Novatek. Annual Report 2015
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Sustainability enables us to confidently deliver our long-term strategy in challenging macroeconomic environments. We demonstrate solid Growth building up on our competitive advantages and reaching new levels of operational and financial performance. Transformation of our business, resulting from rapid growth in our liquid hydrocarbons and planned expansion into the global LNG market, opens up new horizons for long-term and efficient development. LETTER TO REVIEW OF OPERATING CONTENTS SHAREHOLDERS RESULTS Letter to Shareholders . 8 REVIEW OF OPERATING Strategic priorities . 12 RESULTS . .52 Key Events and Achievements . 13 Licenses . 52 Key Indicators . 14 Hydrocarbon Reserves. 52 Geological Exploration . 54 Field Development . 54 Hydrocarbon Production . 55 Yamal LNG Project . 57 Processing of Gas Condensate . 58 Natural Gas Sales . 59 Liquid Hydrocarbon Sales . 60 NOVATEK IS RUSSIA’S LARGEST NOVATEK’s main businesses are exploration and produc- tion, processing, transportation and marketing of natural INDEPENDENT NATURAL GAS PRODUCER gas and liquid hydrocarbons. The Company’s primary AND THE SECOND LARGEST NATURAL production assets are located in the Yamal-Nenets Au- GAS PRODUCER IN RUSSIA. tonomous Region (YNAO), one of the largest gas regions in the world. The Company’s main strategic priorities are: ensuring development of hydrocarbon resource base, including effi cient reserve management; growth in hydrocarbon production; maintaining a low-cost structure; optimizing and expanding existing marketing channels, and creating new marketing channels; and expansion into the interna- tional market for liquefi ed natural gas. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ADDITIONAL AND SOCIAL AND CORPORATE INFORMATION RESPONSIBILITY GOVERNANCE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ADDITIONAL AND SOCIAL AND CORPORATE INFORMATION . .77 RESPONSIBILITY . .62 GOVERNANCE . .68 Risk Management System . 77 Environmental Protection . 62 Corporate Governance Information on Members of Health and Safety . 63 System . 68 NOVATEK’s Board of Directors . 82 Human Resources . 64 General Meeting Information on Members Social Policy and Charity . 65 of Shareholders . 68 of NOVATEK’s Management Board of Directors . 69 Board . 85 Board Committees . 70 Major, Material and Related Management Board . 72 Party Transactions . 88 Remuneration to Members Information (report) on the of the Board of Directors observance by a joint stock and Management Board . 72 company of the principles Internal Control and Audit . 73 and the recommendations of Share Capital . 74 the Corporate Governance Code Dividends . 74 recommended for application Information Transparency . 76 by the Bank of Russia . 90 Forward–Looking Statements . 100 Terms and Abbreviations . 101 Conversion Factors . 101 Contact Information . 102 bln boe of proved bcm of natural gas of total Russian natural hydrocarbon reserves produced in 2015 gas production under SEC globally among publicly globally among publicly traded of the overall gas supply traded companies by proved companies by natural gas to Russian market natural gas reserves production volumes Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region RUSSIA OUR LICENSE AREAS ARE LOCATED IN THE YAMAL-NENETS AUTONOMOUS REGION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION – ONE OF THE LARGEST REGIONS IN THE WORLD IN TERMS OF GAS RESERVES AND PRODUCTION VOLUMES. WE HAVE A LARGE CONVENTIONAL RESERVE BASE WITH HIGH RESERVES CONCENTRATION AND HIGH POTENTIAL OF NEW GEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES. FIELDS AND LICENSE AREAS WITH PROSPECTIVE FIELDS COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION AND LICENSE AREAS 1. East-Tarkosalinskoye field 12. Dorogovskoye field 2. Khancheyskoye field 13. East-Tambeyskiy license area 3. North-Khancheyskoye field1 14. East-Tazovskoye field 4. North-Urengoyskoye field 15. Geofizicheskoye field 5. Olimpiyskiy license area 16. Malo-Yamalskoye field 6. Samburgskiy license area 17. North-Chaselskiy license area 7. Termokarstovoye field 18. North-Obskiy license area 8. Yaro-Yakhinskiy license area 19. North-Russkiy license area 9. Yarudeyskoye field 20. North-Russkoye field NOVATEK. ANNUAL REPORT 2015. REPORT ANNUAL NOVATEK. 10. Yumantilskiy license area 21. North-Tasiyskiy license area 11. Yurkharovskoye field 22. North-Yubileynoye field 6 LEGEND 23. Raduzhnoye field 24. South-Tambeyskoye field Purovsky Gas Condensate Processing Plant. 25. Trekhbugorniy license area Key element in the production chain used for 26. Ukrainsko-Yubileynoye field gas condensate stabilization. 27. Utrenneye field 28. West-Chaselskoye field Ust-Luga Complex. Processes stable gas 29. West-Urengoiskiy license area condensate into higher value added products. 30. West-Yurkharovskoye field 31. Yevo-Yakhinskiy license area Gas condensate pipelines of NOVATEK. Сonnect the producing fields with the TRANSFORMATION. GROWTH. SUSTAINABILITY. 