Botanica Lithuanica 2016, 22(2): 153–160

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Botanica Lithuanica 2016, 22(2): 153–160 10.1515/botlit-2016-0016 BOTANICA LITHUANICA ISSN 2029-932X 2016, 22(2): 153–160 NEW ALIEN PLANT SPECIES RECORDED IN THE SOUTHERN REGIONS OF LATVIA Zigmantas Gu d ž i n s k a s *, Lukas Pe t r u l a i t i s Nature Research Centre, Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų Ežerų Str. 49, Vilnius LT-08406, Lithuania *Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract Gudžinskas Z., Petrulaitis L., 2016: New alien plant species recorded in the southern regions of Latvia [Pieti- niuose Latvijos rajonuose aptiktos naujos svetimžemės augalų rūšys]. – Bot. Lith., 22(2): 153–160. Alien plants are one of the most dynamic and rapidly changing components of flora. Many intentionally intro- duced plants, which formerly were in cultivation only, now are increasingly found escaped and occur in ant- hropogenic or seminatural habitats. During field investigations in the southern districts of Latvia in 2014–2016, six new alien plant species were recorded: Allium nutans, Hylotelephium spectabile, Solidago ×niederederi, Symphyotrichum dumosum, S. lanceolatum and S. novae-angliae. To date, four species, Allium nutans, Hylote- lephium spectabile, Symphyotrichum dumosum and S. novae-angliae, occur as casual aliens in Latvia. Solidago ×niederederi should be ascribed to the group of established species, whereas Symphyotrichum lanceolatum has naturalized and is potentially invasive. Notes on morphology and identification of species as well as characte- ristics of the recorded populations are discussed. A note on 20 other alien plant species recorded in wastelands, abandoned meadows and unused arable fields in the south-western part of Daugavpils city is also provided. Keywords: anthropogenic habitats, invasive species, naturalization, populations. INTRODUCTION degradation of natural habitats and transformation of native vegetation, thus facilitating the spread of alien Alien plant species are one of the most dynamic plant species. and rapidly changing components of flora, and stud- Reduction of negative impact of invasive alien ies on their immigration, naturalization and spread plant species on ecosystems and biodiversity is a are essential to diminish potential negative conse- task of the uttermost importance. The first step to quences (KOWARI K , 2008). Nowadays, large numbers achieve this task is prevention or early eradication of intentionally introduced plants, formerly being of alien species before they became widespread and only in cultivation, are increasingly found escaped caused significant changes in ecosystems (LEVINE et and occur in various human-made, disturbed or semi- al., 2003; ANDREU & VILÁ , 2011). Thus, constant sur- natural habitats (PERGL et al., 2016). vey and detection of newly arrived alien plants is the Alien plant species comprise 33% of the vascu- main source of information to reveal potentially dan- lar plant flora of Latvia (GAVRILOVA & ŠULCS , 1999; gerous species and make decisions for their control. PRIEDE , 2009). Though the diversity of vascular plants in Latvia is well studied, the diversity of al- MATERIALS AND METHODS ien plants constantly increases, and further increase should be expected in the future. The strengthening Field studies were conducted in the southern dis- impact of urbanization and development of transport tricts of Latvia (Tērvete, Vecumnieki, Daugavpils infrastructure, changes in land use and transforma- municipalities) in September 2014 and 2016. Herbar- tion of landscape and climate changes promote the ium specimens of the described and other collected 153 Gu d ž i n s k a s Z., Pe t r u l a i t i s l. alien plant species were deposited at the Herbarium Hylotelephium spectabile (Boreau) H. Ohba of the Institute of Botany of the Nature Research (Sedum spectabile Boreau). This species is native to Centre (BILAS) in Vilnius. The nomenclature of China and Korea (Fu & oh B a , 2001). In the native plant taxa is presented after Br o u i l l e t et al. (2006), range, it grows on rocky slopes of low mountains and Ji e m e i & ka m e l i n (2000), FU & OHBA (2001) and at forest margins. Hylotelephium spectabile is widely Pl i s Z k o (2015). The most frequently used synonyms cultivated as an ornamental plant (EGGLI , 2003). In are also provided. Alien plant species are arranged in Lithuania, it was recorded for the first time in 1999 alphabetical order. The text of the herbarium speci- as escaped from cultivation and was considered as men labels is provided. Geographical co-ordinates casual (Gu d ž i n s k a s , 2000). Data on the occurrence