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English Bridge Union + K 98 6 IV AID 0 Q 104 + Q 8 53 + AQJ743 IV 1 s 4 0 5 + A 74 E-\Y Game ; Dealer \ Vest. Bidding: w. 7'\. E. S. 3 IV :\o :\u 3 . ._+ No 4 • All pass .. - · ' West leads Ace and another Diamond; South ruffs East's Kqave and draws trumps in two rounds. South leads a low Heart and \\'est play5 the Queen. H ow should Declarer continue ' Sec page 2'J. THIS MONTH'S PROBLEM . I DUN LAOGHAIRE 0PEN BRIDGE CON~~ESS 1st to 9th October, 1949 ACHILLE Write T. J. KELLY, 6 Crofton Mnnsio?s, Dun Lnoghaire, Co. Dublin, for details. SERRE {J~ rfJda,ztitp CHAS. BRADBURY om{ LIMITED .9i'c1iw 26 SACKVILLE ST., PICCADILLY LONDON, WI. f!l!to~tecc Phone Reg. 31 23-3995 LOANS ARRANGED With or without S e c urity ~ and spor..s new lea:;e The copyright of this magazine is life vested in Priestley Studios Ltd. It is published under the authority <•f the English Bridge Union. The Editorial Board is composed of, ... and the Editor is appointed by, the English Bridge Union. ~- - - 1 I ltiVIER~t.\ IIOTEL CANFORD CLIFFS BOURNEMOUTH FACES CHINE AND SEA AMID GLORIOUS SURROUNDINGS Quality fare prepared by first class chefs Perfectly appointed bedrooms and suites Cocktail Lounge-Tennis-Golf Telephone : Canford Cliffs 285 Brochure on Request e You cau always rely 011 a good game of Bridge at The Ralph Evaus's Hotel CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE · ENGLISH BRIDGE UNION VoLUME 3 · AUGUST, 1949 NullmER 10 TEAM-MAKING • CONTENTS • Page * * * EDITORIAL .. 2 August is the month of , the BLUE RIBAND AGAIN doldrums in the bridge wotld: but (111. Harrison-Gray) 5 it is also the . month when new partnerships are being discussed THE LADIES and new blood being ·transfused (Mrs. A. L. Fleming) 14 into old teams. AliiERICAN REFLECTIOKS Partnerships dissolve, · dislimn, (Dr. H. Leist) 22 vanish ; new grpups co-alesce ; old systems are over-hauled and new BIRMINGHAM B.L. 26 ones adopted. THE BLACKWOOD FoUR The keys to success-if we may CLURS • proffer pontifical advice ! - are (D. Lindsay Johnston} 27 these: AuGusT CoMPETITION 29 Play a system that suits YOU: ANSWERS TO }ULY for. a team playing a bad system· 30 will trounce unmercifully a team COMPETITION playing a good system badly. • * * Practice together-and discuss toge~er every point of bidding All Bridge Correspondence to the and/or play-as much as you Editor: can. GUY RAMSEY, If you are newcomers to the IJ, Cannon Place, tournament world, watch as London, N.W.J. much good bridge as you possibly can. All Correspondence 011 · And, above all, choose your team Subscriptiom or Advutising to Publishus: not only, not primarily, for technical skill but for PRIESTLEY STUDIOS LTD., congeniality. Commercial Road, Gloucester. ' Bridge is-should be-must be -a game. I EDITORIAL s .briefly announced last When _ playing . against the 'month, Britain's septette Italians, whose .rate of play is A has again borne away, , for . noticeably slow, Mr. Konstam was the second year in succession, the partnering his Captain in the Blue Riband of Bridge from all " closed " room-matches are · Europe. No word of congratulatio? played with one pair in the " ?Pen " can enhance the bare fact ; · but tt · room, · where spectators are is too great a pleasure for us to welcomed ; . the other in the forego the formality ; and we " closed " room, to which only eJ.-tend our heartiest felicitations the players themselves, the scorers to M. Harrison-Gray, the Captain, and the Referee are admitted ; a Mr. Leslie Dodds, the Vice regUlation which · commands Captain, and to Messrs. Terence unjversal support. Reese · Boris Shapiro, Kenneth . It is also laid down that any Koristam, Edward Rayne and­ player in the closed room shall not successful last-minute co-option­ leave it, save upon necessity ; and, Adam Meredith. Our thanks go to in that case, shall leave it for the them not merely from bridge­ minimum time . and, in absence, players but from patriots who take shall indulge in no conversation. a pride in national achievement. There was a long delay inevitable · The programme was a gruelling during this match : boards from one .; and the sweltering heat in the open room were still in play ; which it was carried through did Mr. Konstam left the closed room nothing to make it easier. Bridge­ for a· moment and, passing the players are nocturnal by habit, and bar, called for a drink.. A small the need to play a severe match at knot of acquaintances greeted him the normal breakfast hour must and pas'sed a friendly remark or so. have taxed heavily all concerned. Among those present was Mr. Cards in the morning strike an Shapiro, who was not =playing in anomalous note ; and we venture the current match. · to ·suggest that next year, when Mr. Konstam returned to the Britain welcomes the bridge-playing closed room to continue 'play j elite to its scarred, but still august, Mr: Shapiro returned to tlie open.