Property of the Watertown Historical Society TownTimes . — •-••• Tow] nes Tow] nes Towl nes wn XTtmes Tow, nes September 24,1998 PUBLISHED BY PRIME PUBLISHERS, INC. Price 75 cents Tow nes lerving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Town Times K¥:¥:¥5:¥:.:¥:¥:¥:*:¥5Sfi¥«:¥-¥:S:W^^ Gou reacts to bike decision by Susan Faber education classes to fifth graders in Town Council members and the school system, with the aim of [own residents reacted strongly creating a positive relationship Monday to the news that Police between the police and students. Chief Jack Carroll had suspended "The current budget problem the police bike patrol program, and calls for a complete analysis on put the Police Department's drug day-by-day account of current allo- education program on hold. cations of departmentpersonnel and The bicycle patrol was initiated resources to meet the demands of in the fall of 1997 to be used in town department priorities," Chief Car- parks and streets, at special events roll wrote in a September 18 memo and in crime-prone neighborhoods. to Town Manager Charlie O'Con- Local businesses donated the spe- nor. cially equipped bicycles and police "The following action has been officers attended training programs. taken to suspend or eliminate the Funding was approved as part of non-essential functions to stay the town's budget. within the present budgetand main- As part of the D.A.R.E. (Drug tain primary services. The bike Abuse Resistance Education) program, police officers teach drug (Continued on page 11) Former Griffin/South School teacher Rosemary Kane posed with her appreciative students, FrankFranzese, Design changes needed left, and Marty Maccione, during the Open House held at the school Sunday to celebrate the school's 90th birthday. Mrs. Kane, who taught English at South School from 1943 to 1953, was voted their "favorite to meet school's budget teacher" by Mr. Franzese and Mr. Maccione. — Times Photo, Faber by Susan Faber design and will help to offset an- School children and their teach- ticipated budget overruns to the $22- ers who will spend time at the new million facility. The state will re- Birthday mood permeates open house Pre-K to Grade 2 school on Buck- imburse about $13 million of the by Susan Faber were served downstairs by Paul ingham Street will probably not total cost. The mood was festive at Griffin McLaughlin of Litchfield Bancorp, notice that a rear canopy at the back The school is expected to be School's Open House on Sunday the school's Main Street neighbor. of the school is shorter than the ready to open in September, 2000. afternoon as current and former Videos taken of former students front canopy, that there are no col- "We want to make sure there is students and parents, as well as onnades at the back, and that the were played throughout the school. plenty of money to take care of teachers and staff members from As people filled the hallways chimney is metal rather than ma- building construction and contin- days past, gathered to celebrate the sonry. and front courtyard, they greeted gencies," said Town Manager school's 90th birthday. former teachers such as Rosemary Although the school has not been Charlie O'Connor, who heads the Griffin, formerly known as Kane, who returned for the reun- built, changes have been recom- Executive Building Committee. South School, was built in 1908 on ion. Mrs. Kane taught English and mended that will alter its proposed (Continued on page 18) Davis Streetasafour-room school- house and two additions were con- literature at South School from 1943 structed in later years. to 19S3, went on to teach ninth Arrivingvisitors signed the guest grade at Swift Junior High from book and put on name tags before 1953 to 1963, and then taught at entering the front door graced by Watertown High School from 1963 blue and white balloons forming an to 1981. archway. Guests were greeted by Frances Griffin was Mrs. Kane's currentGriffin students who served principal at South School, she said, as "tour guides" at the event. Pho- and "expected a lot" from her staff. tographs of South School classes Mrs. Kane was dubbed "LittleOne" adorned the walls and refreshments (Continued on page 10) No quota on for church's 100th by Susan Faber Thursday Night Quilters and the Union Congregational Church church's Centennial Committee. is celebrating its 100th anniversary "The church does so much in the this year, and as a part of the cele- community and for families," Mrs. bration the Union Church Thurs- Cozza said. "Quilting is enjoying a day Night Quilters group is pre- strong resurgence of popularity senting a "Centennial Cele- throughout the nation. We have bration" on Saturday, October 3, people who still create a quilt as our from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event foremothers did, entirely by hand." will be held at the 161 Buckingham The Thursday Night Quilters Members of the Union Church Thursday Night Quitters are having a "Centennial Quilt Celebration" on Street, Oakville church, and admis- meets at the church each week and Saturday, October 3, to help celebrate the church's 100 anniversary while displaying quills from all over sion is $3. comprises women from the local the country. The women have made a quilt honoring several women in American history, and welcome new The quilt show aims to celebrate area, including Mrs. Cozza, Lori quitters to their group. Pictured are Lori Ross, Isabel Glanders, Jessie Gabrieie, Carolyn Asselin and Dot the church's history, said Margaret Ross, Isabel Flanders, Jessie Gab- - Dorso (left to right, seated), and Peg Cozza and Gen Ripper (holding quilt). — Times Photo, V. Dorso "Peg" Cozza, a member of the (Continued on page 10) 2 — TowPropertyn Times, September 24,199 of8 the Watertown Historical Society


MeatjCenter CHOICE

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Name: John Napp Friendly Neighbors Index Residence: Waterbury Occupation: Music store co-owner Mobile station to John Napp is co-owner of West- Cable 5 26 be expanded bury Music LLC at 686 Main Street, Calendar 30 page 10 Watertown. The store sells guitars, Classifieds 30-35 amplifiers, drums, band instru- Crossword Puzzle 20 'Great Escape' fire ments, guitar strings, electronic Legal Notices 30 drill exercise keyboards and small public address Letters 5-9,27-28 page 16 systems. "Wedoahugesheetmusic Musical Notes 29 business," Mr. Napp said, and he WHS gridders pound and co-owner Michael Feola offer- Obituaries 12-13 Op/Perspectives 4 Hearts, 53-0 private music lessons and rent band page 21 instruments to schools. Perfect Date 32 "I like to go on the road,".Mr. Police Blotter 16 Napp added, making instrument Real Estate 27-28 Dance studio alters deliveries to schools in the region. Religious 13-15 name slightly Originally from Waterbury, Mr. Restaurants 26 page 25 "app attended St. Mary's grammar Rotary Roundtable 30 ^;hool, Croft High School and Sports 21-24 Westbury Drum Corps Cornwall Academy in Great Bar- This Week in Times. 19 No. 1 in classl rington, Mass. He graduated with a page 29 B.A. in history from Franklin Pierce College in Ringe, N.H. He has been in the music busi- ness for 25 years and worked previ- ously for two other music stores. He played the drum in bands in the 1970'sand 198O's"whenlivemusic Holiday Portraits was plentiful," he said. He and his wife Joan have two daughters, Stacie, 22, and Kimberly, 17. He is a member of the Water- town-Oakville Chamber of Com- merce. First phase of Watertown revaluation underway The first phase of the town's Salim Serdah, CLT representa- is very important that the data col- revaluation program has started, tive and project manager, noted data lector is allowed to do a completed according to Watertown Assessor collectors were to begin inspecting inspection of the property, in order John Petuch, and representatives properties Monday, September 21. to ensure that the property is listed from Cole Layer Tnimble Co. will They were to start inspecting prop- accurately, CLT said. begin to review residential, com- erties on the following streets, roads If the homeowner is not avail- mercial and industrial properties. and avenues: Parkman, Cedar able on the fust or second visit, Watertown has contracted with Ridge, Norway, Dinunzio, Laurel CLT will contact the owner to re- CLT, the nation's largest appraisal Ridge, Sylvan Lake, Howland, quest an appointmentfor an inspec- firm, to perform a complete revalu- Bushnell, Franklin, Sunnyside, tion. ation of all real property within the Falls, Ridgeway, Hillside and Mr. Serdah stated the CLT per- In Color or Classic Black & White town. CLT has experience dating Fairview. sonnel will cany identification back to 1938, Mr. Petuch said, and The job of the data collector is to cards. Anyone wishing to question its professional appraisers, many verify information on land and an I.D. can call the Watertown GEORGIA with 20 to 30 years experience, are improvements. They will review Police Departmental 945-5200, the supported by state of the art com- exterior measurements and request assessor's office at 945-5235, or puter systems for municipalities. access for an interior inspection. It CLT. SHERON Duck race Start Your Day The Farm Shoppe Way! PHOTOGRAPHY on Saturday BEST 274-7823 THOMASTON—TheThomas- BREAKFAST Weekend Specials ton Opera House will hold the first JQv ^* mw

Worth watching Wmmm: An intriguing concept has come before the Planning and Zoning k Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission, both of which '••• - -mamm have given their respective informal blessings to: turn the former Watertown Drive-In site into park land suitable for town activities. The large tract has been dormant for many, many years since the outdoor flicks shut down, although one of the movie screens is still standing. The area once wasconsideredfora dog racing track, but that went down the chute, and attempts at half-hearted com- ADDED ATTRACTION: Cohrfulflower boxes arranged throughout town by the Watertown iGarden Club mercial development seem to have come up short in the get- have brightened up the Watertown Post Office in this instance. — Times Photo, Valuckas serious department. The land now has been gathering refuse, has been an illegal dumping ground for trespassers, and has been converted somewhat into a dirt bike track. From the National Conference of State Legislatures —| The state had considered the property — one of many — as a potential location for a bus depot, but that has not advanced either. One of the bugaboos with the tract is it is alongside the Nauga- tuck River, thus creating a contiguous flood plain. Current zoning, Repeal National I.D. Card unless amended or overridden through a special use permit, will not WASHINGTON, D.C. — Slate Rep. Brian J. allow any significant structures to be built there. Flaherty (R-Watenown) testified here on September So where does that leave the situation? For all intents and 17 against a proposed federal rule requiring Social with state Rep. purposes, nowhere unless the property remains significantly un- Security numbers on newly issued driver's licenses. Brian J. Flaherty built upon. That's why creating a town park there deserves some The 68 tli District lawmaker said that would repeal state thoughtful consideration. efforts to protect consumer privacy, guard against For years the cry has been there are not enough adequate identity fraud, and improve service at the Department ballfields and recreation areas for the townspeople, especially of Motor Vehicles. since the youth soccer program has boomed. Little Leaguers, Therulealsoviolatesexistingfederallaw.according softball players in leagues encompassing all ages, soccer teams, to Mr. Flaherty, who was invited to appear before a and families or groups of friends just out for some recreational fun subcommittee of the House Committee on Government burdens on slates and an inconvenience to drivers. If all must compete for the limited number of fields available. The Reform and Oversight. you think the lines at the DMV are long now, imagine opening of Veterans Memorial Park certainly was a big help, but "The federal government should not use the states in the added wait to verify a Social Security number. that only alleviated the problem somewhat, not cure it. a move toward a national identity card," Mr. Flaherty "Once again the administration has bypassed all said. "With this rule, lost or stolen driver's licenses levels of govemmentand blindly crafted one-size-fits- We're not talking about creating a major sports complex at the would result in identity fraud and privacy nightmares all guidelines for the whole country." drive-in, but perhaps a few playing fields, and open areas for if Social Security numbers were intercepted by the The Watenown lawmaker said one example of the picnics, kite flying, Frisbee tossing, etc. Maybe a basketball court wrong people." rule's costs to states is the required computer verification or tennis court? With talk of constructing a greenway/walkway Mr. Flaherty, deputy house minority leader in the systems. In Washington state alone the initial cost along the river stretching all the way up from Naugatuck, and now Connecticut General Assembly, testified on behalf of would be $3.1 million. Other costs include training with the Naugatuck Valley Railroad trains chugging by on tourist the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), employees, and costs associated with issuing new trips, more exciting possibilities become apparent. where he serves as vice chairman of the NCSL's licences and public awareness campaigns. Can you imagine a small railroad station near the park, a regular assembly on federal issues. "This rule will turn every state DMV into an stop for taking on or discharging passengers from the train? A According to the NCSL, the State Issued Driver's immigration office,"Mr. Flaherty said. "It'sconceivable beautiful walkway near the river, which has been cleaned up Licenses and Common Identification Document is a that consumers will bear the costs." significantly? Bike paths for the youngsters? A horse trail (an item regulation that would implement the Illegal Immigration In determining stales' financial burdens under the once proposed for Crestbrook Park)? Reform AcL It is intended to deter illegal immigration new guidelines, the National Highway Traffic Safety While only ideas are being tossed about at this time, and no by creating a national identification card out of state- Administration (NHTSA) contacted only five states monetary figures have been broached, the overall concept is worth issued driver's licenses. All states would be forced to and grossly underestimated the costs to states. Based investigating we think. After all, look what's there now! The planning imprint licenses with Social Security numbers. on cost estimates from Iowa, for example, NHTSA and zoning and recreation officials might have hit upon a wonderful "This section of the law is an unfunded mandate, it estimates it would cost each slate $500 to fund an plan. preempts state law, and — for a host of reasons — it effective public education campaign informing drivers . It deserves some follow-up. should be repealed," Mr. Flaherty said. of the new law. In response to public concerns about privacy, "How many drivers can you reach with an advertising however, states had begun eliminating the useof Social budget of $500?" Mr. Flaherty asked. "If NHTSA Security numbers on driver's licenses. Some stales, wants an accurate study of the costs generated from such asRhode Island, prohibited imprinting the numbers these guidelines, they should include in the study states on licenses; and other states offered drivers the choice that have increasing international populations of of a random identification number. In Colorado, for licensed drivers, such as New York, California, Florida, example, 60 percent of drivers chose not to use their New Jersey and Texas." Social Security number. Under the new guidelines all In a letter to NHTSA, the NCSL suggested *K», state privacy protection laws would be repealed. administration withdraw the regulation until it con. "I don't understand why slate elected officials with stateofficials.issuesamore accurate cost estimate, weren't consulted about the consequences of the and either seeks federal funding or repeals both the rule proposed federal rule," Mr. Flaherty continued. "The and the law if the costs exceed thresholds determined implications reach far beyond privacy risks to financial by the Unfunded Mandate Reform Act.

