THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY FIFTY-SEVENTH YEAR—No. 49 Entered H Hatoad Clasi Matter Published Po«l Offlon, Westfleld. J», J. WESTFIBLD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 ery Thursday. 24 Pa«ei—5 Cwto ual Red Cro«s Plans For Municipal Building ew Record For Preaching At Services Rain Fails To fennis Tourney Weddings, Births ?':••*> :.>:•. Halt Events At Town Grants Permit For Weekend On E. Broad St. Due Soon In First 6 Months Playgrounds 1 OUnitGarden Apartment Doublet And Singlet But Comb-action Will Be Delayed Until Condition. Are More Favorable June Again Leads Pie Eating Contests Evans Company Will Build On Site Scheduled At In Number 01 Being Held Today Formerly Held For New Library Building Tenm'i Club Plans for a new municipal building and library on the Broad Local Marriages At Four Fields street property recently purchased will be w Jersey Men's Singles and enhagen July 29 to Aug. 3. at a cost of $26,000 and set a hear, given first, follow: January, 7 and gest, Madeline Papuano; oldest, more than 25 per cent of the land •BV. A. HA.Y PETTV open Aug. 4 at 2 p. in,, the regu- area, also a lequirement under the lublcs Championship and has Baptists from ill over the world, ingr on the question for the follow, 1; February, 17 and 1; March, IS Rose Muse, with a doll i'i years of ar hour. in held every year since. The representing 14,000,000 members, ing meeting. Introduction of the and 1; April, 20 and 2; May, 13 age; smallest, Theresa Appezzatto ordinance. Garages will be con- ent is a popular one and at- will attend the Congress. Thera ordinance followed closely the dis- andl. • Rev. A. Ray Petty and prettiest, ltosalic Bruno, At structed to provide off street park- gt'ts u large number of entries, will be special delegations from covery that the present 40 year Of the 170 births so far this Grant School, the winners were: ing for the tenants. ing open not only to members North America covering all phas- old building on Prospect street was year, 97 of the children were girls Union Service Preacher for biggest, Marion Pierce; small- CAP Gets New The property was bought from the club but also their guests. es of the denomination's activities. rapidly deteriorating and advice and 82 boys. Last year there were est, Joan Morgan; prettiest, Sue the town several weeks ago by the le entry fee for senior members from builders that no large pub- Rev. A, Kay Petty, minister of The total attendance, including 89 boys and 79 girls born in the the Baptist Church, will preach at McGeary und best hobby, Terry Link Trainer Evans Co. on a bid of $10,000. It $1 per person for each tourna- those from Norway, Sweden, and lic meetings should be held there. same period, More boys will cele- Bently. was originally purchased sever»l int and for junior members ISO An emergency resolution appropri- both tho Union service Sunday Denmark; Latin America, the Far brate their birthdays in March and morning in the church and ut the Tho first big trip to tho Polo years ago as a future site for a mts per person for each tourna- East and possibly. Soviet Russia, ating {5000 for immediate repairs more girls in June, according to Two Planet Abo new library, but was offered for nt. The fees received by the was voted at the meeting Mar. 10. evening vesper service in Mindo Grounds was made Monday by the will be about 4,200. the statistics, which follow: Jan- waskin Park. Roosevelt senior division Softball Added To Equipment sale when the town purchased the b are contributed 100 per cent Erection of a now building waa uary, 8 boys, 15 girls; February, property on East Broad street,.ad- the Ked Cross. Of the total Mr. Potty's topic for the morn- team and the Grant junior division Cupt. Eugene Kau Jr., Squadron joining Mindowaskin Park, for • listed some years ago among de- 8 boys, 11 girls; March, 21 boys, ing service at 10:50 will be "A team, tournament winners. Oth- ntributcd a portion automatical- sired improvements, because ex- 52 girls; April, 14 each; May, 19 1J22-3, Civil Air Patrol, has just municipal building and library. Koes to the national chapter Constant Tug—I vs. Myself." The ers attending were individual prize announced that this squadron hus Group Discusses panded business cf all town de- boys,. 11 girls; June,, 12 boys and Union services are held under the winners and thero were 60 in nil The discontinuance of the Green . |hlle the remainder is contributed partments had caused overcrowd- 24 girls. Of all the births, only been unsigned certain items of Flyer Bus Lino which served por- ' the Westfield chapter. auspices of the Baptist, Metho- in addition to five adult leaders. large equipment by the Army Air ed conditions. three were In Westfield, dist and Congregational churches. Baseball scores are given on the tions of tho south side on its run ' Play in singleB competition will Revision Progress There were 81 deaths of local Forces, which will greatly increase to Irvington and .Newark was in at 2:31) Saturday afternoon, At the hearing on the ordinance The topic for the vesper service sport page, tho interest and value of their pro- Apr. 14, objections were made and residents,- during !the first six will be "Christian Nurture." These brought to the attention of the, singles draw will close at 2 months, five less than last year, Mnking tho trip were: from srrarii3 of training and activity, council by J. Wallace Scanlon of lock, Play in the doubles will Committee Holds the council postponed final action services, of which Sunday's will Grant, Chuck Hite, Donald Drake, These are a. Link Navigational to the meeting of Apr. 28, when wKeh "there were 86 and one more be the third of the summer series, 250'Hyslip avenue, who asked if gin Sunday. Duo to increased Session OB Constitution than for the same period in 1046. Roger Drake, Bob Bonnettl, Carl Trainer and two L-4 ("Grasshop- the body had been represented at . itivity at the Tennis Club this the vote was five to one in favor are sponsored by the Westfield Lucchesl, Gordon Smith, Cliff per") Roconnalsance Aircraft. of the proposition, with three of The number .of, deaths which oc- the Public Utilities Commission iar and- renewed competitive in- The progress of New Jersey's Council of Churches. All are in- Smith, Floyfl Downs, Bob David- The Link Trainer becomes the hearing when the curtailment was curred In. Wratfleld and out of town vited. The service opens at 6 p. m. son, Bob Sweeney, Tony Evans and est, particularly by the younger Constitutional Convention, now in (Continued on Page 2) was about' evenly divided. permanent property of the squad- allowed. Mnyor Charles P. Bailey :, Chairman Hoffman expects .the session in New Brunswick, was Gerald Glnsser, coach; Roosevelt: ron and is now in process of being and Town Attorney Robert S. itiy list to top all others in the discussed Monday night at a meet- Pete Giordino, Bill Mastrian, Ger- Installed in their quarters in the Sncvily said that the town had had ( years of play. "The Singles ing sponsored by. tho Westfield Bartow Leads ald Jaeger, Tony Bavosa, Frank National Guard Armory, 'Railway no notice of the hearing and had id Doubles Red Cross Chainpion- Committee on Constitutional Revi- Group To Discuss Rail Service Band Concert Vcccio, Jack Williams, Len Mncu- avenue. The two aircraft will bo not been present. Mr, Scanlon ips this year are wide open," sion hold at the home of Mrs. R. loso, Markus Scarkps, Bill Gebler in the possession of the squadron said that the lust Somerset Bus said this morning. "Play in the N. Hunter of Nelson place. Under the leadership of Will- and John Darlac. from Aug. 27 to Sept. 9 and will Co.'s bus loaves Newark at 10:16 ling rounds of both the singles Among the topics discussed were At Meeting With Governor iam N. Barlow of Westfleld, a Tuesday, tho juniors from all be flown during that period by tho p. m., too early for I ho convenience doubles should border on the Judicial reform, legislative reform band concert by the American the playgrounds attended tlie first pilot-members of the squadron. of residents. Mr. Sncvily was au- .tional and it will be anybody's and the Bill of Eights. The dis- Inter-Municipal Organization Sets Federation of Musicians Local 151, picnic at Echo Lake. Boating and They will be hungered at Shinn. thorlzed to investigate. right down to the last point." cussion was led by Mrs. Suzanne waa given last night at Warinanco refreshments were added features, Woodbridgc Airport, Iselln. The Green Flyer Line was dis- C. Cornwall wiil defend the Zwcmcr. Taking part were Mrs. August 5 For Parley On Problem Park' Stndium Field, Elizabeth. made possible by a donation of At a later. Gale it Is expected continued July ], when its war- fcles and Cornwall and Rev. Ralph C. Heath, representing the The concert, known as the "George the Rotary Club. Tomorrow, kito that tho AAF will assign a simi- time franchise expired. Cranford Fie S. Irwin will defend the Westfleld Woman's Club; Mrs. M. Edgar E. Harrison, onu of Westfield's representatives on the In- Vosscler Building Fund Concert," flying contests will be held. lar typo of aircraft permanently and' other communities affected ore lea title. Cornwall will bo M. Panton, the Westfleld Chapter tcr-Municipal Group for Better Bail Service, presented to a meeting featured a cornet solo by Miss All playgrounds completed their to thin squadion for its exclusive seeking substitute service. Cran- No. 1' in singles flay by of the Daughter* ,t>f the American of the ovganiiation in Plainfleld TiMiday night » brief covering the Doris Stark, and a ehort talk by checker and horseshoe tournaments. use, ss it has already done vtlh ford petitioned the PUC at a hear.. of his win of last year plus Old Colony-New Ygtk,,JS«w Hav«u and .Hartford railroad court case Joseph A. Brophy. the Link Trainer. The.tyfinS'.q/, ! fact that in a challenge match Finals were held at field ing-Saturday to allow the Beviaiut' Jjwhtlni: tW WwtMeid. Congress; in which a curtailment of passenger strvlce was approved, He was The program included a march, Friday afternoon. Winner of the military aircraft by pilot-members Couriered I5us Co. to operate the club recently he disposed of '• 'cortitnended for his research and of the CAP has only recently been in Dletz in straight ssts. Corn- Mrs. A. L, SUllwell.'the League of 'Our Favorite Regiment" by Ertl; senior checkers was Hnrold Jack- along the former Green Flyer Women Voter*; John Heroux, the for bringing to the attention of the overtuve "Stradella" by von Flo- son of McKinley. Janet Wayne, authorized by act of Congress. route in that community. ,11, however, wiil be hard pressed 21 representatives of the 12 com- This additional privilege for the ougliout. He will have to over- Knights of Columbus;.Mrs. J. Rus- tow; waltz, "Southern Roses," by also of McKinley won in the junior Further pragma in tho improve- sell Yocum, Methodist Church Air Force Ass'n munities present, that "it could Strauss; "Entre Acte" from Mile. division. Tho horse shoo tourna- CAP, in recognition of its author- ment of the Plaza area near Spring IO a Held which may include Bill happen," Councilman C. Alan ised status as a permanent aux- :ome, Bob Stuhler, Mickey Mc- women's organizations; the Rev. Modiste and "Oriental Dance" by ment for seniors was won by Er- street was made in the adoption of Thomas E. Blackmon, St. Luke's Phillips also attended as a West- Victor Herbert; excerpts from nest Bullock of McKinley and for iliary of the AAP, will enable the an ordinance to purchase properly nifral, John Diutz, George Mead, Forms Local Unit fleld representative. flying of search missions, forest hn Kraft, Horace Baker, Gor- M. E. Church of Westfield and Maritania by Wallace; overture juniors by Billy Green of Colum- at 347 Spring streto for $8250, , Robert. • Palmer . of the Westfidd Mayor John W, Zeresa of Plain- "Kaiser" by Westmeyer; ballet, bus. fire patrols and many similar emer This practically concludes tho pur- ' in Booth, Joe West, Everett Gou- 22 CharteTMembers gency operations, if and when rd, Wally Hall, Frank Hard- Taxpayers Association. fleld reported that he had arrang- "Pas Dps Fleurs" by Felibes; para- At Roosevcld field, the wall ball chase of property in the section" ed a conference with Governor phrase "Forsaken" by Koschat; league is still going strong with needed, as well as making possible for the planned improvement which Istle, Hubbard Stimpson, Merle Enrolled Tuesday much more aerial experience for in, Charlie Patterson, Cliff Siv- Driscoil Tuesday afternoon, Aug. "Fantasia" from Robin Hood by Jack Williams in first place in the wi'! include a park und recreation" A Westfield unit of the Air 6 at 2:30 p. in. in the executive Do Koven; "There Once Was An American Lsaguc and Billy Mas- the Civil Air Patrol Cadets, than areas. .., Bill Tucker, "Curly" Hoffman is usually possible when u squad d others, Inasmuch as this is Local Artists Force Association was formed here office in the State House in Tren- Owl" by Victor Herbert; and trian leading the National Leagued Passed on final hearing was an Tuesday night at a meeting In the ton. It is expected that Commis- "Stars and Stripea Forever" by fon Is limited to rented civilian ordinance grunting permission to open tournament several of the Craft projects are carried on planes. It is hoped that this per rl members of the club are ex- YMCA, with 22 charter members sioner Charles K. Erdman Jr., di- fiousa. ono day a week at all the grounds Thomas Albert, Cranford builder, Exhibit At Shore enrolled. rector of the Department of Eco- manently assigned aircraft will to construct a macadam pavement to participate in both A second concert will be given como into the possession of the ints. Mrs. Patricia Cumming Alvin Berse of 806 Shadowlawn nomic Development, will also be July 23 at Linden. (Continued on Pago 3) in u section of Westfield includ- drive, a former sergeant in the Air present at the conference at which squadron at or shortly after the ing Hurditift street from Sherman Met has already signed, up for Represented At activation of the new Westfleld ie singles and will team with her Force, presided. Mr. Bersc served the entire problem will be discuss- street to Fnlrncres avenue-. The. Spring Lake, Asbury in the Middle East Theatre of Op- ed. Mayors of each of the com- Flight of CAP Cadets, announce- work is to be done at his own ex- isband, Bob Stuhler, captain of ment of whieh has already been •e Westfield Tennis team, in the erations, including Africa, Pales- munities belonging to the group Delegates At Convention pense. Many of the Leader's readers tine, Iran and Iraq. will bo invited to attend. niade in these columns. The offer of Louis A. Dughi of Wes, Miss Betty-Coumbe, Miss will frequent the New Jersey shore n Rockcy, Miss Marilyn Stur- Officers elected are: Sergeant August S. Drelcr of North Plain- The Link Trainer, a device capa- 31(i Lenox avenue to purchase town throughout the summer. When do- Commander, Mr. Berse; vice com- Take Their Work Seriously ble of simulating nil the conditions owned lot at 112 Elizabeth avenue s und others may also enter. ing so, plans should be made to field, group attorney, reported on Early entries in the, doubles in- mander, Jack Gordon; secretary, recent hearings he attended before to bo encountered in actual flight, for ?8G4.94 was accepted by the visit both the exhibitions now show- Charles Simpson and treasurer, Executive Committee Recoipmends in which a pilot might be required council, subject to final approval ide Mlclrey McManigal and Bill ing, one at the Hotel Warren, tho Interstate Commerce Commis- icker, Pat and Dob Stuhler, John Owen ilcWilliams. sion in Washington and the Public to "fly blind," originally coat about at the meeting July 28. ( Spring Lake arid the other at the That Governor May Succeed Himself $15,000 and weighs about three- The offer of Ted Schrope of 647 irtor and John Kraft, Charlie Hotel Berkeley Cartcret, Asbury Mr. Borse announced there will Utilities Commission in Newark. itterson and E. M. Goulard. It be an air show at the Westfield At the former hearing, the rail- tive in responsibility and practice quarters of a ton. Before tho re- Cumberland street to purchase lots Park, Tho Westfield Art Associa- Another in a series on the cent war, instruction in instru- at 413-419 Scotch Plains avonuo expected that Joe West and Gor- tion is well represented at both. Airport Sunday at 3 p. m. to raise road sought to have approved a Constitutional Convention as well as in name. He has played >n Booth, George J. Hoffmann Jr., funds for the local squadron. bondholders' reorganization plan a puppet-liko role in tho past with ment or "blind" flying in tho train- for $400 was approved, also sub^ On view at the Spring Lake show written for the "Leader" by er usually cost student pilots from ject to final approval at the next 'd Dr. E. G. Bourns, John Dietz sponsored by the American Art- The local squadron plans to meet and before