Life in the Pyrénées Orientales Discover the region Living off the land All about English SNAILS Speaking Services Directory Lest we forget Améliorez votre Anglais Rivesaltes concentration & Test your French camp October n°25 November2009 2 Contactez nous ... Edito ... Kate :
[email protected] Jane :
[email protected] Coucou! Well, summer may be over but the sun is still smiling down on us (most of the time!) and the PO, whilst maybe a little sleepy, has certainly not gone into hibernation! The beaches still beckon, and wherever you turn, there are festivals, wine tastings, exhibitions, music, dancing and laughter. Elle n’est pas belle, la vie?! This month, amongst the interesting facts, entertainment listings, wine and food, language, exercises, walks, drives and English speaking advertisers, we spotlight some ‘Quirky Properties’, talk a ‘load of rubbish’ and challenge you to test a snail or two! Oh... and vegetarians beware! Don’t go to p32! Don’t forget to visit our site at to find out more about what’s going on in the region and check out our forum for restaurant reviews, wine recommendations, items for sale or wanted… or just a bit of a chat! Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, we hope your autumn is golden this year in the PO. Jane & Kate To advertise here... Pour faire connaître votre entreprise... Magazine gratuit - Droits réservés - Reproduction interdite - Concepteur et rédacteur Kate & Jane - Maquette: MS Lang http:// 06 43 80 73 51 - Impression: Imprimerie du Mas - Tirage: 5000 ex - Ne
[email protected] pas jeter sur la voie publique - Anglophone-direct accept no responsi- bility for the competency of people and services advertising in PO Life SARL, Chemin du Mas Fourcade, 66480 Maureillas 3 Walktheregion Les garçons français en ont deux.