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Sports:- Diversions:· N.; Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2002-02-27 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2002). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2904. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' , , ····••l~;~,:1tif.JC'.tf~}J.,tetJ~,~ll~li~~· · · ·:9y toliN ',lLf;n~'DERMori· :- > · ;¢s~ n~i~~ey ·~;, tpetrfourth; • . Tue iric·l~sion cir t~1{coffiincihs ·. · .. • .. ·'Conlrib~(ing'Wriier·- : , ·.' .· . roommate::belaney; who wants'to in thisy~ar's'aild lasfYea((~~tis,- . ·: : Thi~;P~~t M~ri4~~. in~:~~~~i~g ·ii~e _in )c~~ief.~·o~ri'e<l. h<>:~·s'iµg, lnif le>frerit?s :i:u:e l·esponsi~Ie' for 0 , lott~ryJ~fr. t~e'.2.bd2~Q3.:s(!h 06l was i.msure'a~ io'whether or not' the'tighterled policy, ·.: ..·.,, year>:ro)h~ dismay ,ci,f , c~µ1a· c~mmlt 'tci ho~singbut ' "We have ~hift~trt'rom n6fhav~ somirsfodents, the: cohfraci and , wanted tc?sigh 'tip fo,·ass~re h~r- ing_ e119°iigh: 'bed{,t'~ i:li~~ing cancell~tibn' prilid~&:'are ~o~e self a spot.' , ' '. ,' , , ' enough beds, so.therefore t_here's strict this year than fast .. , . ' If it turnecrorit Delaney had fo · foss '<)fa compelling. reasoii to let , , Last year, the housing policy bre~k h,er contract, '.she was pre- people OU~ qf their contract~/' stated: if' a. student· were to break pared to pay 'the $200 canc~lla~ said Ffob.ig ..· $he )tres~ed_ his. o~ .her contract, the st~dent tion charge. On.Monday, norie of these coritracis'are like any other wi::mld,~~yeto p~y a $200 c~ri~el- the.. four ,\y'()meri. acfoally signj!d- Jcgal·confracts: . ... , . liltio~ char~~· ?r $5~_0. ~!t~r. l~~e ... :'±I.: f2J;)~~~!~~:-<:1~~~.!1<:~~J!l~.'~:-~.=;;s~~pi~_p3J~i.]t9.:-.,~~~}~e~~~:>.".~;--: :~:.:~ 1~' 2001: The~policy enforced·this · .. : Forpulaney,:: or ~ny stud«?pt,. t() ond _pag~ .~f the ,h.ous1ng con~act, • year .is the sarii«!: oiie; but :will. be··· only·. paf the. $2QO .. charge;--siie.. which--reads;>.'This 'agl:eernent. ' - .· .· strictly·enforce<l: .·. ·... , ·... woullhave to apply ~o be re·- may b6 canc~ledby Xavier: 1) by Residence Life is holding leased from.her coritract. If her mutualcons'ent of the· student those wlio have signed co.ntracts applicatj()n 'is.-~ppfo~~d, only, conc~rn~d and~ the uni~~~sity's to be legally bourid for the· up- then would she be released from .director of Residence Life." . coming yeai"s deposit. he~ contract: and:_orily charged the ' "This giyes me ihe ·a~th()rity t~ FOr instance, juniors Bridgette $200~ or $500 after June 1: let people out of their contracts," Haap, Nazli Mohyuddin and.Rose . "The cqntract has. not been .. said Fiebig ..· NEWSWIRE P1:1010 BY BRIAN ANGOLIA · Woodall Jive in the Village, and changed. lt,':s not a change in "I .am probably, a· nicer iand- Junior Lionel Chalmers and the men's basketball team 'intended ·to:.·sign-up for; a four,. policy; it;s :a' change in ... proce- ·lord than most, butl need to make · cliric:~~cf t~~::A-'JO .we~ title· after. knpc~ing bedroom Village apartment next dure,''. said, Ava Jean Fiebig, di- See Housi_ng, page'2 for the Musketeers sixth consecutive, 20-win season., . year with: junior ,commuter rector. of Residence. Life:. ·.'I .. ··Ii)crease·iresult··tlf.Jmprovement •• Initiati-ve BY JENNIFER PUTNAM study that the 'dep~tments in the initiative .:. ·.to reduce adjunct ulty who ate the heart c)f this in- , enue;· such as fund raising and Asst. Campus News Editor · three colleges ofthe university faculty and to increase the num- . stitution and enhance the faculty d'onations. would. need 24 tenu're~track fac- her. of full-time faculty positions availability'," said Graham. This fall will begin the first of The university's Quality Im-· ulty . members to minimize the while ensuring the ability of the According to the new initia- · the Improvement.Initiative three­ provement Initiative calls for a number of adjunet faculty. Admissions Office to deliver the tive, the tuition revenues created year process, :\>.