the PUC sought in- Mrs. Richard L. Miller, dele- the strings beinp held by predeces- id Bill Eleome, among others, twice a month. In preparation for* creased fares. gate from Union County. sors who made his appointments $16 to $20 an hour, from 10 to 26 meeting. Hi participate. ists Professional League arc paint- National Air Force Day Aug. 1, or more hours of instruction usual- ings by Hazel Finck, Edith Hall, Mr. Dreier said the bondholders "This is the woTkinRest bunch of and by the members of the legls (Continued on Page 2) the Westfield group will meet July lature who often hampered his iid< ly being* required' to acquire any Gladys McVicker, Mary Sllkotch, plan should be examined' by an ex- people I ever saw. You'd think degree of proficiency. Pilot-mem- Josephine Vermllye and Hortcnse 28 at 8 p. m. at the Westfield Alt- pert to determine whut effect its they wore getting paid." Remarks ministration yet demanded that he port. be held acccountablo for that ad bers as well as others interested American Red Cross certificates JBudell. Miss Eudoll is also win- adoption would have on the con- of this kind are constantly heard from the Westfield Squadron will Rotarians Hear ill be awarded' to the winners of ner of the Ida Wells Stroud prize Bernard H. Lowy, acting wing in the halls und committee rooms ministration. commander for the State of Now tinuance or reduction of the pres- now be enabled to receive equiva- Veterinarian ich event, All sport fans are In- at this show. Recently Miss Hor- ent rail service, of the Constitutional Convention. lent training at nominal cost. ted to attend the matches. Thero tenso Budcll and Mrs. Finck had Jersey, spoke on the organization Very few of the delegates feel that (Continued on Page 4) of state, city and town squadrons He reported that the railroad this is any holiday—they have Dr. Glnrcncc Chchuyl, veterinar- _ no admission charge, the honor of being chosen as mem- has until Aug. 15 to file briefs in I bers for the jury of awards at the and explained the relationship be- •.vork ut home to dispose of before ian and a member of the club, gavo tween the local squadrons and the connection with its rate increase they come and then prepare for Lucky Motorists Escape Injury highlights of his profession in a Anbury Park show which opened demand and that the group will legal Peddlers July 10. This exhibition, present- state wing. the day und evening in New Bruns- talk before the Kotary Club at its As the Wcstfield group is believ- have 10 days after that to file a wick. Most of the delegates from meeting Tuesday noon in the YM _< ed by tho Asbury Pafk Society of reply with the commission. The raw Heavy Fines Fine Arts, is the tenth annual ed to be tho first squadron to be south Jersey stay all night in New CA. Dr. Chehayl said there are organized in Union County, Air ICC hearing in Washington, he Brunswick (luring the week; tho approximately 12,000 veterinar- summer membership' exhibition of sold, has been adjourned until Increased efforts by police to oil paintings and like the Spring Force men from Plainfleld and vi- rest lire daily oqnimutcra. ians now practicing in this coun- ircJ observance of the township cinity are invited to join the local Sept. 30. try, divided into the following six Lake show will remain on view Those citizens who have appeal- Mdling regulations was reflected throughout July and August. force. Aluny communities have express- classifications: professors, research > police court Tuesday night when ed, fear the railroad' SCUUB to abun- ed as witnesses before the commit- workers, meat inspectors, govern- vo persons were finod' $20 each Westfield urtists will be found don passenger service entirely. The tees have hcen pleased and satis- ment workers, largo animal prac- * conducting: business without amo'ig vacationers too. Inspired Ewen Attending road, now in bankruptcy, contendu fied that they were heard with tol- titioners and Kinall animal practi- it proper credentials. by fresh scent's and producing new YMCA Conference it has been losing tremendous erance and understanding. No one tioners. He aairt they are doing canvases as well on some water amounts each year on hauling pas- hag been hurried or unduly har- a great deal to eliminate fiom ani- Hworder Augustus C. Nash as- 1 !Bs«l the fines against Anthony colors to be shown next fall and sengers, assed. The feeling that "This mals, disease ^ that could be ttuns- Edward C. Ewen,- men's secre- Constitution must be done right n °'i "f f'a'nfie' the rest of the conven- xi the f , , everyone rany become familiar vides opportunity for ariditionul portod tli it s(\(n in< mbui al l 1! oe is $7G Io pointt([ tion for debate in August. Tbei'o , ! 'l IKddlers summoned for with their work us they go ubout training of YMCA teeretaries in By Lightning tended tin lilt uutioiil \sM-mblv «i. loi.i, who obttt,n ]k.cnsog be_ the country painting. Many have in one jn'paL advjuita^t in btintf 1 nuetiiiM' in IIIIMIIIIII nunth , ml nciininiNli'Htion, ]iroj;ritm and teeh- A telephone pole in the rear of through first—now all tin mem- chosen MutMuchitt'ctus for "summer niquets iioceK^ary to efTuctivu pro- tlie ill tint nlf iluli tmnnu- ' "' "''••f appearance in court, painting and among the^e are Kio- , - , . . thh e MMorrii s ChChevrolel t CCo . lit NortNth bers of that committee (an mve nienl would 11 In lit it tlii. Ill n- riultgren, Myi'ii Klotk and Ma- h around to fee und lical what !'. pn- "met expect, clemency. fessional leadership lit the asso- imtl Central avenues, was struck tun ('mini! \ i Inb (i 1 i! ™ recorder also warned that rion . Storidard who have been Clulion- , by lightning- at 7:45 this iriff on in other committee!. H.-UTy \ !i K'CIUIM j> unf"! illd "lid's operating more than ono drawn to Rockport again. Mary The program combines address- during- ; th- e surlcie- n curl•y morning The Executive C'omm tU'c final- dc (oj he .ilhm- Visitors iiiiliulid Pi ink J Win-.- sional leaders and round table lire department was called und fer Now Jersey und will paint :it groups. Speakers thi.1; year in- cd to sneered himself ome (if the low of I'liuiiftW 6nn.t Smith of L r !!l sa Mew Hope, while IIorLense IJudell erson, editor oi the i,.,,,,,.^,! the only ditmnsc wus voters re-elect- him), and the roi m Uti.ii, N. } , < v I i IM! ot New Lib .' !'"" :' ''! of 812 Tici! eliide'Grove f'ntermiera nMichelos editor ,o filwi thne ; ;t ;„ the wires. rcturm; to New Hampshire to Toledo Bind,-; V anort c nu of otlicts is extended to lout \eai Yoik and Hii*. ill S i>tt i) 1-itn- pulnt. The cloudburst flooded The, 18'M ('onstiLution itennit j only iar'ut'i"'.'.? I1!!,""1'!1"' '''-'fuae- Jos. director of I lie Research Foreign rbtf and Hood, wlio lid tin, i ttiup inginif Policy Association; J. G. Miller, ik us Biorrn olio three-year U:rm. OOu,. in- (Continued on Page 4) up, but that seemed tu be tho only onimendntioim from the U'IMMIIH'O HUH mi tim ui nti naili» I Sinn"-','"' *"' '"''"|-e '" observe general secretary of the rtmm Wnil \ Kit P Federal Council of Churches; i'oHiilt of tho halt' hour delur-•. make tho Ciovernor a veal esocu- H hy I MHonM Imilli Till". I , i I ,!f. ltn^y ft, U II' VOVll MINK Till" IS UOIMf HAD Sp'jiu'er Miller, Jr., jUate highway A itimi ,'im! Ut** %\ ife rmulrff uninjured irtnu ihh uttrturtivit vur at I?H< '•MIL UH hoforo It uotti beyond ro- funimlsiiiuiier of New Jersey ami AMPHAI/r TIM-) for (luor Kor 'flu- UvHt III %V*->I>!IHK Vlmitm. (ni-tUT uf Itnlmuy iMiDiii- urn] I'lrwi street Moiidiijr »Hrrfiomi. Oit*-r<*ti»r l W, DOUlIlill, IjIMSlHU'T I'iKITOOUAl'JIlilts, vf thv isir itlVfiirtM! wuu Alln-rt Hclmcfir. Jr-, S2. **i ituhuii.v. It «ol- 121 < I IHIJ1 JaiuoB Lee EHinvvind, »ucretary, lsa qunuiij- st. JK1 ttullulij- HI, , VVU, ii-BMm, HdfU iv J 111 cute ilrlvrn !»* Me*. iiUhttt DJetrU'ti or KUffftr rvutU "U" MM, JJSW Hulmiij' 7-3: ! ultn* TIJ*J* WiiiijUretf. JitKU vajfte ^n."**:; ttiM^rgJy «U&£ttiig?titl» the. HA. I-!,,10-,! '™ 'j';S' New York SUte YMCA. S-SW*. —Aiiv. i.-i-lt 6- «' if THE WE5TFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 17,194? —i coat of $3,000 to be appropriated I highway from Park avenue to Building Inspector Roy Kurr fnniily is already housed in the' service. Named to represent the been housed at Fire Headquarters, s reported construction work in Junj but the jiurchnne of new fne-iifcht- quarters, but a kitchen ia needed | township at the tir°up' meetings estimated at $7G,GS0. Fees Municipal Bldg. for houst'ltuepintr. Apartment ing equipment, wliirli will be de- wero Chairman Lyon, Township as lected totaled $204. Theodore Swar. livered soon, will require the aid Township Committee Chairman Attorney Hairy Bernsteir. and cipal Building. ssr er, welfere director, reported re (Continued from Page 1) (Continued /torn Page 1) squad to vncule the premises. \V. Scward L.yon declared that in Corwin S. Scott. cross. thu roiineiimpii absent. Council- lief,costs in June totaling $4G2.4ft The offer, of Edward E. Gillium his opinion the denial of the rc- Apprnved was a contract with I n Township or 217 Cscciola place (o purchase wan C. Alan Phillips of the Fourth iiuest would cause un inconvenience New Providence Township for the On the relief rolls during that pt Board Rejects to that post to fill a Vacancy crat , l " « ^ SCOTCH PLAINS A rccom- month fnr tinthis service,. Thme iirculocali ' •""» —.— - -— -••- ••— ------us lie ms rata Public Works was a communica- !? »»«,» ' V" ; 1 mediation by the Ilooi'd of Adjust- ,olice officer on duty will receive year to tte post formerly held by lion fioin John Block of 320 North blcs. He said he was not oppo: ment, that George Kulil of Kahway to tho site for the stated use. I Borough Joins telephone calls 24 hours a day and Mr. Hstneiu. Euclid avrtiue, requesting a stop roarl lie peimittpd to convert his relay tho calls to the New Provi- Dominick Maccarelli of Route sign be placed at Kimbnll avenue objections voiced at Ione family house into a two apart- 29 presented a petition signed by i the Apr, }i hearing? were to the deiico Township police radio cars, •nd North Euclid avenue in place •tifiit unit H-aii rejected by theRailroad Group Intioduced on first reading was W residents of that thoroughfare,] att a "liilou" tigi n now thereh . effect that tho town already owned Township Committee Tuesday requesting tho committee to take too much property, which it WHS an ordinance authorizing the con« HiW William Linden night. The property in question is struction of sidewalks and curbs in steps to alleviate serious traffic r...- . ..„-, '"•••"'" ••"••"••" "- not us-inf, causing a loss in taxes, located in a restricted residential SCOTCH _PLAINS—The Town- hazards on the highway. The poti- ported for June, 10 fire calls, 24 The council's position was that pur- orea. fhip Comniittee voted Tuesday the approaches to the Summit ave- ambulance calls, five u>ecial calls, chase of tho site, which was in the night to join forces with tho In-nue bridge of tnthe uentraCentrail nmiroaRailroaud tion requested tho placing of 20. two inhalator culls und 48 oil but' market for sale, besides affording F. W. Frost and Charles Dclwil- ter-Munieipal Group for Better of New Jersey. Total estimated mile speed limit signs along the lurs approved, an excellentt locatiolocationn for a newler, both of Railway road, objected Rail Service in its fight for ade- Public Library reported collec-1 building, would protect the en-to granting of (he exception to the quate railroad accommodations for tlons as lollows: from June 11 to' trance to Mindowuskin Furk, which zoning ordinance. Written objec- commuters. 23, $48,50; from June 23 to July 1, it adjoins and would free other tions were received from Leonard F. Becker and Paul C. Thompson. Township Committee Chairman A DINETTE FIXTURE 940.60 and from July 1 to 11, ?65- sites held by the Board of Edu- W, Seward Lyon announced that ,76, Building Inspector Alfred cation or the town for sale. Fig- Mr. Kuhl requested that the ex- by Lightolier ception be granted only for a pc- the group is opposing a proposed Sw«uuu imported 02 permits in ures were presented to show that A ilmpU rtfrtihlng ityli that brhll a June for work valued at $133,175. ante of the other jiiopertiei would riod of three years to provide tern- """jganization plan of the Central 4«csratlv> lift M lh< dln«H». Takti m Police Chief John K. Schrciber more than offset the cost of the porary housing for a navy veter- Itallroad of New Juney to cuiliul reported for June, 14 accidents, 24 new land. Amowr.the sites men- an's family. IK' stated that the or eliminate suburban passenger 100 watt lamp. Flnhhi Kid and OaM. ambulance calls, 81 complaints, two tioned was the Walnut street lot, doctor'* calls, 8 moving: permits is- held for a new public library. sued, 28 street lights reported out, | which was assessed at $4400. This LET US SHOW YOU THE NEW SO traffi•flic violationsviolations,, 12 other vio-iwas sold tt few weeks ngo to the No Life huruce Retnured - iatiuni and 15 ari-ents. Evans Building Co. for $10,000. ALUMINUM BURROWES Collector Acldison II, Clark re- The present Town Hall was EISEMAN'S ported |71,544.g9 collected in taxes leased about 101(1, with an option from June S3 to July 14 and $304 to purchase. This was done in COMBINATION SCREEN A STORM SASH Etoblhhe* Ovtr a Quarttt •/ • collected in cost* and interest, - 1020 at u cost ot' $24,400. Since Ctnluiy then, there have been' four addi- Tba application of Paul Capi- Riutleu • Permanent Protective • Convenient Ml Park Ava. (Naar Faurth St.) soda.stand at tions made to the origlmil struc- ttUa to operate n soi Hah«*M Mill , t*K corner of fithwayay avenue and ture, made necessary by the growth of the town. Weit Broad street was denied as A FREE DEMONSTRATION Will Convince You was the request-of Franklin P. The first intimation that it was becoming unsafe came when em- " JVntner that he be allowed a side "IF IT'S BURROWES IT'S BEST" nmr -Illvum * K«B«fT '.'entrance initead of a rear entrance ployees noticed new cracks In many ' In W« n«w outldine on South BVC- of tho walls,- An examination by builders revealed that several of NO DOW.N PAYMENT — P. H, A. S-VIIAH THUMB . BU«, lutr Westfleld avenue. the old foundation beams were - Tha Board of Adjustment notl- cracked through. B.O. BODKIN -fed thf council that- it approved --tfct application cf Thomas E, Bld- . WESTFlELD 2-474S-J stalph to rniitrgii his (service sta- tion at South avenue and Drake New Building For IT'S A HIT! ,yliea and of Clements Bros, for Mf minion to erect two 20,000 gal. .ton AMI oil storage tanks on North' First Aid Squad WE SCORE AGAIN! 'MWIM. - ' GARWOOD—Plans for the new No matttr whan you go headquarter! of the Gurwood First We can accept the thii lummtr... tha boll yUb Friend. Aid' Squad huve been presented tils responsibility of rend- officers of the volunteer organiza- REAL ESTATE BROKER HAS 2 PROSPEC- garni... dlnnar... visit- "SCOTCH PLAINS--MF«. Ralph tion. They were drawn by Oallo- ering a perfect laun- W. Brown of Seattle, Wash., wifo wny and Henry of FanWood. TIVE PURCHASERS FOE DWELLINGS IN ing ... kwp cool and wall a the !»tc Rev. R. W/ Brown, for- The headquarters will be erected SUMMIT, SHORT HILLS OR WESTFlELD. dretiad In cloth*! that dry service, for moun- nwr paitor of the First Methodist on a 160-foot square lol owned by hava been dry cleaned for Church heru, and' her three'chil- tain streams are not the squad at Walnut street ond 1 in Price Range of $15,000 to $18,000 lasting smartness, longer dren, Wantn, Dick and Pyjgy, Second avenue, The cost of con- hive been vi»itiw friends in Pan- struction according to Cant. Clins. 1 in Price Range of $18,000 to $22,000 wear and immaculate ' as scientifically clean wood and Scotch Plains, They left Chrlstiano, police officer, who heads freshness. for home Wednesday morning via the siiund, is estimated at $16,000. nor as crystal clear as New Engliimt and the northern EACH PURCHASER WILL PAY ALL CASH; route. The First Aid Squad is support- EACH CAN FURNISH BEST OF PERSONAL the water we use in ed entirely by public aid, unil nil 1 CALL WE. 2-0066 • K*v. Diown wng a chaplain In members, who donate their serv- REFERENCES. doing your laundry... the army and died in a Jap prison ices, arc trained in first aid. All tamp in Japan. He received tho the squitd's services ate rendered WHAT HAVE YOU IN THESE PRICE RANGES? PSC foi valor in the bombing of free of charge. According to the Philippines, Christiano, the squad now has ap- BROWN & KELLER'S proximately $7,500 toward build- —Consult— There H no mortal 'truly wise ing its new home, and. hopes to ob- CLEANERS and DYERS *nd restless at once; wiidOm it the tain the balance in a drive for do- FRANK H. CORSON iM. i-*ktV-*- V'tirMt*. uJ6 ui ininds.-Lavater. nations now being planned. Simpaon • Merritt Co. 1M I. Mii ». W«lfl.W 1-00M Since its Inception, the Bqund'a Tel. Montclair 2-4040 20% LEADS* JTAWT ADS J»AT ambulance nnd equipment have STOIIIS CLOSE AT 1:00 P> M. SATURDAYS .

