Company Profile and Product Description
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* Your school or college Company profile and product description April, 2011. Contents: 1.1 Company profile ........................................................................................................................ 3 1.2 Product description .................................................................................................................... 3 1 Company profile In the field of meat and meat products, Carnex from Vrbas is one of the three leading companies in Serbia, along with Neoplanta from Bačka Topola and Kotex from Padinska Skela. The range of their products comprises bacon, smoked products, delicatessen, fermented dry sausages, cooked meat, sterilized products in foil and can, ready meals and fat1. Carnex was founded in Vrbas, 52 years ago. The idea was simple: to create a company with an English sounding name, produce high quality meat and meat products and export them to England. That is why the company was named carne (Latin for meat) + export = Carnex! During the last decade of the 20th century, Carnex became one of the biggest meat and meat products manufacturer in this part of Balkan peninsula, and today, this company owns one of the largest and most modern agricultural complexes in this part of Europe. The company consists of five separate business centers, offers over 100 different products, processes over 18 tons of meat per year and hires 2000 employees. High quality of their meat and meat products is well known, in Serbia and abroad. Carnex won dozens of quality awards all over the world. Company consists of five different sectors: Preparation and Control, Primary Production, Final Production, Durable Department and Maintain Department. On the other side, there are several pig, cow and poultry farms, who supply high quality raw material for the production units. Each stage is carefully organized, supervised and controlled, following the latest European and world trends and regulations. Along with high quality and excellent taste, Carnex offers unique and distinctive products, prepared by the original, local recipes. The company is in the process of implementation of two sets of standards: HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) regulations, created in order to provide food safe for consumption, and GOST-R, a quality standard which is a precondition for any food export to Russian market. In February, 2011, new line for primal cutting was installed, along with new lines for slicing meat. New machines for washing pigs, stainless steel platforms and tables, and new butchery line should provide at least 15% capacity increase. 2 Product description Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know what Coca-Cola stands for? The shortest possible description is: soft drink. But, Coca-Cola is also an idea, one of the most famous brand names in the world, and large number of different products with variety of tastes and compositions. Original, “plain” Coca-Cola is the most popular and best selling soft drink in the world, and one of the best known brand names, too. In 1886, Dr. John Pemberton, pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia, mixed a few ingredients in his small lab. It was a syrup, which, mixed with carbonated water, created soft, fountain drink. Next year, he patented his special Coca-Cola syrup, and it took him only 6 years to realize what kind of gold mine he stumbled upon. By 1895, his product was sold all over USA. Nowadays, one can find it in virtually every single corner of the world, from Siberia on the north, to the south end of Australia, from Japan, on the far East, to the mountains of south America. 1 3 Coca-Cola is more than name, brand or recipe, it became a way of life. There were several huge mistakes company management made in past few decades. Do you remember water-like Clear cola, also known as Tab clear? It was all Pepsi's fault: they introduces Crystal Pepsi, an Coca- Cola had to reply. This mutant disappeared from the market within a few years. On the other side, Coca-Cola Zero has been one of the company's most successful products. It is sugar free, good tasting, refreshing and harmless, even if you are diabetic, or on diet (like 50% of female population in the USA). Coca Cola is produced in a handful of places in the world, and syrup is transported all over the world, mixed with carbonated water, bottled and sold. Dozens of urban legends surround famous Coke: one of the stories says that only 12 people in the world know the secret recipe, and no one else can be initiated until one of those 12 chosen dies; some people even believe that Coke contains cocain. One way or the other, it is the best selling soft drink in the history. 