Curriculum Vitae: JOHN P. BURKE Address: Department of Political Science The University of Vermont 503 Old Mill 94 University Place Burlington, VT 05405-4110 802-656-3050 or -0865 (office) e-mail:
[email protected] Experience and Present Position: John G. McCullough Professor of Political Science, 2013-present Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Vermont, 2014-2017 Interim Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Vermont, 2011-12, 2013-14 Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Vermont, 1995-2013 Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Vermont, 1991-1995 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Vermont, 1988-1995 Visiting Scholar, Department of Government, Dartmouth College, 1990-1991 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Vermont, 1984-1988 Charles Culpeper Fellow in the Social Sciences, Williams College, 1982-1984 Research Associate, Presidency Studies Program, Princeton University, 1981-1982 Lecturer, Department of Politics, Princeton University, 1980-1981 Education: Ph.D. Princeton University, 1982 [defended October 1981] M.A. Princeton University, 1978 A.B. Stanford University, 1975 1 Academic Grants, Honors, and Awards: University of Vermont, University Scholar 2009-2010 (one of four designees each year) 1990 co-recipient of the Richard Neustadt Book Award (best book on the presidency), Presidency Research Group, American Political Science Association Nominated by Johns Hopkins University Press for the Louis Brownlow Award [best book in the field of public management] of the National Academy of Public Administration, 1994 UCRS Faculty Research Grant, 1998 College of Arts and Sciences Research Grant, 1997, 2004 American Political Science Association Research Grant, 1990-1991 Moody Grant, Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation, 1991 Beeke-Levy Fellowship, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 1990-1991 Gerald R.