The Town Tunes welcomes Letters to the Editor from its readers. All letters must be signed and dated with a phone number included, and WATER-OAK preferably typed and double spaced. Letters should be as concise as possible; letters beyond 300 words are subject to editing. Town Times rime reserves the right to reject any letter and will not publish any letters that are libelous. Letters are due in the newspaper office, 469 Main The large tract that once was the thriving Watertown Drive-In site has Street, by 5 p.m. Monday the week of publication. In the event of a IPERS, INC. become a dumping ground and a makeshift track for din bikes in recent Monday holiday and the office is closed, letters are due by 5 p.m. the PHONE years. — Times Photo, Valuckas previous Friday. Letters also can be mailed to Town Ttmes, "Letter to the Editor," P.O. Box I, Watertown 06795-0001. EM5-994O Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown TimesSociety, September 24,199 8 — 5 Letters a"no"budgetvote?Maybewewere transportation to home play dates. own expense because of their love The amount of revenue returned Budget defeats too busy, forgot, or never regis- A vast majority of the hockey and commitment to their sport In by the hockey club should attest to tered to vote. Isn't this worth the team provides its own equipment; fact, many of the boys work jobs theattendanceathome games. Most do nothing to small effort required? the on ly thing provided for the team prior to practices to be able to buy home games are attended by Wa- enhance town Let's pass this underfunded are jerseys and matching socks, and their equipment. And they do main- tertown students who are enthusi- they are quite old. The team has had tain academic standards withoutany astic supporters. Instead of cruis- To The Editor: budget now and start working con- structively toward our common no new equipment in at least three special consideration given to them ing the streets, the youth are cheer- I am worried about our town. It years. The players buy (at) their by their teachers. is our civic duty and moral respon- goals of maintaining the highest (Continued on page 6) sibility to provide our children with quality education for our students an excellent public education. With and an enjoyable, comfortable, and Businesses hit with new e-mail credit card scam that education we allow our chil- attractive community of which we dren the best possible opportunities can all be proud. by Paulette Hotton, for the future. I have no doubt that Sincerely, Better Business Bureau this is a view that all responsible Dean A. Birdsall Jr., residents share. Watertown WALLINGFORD — Businesses that conduct card on the fax order. You may also request the name tf The joint meeting of the Town commerce online are now reporting how easy it is to and phone number of the bank that issued the credit ',iicil and the Board of Educa- Don't single out fall victim to fraudulent credit card purchases from card. tion, which was held August 31, consumers. Since Internet services are now offering 2. There are more than 700 different free e-mail was crammed from wall to wall hockey for all consumers free e-mail accounts, this service allows a services available to the public. One way to check if with people in the Polk School li- user to enter a password at the company's Web site an order is being routed through one of these brary. We listened as each of our sports cuts to view and send e-mail messages from any location services is to look at the portion of the e-mail elected officials that chose to speak To The Editor with Internet access. address after the "@" symbol. Type shook their heads and bemoaned Dear Board of Education — When opening one of these new accounts, the "www.(name).com" in the URL section of your the fact that they would have to go This is another plea to please user is asked to list personal information such as Internet browser. If a Web site appears on your back andremove more money from think about an across-the-board their name, gender, and address. Often this screen that offers free e-mail, then you know this our budget reduction in the budget for all ath- information is not verified by the e-mail service account is anonymous. You can also find a list of These representatives who dedi- letic teams at the junior high and before and account is used. these free services at: cate their time because they do care high school. It is not fair to single To visualize the scam, picture the waiter at your redflag.htm about our town, its schools, stu- out only one sport among the many favorite restaurant writing down your name and 3. To protect your company, you may require that dents, and residents had previously that are offered to the students. It is credit card number. The waiter sells a list of names e-mail orders be placed using a traditional traceable agonized over this budget. Weheard an injustice to any student who has and credit cards to his friend. This friend goes to the e-mail account If you are still suspicious, pick up die facts and looked at the cost worked hard to have a place on any library and opens World Wide Web e-mail accounts the phone and call the cardholder to verify the order. sheet and we noted that they were team. under each name on the list He even looks up an 4. Be particularly cautious when dealing with right—there is no fat. In fact, our In the article in the Waterbury address to match your name using one of the online international orders and large purchases requiring school system has been run very Republican-American, Mr. (Wil- telephone directories. next day delivery. efficiently.providing a significantly liam, athletics director) Gargano is Now the friend goes on a shopping spree. He 5. Check with your merchant account provider for above average education for a sig- quoted as saying the reason he rec- orders a new computer using your platinum card. the latest safeguards against credit card fraud. There nificantly below average per stu- ommends to drop hockey as a sport His e-mal address is (your name)@(conipany are a variety of new Internet credit card verification dent cost is because it is for only 11 students. name).net All of the items are ordered next day au- services available that may be useful to your Many of us moved into this town He is also denying it for 11 students to be delivered to a private postal center. When the company. because of the schools, parks, and from Pomperaug (High School). company discovers the fraud, the only information 6. Keep in mind there are many legitimate the sense of community. Certainly He is also denying it for the stu- that can be traced is your name and address listed on customers who use free e-mail services, order items our future property value is very dents from thejunior high who have the signup form. While the Internet account may to be delivered as gifts to a different "ship to" closely associated with these same played youth hockey for years in have limited ability, the company that filled the address, and who are willing to pay a premium to factors. the hope of playing high school orders is out thousands of dollars. have their purchases delivered using a next day hockey. So what is the problem? Why The Better Business Bureau offers the following service. Make sure your policy protects your The hockey learn is not the have we denied the budget to date? advice to companies providing online commerce: company, but remains customer friendly. We may disagree concerning pub- smallest team; the golf team is only five students. The tennis team and 1. If the "ship to" address is different from the lic employee salaries, we may not Have a complaint? More information may be weight lifting team are equally as "bill to" address, then request a faxed order with a like something the superintendent obtained by calling the Better Business Bureau, Inc., at small. The golf team must pay signature and credit card number. Ask the customer of schools did, we may take issue to write the exact name as it appears on the credit (203) 269-2700, or fax (203) 269-3124. with comments by a board mem- greens fees at Crestbrook and un- ber. Are those issues addressed with like the hockey team, is provided For Information on local Town Times subscriptions, out-of-town subscriptions or changes In address, call the Circulation Depart- Superintendent's Corner ment at Prime Publishers at (203) 263-2116. Children need help from their parents, guardians or grandparents to do their homework well. It shows Parental, Family, the child that you, as their parent, etc., are interested rTTown "Crimes Phone (860) 274-6721 Community Involvement in them doing their very best. They need help in PRIME PUBLISHERS, INC. Fax 945-3116 Heminway Center by Maggie Fraser figuring out what to do in their spare time. They need 469 Main Street (P.O. Box One), Watertown, Connecticut 06795 Afew weeks ago, Betsy Hackett worte a column to see consistency between what the schools value entitled, "Valuing Connecticut's Families." In the and those values practiced at home. They need to see Published every Thursday. Independently audited circulation delivered article, Mrs. Hackett referred to the Connecticut a school/home partnership. They need to see that all by mail to all of the homes and businesses in Oakville and Watertown, state legislature's designation of September 13 as family members value an education, and are willing Connecticut. "Family Day." While we, the "family" of Watertown to support theschools and the educational community Publisher- Rudy Mazurosky Public Schools applaud and support the concept it by becoming involved. Involvement does not Editor - Tommy Valuckas has to be taken further than just one day designated; necessarily mean "being there in person." Sports Editor - Jim Dreher it is all 365 days that need to be designated and Parenting is a tough task. There is no manual to News Staff - Susan Faber recognized as "Family Day(s)." follow. There is no one right way. Families in today's Chief Financial Officer - Annette Linster There is no greater resource that we have than our modem society are increasingly fragmented. Parents Operations Director - Kurt Mazurosky children and providing the quality of life even better face ever-growing demands on their time, more Circulation & Classified Manager - Walter Mazurosky than we had. And this "quality of life" does not come competition for their children's attention, and in the material things that we purchase for them, but economic burdens which force many of them to Advertising Staff - Vincent Dorso, Jodie Fanning, Deborah Gugliotti, her in the involvement that we have in their lives, work outside of the home and limit the amount of Anne Herr. Cyndi Jaret, Gordon Olivea, Gay Olsen, Lyn Priestman, Sp*y in and day out This involvement does not time that they can spend with their children. Joyce Sharp, Barbara Taylor, Debbie Tutolo. always mean being with them 99.9 percent of the Even with these obstacles, there are some signs Office & Production Staff- Laurel Alexander, Sharon Bell, Phyllis Bova, time, but providing the best that we can for them. that the connections between schools and families Robin Burkin, Loretta Cesare, Gail Ford, Stephanie Knipple, Providing the best educational opportunities for our can be made stronger. We must continue to educate Terry Lieder, Laura Mazurosky, Bobby O'Brien, Bernice Proe, children must be somewhere very near the top of our our parents, especially those who don't feel a part of Carol Schmid, Betty Steinfeld, Craig Warga. list the educational community. They are the link, they ADDRESS: Town Times, P.O. Box One, Watenown, CT 06795 Being involved is crucial toourchildren'ssuccess are the partners that the schools need to sustain and OFFICE: 469 Main Street, Watertown, CT 06795 in school. After all,most children are in the classroom excel. Periodical postage paid at Watertown, Connecticut for only eight of 24 hours a day, five of seven days a Here is the challenge to all citizens: Get actively week, nine and a half of 12 months ayear. Improving involved in the future! Get actively involved in your Town Times (USPS635480) is published weekly by Prime the children's "outside of the classroom" education Publishers, Inc., 469 Main Street, Watertown, CT 06795, and youngestcitizens' education! lidoes lakea village to additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address has become a key goal of education reformers. One raise a child, and Watenown has the capacity to be changes to Town Times, P.O. Box One, Watertown, CT 06795. of the top objectives of the Goals 2000: Educate Ih&tstrong, village community encircling them with America Act reads: "By the year 2000, every school the support and love that they deserve and need. TOWN TIMES. Mail Subscription: 1 year, $39; 6 months, $24; will promote partnerships that will increase parental 3 months, $15; 1 month, $5.50. ^__^^_ involvement and participation in promoting the social, Maggie Fraser is principal at the Frances C. emotional, and academic growth of children." Griffin School in Oakrille. Member USSP1; Member INAE; Member GlTC 6 — TowPropertyn Times, September 24,199 of8 the Watertown Historical Society Letters from page 5) Please vote yes on October 6, Watertown educational system is ing on Iheir friends playing a good 1998. in trouble. It is under atlack by a game of hockey. Enclosed is a list Sincerely, voter group that has other priori- of students and faculty who support John Jablonowski, ties. the retention of hockey as a high president, CRC, I have raised my children in Time management • Goal-setting school sport. Watertown Watertown. I have met and be- Note-taking • Organization skills Please listen carefully to theplea friended many wonderful people. Test-taking strategies to makeageneralcutof funding for President has People who care about their kids, 220 Main Street South all sports. The players and hockey and what the town has for them. I'm Southbury, CT • 262-6464 booster club are dedicated workers set poor example glad I chose Watertown 12 years "Serving the Community for over 10 years" as evidenced by the amount of ago. But, if I had to choose a place for our children to make my home today, I would monies raised returned to the board To The Editor: SYLVAN and returned to the students by look elsewhere. Now that Bill Clinton has taken To all the wonderful people I LEARNING scholarship funds. No other club this country and its citizens on a has offered as much as the hockey know, and to the real estate agents CENTER' "journey," I would like your help. I know, I'm sorry to say this. But, booster club. Some deserving stu- Please help me explain to my 9- Success is learned. dent may miss an opportunity to there is another group of people in year-old son the following: Why Watertown, people I don't tai attend their choice college without lying is acceptable dependent on the help of scholarship money. peoplel haven't met in my year» _» what you are lying about? Why a Cub Scouts, town sports programs, Please don't make your deci- married man would have sexual sion to affect one sport alone. and PTOs. Somehow this other relations with a woman other than group has a voting majority, and Considerareductionfor every sport his wife? Why sex is supposed to be and every club. Academics, clubs, they are not interested in the quality an act of love between married of education, programs for young LOOK FOR OUR INSERT and sports are all equally important couples,notbelweenamiddle-aged to the development of character by people, or even for the growth and IN TODAY'S ^own XLitnct married man and a young girl half improvement of the town. any child. The well-rounded col- his age? What is oral sex and why lege applicant has a better chance They are only interested in lower would President Clinton use his taxes. Not education, not youth of acceptance at a choice college office for doing sex "stuff?" Expert legal counsel than one denied Ihc chance to par- programs, not quality of life in These days it is lough enough to ticipate in the sport they excel at. Watertown, just lower taxes. In their teach our children proper morals m your time of ned Sincerely, quest for lower taxes they are will- and values with all the outside in- ing to sacrifice the town, and its Watertown High School fluences available to our kids. My Hockey Boosters Club, children. husband and I have devoted much There is some irony in what they Oakville time and effort teaching our chil- (Ed. Note: This letter, sent to the are doing. They may succeed in dren morals and values. At home lower taxes today, but the destruc- Board of Education last week, was and in school our kids are taught to signed by 182 people.) tion of the educational system, and honor and respect the Office of the erosion of the quality of life, CRC supports President and the man that occu- will ultimately cause lower prop- pies that office. We all look to that erty values. The small gain in lower budget proposal office as a source of leadership, taxes today will be far exceeded by moral and otherwise. the loss in the selling price of their To The Editor: Bill Clinton is a disgrace! He is For the last six weeks a new homes, and our homes, tomorrow. a disgrace as a husband, father and We need to stop this disaster group of decent, concerned citi- leader. This man is an adulterer, a zens organized themselves into an now! Stop the destruction of the liar and a sexual deviant. For the educational system, stop the de- informational resourcefor Oakville well-being of the country, the in- and Watertown. Our group is dedi- tegrity of the Office of President cated in making Watertown a bet- and our children, hemust resign. If ferplacetogrow upjive and retire. he won't leave the office on his Cheers for If you did not receive D'Amico, Griffin & I am proud to say I am a member of own then he must be impeached. the Concerned Responsible Citi- Sincerely, Westbury! Pettinicchi, Attorneys At Law's insert zens. Gina Ciarlelli, To The Editor: We would like to educate and Watertown call (203) 755-2889 inform the citizens of Oakville and A warm and heartfelt congratu- Watertown on important issues. lations to the members of the West- One issue — the 1998-99 budget 'Yes' vote is bury Drum Corps and its individu- —is one dear to all of us. Please get als and corps for their capturing the out and support this budget. For necessary for Northeastern Drum Corps Asso- many reasons, the oneclosest to my ciation 1998 Championship in per- heart is the education of our needy town's well being formance and appearance. children. To The Editor: It took sometime—but you did No. That's whatl had to tell him. it. How sweet it is! No, don't look for a house in Wa- Sincerely, tertown. That's what I told my friend Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kleban, 1998 with a preschool son who was look- directors, ing for a new home. To him, the and parents, 20TH ANNIVERSARY educational system is the No. 1 instructors, friends, priority. I had to tell him that the Oakville and Watertown CELEBRATION Carnival • Food • Beverages Deland Field Fri., Oct. 2 • 5 p.m.-lO p.m. Sat., Oct. 3 • 10 a.m. -10 p.m. Join Us Sun., Oct. 4 • 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. An Evening with Bob Watson, Byers Representatn and Story Teller Extraordinaire Crafters • Vendors • Entertainment TEETH NEED WHITENING? Refreshments will be served while you view the entire Demonstrations • Petting Zoo • Pony Rides Only a Dentist can get Byers Choice line, more than 300 Carolers on display. (Echo Ijike Road & Prinaten Road) Take place in a drawing for a Signed Retired Caroler and your teeth their whitest... the 20 Year Anniversary 31" Tall "Bellsnickle" Caroler. Sat., Oct. 3 • 10 a-m. - 5 p.m. The new daytime teeth .Sun., Oct. 4 • 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Date: Friday, September 25 bleaching process may Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. be ideal for you! Place: HIDDEN TREASURES $ 1 QQ limited 530 Middlebury Road, Middlebury, CT Plus Door Prizes & Gift Certificates 1" 7 time offer R.S.V.P.S welcomed (203)598-7158 Donated by DR. F. ROMRNIELLO Watertown Merchants & 310 South Main Street • bidden Treasures Friends of Oktoberfest Thomaston H Village Square - Rt. 64, Middlebury, CT 1% ™ for the children's education. I do believe this is a great place NURSING CONTINUING EDUC. RADIOLOGIC TECH. CONT. ED. LIFESTYLES REAL ESTATE Clinical Practicum in Home Care Cross Sectional Anatomy Introduction to Creative Writing Dress Your House For Success Delegating to Unlicensed Personnel Digital Radiology HathaYoga • Doodle If You Dare Financing A Home Purchase Cut Your Own Flowers -10f A Stem Girecr Decision Making For Nurses Osteoporosis and Bone Density Studies Connecticut Basic Boating Certificate Uniform Standards of Fresh Caring for the Person Post Stroke RESPIRATORY CONT. EDUC. Creating a Harvest Centerpiece Professional Appraisal Practice Sweet Chest Studies and Their Interpretation Com, Developing Critical Pathways Bringing a Puppet 10 Life CAREER TRANSITION Vine-Ripe Pain Management Update A Prospective Payment World GENEALOGY Stress Management Tomatoo. w |, 4ppfet Arthritis & Osteoporosis Update Pulmonary Rehabilitation Geneaiogy & Family History 11 Finding a New Career * potatoes 1 BE Pharmacology Update For Nurses PHYSICAL THERAPY CONT. ED. Software Options For Research Creating an Electronic Resume Cucumbers. , CamaJoupes, Breast Cancer Update Arthritis and Osteoporosis Basic Computer Skills Research Bouncing Back: Getting Hired Again Watermelons Pediairic Lecture(s): IntegratingTai Chi & Chikung in Rehab Genealogy Resources on the.Internet COMPUTER TRAINING and Lola "Ion... • Pediatric Orthopedic Conditions Physical Therapy: Patients After Bums ARCHAEOLOGY Personal Computers: The Basics m - Child Abuse Update TECHNICAL & BUSINESS Ancieni Civilizations of Mexico Peachtree Accounting 3.5 for Windows • Rashes. Bumps & Skin Conditions Introduction to Construction Processes Biblical Archaeology: New Testament Quickbooks Pro 5.0 for Windows weet Skills Update for Nurses: Technical Mathematics PERSONAL FINANCE Internet for Educators-Level I&1I |MJ Com • Respiratory Care Cost Estimating for Construction Getting into Investing Windows 95 Computer Training NURSING STAFF DEVELOPMENT Stepping up to Supervisor: Part II There's Money in Those Mutual Funds Windows 95 for New Users '/ at the Teaching Old Tricks A New Way Principles of Quality Assurance Accounting & Tax Fundamentals Windows 95 for Prev. 3.1 Users / Berry Selling Up An Educational Program LANGUAGE & TOURS YOUTH PROGRAMS Microsoft Excel 7.0 ALLIED HEALTH CONT. EDUC. American Sign Language Part I! Forensic Science Microsoft Office 97 Training for Windows Farm Homemaker-Home Health Aide Spanish Pan II • Italian Pan II Creative Movement for the PowerPoint 8.0 • Access 8.0 Nurse's Aide Certification French Part 11 Physically Challenged Macintosh Computer Training Southburyi Care of the Person With Resp. Disease Travel & Tours: CREATIVE ARTS Photoshop 5.0 • Prepress • illustrator 7.01 262-6000 GENERAL.HEALTH CARE • Quebec City A Look at Modem An Technical Computer Training Therapeutic Touch Pan II • New York City - Wall Street Creating Cartoons & Caricature AutoCAD Version 14 Open How to Take an Electrocardiogram • Nicholas* Alexandra Exhibit Acrylics: Painting from Life Windows NT Server Daily Improved Customer Service • Nashville Country Christmas PHOTOGRAPHY Internet Training Near Death Experiences • Montreal New Year's Intermediate Photography Navigating the Internet 9:00am-7:00pm Elders as Victims • Reflections of Italy Color Photography Scripting For Web Pages \ Call 262-6000 Health Career Opportunities - Free TRAVELAGENT TRAINING Hand Coloring Photographs Graphics for Web Pages Hospice Care: Airline Ticketing • Sabre Darkroom Techniques Writing Web Pages • Web Page Workshop 11 1-84 to Exit 15, • Physical Care Tour Planning Improving Your Photography High-Impact Web Pages ] follow Rt. 6 & 67 • Care For the Care Giver Travel Agency Proficiency (TAP)Test " th Vh miles, Interactive Web Pages • FromPage98 • Communication with Clients Web Server Programming uini left onto 67 north, 1/10 mile & Families Web Server Set-Up & Operation to Crook Horn Choose NVCTC...Educating and Training for Your Future Rd. on left, j Quality Programs • Career Options • Job Skills • Convenient Location Watch for I OCTOBER 7TH DEADLINE FOR ALL COURSES STARTING IN OCTOBER For Information and a Free Course Catalog Call (203) 596-2142 or (203) 575-8030 4 WAYS TO REGISTER BY PHONE (203) 575-8029 MC/VISA Naugatuck Vallev '«**, MONDAY - THURSDAY 8:30AM TO 7:30PM across In* «! FRIDAY 8:30AM TO 4:30P,M College WWW BY MAIL • WALK-IN: KINNEY HALL RM K515 " 750 Chase Parkway • Waterbury. CT 06708 Station Continuing Education, Community and Economic Development Bv FAX (203) 575-8243 MC/VISA www.nvctc.commnet. tdu 8 — TowPropertyn Times^ September 24, 199of8 the Watertown Historical Society Provided through the HAPPY 90TH, GRIFFIN SCHOOL! courtesy oj Letters from page 7) •ThorThomaston n teacher, was greeting guests... oh H|SaSavingv s what a day! I passed from classroom loclass- "Bank room and all I could think of was SCHOOL LUNCH Mutual the beauty, energy, commitment, Savings Bank MENU FOR since <•:. • and dedication which continued these past 90 years. I recalled Miss OCTOBER Watertown Oifice Scanlon, Miss Kilbride, Miss Malia, 1998 Mrs. McColgan, Mrs. Salvatore, 565 Main Street Mr. Colbassani, Miss Strockbine $1.70 Elementary and others, and will never forget $1.90 Secondary (860) 274-2573 Miss Griffin, our principal. ALTERNATE LUNCHES: Today my sister teaches kinder- Oct 1 & 2: Steak-um/Bun • Oct. 54: Hot Dog/Bun garten in a classroom that from ray Oct. 12-16: Burger/Bun • Oct. 19-23: Hot Ham & Cheese/Bagel perspective will always be Miss Oct 26-30: Yogurt/Cheese CubesWoll Bussmey's. I walked into the music Daily Milk Choices Available: Skim, LoFat & Chocolate room and I remember Mr. Pape, our librarian, and will never forget Thursday, Oct. 1 | Friday, Oct. 2 | Monday, Oct. 5 our class plays in the auditorium. Whata day! A day all of Water- Twin Tacos School Baked Pizza Veggie Sticks Cheese/Lett/Tom. Garden Salad town and Oakville should be proud Dippin'Sauce of. This 90-year-old building con- Slate Rep. Brian J. Flaherty (R-Watertownj presented Griffin School White Rice Choice of Fruit Fruit Choice Choice of Fruit tinues to be filled with knowledge, Principal Maggie Fraser, center, with an official statement from Gov. Animal Crackers wisdom, and guidance. John G. Rowland declaring September 20 as "Griffin School Day." Open Tuesday, Oct. 6 Wednesday, Oct. 7 Thursday, Oct. 8 I've always been proud to be a House coordinator Tina Agati held a citation from the Connecticut state Chicken Nuggets Sliced Turkey product of the Watertown school legislature recognizing the school on its 90th birthday. — Times Photo, Honey or BBQ Sauce Cheesy Pizza Mashed Potato system. This day at South School is Faber Egg Noodles DunkersySauce Peas & Carrots a tribute to the principals, teachers, Green Beans Vegetable Medley Fresh Baked Roll and parents. I would like the to community to and steps in the morning. Choice of Fruit Choice of Fruit Homemade Cake Sincerely, know that there is aproposal before All Saints has many evening w/Frosting Peter Cincogrono, the Planning and Zoning Commis- programs in what we consider a Friday, Oct. 9 Monday, Oct. 12 Tuesday, Oct. 13 Middlebury sion to rent the building next to the safe place. Griffin School is nearby Bologna Sandwich Post Office to Kelly's Place Cafe and Polk School rents space in my School Baked Pizza COLUMBUS DAY Veggie Sticks Concerned with and Restaurant. They will be serv- building afternoons during the Garden Salad NO SCHOOL Bag ofJax ing lunch and dinner. week. This is definitely not an Choice of Fruit Poly-o-String Cheese appropriate place for Kelly's Place Fresh Fruit potential occupant Do you all remember when the SURPRISE in each bag! Last Chance Saloon came under or any such establishment. of Oakville space fire by theparentsof Griffin School Please plan Vo attend the Octo- Wednesday, Oct. 14 Thursday, Oct. IS Friday, Oct 16 To The Editor: students? I remember well the bar ber 7 meeting of the Planning and Rotini w/Meat Sauce FruitJuice lam writing as the ownerof The Blueberry French Fresh Baked Pizza next to All Saints Church, being Zoning Commission, and/or write Carrot Coins Owl and Pussycat Nursery School to Michael Galullo, chairman,Plan- Toast Stix/Syrup Tossed Salad afraid to be there alone at night, and Homemade Roll and a longtime member of the never knowing who would be ning and Zoning Commission, Choice of Fruit Scrambled Eggs Choice of Fruit Sausage Links community of Oakville. "sleepingitoff" on thechurch porch Town Hall Annex ,424 Main Street, CE CREAM TREAT!!! Apple Ciisp Watertown 06795. Let us come together as a com- munity and be heard. ' You Are Never Too Ifonter OTme & Htquor Sincerely, Hollace J. Paternoster, Young Pioneer Plaza Oakville 544 Straits Turnpike Watertown. CT 06795 To Start 274-1992 Church worried Saving. over potential Let Us Suggest A Wine to ramifications Compliment Your Menu To The Editor Thomaston It has come to our attention that ICE • KEGS Mon-Sat 9-8 Savings r ...i •; I FREE GIFT WRAPPING there is an application pending with OIU) FREE DELIVERY the town Planning and Zoning Commission concerning locating Mutual Savings Bank Kelly's Place CafeTRestaurant to i 1874 318 Main Street (the Byrnes Build- Look For Our Flyer In ing) in Oakville. As potential neigh- bors should this location take place, Your Copy Of we would like to express our oppo- RESPONSIBLE BANKING INVOLVES MORE THAN MONEY. sition to this proposed activity. We do not think that an estab- Monday, Oct. 19 Tuesday, Oct. 20 Wednesday, Oct. 21 Town lishment like Kelly's Place would Chicken Nuggets Mexican Tacos beappropriateinourneighborhood. Cheesy Pizza Lettuce/Tomato/Cheese limes Honey or BBQ Sauce Dunkers/Sauce White Rice Our understanding is that the rea- Egg Noodles Mixed Vegetables Com Niblets son this new location for Kelly's is Carrots Choice of Fruit GIANT COOKIE!!! If you did being considered is because they Choice of Fruit were evicted as tenants from their Thursday, Oct. 22 Friday, Oct. 23 Monday, Oct. 26 not get previous location at the Pioneer Freshmade LABONNE'S Plaza. Vegetable Soup School Baked Pizza Cheesy Pizza We are very concerned abc Grilled Cheese Garden Salad Dunkers/Sauce supplement havingabar located within 40 yaw Sandwich Choice of Fruit Peas & Carrots of All Saints' Church. In addition Pretzel Stix Box Choice of Fruit in your copy to being aplaccof worship, the Owl Choice of Fruit of and Pussycat Nursery School is Tuesday, Oct. 27 Wednesday, Oct. 28 Thursday, Oct. 29 located on our property, as well as Fruit Juice Hamburger Helper Town Times the School Department, which uses Asst. Cereal Bowl Cheeseburger Mac. School Baked Pizza our space afternoons for overflow w/Milk Green Beans Garden Salad special education classes. During Scrambled Eggs Homemade Roll Choice of Fruit please call us the day, parishioners, children and Ham Slice Choice of Fruit Fruited Jello at thcirparents, and teachers are going in and out, in addition to the funer- Friday, Oct. 30 2664202 als, weddings, and the regular TRICK OR TREAT Happy Halloween! weekly Tuesday service. BAG!!! or But most of our activities occur Hot Dog/Bun in the evening including meetings, Veggie Beans 274,9631 Fr. Fries/Ketchup choir practice, Stained Glass, edu- HALLOWEEN TREAT... cation classes, dinners, fall rentals, Cub Scouts, Overcatcrs Anony- Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow nSociety Times, September 24, 1998 — 9 Letters mous and Narcotics Anonymous watertownhistoricalsociety.orgBetty Barney, and Jim MOTTO, Council at the time of the petition, groups, and the Girl Scout leaders. officers and vestry, and the ensuing investigation by Many of these group members bring All Saints' Episcopal Church, the Police Department proved un- their children along as we have Oakville fruitful, but an added cost to the always been able to provide a safe town of time and money. place; wedo not want that to change. BLACK CARPENTER ANTS Councilman Isn't it time to drop the case CAN DAMAGE YOUR HOME All Saints' has been through this against the town and let the taxpay- situation before when Brandolini's says time to ers decide the fate of the historic Black Carpenter Ants excavate extensive galleries in wood to serve Bar occupied the space where our as nesting places and can do serious damage to your home. district at a referendum? The town They're unsightly and unsanitary but they are no match for Bliss trained parking lot is now. On more than drop court case could utilize these legal fees for a To The Editor technicians. Ask about our PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN: one occasion, people were found more worthy cause, like educating it's backed by over a century of reliability. sleeping it off in our doorway. When the proponents of the our children through the Board of Of course, the parking situation Watertown Historical District were Education. PHONE: I WATERBURY TORRINGTON OANBURY I 575-1833 489-9963 743-4558 | cannot be ignored. When wesched- spouting the benefits of a historic Sincerely, ule dinners, weddings or rent the district, a claim was made that there Robert LeBlanc(D), hall out for parties, we need all our would be no cost to the town. Yet Watertown Town Council, since April 1997, a court case -king spaces. We do not have the Watertown OSentricon against the town by these so-called Colony Elimination System BUSS k. jipower or funds to have some- one monitor the lot. purveyors of history is still pend- (Continued on page 27) Revolutionary Development in EXTERMINATORS ing. the Elimination of TERMITES It is our sincere hope and desire Not only is the court cost ($250 THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN CONN that the Planning and Zoning per hour) an added burden to the Commission will deny this appli- town, but the continued involve- cation at its next meeting. If you ment by these "Historians" in the feel strongly about this matter, case is an insult to the approxi- Moynahan, Ruskin, Mascolo & Minnella please attend the planning and mately 900 signers of the ami-his- zoning meeting where this matter loricdistrictpep'tion.someofwhom A Full Service Law Firm Committed to Excellence will come up on Wednesday, Octo- are being held in limbo because of ber 7, at 7:30 p.m. their names appearing on a poten- AUTO/ MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS • PERSONAL INJURY Sincerely, tial witness list in the court case. CRIMINAL LAW • DWI • DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW • MALPRACTICE the Rev. Judith Toffey, rector, WILLS • PROBATE • REAL ESTATE • BANKRUPTCY Linda Caesar, Bill Hammerman, The investigation by the con- trolling members of the Town Love The House! Hate The Kitchen? We Can Help - Call Us Today

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JJflClh illt'll I i."^|l-ii[|iL^ ibility. •with tncittsEngsupport ., eoma;l support. Available on select models. "Dornecy" Firm "Rosalie" Ultra Plush Res- SALE Reg. SALE Twine,.pc '28900 $239°° Twinea.pc $309°° *269°° WATERTOWN S $ $ oa $ Full e,, Pc 329°° 289°° Fulle«.pc 389 339°° 250 Porter Street • Watertown 0 $ Queen2pc.*t W 689°° Queen 2 pc. „, $959e0 $839°° (860)274-0124 S Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 10-5 • Thurs. 10-7 • Sat. 10-3, l,069°° ^49°°, '1,179°° ^rc 10 — TowPropertyn Times, September 24, 199 of8 the Watertown Historical Society lVTnhi 1 ctati nn Quitters at Heart group lists schedule The quilting group called Quilters at Heart has established its monthly THOMAS G. PARISOT meeting schedule for the 1998-1999 season. Anyone interested in attend- At Law gets new look ing the meetings is invited to join as new members are welcome. Meetings are normally held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at Secor, Cassidy & McPartland, P.C. by Susan Faber The Planning and Zoning Com- 7 p.m. at the Oakville Branch Library, 55 Davis Street, with variations due mission has approved the site plan to schedule conflicts and the holidays. Personal Injury for a 24-hour convenience store Topics for the meetings will include Southern Belle quilt block and all Civil Trials and expanded Mobil gasoline sta- presented by Marjorie Reynolds on September 30; Christmas projects on tion atStraits Turnpike and Bunker October 28; and Quick Christmas Ornaments, along with coffee and - No Fee for Initial Consultation - Hill Road. Christmas cookies served, on December 2. Wesson, Inc. submitted a plan Also, Stack and Wack presented by Emily Weisberg on January 27; WATERBURY OFFICE SOUTHBURY. OFFICE WATERTOWN OFFICE fora2,326-square-foot convenience Wheel Chair Bag on February 24; Prairie Points presented by Isabel 41 Church Street 900 Main Street South 401 Main Street store, and, according to approved Flanders on March 24; Color Selection and Art Quilts on April 28; Waterbuiy, CT Soutlibuiy, CT Watcnown, CT plans, the structure will be cedar- Children Charity Quilts on May 26; and Potluck Supper and activity (203) 757-9261 (203) 2(54-8223 (860) 274-2165 sided with a colonial-style canopy, planning calendar on June 23. said town planner Mary Greene. For more information call Dot Dorso in Watertown at 274-6320, or The driveway entrance closest to Isabel Flanders (754-9058) or Gert Ripper (757-6584) in Waterbury. GIRLS: 3 to 25 BOYS: 3 to 12 the intersection on Straits Turnpike BABY DIVISION: Under 3 will be closed, and the grade of the Atlantic Traffic & Design Engi- Mayflower and married John Alden Baby Gin • Baby Boy {2 mo. - 35 mos.) Bunker Hill entrance will be im- Petite (girls 3-5) * Little Miss (6-9) neers, Inc. for Wesson, Inc. has also been depicted. The Alden's Jr. & Older Boys (3-6}*(7-12) proved. union produced 11 children, 68 Jr Miss (10-12) *Teetl (13-17) *Miss (1B-25) Sidewalks will be constructed No quota on quilts- grandchildren andneaiiy 400 great- alongside the gas station property INTERNATIONAL (Continued from page 1) grandchildren, including Henry on Bunker Hill Road and Straits Longfellow, William Cullen PRINCE & PRINCESS Turnpike, and additional landscap- riele, Carolyn Asselin, Dot Dorso Bryant, and presidentsJohn Adams PAGEANT ing will be completed, Ms. Greene and Gert Ripper. They've just spent and John Quincy Adams. | NYCTALEMTSCOtrrVrtLLBEATTHIS I said. The service center will in- "three months of intense work," The quilt also includes a star for (CONTEST SCOUTING FOR TV COMMERCIALS! clude six gasoline pumps. Mis. Cozza said, creating a hand- rMOWES. SOWS* BROADWAY SHOWS I Martha Washington, one of the The zoning panel encouraged made quilt that will be raffled of fat country's first ladies who is re- EVERY CONTESTANT RECEIVES A TROPHYIll building the sidewalks and closing 4 p.m. on the day of the quilting ported to have said, "I have learned Winners in each division become eligible to compete for the NATIONAL TITLE the entrance driveway. celebration. from experience that the greater and over 350,000 In SAVINGS BONDS, GIFTS and PRIZES !!! "We have concerns about ac- Thequilt,"honorsourforemoth- part of our happiness or misery cess and egress from both drive- ers," she explained, and the indi- depends on our dispositions and TO EMTER: Call 203-744-6794 Pageants will be held ways," said commission Chairman vidual blocks represent women who not our circumstances." PAGEANT HEADQUARTERS Sunday. Oct. 11 in Michael Galullo prior to the ap- have left their mark on American P.O. Box 431, No. Salem, NY 10560 Also represented is Helen Taft, Danbury proval, "and about the ability of the history. Represented on the quilt is another first lady who was"astrong site to easily handle tank truck de- Christa McAuliffe, described by advocate for women's and chil- m "We Give the Public What They Want!" • liveries." the quilters as "apioneer whose life dren's rights," according to infor- "The proposed improvements to as a wife, mother, teacher and astro- mation from the quilters. "She include a new convenience mart naut encourages us all to "reach for supported betterworkingconditions MAIN ST. BARBER will have minimal impact on traffic the stars.'"PriscillaAlden.awoman and believed that freedom for conditions," according to a traffic "of strong and determined charac- women rested in their ability to be impact assessment conducted by ter" who traveled to America on the educated." BEAUTY EXCHANGE The Quilt Celebration will in- Now at Our Newly Expanded Location clude a program presented by the Connecticut Quilt Search Projectat WATERTOWN COMMONS 11 a.m. on Connecticut quilts, and 1044 Main St. • Watertown, CT the evolution of a book document- (Across from jimmy's Of Watertown) ing the quilts and their makers. The Kardio Kickbox organization is dedicated to docu- §gf& % • PHONE 274-2443 * SAVft A menting pre-1950 quilts made in Come and try the Connecticut Triple Fat Burning At 2 p.m. Dorothy Bosselman, a 3 DAY SPECTACULAR!! nationally-known quilter and THURS, FRI, SAT - SEPT. 24, 25, 26 Workout for women with the kicks of Birthday mood $ Check Out These Savings!! $ (Continued from page 1) • SUKESHA 32 oz. Natural Balance, karate and the punch- Moisturizing & Extra Body Shampoo 9.35ea ing of boxing by her boss, although she was a Receive FREE 12 oz. Conditioning Rinse good bit taller than the diminutive t Cardio Workout" but energetic principal. $ TRIAL CLASS ONLY $5.00 -Muscle & Fitness * • ORIBE Rinse 10 oz...Re.ce!ye.FREE..1.0pz,.ShamRoo.... 9.75 During Mrs. Kane's tenure, there $ -LIMITED TIME ONLY-1 were no school buses and no cafe- • WELLA Liquid Hair Volumizing Shampoo 12 0z 3.49 teria, so the children went home for • WELLA Restructurizer6.8 0z $9.95 lunch. The teachers took turns with KmnttoKi€kboMh Join Now! "traffic duty" on Main Street, shep- • WELLA Structuring Spray herding the students across the busy for everyone from and receive your 10 oz. Aerosol Can 2 for $10.00 thoroughfare. those who want to get first month for only The annual eighth grade class • KMS 33.8 oz. Ltr. Cleanse-Phree Shampoo, $ in shape to those who trip to Washington.D.C. originated Moisturizing Shampoo & NeFa Shampoo 9.95ea at South School in 1952, Mrs. Kane • KMS Fiat-outeoz $11.95 looking for the ulti- $29 recalled, and students from Bald- mate workout. offer expires 9/30/98 win School also took the field trip. • All OPI Nail Lacquer Everyday Low Price $4.95 New members only Also on hand at the Open House was Marjorie (Hard) Peircey, who s $ • SHAPER & SHAPER plus 10 oz 8.25/ 8.75 served as South School secretary under Frances Griffin from 1933 to • BACK TO BASICS 33 oz 1942. "I was here when the fir Wild Berry Shampoo & Conditioner 18.95boih three male teachers taught here, •BACK TO BASICS IOOZ Mrs. Peircey said, and the trio in- Sunflower Hair Spray 6.95 cluded Lester Evans, S umner Libby Ages 4-144 McnAVomcii/Children and Patrick Fontaine. S • PAUL MITCHELL 32 oz. Freeze & Shine Refill. 1 2.95 Offering 35 Classes per week Griffin Principal Maggie Fraser, Board of Education member Mary • PAUL MITCHELL 16 oz. Sculpting Foam $1 0.95 Visit our booth at Watertown Ann Rosa and Town Council Chair- Oktoberfest 10/2 - 5 woman Rosalie Loughran greeted • PAUL MITCHELL 32 oz. Owapuhi Shampoo S7.95 state Rep. Brian J. Flaherty (R- Watertown), who arrived with an BODY DRENCH Individual Tanning Packets official statement from Gov. John ««& 20 ML 6 for $5.00 G. Rowland declaring September 20 "Griffin School Day." Ms. • FREE PATIVA SAMPLES • Rosa's two children attended Grif- fin and she also served as school Many More In-Store Specials!! secretary, and Mrs. Loughran's • We Now Accept Master Card & Visa • three children were students- at Griffin. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow n SocietyTimes, September 24, 199 8 —• 11 teacher from Old Saybrook, will Other communities have achieved emphasized the value of the bike present her collection of 42 con- success with such patrols, he said, patrol program to the town's young temporary Amish quilts, along with as well as with police dogs and people. a lecture entitled "A New England "I see Joe (Tartaglia) on his Quite Meets Amish Quilters." Ms. "I question the chiefs decision rounds," Mrs. Russ said. It is im- Bosselman will tell about the Amish to suspend and evaluate the bike portant "having someone on a bike women who made the quilts, and patrol at this juncture," Mr. Blan- who can communicate with the will present information on pat- chard told council members during kids." terns, piecing and quilting tech- public participation. "There was a Council members voiced their niques. She traveled more than problem between the chief and the opposition to the suspension of 30,000 miles in the United Slates officer running the bike patrol. programs later on in the meeting. and Canada to meet and talk with What's happening is wrong. The "I'm dead set against this," said Amish women and their families. guy is doing a great job." Councilman Tony Recchia. "I do Also on display will be award- Mr. Blanchard also questioned not understand why they are being winning quilts from the Keepsake the suspension of the D.A.R.E. suspended." When he visits Veter- Quilting Challenge Collection of program, which is funded in part by ans Memorial Park with his daugh- for our Values New Hampshire, a dozen quilts on the Watertown Rotary Club and by ter, "it's nice to see the bike patrol loan from the Watertown Histori- D.A.R.E. International. The up there," Mr. Recchia said. cal Society, and more antique and D.A.R.E. officers are "doing an "I think it's wrong. We worked SEPT. 23 - 29 •nodem quilts. outstanding job," Mr. Blanchard very hard to bring the department Vendors will show new tech- said, and school children identify to where it's been. I'm against these niques and products, including them as "Officer Mart, Officer cuts," Mr. Tecchia continued. The AGWAY fabric and quilt supplies, and AQS Andy.OfficerLisaandOfficerFred. D.A.R.E. program serves its func- PEAT certified quilt appraiser, Sue Fion- It's important to expose children to tion "if we save one child from della, will be available for apprais- role models like these officers. I'd getting addicted or dying from a MOSS als. Antique sewingequipment will hate to see these programs discon- drug overdose," Mr. Recchia said. 3.8 cu also be displayed. tinued." "We're not abandoning the ft. bag The Union Church Ladies Aid Town resident Denise Russ also (Continued on page 18) Reg. $7.99 Society will offer lunch and snacks for sale in the parlor throughout the day, and church volunteers will run Oakville Liquor Store 2 cu. ft. bag 1 cu. ft. bag a Christmas tableau complete with Reg. $5.99 Reg. $3.99 Christmas quilts and ornaments. 293 Main Street, 99 Raffle tickets for the "Women Oakville $349 $2 in History" quilt may be purchased Ideal soil conditioner • improves waicr by calling Ms. Gabriele at 264- SEPTEMBER SPECIALS $147 a ton mention in sandy soils, lightens heavy soils 5263 or Mrs. Cozza at 274-3483; tickets will also be available at the |_ VENDANGE SEAGRAM'S 7 DEER While Zinfetndel i 75L 8' WIRE event NETTING For more information and direc- FILLED GATE 7X100 tions, call Ms. Ripper at 757-6584, Reg. $19.99 or Mrs. Cozza or Ms. Gabriele.

