Daniel E. Lieberman Basicranial influence on overall cranial Department of Anthropology, shape The George Washington University, 2110 G St, NW, This study examines the extent to which the major dimensions of the Washington, DC 20052, cranial base (maximum length, maximum breadth, and flexion) U.S.A. E-mail: interact with volume to influence major proportions of the [email protected] and Human and . A model is presented for developmental Origins Program, National interactions that occur during ontogeny between the brain and the Museum of National History, cranial base and neurocranium, and between the neurobasicranial Smithsonian Institution, complex (NBC) and the face. The model is tested using exocranial Washington, DC 20560, and radiographic measurements of adult crania sampled from five U.S.A. geographically and craniometrically diverse populations. The results indicate that while variations in the breadth, length and flexion of the Osbjorn M. Pearson cranial base are mutually independent, only the maximum breadth of Department of Anthropology, the cranial base (POB) has significant effects on overall cranial University of New Mexico, proportions, largely through its interactions with brain volume which Albuquerque, NM 87131, influence NBC breadth. These interactions also have a slight influ- U.S.A. ence on facial shape because NBC width constrains facial width, and because narrow-faced individuals tend to have antero-posteriorly Kenneth M. longer relative to facial breadth than wide-faced individuals. Finally, the model highlights how integration between the cranial Mowbray base and the brain may help to account for the developmental basis of Department of Anthropology, some morphological variations such as occipital bunning. Among American Museum of Natural modern humans, the degree of posterior projection of the occipital History, Central Park West at appears to be a consequence of having a large brain on a 79th, New York, NY 10024, relatively narrow cranial base. Occipital buns in , who U.S.A. have wide cranial bases relative to endocranial volume, may not be entirely homologous with the morphology occasionally evident in Received 1 June 1998 Homo sapiens. Revision received 25 March  1999 and accepted 21 May 2000 Academic Press 1999

Keywords: , cranium, Journal of Human Evolution (2000) 38, 291–315 basicranium, neurocranium, doi: 10.1006/jhev.1999.0335 occipital bun, integration. Available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Introduction stimuli, the role of the cranial base in influ- encing overall cranial shape merits special It has long been known that the cranial base, consideration. Developmentally, the basi- vault and face derive from embryologically cranium differs from the neurocranium and distinct regions (the basicranium, neurocra- splanchnocranium in several important nium and splanchnocranium) but that these respects. Unlike the rest of the skull, which regions grow in a morphologically integrated develops intramembranously from neural manner through numerous developmental crest-derived tissue, the basicranium mostly and functional interactions (de Beer, 1937; grows from endochondral ossification pro- Moss & Young, 1960; Enlow, 1968, 1990; cesses in which mesodermally-derived carti- Cheverud, 1982; Sperber, 1989). Although laginous precursors (the ) these interactions occur as the result of develop in utero and are gradually replaced many morphogenetic (e.g., neural) and by bone after birth (Sperber, 1989). The functional (e.g., masticatory, respiratory) basicranium is also the first region of the

0047–2484/00/020291+25$35.00/0  2000 Academic Press 292 . .  ET AL. skull to reach adult size (Moore & Lavelle, it is predicted that variations in the shape of 1974), and it is the structural foundation of the human neurocranium are influenced by many aspects of craniofacial architecture. interactions between two factors: (1) varia- The cranial base forms the platform upon tions in the shape of the basicranium upon which the rest of the skull grows and which the neurocranium grows, and (2) attaches (see Biegert, 1963), and it provides endocranial expansion driven by brain and protects the crucial foramina through growth. Because the face is displaced in a which the brain connects to the face and the forward and downward trajectory from the rest of the body. These aspects of cranial basicranium and neurocranium, we also test base growth and function may account for the related hypothesis that variations in its apparent morphological and develop- basicranial and neurocranial breadth con- mental conservatism in mammals compared strain upper- and mid-facial breadth, and to other regions of the skull (de Beer, 1937; hence influence other aspects of facial mor- Bosma, 1976 and references therein; phology, especially facial depth and height Sperber, 1989: 117). Consequently, a (Weidenreich, 1941; Enlow & Bhatt, 1984; number of recent phylogenetic studies of Enlow, 1990). These hypotheses are exam- hominids (e.g., Olson, 1981; Lieberman, ined using a pooled-sex sample of adult 1995; Lieberman et al., 1996; Strait et al., anatomically modern Homo sapiens from five 1997; Strait, 1998) have proposed that vari- geographically and craniometrically diverse ations in cranial base morphology may be populations in order to examine as wide a better indicators of taxonomy and phy- range of cranial variation as possible. This logeny than neurocranial or facial charac- study does not examine inter-population or ters. Some studies (e.g., Skelton & intra-population variability. A future goal is McHenry, 1992; Lieberman et al., 1996; to test the model within populations and Strait et al., 1997) have specifically exam- between sexes, but larger samples sizes are ined cladograms that emphasize the impor- required than presently available (see below). tance of basicranial traits by grouping The results of these analyses are also used neurocranial and facial characters into func- to examine variation in occipital ‘‘bunning’’ tional complexes. However, it must be among Upper Pleistocene hominids and stressed that whether or not the basicranium recent human populations. Occipital buns, is a better source of phylogenetic data re- which have been suggested to be important mains open to question. Basicranial, neuro- for testing phylogenetic hypotheses about cranial, and facial dimension show similar recent human evolution, are defined as levels of heritability within the primate skull posteriorly-directed projections of the (e.g., Sjøvold, 1984; Cheverud & Buikstra, occipital beyond the nuchal plane that result 1982; Cheverud, 1995) and appear to be in a distinctive swollen morphology when equally well (or poorly) integrated with viewed in norma lateralis (Ducros, 1967; other dimensions or features in primate Trinkaus & LeMay, 1982). Bunning has phylogeny (Strait, 1998). been suggested to be a derived This study tests the extent to which vari- character the presence of which in some ations in the major dimensions of the cranial early modern humans from Europe indicates base (length, breadth and flexion) may influ- regional continuity (Smith, 1984; Frayer, ence several aspects of the shape of the face 1992a, 1992b; Frayer et al., 1993; Wolpoff, and cranial vault in humans. After present- 1996). However, Trinkaus & LeMay (1982) ing a model for interactions between the and Lieberman (1995) have suggested basicranium, neurocranium and face during that bunning may be a developmental growth, we test two sets of hypotheses. First, consequence of posteriorly-directed cranial       293 vault expansion that occurs in very large- mainly from deposition within the cranial brained hominids, such as Neanderthals sutures, although some resorption does take or Upper Pleistocene modern humans, in place; its lower half also expands through which a relatively narrow cranial base con- drift in which the external (ectocranial) sur- strains lateral vault expansion. If this face is depository and the internal (endo- hypothesis is correct, then the degree of cranial) surface is resorptive (Duterloo & occipital projection among adult recent Enlow, 1970). Therefore, as Figure 1 illus- humans as well as Pleistocene hominids trates, the basicranium and neurocranium should be correlated with the ratio of endo- grow in tandem in a rapid neural growth cranial volume relative to cranial base trajectory, forming a highly integrated breadth. morphological unit, the neuro-basicranial complex (NBC). This model of cranial growth assumes that Background overall shape of the NBC has two primary In order to investigate the relationship influences: the shape of the brain, and the between basicranial dimensions and overall shape of the basicranium. This integrated skull shape, it is useful to review several growth occurs through many processes, the aspects of craniofacial development, focusing most important of which are sutural expan- on Enlow’s (1990) model of the ontogen- sion, synchondroseal deposition, drift, and etic interactions between the basicranium, flexion. As the brain expands, it generates neurocranium, and splanchnocranium tension along the endocranial surface of the (illustrated in Figure 1). The basicranium is neurocranial cavity, activating osteoblast defined here as the portion of the skull deposition within intra-sutural periosteum which derives from the chondrocranium and throughout the upper portion of the vault, which grows through endochondral ossifi- drift in the lower portions of the vault and cation. As the basicranium grows, it elon- cranial base (Duterloo & Enlow, 1970; gates and flexes in the spheno-ethmoid, Lieberman, 1996), and endochondral mid-sphenoid, and spheno-occipital syn- growth within certain synchondroses (Fig- chondroses (Scott, 1958). Increases in ure 1). Antero-posterior and lateral NBC basicranial breadth and length also occur in growth occur through coronally-oriented sutures (e.g., the occipito-mastoid), and the and sagittally-oriented sutures and synchon- endocranial fossae of the basicranium droses, respectively. The role of basicranial deepen through drift in which the resorption flexion is an additionally important, but and deposition occur along the superior and complex component of NBC expansion that inferior surfaces, respectively (Enlow, requires consideration. Ross & Ravosa 1990). In contrast, the neurocranium grows (1993) demonstrated that among anthro- entirely from intramembraneous ossification poid non-human primates variations in processes without any cartilaginous precur- basicranial flexion are most probably sors. Intramembranous osteogenesis of the adaptations to accommodate increases in neurocranium occurs within the outer por- brain size relative to cranial base length tion of ectomeninx membrane that differen- (Biegert, 1963; Gould, 1977). Basicranial tiates from the dural meninges (Friede, flexion, however, remains constant (albeit 1981).1 During normal growth in humans, variable) and independent of endocranial the upper half of the neurocranium enlarges volume and cranial base length among the Hominidae, suggesting that other processes 1In cases of anencephaly, the neurocranium fails to develop due to the absence of cerebral tissue and its such as those listed above account for the meningeal coverings (see Sperber, 1989). additional increases in cranial volume 294 . .  ET AL.

