Preliminary Studies of Human Skeletal Remains Excavated from (2012 ‐ 13), District , West

Veena Mushrif‐Tripathy1, Rupendra K. Chattopadyay2, Dipsikha Acharya2, Shubha Majumder2 and Bijan Mondal2

1. Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute, Deemed to be University, Pune – 411 006, Maharashtra, (Email: [email protected]) 2. Department of Archaeology, Calcutta University, Alipur, Kolkata – 700 027, , India (Email: [email protected])

Received: 17 August 2017; Revised: 14 September 2017; Accepted: 08 October 2017 Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 5 (2017): 606‐619

Abstract: Present paper deals with the preliminary findings of the study of human skeleton excavated at Dihar, (Lat. 23˚7΄10˝ N‐23° 08ʹ 10˝ N, and Long. 87˚21 ʹ E‐87˚ 22΄ E), in close proximity to the late medieval temple town of Vishnupur (the capital of the ancient Malla dynasty), in the north‐eastern part of the district of Bankura, West Bengal. The site was excavated by the Department of Archaeology, University of Calcutta by second author. The human skeleton excavated in 2012‐13 from the trench C 1 was studied by the first author in November 2013. The site gives evidence from Pre‐metallic EVF (Early Village Farming) to late medieval period and the skeleton probably belonging to early historical period. Almost completely preserved individual is male and aged around 45 – 50 years. The observations include osteometry, Odontometry and pathological lesions.

Keywords: Excavation, Dihar, Age Estimation, Stature Estimation, Sex Determination, Dental Attrition, Odontometry

Introduction This paper presents the observations on human skeleton excavated at Dihar during the field season of 2012‐2013 under the guidance of second author, on behalf of the Department of Archaeology, University of Calcutta. Dihar (Lat. 23˚7΄10˝ N‐23° 08ʹ 10˝ N, and Long. 87˚21 ʹ E‐87˚ 22΄ E), a well‐known temple village, lies in close proximity to the late medieval temple town of Vishnupur (the capital of the ancient Malla dynasty), in the north‐eastern part of the district of Bankura, West Bengal (Figure 1). It is an isolated, quiet hamlet on the left bank of the river Dwarakeswar. There are several mounds in this village and most of them along the Kana Nadi have been excavated. A few mounds near the ‘presumed palaeo‐channel’ are yet to be probed scientifically. The name Dihar may have been derived from the word dvi‐har implying two Sivas, Mushrif – Tripathy et al. 2017: 606‐619 i.e., the two Siva temples of Sandesvara and Sailesvara which have accorded Dihar, the temple‐village, the status of a major pilgrimage centre.

Figure 1: Map Showing Location of the Site

A low mound like Manasatala requires special attention while removing the surface layers as it has varied erosional character as well as humus formation. Thus, special care has been taken while removing the same. The cardinal point O was marked in the central part of the mound, and accordingly the trenches ZB1, A1, C1 and D2 were laid.

The human skeleton was found in trench C1at the depth of 99 cm, after the removal of the associated habitational matrix between the depths of 75 and 99 cm (Figure 2). The skeleton facing north was found in a seated posture slightly inclining towards its back. The associated findings include BRW, black ware, red ware and charcoal. Unfortunately, the pit line could not be demarcated. From the depths ranging from 95 cm to 99 cm, different parts of the trench yielded three clusters of bone remains. Excavation at this trench was stopped after reaching the depth of 102 cm. Excavation at this trench was suspended after the recovery of a skeleton buried in association with cultural debris. The process of recovery of the skeletal remains was quite complicated as it was found in a disturbed situation.


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Figure 2: Skeleton in situ

Based on occupational deposits, i.e., in situ occurrence of diagnostic artefacts/habitational assemblages, besides, disturbed remains/assemblages occurring at later periods, six chrono‐cultural Periods can be reconstructed at the Manasatala mound. Period I: BRW using EVF phases (Pre‐metallic). Period II: BRW using EVF phases (Metallic, associated with metal, both copper and iron). Period III: Early Historic Period (showing the continuity of BRW). Period IV: Post‐Gupta Period/Early Medieval Period (showing a minimal continuity of BRW). Period V: Medieval (Pre‐ Malla), disturbed sequence. Period VI: Late Medieval (Malla) disturbed sequence.