: ! ; 1 1 • Council reacts Mon-Sat 10-8 £fe HTJ we accept all Major Credit & Debit Card' N 11 k, (Continued from page 1) ii i ' i •f # r 1 patrol has been suspended pending evaluation. K-9 Dog ("Ex") has been retired after fouryears of serv- Reg. $61.99 ice.TheD.A.R.E.program has been $ 50 put on hold pending new budget approval." SALE 46 "These are management deci- sions by the chief based on man- CEDAR BARK power needs," Mr. O'Connor told CHIPS, council members Monday evening. 3 cu. It. AGWAY "I have concerns over the bike Reg. $3.99 patrol being suspended," said PINE Watertown resident Ronald Blan- BARK, chard, who recently retired after serving as detective sergeant in the CHIPS, Walertown Police Department. NUGGET! 3cu. ft. Porter and $ Reg. $3.99 Chester 5,.r 9" graduates get jobs! Fall& CONCRETE Winter BENCH Why? HegReg. $129.9»ii:y.i 9

We train our stuclems in 6 NEEDED Fertilizer occupations 5,000 Sq. Ft SALE »99 • Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) • Medical Assisting 99 • Computer Electronics • Computer/Office Professional • Automotive 15,000 Sq. Fl. • HVACR "I BELIEVE HONESTY We employ job search experts who IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF *19" help you get the job you were trained for. CUSTOMER SERVICE." We design our programs with the help of representatives from lending Experienced mortgage lenders like Paul McLaughlin in our companies throughout tiic area. This means you Icam what your future Oakville office are ready to help you with a new mortgage. employer wants you to know. Call Paul at 274-7467 and find out why at Litchfield Bancorp, C.-ill IK iii(t:i\ Mini liviru ii"v.- ym can get started in a secure, well paying great rates are just the start of "Mortgage-Smart"! GREEK ACRES Agway Litchfield Bancorp 320 Sylvan Lake Road Farm • Home • Garden Watertown, CT 1-800-870-6789 OPEN 7 litchfidd iakeville Torrbigtan Oakville PORTER 567-M1 43S-9S28 4H2-97W 274-7467 Main St. So. DAYS AND CHESTER Woodbury, CT INSTITUTE 12 — TowPropertyn Times, September 24,199 of8 the Watertown Historical Society Obituaries 14, at Abbott Terrace Health Cen- Angeline Aurio Mass at 10 a.m. Burial was in Hill- member of the Delta Delta Delta watertownhistoricalsociety.orgter. side Cemetery, Cheshire. sorority. She worked as an execu- OAKVILLE — Funeral serv- She was bom March 24,1912, Mrs. Keeman, widow of Davis tive secretary for the senior vice ices for Mrs. Angeline (Longo) in Giffoni Valle Piano, province of Mclntosh Keeman, died Friday, presidents of two Chicago adver- Aurio, 82, of 56 Tucker Avenue, Salerno, Italy. She was the daugh- September 18, at Yale-New Haven tising agencies: Dancer, Fitzgerald were held Friday, September 18, at ter of the late Pietro and Carmela Hospital. & Sample, and Needham, Lewis & 9:15 a.m. from the O'Neill Funeral Falivene. She came to the United She was bom January 26,1934, Brorbie. She was a guest member Home to S t. Mary Magdalen Church States and to Waterbury in 1958. of the Rockefeller Chapel Choir of for a Mass at 10 a.m. Burial was in in Norfolk, Mass., daughter of the She worked asaseamstress at Hilda late Joseph and Emma (Fiorini) the University of Chicago. Mount Olivet Cemetery, Water- Dress Shop for 24 years, retiring in Mrs. Liltlefield was a member town. 1974. She was a communicant of Collari. She was a graduate of Wellesley High School in Welle- of the Junior League in Cedar Mrs. Aurio, widow of Domcnic Our Lady of Lourdes Church. sley, Mass., and was a Cheshire Rapids and Peoria, 111. She was A. Aurio, who died in 1991, died She leaves three sons, Lorenzo resident since 1966. She was a li- superintendentoflhe nursery school Wednesday, September 15, at the DeVito of Riverhead, N.Y., Anto- censed practical nurse at Water- atFiistFederated Church in Peoria, Cedar Lane Rehabilitation and nio DeVito of Waterbury, and Louis bury Hospital, retiring after more and a Cub Scout den mother in Health Care Center in Waterbury. DeVito of Watertown; nine grand- than 20 years. She was acommuni- Peoria and Cleveland Heights, She was bom in Waterbury children; and four great-pandctiil- cant of the Church of the Epiphany. Ohio. She was a member of the September 7,1916, daughter of the dren. First Congregational Church in She leaves two sons, Peter E. late Anthony and Lucy (Pesce) Watertown and past president of Keeman of Summerville, S.C., and Aurio. She was a lifelong resident Frank M. Quadrato the Women's Fellowship. She Michael D. Keeman of Oakville; a of Oakville, and attended Oakville OAKVILLE — Funeral serv- taught evening knitting classes for Frank M. Quadrato daughter, Janice Keeman of Cov- and Watertown schools. She was a ices for Frank M. Quadrato, 71, of the Watertown Board of Educa- entry; a brother, Joseph Collari of communicant of St Mary Magdalen 5 North S treet, were held Saturday, James Quadrato of Waterbury; two tion. Natick, Mass.; and nine grandchil- Church, and a member of its Catho- September 19, at 9:30 a.m. at Un- sisters, Angie Caslertano of Wco- lic Women's Organization. dren. Besides her husband, she leaves ion Congregational Church, with dbury and Mary Morin of Nauga- LWO sons, Douglas R. LitUefield of She is survived by four sons, the Rev. Waldo Landquist, minis- tuck; 13 grandchildren; three great- Contributions may be made to the HHT Foundation, c/o Dr. Robert Oakland, Calif., and Bruce A. Lit- Francis Aurio of Waterbury, An- ter, officiating. Burial with full grandchildren; and several nieces tlefield of Andover, Mass.; a ihony Aurio of Waterbury, Tho- military honors was in Evergreen and nephews. White, Yale-New Haven Hospital, 20 York Street, New Haven 06510. brother, Dr. C.R. Little of Corpus mas Aurio of Wolcott and Domenic Cemetery, Watertown. He was predeceased by a son, Christi, Texas; and three grand- Aurio of Oakville; two brothers, Mr. Quadrato, husband of Bev- Glen Quadrato, in 1978, and a step- daughters. Michael Longo of Oakville and erly (Hallock) Quadrato, died daughter, Leslee Susan Shaw, in Dorothy Littlefield Contributions may be made to Joseph Daddona of Waterbury; a Thursday, September 17, at Water- 1974. WATERTOWN — A memorial the Women's Fellowship or Book sister, Mrs. Dorothy Sandore of bury Hospital. Contributions may be made to service for Mrs. Dorothy Anne of Remembrance, First Congrega- Waterbury; eight grandchildren; He was bom in Waterbury Sep- the Union Congregational Church (Little) Littlefield, 76, of Hamilton tional Church, 40 DeForest Street, three great-grandchildren; and tember 25, 1926, son of the late Building Fund, 161 Buckingham Lane, was held Wednesday, Sep- Watertown 06795. The Hickcox several nieces and nephews. She Rafael and Catherine (Bochichio) Street.Oakville 06779. TheO'Neill tember 23, at 1 p.m. at First Con- Funeral Home, 195 Main Street, is was predeceased by a brother, Paul Quadrato. He was raised and edu- Funeral Home, Oakville, was in gregational Church. Burial will be in charge of arrangements. Longo, and two sisters, Pasqualina cated in Waterbury, and was a resi- charge of arrangements. today (Thursday) at 10:30 a.m. in Guerrera and Margaret Varrone. dent of Oakville for more than 50 Elmwood Cemetery, Methuen, Agnes Padella Contributions may be made to years. He was employed for 44 Charlotte A. Harty OAKVILLE — Funeral serv- the Waterbury Association of Re- years at the Scovill Manufacturing WATERBURY — A funeral ices for Mrs. Agnes "Liz" (Padula) tarded Citizens, 1929 East Street, Co. of Waterbury, and also worked Mass for Mrs. Charlotte Ann Padella,86,ofl26RiversideStreet, Waterbury 06705, or to the Water- at the Oakville Pin Shop. He was a (Deming) Harty, 104, formerly of were held Tuesday, September 22, bury Special Olympics, c/o U.S. Army veteran of World War 70Lakewcod Road, was said Tues- at 9 a.m. from the O'Neill Funeral Roxanne Augelli, 25 Blackman II, serving in the Asiatic-Pacific day, September 22, at 9:15 a.m. at Home to St. John the Evangelist Road, Waterbury 06704. Campaign. Blessed Sacrament Church. Burial Church, Watertown, for a Mass at In his spare time Mr. Quadrato was in Calvary Cemetery. 10a.m. Burial was in MountOlivct Tullia DeVito enjoyed New York Yankees base- Mrs. Harty, widow of Edward F. Cemetery, Watertown. WATERBURY — Private fu- ball, camping and traveling. He was Harty, died Saturday, September Mrs. Padella, widow of Armand neral services for Mrs. Tullia (Fal- a member of the Veterans of For- 19. V. "Babe" Padella, died Saturday, ivene) DeVito, 86, formerly of 24 eign Wars Oakville Post 7330, and She was bom November 20, September 19, at Waterbury Ex- Union Street, Josephine Towers, Union Congregational Church of 1893, in Winchester, daughter of tended CareFacility in Watertown. Apt 902, were held Thursday, Oakville. the late Harold andJosephine(King) She was bom in Waterbury on September 17, Horn Chase Park- Besides his wife he is survived Deming. She wasaWaterbury resi- January 24, 1912, daughter of the way Memorial/The Albini Family by five sons, Frank W. Quadrato of dent since 1923, and previously late Mariano and Angelina (DeZ- Funeral Home to Our Lady of Bethlehem, and David H. Quad- lived in Canaan. She was a commu- inno) Padula. She lived in Water- Lourdes Church for a Mass at 10 rato, Gary R. Quadrato, Louis J. nicant of Blessed Sacrament bury for many years, was educated a.m. Burial was in Mount Olivet Quadrato, and Steven R. Quadrato, Church. in the city, and was a resident of Cemetery, Watertown. all of Oakville; a stepson, Gregory She leaves three grandchildren, Oakville for 60 years. She was Mrs. DeVito, wife of Americo R. Shaw of Oakville; two brothers, Edward J. Harty Jr. of New York, Dorothy Littlefield employed for 16 years at the DeVito, died Monday, September Joseph Quadrato of Waterbury and Michael W. Harty of Chicago, and Oakville Pin Shop, and also was Sheila A. Horrigan of Watertown. Mass. employed at Risdon Manufactur- She was predeceased by a son, Mrs. Littlefield, wife of Charles ing Co., retiring in 1974. Mrs. Edward J. Harty. .P. Liulefield, died Saturday, Sep- Padella was a member of the senior Contributions may be made to tember 19, at the Watertown Con- citizens group at the senior center Family owned and operated since 1884. the American Cancer Society, 2024 valarium after a long illness. The in Oakville, the AARPChapler548, EastMain Street, Waterbury 06705. couple celebrated their 50th wed- and was a communicant of S t. John The Mulville Funeral Home, Wa- ding anniversary September 12. the Evangelist Church. • Traditional and lerbury, was in charge of arrange- Mrs. Liltlefield was bom Febru- She leaves a son, Armand D. Cremation Services ments. ary 16,1922, in Fort Wayne, Ind., Padella of Northfield; a daughter, • Pre-arrangement Counseling daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Robert Mrs. Theresa E. Poirier of Water- • Prepayment Plans Include: Nancy Keeman Little and Helen (Robertson) Little. town; a sister, Mrs. Lena Petrucci Irrevocable Trust Funds CHESHIRE—Funeral services She graduated from Franklin High of Waterbury; five grandchildren; Insurance Funding for Mrs. Nancy (Collari) Keeman, School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at- a great-granddaughter; and several 68, of 106 Winthrop Drive, were tended Coe College in Cedar Rap- nieces and nephews. heldMonday,Sepicmber21,at9:15 ids and graduated with a bachelor's Contributions may be made to H. Paul Hickcox - Carol M. Hlckcox 274-8383 a.m. from the Slater Funeral Home 195 Main St., Watertown 274-9522 degree from Wooster College in Project Care, Inc., Home and Hos- to the Church of the Epiphany for a Wooster, Ohio, in 1944. She was a pice Services, Depot Square, 5L Depot Street, Watertown 06795.

J. van Zuiden service FIRST OIL CO. JOHN G. O'NEILL WATERTOWN — A memorial FUNERAL HOME service for Jean (Lawson) van 15HOM0 GalloE HEATINn MinimuGm Oil $ "7M"7M.9 Zuiden of New York City will be (smaller amounts available) PRICE SUBJECT "Within The Means Of All" held Saturday, September 26, at 2 p.m. at the Trumbull House, 40 • full service oil company • Serving All Faiths • Pre-Arrangements DeForest Street, next to First Con- • automatic deliveries . service contract • Pre-tJeed Funeral Trust Accounts gregational Church. Friends and • budget plan . 24-hour burner service • Complete Burial & Cremation Services relatives are invited to attend. Ms. van Zuiden was the daugh- 753-5255 797-1505 Serving Oakville-Watertown & Surrounding Areas ter of Charles and Esther Lawson. The Hickcox Funeral Home, 195 742 Main St., Oakville Peter J. Zakowich, 274-3005 Main Street, is in charge of ar- 1-800-432-4OIL(4645) rangements. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times Society, September 24,1998 — 13 Obituaries watertownhistoricalsociety.orgReligious Orange City, its Women's Fellow- All Saints' Episcopal Lighthouse Baptist nursery care provided. Valdore A. Laiferriere ship, and the Bethlehem (Conn.) 965 Litchfield Road Sunday, September 27 — Sunday WATERBURY—Funeral serv- 262 Main Street Grange. She was a past member of OakviUe, 274-2352 274-5020 School for all ages, including adults, ices for Valdore A. Laferriere, 73, the Third Congregational Church Thursday, September 24 — Youth Sunday, September 27 — Sunday 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship Service, of Easlwood Avenue, were held of Waterbury and its Women's Groups, 6 lo 8:30 p.m. School and AdultBible Study, 10 a.m.; 11, nursery care provided; Children's Wednesday, September 23,at 8:30 Fellowship. Friday, September 25 — Narcotics Junior Church, 10; Morning Worship Church ages 3 to 10,11:30; Missions a.m. from the Woodtick Memorial, Anonymous, 7 p.m. Service, 11; Evening Service, 6 p.m.; Fellowship Dinner with slides of recent Besides her husband, she leaves Missions Trip to Ireland with Touch Wolcott, to St. Anne Church for a Sunday, September 27 — Holy nursery available all services. a daughter, Marion Wilson of Or- Wednesday, September 30 — the World Missions, 6 p.m. Mass at 9:30 a.m. Burial was in angeCity; a grandson, Lawrence F. Eucharist Rite n, 8 a.m.; Parish Break- Mount Olivet Cemetery, Water- fast, 9 to 9:30; Nursery/Sunday School, Wednesday Evening Prayer and Bible Tuesday, September 29 — Musi- Wilson; a granddaughter, Wendy 9:45; Holy Eucharist Rite H, 10. Study, 7 p.m cians' Practice, 7:30 p.m. town. W. Radzunas; and two great-grand- Mr. Laferriere, widower of Monday, September 28 — Choir New Beginnings Assembly of God First Congregational daughters, Amanda and Amy Rehearsal, 7 p.m. Marie (Grosso) Laferriere, died Radzunas. Meets at Union Congregational 40 DeForest Street Tuesday, September 29 — Service 161 Buckingham Street 2744737 Sunday, September 20,athis home. Contributions may be made la a of Holy Eucharist and Healing, noon; He was bom September 10, OakviUe, 274-5759 Thursday,September24—Brownie charity of the donor's choice. The Stained Glass, 7 p.m. Thursday, September 24 — Mid- Troop, 3:30 to 5 p.m. 1925, in Bangor, Maine, son of the Hickcox Funeral Home, Water- 'Uoul and Delia (Dube) Lafer- Berean Baptist Week Service, 7 p.m. Friday, September 25 — Wedding town, is in charge if local arrange- SO Deforest Street Rehearsal, 4 p.m.; Pack 76 Meeting, c. He worked for Century Brass, Sunday, September 27 •— Morning L ments. 573-8647 Worship, 9 a.m.; Sunday Evening Home Fellowship Hall, 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. retiring in 1978. He was a commu- Sunday, September 27 — Sunday Bible Studies, call for information. Saturday, September 26 — Wed- nicant of SL Anne Church. School, all ages, 9:45 ajn.; Morning ding, 10:30 a.m.; Memorial Service for He leaves two sons, Kenneth Worship, 10:45; Evening Service, 6 Our Savior Lutheran Jean van Zuiden, Trumbull House, 2 Laferriere and James Laferriere, Autumn book fair p.m.; nursery available all services. 505 South Main Street pjn. both of Waterbury; a brother, Wednesday, September 30—Mid- Thomaston, 274-8534 Sunday, September 27 — Early The annual Fall Open House Sunday, September 27 — Sunday Valdrick Laferriere of Oakville; a week Prayer at parsonage, 315 Par- Worship Service, 8:30 a.m.; Worship and Book Fair will be held today klawn Drive, Waterbury, 7:30 p.m School, all ages, 9:15 ajn.; Worship Service with the Rev. Dr. Joseph Nev- sister, Valma Belisle of Waterbury; (Thursday) from 6 to 9 p.m. at St. Service, 10:15, child care during wor- and two grandchildren. ille preaching, 10, Church School, John the Evangelist School, 760 B'nai Israel Congregation ship. Coffee Hour following worship. nursery care provided; Pilgrim Fellow- Contributions may be made to Main Street. Meets at Union Congregational ship Meeting, 7 to 9 p.m. VNA Hospice Care, Depot Square, . Sl. James Lutheran Ch urch Parents, students and friends are 161 Buckingham Street Monday, September 28 — Fix-Its Peter Road, Southbury 51 DepotStreet,Wal£itown 06795. invited to visit classrooms at the OakviUe, 274-4848 Fellowship, 9 ajn.; Adult Handbell 264-6873 Thursday, Seplember24—Brown- Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pjn. school, and also at the "Little Friday, September 25 — Weekly Frances Z. School" in the parish convent at ies, 6:30 p.m.; Quilting Club, 7; EAG Tuesday, September 29 — Staff Pogodzienski Hebrew School, 4 to 5:45 p.m.; Serv- Bible Study, 7. Meeting, 10 am.; Girt Scouts, 5:30 to 7 Academy Hill. The book fair will ices, 7. p.m.; Stewardship Meeting, Trumbull WATERBURY—Funeral serv- be in the school library. Sunday, September 27 — Sunday Christ Episcopal Worship Service, Church School, House. 7:30. ices for Mrs. Frances Z. (Zelski) Teachers will be able to greet Wednesday,September30—Youth Pogodzienski, 84, of 2046 North 2S The Green 10:45. parents, while parents can view their 274-1910 Tuesday, September 29 — Girl Choir Rehearsal, 6:30p.m.; Boy Scouts, Main Street, were held Monday, children's school work. Saturday, September 26 — N.A. Scouts, 6:30 p.m.; A.A. Meeting, 7:30. 7; Senior Choir Rehearsal, 7:30. September21,ai9:30a.m. from the Meeting, parish hall, 7 p.m. Wednesday, September 30—Chil- Fitzgerald-Zembruski-Mangacci Sunday, September 27 — Holy dren's Choir Grades K-5, 3:20 to 3:45 United Methodist Funeral Home to St. Stanislaus Communion, 8 a.m.; Sunday School, p.m.; Senior Choir Grades 9-adults, 7; 305 Main Street Kostka Church for a Mass at 10 Carolyn's Place 9:15; Adult Bible Study, 9:20; Holy Boy Scouts Troop 52,7:30 274-3785 a.m. Burial was in Calvary Ceme- Communion, 10:30. Thursday, September 24—Scouts, tery. benefit dinner Monday, September 28 — A.A., Gateway Bible 7 pjn. WATERBURY — A ziti dinner 10:30 a.m.; Women's A.A., 7 p.m. 500 Buckingham Street Saturday, September 26 — Youlh Mrs. Pogodzienski, widow of OakviUe, 274-8676 Group Car Wash, church parking lot, Benjamin Pogodzienski, died Fri- to assist the Carolyn's Place crisis Tuesday,September29—Al-Anon, 10 a.m. Thursday, September 24 — Men's 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. day, September 18, at Abbot Ter- pregnancy center will be held Sat- Prayer Meeting, 6 to 7 ajn.; Youth urday, September 26, from 5:30 to Wednesday, September 30 —Men's Sunday, September 27 — Adult race Health Center in Waterbury Group "Make Your Own Pizza" Plan- Bible Study, Sunday School, 9 a.m.; 7:30 p.m. at SL Anne Church, 515 Prayer, 6 ajn.; Holy Communion, 8. after a brief illness. Thursday, October 1 — ECW ning Party, 7 p.m. Worship Service, 10:30. South Main Street She was bom March 27,1914, Meeting, church library, 10 a.m. Friday, September 25 — Ladies (Continued on page 14) in Poland, daughter of the late Felix Tickets are $7 for adults, and $4 Prayer Fellowship, 9:30 to 11 ajn.. and Wladyslawa (Bogdanski) for ages 4 to 10. Those under age 4 Christ Episcopal Zelski. She was a lifelong resident get in free. Tickets will be available Main Street • Fall Is The Time For Plantin of Waterbury and worked at Scov- at the door, or can be obtained by Bethlehem, 266-7698 ill Manufacturing Co. as an inspec- calling 274-2604. Sunday, September 27 — Holy tor for 30 years before she retired. Eucharist and Sunday School, 9 a.m. - Nursery-Wide Sale - ShewasacommunicantofSt.Stan- islaus Kostka Church, and a mem- Italian Language Classes For Children ber of the Catholic Ladies Guild Due to last year's successful response we're continuing the four 20-40% OFF [here, where she was past presi- classes to expose children to the Italian Language and its rich dent. cultural heritage. All in stock She leaves a son, Bernard 'Bernie" Pogodzienski of Water- Registration: October 3rd & 10th. Cost: $65. Drubner Center, outdoor plants town;-a brother, FrederickZelski of Teikyo Post University • 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. California; a sister, Sophie Zinno Beginners Classes are from 6 yrs. to 8 yrs. and 9 yrs. to 13 yrs. Trees, shrubs, evergreens rf Watertown; six grandchildren; of age. Classes for more experienced students and water plants and two great-grandchildren. She also available. *as predeceased by two sons, Time: Sat. 10 a.m. -11:30 a.m. at the Drubner Center, (Fall mums not included in sale) Donald and Edward Pogodzienski. Teikyo Post University, from October to April. Contributions may be made to Additional funding for the program through the Henry A. Cirio Fund, 5t. Stanislaus Kosika Church, 86 est. 1995 by Mrs. Viola Galluci-Cirio and by UNICO. Waterbury Chapter. Call: Josephine DeSimone, Dir. (860) 274-7290 -Mulch Sale- EastFarm Street, Waterbury 06704. Cedar mulch, pine bark mini nuggets, Edith S. Wasserback nuggets and shredded hardwood mulch. ORANGE CITY, Fla. — $ 00 jraveside services for Mrs. Edith SALE 4 bags for 10. J. Wasserback, 82, formerly of >' rtown, Conn., were to be held 20% OFF All Bagged Decorative Stone rr.,ew North Cemetery, Woo- Ibury, Conn., at a day and time to Stop in to see our newly completed 6-tier K announced. No calling hours vere scheduled. water garden with bridge and island. Mrs. Wasserback, wife of At Sylvan, we help children who are doing Yederick Wasserback, died Thurs- well in school reach their full potential. Western Connecticut's largest selection lay, September 17, in Orange City. She was bom in Waterbury, 220 Main Street South of water gardening supplies. tain., on August26,1916, daugh- Southbury, CT • 262-6464 it of the late Wilbur C. and Edith "Serving the Community for over 10 years" (Landscaping and Landscape Design) A. (Terrill) Seeley. She was a long- ime resident of Watertown before SYLVAN Sale Prices in effect thru Wed., Sept. 30th loving to Orange City in 1991. LEARNING Cash & Carry on sale items • In stock only he had worked for the Connecti- ut Service Bureau and retired as a CENTER* The Hosking Nursery & Red Barn Gift Shoppe ranch manager from Stanley Home Success is learned. toducts. She was a member of the 114 Porter St 860-274-8889 Watertown ;irst Congregational Church of Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30 • Sat. 9-5 • Sun. 104 MC - VISA - AMEX - DISCOVER 14 — TowPropertyn Times, September 24,199 of8 the Watertown Historical Society Religious from page 13) Monday, September 28 — Water- bury Chorale, 7 p.m.; Cub Scouts, 7. Tuesday, September 29 — Cherub Choir, 4 p jn.; Junior and Youth Choir, 5; Weight Watchers, 5:30; MYF. 6 to 7:30. Wednesday,September30—Adult Bible Study, 6:30 pjn.; Bell Choirs, 6:30; VNA Grief Seminar, Fellowship Hall, 6:30; Adult Choir, 7:30.

