretary · Prayers were read as usual I Minutes of last meeting were read & approved. Inspectors of After some remarks Mr.Armstrong submitted the Prisons following resolution·which passed Res. 1. I Re·s. 1. Resolved; That the nomination by the Minister·

of the Interior· of E. P. Bond Esq. and of W,.Snii th l[.D. as Inspectors .of Pr.isons t'or t:1.e. Island of Rauai in connection with the Governor of t~l~I that Island,be and the sa..,."'!e ,is, hereby confirmed;. and that their pay

be regulated by said Minister according to the late \ prison act. Hulilili

Kiai a-­ · The following.. Resolution. was also passed. ha.lepahao Res. 2. ·Res. 2. Resolved; That the nomination, by the Minister,of the I.nterior, of Huluili, as keeper of the Prison at Nawiliwili, K~uai, andBakapaw,.u as his assistant,is hereby confirmed. Gov.Kekua.na.oa Ro~~a.l School Gov. Kekuanaoa through Mr. Anne trong.I1:3asserted his lot • claim to the lot of the late Chief's school. By vote

the a;ubject was postponed till the King should be present. were presented J Judd-Pelham's 1//./~tt 11/1/ii/i soMe bil1s~rrom Hilo ror prison Bill.a services Res. 3. l Res. 3. Resolved, That the Minister Qf the Interior be authorized to, draw on the Ninister of Finance .for the

amount of John Pelham's bill, to 'be charged to acct. of support of Prisoners - as the face of the Bill nay ahoi.v. 565 Palapala noi a na kan.o Ha.makua Helu..."1.elu ae la Mr.Armstrong i keia a ua hooholoia ae la Hooh. 4. i Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; o ke kuaiia ana o na ainaAka.kauia malalo e L.Lyons ma Ha.makua,Hawaii,ua aeia no.

Ka Mea Kuai Ahupuaa na Kka Kum.kuai Ohiaku a me) ) Kamaikaaloa) Lanikepu Waimea '12 $1. Lunaawe n " 50 1. Kanohoikah ik i NakOOka 9½ .50 Keaupuni Laupaho:ahoe 18 .50 Pahua Apua 16¾ .50 Mahoe Honopue 10 .50 Kaawakaumaka It 23 .50 Marechal Heluhelu ae la Mr .Armstrong 1 ka palapala noi aina a A.J.Marechal ma Kona Hawaii Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; Oka palapala noi a A.J.Marechal i na eka aina ioo ma Mooniohua,Puaa 3 i Kona Hawaii; e aeia no, 50 keneta ke kumu kuai i .ka eka hookahi, Ina paha 1 koe _iho 200 '){.i eka i kuai ole ia 1 kela Ahupuaa Kalaau Ua heluheluia ka palapala noi a Kalaau; aka, ua hocpaneeia ka hooholo ana ' 506 Petitioners for land in F.a:ma­ Mr. Armstrong read t:J.e following Resolution which kua passed. Res. 1.1,. j the Rea. 4. Resolved; That following sales of land in Har.1a-

kua, Hawaii by Rev. L. Lyons he and are hereby con­

f"irm.ed urchaaer Karriaik aloa) 0:hiaku • ) LunaaYre Kano"hoik Keaupuni Pahua Ua}J.oe Kaawakaum.ak

Purchaser J Ahupuaa No Acres Price Pa.id j Oahiaku & ) Kamaikaaloa) Lanike:pu Wainea ?2 $1. ~Lunaawe · It II 50 1. ;::Kanohoikahiki Nakooka. 9½ .50 cts J Keaupuni Laupahoehoe 18 .50 /ahua Apua 16¾ .50 J Mahoe Honopue 10 .50 ·Kaawa.kaumaka " 23 .50 / A.J.Marechal Hr. Ar11s tr ong read the application of A.J .Maricha1. for land in Kana Havvaii I Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That the application of A. J. ira:ric:1.al for 200 acres of land in Mooniohua., Puaa 3 Kana Hawaii, be granted at the price of 50 I per acre, provided that I there be so much yet unsold in that Ahupuaa Kalaau The application of Kalaau was read, but the consideration was postponed. 56'7 Kawelo Heluhelu ae 1a Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a Kawelo no Hawaii

Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; O ka ka palapala noi a J .H.Kawelo no na eka aina 100 ma Pahoehoe l; e aeia no ia: hookahi

dala ke kumu kuai ma ka eka, aole nae e komo keia aina iloko o na aina i 1ilo i na kamaaina o ia wah.1; a ina no ke aupuni hoi ia

M.:Beck. Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i keia Olelo hooholo 1 mea e. pono ai o Martin· Beck.

Hooh. 7.

Hooh. 7. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ia Martin Becki ka palapala ano alodio no kona pahale ma Roae Lane 1

Honolulu; Oia hoi ke kuleana 3204 o ka poe Hoona, ia ia no e uku mai i ke aupuni i iwakalua dala $20

Kaeo Hoakaka mai la o Kaeo i kekahi mea no kona aina, a ua kuai aku ke aupuni ia hai; aohe mea i hooholoia

$5 Uku Ae aku ka Aha e haawi i $5 i ka mea na nae

hoihoi mai i ka Mooolelo a me na papa e ae o keia Aha kuka hope, ua haule 1 ke Kakauolelo i ka poelima i hala aku nei

Kanoa Heluhelu ae la Mr .Armstrong i kekahi palapala a Kanoa no kekahi waiwai o Mahune - hoopaneeia a hoi mai Ur.Lee Poakahi, halawai hou. 5ub ./ Kavrelo Mr. Amstronc read the application of Kawelo for la:1d on Hawaii hes. 6 J e Res. 6. Resolved; That the application of I. H. KaY1~lo for 100 acres of land in P~1oehoe 1 be granted at ~he price of one dollar per acre, not to interfere however with the ~rants already made to t·1e Kamaainas of that I land; Provided it be a governr1en t land !~.Beck. Mr .Armstrong read t?1e following resolution in favor of Yartin Beck. / Res. 7. Res. 7. Resolved; ~1at an allodial Title be granted to Martin Beck for his lot of land in Rose Lane, Honolulu, knovm as claim No. 3204 of the Land It/./¢ commission, up0:'.1 his payine the coJ11IJ1utation fee of iwenty Dollars ~ffe20 j Kaeo Kaeo ,)roug}, t forward some business respecting land of his that Governrient had sold. Ne action taken.

A I $5 Reward reward of $5 was authorized for the recovery # of the.Minutes & other papers of the last privy

council draped by the Secretary on Friday last / Kanoa Mr. Armstrong read a paper of Kanoa relative to - a part of the Estate Uahune - Postponed till Hr. Lee shall be present

Adjd. till Uonday next. 5-69 r Ahakuka Hal u Jan- 26 1852 Noho mai la Ka J;Iea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa Mr.Wyllie Kanaina , Judd Kaeo Armstrong Ii Namakeha Lorrin Andrews KakauoleloI Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo, hooponoponoia a apono Na Kula Hooakaka mai la Mr.Armstrong 1 kekahi mau mea no na kula. Ua lilo ke kula haole i ke Aupuni. Eia no

i keia manawa malalo o ka poe ka.11.ukula o Honolulu. 0 Ku1a Alii ke kula Alii ua maikai ia, maikai ka hale. Oka pa ka mea e pono ai. Ninau mai la Mr.Armstrong 1 ka manao o No ka uku ka poe kukarnalu, pono paha, hewa paha ke haawi aku i hoopaneo na dala kula a oi aku ka uku hoopanee rnamua o ka hapa haneri he 12? Ike kuka ana, eia ka mea i hooholc- ia.

Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; e hoopaneeia ka ae ana i ka pono o ka

lawe ana 1 ka uku hoopanee: 3 hapa haneri ma ka malama no na dala i lilo ua hoomaluia hoi maluna o ka aina,

a noho mai Ur .Lee a me Mr .Bates. Pal •. noi -no Lahaina Helu..11.elu ae la Mr.Armstrong 1 ka palapala noi a

na kanaka o Lahaina i mea e pono ai Ur .Swinton

Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. · Hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e pane a.ku i ka poe no La.~aina ka i palapala noi mai 1 hoiia o H.S. Swinton i kana oihana mamua oia ka Luna Makai o

Lahaina; peneia, Aole e pili 1 ko ka l!foi Ahakuka malu

ke koho i ka Luna makai Metcalf Heluhelu ae la }Tr.Armstrong i ka palapala a Mr. 1letcalf no kekahi aina r1a Hilo i Hawaii Hoo4. 3. Hooh. 3. o?O Privy Council Jany 26 1652 • Present His Highness John Young

Paki ·Kapaakea Kekuana0a l!fr. Wyllie Kanaina Judd Kaeo Arr1atrong Ii Namakeha Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prave:rs vvere read as usual I Minutes were read aner~ded and approved Schools. Mr. Amstrong made son1e re~arks respecting schools. Charity s. T.1at the charity school had been trr.tnsferred to the school Committee of Honolulu. That the Royal school

was in a prosperous condition, but 1 t. needed a fence • . l·~r. Armstrone asked ti-10 opinion of Privy Council,

whether he shoulg. take r'lore than 12 per cent for school Q,uest of monies funded? Upon w:iich the follovring resolution was Interest passed, dra,m up hy Mr.Wylli_e Res. 1 I Res. 1. Resol.ved; That the question of the lawfulnes&, of

charging 3 per cent per month interest for money loanoo. on the security of real estate be postponed till Mr. Lee and I:r. Bates can be present • ./ Petition or Hr. Arnstro!1g read a petition from people of people of Lahaina Lahaina in favor of Ur. Svrinton. Res. 2. / Res. 2. Resolved; That the 1Jinister-·of the Interior be instructed to reply to certain petitioners in Lahaina for the return of H. s. Swinton to his former situation as prefect of Police in Lahaina, that it does not be­ long to the Kine's Privy Council to nia.ke such appoint­ ments. Metcalf Mr. An1strong read an application of Hr.Metcalf f'or land at Hilo, Hawaii J Rea. 3. Res. 3. 571

Hooho1oia; O ka palapala noi a T. :Metcalf no ke koena o ka aina 1 kapaia "O ko Kaupalcuea ana," e aeia no, hookahi dala ka uku no ka eka hook8.!1-i, kaawale nae

na kuleana a 11& kanalca maoli, a me ka aina 1 kuaiia

ia Hema, ua heluia 608; a o na haawina e ae a pau mamua. o ua aina la ua hoopauia no. E narla pono o komo kekahi aina e aku iloko o keia ana ana Keaweaumi Heluhelu ae la ]Ir .Armstrong i keia Olelo

hooholo i mea e pono ai o Keaweaumi Hoch. 4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; Ua aeia no e lilo na eka aina elua ma Kionawawana i Kalihi, Oahu ia Keaweawni; j6 mau dala pakahi ka eka kalo, a $2 dala pakahi ka eka kula. Ku.leana o ke Kiaaina Ua kuka hou ia ke kuleana o ke Kiaaina no ka pa hale kula Alii. Hoakaka mai I.a Mr.Young i ka manao o ka ]J:oi. Eia nae ka Olelo i hooholoia Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; Oka palapala kuleana a M.Kekuanaoa, Kahu no V. Kam.amalu no ke kahua a me na hale o ka pa Kula Alii ma Hono1ulu, e waihoia i ka Poe Hoona kule­ ana aina, a ua noiia ua poe Hoona la e imi a e hooko i ka mea nona ia wahi. 5?2

Resolved; That t 1ie application of T .lfetcalf for the

re:r-1ainder of the Land known as thettK.aupakuea survey"

be gra.11ted at the price of one dollar per acre, r~- all servine the rights of native Tanants and ii t~1e land · ~ ~rants sold to Her.ia by Patent No •. 608; all fo~er di"/.-/.tl' upon said land being :iereb~r revoked. "' ~ See that no ot~er land is included in this survey " as is said to be the case Keaweamni l{r. Ar>')}strong read the following resolution in behalf of Keaweaumi. / Res. 4 Res. 4. Reaolved; That two acres of land in Kionawawana Kalihi, Oahu, be granted to Kea\veaumi at the price of $6 per acre ror kalo and $2 ~or kula land.

Gov•s claim The subject of the GovernQr 1 s claim to the Royal fer Roy.Sch.lot School lot came up again. Ur. Youne stated the opinion

of the King. The follo1ivine; resolution was passed Res. 5.

Resolved; That the claim of TI. Kekuanaoa as

guardian of V.Kamamalu to the site & buildings of the Royal School in Honolulu be refered to the Land Co:mmie­

sion &: that said land Comlriission is hereby requested to investigate and decide upon said claim. 573

Ahakuka .Malu Feb. 2 1852

N'.oho mai la Ka 1'(oi Wahine Ka H:ea K!iekie o Keoni Ana Paki Namakeha Kekuanaoa Mr .Wyllie - Kanaina , Armstrong Kaeo , Bates Ii Lorrin Andrews Kakau9lelo Ua heluheluia ka pule ' Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Wyllie Lawe mai la Mr. Wyllie 1 kekahi mau palapa.la; i mai la, pono e kuka pu no keia mau pepa; aka, o ka noho mai o Ka Hoi ka me:a e pono ai. Aole nae au i lohe i kekahi mea no Ferani

Kalifonia I hou mai la Mr.Wyllie, aohe mea e kanalua ail no

kela poe 1 holo mai nei mai Kalifonia rnai 1 ka manawa iho nei - he manao kolohe ko lakou - ua hoka nae ,aole i like ko Hawaii nei ano me ko lakou manao. Ua pala­ pala aku oia i ke Kanikele Hawaii malaila, a ua paiia ua palapala la. Ua helu..~eluia ke kope Poe kaua Olelo hou ae la Mr.Wyllie, ua oluolu oia i ka maikai o ka poe koa - I kona manao, o kekahi poe koa i hoonaauaoia ~a ke kaua ka mea e pono ai, 1 mea e kokua ai 1 ka poe Makai ke pilikia, a i mea hoi e Waihona dala malar:ia i kauwahi waihona dala. O keia hana e hana nei, o ka haawi ana i na dala no na hapa harteri 3 ma ka I malama, he mea ia e pono ai na aoao a pau. Ina he hale 1,vaihona dala (Bank) ina ua pau ia hana. Ia mana\7a ko:mo ai Mr.Bates

Metcalf HeluJ1elu ae la Hr .Ar!'l.s trong i ka palapala a Mr.

Metcalf no ke kuai ana i mau kaa kauo bipi. Ua kakauia ka pal~pala hooholo; aka, aole i holo.

Moku ma.hu Heluhelu ae la l~r.Armstrong 1 kekahi mau pepa no ka Hoku ma..~u o Ku..,rIUkanawai

Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia, Ua ae aku ka Papa Waiwai Privy Council February 2 1852 Present Her Haj esty the Queen , His Highness John Young Pak i Nanak eh.a Kekuanaoa Hr.Wyllie Kanaina Armatronrr Kaeo Bates Ii Lorrin ~ndrews Secretary

Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read & approved

Wyllie Mr.Wyllie holding up several documents said theae should be acted upon out they were of such a nature as

required the presence of the Kinr,. He had however

nothin6 to commu:1icate from France. , // no / Californians :Mr. Wyllie eta ted, that there was now~ doubt that t!l.e men who came here sorrie vreeks aio fro:rn California came v1ith had intentions - but they ·were disappointed

in not fir:dinr.; affairs as t:1ey ex_pected - T:,,at he had 8 writ te!l · to the Hawaiian Con..._ul & that s·onehow the letter

had been published. A copy of the letter was read.

Mr. W. sta'ted that he was pleased with the improve

ment of the soldiers - that in his opinion a disci~

plined soldiery ought to be kept up to a~sist the J Police in case of emergency and Protec-t a Money de.posi­ Bank. tory or Bank as there should be one. The present

arrangement of lending money at 3 per cent was bad -f'or

all parties. If we had a bank it would be avided But a Bank must be protected. I J';:r. :Bates now came in Metcalf carts Mr. Anis tronc read a letter from 1'.r ~Metcalf Res.l. lost i respecting t~e purchase of some carts. A resolution in j favor r1as read & on votinG was lost. Steamer Mr. Anastrong read several papers respectine; t1,_e Steamer Constitution Res. 2. I Res. 2. Resolved; That the Board of Finance approve of 575

1 ka hoihoi ana i na koina a pa.u o ka Moku mahu o

Kumukanawai ka inoa i ke Aupuni, i kono holo mai i keia pae Aina; o ke koina hoi o ke Kuhina Waiwai Aupuni me Helu..½.elu ae 1a Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala manao o Howard Capt. Howard i hoo1oliia ka palapala i ae like ai ke

Aupuni a me ia no ka hooholo ana i ka Koku mah.u

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; No ka Mea, na waihoia ka palapala ma­ nao T\'Illa a Capt.William A. Howard o ka la 19 o Julai l

185~ i kekahi poe komi te, na lakou e hoomaopopo i ke ua manaoia kumu e -pono ai ka holo ana o ka Moku mahu;"he pono ke ai haawi i na palapala hou i loaa~i keia la i ka Ahakuka 1 kela poe komite no, ·me ke kauoha aku e hoakaka qai i ko lakou manao ma ka palapala i ko lakou wa kaawale mua, a e hoikeia aku keia Olelo hooholo ia ia

Pale Helu."'1.elu ae la lrr .Armstrong i ka palapala noi i ano alodio a Pale no Honolulu

Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; • haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio ia

Pale no kona pa.~ale make Ala Beritania i Honolulu, ua

heluia 1 687 e ka Poe Hoona, ia ia no e uku mai i ke Aupuni i kanalima dala $50

Paaoao Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala noi i a Paaoao ano alodio~no kona aina ma La.haina Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio ia ' Paaoao no kona pahale ma Alii i Lahaina, l\Iaui, u.a heluia i 235B'. e ka Poe Hoona; ia ia no e uku ae i ke Aupuni i iwakalua dala $20 5?6 the remission of all chare;es due the Govern,,.·1ent :from

the Steam Ship Constitution, on account of ~1er present

visit at the Islands, as made by the Minister of j Finance • Govern71ent Mr. Armst~ong read a proposal for an alteration & / 11(r. Howard in the agreement between the Government and 1:r .Howard respectin9-; the-running of a Steam Boat.

Res. ;3.

J Res. 3. Resolved; That ,vhereas the original proposition of

Capt. William A. Howard of July 19 1851 was referred

to a cmrnni ttee with power to fix upon some definite plan for the Stean Navigation, it is now deemed expe­ dient that the propositions this· day ¢iii submitted to the Privy Council be referred to the sa.r'le comrt1ittec with instructions to report upon the sai.,1e in writing

at their earliest convenience and that this resolution be connnunicated to the applicant. j Pale Mr. Armstron~ read the application.. of Pale :f.or an allodial title to land in Honolulu

Res. 4. j Res. 4. Resolved; That an allodial Ti~le be granted to Pale for his lot on Eeritania Street Honolulu known as claim No. 68? of the Land Cor,u-,iss ion upon his payine the conmutation :fee of fift~, dollars ,$50 . j Paaoao Mr.Annst:cong read the al)l)lication of Paaoao for his lot of land in Lahaina Res. 5. Rea. 5. Resolved; That an allodial title be granted to

. Paaoao for his lot of land in Alii, Laha~na, Maui, known as claim 235 B. of the Land Comraission, upon his pay­ ing the connnutation fee of tvrnnty d,•llars ~20. 5?7 Kauhihape Helu..r1.elu ae la Hr .Armstrong i ka palapala noi · ano alodio a Kau..'1-J.ihape no kona pa Ha LaYl&ina.

Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; E _haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio ia

Kau..'1-J.ihape no kona pa ma Alio, i La.'1-J.aina, Haui ua heluja

235,2 e ka Poe Hoona, ia ia no e Uku ai i ke Aupuni

i iwa.."1<:alua k1.1.-rnamalima da $25

Kahiewalu Heluhelu ae la J.'fr .Armstrong i ka palapala noi i a Kahiewalu ano alodio" no kona aina ma Molakia i La.ri.aina

Hooh. ? •

Hooh. ?. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio ia Kahiewalu no kona pa aina ma Holakia i Lahaina Maui,

ua heluia i 343 e ka Poe Hoona, ia ia no e uku i ke

Aupuni i iwakalua kumamali~a dala $25.

Bates Waiv,ai Helu..,ielu ae la J..rr.Bates i ka palapala no na dala kolohe i hookaaia i kahi waihona dala no ka hoopae kolohe i ka

wai'wai /. iulla nei Hooh.8.

Hooh.8. Hooholoia; No ka mea, ua loaa ka waihona dala o ke aupuni eono haneri i.iti kanak.olu kumamawalu dala a me na keneta he kanaaiwa kw.namaono; he hapalua noia o

ka mea 1 loaa no na waiona a me na waiwai e ae aka

Makai nui o W. C .Parke i hopu ai a kuai aku no hoi mamuli o ke kanawai, ua naopopoia e ka· palapala a ke a na Kakauolelo a ka I~ea. Ohi dute nui J ke Kuhina Waiwai e hookaa aku ia W.C.Parke i kela puu dala $638.96 na na

no e haawi aku i ka palapala loaa, e hoakaka ana i

kuaia paka.h.i a me na dala i loaa paka.¥J.i. mai Bates -ka Poe lav7aia Hoakaka ae la 1'!:r .Bates i kona manao e lawe mai ma keia hope aku i na manao hoopii a kekahi poe lawaia

Hoopaneeia ae a i ka Po akahi I 5?8 Kauhi1-iape Mr. Armstron~ read the application of Kauhihape

for an allodial title to his land in L~1aina

Res. 6. j Res. 6. Resolved; That an allodial title be granted to

Kauhihayie for his lot of land in Alio,Lahaina, Uaui,

known as clair1 No. 235 2 of the Land Com.mission upon his paying the commutation fee of tvrnri.ty five dollars I $25. Kahiev1alu M1·.Arm.stron13 read the .pplication of Kahiewalu for an allodial title to land in Hola.kia Lahaina J Res. 7. Res. 7. Resolved; That ·an allodial title be granted to Kahiewalu for his lot in J".1ola.kia,Lahaina,Naui,known as claim No. 343 of the Land Commission,upon his paying the com:r,utation. fee of twenty five dollars $25 1 Bates Hr. Bates read an account of Honeys paid into the Smuggled goods Treasury as proceeds of smugeled articles

Res. 8.

I Res. 8. Resolved; That Whereaa six hundred & thirty eight

dollars & ninety six cents have been paid into the

Treasury as half of the proceeds of certain Liquors & other articles aeized by W.C.Parke and sold according to Law as appears by the certificate of the clerk in

the off ice of the Collector General, the }tTinister of Finance is hereby requested to pay over to ~.C.Parke the said sum of.$638.96,upon his granting a receipt stating the several itens sold and the a.mount of each for the sum so paid

\ Bates 1lr .Ba tea made knoYm that he intended to brine up Fisherman at a future day some comp1aints of the Fishermen Adjourned to Uonday next. 579 Ahakuka Halu Feb. 9 1852 :Noho rnai la Ka Moi Wahine Ka !tea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Narrtakeha Kekuanaoa Mr.Wyllie Kanaina , Armstrong Kaeo Ii Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua helu,.~eluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Lilo ka Ahakuka i Papa hooponopono waiwai, a ua hooholoia keia Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; Ke ae aku nei keia Papa 1 ke Kuhina

Waiwai e hookaa aku ia Lorrin Andrews i ke Ka".lcauolelo

o ka Ahakuka }falu i eha :mau dala a me na keneta he kanali·'lla, o ke kumu no ia no ke pai pepa kui aku no ka Mooolelo lilo o keia A..'1-ia, a e kakau i ka moo mea lilo no keia A..'1-ia. Lilo hou ka Papa Waiwai i Aha kuka J.Noliens Heluhelu ae la ]'.'lr.Annstrong i ka palapala noi aina a J. No1iens, no keka.hi aina ma Molokai. Ua hoole ia no ka mea, aole no ke Aupuni keia aina Fraetenberg !feluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala a H. Fraetenberg no ka aina ma Kauai Hooh. 2. Hoch. 2. Hooholoia; Oka palapala a H. Fraetenberg no na eka aina he 50 ma Weliweli makai i Kauai, e aeia no, hookahi dala pakahi ka eka ke ku.mu kuai; a o ke koena o keia aina, e kuai ia i ·na kamaaina, 50 keneta ke ku.mu kuai no ka eka, aole nae e oi aku na eka he kanalima i ke kanaka hookahi 580 Privy Cour.cil Feb. 9 1852 Present Her Yajest~r the Queen His Highness John Youn1; Paki Na..-rnakeha Kekuanaoa Mr. W:-,rllie Ka!'l_aina Armstron[~ Kaeo Ii Secretary Prayers uere read as usual j Minutes were read and ap9roved Priv. Coun. Privy Cou~.cil resolved itself' into a board of' Board of' Fin Finance & the :followingResolution was passed j Ree. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That this Board authorize the Minister of Fina.nee to pay to Lorrin Andrews Esquire the the Secretary of the Privi Council f'our dollars fifty cents, cost of advertisinG f'or the r1inutes &c. lost by

hi~ and to c:iarce the sw,1e as an incidental expense of this Council I Priv.Coun. The Board of Finance now became a privy Council j ac;ain J.Noliene Mr. Amstrong read an application of J. Noliens for a piece of land on :Molokai. The grant was refu15:ed

on the ground that the land in question llid not "bel..onc; to Goverrnnen t / Fraetenoere; Mr.Armstrong read t:ie application of H.Fraetenberg for land on Kauai Res. 2. I Ree. 2. Resolved; TJ:-1at the application of H. Fraetenberg for 50 acres cf land in Weliweli makai, Kauai, be

granted at the price of one dollar per acre, & that

the rest of that land be sold to the natives, at 50 cents per acre:, not more than fifty acres to he sold o to any one individual. 581 Kanaka o Kau Helu..1-ielu ae la !,Jr .Armstrong i ka palapala a ke­ kahi poe kanaka ma Kau

lfoo no na Aina i Anaia r.i Kau dala Kanaka Kuai Inoa o Ka Aina Eka Kumu #1'. a pau Kauhia.1-iiwa llanono & Mohaiula 49 .50 $24.52

Kekaula Wailau ua aeia, o ka apana makai ae o ka pa pohaku nui 114 eka. Ua aeia keia aina ia Kekaula

50 keneta ke kumu ma ka eka; aka, he aina aa ia

nolaila aole pono e oi aku ke kur1u kuai mar1aa o na

keneta he 2:>

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; o ke kuai ana i oleloia maluna e Mr. Lyman 1>1a Kau i Hawaii e aeia a e Hooko io no; koe nae na loko ia Webster Hel u...-iel u ae la ]'fr. Armstrong i ka palapala a Hr. Webster no ka aina, ua hoopaneeia nae ka ae ana Hikiau Helu...rielu ae la Mr .Armstrong i ka palapala a Hikiau

no ka aina make Ala Nuuanu i Honolulu ,/ 582 Natives at Mr.Armstrong read t:he ap}Jlication of several / Kau natives for 1-nd at Kau

List. of Surveys in Kau ~ Total cost J Purchaser If am.e of Land Acree priee of land j Kauhiahivra - Manono & 1tohaiula 49 .,, .50 $24.52 ... Kaulia .... · Kiolakaa 51 .25 12.75 ~ H.Kinney - • Paid51 50 2.5. 50 Holoua · :i:Jinole 43 2.5 10.?5 J . S .Kaui- " 47 " 11.75 /1 Kapuhonua ~ " 49 " 12.25 i. Kalaikahuna - " 37 18¾ 7.00 j 8 .Namakelua­ -Kiolakaa & Puoehu 2 45 " 8.50 / '~akepihilani- " " 57 12½ ?.12t 1 .Kekua - Kiolakaa 6? " G.3?f J Lumaawe­ :Mahaiulw. & Pohaku 45 40 18.00 / .Kekapa - Ninole 43 50 21.50 f Kalapuna- Wailau 54 40 21.60 ' . Kapa.lar1a - . lfoaula 50 50 25.00 # t .]{akahi- " 40 45 18.00 J .Namakelua. " 49 40 19.60 i Kelii, Hionaa 39 25 9.75 .Kealiinui _ Kopu 54 ?5 40.50

• # If it belong to Government / Kekaula- Wailau granted; the part makai of the great wall --

114 acres. This piece was granted to Kekaula at .50

per acre, but as it is almost entirely a.a it canno.t be worth over .25 per acre Res. 3. l Res. 3. Resolved; That the above sales by Ur.Lyman in

Kau Hawaii he and are hereby confirmed; Fish ponds not included

Webster Mr .Armst1·ong read th~; applica:tion of 1':·r. Vfehster

:for. land hut the IJ"atnting was postponed Hikiau Mr.Armstrong read the application of Hikiau :for land in Nuuanu that Honolulu .

... 583 Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; e haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio ia

Hikiau no kona pa aina m.a ke Ala Nuuanu i Honolulu; Oia hoi ke kuleana i heluia 150 e ka poe Hoona; ia ia kumamalua no e uku i ko ke Aupuni hapa, he kanaonol\dala ia a me ka hapalua ($62,50) j Res. 4. 5b4 Res. 4. Resolved; '.i'~1.a t an allodial Title be granted to

Hikiau for his lot in lTuuarhl Street HOI'\Olulu, known as

claim no. 150 of the Land Commission upon his paying

tr~e comriutation fee of sixtj two & one half dollars.

(~62.50) 585

Ahakuka :falu Feb .16 1852 Noho mai la Ka Hoi o Kamehameha III. Ka Hea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Jrr. Wyllie Kekuanaoa " Judd Kanaina " Armstrong Kaeo " :Ba.tee Ii Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua helu..11.eluia ka 1::ooolelo a ua aponoia Wyllie Palapala na ka Moi Olelo :rnai la Ur. V/yll.ie; iloko o kona l.ima ke.kahi

:mau pepa, a ua hiki mai ka Uoi, ina e manao oia pela e helu..11.elu no, a ina e manao oia e hoopanee, e hoopanee no.

I ae la Ka J{oi e hoopanee no i ka helu..11.elu ana. ]Ir.Judd Hoakaka ae la Mr. Judd i kekahi mea no ka holo ana o ka Moku mahu a hiki i Lahaina - O ke ano o Lahaina;

a me ke ano o kekahi mau mea ma Maui

Palewai A mahope o ka olelo a Hr .Judd no ka pa :ealekai e Lahaina hana nei ma Lahaina, }{eluhelu ae Mr.Armstrong i keia Olelo hooholo Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; ua ae ia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina a ua kauohaia oia, e ninaninau no ka hana. e hana nei ma Lahaina, o ka Palekai; a ina e manao oia he pono, e hoopanee ae i kela hana. a halawai ka A...~aolelo, na lakou e manao hou ma ia mea Moku - mahu Olelo ae Ia Mr.Bates i kekahi mau mea no kekahi poe hui e hooholo ai i na )(oku mahu; alaila, heluhelu a oi 1 ka palapala-"Wm.Glenn a me A.McLane. Privy Council Peb. 16 1862

Prese!1t His ]ra,J es ty Ka:ite::,anel:.a III.

His Highness John Youne Paki Ur.Wyllie Kekuanaoa Judd Ka".laina Annstrong Kaeo l~a tes Ii Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual I 1:finutes vrnre read and approved }Tr .Wyllie Mr.Wyllie said he had several papers to be read Papers f'or the King and as the King ·was present it would be proyer to do

so,. but if' he v1ished, he would put it off. His l\{aj esty proposed the postponement of the

' reading I Mr.Judd !fr.Judd made s,ome statements relative to the sailing of the Steam boat on going to Lahaina - also

the appearance of Lahaina & a general view of his j late visit to ltaui Breakwater After t'he stater1ents of :rrr.Judd relative to the Haui break-water at Lahaina Mr.Armstrong offered the f'ollowing Resolution Res. 1 J Res. 1 Resolved; T}1at t:ie Hinister of the Intericr, be.

and is hereby authorized and directed to in~titute an

enquiry iri rersard to the break-water, nO\i in progress, at Lahaina; and at his diacretiun to cause the work to be stopped, until the Legislature can talce the subject into further consideration. j Steam Company .Mr. Bates made some re!!'larks respecting- a Steam

Navigation Company and read a proposition of Wm.Glen

& A.McLane for the same. 587 Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; 0 ka palapala noi a Wm.Glenn 1aua me

Allan lfoLane i helu.heluia 1 keia la imua o keia Ahaku.ka malu, no ka hooholo ana i na moku mahu iwaena o keia paeaina.a me ke awa o San Francisco; e aeia no; Eia

nae ke ano, na laua no e hooholo i kekahi moku mahu kupono 1 ka holo mai a me ka holo aku 1 na wa ku pono,

mamua ae o ka holo ana o kekahi moku mahu e ae, a e hoomau no ka holo ana o ua mau moku la, a pau na makahiki i oleloia; a o keia mau pono i aeia ia laua aole e 1iloia i mea e hihia ai na paUkau o ka Olelo kuikahi '/ iwaena o ke Aupuni Hawaii I, H 'ts/ Mllfil. t~I-J~tl. a me na Aupuni e ae Eia hoi kekahi mea i hooholo·ia no ia mea

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; E haawiia ke kope o ka Olelo hooholo maluna ia Ur.Glenn a me McLane e Asher B. Bates na laua no ma San Francisco California; Hale o ka poe hui no na moku mahu Hopkins no ke Alii Hoalcaka mai la Hr. Hopkins i ka manao o ka Moi i lilo ia ia kekahi apana aina aupuni ma Nuuanu. Res. 4.

Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; o ka manao noi mai o ka l!oi no kekahi apana aina iJl--/-1.il Papua haawiia i ka poe komite ekol~, na lkaou e hoaka..~a mai i ka nui o ia aina a me ke a.no pono e 1ilo ai ia wahi no ka Moi. O Mr.Judd,Bates,a.rne Hopkins o 1akou no ia. poe komite

Dr .Rooke Hoakaka hou mai la 1!.r.Hopkins i kona l!anao e mahuahuaia ae ka uku ia Dr.Rooke no kona lapaau ana i

ko ka hale o ke Alii. Ua waihoia mea a halawai hou ae ka Ahaolelo Ahaolelo Eia kekahi mea i hooholoia no ka halawai ana o ka Ahaolelo

H. 5. Hooh. 5. 508

Res. 2. Res. 2. w~,.Resolved; That the Prayer of t}1e Petition of "Jtill/1. Glenn and Allen licLane this day submitted to the Privy Council in relation to st~ navigation between thes.e islands and the Port of San Francisco,is

hereby granted; Provided they shall caus.e a Stew1er to

be put upon the line capable of !'la.kine regular triya

between the two ports; Previous to a~·~' ot>er Stear1er hein~ applied to t:i-ie sane purpose and continue the

propoa,ed steam line for the period of such grant, and

that these privileges hereb:,r .granted shall not be considered as affectin~ the Treaty stipulations be­

tv;een the Hawaiian Govern!rtent & the governments of

other nations. The following also passed in relation to the

foregoing J Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That the copy of the foregoing Resolu­ s tion be transmitted to Eessrs.Glenn & l::CLane by A.11.13r

13 .B·a tes directed to ther1 at San Fra.ncisc·o Calif 01·n 1a, at

the California Steam Co. Office

Hopkins for Hr. Hopkin& made known t~~at the King wished a the King t>'iece of Fort land lying in Hu._uanu j Res. 4 Res. 4. Resolved; That the application of His Tra,j esty for a portion of Fort Lands, is hereby referred to a co!fl_Yl!i ttee of three; who are instructed to report as

to the extent of the sa.r!1e and. the practicability of

transferring t:1e sarne to His Jtaj esty. l:essrs. Judd,

J3a tes i~ H01.J.kins were t}:e co!:lrli t tee I Mr.Hopkins also stated that an increase should Dr.Rooke Salary be made to Dr. Rooke 1 s receipts for }:is attendance on

j the King's household.Referred to ~1e next Legislature

Legislature The following reso1ution was passed respecting

the meetine of the next Legislature

lies. 5. Res. 5. 589

Ua holo ka mana.o o Ka 1.!oi, e hoakoakoa i na Hale elua o ka Ahaolelo, ma Honolulu, i ka poakolu mua loa o Aperila, oia hoi ka la ? • Hale Alii Feb. 16 1852

Hoopaneeia ka A.~a

v 590 I It has pleased the King to convoke the Legisla--cive

Ass,embly to meet in Honolulu on the first Wednesday

(the 7th) of April Palace 16 February lb52

Adjourned till next lfonday 591 Ahakuka llalu Feb.23. 1852

Noho mai la Ka l:!oi o Kanehameha III Ka !roi Wahine Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki 1Jr.Wyllie Kekuanaoa · Judd Ii Ai:~etrong Kapaakea Na.makeha Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka mooolele a ua aponoia Anistrong Ku.mu Olelo ae la Hr Armstrong, ua aeia ia ia i ka no ke Kula Alii malama o Okatooa 1850 e imi i ke k~~u na ke kula alii no A~erika mai, a e hookaa e mamua i kona dala lilo, a ua hana oia pela, eia koe o ka. ae mai he oiaio keia bila. •

Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; 0 na dala eono haneri a ke Kuhina Ao palapala i haawi aku ai, ma o Henry Hill ma Boston, mamuli o ka Olelo hooholo a ka Ahakuka malu o ka la 21 o Okatoba 1850, ia E.G.Beckwith,kumu a ke Kula Alii, e: kakauia no ia ma ka moo o na dala lilo io ia nei no

ia kula, aole na na makua a me na. kahu a na 'lii opiopio;a. oia no hoi keka.hi o ka uku no u.a kumu la no

ke ia makah ik i • Hoopaneeia Ke Kula Olelo hou a.e lake Kuhina Aopalapala hooma.ha ae lake Kula Alii mai ka ma.lama a Jan.1851 a i ka mala~a o Dek. o ia makahiki no, a nolaila, aole oia i hoakaka mai i ke ano o ia kula imua a keia .Aha, a ma

ia wa hope mai e hoakak~~o Wyllie Hai mai la Hr. Wyllie i kekahi mea no keka.lii "~ aina e 592

Privy Council Fe1J. 23 1852

Present His Majesty Kameh,,v1e:1a III

.i.-1 Her :,·,·aies-'-,.s.... L t.,, i., .__: V-..._~e Q,ueeri_,.

