St. Ann October 2019 St. Philip the Apostle P.O. Box 529 P.O. Box 399 Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone 107 Hirsch St. 120 Westover St. Bishop of Charleston Kingstree, SC 29556 Lake City, SC 29560 (843) 355-5234 St. Patrick Mission (843) 394-8343 110 Church Street MASS SCHEDULE MASS SCHEDULE Johnsonville, SC 29555 Sunday 10:30 am English Sunday 8:30 am 12:00 pm Hispanic Monday 7:45 am MASS SCHEDULE Wednesday 6:00 pm All Masses Thursday 7:00 pm - Holy Hour (SP) are in English Thurs. 6:30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 pm English Thursday 8:00 pm - Hispanic Friday 8:00 am Fr. Augusne Peter, Administrator /
[email protected] or
[email protected] Fr. Antony Gaspar: 843-356-0990 Finance Commiee Robert Jordan Pastoral Associate & Hispanci Ministry Donna Papito Coordinator Dcn. Asuncion Valadez Ministry Coordinator Parish Commiee Charlie Sirois (708) 707-3015
[email protected] Religious Educaon Associate English Coordinator Ministry Coordinator 4 Job answered the LORD and said: Dcn. Harold Jackson: 843 -387-6904 Dcn. Harold Jackson: 843-387-6904 I know that you can do all things, Secretary Reveley Thomy: 843–687-2964 and that no purpose of yours can be hindered. Church Office : 843-355-5234 Outreach Billie Thomy: 843- 394-2669 I have dealt with great things that I do not Church Office Fax: 843-355-5235 Music Directors understand;
[email protected] English - Reveley Thomy Altar Server things too won- Spanish - Mauricio Solis Soriso Junie: 843-354-9985 derful for me, Maintenance Mgr.