i- mwiHwairi uvmtA BWRI maumn jitii.niiii yon re IOIIIIHL» roand the corner from park yonr car at "Bampark" Mo. 5 one of Bambergers seven near* to-the-store parking lot* where there's plenty ot room to park with ease

If your nerves are frazzled and your patience exhausted trying to park on Newark's busy streets, pull into a Bakberger "BAM- You get a discount from the regular rates: PARK", one of those attractive, efficient Bamberger parking While you are at Bamberger's, have your "BAMPARK" ticket lots just around the corner from the store. stamped. WHEN YOU RETURN FOR YOUR CAR NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE IN THE CHARGE.' Pick out your "Bampark" on the map. As you swng into down-town Newark, you can't miss it. It's easy to There's room at "Bamparhs" early or late. spot the attractive white Colonial sign which says "BAMPARK" All "BAMPARKS" open at 9 A.M. N6.V1,3,4, and 6 stay open Draw up to the entrance of the neat, little white house and 'til 7 P.M. No.'s S, 7, and 8 stay open 'til midnight to take care of you on your theatres jaunts. All lots open JWednesday nights. Your troubles are over. A smartlyuniformed attend- am will be there to open the door of your car. You slip out and he dip. m behind the wheel; and while you are on your short way

to Bamberger's, he will rol, your car over thc ^^ ^^ pavement to a parking space safe from thc hazards of the streets.

RmU out &f traffic ~ Putt into a "Bantpark"

"Om OF AMERICA'S GREAT STORES"* .^HE/WESTFIELD LEADER. THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 Four Resident* Pass Bar Exams Playgrounds

Four Westfield residents, Hor- (Continued from page 1) sce E. Baker, H, Frank Pettit, with new projects almost every Jack J. Camillo and Cuddie E. week. Arrangements are being pavi

/; o t to s a v e on (leaning Clearance!

Three Selected Groups The few pennies one may itve by buying cheap cleaning it not economy. Quality Cleaning is first a clothes-care service that pro- Better longs clothes life. With it you may save more on one garment than Put your money on sports jackets in a lifetime on inferior cleaning, and separate slacks if you want to Dresses wear the clothes that win first place Buy longer lasting in casual clothes for men. Come look at the line-up, just about every- Formerly 22.95-25.00 18*00 Quality Cleaning thing and anything you could.wish for in this type of leisure clothtnf. to save.on cleaning Formerly 29.95-35.00 22*00 A variety, too, in colors, fabrics, pat'

SUMMER STORE HOURS: terns and sizes, JULY SA—AUG. 30th, Inel. Formerly 39.9S49.9S 28*00 Mond.y—Frid»y, 8 A. M. - 6 P. M. S.lurd.y. Clo.ed All D.y.

WESTFIELD BRANCH: 11 EAST BROAD ST. Phone WE. 2-4381 Solid color rayon crepes in pastels and dark colors . . . printed rayon crepes Sport Goats and rayon jerseys in light and dark J GO. KELLER,* Seersucker .... 1 13.50 grounds. For street, afternoon, spectator Corner SOUTH and lELAND AVINUU Corduroy . . . 15.85-22.50 sports or dress wear ... you can sup- Shetland, Tweed, Flannel 25.00-40,00 plement or enlarge your wardrobe at Dyen. RUM Chaiun. CM Storm* And Slacks timely savings. Junior, misses and worn' 7 Flannel. Gabardine, Tropical Wonted en's sizes. • 12.50-18.50

1 Street Floor The Air Conditioned Third Floor -S"

Clearance! Cold Wave Permanent Sale Heat Wave Permanent *. Famous Make Af achlneless Permanent Vacation Necessities Ju TEST CVRLS, CONDI. Reg. 20.00 Cotton HONING SHAMPOO md INDt. At Cool Savings n STYLED SETTING. IQ.00 Dresses Swim Suits iPPohttmtM, Cotton dressmaker swint suits, one and tv- Limited ptycet. t Atr-Ctmdithtud Reg. 7.95.,., 5.00 For Tots And Girls Salon Third Fhor Time Only Reg. 5.95 3.00 Play-Suits-, •• Cottons, rayons in one piece with skirt or two- Reg. 5.98-7.98 piec4 shorts and top,. Choice of sizes. (Including large sizes) Reg. 12.95.W.9S 10,00 • (Including large aizei) 3.00 Beg. 10.95 8.00 Reg. 7.95 ...,i 5,00

Slack Suits Spun rayon slack suits In cool, charming Cogswell "No-Fade" and other famous makes of cotton frocks in colon. this low price special for tots and girls. Gay little striped chant- Reg. 12.95 8.00 brays, solid color broadcloth, Swiss and chocked gingham. Full Terry Cloth Beach Robes — skirts, fitle ' l>odices, tailored collars, A very unusual value, we Reg. 7.95 5.O0 suggest early selections tomorrow. Cotton Twill Slacks — Sanforized Slacks Reg. 3.95 ...... 2.00 Sizes 3 to 6 — 7 to 14

Cotton Twill Shorts — Regular and large tizes In The Air-Conditioned Reg. 2.50-3.95 2.00 Children's Shop — Third Floor

