BRITI'II COTUMHN HUNT RCGUTRTlqnt t980-1981 v4'\is '{'?Nt \i\r .s\ ' \--, / C\ rFx._AS=\.\ tlr\ GENERAL INFORMATION APPLYING TO ALL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 2. Sportsmen should note the "endorsement" requirements (i.e. a stamped species licence) that have been implemented for the hunting of mature bull moose in a portion of Regions 6 and 7, deer in a portion ol M.U. 1-5, antlerless deer and elk in the Kootenay Region and antlerless deer in M.U. 5-3. Applications for Endorsements are available at all Regional Fish and Wildlife Branch offices. 3. New special antler length restrictions for deer and moose have been implemented in various areas of the province. Sportsmen should note these restrictions for male Mule deer in a portion of M.U. 1-5, and tor bull Moose in M.U.6-l and in the Omineca portion of Region 7. 4. Open seasons and bag limits for lur-bearers (coyote, rac- coon, skunk, fox, lynx, wolverine and bobcat) are given on Page 9. 5. Sportsmen are reminded that Evidence of Species and Sex is required on all carcasses. This includes both male and females in all open seasons. DEFINITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Antlered Animal means a member of the deer family over one year lmportant Regulation Notices ........... 2 of age bearing visible bony antlers. Definitions 2 Antlerless Animal means a member of the deer family bearing no It is unlawful 4 visible bony antlers. The small skin or hair covered protuberances Special Restriction: Special Request. 4 of fawns and calves do not constitute antlers. Licence Requirements .. 4 pointed one end and Licence Fees.. 5 Arrow means a slender shaft, which may be at for from a bow. Open Seasons (General information) 5,6 may be feathered at the opposite end, shooting Bag Limits and Possession Limits . b Bait means anything, including meat, cereals, cultivated crops, Evidence of Species and Sex...... .. ..... 6 restrained animal or any manufactured product or material, that Compulsory Reporting 6,7 may attract wildlife and includes plastic or other imitation foods but Possession and Transport 7 does not include a decoy as described under these regulations. Hunting Methods B.C. Resident means a person who resides in the Province, and Limited Entry Hunting B who haS been in actual residence therein for the immediately pre- Highway No Shooting Areas ... 8 ceding six (6) months prior to any application under the Wildlife Furbearer open seasons I Act. Observe, Record, Report...... .. 10 Big Game means any mountain sheep, mountain goat, caribou, elk, Region 1 11 grizzly mammal Region 2 17 moose, deer, bear, black bear, cougar, wolf or Regions 3 and 8 23 designated by regulation. Region 4 31 Boll means a shaft ormissile designed to be shot from a crossbow Region 5 38 or catapult. Region 6 43 Bow means any flexible curved device with a cord connecting two Region 7 50 or more ends used to propel arrows, but does not include a cross- Fish and Wildlife Branch addresses 60 bow. Bucks and Bulls are males of the Deer family who are anllered IMPORTANT REGULATION NOTICES 1980/81 animals. This is not a r6sum6 of all changes in the regulations for this Cancelled Species Licence means a species licence from which year. Major changes from last year's regulations are shown the portion bearing the month and day of the month have been in coloured type, in the following pages. removed by the hunter to indicate the date of kill. The Species 1. For administrative purposes, the Similkameen, Okanagan Licence must be cancelled immediately upon killing the animal. and Kettle Valley Areas have been consolidated to form the "Okanagan" Region. All enquiries related to M.U.'s 4-10 to Crossbow means a bow set transversely on a stock which has a purposes 4-13, 3-1 to 3-11 and 3-21 to 3-25 should be directed to the trigger device used to hold the bowstring for of tiring a proiectile. is Pentiction otficeof theFish and Wildlile Branch.Open seasons bolt or stone or other (Note: The use of crossbows permitted for M.U.'s 4-10 to 4-13 are found on Pages 33,34 and 35. during special Bow and Arrow seasons unless excepted under Regional schedules.) GENERAL INFORMATION APPLYING TO ALL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Decoy means any material or manufactured product that simulates the appearance or has the form of wildlife. FULL CURL BIGHORN I Deer Family means moose, caribou, deer and elk. .: !.'L \'annu, \ \.