(a) (c)

+ + + (b) + + (d) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + – – + + – – – + – – + + – – – – – – – + + + + + +

Figure 1. Model of integrated growth in the neurobasicranial (NBC) complex (derived from Enlow, 1990). (a) Brain expansion in midsagittal plane; (b) neurocranial and basicranial growth sites in composite lateral and midsagittal view; (c) brain expansion in coronal plane; (d) neurocranial and basicranial growth sites in posterior view. Open arrows indicate directions of neural expansion; closed arrows indicate sutural and synchondroseal growth directions; + indicates sites of pericranial and endocranial bone deposition;  indicates sites of pericranial and endocranial bone resorption. Expansion of the brain induces posterior- and superior-, and to a lesser extent inferior- and anterior-directed tension in the neurocranium and basicranium (a and c). The NBC expands in response to tension through intra-sutural and synchondroseal growth (arrows in b and d), and through drift below the circumcranial reverse line (dark-shaded areas). that characterize the genus Homo (Ross & early development. Studies of artificial vault Henneberg, 1995). deformation clearly demonstrate some The model presented here proposes that effects of neurocranial growth on cranial variations in human NBC shape should, base shape: anterior–posterior head-binding therefore, arise primarily from elongation increases the breadth of the lateral portion and widening of the cranial base combined of the cranial base, circumferential head- with neurocranial growth in the lateral, pos- binding elongates the , terior and superior directions. These pro- and both practices inhibit basicranial flexion cesses are not independent because it is and alter the timing of synchondroseal likely that the cranial base and vault influ- fusion (Anto´n, 1989; see also Moss, 1958; ence each other’s growth, particularly in McNeil & Newton, 1965; Plourde & Anto´n,       295