In The Air-Conditioned Sports Shop — Third Floor

PLAINF1ELD, NEW JERSEY Tel. "&X1010 (uotoll) THE WESTPtELt) LEADER. THURSDAY. JKLV 17. if>47. Timr In the Bi. I he stabbed thj queen and stole I Tubeless tires have been devel- I house-furnishinKs, lh- i housing authorities to pay »tale, \ bit the ruby » (treat mater•iol value tin' diamond. iJut iirtoro he could 'The • tear away the (tern it beeunv !-at- They combine safety features of lvention ' dined while housing costs remain-i counties or municipalities pums of is rerajruizecl by Job who says. puncture sealing ir.ner tubes with money In lieu of taxes; permits , price lif wisdun- is nbove rubies." mated with the quctn'» blood--- improved riding qualities, it is eil ivi,»n r-,it pnmhoehnn — dome • »'"' lnus wl" bo! " the rul>y- ' ' {Continued from page 1) ! aiitlioritipr- to conduct research jah pS-ihe' u^wlir usS I*.™" — net «y vrh.t happon. claimed, with high bruise resist- ernor Driscoll is cnly the lat- ! project* to determine housing | r ll ance and ability to retain air pres- f a long line of chief execu- needs. ' show a six-ray star, similar to that «• «' "'<•' ™> l' » '°- "ICTfll flUNP to encounter this situation. Local Artists TDOIDM (D-Jliddlesex)—Requites i in a supphiie (both (jenm are of! In the fa.,hion world rubies are 'Un. fairness and unselfishness he Division of Water Policy anil Sup- the corundum family). One of the URain very popular when set In A new kind of seaweed jelly, use- 9 jeclarei himself in fnvor of (Continued from Tagc 1) ply to specify urea* whore excess 'fuseinalinc rhamcteiistie* of the gold. Combined with miilti-iiiloi- ful in ice creams, confectionery hr JOT eyer . I changes but not for him- IWore vacationing, Mrs. Harold | un(lol.Kround-watt-r division threat- i star ruby is that as often a* it is uil stoniM they a.e oelii* shown in icings and the like, is the subject U intends lo retire at the Stoddanl, president of the West-; ens natural water supply; requires rut each pait will reproduce itself, handsumc dips, rings, earrings nun of a patent recently issued. It is Sailing, vM»t, twrah-dl *• The ro ot wlt 1 , of, 1949 and will not seek re- field Art Association, recently.cell-. permits for diversion in such areas.' as a sl:-r. )>''""• y » ""'Jf * " V" .' a mixture of ammonium or sodium Ihings that moka tummtr to much ed her roinmiUeii chairman tojrelh- i Mnthia ' (H-Ocean) — IVimita Tno W-M. known star ruby, monds in irold watch cabes, and ul ulginate with calcium alginate. 1 fun-can *arm yow »yw. N«w- IJtht governorship of Now Jersey er ot an evening meeting- at her . p!osenutora awl county judges to w|,i(.h is in n,? Moraan collection,, I'" termi)i»!s where wrist band h been «n anachronism for most home, 031 Grandyiew _ uvenue. i ^,L iM of upwlal couii-1 .; h« 100 carats. This lU'm is a . J»'»» the walch' 1Jlai»!111UE..Lt *..,..Coil'- Plans were discussed for thc com- ty officers in counties of between • nij||jy criniaon with un unusually . tives, built lo resemble a metal HIM fW ywr •BIIU«I ll ition ha* bptii in effect. The Inir year and Mrs. Francis Brown, 30,000 ami 60,000 population a»een able t a liluish red—is the most ilcsircil fihe job the voters expected the — New Patent* — Monuments PAIKI Bar Exam '" > when the votes were cast, ties where vote™ move from one ^ ; - • ^ -^ AND MARKERS state governors and c A tool for daintily removing ice county lo another. >B^ ^^ m£in fl).e foum| cubes from their freezing trays has Erected in All Cemeteries i the President of the United Select Barn, Vermont, Granite are ailowfd to choose theii in' Ceylon, Afghanistan, Australia, recently been patented. The re^ cabinet members, But The Ruby Madagascar, Borneo and thc Unit- mover has a handle and a thin STEPHENS - Jersey the so-called cabins! ed States. blade of resilient material extend- MONUMENT CO.. July's Birthstone ing from it. Thc blade starts out 175S ST. GEORGE AVENUE of departments are While the actual origin of the !>•* ruby is lost in legend, it has al- in a straight line but curves in- Opposite Bahway Cemetery _ tinted for longer tewis than creasingly and becomes, more flex- Robert R. Stephens, Prop. July's birthntohe is the ruby, a ways been closely asiociated with ».Governor himwlf, A new Go* ible as it approaches its tang so it Office Rahway 7-2175 nt'toming into office finds him' gem which in the legend's of an- the land of Kipling's Road to Man- delay, Burma. One ancient tale can bend into the corners of the Home Rihwir 7-O7SZ*R f,jmrrour>fled,by a group of cient times symbolized charity, dig- freezing tray for lifting the 'ice RAHW^Y, N. J. 1 relates that a powerful Burmese (.appointed by thc retiring GOT- nity and divine power. Because of cubes. Another blade balances thc its beauty and rarity, it has al- Rajah chose the most perfect dla Years of Experience in the ',' They may not be of the cube as It in being removed, Business •"political party or of the same ways been considered valuable. mond as a gift for his queen. A tefstrative. mind, but the™ Kings and emperpra sought rubies villlanous prince of the court cov- •,'aw, and the new Governor for their crowns," gave their most eted the gem, and when his desire, t -try to work with them be beautiful red gems as love tokens grew too strong for his discretion, • cannot fire them. Many he might Want, bat it i« 6CLL BOOSTER fRVING POISON IVY "air for him not to have * himself. A U, 8. GOVERNMENT BUREAU REPORT uuunmees • are wme 70 departments tlit ikewwy of a new tanlrie Mid treatment for ivy pol- state government at the •Mini*. Th« tKatmcnt k«a fctm found excellent: It is . time—about SO too many gMtlt and Mft, driM tab th* btlrters in a •urprialngly to tnttt constitutional ahtrt tine—often within 24 Boon. These government Jack J; Cnmillo, son of, Mr, and Sinner Clemice all With hMds of depart- Mrs. Pasquale Camlllo of 8U Law- findlflfft an incorporated - who are working indepen. rence avenue, who was one of the I in the new product — of the tiovenw and not S3 candidates who passed the April At your drugstore, 59e. "r with him. Of course it 1 attorney ! examination, and will »m Ditru m',. i, nr cotr.,UMM; n.;., »w «.•«(.!./ nut ««n< .. . remembered that there be swortl in on Sept. 11." He Vvas too departments to apeak of in graduated from Carson Long Mil- (.There was r.o Highway Com- Itary Academy in 1939 and com- no Alcoholic Beverage pleted -his pre-legal study at , no Milk Control, no Edu- Georgetown University, Washing- SALE- Commission, no Tat Com- ton, D. C, class of 1042. Mr. Ca- OPEN SUNDAY MORNING — 9-12 A. M. i, no Public Utility Comml, milla was graduated from John r Department of Health; In Marshall College Lnw School in , ,! Keeper of the Prison was 1945 and is a World War ii voter" I only Constitutional Officer who an, He is a member 'of Phi Delta Reductions to 50% • • department. Through the Pi legal fraternity and is judge 1 the legislature created other TUDOR HARDWARE [°. advocate of Martin Walberg Post, ttry departments, but made American Legion. At present, he Infants • Childrens - Womens 405 SOUTH Avt 2OC1£O r administration practically im. Is associated with the lnw firm of '"•' by the Governor through ierrigel,- Lindabury £ Horrigcl, i Tespomibiliry and con- Newark, < Beachwear and Playclothes i Convention Executive Com- i recommends thnt there shall i be more than 20 major depart- Unfair Insurance . If the department is head- CENTRAL JIRSEY MODELS by « board which chooses the Missioner then that commis- Practices Banned must bo approved bjr the Wee Moderns nor and confirmed by tho TIIENTON — Unfair practices HOBBY SHOP ith provision for removal n tho insurance business are pro- : • Public hearing If his per- hibited miner a taw sponsored by 230 E. Broad St. oP*n Mon. mt 1 ! •>»•) U not BstisfBctorj'. Most Senator Prank S. Farloy (K.-At- MOrJEL AIRPLANES with a single lantle) and."signed by Governor 1 - i h^ti. ,.;•«•—-'c

Are you aware that a "Pump" Vella Postura-Foundation photograph captures Proprietor forever the bewity of 426 NORTH AVE. E. Canvat Footwear the bride on her wed- In the Quonset Hut by "Hood" ding day. We will PHONE WE. 2-4799 And , . , don't forget take all your wedding pictures. Call or come M*nvr. your rubbers! or Arete* in, today. We'll deem AHD TALU4T socks, ANIMAL IN TMl it a pleasure to serve WORID, UNABLE ID MAM. ., DRESS SHOP polish — laces you. ANYTVPE Ot VOCAL fiOUMDS 65 ELM ST. OPEN THURSDAYS TTL 9 ALL DAY SATURDAY TIL 6 CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAYS! 3J8 E, BROAD ST., WE. 2.0143 Westficld 12 Springfield Ave.. Cranfor,! VAN ARSDALE'S CR, 8-0002 JUNIOR, MISSES, WOMEN'S & HALF SIZES Good Footwear Since 1BS7

FRONT ST., rPLAINFlELD _THE WK8WtttJ) OBITUARIES HOURS Mrs. Mary Lee Bristol Joseph Robinson £>- Dies At Summer Home Funeral wivtees for Joseph Rob- 8A.M.t«f P.E n f m ™° ° , Cacciola place, who MOMMY TMOMH Mrs. Mary l«e Bristol, Kimbal'l died Sunday night in Muhlenberg Cii., and Bay Head, widow of Will- HoapiUl. Plaliifleld, will bo held UTIHAV Inn McLaren Bristol, founder oi n J'' "l-,thls afternoon in Bethel Brisiol-Myeri Co., New York ingn- Baptist Church. The Rev. J. B. ufocluiins eheinitts, died Tuesday Waller will ofllciate. Interment 8; hev summer home in Buy Head *«1 be in Fuirvlew Cemetery In her 88th year. "lend, may call at the Judkins Mrs. Bristol, nee Mary Seymour colonial Funeral Home, Plainfield. Lee, was born at Perry, JJ. Y., —obinstin wuft born in Kiiii? Hay 28, 18C0. She married Mr. and Queen County, Va. He was ISiistol who, upon his graduation eiBployed as a janitor at Hampton fiom collego, founded the Clinton Hall, Cranford. , Pharmaceutical Co, at Clinton, N. Besides his widow, Irene, Mr. Y., later to become Bristol-Myefe JtoDirison la survived by four Co. In June, 1948 Mrs. Bristol wae daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Taylor honored with an honorary Master and' the lIiM.v.Carolyn, Natalie of Arts degree by Hamilton Col- nnd Jenn Kobinson, nil at home: • lege which her husband nnd hiethree sistcri-a, Mrs, EUmonia Mar-' family and her own family had "" °f*D.e,t?1ltl Mich- Mrs,-Sadie | attended, being one of the very, or 312 John street and Miss few women tD receive n degree Sobinaon of Virgin is; one from this men's college.' She Was tri""'*,' Jullus Hoblnaon, also of tag active in church and commun- Virginia and one grandchild. ity affairs in Brooklyn and later l,o-o ami in Bav Head. The Brlg- . . . and _. |o!s moved here in 1931. , Mill Lucy Cleveland Miss Lucy Cleveland HI, former- For every mouth-watering w.Wrmelon hai Men mis. uriatoi is survived by three l f j»d Z° . Westfield, died Tuesday in m sons, Henry Platt, New Yoilt, and rittsfleld, Mass. Private services the vine... picked at the very V*& °* V»^ • • Lcc Hastings and William McLar- Will be held at 2 p. m. today at en Jr., both of VVestfleld. to u. at top ipeed. Yet they eort nitpti* . / Also surviving aie five grand- fleld. Cremation will bo at Oak- sons, Pied Witriron Bristol, Will Wood Cemeteiy, Troy and inter- ingly little at A&P, y^xt knr price. •» »^_ c iam McLaren Bristol 3rd, Lee H«i- ment in Greenwood Cemetery, tinss Bristol Jr., Atherton HrmtUi Brooklyn. the rule every day in the vreeV- enJ Michael Wild Bristol, all 61 Wnstf.cld. Funeral services will be held this Mri. . afternoon at Bay Head Chapel, , GARWOOH ~ Funeral" services i«H Dny Head, at ,1:30. Interment will Jvore.held Sunday afternoon in be in the Bristol family plot, Clin- grays Funeral Home for Mrs. ton. Karollne Nelson, widow of Carl Nelnon, who died Thursday in her Everybody's Delighted wit homo. Rev. Walter C. Pugh, pas- Evtrybftty'i Praising Mr.. Mltdnd Widmr tor cf ,\he Garwood Lutheran Mrs. Mildred Louise Widmer of Church, officiated. Mrs. Nelson ob- pringfleld, mother of Harry K, Wived her 00th birthday July 6. r Airs DAIRY CENTER Widmer of 403 West Grove street Born in Sweden, she had lived ir A&Ps PEAK-FRESH PRODUCE this vicinity for 24 years. s GROCERY VALUES Everything in A&P'a Dairy Center !• a freih de- and of Miss Mildred Widmer, also In spite of the complimenti A&P'i fruit* of this town, died Saturday in » Surviving are two daughters, light, for everything^ lu.hed here straight from Overlook Hospital, Summit, after Mrs. Ingborg Sodcrhann of East and vegetables are alwyi getting for the country and kept at the peak of freshness in o brief illness. The widow of Dr. Orange and Mrs. Sigrid Handle their wonderful fitm-fieih flavor, their * refrigerated cam. Henry Rudolph Widmer, she wasof New York. Intennent was in tremendously popuUr »pot... to ihop and prices remain mighty modest. 73 years old. Fairview Cemetery, •ave and pick and choose. Swiss Chees« Pamatlle-Sllwl Ib.fiSo Mis, Widmer was born In New i Bin-Berries Cuitiviiwi pin'i-xJlJJe York and hiiil lived in Springfield Broadcast Corned Beef IltsK , MM,M25C Mcl-O-Bit American rr°«n chMM K> 43s 23 years, where she was a member Edwin GJHotchkits Tender Becis Hom* Grown buath Je ot the Piesbyterian Church. Fu- , Edwin G. Hotchkias, for 10 Prem, Redi-Meat, Spam or Treet n «. car 35c Clieddur Cheese Food ch.d-o-ut 2 ib. box 79o neral service? were held Tuesday. years un employee in the local ex- Siring Beans HOHM Grown 2 ib.. 15e Also surviving are two other ecutive offices of the Union Coun- Libby's Deviled Ham «... Jox«nl7e Blue Cheese sharp ' i . 55a • sons, A, Dean Widmer of Spring- ty Road Department, died Thurs- Tomatoes Rip., iui R™ iib.boxl9« b field nnd James G. Widmer of Elljt-day m Overlook Hospital, Summit, Armour's Vienna Sausage , . 4=1, can 17c Provolone Cheese Ni.nSiyi* i . 55a [«beth and two brothers, Howafrd after a loiig illness. Funeral serv- Yellow Onions u.s.No.iGr»d. ib.7« b ?!"' George Dean of Sparrowbush, ices were held in Summit, where Van Camp's Beans n , i , , 21 or «„ 15c Gold N'Rich Tangy Ib. 59« he lived at 66 Overlook road. Sweet Red Plums . , ,, ib.l» I He was born in Berlin, Conn., Ann Page Beans . « , . J«otcan2for23e e Pllbst-Ett Annrlcan or Pim»nW . «!€T pkj. 23o *"'".'""' l'»ed in Summit more Table Celery cr;« iiaikl2c than 50 years. For many years he Red or Kidney Beans Suinn* isot.ean2forl9e P JExplosion Victim Wai Cottage Cheese Fmh - Br.ak.iom t». cup 14o '. . -tvu engraver in New York Cantaloupes ig*.iiuljc «irai «19e |Former Resident and later was.engaged in the lum- Ann Page Tomato Soup . MK«.can3«or2fie g bei; and coal business in Summit. Bananas Wh.n Avaiiabi. it>.12e Snappy Cheese <••••... 3oz.pk9.18o His only survivor is his wife, Mrs Miss Loia Ellsworth, who was Beardsley Codfish ReadyloFry; JOoj.can 19c [killed as the result of nn explo- Alice P. Hotehkiss. Pure Lard ....«,.,.,, iib.21« lionmtloopoi-ntiiigroomatBap- Icy Point Red Salmon . . , , i».c.n45c l'--t Hospital, New Orleans, i Del Rich Margarine ...... ib. 40o dextf .V«g«lablaShortanlna .1 Ib. six* 39c 3lb.iUdl.13 Somebody at last haa done some- IllEY 1 thing to nyike it easier for molars! Soiir Cream Bordan . plnl conh 38e h e*American ceremonj I Sunnyfield Flour ;-.«^jjib.igst^So - JO ib.bag65c i,nf, , *"whter of Pred'W. Ells' of eating corn on the cob. A corn PEACHES Heavy Cream ««...,. upiniconiainar32« kernel cutter to "tenderize" the I Lang's Dili Pickles ."• .". , . qU.r.t.r21o J'ie Hibcrnia National Bank in kernels before their consumption Delicious For Pies, Fresh Milk Homoganlzttf ' 2q'.»nii.41(! 1 Mlss Klls if' "P ™'-th died of has been patented. An arch-shaped Ann Page Cider Vinegar « , . nuaribor.lffo Cobblers or For Slicing taffocntion several horns after the handle and plate, fitted with a , which occurred whilo »n aeries of blades, reportedly does Salad Dressing A™ ?,,t j j 0,; ,.r 53,, the. trick. When drawn along an he ear, of corn it slits the kernels. Homestyle Pickled Beets , 30 oz. «n 2 far17 c