1. Since October 2014 — North-Khancheyskoye + Purovsky plant. Khadyryakhinskoye field. 7 LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS ALEXANDER WE SUCCESSFULLY IMPLEMENTED NATALENKO ALL OF OUR OPERATIONAL AND Chairman of NOVATEK`s INVESTMENT PLANS FOR 2015 Board of AND CONTINUED DEVELOPING OUR Directors BUSINESS ACCORDING TO OUR LONG- TERM STRATEGY, WHICH ONCE AGAIN PROVED RESILIENT AND EFFICIENT. LEONID MIKHELSON Chairman of NOVATEK`s Management Board growth in liquid hydrocarbon production MARK growth in throughput GYETVAY volumes at the Deputy Purovsky Plant Chairman of NOVATEK`s Management Board growth in EBITDA NOVATEK. ANNUAL REPORT 2015. REPORT ANNUAL NOVATEK. 8 Dear Shareholders, THE GROWTH OF LIQUID TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN was a challenging year HYDROCARBON SHARE IN OUR for the oil and gas industry. The macroeconomic envi- OVERALL PRODUCTION VOLUMES ronment throughout the year, including the precipitous drop in hydrocarbon prices and the significant volatility COMBINED WITH THE FULL in foreign exchange rates, tested the SUSTAINABIL- UTILIZATION OF OUR VERTICALLY ITY of NOVATEK’s business operations. Despite this INTEGRATED CHAIN FOR GAS fact, we are pleased to report that we successfully implemented all of our operational and investment CONDENSATE CONTRIBUTED A plans for 2015 and continued developing our business STRONG POSITIVE EFFECT ON according to our long-term strategy, which once again proved resilient and efficient. In the reporting year, we THE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL commissioned a number of major new fields, increas- PERFORMANCE. ing our natural gas production by 9% and our liquid hydrocarbon production by a record GROWTH rate of 51%, thus enabling us to fully utilize our gas conden- sate processing plants according to the facilities rated the Company’s well-balanced business structure and capacities. high operating flexibility underpin our strong SUSTAIN- ABILITY and enables us to efficiently develop and grow We achieved another important step in the ongoing our business in various hydrocarbon commodity price TRANSFORMATION of our business — the share of environments. liquid hydrocarbons in the Company’s overall production and volumes of stable gas condensate processing into Despite the decline in hydrocarbon prices our SEC high value-added products as well as the cash flows proved hydrocarbon reserves grew by 1.4% in the generated therefrom grew significantly throughout the reporting year while the organic reserves replacement year. One of the fundamental tenets of our corporate ratio reached 148%. We demonstrated GROWTH in our strategy is sustainable business development. The dif- core financial indicators, enabling the Company’s Board ficult market conditions did not affect our key principle of Directors to recommend to the General Meeting of of adhering to the highest standards in environmental Shareholders to approve dividends for 2015 at RR protection, occupational health and safety, social re- 13.5 per share, which exceeds the dividend paid out sponsibility, corporate governance and transparency. for the previous year by 31%. Dividend growth high- lights our confidence in the future SUSTAINABILITY Many international oil and gas companies announced of our business and sufficiency of capital resources to significant reductions in capital investment programs, further implement our corporate strategy and vision. staff layoffs, as well as postponing or cancelling Furthermore, our operating cash flow was more than exploration and development projects and writing off double the amount of our capital expenditures in the significant reserves. We have consistently highlighted reporting year, while our construction and drilling our key competitive edge — our low-cost structure, works were carried out in full as planned. including very low reserve development and lifting costs. NOVATEK is traditionally ranked as one of the Thanks to these efforts, we commissioned three major TRANSFORMATION. GROWTH. SUSTAINABILITY. lowest cost producers among the leading public oil and new fields in 2015. In April, commercial production gas companies globally. This enviable fact along with started at the Yaro-Yakhinskoye oil and gas condensate 9 field developed by the Arcticgas joint venture (JV). we presented to the investment community in late In May, we commissioned the Termokarstovoye gas 2011. Compared to 2010, our proved reserves grew condensate field operated by the Terneftegas JV. Both by 58%. We put on stream production facilities with of these new fields reached their plateau produc- the aggregate capacity of 45 bcm of natural gas and tion levels in June. In the beginning of December, we 13 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons, which equals launched the Yarudeyskoye crude oil field developed to 7% of Russia’s total natural gas production and 3%