His Hi;~h!1 ess J oh!1 Youne

Paki Ifr. Wyllie Kekuanaoa , Judd Ii Arnstrong Kapaakea Namakeha

Lorr in An

Prayers were read as usual I 1.Cinutes 1i1e:11e read and approved Armstnmg Mr. An,strong stated that he ;Jas authorized in Teacher for Royal School Oct 1850 to send for a teacher for the Royal School

a.nc;l to adva..i-1.ce money for his expenses, which he had

done, and wished the bill to be approved. I Res; 1. Res. 1. Resolved; T1:at the sum of six hundred dollars

advanced by the :Minister of Public Instruction through

Henry Hil.l Eaq. Boston; according to resolution of Privy Council Oct. 21 1850 to lT.r~ E. G. l3eckwith,teach-

er of t:::ie Royal School, is P,roperly c:1arceable to the Dep-.r.tment, account of the "inc iden ta.l expences" •of the and not to the parents and guardians of the Young Chiefa;The sair.e being part of the salary of said Teach- / er for the current year

R.School s.us- T:!:1e Ji:inister of Public Instructio'1 stated· t:1at · pended the Royal School was suspended fro,,1 Jan. 1G51 tc Dec.

of the same year, as a reason why he had not presented the account of that institutiun before this council j but now presents his account current. IIr. Wyllie ].Tr. Wyllie brought forv1ca.rd an item of business relative tc a foreign country. 593 1110 Pa1apala ia Mr. Helu..~e1u ae la oia i ka palapala e hoo,ft#,/ ana Barclay. ia :Mr Barclay ko ka }Joi Ko:misina ma Ladana e hana i Olelo Kuika.hi kuikahi me ke Alii nui o Belegiuma, no ka mea, manao

oia e noho kuikahi me ke aupuni o Hawaii. Ua ae mai Ka

Moi i ka palapala a Ur Wyllie.

An. Sylva Helu..helu ae la Mr Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a Antonio Sylva.

Hooh. 2 Bes. 2. Hooholoia; E haawiia ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ia Antonio Sylva no kona pahale ma Lahaina, lraui; oia hoi ke kuleana 1 heluia 3?4 o ka Poe hoona,

ia ia no e uku mai i kanahiku kuma.malima dala ($75.)

Mahoe Heluhelu ae la Hr Armstrong i ka palapala a Ma.hoe no ka aina ma Maui Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; E haawiia ka palapala sila nui ano ma ka aoao alodio ia Mahoe no ka aina" makai ae O· Kaeo, 1 Honua- ula, Maui no ka dala hookahi, aia i ka manao o ke Kuhina Kalaiaina. I Oka aoao malunq. o keia aina, ua kuaiia ia Torbert me keia manao hoi, na ::.~ahoe ke koena me ka uku ole

lfakaike ma Helu..'tielu ae la Mr Armstrong 1 ka palapala a llakaike ma no ka aina ma Kona i Hawaii. Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; o ka palapala noi a 1-Takaike no na eka aina 100, a no Palaau laua me Maka.b.aohie na eka aina he 50 pakahi o laua ma Honuaino 3, ma Kona i Haw·aii; e aeia no, hookahi dala ke kumu kuai no ka eka hookahi; ke maopopo e mamua na kuleana e ae Ku.mu mahele Heluhelu ae la Mr Armstrong i 'kekahi mau Olelo aina kumu nui e pili ana i ka ma.hale ai:na iwaena o na lii a me ke Aupuni

Hoopanee a i ka Po aka.hi 594 J pcwer Letter to :Mr. He reau a ii/ill aus}:orizing Mr.Harcl.ay tLe King's Barclay to make a treaty Commissioner at London to c1ake a 'l'rcaty with t}',e King with Belgium of Belr;iu.TPJ: as He had expressed a wis}: tu enter into

treat::r with the Hawaiian Goverruacnt. 1i!r.Wyllie's letter

was ap:;_J1·oved by t}~e Kir.g. Antonie ,S;rl va I Antonio Sylvw. Ur .An.1s trong rea

Res. 2. I Res. 2. Resolved; 'l'hat· an Allodial Title be granted to

Antonio Sylva for his lot of lar.d in Lahaina,. 1.~ ..1.Ui,

known as claim ::-o.374 of the Land Co!:mission upon his I paying the commutation fee of seven-ty five dollars :l;,75. l~ahoe T:fr. Ar.en.strong read the application of J//:/,ffi/ -,itl, /-/./to/1.Ni-/ill Ma.~oe for land on traui / Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; T::.~ ... t a fee simple· Title be grar:ted to l1ahce for the Ea.kai portion of Kaeo, Honuaula,JTaui,

for the sum of one dollar at the discretion of the

Minister of the Interior.

The upper part of this land was sold to Torhert

with the understa,1ding that Eahoe should have the rest

free of co::1n1utation. ma / ]fakaike ma 1:r .Arc1strong read the application of lc~akaike A

for land· in Kona Ea-,:aii

Res. 4.

Res. 4. Resolved; That the ap}Jlication of ?'rakaike for & ' 100 acres, and PalaauA:!'.:aka21aol:ie for 50 acres of land each in Honuaino 3rd Kona Hawaii,be Granted at t½e

price of o:1e dollar rJer acre; all previous· gra~1 ts being J first located. Principles in 1Jr.Armstrong read some generals Principles dividing lands regulatir2g the interpret.ttion of t:1e Division of lands

between the chiefs & Governcw:nt

... Adjd. till l:onday next • 595 Ahakuka Halu Uaraki 1 1852 Iroho mai la Ka Mea Ki.ekie Keoni Ana Paki Wyllie Kaeo Armstrong Kapaakea Lee :N'a.'Tlak eha ' Judd ' LDrrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua hel~heluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo, a ua hooponoponoia Wyl1ie Ku ae la Mr.Wyllie, i ae la, o ko 1 u la no keia e hoike mai 1 ka hana; aka, aole a•u mea hana, ke

nalowale ka 1foi. Re wahi palapala no nae na Mr Jarves

Perrin mai no Hr Perrin, ke Kanikele Ferani, aole oia i hiki

aku !'Ga Parisa Kan. no na dute , Heluhelu ae la Ur.Armstrong 1 kekahi palapala noi like a ka Papa hooponopono 1 ka Poe hui no ka Mahiai ana, i ke Alii a me ka A.'11.akuka :Malu; a ma.'11.ope 1.ho heluhelu

oia i ke kanawa no ka hoahalike ana i na dute ma kekahi mau waiwai.

Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; E hooliloia Mr. Young laua me :Lr. Armstrong i komi te na laua e hele imua o ka Moi a e hooakaka aku 1 ke ano o ke Kanawai 1 hooholoia, a nana e ka...~a i kona inoa, me ka hoopanee ole no, no ka mea

he pono, ke hoounaia aku ia palapala 1 Washington ma ka moku e holo mua ai.

Heluhelu ae la Hr .Judd i ka palapala a J. M~ntgomery ia Mr. Bates, ua hoomaka.Ukaia ka --/tt/.-/i:t/. olelo- hooholo aole nae 1 hooholoia Hooh. 2. Aole 1 hooholoia

W.Goodale Heiuhelu ae la 11:r Armstrong 1 ka ··pala:pala a W. Goodale 1 hoopaneeia ka hookaa ana i kana palapala ti./ aie, a manao oia e lawe 1 dala hou (I keia manawa,

komo mai :Mr. Bates.) Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; Oka hoopanee 1 ke kaa ana 1 ka pala­ pala aie a Mr.Goodale i noi mai ai no na dala he

$1500 ma kana 596 Privy Council Yarch 1 1852 Present His H!cl:ness John Young Paki Er. Wyllie Kaeo Armstrong Kapaakca Lee Na:i·1akeha Judd Lorrin Andrews Secretary

Prayers read as usual }linutes were read ar1e!1ded and approved. / Wyllie Hr.Wyllie stated t 11at t:-:is was his day to bring forward business; but he h~d none but such as required I Perrin the presence of t:1e King. He had only a snall notice fro!'.!l Er. Jarves respecting :r-::r. Perrin which iY11plie·d that he had not yet made his appeara!-i_ce in Pa:ris

/ Petition of J,fr. Ar:,1strong read a 11etition fror'! tl~e :Board of Royal Ha. Ag. So. Managers of the Royal Hawaiian Agricultura1 Society

to the King & Privy Council; followed by the draught of I Act reciproca- an Act for the reciprocation of duties on certain tion of duties articles which was passed, See Res. 1.

/ Res. 1. Reso.l'ved;-That lir.Young and Lr.Annstrong are here­

by appointed a committee to wait upon the King and

explain the act just pass_ed to him & obtain his signa­ ture to the same with the least poasible delay,it being

very desiritble to forward the sane to Washington by the next mail. ]Ir. Judd read a let1;er frorn .--:: • ;:rontgor,rnry to

Mr. Bates a.~d a resolution v1as prepared but t}:ought unnecesaary j Res. 2. Pot passed VT.Goodale l~r.Arnstrong read a Petition fror2 VT.Goodale :for an extention of· time :for his note and ('or a :furt>er

loan) (:Ji.Tr. B1.1. tea ca:!'.'!e in at this time) Res. 3.

Res. 3. Resolved; That the extention requested by Er. Goo- da.le on his note for fifteen Hundred. dollars in 597 palapala o ka la 28 o Feb. 1652, ua aeia no. Ua ninauia hoi ke Kuhina Waiwai no na dala iloko

o ka waihona dala; i mai ia, aohe dala koe e haawi aku ai Kula Alii Helu..'l-J.elu ae la Ur. Annstrong ·i ka olelo hooholo no na dala o ke Kula Alii Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; Ua aeia i ko Kuhina Aopalapala e hoolilo i na dala a pau 1 loaa no ke ao ana make Kula Alii, i ka uku ana i na kwnu o ia kula a me ka hookaa i na bila a me na mea 1110

Kahukula ma Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i kekahi palapala Puna a ke Kahulcula ma Puna, Hawaii a me na palapala e ae; a ua kakauia ka Olelo hooholo (Hooh. 5.); aka, komo mai ka Moi i keia manawa, aole i hooholoia a mahope. Hooholoia nae keia Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; ua kauohaia ke Kuhina o ko na Aina e, e haawi aku i ke Komisina o Amerika Huipuia i ke

kanawai 1 hooholoia 1 keia la e ka 1~oi a me ke

Kuhina nui a me na 'l,11 ma ka Ahakulca; Peneia. "He ana kanawai no ka Ohi dute like" ma kekahi waiwai ::ne ko Amerika Huipuia" a e noi aku ia ia e kokua· ma~uli o 1a kanawai.

Hooh. 7.

Hoch. 7. Hooholoia; Na ke Ku..'l-J.ina o ko na Aina e e haawi aku i ke kope o ke kanawai i kapaia "He kanawai no ka 0}:ii dute like ana ma kekahi waiwai me ko Amerika Huipuia" i hooholoia 1 ke ia la e ka Jfoi, a me ke Ku...'1-J.ina nui

a 1'1e na Lii i ka Mea nana e hooponopono i ka Pai

palapala i pai koke ia ma ka Polynesian, a e nau no ia pai ana, a pane hou mai ko Amerika mai Washington mai 598 his letter o:f FelJ. 28 1852 he and is here02r graIYted

TI1e 2.:inister cf Finance was enquired of respecting

the ?noney in tl:e Treas'J.ry; he repl.ied, tJ:e:re was not

a dollar to &pare

Royal School Ur. Ar11strong read a resolution respecting the

funds of the Royal School / Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; 'I':1at the 1'1iniste1· of Public Instruction

is hereby aut?:orized to appro1Jriate t:ie entire receipts

on account of Tuition in the I:oyal Schoo·l to tb.e pay- ~ent of the salaries of teachers in t}1at institution,

and also to r1eet any incidental expenses .that ~nay ~)e J incurred t~:erein School Inspector l:r .Arnstronr.z; read a letter f'ror.r a Kar..ukula at Puna See Res.5. (Res.5) below Puna, Hawaii h. ot}~er docn~'1ents and a Resolutio::i A ·was

prepared, but the King co!ning ir:. u.t this tiT'le the votin~ was psotponed till the follovring Res. were

j passed Hes. 6.

Res. 6. Ee solved; That the Jrinister- of Fore ig:J. Relations

be and is hereby instructed to coI1?l'!unicate to the Com­

missioner of the United States the Act this day passed

by the King,Premier & Chiefs in Couyi_cil Assemhled,en­

ti tled, 11 An Act Providing f'or Reciprocal Duties on cep,­

tain Articles with the Uni-ted States of lTorth America, 11

and to request hie .kind offices in promoting the

objects of said act. j Hes. 7. Res. ?. Resolved; T:1'1at a copy of the Act entitled "An Act·

froviding for Reciprocal Duties on certain articles

wi t11 the United States of :'ortJ: A.":,erica" this day

passed by the Ki:J.t:, Premier & Chiefs in Council asser1-

bled, be passed by the Einister of ForeiGn helations

to the Director of the Goven"JJ'lent Press for i!!lmediate

publication in t:~e Polynesian - and t:1at said publica­

tion be continued until an answer be re@eived fron Washington 599

Ua hooholoia ka Olelo hooholo 5

Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; Nona mea i oleloia ma na palapala a Kipi, kahu kula ma ka apana o Puna Hawaii o ka la 19

o Dekemaba 1851 a me ka la 12. o Feberuari 1852 na

Pakaka ku._mu o ke kula aupuni :rna Kauekiki Puna a me ka palapala a keka.½i poe e ae ma Halepuaa o ia wahi no

i heluheluia imua o keia aha, i keia la; o ka hana a ke Kahu kula i kona hoopau anu 1 ka oi.½ana a Paka.ka

aole noho hou i kumu, no kona mal.ama ole 1 ka olelo oluolu ma ka aoao o ua kahu kula ia,i kona hoakoakoa ' . • ana 1 kana kula. ma ka.hi e pono ai ka hoike, e like me ka hana mau ana o na kula a up uni a pau 1 kona ho ike ana 1 na kula o ka apana; ua hoaponoia n.o, a na ke

Kuhina Aopalapala e hoakaka aku ia me:a ia lakou. E.Fountain Helu.½elu ae la Mr. Annstrong i kekahi mau palapala c.Reed noi a Edward Fountain a :me Charles Reed i ka :Moi, 1 kalaia ko laua hewa. Hooh. 8.

Hooh. 8. Hooholoia; I ka manao o keia Aha aole e ku pono

na ka Uoi e kala wale i ka hewa o Ed,vard Fountain a me Charles Reed i keia manawa, a oia ka manao o keia Aha 1 ka Moi

Montgomery Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee 1 ka bila aie a J. Montgo­ mery no ke kokua Loio

Hooh. 9. Hooh. 9. Hooholoia; ua aeia 1 ke Kuhina Waiwai e haawi aku ia.John :Montgomery i hookahi haneri dala no kana hana Loio ana no na kanaka maoli he umikuma..."llawalu i hoopiiia no ke kipi i ka Ahahookol~kolo koikoi i ~ana iho nei Hoopaneeia a 1 ka po akahi 600

The 5th resolution was now· taken up ('.: passed I Hes. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That in view of the stateMents contained the in Aletters of Kipi, School Inspector of the district of Puna,Hawaii,dated Dece~ber 19 1851 and Feb.12.1852,­

of Paka.ka teac:ier of G-overY211ent School in Kauekiki

Puna & of certain persons in Halepuaa, of t}1e sa,ri.e

district, read before t:1is council, th.is da~r, that the

conduct of the i!1spector in removing said Pa.kaka from

his off'ice as teacher,on the ground of his disregard o_f a reasonable requirer:ient on the part of said

Inspector, that he asseipbled his school in a. place

convenient for his examinatio!1·, according: to tr1 e usual

custom among all governrrient schools,on a tour through

tr:e district,_ is hereby sustained.; and the 1:inister of

Public Instruction is directed to inform the parties j according_ly. E.Fountain J & . Mr.Armstrong read the Petitions f:r;o1"! Edward C.Reed Fountain and Chales Redd to the King asking :ror pardons J Ees. 8. Res. 8. Resolved; That this Council deem it inexpedient

to reco:t1mend t:1e pardon of Edward. Fountain & Charles

Reed at t:1e present time, and that we advise the King I ~ccordingly. J.Montgomery ?.fr .Lee read a bill f'ron .J .l!ontgomery f'or legal services Res. 9 Res. 9. Resolved; That the Minister of Finance be and is hereby authorized to pay John Montgomery Esq. the sum

of one !Iundred Dollars for services rendered by him as .,, ~- Counsel f'or Eighteen native& charged at tlle last term

of' the Superior Court wi '~h the crime of Treason.

Adjd.till J!onday next.

.!:. ..•• 601

Ahakuka Malu Haraki 8 1852

Noho mai la Ka Moi Kamehameha IIr - Ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki :Mr.Wyllie "t,l"t ~anaina Judd Kaeo Lee Ii Armstrong . Namakeha ·:Sates :.." -·. ~' Lorrin Andrews ·Kakauolelo Ua helu.~eluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Uoolelo a ua aponoia Pal.a Patterson Helu...'1-ielu ae la Mr :Sates i ka palapala, noi a lrr. & McLane Patterson laua me McLane no ' ka Moku manuwa o Vandalia no ka poe hui e hooholo 1 mau moku mah'U., e noi ana hoi 1 mau rnea e pono ai ma keia pae aina. Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; 0 ka palapala noi a Lieut. Patterson laua me :Mr. McLane no na moku mahu e holo mai Kaif'ornia mai, e ku hoi ma Honolulu nei a holo aku 1 Kina; e haawaiia i kekahi poe komite, ekolu lakou, na lakou

hoi e hoike mai 1 ko lakou manao ma ka palapala i kekahi halawai ana o keia ahakuka malu, e akoakoaia no keia mea hookaui no, no na mea e pono ai ke Haawi aku i ua mau kanaka noi la, a me ke ano o ka haawi ana ia mau pono. 0 Mr. Wyl1ie, Mr. Bates, Mr. Lee: oia ka poe komi te 0 ka po .elima e hiki mai ana, oia ka la e akoakoa hou ai no ia mea Andrews Heluhelu ae la Mr Armstrong i ka palapala noi a L. Andrews, i hoopanee.ia ka manawa e kaa aku ai i kana palapala aie i ke Aupuni Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Elua makahiki hou e haawiia, mai keia la aku ia Lorrin Andrews no ke koena o kana palapala aie, e like me kana palapala noi i keia la, a na ke Kuhina Waiwai e hooponopono pu me ia. : . '~- r. .-..,-.'.'': 602

Privy Council 1.Iarch 8 1852

Preset}~}} ,i;,;,; Y~amehane}:a III Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Er. Wyllie Kanaina Judd Kaeo Lee Ii Armstrong 1ra:r1akeha Bates Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers read as usual J Minutes.were read & approved Pet.of Patterson l.~r.Eates read a petition from Lieut.Patterson and & HcLane 1.!r .J,foLane of the Vandalia respecting a Steam ravipition company, asking some privileges at these islands I Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the Petition of Lieut.Patterson & Hr.::1,icLane in relation to a steamer line from California to China, touching at the Po.rt of Honolulu, be referred.

to a committee of three, with instructions to report 1n v1riting/at a special meeting of the Privy Council,cal­

led for that purpose, w:1at they deein it expedient to grant upon the said petition and the manner such

grants should be !:Jade 1.fr. Wyllie ,l!r .Bates Jli:r Lee were

t:hat com'1littee The following Friday was appointed for the consi­ J deration_ of t~e subject. L.Andrews !!r.Arms.trong read the petition of L. Andrews for an extension of. ti::"'e for t}1e payrnent of his note to Government j Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved-; T:tat a period of two years fron this date is hereby granted to Lorrin Andrews on the unpaid t/ bala::1ce of 'his note over-due, as petitioned :ror in his letter of this date & that the Einister.of :5'inance is authorized to arrange vrith Er.Andrews accordingly. 603 Wm.Ap.Jones Helu..lielu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala noi a Wm. AP Jones no Lahaina, i palapala ano alodio nana

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; 0 ka palapala. noi a Wm. Ap Jones i loaa

ia ia ke kuleana ano alodio no kekahi pa.hale ma Lahaina i li1o ia Paania a nana no i hoolilo hou ia Jones, ua aeia no, a na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e- haawi aku i ka palapala ano alodio ia ia, nana hoi e hookaa i na dala he 48 a me na dala lilo no ke kuleana. Kaiewe Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala a Kaiewe no ka palapala ano alodio

Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; Oka palapala a Kaiewe i loaa ia ia

ka palapala a.no alodio no kona kuleana 1158 e aeia no ia ia hoi e uku mai no ko ke Aupuni ha.pa i $20.

Dr. Rooke Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala a Dr. Rooke no ke a.no alodio Hooh. 5,.

Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; Ua aeia 1 ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haa.wi aku ia T. C. B. Roo~e i palapala a.no alodio no kona kuleana i heluia 924 me ka uku ole. 01. pane no · Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka olelo pane mai ica palekai a kekahi poe komitte 1 hoonohoia e ini a e hooakaka m.ai i ko lakou manao no ka palekai ma La..liaina.

Heluhelu ae la Ivir. Lee i ka olelo pane a kekahi

kom.ite no ka poe hui e hoo:holo moku mahu.

Hooh. 6. noonoo Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; No ka ill.I ana o keia A.~a i ka olelo pane a ka poe komi te a me ka palapala· noi i oleloia malaila, eia ko lakou manao, aole e hiki ia lakou ke haalele i ka manao o ka la 24 o Novemaba 1851.

Timoteo Helu..'li.elu ae la Mr Annatrong 1 ka palapala a Timoteo'. Res. 7 Hooh. 7. Hooholoia;O ka palapala noi a Timoteo no na eka aina he

15 7/10 o ka loko ia uuku keka.lii ma Kaalaiki,Kau,Hawaii e aeia no, $1.50 ke kumu kuai ma ka eka, koe nae ka loko ia / 604 Vh.Ap .Jones !'r.Armstrong read an application of 1::r.W~.Ap.Jones of L~1aina for an allodial title to land. Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That the application of W:n. Ap. Jones

:for the corr.mutation of a lot at Lahaina, awarded to

Paan4ia & by him conveyed to said Jones is hereby

granted; and the JiLinister of the Interior is hereby requested to grant the f'ee simple of the. sa11e upon his

paying $48 and costs of Patent I Kaiewe Mr.Arr:1.strong read the application of Kaiewe :f'or an allodial title

Ree. 4. ·/ Res. 4. Reso1ved; That tfl.e application of Kaiewe f"or

commutation of his Land clai:rn 1158 be and is hereby

granted upon his paying for the Government rights therein ~20. I Dr.Hooke ,,.Mr. Lee read the application of Dr.Rooke f'or an allodia.l title.

I Res. 5. Resolved; That t:i_.1e l'iinister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant T.C.B.Rooke a Royal

Patent for his claim No. 924 free of co"rt'!'!Iutation J Rep.on Break­ Mr.Arnstron[s read a report of a committee appoint­ water,Lahaina ed to examine & report on a breakwater building at La.c11.a ina j Rep.on Steam Mr.Lee read a report of a committee on a Stear,1 !:Tav.Com. NaviCTation Co~pany. hes. 6.

Res. 6. Resolved; T·11at this Council having considered the report of the Co:mrii t tee and t~1e petitions there in re­ ferred to, are of the· opinion that they cannot recede :fro;11 the Resolution of the 24th Eovem'ber lc35l J Timoteo }:r .Antstrong read the application of Timoteo

\ , Res. ?. Res. 7. Resolved; That Timoteo's application f'or

15 7/10 acres of land, including a s:riall fish pond,in Kaalaiki,Kau Hawaii be Grm1ted at the price of jl.50 per acre, reserving the fish pond. 605 r.. ,

Kalua Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi a Kalua

Res • .s. Hooh. 8. Hooholoia; R haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia Kalua, no kona -pahale ma ke Ala Hotela 1 Honolulu

oia hoi ke Kuleana 2071 o ka Poe Hoona; ia ia no e ulcu mai i iwakalua kumamalima dala($25.)

Hoopii 1 ka Olelo ae la Hr. Lee 1 kekahi mau mea no ka Hoopii A...lia Kiekie 1 ka Aha Hookolokolo Kiekie Ahaolelo He wahi kamailio hoi no ka Ahaolelo Hoopaneeia a i ka po elima 606

Kalua Mr .Arnstrong read t~1e application of r:alua Res. 8. I Res. 8. Resolved; That an allodial Title be granted to Kalua for his lot in Hotel street Honolulu knovm as

claim N'o. 2071 of the Land Comrniss i{)n, upon his pay- Tvrnn,t;r, ing the commutation fee of/'tlllli/ five dollars ( 4,~25. ) Mr. Lee made sane statements respecting an appeal / Appeal to the Sµpreme Court to the Suprer-ie Court j ~ext Legislature The· subject of the next Legislature occasioned

considerable conversation. At 2 P •. M.

Adjourned to meet again on Friday No Page 607. 1fistake in· numbering. 608 Ahakuka l1alu Maraki 12 1852.

Nohe mai la Ka Moi Ka.-.ueharneha III

Ka 1Ieu. Kiekie KeoEi Ana Kaeo Mr.Annstrong Ii , Lee Mamakeha , Bates Mr. Wy-ll.ie , Hopkins , Judd Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Helu...11.eluia ka pule Helu...11.eluia ka Mooolelo, ua hooponoponoia a apono Poe Korn. Oka poe komite i oleloia ma ka Olelo hooholo

aka.hi o ka halawai hope; Helu...11.elu no i ko lakou manao,

a ua kukaia ma na pauku, ua hooholoia na pauku a pau; a ma.11.ope iho ua hooholoia keia

Hoch. 1.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; 0 ka olelo aka poe komite no ka palaPala hoopii a Mr. All.en McLane me Mr. rhomaa H. Patterson,

i hooholoia i keia la; ua haa,;11 hou ia mea i kela poe komitte no me ke kauoha aku e kamailio pu me ua Patterson la a me l.aua no e kakau i ka olelo beri:J:;a,me .ka hiki wawe hoi e hiki, a~, a e hoike mai ia mea i keia Aha. Kinimaka Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala no i aina a Kinimaka, i palapala ano alodio nana

Hooh. 2

Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Oka palapala noi a Kinimaka i palapala ano alodio nana no ka aina i heluia 240 Apana 5 ua aeia ia ia; nana no hoi e uku :mai i ko ke Aupuni kuleana 1 iwakalua dala Judd Hai mai Mr. Judd i kekahi mea no ka poe i lawe e

i ko lakou puu dala '· Ii Hoalcaka hou mai la Mr. Ii i kekahi mea no ka aina o Mahune - ua hoopaneeia Hoopaneeia ka Aha a i ka Po akahi 009 Privy Council J.iarch 12 lo52

Present His FaJ e1;; ~J Kw,ieh.;, tcfr1a III His Highness John Young

Kaeo J.rr. Wyllie Ii , Lee Namakeha , Bates 1~r. Wyllie , Hopkins , Judd Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers read as usual J Minutes. read,amended and approved Rep. of Bom. of The committee mentioned in Resolution First of last meeting the last meeting, reported; and it v,as resolv,ed to

consider it article by article which r:as done and all the articles of the report vvere adopted. After which

the :rollowing passed j Res. 1. Res. 1 Resolved; That the Report of the committee on the

Petition of :Mr .Allen JfoLane and Ur. Thomas H .Patterson, having this day been adopted, the same is hereby re­ :rerred back to the same Committee with instructions

to confer with the_ said_ Patterson and in concert with

them to f'rame a contract,with the least poseible delay, / to be submitted to this council. Kin1'"1aka Mr.Lee read the application of Kinimaka :ror an allodial title to land Res. 2. J , Res. 2. Resolved; That the application of Kinirnaka. for

a Royal Patent f'or land claim No. 240 Apana 5,be and is hereby granted, he paying f'or the Government rights

therein the sum o:f Twenty dollars. Judd Mr.Judd made same state~ents relative to those who had overdravm funds.

Ii. Mr.Ii brought up sone business relative to t~e estate of Jrahune Postponed Adjd. till Honday next. '"~:· - 610 f·.x·,,·;. &f·, . t ;~ - AhakUka Malu lraraki 15 1852 Noho mai la Ka lA:ea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Mr.Judd Kanaina , Wyllie Kaeo Lee Ii Armstrong Kapaakea Bates Namakeha , Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Haluheluia ka pule Heluheluia ka :Mooolele a ua aponoia Judd lawe Hooakaka hou mai la Mr. Judd i ka mea ana i olelo e 1 na dala mai 1 kela Aha no ka lawe e ana i na dala

Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; E waihoia na dala elima Tausarri e hookaa 1 na dala lilo i ka Poe Hoona, he mea hou keia okoa na dala aka Ahaolelo hope i haawi ai Kom. no ka 0 Mr. Judd, oia kekahi o ka poe komite i hoonohoia noi a ka Moi e milimili 1 ka aina a Ka 1:foi i noi mai ai ma Nuuanu, hoike mai no i kona manao; Eia kekahi mea i hooholoia Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; o ka manao aka poe komite e haawi i ke Alii i kekahi mau aina papu ma Nuuanu, e aeia, a e hooholoia no. Eia hoi kekahi mea i hooholoia Hooh. 2 b Hooholoia; Nona mea hihia o ke kanawai no ka lilo ana o kekahi mau aina papu i ka Moi, na ke Kuhina kalaiaina e imi i ka manao o ke Alii, makemake paha oia e anaia ua mau aina la, a kuai kUkalaia mamuli o ke kanawai e noho nei, a e hanaia Paha e ka Ahaolelo e hiki mai ana, i lilo ka aina ia ia mamuli o ke kanawai 611 Privy Council 1fa.rch 15 1852 Present His Highness John Young

Paki Hr.Judd Kanaina Wyllie Kaeo Lee Ii A:r.nstrong Kapaakea Bates 1Tamakeha Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read I Uinutes were read a!"ld approved Judd,Over Mr.Judd brought f'orwai·d again the subject he drawing funds mentioned last :"!leeting of overdrawing funds I Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the sum of Five Thousand dollars

be app_ropriated for the expensfil of the Land Conunission in addition to what was appropriated by the last Legislature j \ King 1 s request ATr .Judd one of a corrrrd ttee appointed to examine for land. the land which the I:ing requested in N'uuanu, reported See p.588 Rep.of Com. & the following Resolution passed

Res. 2

Res. 2 Resolved; That tl:ie report of the Committee grant­ ing the King certain Fort lands in Fuuanu be received J and adopted. Res. 2. b. The following also was passed Resolved; in view of the le(;al difficult-ti/ in the way of the King'sJ application for t}--.e Fort landS:,the !Tinister of the Interior be directed to ascertain whether Eis 7'aj esty would wish the land to be surveyed

and sold at auction, as required by ti"/ the existing last, or that a motion sho'J.ld be made in the ensuing Legielw.ture, to render the donation of that land to I Him legal. 612. Ka noi a ka Moi Heluhelu ae la 1ir. Armstrong i ka palapala a Ka no na dala Mai e noi mai ana i dala no ke Aupuni Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hoohol.oia; No ka mea, ma ka palapala noi a Ka Moi, i loaa i keia la, i haawiia ia ia kekahi puu dala, ua maopopo no, ua pilikia oia i ka dala ale; nolaila e hoonohoia kekahi poe komi te ekolu, he poe kUkamalu no na lakou e kamakarnailio pu me Ka Moi no ka nui o kona mau aie, a e hoakaka ho~ mai i keia Ahakuk:a malu 1 ka ho,op,au pilikia mea e pono ai ka -.I~ ana i na ~#Ii e noho nei a e pale aku i na lilo wale ma keia hope aku Komite O Mr.Wyllie, Hr Hopkina ame ltr Ii oia ke komite Kahinu Heluhelu ae la Ur. Lee i ka palapala noi a hooilina a Kahinu no ka aina. Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; Ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ia Maria Kahinu no ke kuleana i heluia 544 ia ia no e uku mai i kanakolu dala no ko ke Aupuni kuleana malaila H.Rhodes Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala noi a H. Rhodes no kekahi pahale ma Honolulu Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; O ka palapala.. noi a Henry Rhodes no ka pahale aka Ahahookolokolo e noho nei ma· Honolulu, e aeia no, ia. ia no hoi e uku mai i iwakalua kumama.lina haneri dala maloko no o na makahiki elua mai keia la aku, nana no hoi e haawi mai 1 kana palapala aie~ a me ka moraki maluna o ua wahi la, 1 mea e hoomalu ai me ka uku hoopa.nee he umikumamalua ha.pa ha.neri ma ka makahiki; E lilo no ia. wahi ia Mr.Rhodes i ka wa e e 1ilo a.i ka hana hookolokolo i ka hale hou.

1!r .Hopkins Helu.helu ae la :Mr. tl#t-JI Lee i ka palapala noi a :Mr. Hopkins no kekahi pahale ma Honolulu - Hoopaneeia 613 I Petition of :.r-!r. Armstrong read a petition frof1 the King to King for Honey borrovr money of the Governn1en t Ka :~oi noi dala Res. 3.

I Res. 3. Resolved; That whereas by the application this

day made by His JCaj esty for a loan, it appears that he

is enbarra.ssed in his pecuniary circur.1stancea,, a committee is hereby constituted of three of the Privy '

Council to confer with His Hajesty in relation to his

liabilities and report to the Privy Council a practica­ ble method of releiving him from his present EY".lbarrass­ ment and to secure hir1 fro::1 future losses J ·/ Committee Hessrs.Wyllie,Hopkine, & Ii were that committee I Kahinu Mr.Lee read the application of the Heirs of

I Ka..riinu for land Res. 4. I Fes. 4. Resolved; That the }Tinister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant a Royal Patent to

Haria Ka.,.11.inu for land claim no. 544 upon payment of the sum of Thirty Dollars for the Governraent rights there- in.