are indicated according to WGS 1984 standard. of this species in the region of Daugavpils (FA- t a r e , 1989; ru t k o v s k a & Ze i ļ a , 2009) as well as in RESULTS AND DISCUSSION other regions of Latvia (GAVRILOVA & ŠULCS , 1999; Pr i e d ī t i s , 2014) are absent. Allium nutans L. This species is native to East Three clumps of H. spectabile were found in an Russia (West and East Siberia), Kazakhstan, Mon- abandoned cultivated meadow and in a rubbish heap golia and North-West China (VVEDENS K II , 1968; JIE - in the southern part of Daugavpils. m e i & ka m e l i n , 2000). In the native range, A. nutans Hylotelephium spectabile in Latvia should be grows in steppes, dry and damp meadows, on stony ascribed to the group of casual aliens, however, slopes. In Europe, this species is frequently culti- as many other species of the Crassulaceae family vated for ornamental purposes and as a vegetable (Gu d ž i n s k a s , 1999; ru t k o v s k a & Ze i ļ a , 2009; GED - (ka m e n e t s k y & Fr i t s c h , 2002). In Lithuania and Es- ERAAS et al., 2012) it can easily become established, tonia, A. nutans has not been reported so far. but its invasion is hardly possible. A group of plants occupying a total of 0.3 m2 Examined specimen. Daugavpils, the south- area were recorded in an abandoned mesic cultivated western part of the city, to the southwest from Gulbju meadow. Four clearly defined dense clumps ofA. nu- Str., in an abandoned cultivated meadow, three small tans were separated by 0.5–1 m distance. One of the clumps; 55.867298 N, 26.491540 E; 24 September clumps was with five inflorescences. At the end of 2016, leg. et det. Z. Gudžinskas. September, the seeds were already ripe and a part of capsules were opened and shed the seeds. This spe- Solidago ×niederederi Khek. This is a natural cies should be ascribed to the group of casual aliens hybrid between the alien S. canadensis L. s. l. and in Latvia, however, it has a potential to become lo- the native S. virgaurea L. s. str. In recent years, it has cally established. Allium nutans is cultivated quite been increasingly found in several European countries often, it also can be found in other localities escaped (NILSSON , 1976; st a c e , 1991; ot t o et al., 2005; Pl i s Z - from cultivation with garden wastes. K O , 2013, 2015; Gu d ž i n s k a s & žalneravičius , 2016; Allium nutans is a perennial plant with solitary or ka r P a v i č i e n ė & ra d u š i e n ė , 2016; Pl i s Z k o & paired conical bulbs, attached to a horizontal or slightly Za l e w s k a -Ga ł o s Z , 2016, etc.). In Lithuania, ascending stout rhizome. Scape is 30–60 cm long, with S. ×niederederi is quite frequent in mixed popula- two usually winged ribs in upper part. The number of tions of S. canadensis and S. virgaurea (Gu d ž i n s k a s leaves is 6–8, they are flat, glaucous, 8–15 mm broad. & žalneravičius , 2016; ka r P a v i č i e n ė & Umbel spherical, rarely sub-spherical, drooping before ra d u š i e n ė , 2016). flowering. Perianth is pale red or pale purple (VVEDEN - Two stands of S. ×niederederi were recorded on S K II , 1968; Ji e m e i & ka m e l i n , 2000). the southern edge of Daugavpils. The distance be- Examined specimen. Daugavpils, the south- tween these stands was about 0.5 km. The first stand western part of the city, to the southwest from Gul- of S. ×niederederi included three mature generative bju Str., in an abandoned cultivated meadow, four individuals. Two clumps were quite small, having clumps occupying the area of 0.3 m2; 55.866334 N, three and four generative shoots, respectively, where- 26.485798 E; 24 September 2016, leg. et det. as the third clump was larger, with 17 generative and Z. Gudžinskas and L. Petrulaitis. three vegetative shoots. The second stand consisted 154 New alien plant species recorded in the southern regions of Latvia of seven individuals that had from one to three gen- the shape of vegetative shoots. At the anthesis or lat- erative shoots and only one individual was with one er, an individual of S. ×niederederi frequently forms vegetative shoot. Thus, we suppose that the plants in one or several vegetative shoots that have at the apex the second stand were younger than the plants in the densely crowded leaves in the form of pseudo-rosette first one, and both stands were a result of separate (Gu d ž i n s k a s & žalneravičius , 2016). events of hybridization. Because S. ×niederederi is a result of hybridiza- This hybrid can be easily distinguished from the tion between native and alien species, according to parental species by the shape of the synflorescence, the concept by Py š e k et al.
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