AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL AAyylleessbbuurryy VVaallee DDiissttrriicctt LLooccaall PPllaann WWrriitttteenn SStatatteemmeenntt Part AVJJAANNUUAARRYYD 22000044 LPaPrtII The Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan is published in two parts: Part I - the Written Statement and Conservation Area map insets - and Part II which comprises the Proposals Map. The Written Statement and Proposals Map should be read in conjunction with each other. Part II contains 33 sheets to a scale of 1:20,000 covering the whole District - where necessary insets to a larger scale are included to show details clearly. It includes insets for Aylesbury, Buckingham, Haddenham, Wendover & Winslow on two loose sheets. Norman Skedge Director Department of Environment and Planning Friars Square Offices 4 Great Western Street Aylesbury Bucks HP20 2TW JANUARY 2004 Tel: 01296 585439 Fax: 01296 398665 Minicom: 01296 585055 DX: 4130 Aylesbury E-mail:
[email protected] AVDLPForeword FOREWORD We live in times of constant change. This Development Plan, the most important yet produced for our District, reflects - even anticipates - change in a way that earlier plans did not come close to doing. Yet the Council's corporate mission - to make Aylesbury Vale the best possible place for people to live and work - remains a timeless guiding principle. So comprehensive is this District Local Plan for Aylesbury Vale that it will affect the lives of people over the next seven years to 2011. There are two main themes: sustainability and accessibility. Sustainability, in its purest sense, requires us to take no more from the environment than we put back. The Council has striven to minimise consumption of natural resources by looking carefully at the demands development makes on land, air and water, and its impact on the natural and historical environment.