1992). However, there are several reasons to however, the timing of the application of hypothesize that the basicranium exerts external stresses to the growing cranium may more constraints on neurocranial growth play a crucial role in whether the deforma- than vice versa. First, the initial mor- tion produces compensatory growth in the phologies of endochondral , which face and basicranium as well as the vault. derive from segmented paraxial mesoderm, Deformations applied during the first year of may be less subject to epigenetic effects from life—when the neurocranium, basicranium, interactions with other tissues than those and face are all growing at a rapid rate— of neural crest-derived intramembranous influence the growth of all of these regions; bones (Hall, 1978; Jacobsen, 1993; deformations that begin later (after 2 to 4 Thorogood, 1993). In addition, abnormali- years) have less potential to influence the ties of cerebral shape and/or size such as growth of the basicranium. Artificial defor- microcephaly and hydrocephaly tend to in- mation, therefore, acts as a natural exper- fluence the shape of the neurocranium iment which alters the growth of some or more than the basicranium (de Beer, 1937; all of the components of the skull, depending Weidenreich, 1941; Babineau & Kronman, on its timing in ontogeny and the 1969; David et al., 1990). An early onset specific portions of the skull that are devel- of hydrocephaly, for example, results in a opmentally constrained due to the type of wide array of changes in neurocranial deformation.2 shape, but mostly causes basicranial widen- With regard to the development of certain ing (Richards & Anto´n, 1991). Moreover, aspects of cranial form, Green & Smith Howells (1969, 1973) has shown that varia- (Green, 1990; Green & Smith, 1991; Smith tions in basicranial breadth are the greatest & Green, 1991) have proposed an alterna- non-facial source of cranial variation among tive, ontogenetically-based model for the modern human populations. Finally, it is development of occipital buns and many of important to note that studies of the effects the other cranial traits that distinguish of artificial cranial deformation demonstrate Neanderthals from modern humans. Green that some alterations of the cranial vault & Smith (1991) hypothesize that the overall such as cradle-boarding among the Hopi cranial form of Neanderthals, including an tend to have less pronounced effects on occipital bun, midfacial prognathism and a the endochondrally-derived portions of the strongly projecting supraorbital torus, all basicranium (e.g., Kohn et al., 1995), while result from accelerated growth of the other forms of artificial deformation such as components of the basicranium. A test of annular and anteroposterior deformations Green & Smith’s (1991) model would produce similar magnitudes of shape require an examination of the growth rates change in the vault, face, and basicranium 2Although Cheverud et al. (1992) and Kohn et al. (Cheverud et al., 1992; Kohn et al., 1993; (1993) report that annular vault and fronto-occipital Anto´n 1989, 1994). However, perturbations vault deformation cause specific growth changes in of basicranial growth sometimes have pro- either the cranial base or vault, it is difficult to discern ff whether these changes are directly responsible for ‘‘pri- found e ects on neurocranial shape (Bu¨tow, mary evolutionary changes’’ in the vault, base, and/or 1990). As noted above, anterior–posterior face (Cheverud et al. 1992: 343). This uncertainty head-binding can cause lateral expansion of stems from the fact that application of cranial deforma- tion techniques involve apparatuses that apply strain the cranial base (Anto´n, 1989; Cheverud to both the neurocranium and basicranium simul- et al., 1992), primarily by widening the most taneously. Therefore, at least in regard to annular vault lateral portions of the cranial base around and fronto-occipital vault deformation techniques, it is still unclear whether changes in the cranial base or vault the temporo-mandibular joint (Anto´n, are responsible for the changes seen in the rest of the 1989). In cases of artificial deformation, skull. 296 . .  ET AL. of the components of the basicranium in inferiorly from the anterior cranial juvenile Neanderthals and several ontogen- through drift, the middle face grows anteri- etic series of modern humans drawn from orly from the middle through populations that differ in their adult mor- displacement; and the lower face drifts in- phology. The focus of the present study is feriorly from the middle face and displaces upon patterns of correlations among dimen- anteriorly from the back of the maxilla. As sions in the adult cranium (which serve as a Weidenreich (1941) suggested, the absolute record of total attained growth throughout breadth of the neuro-basicranial complex ontogeny), and thus does not address Green therefore probably constrains facial breadth. & Smith’s (1991) hypothesis. This hypothesis receives some support from Another prediction of the model tested in studies of artificial cranial deformation. the present study is that the major dimen- Anto´n (1989, 1994), for example, has sions of the basicranium and neurocranium shown that antero–posterior head-binding exert an influence on facial growth. Like during the first years of life causes not only a the neurocranium, the face grows through wider neurocranium but also a concomi- intramembranous ossification of neural tantly wider face from additional growth in crest-derived tissue (facial prominences and the most lateral regions; conversely, circum- branchial arches) (Couly et al., 1993; Le ferential head-binding results in a narrower Douarin et al., 1993; Selleck et al., 1993). neurocranium and face. In addition, cranial It is widely appreciated that facial growth base flexion may have some additional influ- is partially independent of the NBC, to a ences on facial orientation such as the large extent because much of it occurs in a degree of klinorhynchy (Enlow, 1968; Shea, skeletal growth trajectory after the comple- 1985; Ravosa, 1991; Ross & Ravosa, 1993; tion of neural expansion (Moss & Young, Anto´n, 1994; Ross & Henneberg, 1995), 1960; Moore & Lavelle, 1974; Sirianni & but is not expected to influence other facial Swindler, 1979; Sirianni, 1985; Watts, dimensions. 1985; Moyers, 1988). In humans, facial growth is about 95% complete by 16–18 Hypotheses to be tested years, at least 10 years after the majority of the neuro-basicranial complex has reached The above described developmental and adult size (Stamrud, 1959; Farkas et al., spatial interactions between the cranial base, 1992). Indeed, the genetic basis for later- vault and face suggest that in adults, as a occurring facial growth appears to be differ- final result of growth processes, the shape of ent from that for the earlier expansion of the the cranial base may be correlated with the neurocranium and basicranium (Cheverud, shape of the neurocranium in several basic 1996). The basicranium and neurocranium, ways. In particular, we propose several inter- however, may have some influence on the related hypotheses about predicted correla- growth of certain facial dimensions because tions between selected basicranial, neuro- the upper face articulates with the anterior cranial, and facial dimensions of adult cranial base and the crania. Our first hypothesis regarding these and the mid-face articulates with the middle relationships concerns the relationship cranial fossa. In particular, the upper and between endocranial volume (ECV) and middle portions of the face in humans grow basicranial form, under conditions in which primarily from lateral drift and anterior dis- the major dimensions of the basicranium placement around the ethmoid and in front (maximum breadth, maximum length, and of the sphenoid (Sperber, 1989; Enlow, flexion) vary independently among adults 1990). The upper face grows anteriorly and (an assumption which we test). The model       297 proposes that the basicranium acts as a Enlow & Bhatt (1984), Enlow (1990) and platform upon which the brain expands, and others. Because the face grows downward that when the basicranium ceases to grow, and forward from the cranial base, we its dimensions constrain the directions in hypothesize that maximum upper facial which the expanding brain and cranial vault breadth in adult humans is constrained by can grow. The model predicts that basi- the breadth of the anterior cranial fossa and cranial width constrains the breadth of the that midfacial breadth is constrained by the cranial vault, but that basicranial length (the breadth of the . Enlow distance from basion to foramen caecum) (1990), Howells (1973), and a number of does not act as a strong constraint on the researchers who have studied artificial vault growth of the brain posteriorly and any deformation (e.g., Cheverud et al., 1992; associated elongation of the cranial vault. If Kohn et al., 1993; Anto´n, 1994) have also these relationships are true, we hypothesize suggested that NBC proportions influence that breadth of the neurocranium correlates certain facial proportions. The basis for the positively with basicranial breadth and first hypothesis regarding facial dimensions endocranial volume, but is independent of stems from the observation that growth of the length and degree of flexion of the the NBC, hence growth in midfacial cranial base. In addition, the model predicts breadth, is complete long before the fewer constraints on the length of the majority of facial growth occurs. Therefore, neurocranium in adults, especially in the increases in facial size after the cessation of , than on its breadth. the neural growth trajectory occur mostly as Our second hypothesis, which follows anteriorly and inferiorly directed growth from the above model, is that variations in (Moss & Young, 1960; Moore & Lavelle, the length of the neurocranium have a low 1974; Moyers, 1988; Farkas et al., 1992). correlation with or are independent of Enlow has specifically proposed that a basicranial length and flexion, but correlate relationship exists between cranial form positively with endocranial volume and and the prevalence of certain malocclusions negatively with basicranial breadth. Third, (illustrated in Figure 2). According to we hypothesize that variations in endo- Enlow (1990: 196–198), individuals with cranial volume relative to basicranial absolutely narrow NBCs (primarily doli- breadth correlate positively with the height chocephalics) tend to have more flexed of the neurocranium and with the degree of cranial bases, longer anterior cranial bases, posterior extension of the neurocranium in and narrower faces than individuals with the posterior cranial fossa. Another way of absolutely wider NBCs (primarily brachy- stating this hypothesis is that given a large cephalics). As a result, a second hypothesis brain and a narrow cranial base, the cranial derives from Enlow’s (1990: 222–228) pre- vault is likely to grow backward and upward diction that individuals with absolutely to accommodate the brain. As a result, the narrower NBCs have proportionately degree of occipital bunning among recent narrower and antero-posteriorly longer and fossil humans is predicted to be a faces (leptoproscopy) than individuals with function of endocranial volume relative to wider NBCs who have proportionately basicranial breadth, and is therefore wider and antero-posteriorly shorter faces expected to occur more frequently in (euryproscopy). large-brained, narrow-skulled individuals. A second, related set of hypotheses con- Hypothesis testing cerns the influence of the NBC on facial The above hypotheses can be tested using growth as suggested by Weidenreich (1941), comparisons of adult or ontogenetic 298 . .  ET AL.

