photographs 93



Pl .1. Temple of Halebid at Karnataka, relief of the foundation of the principal sanctuary. Pl .2. Temple of Bayon, exterior gallery, west side, layout mark of reliefs. Pl. 3. Temple of Preah Koh southwest sanctuary, south side, false door showing successive layers of plasterwork. Pl. 4. Temple of Bayon, south exterior gallery, ease panel near the south central door. Pl. 5. Borobudur, first gallery, relief 1/B52. Pl. 6. Indonesia, Java and Sumatra. Archimedes drills (standing tools) and riolet wheels on the bottom. Pl. 7. Preah Vihear, Cambodia, east entry pavilion, wall plate casement behind the cornice. Pl. 8. Koh Ker, Cambodia, northern building of east entry, purlin casements of porch roofing. Pl. 9. Chiang Mai, eastern façade of a pagoda with five naves. Pl. 10. Swe-daw-gu pagan temple (No. 73 of the inventory)115, eastern façade, purlin casements of porch roofing. Pl. 11. Village near Darasuram (), bent framework. (Photo of the Institut français d’Indologie de Pondichéry). Pl. 12. Mahabalipuram, façade of the ratha. Pl. 13. Bali, Gjanjar, radiating framework. Pl. 14. Bali, Klungkung, crown post supporting the newel of a radiating framework. Pl. 15. Solo, Java. Central part of the framework of a pendopo. Pl. 16. Mahabalipuram, façade of the . Pl. 17. Mahabalipuram, side façade of Nakula Sahadeva ratha. Pl. 18. Kerala, framework of a building in half dome. Pl. 19. Malaysia, near Lembah Bujang, mosque of Pangkalan Kakap,

114 All photographs were taken by the author, unless otherwise indicated. They were taken between 1954 and 1987. 115 Pp. 144-145 of P. Pichard vol. I, op. cit. 94 photographs

modern truss built over a radiating framework. Pl. 20. Siem Reap, Cambodia, triangulation projects in a pagoda with three naves. Pl. 21. Lombok, grain silo covered with roofing resting on screeds. Pl. 22. Jakarta, Indonesia, framework of the canopy of a Chinese house. Pl. 23. Panamalai, Tamil Nadu, north-east corner of the temple. Pl. 24. Chiang Mai, barred windows of a pagoda with three naves and three breaks. Pl. 25. Mandalay, Burma, longitudinal façade of a building on partially buried piles. Pl. 26. Mandalay, remains of a pagoda sanctuary. Pl. 27. Siem Reap, window of a guest house of a pagoda located within the enclosure of Angkor Wat. Pl. 28. Kudus, Java, window of a 19th century house. Pl. 29. Salé, Burma, relief of the crown of the cornice of the monastery sanctuary. Pl. 30. Kudus, street in the old part of the town. Pl. 31. Kudus, detail of a sliding door. Pl. 32. Mudianpakhan, Tamil Nadu, west of Madras, brick oven. Pl. 33. Pagan, Mingala zedi, stupa of the corner of the upper terrace. Pl. 34. Pagan, barrel vault. Pl. 35. Sambor Prei Kuk, inner wall of an octagonal tower made of brick, with sandstone hooks supporting the ceiling beams. Pl. 36. Angkor, entry pavilion of the first terrace of the temple of Ta Kev, corbel covering the northern wing. Pl. 37. Candi Jabung (eastern Java), eastern façade. Pl. 38. Principal sanctuary of Padang Lawas (central Sumatra). Pl. 39. Nindowari, Pakistan. (Photo by J.M. Casal), silo XLII of the silo. Pl. 40. That i Bahi, Pakistan, inner door of monastery. Pl. 41. Chivaki, Afghanistan, base of the principal stupa (photo from 1957). Pl. 42. Kerala, quarry tool. Pl. 43. Kerala, laterite carrier. Pl. 44. Gangaikondacholapuram, stereotomy of the enclosure. Pl. 45. Dieng Candi Bhima, corbel covering the cella. Pl. 46. Prambanan, temple of Siva, southern wall of the first enclo- sure.