4 2.1 Profil kompanije Carnex iz Vrbasa je, uz Neoplantu iz Bačke Topole i Kotex iz Padinske Skele, jedan od tri najveća proizvođača mesa i mesnih prerađevina u Srbiji. Njihov proizvodni program obuhvata slaninu, dimljene prerađevine, suhomesnate proizvode, fermentisane suve kobasice, kuvano meso, sterilisane mesne proizvode i gotova jela. Carnex je osnovan pre 52 godine u Vrbasu. Ideja je bila jednostavna: stvoriti kompaniju koja će imati englesko ime, proizvoditi meso i mesne prerađevine i izvoziti ih u Englesku. Zato je kompanija nazvana carne (latinska reč za meso) + export = Carnex! U poslednjoj deceniji 20 veka, Carnex je postao jedan od najvećih proizvođača mesa i mesnih prerađevina u ovom delu Balkanskog poluostrva, a danas, kompanija poseduje jedno od najvećih i najmodernijih poljoprivrednih gazdinstava u ovom delu Evrope. Kompanija se sastoji od pet zasebnih poslovnih jedinica, ima preko 100 različitih proizvoda u ponudi, obrađuje više od 18 tona mesa godišnje i ima preko 200 zaposlenih. Poznati su po visokom kvalitetu mesa i mesnih prerađevina, kako u zemlji, tako i u inostranstvu. Carnex je do sada osvojio desetine priznanja za kvalitet širom sveta. Kopanija se sastoji iz pet delova: Priprema i kontrola, Primarna proizvodnja, Finalna proizvodnja, Trajni proizvodi i Sektor održavanja. Na drugoj strani, nekoliko farmi svinja, krava i živine snabdeva proizvodne pogone vrhunskim sirovinama. Svaka faza proizvodnje se pažljivo organizuje, nadgleda i kontroliše, prema najnovijim evropskim i svetskim trendovima i propisima. Pored visokog kvaliteta i odličnog ukusa, Carnex nudi jedinstvene, specifične proizvode, pripremljene prema originalnim, domaćim receptima. Kompanija je u procesu implementacije dva seta standarda: HACCP regulative, koja obezbeđuje bezbednost hrane, i GOST-R, standarda kvaliteta koji je uslov za učešće i izvoz na rusko tržište. U februaru 2011, instalirana je nova linija za grubo sečenje, uz liniju za fino sečenje mesa. Nove mašine za pranje svinja, platforme i stolovi od nerđajućeg čelika i nova mesarska linija bi trebalo da obezbede povećanje kapaciteta od najmanje 15%. 3 Opis proizvoda Da li postoji neko ko ne zna šta je to Coca-Cola? Najkraći mogući opis je: bezalkoholno piće. Coca-Cola je i ideja, i jedan od najpoznatijih brendova u svetu, ali i veliki broj različitih proizvoda, različitih ukusa i sastava. Originalna, „obična“ Coca-Cola je najpopularnije i najprodavanije bezakloholno piće na svetu i jedan od najpoznatijih brendova. 1886, dr Džon Pemberton, apotekar iz Atlante u Džordžiji, pomešao je nekoliko sastojaka u svojoj maloj laboratoriji. Bio je to sirup koji je, pomešan sa gaziranom vodom, činio ukusno, penušavo piće. Već sledeće godine, patentirao je Coca-Cola sirup, i samo 6 godina kasnije bilo mu je jasno kakav je zlatni rudnik slučajno pronašao. Do 1895, njegov proizvod se prodavao u svim krajevima SAD-a. Danas, Coca-Cola se može naći u bukvalno svim krajevima sveta, od Sibir ana severu do krajnjeg juga Australije, od Japana do planinskih vrhova Južne Amerike. Coca-Cola je više od imena, brenda ili recepta, postala je način života. Uprava kompanije napravila je nekoliko velikih grešaka u poslednjim decenijama. Sećate li se Clear cole, pića koje 5 je ličilo na vodu, poznatijeg pod imenom Tab clear? Pepsi je kriv za sve: lansirali su Crystal Pepsi, a Coca-Cola je morala da odgovori na izazov. Ovaj mutant je nestao sa tržišta u roku od nekoliko godina. Sa druge strane, Coca-Cola Zero je jedan od najboljih proizvoda kompanije. Bez šećera, dobrog ukusa i savršeno bezoasna čak i za dijabetičare ili one koji su na dijeti (kao 50% ženske populacije SAD-a) Coca-Cola se proizvodi na svega nekoliko mesta na svetu, potom se sirup transportuje širom sveta, gde se meša sa gaziranom vodom, flašira i prodaje. Desetine urbanih legendi okružuju čuvenu „kolu“: jedna od priča tvrdi da svega 12 ljudi na svetu zna tajni recept, i niko se ne upućuje u tajnu dok jedan od njih 12 ne umre; neki čak veruju da Coca-Cola sadrži kokain. Ovako ili onako, to je najprodavanije bezalkoholno piće svih vremena. 6 BESPLATNI GOTOVI SEMINARSKI, DIPLOMSKI I MATURSKI RAD. RADOVI IZ SVIH OBLASTI, POWERPOINT PREZENTACIJE I DRUGI EDUKATIVNI MATERIJALI. WWW.SEMINARSKIRAD.ORG WWW.MATURSKIRADOVI.NET WWW.MATURSKI.NET WWW.SEMINARSKIRAD.INFO WWW.MATURSKI.ORG WWW.ESSAYSX.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DIPLOMSKIRADOVI NA NAŠIM SAJTOVIMA MOŽETE PRONAĆI SVE, BILO DA JE TO SEMINARSKI, DIPLOMSKI ILI MATURSKI RAD, POWERPOINT PREZENTACIJA I DRUGI EDUKATIVNI MATERIJAL. ZA RAZLIKU OD OSTALIH MI VAM PRUŽAMO DA POGLEDATE SVAKI RAD, NjEGOV SADRŽAJ I PRVE TRI STRANE TAKO DA MOŽETE TAČNO DA ODABERETE ONO ŠTO VAM U POTPUNOSTI ODGOVARA. U BAZI SE NALAZE GOTOVI SEMINARSKI, DIPLOMSKI I MATURSKI RADOVI KOJE MOŽETE SKINUTI I UZ NJIHOVU POMOĆ NAPRAVITI JEDINSTVEN I UNIKATAN RAD. AKO U BAZI NE NAĐETE RAD KOJI VAM JE POTREBAN, U SVAKOM MOMENTU MOŽETE NARUČITI DA VAM SE IZRADI NOVI, UNIKATAN SEMINARSKI ILI NEKI DRUGI RAD RAD NA LINKU IZRADA RADOVA. PITANjA I ODGOVORE MOŽETE DOBITI NA NAŠEM FORUMU ILI NA [email protected] .