Figure 2. Enlow’s (1990) model of differences in facial form between dolichocephalic and brachycephalic individuals. According to this model, individuals with narrower NBCs will have proportionately narrower and antero-posteriorly longer faces than individuals with broader NBCs. See text for details. samples of skulls with different overall Rather than focusing upon the correlations cranial shapes. This paper employs the between cranial dimensions during growth, former because of the difficulties of using future studies may address these problems available ontogenetic data to distinguish by studying the timing of growth differences, among the effects of the many diverse com- the correlations between growth rates, and ponents of the skulls that grow concurrently the relative timing of growth cessation in a similar trajectory. During the first 6 events between individuals (or populations) years of growth, the basicranium flexes and that ultimately develop differently-shaped the dimensions of the neurocranium and crania. Relationships between elements of basicranium all increase dramatically in size the cranial base and neurocranial and facial in a common neural growth trajectory, dimensions during ontogeny could be tested largely driven by the capsular functional using longitudinal data from many individ- growth matrix of the expanding brain uals who differ in adult cranial shape, (Moore & Lavelle, 1974; Ranly, 1988). Dif- or by comparing ontogenetic cross-sectional ferences in attained growth in adult crania samples from populations that differ in adult are relatively small compared to the dispar- cranial shape. In either case, the processes of ity in size between adults and neonates. As a growth would not be expected to differ result, ontogenetic series of skulls inevitably fundamentally except perhaps in terms produce high correlations between endo- of the slope and/or intercept values of cranial volume and all the components of selected basicranial, neurocranial and facial the NBC, making it difficult to factor out proportions throughout ontogeny. Investiga- autocorrelations that result from the tre- tion of the relative timing of onset and mendous collinear growth that occurs in all cessation of specific growth centers would cranial dimensions in infancy and childhood complete the picture of how differences in (for a discussion of these statistical prob- adult morphology are achieved through lems, see Sokal & Rohlf, 1995: 583–586). growth. Unfortunately, such longitudinal       299 and cross-sectional data are not available Roughly 20 adults whose M3s had fully currently, but hold much promise for future erupted were measured from each popula- study. tion. An attempt was made to select equal The hypotheses presented above concern- proportions of males and females from each ing the influence of basicranial growth on population by estimating sex using standard overall cranial shape can also be tested using sexually dimorphic characteristics (Bass, adult skulls from diverse populations that 1987: 81). As Figure 3 illustrates, these sample a wide range of overall cranial skulls encompass a broad range of overall shapes. The adult skull is the final product cranial shapes: the Ashanti and Australian of ontogeny and represents the cumulative individuals tend to be dolichocephalic, the product of the particular growth processes of Chinese and Egyptian individuals tend to be interest. In particular, this study uses a mesocephalic, and the Italian individuals pooled sample of males and females from tend to be brachycephalic. Although the five craniometrically and geographically pooled cranial sample is skewed towards diverse populations in order to examine as dolichocephalic individuals, this bias reflects wide a range of craniofacial forms as poss- the prevalence of dolichocephaly among ible. Although the inclusion of several popu- human populations (Weidenreich, 1945; lations raises the possibility that some Martin & Saller, 1956). A sample of proportion of the variation results from Pleistocene human skulls (archaic and ana- inter-population differences (see below), we tomically modern) which are substantially emphasize that the hypotheses tested here complete and for which lateral radiographs derive from a general model of craniofacial were available were also studied. growth that is not population or sex specific and must apply to all craniofacial types. The Measurements hypotheses we have proposed do not consti- A series of measurements (listed in Table 2) tute a test of the ontogenetic model itself, were taken on each cranium from external but rather they serve as a test of the pattern landmarks and from radiographs. Summary of correlations between the sizes of adult statistics for these measurements are pro- structures expected from the model of vided in Table 3. Exocranial linear dimen- cranial ontogeny. For the ontogenetic model sions to the nearest 0·1 mm were taken to have any general validity, it must be able using Mitutuyo digital sliding or spreading to explain differences among as diverse an calipers. Lateral and superior–inferior radio- array of cranial types as possible. As other graphs were taken of all specimens using an researchers (e.g., Howells, 1973; Lahr ACOMA portable X-ray machine on 1996) have shown, this kind of pooled Kodak XTL-2 film. To minimize potential sample is necessary to examine a wider distortion and parallax, care was taken to range of craniofacial variation than is orient the midsagittal plane of each cranium present within single populations. parallel to the X-ray film and collimator for the lateral radiographs and in the Frankfurt horizontal for the supero-inferior radio- Materials and methods graphs. Linear measurements of the radio- Sample graphs were taken to the nearest 0·1mm The sample of recent Homo sapiens used in from tracings using Mitutuyo digital this study comes from five geographically sliding calipers. All linear radiograph and craniometrically diverse populations measurements were adjusted for size distor- from Australia, East Asia, Europe, North tion using a correction factor calculated as Africa and sub-Saharan Africa (Table 1). the ratio of maximum cranial length 300

Table 1 Samples used

Modern samples (S.D.s in parentheses) Sample Taxon n (m/f) ECV POB CI BI Location

Ashanti Recent Homo sapiens 18 (9/9) 1404·4 107·70·73 2·17 AMNH (145·5) (4·5) (0·04) (0·4) Australians Recent H. sapiens 21 (12/19) 1287·8 111·30·71 1·93 AMNH (125·8) (5·3) (0·03) (0·67) Chinese Recent H. sapiens 19 (10/9) 1496·7 116·70·79 1·66 AMNH (92·3) (5·0) (0·04) (0·47) Egyptians Recent H. sapiens 20 (10/10) 1342·4 108·70·75 2·10 PM 

(119·1) (4·9) (0·03) (0·64) . 

Italians Recent H. sapiens 20 (11/9) 1350·3 118·00·82 1·53 PM . (151·8) (4·9) (0·03) (0·60) 

Fossils Skull Taxon ECV* POB CI* BI Source of radiograph TAL. ET Abri Pataud H. sapiens 1380 104 75·4 4 D. Lieberman (this study) Skhul 4 H. sapiens 1554 117 71·8 3 B. Arensburg (personal communication) Skhul 5 H. sapiens 1518 116 74·5 4 D. Lieberman (this study) Cro Magnon 1 H. sapiens 1600 115 74·0 4 D. Lieberman (this study) Obercassel 1 H. sapiens 1500 129 74·2 2 J. Weiner (NHM) Obercassel 2 H. sapiens 1279 114 71·3 2 J. Weiner (NHM) La Chapelle Homo neanderthalensis 1626 119 75·0 5 D. Lieberman (this study) Monte Circeo H. neanderthalensis 1330 129 75·9 5 J. Weiner (NHM) La Ferrassie 1 H. neanderthalensis 1681 128 76·1 5 D. Lieberman (this study) La Quina 5 H. neanderthalensis 1350 119 — 5 J. Weiner (NHM)

*From Vandermeersch, 1981: 140–143. Abbreviations in Table 1: ECV, endocranial volume; POB, bi-porionic breadth; CI, cranial index; BI, bunning index. Locations of the cranial collections: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History; PM, Peabody Museum (Harvard University); NHM, Natural History Museum archives (courtesy of T. Mollesson).       301

0.88 0.85 0.82 0.80 0.77 0.75 0.73

Cranial index 0.70 0.68 0.65 0.62 Italy = 20) = 20) = 20) = 20) = 20) Egypt China n n n n n ( ( ( ( ( Ashanti Australia Figure 3. Summary of variation in cranial index (XCB/GOL100) of recent human populations used in this study.