Ritz Crackers ,, , . , , . iib.Pko.29o Hartley's Marmalade » , , , ]ib.|.r31e Everybody's Selecting [ells Tenants 'a M & M Candy Coated Chocolate « «. pkB. 33o A&P's "SUPER-RIGHT" MEATS Go Slow Strained Baby Foods y>ricui Brandi 12 ian 95c i Everybody's Bound to Like Smart (hoppers choose "Super-Right" quality '-V^flfj fusing Administrator Morton's Salt • • 26oz.pko.7c meats hecause they know that A&P's Close-Trim- ".—1»1 med "Super-Right" meat cutting method removes Wes Protection Spaghetti or Macaroni Ann P«D« 8oz.Pis,3ior25c A&P's BAKERY TREATS excess waste and helps trim their meat bills, Hoi i Admiiii8tr Crushed Pineapple Fane/ Silv.r IU,,. ?0 ««. can 23c w£ H v i^~ ''t<'>- Who docsri't like luscious cakes, cookiej, t II1 ai* K at^n fl Broiling and Frylno • 'M IP ™ Jersey t'? ^' 8llvisf Red Cheek Apple Juice yiiamin c quart 20c breads «nd rolls right out of the oven? "•w Siiai Undar 4 Ibi. *• 'SO*

Not many people, judging from thtt For rr cglln Pure Grape Juice A&P trami pimboi.25c way our baked goods go! Pfiwl ' >n«<•• &r Pound Cake Gold, M.rbl. or Ic.J Sllvtr 10 ot. cut 29o law IonaTomatoes ...,,, Korean 17c I Wlarlm Brand Undar 1o Ibi. Ib. 57c 14 Ibi. and Over Ib, 49c w X!)ire n Feb. 28, Date Gem Cookies Jm«PM.« a .33o IVORY SOAP Fancy Spinach ASPBrani 18o .can2'(or23c w Smoked llama R«adHo-Eal-Whola or Ellhar Half Ib. 67a l r re- for diihts, laundry w bath Applesauce Cake Jan. Pafkar «ach 35c that Fancy Tomato Paste Caiifomi* «Oj.eanl2c Prime Riba of Beef siwi clom Brandi~Plu« Dopoiil 1Z«.bol.l2c^ "n ""Justifiable Smoked Pork Shoulders dcnici '«**• On] ""I! or in t«e near KIRKMAN'S * $old In llcanted ilores only OUB OWN Kb.pka.33* Frankfurters nu FIAKES KTECTAH . Hib.pic .36c fot Tint larger O"| 9 Fresh Sea Food C fabric! pkg. JX 1HAYFAIB wit.pk9.40c Flounder Fillet fc.39o Whiting FreiH CHIFFON FIAKES Flounders Fr«.h ib.25« For dishei snd fine fabrics ::>i.i ot .r,,^12 who

