Annual Report 2006
Annual Report 2006 KEY FIGURES VOLKSWAGEN GROUP Volume Data 2006 2005 % Vehicle sales (units) 5,720,096 5,192,576 + 10.2 Production (units) 5,659,578 5,219,478 + 8.4 Employees at Dec. 31 324,875 344,902 – 5.8 Financial Data (IFRSs), € million 2006 20051] % Sales revenue 104,875 93,996 + 11.6 Operating profit before special items 4,383 2,889 + 51.7 Special items 2,374 351 x Operating profit 2,009 2,538 – 20.8 Profit before tax from continuing operations 1,793 1,621 + 10.6 Profit from continuing operations 1,955 1,050 + 86.2 Profit from discontinued operations 795 70 x Profit after tax 2,750 1,120 + 145.4 Cash flows from operating activities 14,470 10,709 + 35.1 Cash flows from investing activities 11,911 10,365 + 14.9 Automotive Division2] Cash flows from operating activities 11,745 8,112 + 44.8 Cash flows from investing activities 6,114 5,721 + 6.9 of which: investments in property, plant and equipment 3,644 4,316 – 15.6 as a percentage of sales revenue 3.8 5.0 capitalized development costs 1,478 1,432 + 3.2 as a percentage of sales revenue 1.5 1.7 Net cash flow 5,631 2,391 + 135.5 Net liquidity at Dec. 31 7,133 706 x Return ratios in % 2006 20051] Return on sales before tax (continuing operations) 1.7 1.7 Return on investment after tax (Automotive Division) 2.0 2.4 Return on equity before tax (Financial Services Division)3] 16.9 18.2 1] Restated.
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