Table 2 Linear and angular measurements used

Measurement ABBR. Definition

Neurocranial length GOL Chord distance from to opisthocranion (Howells, 1973) Max. cranial breadth XCB Maximum cranial breadth perpendicular to sagittal plane (Howells, 1973) Max. basicranial breadth POB Bi-porionic breadth (Wood, 1991) Upper facial breadth FMB Bi-frontomalare temporale breadth (Wood, 1991) Mid-facial breadth JUB External malar breadth at jugale (Howells, 1973) Lower facial breadth EPB External palate breadth at M1 (Wood, 1991) Mid-facial breath MFB Bi-maxilofrontale breadth (Wood, 1991) Neurocranial height BBH Chord distance from basion to (Howells, 1973) Facial height NPH Chord distance from to prosthion (Howells, 1973) Orbital height, left OBH Chord distance between upper and lower borders of , perpendicu- lar to the long axis of orbit (Howells, 1973) Cranial base lengthL BCL Chord distance from basion-sella plus sella-foramen caecum Cranial base angleL CBA Angle between basion-sella and sella-foramen caecum Ant. cranial base lengthL ACL Chord distance from sella-foramen caecum Mid-facial lengthL MFL Minimum chord from PM plane* to nasion (Lieberman, in press) Lower facial lengthL LFL Chord distance from anterior to posterior nasal spines Ant. cranial fossa breadthS ACB Maximum anterior cranial fossa breadth anterior to clinoid processes Mid. cranial fossa breadthS MCB Middle cranial fossa breadth at sella

LFrom lateral radiograph. SFrom supero-inferior radiograph. *The posterior maxillary (PM) plane, from the maxillary tuberosities to the anterior-most point where the greater wings of the sphenoid intersect the planum sphenoideum (the junction of the anterior and middle cranial fossa), is the boundary between the ethmomaxillary facial complex and the middle cranial fossa (Enlow, 1990). measured exocranially and maximum measured in each cranium by filling the cranial length measured from the radio- neurocranial cavity with lentils through graph. Angular measurements of cranial the foramen magnum while shaking and base flexion were made from tracings with a tapping the skull gently until no more protractor to the nearest degree. ECV was lentils could fit below the level of the 302

Table 3 Descriptive statistics of modern human sample (in mm, standard deviations in parentheses)


Ashanti 18 131·6 129·3 177·4 132·743·142·866·234·0 101·7 112·260·9 103·3 116·22·64  .

(4·7) (6·9) (7·1) (5·9) (2·8) (3·0) (4·9) (2·5) (4·4) (4·5) (3·8) (5·5) (5·9) (0·19)  Australians 21 132·4 125·4 176·0 129·845·043·663·833·3 106·0 114·261·2 103·1 116·02·63 (4·5) (6·0) (8·4) (4·9) (3·4) (2·1) (4·3) (1·8) (4·2) (4·7) (3·5) (4·5) (4·6) (0·16) Chinese 19 132·8 137·3 175·5 132·842·839·770·534·5 103·7 114·360·5 109·3 125·52·90 (6·7) (4·2) (8·7) (6·6) (3·9) (2·7) (5·2) (2·2) (3·4) (3·9) (3·9) (4·5) (5·2) (0·21) Egyptians 20 136·3 134·8 181·0 128·941·637·664·035·397·7 105·654·9 101·3 112·32·83 (3·0) (5·9) (6·3) (5·6) (4·5) (2·5) (4·6) (4·7) (3·8) (3·8) (3·1) (3·2) (5·0) (0·18) AL. ET Italians 20 135·7 142·3 174·2 130·343·639·062·334·3 102·1 112·855·5 107·4 119·62·93 (2·8) (6·2) (8·2) (6·5) (4·2) (3·7) (4·6) (5·1) (5·6) (7·8) (5·5) (7·2) (7·4) (0·24) Combined 98 133·8 133·7 176·8 130·843·340·565·234·3 102·3 111·758·5 104·8 117·82·79 (4·8) (8·4) (7·7) (5·9) (3·9) (3·6) (5·4) (3·5) (5·1) (6·1) (4·9) (5·8) (7·0) (0·23)

See Table 2 for measurement details and abbreviations; FI, facial index (JUB/MFL100).       303

Lambda Lambda Lambda Lambda



#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 None Slight Moderate Marked Extreme Figure 4. Grades used to evaluate degree of occipital bunning in individuals from lateral radiographs. See text for details. Occipital projection is evaluated primarily from the internal occipital table relative to the internal occipital protruberance (IOP) and to lambda (L). Note that grades 3 and 4 differ solely in terms of the morphology of the outer table. Most previous appraisals of bun development have generally been made upon the external morphology of the occipital rather than the internal contour, as used here. foramen magnum. The lentils were then internal curvature of the , emptied via a funnel into a graduated cylin- which more closely reflects the shape of der which was shaken until they had sub- the brain. Following Lahr’s (1994, 1996) sided completely, and the volume read to approach of dividing continuously varying the nearest milliliter. In order to make the aspects of cranial morphology into discrete volumetric measurements similar in scale to categories, the degree of occipital bunning the linear dimensions of the cranium, the was quantified in each individual from lat- measurement of ECV used in the analysis is eral radiographs using a system of grades, calculated as the cube root of the measured reflecting examples of minimum, intermedi- cranial capacity. ate and maximum degrees of development Although widely considered to be a con- selected from the total sample studied tinuously variable feature, occipital bunning (including Neanderthals). Five grades (illus- is difficult to quantify because it combines trated in Figure 4) were defined using the projection of both the internal and outer contours of both internal and outer tables tables of the occipital inferior to lambda and of the occipital from lateral radiographs as superior to the internal occipital protruber- follows: 1, no bunning, with very little ance (IOP), the attachment site of the ten- posterior projection of the occipital tables torium cerebelli (Ducros, 1967; Trinkaus above the IOP and below lambda; 2, minor & LeMay, 1982; Lieberman, 1995). Ap- bunning, with slight posterior projection of praisals of occipital bunning probably often the internal table of the occipital above rely upon subjective, visual examination of the IOP and below lambda; 3, moderate the amount of external projection of the bunning, with a significantly more concave occiput. Our definition, based on Trinkaus internal occipital table above the IOP and & LeMay (1982), primarily emphasizes the below lambda; 4, marked bunning, with a 304 . .  ET AL. similar degree of internal occipital concavity cepts, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.) and Systat 5.2 to grade 3, but in which the external table is (Systat Inc., Evanston, IL, U.S.A.). The also substantially more developed above the accuracy of the linear, angular and volumet- IOP and below lambda; 5, extreme bunning, ric measurements were tested by taking each with a highly concave internal occipital table measurement five times on the same skull. above the IOP and below lambda, combined Average measurement error was 1.4%. The with a thick and highly convex outer table. cube-root of ECV was used in order to Note that grades 3 and 4 differ solely in compare linear and volumetric measure- terms of the morphology of the outer table. ments. Normality was tested for each vari- An important detail with respect to occipi- able using the Lilliefors test (Lilliefors, tal bunning concerns the fossil specimens 1967). In order to examine the effects of that could be included in the analysis. Most overall cranial size, a geometric mean of the early modern humans that have pro- (GGM) of ten diverse craniofacial dimen- nounced occipital buns come from central sions was computed as the tenth root of the European Aurignacian or Gravettian sites product of the following measurements: such as Mladec, Zlaty Kun, Stetten, ECV, maximum cranial breadth (XCB), Prˇedmost´ı, Brno, Doln´ı Veˇstonice, and upper facial breadth (FMB), mid-facial Pavlov (Jel´ınek, 1969; Smith, 1982, 1984; breadth (JUB), neurocranial length (GOL), Vlcˇek, 1991). The crania from Prˇedmost´ı facial height (NPH), orbital height (OBH), were destroyed in World War II, and other lower facial length (LFL), maximum specimens lack a cranial base, limiting their basicranial (bi-porionic) breadth (POB), value for this study. Similarly, we were and basion-bregma height (BBH); a geo- unable to obtain radiographs of some of the metric mean of overall facial size (FGM) more complete Central European speci- was calculated as the fifth root of the prod- mens, and the western European early mod- uct of facial height (NPH), orbital height ern specimen that has the most pronounced (OBH), midfacial breadth (MFB), lower occipital protuberance, Cro-Magnon 3, was facial breadth (EPB), and lower facial length not included because its cranial base is not (LFL). preserved. Thus our sample of early modern Because the majority of the variables humans does not include many of the speci- examined in this study are normally distrib- mens in which external bunning is most uted (see below), predicted relationships pronounced and it does not include the among craniofacial dimensions were exam- Mladec specimens, which play a crucial role ined in the pooled modern human sample in discussions of possible continuity from primarily using Pearson correlation coef- Neanderthals to modern humans in Central ficients, and using partial correlation analy- Europe (e.g., Jel´ınek, 1969; Smith, 1984; sis in order to hold certain variables (which Frayer, 1986; Wolpoff, 1996). Thus the serve as a proxy for overall cranial size) sample of measurements and radiographs of constant. Linear regression and stepwise early modern humans we obtained can only multiple regression analyses are also used serve as a preliminary test of the hypothesis to estimate the proportion of variance that early modern humans and Neander- explained by specific variables. The thals developed occipital buns in different strengths of the correlations among categori- ways. cal data (e.g., occipital bunning) and any non-normally distributed variables are Statistical analysis examined with Spearman rank correlation All measurements were entered and ana- analysis. Significance testing of Pearson lyzed using Statview 4.5 (Abacus Con- correlation coefficients was determined       305