IVORY FIAKES For lingerie, dishes old te CAMAY SOAP WHITE HOUSE BROKEN SECTIONS IONA BRAND IONA BRAND For toilet and bath EVAPORATED MM GRAPEFRUIT TOMATO JUICE n 20 oz. 18 or SWEET PEAS 2 f»n» ^ 2 cake. 17" M cam 3 cam THE WKflTFTELD LEADER, fHUBSDAY. JULY 17, 1947 P>ffeSi> FOR SALE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RtlBBRIl STAMPS Gl AU Kinds REAL ESTATE FOR SAL; REAL ESTATE FOR SAL! SPENCEPENCER —— IniHviilMllT Bmll«»<» TO BUY Small 0-reo» •upBorti, will rent your bcbackk , five made to order. Meisel & Sank RATES: houai sood condition to cos you BrtRloefuli w , healthful ponture SS Him St., Weatfteld 2-05SS. ' ATTENTION! LIST WITH US Snout' 17600. WeaWeM, Cranford Md f?ee you of uulBee. itjwi™ 7-3-St H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, or.noselle. We. 2-iiZO-H. PROPERTY OWNERS UK ALTO 11 t Mrs Mel Ilamm PEARSALL 6(0 West Front St, UEXODKLIKGi Our personal cou- Two-Centi-A-Word 3«3 SOL'TII AVIi., FAIfWOOD HAROLD GORDON, STINGS UKSHtEU — Particularly l?"""*- sultlne and designing service is Jl* YOI PLAN TO &RI.I. Your Bam rambling type house. North N. J. i*lM. 6-8540. 1-3-it ' devoted to the Improvement of & IDSllH—i'eutre kali fUitvh colonial Realtor l»f <.urt- to INI your home dire South side of Wcetfteld. with HAVK YOUH FLOOHS Drr C!«»«">* the general livabfllty and usage Minimum Charge SO with tliiB (ifrit:«. The demand f< (j-room house tn convenient loca- fairly sizable lot, for Oct. 1st of space in the home. FRANKENBACH Kuod hotting onliniinH trj bestron tion, needs decoration but haa and wared by experts. Jfjltej- CHARLES C. BAAKE, Bayus, 42*21 North Ave. WWEE. . Nominal fee required^ ClMMlae* DU»Ur Bate* IKC. and wt li.ivf* many buyers etii great possiblliles. 7-3-Bt Call for Appointment. Oa Application. waking for tlui right li»iue» The Associate S769. loc, ihf picnilnt'iHt: ft our loea fomnmtcrji, thia brand REALTORS TAULB PAO8 MADB TO ORDBB. THB HOME rLANHINU CENTER 11,011*101 WEDWBSOAT * P. M. tl'm iiitrncis ninny out-of-town E-room hung-alow Is ideal- 111 (taluk? St. . WnMtM il-SSSg QUAJITE1I CKNTllKV OF SEIlVIC) ei-p wlio particularly desire to lo Expansion attic; oil Air-condi- Real Estate . Insurance 1 l cftta In the Wentflclrt urea. tioned heat. Lot 84xi80, 7-3-Gt Mortgages IM S Ki%%m it$SZ. 2 Elm St., We.tfield 2-470C M5 tPHOrSTKRED K«rnl(«r« Ws have bpon inucctisful In man 112,000—Here in a lovely Victorian 103 15I.M «T.. W£LL KEPT all-room bouae « liiHtiincvB in obtaliunff an Imine home that can be used for one or to your order covered in your ^VESTPIELD. W. J. SPENCER COBSBT1EHB, IndlvMB- choice of materials at tnoderutt REAL ESTATE FOR SALE quiet Ktreet. Tkwn lirilrooma, II dlfite buy*»r from mir list of cli two fa millet:. Tjarg-e rooms with PHONES WB. 2-lSdJ—«480—1533 Young People of We«tfield bnfh, a-cnr icnniar, slpsin »»n entn, PfiiiapK we cun do th adequate closet space; good roof; ally designed luppurta for infln ( CHARLES LECHER, wllk wral. l'niM !<•••>• finnie for you, THY" UK!! John Manaville siding. A clever AiinoimcliiK ana women. APP"ln,l,™e>''e,.1PilSre tM CUMBERLAND §T, illl decorator will make the moat ,or T. H. JUDSON, JR., Realtor n < 16 hO e I ! i5 k ut n W Sa ikeft? l' une« for saU In the ear 114. NICELY LOCATED six room home Ave., Ro»elU Park, N. J. REYNOLDS & FRITZ IU'IMMII vectlwn. Threr lilrp den urea. Each is in fine condl In excellent condition. The liv- FI'HNITVRB BOUGHT AND BOLIX ruoiua nud tile »|H«. Allnchri tlwn, and eflch hn« lurffe, attra »l4,50fr—Attractive 6-room Dute ing room has a fireplace and Wettfield Co-Ed Club MfcUVTOBf . 1XSUBERI "For bes t vcash prices call West. KnruKC, (ai bLUl, lii»ulnlli.ii. 1'oa tlvo rooms, I-Tincri at 5 Colonial Fan wood home. Fir liullt-ln book shelves, and tnc FVLIiER 1 fiel* -d - Pumlture- , 206 NortNorth Ave.Ave., WnlllM MM •«aluu 8»-flO ilm>—»17,110. 123,010 und $26,000. place; large screened porch, ide kitchen has been modernized. tool inetead of or 'Phone WE. 2-S10O. 7-S-St li», lt'» Indeedeed e. real thrill whowho; for this hot weather. Sctene. Brand new heating plant. Oil economy. H. E. BHICK CUTTER HALL COLOMAI A UK Con A TO II HAN outgrown he kitchn; breakfast nook, Unusua The price, which has Just been West drill Y-clHbroom WE. 2-4-J77. v tthh e hohomh e thatht you hahhaav —with apiM-loua romiM. Flml floor reduced, 1B very (air. $10,800. JULY 18, 11*47 WEDDING INVITATION!, WEI). mi • 1 about.. WWe cacan eiveive yoyoi home &nd «ifern it for sale a ly large lot, VINO ANNOUNCEMENTS, At «' i ' e amlstancl e In att&lnlatt&ttlll m —2M-fi. livlnit room, dliiliig room, 915,000. The hou«e Is a 3-leve! gem 8,30 — lllOO HOHK CARDS, NON-PLATE Ks. vi .1 bjectivei , nott onlly IIn tth araatlful tile kitchen, pntidci well built In liHD, Hurt beautifu* f 15,000—ThlB la Just the home for T. H. JUDSON, JR., Umri Banalaa, 'All Tr»«* Wi ••>• GRAVED. DONE IN RECORi ll "• « at the home itself Iron ly maintained. The living rooi young executive who in lookln CltANrORIt PIANO COM TIME. 24 ft. mnalrr bnlroom nud <»» htm an Attractive fireplace, ther REALTOR Wertk ATt« B. . CUmu. *!.,—,,, ii < t-neroua ilatlngs. but al»' 1 for the ultimate in comfort an MBIIKL A SANK. In adequate ouhboara Mala'a mai •»« katk «• «WMl HI5 ALT OH four-drawer chest. Excellent con- loer. *-rar «ara«»—all keal— HARRY H. MALLETT, Inches to' 6 feet. Steel chutes for * VIHHM yard, » car ffaraie. fl4,«0»—Juit out of town, (-TOO 305 Booth Arts, Pomvobd FA2-TTWJ REALTOR *m> INStlllOR. ditloa. Call West. 2-8091. LARGE •BLECnriolf of Decorative concrete, 8, 10 and 12 feet. Wool ••aaranloa sealemker !•!—vai,f step forms. Tools for concreti nungnlow, nuiir transportation. Bl'NOALOW,-T yenrs old,'« rooms, •MS NORTH ATB., BAST FttbrlM for »»1« by the yard for I tlMM Tli i Inn Hoadaflbmo that wll WE. %•&»• . *-40M LADIES' B1CVCLB—will exchange allp-covera, draperies and uuhol' •work. WM. 2-1479; Ed. Ollby, £. be »<.n.h waitlne a bit for. Sel- KANKM* DCIIOOIo-VMT "' •l-MHMl—Netir mhool, modern expansion, attic, oil heat, at for sewing machine. WE. !• •terlni;. •48 Clark St. 7-3-St dam nmay cm we offer a home on kallt 4 feMirwtm Iwa katk kun rooiiiH, tile Imtll, nil lie«t, opei taohed garage, ,80 ft, lot |12,90t ZB84-R. CHAKLEI LBCHEB. \st tkli an get at thin price, oil heat. Kltrk» kaa kecai evmtMtlr •"« porch. Immediate occupancy. IM CUMBBULANU «T. CHIPPENDALE HAND CAHVKD rrahiei arid all roaais are a> S ROOM COTTAflK, In a-1 condition TWO WHEEL IIICVCI.E, man's site. tile kitchen and bath, rumpui solid mahograny 10-plcce dlr.ln^ «• fUM*-Ole'tmlnf white houae Just X-ear pan all keaf— *lt,5M—Mountaindlcle. Modern LISTINGS WANTED Good new rubber. Carrying bask- room suit. Including large break- i " itnrre throw l«'ra Woodrow Pttwaeaalva room, knotty pine aunroom, et. Also 1938 Tudor Chevrolet room*, llle tiiit)i, nrst Boor powde taohed .garage, oil, 113,000. of ko»« far >ale front, 2 extra extension tabla \ • Wllnn, School. Not new, but up- room, 2-car i^arnffe, gUM he&U im Sedan, good running? condition, CO*T^!l8!^ERalipR'lNT8, leaves, table pad. Efeat covers, like ?- tO'tal* with 7 well proportioned mediate occupancy. Fred'k. J. Holme* Agency two new tires, radio and heater. TREUENtlOL'g ASSORTMENT. new. |)80.00. We. 2-386U-W. ' cltieln* • BUH room I ROOM BUNGALOW, with a real Tel, West. . J-54«3-n. G. E. HOWLAND, dinlnir room, oil heat, fireplace, HElltBERTt, »SH,I»O—In ono o( Wcstneld'e mot 8 Kim St., WMtAeld 2-.1.111 BlalM Tkeatn alifj. 'In R plot IOOJIJOO. Llk EALTOa . WI, expansion attic, lot 80 rt. front- WeatleU LM*«r—•Published every li»Hia in tha country, yet within attructlvo lonallon.', a moderi age, attached garage 114,000. BOY'S RICYOLR 36-ln wheels, new Dutch Colonlul on fi large come: Thursday afternoon. Ii. H. Corn- 7->-6t tlroH, |10.00. Also two larue the Torn limit., Choice school OWNBB OCCUPIED—80-ft. living SEASHORE FOR SALE woll, r>02 AWen Avenue, wjll re- area room wltti wood burning' fireplace, lot. Center hAlhAl with ppftciou l'1/THA.HODKHN 3 bed room house, WELL ROTTBD C.w ••« «MI leather arm chairs, goud comli- lat floor library, apaolooa diitlnt Buent clOHetl , llivinilii g room approxl screened porch, oil heat, fire- ceive two tickets to see tioretta Maaani and cord wood. Also tion UIHO leather lovo seat. We. room optminar on to a ncrecnec mateltlyy 17x 2828 with firo place an Youna and Joseph Cotton In- "Tho 2-2401-J. •MM -flood blaj 4 bedroom hom booknUelvesbookUelvs , ssnuuurro dlmns; rorooo: place, nttuched garage, JH.Ooo. SHORE ACRES Farmer's Daughter", at the Rlalto rich top soil. Phone Westfleld vn |<) it over 110 ft. front, Oct. porch, Iflrna kltohtn, 9 vood s\te( bi i 2;5g«9-M. 7-S-6t bedrooma, tiled bath, steam heat with itmple wall sspacep , beige tliel Several other good buys for you: Theatre, Westfleld. Monday, July INDIAN DRVGOKT HUG, 6x9, lmJVt double cirace, llfient location. Ho kitkitcheh n witithh unusually eftlclen Inspection. on BARNEGAT BAY 21, 1947. HAVB YOUR WINDOWS WAiHKD wooi, perfect for sunroum, porch .,, In a neighborhood duced fl(,000. cabinet and fttoraKe spuce, bsdroo: The holder of this advertisement inside and out, screens hung ana or recreation room, neutral colors. J •» I kept homea with liny plots. and tiled bath. Venice Of The Jer»ey Shor* will* present proper, identification •torm windows taken down. We. 2-4SO8-M. I bnlr-iom», I bath*. Oil heat. tllBRTAKTlAI, 3.PAMILY with IRENE M. DANIELS MOVE IIIQHT IN to.One 0( our NBW at The Leader Office In order Folter tc Bayus, 421 North Ave., Hfetar Boftentr. room apartments, Hepernto ateani Tho Second Floor I n« four bed 51S Hart Street W*. S-l WATERPHONT cottages, every to receive the tickets. WB. 8-376R. 7-«-Bt IN STOCK NOWI furnaceK, extra diiop lot, Nc-rtli roomH and two tiled Imth, one wit) modern convenience, picture win- Thrar knr< iind Aluminum |>lrc« Hide within few minutes walk o stnll shower; all clonotB are cedai If yon wan6 n large l"t oit the dows, real • fireplace, magnificent iBT OV POUR1 rush-seat, pillow- MM-Woodrow •'Wllion School lined. HAVE YOVR CELLAR AND ATTIC 4-6-10 cup pm-colntftrH. ^-nt., an* Architecture that la a Jill Center, 1 apartment AVAIL moantnlnldr with uver an ncrc 'view, healthy pine and salt a r. back Hitchcock chairs; small 3/« vacuum cleaned and painted. 1-qt., 1% nnil 2-cit. Douhli; Holl- 4l«arant. Btpeclally larce llv ADIA) IMJlBDIATELY. IhoOmi Automatic heat and Hot Water: 2. wKh beaHtlful irtttm, we have it. Bathing-, bontlns, fll»hlnB, crab- Pine Corner Cupboard. • Felter * Bayus, 421 North Ave., era; 3 cup, II uup and 8 cup Drlp- (105. A buy, at 111,600, car tarage; overulm screened flat;. bing. Terms. Free Booklyt. DON NAXWBLL WE. l-37il. 7-J-Bt olatorn: nentH of thrne Kauft'P.'itiK; stone ptiruhi slate roof, . ' a dead erul street—a 885 MOUNTAIN AVB. 1 -c|t. .covered Hiuicepotri; 6 mid 8 •MM. iwir 11 level, d.HjjMful HUM .Attractive well planned ttix room houfta with tiled bath FURNITURE HEPAIH8 cup Vacuum COITGO Mukeru; nil alretl oerfect (or amall children room lioniu In tho Franklin Hcnoo ALAN JOHNSTON, Retltor jfas heat, attached garage. EDITH WOERNER, at prkcH within reach of your area. Large living room with rea WHY CARRY IT? WE. 2-0112 : SHORE ACRES, POHCII HAMMOCK, two beach pockettiook; Urnnds you'll I-CCOR- . thl»la ipir|c» runs ftraplare, tiled bath, Mn«io Chel $14,000—Hero Is a nice house on e chairs, metal top kitchen table, nlie, Wearover, Drlpolntor, I'rl- «r» date a particularllarlyy. ininterwt ranee, oak floora, cheiitnut trim 1W OBilTHAh AVE. (iu let fltreot, 3 bedrooms, tiled OSBORNVILLE. N. J. Sxll ru?, pair monke-cloth drapes, BCtlla,Warc and Craftwni'e. turn «ri,up of lietter- hornehomea—»oa m economical steam furnace. Extra hath, open porch, oil heat, at grate typo electric heater, gilt CALL WESTFIELD 2-5341 tached garage. with I %eanHim», _I and Ii baths, deep lot,, well wooded with out. picture frames, , large wicker NATIONAL PBESSIKK CAKNEHU Hh flr,t.._. . floor lavatory, door fireplace. It you're lookim DIETZ A SMITH, ROOMS FOR RENT flower basket, Nhavel, etc. We. And have your favorite been, mix- e cliahcea are about for value and choice location Realtor* (H,WH)—A SIK room house with tiled ers, and sodaa delivered, 111 Htock for Immediate dollvur} you'll want to aeti tnla. fcnth, modern kitchen, oil heat, 3 2-1208-M after S p. m. holds 9 iiintu or 7 fiuartn. Incllidu tnafln thin bracket we con WESTKIELD MOTEL., Clean,, com- full net of cooking utentjllu, f 18.K3 •no* you a home that wilt hav OWNRH WANTS to follow the blrdi car gfsrage., fortable rooms. Reasonable rates. 