Property of the Watertown Historical Society TownTimes watertownhistoricalsociety.org . — •-••• Tow] nes Tow] nes Towl nes wn XTtmes Tow, nes September 24,1998 PUBLISHED BY PRIME PUBLISHERS, INC. Price 75 cents Tow nes lerving Watertown and Oakville Since 1947 Town Times K¥:¥:¥5:¥:.:¥:¥:¥:*:¥5Sfi¥«:¥-¥:S:W^^ Gou reacts to bike decision by Susan Faber education classes to fifth graders in Town Council members and the school system, with the aim of [own residents reacted strongly creating a positive relationship Monday to the news that Police between the police and students. Chief Jack Carroll had suspended "The current budget problem the police bike patrol program, and calls for a complete analysis on put the Police Department's drug day-by-day account of current allo- education program on hold. cations of departmentpersonnel and The bicycle patrol was initiated resources to meet the demands of in the fall of 1997 to be used in town department priorities," Chief Car- parks and streets, at special events roll wrote in a September 18 memo and in crime-prone neighborhoods. to Town Manager Charlie O'Con- Local businesses donated the spe- nor. cially equipped bicycles and police "The following action has been officers attended training programs. taken to suspend or eliminate the Funding was approved as part of non-essential functions to stay the town's budget. within the present budgetand main- As part of the D.A.R.E. (Drug tain primary services. The bike Abuse Resistance Education) program, police officers teach drug (Continued on page 11) Former Griffin/South School teacher Rosemary Kane posed with her appreciative students, FrankFranzese, Design changes needed left, and Marty Maccione, during the Open House held at the school Sunday to celebrate the school's 90th birthday. Mrs. Kane, who taught English at South School from 1943 to 1953, was voted their "favorite to meet school's budget teacher" by Mr. Franzese and Mr. Maccione. — Times Photo, Faber by Susan Faber design and will help to offset an- School children and their teach- ticipated budget overruns to the $22- ers who will spend time at the new million facility. The state will re- Birthday mood permeates open house Pre-K to Grade 2 school on Buck- imburse about $13 million of the by Susan Faber were served downstairs by Paul ingham Street will probably not total cost. The mood was festive at Griffin McLaughlin of Litchfield Bancorp, notice that a rear canopy at the back The school is expected to be School's Open House on Sunday the school's Main Street neighbor. of the school is shorter than the ready to open in September, 2000. afternoon as current and former Videos taken of former students front canopy, that there are no col- "We want to make sure there is students and parents, as well as onnades at the back, and that the were played throughout the school. plenty of money to take care of teachers and staff members from As people filled the hallways chimney is metal rather than ma- building construction and contin- days past, gathered to celebrate the sonry. and front courtyard, they greeted gencies," said Town Manager school's 90th birthday. former teachers such as Rosemary Although the school has not been Charlie O'Connor, who heads the Griffin, formerly known as Kane, who returned for the reun- built, changes have been recom- Executive Building Committee. South School, was built in 1908 on ion. Mrs. Kane taught English and mended that will alter its proposed (Continued on page 18) Davis Streetasafour-room school- house and two additions were con- literature at South School from 1943 structed in later years. to 19S3, went on to teach ninth Arrivingvisitors signed the guest grade at Swift Junior High from book and put on name tags before 1953 to 1963, and then taught at entering the front door graced by Watertown High School from 1963 blue and white balloons forming an to 1981. archway. Guests were greeted by Frances Griffin was Mrs. Kane's currentGriffin students who served principal at South School, she said, as "tour guides" at the event. Pho- and "expected a lot" from her staff. tographs of South School classes Mrs. Kane was dubbed "LittleOne" adorned the walls and refreshments (Continued on page 10) No quota on quilts for church's 100th by Susan Faber Thursday Night Quilters and the Union Congregational Church church's Centennial Committee. is celebrating its 100th anniversary "The church does so much in the this year, and as a part of the cele- community and for families," Mrs. bration the Union Church Thurs- Cozza said. "Quilting is enjoying a day Night Quilters group is pre- strong resurgence of popularity senting a "Centennial Quilt Cele- throughout the nation. We have bration" on Saturday, October 3, people who