Building for the Future at the Misbourne
The FREE Community Newspaper for HP16 Issue 26, October 2012 p4 ARTS p5 & 6 COMMUNITY p11 BUSINESS p16 SPORTS & LEISURE Building for the future at The Misbourne Everyone at the Misbourne is de- ity in recognition of the Mis- sentations to students, staff, gover- lighted with not only another excel- bourne’s continuing success, and re- nors and local authority personnel lent set of examination results at A flects confidence in the school’s identifying the toilets as an area for Level and GCSE, but also that the prospects of becoming an increas- refurbishment. They have been so school has been successful in secur- ingly high achieving school, ex- persuasive that a further £250,000 ing £2.5m investment in improved panding educational opportunities has been awarded for their project. buildings and further monies to en- to all present and future students. Robert Preston said ‘this is ab- hance existing facilities. The money will be used to re- solutely tremendous and highlights Robert Preston, Head Teacher, place some of the old terrapin build- the fact that my students are closely said ‘it has been a superb start to the ings with permanent structures. involved in enhancing their school’. school term and we have just heard The project has still to be finalised. Over the summer holiday, two that £2.5m is to be invested into our Nevertheless, the final result will cer- groups of sixth form students school buildings. Results are up tainly be more functional and aes- spent two weeks in Ghana work- again; 86% of students gained 5+ thetically pleasing than the current ing with a local village school, A*-C grades at GCSE and our sixth temporary accommodation, and re- painting classrooms and organis- formers achieved the qualifications main within the current planning ing the supplies required to build they needed for entry to University footprint of the site.
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