Recent Records of Waders in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, North-Western China
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INTERNATIONAL WADER STUDY GROUP BULLETIN Recent records of waders in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, north-western China. Ma Ming & Ken Kraaijeveld Ming, M. & Kraaijveld,K. 2000. Recentrecords of wadersin XinjiangUygur Autonomous Region, north-westernChina. WaderStudy Group Bull. 92: 25-29. Due to its inaccessibilityand political instability, the desertregions of centralAsia remainlargely unexploredby ornithologists.This paperpresents the mostrecent information on the occurrenceof wadersin Xinjiang, the westernmostprovince of China. A total of 38 specieswas recorded, and breedingwas confirmed for ten of these.The statusof an additional11 speciesis uncertain.There is small-scalemigration of arcticbreeding waders through the area. Drainageof manylakes due to irrigationis likely to havea severeeffect on both breeding and migrating wader populations. Ma Ming, Xinjiang Instituteof Ecologyand Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences,No. 40 Beijing Road, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, PR. China Ken Kraaijeveld,Department of Zoology,University of Melbourne,Parkville, 14c. 3010, Australia INTRODUCTION METHODS The vastexpanses of centralAsia, from the CaspianSea Data wascompiled from observationsmade by MM throughthe formerrepublics of the southernSoviet between1985 and 1999. Recordswere obtained during Union andnorthern China to Mongolia,have been little frequentfieldwork on otherbirds and during bird- exploredby ornithologists.The regionconsists mainly watchingtrips. No systematiccounts have been of desertsand high mountainranges, but there are many conductedin Xinjiang andthe 'status'as recordedin lakesand riversthat providesuitable habitat for waders. Table 1 representsnothing more than a subjective To what extentthese are actuallyused by wadersfor assessmentof encounterfrequency. Somespecies are breedingor stagingis unknown. onlyknown from specimens.Breeding was confirmed when nestsor dependentchicks were found. When Xinjiangis thewesternmost region of China(Figure 1). It adultsin summerplumage were observedduring the bordersMongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, breedingseason in suitablebreeding habitat, we sus- Tadzhikistan,Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and Tibet. pectedbreeding. Further information was obtained from With an areaof over 1.6 million squarekm, it is the Homskov(1995) (June/ July),Carey (1998) (September/ largestprovince in China. Most of this areaconsists of October),Lemet al. (1996, 1999)and Perlman (pets. deserts(Taklimakan and GurbanTunggut Desert) and comm.)(August-October). mountains(Altay, Tianshanand Kunlun Ranges). Severallarge rivers cut throughthese, namely the Tarim, Ili, Irtys andUlungur Rivers. Only oneof these,the RESULTS Irtys, runsto the sea. The othersfeed lakes, many of The total list of wadersfor Xinjiang is presentedin Table which,such as Ebinur and Lop Nur, arenow dry or saline 1. We recorded38 species.The statusof a further 11 dueto irrigation.The two largestlakes, Bosten and speciesis uncertain(Table 2). Most of the speciesin the UlungurLakes, are still fresh. latterlist arederived from informationin Haymanet al. (1988), Johnsgard(1981 ) andCheng (1987), butwe know A total of 425 bird specieshave been recorded in of no recentrecords. Breeding was confirmedfor ten Xinjiangin the past,for abouthalf of whichthere is very (26%) speciesand suspected for a furthernine (24%). little information(Ma 1995). Thispaper summarises The remaining19 (50%) speciesare either migrant or recentobservations of wadersin the province. vagrant.Below, we presentadditional details which we considerof interestfor someof the species. 25 Bulletin 92 Auqust 2000 INTERNATIONAL WADER STUDY GROUP BULLETIN A!tay Mr. Kazakhstan N MongoliaA UlungurR & GutbanTunggut Desert Ebinur L ¾-Iarn Tadzhikistan Gansu .Kashi LopNur PamirP. /,' :-•,Y•cant Fl. Qinghai Kunlun 0 150 300km Kashmir Tibet Figure 1' Map ofXinjiang UygurAutonomous Region, showing the areasmentioned in the text. Eurasian Oystercatcher- Uncommon,but regular in at Karakul(Pamir). Theseconstitute the firstrecords for northernXinjiang. Breedinghas not been confirmed, but Xinjiang. up to twentyindividuals have been recorded during May and June. Red-neckedPhalarope - Twentybirds at UlungurLake in August 1998 was the largestgroup observed. Ibisbill - Only knownfrom a single,unlabelled specimen (at theXinjiang Institute of Ecologyand Geography in Long-billedDowitcher - A singlebird atYarkant-Markit Ummqi ), althoughwe suspectthat it mustoccur in the on 28 September1998 was the first record for Xinjiang Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains. andonly the third for Chinaaway from Hong Kong (G. Carey,pers. comm.). Collared Pratincole - The identification of these birds wasnot confirmedand the possibility of confusionwith Sanderling- Onebird in May 1989near Kashi. Black-wingedPratincole