still create a quilt as our from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event foremothers did, entirely by hand." will be held at the 161 Buckingham The Thursday Night Quilters Members of the Union Church Thursday Night Quitters are having a "Centennial Quilt Celebration" on Street, Oakville church, and admis- meets at the church each week and Saturday, October 3, to help celebrate the church's 100 anniversary while displaying quills from all over sion is $3. comprises women from the local the country. The women have made a quilt honoring several women in American history, and welcome new The quilt show aims to celebrate area, including Mrs. Cozza, Lori quitters to their group. Pictured are Lori Ross, Isabel Glanders, Jessie Gabrieie, Carolyn Asselin and Dot the church's history, said Margaret Ross, Isabel Flanders, Jessie Gab- - Dorso (left to right, seated), and Peg Cozza and Gen Ripper (holding quilt). — Times Photo, V. Dorso "Peg" Cozza, a member of the (Continued on page 10) 2 — TowPropertyn Times, September 24,199 of8 the Watertown Historical Society EBT CARC)S * Food STAMPS watertownhistoricalsociety.org• MOST MAJOR CRECMT CAR<U MeatjCenter CHOICE HEMINWAY CEP RUMP ROAST 11.69 485 Main Street, Watertown, CT • 274-2714 $ PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT 23RP -SEPT. 29TH WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE EYE ROUND ROAST. « 1.99., 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am to 8:00 am too 8:00 am to 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 6;00 pm 2:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm BOTTOM ROUND ROASTJ# 1.59. J. ANY SIZE PACKAGE!! Never Fail tt_ ^ STEExtrWa Lea BEEn F $ 4 QQ SPOON ROAST M_'2.49.£ Lean GROUND Boneless Center Cut c. % CHUCK or PATTIES •1.49. CHUCK ROAST i ?1 A9>. BONELESS PORK SALE I CHOICE STEAK |. Boneless Center Cut « _« «%A PORK CHOPS *1.99. BONELESS i Boneless Center Cut „, . &M 0%,*%. PORK ROAST 2SLZ.T1.99. SIRLOIN STEAK 2.49J Cut From Eye of Round gg <^f\ f%f\ •" Thin Sliced *^ 0\t\ PORK CUTLETS *1.99,, BUTTERKNIFE STEAK ^ZiZ9X Boneless Country Style <»j[ #%#%PRIME *m fifx SPARE RIBS M.99 RIB STEAK • *4H99 [Fresh Grade A Poultry] Tender Round ^-^ Mt% CHICKEN LEGS, $ £%Q CUBE STEAK ? *2.49 DRUMSTICKS or THIGHS • O5J «, Fresh Shady Brook ^^ * $ TURKEYS IDAHO RUSSET POTATOES sa.u, .99, Suntan Native BELL PEPPERS i49i MEATS $ BUDABALL HAM*** YELLOW ONIONS 3 a. .89$ . BUDABALL Center Cut Native GREEN BEANS .99. HAM STEAK S .99. BUTTERNUT or $ VUeli All sliced fresh at oar Nil! ACORN SQUASH .49. Land O' Lakes $ ROMAINE HEARTS 3 a. .69.. AMERICAN CHEESE 2 99 $ Russer $ CLASSIC SALAD MIX .99». VIRGINIA HAM 2 49 ? $ California RED or GREEN SMOKED TURKEY BREAST 2 49 SEEDLESS GRAPES i Wunderbar $ BOLOGNA 99 Washington State Extra Fancy Our Own Store-Made $ RED or GOLDEN DEUCIOUS APPLES • f Wib"H ROAST BEEF 3 69 Our Own Store-Made $ California Jumbo iANTIPASTA 1 99 Ib HONEYDEW MELONS $1.99. Right reserved to limit quantities • Not responsible for typographical errors Property of the Watertown HistoricalTow nSociety Times, September 24, 199 8 — 3 Name: John Napp Friendly Neighbors Index Residence: Waterbury watertownhistoricalsociety.org Occupation: Music store co-owner Mobile station to John Napp is co-owner of West- Cable 5 Shows....page 26 be expanded bury Music LLC at 686 Main Street, Calendar 30 page 10 Watertown. The store sells guitars, Classifieds 30-35 amplifiers, drums, band instru- Crossword Puzzle 20 'Great Escape' fire ments, guitar strings, electronic Legal Notices 30 drill exercise keyboards and small public address Letters 5-9,27-28 page 16 systems. "Wedoahugesheetmusic Musical Notes 29 business," Mr. Napp said, and he WHS gridders pound and co-owner Michael Feola offer- Obituaries 12-13 Op/Perspectives 4 Hearts, 53-0 private music lessons and rent band page 21 instruments to schools. Perfect Date 32 "I like to go on the road,".Mr. Police Blotter 16 Napp added, making instrument Real Estate 27-28 Dance studio alters deliveries to schools in the region. Religious 13-15 name slightly Originally from Waterbury, Mr. Restaurants 26 page 25 "app attended St. Mary's grammar Rotary Roundtable 30 ^;hool, Croft High School and Sports 21-24 Westbury Drum Corps Cornwall Academy in Great Bar- This Week in Times. 19 No. 1 in classl rington, Mass. He graduated with a page 29 B.A. in history from Franklin Pierce College in Ringe, N.H. He has been in the music busi- ness for 25 years and worked previ- ously for two other music stores. He played the drum in bands in the 1970'sand 198O's"whenlivemusic Holiday Portraits was plentiful," he said. He and his wife Joan have two daughters, Stacie, 22, and Kimberly, 17.
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