Regional Parks Committee Agenda April 3, 2019
METRO VANCOUVER REGIONAL DISTRICT REGIONAL PARKS COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING April 3, 2019 9:00 AM 28th Floor Committee Room, 4730 Kingsway, Burnaby, British Columbia A G E N D A1 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 1.1 April 3, 2019 Regular Meeting Agenda That the Regional Parks Committee adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for April 3, 2019, as circulated. 2. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES 2.1 March 13, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes That the Regional Parks Committee adopt the minutes of its regular meeting held March 13, 2019, as circulated. 3. DELEGATIONS 4. INVITED PRESENTATIONS 5. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE OR STAFF 5.1 Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area History Verbal Update Designated Speaker: Marcus Merkens, Natural Resource Management Specialist, Central Area, Regional Parks 5.2 Metro Vancouver Regional Greenways Plan Update Designated Speaker: Jamie Vala, Division Manager, Planning and Engineering Services, Regional Parks That the MVRD Board authorize staff to proceed with the public engagement process as presented in the report dated March 5, 2019, titled “Metro Vancouver Regional Greenways Plan Update”. 1 Note: Recommendation is shown under each item, where applicable. March 19, 2019 Regional Parks Committee Regional Parks Committee Regular Agenda April 3, 2019 Agenda Page 2 of 3 5.3 Widgeon Marsh Regional Park – Draft Management Plan and Public Engagement Process Designated Speaker: Steven Schaffrick, Division Manager, Central Area, Regional Parks That the MVRD Board approve the scope of the proposed Widgeon Marsh Regional Park Draft Management Plan and authorize staff to proceed with the engagement process as presented in the report dated March 6, 2019, titled “Widgeon Marsh Regional Park – Draft Management Plan and Public Engagement Process”.
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