Table 4 Correlation (top) and partial correlation (bottom) analysis of major basicranial and neuro- cranial dimensions


POB — 0·437‡ 0·005 0·409‡ 0·644 BCL 0·026 — 0·031 0·453‡ 0·697‡ CBA 0·041 0·096 — 0·025 0·053 ECV 0·041 0·027 0·018 — 0·670‡ GGM 0·476* 0·538* 0·104 0·505‡—

*P<0·05; †P<0·01; ‡P<0·001. using Fisher r–z test; significance of partial A second hypothesis is that both POB and correlations was determined using the sig- ECV influence the maximum breadth of the nificance of partial regression coefficients. neurocranium, but that maximum neurocra- nial breadth is expected to be independent of cranial base length and flexion. The pair- Results wise correlations show that there is a weak Basicranial–neurocranial interactions but highly significant (r=0·283, P<0·001) The first hypothesis regarding relationships association between basicranial length and between the basicranium and neurocranium maximum neurocranial breadth, while the predicts that the length and breadth of correlation between maximum cranial the cranial base should be independent, and breadth and cranial base flexion is both low that the interaction of endocranial volume and non-significant (Table 5). If considered with these two basicranial dimensions in isolation, the significant correlation potentially influences the major dimensions between XCB and BCL might falsify the of the neurocranium. Correlation and par- first hypothesis. However, the hypothesis is tial correlations in Table 4 indicate that supported more strongly by partial corre- there is a moderate, significant correlation lation analysis (Table 5), which shows that between cranial base length (BCL) and XCB correlates moderately and significantly POB, but that these two dimensions are with POB (r=0·440, P<0·05) and ECV entirely independent (r=0·026) when one (r=0·358, P<0·05), and that these corre- holds CBA, ECV and GGM constant using lations remain moderate when one holds partial correlation analysis. These results BCL, CBA and GGM constant. In addition, also indicate that variations in ECV do not BCL, CBA and the GGM measurements all correlate with variation in BCL and POB have extremely low partial correlations with when one holds overall cranial size constant, XCB. In other words, basicranial breadth and confirms the hypothesis that variation in and endocranial volume appear to be major CBA among adult humans is independent of influences on neurocranial breadth, holding ECV, overall cranial size, and other cranial overall cranial size constant. According to a base dimensions (Ross & Henneberg, stepwise multiple regression, POB and ECV 1995). These data, therefore, clearly sup- together account for approximately 56% of port the hypothesis that attained growth in the varation in XCB (P<0·001) in the recent the breadth, length and flexion of the cranial human sample studied here. base result from independent processes in Given the independence between cranial the sense that they do not appear to affect base breadth and length and the observation each other’s size. that POB and ECV remain associated with 306 . .  ET AL.

Table 5 Correlation (top) and partial correlation (bottom) analysis basicranial and neurocranial breadth with endocranial volume, basicranial flexion, and overall cranial size


XCB — 0·592‡ 0·541‡ 0·283‡ 0·139 0·516‡ POB 0·440* — 0·409 0·427‡ 0·005 0·644‡ ECV 0·358* 0·192 — 0·453‡ 0·025 0·670‡ BCL 0·111 0·025 0·014 — 0·031 0·697‡ CBA 0·165 0·109 0·076 0·076 — 0·053 GGM 0·030 0·414* 0·461* 0·538* 0·097 —

*P<0·05; †P<0·01; ‡P<0·001.

Table 6 Correlation (top) and partial correlation (bottom) analysis of neurocranial length with basicranial length, basicranial flexion, endocranial volume, and overall cranial size


GOL — 0·397‡ 0·137 0·605‡ 0·520‡ BCL 0·090 — 0·031 0·453* 0·697‡ CBA 0·154 0·107 — 0·025 0·053 ECV 0·414* 0·061 0·079 — 0·670‡ GGM 0·100 0·583‡ 0·079 0·459‡—

*P<0·05; †P<0·01; ‡P<0·001. variation in XCB when other factors (e.g., ECV. In other words, the second hypothesis GGM as a measure of overall cranial size) is supported because neither cranial base are held constant, the developmental model length nor flexion has much influence on tested here predicts that there should be total neurocranial length independent of fewer constraints on neurocranial length and other factors. height, especially in the posterior cranial Since cranial base breadth apparently fossa. In particular, the second hypothesis constrains neurocranial breadth, cranial predicts that GOL should be independent base length is independent of neurocranial with or have a low correlation with BCL and length, and ECV significantly affects both CBA, but should be highly correlated with neurocranial dimensions, then it follows that ECV, holding overall cranial size and the the developmental interactions between other variables constant. This hypothesis is brain volume and cranial base breadth tested using correlation and partial corre- should influence the length and height of the lation analysis in Table 6. As these analyses neurocranium more than its breadth. This indicate, GOL is moderately and signifi- hypothesis is tested in Table 7 using corre- cantly (P<0·001) correlated with BCL, lation and partial correlation analysis. While ECV and GGM, which would seem to dis- the Pearson correlation coefficients between prove the hypothesis. However, when the the ratio of ECV/POB and GOL, XCB, interactions among these variables are CBA and BBH are all quite low, there is a removed using partial correlation, GOL is moderate but significant partial correlation independent of CBA, BCL and GGM, and between the ratio of ECV/POB and GOL has a moderate but significant (partial (partial r=0·400), holding the other dimen- r=0·414; P<0·05) partial correlations with sions including GGM constant. In other       307

Table 7 Correlation (top) and partial correlation (bottom) analysis of the ratio of endocranial volume to basicranial breadth with major neurocranial dimensions


ECV/POB — 0·225* 0·254 0·075 0·004 0·233 GOL 0·400* — 0·247* 0·432‡ 0·137 0·520‡ XCB 0·124 0·025 — 0·240* 0·139 0·516‡ BBH 0·268* 0·005 0·106 — 0·012 0·657‡ CBA 0·012 0·129 0·127 0·024 — 0·053 GGM 0·408‡ 0·432‡ 0·375‡ 0·603‡ 0·053 —