-:'' i\ ; \. : -i Firearms (Wildlife Act) means any gun using, as a propeilant, ,l' explosives, compressed air or gas, and in aOdiiion, includes air or pellet guns and includes a long bow or crossbow. Firearms LEGAL (Firearms Act) includes any gun using, as a propellant, ILLEGAL explosives, compressed air or gas. (ruote: tong-- Oows and cross_ bows are not included under the Firearms Act). Full Curl Ram means any male mountain sheep which has attained th.e 3/4 age. of eight (B) years as determined by the horn annuli or CURL BIGHORN whose horn tip extends upwards beyond j straight line drawn between the centre of the nostril and ihe lowest hindmost portion of the base of the horn. %Curl Ram means any male mountain sheep which has attained the age of six (6) years as determined by the horn annuri or whose horn tip, when viewed from the side extends beyond a straight line drawn through the centre of the eye and at right angles thr-ough line a drawn between the centre of ihe nostril ind the lowest hind_ most portion of the base of the horn. l Legal rams \ rLrecnr cannot be identified unless viewed from the side. Horn annuli do not constitute a good field guide for aging sheep. These field.definitions l adequately conform to tegat deflnitions, copies of which are available at Fish and Wildlife Bralnch offices. Fur-bearing animal means.any fox, badger, beaver, marten, fisher, Canada lynx, bobcat, mink, muskrat, lind otter, raccoon, skunk, red squirrel, sea otter, weasel, wolverine, wolf or coyote. Game Bird means any grouse, partridge, quail, pheasant, ptarmi_ gan, migratory game bird, or bird designated by regulation. Game includes all big game, game birds and fur_bearing animals. .."^, Hunl and Hunting includes any. searching for, chasing, pursuing, \ worrying, following I after or on the trail of, stalking, or tying in war:i Reterence points (+): for any wildlife; use the centre of the nostril and the lowest hind-most portion of the base I (a) while in possession ,,. of the horn of a , .., f irearm or other weapon; or I (b) _l with intention to capture any wildlife and any shooting at any wildlife, whether or not in any such case the *itOtit" is then or in_g Areas as prescribed under the subsequently wounded, killed, or captured. Firearms Act are open to the use of Bows and arrows and Crossbows unless specifically restricted Licence Year means the period from April 1 to March 31 of the under hunting regulations following year. Power Boat means any boat, canoe or yacht powered by electric, Loaded Firearm means gasoline, any firearm containing live ammunition in oil, steam or other mechaniial means, but not a boat either the breech or the magazine. A clip cont-aining live ammuni_ qoJveled by oars or by an outboard motor which has been tion, when attached to the firearm in an operating position, is con_ oeracned or removed from its operating position. sidered as the magazine. Small Game includes fur-bearing animals and game birds. Migratory Game Birds for which there is an open season in B.C. Wildlite means game and and other species of vertebrates designated for which a Canadian Migratory Bird hunting permit is required by regulation. are waterfowl (ducks and geese, including Orani;, coot, common Region 1 snipe, band{ailed pigeon and mourning doie. - VANCOUVER_|SLAND, being comprised of Manage_ ment Units No.'s 1-1 to't-1S. No Hunllng Area means a designated area in which hunting (see Region 2 definition) is prohibited. - LOWER MAINLAND, being comprised of Management Units No.'s 2-1 to 2-15. No Shooting Area means a designated area in which the discharge of firearms is prohibited under the Firearms Act. NOTE: No Sho&_ Brilish Columbia Fish and Wildtite Branch, Hunting Regulations Synopsis lgAO/1gg1 GENERAL INFORMATION APPLYING TO ALL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Reglon 4 - KOOTENAY, being comprised of Management Units magpies, Rock doves or European starlings as designated by regu- No.'s 4-1 to 4-9 and 4-141o 4-40. lation. Reglon 5 - CARIBOO, being comprised of Management Units o to buy or sell migratory birds or their eggs or nests. No.'s 5-1 to 5-16. for any person to buy, sell, trade, or barter any fur-bearer pelt Reglon 6 - SKEENA, being comprised of Management Units No.'s unless 6-1 to6-29. (a) he is the holder of a valid trapping licence or permit or Reglon 7 - OMINECA-PEACE, being comprised of Management (b) he is the holder of a valid fur-traders licence or Units No.'s 7-1 to 7-56. (c) he has taken a fur-bearer under a valid hunting licence, in a Flegion I .* 0'{At'lAftriFi. ir*,rii'lg c*i":tpri$€ti o{ fufari:lEern**t t}*i;* prescribed open season. 3-'t to 3-11. ii-'!i t* 3-3:i :iru! 6-'14 ts 4-'i:1. (NOTE: See Royalty Fees Section on Page 5) . to buy, sell or barter or offer to buy, sell or barter any wildlife IT IS UNLAWFUL, .
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