could not be excluded. Little Stint - A groupof 50 birds were observednear Eurasian Curlew - Widespreadand common in some Karakul(Pamir) on 26 August1999, which is thefirst years. Recordsprobably concern N. a. orientalis(G. recordfor Xinjiang (Y. Pealman,pers. comm.). The correct Carey,pers. comm.). identificationof stintspassing through Xinjiang in late summerrequires further investigation. SpottedRedshank - Largenumbers of upto a hundred are sometimesobserved during migration. Red-neckedStint - Threejuveniles in theTaklimakan Deserton 23 September1998 were the first for Xinjiang. Marsh Sandpiper- Singlebirds were recorded in January 1990at HotanRiver andJune 1995 at UlungurLake. Ruff- A groupof 20 in theTianshan in May 1999 includeddisplaying males. Further records: 1 maleon 27 Ruddy Turnstone- Recordedtwice: May 1999(3 indi- June1995 at Haba He and 3 individuals26 August1999 vidualsin Tianshan)and 26 August1999 (1 individuals atKarakul (Pamir). 26 Bulletin92Auqust2000 INTERNATIONAL WADER STUDY GROUP BULLETIN Table 1. List of waders recorded in Xinjiang between 1985 and 1999. Species Scientificname Status Breeding Distribution EurasianOystercatcher Haematopusostralegus uncommon 9 UlungurRiver; HabaHe; Urumqi Ibisbill Ibidorhynchastruthersii rare ? ? Black-wingedStilt Himantopushimantopus very common yes everywherenear wetlands Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta common ? Bosten Lake; Puhui;Barkol Lake;Urumqi; Ulungur Lake and others Eurasian Thick-knee Burhinus oedicnemus fairlycommon yes GurbanTunggut Desert; Ili River Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola rare ? Ebinur Lake? NorthernLapwing l/anellus vanellus very common yes everywherenear wetlands Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialisfulva common no Tarim River; Ebinur Lake; Tianshan;Ili River Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola uncommon no Ebinur Lake Little RingedPlover Charadrius dubius very common yes everywherenear wetlands Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus very common yes everywherenear wetlands Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus fairlycommon yes Kunlun Moun tains; Tianshan; Altay Mountains; Pamir Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii uncommon no Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa common everywherenear wetlands Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica uncommon no Tianshan Whimbrel Numeniusphaeopus uncommon no Tianshan Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata common ? Barkol Lake; UlungurLake; Haba He and others SpottedRedshank Tringa erythropus uncommon no Tarim River; Tianshan Common Redshank Tringa totanus very common yes everywherenear wetlands Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis rare no Hotan River; Ulungur Hu Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia common no YarkantRiver; Tianshan GreenSandpiper Tringa ochropus very common ? everywherenear wetlands Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola rare no Kunlun Moun tains?;Karakul (Pain) TerekSandpiper Xenus cinereus fairlycommon no Kashi; Tianshan CommonSandpiper Actitis hypoleucos very common yes everywherenear wetlands in mountains Table 1 List of wadersrecorded in Xinjiang between1985 and 1999 (cont.) 27 Bulletin 92 August 2000 INTERNATIONAL WADER STUDY GROUP BULLETIN Ruddy Tumstone Arenaria interpres rare no Tianshan;Karakul (Pamir) Red-neckedPhalarope Phalaropuslobatus uncommon no nearUlungur Lake Eurasian Woodcock Scolopaxrusticola uncommon ? Alta PintailSnipe Gallinagostenura common yes Tianshan CommonSnipe Gallinago gallinago common yes Altay; Tianshan; UlungurLake; Haba He Long-billedDowitcher Limnodromusscolopaceus rare no Yarkant-Markit Sanderling Calidris alba rare no Kashi Little Stint Calidris minuta rare no Karakul(Pamir) Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis rare no Taklimakan desert Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii common no Tianshan;Tarim River Dunlin Calidris alpina uncommon no Tianshan CurlewSandpiper Calidris ferruginea uncommon no Hami; Karakul (Pamir) Ruff Philomachuspugnax rare ? Tianshan; Haba He; Karakul(Pamir) DISCUSSION Very few peoplewatch or studybirds in Xinjiang, sothe informationpresented here is likely to be far from complete. However,our dataindicates that the high Table 2. List of speciesmentioned for theXinjiang region mountainsof Xinjiang hold sizablebreeding populations by someauthors (eg Hayman e! al. 1988,Johnsgard 1981 of severalwader species (eg NorthernLapwing, Lesser andCheng 1987), but for whichno confirmedrecords SandPlover and Common Redshank). The mostimpor- were obtained. tant breedingareas are the TianshanMountains, Altay (e.g. HabaHe) andPamir. Intensegrazing pressure, Species mainly by sheep,poses a severethreat to nesting Black-wingedPratincole Glareola nordmanni waders. SociableLapwing Vanellusgregarius CaspianPlover Charadriusasiaticus The existenceof an overlandmigration route through Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus central Asia between the tundras