H.Rhodes Mr .Lee read the petition of J. 1r .H.l{hodes f'or a House lot in Honolulu Res. 5. ' Res. 5. Resolved; That the application of Henry Rhodes f'or the premises now occupied as a court House Premises in

Honolulu be and is };lereby granted upon his paying

therefor the su.."11 of Twenty f'ive Hundred dollars vd thin

tvro years fro•1 this date, he giving his note and a.

mortgage on the prm1ises. as securi t:t therefor with interest at the rate of twelve :µer cent per annum - the said D.hcdes to have pessession when the court is j removed to the new court house. Mr. Hopkins 1Jr. Lee read the application of Hr. Hopkins f'or a lot in Honolulu - Postponed. 614

Hoopii no na Hoakaka mai la lfr. Armstrong 1 kekahi !"/.It/ Jfula palapala hoopii no na kula ma Mo1oka1

Hooh. 6.

Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; No ka noonoo ana i na palapala i laweia mai imua o keia Aha no Hoilo ke KahuJcula ma Molokai a me Kamaka kekahi kumu o ke kula aupuni, ma Kumueli, M'olokai; ua hoaponoia ka hana a ua kahu la; a ua kauohaia ke KUhina Aopalapala e hoakaka ia mea ia laua la. Hoopaneeia a i ka po Akahi 615 ,/ Complaint Hr.Armstrong brought up the complaint of some of Schools. schools on ~rolokai Res. o-. Res. 6. Resolved; That on consideration of the docu..rrrente submitted to this council in relation to 'the case of'·

Hoilo the school Inspecto1~ Qf r~olokai,and Kwna.ka,a teacher of a' government school,:i..hKumueli,Eolokai; the conduct of said Inspector is hereby approved; and the minister of Public Instruction is directed to inform the 'parties concerned accordingly. Adjd. till Honday next. 616 Ahakuka lfalu Haraki 22 1852 Uoho mai la Ka Hoi o Kameha.PJ.eha III Ka 1,,rea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Ur.Wyllie Kanaina Armstrong Kaeo , Judd Ii , Lee Namakeha , :Bates Lorrin Andre,,s Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka Pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo ~ ua aponoia A.Liholiho & Heluhelu ae la !Ir. Armstrong i ka Ke Alii ma1.1,oc L.Kamehameha mau kulca malu palapala e hoonoho ana ia Alexander Liholiho laua me Lota Kamehameha i mau mea komo iloko o ka Ahakuka

Malu. Hoohiki laua & kakau laua i ko laua nau inoa Penei

Hoohiki Ke hoohiki oiaio nei au imua o ke alo o ke Alcua ola loa, e hana no wau e like me ko'u :nfea e hiki ai i na oihana a -11.-1 ka mea noho ma ka -Ahakuka l~alu no Ke 'Lii; ,E hoopaa ?fo wau i ke Kumukanawai o ko Hawaii nei Aupuni; a e huna no wau i na hana a pau a'u e ike ai ma ka hana kuka malu, e like me na kanawai o ke Aupuni, Na ke Akua wau e kokua mai

Kakauia A1exr. Liholiho ·Kakauia, a hoohifiia iml_la ) o'u i keia la 22 o Maraki) ~.L.1852 . ) Kakauia,Wm.L.Lee Peres. ) · · Aha Koikoi )

Hoohiki Ke hoohiki oiaio nei au imua o ke itll. alo o ke Akua. ola loa, e hana no wau e like me ko'u r:iea e hiki ai i na oihariaa ka mea noho ma ka Ahakuka Ualu no ke Lii; E hoopaa no wau i ke Kumukanawai o KO Hawaii nei Aupuni; a e huna no wau i na hana a pau a'u e ike ai ma ka hana kuka malu, e like me na kanawai o ke Aupuni. Na ke Akua wau e kokua nai Kakauia L. Kamehameha Ka.kauia a hoohikiia imua) • o•u 1 keia la 22 o Maraki) M.J. 1852 ) ) Kakauia,Wm.L.Lee Peres. ) Aha Koikoi ) 617

Privy Council ?/arch 22 1852 Present His :~aj esty Ka::ieha.;"1.eha III.

His Highness John Young Paki ]Ir.Wyllie Kanaina Armstrong Kaeo Judd Ii Lee I\famakeha Bates

Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual j 1:'.'inutee vrere read and approved A.Liholiho rr. Anstrong read the King's Commiasions appoint- I c: L.Kanehameha ing Alexander Rihoriho and Lot Kamehaneha :C-Tonorary in Privy Council J,rembers of the Privy Council. The regular oath was

taken ~ subscribed by each of them and is as follows. j Oath I aolem.Yily swear, in the Presence of the Ever Living God,that I will to the best of my abilities discha;rge"'_the duties of a Privy Councillor to the KinQ;; -That I will support the Cons ti tut ion <:ti the I:awaiian KingdomI and-obs~rve-.:strict secrecy in regard to all matter& coming to riy know·ledge as Privy Councillor, I agreeably with the l.aws of the Land.So,help me G-0d Signed Alexander Liho1iho Subscr_ibed and sworn to ~ before me this 22 day of) lracrh A.D.1852 )

Signed,Wm.L.Lee Chief Justice •

Oath I do solemnly swear,in the presence of the Ever Living God,that I will,to the best of my abilities, faithfully discharge the duties of a Privy Councillor to the King; - That I will support the Conatitution of the ;and that I will observe strict secrecy in regard to all matters coming to r::lJr knovrl.edge as Privy Councillor,agreeably with the laws of the Land. _So help r.1e God. Signed L.Kanehameha j Subscribed & sworn to ) before me this 22nd day of ) I:arch A.D.1852 ) ) Signed,William L.Lee Chief Justice)

• 618 Andrews kekahi '1/1-,{i/ ii ti¥:/ 1-/itil Hoike aku la Mr.Wyllie- o ka Poe Aha if",• kuka malu i kona manao i ka Moi, e lilo pa..11.a Hr. Andrews 1 kekahi o ka poe kuka malu; Ae mai o r~r .Lee Hopkins Pa.hale hooleia Hoakaka hou mai la Hr Armstrong i ka palapala noi

a Mr.Hopkins, i PEL{lale nona ma Honolulu. I ka hapai ana 1 ka lima, ua hooleia

Yakee & J. Heluhelu ae la J'Jr. :Bates i na palapala noi a Capt. Anthon hooleia YAkec a me J. Anthon, manao laua e kuai alodio i mau apana liilii elua, no laua no i keia manawa ma ka hooli!llalima. Ua hoole nae ia

Aina o Mahune Hooike hou mai 1-!r. Ii i ke ano o ko Haliune mau aina Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Ua aeia i ke Ku..hina Kalaiaina e haawi i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio i na Hooilina a Boaz ) Mahune no kekahi Ahupuaa o Umauma ma Hilo, Hawaii, a no Puunoa no hoi ma Lahaina, i Maui; ke lilo ole ia mau aina i ke kuaiia; e loaa no keia mau aina no ka mai ana o Mahune i ka wa i maheleia na aina, a nolaila kona loaa ole kekahi aina ana i malama ai e like me na kanaka e ae No Molokai Lawe mai la Mr. Armstrong 1 kekahi mau palapala ohumu no Molokai mai; a ua haawiia ia Mr. :Bates e noonoo. Hooemi 1 na Roakaka hou mai Mr Lee i ka mea ana 1 olelo ai koa mamua; O ka hooemi iho i ka nui o na koa; Ua kUka nui ia, a waiho wale a i ka Po elima e hiki mai ana. Pai hou i ke kanawai Olelo mai la l~r. Armstrong i kekahi mea no ke pai hou ana i ka ouke kanawai ka½iko Hooh. 3.

Hooh. :3. Hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hoopai hou 1 ka buke kanav-.rai 1 paiia i ka makahiki 1842, elua hane­ ri blike e paiia o ka olelo Beritania,~e na mea hoopono­

pono i hooholoia i ka maka½iki 184:3 Hoopaneeia a 1 ka Poelima _<. ·." ..J~·· ..·.''.;., , 619 :;;/~- I Andrews !1.'Tr.Wyllie suggested to the King that 'rr .Andre\TS Hon.Priv. Councillor be appointed an :!Ionora7 member of the Privy Council;

seconded by J:r. Lee j HopkinH house :'Tr.Armstrong brought up again the request of I'.r. lot lost Hopkins for a house lot in Honolulu. The vote being j ta.ken it was lost Capt .Jfakee Hr.Bates read an application of Capt.Jfakee and n r <\C j J.Anthon J .Anthon to purchase &Jnall piece& of land v1hich they .Negatived now occupy under lease. A resolution to sell was read j & lost. Lands of I~a..riune J.~r. Ii brought_ up again the case of the lands of

Mahune \ Res,. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the Hinister of the Interior be

and is hereb~r authorized to. grant a Royal Patent to

the Heirs of Boaz }{ahune for one of the Ahupuaa' s of

Umauma. at Rilo, !-!awa.ii and also for Puunoa at Lahaina, 1.:taui; Provided said lands have not been-already dis­

posed of, the sa~ne 1'0 be in consideration of Jfa.hune•a

having been sick at the time of the division of land&

& recei'V'ing no portion of the landa in ij.is keeping like others. J Complaints Mr.Armstrong brought forward some papers contain-, .from ]lolokai ing co:1plaints from Jrolokai ,1hich were refe.cred to Er. J Bates Hr.Lee. l:!r.Lee brought up the subject he mentioned some Reduce the !To. of Soldiers time ago, Viz, the reducing the number of soldiers

now on pay. The questiou was discussed & laid over

till Friday next.

Reprint old :ur.Armstrong brought up the business of reyrint­ Law Book ing the Old Statutes Res.3. Res. 3. Hesolved; That the )~inister of the Interior be & is,

hereby authorized to have published an edition of 200 copies of the Rnglish Version of the laws published in 1842, together with the Arnendl1enta passed in 1843 Adjd. to m.eet on Friday next 620 Ahakuka Halu liaraki 26 1852

!!oho mai la Ka Moi Kamehameha III Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki l{r.Judd Kanaina , Wyllie Kaeo , Bates N'amakeha , Armstrong A.Liholiho Lee L .Kamehru-:ieha , Hopkins· Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo . 'ia Helu...lielu "ae la ka pule Helu...h.eluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Hooemi·koa Oka mea i haiia i ka Ahakuka hope; o ka hooemi

ana i k~ nui o ~a koa 1 loaa ka uku, ua kuka hou ia 1 keia la Liholiho 0 A. Liholiho ka 1 hai mua mai i kona manao a heluhelu hoi i kekahi mau olelo hooholo --lehulehu ae la na manao i haiia, a mahope eia ka mea 1 hooholoia Hooh. 1 -j!ooh. 1. No ka mea, ua lohe keia Aha me ka noonoo i ka l;(, manao kakauia o ko ke Alii pane Alihi Kaua, a ,._.,.,,_·• No ka mea, o na dala lilo no ka hui ana o ka poe e noho nei koa~o ke aupuni, ua oi loa aku mamua o ka nui o na dala i aeia no keia mea e ka .Ahaolelo hope, a i keia manawa e -1.,L/ 1.-11. ma.hua..h.ua ana i na dala lilo o ke Aupuni, elua tausani dala a oi aku pa...lia i kela mala.r.ia keia malamJ; N'olaila 1. E hooholoia; o ka poe koa e noho nei, maloltO o ka hale koa ma Honolulu; e hooemi koke iho no mai ka haneri a i ke kanaono kana.ka 2. Ao ka nui o ka poe koa o Oahu nei i Uku ole ia, ehiku haneri no lakou: O ka poe kaa ma Hawaii, hookahi haneri no; O ko Maui poe koa, hookahi haneri; o ko Kauai, he kanalima. 621" Privy douncil ~arch 2d 1852 Present His Fajesty Kamehameha III His Highness John Young Paki Hr •. Judd Kanaina Wyllie Kaeo Bates 1T a..111&.k eha Armstrong A. L Lriol iho Lee L .Kamel1.ameha Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayera were read as usual Minutes were read and ayproved J :Reducing The subject brought up at the last meeting of Soldiers the Privy Council Vis. the reducing of the number of

Soldiers on pay was resu:ned today j A.Liholiho Er.Liholiho addressed the Council & read sorne resolutions - Seve1·al other speeches were made and and afterwards the following resolution passed

Res. 1.

Res. 1. Whereas; Thia Council having eonsider~d the reyort of the King's Lieutenant_General; and 'Whereas, the exp ens.es of the present I'!ili tary Organization of the Kingdom have already far exceeded the appropriation made for this object by the last Legislature, and are now involving the Government in a monthly outlay of upwards of two thouaand dol1ars, 'fherefore, 1. Be it resolved, Th. t the present 1.Tili tary Force now in Garris.on in Honolulu he immediately reduced :rrom one hundred to sixty men. 2. That the Yilitia Force force·for·the Island of

Oahu '// entitled to no pay, be fixed at seven hundred: That the militia force for Hawaii be fixed at one

hundred: for :·:aui one hundred: & for Kauai, fifty. t:t.l.', ·" ~­ 622 p· 3. Ao keia mea, o ka hoonohonoho koa, e waihoia a na ka Poe Ahaolelo e noonoo. Kanawai no na Helu."J.elu ae la l~r. Bates i ke kanawai ana i kakau moku mahu ai manuli o ke kauoha ma>nua aku no ke ka.hi mau moku mahu, e holoia mawaena o San Francisco a me Kina. Kanaina Ku ae la o Kanaina, a olelo mai 1a ma ka inoa o Kalwna, nona no ka papakoa e hoolilo ia ana ma ia kanawai i ka poe nona ka moku mahu; a mah.ope hooholoia ae la keia

Hooh. 2.

Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; O ke kanawai i heluheluia i keia la no ka hooholo ana i na moku mawaena o Kalifornia a me Kina, e ku ana hoi ma Honolulu; me ka ~aawi hoi i kekaJ1i kuleana a me na pono ia Allan McLane a me Thomas H. Patterson, ua aeia no; a i ka wa e kakauia'i ka inoa a aeia e ua mau mea la o McLane laua me Patters.on,,.,-, ma ka palapala; e manaoia no, ua paa ke Aupuni Hawaii m.alaila. Eia kekahi mea i aeia, ina paha e loaa kekahi mea nona ke kuleana pono i ua mau wa.hi la i liloia, e .. hooponoponoia ma.~ope ma ka uku kupono no ia wahi. Hoole ae la Mr. Judd, aole ia i ae aku Moku Vandalia Eia kekahi mau 6lelo hooholo no ka moku manuwa o Vandalia Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hooholoiak O na Uku awa a pau, a me ka uku no ka ~--. wai hoi, no ka mokll~.:Manuwa o Amerika Huipuia o Vandalia ~ . •·. -'-. oiai oia i ku wale ma kc··--A.yva o keia Kulanakau.hale, e hoihoi ia, a ke Kuhina Waiwai e kauoha aku i ka mea ohi dute, a me ha kanaka e ae ke pili Eia hoi keia Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; Hake Kuhina o ko na Aina e, ma ka inoa a ma ka aoao o ka Moi, e al.oha aku ia Capt. Gardner no ka malu..~ia ma o na la, ma ka moku manuwa 623

3. That the whole subject of a !'ilitary Organization ·be referred to the consideration of the-next Legisla- ) ture. Ordinance for J\r,r. Bates read an Ordinance: which he viras ordered Steam Co. to make soqe time ago respecting a line of Steamers to run between San Francisco and China: J Kanaina Kanaina, i?i the na..>ne of Queen Kala.."!la, claimed the reef about to be transferred by the forer'.1entioned

Ordinance to a Steam Company. The foll.owing resolu­ tion however. passed Rea. 2.

Res. 2. Resolved; That the Ordina!1ce this day reported in

I relation to a line of SteaJners between California & China touching at Honolulu and granting certain rights

and privileges to Allen 1-:cLane and Thomas H .Patterson,

is hereby approved and that when the same is duly

signed and accepted by the said McLane. & Patterson in it writing " shall be regarded as binding u.pon the Hawaiian Govern.'Ilent. It being understood that in case it shal1 be fourxi that any person has any good c1aim in the lots granted, it shall be subsequently arranged by granting a co~pen-

./ sation therefor. !Tr.Judd dis.sented :i'~me the above ~:::~,:,/? resolution J Ship Vandalia The following resolutions respecting the U.S.Ship Resolutions Vandalia was passed Res. 3. J Res. 3 Resolved;Thut all Port dues of every kind,includ- ing those for water incurred by the U.S.Shir Vandalia during her stay in the Port of this Capital,he rernittecj or and that the I>~iniater of J:U~1ce redirect the collect~ .·~·:"t- --:,. t}eneral of Cus to!!ls, and all others whom it !!lay concern. \ Also Res. 4. ..;:·.,t1 Res. 4. Resolved; That the :·.tinist~r. of F

o Vandalia ka inoa, malalo ona, oiai oia i noho ma keia kulanakauhale, no kona lokomaikai hoi i kona ae ana mai i kona luna kaua o Lieutenant Reid a me ka poe koa e kokua i ke ao ana i na koa m0 papu Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee 1 keia/ Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; 0 ka mea aloha, oia na $200, e haawiia

ma ka inoa o ka :J\.roi e ka Pani Alihi kaua ona ia Capt. moku Gardner, a nana hoi e ma..~ele i kona poe ko~ nana i kokua mai 1 ke ao ana i ka poe koa; a e kakauia ia mea ma ka m·oo lilo no ka pale kolohe o ke Aupuni 625 Ship Vandalia under his command,during her stay in the Porto~ this Capital, and .for his kindness in pennitting his Earine Officer Lieut. Reid and marinea to assist in training the troops of the Garrison. Hr. Lee also re~'1 the following Resolution

J Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That a gratification of ~200 be present­

ed, in the name of the King, by his Lieutenant General,

to Captain Gardner to be by him distributed a.~ong the marines, vrho have assisted in training the soldiers; and that the same be charged to the account of Military Disburser-1ents for the defence of the Kingdom 626

A..11.akuka Halu Uaraki 29 1852 Noho mai la Ka Moi o Kamehameha III

Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Namakeha Kanaina Ltr. Wy.llie Kaeo , Armstrong A.Liholiho · Ii L.Kamehameha , .Tudd Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo .ua helu:i-1cluia ka pule Ua heluhelU:ia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia

Hai mai la Ur. Vlyll.ie i kekahi mea no ka puu dala i haaYdia i ka Ahakuka hope na. ka poe koa o ka moku

Vandalia. Eo ka mai o Alexander Liholiho na 1.:r. Wyllie 1 haawi aku; aole nae 1 loaa, no ka mea ua kue ia haawina i ke kanawai o Amerika Huipuia; Ua oluolu nae

ke karnailio pu ana me Capt. Gardner. Eia ka mea i hooholoia Hooh. 1.

malu i Vandalia

a hoihoi ia

Ho okai;na ke ahuna pule ma '/ ona manao e kupono. Ees ... l .. · Hooholoia;No ka lohe ana i n·a palapala elua o ka la 2.7 a Capt Gardner; ua kauohaia ke Ku.'1.ina o ko na Aina e ho­

akaka aku i kona loaa,me ke aloha aku o ka Hoi a me ko­ na mina,-nina i ke kue ana o ke kanawai o A."'llerika Hu.ipu14 kekahi makana uuku aole e hiki i Captain Gardner ke loaa no kona poe koa~ no ko ka Moi aloha maoli,no ka hana a lakou 1 hana'i, aole oia i ike ua kue i ke kanawai o ko Ameriha Huipuia Helub.elu ae la A.Liholiho 1 keia Olelo hooholo Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Oka dala i hooholoia e ka Ahakuka malu 1

dala makana 1 ke Kapena o ka Vandalia nana e haawi 1 na koa o ka moku ona,no ka hoihoi ia ana mai, e haaviia no ka pomaikai o ka Hale Pule ti27 Privy Council Harch 29 1852

Present 11 is 1~aj eety Ka."ileha.,.,,eha III His Highness John Young Paki 1ran1akeha Kanaina · Hr.Wyllie Kaeo Armstrong hl#itl-1 , Ii A.Liholiho , Judd L.Kamehameha Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read and approved !',.r.Wyllie stated sone things in relation to the gratification voted to the 1:arines of the Vandalia at the last meeting of the Council. As Prince Alexander was indisposed, it was presented by rrr. Wyllie. The gratification however could not be received, it being ., contrary to the laws of the u.s. The interview,how- ever, with Capt. Gardner was pleasant. The following resolution was passed. J Res. 1. Resolved; That having heard the two despatches da­ ted 27th instant from Captain Gardner, the !tiniste:r ·. of Foreign Relations is ordered to acknowledge their receipt, with His l:ajesty's thanks, and the expression of His till/It regret that the laws of the United ,' States prevented the acceptance by Captain Gardner's !!Iarines of the srrJ.all token of Eia :r~ajesty's sens.e: of the valuable services V11n.ich he had commanded to be presented to them, not knowing that it was contrary to American law. Er. A. Liholiho introduced the following Res. 2. Resolved; That the money appropriated by the Priv,y Council to be presented to the Captain of the Vandalia

to be distributed among the marines of his ship,on account of its beinG returned,be presented to the Seaman's Chap- 628

Raole no ka poe Holokai; na ke Kahuna pule olaila e haawi, e 11kt, l'!Ie kona manao he kupono Helu.1-ielu ae la Mr. Wyllie i ka palapala na Admiral Seymour, kakauia 1 ka la 25 o Jan. 1852 Riki mai Mr. Iii keia manawa Kauoha ae la Ke Alii ia Mr. Wyl1ie e kakau i keka...~i manao nona imua o .ka A..~aolelo · Olelo ae la Mr. Armstrong i kekahi mea no ka pono ·o ke ao ana i ka Olelo Beri tania, a manao ae la oia e ~oike aku ta mea i ka A.~aolelo Hiki mai la Mr Judd i keia wa Hoakaka mai la Mr. Armstrong i ka like ole 0 ka poe . i hanauia a me ka poe i make i keia makahiki HelUhelu ae la Irr. Armstrong i ka palapala a Er. Parke o ka Luna Makai no ka hale kupono i ka poe makai Hooh. 3. Hoo?oloia; Oka hale e-hanaia'i ka aha.hookolokolo hoomalu; e lilo ia i wahi e pono ai ka poe Makai.

,.. 629 lain, ll?]:d left to the Seaman's Chaplain ~or proper distribution as he may see fit.

J,r.Wyllie read a letter from Admiral Seymour of

Jany.25 1852

I Fr. Ii Ca.I!le in at this time

j !iJr. Wyllie was requested by the King to draw up a speec}i. for him on the opening of the Legislature J llr.Annstrong made some remarks respecting the

importance of instruction in the English Language & thought it should be broueht before the Legi&-lature.

1~r. Judd car1e in at this time • lfr. AITJ.strong stated the conparison between the

births & deaths the past year.

Jl:!r.Arml3trong read. a communicat·ion from Hr.Parke J shal " the Marlti"t · on the subject of a station hous:e for the Police.

Res. 3 I Resolved; . That the premises now occupied as a Police Court be used as a Police Station under charge of the 1/itl/i"tMarehal

•t 630 Ahakuka Yalu Aperila 5 1852 Uoho mai la Ka Hoi o Kam.ehameha III Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Kaeo Namakeha Ii Mr •.Armstrong L.Kaneha.meha , Wyll.ie A.Liholiho , Judd. Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua helUheluia ka pule Ua helu..."1-ieluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia •r.Wyllie ko Hoike mai la Mr.Wyllie i keia mau palapala i Ka na aina e Moi, aole i hoikeia mamua no kona mai; ua ike nae oia i ko loko, a ua heluheluia hoi imua o keia A.11.a kuka

• :malu, o na palapala. mahope mai koe, oia na palapala o na la 24 a me 26. Puka mai Mr. Judd i ke ia manawa Mahope iki k-omo mai John Ii

Alaila, heluhelu ae la ltr. Wyll.ie i keia mau palapala a waiho akul.a imua o ka Moi; Peneia Pal. 1. Ka palapala. a Mr. Barclay Comisina no ka la

2 o Iulai 1851 me kona karaailio pu ana me Lord Palmer­ ston Pal. 2. Ka palapala a Daniel Webster ia Ur.Sever- ance no Julai 14 1851.

Pal. 3. Ka pa.la.pa.la. a Hr. Barclay Komisina o ka la

5 o Sepatemaba 1851 no ke Kuikahi me ko Belgiuma

Pal. 4. Ka palapala a Mr.Barclay Komisina o ka la 19 o Sepatemaba 1851 hookahi pepa oloko. Pal. 5. Ka palapala a Hr. Barclay o ka. la 26 o Sepa-

temaba 1851, hookahi pepa. oloko. IDIOaakaka mai la Hr. Wyllie i ka pa.la.pa.la a Lord Palmerston o ka la 22 o Sepatemaba

Pal. 6. Ka pa.la.pa.la a Mr.Eldridge hel.4.0kat.15 1851

Pal. 7. Ka pa.la.pa.la a Ur.Eldridge no ka. la 12 o Jan 1852 Hel. l me na pepa oloko elima

Pal. 8. Ka palapala a Fr .:aeyerback hel. 20 o ka. 1a 13 o Dek .1851_ ( o na helu ka akahi a i ka 19 o ia ma.kahiki, aole i hiki mai)me kekahi mau pa.la.pa.la maoli o na 1a 031 Privy Council April 5 1852

Present :i-ris Hajesty Karieharie1:a (5) III

His Eighness John Young Kaeo Na..l'Ylakeha Ii Jrir .Arr.1strong L .Kam.e!1ar·!e}:a Wyllie A.Liholiho Judd Lorrin Andrews Secretary

Prayers were read :Hinu tee were read and approved

I J[r.Wyllie Jliir.Wyllie submitted t}le following documents to the For.Relations King, which owing to His Haj esty' s ill heal th iii he had not been able before. to do; although His J-fajesty

knew their contents general1y and although these had

all been read before the Privy Council, excepting those

received on the 24th & 26 I Mr.Judd came in at this tir.1e but soon retired I J.11r. Ii ca.Me in soon after / Mr.Wyllie then read & 1,a.id before the King the f'ollowing documents Viz.

J No. l.· Mr. Commissioner Barclay's. Despatch of 2nd ,Tuly of his interview 1851 with particulars -/itr/11./1 iii/II/Iii.I with Lord Palmerston 2. Hon.Daniel Webster's Despatch to J''!r.Severanca of' I 14th July 1851 , 3. ~Jr.Com._l7lissioner ~'3arclay's Despatch of 5th Septem­ ber 1851 about treaty a treaty with Belgium

4. ?{r.Co1mnissivner Earclay's;l9 September lb51 with I one enclosure ·

, 5. 11•:r. Commissioner Barclay I s 26 September lo51 with one enclosure, Irr.Wyllie. explained Lord Palmers-con's Despatch of 22 Sept. to the French Government

6. Mr. Eld':r·edge's Despatch No. 4 of the 15th October ' 1651 .. J 7 • Mr. Eldredg'.s. Despatch of the 12 Jany.lb52 no. 1 with five enclosures \ 8. Ur. ::Seyerbach Despatch No. 20 of 13th Dec.1851 ' (Wo. 1 to JTo 19 of that year not yet received) with unofficial letters of 13 & 2& Dec. 1851. 632 Pal. 9. Ka palapala a )fr. Beyerback helu 2 o ka la 14 o Jan. 1852 (aole i hiki mai) me na pepa 3 oloko no ka poe halo kolohe

Pal. 10. Ka palapala a r.;:r. Eeyerback pal. maol i o ka la 15 Pal. 11. Ka palapala a l-Tr. l(emy o ka la 5 o Dekemaba 1851 me kana mau palapala hookoho Pal. 12. Ka palapala a Ur .Remy o ka la 13 o Maraki 1852 e noi mai ana i kekahi buke na Capt. Wilkes

Pal. 13. N'a palapala elua a l-:r. Spene.a~ o ka la 6 o

Feberuari a me ka palapala hoooia o ka la 5 ~ Janr. Uo ka palapala a 1~r. Remy ua hooholoia keia I-Iooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; No ka manao imi naauao o ke Kumu o

Mon. Remy i kona holo ana mai i keia aupuni ua kauohaia ke Kuhina o ko na aina e e haawi ia ia i ka bUke na Capt. Wilkes no loko ae o ka ke Alii mau palapala ana i noi mai ai, a mahope e hoihoiia mai Mr.Spence Eia ka mea i hoohol.oia no l~r. Spence Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooho1oia; 't O :Ur. John F. Spence ka mea i noho Kanikele malalo o lir. Oldf'ield oia ke Kanikele Hawaii i ka manawa ma San Francisco, ua aeia iaiaAe hooponopono ia ia iho no kona manao kokua i ka poe holo mai nei me ka manao e hookahuli i keia aupuni Heluhelu ae la Mr. ATI1J.strong i ka palapala a Mr. Damon Ahaolelo Ole lo ae la !Tr. Wyllie i kekahi mau mea no ka Ahaolelo. Ua manaoia e halawai ka Ahaolelo i ka po Ii ka hora 11

Olelo aka lloi Heluhelu ae la !·:~r. Wyllie i ka manao o ka 1Ioi imua o ka Ahaolelo

Kumu na na koa Hai mai la o A. Liholiho i kekahi manao no ke kumu na ka poe koa. I 633 Iifo. 9. M:r.neyerbach's Ho. 2.of 14 January 1852 (:;~o.l not yet received) with 3 enclosures an the subject of Piratea

I 10 Hr. :Seyerbach 1 s unof:ficial letter of the 15th ' April 1852

, 11. Mr. Reay's Despatch of 5th December 1851 with I his testimonials I , 12 lfr. Remy's Despatch of 13th March 1852 asking the loan of Commodore Wilkes' History I I J , 13 }Jr.Spence's two letters of 6th February and testi- , monial of 15th January l.aat In regard to }!r. Rerny•J the following Resolution ,vas passed I Res. 1. Res. l. . . Resolved; That in view of the Scientific objects . 'i-L. -._:.-=: ,:. of Monsieur Proffessor Remy in his visit to this. ki,ng,,, ii.om, the }.finister of Foreign Relations is dir·ected to lirui~-1P iii;m Commodore Wilkes History, from the King I s

Library, which :Mr .Remy asks for, the saae to be ta.ken

j care of & returned

1:r.Spence In regard to )1r. Spence the following Resolution . was passed j Res. 2 Res. 2. Resolved; That Hr.John F. Spence who under the provisional appointment of.the former vice Consul Hr. Old:f"ielct has acted as his Ha,jesty's Vice Consul for San Francisco, as a matter of Justice, be allowed tirne ' . to justify himself from charges of co:riplicity with Adventurers in California engaged in plota. against Iris \ .\ 1~aj es ty ' s Government • Legislature l~r. Antstrong read 7,·rr. Da1,1on'a letter of the 30th ult • . Mr. Wyllie made aon.e raw.arks respecting the f'or­ :raal opening of the Legislature. It was underatood that \ the Legislature shoulci meet on Wed. next at 11 O'Clock King I s, Speech Mr.Wyllie read a draft of the King's speech at \ the opening of the Legislature. Teacher of. A. Liholiho made some remarks. relative to an !rilitary Tactic Inatructor for hia soldiers. 634.

Ahakuka Yalu Aperila 12 1852 !Toho mai la Ka :-,foi o Kamehameha III. Ka :Hea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Irr.Judd Kanaina , . Bates Ii Lee L .Kar,ehameha Armstrong A.Liholiho Kapeau Harnakeha , Wyllie Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo. Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua helu..h.eluia ka ~rooolelo a ua aponoia Papa Waiwai Ua 1110 ka Ahakuka i Papa hooponopono waiwai Mr.Judd Hoike mai Irr.Judd i kona manao a me ka olelo hooholo, i ae mai keia aha i ka lilo ana o na dala,he

Kiko e umikuma...TJiaka..h.i tausani a keu 1 kiko e ia mamuli o na bi­ $11.000 la he-14 Mahope o ke kuka ana, ua aeia, e hana hou ia, a aie ike e Mr. Judd 1 na mooAa pau i kiko e ia L. Andrews Hoohiki ae la o L. Andrews a lilo oia i kekahi o ka poe kUka malu Eia ka Mea i hooholoia Hooh.1. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; Na ke Kuhirla Aopalapala e hai aku 1 ke Kumu o ka Hale Kula Alii, 1 kakau oia 1 ko ka lewa mea pohihihi ma Honolulu, 1 mea e pono ai ka naauao. Ahakuka 1 ka pone o ka Ninau ae la Ka Mo 1 i ka iii 'il,J t ii "iii lt,I ii ~I, wai!}o ana imua o ka poe Ahaolelo 1 ka ~ele ana o na tit~--li il-/t. r/ ti "ii/ii. ~I ti. ii ti, iltl ii.I iii t a~pa, a me ka pono, no hoi o ka hoonoho ana i ~a poe J/iN,tl · komite e noonoo i na mea 1 hanaia'i. Ua laweia mai ka palapala noi na ka M:oi aole i _kukaia Hoopanee ae la a i ka po akahi

I 635

Privy Council AP~fl 12 1852 Preatmt His """a.j esty I-:.anehaneha III His Highness John Young

Pa.lei Mr. Judd Kanaina , Bates Ii Lee L.KamehaT'.leha Armstrong A.Liholiho Kapeau Namakeha Wyllie L.Andrewe Secretary Prayers were read as usual ?':inutes were read and approved The Cou:--1cil was resolved into a }3oard of I Board of Finance :!i11nance

J M:r .,rudd }fr. Judd moved a resolution for the J3oard to • 1 $11.000 - approve of eleven thousand & odd dollars overdrawn on overdrawn , 14 accounts as per list presented b~,r him. Af'ter some diacussion it_ was agreed tr,.at the eub­

,i ect should be brought up again when J1r. Judd had J ,ascertained all accounts that had been overdra,m. L.Andrews, Lorrin Andrew.a took the oath of a Privy Councillor Priv.Councill.or -...... the following res,olution was passed j Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the Hinister of Public Instruction

J\Iet .Observa­ be and is hereby instructed to secure the services of tions the Principal of the Royal Scho'ol, in taking !{eteorolo­ gical Observations in Honolulu, for the purposes of J promoting science. · /( of his council,if it would Land Clairns His Majesty enquired Ir i:lf'N.lli #.lltt'/1 t.lll be advisable to refer to the Lerrislature the division (,/-/pJ,Jr //n//,lt/t//n/to///-/./_/,Jt#/.1//li/./#ii'/ 1/-//,J »iNh#;,i, 1°i1e 11}1}t11llt1d ,11ill11/l;;.f/Yt11i 1n;int,. iQi~ comnittee to review what had been done

J A petition to the King was presented but not acted on Adjd. till :e-onda:r next. 636. Ahakulca Malu Aperila 19 1852. Noho mai la Ka Mei o Kamehameha III. Ka Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana • Paki A.Liholiho Kanaina L.Kamehameha Kaeo 1!r.Wyl1ie Kanoa , Armstrong Kapeau Ii Namak~ha Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo, ua hoopololeiia a pono Kumukanawai Hoakaka ae la !Tr. Wyllie i kekahi mau mea no ke hou Kumukanawai hou a me keka.hi mau kumu nui e hookomoia iloko olaila

.Poe hou no ka Ahakulca Hai mai la Ka Moi, ma ke Kuhina nui, .1 kona manao e hoonoho ia Lunalilo,ia Piikoi a me Halelea i mau mea no ka Ahakuka malu Aie o ka poe Olelo ae la Mr. Young, he wahi aie o ke Aupuni koa i ka poe koa; aka, no ka hiki ole · mai o Mr .Ju4d ua hoopanee ia mea a hik~ mai ia

. - Hooh. 1. Hooholoia e ka Papa Waiwai; Ua kauohaia ke Kuhina a ka Aha Koikoi Hookaa ia Waiwai e hookaa i ka bila, a na Lunakanawai" 1 kakau ai G.Rhodes ia Godf'rey :Rhodes Esquire 1 na dala hookahi haneri no ma kana hana Loio ana ii ka Apana o Kauai i ka maka.hiki 1 hala ae mamuli o ka manao o ua mau Lunakanawai la, e like me ka pauku 13 o ke kanawai i kapaia "He kanawai no na Loio Apana", i hooholoia i ka la 11 o Julai 1851 Eia kekahi mea i hooholoia 637 Privy Council April 19.1852 I Present His 1.:aj esty Ka.:n1e}~a'7.eha I~I.