St. John the Evangelist (RQ 574 Main Street 274-8836 Thursday, September 24 — Quil- ters, church hall, 10 a.m.; Mass for Rita Gedraitis, 12:10p.m.; Neibel/Bevilac- COMES WITH TERRITORY: Every job has its perks, and being a School qua Wedding Rehearsal, 6; Fall Open Sister of Notre Dame at St. John the Evangelist School is no exceptior House and Book Fair, school, 6 to 9; Shown first in line at the school's annual Home-School Associatio,. Baptism Preparation Class, church hall, potluck supper are, from left to right: Sister Catherine Killoran, SSND, 7. second grade teacher: Sister Rita Collins, SSND, eighth grade; Sister ' ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING Friday, September 25 — Mass for EileenEden, SSND, principal; andSister Rita AnneKilloran.fifth grade. • SEAMLESS GUTTERS Libby Freeman, 12:10 p.m.; Bingo, church hall, 7. Families and faculty alike shared a very tasty and fun-filled evening. • STORM WINDOWS & DOORS Saturday, September 26 — Meat Photo courtesy of Rosemary Grady. ' ROOFING Loaf Drop-off for St. Vincent DePaul ft:*:::*:*:*:*:*:::*:*^ Soup Kitchen, church parking lot, 9:15 • VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS a.m.; Wedding of Bridget Neibel and School, 2:40; CCD Grades K to 5 at 11:30; Wedding of Elda Nave and Charles Bevilacqua; Sacrament of Baldwin School, 3:15; CCD Grades K Michael Wolcheski, noon; Confessions Penance and Reconciliation, 3 lo 4 p .m.; to 5 at Judson School, after school; in church, 2:30 to3:30p.m.;VigilMass Service is our Specialty! Vigil Mass for deceased members of CCD Grades 7 and 8 at St. John School, for Gabriel Rosa, 4. Boisvert family, S. 7; Novena and Benediction, church, 7; Sunday, September 27—Mass for Sunday, September 27 — Mass for Sacramental Preparation Classes, rec- Rina Pavanel, 7 a.m.; Mass for Larry Vincent Tomasiello, 7 ajn.; Mass for tory, 7. Conti, 8:30; Rosary, 9:30; Mass for Vincent Huenenberg, 8:30; Mass for Wednesday, September30—Mass, Rose and Joseph Baranoski, and Anto- ariingf .Aluminum GeorgeBeauchamp, 10; First Anniver- 12:10p.m.;Children'sChoir,choirloft, nio LaCapra, 10; Mass for Mermato sary Mass for the Rev. Joseph Suppe, 6:30; Senior Choir, choir loft, 7:30. Calabrese, 11:30. noon; Folk Choir, sacristy, 4:30; Mass St. Mary Magdalen (RC) Monday, September 28 —Mass for (Folk Mass) forparishioners of St. John, 16 Buckingham Street George J. Grohs Jr., 7:30 a.m.; SLMM 5; Bingo, church hall, 6:30. OakviBe, 274-9273 School Board, rectory hall, 7 p.m. Monday, September 28 — Mass, Thursday, September 24 — Mass Tuesday, September 29—Mass for 12:10 pjn.; CCD Grade 6 at school, for Michael Spina. 7:30 ajn. the parish, 7:30 a.m.; CCD Grades 3 to 6:45; CCD Grade 9 at school, 7; Folk Friday, September 25 — Mass for 6 at school, 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.; Cub Choir, sacristy, 7:30. Philias Frenette, 7:30 a.m. Scouts Pack Meeting, church hall, 7 to Tuesday, September 29 — Mass, Saturday, September 26 — Mass 8:30 p.m.; Legion of Mary, chapel, 12:10 p.m.; Girl Scouts, church hail, for Peter Scanlon and John Sayers, 8 7:30. 2:30; CCD Grade 5 at Heminway Park a.m.; Girl Scouts, church hall, 10 to Wednesday, September 30—Mass for Anthony Uskuraitis, 7:30 ajn.; CCD You're Invited To Attend The... Grades 3 to 6 at school, 3:45 to 4:45 p.m.; Fire of His Love Prayer Group, 3rd Anniversary chapel, 7:30 p.m. of the Union Church - PERENNIALS - HERBS - centennial HARVEST MOON - MORE THAN 20,000 To CHOOSE FROM - 2 QUART - GALLON - 2 GALLON &3 GALLON set to begin ^AJK_FOR_DENNIS_WHENJELECTINC PERENNIALS The centennial anniversary cele- & BISTRO I NOW is the time to plant perennials ~] I bration at Union Congregational 465 Main Street for next year's enjoyment ' Church, 161 Buckingham Street, Oakville, will officially begin Watertown, CT Sunday, September 27. There will be a tree planting at 11:45 a.m. on the front lawn of the Sat, September 26- 10am-5pm f I 1 0% OFF Your total perennial purchase ikP church premises. The dedication |^I W /W Wi I With ThrsAd Through 9-30-98 \\ will beofficiated by the Rev. Waldo 6 Chimney Road • Waterfown • 274-0685 •Jli Landquist, minister, anniversary NeLOOw FallK Hours FO: Mon-SaR OCIt 9-5,R CLOSE INSERD SUNDAYT S V '. - (LW ^VaLuza duiiomsxi. Co-Chainnan Norman M. S tephen, IN TODAY'S ^own TTtmes and Sandra Greenwood, event chairwoman. Check Out What's Happening!! There also will be an exhibit • 1:00pm - Luanda L. Smith - certified Reiki Practitioner discusses Reiki as representing the Sunday School's an Ancient Healing Practice & its Effects! participation in the church's first • Margaret Shaker - certified nutritionist, counselor demonstrates Microscopic hundred years. Included will be 100 Blood Analysis as a tool for Individual Nutritional Analysis! each of "Things of Nature," ani- mals of Noah's Ark, heroes of the $ Many In-Store Specials! $ Bible, book titles on a story tree, and "things" for which we are thank- ful. TheSunday School project was music &k under the guidance of Melar Moscariello, church school supw intendeni, and the teaching staff. The first major event of the centennial will be the Keepsake Quilting Challenge, slated for Sat- urday, October 3, in the church hall. This activity is expected to DEMOS draw quilters from throughout Steve Nanai - Nature's Plus Connecticut and adjoining states. '' S2Z """"' ^I* "" + «» Tow. of Several events are planned for Steve Podigenski - Magnet Therapy the next few months as well in Pap's Pick-Me-Up - Frozen, Low Fat, Hi-Protein, f» .he 21sl c celebration of the founding of the Lactose Free Confection church in March, 1899. Meet the "BISTRO BOYS" If you did not receive one, please call :•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:;>:•:•:-:•:-::: Try Our Luscious Gourmet Treats! Bob Mezzo at (203) 757-0701. Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times Society, September 24,199 8 — 15 "When We're Elected..." The series offers candidates time Religious to outline their respectiveplatform s CONCEPTS watertownhistoricalsociety.orgfor constituents, while giving the For more information, call the Potluck supper, viewers an opportunity to listen to SCHOOL OF HAIR church office at 274-2352. each of the candidates before de- yuletide bazaar ciding how to vote on November 3. DESIGN INC. The Council foCatholic Women Youth car wash Technical support for the series at St. John the Evangelist Church, The Youth Group at United is provided by the Laurel Ca- 860-945-9645 574 Main Street, will hold a pot- Methodist Church will conduct a blevision staff. However, the can- luck supper Monday, October 5, at car wash Saturday, September 26, didate must supply his or her own 1044 Main St., Watertown 6:30 p.m. in the church's Father from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the church interviewer for the 30-minute pro- Filip Hall. parking lot, 305 Main Street. gram. The lapings will be cablecast Watertown Commons - Upper Level A pork roast will be provided; The charge per car is $5. For four times throughout the month of members are asked to bring the more information, call 274-3785. October. trimmings. The topic of the eve- To reserve time, call Cable 5 at 3rd Anniversary Celebration! ning will be "Sharing the Faith," Board of Appeals (860) 567-4589 before Thursday, presented by the Rev. Richard October 1. The community chan- Thank you, Watertown, for your dedicated The Watertown Board of As- nel studio is located behind Laurel ?Ml sessment Appeals will meet support. To show our appreciation we are >saChristmasproject,theCCW Cablevision's offices on Route 202 Wednesday, September 30, at 6:30 inLitchfield. offering... is planning to adopt a family or p.m. in the assessor's officeof Town families. Anyone wishing to par- Laurel serves Litchfield, Tor- Hall, 37 DeForest Street. rington, Watertown-Oakville, ticipate may bring a donation to the The purpose of the meeting is to October 5 meeting, or give it to a Thomaston, Morris, Warren, hear appeals on the October 1,1997 Cornwall and Goshen. member. motor vehicle list. Property owners All women of the parish are are encouraged to contact Ihe as- invited to attend. HAIRCUTS sessor's office for assessment in- The annual Christmas Bazaar formation concerning their motor OKTOBERFEST '98 $15 Value... Designated Stylists by the CCW will take place Satur- vehicles. Offer Expires 9/30/98 day, November 7, at Father Filip SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, The board can review condition OCTOBER 3 AND 4 Call today for an appointment! Hall. Vendor tables are available at of the vehicle and excessive mile- $25 each, plus donation of a craft age. item for the raffle (able. Appointments may be scheduled For more information, call Val by calling 945-5235 from 9 a.m. to at 274-1772. 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. October is Breast Health Awareness Month Animal blessings The fifth annual St. Francis Day Candidates "Blessing of the Animals" will lake place Friday, October2, offeredfree The most All Saints' Episcopal Church, 262 Main Street. cable TV time There will be a short service LITCHFIELD—All candidates important with music, followed by the bless- for public office, regardless of po- ing of animals great and small. Dogs litical affiliation, are invited to should be on a leash and cats in a participate in the annual Laurel item on carrier. The public is welcome. Cablevision Cable 5 series called your mall auc DANCE SUPPLIES shopping CThe^ESTFor£^> list 95 $ 95 Children's Tap Shoes 9 Adult 22 Black-While-Tan Capezio Ballet Slippers $1695 Black • White • Pink - Other Styles in Stock Include: Pointe • Jazz Oxfords - Tap (flat and heels) Modern - Boys' Tap • Gymnastic. P Danskin Bodywear Open Mon.-Sal. -113 Bank St. (One Flight Up) Downtown Waterbuiy • 754-2260

Mammography Exams The Kids Are Back to School! walk-in or by appointment Expanded mammography hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Physician referral required. Now GET YOUR CARPETS All major insurance plans accepted, including Medicare. of WKTERBUKV HOSFTIAL Free mammograms for women who qualify. 2nd Floor, Brass Mill Center Back in Shape (next to Sears) Call for information 575-0730

Come in for a mammogram during September or October and receive a coupon for a complimentary RJLG.H* Estee Lauder makeover and deluxe sample at Filene's at the Brass Mill Center! (while quantities last) Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Just bring this coupon to your mammogram appointment for validation.

"We'll give your home IF I LIEN E'S Name • '. '. the RICH look!" 7 4 2 4 860-274-RICH of mTERBURY HOSfTDU. OWNER/OPERATOR FREE ESTIMATES Robert J. Mauriello 2nd Floor, Brass Mill Center {next to Sears) "We LOVE Messy Kids" Licensed & Insured 8-8Mon.Sat. 16 — TowPropertyn Times, September 24,199 of8 the Watertown Historical Society 'Great Escape1 fire drill nationwide exercise watertownhistoricalsociety.orgThe WatertownFire Department opportunity effectively and get out Chief Black will review and select has reported "The Great Escape," a alive." . one plan and send it to NFPA. In nationwide fire drill that will take NFPA, the official sponsor of November, NFPA will announce 1998 /99 place on Wednesday, October 7, at FirePrevenlion Week for more than one randomly picked grand prize 6 p.m. Residents of Watertown and 70 years, developed "The Great winner who will receive a trip for Oakvillemayparticipatein the drill, Escape" theme in response to re- up to four people to Disney World. WINTER LOCK-IN PRICE 69 which will take place during 1998's sults from the 1997 home escape The grand prize vacation is (Min. of 500 gal.) Fire Prevention Week from Octo- survey that showed that only 16 sponsored by KIDDE Safety, the • Budget Plans ber 4 through 10. percent of respondents who had world's leading manufacturer of • Service Contracts The Fire Department has been escape plans actually practiced home safety products under the • Cap Pricing working in conjunction with the them. 'These findings demonstrate KIDDE and Nighthawk brand • Inground Tank Removal nonprofit National Fire Protection that most people are not well pre- names. Association and fire departments pared if a fire does occur in their When developing a home fire WTBY. 596-7979 throughout the United States and home," said Meri-KAppy,NFPA's escape plan, Chief Black encour- Canada to implement the first vice president of public education. ages all participants to use the North-American fire drill. "Our hope is that 'The Great Es- mapping grid provided by the "The Great Escape" is a con- cape' motivates people to begin Watertown Fire Department The certed effort to getcitizens through- thinking about fire safety in a posi- grid, which can be picked up at the out North America actively in- tive, proactive way." Main Street firehouse and will be volved in fire safety, specifically In addition to participating in sent home with school children from VNA Health At Home home escape planning and prac- "The Great Escape" fire drill on kindergarten through Grade 4, in- tice. Watertown's Fire Department October 7, (he members of the Fire cludes the official entry form re- Many Years of Caring is strongly encouraging all residents Departmentare inviting Watertown quired for submission to the con- of Waiertown and Oakville to de- and Oakville residents to attend the test In 1939, VNA Health at Home, Inc. velop home escape plans and prac- annual open house that will be held "The Great Escape' offers a tice them. on Sunday, October 11, at the Main wealth of opportunities for Water- began caring for people in their homes. '"The Great Escape' is a fun Street firehouse. Demonstrations town and Oakville residents of all That proud tradition continues today. activity for entire families that could and fire prevention information will ages to participate in Fire Preven- save their lives," said Fire Chief be available throughout the event tion Week this year," Chief Black • Visiting Nurses • Specialized Larry Black. "If a fire breaks out in The department is also inviting said. "We look forward to sharing Programs your home, your family has only a residents to participate in the "The these events with the community • Therapies • Knowledge and few minutes to escape. Home fire Great Escape" grand prize contest. and urge everyone to join in the escape planning ensures that ev- Everyone who develops a home fun." Caring eryone in the household will know escapeplanmaysubmitittothefire • Social work how to use that small window of chief at the Main Street firehouse. JCAHO Accreditation with Commendation sibon. SEPTA Call Jane Stango at 274-3691 27 Princeton Road , fi'ssY for more information. \ir«»A.««..,« /-"rnrfnc lw wJ Greater Waterbury Special Education Watertown, CT 06795 k/J Health Network Parent Teacher Police Blotter - Organization The Watertown-Oakville Spe- by Susan Faber cial Education Parent Teacher Fist fight leads to arrests Organization (SEPTA) has reported Watertown policeOfficer Chris- Dr. Mark Greenstein, a noted spe- topher Marciano and assisting Pa- cialist on children with develop- trol Division personnel responded mental disabilities, will be the guest toareporton September 15 at 1:30 speaker at the SEPTA meeting on a.m. that an assault had just oc- Tuesday, October 6. curred on Nova Scotia Hill Road. The session will be held in the When the officers arrived at the Swift Junior High School library, scene, they learned that a fist fight 250 Colonial Street, Oakville, at 7 had taken place a short time earlier p.m. A question-answer formal is between two men who had sus- planned. All are welcome. tained minor facial and head inju- The November 3 SEPTA meet- ries, said police LL Robert "Herm" GRADUATE: Todd Cabral of ing will take place in the meeting Desena. Watertown graduated cum laude room on the lower level at the Officer Marciano determined from Northeastern University in Watertown Library, 470 Main that the two accused, James Wills, Boston in June with a BA. in com- Street, from 7 to 9 p.m. The speaker 33, of 96 Jericho Road, and Peter munications. will be Eileen Luddy, a specialist Zuraitis, 33, of 555 Nova Scotia on "FUTURES" planning and tran- Hill Road, had been involved in a "A Daily Ritual fist fight after arguing about an item of personal property appar- For Managing Stress" ently owned by Mr. Wills. Both Just Tiy Chiropractic Mr. Ziiraitis and Mr. Wills refused Learn creative ways to manage stress including the subtle, Is your neck in a knot? Are your ribs in a tangle? medical treatment after Fire De- gentle movements of the "internal" martial art, Tai Chi. Your spine in a twist and your jaw at an angle? partment paramedics and EMS Your legs always lame and your feet always ambulance personnel responded to Course Coaches: dragging? Your shoulders froze up and your poor body the scene. Carol Buccino, RD, MS, CND Mr. Wills was charged with Nutrition: Balancing Calm and Energy sagging? Just try chiropractic to ease up your wotfs. breach of peace and assault in the Roger Peters, Tai Chi; USA From fumbling fingers to tingling toes. second degree, and Mr. Zuraitis Your wandering bones will be put back in line. was charged with breach of peace. Tai Chi and Stress Relief for People on the Go And in no time at all you'll be feeling just fine. Dr. Innaimo The men were released on prom- Have your bones turned to mush and your muscles to jelly? ises to appear in court on Septem- Comfortable clothing is a must. You look for your feet and you only see belly? ber 29. Saturday, September 26, 1998 Your skull's always pounding, your back's always bent. Police charge Thomaston And your omery sinuses set like cement? man in hit-and-run 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon Then come see the Doctor—He cannot be beat - On Friday, September 18 at He straightens your head, when he works on your feet. Watertown Public Library Just try chiropractic and soon you'll be whole; approximately 9:04 p.m., Officer 470 Main Street, Watertown It's great for the body, the mind and the soul. Joseph D'Addona responded to the This poem was written by one of Dr. Innaimo i patients - Edie Beach 1990 intersection of Park and Callender $10.00 per person includes a healthy breakfast. roads on a complaint of & hit and Dr. Innaimo will be toeaking on nutrilion, dtreAf, exenue, and run accident OfficerD'Addona was Attendance is limited; call 203/574-6214 to register. jpuial care on October 5th at 6:30 p.m. (Open to the public.) told by the resident of 192 Park Plea,w call ahead to reserve a place a limited. Road that she had heard a loud crash, and discovered thata vehicle Knowledgeable, had apparently left the roadway while striking and knocking down INNAIMO Effective a pole and portion of a fence that FAMILY HEALTH HealthCare kept barnyard animals inside an Donn A. Innaimo, Dr. of Chiropractic From A Doctor enclosed area. The operator of the SaintMaryi 380 Main Street, Suite 5, vehicle fled the scene prior to po- Wa.ertown, CT 06795 • 274-8858 YOU Call TlTlSt HOSPITAL * AcrvA) from Heritage Bank lice arrival, Lt Desena said. On September 19 at approxi- Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow nSociety Times, September 24,199 8 — 17 mately 4:54 a.m., Officer D'Ad- The arrest resulted from an investi- tents of the Palmer vehicle, includ- dona found an individual farther gation by Sgt. Mark Raimo and ing the driver side air bag, it was north on Park Road and determined Officer Thomas McDonnell of a determined by Sgt. Raimo and that he was the operator of the hit motorvehicleaccidenwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgt that occurred Officer McDonnell that the opera- Magdy and run vehicle. Officer D'Addona on Smith Pond Road on August 22 tor of the vehicle was not the ac- charged Raymond Darcangelo, 24, at 3:20 a.m. cused, Mr. Palmer, but another Mikaiel FAMILY of 196 Ridgewood Acres, Thomas- At that time, officers discovered individual whom police are not DENTISTRY ton, with evading responsibility. a vehicle that had overturned, re- identifying at this time while the D.D.S. The accused, Mr. Darcangelo, was sulting in minor injuries to several investigation is ongoing. released on a written promise to passengers in the vehicle. It was Sgt. RaimoandOfficer McDon- appear in court on October 1. determined that the owner of the nell determined from their investi- Burglary at Daveluy's vehicle was the accused, Mr. gation that the accused, Mr. Palmer, MIDDLEBURY MEDICAL CENTER under investigation Palmer. He told Sgt. Raimo and allegedly obsmicted.inierfered with 687 Straits Turnpike, Middlebury The Investigative Services Unit Officer McDonnell that he was the and hindered the investigation of 24 Hour Emergency Service of the Watertown Police Depart- operator of the vehicle at the time the motor vehicle accident. Mr. SENIOR CITIZEN COURTESY ment is investigating an overnight of the accident. Upon subsequent Palmer was released on a written burglary that occurredatDaveiuy's investigation, which included a promise to appear in court on Octo- a 598-3889 • Restaurant on Echo Lake Road on forensic examination of the con- ber 6. Late Evening & Saturday Appointments • Handicap Accessibility Saturday, September 19. The res- rant was closed shortly after 2 i. on Saturday and when it reo- pened shortly after noon, restau- rant management discovered that entry had been gained into the es- tablishmentand cash had been taken from an office area. The Police Department is not disclosing the actual amount of One out of 100people with money taken while the investiga- tion is ongoing, LL Desena said. DeL Thomas Kolatsky is investi- gating the incidentand anyone with chest pain is having a heart attack information about the burglary is requested to contact the Investiga- tive Services Unit at 945-5200, or Water-Oak Crime Stoppers at 945- 9940. Series of burglaries in Falls Avenue area Dels. Kolatsky and David Schepis are investigating a recent series of burglary and larceny inci- dents in the Falls Avenue area adja- Wart To Bet cent to the Waterbury city line, Lt. Desena said. On September 11 at 7:34 a.m., police patrol personnel responded to a reported attempted burglary at a residence near the intersection of Skipper and Falls avenues. Later in the day, officers responded to a report of a past Those Odds? burglary and larceny incident at Kids' Tag Sale Consignments, 78 Falls Avenue, in which a cash reg- WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR HEART, ister was taken containing several you don't want to take chances. Every 30 hundred dollars in currency. seconds, someone, somewhere, dies of a On September 14, at4:12p.m., a Falls Avenue homeowner reported heart attack. It's the.leading cause of death a burglary and larceny incident at a among men and women. residence at 95 Falls. The home- owner related that a stereo receiver Getting help immediately is critical because was taken after entry had been the longer a heart attack goes untreated, gained through the frontdoor of the the more permanent damage it does to home. On September 20 at 2:43 your heart. a.m.aresidentof 13 Wagon Wheel Cqun, Oakville, discovered that KNOW THE WARNING SIGNS. entry had been gained through a rear window and that a Remington If you experience any of them, call for help. rifle had been taken from the resi- Patients who receive treatment within the dence. first hour of symptoms increase their chances Anyone with information about of survival by nearly 50 percent. the incidents is asked to contact the Watertown Police Department or • Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or Water-Oak Crime Stoppers. All information will be kept confiden- pain in the center of the chest lasting more tial. than two minutes DWI charge On Sunday, September 20, Of- • Chest discomfort with light-headedness, ficer Marciano observed a pickup fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness k operating at a high rate of speed on Main Street in the area of of breath Carvel Ice Cream Bakery. After stopping the vehicle and investi- • Discomfort spreading to the shoulders, neck gating, Officer Marciano charged or jaw the operator, John Shea, 24, of 20 Happy Avenue, Oakville, with St. Mary's Hospital Chest Pain Center, located Saint Marys operation of a motor vehicle while HOSPITAL under the influence of liquor. The within our dedicated eight- clinical accused, Mr. Shea, was released decision unit, is designed to provide the best, after posting a $500 bond for court fastest possible evaluation and care. Chest Pain Center date of October 1. Arrest made in BE A SURVIVOR. DON'T WAIT. Specialized Cardiac Smith Pond Road accident On Tuesday, September 22, Call your doctor or call 911. Come to Analysis & Care Jeremiah Palmer, 21, of 65 Eustis St. Mary's Hospital Chest Pain Center. 56 Franklin Street. Waterbury, CT 06706 Street, Oakville was arrested by warrant on one count of interfering with an officer, LL Desena said. 18 — Town Times, September 24,1998 Property of the Watertown HistoricalThompson, the school's architects Society, HEARING AID AUDIOLOGY SERVICES Council reacts have come up with 26 "value engi- Clarification Hearing Aids, Audiological Evaluations, (Continued from page 11) neering" options that could reduce r construction costs by $573,000, on eligibility Repairs and Batteriewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgs D.A.R.E. program," responded officials said. Deputy Police Chief John Gaval- "We agreed on what would be of voters Audiologist Thomas J. Kisatsky, M.Ed., CCC-A las. "I'dfeel more comfortable with appropriate to remove from the Officials are being notified by a budget passed. I've delayed it a project," said ProjectManager Seth the registrars of voters that due to 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE couple weeks." The department is »Free hearing screening & information on hearing aids Shepard, who represented Fusco at the lack of a town budget for 1998- concerned about having to take Monday's council meeting. 99, the eligibility of property own- EVENING & SATURDAY police officers off the afternoon Changes would include reducing ers who may vote in the Tuesday, APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE shift to fill in for D.A.RJ2. officers an area of glass block walls, elimi- November 3 elections has been who are teaching in the schools, he nating false brick piers on an exte- affected. Medicare Blue • Medicaid • United Health Care said. rior wall, and doing away with a Registrars Walter LeMay (D) The police canine program cathedral ceiling in the music room, and Armand Madeux (R) have 315 Williamson Circle started about 10 years ago, Deputy an upper interior gable window, stated that while registered voters 860-274-3260 Oakville Chief Gavallas continued, when the some fuel tank sitework, piping and can cast ballots in the elections, department took on one police dog. equipment, and tree well gratings. non-resident citizens who are li- The $4,000 cost of the second dog, Also included in the cost-cut- able to the town, district, or subdi- Ex, was funded through a donation, ting proposal are nine alternate vision for taxes assessed against «5Sf DR. MCHUGH and and keeping the dog costs an addi- items that would appear separately him or her of not less than $1,000 tional $1,000 for veterinary bills, in the bid documents and could be also are eligible. 1 ASSOCIATES, P.C. $ 1,000 for boarding, $400 for food reinstated if funding becomes avail- However, the assessment is and the expense of an exlra police able. The alternates total a $255,000 based upon the last completed W PODIATRISTS car. reduction and include using shingles Grand List, which in this case with Medical and Surgical Footcare "Having two dogs can be con- ralher than metal for the roof, elimi- the delayed budget, is the one from sidered expensive," Mr. Gavallas nating false house fronts and a spire October, 1997. So only those non- John M. McHugh D.P.M. • Joseph J. Blanchini D.P.M. said. Anticipated dental work for roof in the storytelling area, and resident property owners who were Ex would cost the department using 25-year shingles rather than eligible from thatlistcan vote under Practice, office hours are $1,500 or $1,600. 30-year shingles. the $ 1,000 property rule. M-F 8:00am to 5:00pm and Saturdays 8-12. "I don't understand about the A chain link fence would re- The October, 1998 Grand List bike patrol," commented council placeaomamental fence and a metal will not be completed until the We participate in most insurances, including Medicare, member Jean King. "You usually guard rail would be substituted for spring of 1999, so that list is not BCBS, Medicaid, Constitution Healthcare, Aetna, Cigna, don't stop a program when you're a wooden guard rail. being considered. Information on voting may be ConnectiCare. Champus, Healthchoice, MEDSpan, M.D. evaluating it." "We're hopeful things come in The bike patrol was "the best obtained by calling the registrars at Health, Oxford, PruCare, Suburban, Metrahealth, PHS under budget," Mr. Shepard told idea since sliced bread," said Coun- council members, and the alternate 945-5239, or the town clerk's of- DEPOT SQUARE MALL, WATERTOWN cilwoman Trish Kropp. items can be brought back. How- fice at 945-5230. "I'm against any of these cuts," ever, if the town follows the recom- 274-1773 declared Councilman Robert mendations, it will ensure that the LeBlanc. construction project stays within "Allocation of manpower is the budget, he emphasized. VFW Post 7330 issue," according to Mr. Gavallas, If (he recommendations are who told the council he would speak accepted, the architect will need to Auxiliary auction Help Unlimited, Inc. to Chief Carroll about the issues. change the design drawings and bid The Ladies Auxiliary to the "I need the manpower in other documents atacostof$12,000, Mr. VeteransofForeign Wars, Oakville 285 Main Street, Oakville Post 7330, will hold a dutch auc- "Nursing Registry" directions," Chief Carroll com- Shepard said. mented recently, and more empha- Ground breaking can begin by tion, raffle and granny's attic sale • Registered Nurses • Personal Attendants sis has been placed on the use of December 1 if approvals are re- on Friday, October 2, at the post • Licensed Practical Nurses • Companions police car activity to deal with hall, 85 Davis Street. • Bath and Nutrition Attendants ceived in a timely manner, he added. speeding traffic and pedestrian traf- According to a revised schedule, Chances will be sold from 6 to 7 OFFERING PERSONALIZED SERVICES fic. bids will be sent out in mid-Octo- p.m.,and the winners will be pulled IN YOUR HOME, 24 HOURS A DAY, ber, accepted by the second week in out from 7 to 9 p.m. while the 7 DAYS A WEEK Design changes — November and awarded soon after- audience enjoys free dessert and (Continued from page 1) wards. At the same time, revised beverages. Proceeds will be used to The committee, which is coordi- design drawings need to be ap- rebuild theauxiliary's treasury so it Also Offering "COMMUNI-CALL" can continue to serve veterans, the A Unique Voice to Voice Communication System nating the construction project, proved and a building permit ob- For Emergency Help • Accident Prevention forwarded cost-cutting recommen- tained. community, and the cancer fund. and Companionship dations to the Town Council and to The construction phase will Donations still are being sought the Public Buildings Committee, begin with clearing of the site and for the affair. For more informa- Our Help is Unlimited...If you need help in any way which was expected to review and excavation.Mr.O'Connorsaid.and tion, call Josephine Romano at 274- Rate Schedule and act on the recommendations on work would be able to take place 3384, Delores DiMichele at 274- PLEASE CALL: 274-7511 Brochure Available Wednesday. throughout the winter months. 8988, or Carmella DeSanto at 274- Upon Request 8689. Temporary Employment Agency Fusco Corp., which is oversee- ing the construction, and Fletcher