·~th approximately tuition increase to balance the . As a·result of the aepartment's class we need through targeted fi- by the additional ·students and.the 33 new faculty members signing budget of full-time faculty and · programmatic .. needs, the ·vice · nandal·:aid;" 2 percent· increase are approxi- · ·contracts .. ·over the .. next three hire 13 new tenure-track faculty president for Academic Affairs. The budget Committee an- mately $1.25 million. years. Already 12 of Xavier's top members. and Financial Administration col- swered ·his reque~t with a recom- "The raise in tuition was .the picks for new faculty have signed The initiative stems from con­ la borated with ·the 'academic mendation to. budget for an addi- only option for the first year, how- contracts to begin in the fall of cerns addressed by the faculty dean's and faculty ori the Budget tional 25 Jifst-year s'tudents, in- ever, year .two is· eJ<:pected to of- 2002 .. and administration. of the high .Committee tO constru.ct a plan creasing the t~tal to 775 and in- . fer the university several other The, addition of the new fac­ teaching rate by adjunct faculty that would allow .sufficient rev- creasing· the full~time under- optfons," said Graham. "The ini- ulty members will make up about in core academic areas. President enue to be raised to balance the graduate tuition by 2 percent, tiative is geared to strengthening one-eighth of Xavier's full-time , Rev: Michael J. Graham, S.J., cor­ budget and support the hiring of raising the total increase in tu- the environ- faculty. The university is also responded with the.academic vice 13 new.tenure-track faculty mem- ition to 7.5 percent, from the pre- ment." looking to increase the diversity president and. the· academic deans . hers; vious 5 percent.of years past. Tuition roughly covers three- of the faculty. With 12 positions to research: the matter. arid, devise Graham asked for the· Budget The 2 percent increase would fourths of all operational projects already filled, Xavier hopes to re- a plan·. ... •. ·· .· Committee' s support and ap- allow for the balanced budget and ·of the university, with capital. cruit a more diverse group with . The assoc;iate academic vice proval of the initiative. Speaking open the new 13 tenure-track fac- projects such as the Gallagher the remaining 2l positions; president for Enrollment·Services to the committee, Graham asked ulty positions. "This increase Center and the .Cintas Center op- concluded through' an. intensive them "to help fund the strategic will enable us to increase the fac- erating solely on outside rev- '-• ©2002 The Xavier Newswire· . All rights reserved NEWS:· OP-ED:· SPORTS:- DIVERSIONS:· N.;,.,..... ~~;&r.5~m~'l!t;;RJ;"..;1 ·-·~lB!fi~:t'~q);~~~~~~~ XU ROTC alum graduates Death penalty · · Women's basketball 'Dragonfly' flutters Advertising ·. · .'(513) 745-3561 .. from, R_[lnger. School under fire readies for tournament ~'D'l~IDW's'Bi!ii Editor~in-chief · .. · (513) 745-3607 PAGE 2 . PAGES 6-8 PAGE 15 PAGE 17 · . · A D "M A J 0 R E M ·o E I G L 0 R I A M . .. .·. 2 week of FEBRUARY 27, 2002 CAMPUS .. NEWS Ttti: XAVIER 1~EWSWIRE BRIEF'.S >-Elizabeth.~oneau, Edit9r .. · ·AJµ:ttt·graduates .. ftoill.A~Ipy~~,'!qgg,~~§~"§£j.~~l >-NewsJ~.oom: 745-3l22: .·· ·. BY SAMANTHA SHRADER·• hardship; Blindaµer fo;; >xunews@hotmaiLcom .• · '. , · . Contributing Writer cused on the fact that such · Ovedhe.recent winter break, 17 hardshipbrjrigs aboutsel( Dorlald.Ashef Xavier stu.dents. traveled to Colum- • understanding by leai:ning ·. 1 . ·. oil Thursday, F~b. 28, from bus, Ga. f~r th~ Ranger Schooi one s abilities and limits, graduation. ()f Sidney; Ohio native as well as the abilities and .. 5:30 to. 6:30 p.m.; care~r' spe­ . and pgliticalscience major Jason limits ofothers. cialist Donald A~her will ccin~ Blindauer. ·•.·• ..•. · , . ''Ranger schoolis a test< ducf a live .videoconforence Blind au er was, a member. of . of one;s resolve, qharactet . · titled ''Tappiilg theHidd~ri Job Xavier's RQTCprogram.arid acted and discipline,',' BJin.dauer: · · Market:; The n~tionwide video asXavierRanger Captain his senicir . said · .· · ·. · ·· i conference \Vm be held in Alter· · year. Historically, over half• B-11 and is sponsored. by the . Several ()f those who went are of the soldiers who .. enter. Cellterfor Career and Leader­ ·membe~s ofXavierRangers.Otheis Ranger School do not~ shipDevelopmentand theWil- · • weresimplyfriends or · But· · Iiams College of Business. For ROTG-~a·- detsinterested in seeing one of the· iri the c·ase Of Blindauer's · more info about this free oppor; . \VOdd'smostfamousmilitarybases. class, this-·nurnber · tunity, contact Stephanie Bates· .. W~S ·. Because itis the· home ofmany im- ·· m~ch highet: ·· · ·· · · · ·· at 745~4877. pressive training facilities and Many are ciften injured Free tax help schpols, .Ft.··Benning. was. named. ··qr quit.Forthesesoldiers; Xavier accounting students · · "the best army installation in .. the there is an 'opportunity for will be at the Urban League of world," and is a powerful sightfor ano~ber attemp{at com- - ·.· . · .· .··. < << :< ··. ·· ·'' .. ···.. "'··P.HorocouRTEsvdFSAMANTHASHRADER Cincinnati at 3458 Reading • both soldiers and civilians; · · pleting the course .. They Xavier faculty, students/ROT¢ caClets·at Camp ~9g~rs;-hea(1quaiters of ·· Road.
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