His Hirr,hness John Young

Paki A. Liholiho Kanaina L.Kar1ehameha Kaeo :!'1r. Wyllie Kanoa , Armstrong Kapeau Ii lJa:makeha Lorrin Andrews Secretary

Prayers were readall*ltia'1-1 I Minutes were read" ino. approved. New Constitution Mr. Wyllie stated some things relative to the Few

Constitution & some general principles. which ought to I enter into it ?-Tew Privy The King through Hr. Young announced that he councillors & thought of appointing Lunalilo, Piikoi Haleloa as 1 members of the Privy Council. Due to Soldiers ll:r. Young stated that there was some:thing due the soldiers., but as M:r. Judd was not _preser.1t the subject was postponed till he should be. '//l/-//filr/.J titt -l,/t/ 1/-ls/.i:/ iJ-lt/11/ci.t-/,/t//'//ir/#,/r// J Res.l. Res. 1 Resolved by the :Board of Finance; That the 1:initt­

Pay J,,rr .G. ter cf :5'inance be and is hereby instructed to pay the F.hode's Bill order of the Judges of the Superior Court in favor of Godfrey Rhodes Esquire for the sum of o.ne hundred Dollars, the same being in full for his services as District Attorney as District Attorney of Kauai during

the last year, as determined by said Judges,, ar;reeably

vfi th Section 13 of an Act en tiled "An Act Relating to District Attorneys" passed on t:!'le 11th July 1851. The following Resolution was also passed. 638

Hooh. 2.

No ke pai i ka Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Ua aeia i ke Kuhina Ao- olelo hoakaka palapala e pai, ina e manao ia he pono, i ka palapala hoakaka a Mr. J. Young laua me R. c. Wyllie, he komite ia no na palapala noi aina a na misionari i hooholoia e keia Aha 1 ka malama o Jan.1850. Hoopaneeia a 1 ka Poakahi,ke ole e kahea e ia :mamua. 639 ./ Res. 2 Res. 2. Resolved; That the Einister of Print .i. Report Public Instruction be, and he is hereby authorized to publish at his discret.~on, the Report o.f JTessrs.

J. Young and R. C. Wyllie co:mmi ttee on ],:issionary applications for land adopted by this council Jan.


Adjd. till next Monday unless called together before

• 640 Ahakuka Mau hoopilikia Aperila 22 1852 Noho mai la Ka :Moi, Mr. Young, Na 'lii ui Alex­

ander & Lot Hr.Armstrong Kapena , Wyllie Namakeha Kanaina Kanoa Kapeau John Ii Kaeo Paki Pikoi Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua hoonohoia Ur Wyllie e kakau 1 ka mooolelo no ka nalowale ana o Aneru. Hoike mai la Mr. Wyllie i ka Moi 1 ka Olelo kuikahi o ka la 10 o Julai 1851, ua hoopaaia e Ke Alii Wahine aloha e Viketoria :ma ka Hale papu o Windsor i ka la 12 o Janr.1852, a ma.hope, ua kauohaia oia e ka Hoi e kakau i ka Olelo hoopaa a nana'e kaha 1 kona inoa iho; a e hoololi ia mau Olelo hoopaa 1a me ke Kanikele • nui no ka :Moi Wahine o Beritania Olelo ae la Mr. Wyllie, o ka manao no ia o Earl Greenyille e hoouna i ~e kope o ua Olelo kuikahi la 1 ko Beritania Luna nui ma Parisa, me ke kauoha aku, e

hoike aku 1 ke Aupuni o Ferani 1 kekahi wa kupono, malama pa.ha e lilo ia i kuikahi no luou me ko Hawaii. Eia kana 1 olelo hou mai, oia wale no ka mea keakea i koe, a kau ka Moi manei i kona kanawai iho no na dute. A he mea nui no keia ke loaa, nolaila, he mea ia e pono ai kakou iho, e hoole aole e hoonaUkiUki iki i·ko Ferani; aka, e hana oluolu no, 1 mea e hemo ai kona hoopaa ikaika ana ia kakou ma ka Olelo kuikahi o ka la 26 o Maraki 1846. Hoopanee ae la Ka Moi i ka Aha a 1 ka Poakahi i ka hora he 10. 641 Privy Council of Emergency April 22 1852

Present The King,?'r. Young,_The Princes Alexander & Lot

:·r. AIT'lS tr Onf; Kapena , VTyllie ''° a.I'l.akeha. Kanaina Kanoa Kapeau John Ii Kaeo Paki Pikoi Prayers v,ere read as usual I l'~r. Wyllie was appointed to ta,ke the minutes in the absence of Lr. Andrews. J Er. Wyllie submitted to the King the treaty of

10th July 1851, ratified by Her host Gracious 1::a,j esty .,

Q,ueen Victoria,, at Wndsor Castle on the 12th Jany. 1852

and afterwards; was ordered by His Ha,i esty to prepare a ratification for him to sign; and then to exchange that ra tif ica tion with the Plenipotentiary of :?:er

Eri ttanic !~aj es ty. j J-::r. Wyllie s-ta ted that Earl Greenville intended

sending a copy of the treaty to the :3ri tish Ambassador in Paris, with instructions to present it to the French Government at any favorable moro1ent that might offer of inducing them .to adopt the same treaty. He added, that this now was the only obstacle that remain­ ed to the King's right to have His own Tariff'. To attain this was of great importance; and t}:erefore it was our own interest, not in any way to provoke France, but on the contrary to treat her with every

courtesy, so as to induce her .to relinquish the tr-emen­

dous hold she has over us, in the treaty of the 26

l''.:arch 1846. The King then Adjourned the Council till lronday next at 10 o clock.

, 642

AJiakuka I~alu Aperil 26 1852

!'Toho 1:1ai la Ka 1~oi Kaaehameha III. Ka Hea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki !{r .Judd Kekuanaoa , Wyllie Kanaina , Arnstrong Kaeo Kapeau Ii Kanoa L .Kar1eha!"'!eha Piikoi 1'-Tamakeha Kapena Mahppe iho, hiki !nai 1""r. Lee Lorrin Andrews Xakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule na Ua heluheluia "ii. mooolelo a na Aha hope elua, ua aponoia Kenui akoakoa Heluhelu ae la J,!r. Armstrong i ka palapala noi

a Kenui ma o Dr .Rook la i aeia ia ia e la\ve i ka puna i mea e hamo ai ka halepule, a ua aeia penei Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e ae aku ia Kenui, ma ka aoao o.ka pope ma Hala~a, Ewa, e Oki i ka puna i mea e ha.mo ai i ko lakou Hale pule; ke ole e hoo1e ai Dr. Rooke. Kinai Ahi Heluhelu ae la Armstrong i ka palapala noi aka

poe kinai a.'J.ii. Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia;' Oka palapala noi aka poe kinai ahi,

e haawiia i .na Kuhina Kalaiaina a me ke Kuhina Waiwai na laua e hai mai i ko laua manao i ka halawai mahope. Palapala Ua hiki mai ka palapala a ke Kakauolelo aka poe i kohoia e na makaainana; a ua kauohaia ke Kakauolelo

aka A..~akuka malu e pane aku penei

Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; Na ke Kakauolelo e pane aku i ka pala­ pala a E. ~unt ma ka aoao o ka poe i kohoia e na

makaainana e noi ana i "kope o ka rrr.Wyllie palapala no na aina Aupuni" Aohe palapala a Hr. Wyllie no ka aina; Bprtl &6 /85,2 043 Privy Council April 25 lti52 ( ~ u.-v o-;-1,~(A.).,,ecc.).

Present Eis ~'aj esty 1-:anehaT1eha III

J-Iis :righness Jo:rn Young

Paki 1'r. Judd Kekuanaoa , Wyllie Kanai:r:a Armstronr, Kaeo Kapeau Ii Kanoa L .Kar,,ehaneha Piikoi Ya,.wiakeha Kar)ena

1 "r. Lee ca.r:ie in afterwards Lorrir... Andreva Secretary Prayers were read 1linutes of the two last r:ieetings were read h avproved. J Kenui cut '·r. Armstrong read a request from :Kenlli at Halawa coral throup:h Dr. T.C.3.Eooke for leave to get coral. for

plastering a meeting house which was granted as follows j Hes. 1. hes. 1. Resolved; T:1.at t~1.e = inister of tLe interior be

and is hereby authorized to grant permission to l~enui,

~or the Catholics of Halawa, Ewa, to cut coral for plasterinv, their churf!h; Provided Dr.Rooke Makes no objections. 1 from Honolulu Fire Hr. Armstrong read a petition" the Honolulu Depart. Fire Department. J Res. 2. Hes. 2. Resolved; That the Petition froP the :::ronolulu fire Department be referred to t½e Ninisters of Inter~ or and Finance,to report upon at a future 11cetinp:. j Letter &c. A Letter vras received fror1 the Secretary of the House of Representatives, on which the Secretary of Privy Council was orderea. to reply as follows. Res. 3.

nes. 3. hesolved; That the Secretary be directed to reply

to the note of It. Hunt, on behalf of the Eouse of 1r#tli/ Representatives, requesting "a copy of 1:r.

Vlyllie's report· on Government lands, 11 That !'r.W. has made no . repo:tt on land, 644 no ka i ka aina aka, ina o ka palapala"noi ana mai ~ o na Missionari ka manao, ina ua haawi e ia e keia Aha i ke Kuhina Ao palapala e paiia, aia i kona manao.

Mau mea lilo i Ifamule o ka rnanao o ka 1:oi ana i hoike ai imua poe Ahakuka o ka A.~akuka i ka la 19 iho nei, hoohiki o Levi Haale­ lea laua me Iona Piikoi a lilo i mau mea noho ma ka Ahakuka J'.alli; Penei Hoohiki Ke hoohiki oiaio nei au imua o ke alo ke Akua ola loa,

e hana no wau e like me ko'u mea e hiki ai i na oihana

a ka mea noho ma ka Ahakuka !~alu no ke Alii; E hoopaa a me na kanawai no wau i ke kumukanawaiAo ko Hawaii nei Aupuni; a e

huna no wau i na hana a pau a'u e ike ai ma ka hana kukarrralu, e like me na kanawai o ke Aupuni lTa ke Akua vrau e kokua mai Kakauia Iona Piikoi Kakauia a hoohikiia imua o 'u i ke ia la 26, o Aperila ~.C.I .1852 Kakauia William L.Lee Peres o ka Aha Koikoi Hoohiki Ke hoohiki ojaio nei au imua o ke Alo o ke Akua ola loa, e hana no wau e ·like me ko'u mea e hiki ai i na oihana aka mea noho ma ka Ahakuka Malu no ke Alii; E hoopaa no wau i ke KQ~ukanawai a me na kanawai o ko Hawaii nei Aupuni; a e huna no wa1:1 i na hana a pau a•u e ike ai ma ka hana kUka malu, e like me na kanawai o ke Aupuni. Na ke Akua wau e kokua mai Kakauia L.Haalelea Kakaula a Hoohikiia imua o•u i keia la 26 o Aperila M.I.l.852 Kakauia William L.Lee Peres o .ka Aha Koikoi ~rr .Wyllie ko na Heluhelu ae la Hr. Wyllie i kekahi hapa o ka pala- aina e pala a ke Alii o Grenville ia Gen .1-!iller Kanikele i

kakauia i ka la 16 o Jan.1852;A.ninau oia i ka l!oi 1 ka hoouna ana i ke kope o kana -palapala i ka Luna "/NI Be­ ri tania ana i palapala ai ia, 1.iron .Perrin i ka r1alarc.a o

Julai,a ole paha. Ae mai ka J,Joi' a kauoha ae la ka 1. .. oi ia Mr.Wyllie e hana pela. A e palapala aku hoi i ko :Beritania a me ko Amerika a me ko Belegiuma.

Hoakaka mahua..riua ae la Hr V/yllie i kona manao no ka pono o ka Olelo kuikahi hou me ko Ferani. 645

but if the T,evort on the Application Of ~ :issionaries

for land be meant, tJ1at has been already refered by

this cou!lcil to the ,.inister of Public Instn,._ction for

I publication at his discretion.

/ Per.sons become Accordine to the King' a vrish espressed Ii before Priv~r Council­ lors the Privy Council on the 19 instant Levi Haalelea <: Iona Piikoi took the prescribed oaths of Honorary

!'embers of Privy Council as follows

J Oath. I solemnly swear in the presence of the F'.ver Living God; that I will to the best of my abilities discharge the duties of a Privy Councillor to the King:- that I will aup~ort the Constitution and laws of the Hawaiian Kingdon; and observe. strict secrecy in regard to all ma t·teT.s coming to my knov1ledge as a Privy Councillor, Agreeably vri th the laws of the land So help me God. / Signed Iona Piikoi Subscribed & sworn to before me this 26 April A.D.lb52 j Signed William L.Lee Chief Justice.

j Oath I do solemnly swear in the presence of the Ever

Living God, t:1J.at I will, to the heat of my abilities

discharr:e the duties of a Privy Councillo~ to the King:

- that I ,vill support the Constitution and laws of the

Hawaiian Xinrr,dom; and observe s.trict secrecy in regard

to all r!'latters coming to 1•iy knowledrr,e as a Privy

Councillor, agreeaolywith the laws of t~e land. So

help me God.

Signed L.Eaalelea

Subscribed h: sworn to before I me this 26th.April 1852

Signed Vtilliam L .Lee Chief Justice J 1:r .Wyllie :.r.VTyllie read an extract :rrom a despatch from t'oreign af..: .the Earl of Grenville to Consul Gen.Eiller dat3_d 16th fairs Jany.1652; and asked. t!le King if he shc;uld ~ell dupli­ cate of a letter to the ~3ri tish Ambassador whic.h he. had sent to J'.on.PerriP. in July. The Kinr; accordingly ordered ~~r. Wyllie. t·o 4.o so. And also to the ]'.ng. & American and °'.3elgian Governments. J'Yr. Wyllie also stated his opinion in full. of the importance of a new treaty with France. 646

1852 la 7 o Mei hora 10½ Kakahiaka Ahakuka no ka Pilikia Noho mai la Mr. Young Kekuanaoa Alii opio o Lota Kapeau Paki Kaeo Piikoi Ioane Ii Armstrong Judd Wyllie Ua heluheluia ka pule Manao ae la Hr. Judd e kau ae t///. na lii 1 t/. hoailom kanikau mamuli o keia Olelo hooholo

Kanikau no Kali Hooholoia; e kau na 111 _i hoailona kanikau i umikwnamaha la mai keia la aku no ka make ana o James Kali, a na na luna o keia aupuni e kau i ua hoailona • la ma ko lakou lima hema Ua aeia hoi, na ko ka Hoi Puuku e hoopai ia mea ma ka Polynesian Alaila, pau ae la ka Ahakuka e halawai hou i ka po akahi e kiki mai ana 1 ka hora 11 kakahiaka

, 647

1852 7th :: ay at ½ past 10 A.I~. Pri'Vj~ Council of emerr,ency Present irr. Young Kekuanaoa Prince Lot Kapeau Paki Kaeo Piikoi Ioane Ii Armstrong Judd Wyllie ;· Prayers were read as usual On motion of J.~r. Judd the court was, put into I mourning under the .._followine; resolution ::.:ourning for Resolved; That the court go into mourning for Kali f·our '/lfi-1 teen da;,/s from this date for the late Ja.x,rns Kali; and that the officers of Governr:ent

during that time, wear crape on their left ar11s J It was agreed that the King's Chamherlain should issue the usual notice to the above effect through the Polynesian j The Privy Council was immediately adjourned till 1.Conday next at 11 o'clock 648

Ahakuka 1ra1u no ka Pilikia 1irei M 1852 Noho mai la ::'~r. Young

Ke alii opio 0 Alexander }'rr .Judd

Ke alii opio 0 Lota , Wyllie Paki Kapaakea Kanaina Kta.ec Haalelea Kekuanaoa Piikoi Armstrong Wr:1.L.Lee :Bates

Ua. hoonohoia Mr. Wyllie e kakau 1 ka mooolelo no llr. Andrews

Mamuli o ka manao o ke alii opio o Alexander ua hooholoia keia, Hooh. Hi'kiau Hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku i ka palapala sila nui ia Hikiau no kona aina ma ka mokupuni o J.1aui i kapaia ka inoa o Kaupakalua Hikina aole nae he Uku

Hoopaneeia ka A...1-ia.kuka a i ka Poakahi hora 11 kakahiaka ti49

Privy Council of Er:ierge:_.-,cy l'ay 14 lb52

Present :'r. You::.g

Prince Alexander } 'r .Judd Prince Lot 11 Wyllie Paki Kapaa.kea }:anaina Kaeo Haalelea 1:ekLtanaoa Piik0i Ar!,:s t1·ong Wm. Lee Bates ./ :·r. Wyllie 1.ras ap}Joir.ted to take the ;1inu.tes

f'or : r. Andrews

j On motion of Prince Alexander the :following

resolution was passed.


and is hereby authorized to grant a hoyal Patent to

Hikiau for his land on the island of = aui known as

Kaupakualua !rikina :free of cO-':nriutation.

The Privy Couricil adjourned till 2.onday at 11 A.M. 650 AhakUka J~alu 17 Mei 1852 hora 9 Kak. Noho mai la Ke Alii Hr.Young Fa 'Iii opio Alexander , Hopkins Lota Kapeau Kanoa Kekuanaoa Kapaakea Hr.Lee Haalelea , Ann.strong Judd , Wyllie Paki Ua heluheluia ka pule .. No ka hiki ole mai o ke Kakauolelo, ua hoolilo ia Mr. Wyllie 1 kakauolelo L. Maui Heluhelu ae la Mr. Young i ka palapala noi aina a L. ]fl:aui; a ua hoohol.oia keia Hooh. l. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ia Lota Maui a me na kanaka e ae elua no na eka aina he 84 · ma Kawaipapa, i Hana, Maui, ia ia no e uku mai 1 hookahi dala pakahi ka eka Kailua ma Heluhelu mai la Mr. Armstrong 1 ka palapala noi Papu na Kailua a me na pio e ae o ka Papu, 1 loaa ia lakou ka hora kaawale hookahi 1 ke kakahiaka a me ke ahiahi i mau hora 'II 1;. pule Manao ae la Hr. Lee, o ka haawi i ka palapala noi aka poe noi ia :Mr. Parke ka mea e pono ai, a ua aeia hoi Mr.Funk Heluhelu ae la Mr Judd i ka palapala no.i a l{r. Funk o ka la 7 o Mei 1852, i hoihoiia na dala $243 ana i haawi aku ai i ka mea ohi dala make awa o Hilo, a ua hewa ia haawi ana, no ka mea, o kona kuleana no ia.

A mahope o ke kulca ana eia ka manao i halo Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; 0 ka palapala noi a Mr. Funk no ka la 7 1852, e haawiia ia Mr. Bates, nana no e hooakaka mai i keia Aha 1 ka pololei o ka hana e like me kana i noi ai, a i ka Ahakuka e hiki mai ana

Ko :Mr.Lee Ua heluheluia ka palapala a ]tr. Lee o ka la 17 o Hookaawale Mei e waiho ana 1 kana oihana Peresidena o ka poe AhakUlca malu. 651

Privy Council 17 ~:ay at 9 o clock A.?.~. Present The King !.:r. Young Princes Alexander Hopkins Lot Kapeau Kanoa Kekua::-:aoa Kapaal:ea Irr .Lee Haalelea , An:1s trong Judd , Wyllie Paki Prayers were read as usual In the absence of the Secretary li"r. Wyllie was appointed. to take the minutes

;· L.raui !Jr.Young brought forward L.Maui's application for land. The f'ollowing resolution was passed

Res. 1. j Res. 1. Resolved; That the J':inister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant a title in fee simple to Lota. I'Taui, and two others for 84 a~res of land in Kawaipapa, Hana, J~aui, on his paying f'or the same 1 dollar per acre 'I Kailua & Mr. Armstrong brou~ht forward a Petition f'ror:1 other Prison~ .Kailua and other Prisoners in the Fort, that they may ers be allowed an hour every morning and evening :ror prayers. !fr. Lee suggested that the prayer of the Petition be left to Jrr. Parke and it was voted accordingly J Petition of 1:r .Funk Hr. Judd brought forward a Petition from :~r. Funk dated 7th May 1852 -ror the· re~turn to him of $243 which he had, contrary to his alledged right paid to the . collector of the Port of Hilo, for hia (lir .Funk' a) shaire. After some discus,s.ion the following Resolu­ tion was passed.

Hes. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the petition of r:r. Funk, of 1:v 7

1852, be referred to Mr. Ba.tea~ to report to this, Council, on the legality of the claim therein as:serted, j onnext Privy council day. Resignation of !Tr. Lee's resignation dated 17 I.fay as President ?~r. Lee of the "till r//-M/IJ//i Board of Land Commissioners 1.vas_ read 652 W'y-:llie Olelo ae la Mr. Wyllie,. a mahope iho, helu.helu iho la i keia olelo hooholo

Hooh. 3. Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; Ua pono ole ka manao o keia aha no ka Mr. Lee palap-ala e waiho ana i kona ano Peresidena

o ka poe Hoona, a ke noi haahaa nei i Ka ]foi, e hoopa­ nee ia keia mea a i ka AhakUka hou, a e imi hoi, ina he mea hiki ke ae aku ia Mr. Lee me ka poino ole o na kanaka mai o a o Ua kuka ia na mea hoopii a kekahi poe i hoopii ai Hoopii ia Bond laua me Rowell ia Rev. Mr. Bond Kohala a me Hr. Rowell·rna Kauai no ka laua hana ana malalo o ka poe hcona

A hooholoia, ka olelohooholo 3 hai mai la Mr Lee Robertson i kona manao, e hiki.no ke hookaawaleia 1 ka poe Hoona, a ua ike oia i ke kanaka e ae e like loa. me ia ma na oihana Peres.idena o ka poe Hoona; oia no o Mr. Robertson

Palapala mai imua o ka Moi Kile mai Waiho mai la M:r. Wyllie" i na palapala ana i loaa ai 1 ka la 7 o keia malama mai ia Mr.B:yerback mai o ko.

ka Moi Kanikele nui ma Kile, o ka helu 1 a hild, i ka 23 o 1851 a me na Helu 1 a hiki i ke 6 o 1852; mai ka la 26 Julai.-1851 a 1.ka la.3 o Maraki ;1852;a kauoha ae la kona a Ka Moi ia ia e hoike aku it#~ manao oluolu no k/~~ ke ikaika a me "iii~ akamai a Hr .Byerback i ho ike ai, i kona .hoakaka ana i keia aupuni, a me kona hoomalu ana 1 na luina Hawaii i hookuuia ma awa o Kile Ho.opanee ae Ka Moi i ka AhakUka a i ka Poakahi hora 11 Kak j 653 Yr.Wyllie },rr. Wyllie after some renarks moved the following resolution which Jf:r. Judd seconded Res. 3.

J Resolved; That this Council receive with much regr:et fro:--n the Honorable: v.rm. L. Lee, his letter

resigning the dutiea of President of the Land Co:,nnis­

sion, and respectfully pray His Ii~ajesty to be pleased to -/i./i postpone the subject till next Privy Council day, and to enquire if it be possible to accept his resig!1,tion without great detriment to the public ¢/-,(1,. service J Complaints. A discue,sion took place on the subject of the of T"r .Bond & l,r .Rowell complaini?!'ts against the ~ev. }.:r. 3ond of Kohala and

of the Rev. l'.'r. Eowell of Kauai, for the course they a are said to -/-lli,l.i have puraued as eubagents. of the j land Commission. Fr.Robertson ( The.Resolution No. 3. was paas,ed 1\fr.lee announced that he though\he could be spared, and that there was a man quite equal to himself, in the discharge of the

dutiee of the President of the Land Corimission, and

that was JJTr. Robertson

\ Despatches Mr. Wyllie la.id before the King the despatches from Chili received on the ?th of this month, f'rom ;rr .Byerbaah,,

Hi& Maj,sty•s Consul General, f'or Chili., Eos • l to -G3 \._ of 1851 and nos. 1 to ti inclusive of lb52, embracing dates from 26 July 1851 to 3 ~·arch 1852; &:nd received

His :r(aj esty' a commands to express His satisfaction f'or

the zeal and talent shown by Vr. :Byerbach, to f'urniah

inf'ormation valuable to Ria G-overnment, and. tu pro­

tect Hawaiian sailors discharged in the Ports of Chili The King adjm,..trned the ·Privy Council "till 11 A.M. on 1ro:nday 654 Ahakuka Jl'alu !Jei 24 1852 • Noho mai la Ka Hea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Kanoa Kekuanaoa Piikoi Kanaina Haalelea Kaeo J."r .Lee Ii , Judd L.Kamehameha , Armstrong A.Liholiho , Wyllie Namakeha , Bates Kapeau , Hopkins Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo

Ua heluheluia ka pule llltl.U ekolu Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo o kela"Aha..,.., a ua aponoia Ko Mr.Lee waiho ana i ka O ko Mr. Lee waiho ana i ka hana Peresidena aka hana·uoona Poe Hoona ka manao, a mahope o ka olelo ana, heluhelu ae la Mr. Wyllie i keia olelo Hooholo Hooh. 1.

Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; I ka manao o keia aha, o ka waiho ana o Mr. Lee i ka Oihana Pereaidena o ka Poe hoona, aole e hiki ke aeia me ka pono oleo ka Ke Alii hana; a nolaila, aole e hiki ia lakou ke olelo aku i ka Moi, e ae aku 1 ka Mr Lee. Loihi ke kukaa ana, a mahope, ae mai Mr .Lee: e hoopau 1 kana palapala waiho Ka :Mr.Bates Heluhelu ae la Mr. Bates i kona manao kakau -/.#./"II palapala mamuli 0 ka olelo hooholo a kela aha no ka palapala noi a Mr. Funlc, a eia ka mea 1 hooholo- iho Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Waiwai e hoihoi aku ia Francis Funk i ka IlamUku o Hawaii i elua haneri i hookaaia e kwnamahiku dala a me na keneta kanaiwa, oia na dala ~A. Mr. Funk e ka mea ohi dala aupuni no Hilo no ka hopu ana 1 na haole mahuka; make kuhihewa hoi ka hookaa ana. b05 Privy Council J·';ay 24 loo~ . Present His Highness John Young Paki Kanoa KekuaDaoa Piikoi Kanaina Haalelea Kaeo ~r.Lee Ii , Judd L .Kame~·1a··neha Arnst:nmg A.Rihoriho Wyllie Na:""'1ake~1a ',, Bates Kapeau Hopkin8 ' Lorrin Andrews Secretary· Prayers ,vere read as usual lfinutes of the three last meetings were read a~d I ap1Jroved. 1i;;-r .Lee's The subject of t:1e resignation of Hr. Lee as Pre­ Ilesignatio::1 sident of the Land Conr.:1ission was called uy c-:C after

so.:-.,ie re21airks. Jcl:r. Wyllie introducec.l. t:1e following the

following reso-lution hes. 1 J Res. 1. Resolved; That in t:1e opinion of this Council the resignation of t}:..e HoYJ.. Wm. L. Lee as President of the

:Soard of Lar.d Cor:1.missioners cannot be accepted wi t:i:1out

prejudice to t:ie King's service; and t}::.at for that

reason, they cannot con&eientiously recournend Hi-a 1:!ajesty to accept J.~r. Lee's resig:'lation.

J Wi thdravral After reriarka f'rom many members of the council

Mr. Lee consented to withdraw his resi;;nation. j . read Vr. Bates' J\{r. Ba tea "I/4/i/ hifi r<>pnrt according to the request Report of t::::.e last :~ee~in:::; i:,-,_ t::e case of the applica:~Jo:n of

:Mr. Funk and t~rn #./ f'ollowing resolution v1as pas-a-ed Res. 2.

Rea. 2. Resolved; That tl:e 1~fr"ister of Fina.nee is hereby requested to return to :Francis Fu"!"lk as sheriff of

Harraii two hundred a~1d seven dollars & ninety cents,

be in;; mo:1e:r 1Jaid by t~ce a.aid Funk to the Collector

of Hilo as the G·overmnen t proportion offered f"or the

apprehension of desertera, by mistake 656

lKr .Judd Heluhelu ae la Mr. Judd 1 keia pepa No ka haawina ole, aole hiki ia ia ke Uku i

ka dala e ae, 0 na dala i aieia ma na bUke no ka ko makah ik i i hala aku nei; a-nolaila, nonoi mai la 1-'\ke4.a Aha, aole pono e kii mai i ka dala, me ka hooholo Ole o ka Poe. Kalaiwaiwai 1 Hawina hou. Liholiho Heluhelu ae la o Liholiho i ka olelo hooholo no

Mr. Lee a me ka Poe Hoona, aole nae 1 hooholoia

Bracy Heluhelu ae la :Mr Lee i ka palapala noi aina a

Mr. Bracy no Hana i Maui

Hooh.' 4.

Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; Oka palapala noi aina a Robert P. Bracy a e kuai hoi i 32 eka ma Kawaipapa, Haui,. ua aeia ia ia, ina paha no ke aupuni ia; hookahi dala pakahi ka eka ka uku. Ina he kuleana kanaka malaila kaawale ia Hihio Heluhelu ae la i ka palapala a Hihio - ua hoo­

paneeia ke k~aa ana Pau ka hana a i ka Poakahi hou I 657 Yr. Judd's; J;r. Judd :cead t:1e follovling paper Ii (lit/'// ?Totice That owing to a Ylant of approyriations :1e did

:1ot feel justified in paying out monies except what aptuallv is -l/.fll/.tt-/ due on the r)ooks, upon for:'ler apyr

prepared to assu~::-ie t:1.e respo!lsibli ty of naking j appropriations. Liholiho trr.A.Liholiho read a resol.ution respecting Hr. Lee and the Land Co:!!1!1.ission but 1 t was not acted upon. / Bracy .Mr. Lee brought forward th.e application of Hr.• Bracy of Hana Maui j Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolv~d; That t~1e application of Hobert P.

Bracy :for 'the purchase of 32 acres of land in Kawaipap't­ Maui, be and is hereby granted, provided it belongs to

Government, at one dollar per a<.:re. Kuleanas of natives, if any, to be reserved.

I Hihio Hr. Lee brought :forward the application of Eihio

The consideration of which was postponed.

Adjd. till l~onday next 658 Ahakuka Halu June 7 1852 IToho mai la Ka Jlea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Kanoa Kekuari 11 oa Piikoi , Kanaina Haalelea Kaeo ?fr .Lee Ii Judd L .Ka.'ITlehaMe~a , Armstrong A.Liholiho , Wyllie Xa.makeha , Hopkins Kapeau Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Heluheluia ka pule Heluheluia ka :;'.'foolelo a ua aponoia

Wyllie Olelo mai la Yr. Wyllie, ua loaa ia ia i ka la 4

Perrin i.ho nei ka palapala na TT~. Perrin o ka la 23 Dek. Hai

mai ua palapala la i ka loaa ana i ka Olelo kuikahi me ko Beritania. Kanikele Ferani Olelo mai la hoi Mr.Wyllie i ka loaa ana ia ia ka palapala na ke Kanikele Ferani mai ma Panama o ka la 23 o 1Jaraki, -1, t/1'./. ti ti .,!fl ¥It'//. l/i1'.-/lt/. ¥'1/'lf/'1-/. ¢/ ¥1' i,/,'/-//.-/.tl,. :iiai mai la ia, o ka poe lanakila 1 keia manawa ma Perani, he poe Pope no

Wirt & kona Hope Olelo hou ae la )~r. Wyllie,. he wahi kue manao

iwaena o :'r. Wirt a me kona Hope e noho nei, a i kona

manao aole pono e mea aku i kela aoao a 1 keia aoao

Komisina Hoakaka mai la J'Jr. Wyllie 1 kona loaa i ka bila Hawaii aie a keia aupuni 1 ke Komisina Hawaii ma Ladana ia Mr Barclay $3400 ka nui o ua bila la

Papa Waiwai I keia manawa lilo ka Ahakuka i Papa Waivvai

11r .Judd Olelo ae la 1,Tr Judd, 1 keia :manawa aku nei ua ai haohao oia i kana mea e ponoAke hana ma ka hookaa ana

i na dala a mahope· hoomaopopo - heluhelu a.e la ia i

kekahi mau palapala e hoakaka i ke ano o na mea e

noho nei; a mahope helu...11.elu i keia olelo hooholo

Hooh. 1 Hooh. 1

E pono ke KUhina. Waiwai Ice uku no na 659 Privy Council June 7 1852 Prese:1t TT.is Highness John Young Paki Kanoa Kekuana.oa Piikoi Kanaina Haalelea Kaeo Mr.Lee Ii , Judd L .Kaneha:;1eha Ar::1s trong A.Liholiho Wyllie Uaraak aha. Hopkins Kapeau Lorrin Andrews Secretary Pra:;rers were read as usual Minutes were read and approved J • on the 4th inst. Ilr. Wyllie :i,fir.Vlyllie stated that he had received A a letter ?.fr.Perrin -rrom Mr. Perrin of the 24 Dec. The letter e;poke of receiving a copy of the treaty with England J French Consul !Jr .Wyllie also said that he had received a lett·er Panama from the '.French Consul at :Pana.'ll& of the 23 :.~arch - '#tt i Ill/ Ir #I '/lltfl -It# tiitt,

of facts relative to the payment of drafts & proposed a resolution. :ur. Wyllie also read a resolution hut Mr. Judd's passed nes. l J Res. 1. Resolved; That the 1'Tinister of Finance he autho­ rized 660

kikoo o ka Hale Alii a me ka Hale o ka Poeikohoia ke kikoo mai e like me ko lakou rula, a e Uku hoi i ka Moi a me na 'Lii a ne na Kakauolelo o ke Aupuni e like • me ka Bila Haawina marn.ua, a hiki 1 ka hooholo ana 1

ka mea hou.