TORRINGTON AREA HEALTH DISTRICT WATERTOWN RADIOLOGY "Our 23rd Year of Offering Flu Protection" and INFLUENZA AND PNEUMONIA CLINICS MAMMOGRAPHY CENTER Experience 20 Years - PLEASE CUT AND SAVE FOR FUTURE USE - Quality Community ACR/FDA Accredited Service TUES. OCT. 6 TORRINGTON - TORRINGTON ARMORY 2-6 PM WED. OCT. 7 WATERTOWN - FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 10AM-1 PM • Mammography • Ultrasound THURS. OCT. 8 BETHLEHEM - MEMORIAL HALL 2-4 PM • General Radiology • Fluoroscopy TUES. OCT. 13 CORNWALL - CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL (ELDERLY HEALTH SCREENING SITE) 10-12 NOON THURS. OCT. 15 LITCHFIELD - FIREHOUSE 2-4 PM BOARD CERTIFIED RADIOLOGISTS MON. OCT. 19 THOMASTON - TOWN HALL 9-11 AM FULLY LICENSED AND REGISTERED TECHNOLOGISTS MON. OCT. 19 WATERTOWN - FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 4-6 PM WatertownCommoas" 1044MainSt. • Watertown,CT06795 TUES. OCT. 20 GOSHEN - CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 2-4 PM THURS. OCT. 22 HARWINTON - TOWN HALL 2-4 PM (860) 274-6771 FRI. OCT. 23 TORRINGTON - TORRINGTON ARMORY 11 AM-1 PM Affiliated wlrh Commuiry Radiology Network (CRN) and the Women's Health Imaging Network (WHIN) FRI. OCT. 30 MORRIS • SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER 10-12 AM TUES. NOV. 3 TORRINGTON-CITY HALL 5-7 PM Full Service Imaging Available: • CT (Spiral/Conventional) • MRI ' We will bill Medicare Part B or Medicare Managed Care Plan if you bring all your cards. • MR Angiography * Nuclear Medicine 1 For payers, influenza vaccination is $8.00 and pneumonia is $12.00 • Stereotactic Breast Biopsy ' Any TAHD resident may attend the clinic of their choice. • Ultrasound (Arterial and Venous Doppler) ' Call the Torrington Area Health District at 489-0436 with any questions. ,89raiT nwoT Property of the Watertown Historical Societyni ibaw bns .iM ,nrfot nslviV ,nsoL 8fcCI >£ -I9dni9tq92 to 9irai 91U ot oge %is3<( OS sbsd siool land B. noe bns siiaups*? JisdoH .eiM J esuldt gnilavorie naad esd avom .nosnriol blsnoG sdisH .eiM ,.it .tiadofwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgl bnelofl -mo lo noiisllsiaot inioj; sriT * J99iie grii xnoil .BiM bos .iM .YiogsiO noe bns isle -nssiO nuIMW .siM bna .iM ^wilixuA bos Jeo

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STONE VETERINARY HOSPITAL by Jim Dreber School in their opener the previous the Hall High School squad at WOODBURY — The Water- afternoon. Veterans' Memorial Field for the IRA S. STONE, D.V.M. town High School Indians girls Junior forward Jen Zarcmski season-opening match on Septem- soccer team posted their first win scored ihe only goal of the game at ber 16. KARMEN COURET, D.V.M. under the command of coach Char- the 3:27 mark when she won a Finally, 40 minutes after the lie Fenn with a 1-0 overtime vic- scramble for a loose ball in front of scheduled 3:30 p.m. kickoff, the 1044 Main Street Watertowa CT 06795 tory in a non-conference match at the Nonnewaug net and fired the Warriors'bus, which made thelong Watertown Commons, Upper Level Nonnwaug High School on Sep- ball in. journey from West Hartford, ar- tember 17. The victory gave the Indians a 1 - rived, with the contest Finally be- (Next to Pizza Hut) "They were a well-skilled team, 0-1 record. ginning at 4:20 p.m. and we were lucky to come away OPENING DRAW In a match that saw both teams Phone: (860) 945-9339 Fax: (860) 945-9337 with a win," said a relieved Fenn. Waiting, waiting, and waiting lead, Hall scored the tying goal or Reach Us on The NET It was the second overtime in as some more, the Indians warmed up, with just under seven minutes Stone Vet © many matches for the Indians, who warmed up and warmed up some remainingtoforgea2-2tieinFenn's played to a 1-1 tie with Hall High more while awaiting the arrival of debut as Indians' coach. Volleyball Family Owned and Operated drops opener FOR OVER 70 YEARS TARA FARM by Jim Dreher WATERBURY — After hav- CORNSTALKS ing their scheduled opening match BARIBAULT Coming Soon .... $ postponed, the Watertown Hif Tara Farm Spooky 4.00per bunch School volleyball team waited tw^. Our Stand Is Still days, then journeyed to Waterbury OIL CO., INC Adventure Hayrides to face Crosby on September 18. Open 9-6 Daily After a close first set which they with lost, 15-11, the Indians fell behind Apples Are In... 1 Seasonal Vegetables & Fruits by two sets, dropping the second Check Out Our Varieties Maple Sugar Products one by a 15-6 count before rallying to take the third set, 15-8. »i" ' and Native Honey A comeback wasn't in the off- • Dependable Service • Reasonable Prices STARTING COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND... ing, however, as the Indians lost the FAMILY FUN & ACTIVITIES. fourth set, again by a 15-6 total to CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE Come join us for hayrides and pumpkin picking... lose by a 3-1 score. Looking forward to seeing you.'! Spohomore Ann Belforti led die FURNACE CLEANING Indians with 10 points and three REMEMBER US FOR AM. YOUR FALL NEEDS service aces. Junior Christy Buso 600 MAIN STREET Pumpkins • Corn Stalks • Gourds • Indian Corn. contributed seven points and a pair We are also taking bookings for school scout & day carefield trips. of aces, while Heather McGaughan, OAKVILLE 274-328M-F8-5 4 860 Guernseytown Rd., Watertown • Phone: 274-8147 another junior, added seven points and an ace. Property of the Watertown Historical TowSocietyn Times, September 24, 1998 — 25 Sports £;rtra/Entertainment/Reviews ance season, call 274-0004, write Street, on Saturday, September 26, watertownhistoricalsociety.orgto Ihe CDT at 523 Main Street, at 7 p.m. Watertown 06795, or use the e- Mr. McCutcheon's "Au- mail of [email protected]. tumnsongs" is his 25th album and third in a series of songs about the McCutcheon seasons. He has played to packed venues in America and Russia, has headlined festivals in Australia, and in concert toured Nicaragua. WATERBURY — Singer and Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 songwriter John McCutcheon will for children ages 12 and up, and are bring his folk music for children to available from the museum. Call the Mattatuck Museum's Perform- (203)753-0381,ext. lOfordetails. ing Arts Center, 144 West Main 1*1? 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 66

. Mirror, Mirror on 61 •* I the wall 4 Who's the OLDEST 01 66 x of us all? 6t

6C ft

6C ' Young members of the newly-named Connecticut Dance Theatre (formerly Connecticut Children's Dance 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 6t Theatre) ofWatertown, through the cooperation ofWaterbury Youth Services, prepared to embark on a jazzy number September 19 atthe UnitedWay's "DayforChildren" expoalBrass MillCentermallin Waterbury. • The CDTperformers were part of the entertainment lineup. — Times Photo, Valuckas Don't Be Left Out in the Cold! CCDT now called Connecticut Dance Theatre Order your custom Name changes to reflect expansion, diversity safety covers now - Connecticut Children's Dance area. in April, 1999. "Dance Into the Mesh & solid Covers Theatre, Inc., is about lo celebrate The CDT's performance season Community," the community out- up to 20 yr. warranty its 10th anniversary, and will un- will begin with a special one night- reach program, is bigger than ever; dergo a slight name change to re- only performance of "The Ballet last season, more than 5,000 new flect its impressive expansion of Stars of Moscow" on Friday, Octo- audience members were enter- Great prices on 10 year Polymer Covers too! programs and activities the past ber 23, at 8 o'clock at the Warner tained. decade. Theatre in Torrington. The program CDT is now reserving dales for Great opportunity to take advantage of Fall "As we grow, expand and reach will feature stars from the Bolshoi performances and lecture-demon- in-ground installations & layaway programs. more people throughout the state," Ballet, and is in celebration of strations for schools, day cares, said Administrative Director Va- Shamil Yagudin's 10 years as organizations and senior citizens nessa Logan, "to reflect this posi- CCDT'ssummer guest resident. He groups. Dates for the spring con- Also... Replace old worn out liners now!! tive expansion, the board of direc- is the ballet master of the Bolshoi cert and fourth annual Connecticut Take advantage of Fall pricing. tors is pleased to announce that Ballet. Summer Dance Festival, "Our "Clara and the Nutcracker," a Cultural Heritages," will be an- Connecticut Children's Dance The Good Reputation People Theatre, Inc., will now be known as narrated holiday classic for the nounced. Connecticut Dance Theatre, Tnc. young and young at heart, once CDT is a non-profit arts organi- Ournon-profitartsorganization will again will be presented at Taft zation dedicated to providing qual- SNYDER continue to be led by Donna Bonas- School's Bingham Auditorium ity training in the performing arts, era, artistic director, as well as Friday through Sunday, December and committed to bringing a love of provide the best dance training, 18,19, and 20. "Broadway Revue dance to the people of Connecticut. POOLS professional performances and — Dinner, Dance and Song," will For more information on classes, community outreach programs for lake place at CDT's studio theater outreach programs and Iheperform- 2016 Straits Tpke., Rt. 63, Mfddlebury, CT 06762 598-0737 students of all ages and abilities throughout Connecticut." IS Fern Hill Rd. • Watertown During the past decade, the Rte. 6 - Across from CCDT has offered children, teens, Westbury Room and adulis the opportunity to learn 945-9610 and be entertained through the performing arts. Master teachers • Free Membership • have visited the CCDT's Water- Open Daily 1():WAM- 10:00 PM town studio at 523 Main Streetfrom T63 days a year all over the world to teach ballet, jazz, tap and musical theater. Stu- dents have graduated from CCDT — Coming Sept. 29 — to enter professional careers not • THE OBJECT OF MY AFFECTION only as dancers, singers, and ac- — Now Available • TWILIGHT tors, but also as doctors, lawyers, • MERCURY RISING ar mtants, and health profession- • TWO GIRLS AND A GUY Gotta fly? ' NICHTWATCH al- .th a love and appreciation for • MRS. DALLOWAY the performing arts. Whenever you need lo gel lo (or from) the airport, call Con- • MY GIANT • THE JUNGLE BOOK: Consequently, "CDT" is now necticut Limo. Whether it's Bradley International, IFK, • THE PIAYER'S CLUB MOWGLI'S STORY •C-BEARANDJAMAHL accepting registrations for the fall LaGuardia, or Newark, we'll make sure you get there safe and • DANGEROUS BEAUTY program in classical ballet, musical • PAULIE on-time, every time. So you can relax and think about fun • WWF FULLY LOADED theater, tap, jazz, modern, drama, stuff. Like airline peanuts. Reserve Your Copy Today and voice, and under this new name • CASPER MEETS WENDY change will be able lo include more Remember. If you gotta fly, you gotta call Connecticut Limo. • ADDAMS FAMILY REUNION classes for teenagers and adults. • TITANIC MOVIES Ms. Bonasera and Ms. Logan said the CDT will continue its full con- • CITY OF ANGELS DAYS centrated program for the serious Connecticut Limo •HE GOT GAME $1 student interested in either a pro- • DEEP RISING fessional career or collegiate study Ground transportation to Bradley, Jh'K, LaGuardia, ami Newark •HUSH The Newest in program in the performing arts, and 1-800-472-LIMO • PRIMARY COLORS PLAYSTATION the Connecticut Children's Dance l! your local travel agenl Theatre performing ensemble will •WILD THINGS & NINTENDO 64 continue to perform throughout the Now Renting DVD's 26 — TowPropertyn Times, September 24, 199of8 the Watertown Historical Society Restaurants/Entertainment watertownhistoricalsociety.orgYoga"; 11:30, "Cyclone"; noon, "The center, 7, 'Tele-Domenica," program Good Green Earth" with Peter Tonge; of local Italian language news, sports 12:30 pjn., "EcoForum"; 1; "EcoV- and variety programming produced by Laurel Cable 5 iew"; 2, "Bun Trainer"; 2:30, "Vet- Antonio Viscariello of Torrington; 9, eran's Voice"; 3, "Education Show- "Butterfly Island";. and 10, "The guide to local case"; 3:30, "High School Football Rousters." Gameof the Week"; 6, "Neighborhood Monday, September 28 — 5 ajn., programming News" woridnews with LisaGebhardt, "The WZBG Morning Show"; 9, *area news with Jeff Zeiner at 6:20; Community Bulletin Board; 10, "The 6:35, "Hometown Giveaway"; 6:40, Recovery Network"; 11, "Wai Lana "Down Memory Lane"; 6:45, "Agri- LITCHFIELD — The follow- Yoga"; 11:30, "Dick Clark"; noon, "The culture inModem Society"; 6:55, Little Good Green Earth"; 12:30 p.m., ing is the latest revised Cable 3 Guild of St. Francis; 7, "Visiting program guide for Thursday, Sep- "EcoForum"; 1, "EcoView"; 2, 'Ther- Nurses," topic: TBA; 7:30, TBA; 8, acel"; £30, "Veteran's Voice"; 3, tember 24, through Wednesday, 'TGIF," the Litchfield County variety "Education Showcase"; 3:30, "The September 30, for Laurel Ca- series;9, TBA; 9:30, TBA; ^•"Neigh- Movie Loft"; 4, "Shirley!"; 5, "Hopa- blevision's community channel. borhood News"; and 11:30, Cable 5 long Cassidy"; 5:30, 'The Adventures Programs denoted with an • are movie, TBA. of Dynamo Duck"; 6, "Neighborhood of local interest to Watertown and Saturday, September 26 — 8:30 News" world news, *area news at 6:20; Oakville. Programs are subject to a-m., "Hopalong Cassidy"; 9, "OWL'S 6:40, "Hometown Giveaway"; 6:45, change without notice. Stories"; 9:30, "Rocky and "Down Memory Lane"; 6:50, Little Bullwinkle"; 10, "Bookmice"; 10:30, Guild of St. Francis; 7, "On the Rec- Thursday, September 24 - 5 ajn., SOCCER SIGN: The Oakville-Watertown Chapter of UNICO recently "The WZBG Morning Show" live from "Gerbert"; 11, Animated Children's ord"; 7:30, "More to the Point," live, Litchfield, with Dale Jones and Jeff Classics, "Alice in Wonderland"; noon. call-in show featuring commentary on made a new sign to indicate the location of the UNICO soccer fields off Zeiner; 9, Community Bulletin Board; All News Channel world news; 12:30, today's headlines with Dr. Danil Dea- Main Street. Pictured in foreground are Kenny Thomas and Kayla 10, "TheRecovery Network"; II, "Wai "Ozzie and Harriet"; 1 p.m., "One Step ton; 8:30, "When Radio Was King," Thomas of the Water town Association for Youth Soccer' s"C" Division. Lana Yoga"; 11:30, "Thjs Great Ameri- Beyond"; 1:30, "Northwest Passage"; remembering a forgotten art of com- munication with host Bob Magdziardz Standing left to right are Ken Thomas, WAYS president; Larry Feola, can Slimdown"; noon, "The Good 2, "What's Playing at the Movies"; sergeant-at-armsforUNICO;andBobRuscitto, UNICO Fieldchairman. Green Earth," today: TBA; 12:30pjn., 2:30, 'TV Smarts for Kids"; 3, "Amer- of Thomaston; 9, *"A Table in the Wil- Joe Masi of the club, not pictured, put in extensive work on the sign "EcoForum," topic: TBA; 1, "EcoV- ica One College Football"; 5:30, "Vis- derness," Biblical commentary with F. iew," topic: TBA; 2, "What's Playing iting Nurses," topic: TfcA; 6, All News Paul Haney of Watertown; 9:30. "The project. — Times Photo, Valuckas at the Movies"; 2:30, "Veteran's Channel; 6:30, "Cappy's Cape Cod Gary Null Show"; 10, "Riviera" soap Voice"; 3, "Education Showcase," Country," former Torrington resident opera; 10:30, "The Bantam Bonsai" family and educator video guide to Cappy Paxton turned country singer; 7, with David Silver; 11,* "Neighborhood programs that teach; 3:30, "The Movie "Talk of the Town" celebrity inter- News"; and 11:30, "Extreme Champi- "Dick Clark";2:30. "Veteran's Voice"; bringing with them more than 30 Loft,"4/'Shirlcy!"with hostess Shirley views with Ruta Lee; 7:30, "Dee in onship Wrestling." 3, "Education Showcase"; 3:30, "The years combined sales experience. Solomon; 5, "Hopalong Cassidy"; 5:30, Wisdom's Kitchen," with former Tor- Tuesday, September 29 — 5 ajn., Movie Loft"; 4, "Shirley!"; 5, "Hopa- Ms. Palomba recently returned "The Adventuresof Dynamo Duck"; 6, rington mayor Dee Donne; 8, "High "The WZBG Morning Show"; 9, long Cassidy"; 5:30, "The Adventures to town from Florida. She was of Dynamo Duck"; 6, "Neighborhood "Neighborhood News" — world news School Football Game of the Week." Community Bulletin Board; 10, "The previously a top lister and seller with Lisa Engstrom, *area news with TBA; 10, "GhostStory"(time approxi- Recovery Network"; 11, "Wai Lana News" woridnews, *area news at 6:20; 6:35, "Down Memory Lane"; 6:40, with Seltani Associates, Coldwell Jeff Zeiner at 6:20; 6:35, "Hometown mate); 11, AllNews Channel; and 1130, Yoga"; 11:30, "The Fanthom Light- Banker and William Raveis Real Sinister Saturday Cinema, TBA. "Hometown Giveaway"; 6:45, "The Giveaway"; 6:40, "The TV Ratings ning Story"; noon, "The Good Green Estate. She is familiar with all of System and How It Works"; 6:50, Earth"; 12:30 p.m., "EcoForum"; 1, Herbalist's Notebook"; 6:50, "Catho- Sunday, September 27—7:30 a.m., lic Family Services"; 7, "Just Talking" Watertown, having spent much of "Down Memory Lane" with Art Shaw; "WZBG Swap Shop"; 9:30, "St. Paul's "EcoView"; 2, "Point of Order" legis- with hostess Victoria Sansing, tonight: her life here. Ms. Palomba is desig- 7, "People Helping People," the United Episcopal Church Services" cablecast lative issues; 2:30, "Veteran's Voice"; Way program; 7:30, "SpoitsTalk," with 3, "Education Showcase"; 3:30, *"The TBA; 7:30, "All About Seniors," sen- nated as a Graduate-Realtor Insti- live from Bantam; 1 pan., "'The Mes- ior issues withNancy Gyurko; 8, TBA; Doug Harrel; 8, "Visiting Nurses," sage of Life," with die Rev. Joe Pen- MessageofLife";4,"Shirley!";5,"Ho- tute (GRI) and a Certified Residen- topic: TBA; 8:30, "The McCall Foun- palong Cassidy"; 5:30, "The Adven- 9, "Focus" with Jim MacGillavry, to- tial Specialist (CRS). nella of Watertown; 1:30, "The Pro- night: TBA; 10, "The Questioning dation Presents. , .,"withJanetteCoury; tures of Dyn uno Duck"; 6, "Neighbor- Ms. Brooks also worked for both phetic Word: The House of Yahweh"; Citizen"; 11, •'Neighborhood News"; 9, "The Commercial Record" with Andy 2, "Something Different"; 2:30, "Into hood News'" world news, *areanews at Coldwell Banker and William Thibaull; 9:30, TBA; 10, "Veteran's 6:20; 6:35, "Hometown Giveaway"; and 11:30, "Jazz Alley" music show- His Harvest"; 3. 'The Word Is Alive"; case. Raveis previously. She holds a Voice," live call-in show sponsored by 4, "Higher Ground" with Carolyn Parrs 6:40, "Down Memory Lane"; 6:45, broker's license and is familiar with local American Legion and VFW posts; "Keep Kids Safe"; 6:50, 'The TV Rat- and Susan Winter; 5, "Breakthrough" Middlebury, Watcrbury, and adja- with the Rev. Cameron Ainsworth of ings System and How It Works"; 7, 11, ""Neighborhood News"; and 11:30, cent towns, including Watertown Advent Christian Church, Torrington; "The Baptist Bible Program"; 7:30, "Net Talk Live!" and Oakville. Friday, September 25 — 5 a.m., 5:30, "America'sDefense Monitor"; 6, "Marriage and Family," with Peggy "The WZBG Morning Show"; 9, All News Channel world news; 6:30, Sudol of Thomaston; 8, "City Views," Communily Bulletin Board; 10, "The "In His Name," Catholic programming live call-ins with host Tim Driscoll; 9, Nutmeg Squares —i Recovery Network"; 11, "Wai Lana produced by My Father's House retreat TBA; ll,*"NeighborhoodNews"; and The Nutmeg Square and Round 11:30, Wrestling. Dance Club will start off its square Wednesday, September 30 — 5 dancing lessons for 1998-99 with a a.m., "WZBG Morning Show"; 9, "Fun Night" on Juesday, Septem- Fresh Bagels Community Bulletin Board; 10, "The Recovery Network"; 11, "Wai Lana ber 29, ai 7:30 p.m. at the main Yoga"; 11:30, "Power Train"; noon, gymnasium of Judson School, 124 •1and7 varieties ofa bagel lots baked fresmore!h doily "The Good Green Earth"; 12:30 p.m., Hamilton Lane. • ]2 different flavored Creom Cheeses "Lols-O-Lox •50 blends of Green Mountain Coffee "EcoForum"; 1, "EcoView"; 2 p.m., Regular lessons will start Octo- •7 "Hot" flavors doily • Espresso • Cappuccino ber 13 and continue on Tuesdays •Full Lunch Menu with daily soup and sandwich specials except when schools are closed. •Pies "Cookies 'Muffins "Cannolis Club teacher is Allan Brozek, Gift Baskets Specialty Platters who has been calling square dances •Coffee Boskets •Meat Platters *TheParty Bagei for more than 40 years. The lessons •Bagel Baskets •Bagel/Coffee/Danish for are open to singles, couples, teen- All mode to order for any occasion especially thai ll morning conference Joyce Palomba agers and families. The dancing is 1044 Main St., Watertown "Waterbury's Premier Nightclub" in a smoke-free and alcohol-free next to the Hollywood Home Video 274-4900 FAX 274-9044 environment. Moo. thru Sit. Sim-ipm; Sun 7«n-ll:»pm New staff at I Michael Wolkins - Pierre Moron, proprietors TT.urs.24* For more information, call Harry Berkshire and Eleanor in Waterbury at (203) KARAOKE NIGHT 574-2947, Lila in Thomaston at Berkshire Properties, Woodruff S350 Cash Prizes (860) 283-4952, Rich and Ellen in Avenue, has announced the addi- Watertown at 274-6876, or Jack tion of two new staff members. MONTAGANO'S and Barbara in Naugatuck at (203) Joyce Palomba and Bemice Brooks 723-8883. CROSS EYED have joined the real estate agency, CAT FOODS & PIZZA 254 Falls Avenue, Oakville • Phone 274-9667 "^^ ^a»v ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ LADIES NIGHT Call Us For The Best In Catering w/DJKG At The Best Prices!! R&B/Hip-Hop '*, T>eiU & Vif CLIP THESE . k A A . TTiurs., Oct. 1st 971 Main Street, Watertown • 945-0617 • fax 945-0769 2 LARGE 18" ' KARAOKE NIGHT Mon & Tues 9-6 • Wed & Thurs 9-8 • Fri & Sal 9-9 VALUABLE COUPONS! CHEESE PIZZAS) Fri.. Oct. 2nd LATINO NIGHT FREE DELIVERY Eatm/rakeOut DJ El Nino Lindo LARGE 18" ^10.99: I" Salsa Oakville & Watertown Call for Our Full CATERING MENU Sat.. Oct 3rd CHEESE PIZZA 1 LARGE 18" LADIES NIGHT }~FMEDIUM"cHiESE PIZZAS ~J ~ LARGE CHEisE PIZZA ~j iv/DJ KG $ 2 ITEM PIZZA R&B/Hip-Hop 5»*9" SM* Reg. 8^6 S*j» Additional Toppings Each J1.00 Extra II Additional Toppings Each (1.50 Extra Expire6.9s 10/1/989 _ _ 57 E. Main Street Waterbury 1 One Coupon Per Customer 11 One Coupon Per Customer Good Through 9-30-9B Good Through 9^9S_ _ ___Op'jn Mon.-Sat. 'til 8 P.M. 203-757-7961 "Side Entrance" Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown TimesSociety, September 24, 199 8 — 27 Real Estate 4+ACRES THOMASTON RANCH $164,900 This means paying the taxes that and Oakville with a yes vote. Letters pawatertownhistoricalsociety.orgy the bills. Sincerely, (Continued from page 9) We need to pass the budgets to Carol Seppa, keep the schools and the town func- board member, tioning properly. Please voteyeson Concerned, Responsible Comrades in October 6. Citizens group, Sincerely, Watertown arms gather Ed Seppa, To The Editor. Walertown I recently became involved in a for reunion new group in Walertown; the CRC To The Editor: To The Editor: (Concerned, Responsible Citizens) The 51st reunion, story telling I will be very brief and to the is a group for which I am treasurer. and remembering, with the World point. The referendum for the town The CRC was formed in order to War II former servicemen of the and school budgets will be held on belter inform the voter as to the 3rd Armored Division of many October 6. It is of vital importance actual facts. We do not believe in 3 BRs - Beautiful home in private setting with easy access to town. LR w/FP, years ago. Another reunion this year to the town that this budget be twisting facts or slanting the truth ppicture window in-bookcasen-uwnujsy.. DdiiLjutfBanqueit SI^sizeK dininuiiiittgy room, oversizeuvei&u«ud fullluiiy appl. kit. held in Asheville, N.C.; over 440 passed. I ask that all voters go to the for anyone's gain, least of all, for opens to & inviting swimming pool for summer entertainment. 2 car Tan™. garage, town sewerwer.. SpSpeciae l Bonus: possibility of acreage being divided into ^ there, with wives. Four days polls and vote to support the budget. our own interests. ing Lot, map available o. story telling and seeing people As citizens of the United States, As a member of the CRC, I wish again, some first time in years. we understand and sometimes take to urge all voters to get out and vote WESTBURY REALTY Being little closer to the West, for granted the liberties that we are either yes or no on the upcoming the ranks have gotten smaller since blessed with in this country. One of budget referendum. Yourvote does 967 Main Street, Watertown • 274-9661 last year, but plans are to get to- our most important rights is the count and it is the one and only way gether next year in Columbus, Ohio right to speak freely — and the to have your position known. in September. right to vote is a form of speech that Personally, I feel the current Prudential Connecticut Realty Nine men from Bob's Company allows us to choose our leaders and budget proposal is fair and should The rock of Connecticut real estate. were in attendance; some had our form of government. If anyone be passed. While I was and con- trouble with injuries, and some with tried to abridge those rights, we tinue to be quite annoyed with the wives, so couldn't come. A large would fight to recapture them. superintendent of school having number of photos from those times It is a sad fact that only 30 per- found over half a million dollars so were brought by the men, even from cent of Watertown citizens exer- easily after having declared the a division photographer. cised that right to speak by voting budget proposal at that time to be So this has been theSlstreunion in the last referendum. I urge all of "bare bones," I now feel that all the since World War II, and some of you to vote on October 6. If you fail fat has been cut from the education the guys look pretty good, and even OAKVILLE WATERTOWN to do so, someone else will speak budget. In fact, I believe that the The paiea bcsinnini;! Adorahk 6 room cui. w/inviUnS New & reaJy for your dteot selections! 2450 sq. ft. dance OK. A big banquet was held wrap-around potdi for >.-njoy(ncnl. Large LR &. DR for Conwmpomry w/liigh edHagf, 7 skylighu. 4 BR, for you. Your vole — or the ab- education budget has now been cut cmcrtajning. Updated bath, clcctriciiy. plumbing & whirlpool iub. HR. btighi & uprvaL 2 level iocs on cul- before the men departed for home, to the point where the education of S94/M3 ikHRK BtCtftM vain.- „ „... $264,900 sence of your vote — will deter- • :•! . with hopes to be in Ohio next year. mine the outcome. our children will suffer. CINDYT1MM 264-2880, EVES. 774-5830 264-2880,EVES. 263-4434 Good Lord and creek don't raise, Speak out to support our chil- Regardless of the emotional thanks. influence the superintendent of •*> Prudential Sincerely, dren. Sincerely, schools has had on the recently FREE • NO OBLIGATION Robert J.O'Neil, defeated budget proposals, and HOWE MARKET Bethlehem Linda Herzner, EVALUATION CERTIFICATE member of board regardless of my overall opinion of This certificate entitles you to a of directors, the budget process thus far, I hope FREE HOME MARKET EVALUATION More comments Concerned, Responsible that the people with the most to lose of your property by a Prudential — the parents — will get out and Beat Estate professional. Call on budget Citizens group, us and we will show you how Watertown support the budget this time. Even WATERTOWN much your property is worth in To The Editor: Mini Mtfa wtaoiw walls and pond on 4 acres, hardwood citizens who have no children in lloors. 2 fireplaces. 3 season Florida room. 4 BRs. Z'h today's marketplace. It could be Well, as everyone knows, the baikc. farfuly room &. much more'. ,. „ ™$279,900 worth more than you think. To The Editor: our school system have a stake in JILL ST. JOHN budget is just around the corner 264-2880, EVES. 263-5816 Southbury Middlebury Voting on the budget is a very Walertown's educational system |263j 264-2880 1203) 758-1733 again. I hope most of you will try to important part of being a resident because there is a definite effect on get out and cast your vote on the of Watertown-Oakville! Please get real estate values when a school budget. out and vole on October 6,1998. system is above average. r Prudential ST"* Tell your friends, neighbors and Support the children of Watertown (Continued on page 28) 264-2880 wunv • 758-1733 others that you might meet in pub- M 1 woodstove, two full baths, 1-car ceilings, full wall glass doors, solar ever, there is one person who m ""' garage. Asking : $114,900 massive heat, 2 garages + be singled out. Because of her tl outbuildinq—More & 8+ acares! $259,900 oughness and devotion all came about: Tina Agati worked Free Market Analysis OAKVILLE countless hours to pull the event By Our Sales Experts together, and we all owe her a stand- ing ovation! Tina was the backbone OCIR of the entire event and deserves all the thanks we can give her. SALES Benchmarks in history, such as SouuVGriffm'scelebration.willnot ARE soon be forgotten. Thank-you to Cape - Newly remodeled 3 everyone, too numerous to men- SKY- $215,000 COUNTRY RANCH - Doesn't get better than this 3 BR, 27= bath bedroom home with main level Colonial home on park-like grounds. Large LR w/FP, formal & intimate tion, for all that you did to make the ROCKETI family room with woodstove, 2 full dining areas, a kit. to surpass all your expectations. 1st floorlaundry , central day that will not soon be forgotten. baths. Must see interior to AC & 2 car art. garage. Sincerely, appreciate. New oil-fired furnace. Maggie Fraser, 1 -car garage. Located on dead-end Berkshire Properties street $119,900 principal, LISTINGS NEEDED • BUYERS WAITING 58 Woodruff Avenue, Watertown, CT • (860) 274-0440 Griffin School, Oakville Property of the Watertown Historical TowSocietyn Times, September 24,1998 — 29