'ING ropfO TABLE, regulation PETERSON'S an upoi n| .for your particular re NORTH MDB—3 level home, thin fall. Off or a morlern two bed Phono WB. 2-2774, 7-3-61 size, $15. We. 2-43(0. ' aalrtn'nt* The looatlona lnclud rooms, tile bnlh, (cas air conrtt fl0,000—New house, six rooms, nil Home B«v«r«ie Service, PVHEV XAI.Kt The first sale the tarloua aohoola—Ben Frank room uunpralow in tine condition, large, tiled bath, lavatory la Pyrex Plaraeware In years: tloned, limulatiid, llrtulaee, tsar ExpiinHton RPACO, porch, doubl CNPCJItNIBIIKD CONVKOTING WHITNEY NT13K1I-O-IWATIC baby 111 CENTRAL AVE., WESTFIELD Skillet was 90c now 50c. Un •• .int, Woodrow wilnon, and HBP, 61x110 lot. Available quick- giiratfo, $12,{iOO. floor, open porch, oil heat, at Un Ii Alao, one nit far from tached mirage, largo lot, good lo ROOMS for business woman. Also carriage, practically new, $30. 7-J-Bt 1-qt. Saucepan WHS 1.10 now GO ly. a single room, 129 Fercls Place. Tel. We. 2-3674-J, lU-qt. Saucepan waa 1.25 now 70i ill* Wi •tfleld Air Port with 4 bed WANT Jit. UK. If nee (lout 3-J>cd cation. THICK HYi x 11 HCRATCH PADS riHin 1 md 8 tatim o( wfclch i bod ICOTCH PLAINS—Stop-look-llstc I\(il,l; OH nol'III.K room, of fine news stock. Takes ink as 2-qt. Saucepan was 1.35 now 80i ri "nip and 1 bath aro on the fll'x Thia new brick houne liaij every room hou«e with a modernJzet 918.5OO—Junior high school—3 bed- DO YOU HAVK A CUTi? BABY? 3-pc. Set was 2.4S now 1.50. kitchen, oil hent, fll,250. station. Call We. 2-2998 • Photographs of your child In ac- well as pencil. Only 10c at The While Quantities Last. l «ir Another at 122,300 la rich thins* you liavo waited for. rooinH with 2 tiled baths, one with tion taken at your home. A ser- Leader Office. -It II \t pa Meld and haa lW actei rooma, bnth, 2 c»r attached e r 8tal] shower, maids room and la- fvllh a line barn, port of which age, lavatory and wanh tubu —Klve ritom liuiifcnliiw, tiled vatory, nun iyorch, open porch, hot RHNT $40—NJ room npnl-tment anil ies of 12 natural photos mounted STA1NI.I3SS STF.FM. POTS & PAN! ID. i f. i made Into a panelled re lint floor, onlc noorlnK IhrilUKh bath, expannidn ppaoci, ffaraffe, tn water heat, oil burner available bath on the second floor, fur- In a beautiful leather album. The ANN AND AL Are Now Hnedr to U PHICB ulatril, oil I,cat, air conditioned. niched, uncludlnf? boat, liRht. hot best Insurance for rememberlnK serve you on local 'and longr'Als-* i_ieat • room with a. HOda-fouii outr HcLence kURheu, oil air con ?I3,200. Z car garage, lovely garden. water, and eas to a business 1 qt. Saucepan wan J1.10 now tain LAI ' It alno haa a tcfinln court, dltlunluii, uonlbtnatlon ncr^ttnn an those beloved antics of your bahy. tanoe trips. Call Ann's Taxi 1 %-qt. Sauceiian was 1.40 now 70i m 1 n inrfect plot for n swimming Rtoi-m wlnduwu, fully inaulntcd couple. Call after five, Wo. 2- Shirley Tanner, 835 Boulevard, Service, 421 North Ave., Westfleld. 1 KAU LINCOLN SCIIOOI. — Bull •12,800—Also Junior high school 0133-M. Mrs, .1, Long", 518 W. WB. 8-8029. 7-8-Bt 3-qt. covered Etauccpot was 2.1*5 The; house hnn.( Dedriiomis, living* ruom 85XU. * section—3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Broad street, WeEttleld. Wo. 2-2511-M, Now t.( IJI « and oil heat. 1342, three bedrooms, tiled bath, S oil, porch, llroplaco. . Immediate maids quarters, open porch, mod- 4-qt. covered. Sltucepot was 3.50 HAHWOOD—iprlck front home, 2: ern kitchen, oil heat, 2 car gar- 20-ln. BOY'S HlfVtl.K. balloon now 1.7 t» lin. ne' of tho • lineal . bull possession. 114,000. age attached. IF YOUR CAR tires, new departure brake. We. •ft.Mlvlnir room with wood burn OFFICES FOR RENT 2-2921-W. 6-qt. covered Saucepot was 4.115 » n p« you can find. l>p»lruhly ing houtolator fireplace, BUNGALOW— Easy to BURNS OIL now 2.G Ii uii * ovurloukiuir . w'ull kept Hlxeil dlnlnff room 14x12, HD1( $i!3.O0O—West Held Gardens, 4 bed- Limited Quantities ai • that reminds -you of New KlU'hnh, three nice nl»e bedroomo, walk to KH station, PiVe roomn rooms and bath, maids room and OP KOUIt OU'l'ICBS FOH TIII:N Ml'OnTKD SCATTER III'II, tCail fin i I. tllu bath, u|>t:n attlt-, tubulated, oximiiulon space, tiler] bath, fully bath, oil hmit, sun porch, open HKNT. centrally ^locatetl. Taylor, tltul colors and design..4x0, ideal lnsulntud, oil, tlrcplaco, P. O. Box 72, WcBtfleld. 7-10-3t A RE-BUILT CAR ENGINE for entrance hall, like new, a bar. B IN AMERICA 8TOIIIS, o)l hoatv attached eiu-aec, fiOxlQC porch, % nut garage. , BS1 B. I1UOAI1 ST. «HW> -\ beauty on a lilU—*IL AT R & S AUTO STORES gain in price, we. 2-4S92-M. ' WrxtHfld 2-4IHH. vlr?aMteanlHle at well. You'll ))W» Jit. Illfill areu. Cumfyrtublo 20 -TTHA'CTIVB opjMCKs; /;6J)(rally old home. ThreThrco heJroomshejrooms, tifilel d located in Westfleldstel,, wili l Sent "If It'» Ike Cream o( tfee Crof, Ihr I" '-.plan with Its center Hall, LAmt^flwivuHIi nuniritlo THOMAS O. YOUNG IS YOUR ANSWER Wllite EHlim We lluve 11." librai tucked away with lta own with 3 nddltlonnl 2nd floor roonw hnth, l>rt!tikr,tHl>ri!nkr,iHt nook, 3p3' porcheso , Realtor suiti e or IndividuaIdiidl l officesff . neSvlSl y THIS COSTLY CONDITION CAN nt* » flre|< a n. Mald'e room and hath ? rooms in till. Steam heat, Kur- hot watur heat, oil. Slli.fiOO. decorated. Tel; W». 2-8608. 11H BTOIM'Kl) BY INSTALLING Wtillc Enniiiel PercolBiitvra fin Hi ft floor. • Total of K rooms, age, ri0x2QO lot. Taxes only $lll>. WE. 2.1113 . S00 NOnril AVB. O.NK OF THEKE KN(1I.\F.». THE Aluminum Urlpiilntnrii MATTRESSES—2-twln slneles, vor; 1 liaiha, l«t floor lav. Ull hout. [AHDI.VO STI1BKT— Hullt OIL 8AVKSI) HOHK THAN PAYS Wklte Bumel Snuie I' Owner occupied, Thri'o levpl typo, thrue bedrooms, SUMMER RENTALS little wear—excellent oondltion 1 Pha I an 9 years old. 2,R«o—Attractive 4 % room bun- THIS CO»T. INRTALLATIONH 58« 2Jake offer hy phone Westlil tiled hnth, fully Iniiu' ' • galow, modern Kitchen, exnanoion ALSO AnilAIVGKD IIY Vg AT A AUinliium Cone rood FIHHI ttMtM IS YOUR PROPERTY heat, deep lot. 110,800. llrer Lnkr. Hour, A. .1.—Lake front 8-0460. attic, nicely Jandscaped, 2-car gar- Bungalow for rent Aug.- 3-10— vrciiir REASONABLE: PRICK:. Aluminum WaUtllag Tia . age, «creena, storm HRHU and awn- Flahfng, swimming, 2 boats. Call Kettlea .,'...... ',,..•,.. I1.H0 LISTED WITH US? School Hrcllon. Five ings, inimedlato occupancy. Box Orlilem ,., II ORF.V STOIIKI.IM3 CARRIAGI3- REYNOLDS * FRITZ bedroomw, 3 InUlia, sleeping porch, after 6. p. m.. Wcat. 2-132S. . NO\MON|EY DOWN Ileasonable. Good condition .Phoni *\ M»' scilor SCOTCSH pl.AINM—(niMir Woilncld Bungalows, 11BADY TO MOVK IN 0 weekH old. Woslfleld 2-4ri27-.T. LOW DOWN PAYMENT shutter. Flnph attachment, sci'H' Four and ono hfilf roomw, (Ire ow Itriek and frame, ii lovely UP TO 13 MO. TO PAY . 'i HHer holder, Kodachromc Biter 17 Apntlamy St. lino)—ri year old. 6 room home. lilaue, Baraeo. utsam. CAUIUAUM, Kll llKh Murnirt, Kii'.v 3-tTSO Tile bathiooai, isaa heat, fireplace rooms, Helfince kitchen, tiled Imth, Vrstiicld Lruil^r—Published ov^ry coacli, $3ri.oo, also unassembled QUICK INSTALLATIONS mid Plopter lonses, for Per/cx •• Newnrk 3. N. J 115,000. on jiasalnK title. hot water heat, oil, opon iioru.1i, Thursilay afternoon R. E. Lo\vl«. (35mm) hi good condition. Cat attached Kartige, Woodrow Wllaon baby washing maclilno. Wo. 2- R. & S. AUTO STORES 9)8 Carleton Ud., will receive 5359-W. Wo. 2-2934. »^ OWMSIl LHAVINC; TOWN will ill.uoo — Modurn cozy nix ruom School, $14,500. •VESTFIBLD—9 room, 2 tile batli- lip«««, jltlni-hed garslRe, Air Con- two ticHetrt to HOC IjOretta Youne 101 E. Broad St. it 1 at a /air prlco a comfortable roomM, plus ma[d'» quarters. Auto, and .loMoph Cotten In "The Far- UK loi.iccrilic litoMOlt, good con- THATCHEII COAL Ill'llMNi: FtB- (Htlonoa OH. Immediately occu- TO SETTLE KSTATK Weitfield 2-3800 Ene In good condition lu a quiet matic heat, tlreplacc. Lovely pancy. mer's Dnuirhtor" at tho lllalto dition. $00. Call Wo. 2-2BS8. NACH. 30 Ballon tank and l • Ildential neighborhood. 8 mln- birch tree». $27,500. room noUMc, lai-Bo living room Theatre, \Ventnelu, Monday July stove. We. 2-1350. with fireplace, open porch, 2 car '•is tvnlk from railroad citation, HiS.500— Six 21, 1!>47. nji.i-itiri: (;m;v i;v<;i.isn imi,,- I MI0.VH 11ICVO1.ES FOR «aS.OO. I iscsflorf October 1st. First floor room liouae, tile ttlt- Harago, Parochial achool L.District> , The holder of thla advertisement MUBt take both. Call We. 2-4245W. fCB OI'.NK nud CHAIIt, t»i 1 The Medinger Company chen and $8,000. Convli. oxcellont condition, l'lay r< *tt larKe llvtns room, dini htith. Douhltj grago, will present proper identification pen. linthinette, taylortot, canvas 4-drawer stcol lilo cabinets. li^ i im, kjtdion, enctofied side rSl Weallleld Avr., Kllxnli<-I1i Hteum, oil. Lot. 75x222. Vacant. at The lieader Office tn order Ti;i:.\S mill YOVNO DK1IS WEAR ef< liveiilnic.i «>. s-:oso folding beach ciirrtage, auto scat, rows adding machine. All In P i Njb, plenty of wlndowH. Vapor ALSO tn receive the tickets. lieanonablo, tel W. 2-2980-J. Cl.HAHANCl: feet condition. Wo. 2-3512-W. I i it—toal furnace. Becond floor— IIS.T50—x»,v Six room hoimo nt- rooms and bath, Burnee, Kood lo- Kdlth Hill, 519 IS. Broad St., Tel. 4 tedroonid, one bath,, large attic ODICIIN a HOOJI California typo tacnecl BiiraRo. hot water hout "II. cution, Lincoln Bchool district, We. 2-1410. July hours, II) to ">. i Ui extm bedroom. Single gur- bungalow, electric Htove, hot wat- .bxcullont locution, ready for oe- (H.iUO. LOST AND FOUND SKSSION MANTLB CLOCK I largo (illtl.'H 1IICVLI.K, haa been cupnncy. Htudlo couch with HrttiH: nursery Monday cvenitlgu by appointment. very little. Blue, nUe 28. Cull • fc«. hot 9Dxl3i, Shown hy np- er heat, oil burner, on three 7-17-3t We. 2-1334-H. I ntment only. Call Wo. 2-0080. acres, Weatfleld vicinity, (17,000. CUANPO11D OST—Green silk umbrella with furniture. Call We. 8-1770. jiiSon—Modern Kitmbllncr Bunirn- )lonlal, (i rooms, tiled bath, flrnt luclte handle, last Thursday. I-KUl(lItl;i.;i) blnrk n.nlr i-i.ikcr. lf.CMI.NGTOTS TYPKWIHTEH Jn BOYS BIKB, 28-In. rebuilt. B<«w (•onrj TJVINO on eitiHll ItivcHtmenti lnwn (jn largo lotM now under con- lloor luvatory, attached garugo, Kinder plcaMo phone W. 2-0035-J. perfect condition, has heen Used 1 U tjetablEshed ccntntlly located MARTHA H. KOPP, Realtor struction. Five lurge rooms, line locution, $U,500. .1 months; also ntu.tnlo.iis utetil running condition, J12. Call after porch, uttiichcd KiiraBc. Air cond. Mercury vapur slia lamp; Whitney very, very little, J25.00. Call Wost- S. p. m. l!d. Hall, Summit H*> taunint: open flfe ilftya* woek- Betty L Wiegman ,ONT—Hluc Pocketbook In Ills- liold- 2-01)33-W. - 7-10i4t MountalnKldc. '» "income 1800. Prlco *7D0O. Oil. Equtpiieii for two uddlttomil Bull's Textile Htori'. Wilt finder baby coach. W«. 