Paurna Kaa Hoakaka mai la 1JI:r • .Judd 1 kona manao no ka hooemi ana i ka dute ma ka pauma kaa no ka aina o H.A.Pierce ma Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Ua aeia 1 ke Kuhina Waiwai e hoopau 1 ka dute no ka pauma kaa i laweia mai na H. A. Pierce ma i mea e kinai ahi ma ko lakou wahi ma Kauai $408.00 ke kumu kuai, $20.40 ka Dute Hoopaneeia a Poakahi hou


•· ~ 661

to pay the drafts of the House of nobles and the House

of, Representatives when na.de agreeably 'vV'i th their o,m rules, and that he likevrise be authorized to pay His !:aj esty the King, and all the officers and Clerks of the Government according to the last appropriation j Bill until a new one be passed. H .A.Pierce & Co. Mr. Judd broug!1t up the subject of re!"litting Rot .Purip duty on a rotary pu..mp for the plantation of H.A. }Herce and Co. I Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That the Minister of Pinance be autho­ rized to remit the duties upon a rotary pump imported

by H.A.Pierce & Co. for the extinguishing of fire

upon their plantation at Kauai, Value ~p408.00 Duties


Adjd. to 1:onday next. 662 Ahakulca Halu Jun·e 14 1852

N'oho mai la Ka Yea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki KapeJ1a Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kar1aina Piikoi Kaeo Haalelea Ii Hr.Lee L .Kamehameha , Judd A.Liholiho , Wyllie N'amakeha Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia, Hoololiia ka Ahakuka a lilo i Papa Waiwai Judd Hoakaka mai la Mr. Judd i kekahi mau mea no kana Oihana, a mahope heluhelu mai la i keia olelo hooholo

Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; Ua aeia 1 ke Kuh.ina Waiwai e kii aku i kekahi olelo hooholo a ka Papa Wahrai i hboholo ai, am

i makemake ai e hoakaka aku i kana hana ma kana oihana, , a no ka pane aku hoi i na ninau o ka poe i kohoia s. N. Castle Ua heluheluia ka palapala a S .1;r .Castle e Ur. Wyllie, a ua kakauia keia mau olelo hophoJ,.o a ua hooholoia ae la Hooh. '2. Res. 2. Hooholoia; ~a kauohaia ke Kuhina o ko na Aina e e hoolilo ia Saml. N. Castle Esq. e hooponopono pu me keka...~i mea, a i kekahi mau ~ea paha i hoolilo like ia eke Kakauolelo Aupuni ma Washington no ka lawe ana i eke leta a pau mai Amerika Huipu mai a i keia pae Aina, ~..aka eke pa.a i ka sila, aole nae e hemoia a hild. mai i Honolulu nei; a no na eke leta hoi a pau mai ke4a. a pae Aina akuhi Amerika Huipuia e lawe like ia, me ka wehe ole a hiki loa aku i New York; a nana no e hoopono pono i mea liilii iloko olaila e like me kona manao he pono me na kana.ka i hoonohoia e kuka pu me ia e hoomaka nae ka la.we leta ana mai ka wa i holo ai ka manao o na aoao elua 663 Privy Council June 14 1852 Present His Highness John Young Paki ii/¢~i Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Piikoi Kaeo Haalelea Ii ?'r .Lee L .Ka.r-iehaneha , Judd A.Liholihc , Wyllie Namakeha Kapeau Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual 1-rinutes were read and approved The Privy Council was voted a Board of Finance J Itr. Judd Mr. Judd made some remarks: relative to his of':fi­

cial. dutiee & proposed the :following resolution j Res. 1 . Res. 1. . Resolved; That the Minister of Finance is autho- rized to !nake ua.e of any of the resolutions of the Board of' Finance relating to his Department which he

~Y find nec.ef!S~Y- for the explanation of' his official acts, and also in answering the·. enquries of the House of representative&. j S .}T. Castle A letter was read by J'r. Wyllie :from S.JJ .Castle and the following Resolutions nrspecting the mail were

prepared and & pasaed

R:ea. 2. 1 Res. 2. Resolved; That the 1-'inister of Foreign Relations

is directed to empower Sar.11. IT. Castle Esq. to negoti-:­

a te vvi th any person or persons similarly authorized by

the Hon. Secretary of State at Washington,for the transp/-/'tmis,rdon of all mails :from the United States for .these islands, in a sealed Bag, not to be opened till the rec·eipt thereof in Honolulu, and for all all mails from these islands -~or the U.S. to 1Je :forwarded

in the same manner & not opened till after being reced. in N.York, and to arrange the details to the

best of his jude:,'7.'lent, as he & such Agents may mutually agree to, the arranger1.ent to take effect immediately after such agree~ent. 664 Hooh. 3.

Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; Ona dala ku pono a pau 1 1ilo ma ka hana ana a 7~r. s. lJ. Castle i ka hana. i haavdia ia ia ma ka

olelo hooholo 2, e ~/Nit ho·,okaa hou J.a nana. pa lole Palule Heluhelu ae la Er. Lee i ka bila no na ti.tit/ eha no ka poe hookani

Hooh. 4.

Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; O ka bila a ]Jr. l'LcColgan laua me lole Boland no na pa"t-;/i/ eha no ka poe hookani; kanawalu

dala ia, e haawiia ia A. Paki ka Puuku, e lawe aku ia i bila e hookaaia noloko o ka haawina no na dala lilo ahaolelo a na 1 ka Hale Alii W.L.Davis Helu...~elu ae la 1Tr. Lee i ka palapala noi aina a W.L .Dav1• no ka aina ma Hana i rraui Hooh. 5.

HHooh. 5 Hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku i ka palapala .sila nui ano a1o·a.10 ia W.L .Davis no na eka aina he 55 ma Kawaipapa, i Hana, Jlaui, noi mai oia ma kona kanaka o E. Whittlesey i ka la 28 o

Me 1 1852; nana no e uku mai pakahi ka eka pakahi ka dala 0 h,pilina o Heluhelu ae la Hr. Lee i ka palapala noi a na Lahilahi hooilina a Lahilahi no ka palapala sila nui no na

aina Ma Oahu Hooh. 6. Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; Ua. aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku i ka palapala sila nui ano alodio i na hooilina o Lahilahi no na aina i hookoia e ka poe Hoona. Penei ke kuleana, ua heluia 2938 ma na apana,eha, a me ke

kuleana 810: ke ukuia hoi ka uku haahaa, hookahi haneri dala a me kanalima

Hoopaneeia ae la a i ka po aka.hi. 665 j Res. 3 Res. 3. Resolved; T:hat all necessary expences created to ~-;r. S.l;.Castle, in the execution of the charee cormnitted

to hir-1 by the foregoing Resolution, shall he reir:1bursed j to hi:i:11 Suits for · Hr. Lee brought forward a bill for four suits foi~ Band tl1e Band of ~~usic ians Res. 4. ~ Res. 4. Resolved; That t:ie J3ill of liicColgan & Boland for suits _ 4 ~lit, for•the Ban~,namely the sum of Eighty Dollars

be passed over to A. Paki the Chamberlain to be pre- - sented as a bill for payment out of the appropriation for the expenses of the House of l'Iobles I W.L.Davis Mr.Lee read an application from W.L.Davis for land at Hana 1:aui

Res. 5.

Res. 5. Resolved; That the Minister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant a fee simple t_itle or Royal Patent to W~- Davis for 55 acres of land in

Ka,vaipapa, Hana, Maui, ,applied for by iii his Agent E.Whittlesey May 28 1852, upon paying therefor the sum of one Dollar per acre J Heirs of Mr. Lee read an application r·rom the heirs of Lahilahi Lahilahi for an allodial title to lands on Oahu Res. 6.

Res. 6. Resolved; That the :r.anister of the Interior be and is hereby authorized to grant a fee simple to the

heir& of La.riilahi for· the lands awarded to them by the Land Cor!l.mi&sion Viz. claim N'o. 2938 in four parts,and

claim Ho. 810: upon. tll,~ JH-tvnen t of the nominal sum of one hundred and fifty Dollars.

Ac.lj d. till J",onday next

' 666 Ahakuka rralu e ma ko Ka Iofoi keena Hale Alii June 14 1852 hora 5 ahiahi

};~ho nai Ka :,~oi Irr. Keoni Ana Kekuanaoa Alii opic Lota Namakeha Hopkins Kapeau Kanoa Haalelea Kanaina Piikoi Judd Armstrong Wyllie Kapaakea Lee

Na 1ir. Armstrong i heluheluia ka pule lTa ]lr. Wyllie i kakau i ka JJooolelo Wyllie Olelo ae la Mr. Wyllie i ka Lroi; eia no maanei makou e hoo1ohe i kou manao a e hana i kou makemake !Joi Hoike mai la ka 1"1oi i kona manao e kuka pu me kona aha no kona kuleana ma ka hoonoho ana i na Kuhina ma

na pau.ku 32 a me 51; manao ae la ia, ina e hoonoho oia i KUhina 1ike ole me na Kuhina e ae, aole paha e hiki Wyllie . Hoakaka ae la Mr. Wyllie, aole i hana pela kekahi

A1ii malalo o ke Kumukanawai, no ka mea, e waiho no ka poe Kuhina apau i ka lakou oihana ka hope - aka,

aole pela me ka. poe Kuhina a pau; i ka wa e paulele ole ai 'ii till na kanaka ia lakou; alaila, o ka hoololi ia lakou a pau ka pono, a nolaila ka pauku 51 _

Hoololiia A mahope o ke kuka loihi ana ua aeia, o na hoo1oli ke Kumu.kan. ana a Ka Jloi i -makemake ai, e hanaia no. Ua kaha ia hoi mamuli o ka olelo a Ke Alii; na ke A1·ii opio o Liholiho i kaha

A mahope ~ho, he karnailio loihi; alaila, olelo ae

la Ka l!oi, Peneia

1-10 i. Ke koho nei au i ke KUhina Uui a me ka Peresidena

o kuu Aha Koikoi i mau Luna maopopo, na laua e hooakaka

1 ka Hale o na 'L.ii a me ka Hale o ka poe i kohoia, penei, ua kakau aa i ko'u inoa i ke Kumu.kanawai Hou hua me na hoololi I\ 66? Extraordinary Privy Council in the King's Private chamber. Palace 14 .June 1852 at 5 P .=:. Present His !Tajest;ir Jfr. Young Kel<;uanaoa Prince Lot Namakeha Hopkins Kapeau Kanoa Haalelea Kana.ina Piikoi Judd Amstrong Wyllie Kapaakea Lee Mr.Armstrong read Prayers Ivl:r.Wyllie was requested to take the minutes J V!yll.ie :Mr. Wyllie begged leave to say to His 1,Ia,i es ty that we are here to hear His :Majesty' a pleasure in obedi• J ence to his command King The King was pleased to make known that he desired to consult his council about his prerogatives in the appointment of :ministers in articles 32 and 51.He thought that by the 32 article, if he wished to appoint a minister disagreeable to the other members .J of the Cabinet,he could not do so. Wyllie Mr .• Wyllie explained, that no Cons ti tu tional King

did make such an appointment, for the cons,equence would · be that all the other lanisten, would resign - but 1 t was otherwise with the whole cabinet,whenever they had lost the confidence of the nation; then a total change of 1Jinistersbecame necessary, and -!"or that article 51 amply provided. . J Conet.altered After a long discussion, it was agreed that the

alterations wished for by the King,should be made. They

were made /.,{ by the King's direction, by Prince Liholiho

in hie hand writiEg. Af'ter a great deal of further discussion,it plea­ sed lllis Uajesty to declare as follows

King I name the Kuhina 17'ui and ITy Chief ,Tustice as my special commissioners to explain to the Hous,e of Y.lfll­ ,l,Jitit/-/,/1 Nobles and the House of Representatives that he had signed the 1:ew Conatitution,with the alterations • 668

a'u i kauoha ai ~a ke kakau lima a ke Alii opio o Liholiho Hora 6 a :me na min 50 Kakau iho la Ka Hai a :r.ie Ke KR.11ina 1Tui i ko

laua mau inoa i ke Ku..l!lukanawai i ka hora 6 a me na

minute he 50 A.'l-J.iahi

Namakeha Mahope iki lawe m.a.i la o 1Tamakeha i ka palapa aka Ilamuku i hele oia imua o ka Aha hookolokolo i

ka la 5 o Julai, a pau ka hoakaka ana ua haawiia ia Mr. Wyllie oia ka Peresidena o ka poe komite no ko ka Moi dala lilo Hoopaneeia ka Aha

/ 669

whic11. I have ordered to be made in the hand "l"iri ting of / Prince Liholiho. 10 Hin.before The King and Ku...liina Hui &igned the Cons,titution 7 o'clock at 10 minutea to 7 A.H. J lramakeha Shortly afterwards. 1:ramakeha came forwards and handed the Uarshall's notice for his appearance to appear before the Court on the 5th .Iul;y which having

explained was handed to Jfr. V!yllie as chairnan of • the Committee on the King's accounts The Council then adjourned 670"

A..liakulca }'alu lune 21 1852

Iroho mai la Ka 1loi o Kamehameha III

Ka ?Tea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Kapeau Kekua.riaoa Kanoa Kanaina Piikoi Kaeo Haalelea Ii 1-Tr.ludd L .Kamehw:1eha , Wyl.1ie A.LL-ioliho Armstrong Na..:-nak e} 1a Hopkins·

L. Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo, ua hooponoponoia a pololei

Mr.Wyllie Pal. O 1{r. Wyll.ie he Peres idena komi te ia i hoonohoia i no ka hihia la o ka Uoi ka.,. 15 of J.-::araki,hoike r.1ai la ia i kana palapala hoaka,-

ka i :1a hihia dala a ka I:oi;ua helw1eluia i ka olelo Ua ae ia ka palapa.la hoakaka Hawaii. "'Eia. ka mea e hoopilikia ai i keia manav1a, o ke

koi aku make kanawai o ka poe hooponopono waiwai o F.R.Vida i make oia na dala $1900

e mau no ke Manao ae la liTr. Arr:1s tro.ng, e haawiia ua palapala hoike Kom. la i Ke Alii me ka noi aku i kohoia Mr..W;yl,lie 1:r.Ii a

me Mr .Hopkins i kela poe ko;ni te i oleloia ma ka palapa­

la. 1,Iahope iho,huiia o Lota me kela poe kor1i te

Hoohol'oia keia mau Olelo hooholo

Hoch. l.

Hooh.l Hooholoia;Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi i 12 pala Kuai rama pala kuai mea ona i keia maka.hiki ' Hooh. 2. Aole pili i E mau no na wahi kuai ole i ka mea ona; eia nae ka ,nea ka uapo hou,aole make kuai make Ala e pili ana i ka uapo

Hooh. 3. Ua aeia 1 ke Ku.~ina Kalaiaina e hoololi i na aina I ma Puakulrni a :r::ie Kaieie he mau ili o Kaalaea na.i ka moo ia aina aupuni a e haawi ia Lunalilo, ua lawe hewa~ i ke

Aupuni e Pa~aialoha

Hoopaneeia a i ka po aka.hi 671 Privy Council June 21 1852

Present :::as J:a~ es ty Ka.mehar-1eha !II :as :righness Jo:!:'1n Young Paki Kapeau Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Piikoi Kaeo HaaleJ.ea Ii Hr.Judd L .Kar·1eha~i10ha Wyl1ie -A.Liholiho Armstronr; Namakeha Hopkin& Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual J ;.~inutes were read a:1ended and aP})roved :.··r. Wyllie Mr.Wyllie as chairman of a committee appointed on Rep.on Kings embarassments the 15th ::arch, reported on the state of the The King's

pecuniary embaras.sm.en ts which was read in Hav,ai ian by

:\Zr.Armstrong. 1'he P.eport was accepted. It appeared that

the pressing difficulty was a suit by the Administra-. I tors of the estate of F.h.Vida for ~,1900 Com.continued :."Tr.Armstrong moved that the report be referred

to the King 1,vith a request that liessrs;.Wyllie,Ii & Hopkins be the Trustees nentioned in the report. Lot Kamehameha was afterward added to that co:mmittee. The following resolution was then passed j Res. 1 Res. 1 Resolved; That the 1·1nister of the Interior grant Licences 12 licences to retail liquors this year Res. 2. J Limits That in ad

  • Adjd. to next 211 onda~r 672

    AhakUka Ealu Iune 28 1852 l7o:ho rnai la Ka J::ea Kiekie Keoni A!la

    Paki Kapeau Kek"!lanaoa Kanoa Ka.:i.aina Piikoi Kaeo Haalelea Ii Mr.Judd L .Kamehancha , Wyllie A.Liholiho Ar:':ls tr on£; Na"lake;1a

    Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo

    Heltfaeluia ka Pule Haluheluia ka ~ooolelo,hooponoponoia a pono

    Olelo ae la Hr. Wyllie, he ka.rnailio ka.na me Kap ena

    Virgin no ka Olelo kuikahi me ko Suedena, a ua ae r11ai ane like Kapena. Virgin i ka Olelo kui~a"i.i"'me ko Beri tania, e

    .waiho ana nae i ka pauku 15, a e pani i kona haka i ka pau..~u e ae.

    Hoole ae la 1.'::r .Judd; a.ka, ma.riope o ke kaHailio ana,waiho oia i kona manao hoole, no ka mea ua aeia e hookomo i ::1a huaolelo aole e hiki i ke kaua fl/./. maoli

    Ua heltth.eluia kekahi pauku pokole hou, r.1. mariope o na mala'Yla he 18, alaila e hoololiia ka hooko an.a

    Ua aeia ke kuai kudala ana o na hale kuai mea ona

    Hoopaneeia a i ka po aka.hi 11 o clock 673 Privy Council June 28 1852 Present His Highness John Young Paki Kapeau Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Piikoi Kaeo Haalelea Ii Hr.Judd L .Ka.1'!1ehameha , Wyllie A.Liholiho Arr11strong Ha.."!lak eha I Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read amended and approved J,ifr.Wyllie stated to the council that he had a conversation with Captain Virgin about a Treaty with Sweden and that Captain Virgin had agreed to adopt a

    Treaty aimilar to that with 11:ngland omiting the 15th J Article and substituting another which he submitted Mr. Judd opposed it, but after some discussion, waived his objection on its being agreed to ensert the

    words after protection - "sh 1Jrt of active hostili tiea"

    A short additional Article was read and also that 18 months were to be allowed :for the exchange of ratifications The sale of Liquor Licences was approved Adjd. till }i.onday next 11 o clock. 674 Papa Waiwai Iulai 3 1852

    lJoho mai la Ka Moi o Keoni Ana Annstrong Paki Ioane Ii Kapaakea Kapeau Piikoi Namakeha Haalelea Kanoa Kaeo Kekuanaoa Kanaina Judd Wyllie Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua hoonohoia :T'"r. Wyllie i Kakauolelo

    Judd Helu...11elu mai la t:r. Judd i keia Ol~lo ho oho lo a kokua mai :ur. An_1strong, a ua hooholoia ae la

    Hooh. 1 Hooholoia; ua ae naoli aku ka Papa Waiwai i ka hana. a ke Kuhina Waiwai 1 kona loaa ana na palapala

    aie hui elua a Yr. Wyllie a me Anrrstrong no na dala a pau a TTr. Field a Spencer i hooholo ai e hooka.aia hoi i ka waihona dala e :r:r. Jarrett e hookaaia ua palapala

    aie la i ka la 1 o Julai 1853 me ka uku hoopanee mai ka la 9 o June 1852

    Judd Helu..11elu mai la J';"r Judd i keia olelo hooholo. Hai mai la Ifr. Wyll.ie i kona manao, o ka pono o ka. imi i ke koena a ko Na.makeha bila, i mea e pau ai ka hana. ma ka Aha hookolokolo, ua hoikeia ia ia i ka la

    14 o June No ka pilikia i ka hana, a no ka maopopo ole i kc Ku..."1-J.ina Waiwai ka nui o na dala e hookaaia' i no loko aku o ka waihona dala a holo ka.nawai dala

    Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; ua ae mai ~a Pa.pa Vlahvai i ka paa ana o ka hale Waiwai a holo ke kanawai no na dala aupuni

    .Ff ooh. 2 A no ka manao o ka poe Ahakuka e hoomanawanui no ,vaiho wale ia aole e kii i ka dala., ,vaiho ae la Hr. Judd i kana olelo hooholo

    Hoopaneeia a i ka Poakahi 11 ka hora 675

    Board of Finance July 3 1852 2 o'clock P.:,~. Present The King Mr.Young Armstrong Paki John ,Ii Kapaakea au Kape-/t Piikoi Namakeha Haalelea Kanoa Kaeo Kekuanaoa Kanaina Judd Wyllie Prayers were read as usual j Hr.Wyllie was appointed to take the minutes 7:.:r. Judd Mr. Judd moved and Jtrr."(@/,/ ArmstronG seconded Fote the following resolution which was passed I Res.- 1. Resolved; That the Board of Finance fully approve the conduct of the J'Jinister of Finance in his receiving

    the joint notes of Hessrs Wyllie & Ji,fon:tgomery for the

    :rull amount aw·arded by Messrs. Field & Spencer to be paid into the Treasury by Jifr. Jarrett's note payable

    on theist July 1853, with interest :from 9th June 1852 J J[r .Judd Mr. Judd then proposed the following resolution. Reso,llution Mr.Wyllie reminded the Board of the necessity of pro­ viding for the Balance of Namakeha' s bill, to s,top the action of which notice was served upon him on the 14th fune J Res. 2. Res. 2. Owing to the great press of business and to t~e uncertainty of the Hinister as to what payments are to be made out of the Treasury until t}le appropriation bill be passed Hesolved;that this Board approve of the closing of the doors of the Treasury pending the discussion of the appropriation Bill. J Res. 2 The members having come to a resolution that they Withdrarm would abstain 'f"rora. drawing,Hr. Judd vri thdrew the above resolution -·~ Adj d. till ~:onday 11 o'clock / 676

    Ahakuka I~alu Iulai 5 1852 Noho mai la Ka !/ea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Kapeau Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Piikoi Kaeo Haalelea Ii Ur.Judd L.Kamehameha Armstrong Hamakeha Wyllie Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua helu.,~eluia ka pule Helt.L'leluia ka ~~ooolelo o ka la 28 a ua aponoia Palapala noi o Friell Helu.."-1.elu ae la Mr. Anistrong i ka palapala noi

    Mr. "E. J3rovm a me G. Fri ell no ko laua. hale kuai ra.ma ma ka alanui uapo

    J.Mann Helu..r1eluia hoi ka palapala like na J .irann Papa. Waiwai ·Ia. mana.wa lilo ka Aha i Papa. Waiwai Eia ka mea i hooholoia e J"r. Wyllie

    Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; no ka mea, ua hookaawale na hale ahaolelo elua i $10.000 i puu dala e hookaa ai i ko ka lfoi aie; i ka r.1anao o keia papa waiwai, he pono i ke Kuhina waiwai, no ia hookaawale d.ala ana, e hookaa e koke 1 na dala $1972.62, oia na dala a Narnakeha / . . koiia.' 1 ma ke kanawai i ka la apopo mamuli o ka pala­ pala hoike ia ia i ka la 14 o June Hooleia ua palapala la 0 ka palapala noi a r::r. Bro,vn laua me Fri ell, ua kahaia ka olelo hooholo; aka ua hooleia Pela ka palapal~ noi a rr.r. Mann Kekuanaoa aina ma Koloa Manao mai o Kekuanaoa e hooponoponoia ka aina ma Koloa, nona pa.ha, no hai pa.ha kauwa...~i; a ua kohoia o Mr Judd o Ii a o Hr .Annstrong i komi te na lakou e imi Hoopanee a i ka po Akahi hou 677 Privy Council July 5 1852 Present His Highness John Young Paki Kapeau Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Piikoi Kaeo Haalelea Ii }fr. Judd L.Kameha!rleha , Annstrong Namakeha ,_ Wyllie Lorrin Andrews Secretary Pra~rers were read as usual J Hinutes of the 26th read and approved" Pet4.tion of Hr .Armstrong read a Petition fro~n T-essrs E .Brown },,rs .Fri ell &l7rown & G. Friell respecting a liquor house near the wharf' J Pet.J.rann Also a petition from J. Hann of the sar1e tenor J Council 11card The council here beaune a Board Of F~nance of Finance by.Fr.Wyllie The following resolution was readA and passed Res. 1. J Res. 1. Resolved; that whereas the two ho us.es. of the Legislature have concurred in an appropriation of $10.000 towards the payment of the King's debts,in the /lt/,,{i,//1-,{ opinion of this Board, the 1/iniater of Finance may safely on account of that appropriation,

    advance inunedia tely the sum of $1972. 62 for which :Tarriakeha will be sued in court tomorrow pursuant to· a j notice served on him,on the 14th June. Pet.refused Respectine; the Petion of I~essrs Brown & Friell, a resolution was dravm up in their favor but was lost in voting j The same with regard to :i"r. Eann's petition Kekuanaoa land Gov. Kekuanaoa wished it to be settled whether all at Koloa Koloa was his or not. r:essrs. Judd, Ii and Annstrong were appointed a co:mr.1i ttee to enquire into the case Ad.id. till J'~onday next 678 Ahakuka no ka Pilikia Julai 7.1852 hora 1 a me ka ½ mahope o ke awakea Uoho mai la Mr. Young Haalelea Alexander Kekuanaoa Kapeau Kapaakea Kaeo Kanaina Nanakeha Kanoa Piikoi Armstrong Paki Wyllie Judd Liholiho Aole i heluheluia ka pule Ua noiia o Mr. Wyllie e kakau i ka mooolelo no ka nalowale ana o Andrews Hoopau ana i ka Ahaolelo Ua aeia, ke oluolu rnai ke Alii,na Ka lfoi e kuu aku

    i na Hale Ahaolelo 1 ka Poalima, i ka hora awakea ma

    ka palapala ]Toi e hoopati ai i ko kela hale i ko keia hale Ua noiia 1-.irr. Wyllie e kaha i palapala no ia mea, a paa ia, ua heluheluia a ua aeia Xa Mr. Armstrong i hoohalike ai Hoopaneeia ka /ii

    Hr. Wyllie was requested to draft a messae;e '!"or ~ that occasion which was read and approved.

    }Ir. Armstrong translated it

    Adj Ol:lrned till ]Jonday at 11 0 clock

    • 680

    AhakUka :':alu Julai 19 1852

    ?Toho mai la Ka Jtoi o Kanehar1.eha III Ka 1{ea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Kapeau Kanaina Piikoi Kaeo Mr.Armstrong Ii , · Wyllie Narnakeha , Lee Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua helu..rieluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia

    U oku man uwa . Hai mai la Hr. Judd i kekahi mea no ka loaa wale ana o ka wai· no ka moku manuwa Amerika o St Lawrence; ·nolaila, ua aeia e loaa wale ua moku la i ka wai Pal.i ka Moi HelUhelu ae la Mr. Wyllie i ka palapala a ke

    Komisina Amerika 1 ka Hoi me na buku hou eha aka

    moku imi aina malalo o Kapena Wilkes. Na ke Kuhina o A.rnerika Huipuia o ko na aina I\ na Daniel Webster i hoouna mai

    A mahope iho ua hooholoia keia olelo hooholo

    Hooh. 1.

    Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; E haawiia aku ke aloha o "t/ Ka Hoi a me ka AAhakuka ii ka Vea Hanohano 1 ke Kuhina o ko na aina e ma Washington ma ko Amerika Komisina i keia Aupuni no

    na buke 9 a me ka 10 a me na palapala Aina. no ka buke 10, a he buke okoa hoi no ka palapala moana no na MOku puni aka poe imi aina malalo o Kamadoa Wilkes; a e

    aloha aku ko ka Yoi aupuni no ko ke Komisina aloha r.1.ai

    no ka maluhia mau iwaena o ia mau aupuni elua he ano aaltilda maoli no ia, a he aie ko ke ia Aupuni i ke aloha i ke Komisina no kana hana oluolu malalo o ka ko Amerika Peresidena ma ka Jlrea Hanohano ma A"tl Kuhina o ko ria Aina e Kuikahi me ko Ferani Helu.rielu ae la no hoi Jrr. Wyllie i ka olelo hooholo no ke KuikaJ1i hou me ko Ferani Hooh. 2. 681 Privy Council July 19 1852

    Present His ~ aj es ty KaT1ehaI·1eha III. His Eighness John Young Paki Kapeau Kanaina Piik?.i Kaeo Jirr. An1s trong Ii ·wyllie lTar1akeha , Lee Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual ) Jr.inutes were read and approved Judd St. Hr. Judd niade some ohserva tions relative to the Lawrence United States Ship St Lawrence cbta.inin{; water P,ratis;

    whereori it was resolved. that said ship have water without C0!>1pensa tion J Letter of U.S. Hr.Wyllie read a letter f'ror1 the U.S.Cor1I1J.issioner COI.'1. to King more to the King presenting four Volu111es ,..of Capt. Wilkes ex- ploring expedition sent by Daniel Webster Secretary of States for the U.S. After vrhich Fr.Wyllie read the fol1ovring resolu­ tion which was passed j Hes. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That t>ie 'fhanks of the King's an.d Coun­

    cil be conveyed to the Honorable. Secretary of State,

    at Washington through the U. S. Cor:rr'lissioner at this Court,f'or Volumes 9, 10, Atlas for Vol.1O and a volur:ie on Hydrograp}1y of the Islands of the Exploring ]:xpedi­ tion> by Commodore Wilkes; and that the King's Govern­ ment gratefully accept the Commissioner's congratula­ tions on the continued harmony which prevails in the Diplomatice Relations between the two countries - a happy event for vrhich their acknovrledgemen t& are emi­

    nently due to the Com-missioner and to t}!e benevolent (/ltlii policy he has pursued., under the instructions of the President through the Honorable Secretary of State

    Treaty with '.;r. Wyllie also read a resolution respectin~ an France , offer of a Tx·eaty v;i th ];>ranee Res. 2. 682 Hoch. 2. r11e Hooh. 2. Hooholoia;J'To ka 11lakemake o ka Hoi al\ka Ahakuka m.alu e nonoho kuika.hi oluolu pu ~e .ko Ferani; a ua ae aku i me ko Ferani e like ka Olelo kuikahi houA me ke Kuikahi o Amerika Huipuia i kahaia 1 ka la 20 o Dekemaba 1849,a e like hoi me ke

    Kuika.hi 1 hanaia me ko Beri tania l:ui i ka la 10 o .Julai 1851, a like hoi me ka Olelo kuika..11.i e hanaia ana r:ie ko Belegiu.l'l1.a; a eia ka mea hou e ae aku ai, ke make­

    make mai ko Ferani, e kaha 1 kuikahi hou e like me- ka

    mea i hana iho nei me na Aupuni o Suedena a me Norewai i ka la 1 o Julai 1852. Pal. haka Heluhelu ae la Hr. Wyllie i ka Olelo hooholo no ke haka kahi mau palapala haka no ka Holo moku ana.

    Hooh. 3. haka Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; Ona palapala haka~no ka holo moku ana 1 pai ia, ua aeia ua puu pepa la, ua pono no malalo o ke kanawai

    hou, a hana hou Ka Moi a me ka A..11.akuka 1 haka hou. Pal.no! Mormons Heluhelu ae la Jlfr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi a ka poe Mormons ma Wailuku, i Haui, a ua ae aku ka Aha i ka olelo pane aku a ke-Kuhina Aopalapala Pal.noi a l~r .Funk Alaila heluhelu ae la JTr .Armstrong i ka palapala noi a Ur.Funk,e noi ana i uku no kana hana. Hooh.4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; lJa ke Kakauolelo o keia Aha e hoike aku ia Mr. Funk,aole a keia Aha he dala e haawi aku ai i kona noi ana;ke ponoia: i ka manao o keia Aha,hookahi wale no mea e pono ai,o ka hoopii aku i ka Ahaolelo hou Pal.noi a !fr.Coady Helu._rielu ae la ?fr.Lee i ka palapala noi a I,,:r. ia Coady i hoihoi hou Akona hoopai $1000 Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5 Hooholoia; Oka palapala noi a Richard Coady i laweia ma 1 keia la imua o keia Aha,e hoole io no ia,eia ke kurn.u Mua, Aole a keia A..lia ke kuleana e hoihoi ia hoopai ana, Eia ka lua, Ina he kuleana kona, aole e • pono ke hana oiai i hunaia ka inoa i ka mea nona ka hewa. ti63 I :nes.2 hes. 2. hesolved;That the Kini and Council bein~ desirous of cultivatinp: the most friendly (//tl/ll Felations vrith :~"ranee, besides the offers already made of a treaty si­

    milar to that with the United States of the 20th Decer.1.­ ber 1849 and of one siMilar to that with Great Britain or of the 10th July 1851,/-/. similar to the Treaty expected to be concluded with :JelgiUI'!, offer to :F'rance the fur­

    ther option of a treaty si!01ilar to that concluded vrit:-1 the Kingdor'lS of Svrnden and :rorway on the 1st July

    1852. 1:r. Wyllie read a resolution respectinr~ sor1e J l3lank Passports blank passports. Res. 3

    Res. 3. Resolved; That the blank Passports already printed I and on hand, are approved for all purposes under the new law, until it please the King and council to alter the forms. I Pet.from }Fr .Armstrong read a petition fro:1 the 7,:ormons at Hormone Wailuku,Jfaui, and the Council a·pvroved the answer _of the l!inister of 1/111// Education Pet.from Yr. 1fr,.Armst:rong then read a petition from r~r.Funk asking J Funk pay for services rendered.

    hes. 4. 11es. 4. Resolved;That t}1e Secretary of this Council he J instructed to inform }T. Funk that this council have

    no funds under their control with which to pay his

    demand, if it be just; and t:1at the only /I/ remedy for hi:m known to the Council, is to lay his clai!"l be­ fore the next Legislature

    J Pet. from ~'Ir. lTr. Lee read a petition from :''r. Coady for the Coady remission of his fine of $1000 Res.5. \i Res. 5. hesolved;T11.at the application of .hichard Coady,this day

    presented before this council, be,and the same is here.­

    by refused,on the ground 1st.that this council has no

    power to rernit the fine in question ancl 2, That if it had that pover,it would not feel justified in excerci­ sinr: it, so long as tjie name of the r~uil ty party is · withheld 684 Kaleiheana Helu:1elu ae la ~rr.Lee i ka palapala a Kaleiheana no ke ano alodio no kona aina Hooh. 6.

    Hooh. 6. Hooholoia;e aeia ka palapala a Kaleiheana no ka

    palapala ano alodio no kona kuleana i heluia 2293 me

    UkU Ole Hale Heluhelu ae la :: :r .Lee i ka palapala noi aina a Hale, i ano alodio nana

    Hooh. 7.

    Hooh. 7. Hooholoia;o ka palapala a Hale e noi ana i palapala ano

    • alodio no kona kuleana i ~eluia 1726,e aeia no ia,ia ia no hoi e u'ku i $10 no ke Aupuni

    Halepaahao Hoakaka ae la 1'.~r .Lee i kekahi mau m.ea no ka Halepaahao; Hou a' ua kohoia Hr.Lee,Hr.Ii a me Irr.Judd 1 komite nana e

    imi i kahi e kukulu ai,a mahope iho,ua hooholoia penei

    Hooh. 7 .A.

    Hooh. 7 .a Hooho~oia; E hooliloia o John Ii, o Hr.Judd a me IIr.

    Lee i komite e imi i kau wahi no ka halepaahao;a oiaai

    i a.kaka ole ia,e hele wale na bipi kauo pohaku i keia

    manawa e ai i ka weuweu a momona; a e 1oaa hui ke Kuhina Kalaiaina na,ke kope.o keia Olelo Hooholo

    Pahale hale Heluhelu ae la 1·:r.Arnstrong i ka palapala noi no ka pule pahale no ka pqe ekalesia elua e kukulu ai i hale pule

    Hooh. 8.

    Hooh. 8. Hooholoia;Ho ka mea,he hana pono ia e kukulu i hale pule no ka poe ekalesia ma keia aupuni,nolaila,i ka

    loaa ana,na Mr.Armstrong mai i palapala ano pono no ka

    pa a J.rtr .liarshall 1 manao ai e kuai no na dala i?00, na

    ke aupuni no e hoolilo ia ia,i wahi e kukulu ai i hale iho nei pule no ka poe ekalesia it# hou,i ka pakahi i noho~ae ka Aha hoomalu;a manao aela o 1Jr.Hopkins e haawi aku 1

    tJ,500;nolaila haawi wale ke aupuni i ~800 1 mea e pono ai ua poe ekalesia la

    Ala aupuni Hoakaka ae la Hr.Lee i kekahi mau mea no ke alanui,mai Nuuanu ke Alanui Nuuanu a i ka Hale Kula Alii;ua kohoia I 685 Kaleiheana Nr.Lee read the application of Kaleiheana for an allodial title to his land Res. 6

    / Rea. 6. }:esolved; That the application of Kaleiheana f'or a Royal Patent for land claim No. 2293 be granted free of commutation j Hale 1.fr. Lee read :/. -11//f//-l an application from Hale for a Royal Patent Res. 7

    I Res. 7. Resolved; That the application of Hale for a Royal Patent for land claim Bo. 1726 be and is hereby granted

    upon the payment of 4,10 .for th~ government rights I j therein ~-:"ew Jail. Hr. Lee made some remarks respectinf~ the buildinr; :fessrs. of the new jail, When;//. Lee,Ii and Judd were ap-

    pointed a committee to locate the Few Jail after whic2-i the following resolution passed // Res. 7.a. Res.7.a. Resolved;That John Ii,7:r.Judd and :rrr.Lee be appoint-

    ed a cor'I!!littee to select a site for the prison;and that

    unt·il site is fixed, the cattle engaeed in drawing

    stones be turned out to recru!t, and that the ?Tinister of the Interior be furnished with a copy of this reso­ lution j a lot for Lot for church ?!r.Ar1strong read an application for"the use of the Second Foreir;n church.

    j Hes. 8. Res. 8. Reeolved;That it being desirable to encoura~e the erec- · tion of -0hristian churchea in this kindom,on receiving

    from Trr.Armstrong a free title to· the land OYmed by I~r.