The Westbury Drum Corps in an earlier competition. File photo courtesy of the Westbury Drum Corps. Musical Notes — WDC cops championship Kleban, WDC directors. "This is neighbor commented, "Is this a The Westbury Drum Corps won like winning the World Series." night rehearsal?" Others flashed the Northeastern States Associa- Corps members doused Mr. Kle- their lights or stood outside to cheer tion Championship over the week- ban with water. There was laugh- as the corps marched by. ' ', garnering two trophies and ing, cheering, and some tears, last- Westbury dedicated its perform- Victoria, Amanda, and Edward Oliver ofthe Westbury DrumCorpswere . , medal awards. "All bedlam ing about 15 minutes before the ance that day to Mrs. Maria Sgrott first-place winners at the Northeastern Regionals competition held announcer could announce other and daughter Sandy (a member of broke loose," WDC reported, when September 19 in Torrington. File photo courtesy of Westbury Drum Westbury was declared the winner awards. the WDC color guard), who re- of the Junior Modem Combination The Northeastern Regionals is a cently lost their husband and fa- Corps. Class in performance and appear- contest when champions compete ther, respectively; and to Mr. and ance. Nineteen junior and senior against champions; juniors and Mrs. Ralph Bonfiglio on the birth corps competed. seniors, ancients and moderns, all of their son, Alexander Michael. Box 451889, Omaha, NE, U.S.A. "It was a big upset victory," said members in their affiliate associa- Mr. Bonfiglio is an instructor for 68145-8089. The entry form should Brit MADDness Joe Campbell, secretary/treasurer tions, including the Connecticut the corps. be taped to the back of the artwork. of the ConnecticutFifers and Drum- Fifers and Drummers Association, The directors, parents and in- Entries need to be received by show Sunday mers Association. He served in an Hudson Valley Association, Mas- structors bid their warmest con- October 17 or the art will not be official capacity during the Satur- sachusetts Fife, Drum & Bugle gratulations to the corps members entered. at fairgrounds day competition, which included Association, Greater Danbury for their victory.Lendingassistance Entry forms for the contest are BETHLEHEM — The Bethle- tallying scores. Drum Corps Association, Suffolk/ during the day were Vinnie Cihal, available in the lobby of the Water- hem Fairgrounds once again will Prospect had held the regional Nassau Drum Corps Association, the Klebans, Katie and Tyler Cihal, town Post Office, Woodruff Ave- be the site on Sunday, September championship title for the past 14 and the New Jersey Drum Corps Mr. and mrs. William Oliver, and nue, and at the Watertown Library, 27, for the ninth annual British years, Mr. Campbell said. Association. Ceylon Perez, cheering the corps 470 Main Street Youngsters who MADDness all-British car and WDC members who took home Westbury's Christine Barton on. don't have entry forms may print motorcycle show from 10 a.m. tt)4 first-place individual honors were marked her first appearance in the Westbury welcomes any youth their name, parent's or legal guard- p.m. Capt. Amanda Oliver, individual music ranks on the field of compe- interested in drum corps, playing ian's name, address, city, state ZIP The event will feature makes rifle, female; Capt. Victoria Oliver, tition at the Northeastems, held at an instrument or marching in the code or APO/FPO address, area and models spanning several years individual glockenspiel, female; Coe Park in Torrington. color guard lo drop by a Wednes- code, telephone number and birth of MGs, Triumphs, Jaguars, Sgt. Edward Oliver, individual fife, Upon arriving home, WDC day rehearsal from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at date on a piece of paper and tape it Bentleys, Austin-Healeys, Rolls- male; and Melissa Burritt, individ- members banded together for a Heminway Park School, 37 Hem- to the back of the artwork. Royces, Morgans, Metropolitans, ual fife, female. mini-parade throughout the neigh- inway Park Road. For more details, Lotuses, Rovers, and more. There "This was a long time in com- borhood, which surmised some- call the Klebans at 274-4622 or will be prizes to winners in various ing," said Mr. and Mrs. Michael thing big must have happened. One Mavis DeJoseph at 274-1702. Democratic classes, and dash plaques will be given out to the first 150 vehicles fund-raiser entered. A ziti dinner fund-raiser for the Preregistration is $10, or $12 at 'Stamp' your place in campaign of Watertown's Denise the gate. Spectator admission is $2 Russ will be held Wednesday, per person; senior citizens and chil- history with design with paint, crayon, marker, colored September 30, at Cavallo's dren ages 12 and under get in free. pencils, pens orotherdrawing tools Crestbrook Inn, Northfield Road. There will be raffles, an auto Seatings will be at 5 and 7 p.m. jumble, T-shirts, live music, and The Watertown Post Office has thispastJuly featured DennisLyall, and the picture must be drawn hori- Mrs. Russ is challenging incum- vendors. No alcoholic beverages announced the "Stampin' The Fu- the designer of several stamps for zontally on an 81/2-inch x 11-inch bent state Rep. Brian J. Flaherty are permitted on the fairgrounds, ture" stamp design contest, spon- the series. Mr. Lyall created paint- white or off-white piece of paper. (R-Watertown) for the 68th Dis- located off Route61, south of Route sored by the United States Postal ings depicting events and person- The artwork has to be original and trict seat in November's election. 109 in Morris. Service. alities of the decade from 1910 lo real people or businesses cannot be Tickets will be available at the The event is being sponsored by To win, entrants between the 1919, and stamps for the first three shown, according to contest rules. door Wednesday, or may be pur- the Nutmeg MGA Chapter, with ages of 8 and 12 are asked to draw decadesoflhecemury are available Only one entry is allowed per per- chased in advance. For more infor- proceeds benefitting MADD of a stamp design showing their views at the Watertown Post Office, said son. mation, call Dolores al274-1763 or Litchfield County. For more infor- of the future. For example, the Watertown Postmaster Peg Dur- Designs and entries should be Joanne at 274-4116. mation, call (860) 350-6233. design could illustrate topics such kee. mailed to "Stamp Contest," P.O. as new inventions or discoveries of Additional stamp series will be the21st century, how to protect the released for the next year-and-a- environment, the types of houses half, culminating at thcmilicnnium. people might live in, clothing of the The winner of the "Slampin" the future or what people might do for Future" design contest could see fun. the winning design printed on mil- Thecontest ties in with thePostal lions of official U.S. postage stamps, Service's "Celebrate the Century" according to information from the activities focusing on the stamp U.S. Postal Service, as well as win series issued by the Post Office this two surprise trips and a new com- year to depict each decade of the puter with monitor, keyboard, 20ih century. printer and software. A Watertown Library program Designs must be drawn in color I SALVAGE LIQUIDATORS Sugar Mt. Farm Warehouse 310 Watertown Rd. (Route 63), E. Morris, CT On The Watertown-Morris Town Line OUR NEXT SALE OCTOBER 11 Stop by & see how much you can save! __, ^_ PHONE PLENTY OF CHOICFS: Youngsters and adults had countless books, games, posters, and educational materials to choose from at the annual Open House and Book Fair held September 17 at Baldwin School. SB): 5S (860)274-9333 The event, sponsored by the school"sPTA, included tours of the various classrooms, informal meetings with Grits » Diapers« Draperies • Small Appliances • Cat Food • Bath Tub staff and administrators, and of course, refreshments. — Times Photo, Valuckas 30 — TownProperty Times, September 24,199 8of the Watertown Historical Society Calendar THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 attend. Oak Villa, 550 Sylvan Lake Road, Legals OPEN HOUSE and Book Fair a S t. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Oakville, 6to 10p.m. Tickets $25 each, Regulations for Wireless Com- NOTICE TO CREDITORS John the Evangelist School, 760 Main AL-ANON meeting at Christ Epis- in advance at Spectators SportsCafe at munication Towers, as amended. Street, 6 to 9 p.m. Open house also at copal Church, 25 The Green, 10 ajn. Oakville Plaza, or by calling 274-2113 Court of Probate Dated at Watertown, Connecticut Little School in parish convent. Acad- OKTOBERFEST -98 Committee or 755-6335. District of Watertown this the 24th day of September, emy Hill. Call 274-9208 for more in- final planning meeting at Watertown REHEARSAL by Westbury Drum Estate of: 1998. formation. Recreation Departmentoffice, Suite 108 Corps at Heminway Park School, 37 KATIE ANN DONAHUE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 of Depot Square, 51 Depot Street, 7 Heminway Park Road, 6:30 to 9 p.m. Watertown Fire District aka KATIE DONAHUE REHEARSAL by Oakville-Water- p.m. All interested people invited. Call Call 274-4622. Zoning Commission The Hon. Carey R. Geghan, town Drum Corps at Swift Junior High 945-5246 for more information. GENERAL John M. Robb, Chairman Judge of the Court of Probate, School small gymnasium, 250 Colo- NUTMEG SQUARES Square and INFO NUMBERS: EMERGEN- TT 9-24-98 nial Street, Oakville, 6:30 to 9:30pjn.; Round Dance Club "Fun Night" at CIES. 911; Routine Police Calls, 945- District of Watertown at a hearing call 274-5542. Judson School main gymnasium, 124 5200; Routine FireCalls (business hours held on September 15, 1998 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Hamilton Lane, 7:30p.m. Lessons open only), 945-5220; Torrington Health ordered that all claims must be ••STRESS-BUSTER"workshop"A to public. Call 274-6876 for more in- District, 945-5270; Town Clerk's of- presented to the fiduciary at the Classifieds Daily Ritual for Managing Stress" formation. fice, 945-5230; Parks and Recreation address below. Failure to conducted by Sc Mary's Hospital at WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Department, 945-5246. promptly present any such claim Watertown Library, 470 Main Street, HISTORICAL SOCIETYMuseum DAILY REC INFOLINE: 274- may result in the loss of rights to XTovvn Tlimes 9:30 a.m.tonoon.Feeof$10for course. at 22 DeForest Street, and nearby his- 9334; TOWN INFOLINE: 945-5272; recover on such claim. Classified Call (203) 574-6214 for more informa- toric schoolhouse, open 2 to 4 p.m.; WATER-OAK CRIME STOPPERS: I tion. free admission, donations accepted. Call 945-9940; WELCOME WAGON: 283- Gail D. Cesarello, Clerk Notice to Advertisers The fiduciary is: Please Read Your Advertisement CAR WASH by Youth Group at 274-1634. 4437. ^hertisemente are taken by ftwn Thtut over Hie United Methodist Church in church ZTTI DINNER fund-raiser for MEETINGS OF BOARDS Timothy J. Donahue telephone as a customer convenience. You should road your ad the Bret day it appeals and report any parking lot, 305 Main Street (intersec- campaign of Denisc Russ, Democratic AND COMMISSIONS c/o Mark D. Malley error in time forth e next scheduled insertion. Ibu/n tion of Routes 6 and 63), 11 a.m. to 3 contender for 68th House District, at Monday, September 28—Board of Seabourne & Malley Times is responsible for one incorrect insertion for pjn. Charge $5 per car. any advertisement end then only to the extent of a Cavallo's Crestbrook Inn, Northfield Education at Polk School library, 435 30 Main Street •make-good* insertion. Errors which do not lessen SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Road, searings at 5 and 7 p.m. Call 274- BuckinghamStreet, Oakville, 7:30p.m. Thomaston, CT 06787 the value of the advertisement will not be corrected CENTENNIAL Anniversary for 1763 or 274-4116 for more informa- Wednesday,September 30—Board by "tnake-grnd' insertion. Thank you. Union Congregational Church begins tion or advance tickets; tickets also at of Assessment Appeals at town asses- TT 9-24-98 Town Times. with tree planting ceremony, 11:45 a.m.. door. sor's office at Town Hall, 37 DeForest 274-8851 or 274-8852. on front lawn of church, 161 Bucking- APPRECIATIONDINNERforRon Street, 6:30 p.m. LEGAL NOTICE ham Street, Oakville. Public invited to BakerofCharlesDickens'PubatGrand The Planning and Zoning Real Estate For Sale 010 Commission of the Town of MORRIS - Custom 4BR. 2-1/2 bath He also heads the Feinstein Foun- himself, he has expressed admira- Watertown will hold a public Colonial. LR vv/FP. cherry flooring, Rotary tion for Rotary's humanitarian decks overlooking inground pool & dation, which supports many hun- hearing on Wednesday, October perennial gardens. 2 acres, country loca- ger-related and educational causes. work, particularly the organiza- 7, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. in the Polk tion. $285,000. Gooscboro Realty, (860) Roundtable This is the second million-dol- tion's efforts to alleviate hunger School Library, 435 Buckingham 567-4770. Million-dollar challenge lar challenge to help fight hunger throughout the world. Street, Oakville, CT on the BETHLEHEM Philanthropist Alan Shawn Fein- Mr. Feinstein has made this year. More information on the Water- following petition and request: stein of Rhode Island has issued a His first challenge, issued to food town club's drive may be obtained Special Permit App. #134 to Brand new 2,500 square fool Colonials in providers last February, brought in beautiful picturesque sub-division, .close million-dollar challenge to Rotary by calling Rotarians Hugh Langin operate a group daycare center in to all routes. Packages starting from clubs in the United States: He will a total of $33 million. Although at 274-6796, or Susan Santopietro a single family home located at S249.900. 2 acre loo 5 acre parcels. Fi- match contributions up to $1 mil- Mr. Feinstein is not a Rotarian at 274-3284. 53 Cobb Street, Oakville, CT in nancing available. Brokers protected. Lot packages available. Call for details 860- lion to food banks, food pantries, an R-30 Residential Zoning 567-0788. and soup kitchens to help the hun- District. gry. Legals Applicant Lori DiMaria d/b/a/ Condominiums For Sale 015 The Rotary Club of Providence, Tiny Tots Daycare Center WOODBURY. 3BR, 2-1/2 baths, new ef- NOTICE OF REFERENDUM ficicn! HVAC. fireplace, finished base- R.I., has accepted the challenge, At this hearing interested persons and has sought participation by FISCAL YEAR 1998-1999 BUDGETS menl. deck, pool, tennis. $89,500. 263- may appear and be heard and 2469. TOWN OF WATERTOWN other U.S. clubs in meeting and written communications will be CONNECTICUT surpassing this goal. received. A copy of this proposal Land For Sale 025 A referendum of electors and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meeting "We have requested of our is on file in the Planning and. WOODBURY- GRASSY Hill Road, 8.46 of the Town of Watertown will be held on Tuesday, Octoaber 6, 1998, members that any contributions they Zoning Office, Town Hall Annex, Acre Interior Lot, Driveway/Utilities In. between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. to vote for approval or Great Privacy. SI09.900. (203)263-2005. would normally make during the 424 Main Street, Watertown, CT. disapproval of Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Budgets. Voting will be at the year to the food bank, be made to Dated at Watertown, CT this 24th OAKVILLE- LARGE building lot, Watertown Rolary," explained Sue following polling places: cleared/level. ISO' frontage X 100" deep, day of September, 1998. city wtr/sewer in-place, quiet residential. Atkins, president of the Watertown Heminway Park School James K. Blais, Secretary $48K, priv. owner, call after 6PM or Rotary Club. "We will present one Heminway Park Road, Watertown, Connecticut Planning and Zoning weekends. (860)274-0722. check, acknowledging each indi- Judson School Commission vidual donor, to the Watertown Hamilton Lane, Watertown, Connecticut TT 9-24-98 I DONT FORGET... Food Bank on October 28. We will Swift Junior High School then apply to Rotary International Colonial Street, Oakville, Connecticut for matching funds." Polk School LEGAL NOTICE Mrs. Atkins further noted, "We Buckingham Street, Oakville, Connecticut Watertown Fire District are very confident that $1 'million Persons qualified to vote in Town Meeting who are not electors shall Zoning Commission will be raised easily. It would take vote at any of the above mentioned polling places. Notice is hereby given that the only $70 from each Rotary club in Absentee ballots may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office. Watertown Fire District Zoning the United States to accomplish this Commission on Monday, for classified advertising for 1. SHALL THE FISCAL YEAR 1998/1999 SCHOOL September 14, 1998 at their TOWN TIMES The Watertown Rotary Founda- Regular Meeting amended the GENERAL FUND BUDGET BE APPROVED IN THE is 11:00 a.m. Tuesday. tion has S01 C-3 classification, so Zoning Regulations of the AMOUNT OF $25,025,581? Call 274-8851 for best results. all donations are tax deductible. 2. SHALL THE FISCAL YEAR 1998/1999 TOWN GENERAL Watertown Fire District by adding Sanctioned by Rotary Interna- BUDGET BE APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF tional, the challenge has been made $15,546,198 AND SHALL THE FOLLOWING FISCAL Solution to page 20 crossword puzzle possible by the social concern and YEAR 1998/1999 BUDGETS BE APPROVED IN THE generosity of Mr. Feinstein, who AMOUNTS OF: F 1 A S C 0 R E D c I 0 S S E G A D S over the past 14 years has cam- IS H T A 1 R A I E V 1 N N 0 V E I paigned aggressively to eliminate Town Road Aid 180,836 i A M A c A F A R E W E L L G R E T A hunger in the United States. Funds 1 Water Operations 1,242,826 1 M A D R 0 raised by the individual clubs must N E E M 0 T 1 L D M E N Water Capital 108,450 E D IW A S D 1S L A V IP L A Y A C T be donated toabenefjeiary between Water Extension 136,600 I • I October 16, which is "World Hun- | u N D I E T E R II E N R T t Sewer Operations 1,068,525 s • ger Day," and the end of October. IH E s S S U R F 1 H U S A D IR 1 E D Sewer Capital 59,000 c 1• S Mr. Feinstein is the founder of Sewer Extension 70,600 ! 0 N s I T E S T S 1 5 T y • H A D the Youth World Hunger Brigade, Water and Sewer Debt 234,010 A L F E E A T T s E 10 w E the Hunger Program at Brown 1 II Crestbrook Golf Operations 815,311 R D A A R C F A 1E R 1 E N 1 T W1 1 T University, and the International 1 • Crestbrook Improvement Trust 90,000 D 0 H T C R Y F 0 R M E A R G E N T I N Famine Center at Tufts University. A Local Capital Improvement 164,000 1 N S E N G_ Vehicle Replacement Trust 226,000 Garden Club ~\ T T "D" T V i S Voters approving the question(s) will vote "Yes" and those opposing the • 1 • 1i T E S i The Watertown Garden Club will A M E N A T E c A M l T E question(s) will vote "no". 1 next meet Thursday, October 8, at Dated at Watertown, Connecticut this 24th day of September, 1998. P L A 1 T C H 1 •N A G 1 R L H A T E the Union Congregational Church, Rosalie G. Loughran, Chairman A I 1 I H I E I T E R E S A A E R 1 161 Buckingham Street, Oakville. Watertown Town Council E E H T E R S W 0 E 1i N I A N D 1 A business meeting will begin at 1 1 • D This notice of Referendum is dated at Watertown, Connecticut this 24th A L D 0 U S P S S T F A 1 L A 1 l 12:30 p.m. day of September, 1998. 1I 1 B U R R s B I A M E 1 T 0 N M E X 1 C 0 The presentation at 1 p.m. will Dolores LaRosa, Town Clerk 1• L | A R s R OlM A X C IE R U N E V E N< be "Table Settings" by a major re- Town of Watertown, Connecticut I tail establishment TT 9-24-98 E A G E R 0 PE |N E Y E D 1 S E ID E R s| Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown TimesSociety, September 24, 199 8 — 31 Classifieds Land For Sale 025 Officewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgs For Rent 045 Condominiums For Rent 070 For Sale 085 For Sale 085 BETHLEHEM- 15 acre approved build- SOUTHBURY 1800 Sq.Ft. light industri- WOODBURY-IMMACULATE TWO FIREWOOD- ALL seasoned hardwood, SOFABED WITH matching chair: Lazy- ing lot. Driveway installed. House site al w/office, 440-100 AMP, air-condition- bedroom townhouse available Nov. 1st. • cut, split and delivered by the pickup boy recliner and end tables. Call(860) cleared. Views & privacy. By owner. ing. Available November I. Call 9am- The selective renter will appreciate its load. (860) 274-3557. 274-5062. 3pm (203)264-2680. hardwood floors, fireplace, patio, deck $106.000.266-7184. DINING ROOM set- contemporary, and custom window treatments. Complex CHINA: NORITAKE Chelsea, circa WASHINGTON- 44 acres, lightly wood- WOODBURY- OFFICE space available. amenities include an indoor pool, tennis table, 6 chairs, like new. £950. 263-7548. 1920, service for 12, 92 pieces. Excellent ed, very private, partial driveway. AC & heat included. Call 263-0006. couns and a private lake. $ 1.000/month. MOVING. MUST sell! Lexington King condition. $600- Call 264-4784. S495.000. WARREN- 2.7 Acres. Lightly 203-266-4651. pier bed, oak. $700. Armoire. oak, $500. Wooded with Small Brook. $45,000. 5 Rentals To Share 060 Triple dresser, oak, $600. Excellent con- GRAY LEATHER queen sleep sofa, S200. Medium blue recliner, $125. Wood Acres, With Privacy and Pond, $59,000. dition. Porch furniture, coffee table, ROOM FOR rent. Lovely Watertown Business Property 075 & glass coffee (able, $25. Large beveled Cooseboro Realty, (860) 567-4770. while w/glass, $75. End tables. $50 each. home. Responsible, educated person pre- LITCHFIELD- 3.000 sq. ft. of warehouse glass contemporary dining room table 203-881-2711. Rooms For Rent 030 ferred. Private phone/cahlc. $460/mon. storage and office space. Level 3/4 acre. w/twin pedestals. 4 highback upholstered (860) 274-6629 Pump business includes inventory and MOVING, MUST sell! Ethan Allen din- chairs, $350. All good to excellent condi- WOODBURY - Quiet, private setting in equipment radio tower. Great exposure ing room hutch, buffet, glass and wood tion. (860) 945-6652, (203) 574-1980. cozy, immaculate home. Private entrance, Vacation Rentals 065 on Rt. 202. $249,000. table, six side chairs, 2 ami chairs, blue FULL-SIZE B.R. set: sleighbed w/bed- darling bedroom, private full bath, LR Gooseboro Really scats. Excellent condition. $2,000. 203- POINT JUDITH. Rhode Island- Near ding, bureau, chifforobe. various other w/hugc fireplace. Phone, cable, limited (860) 567-4770 881-2711. kitchen. Furnished impeccably. Pets? Ne- lighthouse. 2BR cottage w/private beach. peices. $750 or best offer. Call Carla at gotiable. Respond to: Box QR, c/o Voic- Sept., Oct. $300/week. (203)732-3502. For Sale 085 ETHAN ALLEN living room , two 274-0248 evenings. chairs, wing chair, blue and peach, three es. P.O. Box 383, Southbury, CT 06488. SKI HOUSE near Killington/Okemo. Rl. MAHOGANY L.R. set: couch floral pat- FABRIC BARN end tables, coffee table. Excellent condi- I0OA. Group of 15 people renting 5BR. 3 tern (peach, pink, blue), with two match- Calico & Quilling Supplies. Remnants & tion. Moving, must sell! $2,000. Call .nes For Rent 035 bath house. 6 month rental. Approx. $800 Closeouts. Open Wednesday thru Sunday, ing wing-chairs (blue), plus Pennsylvania to share. Information call 203-263-4472. 203-881-2711. WOODBURY COLONIAL Circa 1750. 10am-5pm. Closed Monday and Tuesday. House glass top coffee table. 4yrs. old Ask for Ed. 7 rooms & greenhouse, detached garage, Rie. 63, East Morris. 860-567-5823. Next PREMIUM SCREENED topsoil,$15/yd like new, $2000. Call (860) 945-6956 io The Cardinal Craft Shop. Will deliver. Kubota tractors for very nice acre on Mountain Road. VERMONT GREAT house with hotlub. ETHAN ALLEN dining room, Country rent/lease. Fieldstone. Horse manure. $ 1,200/month plus security. 203-261- Sleeps 8 to 10. Twenty miles from Mt. French. $2,100. Ethan Allen bedroom set, HAMMERED DULCIMER: Folkcraft 263-2203, 567-5957. 6437. Snow. All season spot. Book now for fall 12/11. hammers, instruction book, stand. antique yellow, I! pieces, $600. 264- foliage or winter ski weekends. Call 860- WOODBURY- PRESTIGIOUS contem- $350. 203-266-7068 or 203-263-4868. MOVING. MUST sell! Porch Patio fur- 4940. 274-0436 evenings. niture, couch, loyeseat, two chairs w/ot- porary estate home. 1-1/2 bdrms, 2-1/2 Jane or John. LARGE OAK armoire. Lots of storage baths. 2 car heated garage. Nov 15th- toman, white metal frame w/tan yellow Condominiums For Rent 070 BUSY ACRES Tree Farm- Quassapaug white striped . Excellent condi- space, $185. , spring, frame, like April 15, 1999. $1500/mon. Ncg. Must Rd.. Woodbury. 6 ft. white spruce, $35. 5 new, $125. 264-6039. tion. $500. Call 203-881-2711. see. 203-263-2005. SOUTHBURY- HERITAGE Village. ft. white pine, $30. 2 ft. white spruce in 4PC BEDROOM set $200, old fashion Furnished 2BR. Views! Garage. Private. pots. $5. 263-4786. EVERGREENS metal bed $50, like new exercise bike 040 No smokers. 50+: Available October. Transplants for sale, $25 and under. Field Apartments For Rent KEROSENE FURNACE, $700. Four $25, 2 enamel top tables $l?5/ea. Plus $850/mo. 203-264-1015. stock available. Call 266-0330. WATERTOWN COLONIAL near Tafl. 3 years old. Call 274-0652 after 3:30pm. other hosehold items. Call 806-274-2715. rms. 3rd (1. Recently remodeled. Appli. 3 LARGE rooms; IBR w/d hook-up, re- ATTENTION- NEW clear cedar tongue PUMPKINS- 20-40 lbs., SS/each. Busy gas heat, w/w carpet. 1 mature adult pre- frigerator, stove. Very private, end unit. KUBOTA 4150 4WD tractor, bucket in groove 8, 6. 4, 3, footers. Sell com- Acres Tree Farm. Quassapaug Rd., loader, 8' Harley rake, plow & heated ferred. Non smoker, no pets. Plenty of parking. Waterbury, East Woodbury. From Woodbury- Route 64 to Security/credit reference/lyr. lease re- Mountain section. $500 plus utilities. plete. 263-0600. cab. Low hours. $17,500 or best offer. Middlebury. Just past Quassy Park take 264-2357. quired. $535/mon. with electric included. (860) 274-7254 or 283-4450. 1997 HONDA BR900RR Motorcycle. left on Tranquility Rd. Follow signs (860) 274-5081 after 5PM or leave mes- Pristine condition, 10K. 8K check-up, straight to the farm. Open weekends in HAY, $3; Straw, $2; mulch, $1. 203-758- WOODBURY/WOODLAKE- 2BDRM. sage. new tires. Asking $8,400. Must see! 860- October, 10am-4pm. 203-263-4786. 2124. 2-bath condo, full basement, washer, 945-3338. MORRIS I Bedroom efficiency. Newly dryer, detached garage. Very private. Pels BRAD1NGTON YOUNG leather chair & GAS STOVE, almond. $125. Washer & remodeled .Quiet, sunny. Private deck. ok. Available Nov. 1st. Sl.095/month. BEANIE BABIES - new releases & re- ottoman, 84" six cushion sofa, best offer dryer. $150. Call 755-4118 or 945-6978. Non-smoker preferred. Available Oct. I. (860)350-8591. tireds. Call 267-5314. on both. (860) 274-3543. Leave message. $550/mo. One year lease, one month se- curity. (860)567-9144 OAKVILLE: SMALL, sunny 2BR. 2nd floor, appliances, porch, yard, storage. electric heat. S460/month. (860) 583- 3002. ? WATERTOWN- TAFT School area. Pri- vate 2brdm. w/garage. Very nice. Voices Sunday - Voices S750/inon. (860)355-9106. WATERTOWN: IBR, 1st floor, quiet TTovvn ZTimee WeeWy Star The Newspaper neighborhood, includes heat, hot water. electricity. S650/monlh. (860) 274-2274. (In-Home THURSDAY) (In-Home SATURDAY) (In-Home WEDNESDAY) WATERTOWN. 2BR, 2nd floor. Off- Ad Deadline: 11 a.m., Tuesday Ad Deadline: 11 a.m., Monday street parking. Washer/dryer hookup. Ad Deadline: 11 a.m., Friday Large yard. $600/month. (860) 274-2274. PHONE PHONE PHONE TAFT SCHOOL area- 1-bedroom. 3rd floor with appliances, I person preferred. 274-8851 -or- 263-2116 263-2116 -or- 274-8851 263-2116 -or- 274-8851 Includes carpet, hcat+hot water, air con- ditioning, off-sircet parking. No-pets. FAX FAX FAX $500 per month. Call 274-5287. 266-0199 -or- 945-3116 OAKVILLE- ONE bedroom, on bus line. 945-3116 -or- 266-0199 266-0199 -or- 945-3116 close IO everything. $450/mo. (203)593- P.O. Box 1 • Watertown, CT 06795 P.O. Box 383 • Southbury, CT 06488 P.O. Box 383 • Southbury, CT 06488 0959, leave message. WOODBURY- RENOVATED 2BR apartment, available immediately. Securi- ty, references, one year lease. No pets. ZEown ITimee $695/mo. Call 860-628-6447 or 203-755- 8815. WATERTOWN- 4RM apt., 2nd floor off- CLASSIFIED ADS Offer No Fancy Claims... JUST RESULTS street parking, siove, refrigerator. fj ONE • THREE fj HVE 5485/ittonlh. Call (860) 945-0266 afier (PLEASE PRINT EACH WORD IN SEPARATE SPACE) 6PM. 3rd 4th & Week 5th WATERTOWN. LARGE IBR apt. Ap- FREE Weeks pliances, no utilities, security, references. 5550/month. Call (860) 274-8490. WATERTOWN- 5RM apt for rent. Avail- able 10/1. Please call 598-3443 or 274- V $20.25 5144. $13.50 2-3 BRS Naugatuck, 5-rooms, porch, $24.75 storage, garden, laundry hook-up. No lease, includes heal. $650/mo. 203-263- $16.50 $29.25 2515. $19.50 WATERBURY- 2BR, Town Plot. Large $33.75 rooms, lots of closets, appliances, w/w $22.50 c ing, eat-in kitchen. S485/monlh. No Order your Town Times Classified Ad (In-Home Thursday) to also run in Voices/Sunday-Weekly Star (In-Home Saturday) and Voices p. jecurity/rcfcienccs. (203)756-2592. BETHLEHEM- ONE bedroom on 2nd The Newspaper (In-Home Wednesday). Your three (3) Newspaper Ads will cost you only twice (2 times) the cost of your Town Times floor. No pets. $575 per month plus utili- Ad (the third newspaper ad insertion is FREE every week your ad runs in all three (3) newspapers.) lies. Security. 266-5051. NAME (please print) OAKVILLE-RIVERSIDE STREET. Small IBR apartment. Gas heal, includes ADDRESS. _TOWN_ . ZIP_ _PHONE_ garage. S450/month. Call 860-274-9137. WOODBURY KNOLL- Studios, RUN FOR _WEEK(S) STARTING. . CLASSIFICATION $525/mon. plus utilities. Call the Realty Solution Center at 264-6300 & ask for Kathy. D Also run this ad same number of weeks in Voices Sunday-Weekly Star and Voices The Newspaper (Pay only twice the cost of your ad.) Mail your ad and payment to: OAKVILLE 3RM apartment Ist/fl. Heal, TOWN TIMES off street parking. Idea! for one Adult. ATTN: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEFT. Security and References. Call (860) 274- PAYMENT » • Check enclosed in the amount of $ 2322 P.O. BOX 1 METHOD M • | hereby authorize Town Times to charge my (check one) DI

