Norwalk CommonKendo Dojo Japanese terms used during practice Southeast Japanese Community Center 14615 Gridley Road. Norwalk, ShortCA 90650 Vowels Vowel Combinations
[email protected] as in father,m alms ei=e+i sounded as in day e as in pen, red ai=a+i sounded as in alive i as in ink, machine ou=o+u sounded as in float o as in open, ocean au=a+u sounded as in out u as in true, cruel Japanese Words and Phrases English Translations Ohayo gozaimasu Good morning Konnichiwa Hello Konbanwa Good evening Sayonara Goodbye Oyasumi nasai Good night Arigato gozaimashita Thank you very much Onegai shimasu I'm requesting (to practice) Hai Yes Sensei Instructor/Teacher Yudansha Black-belt students Kenshi Kendo students Sempai Elders/Seniors Kouhai Younger/Lower juniors Ichi One Ni Two San Three Shi Four Go Five Roku Six Shichi Seven Hachi Eight Ku/Kyu Nine Ju Ten Kiai Showing your spirit and feeling through your voice Kamae Ready stance in Kendo Chakuza Sit on the floor Seiza Sit properly Mokusou Meditation Yame Stop Naore Return to original position Rei Bow Kiritsu Stand up Keiko Practice Kakari geiko Continuous attack practice Zanshin Mental and physical alertness, especially after completing an attack Norwalk Kendo Dojo Southeast Japanese Community Center 14615 Gridley Road. Norwalk, CA 90650
[email protected] Kendo Terms Japanese English Translations Ashi sabaki Footwork Dan Ranking system for advanced levels (1=lowest, 10=highest); equivalent to black belt in other martial arts Datotsu no kikai Chance of strike Ippon shoubu One point