Antibodies, anarchangels and other essays Paul Cudenec Published by Winter Oak Press, Sussex, England
[email protected] Copyright © 2013 Paul Cudenec The author formally retains copyright over this work but permits non-commercial reproduction or distribution ISBN: 978-0-9576566-1-1 CONTENTS Introduction vii Antibodies 1 Anarchangels 53 The Task 63 The Politics of Fear 73 Li and the Organic Freedom of Anarchy 99 Transcendent Anarchy 101 Fighting Capitalism on Every Level 105 Towards the End of the Week 109 Plutofascism Defined 111 An Interview with Paul Cudenec 113 Don’t Kill Yourself! 121 Endnotes 127 vi INTRODUCTION Welcome to this new collection of essays featuring some of my writing dating from 2004 to 2013. Although this book is being published after The Anarchist Revelation, which is also on the Winter Oak imprint, most of the material here obviously predates that work. The first and longest essay is Antibodies: Life, Death and Resistance in the Psyche of the Superorganism, which I wrote in 2010 and brought out as a limited-run A4 booklet. A short note on the inside cover of that version declared that its message had emerged “from a lifetime of gnawing political, environmental and existential despair and a strong urge to somehow make sense of it all”. That could be true of anything I’ve written, to be honest. I have been searching for connections and parallels that might help me, and others, understand what our existence is all about. That process will never be complete and so anything committed to paper can only ever offer a partial explanation.