*P<0·05; †P<0·01; ‡P<0·001. words, individuals with larger brains relative P<0·001), and thus supports the hypothesis to basicranial breadth tend to have slightly that posterior projection of the occipital is longer cranial vaults, controlling for other partially a function of having a large brain factors. It is important to note, however, relative to cranial base area. As predicted by that in a multiple stepwise regression, varia- Lieberman (1995), the degree of bunning tions in ECV and POB explain only 35% of also has a moderate negative Spearman the variation in GOL (P<0·001) and 38% of rank correlation (= 0·428, P<0·001) the variation in BBH (P<0·001), indicating with the cranial index, indicating that that other factors probably related to brain dolichocephalic individuals are more likely shape and overall cranial size (e.g., the dural to have posteriorly-projecting occipitals bands) have more dominant influences on than brachycephalic individuals. As noted these dimensions. The Pearson and partial by Trinkaus & LeMay (1982), posterior correlations reveal that individuals with a projection of the occipital in these humans high ratio of ECV/POB also tend to have a was always above the tentorium cerebelli, cranium with a relatively small GGM. suggesting that the expansion was probably These results support the hypothesis that a result of local growth effects exerted by the the cranial vault tends to expand vertically occipital lobe on the occipital squama. and especially posteriorly to a greater extent When the Pleistocene sample of recent in individuals with a large brain relative to modern humans, who tend to have large cranial base breadth. The interactions and narrow cranial bases, is added to between brain volume and cranial base the analysis, the relationship between occipi- breadth that apparently influence neuro- tal bunning and between brain size is cranial length may, therefore, explain some strengthened (Figure 5). However, it is clear of the variation in occipital projection or from Figure 5 that Neanderthals do not fit ‘‘bunning’’ in recent and Pleistocene the pattern, primarily humans. Among the recent human sample because they have somewhat wider cranial studied here, posterior projection of the bases relative to endocranial volume [which, occipital is generally modest: 87% were with the small sample size used, does not scored as having no bunning (type I) or only reach significance (P=0·16)], and marked slight bunning (type II), and only 13% were occipital buns (Grade 5). Other differences scored as having moderate bunning (type in bunning are also evident from Figure 6, III). However, the Spearman rank corre- which compares lateral radiographs of lation between the degree of occipital the occipital in several Neanderthals and projection and the ratio of ECV/POB is Pleistocene modern humans. As Figure 6 moderate and highly significant (=0·600; shows, while some early modern humans 308 . .  ET AL.

5 Ashanti

4 Australia China

3 Egypt Italy Bun index 2 Early modern H. sapiens Neanderthal 1

0.08 0.085 0.09 0.095 0.1000.105 0.11 0.115 ECV0.33/POB Figure 5. Variation in occipital bunning plotted against endocranial volume (cube root) divided by bi-porionic breadth. H. sapiens, but not Neanderthals with larger endocranial volumes relative to POB, tend to have significantly more posterior projection of the occipital. have posteriorly projecting occipitals relative ‘‘hemi-buns.’’ If these morphologically to the IOP and to lambda, none have the divergent structures are not developmentally degree of internal table concavity that is homologous, then the presence of occipital typical of Neanderthals. Viewed externally, buns in Neanderthals and post-Neanderthal however, many of these early modern Europeans does not necessarily indicate human fossils have marked ‘‘buns’’ because genetic continuity. of the thickness of the cranial vault in this The above results regarding the relation- region (Lieberman, 1996). It is worth re- ship between bunning and brain size relative iterating that, for developmental reasons, to cranial base width must be interpreted the definition of occipital buns used here with some caution, however, given problems places the greatest emphasis upon the cur- with the sample studied here. Our sample of vature of the internal table of the occipital. early modern humans does not include The results support Trinkaus & LeMay’s Eastern European specimens such as the (1982) hypothesis that other developmental Mladec, Prˇedmost´ı, Doln´ı Veˇstonice, and factors—possibly related to differences in Pavlov which have some of the largest the timing of posterior cerebral growth rela- occipital protuberances of early modern tive to the growth of the cranial vault crania. In addition, the early modern sample bones—apparently account for the extreme does not include Cro-Magnon 3, the west- degree of posterior projection of the occipi- ern European early modern cranium with tal in the Neanderthals. Therefore, it the greatest degree of bun development, appears that the externally visible similarities because the specimen lacks its cranial in occipital form between large-brained base. Furthermore, although bi-porionic dolichocephalic humans and Neanderthals breadths (POB) have not been published for may not be entirely homologous in a devel- the Mladec crania, Frayer (1986) reports opmental sense. Indeed, Smith (1984) has measurements for bi-auricular breadth noted that the form of occipital buns differs (which is usually a few millimeters larger in Neanderthals and robust early modern than POB) for Mladec 1, 2, and 5 (128·8, humans, leading him to describe the occipi- 130·4, and 150·0 mm, respectively). These tal protuberances of the early moderns as bi-auricular dimensions are remarkably       309

as predicted by Weidenreich (1941) and Enlow (1990). According to the above model, the breadth of the upper face is predicted to be constrained by the breadth of the upper cranial fossa, and the breadth of the midface is predicted to be constrained by the breadth of the middle cranial fossa. Correlation analyses provide some support for this hypothesis. Among the recent human sample, Pearson correlation coeffi- cients between upper facial breadth and anterior cranial fossa breadth (r=0·532, P<0·001) and between midfacial breadth and middle cranial fossa breadth (r=0·490, P<0·001) are moderate in strength and highly significant. However, Enlow’s (1990) hypothesis that NBC dimensions influence facial proportions receives only partial sup- port. Among the sample studied here, there is no significant correlation between XCB or the cranial index (CI) with either CBA or anterior cranial base length (ACL), as the model predicts. Nevertheless, there is a moderate and significant correlation (r=0·491, P<0·001) between XCB and the facial index (FI)—the ratio of facial breadth (JUB) to facial length (MFL)—which yields a partial correlation coefficient of r=0·397 Figure 6. Lateral radiographs of posterior cranium in Abri Pataud (a), Cro-Magnon I (b), La Chapelle aux when overall facial size (FGM) is held con- Saints (c) and La Ferrassie I (d). Internal occipital stant. Moreover, there is also a significant, protruberance, X; Lambda, L. moderate correlation between the cranial and facial indices (r=0·492, P<0·001), large, comparable with, or even larger than, which yields a partial correlation of r=0·499 the corresponding POB measurements in when FGM is held constant. In other words, the Neanderthals sampled here. Therefore, Enlow’s observation that individuals with the argument that early modern humans absolutely and relatively narrower neuro- developed buns upon narrow cranial bases, basicranial complexes (NBCs) tend to have while Neanderthals developed their buns proportionately longer (antero-posteriorly) upon wide cranial bases probably cannot be and narrower faces than individuals with extended to the early modern crania from wider NBCs is partially supported, but the Mladec. trend is weak and is largely the result of variation between populations rather than Neuro-basicranial–facial interactions within them (see Figure 7). In particular, The second set of hypotheses tested here Italian and Chinese individuals tend to have attempts to relate the potential developmen- relatively high values for the facial index and tal influence of neuro-basicranial complex a broad neurocranium, while Australian (NBC) breadth on certain facial dimensions and, to a lesser extent, Ashanti individuals 310 . .  ET AL.