    Ifarshall offered by him f'or ~t700, the Government will ;make over to him for the special purpose of a new Con­ gregational church,the lot whe:ce the Polive Court was

    till lately held, for which ~~r .Hopkins off'ered ,$1500, the \ Government thus relinquishing vir·tually *)800 b~r way of' encouraging the erection of said church Gov.road ?.:r.J.ee brought up the sub'-iect of a Goverm"l.ent road !Juuanu f'rom Nuuanu street to the Gov.School House.Hess:r:s. 686

    Mr.Lee,Young & Mr. Ii 1 komite nana e kuhikuhi i kahi e moe ai ua ala la, a e kuai me na kahaka 1 ka aina e Okiia Heluhelu ae la JJ.r. Armstrong i ka palapala noi a Pal.noi J.Hacy Mr. John Macy no' kona hale kuai rama

    Hooh. 9. Hooh. 9. Hooholoia; na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e pane aku ia John Macy, aole e hiki i ko ke Aupuni o ka Moi ke ae aku i kana mea 1 noi·ai i kona hoomau make kuai i mau mea ona ma kahi kokoke o ka uapo e like me mamua.

    , 687 Lee, Young and Ii were aypointed a coCTmittee to locate I the road and settle with the people who owned the land Pet.of };r.Armstrone read a petition f'ron Hr.John John 7·acy Maxey respecting his. grog shop j Res. 9 Ees. 9 Resolved; That the ·1anister of the Interiur be authorized to reply to the petition of John Hac-y that the Kings government cannot acceede to his request to continue the sale of liquors near the wharf as hereto­ :rore 688 Ahakuka JJalu Augate 9 1852

    Xoho mai la Ka lJea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Kapaakea Kanaina Haalelea Ii L.Kamehameha Namakeha :Mr .Armstrong Kapeau Lorrin Andre111s Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka };!ooolelo a ua aponoia Ole lo ae ia ]Ur. Armstrong i kekahi mea no ka pa a. Pa no ka Hale Kula Alii puni 1 ka Hale kula alii - 1Sai Puuowaena mai na pohaku no ka pa Hooh. 1.

    Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; ua ii ae aku keia .Aha i ke Kuhina Ao pala­ pala e kii 1 pohaku ma Puuowaena, ma ka aoao Komohana, e paa'i ka pa pohaku o ka Hale Kula alii; aole nae wawahi a hiki a hiki loa iluna ma ka lapa. Kapule Heluhelu ae la Mr.Armstrong i ka palapala noi ano alodio ii Kapule no kona pa ma Honolulu Hooh. 2 Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ia Kapule ka palapala ano

    alodio no kekahi pahale ma ke Ala Beri tania; _oia hoi ke kuleana 5593 o ka poe hoona; ia ia no e Uku mai 1 kanalima kwnal1lalima dala ($55.00) no ko ke Aupuni hapa Poe kanaka Hilo Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong 1 ka palapala noi ano alcdi.o a kekahi poe ma Hilo i Hawaii

    Hooh •. 3. Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; o keia mau kuai aina ana o D.B, LY'!nan ma Hilo a me Puna, i Hawaii; ua aeia mai no Penei 689

    Privy Council August 9 1852 Present His Highness John Young Paki Kapaakea Kanai:1a Haalelea Ii L .Ka~:1ehameha Uamakeha J ;r. Arris trong KaiJeau Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual I 1·inutes were read & approved Fence for T,,rr. Arms tronP, brought :forward the subject of a R,School fence around the Hoyal School yard - Proposed to rr,et u the stones from PuRwaena Res. 1.

    I Res. 1. Resolved; That this Council grant to the ! 7inister of Instruction the privilege of getting stones on the west side of Puuowaena for the purpos:e of making a lot fence around the Royal School "¥./i/t/1. The stones,how- I j ever, shall not be taken :from the top of the P-recipice Kapule lfr. Armstrong read the :petition of Kapule for an allodial title to a lot in Honolulu i I j Res. 2 Res. 2. Resolved; That an allodial title be and is hereby granted to Kapule for the lot of land on Beretania St. known as claim Fo.5593'of the Land Commission,upon his payinr: the commutation fee o:f :fifty five dollars j Several Persons Hr. Armstrong read the petitions of several at Hilo persons for allodial titles at Hilo on Hawaii j Res. 3. Ree. 3. Resolved; That the followinr;- sales of land by Rev.D.J3~Lymart in,Hilo &,Puna,Hawaii,be and are hereby

    . confirmed. Vi.z:. - 690

    Na Mr. Younge ninau hou i kela wahi 1 6/10 eka ma Kahalii

    Hoopaneeia 691 I; Palau a r1e Ka::-1anaonui Honomu Hilo 69-f acres .;I.perct acre J II II 9 11 II II j Kanaka1-~elepo 56/100 1 W.L.Fose Honomu 11 II 1 II J Kaiwi Kalapana tt .50 It I Kekua II II 130 80®25c. 50@12½ I. Puahau II It 72 20. 25. 52. 12½ .I J.Kaapa Koae 21 .75per acre

    I-~r. Young to enquire :rurt>er in regard to the

    /. 1 6/10 in Kahalii

    Adjd •

    • 692

    Ahakuka 11alu Augate 16 1852 Noho mai la Ka :Mea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa Haalelea Ii Piikoi Namakeha . Judd Kapeau Annstrong L .Kamehanieha Lee A.Liholiho Wyllie

    Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Heluheluia ka pule Heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia Jarves Heluhelu ae la Mr. Wyllie i kekahi paUku palapala a Hr. Jarves no ke Aupuni Ferani, la 6 o Mei

    Heluhelu ae la :Jr. Lee i ka palapala ano alodio na Kalena ma Lahaina Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ia Kalena i palapala sila nui ano alodio no kona wahi k"4leana ma Kilauea, Lahaina, Maui i heluia 5006, nana no e uku mai 1 ke aupuni 1 umi dala Noi Kiaaina Wehe ae la Mr. Armstrong 1· kekahi puu owili pepa e noi no Maui ana 1 Kiaaina no lakou Hoi aku Mr. Wyllie no kona nawaliwali Manao ae la Mr. Judd e koho i Kiaaina ma ka balota Heluhelu Mr. Armstrong ia mau palapala noi Eia ka poe i kohoia i komite na lakou e hoike mai 1 kekahi mea e kohoia 1 Kiaaina; Penei Judd, Liholiho, Kapeau,Ii, a me Kekuanaoa Alaila heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i keia olelo hooholo Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; O Paki a o Ioane Ii paha ka mea e koho mua ia ai e keia Aha, i kiaaina no :Maui; aka i ka manao o keia Aha, aole e pono i kekahi o laua ke haalele ia Honolulu a noho ma kahi e ae. 693 Privy Council August.16 1852 Present His Hig-,hness John Young

    Pui Kapaakea Kekuanaoa Haalelea Ii Piik.oi !Jar1akeha Judd K.apeau Armstrong L.Kamehameha Lee A.;Lip.o1ipo Wyllie Lorrin Andrews ..Secretary Prayers wer read 1 Minutes were read and approved Letter from ?~r. 1Tr. Wyllie read an extract f"rom a letter of J.:r. Jarves Jarves respecting the French Gover:nrient dated oth 1':ay j Kalena Mr. Lee read the application of l(alena of Lahaina for an allodial title to land j Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; . That a Royal Patent be and is hereby granted to Kalena for his land claim :To. 5006 in

    Kelauea, Lahai!,a, Faui, he payine as a cor,nnutation f'or the Govt. rights therein the sum of ten dollars Pet .from 1Jaui Mr. A?"'11s trong brought forward a bundle or peti­ for Governor tions f'roin the people of .Maui for a Governor. Jl.r; Wyllie retired from council on aQ.count of ill health

    :Mr.Judd proposed to choose a Governor by ballot,

    I,.:r.Armstrong read t~1.e several petiti1Ji:lS The :f'ollowinG comi.;1i ttee was chosen to noMina.te

    Viz. ~essrs. Judd,Liholiho,Kapeau,Ii & Kekuw1aoa Mr.Lee then read the following resolution which ,vas passed j Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved;That either John Ii or Paki is tho fir&t choice of this council for Gov. of Maui, but that in the opinion of this council neither of these persons can be spared froM the seat of Goverru,ent. 694 Ka poe 1 Hoakaka mai la ua poe komite la i keia poe kupono manaoia no ke ano Kiaaina no Maui; o L. Kamehameha, o J. Kapeau, a o P. Nahaoleelua I ka balota ana, penei na balota

    No Kapena na balota 2

    L • Kameha.>neha 8

    Na balota ana Paki 2 Na.'1-iaoleelua 4. I ka pau ana o keia hana, ua hoonohoia Mr. Young - laua me }fr. Armstrong i komi te nana e kamailio pu me Ka Moi no ke Kiaaina no Maui Judd Hoike mai la Mr. Judd i ke ano o keia aupuni no na mea dala. Mahope o ke kuka ana, eia ka olelo 1 hooholoia

    Hooh. 3

    Hooholo 3 Hooholoia; E kohoia 1 Komite nana e huli a e hoike mai i keia Aha, ke halawai hou, 1 na hana e hiki ai ke waiho, no ka pilikia o ke Aupuni i ke dala ole i keia wa. A e imi i mea e loaa ai i ke dala no keia pilikia O Mr. Armstrong a me Judd, oia ua komite la Hoopanee Hoopaneeia ae la Ka Aha a i ke Awakea o ka po akolu

    1!:r. Funk Hoakaka ae la Mr. Armstrong 1 kekahi mea no Mr. Funk a me ka aie o ke Aupuni ia ia no kana hana. Eia ka poe 1 kohoia i komite e hai mai i ko lakou manao i ka halawai hou ana, G. Kapeau, J. Ii a me L. Andrews Hoopaneeia 695 j :r omina ti one The above comliittee nominated as candidate for

    Governor of lraui L .Ka."1-e}!aneha, .T. Kapena and P. :r;ahaole­ elua J On voting, the ballots were as :rollows. :Ballots Kapena 2 votes

    L.Ka..-viehaMeha------· ------8 Paki------2

    !J'ahaoleelua ------··------· 4 The busi11ess was finished by appointini:; 1·r.Young

    and Armstrong a cow_11tittee to wait on his l~ajesty rela­ tive to a Governor: for Maui

    Mr.Judd Mr.Judd laid before the Council the pecuniary affairs of the Goverm'leYJ t After consideration the following hesolution passed

    Res. 3.

    Res. 3. Resolved; That a committee he chosen to report to this council, at the next rr:teeti.ng, what public works can be laid aside on account of a deficiency of Gov.

    funds at the present time and the best way of supply­ ing the present wants. j 1-~essrs. L. Armstrong and Judd were the cor11aittee Adjd. Council Adjourr:ed to meet at 12 o'clock on Wed. l next ::-: }Kr .Funk :rr .Ar'!ls ~.::'c :~c -~ ·, 0 up so~ne business re spec ting

    J-,~r .Funk & his claim for services a.!1d the followin~ •• //ilt///r/1- -/Ill/

    Adjourned. 696 AhakUka Malu Augate 18 1852 Noho mai la Ka M:ea K1ekie Keoni Ana Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa Namakeha Kanaina • L.Kamehameha Haalelea A.Liho1iho Piikoi Mr.Judd Ii , Armstrong Kapeau , Lee Lorrin Andre.ws Kakauo-lelo HelUheluia ka pule Heluh.eluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia O Mr. Judd, kekahi ia o ka poe leomi te: e imi ai i ke kahua no ka Hale paahao, hai mai oia 1 kona manao. t Kom. no na Oka poe komite i hoonohoia i kela aha e noonoo i dala Aupuni ka aoao pono o ka hoopau ana i ka hemahema o ka waiho-

    / na dala o ke aupuni, heluhelu mai la lakou i ka lakou palapala hoakaka Holo kekahi O keleahi hapa o ua pepa la ua hooholoia, koe nae

    lea hapa hope no ka hoolimaliina i na dala o hai $20.000 Holo hou O ke kuka iho la no ia, a mahope iho, hooholoia ka hope: o ka palapala komite; e hoolimalima no a loaa na dala $20.000 Hoole hoi kekalii Eia ka mea i hooholoia no ka hoopanee ana i na

    hana aupuni Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1 Hooholoia; Eia lea manao o keia .Aha 1 ke KUhina Kalaiaina, e hoopanee ia i ke kUkulu ana a me ka hoo­ Halepaahao paa ana i na halepaahao ma Oahu penei ka nui $_17 .846. 75 Poe paahao Eia ka mea 1 hooholoia no ka poe i paahau ia Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia, I lea manao o keia Aha, e pono i ke Kiaaina o Oahu e kuka me ka IlamUku, e lawe aku 1 na mokupuni e ae i kekahi poe pio e noho ana ma ka papu o Honolulu 697 Privy Council August le l.S52 Present His Hig:rness John Young

    Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa N"ar.1.akeha Ka.naL1a L .Kar1e:':'la.n1eha Haalelea A. L ih o l i...½. o Piikoi Hr.Judd Ii Annstrong Kapeau Lee Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read and approved I Judd Ilr.Judd :from the Committee appointed to report on procuring a lot :for a Prison riade soMe verbal state- I ments. Com. on funds T}w Co:mt1.ittee appointed at the last meeting, to

    I consider the best way of supplying the present defici­ j ency of funds, :for Gov. purpoaes read their report. Recd. It was voted. that t21e report be received and· adopted, except the l~tter part which which related I to the borrowing of $20.000 Voted After deliberation, it was voted that the Second part also of the report be adopted; Viz. the borrowing

    of the sum of ,20.000. bne Councillor vot.ing in the I negative On the above report the following resolution pas,.. sed relative to t:1e poat;poning of public vro~t/'~. j Res. l Res. 1 Resolved; That t1-1e :anister of tL.e Interi<;r oe Prisons al!cl is herel.:;: advised to suspend that item of the

    aprffoj_Jria tion bill providi:::-1g for erecting and f inishiri.g J Prisons on Oahu $17.646.75 Prisoners The following Resolution passed respecting the disposition of the_Prisoners Res.2

    Res. 2. Resolved; That the Governor of 0~1u in consulta­ tion with the ],;,arsha.11 be a.dvis.ed b:,~ this council, to re:r.iove to other prisons on the Island.a, such cf the prisoners now in the fort of 698 e like me ko laua manao he pono, a e imi hoi 1 ka mea e pono ai ke koena, mamuli nae·o ke kanawai, 1 mea e maha ai na dala lilo no ka malama ana ia lakou. Ao ra . Kiaaina o na mokupuni e ae. me ka hoomaopopo pu me ¢.I Ka !lamuku, na lakou e hooponopono 1 ka poe hale- , paahao malalo o lakou 1 mea e hooemi iho i na dala

    lilo no ka lakou ai, mamuli nae o ke kanawai I Hoi aku Mr • .Judd i keia wa Ke Alii Mahope iho hiki mai Ka }Joi me Kaeo, pu kekahi alaila, hooholoia keia

    Hooh. 3. Hooholoia, .ua ae.ia i ke Kuhina Waiwai, e la,·,e 1

    na dala aie i ke aupuni, aole nae pau ka manawa e

    hookaa' 1 a hooemi iho hookahi hapa haneri pakahi ka malama

    Funk 0 ka poe komi te n? ka palapala koi a Mr. Funlc, heJ.uhelu ae la lakou i ko lakou manao, a ua aeia a ua hooholoia ti99 - Honolulu, as the:, may deem proper; and to :,u:i...'l<:e au.ch

    di·spos i tion of the renainder, as they can, ccnsistentzy

    with the laws, as to releive the Goverr.ne:1-'.; of' the expense of' their support. And that the Governors of the other islands, in consultation ·w·ith the 1:arahal:l,

    • be also a.u-thorized to make such disposition of the

    Prisoners in their cliarge, as to relieve the Govern­

    ment of the expense of their support agreeably with ; J the laws. Judd Mr. Judd retired frpm the Council ci1. t tl1is ti!:le King Soon after His Majesty and Kaeo ca.rne in, after

    I which the following Resolution passed j Res. 3. Discount, on Resolved; That tn.e Hinister of Fina.nee. be autho­ debts Res. 3. rized to receive debts not yet due to the Government and allow discount of one.per cent per month thereon.

    Mr. Funk's The Committee relative to Mr. Funk's claim read Claim their Q:·eport i/l;{ whi,ch waa accepted &. adopted 700 Ahakuka Malu Augate 23 1852 Noho mai la Ka Hea Kiekie Keoni Aana Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa Namake},..a Haalelea L.Kamehameha Piikoi Mr • .Judd Ii Armstrong Kaeo , Bates Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Heluheluia ka pule Heluheluia ka mooolelo a ua aponoia

    Kom.kuka me O :Mr .Armstrong, o kekahi o ke ill komi te 1 ka Moi hoonohoia e kUka me ka Moi no ke Kiaaina o Maui,hoaka.ka 1 ka ke Komite hana ana. - heluhelu no hoi i ka pala­

    pala a Mr. Lee, a manao ae la o Paki ke Kiaaina no Maui. Eia ka mea 1 hooholoia Hooh. 1.

    Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; Eia ka manao o keia Aha i Ka l!oi i hoonoho moku oia ia Paki i Kiaaina no ka ~-,1.puni o Maui Kom. hai aku Hooholoia; Na J{r. Armstrong laua me Mr. Young e hai aku i kela Olelo hooholo i ke Alii. Kom.no na Heluhelu ae la Mr •.Ii i ka palapala hai a ke komi te Alanui . no na Alanui mai ke ala Nuuanu a i ka Puuowaina Eia ka mea i hooholoia Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Ke ae aku nei keia Aha i ka hana ana aka L. poe komite o J .Ii, Wm •...,Lee a me ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana, e wehe 1 ke alanui mai ke Ala Nuuanu a i ka Puaowaena, ma ka haawi ana 1 ka palapala ano alodio i ka poe nona ka aina, i lilo i alanui me ka uku ole no ke koena o ko lakou aina ma ia ,vahi; Eia ko lakou inoa, O Jan.e,. Po, Hanunu, Uhai, Piena, Kea.hi, Aiuku,

    Haupu, .J.W.Kauwahi; ~ - 701 Privy Council August 23 1852 Present His High~1ess John Young Paki Kapaakea Kekuanaoa Nama.k:eha Haalelea L .Kameha.meba Piikoi Mr.Judd Ii , Armstrong Kaeo , Bates Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayer.a -.ere read as usual Minu'tes were rt:111.d and approved Com. to see 1-lr·.Armstrong, one of the Committee appointed King Rep. to consult the King relative to a (}overnor for 1.Jaui;

    "tlrl( ,I made a. vcr·bal- report - read a letter from Hr. ·' Lee and moved that Paki be no!.linated for Gov. for Haui. On which the following resolution passed. I Res. 1 Res. 1. Rcgolv-ad "t//'1./tl/i; That this council recommend to His J.Ji"aj esty; the King, to appoint A. Paki aa Governor 01 the Island j of Maui. Com. to make It was voted that Messrs. Armstrong & Young be a known committee to make known the _foregoing resolution to the King Rep on Road Mr. Ii read the Report of a committee on the new :,/,/,,1,l·ll roads from Nuuanu street to Punchbowl hill. The following. resolution was adopted II' .-n- \ Res. 2. Res.2. Resolved; That this Council approve of tlle arrange ment of the Connnittee _ponaisting of J. Ii, Wm. L. Lee and his Highness John Yeung, to open a s,treet fro1.1 the

    Nuua...YJ.u road tc Pu:1chbowl. hill., by granting a title in fee aim.ple to the ovmers of the land; taken for said atreet, without commutation, for th.e remaining Ill NI /;{i,1/-,{/-,{i portion of their land in that place; Viz.

    to Nane, Po, Hanunu, Ul1c1.i, Piena,Keahi,A:iruku,Haupu,

    J • W.K .. ~n:U.:.1 i; and 702

    na ke Aupuni e noonoo ma keia hope aku i ka Uku e haawiia ia L. Eaalelea a me !Jr .Amstrong

    Wyllie Hoi aku Er. Wyllie no ka nawaliwali Pilikia no na Hoakaka ae la Ur. Armstrong i kekahi mea no ka kuleana ole pilikia o na kanaka, no ka loaa oleo ka pepa kuleana. 703 , leave to the future consideration of the King•s Government what compensation J Haalelea and Mr. Annstrong. Wyll.ie Ur. Wyllie retired //rom Privy Co-.incil .,:i.. account of ill.health.

    J Dif. 01· not get land titJ.es Mr. Armstrong made so:;,1e remark& about the diffi­ culties of getting land titles finished

    • 704 Ahakulca 1!alu Auga te 29 1852 Noho mai la Ka Mea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki Namakeha Haalelea Mr.Judd Piikoi , Wyllie Ii , Armstrong Kaeo Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Heluheluia ka·pule Heluheluia ka 1.fooolelo a ua aponoia Kom. 1 ke Alii 0 :r~r. Armstrong, o kekahi o ka poe komi ttee 1 hoo,nohoia e ike i ke Alii no ka hoonono ana i Kiaaina no Maui; olelo mai ia, aole e hiki ia lakou ke kamailio pu me ke Alii Pal.a Mr.Foley Heluhelu ae la Hr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi a Mr. Foley, 1 aeia ia ia e hoohana lio e like me ke. teata. Heluheluia no hoi kekahi mau pa1apala ku e i kela hana na na kanaka aa.oli kekahi,na na haole kekahi Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; O ka palapala noi a Wm. H. Foley e wahi hana ma Honolulu iApaani lio, a me kekahi mau palapala noi kue ia hana, -ua i/tN/t}i/i laweia mai imua o keia aha eke Kuhina Kalaiaina, me ka ninau mai 1 ka manao o keia aha; eia ka manao o keia aha, aole e pono i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina ke ae aku i ka manao o ua Foley la. Kuleana aina Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka olelo hooholo , no ke kakau ana i ka noa o ke Kuhina nui wale no i na kuleana aina Hooh. 2 Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; No ka hana nui o ke kakau ana i ka Inoa 1 na kuleana aina i hoomakaukauia, 500 paha i paa, 1000 kakau ana ka pono, a no ka mea, e kaumahaia Ke A1ii ma ia hana; N'olaila, ke noi aku keia Aha 1 ka Moi, ke lea ia ia ia, e palapala aku ia i Privy Council Present His highness John Young

    Pa.ki Kaeo Haalelea Namakeha Piikoi Mr. Judd Ii , Wyllie , , An.astrong Lorr in Andrevts Secretary Prayers were read / }'.finutes r,ere read and approved Rep.of Com. ]Ir.Armstrong one of the Committee aprJointed to to sec King visit the King respecting the appointment of. a Gove.mer j for }Taui, reported that the Co:nmri ttee could not sc.c the King. Pet.of ]Jr.Foley . Mr. Armstrong read the Petition of Hr. Foley f'or

    a circus. Also several peti:tions against t}1e 1~ranting

    of said petition, by natives & Foreigners j Res. 1. Res. 1 Resolved; That the application of Wm. H. Foley to open a Circus in Honolulu, and sundry petitions against the same, having be.en pre~ented before this

    council by the 1Jinister of the· Interior, VihO asks the advice of the council, in the opinion ·of this council it is wholly inexpedient f'or said 1tinis ter to grant \ the petition of said Foley Land Titles Mr. Armstrong read a resolution respecting the

    aigning of land titles by the Premier only. \ Res. 2. Ree. 2 Resolved; That· on account of the great labor of' the signing -/.t,I .,(#/ ti l.nd. titles now rew.dy ·~o the number of 500 perhapa,, ··requi1·ing 1000 sii;nattu·es; and

    as the King would feel t~he h1.1rden of this labor; Therefore this council asks his J'!a,j esty tha~ he would

    be pleased to write to 706

    ke Kuhina nui, nana no e hana e like me ka ke Kuraukaria­ wai

    Bates Ua hoonohoia Mr .Bates i mea kakau i ka palapala, a na Ke Alii e kakau iho 1 kona inoa;Penei, Hooh. 3.

    Rooh. 3. Hooho1oia; }Ta A. B. B,a tee e kakau i ka palapala i hiki i ke Alii ke kakau iho ±' kona inoa, e like me ka Olelo hooholo maluna. Ua hoonohoia o Piikoi laua ne i komi te nana Jfr. Judd ,... e la\ve aku i ua palapala la i ke Alii

    Kuleana Hilo Alaila lawe mai la J~r .Annstrong i kekahi mau palapala kuleana aina no Hilo mai i aeia mai. Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; O keia mau kuaiia ana o na aina ma Hilo e Rev. D.E.Lyman, ua aeia no ua pono

    • 707

    the Ku..."1-J.ina Hui to do this business according to the J Constitution Bates .Mr.Bates was appointed to write a document to the

    King on the subject as fol.lows. I Res. 3. Res. 3. Resolved; That A. B. Bate& be requea ted ,i.;o pre.pare

    a docu."Ilent for the King to sign in ac?ordance with/

    the above resolution. Piikoi & Fr.Judd \rere appointed j a conw1i t tee to carry it tv the King Land Titles Hr .Armstrong then inti·vduced so1~e land titles Hilo from Hilo to oe confirmed ( Res. 4. Res. 4 Resolved; that the foll.owing a.ales of land. in Hilo

    by Rev. ·D. B. Ly111an, be and are hereby //f,t/~il, con­ fi:cmed Viz.

    Purchaser Name of Land Ho.Acres Price / Kaukonu Honomu 16 a/10 $ l.oO / Kahawai ma Laup&hoehoe 4.65 4.65 l Waiwaiole 2.05 2.05 .,/ Kuhaupio & Aikauna 0.95 1.00 J Paapu ' 0.75 1.00 ' ' ../ ?1oku & Makaiula 6.45 6.45

    { Keav;ekane & Kuaana 1.45 1.45 Palea & Kualii ' 7.40 7.40 v'Koko & Kaaua ' 6.80 b.80 ' 1/ J. Van Houten , , 4.30 4.30 . ~ " " Pualaea 223.15 $i 1.00 per acre 'j ~fakaikuka & Hakahuhu Kihalani 4? .20 1.00 do do · •/ Kapalehua Papaaloa 72.50 1.00 do do f Ka.pule & nawahine 11 104.90 1. 00 , , Kauwiwi ma Kaivdlahilahi 141.80 1. 00 , , , •( · Keohoku Opea 30.40 1.00, . Kaaloa & Umiumi 11 45. 1.00 , , I· Kamakaeha Urn:aW!la 31.25 l.. 00 , ,, Kawaikini Kar11a.ee I 11. 1. 00 , 1

    , 708

    Kuleana Eia keka.hi noi ana 1 kuleana alodio ma Hilo ma Hilo Hooh. 5.

    Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; 0 keia mau aina i kuaiia ma Hilo Hawaii e Rev. D. B.• Lyman; ua aeia no ua pono

    ma Hilo Eia keka.hi no Hilo mai Hooh. 6.

    Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; 0 keia mau aina i kuaiia ma Hokuh.onua, ·1 Hilo, Hawaii e Bev. D. B. Lyman; ua aeia no, ua pono. ?09 /Lau Karnaee 31. $ 1.00 per acre - //Kapueuhi II 10. 1.00 II ./. Puaa. ma Kuhua 47. 1.00 It 1/ Aku & Kealoha " 31.&0 1.00 " Kaie It 26.50 1.00 ./ Tlr n "ti / .,ak a-huk. i ma- 23.45 1.00 / 1 Apiipii !-Ionomu 21.25 1.00 " /~anekoa II 19.30 1.00 II · Kuaana I! 11.75 1.00 II IMa.huka ti 27.25 1.00 " ./ Kaina .. "' 13. 1._09 " I W.L.Rose Honomu 80. 1.25 per acre

    Applications, from Hilo Another application for land at Hilo

    Res. 5. Res. 5 Resolved; That the following sales of land in

    Hilo, :crawaii, by Rev. D. B. Lyman, be and are hereby confinned! Viz. ;"\ranuhoa Kamaee 23 23/100 $ 1.00 per acre J Kahookaamoku It 4 .t 1.00 11 .//C.R.Sampson Kawainui 26.t 1.50 " v; Naka ikuaana Honomu 24. .l O 00 II 1 Asa Clark Wainaku 49.8/10 3.00 II Applications from Hilo On another applicaticm:from Hilo Res. 6 •

    . Ree. 6. Resolved;.That the tollOVl::1.ng 11a,;Lee ·pythe Rev.n. B. Lyman 1n Mokuhonua,HUo, Ha\Vaii, l>e 1U1d are: h~reby confirmed'

    / x"'ekipi. & Ke.au lfokuhonua 3?¼ $ 3.00 per acre l. G.L.Kapeau " 33. 3.00 " J Kawaihae " 6.t 3.00 "

    / ?l.O

    Lainaholo lJo ka palapala noi"Lainaholo ma Kau

    Hooh. ? ~

    Hooh. ? • Hooholoia; O ke kuaiia ana o na eka aina 280 ma

    Kupa.½.ua a me Kalapana, Kau, ia Lainaholo a Y'1e Keahi,

    ua aeia no

    Kekoa ma J'-To ke noi ana o Kekoa ma i Kula, Jfaui

    Hooholoia 8. aina Hooh. 8. Hooholoia; O ka palapala noi"a Kekoa, ]'.rahu,

    Kekaha a me Ka..½.ainapule ma Kula i }taui, e aeia no,

    a na Ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku i na palapala

    sila nui no ua mau aina la,ke hookaa lakou i elua mau

    dala paka...~i ka eka

    Heluhclu ae lo. Yr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi

    aina ma J::-anoa; a eia ka mea i hooholoia

    Hooh. 9.

    Hooh. 9. Hooholoia; Ua aeia i ka :~ea kuai air:a ma Hanoa · e kuai aku i ka aina i hoopuniia i ka pa pohaku e

    ITr. :"lf"etcalf, a ua kapaia o Pilipili, e kuai aku no ia

    Hr. Y1 etcalf, a na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi ia ia i ka palapala ano alodio, ia ia no e uku mai i t5 mau dala pakahi ka eka

    Hamak. Hawaii Jro ka palapala noi aina no Harriakua i Eawaii

    Hool1. 10.

    Hooh. 10. Tiooholoia; 0 keia mau kuai aina ma Hamakua Hawaii

    o Rev. L. Lyons, ua aeia no ia ?11 . / Laina.holo On an application f'rom Laina.hole in Kau

    Hes. 7.

    Res. 7. Resolved; That the sale o:f 260 acres of land in Kupahua and Kalapana,Kau,, to Lainaholo and Kea.hi be and is hereby approved

    I Kekoa ma ~n the application of Kekoa & others in Kula, Kaui

    Res. 8 J Bes. 8 Resolved; that the applicat~on of Kekoa,r'ahu, Keka.ha and Kahainapule f'or land in Kula,ln:aui be granted and that the ?·rinister of the Interior be authorized to grant patents for the lands asked for,

    on the parties paying r·or the same ~:;2. 00 per acre j Land in Jranoa :r.Jr. Al"!!lstrong read an application for a piece of land in :'ranoa valley on which the following resolution

    passed Res. 9. I Res. 9. Resolved; That the Land Acent f'or Hanoa Valiey is

    authorized to sell the land enclosed in stone wall b-y Hr .Hetcalf', called Pilipili, to said 1:retcalf, and that

    the !,Unister of the Interior is authorized to grant him a patent for the same, on his paying therefor, at the rate of $5 per acre From Ha-rna.kua On Applications f'rom Eanakua,!{awaii Hawaii Res. 10 / Res. 10 Resolved; That the following sales of land in

    Ham.a.kua Hawaii, by Rev. L. Lyons, be and are hereby confinned; Vi.z. ' Purchaser Land !-To Acres Price //Kaluli 1 ) zKaluli 2 ) "I Kaau.rnoana ) Kukuihale 2 217.5() 0217.50 ';Kamoakeaw-e) Keai )

    I /~,Takaku ) II II 106½ 89.00 ~ramai ~ 712

    Hamak.Eawaii ::To ka palapala noi aina ma HaJ?lakua Hawaii

    F.ooh. 11. Hoch. 11. Rooholoia; O kcia nau kuaiia ana o na air.a ma Hamakua i Hawaii e Rev. L. Lyons; e aeia no ia 713

    Purchaser Land Fo.acre& Price

    ~·Opunui Kukuihale 2 6 2/10 $ti.50 · ;J .wood II · II 91 91.00 I Kaiama ) ~}Kulawaia ) Kukuihale 1 160 166.00 ./ 1l'¢".ttinai ) /Lono II " t;ll/4: !1~ i:~ 16.30 ..{Kultaheka.he " " 11~· 17.?5 f }Calimaeka f.i&. II •~·4/10 5 .00· ~t.-. .. vKKeau .. II 26A.Oo 4 .oo ·~ " 1 1Kawi . Haina 1 40 6/10 30.45 . IHarn.akua Hawaii On application for land in Hamakua,Hawaii Res. 11. Res. 11 Resolved; That the following sales of land in

    Hamakua, Hawaii, by Rev. L. Lyons, be and are hereby confinried

    Applicant Ahupuaa ITo Avres Price per acre

    I/Wahakane ) ~ Kuahine ) Kea..riakea 160 $1. . Petero ) ~Kaiwi. I Pahee ) Ahualoa 84½ 1. / Pauaka. " 44½ .'75 /Nape a..ri i ) / l-T oho ikahik i) II 69-t 1. Luhehfr1e )

    ~okuola ) · Keawe ) It 69 1.

    ~ T ,Nahakuelua ) Oulu ) f Kanae } Ahualoa 241 l. Kaihomoku } V Keawe op ala .2 )

    - - ..

    714 ?15

    Applicants Ahupuaa Ho Acres Price per acre

    4uakaneelua Kaau..h:u-:11 u 21 6½.1o00 $ 1. //Kaaiai n 7 2 10 1. I; Aukele 15 1. Niupuka" 54 1. i:~~~u . Kana 54 1. R .Robinson l'a4uilo 319 1. f J.A.Sim.mons Aamanu 144 1. v' C. J; .Lyons opihilala 396 1 . ./J. W.!\auahi- ) -1'Kukuma.lama ) { P.Kalauao ) Wienie 359 .?5 /' Kalakuaioho ). ---icek.uapala...hala:1a)

    / ' /Kulu ) v Ka..'1.oaka ) K.oloaha 166 1. Reano )

    I Note the above date of August 29 is an error. It should have been ,30. The mistake arose from the date I ()f the Previqus Polynesian which v1as dated Aug.2?. The ml~take was not pe,rceived till the minutes were copied_& many ,of the resolutions ,given out &c. 716 Ahakuka Jfalu Sept. G 1852

    Foho mai la Ka ~·'ea Kiekie Keoni Ana

    Paki Ii Kekuai:aoa TT a.r1ak eha Haalelea Kanoa Kaeo Hr.Wyllie Piikoi Hopkins

    Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo

    Heluheluia ka pule Heluheluia ka Jlfooolelo a ua aponoia.

    Wyllie Waiho mai la }fr.Wyllie i keia nau palapala pili i

    ko na aina e, Penei

    . Rees ,Kanikele Ka palapala a }Tr. Rees Kanikele ma J3atavia no ka

    la 30 o J.'iei 1851, aia ;11aloko kekahi manao o ke E:iaaina

    nui no na Inia Hikina Holani, no ka Olelo Kuikahi me

    ka Moi o Holani.