Able, Kind Christian Just One To Love SWM, 35 DWCM. 43 ISO OWCF, 38-45, for DWM, 6', 185 lbs. healthy. Seeks 5'1O". 165 lbs. dad, active, affection- long-term Chrsit centered relation- slender gai, 45-55. Enjoys country ate, employed, sincere. Enjoys camp- Prime Publishers Inc.«. ship. Family oriented, simple things lifestyle, gardening, good music, ing, motorcycling, car shows.

Instructions j To mail or fax your ad please PRINT CLEARLY: ! HEADLINE (up to four words, bold print): To place an ad: To respond to any ad on this page: 1 1 Call 1-800437-5814 (no charge for this call). Be sure to use a touch-tone phone. Cordless AD (one word per box; no phone numbers or addresses, please 7 days a week. Our friendly operators will help phones cannot be used on our systems! you place your written ad and give you instruc- Before calling, write down the box numbers you tions for recording your two-minute voice greet- want to listen to and/or respond to. The recorded ing and retrieving [he responses lo your ads. We 'instructions will help you listen to a voice greet- Home phm provide a free print ad, free voice greeting, and ing and respond to an ad. or browse men's or two free calls to retrieve responses per week! women's greetings. When leaving a response, state Work phone: . your name and phone number so the person whose As an option, you can place a 40-word print ad ad you are responding to can get in touch with you. MAIL (his form to: FAX it to: 1-800-856-6588 Ml inftinnaliiin mail be included far yaw forachargeof$10.00. Perfect Date Personals OR CALL: 1-800437-5814 ad lo be processed. Information is strictly confidential. .185 Science Park Rd. to speak wiili n customer Staw College. PA 16803 service representative.

We provide a FREE print ad, FREE voice greeting, and two FREE calls to retrieve responses per week! That means there's no cos/to you, the advertiser! Town Times, September 24, 1998 — 33 ClassifiedPropertys of the Watertown Historical Society Pets 130 Instructions 160 Help Wanted 180 Help Wanted 180 Help Wanted 180 CAT NEEDS home- 7 year old spayed PRIVATE PIANO Study with experi- FREE CLASSES if qualify. Nurses Aide watertownhistoricalsociety.orgHELP WANTED: Earn up to $500 per HOSTESS. PART-TIME/FULL-TIME. female, indoors only, quiet. Needs to be enced masters teacher, pianist. Thomas Training. Dental Technology. MCT, Fed- No experience necessary. Apply in per- only pet. scared of other animals. Call Mazuroski. Study of technique, theory week assembling products at home. No eral Road. Brookficld. 775-5699. son, ask for Gus. Elenni's Woodbury Elaine, 263-0567 leave message. and repetoirc for all ages and levels. Only experience. INFO 1-504-646-1700 Pizza Castle, 40 Sherman Hill Rd.. 4 spaces remain. (860)274-4697 before CHILD CARE in my home for infant DEFT. CT-2760. BABY MINIATURE piglets! House pet weekdays. Grandmotherly type preferred. Woodbury. 9pm. FULL-TIME DUMP truck driver with size. Non-shed, litter trained. May barter References required. 274-7943. one. Noon-9pm. 860-429-5670. construction equipment experience. Must UPHOLSTERER NEEDED. Fully expe- Personal 170 PERMANENT PART-TIME CLERICAL have CDL and clean driving record. 266- rienced only need apply. Please call (860) JACK RUSSEL Terrier puppies. 3 fe- 7664. 274-0223. males left- S350 each. (860) 945-61 OS. UNEXPECTED POWER. Psychic tells Prime Publishers. Inc. is looking for a you things you may not even want to friendly, energetic person to work in the Pet Services 135 know. 1 -900-288-6600. $3.99 per minute. business office. Duties include taking Help Wanted/Display Must be 18 years. Scrv-U 619-645-8434. classified ads on computer, answering PETSITT1NG AND Pet Daycare- Full- phones & helping with various business time insured Pet Care Services. Horses Position Wanted 175 office iask*. Must be reliable and detail- and small farm animals included. Rea- oriented. Will train. Appro*. 30 hrs/wk. sonable, honest, caring. Lou. (860)945- REGISTERED NANNY- 3 days a week. Accepting applications at Voices News- 0535. Highly qualified. Exceptional and unique YOUR TAUNT CAN HELP references. Call 596-3683. paper, 90 Middle Quarter Mall. Main DOG OBEDIENCE- 6 week beginners Street South, Woodbury, CT. class. $75. Also, puppy training, agility. MATURE DEPENDABLE woman seeks breed handling. (203)758-9684. permanent position for light housekeep- COREY'S NOW hiring part-time day & ing and cooking delicious lunches. 266- evening counter help & kitchen hurses 137 5656. prep/dishwasher. Apply in person call 266-0030. BOX STALLS available with indoor & HOUSESITTER/CARETAKER- PRO- utonomy. StMe- CLERICAL SUPPORT outdoor arenas. Many amenities. Friendly FESSIONAL, available. Long term pre- owhe-art Part-time, 20 hours/week relaxed atmosphere. Winter boarders ferred. Excellent references. Please call 203-778-3424. A welcome. Sugar Mt. Farms. 860-274- Start-to^nish irwotve- You will assist with mailings, data entry, filing, 0341. copy work and general clerical duties as Auto. Services/Display merit All are ways we assigned. Basic computer skills, strong Wanted 145 give you the means to communication, customer service and WANTED- DRUMMER and vocalist, explore and expand your interpersonal skills are required. Hard Rock. Alternative Band Covers and potential. As a global For immediate consideration, please fax or mail originals. Serious inquiries only. Contact leader in delivering inno- your resume with salary requirements to: John at (203) 263-2299. EVERiTT'S GffRffGE, INC. vadve.staiidanM.ased "^ Siemcm Company; 76 W^bury Park Road, Watertown, CT 06795-0400; FAX: (860) 945-4332. Instructions 160 Tune-ups • Computerized Engine Repairs • Brakes telecommunications ATTN: Human Resources - (JP7.TT).We are an • Front End Alignment B Repairs • Exhaust Repair systems, we have all the equal opportunity employer dedicated to YOGA/STRESS REDUCTION program. resources you need to diversity for the value it adds to our work Learn to relax and enjoy. Watertown, M/F/D/V. Naugatuck, Litchfield, Washington. Do It excel. So connect with Veronica Klecman, (860)567-4384. unless ... you have a the future at The ELIZABETH'S PIANO LESSONS PLUS- Welcome. These lessons are a gift lot of money to Right! to yourself or your child. The first lesson throw around is complimentary as arc all music books provided. Teacher is degreed with many Everltt Lane SIEMON years of experience. Please call 263-0077 Oakvllle for more information. How the world stays 274-2147 Auto. Sales/Display

BAD CREDIT? NO CREDIT? CRESTWOOD FORD NO PROBLEM! 1230 Main Street, Route 63, Watertown Call Toll Free 24 Hours/7 Days a Week 860-274-2501 1-800-523-2323 for Pre-Approval 1 -800-444-5560 PRE-OWNED CARS • PRE-OWNED TRUCKS I 199! 1993 1997 1993 mt 1992 DODGE OLDS FORD MERCURY FORD DAYTONA CIERA ESCORT LX COUGAR RANGER XLT FORD F-250 4X2 Hit ? Di At PS PE Coucie 4 Or 5 Spd K UK FH n AT AC PSeal PW PDL CC. imw.sspii.psii.iiw. (C. Tib Cmali* 1 O*MtOitlyS!K 4 Or V6 AT, AC PW PDL Ik ilon Cot! OnrrUK SuperCok, Diesel, AT, AC, PW, POL CC. lilt. Alloys '9,000 #0270 #0181 ONLY #0153 #0223A #0170A #0133 '5,995 #0109 '7,995 '8,995 '10,995 '12,995 —• '6,995 '13,995 1996 1997 1994 1996 1997 1996 CHEVY FORD MERCURY FORD under CORSICA ESCORT LX W6N SABLE GS CONTOUR GL CHEVY ASTRO VAN FORD E-350 CARGO VAN « Di »t H AC PW POL Tih * (y! S WJ if C«n«ne 4 Df V6 A! AC PW PW POl 1 Dr 11 K m POl CC 7 Pass, V6, AT, AC, PW, CDL, CC, Tilt, VB, AT, PS, PB, Bin System, Ready to Work. 1 ••:'„• '10,000 CC illfey.1 Oil, 35* lie In CC till Uloy. Onl, 4011 *0242 #TBA #0276 mm •fences. #0242 #0243 8,995 '8,995 «8,995 '9,995 '14,995 '14,995 1997 1995 1995 1993 1997 1997 PLYMOUTH PONTIAC MAZDA CHEVY FORD FORD under NEONS GRAND AM SE 626 LX CAMARO Z28 F-150 4X4 WINDSTAR GL FORD El 50 4X4 XLT VI AT AC PW POl CC Wi 1 Dl AT AC PW POl Till AUC (I PW FBI f( 1* a Di 41 AC PS Ft («««* XI Pig. 6 Cyl AHC PS V8, AT, AC PW, PDl, CC, Tih, Alloys, Off Hood '12,000 Cd»lo»ttfe « Only 3H Hop DAM PS.LWMIH '/NJ'.HOOSt A"'.IOW*i liK J0028 #0046 #0116 #0232A #0170A Pkg, 17" Wheels. #0233A '9,995 '9,995 '11,995 *11,995 '16,995 '16,995 '18,995 IMS 1997 TOYOTA FORD FORD TAURUS SE under MUSTANG GT FORD EXPLORER XLT FORD EXPLORER 4X4 CAMRY LE AT, AC, PSeal. PW, POL, CC, Till, Alioys, ABS B.akes. i Dr 41 AC PW.TO. I* . limt vs S Spd Iwhct thr, 4Dr, 4x4, V6, AT, AC, PSeots, PW, PDL, CC, Till, 2 Di, Sport Pkg, AT, AC, V6, PW, PDl, CC, Alloys, 14,000 iMihei Spoiei tit Km' lc*Hfe '211000 10 to Choose Starting at 30K. #0229 #9962 #0213 $ MRoof, 6 Drsc CD, Only 3SK. #0262 s 12,995 '12,995 13,995 '19,995 '20,995 1957 1995 mt I9« 1996 1996 SATURN FORD FORD SW2 WON MUSTANG GT TAURUS WGN TAUMSJHO FORD BRONCO FORD EXPLORER 4X4 '18,000 A! AC PW m lih. CC. Cott StV6.*T«PW,P0l ({ TJII AT, AC, CC, Tih, PW, POL, Alloys, Full Size, CwvjrtiWe. B. Le95 '17,995 '16,995 '20,995 '25,995 A" U RT MOT'l-V-E 34 — Town Times, September 24,1998 ClassifiedPropertys of the Watertown Historical Society