· capital, something longer than a room to watch his 'team-mates.. week (if necessary) be allocated The meeting of the two British· and, if necessary, something more player3 was, however, no'ticed ; than a week's currency be released and a by-stande.r saw fit to' report to visiting players so that, at most the encounter to the officials who two sessions a day may be the rule: were thus,· · hO\vever reluctantly, The Paris event.was not without compelled to ta~e action. · They . its sensation,; and, since garbled summoned Mr. Harrison-Gray and, accounts of it have been current in while freely . conceding that such conversation 1 and have even " conversation " as had taken place . appeared in the National Press we was (a fact admitted by the - think i~ well to state offici~lly, informer) in · no 'vay concerned a~thenttcally and categorically pre­ 'vith the match, the hands, the cisely what occured :- · cards or the results so far obtained, 2 CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL . yet felt themselves bound to The most casual reading~r the enforce the strict l.~tter of the law. most careful study-of its Leader conveys several unfortunate and They therefore suspended both . Mr. Konstam and Mr. Shapiro for (~n our view) misleading impres­ sions. three matches each : the ' " sentences " not to run con­ 1. "'~ile congratulating our Inter­ .currently. n~tlon~l team on its victory, the VIew 1s expressed that " our It was made absolutely clear bidding superiority in Britain that _the offence was a purely would make any of our leading techmcal one ; reflection upon teams favourite against any anyone was emphatically and European country (our italics). explicity denied. \Ve should, ourselves, hesitate We take particular pleasure in to make any such claim-even for recording the admirable conduct of the ~wice~crowned champions ; the British. Captain, _who might and m VIew of the ease with have magmfied the mcident by which our team routed the protest, or even withdrawal and strongest opposition that could in bringing to notice the fine be fielded against them at home, · sportsmanship . of the Swedish we cannot share our contem­ team-to whose success the British porary's confidence in an/leading team was the strongest barrier. team-or, to be candid, in any The Swedes protested to the other British team. Brifsh captain against the ruling and declared that they wished to Furthermore, we cannot thirlk play only against the strongest that so arrogant a claim will team we could field. make for good relations with·the Continental countries, which Our match against Sweden hold their own views on these was played-and won : proof (if it matters, and hold them under­ ever were needed) that all our standably enough, s~on'gly. field~d players are capable of meeting the strongest opposition 2. The Bri~ge Magazine, in stressing successfully ; proof, too, that the ~he stram of the event, gives the present British team is capable of Impression-possibly accident­ surmounting incidental difficulties al!y- that frayed · 11erves and temperament made their un­ ~ well-and as triumphantly-as 1ts opponents. · welcome appearance. We feel bound to contradict * * * this false impression ; for the team-spirit and the confidence , It is no part of The Co11'tract of ·our players, together ·with 'Bridge Journal's policy to break a their freedom from- ' tempera­ lance with its contemporary, The ment ' was the subject - of Bridge 111agazilie ; but so many reportorial· comment in the of our readers have drawn our Swedish Bridge News and the attention to the Editorial in its other Continental papers. July issue' that we feel bound to comment upon one or two of its 3. It is suggested-not for the observations., first time- that at once to play 3 CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL and to captain is too great a . defined by The Bridge Maga:::ine strain to impose on · any - a definition with which we- individual. heartily concur- " a personality · · that can put . at ease players This can only mean that It IS highly strung by the conditidns advocated that Harrison-Grayd of play "- we can for ourselves, (who had twice led, and p1 aye . , envisage no more suitably- us to victory) should stand down either in 0ne capacity or the qualified a pair of pe~s.onalities other. It is to .us unthinkable than our .present playing Captain that the old Rock of Gibraltar- , and Vice-~ap~ain~ the " anchor-man" 1round whom Our game it seeffi.s-and we the whole team revolves- should abandon his · seat at the card chronicle it gladly-holds some- · table .
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