The evidence at hand (from Manasatala) gives evidence of the beginning of farming, domestication of animals and plants, and, in the subsequent period, the use of metals, besides others, during the EVF phases. A portrayal of the mechanism by which a self‐ sufficient village farming culture may have developed and how this culture determined its character and history (of the entire chrono‐cultural sequence), has now been unfurled (though in a small scale).

Material The human skeleton has excavated in 2012 ‐13 and the anthropological study was conducted in November 2013. The soil is very hard and compact with black in colour. Bones are embedded with lump of soil and it is very difficult to remove soil from bones. Bones have become fragile while cleaning they are breaking in to pieces. At the same time there is evidence of extensive root activity and they are penetrated through all the bones. The big mango tree near the vicinity of the burial has been reason behind it. It is appreciated that the excavation team to bring the skeletal material packed it neatly and brought it to the Archaeology Department, Kolkata for further analysis. Bones were cleaned using water and soft brushes.

The skeleton was buried in semi sitting posture and slightly titled position. This way of burial is affected preservation of bones. Skull is damaged and compressed from left


Mushrif – Tripathy et al. 2017: 606‐619 side. The rib cage is preserved with some thoracic vertebrae. Pelvis is badly damaged. All the long bone shafts are properly preserved but both extremities for most of them are damaged and not available for observations.

Preservation Record

Skull Complete skull is preserved but highly damaged. Fevicol coat was applied to it to keep small fragments into place. There are around 20 small isolated pieces. Mandible is preserved but broken into 3 parts, including one small chin portion, one R side portion from canine to condyle attached with skull and other L side from canine to 2nd molar. Left side maxilla is completely damaged, central portion of maxilla is missing, one fragment consisting Pm1 and Pm2 is present (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Skull, a. Before Cleaning; b. After Cleaning

Dentition Maxilla: RC slightly broken crown, LC isolated, RLPm1 complete, RLPm2 complete (LPm1and Pm2 with small fragment), RLM1, (L isolated), RM2 and RM3.

Mandible: RLI1, LI2 (isolated), RC (sample taken for ancient DNA), LC, RPm1 (isolated), LPm1, RLPm2, RLM1, RLM2, RM3. There is one extra mandibular RM3 not belonging to this individual (Figure 4).

Thoracic Cage: Rib and some five thoracic vertebrae is present in lump of soil. It is difficult to remove bones form soil as they are very fragile.


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Figure 4: Mandible Fragment, a. Side View, b. Occusal View

Upper Extremity Humerus: RL shaft portions preserved but both extremities lost, for L Humerus capitulum is present but damaged considerably. Radius: R complete shaft, both extremities lost, L ¾ shaft with severely damaged proximal side. Ulna: R almost complete shaft but both extremities missing, L severely damaged proximal extremity with ¾ shaft. Carpals: R navicular, lunte, triangular, lesser multangualr and capitates. Metacarpals: R 1st, 2nd and 3rd, L 3 partially preserved bones, including proximal side of 2nd metacarpal.

Lower Extremity Pelvis: RL several small and medium sized fragments representing pelvic region including part of sciatic notch and pubic area. Femur: RL part of shaft and portion consisting head and neck, distal extremity missing. Tibia: RL shaft portion preserved but damaged severely, R side is better represented than L side. Fibula: RL badly damaged shaft portions, both extremities lost, R better preserved. Tarsals: R complete talus, part of calcanus, part of navicular and cuboid (?), 2 tarsals attached with metatarsal bones, L damaged small fragment of calcanus and talus, small piece of navicular and 2 unidentifiable bone fragments. Metatarsla: R all present but dmaged considerabley, other than 5th, 4 are in the clay lump sticking together, L severely damaged and part of 1st 4th (?), proximal part, 5th distal portion and one shaft portion unidentified. Phalanges: 4 broken parts.


