Board Date: 15 December 2016 Item: London Underground Ticket Office Review This paper will be considered in public 1 Executive Summary Decision required The Board is asked to note the paper and approve the action plan Previous The terms of reference of the review were previously circulated to Consideration Members. Sponsoring Contact Officer: Mark Wild Director Number: 020 3054 4308 Email:
[email protected] Information Public classification Summary 1.1 The Mayor published London TravelWatch’s independent report examining the customer impact of ticket office closures on 2 December 2016. 1.2 The review, as promised by the Mayor in his manifesto, considered a range of evidence to determine the customer impact of the ticket office closure programme and other changes to London Underground’s station operating model. London TravelWatch’s report identifies a number of areas requiring improvement. 1.3 In response, we have prepared an action plan to address the recommendations in the report. Work to deliver the plan has commenced immediately and will be adjusted, if necessary, to take into account any feedback from the Board. 1.4 Planned changes include: • clearer focal points for customers seeking help from staff; • changes to uniforms to make staff more visible; • additional ticket machine functionality; and • measures to improve accessibility, including improvements to the “turn up and go” process and a trial of portable hearing loops. 1.5 While not a part of the terms of reference for the review, the action plan will also review staffing numbers and deployment. 1.6 We will provide the Customer Service and Operational Performance Panel with regular updates on the progress of the action plan.