Help Wanted 180 Help Wanted 180 Help Wanted 180 Help Wanted 180 Help Wanted 180 LOVE BOOKS? Moms, Teachers, etc. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgPART-TIME- EXPANDING Janitorial TALENTED TEACHER needed for a CHILDCARE IN my Bethlehem home, 3 HOUSECLEANERS- PART-TIME, $500-$1500/Monthly, P/T, Home-Based Service is seeking a highly motivated in- preshool in Newtown. NAEYC accredit- days per week. Call 266-7313. Monday thru Friday. Must have own Business. DK Publisher, Call for Inter- dividual to fill 25 hr. per week position, ed. ECE and experience a plus, full and transportation. Helping Hands. (203) part-time with benefits. Call 203-426- CHILDCARE - Seeking energetic view. (203,426-8181. at a rate of $8 per hour. Interested candi- woman lo care for charming 2 yr. old girl 264-2062. daics may call 203-262-1401. 9847. EOE. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS in your area. and soon to be new arrival in my South- CHILDCARE- TEACHERS, FT7PT, new Become a representative for Friendly IMMEDIATE OPENING available for a DENTAL ASSISTANT- experienced- bury home. 2 days per week. 8am-6pm. center opening this fall. ECE/experience Toys & Gifts, the number one company carpenter with painting skills. Call K & R part-time in busy growing dental prac- Must be warm, creative, cngiish speak- preferred. Will train. Benefits. Lisa, 203- in party plan. Toys, gifts, Christmas, Home Improvement Contractors, 203- tice. Weekdays & 2 Sat. per mon. Call ing, non-smoker with own transportation. 262-1973. home decor. Free catalog and informa- 888-2366. Margaret 266-7435. Excellent pay. Pleasant working environ- tion. Call Susan 1-800-488-4875. ment. References. 203-264-4805. CLIMBERS OR Groundmcn for tree BABYSITTER NEEDED for our chil- RELIEF COOK/DIETARY aides. Full & work. Experience with chainsaw. Valid HAIR STYLIST or Manicurist- Great dren ages four and one. 2 to 5 days a part-time positions are available at The PART-TIME driver's license. Must be 18. Southbury working conditions. Be your own boss. week from 2:30pm to Spm. Must be reli- Lutheran Home of Soulhbury. Must work Honest and dependable all-around Tree Service 264-9937. Confidential. 264-9693 or evenings 573- able and have own transportation. (860) every oihcr weekend.. Contact Chamoi cashier wanted. Evenings and weekends. 8661. 274-9351. McDougall, at 203-264-0532. Woodbury Shell Food Mart, 263-2726. CN & LPN- 11-7; fulltimc RN & RN or LPN -3-11 fulllime for small, privately TWO PART-TIME positions- General owned skilled facility. Contact Cheryl at Clerical, Customer Service Representa- Oakcliff Convalescent Home, 753-0060. tives. Phone contact, invoicing, depend- able. Apply in person. Keystone Avia- SECRETARY/LEGAL ASSISTANT. tion, 288 Christian St., Waterbury/Oxford Newtown law office. Great salary, job se i Airport, Oxford. curity, pleasant working condition; ) Good skills, WP and computer experi- Consumers Guide RECEPTIONIST/OFFICE MANAGER ence required. Call 203-270-3850 or fax to work full-time in dental practice. Send resume to: 203-270-3853. resume to: Dental Practice, 135 Main St., . . .to CRAFTS and EXPERT SERVICES Seymour, CT 06483. RN/LPN/CNA OPPORTUNITIES DRIVERS FOR trash and recycling To advertise in the Consumers Guide, call 274-8851 or 274-8852 route. Must be reliable and conscientious RN & LPN- Part-time . all shifts. with clean driving record. Call Springer CNA-3-11, full & part-time. 7-3. Sanitation, 7am-2:30pm. 263-4228. part-time. FULL-TIME OFFICE Assistant needed- organized, excellent communication Please apply in person or call: Robert IAGASSE skills and computer literate. Send letter of Santopietro, DNS, Mediplex of South- interest to: P.O. Box 275, Watertown, CT bury, 162 South Britain Road, Southbury, 06795. Attn: Premier Development. CT 06488. (203)264-9600. EOE/AA, PAMNGCO, PART-TIME CAREG1VER/NANNY m/f/d/v. • Trucking • ParMngAMU needed for our two children 8 and 4. • Gf*dli>g Senrtc •Road* • Wallpapering HAIR STYLIST. Newly remodeled salon VALENTE ENTERPRISES • T«nnl. Courts • Power Washing Flexible daytime hours M-F for experi- in Woodbury looking for a motivated & enced, sincere, responsible and depend- reliable hair stylist. Base pay, commis- You Invite • We Delight • Commercial / Residential • Interior/ Exterior able person. Responsible for children's sion & vacation. Call for interview, 263- Tents & All Your Party Needs • Local References daily activities, some driving required 4221. and household duties, excellent compen- Low Rental Rates, Reserve Early • 30 yrs. Experience RN SUPERVISOR- 120 bed SNF is sation. 263-4649. Free estimates Fully Insured seeking a shift Supervisor, Mon.-Fri. David (860) 274-9724 WANTED: RELIABLE person on Mt. Candidate should have 3-5 yrs. experi- 274r0670 Fair Dr. Bus Route to put 2 children on ence in long term supervision. Excellent the bus in the morning and watch our salary and benefits. Send resume to: Kindergartener 11:30 to 12:30. Call Derby Center. 210 Chatfield St., Derby, Donna at 860-945-6065. CT 06418. Attn: Judy George. 735-7401. HELP WANTED for lawn mowing, leaf CLERK- PART-TIME. Apply in person. ' J&M MARANO INSURANCE clean-up. Chas. F. Lewis & Sons. 266- The Bakery, Playhouse Corner, South- f LAWN CARE PLUS AGENCY INC. 0038. bury. (At Exit 15 1-84). 264-1606. • Foundation Plantings MOM AND Pop Convenience store/deli CHILD/CARE IN my home 6:45am to •Your one stop agency (of^Jj • Ornamental Shrub Plantings your insurance needs" looking for energetic and personable per- 8:45pm M-F Mulching • Mowing son. Monday through Friday, 6am-2pm. (860) 945-6890 after 4pm • Fall Clean-Ups • Gutter Cleaning Consumers • GREAT RATES for youthful Good wages. Inquire at Patty's Pantry, FULL-TIME, SECOND shift. Airport • Woodchip Mulch • Top Soil Delivery operators and the hard-to-place risk Exit 16 off of 1-84 in Southbury. 1 Special Job Requests Line Service, hours 3-11. Duties include Guide CALL for a FREE QUOTE CNA (MUST be State registered) to pro- towing corporate jets, cleaning aircraft, Residential/Commercial (203) 575-1600 vide home care to residents in our assist- fueling, building maintenance, grounds Fully Insured ed living program. Per diem shifts avail- maintenance. Experience preferred, but Call 711 Walertown Ave., Vtelerbury CT L. Call for a FREE estimate! Scofi T Marano able. Part of lovely retirement communi- will train the right individual. Reply in Bizabah MarancVShimkevich ty. Call Supervisor of Assisted Living person, or send your resume io Keystone »john 264-1109 Services, East Hill Woods, Southbury. Aviation Services, 288 Christian St., Ox- 274-8851 (203)262-6868. EOE. ford.CT 06478. Ann: David. COMPANIONS FOR the elderly part- MACHINE OPERATORS Soiderers & time- all shifts, weekend availability re- more! Local companies are immediately NEED PLUMBING? quired. Helping Hands, (203) 264-2062. seeking: 1st shift, P.O. board soiderers, Residential * Commercial • Industrial high speed press operators, plastic injec- PAVING HANDYMAN- PART-TIME for odd tion machine operators (all 3 shifts), ma- jobs, window washing, yard work. Help- terial handlers, carpenters & carpenter's COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL ing Hands, (203) 264-2062. helpers. CNC machine operators, assem- • SEALCOATING RN'S & LPN's needed for long term care blers & packers, receptionist/clerical, & • HOT FLEX CRACK FILLING facility. 120 bed capacity. 7am-3pm, P/T typist. Most positions are temp to • DRIVEWAY APRONS 3pm-llpm & t!pm-7am; full and part regular. Contact Lynn At: StaffWorks time. Interested candidates call (203)735- Inc., 117 Main St., Seymour (203)881- • PATCHING 7401. 2037 or fax: (203)881-2034. FULLY INSURED/FREE ESTIMATES CONROD PLUMBING Bringing You Experience & Quality SUBS1TIUTE Food service workers CINDERELLA'S BROOM: House clean- & fire Protection, LLC needed for Watertown School lunch pro- er part/lime, license and transportation (860)274-1606 Watertown 945-9500 gram. Please call 945-4819 for further in- required. $6.50 per/hour, after 2 wks. Mark Dowling Watertown formation. S7.50 per/hour. Call 860 945-6243. CT License #£ Fl-040123 • Pl-277757 • SS386459

Help Wanted/Display TOM'S LANDSCAPING Well Pump Problems? NORTHEAST Well Water Quality? Plumbing Problems? The St. Mary's Hospital Medical Services Organization (MSO) WOODWORKERS has immediate openings for qualified candidates to meet the needs of KITCHEN & BATH RENOVATIONS our growing environment. It' you enjoy a challenge, you may be the • Remodeling • Decks right candidate forus . • Custom Carpentry V Billing Account Representative: Must possess strong knowledge of • Interior Trimwork physician office billing, working knowledge of CPT & ICD-9 coding References - Insured PLUMBING & PUMP. LLC CTReg. J551316 and ability to analyze, post and troubleshoot physician billing office iTKESERIflCElif "We're dedicated to (86O) 274-1618 claim issues. 3-5 years experience with insurance provider require- I customer satisfaction!" Quality at Its Best ments, a demonstrated history of physician billing background and Tom Pietrorazio Fully Insured 274-3400 (203) 263-5469 CT UC.# P-100278282 THEE WORK PBtfORMffl BY UCBISED AftflOflBT ICTCT4 excellent customer service and phone skills required. Claims Processor: Will post payment to accounts. Ability to recog- QUALITY PAINTING &T nize Medicare. Title 19 and major HMO Explanation of Benefits I should CRESTWOOD preferred. OB/GYN experience is desired. Qualified Candidates • Int./Ext. Painting H have PAVING CO. should forward their resume/salary requirements to: St. Mary's • Textured Ceilings S. CT Lie. #542131 Hospital, Human Resources Dept.. 56 Franklin St.. Waterbury, CT > Wall & Ceiling Repairs ™ known ... A family-owned company providing quality workmanship in your 06706. EOE. • Carpentry neighborhood sine© 1960. • Power Washing R WILLIAM FJ. WVNN - Owner > Tennis Courts • Septic Systems • Misc. Home Repairs P • Tank Removal • Concrete Work • Free Estimates • Fully Insured 274-9069 I It's in • Stone Surfaced Asphalt Driveways Saint Marys JR. a Specialty HOSPITAL Fully Licensed & Insured S Consumers Free Estimates 274-5100 Your Regional Health Care Center Guide! WOO O B U RY-WAT E RTOWN Property of the Watertown HistoricalTown Times Society, September 24,199 8 — 35 Classifieds Help Wanted 180 Help watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWanted 180 Business Services 185 Business Services 165 Business Services 185 HOSTESS. MONDAY. Wednesday, Fri- PROFESSIONAL AND Paraprofessional PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY. SMALL BACK-HOE and small bulldoz- CHILD'S WORLD Preschool and Child- day. Nights/days. 263-2101. Healthcare positions. Serving uninsured men & women. Rea- er excavating and landscaping. Licensed care expanded FT/PT openings. Educa- CHURCH SECRETARY opening. App. sonable rates. Linda Krall, M.S.. ED.S. and insured. Call Al (203) 888-5895. tional creative caring atmosphere. Refer- Seeking staff to become part of a skilled I5hrs per week. Knowledge of computer 263-6035. M.K. MASONRY- Stone, sidewalk, ce- ences available. 263-0063. healthcare team providing services to two and windows necessary. Call 274-2352 ment and brick. Stone walls, everything, BIANCA PAINTING. Guaranteed lowest developmentally disabled and medically ROOFING, DECKS, REMODELING MOTHER'S HELPER needed. 4/5 mo small jobs. 35 years experience. 753- prices on any size job. Exterior 2BR fragile men in a residential home setting No job loo small- Licensed. Insured, Free ings/weck. 7:30am-9:30am to help get 5998. house $1,000; 3BR, $1,500; 4BR, located in Southbury, Connecticut. Appli- Estimates. Call (860)274-5645. two children ready for school. Possibly $1,800. Call (203)597-9351. cations are being accepted for these chal- EXPRESS MASONRY- Stonewalls, more hours in future. Please call 264- BACK HOE Work and/or Trucking for lenging positions in the following State sidewalks, patios, stairs, cement and A&J AFFORDABLE Driveway Sealing- 0169. the home owner. Slump removal, drive- of Connecticut titles. ways and drains installed. Cellars and ad- brick. Small jobs. Free estimate. Call Crack filling, Driveway edging. Free Es- PART-TIME SECRETARY for smail ditions dug. Bulldozing, grading, septic (203)753-3618. timates. Call Andy (860)945-9254. Clinical Nurse 2 - ($39,145 annual) church in Morris. 2 in office days, ap- systems installed and repaired. Screened TREE WORK- Cut down/removed, trim- prox. 6-9 hrs. per week. Varied duties in- PAINTING Licensed Practical Nurse - ($31,644) lopsoil, stone, process, sand, fill, gravel ming, pruning, chipping service. Insured. Interior, exterior, powerwash. Free esti- Mental Retardation Worker - ($26,147 clude using computer, telephone, copier and mulch delivered. Reasonable, honest Call Gerry at (860)274-7358. & typing. Contact Melissa. (860) 567- mates. Fast efficient service. Mark, 860- annual) rates. 274-3014. 945-6152. Per Diem Nurse - ($.31.50 hourly) 3769. MISC. CLEAN-UPS- houses, basements. S&R FLOORS- Hardwood Installed, fin- yards, dump runs. No job too big or DON'S CARPENTRY- building & re- r ished, refinished. fuity insured. Quality O '.unities are for full-lime and part- Business Services 185 small. Also tree removal. Reasonable modeling, decks, additions, roofing & re- craftsmanship. Reasonable price. Free es- ti ositions on the first, second and rates. Call Dave, 203-881-1774. pairs. Small jobs welcomed. Quality PROFESSIONAL timatcs. 266-9031. thiru shifts and may include working TYPING SERVICE RISE & SHINE work. Free estimates. 203-723-0842. weekends. Interested individuals please Word processing, typing, letters, mailing WE WILL clean out houses, attics, base- CLEANING SERVICES TRU CARE LANDSCAPING contact Esther at 203-267-5450. lists, tape transcription, fax service, re- ments, barns, and garages, dump runs. •Home and office •Construction clean *Spring Cleanup. *AI1 Types of Lawn sumes, copies. Specializing in small busi- Moving jobs. Reasonable rates. Small up* Windows "Local references 'Reason- Maintenance. *Tree and Shrub Installa- An Equal Opportunity Employer. ness support. jobs welcome. Free estimates. Call able rates -Bonded/Insured 'Free esti- tion. *Tree Removal. ^Pruning & CLINICAL NURSE COORDINATOR George 263-5472. mates. Call Paul & Val (800)591-2206. Mulching. *Driveway Sealing. Call Dan, Woodbury Secretarial ALL MAINTENANCE Handy-Man and ARTHUR G.SCHMID 203-263-0206. 263-2279 FAX 263-0386 Full-time position available in a residen- Home Improvement. Odd jobs, vinyl Landscaping Fall clean-ups, thatching, The most diverse secretarial tial home-setting to assist in the care of windows, lawncare. All your home and seeding, fertilizing, liming, mowing, new Special Notices 190 iwo men who arc developmenialty dis- service in the area ... since 1985! business needs. Call 203-881-2867 or & repaired lawns, foundation, plantings, AUTO AND Home Insurance. Lowest abled. The person selected to fill this po- Pager 203-370-8055. HOMEOWNERS pruning, tree work and light trucking. 30 price, low down payment. Schlegel Insur- sition will report to the house manager Remodeling and repairs. Carpentry. Inte- yrs. experience. AAS degree landscaping. ance Agency, 133 Main Street, Oakvillc. and assist in the coordination of services, TWO GUYS MASONRY- We build rior or exterior. PROMPT SERVICE at 274-3557. Quick quotes. Call 860-274-2569. provide clinical supervision for other waifs, sidewalks, patios, chimneys, and reasonable rates. Quality workmanship, do any outdoor repair. Call 860-274- nursing staff and provide hands on ser- free estimates, fully insured. State Regis- CALL WITH all of your electrical needs. vices for the residents. Some weekend 9354. Beeper 860-780-0187. Free esti- Licensed #00182995. Insured. Free Business Services/Display tered. References available. Call William mates. work required and may need to work var- M.Cooke 263-5400. quotes. Call Dan (203)879-5051 ious shifts. Excellent salary and benefits, FALL SPECIAL CUT FUEL costs by installing vinyl re- MARK SMOLLEY'S Remodeling Com- interested individuals may contact Esther Houses, decks, concrete, sidewalks, pow- placement windows $199 installed com- pany. Interior & exterior painting. Wall- at 203-267-5450 or apply in writing to: erwashed. Also painted or stained. Li- plete. Free estimates. Call 720-2170. TEDTIETZ,JR. papering. Carpentry. Including roofs and censed/insured. David. (860) 274-9724. TRUCKING Mr. William Ale decks. Free estimates. Insured. Refer- CERAMIC TILE work done at reason- MASON CONTRACTOR- Stone walls, 1530 South Britain Road ences, Call 274-9082. able rates. 12 yrs. experience. No job too Quassuk Rd. Woodbury brick walls, cement sidewalks, steps, pa- Souihbury, CT 06488 small, 729-0216. SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned- Herb Shaw tios, small repairs, free estimates. 274- 263-3972 Sanitation Service, the service profes- 6528. SEWING SERVICES. Custom made YOU CALL, WE HAUL The State of Connecticut, Department of sional. Call 274-K228 anytime. slipcovers, draperies, fabric shades. Tai- Menial Retardation is an Equal Opportu- BULLDOZER BACKHOE work by the loring and alterations. Call Sue, 860-274- ANYTIME, ANY PLACE MARANATHA CHIMNEY Service - nity Employer. hour or job: driveways, drainage, paving, 5011. CRUSHED STONE Chimneys cleaned professionally. Quick, stumps, lawns, lot clearing, oil tank re- clean, efficient service. 573-1255 or 489- EXPERIENCED LIMOUSINE driver. GRAVEL* LOAM-SAND BABYSITTER NEEDED in my home moval, concrete removel, dry wells, 9979. All major airports. Your place for pick- BULLDOZING for 3 children: ages, lOyrs., 2yrs., I0mo. trucking. Insured. 203-881-0199. up. $60. Call 203-723-2191. REASONABLE RATES Every other Sunday plus occasional Sat. PAINTING- INTERIOR and exterior, ex- AT YOUR house, office or condo, 1 do 6:30am to 4:00pm. Own transportation. You're Always Ahead pert quality, free estimates. Finishing impeccable cleaning. Also, windowstlls, Call (860) 945-6283. Touches. CT Lie. #00554739. Insured. base boards, cobwebs. Refrigerator once Business Services/Display When You Call Ted CHILDCARE NEEDED in my home (860)945-8081. a month. Good reference. Years of expe- weekdays for 2 children. References re- AFFORDABLE CRUISES and travel. rience. Free estimate. Call Luci, 203-798- qtiired. 203-723-7422. Deep discounts. All individual & group 7777. vacations. Open 7 days, all hours. Free CHILDCARE POSITION availablc- HANDYMAN- NO job wo small Basic LTTCHFIELD HILLS LANDSCAPING brochures. Bethlehem, 266-9299. Mon.T Wed. & Fri., 8am-l2:30pm and electric, plumbing and household repairs. 2pm-6pm at my Woodbury office. Please PAINTING Also available, truck for hauling and only serious inquiries cali, 263-2720. Residential/Commercial, inlerior/cxtcri- plowing. 10% off for senior citizens. Call & WAITRESS/WAITER & dishwasher- or, wallpapering, sheetrock repairs, (203)270-1030. part-time days. 263-2344 between 6am- power washing. Free estimates. Lic./in- DUMP RUNS- Debris removed, con- GROUND MAINTENANCE, LLC. 3pm. surcd. Dave 860-274-9724. struciion, yard, attic, basement, garage, etc. Foreclosures; cut, and fire- Auto. Sales/Display Auto. Sales/Display wood. (203)757-1365/ •Lawn Installations • Fall Fertilizing SHEILA WHITMAN, MS. LPC, NCC •Fall Planting • Mowing JIM JULIANI Counselor specializing in Women's is- 93 Nissan Allima GLE $6,999 sues, career/life decisions, relationships, •FallClean-Up • Free Estimates 93 Lexus LS400 $22,999 MOTOR CARS recovery, life changes & bereavement. 93 Honda Accord LX « $7,999 757-8299 Separation & Divorce Group. (860) 945- COMPLETE FINANCING 1111. NickDeMatteis-Oakwtte, CT 94 Nissan Pathfinder XE $13,999 98 CAVALIER 4drautO 9 875 97 MAZDA 626 LX. 25K 13.990 95 Ford Taurus SHO $9,999 97 CONCORD LX. 2BK 13,950 Auto. Services/Display PHONE 860-274-7227 97 INTREPID special 10,190 95 Ford Escort LX »haiotack$5,999 96 MONTE CARLO LS 12,175 95 GAL ANT S AT 2OK 10.590 94 Toyota CamryLE $9,999 95 ALTIMA GXE special 9.875 4HOKMWHM40 9S LESABRE AT AC » 875 95 Mitsubishi Gaiant ES $10,500 9S ACHIEVA4drATAC 7.780 95 PORSCHE 993. 17K 53.500 97 Honda Accord LX a or. $15,999 9S CONTOUR AT. AC .8.990 95 AVENGER ES V6 12.57S Calling All RACE CAR FANS! 97 Mazda 626 LX $14,999 95 SATURN SL2 loaded 9 575 95 PROTEGE, spocial 8.990 98 Neon Highline $10,999 95 NEON * dr. AT. AC 6.990 94 CADDY Concourse 11.950 BRADSHAW'S 97 Toyota Corolla CE $11,500 94 TAURUS GL. loaded 6,875 94 NEW YORKER 8.475 97 Chevy Camaro Cann. $16,999 9* LE SABRE 4 dr. loaded 9.690 94 LESARON, Conv 8.945 97 Chevy Cavalier 2* $8,999 94 SAAB 9QOS 4 dr AT ,. . 14 850 Come To 94 CORSICA VS. loaded 7.475 98 Dodge Stratus $13,999 94 BONNEVILL6 SE 9.650 93 MAZDA MX6LS 9.875 93 REGAL loaded. 4 df. 8.950 97 Dodge Intrepid $12,999 93 SATURN Cpo., 42K AT 9.425 AUTO SERVICE CENTEI 93 REGAL Ltd 4 dr m/rool 4.995 96 Mazda Protege $7,999 93 VW FOX. 5 Spd.. AC 3.775 92 SAAB 9000. AT. AC 9.375 554 Main Street 94 Subaru Legacy L w* AWO . $9,999 92 GRAND PRIX 4 dr 5,450 92 VOLVO 940GL 9.775 95 Hyundai Elantra $5,999 92 LUMINA Euro, loaded 5.675 Oakville 945-4745 91 Chevy Cavalier Wagon $2,999 92 MIRAGE 4 dr, AT. AC 4.99S SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10,10 A.M.-2 P.M. Tdge Grant) Caravan SE..$3,999 92 OLDS Ciora. loaded 5.675 :, . ord 15 Pass Vans - 89 CORVETTE Conv ....13,990 To see Lou Rettenmeier and the Mobil - TRUCKS & VANS Several starting at $16,500 96 S-10 pkup 32K 5 spd 3.475 96 JEEP Sport. 4 dr 12.790 Team New England Race Car 59 97 Ford E250 Cargo Vans < 94 VOYAGER special 7.990 94 F-1 SO Special 11.750 FREE REFRESHMENTS 1771 THOMASTON AVENUE 92 AMIGO 5 Spa. AC 7.850 92 GMC Jimmy SLT 9.875 WATERBURY.CT 06704 92 EXPLORER 2dr. Sport 9.87S FREE BEVERAGES 91 EXPLORER EB 8.990 91 EXPLORER XLT. 8,475 FREE KINDER KART GRANDPRIX (203) 753-0476 100% WARRANTY 203 Homer Street, Ws!«bury Rl. 8 - Exit 36,1/2 mile on led A- U -T- 0 T-l-V-E 36 — TowPropertyn Times, September 24,199 of8 the Watertown Historical Society New Englanwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgd Streams and Lakes Stream MAP of New England Why every fisherman needs this map It is estimated that 10% of all the fishermen catch 90% of the fish. Re- gardless of which group you fall into... there's a sure way to up your The recently published STREAM MAP odds... simply try new fishing holes. Fish where few fishermen ever fish. OF NEW ENGLAND is just like another map - known to Pennsylvania anglers New England is loaded with great fishing holes... many of them as the "Lost Stream Map." overlooked. Five states are shown: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ver- The "Stream Map of Pennsylvania" was completed in 1965 after a mont, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island... thousands of miles of thirty-year effort by Howard Higbee, a streams, lakes and rivers are now easy-to-locate on one map. former Penn State Professor. Professor Higbee's Stream Map of New England is the first and Professor Higbee succeeded in creating -a map of the highest detail only highly detailed map of its kind. This new 3' x 4' color map possible...a map that shows every shows virtually all of the 36,000 miles of New England streams & lakes. stream and lake. He painstakingly plotted by hand, the location of That's more than the circumference of planet Earth! 45,000 miles of streams onto a 3 x 5 foot map. RAVE 1 The map sold extremely well -- 1 until it was lost several years later. REVIEWS Incredibly, the printer entrusted with Pinpoint the best fishing in New England with this valuable guide. Easily "Professor Higbee's Streams of locate over 36,000 miles of streams and 1,000 lakes shown on fte the original drawing and printing New England belongs on the den "Stream Map." Your map and guidebook will take you to the top 448 plates, declared bankruptcy, then wall of every freshwater angler fishing holes in five states. carelessly hauled Higbee's 30 years andpaddlerin the region." of work to the landfill. Tom Meade Providence Journal-Bulletin ORDER YOUR COLOR STREAM MAP OF NEW ENGLAND- The few remaining dog-eared r copies became a prized fisherman's. "Itis amazingly detailed and Offered as a public service by Prime Publishers, Inc. names some creeks in the Dossession. Professor Higbee was VOICES • TOWN TIMES • VOICES SUNDAY-WEEKLY STAR Mohawk Valley that can't even be offered $400 for one of his last maps. Fill out the coupon below (if it is a present, use the name and address of die person found on topographic maps." to receive die Stream Map). Make your check payable to "Prime Publishers, Inc." in And state agencies were forced to John Pitarres die correct amount (Do Not Send Cash) and mail to the address shown bciow. OBSERVER-DISPATCH-Utica keep their copies under lock and key. Mail to: "Stream Map of New England" The experts had always told ' Prime Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 383 Professor Higbee that reprints were "IfyoWre looking for the most Southbury, CT 06488 impossible, because the maps were definitive maps ever created Regular rolled map: $27.26 ($21.95 each plus 6% CT sales (ax & $4.00 shipping) dep'^'T every single creek, river, printed in non-photographic blue. s/tec. pond and lake ....then Laminated map: $48.48 ($41.95 each plus 6% CT sales tax & $4.00 shipping) Then, in 1991, at the age of 91, "Professor Higbee's Stream Heavy guage Life-time Guarantee, glass-like clear-lamination, write-on wipe- Howard Higbee's dream came true. Maps" are without question the off surface, with brass eyelettes for easy hanging. Computers made it possible to reprint Howard Brant Namc/Rccipient_ [he map. Holding an updated map, THE NEWARK STAR-LEDGER •toward said, "I never thought I'd live Address Town State _ to see this day." "His in showing where to find Zip Then, by combining Professor out-of-the-way trout streams that makes the map such a treasure to Number of regular maps Higbee's knowledge with computer the fisherman." Number of laminated maps technology - the STREAM MAP OF Joe Gorden Amount enclosed $_ NEW ENGLAND was created. TRIBUNE-DEMOCRAT-Johnstown — — —Portion of each map sold supports TROUT UNLIMITED.- — —