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Methodology On the basis of the bones available for studies, standard methodologies which are universally accepted are used for studying different aspects. Following are the references for standard used for analysis:

Determination of age and sex: Brothwell (1981), Olivier (1969), Stewart (1979), Ubelaker and Buikstra (1994) and Louise Scheuer and Sue Black OBE (2004).

Assessment of morphological features: Ubelakar and Buikstra (1994), Steckel and Rose (2002).

Stature estimation: Trotter (1970) formulae for White populations.

Odontometry: Moorrees (1957), Wolpoff (1971), Potter et al. (1981), Dahlberg (1963).

Pathological observations and interpretation: Larsen (1997), Ortner and Putschar (2003), Roberts and Manchester (1995), and Lukacs (1989).


Age Estimation All teeth of this individual show advance stages of wear. Even anterior teeth also have grade 5 or 6 wear. On the basis of dental ware and over all bone development, the individual was around 45 – 50 years old.

Sex Determination Although most of the part of this individual is represented but they are either damaged or missing. Small portions of RL sciatic notch are present but they are not sufficient to know the sex of this skeleton. Skull is preserved but has compressed from one side. Gradation has been done on visible potions but need to be read with caution. Nuchal crest is of grade 4(?), L mastoid is of grade 3 and supra orbital margins are probably of 3 grade. The post cranial elements shows moderate to robust muscular activity, including deltoid tuberosity of both humeri and linea aspera of both femurs are used for sex determination. Overall features indicate male sex of this individual.

Stature Estimation The tentative statue is based only on three long bones, as most of bones are not completely preserved. The lengths of ulna, radius and fibula are used for calculating the stature. The R Ulna is (23 cm), R radius (21 cm almost complete) and R fibula (30 cm). On the basis of the calculation ulna gives value of 159.15 ± 4.32, radius 158.39 ± 4.32 and fibula 152.18 ± 3.29 and the average is 156.57 cm (5.2 feet) tall (Table 1).

Metric Analysis Some metric analysis was conducted including long bone measurements and dentition. Skull was deformed due to earth pressure so no craniometry was carried out.


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Table 1: Long Bone Measurements (in mm) Bone Side Mesio‐lateral Anterio‐posterio Girth Humerus R 15 18 56 L 15 18 56 Radius R 11 11 40 L 11 11 41 Ulna R 13 12 45 L 14 11 46 Femur R 28 20 85 L 25 20 84 Tibia L 18 22 75

Table 2: Dental Measurements Tooth Side MD BL CA CI CM Maxilla C R (6.36) (8.00) 50.08 78.25 7.13 L 6.50 8.23 53.49 78.97 7.36 Pm1 R (4.37) (8.99) 39.28 48.60 6.68 L (4.53) (8.38) 37.96 54.05 6.45 Pm2 R (4.63) 8.63 39.95 53.65 6.63 L ‐ (8.37) ‐ ‐ ‐ M1 L (8.11) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Mandible I1 R (3.65) (5.31) 19.38 68.73 4.48 L (3.58) (5.45) 19.51 65.68 4.51 I2 L (4.46) (5.48) 24.44 81.38 4.97 C R (6.73) 6.30 42.39 106.82 6.51 L (6.58) 6.29 41.38 104.61 6.43 Pm1 R 6.25 7.23 45.18 86.44 6.74 L 6.19 7.23 44.75 85.61 6.71 Pm2 R 5.64 7.62 42.97 74.01 6.63 L (5.37) (6.96) 37.37 77.15 6.16 M2 L (8.90) (8.62) 76.71 103.24 8.76

Odontometry It is difficult to carry out metry as teeth are fragile and inside jaw which is attached to skull with soil. There are few teeth which are isolated and one mandibular fragment with 5 teeth can be measured. Some of the approximate measurements are written in bracket (Table 2).

