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INDEX Abbott Laboratories, 80, 180 Anlimora mslrata, 128, 136, 148, 150, 196 Bahama Islands, 72, 76, 85. 142 abyssal region, 4, 63, 93, 112, 126-138, 139 Antipatharia, 91, 93, 97, 1-10, 178, 190 bait experiment, 60, 62, 119, 130, 132, 135, Acanthucope, 105 antipathin, 97 1.36, 138 Acanthomunnopsidae, 105 Aphrocallislt's, 86, 90, 188 Balanoglossiis, 126. 195 Acaiithopbarynx, 123 beatrix; 86, 188 Baltimore, MD, 29, 35, 167, 168, 208 acoustical grid, 49, 54 Aphrocallistidae, 88, 188 Bancroft Library, 19 Acrotretida, 193 Apodida, 121, 194 Bank of California, San Francisco, 20, 35 Acryptolaria conferta, 92, 189 apophysis, 100, 155, 160 Banking House of Henry Hentsch, 177 Actinauge, 95, 189 Apristnrus, 133 Barathrudemus manatinus, 82, 108, 128, Actinernidae, 95, 189 Araeolaimida, 123 129, 137, 138, 150, 196 Actinermis, 95, 189 Araeosoma, 121, 194 barbels, 136, 137, 147 michaelsarsi, 95, 189 belli, 121 barnacles, 70, 94, 104, 109, 110, 119, 139, nobilis, 95, 189 Archaeogastropoda, 190 140, 179, 193 Actiniaria, 93-95, 97, 140, 189 archaeological construct model, 165 pedunculate, 94, 109, 119, 140, 193 Aclinomycetes, 80, 81, 180 archaeology, 4, 6, 59, 61, 159, 179-181 sessile, 70, 109, 140, 193 Actinopterygii, 195 Arch aster, 113 Barnard, Jerry L, 106, 179, 192 Aclinoscypbia, 95, 189 Arcoscalpellum regiiun, 109, 193 barophilic response. 80, 145 Actinoscyphiidae, 95, 189 Arctic region, 72, 116, 130-132 Battelle Memorial Institute, 6, 179 Aclinostola rule, 95 Arctic whaling stations, 132 Bates, Rebecca Platt, 208 Actinostoliclae, 95, 178, 189 Arcturidae, 105 Bathocyroe, 122, 190 Adams, Capt. H. A., LJSN, 44 Argonauta argu, 192 fosleri, 190 Adenophorea, 123, 190 Argonauticlae, 192 Bathocyroidae, 190 admiralty law, 51, 180 argonauts, 7 bathyal waters, 97, 1.38 Aega gracilipes, 106, 146, 192 Aristotle's lantern, 120 Bathyctenidae, 123 Aegiclae, 192 arthrobacteria, 80, 81 Bathygnathia, 105 Agalmidae, 189 Arthropoda, 97, 104, 105, 192 bathymetry, 63, 71, 76, 179 Agassiz, Alexander, 4, 5, 92 Articulata, 125, 193 Bathypectinura hews, 102, 118.
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