Vacancy pack Dear Applicant Contract Stock Person Vacancies 2 roles at Ouse Washes and 2 roles at Nene Washes Salary range £15,000 to £16,000 Thank you for your interest in our advertised vacancy. In this pack you will find information about the RSPB, together with a job description, person specification and other background information about the Ouse Washes and Nene Washes. If you require any further information about this post please contact either
[email protected] 01354 680212 (Ouse Washes) or
[email protected] 01733 205140 (Nene Washes). We advise that you refer to the person specification when completing the application form and clearly describe how you meet each of the criteria that have been identified as being necessary for this post as this will form the basis of shortlisting candidates. If you enclose a CV, it may be referred to for supplementary information, however, please ensure that all the questions asked on the application form are fully answered. We will confirm your eligibility to work in the UK prior to appointment. Completed forms should be returned to Sally Jones, Administrator, RSPB Ouse Washes, Welches Dam, Manea, Cambs, PE15 0NF. Please check the postage required on your application as incorrect postage may lead to your application being delayed and missing the closing date. If you require an acknowledgement of receipt of your application, please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope. Alternatively, you can email your application to
[email protected] The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is Thursday 26th February 2015.