There is one extra mandibular RM3 (?) not belonging to this individual as the wear pattern is different from rest of teeth. Probably the tooth was part of soil deposit. Craniometry is not possible as skull is compressed.


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Pathological and morphological changes observed on this individual. Right side distal tibial fragment gave evidence of squatting facet (Figure 5). It is scored as present, whenever there is a break in the continuity of the anterior margin of the distal tibia, which should be a straight line. The anterior surface of the tibia touches the dorsal portion of the talar neck, when the knee and foot are dorsiflexed, which is usually attributed to the squatting positions, used by many populations for daily acitivities (Boulle, 2001), (Pandey and Singh, 1990). Squatting facets are a common trait in Indians, generally seen because a lot of agricultural and craft activities practiced here requires the person to squat for longer periods of time. The association of the lipping seen on the talii and calcanei surface and the presence of squatting facets on the tibiae of both the above mentioned specimens, indicate activities involving dorsiflexion of both the surfaces constantly for a long time. Moreover, the lack of furniture in rural India assures squatting posture to be used for performing daily chores.

Figure 5: Squatting Facet on R Tibia


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Fracture Some interesting morphological/pathological changes are seen on the radial tuberosity. The right and left radial proximal side is well preserved and there is a noticeable difference in extent of radial tuberosity. The right side radial tuberosity has developed a ridge on posterior aspect (width 1.1 cm and length 1.8 cm). Slightly developed ridge also seen on the lateral side of mid‐shaft region on both sides. The radial head and small portion of bone superior to radial tuberosity is missing and it is hard to judge the changes. On the left side the ‘radial tuberosity’ is deformed considerably. There is muscle making area and the proximal to this tuberosity the neck portion seems to be elongated in comparison with normal bone. It is also difficult to explain these changes as the head is broken and missing. Ulna the neighbouring bone is present but do not show any changes on proximal side. The tuberosity is measured and width is 1.3 cm and length is 2.3 cm which is strikingly longer than right side (Figures 6 and 7).

Figure 6: R Radius Figure 7: Close up of R Radial Tuberosity

A fracture consists of an incomplete or complete break in the continuity of a bone. The most common types of fractures, such as transverse, spiral, oblique, and crush fractures, result from direct or indirect trauma. Two additional types of fractures, those resulting from stress and those secondary to pathology, are less common and have distinct etiologies. There are multiple ways of describing fracture that relate to the severity, type of stress causing the fracture, and conditions that increase the likelihood of fracture. If the break does not go through the entire bone, it is known as an incomplete fracture (also called an infraction); if the break passes entirely through the bone, it is called a complete fracture. Fracture most often is the result of abnormal stress applied to one or more bones. This stress can be dynamic, meaning sudden high stress, or it can be static in which the stress is low initially but gradually increases until


Mushrif – Tripathy et al. 2017: 606‐619 the break occurs. If a bone is exposed to excessive but intermittent stress over a fairly long time (several weeks), a fatigue or stress fracture may develop. A final category of fracture, known as pathological fracture, is associated with bone weakened by a morbid condition such that minimal stress results in a break.

Bowing of the Femur Anterio‐posterior bowing of both femurs observed for this individual. The position of linea aspera seems to be more on medial side as well as bone has become more flattish in the lower shaft region. Though bones look sturdy and strong still some bone angle is changed considerably. Both femoral heads are present but do not show any change.

Bowing refers to smooth, gradual curvature of bone results from deficiency diseases, such as rickets or scurvy and is basically a response to the effects of gravity in structurally unsound bone. Bowing and angulation can occur in both mature and immature individuals.

New Bone Formation On right fibula, posterior side of proximal diaphyseal shows new bone formation of approximately 2.6 X .6 cm (Figure 8). No other bone changes are associated with this neoplastic growth. On L fibula around the same region the small bone ridge is observed probably related to non‐specific infection. The proximal part of both RL tibia is broken so corresponding changes, if present, are not possible to observe.

