Antalya's Landscape
Antalya’s Landscape LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum 2012 Edited by: Richard Stiles, Veli Ortaçeşme, Sophia Meeres, Harlind Libbrecht, Simon Bell, Jeroen de Vries LE:NOTRE Landscape Monographs T is project has been funded with support from the European Commission. T is publication ref ects the views only of the au- thor, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein All explanations, data, results etc. contained in this book have been made by the authors to the best of their knowledge and have been approved with care. However, some errors could not be excluded. For this reason the explanations etc. are given without any obligations or guarantee by the authors, editors and publisher. T ey cannot take over any responsibility for eventual erroneous contents. © All rights reserved. No part of these proceedings may be reproduced by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. © 2013 Copyediting: Gabriela Maksymiuk Layout & DTP: Magraf – Małgorzata Pawlikowska, ul. Telewizyjna 19, 01-492 Warszawa, Poland Printed in Poland: Mazowieckie Centrum Poligraf i, ul. Duża 1, 05-270 Marki, Poland ISBN: 978-90-820558-0-1 Table of contents Chapter 1 Introduction . .5 Richard Stiles Chapter 2 Urban and Regional Landscapes in Antalya . .12 Veli Ortaçeşme, Meryem Atik Chapter 3 Rural change: landscape and lifestyles . .53 Sophia Meeres, Ingrid Sarlöv-Herlin, Ellen Fetzer, Sandra Costa, Damian Perez Beverinotti, Tong Mahn Ahn, Nilgul Karadeniz, Ahmet Benliay, Veli Ortaçeşme Chapter 4 Heritage and Identities .
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