    Holani Olelo mai la 1'1 r. Wyllie, aia hoopaa kakou i ke

    kanawai no na dute o ke kc a ne ke kope, aole e pono ja,

    kakou ke hana 1 kuikahi me ko Holani e like me ko

    Amerika Huipuia a :me ko Beritania

    Barclay O ka palapala a Mr. Barclay ~elu 7 o ka la 18 o

    June me na palapala elua iloko; no ka olelo Kuikahi

    me ka :Hoi o Belegiuma

    mau mea· no Ka palapala maoli a 1rr. Barclay o ka la 18 o Paki & Kekuana- oa June a me ka Dr. Hays no ka la 20 o Feberuari no na mea no Paki a me Kekuanaoa, aia ma ka noku o Water­

    ville ka inoa, a no 1 "r. Perrin kckahi

    Tion Antonio Varda Kili He wahi palapala hoi na ka I"~ea hanohano o 1Jon Antonio

    !ards, ua kakauia ma Saniago la 19 o Feberuari, a he

    palapala hoi na ~·r. Janion, no ka hoolilo ana iaia i

    Kanikele no ke aupuni kanaka c Kili i keia aupu.ni 717 Privy Council Sept. 6 1852 ' Present His Highness John Young

    Paki lTamakeha Kekuanaoa Kanoa· Raalelea Hr.Wyllie Kaeo , Hopkins Piikoi Ii Lorrin Andrews S~cretary Prayers were read as usual Minutes were read and approved I Wyllie !Jr.Wyllie submitted to the council the following I/ official documents. Conaul Rees lJr. Consul Reeds despatch from Batavia of 30th May 1851 with suggestions by the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies about a treaty with Eis :·a,i esty the King of Holland

    / Holland Ur. Wyllie remarked that so long as we riaintained

    our differential Act relating to duties on Sugar &

    Coffee, it would not be advisable to offer to Holland

    such a treaty as that with the United States & Great J Britain Barclay Ur.Barclay's Despatch }To. 7 of the leth June wit::. tvro enclosures, relating to a "1.//.ltl treaty with His :riraj esty the King of Belgium. j Things :ror Mr. Barclay's unofficial letter of 18th June and Paki & Kekua­ naoa Dr. Hays of the 20 Ferbruary relating to things for

    Paki. & Kekuanaoa, coming by Waterville and to Hr. Perrin J Don Anton,io A ·Despatch fron His Excellency Don Antonio Varda Vards Chili dated Santiago 19 February and one :from Jfr.Janion,on the appointment of the latter as Consul of the Republic of Chili for this Kingdom 718

    Waina na Hoakaka mai la Hr. Wyllie, i ka hiki ana nai o ka Hr.Perrin waina mea inu na ·rr. Perrin; penei ka palapala o ka

    palm no ke Kanikele o Ferani; nolaila, e hiki mai

    auane i pa.ha ia.

    Ad. Thor:1as O ka palapala a Admiral Thomas keka.hi ua kakauia

    i ka la 14 o June. Hoowahav:aha oia i ke a.upuni kanaka

    ma ka pae aina Hawaii, a hoikaika mai e koku.a ma'Yl'luli

    o ka l~oi a me kona hope Eoakaka ae la ~''r. Wyllie i ke kur:rn o ka hiki ole Kem.no ko ka r:roi aie o kc komi te no na aie o ka :''oi ke hoakaka hou ae e

    like me ka. lakou olelo

    Piikoi Kom. O Piikoi kek~ti no ia o ka poe kowite e ike i ke

    Alii no ko J':r. Young kaka.u ana i kuna inoa i na

    kuleana aina; hoakaka r:1ai la ia, ua kakau iho i kona

    inoa i ka nui o na palapala kuleana; aka, aolc oia i

    palapala ;i ia ~Tr. Yuung

    Poe paa i -qoakaka mai la Ke Kiaaina o Kekuanaoa ua hovliloia ka hao ka pee pa.a i ka hao e like me ka Olelo i hooholoia

    mamua aku nei; aole nae i holo kekahi i ka moku e ae

    Foley Heluh.elu ae la Hr. Hopkins i ka Hr. Foley palapala

    i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina a me na palapala noi ¢ ~¢ elua,

    noi kekahi i ke Teata, a noi ku e kekahi

    A kakau iho la l':"r. Wyllie i keia Olelo hooholo i

    hooholoia ae la


    Hoch. Hooh0loia; l'alalo o ke kanawai o ka la 20 o ,-ei lbol; no l~a ke Kuhina Kalaiaina waleA. ka I/ 1/:/. haawi ana i na palapala ae Teaka.

    Hoopaneeia a i ka pc aka.hi 719 / Wine for }.!r .Wyllie nentioned that Wine having alread:' 1lr.Perrin arrived for lTr .Perrin addressed to hin as Consul of France, it was to be inferred that he vrould. soon arrive •

    ./ Admiral Tn."omas Admiral Thomas' letter of the 14th June last deprecating a Republic in the Hawaiian Isla.r~ds and recommending the support of the King and. of his successor • / Com.King' a Mr.Wyllie took occasion to explain the caus,e& accounts vihy the Committee on the King's accounts could not

    make that further report that they had promis,ec.t·

    I Piikoi Com. Piikoi one of the co,nmittee appointed to visit the King respecting Jfr. Young's s,igning the land

    titles,; reported that he had signed most of the papers, I but had not s.igned a request to !:!r. Young Prisoners Gov. Kekuanaoa reported that the Priaoners of the Fort v1ere disposed o·r accord.inc to a fonner Resolution, but none had left the island / 1/fr .Foley circus Mr. Hopkins. read a letter from Hr. Foley to the

    Minister of the Interior and two Petitions one for and

    one against a Circus, on which Hr. Wyllie prepared the following resolutio:p which passed I Res. ·Ees. Resolved; That ·L.i.nder the Act of 20th Jray 1851; the granting of Licenaes for shows belong~ exclus.ively to the Minister of the Interior

    Adjd. till next Honday 720 Ahakulca 1~a1u Sept. 13 lb52

    lroho mai la Ka }':oi o Kamehameha III.

    Ka 1'ea Kiekie Keoni Ana

    Paki Hamakeha Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina l!r .Wyllie Haalelea , Judd Kaeo Ii

    Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo

    Heluheluia ka pule Heluheluia ka Ifooolelo a ua aponoia

    Judd & Piikoi O Mr. Judd nona iho a no Piikoi hoi kekahi, he

    mau komite laua e hoakaka aku i ka manao o keia aha i ka l{oi no 'till kona kakau ana i kona inoa i na palapala ano alodio, hoike mai la ia; ua loaa ia laua ka Moi, ua ala, a ua makaUkau e kaha i kona ino,a i na

    kuleana aina, a mamuli o kana olelo, hoike aku la ua

    mau komite la i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina; a hele koke ia i

    ke Alii me kekahi owili pepa kuleana i kahaia. Ua e loheia J\ ua korni te la, ua kakauia ka nui o ua puu pepa

    ia i ka inoa o ka J"oi

    Hoakaka hou ae la 1Tr. Judd, pene i, ua noiia ka

    Jfoi e ke1

    na palapala kuleana o na kanaka ma ko lakou aina. Re

    wahi ka~ailio no ma ia mea; eia nae ka hope; o na

    kuleana a pau a ka poe Ahakuka e ae ai, na ka :,~oi no

    e kakau i kona inoa

    J,fr .Frick Heluhelu ae la I/r. Judd i ka palapala a :~r .Frick, e noi ana i kuleana kapu no ka hoomau ana i ke kalo i hookahi makahiki a keu

    Hooh. 1.

    Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; I ko 1.rr. Frick haavli ana rnai i palapala

    hoomaopo1JO nui mai i ke ano o kona mala.ma ana i ke

    kalo ma kona a.no maoli a puni ka makahiki a keu;

    alaila., na ke Kuhina kalaiaina e haawi ia ia i ka ,t,1ala­

    pala ae, a e hoopaa ana ia ia ua ku.leana nei a me kona

    pee hooilina a me kona mau hope ia ia v1ale no ia. hana ma keia pae aina 721 Privy Council Sept. 13 1652

    Present His llaj esty Kanehaz1eha III His Highness .John Young Paki Nam.ake}~a Kekuanaoa Kanoa Kanaina Hr. W;:,rllie Haalelea Judd Kaeo Ii Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read / ~rinutes read and approved Rep. of Hr.Judd l'rr • .Judd for hi-,,1self & Piikoi cornni ttec to pre- & Piikoi sent the views of this council to the King relative to the signing of deeds; Reported, that they fo.und his

    1taj es ty in heal th & ready to s.ii::;n the papers f,:; by hia request the committee so notified the Premier,who immediately attended upon The King with a parcel o:f dee48 :ror signature. The cornJittee are in:fonncd that a great p•ortion of the deeds arc signed.

    11:rr • .Judu further stated that Eis 1:·aj es ty had been requested by some of the chiefs not to sign deeds :for people on their lands. Some discus,sicn :followed which resulted in an understar:ding that deeds approved in

    Privy Cou!1cil should be signed

    / 1(r .Frick }Irr. Judd read a note from Hr .Frick asking for a Patent patent for preserving kalo for a year or more v:}1ercon Hes. 1. I Res. 1. Resolved; That on receiving fron J''r. Frick a f'ull statement of his method of preserving Kalo, 1ivithl,/./ its natun1.l qualities unimpaired for a period of a year or more, the Minister of the I:nterior be requested to grant him a patent therefor confirming to hin, hi& heirs & assigns the exclusive use /-I in these islands, of 722 no kona mea i loaa, a pau na makahiki elima

    E paiia no keia mea e ke_Kuhina Kalaiaina ma ka Polynesian me ka hooakaka ole i ke ano o ka Hana Na Mr. Fricke Uku mai i $1.00 no ka palapala kuleana, a $2.00 hoi no ke paiia ana

    Hough Eia ka mea i hooholoia no kekahi aina, i kuai ia e Mr. Hough 1 ka Makahiki 1849; aka, aole oia i noho Sayre iki malaila, aole i uku iki i ka dala

    Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; O ke kuleana aina i heluia 184 e kuai ia nr. Sayre Malo Ua Heluheluia ka palapala noi kuleana alodio a Malo, aole nae 1 hooholoia Pohaku Heluheluia ka palapala a Pohaku aoe nae i hooholoia 723 his discovery, for the term of five years.

    Fotice of the Patent to be published by the J.r.inis­

    ter of the Interior in the Polynesian Ne\1& paper, without explaining the methud or process.

    Jrr.Frick to pay t,1.00 f'or the Patent and two dollars for the advertiselnen t I ]:rr.Houeh The following resolution was paased respecting

    soHe land bargained for by Pr. Hough in l.849 but he had never taken poa:s,ession nor paid anythini:; for it.

    Hes. 2

    / Res. 2 Resolved; That Land Patent Iro. 184 be sold to Hr. S4lyre.

    / JllQ.~· 1 0 The application of Malo was read but not acted on

    / Pohaku The application of Pohaku was rew.d but not acted upon 724

    AhakUlca Malu Sept. 20,852

    lToho mai la Ka Hoi Kamehwneha III Ka :r:rea Kiekie Keoni Ana Paki Na.makeha Kekuanaoa Piikoi Kanaina Mr.Wyllie Haalelea l{r. Bates Kaeo Mr.Judd Ii Lorrin Andr·ews Kakauolelo Heluheluia ka pule Haluheluia ka Moooolelo a ua aponoia Heluhelu ae la Hr. Judd i keia olelo hooholo Hooh. 1.

    Hooh. 1. Hooho1oia; O ke Dute maluna o na :tio, a me na Hoi hou ia ke dute hipa,a me na pekaka,a me na mea kanu i laweia mai mai Sidney mai ma ka moku o Harrietta ka inoa eke. kapena o Webster; e hoi hou ia, eia ka nui o na dala ma ia waiwai penei $1034,40

    Bates Heluhelu ae la Mr. :Sates i ka palapala hoop ii a kekahi

    poe paa i ka ba]..e papu Hooh. 2. Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Mamuli o ka palapala a ka J1tarshall no Kalaia ka poe hewa ke kala ana i ka hewa o kekahi poe, aia ko lakou inoa nei ma ka -II. palapala o ka la 1 7 o Sep a temaba " 1852; no ia mea manao ae la ka poe Ahakuka malu e olelo aku,;{.I i ka Moi, he pono e kala 1ku i ka poe i oleloia,ina paha e hooikaika ae ka l'rarshall, i haalele ai lakou 1 keia aupuni. Kanawai oolca Hai mai la Mr. Bates i kona manao no kekahi kanawai i kau iho nei ia, a ua oolea ma ka malaPla i kekahi poe; a mahope, heluhelu ae la i kekahi kanawai hooponopono. Mahope iho, ua laweia mai ka olelo hoopii a ua heluheluia ae la. He kanawai Kanawai He kanawai e hooponopono i ke kanawai e hoakaka ana 1 na dute tona a me na dala lilo mai o na moku kalepa a me na moku o kohola Privy Council Sept. 20 1852 Present His Majesty Ka1,ieham.eha III His Highness John Youne; Paki Narr1akeha Kekuanaoa Piikoi Kanaina Hr.Wyllie Haa.lelea Mr.Bates Kaeo Er. Judd Ii Lorrin Andre-we Secretary Prayers were read as usual lHnutes were read and a1)proved Hr. Judd brought forward the following Resolution I Res. 1. Duty on impor- tations Resolved; That the duty on Horses,sheep,Peacocka remitted I and plants imported per. Harrietta· from Sidney by Capt.

    11•.JILW'ehs.ter be remitted - Value of imports. $1.034.40 / Bates Mr. Bates read a petition from several perHons in the Fort. j Hes. 2. j Res. 2. Resolved; 1'hat the recommendation of the Harahal.l.

    Pardon in relation to the pardoning of certain persons nar·1ed of prisoner& in his letter of 17 September 1852 induces the Privy

    Council to 11 adviee" his Hajesty to grant the pardons there in recomrn.ended, provided the liarshall will use his influence to induce the foreigners to leave the J k_ingdom. Late Act Mr. :Bates :made so:r'le remarks in regard to a law Hard lately enacted which appeared to work ill to the community; and read an Act ae an wnendment. After

    which a petition on the sub,i ect was brought in a read.

    An Act 11 An Ac t II ccc

    An Act to amend. a11 Act to rer;ulate the Tonage dues

    and ot:-ier charc;es on 1 erchant and Whaling vessels. 720

    E hooholoia e Ka J1·oi e Ka..11chameha a me na lii

    e noho kokoke ana

    pauk.l S. 1. 0 ka pauku a ne ka pauku ehiku o ke

    kanawai e hoike mai i ka Uku tona a me na dala lilo e

    ae no na ,,foku Kalepa a me na Hoku Okohola, i hooholoia

    i ka la 6 o Julai 1852, e hooponoponoia ma ka holoi

    ana, ma kahi i loaa'i o ia mau pauku, 11 0 ka pue ee moku".

    ~-a. 1J.k • .2 •. S. 2. E pili keia kanawai mai ka la i hooholoia'i

    Hanaia na ka Hale Alii i keia la 20 o Se_patemaha M.H.1652 Inoa Kamehameha Inoa Keoni Ana

    Heluhelu hou ae la :;,rr .Bates i kekahi kana,,ai e a.e i hooholoia ae la; penei

    He kanawai

    Kanawai He kanawai e hooponopono i na Olelo hooholo hu.i i mea e nui na moku okohola, ua hooholoia i ka la 15 o

    June M.I.1847.

    E hooholoia e Ka Hoi e Kamehameha III a ma ka poe alii e noho kokoke ana, paut.l. S. 1. 0 ka paUku ewalu o na Olelo hooholo hui i nui ai na Hoku okohola, i hooholoia i ka la 16 o Sepatemaba 184? e hoopauia, a e hoopauia ana no. pauk •. 2. S. 2. E pili no keia kana17ai mai ka i hooholoia' i

    Hanaia ma ka Hale Alii i keia la 20 o Sepatemaba 1852. Inoa Ka.rriehameha Inoa Keoni Ana

    Palapala a Heluhelu ae la lfr. Bates i ka palapala a hev. D. Baluina Baldwin na v,ai ona i lawe malu ia i Lahaina; ua hooholo-

    Hooh. 3.

    Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; Hake Kuhina .Kalaiaina e kauoha aku

    i ka poe ohi dute o keia aupuni ?27

    Be it enacted by Eis Majesty Kamehameha III and the Nobles residing near s.1. s. 1. That Section and section seventh of an "Act to regulate the Tonage dues and other charges on Merchant and Whaling vessels" passed July 6 1852 be

    and is hereby a::1ended by striking out \Vherever it

    occurs in said Sections 11 or passengers". I s.2. s. 2. This Act shall take effect from the date of its passage

    Done at the Palace this 20 day of September A.D.1852 Signed Kanehameha Signed K.eoni Ana Mr. Bates also read another Act which he propoe,ed to introduci, as follows,

    An Act &c. An Act &c. An Act to amend "Joint Resolutions to encourage the

    visit& of Whalers, passed 15 day of June A.D.lb4?.

    Be it enacted by His Majesty Kamehameha III and J the Nobles residing near, s.1 S. 1. That Section Eighth of 11 Joint Resolutions to encourage the Visits of Whalers II passed fifteen th day of June eightteen Hundred.and forty seven,be and the same is hereby repealed.

    S. 2. This Act shall take effect from the date of its passage. Done at the Pa,1.ace this 20th day of September A.D.1~52 Signed Kameh8I11ehaffj Signed Keoni Ana

    Let. Yr. Mr .Bia tes read a letter from Rev .D .Bald,.-rin respecting Baldwin Liquor sl:luggled into Lahaina, on v/hich passed

    Hes. 3. J Res. 3. Resolved;That the l!inister of Finance is hereby requested to instruct the several collectors of this

    Kingdom 728

    e hoouna aku i na wai ona a pau i hopuia a lilo i ke

    a up uni, i ke ia awa o Honolulu, e kuaiia I i ma.muli o ke kanawai

    Karaaikui Heluhelu ae la Hr. Judd i ka Olelo hooholo no ke kuleana aina o ttiii,1:/.iKamaikui

    Hooh. 4.

    Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio

    ia Kamaikui, no kona pa...>iale ma ke Ala Maunakea i

    Honolulu oia hoi ke kuleana i heluia 592 e ka poe hoona me ka uku ole i ko ke aupuni hapa.

    Kinimaka Heluhelu ae la 1fr. Judd i ka Olelo hooholo no kekahi :mau aina o Kinimaka

    Hooh. 5.

    Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; E haawiia na palapala ano alodio ia

    Kinimalca na aina ma Honolulu oia na apana 1,2 & 3 o ke

    kuleana 129,ia ia e uku mai i $82.50/100; a no na aina

    ma Kaaleo, Nuuanu, oia na apana, 1,2,3,4,7,8,& 9 ua

    heluia 240K. ia ia e hookaa_ i $162, 50/100, hooemi iJ10

    ia $45 e ka Ahakuka

    Fountain Helu.helu ae la l'r. Judd i ka palapala noi a ·Hr. Edward Fountain, he kanaka pio ma Lahaina. Aole i aeia

    kana a ua kauohaia ke Kakauolelo e hoike aku iaia

    Kauhema Helw1elu ae la ~'~r. Judd i ka palapala noi kuleana alodio a Kauhe~a; Hoopanee ia Hoomoeapule He palapala noi hoi a Hoomoeapule i ano alodio nana

    Hooh. 6.

    Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala eila nui ano

    alodio ia J!ere Hoomoeapule no kona pahale ko;koke i ke ala Maunakea, i Honol'J.lu., cia hoi ka helu 100 o ka poe

    Hoona, ia ia hoi e hookaa 1.'lai i ko ke Aupuni hapa

    $25.00 729 to send all liquors seized and. con:fisca.ted to the Port of Honolulu, to be sold under the Laws of the land. I I Kar:raikui Mr. Judd read a resolution granting a fee simple title to Karnaikui j Res. 4. Res. 4. Resolved; 'l'hat An Allodial Title be granted to Ka.:'::1aikui, for her lot of land in J.raunakea Streett,Hono­

    lulu, known as clai~ Ho. 592 of the La:'ld Commission I without t?1e payment of the co1'!I.autation fee Kinir1J.aka ~irr.Judd read a resolution respecting some lands of Kini:naka as fallows. I Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That Allodial Titles be g~anted to Kinimaka. for the lots in :Ionolulu known as parts 1, 2

    & 3 of claim Ko. 129 upon his paying the Com. fee of

    eighty two 50/100 dollars, and for the lands. in Kaaleo,

    Nuuanu known as parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, & 9 of claim No. 240 K. upon '/./1 the pa~ent of the com. fee of one hundred sixty two 50/100 dollars, less $45. remitted I by the council E. Fountain Mr. Judd read a Petition from J~r. Edward Fountain

    prisone.r at Lahaina. Petition not granted & the Secre­ tary was ordered to inform f/1 t him so Ka ul1err:a Mr. Judd read a petition for an allodial title · for Kauherua. Vote postponed

    I HooTioeapule Also a request for an allodial title by Hoomoea- pule

    Res. t3.

    I Res. 6. Resolved; That an allodial title be granted to Here Eoor1oeapule for her house lot near 1saunakea

    Street, Honolulu, known as claim !To. 100 of the Land COM.mission, upon her payinG the Comm.uta.tion fee of twenty five dollars. 730

    Ahakuka Malu Sept. 27 1862 Noho mai la Mr. Young

    Paki Ii Kekuanaoa Mr.Bates Piikoi , Wyllie Haalelea , Judd Kaeo

    no ka nalowale o ?.':r. Andrews, he mai kona, ua hoonohoia Mr. Wyllie e kakau mooolelo A no ia hana ole, hoopaneeia a i ka Po akahi e hiki :mai ana I ?31

    Privy Council Sept. 2? lo52

    Present !lr. Young

    Paki Ii Kekuanaoa lrr .Bates Piikoi Wyllie Haalelea Judd Kaeo

    / Mr. Andrews the Secretary being sick 1 'r. Wyllie was appointed to take the Minutes :ror him J There being no important buainess, Adjourned to Monday next at the usual hour. 732 Ahakuka Malu Okat. 4 1852 !Toho mai la !.!r. Young Kekuanaoa Paki. Kanaina Haalelea Kaeo . Piikoi Judd Armstrong Wyllie Mr.Wyllie Kale. Ua ho on oho ia Mr. Wyllie i Kakauolelo panihaka no Andrews. Perrin Hai mai la Mr. Wyllie 1 na mea hou no llr. Perrin, a i kona 1•1anao, aole i maopo:.po kona hoi hou mai i keia pae aina Aohe mea hou no Washington a no Ladana mai Pal.a Mr. Hoike mai la Mr. Wyllie i kekahi mau palapala na ]Lr. Al1en & Gen Miller Elisha H. Al1en Kanikele Amerika a me ka Gen - Miller o ka la 22 a me 23 o Sepatemaba; Hoakaka mai la. laua i ko laua ma.nao no ka hoopau ana i kekahi paUku kanawai palapala e koi ana i na" Kanikele a na I lii moku mamua ae o ko lakou holo ana Mahope o ke kUka ana, penei paha ka manao o ka hoopau ana i ke kanawai, ua paa ia; aka, ina maopopo kona hewa, pono paha e paa hou ma keia hope aku Moku Enigma Hoakaka ae la Mr. Wyll'ie i ka ninau ana o ke Kanikele Beretania no ka hoohewa a me ka hoalila ana i ka moku Beritania o Enigma ka inoa Hitchcock Heluhelu ae la ]Jr. Wyllie i ka palapala noi a !tr. Kanikele Hitchcock o ka la 2 o Okatoba 1852, i liloia i Kani­ kele o Ke Alii ma California. Ua ae mai Mr. Judd / laua me J!r. Armstrong, nolaila, ua hooholoia keia Hooh. 1. Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; Oka palapala noi a Charles E. 733 Privy Council Oct 4 1852

    Pres er; t 1~r. Young-

    Kekuanaoa Paki Kanaina Ha.alelea Kaeo Piikoi Judd Annstrong Wyllie I 1rr. Wyllie :Mr. Wyllie was appointed to take the m.inutes for ]Yr. Sec. Andre\:1s

    I ~r p . .1 :r. err in Mr.Wyllie explained the latest news t>.at he had

    been able to ohtain of T,r. Perrin and that it was yery -

    doubtful whether he was on his way to the Islands or


    That fron Washinr~ton and London t'\-1ere was nothing new. j Letters of :fr'. Wyllie subMi tted the letters of Elisha JI.Allen , Messrs Allen . j & U .s. Consul· and of Consul General ?'iller of the 22 and ]Killer 23 September stating their obj,ections, on public

    grounds, to the repeal of the Article requiring

    Consular Certificates from Jifasters of ships previous to their clearance fr.on the Custom.. house After so"1e discus,sion, the f'eelinc vras that the

    repealinG Act having been published, it should stand,

    but if ex1Jerience should denonstrate• evil results fron j it, the question of its repeal night be entertained Gen .11iller lrr. Wyllie made known an enquiry amicably promo­ B:ti t.Bark Enigr,1a ted by Her :ari t .Maj. Consul in relation to the condem­

    nation of the British V-essel EniG"'!a

    C.E.Hitchcock Er. Wyllie submitted Jrr. Hitchcock's application Consul of the 2nd Oct. 1852 for t½e post of Consul f'or the

    Kin(r in California. :'/r.· Judd <':,:; JJr.Ann.strone having

    reported favorabl:; of the application, t:1e following

    Resolution was passed \ Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the application of Charles Ii~ Hitch 734 Hitchcock no ka Oihana Kanikele ma San Francisco, e aeia no, aia nae ma ka manao o Ka Moi. Benson Hoakaka mai la .Mr. Judd i kekahi mea no :Mr .Benson ma . New York, ua ae mai oia i na kumu a ke Aupuni i olelo ai no ka uapo lana, a ua komo oia iloko o ka Olelo hoopaa $20 ooo, aia iloko o kona mau lima ua papa la Eia ka mea i Hooholoia

    Hooh. 2.

    Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; No ka ae mai o A.G.Benson Esq. i na mea a

    keia Aupuni i olelo ai i ka mala.1na ~ Aperila 1851; a • no kona haawi ana ma i ka palapala hoopaa e like me ka mea i oleloia; na Mr. Judd laua me Ur. Bates oia hoi na komite mamua, na laua no e hoomakaUkau a e lawe mai imua .o keia a.ha i ka po akahi e hiki_ mai ana, 1

    palapala hoolilo, a 1 hoolimalima pa.ha me ka hoakaka

    aku i ke kahua a me na mea e maopopo ai ka Mr .B:enson

    hana pu me keia aupuni Luna Alanui Helu."1-ielu ae la .Mr. Armstrong 1 ka palapala hoopii Ewa i ka Luna Hoomalu Alanui ma Eewa, ua noiia mai i hoopauia kana Oihana; ua waihoia ma ka papa

    E.Saurin Helu.~elu ae la no hoi 11 ka palapala a Eugene Saurin, a eia ka mea i hooholoia

    Hooh. 3.

    Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; 0 ka palapala a E. Saurin e kuai 1 ko ke

    Aupuni hapa Q "Manu" ili o Kailua, Koolaupoko; ua aeia no, ma keia ku.~u, penei $5 ma ka eka (ua hooleia na da--.

    la 3) Naea Heltt.'1elu ae la hoi 1 ka palapala a Uaea no ka palapala ano alodio. Eia ka mea 1 hooholoia

    . Hooh. 4 Hooh. 4. 735 cock .for t::e office ol' Consul for San Francisco be approved, subject to t,,,e will of His hijesty J Rep.from J\Tr. Judd reported. or: behalf of Er. Benson of Irr .:sens on New York that he had accepted the conditions offered by the ·Government, in relation to the Dry dock and

    had given his bond of $20,000 for the sane which was in his hands

    The following resolution vras passed J Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; in view of the ·acceptance by -A. G. ,3enson Esq. of the offers of this Government made in

    April 1851, and in view of his o'ffer of a Bond as

    prescri"i:ed, that Yessrs Judd a;1d Bates, the former Committee be instructed to prepare for suhnission to

    this Council on Monday next, a deed of Cession, or contract with description of the site and all other

    matters necessary for tl!e completion of Hr. Benson I s

    / arraneertents with this Gov.ermrrent. Road Supervisor :ur. Ar:1Strong brou~ht forward a cOPll)laint agains,t E.'wa a Road Supervisor iu Ewa, praying for his removal, j w:1ich was laid 0:1 the table E.Saurin He also brought forward the application of Eucene Saurin, on vrhich, t~c followi1:g Resolution passed Res. 3. 1 Res. 3 Eesolved; T}1at the arJplication of E.Saurin to

    purchase the Govt. half of 11 l~anu 11 ili of Kailua,

    Koolaupoko, be & is hereb~r granted at t1-.__c price offered V'z. f5 per acre (~3 was refused) I !Taea Hr. Arnstr,;nf; also 1:Jrou,ri;l'lt forward ?faeS: 1 B applica­

    tion for a fee simple title and the follovring Res9lu­

    tion v1as r)assE:d - Res. 4. Res. 4. 736

    Hooholcia, E haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia JJ'aea no kona kuleana i heluia 10427 ma :Makila Lahaina, ia 1a e uku mai i $17.50 Poe noi aina Hawaii 1ro kekahi 1 noi mai 1 mau palapala ano alodio ti~ tttl 1 Hawaii, penei ka hooholo ana Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; Ira ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku i na palapala ano alodio i keia poe no ko lalcmu wahi ma Hilo 1 Hawaii me na kumu i hoikeia 'ku •

    Aina kuaiia Eia na aina i kuaiia ma Hilo e ~;fr .Lyman a ua aeia e ma Hawaii keia Aha

    Hooh. 6. Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; O keia mau aina i kuaiia ma Hilo Hawaii e Rev. D.B.Lyman, ua aeia no; penei 737 . • / Resolved; That an allodial Title be granted to

    Nae a for his claim 2To. 10427 in liiakila, Lahaina, upon his paying the coJ'1.fflutation fee of ~iil 7. 50

    Applicants - On ·behalf of sur.:dry applicants on Hawaii, t}:e on Ha\vai i followiP-f~ Resol tu ion was passed

    Res. 5.

    I Res. 5. Resolved; T::at t::.e l~inister of t:1e Interior be

    ar..d is liereby authorized to grant allodial Titles to

    the following Persons for their claims in Hilo Hav;aii at the prices severally annexed to each Viz:

    //, Peleula Mo.1095 in Pona'.1awai $10.00 · Puali 3867 Punahoa 12.50 / !Iiona 1096 Pona.11.avrai 10.00 I J Ouluir.i 11144 Kukuau 10.00 lj- Aipinep ine . 31179 Puna.hoa 8.75 Papa 'l'IF/1 5,13 Puna.rioa 6.25 / Apiki . 3769 Punahoa 6.25

    /Land SaleS The following sales of ia.,,~d in Hilo made by on Hawaii :Mr. L~1an were conf'ir.:-ied Res. 6.

    I Res. 6. Resolved; That the following sales of land in Hilo

    Hawaii by Rev. D. :S. Lyr.ran, be ·and are hereb~r con-


    / Pu~chaser Ahupua.a No Acree Price per A. /;L.A.Pavie Nainaku 9 4/10 $ 3.00 :Ha.>nakai:rnaui ~a Wailua 28.45 2.50 / Kawaa Pueopaku 1 12.40 2.00 1 NaJ'1akan i " 6.66 tt v'; Elemakule tt 21.50 " i/ Keahi " 10.00 " .ljKekauiki ma Alea~1ai 115. 1.50 ·1/1.folir;,a " 10.65 1.75 I Kauai It 12.70 ti 738 739

    ~ Kaluhi Aleal!l.ai 18. $1.75 /; Kaohemaunu " 14 " %Kauakuilua " 16.16 " /; Paele & Ka:·:iai " 25.30 " · Kalama Kahalii 17 .80 1.50 'j, Kaaukala.ni " 26.30 " · Kapua Kaw-ainui 18.40 " ~Kaina Kal,ua 39.65 1.00 f Iehu K u...i-rna 18.90 II j Wm.Pont Honomu 29. " /Keoki Mokuhonua 12. 3.00 Kaukuna Kala.pan a-Puna 32. .50 f lTaehumakua. Poupou " 49. .25 Kauka Kapaa..hu " 6l3. .37t 7'40

    Ahakuka :r~alu Okat 11 1852 Noho mai la Ka. 1.1ea Kiekie Keoni Ana

    Paki Ifr. Wyll.ie Kanaina Armstrong Haalelea Judd Namakeha Lee Ii Bates Piikoi Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Heluheluia ka pule Helu...11.eluia ka Li:ooolelo a ua aponoia 01.no ke alanui Heluhelu mai la Mr. Ii, he komite ia, i kana no hou ke alanui hou, a me ka manao a4ike no ka poinP. Ua ae ia ii ka manao o ua pepa 1a Hooh. l Hooh. 1. Hooholoia, o ka palapala aka poe komite i helu­ helu iho nei ia no ke Alanui,i kapaia he Alakula,ua

    aeia no; a o ka poe 1 haawi 1 kekahi apana o ko lako,u mau kuleana it'l.i no ke alanui, e loaa wale ia lakou ka palapala ano alodto no ke koena o ko lakou aina me ka Uku ole Crowningburg Heluhelu ae la Mr. Lee i ka palapala a 1v1r. Crow­ ningburg, i palapala ano alodio nana Hooh. 2. Hooh. ·2. Hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi aku ia Wm. Crowningburg i ka palapala sila ano alodio

    no kona kuleana ma Waikapu i heluia 433 me ka uku ole.

    Pal.no ka uapo Heluhelu ae la Mr. Bates laua me 1,Tr. Judd i ka kapili moku laua palapala hoakaka no kau wahi kapili rnoku a me ka Lonamoku palapala hooli~alima pu me Mr. Benson no N.York, Ua heluheluia ua palapala hoolimalima la. Nolaila, 741 Privy Council Oct. 11 1852

    Present 'tis Highness John Young

    Paki Hr.Wyllie Kanaina Anistrong Haalelea ·J.udd Namakeha Lee Ii Bates Piikoi

    ·Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read as usual l~inutes read and approved ,/ Rep. on 1T e·,1 l!r. Ii one of a co:1JTJ.it tee read- a report resyec ting Road a. new roaci & an agreement resyecting the da.11ages. The

    Report was received & confirmed as per J Res. 1. Res. 1. Resolved; That the Report of the Coruuittee on tl1e ne·,r road knovm as School Street, be and is hereo.,: approved and that t:1ose persona who have given porti,.ms

    of their kulea.nas for said road or stree·t shall have

    Fee sd..riple Titles. for the balance of their claims free; of all cha.rGe whatever.

    / Wm. Crowningourg Mr. Lee read the application of W::n. Cro·wningburg

    for an allodial title tc land. Res. 2. I I Res. 2. Resolved; That the Minister-of the Interior is hereby authorized to grant Wm. Crc,111L1gburg a Fee

    1 simple Title for his clai:.1 in Waikci1.pu No. 433 free .I ) of c o::.nr.1.u tat ion. Rep. on Marine Rail Messrs Bates & Judd brought a-written report Read respecting a J;ftarine Rail Road and an agreement vri th

    1Ir Benson of Hew York - The Charter or Patent wa.s

    read, on vrhich, 742 Hooh. 3.

    Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; Na ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e hooko a e haawi aku ia Al:fred G. Benson i ka palapala hoolilo aina a hoakaka ka poe komite i iltN.ltl mai i keia la, na laua i noonoo i ka palapala noi a A.G.Benson no ka pono o ka .:t'o-,-e,,e.t.,, hana ana i ka uapo kapili moku; a nana hoi e haawi aku i ua palapala hoolimalima la ia Al:fred G. Benson, ia ia no hoi e haawi mai i ka palapala hoopaa no na dala 20.000, me ke ano nae e hana ia ka uapo kapili moku ma kela wahi i oleloia ma ua palapala hoolimalima la,

    maloko o na makahiki elua ~ai ka la i kakauia 1 1. La hooaloha Heluhelu ae la ~r. Armstrong i ka palapala hoo­ kaawale i keka.hi la pule aloha; oia hoi ka la 18 o Novemaba 1852; ua hooholoia ae la.