3.2 Ashanti Australia 3.0 China 2.8 Egypt Facial index 2.6 Italy


2.2 110 115 120 125 130135 140 145 150 155 Maximum neurocranial breadth (XCB), mm Figure 7. Bivariate scattergram of facial index (JUB/MFL) versus maximum NBC breadth (XCB) in recent modern human sample. tend to have a low facial index and a narrow addition, it is important to stress that varia- neurocranium. Variations in overall NBC tions in basicranial length and flexion appear shape (as expressed by the cranial index) to have no significant influence on most account for approximately only 25% of the aspects of craniofacial shape independent of variation in the facial index, highlighting the other factors. These results do not necessar- high degree of variability of facial form in ily mean that CBA and CBL do not affect relation to cranial form between and, to a NBC shape, but their effects are apparently lesser extent, within, recent human popula- more regional. Lieberman (1998), for tions that must be explained by other factors example, has shown that in ontogenetic unrelated to the NBC. samples of humans and chimpanzees the length of the sphenoid body affects the degree of facial projection relative to the Discussion anterior cranial fossa, which in turn affects The above results support the hypothesis on other aspects of cranial shape. that certain dimensions of the cranial base, In addition, Weidenreich’s (1941) and mostly bi-porionic breadth, do have some Enlow’s (1990) hypotheses that facial shape influence on the shape of the NBC, as noted is influenced by cranial base and neuro- by Howells (1969, 1973). In the adult cra- cranial dimensions are only weakly sup- nium, variations in the breadth, length and ported. As the above results indicate, flexion of the cranial base are independent narrow-skulled individuals tend to have nar- of each other, and POB affects overall NBC rower faces than wider skulled individuals. shape to some extent by influencing the In addition, narrow-faced (leptoproscopic) breadth of the neurocranium. However, the individuals tend to have antero-posteriorly effects of POB on neurocranial shape mostly longer faces relative to facial breadth than occur as the result of interactions with brain wide-faced (euryproscopic) individuals, but size, and the correlations between POB and these correlations account for only about most NBC dimensions (e.g., cranial vault 25% of the variation in the facial index length and height) are only moderate, indi- among adults. In other words, Enlow’s cating that other factors such as overall (1990) prediction that individuals with cranial size have substantial effects. In absolutely and relatively narrower NBCs       311 should have proportionately longer (antero- units of information (Bookstein, 1994; posteriorly) and narrower faces than individ- Lieberman, 1999). For example, the above uals with wider NBCs is only a tendency and results indicate that variations in overall not a strong relationship. These results, neurocranial form (dolichocephaly vs. which suggest that most aspects of variation brachycephaly) result in part from variations in facial shape are independent of NBC in basicranial breadth, but also derive dimensions, should not be surprising given from interactions with brain size and other the very different ontogenetic trajectories factors that influence overall cranial size of facial and NBC growth, and their such as long-term adaptations to climate contrasting modes of growth. (Guglielmino-Matessi et al., 1979; Beals These results need to be tested further et al., 1984). using ontogenetic samples from different Following Cheverud (1996), it may be populations, and using large samples from more sensible to identify characters for single populations. However, they confirm phylogenetic analysis that comprise several the tremendous amount of integration that highly intercorrelated dimensions that may occurs between the cranial base, the neuro- evolve together as integrated morphometric cranium and the face during growth (see units. It is also possible that other basi- also, Cheverud, 1982, 1996; Kohn et al., cranial characters may prove to be more 1993). Although it is tempting to consider useful for phylogenetic analysis, but most of the neurocranium and basicranium to be these characters are likely to be local, separate regions by virtue of their distinct specific features whose growth and mor- embryological origins, their dimensions phology are largely independent of the exhibit considerable intercorrelation in the effects of brain growth and other dominant adult skull largely because of the unifying functional matrices in the skull. As capsular functional growth matrix of the Cheverud (1982, 1996) has shown, the brain. One consequence of these integrative independence of such characters needs to be processes is that there are few aspects of tested using techniques such as cluster neurocranial shape which are independent analysis in order to examine the intensity of of brain size and basicranial dimensions statistical associations among characters such as POB. The phylogenetic implications from functionally and developmentally of these results are sobering because inde- interdependent sets. Defining and recogniz- pendence is one of the major criteria for ing such characters is a challenge, however, characters in both phenetic and cladistic given the prevalence of epigenetic influences analyses (Sokal & Sneath, 1963; Shaffer on cranial growth. Consider, for example, et al., 1991; Lieberman, 1999). Characters just a few of the epigenetic stimuli that affect add phylogenetic information to an analysis facial growth and integration. Intramembra- only to the extent that they are independent nous bone growth around the oropharynx of other characters; moreover, intercorre- and nasopharynx, which comprise much lated characters will tend to bias phylo- of the middle and lower portions of the genetic inferences incorrectly if they are face, are induced to a large extent by homoplastic or otherwise poor indicators air-flow resistance (Linder-Aronson, 1979; of ancestry and descent. Consequently, Principato & Wolff, 1985; Franciscus & measurements of overall cranial shape and Trinkaus, 1988; Cooper, 1989; Warren size are unlikely to be good characters for et al., 1992; Franciscus, 1995). In addition, either cladistic or phenetic analyses because mechanical strains from generating and they result from processes of integration that resisting masticatory force influence lower are likely to obscure independent, heritable and midfacial growth along a complex strain 312 . .  ET AL. gradient, with more dominant effects occur- cranial bases relative to endocranial volume, ring in the mandible and zygomatic arches, must be accounted for by other factors per- and lesser effects occurring further away haps related to the timing of brain growth from the teeth or muscle attachment relative to basicranial growth, and thus may sites (e.g., Carlson & Van Gerven, 1977; not be entirely homologous with the mor- Corruccini & Beecher, 1982; Kiliaridis phology occasionally evident in anatomically et al., 1986; Hylander, 1988; Hylander & modern H. sapiens. Caution on this last Johnson, 1992; Herring, 1993; Bouvier & point is required, however, because the Hylander, 1997). Moreover, much of the sample of early modern human analyzed early growth of the orbital cavity (which herein does not include many of the speci- comprises parts of seven bones) is stimu- mens with the largest occipital buns (at least lated by expansion of the eyeballs, but the as viewed externally). Further testing of this subsequent infero-lateral expansion of the hypothesis needs to include the early mod- orbital cavities is a consequence of other ern crania from the early Aurignacian site of processes of facial growth (Enlow, 1990; Mladec, which resemble Neanderthals in Denis et al., 1993). having distinct occipital protuberances and Although this study does not directly test wide cranial bases. the hypothesis that cranial base dimensions, by virtue of their growth, are likely to be Acknowledgements better sources of phylogenetic information than facial or neurocranial dimensions, these We thank S. Anto´n, J. Cheverud, W. W. results do highlight the utility of considering Howells, R. McCarthy, R. J. Smith, B. how the pattern of correlations between the Wood, D. Strait, F. Smith, and two anony- cranial base and the brain contribute to mous reviewers for comments on various other important morphological variations. drafts, and we also thank R. McCarthy and In particular, these data clearly indicate that R. Bernstein for help in acquiring the data. the degree of posterior projection of the For assistance and access to collections, occipital bone (bunning) may to some we thank D. Pilbeam, Peabody Museum extent be influenced by having a large brain (Harvard); A. W. Crompton, Museum of on a relatively narrow cranial base. Posterior Comparative Zoology; and I. Tattersall and projection of the occipital lobe relative to the G. Sawyer, Department of Anthropology, internal occipital protruberance and to American Museum of Natural History. 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