Figure 8: Noeplastic Bone Formation on R Fibula

On the R talus inferior aspect there is evidence of middle calcaneal articular surface extension (Figure 9). There is no calcaneus preserved in the collection to see the corresponding changes. It is probably because of sitting in squatting posture as R tibia gives indication as well.


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Figure 9: Extension of Articular Surface on R talus, a. R talus, b. Modern Bone for Comparison

Dental pathology including wear and tarter accumulation is observed. Table 3 shows grades of dental attrition. Gradation of dental ware for some teeth is not possible as they have broken or lost their crowns (see Figure 4).

Dental attrition is the gradual and regular loss of tooth substance as a result of natural mastication (Pindborg 1970). It is a mechanical process, reflecting daily and intimate contact of the people with their environment. Attrition of the occlusal surfaces may destroy the enamel, exposing the underlying dentine. Attrition continued beyond this point may threaten exposure of the pulp cavity. Dental attrition is the most commonly reported phenomenon in archaeological skeletal studies. In addition to the attrition resulting from natural mastication several other factors also contribute to attrition. For example, occlusal inaccuracy resulting from antemortem tooth loss, occupation related stress, preference for a side for chewing and hygienic habits of the individual contribute in accelerating the attrition rate.

Calculus and its precursor, bacterial plaque, consist of a sticky coating including protein, food particles, living and dead micro‐organisms. When plaque mineralises, it becomes calculus and in this form can be found on archaeological skeletal specimens as relatively hard additions to the tooth surface usually at the margins of the gums (Ortner and Putschar 2003). The role of calculus in periodontal disease is not clear. In any case, the presence of calculus on dental tissues is an important consideration in evaluating the irritation of gum tissue and possible cause of periodontal disease. Calculus deposits are very common in archaeological skeletal material and often it


Mushrif – Tripathy et al. 2017: 606‐619 coexists with severe attrition. The occlusal surfaces are usually free from such deposits, but if they are coated, the inference is mal‐occlusion of jaws, or perhaps a prolonged illness in which the personʹs oral health is severely declined.

Table 3: Grades of Dental wear Tooth Side Maxilla Mandible I1 R ‐ 6 L ‐ 6 I2 R ‐ 6 L ‐ 6 C R 7 6 L 7 6 Pm1 R 8 6 L 8 6 Pm2 R 8?(broken) 6 L 8?(broken) 6 M1 R Broken 9?Broken crown L 9 Broken M2 R 9 9? L ‐ 8 M3 R Probably 9 difficult to observe 8?

Tarter accumulation is seen on maxillary RL canine and molars on lingual side. It is difficult to observe the presence or absence of tarter because of soil cover.

Conclusion The human skeleton from Dihar gives very good data on person’s age, sex and diseases. Unfortunately it cannot help to understand the population and its dynamics. There are certain sites like Kurmitha (Chalcolithic), (Chalcolithic), Balupur (Medieval), Laljal (Historic), Rajbaridanga, Dum Dum Mound (Historic), Haripur (Chalcolithic) etc. from various cultural phases which have provided human skeletal evidences in West Bengal. Out of these sites only Balupur (Mushrif‐Tripathy in press) and Kurmitha (Sankhyan 1993) has been anthropologically studied. The present individual is probably belongs to historical period which is not contemporary to either Balupur or Kurmitha. It is very difficult to compare this skeleton with any other specimens. Although, this is a good attempt for understanding the ancient population from West Bengal. The further research including the dating of this specimen and doing other scientific analysis, including study of tarter, isotopic and ancient DNA will help us to understand this individual in a better way.

Acknowledgement We convey our indebtedness to Dr. Swati Ray, faculty member, Ancient Indian History and Culture, University of Calcutta for her unfailing help, academic support. Shri


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Tanmoy Gantait and Shubhasish Pal, Surveyors of the Department of Archaeology, and the staff members Shri Dulal Sen, Shri Sanjay Mondal and Santosh Prasad of the same Department, University of Calcutta were kind enough to do all the necessary helps related to the excavation project of Dihar.

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