    Heluhelu ae 1a Mr. Bates 1 ka palapala noi 1 kalaia mai ka hewa o F. Fredison Frediaon Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; I ko makou manao he pono i ka :Moi ke ka­ la ,vale ia Daniel Fredison e like me kana palapala noi i kakauia i keia la. J.T.Gower Heluhelu ae la jl{r. Armstrong i keia 0lelo hooholo no Mr. J. T. Gower Hooh. 5 Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; Ke ae aku nei keia Aha, 1 ka hoonohoia ana eke Kuhina Kalaiaina o J.T.Gower i Luna no ka ana

    aina ~ me ke kuai ana i ka aina aupuni ma Maui Hikina Chamberlain HelUhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a Jvrr. Cham.berlain ma Waialua Hooh. 6. Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; Ke ae aku nei keia Aha 1 ke kuai ia eka ana o naAaina 5¼ "ma KUkaka, i Waialua ia 743

    Res. 3.

    Res. 3. Resolved; That t}1e Hinister of the Interior is

    hereby requested to procure ~1e execution of ~1e deed

    to Alfred G. Benson this day reported by the C0;1mi·t; tee

    to '\7hom was referred the apµlication of A. G. Benson

    for t?::.e privilege of erectin~~ a Earine Rail 1../irl. Way &

    to deliver the sar,1e to the said Alfred G. :Benson,

    upon his executing a. J3ond in the penalty of $20.000

    conditioned t}1at a Jtarine Rail Way shall be completed

    on the premises to be gnrntsd by tlle deed within two j years from its dat~. Thanksgivinr, Mr. An1~t;rong introduced & read a. Proclwnation

    for a day of Thanksgiving, tu "be observed on the 18'i:;h

    of Uov. 1852; which w.s passed.

    I Fredison Mr. Bates read a petition for a pardon in the

    case of F. Fredi/so~, on which Res. 4.

    I Res. 4 Resolved; That we recormnend thu.t His Majesty

    grant to Daniel Fredison an unconditional pardon upon

    his petition this day filed / J.T.Gower Mr. Armstrong introduced & read the following

    resolution respecting Mr. J. T. Gower. j Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That this Council a1JJ_Jruves of tl1e

    appointrrient by ·the !.. finister of the Inte:cior, of J.T.

    Gowe:c as Agent for measuring and selling goverrnnen".;

    , I land on Ea.st Faui.

    / W.Chamberlain Hr.An1stro:ng rec&.d -~:1e api,)lioation vf Er.Chamber-

    la.in for land at Waialua

    hes. 6. j Res. o. hesulved; That thia Co\;.noil con:rinns the sale

    of 5¼ acres of land in Kukaka, Waialua, to 744 Warren Chamberlain; no na $42 mamuli o ka palapala

    hoakaka a Mr. Emerson o ka la 6 o 0kat nei: A 257 eka aina ma Ivioo, Jvianananui, 50 keneta no ka eka hookahi, oia hoi ka mea i hoakakaia ma ia palapala i oleloia maluna. Kapohaku Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala a Kapohaku Hooh. 7.

    Hooh. 7. Hooholoia; e haawiia no ia Kapohaku ka palapala ano alodio no kona kuleana i heluia 5911 ma Auwaiolimu, Honolulu, ia.ia no e uku mai i i'1akalua dala no ko ke Aupuni kuleana malaila Kaei No ka palapala a Kaei, ua hooholoia Ho:oh. a. Hooh. 8. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala sila ano alodio ia Kaei no kona kuleana i heluia 486C ma Moalii, Lahaina, Maui; ia ia no e uku mai i ke Aupuni i kanaha


    Makaula No ka pala:pala a Makaula

    Hooh. 9

    Hooh. 9. Hooho1oia; E haawiia no ka palapala sila nui ano alodio ia Makaula no kona aina ma Kalawahine,Honolulu, i oia hoi ke kuleana heluia 5957 o ka poe Hoona, ke Uku ia mai no na dala he iwakalua kumamalima no ko ke a up uni kuleana. Charles Hall No ka palapala a Charles Hall Hooh. 10 Hooh. 10. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala sila ano alodio ia Charles Hall, no kona aina ma Honuainoiki, i Kona, Hawaii; oia hoi ke kuleana i heluia 614 o ka Poe Hoona, ia ia no e uku mai i kanalima dala, no ke aupuni, a kaawale hoi na kuleana kamaaina e like me ka palapala aka Poe Hoona. 745

    j Warren Charnberlain, for $42; agreeably to the descrip­ ·tion of said land i.n Hr. Emerson's letter of Oct. 0. Also 257. 7 acres of land in :rroo, Mananui, at 50 cents per acre.; the sar1e described in the letter above refereed. to. I Kapohaku Mr. AD'lstrong read the application of Ka.puhaku

    Res. 7

    I Res. 7 Resolved; That an al1odial Title be and is hereby granted to Kapohaku, f'or his land claim Mo. 5911, in

    Auwaiolimu_, Honol'J.lu upon the payn:ient of the surn o'f twenty dollars for the Govt. rights therein. / Kaei On the application of Kaei hes. 8.

    / Res. 8. Resolved; That an a.llodial Title be and is hereby granted to Kaei, for his claim. No. 466C- in lioalii - Lahaina, }Laui upon his paying the connnutation fee of

    :forty dollars . .j . ,- \ 11.ifa.kaula. On the applicatj,on of Makaula

    Res. 9. j Rea. 9. Resolved; That an Allodial Title be granted to Makaula for the lot of land in Kalawahine, Honolulu,

    known as claim No. 595.7, of the land Comnission upon the payment of TwentJr five dollars for the Gov.

    rights therein. J Charles Hall On the application of Charles Hall j Res. 10 Res.· 10. Re.solved; That an allodial Title be gr"1.nted to Charles Hall, f'or the land in Honuainoiki, Kana, Rawaii,

    known a.a claim Ho. 614 of the Land Conm1ission upon his. · pa.yinz the oomrriuta tion f'ee o:f fifty dolla:cs; the rights of nati'V'.e tenant& to be reserved aa in 'the

    award by the Land Co1'll:11issi

    George Holmes No ka palapala a George Holmes Hooh. 11. Hooh. 11.

    Hooholoia; E haawiia ka palapala ano alodio ia George Holmes no kona pahale make Ala Alii; oia hoi ke kuleana 1 heluia 1045 o ka Poe Hoona,ia ia no e uku mai i $100 (hookahi haneri dala) Ka ka poe Hoona,no ka Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka manao o ka Poe pahale kula alii Hoona no ka pahale kula alii 747 I George Holmes dn the applicatio!l of George Holrnes Res. 11. I Res. 11. Resolved; That an allodial Title he granted tp George Holmes for his lot of land in King Street,

    known as claim !To. 1045 of the Land Comnission, upon his paying therefor the co:m?:'1utation fee of $100 one hundred dollars. Award of Mr. Armstrong read the award of the Land Cornnis­ Royal School J.ot aion in relation to the lot of the late Royal School •

    • 748

    Ahakuka Malu Okat. 18 1852 Noho mai la Kamea Kiekie o Keoni Ana

    Piikoi Mr.Wyllie Kaeo Mr. Armstrong

    Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo

    A hala ae la ka hora 11 aole nae i hiki mai ka poe kupono i ka hana; hoopanee ae la J''r You11g 1 ka Aha a i ka. po akahi hou ae ?49

    Privy Council Oct 18.1852

    Present His Highness John Young Piikoi Ur.Wyllie. Kaeo Mr.Armstrong Lorrin Andrews Secretary J The hour of 11. o'clock having passed and not a

    quorum being prese.n t. l'1r. Young adj ourne.d tne council till Monday next 750

    Ahaku.ka Ealu Okat. 25 1852

    1--Toho mai la Ka Yoi Ka.nehameha III Ka I''ea Kiekie Keoni Ana

    Paki Kaeo Kanaina Armstrong Haalelea Lee Piikoi Judd Ii Wyllie J:ra.171ake?ia Eat es Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo Heluheluia ka pule Helul1.eluia ka J'fooolelo a ua aponoia Heluhelu ae la !'r. Armstrong i kana palapala hoa­ kaka nd' na kula a me na mea e ae ana i ike Ii iho nei ai ma Kauai I ka manao o Er. Wyllie e aeia ua palapala la a waihoia r.1e na pepa aupuni; ua aeia hoi.

    Heluhelu ae la ?rr Armstrong 1 kekahi palapala noi a na kanaka o Lahaina no ke kuai rama

    Hooh. 1.

    Rooholoia; ua kauohaia ke Kakauolelo e palapala aku ia

    1:!oikeha r.ia nana ka palapala noi mai Lahaina i ole e kuaiia ka rama i hocpae maluia; Penei mwnuli o na kanawai e noho nei ke kuai ana ina e manao kekah.i poe e hoopii, o ka hoopii i ka Aha Olelo ka pono i hoo1oli ia ke kanawai Heluhelu hou ae Vr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi no Lahaina mai no kekahi hale hula

    Hooh. 2

    Hooholoia; Na ke Kakauolelo e pane aku i ka pala­ pala noi a Nahia ma i Lahai:na no kekahi Kula hula; penei Aole e l.ilo ko ke Alii Ahakuka 1-:alu i wahi ku pono e hookolokolo ai i na hoopii e like me nei 75J. Privy Council Oct. 25 1852

    Present His Haj esty Kamehameha III

    T-Iis Highness John Young

    Paki Kaeo Kanaina. Arristronr:; Haalelea Lee Piikoi Judd Ii Wyllie Namakeha Bates Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayera were read Minutes were read and approved. j Mr.Arnstrong read a report of' schools and some

    other /tir/1 things which he sa\1 on a late tour round Kauai

    / Mr.Wyllie moved that the report be received and j / put on file which was passed 1rr. Armstrong read a petition from tr~e people in Lahaina respecting the sale of rum Res. 1. Resolved; That the Secretary is directed to reply to the petition of Hoikeha and others in LaJ,_aina

    against· the sale of sr.i.ur;P,led liquors by the Gove.rnrient, that the existing la\vs require s:uch sale, and the

    Legislature is the proper bod;,r to petition on the

    subject, if they wish the laws to be altered. j Lr. Arr1strong read anotn.er petition from Lahaina respecting the annoyance of a dancing house

    Res. 2.

    Resolved; That t:1e Secretary he directed tu reply

    to tl1e petition of J. :tral'.ia. and others, in La.haina, eomplaining of' a dancing School; 'rhat the Kine's Privy

    Council is not t"-1e proper tribunal before Which to make 752 ina he kumu no ka hoopii ana; o ka hoopii imua o ka Aha hoomalu o ia wahi ka pono

    Helu.helu ae la Hr. Armstrong i ka palapala kuleana aina a Apii

    Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; J'Ta ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi i ka palapala ano alodio ia Apii no kona aina ma Kekehuna, 1

    Honolulu i Heluia 2144 ma na. palapala aka Poe Hoona me ka uku ole

    Hoakaka ae la Mr ,Judd 1 kekahi mea no kekahi aina ma Wailele. Olelo mai la kekahi Kahuna pope nona ia wahi. Hoopaneeia a i ka Po akahi aku

    Heluhelu ae la Hr. Lee i ka palapala a D. 11'falo no ka poino i loaa ia ia make alanui i hoopili aku i kona hale.

    Hooh. 4. Rooholoia; Na ke Kakauolelo o keia Aha e pane aku ia Davida Halo no ka poino o kona pa.hale ma La.haina no ke alanui hou; me ka hoakaka aku make kanawai ka mea e pono ai. _Na. ke Kiaaina e hoonoho i poe jure na lakou e imi 1 kona poino Heluhelu ae la nr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a kekahi poe ma Hilo Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; E haawiia na palapala ano alodio i keia poe i ole1oia malalo ma Hilo no ko lakou mau kuleana, ia lakou nae e hookaa i ke Aupuni i na dala penei

    !Ja...'l-J.oe Relu l.E. Waiakea $16.25

    Nakai - 4?83 II 6.25

    J.Kaluhikaua 1738 tt 11.25 Noke kuleana a Hanaumaikai Hooh. 6. 763 / such complaints; if there ·is any cause .of complaint it should be presented before the police court of that place Mr.Amstronr; introduced a land claim of APii Res. 3. Resolved; 'l'hat the J:inister · of the Interior is

    authorized to grant a title in fee simple to Apii for

    his land, claim in Kehehuna, Honolulu, }To. 2144 on the books of the Land Commission without commutation. J Mr. Judd brought forward the case of land at Wailele clair1ed by a catholic priest. Postponed till next Honday.

    Hr.Lee read a petition from D. Halo for dSJ"!ages

    by a road that greatly injured his prerniaea

    Res. 4. I Resolved; That the Secretary of this Council be instructed to answer David Jralo's petition respecting

    injury done to his House lot i!l Lahaina by the new

    road, Stating to him that the lavrn point out his remed:? • The Governor :has- the power to appoint a Jury to fix his da:,naees. J Mr. Armstrong read the application of several presons in Hilo for land Res. 5. Itesolved; That allodial tit1es; be and are herel)y granted to the following persons in Hilo 'for their

    land claims upon the payment of the sums annexed.

    / 1Ja.hoe No. a.. E ·Waiakea ,1/il6.25

    / Nakai 4;783 II 6.25

    v/ J .Ka1u.hikaua 1 738 rt 11.25

    On t}J.c clab1 of Hanaumaikai Res. 6. 754

    Hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala ano alodio ia :-ranau":"laikai no kona. kuleana aina i helLtia 48 aia i ke Ala Hotela a :me Huuanu i :Honolulu i kona Uku ana i ke aupuni i kanakolu dala ~30 No ka palapala a Stephen Grant Hooh. 7. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ka palapala sila nui ia

    Stephen Grant no kona aina i heluia 209 ma Koolau i Maui, me ka uku ole Ua helu11eluia ka palapala hooliTTUllima a ke Aupuni me ?~r. Benson; ua kUl::aia a hooponoponoia , ?55

    ReBolved; That a fee simple title be and' is hereby granted to Kahanaumaikai for his land claim·· & Nuuanu No. 48 in Hotel A Streets, Honolulu upon his paying f'or

    the Govt. rights therein t:1e · SU.'11 of Thirty Dollars $30. On the Petition of Stephen Grant / Res. 7. l Resolved; 'rhat a Fee Sinple Title be and is hereby granted to Stephen Gra~t ~or his Land claim y no. 209 in Koolau, Ha.ui, free of corrrmutation The agreement ,f,f of the Government with 1".'r.

    Bens on was broug:h t f orw·ard read and an ended 756

    Ahakuka J.talu Hov. 1 18b2

    1-Toho mai la Ka J"Tea Kiekie Keoni Ana

    Paki N'a.T1'lakcha Kekuanaoa Armstrong Kanaina Lee Haalelea Judd Piikoi Wyllie Ii Bates

    Lorrin Andrews Kakauolelo

    Heluheluia ka pule Hel1.L1.eluia ka Jrooolelo

    Wyllie I mai la J~r. Wyllie, aohe ana mea nui e hoike ai,

    Gregg o keka.½i mea no Mr. Gregg wale no. Palapala mai la

    ke Komisina ia ia no ia mea

    Walsh Heluhelu ae la I!ir. Wyllie i kekahi mau palapala no

    ke auhau ana o kekahi poe ma kekahi aina i hoolimaliP1a :1a

    ma Wailele, na kekahi kahuna pope i mea mai ai

    Hooh. 1

    Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; O ka palapala a Rev. 1rr. Walsh o ka la 27 o Okato"ba a ua ka_h.aia Na 11rr. Young, a pili ko

    loko i na mea ano auhau; e haawiia ia j :r. Judd, nana

    no e hana a e pane aku

    E.Coffin Heluhelu ae la 1Tr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi a

    Ephrain Coffin i kalaia kona hewa

    Hooh. 2.

    Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; Eia ka manao o keia Aha i Ka Moi i noi Ke Alii, Mai ae aku i ka palapalal\ a Ephraim Coffin H.Marks Helu..helu ae la Er. Armstrong i ka palapala noi a

    Henry Marks 1 kalaia kona hew-a

    Hooh. 3.

    Hooh. 3. - Hooholoia; I ka manao o keia aha, aole e pono i

    Ka 1.lro i ke ae aku i ka palapala noi a Henry 1-R"ark. • 757 Privy Council Nov. 1 1852 Present His Richness John Young

    Paki N a:1ak e ''la Ke1<:Ua!l.aoa Armstrong Kanaina Lee Haalelea Judd Piikoi Wyllie Ii Bates · Lorrin Andrews Secretary Prayers were read I Minutes read and approved Wyllie lfr. Wyllie stated that the most important busi­ /· ness for him to bring :fonvard was in relation to Ji:fr. Gregg. Gregg. He·had been· addressed by the Amer. Co;ri:m.iasioner I on the s,Ubject Walsh Mr.Wyllie read some papers relatinr; to the r/1.,l./.i

    does questions of taxation, be referred to Jrr. Judd

    :for him to act upon and to reply to. j m E.Coffin Mr. Annstrong read the Petition of Eph. Co:ffin for a pardon j Res. 2. Res. 2. Resolved; That this Council advise His Hajesty

    t:1.e King not to grw.n t the Petition of Ephrai!l'.! C:offin H. Marks Mr. Armstrong read the petition of Henry Marks for a pardon Res. 3.

    Res. 3. Resolved; That we advise His !rajesty not to

    grant a pardon to Henry Harks 758 Hau Haole Low Heluhelu ae la Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a kekahi !riau kanaka o Low ka inoa ma Harnakua, Hawaii

    Hooh. 4.

    Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; Ke ae aku nei keia Aha i ke kuai ana o

    Rev. L. Lyons 1 na eka aina 2,008 ma Kaao 1 & 2 ma Ouhi, ma Pakiloa, ma Kalua, ma Papaanui a me Paalaea

    1 & 2 ia Frederick G. Low, laua me John Low, hookahi

    dala pakahi ka eka. Na laua hoi e haa1;vi 1 ka palapala

    moraki no ia aina i mea· e malu ai na dala aie e l:ookaaia

    hoi i na makahiki elima me ka uku hoopanee e hookaaia

    i kela makal-iiki i keia maka.'1-iiki Gower a me Croswell Heluhelu ae la Hr. Arnstrong i ka palapala noi a G.D.Gower laua me Hr. Croswell no ka mea kaa palaoa Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; I ka manao o keia iii Aha e nana oluolu ia ka Mea kaa palaoa a Mr. Gower laua me Mr. Croswell e lawe mai i manao ai I'\ i mea e pono ai ke aupuni; aole ia e kauia 1 na dute ma ka lawe mai ana I na mea e pono ai keia hana wale no am~ na nea e pili i ka hoopono ana i . hiki ia m.ea kf: hana; A eia hoi keka.'1-ii e l.okonaikai aku hoi ke aupuni, i loaa ia laua kau wahi kupono, ke poino ole na kanaka e ae Hoopanee a i ka Poalima 759

    / J~essrs Low . 1,fr. Armstronc rea

    the :lfessrs Low· on Hanak'.la. Hawaii

    Hes. 4.

    I Res. 4. Eesolved; That t"h.is Council approve of the sale

    by· Rev .L. L~rone of 2, ooe Acres in Kaao 1 & 2, Ou.hi,

    Pakiloa,Kalua,Papaanui and Paalaea l & 2 to ]:ressrs Frederick G. and John Low at the price of one dollar per acre. They to give a ,-1ortr~arje on t}1e land for

    the purchase mone~r paya'ble in five years with interest

    payaple annually. J Gower and !rr. An1J.stronc; read a petition from J::cssrs. G.D. I Croswell t Flour 1'Iill Gower and Croa,vrnll respecting a flour }Till Res. 5 .--

    J Res. 5. Resolved; That in the opinion of this Cot· ncil l Flour Hill proposed by Fessrs. Govrer and Croswell, on

    Public grounds i& deservine of favor and that no

    duties be levied on the importation of such materials,

    machinery or iE1pler,1en ts, as ri1ay be applied excluaively workinr: to the construction and keeping in A repair of said Hill

    and furt11er that t 11e Governr1en t will use its good

    offices towards procuri:ne :for theJl1 a suitable &ite, so

    f'ar as the rights of private pro:µerty nay penni t them.

    Atijd. till Friday 760

    Ahakuka Malu Nov. 9 1852

    N'oho :mai la Ka l.!oi o Kamehameha III. Ka Uea Kiekie o Keoni Ana Paki L .Kameha.r.:teha Kekuanaoa Namakeha Kanaina Armstrong Kaeo Judd Piikoi Wyllie Ii -

    Lorrin Andrevts Kakauolelo Ua heluheluia ka pule Ua heluheluia ka Mooolelo a ua aponoia

    Gregg Hoakaka ae l.a l1r. Wyl1ie i ka pilikia o Dr. Gregg; ua heluheluia ka palapala a kc Komisina Amerika. Ua

    Heluheluia hoi ka manao o 1fr. Lee ka Lunakanawai. Mahope o ke ka.ma.ilio, manao ae la Ka Moi, e hoopanee a hoi mai ~r. Lee. Kanikele ma Ua kahaia ka inoa o ka lfoi a ke KUhina nui i ka San Francisco Palapala hoolilo ia Mr. Hitchcock i Kani:)f:ele ma San Francisco. Kekuanaoa Manao ae lake Kiaaina e hoololi me ke aupuni i kekahi mau wahi hale ma Honolulu Hooh. 1.

    Hooh. 1. Hooholoia; ua aeia i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e haawi

    aku i ka palapala aila nui ano alodio ia j!. Kekuanaoa no kekahi apana aina mauka pili aku o ka hale kinai ahi a kokoke hoi i ka Papu ma Honolulu, ua kapaia hoi

    ke kuleana o Kalama; Aia haavli e r.iai o M. Kekuanaoa ia ia no ke aupuni i palapala ano alodio no ka apana aina

    kahi e ku nei ka Hale kinai ahi, e moe ana mai ka pa

    pohaku lepo a i ke kihi kupono aku i ka papu

    Rooke Lawe ::nai la :Mr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi aina a Dr Rooke - A he palapala noi aina hoi a kekahi poe no ia aina hookahi no. 761 Privy Council Nov. 9 1852

    Present His l'raj est:, Karieharneha III. His.Highness John Young

    Paki L .Ka:neharieha Kekuanaoa War·ua,.,1< e 1 ~a Kana.ina Anris trong • Kaeo Judd Piikoi Wyllie Ii

    L'orrin Andrews Secretary Praye1·s were read ::::cinutes were read and aprJrovcd j Dr.Gregr: nr. Wyllie brought up the case of Dr. Gregg. The Despatch of the A:P.1.erican Connissioner was read. Also the opinion of Judge Lee. After some conversation, The Kine signified his pleasure that the subject be post­ I poned till the return of Er. Lee. Hitchcock The Commission of Mr. Hitchcock as Cons;ul /.J I at Consul San Francisco was signed by the Kine & Premier. I Kekuanaoa Gov. Kekuanaoa proposed to exchange lots in Honolulu with the Govt. Res. 1.

    I Res. 1. Resolved; That the 1~inister of the Interior is here1Jy authorized to grant a title in fee simple to H. Kekuanaoa for a lot of land iY1111ediately :m.auka of the ·:mngine house, near the fort in :Ronolulu, called

    t•·! the hous,e lot of Kala.ma; Whe.n said ol·.L. Kekua.naoa shall present to hiri, for the Government, a title in fee simple for the lot on which the Engine house stands, extending from the a.dobie wall to the corner opyosite the fort·.

    Dr .Rooke Mr.Armstrong brought :forward t}ie application of' Dr. Rooke for la~d - Also an a~plication of several people for the ea"'l.e land. 7'62 Hooh. 2. pono Hooh. 2. Hooholoia; ua -_.,Ii. i ke Kuhina Kalaiaina e ae aku i na kanaka o Waianae e kuai i na air:a i kapaia o JJakua, eav;a Kahanaiki a me kahi hapalua o K.~ula, a e kuai aku ia he pono mau aina ma kurnu kuai ana e manao ai /\ mahope o ka

    ninau ana, aole nae nalalo o na keneta he 25 ma ka eka hookahi

    Hardy Heluhelu ae la 1-Tr. Armstrong i ka palapala noi a

    Mr. Hardy ma Ham.akua, 1 Hawaii Hooh. 3. ia Hooh. 3. Hooholoia; O ke kuaiA ana o ka aina 207 21/100

    eka ma Hamia, Harnakua i Hawaii e Rev. L. Lyons ia George c///1,/, Hardy $1.00 pakahi ka eka, ua aeia Hoolimalima o Heluhelu ae la 1Ir. Arr.istrong i ka olelo ae like Metcal:fe laua me Howe iwaena o l\,Ir. Metcal:fe laua me i;;:r. Howe no ka laau i mea e pono ai ke aupuni

    Hooh. 4. Hooh. 4. Hooholoia; I ka manao o keia Aha aohe o Hr.

    Metcalfe mana e hoolimalima pu me A.B.Howe; aole loa e hiki i ke aupuni, ma ko ano pono, ke ae aku marnuli o ia hoolimalima ana

    Clark Heluhelu ae la Mr. Arr.istrong i ka palapala noi aina a Mr. Clark ma Kona, Ha,vaii Hooh. 5. Hooh. 5. Hooholoia; o ka palapala noi a Henry Clark no na

    eka aina he 50 ma Kauhako, i Kona, Hawaii, e aeia no, make kumu kuai i oleloia $1.00 pakahi ka eka Wills Ua heluheluia ka palapala a :Mr. Wills

    Hooh. 6.

    Hooh. 6. Hooholoia; Ua ae alcu keia Aha i ke kuai ana o John T. Gower i na eka aina he 89 ia Thos. A. L. Wills

    ma Holawa. $1.50 ma ka eka a i 110 eka ia James

    Fern ma Honopu ~pl. 50 pakahi ka eka 763 j Res. 2. Resolved; That the Einister of the Iri.terior he and

    t}:e sa"e is hereby authorized to r;rant the petition

    of the people in Ylaianae to purchase the land .called ea:vr ~'akua, Kahanaiki and half of Ki4{aula and to sell then

    said lands at such a price, as on enquiry, he may q.eem

    proper, · not ho\7ever to be less than 25 cents per acre. j Hard~r 1'~r. Ann.strong read the application of 1·r. Hardy

    in Ha11akua,Hai:1aii for land

    Res. 3. I J Res. 3. Resolved; That the sale by Rev. Lf Lyons of

    207 21/100 Acres of land in Harnia Ha:1akua Hawaii to

    G-eore;e Hard:r for $1 per acre be a::d is hereby ap:t)roved.

    J J'fetcalfe & :·.,,.r. Armstrong read the Agreenent between l}r. Hovre Eetcalfe & j:r. Howe for lUMber for Goverm1ent purposes.

    Res. 4. J Res. 4. Resolved; That in the opinion of this Council Mr.

    Jtetcalfe had no Power or authority to make the con­

    tract with Mr. A. E. Howe and that the Governr~ent

    cannot on point of principle assume the contract under j any circumstances whatever. Clark Mr. Annstrong read the application of Hr. Clark

    of Kana Hawaii j Res. 5. Res. 5. Resolved; That the application of Henry Clark for

    50 Acres of land in Kauhako, Ko!'1a Hawaii, be and is hereby granted at the price offered; v1z·j1.oo per acre J Wills The application of -~·:r. Wills was read

    Hes. 6.

    J Res. 6. Resolved; T:1at this Council confirm the sale by

    John T. Gower to Thos. A. L. Wills of b9 ucres in

    Holawa at~ 1.50 per acre - And Janes Fern 110 acres Honopou tl.50 per acre 764

    • Laanui Ua heluheluia ka palapala a Laanui Hooh. 7. Hooh. 7. Hooholoia; E haawiia no ia s. Laanui na eka aina he 143 ma Kalihipali i Kona Hawaii (okoa keia, okoa kela kuai ana 150 eka mamua). 37½ pakahi ka eka ke kumu kuai Hoopaneeia a i ka Poakahi aku 765 / Laanui The application of Laanui was read

    Res. 7. / Res. 7. Resolved; That 143 acres in Kalihipali, Kona, Ha1i1aii, be gra:1ted to S. Laa!'lui (in addition to tr,e

    150 acres granted fonrnrly) at the price of 37 1/2 cents per acre

    Adjd. till Monday next 766 Ahakuka 1vialu no ka Pilikia Nov.11 1852 Koho mai la Ke Alii, Ka Moi Vlahine Ke Alihi kaua, o ke Alii opio o Liholiho Mr. Young Paki Kanaina Ii Namakeha Judd Kekuanaoa Hopkins Bates

    No ka Ua hoonohoia Hr. Wyllie e kakau i ka mooolelo no Haunaele .ka nalowale ana o Nr. Andrews Hoakaka mai la Ke Kiaaina i ka manao o na Haole e loaa na mea kaua; ua maopopo nae aohe mea e kaua ai, na ka poe koa wale no.

    Hoakaka ae la Mr.Wyllie i ka manao o ke Kanikele o kakahiaka nei; o ka :manao hoi o ke Komisina Amerika a me ka rnanao o ko Amerika Kanikele :Ma.11.ope o ke kUka ana, kakau iho la Yr. Bates i keia mau olelo hooholo i hooholoia ae la. Helu 1. Hooholoia; Eia ko makou manao i ke Kiaaina o Oahupia hoi ke poo makai; i makaukauia ka poe makai a pau a me na koa a pau o Honolulu, e ku oo e pale aku i na hana haunaele a pau ma Honolulu ke hiki mai ia, a nana no e noi aku i na Kanikele o ko na aina e, i kauoha aku a pau lakou i na luina~o ko lakou moku iho, e hoi aku i ka

    moku i ka wa e napoo ai ka la, i kela la i keia ia, a

    e alu pu no na haole e noho nei ma Honolulu, e kokua i ka poe makai i ka hoomalu ana 1 ka waiwai o ka poe Haole i hoopilikia, a me ke ala o na kana a pau. Helu 2. Hooholoia; E noiia ke Kanikele o Amerika Huipuia e hoike aku imua o na kanaka a pau i ka manao o ka

    poe nana e i~i i ke kumu o ka make ana o kekahi i make iho nei i ka papu; Penei ka manao o ua poe jure la,ua

    make oia i ka hahau aka Mea i paa i ka hao, a i ka wa hookolokolo, a e hookolokoloia e ka poe jure a waeia eke Kanikele Amerika Huipuia aia ke noho hookolokolo no hou ka Ahakoikoi, na ia aria wale ~ e hookolokolo 1 ka mea pili 1 ka make a ne ke ola 767

    PriV'J Council of Emergency Uov. 11 1852 Present The King The ~ueen The General Prince Liholiho Mr. Young Paki Kanaina Ii Na.r:iakeha Judd Kekuanaoa Hopkins Bates -J About the lCOb Mr. Wyllie was appointed to take the Minutes in tlie absence of Mr. Andrev,s ' The Governor stated that the Foreigners Residents were anxious to receive ams.It appeared that beyond the arras for the troops, there were none to spare. Mr.Wyllie explained the views expressed by H.B.H's Consul Gen. this morning to him,the u.s.comanr. and the u.s.consul. After some discussion Mr. Bates wrote the follow- ing Resolutions ~1ich were passed. No. 1. Resolved; that we recommend to the Governor of Oahu,as the head of the Police to have the entire po­ lice and military f'orce of Honolul-.i readY for immediate aqtion, to repel the ae;ression of any mob that may be

    organized in Honolulu; and that he be directed to request the Foreign Consuls to order of'f' to their • ship.a, every day, at sundown, all sailors of their

    nations and to organize the foreign population now in Honolulu to aid and assist the Police in protecting the pr01Jcrty of Foreign B.e&idents no·w in jeopardy and the

    li1.res of the coramuni ty No. 2. Resolved;That the Ccnaul of the United States be requested to m.ake knovm to the Public that the Coroner's jury called t.o enquire into the cauae of the death of

    the persoi1 who deceased in the Fort,have rendered a Verdict that he cw.ie to his death by a blow from a

    person Yvho is now in clos.e custody,awaiting his trial;

    and that he '.'Till be tried b~r a jury selected by the Consul of the United States at the next ens.uing term of the Superior Court, which alone has j~risdiction to try a case involving the life of any person 768

    Helu 3.

    Hooholoia; E la1vre koke ia ke kope o ke ia r1au olelo hooholo i ke Kanikele o A.;1erika Huipuia me ka noi aku

    ia ia i hoike koke aku i ka pee haole i akoakoaia i ke ia manav:a i ka papu I mea e hooke ai i ka manao pone ole, na ke aupuni e i/i#./l. uku no ka waiwai i pa·u, a i 7•iea hoi e. hoomalu lea i ko kanal<:a ola a rie na waiwai, kakau iho la li'.r.

    Wyllie i keia nau olelo hooholo, a ua hooholoia ae la. Helu 4. Hooholoia; No keia ano hoohaunaele e noho nei ma Honolulu; pilikia loa na ola a me na waiwai o ka poe

    Haole a pau loa, aole e lawa na mea kaua o ke Aupuni ke pale aku.

    Helu 5 Hooholoia; Na ke Ku.hina o ko na aina e e hoakaka maopopo aku, ma ka Elele maoli, i na kanikcle o ko na aina ea pau e noho ana ma keia aupuni, 1 hiki ia lako~ ke hana i na mca a lakou e manao ai he pono, i maluhia ke ola a ne ka waiwai o ko lakou p~e kanaka.

    Heluhelu ae la .llr. Wyllie i ku palapala i loaa ia ia na ke lfanikele nui o ko Ber1tania mai Hoi aku la Mr. Bates e hana pu :me ke Kanikele A.l1lerika, a e kokua pu me ke Kiaair.a e :hooko mamuli o ka

    Olelo hooholo Helu 1. Nolaila, no ka manao o ke Alii, ua hoopaneeia ka Ahakuka Halu, a kahea hou ia, e halawai hou nae i ka po akahi R. C. Wyllie lee kakauolelo no ia halaw-ai 769 Ho. 3. Resolved; T:iat a copy of t:hese resolutioris lie

    immedia tel:;: co:Jm;..i:,1ica teJ. to 'tl1c Ccr.:sul of t1ie Ur.i ted

    States vii tll a req_uest that he r:ill ir1ake the same known to the Foreign population who are novr assembled in the Fort.

    With a view to shield The King• s Government f'rom

    an unjust respon&ibili ty for v1hat property ma:.r 1~e

    destroyed, and also to the most efficient protection

    of lives and prorJerty, Ur. Wyllie r,.10ved the fellowing • Resolutior:s v1hich were passed.

    I-To. 4. Resolved; That under t}1e present circunstances

    cf exci ter:;ent in Honolulu, the lives and propertie.s of

    all the Forei~n Residents are in ir.mnancr,t danger

    beyond t:1c means pos.aesscd hy the Government to pro­ tect them •

    • lfo. 5.

    Resolved; That the Hinister of Foreign I.elations

    n1ake this fact especially known, by a special Hes.s,en• all ger, tol\the Foreign Consuls resident at this Court,

    that they may take what neasures to them ~1a.:r appear

    conducive to t:!-1e safety of t?1c lives and. prc,Jc1·ties

    of their fellow countr~~en.

    Mr. Wyllie read a lette1· just received fron H. B.

    M's Consul General

    Hr. :aates left to arrange natters vritl:. the Cons,uJ.

    of the United States, and the (}overnor tu carry into

    effect Resolution lJo. 1. Whereupon it plcas.ect t}1e

    Kinr~ to a.d.j ourn the Privy Co\.,mcil, till his furt::cr

    pleasure~ but to meet aGain on l1onda.y next h. C. Wyllie Secretary pro tcm.