2-3088-J. WE. IX-VHI;! room" and bath. BOULEVARD ontn, 808-WeHt Frjint,iPlatlnn'eld. liliise return the EIHSSUH to tho i'Ki>ii;it):ioi> Via WASIHNU MACIIINIS. sulnncr H1CYCI.E—Olrla 26-in. wlltwl, »'" REALTY SERVICE, Leader Oftice. SEITKH— rliC re liavQ very Rood HwtlngrH In the 2 ycltrs old. type, need recondttltfiilniT, $2U. lilOKt now In apiiearanco unil li : WORTH LOOKINiG INTO 311 South Ave. 21S13-H. Price $Ti0. Wo. 2- Phono Wo. 3-1360. tlcally no wear, light frame lu™ OWNER TRANSFERRED S22.SO0 and »2.">,0()0 braoket. For :,OST—A Man's fJabardlne r narrow tiren, $2». lJhono W"1 full dctulla contact the oftco ol Tel. WE. 2-2750 In Illnlto Tlieiitro. Wo. AXTi AMI Ah Are Now It end y to a SOOn—A (iADWOOIJ BI'N<;A|.OW Itcwunl. NICK1Y DBC0HATI2D ST15P-OX --•• "Well arratiged aeven room home of t rooni». utl on one Hour, til til roe lecplng board. We. 2-4 771. Blld m*rr filed porch on Hrnt, is.:i«o—nn.iM) ,VBW IIOSIU WITH — I'.VII... til. 11-UH1 Call We. 2-0278. floor; four bcdrooniB iincl tiled lovel home. UVIIIK room, ilhi- Inree hudrDoitiM, titu biilh and ItiK room mill klu-huii •-0V.M)—I'nlr of phiHtlc rim irlusscs Central Hardware Co., •hath with shower, on «ccou(l (Irnl,, lloor lavatory—uxcollont lo- IP nr« nit neiv ifnitn^Mt luvol, two beilrooins and tllod hnth BO8 CBNTnAL AVB. floor, oil flrcd It cat, two cur cution In WcHllk'Id. Sunday inm-nln^ mi I'ro^pL'i't Kl. WB. 2-0141 1 eamge -™ POSBCHSIOII urrunged. OOMIMi HOtSK, Unroll, uchool on the nct'ouil luvcl, anil n lurB- Ownor may have BKIIH! by ciilllnir CLEARAN1CE SALE iniiHtur liiMlroom on thy tiuril levnl. at Lentter oaice, iilont If yinif 21,000.—KXOLVSnu LI8TIMI on Koctton, 15 rooms, income of J34U HILVKII, .PAlll .LOW. rnonttily, i buth roonin, oil heat. t'liisKoii mid puylng for this nd- h. Dudley Avenuu—I bedroiinm 2, vi-rllsi-inent. STIUI4S1 Hugar and crimni; bon- J. G. MULFORD COMPANY baths, unuaiially lart-e lot—a double KuniBu, J20,tjuO. hnn'dlHh; nlso'powtcr bowl. Cull GIRLS WEAR ite&Htors wplelulld buy. 9 Went. 2-U311I-J. i i*i^iaxf Lincoln* wclioot unction, 6 T. H. JUDSON, JR., INSULATION Dreiaea, 1 to 10-• 1.60 210 Varh .Vieiiue Plttlnflrltl CI-S800 rooniH each Hide, oil heat, acrocneU msAivroH 2.49 121,500 LOVELY W,t!VHI. 1IOIS1! porch. 115,500. , PAin. oi" MtUIlOlls, oval uo!d leaf Shorti, Su.pcndcr •tylo, 3 lo 9 ... .1.88 1.50 n Hun convenient nelgliborhooil— 02 KI,M ST. Wli. S-10T0 or a-21311 IOIIXS-MANVII,I,K "Blowii" Il,,,.k | frauieM, Currier & Ivcs gfrl prints I bedrooiim, u liallifi, reeri-atloli Shorti, Su.pander ttyle, 3 to 7 2.98 2.25 IVIUiK FIVE DOOM Bt;JS'OAI,OW (I ROOM HOlSll, Lincoln HUIIOO), \V«ol lmtulnllon for homes, Htorcs, I In mahogany frttmnn. |i>"in. |!iiH hcut, 2.cur attached iXCKPTIONALM? I' I N E T,Tn>i- apartmonts, factories, inunurau- 1 Mra, MAUJOHIE C, SULLEN Peasant Skirts, 7 to 14 • 2,98 2.00 with conniption for ruum anil jaraijy, ^ ilrejiluce. lu'cnkfiiHt nook, tile hoint! In liuilli.y Avo. sei'tion. extru bath tin muter floor. AIniom butn, BH-I'HKV. |t i,".00. tinrti mid hiHtallcd In- Johim- | The Corner JIOUML- "Celeate" Pinaforea, pique! 1 to 3.- ... 6.9S 2.98 ready Tor occuimnry. Hful valm* Ovi-r lmlf un ni'ii, i,f tiroiHTtv Mnnvlllc Kxclnnlvo local uoninimy 1102 KAKT I1IIOAD ST. Cardigan!, Terry cloth, 10 to 16 liiiilllllfiiily lnliilm.iiiu.1]. MIIUH,. lii nujroaciimtlvu, P. I', i.uni, I'luln-' WB. 2-1281 ... .1,98 1.69 Rnoa sesiHoii^ti nuitertiil UKt'tl lint} KIEP & BASS, ;i 11KDUOOM IHMSi;, nrt'liUice, osi.'i-lleiu I'uitdltinii. Knur liod- Bathing Suiti of Laalex, 7 lo 10 tiroveti pxjjert \vorknmi}*hi|). Fine Held G-8722, or 'phono Sununlt 4.49 3.60 i-iMMiiB mi Kt'i-imu Hour, twn iiimi. fi-H82O t'filleft. 6-1S-121 WALM'T CIIBDK.MZA, fiistom lnailo. Terry Ba,throbci, 8 to 14 location- 60S Willow Ht., Criin- C. K. GARRETSON ITII IIU'il hutliH. Owner oci-liltleit 7.98 6.5C Xord. Tel. Or. G-39J&-J,- ... 30-ln, lilsh, m-ln, long, 3 hirtfo Realtors IRENE M. DANIELS t ilrnwtTB, •! small druwi-rg. 1 IILHIC ilOOn Iiot-SK, PpotU^ly 1 ELM ST. . WIS, 2-1800 S!5 HOUT ST. . mi. B-1032 WANTED J drawer, -1 liiHilu-aiU' iievtliinn. Kx- BABY WEAR Ihlim room approx. irix^ MODIJIIN Tlmr.lavrl Knnnr ill.,.Ill iillent L-onilltlun, 510(1. Walnut Cotton Gabardine Spring Coats, 1 ( 3 yi'iifn nlil. Attriictlvc lot llFltKiUUATOHS and washing o .4.08 1.98 lirephioft; opuit t*rr€»euelnili.'c 1!. a. 1.00 .65 ni'ar thin price. Buiijjiilow tyiu* PIlK-WAIt IHMJAI.OW — f.ltual oil ASH For 5Icn'« C'lnthlllR, lldlllB with twu ItiiiHhfd r«jmn,s l.wii will llvllll n d lutbllH, liniil;., nnlli|ij..p, curloH MOW IIOl'HIS—i bedroome 2 baUiu rn, n h I'll A X |( I CIIOOli SECTION— i'rlLTil to mil. It »-lli' iiily\"ni' nJ Kxcnllcnt condttlon. liltrlipn. il Kiirly lurnltiiro, hraumvnrp, Eliihs, rhlna. BOYS WEAR air coiifJftlaritMi, Jl-',0ti«. Hurry! l JllliV. livlni! ri.uii, WollCs, 118 Madison Avo. Tel. to liiH. Wu. ^-UllG-1'i. illtllni; Iclk'll lirciikfm.1 ri.. O-24MI. 7-3-iit Sport Shii-H, 12 to 18 1.25 lliM-l'Il, l,lTlM.lU'it, Till,. 2.00 M. A. MERCNER, Realtor- 13AM Y WAHIIBll.Tpili TlTvi frTTTnl Sweaters, 12 to 18 ....."."'...."'! 2.00 T. H, JUDSON, JR., II nil «l.% HI'OOL lll-HIS 'i. ini.'liiii IlilUllil llriinlt ll-IHIH. ; ulnli, .1il»22 . ruiiHiilii riidlo, ••x Gabardine Slack*, 4 to 10.. • '" V" 3.98 liUlll.1. Ill «• id unliliiH •urn I'.'llnr z.50 IK ultk-, , lint f.inillil.,11; B(.| ,,f ]„,„.,. Broadcloth Pajouia., 4 to 14. '"' 2.98 Z.40 l llvlni iKim Midi 'WO IS I'.tSE {•I».«r.7l7l~ : oiii:yelo|iiiediu; •-i-nri'li llitht'. Mil II 1.1 III-. |,lu,'i. and lilU-ln.Mi. Dungaree, by "Chip.", covrboya p.Vnlid'un'." 3.60 Z.flO I ft) tun • UIB. . Wi-. L'-:iL'21-.l. sluivi-, Bizi. 7; nn.'ill Blnk iic r eather 9 Wll .Vow null li.oi-a "ill. New \\ e 2IK16 Jl ?.iif?* »' ' ' - 12, 13, 13 !i, I only .... 2.98 1.50 KU-i(lii wllli nil Tivi, NTIOIIKHI, nun p;mi.|. ttiTTTT Chip* Set, 8 fo 12 con.i.ting of u ilttai;h. by li foet S tiltrlu t. C.ill 1' ,0'irt. FTo7Kl7SIiri 7(1*. It * H. » mini,, rif II,,, l,iUv.t •hort, .hirt and matching rob« lies 8.98 1917 pjtlcruii. Ui'EhniliiK m EDWARI? A. CAM1IX0, S. A. SAUNDERS, »i.!)5 fur COUlHHi lllC-ETU l-'OVITi! liri- HAROLD E YOUNG CO. II EI.M STItEteT save Your Waste Paper For tallotuil lo ill. The m>.*. ptar.tir Young Folks Toggury 1SW CBMtfUb ATE. . W RBAtTOH T*l. WE, i'.OOMl . Evc«., Wt!. 2-1013 covers* cin bti orilnj-ct/. for 1*3 'i.i 233 E, Broad SI. _ WE.ttteU 2-3180 Joy Scout Drive Sept 7th Inquire It. & !-. Auto iitnti-u, 101 B. Broad St., \V'«»tanlil 2-SS90, Opsa Monday Niuhl ""~ ,' „ , CIoBed WednBsd«' _THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1047 HELP WANTED SERVICES is" IinpoTiaMMtJ^ tSiftfSt^ill^^^^B SERVICES and the Visiting JJurse Associa- With greats j, f (a^iifney-'rth* nuw- the RppMjsrtrtpBelpI^JBg^M tions in several lolnmuimits or tin? .: home iitWng cialwd upon to B Vg WAJSTED *O deliver a«ws. Vm-LIAH I1OBSEU interior «.n« Cites Lack Of ing «*r?leW:'«l f|iP'»Sf;fipj!^M "apera—murnlngs, evenings «nd exterior painting; skilled mech- S|KO—Risk HoKifil Had Cut. state to work out co-operative e*rv- care for the (dii'dSlio patient, the J AUTHORIZED subject!,. Cttrolua t, ClarSE, are direoU? availiJ!iera -B*Wj^M anic; pergositl supervision. Call . (Yale), IX. B., Bd. M. »S« ice3 mnoe 'both are deeply interest- patient who iieecjg tohfe.term care ^SSffi FACTORY SERVICE CRsnfora «1672H ?JS italn Ave., Weetflokl, 'phone Facilities For ed In promoting eaily uiu^nosia for an iilnesj |rii»i) :^hkh there is 2-SS3I. 7-J-tt" and treiitment of cancef,' tut little hppVgii Wo»ei'y but won tne: eot»>J!v ^>W5j«j*yj»j||i^^H ON MAYTAG WASHERS | CSUNFOR0 PIANO CO. „ which doe* iwfc W^ujre ^he type of j of pttMio w^d;:fcffl^ijy§ii|i|j( Heltable Tunhifr tind Itvpnlrlujr. "The licensed nursing home pro- idw tha preka^»£; n#^;^i||j§l ALSO Repairs on Bendlx anil other; .1 NOUTH AVE.. E. CUM. (1-2721.1 MOVIHG~fRUCKING Cancer Treatment vides the opportunity /or service iei-Vice» atforde4;iir\g«i*ral hospi- : : makes. i-J-'il to many types of patients fwir, tals to pstt«2j£S;wifl}"scute illness- !ong»term piliirit kqid':fej^" ;l||iif|§ WE STIM, 1IAVR lluOM fur a few : ; fhanom jti facilities VAN'S APPLIANCE CO., JEnnV K. 11ONNETTI. small lots of Btora^e. Sargent's varied social and economic Bettings. eg, :-."-^;'3?5'"-;.V> . "" ; 2(K1 IIOIM I'lj. , MB. 2;« Local andd kons UiDistancs anoe MovlMpvlnn e Advisory Group 'In many instnnces the so-called iido-soa OKNTBAI- AVE. Painllnir, MtwornHitw, I'nperliiiiiKJnff. —all loads Insured. WE. 2-3OS3. WE. S-STSU (lunlli) Fnlnlinic "1 l.o«r«t Prlrm. 7-3-B Reports Need For terminal cane**: natJjiiti especially 7-3-ot 7-8-51 JVST COMI'l.KTKI) , if he is indigent,fimfUkd the wel- ew FlrepmiiC Slurnttfe WorfhAaA* I oi ths New Jei-scy State Pppart. -\1 PAINTI1VC AJfll DKCOH.tTIVU » hotiheliold and commercial. Substitute Care fare house Mited" to his need, ft laurior an*. Kxtrrlur Work. WM. HINTERLEITNER one altUance atid local tnuvlng. nifiit uf Institutions and AgenciM," -j. Cl«rw«i4, N. 4. H».uib»ble llntra. W_. 2-4464. Reasonable rules on POISON IVY ' PAIKTINC ANU moving and HtoraKe. JIany cancer patients are not i»- 7-8-51 I.. 1. SIIKUHAK . WH 2-MT1-J DfCOOHATI.NU »-3-St IIKNKV P. TflH'NUF.Nn, curalle do require u long pe- DERMQCEN — An im|>n>rcd BKnVK'l^ 241 MIHTII AVE., Wn PHOTOSTATS, WE, WKSTP1BLD, N. 3. riod of treatment before they can non.tlaininf gre»elaii latioo, l.oifHl docutnenta and discharge 7-s-rt Aa»l—Alllrd Van Llam, IM. be rehabilitated. Proper facilities b*lpi to r«li»»« itchinc mni OFFICE PERSON, »»mlU»r wit* papers. 24-Uour nervlcfe. West* 7-i-st for treatment of the cancer patient w«*kiB| irritntlaA u»»4 by TELEPHONE ANSWERING flelil Studios, 232 Bust Broad St. KBKTg _ WINOOW^CLK.VMNO — i 7-3-St Cleaning & waxing floors, wnlls & UOV and for those suffering from P.itoB Ur. DERMOCEN U • woodwork cU-anijil, scitttn & glorm a chronic diseases me lucking in the nlmfcl* (Jdition ts th. Flr.t , f. -: / HOMS __ _ windows repalrod. SstabllBheOl 14 AM Kit. Now in Weitfi.ld years. 41V South Elmer street, (tl'ICK Trui-klna- * Hlcntaa st"tc> 7-3-r.t Repulrs *nfl cle«nin> from cellar flla N. J. Telephone WR 7-a-rii The AdvUovy Committee on Can-1 cel, Control o(>^e Medicnl S()duty| RISItilHICK M. BROWN A GREAT AID TO EVERY BUSINESS MAN Auto Mechanic AI.CTIO\K K Sold at JARVIS LlquldStkiri oft Estatet, Antique!, W^Batt ™Va™«5"cont»act^,rvi?w* facilities in New Jersey rlonca Oriental Uug«, Fine Houaehold WE. 2-iOflO-M. We will aiuwor your telaphone from 9 A. M. to Onportur.lty MTD DRCORATINn. Furnishings, Brio-a-Brnc. ™~ " * ' " for treatmeht of cancer patients : MtUJHalaleM •-e7» S P, M. wMkl* *» SShoih o •tar. I'nrit Ave. triti e on MMoliilnyn. Tnp rtotl. the Neyr Jiiaey Diyi»ioA, Ameri- HEARING AIDS rialuilsld, N. J, HUOKING 81'fSCIALIIITI. . HANS CHRISTENSEN Old shintrlfK rt'nnllnl, roufa re- VK. 2-12!i(l-J; WH. S-4CS0-J. can Cancel' Society. ' H All Thi» MMnritt incluil«t the makinc of your butinet* paired and treated. WE, 2-4G1I) 71'1-lt 1 T-10-31 ...-. .-• ";^;.;w».;v«j»i» . or 2-3S0r!.W, G-2S-13t It was pointed out the Cancel mil •!• »>!!• appointment*, ate. Society is seeking to bridgge the] '^rniTai WOMAN to mgfce Mtf DttICK WORK, Vln|Mlaoes flilil brick atep», l^rank grag m of co-operatiopi n witih visiting! I'I,, 4.MTM ri,MNPUSl,n, N. 1. office. 1 and repaired. QlHlnc. Locksmith. Novello, . Ma»on Oonirnctor, 1,23 »Alf»> and knew your telephone will be answered. Hiploy Placid WE. 2-oaid-n. nuree groups i n several parti of! MMIVU'BMAN Delivery lyrflce.) Mrn Mnn- 7a5t I luuidled n ri>ntli rlnim an'cok nro thhe statet . *Tf ha'Canceh C r SocietSity pro- ExrolMU '.Million for inntl exppr- lyre, 1ft Elm.r it.. **" I-25EJ. t»n rt pnllpy thnt linil bpen In Torre vides fund's Sot "retxeshar" train- ji>m«>[l un!£ muchlr.flR, olec- CONTRACTOR, — Him for Juftt one year. Twti H«inl-an- Monthly C6*t only $10.00. irk'Bl appliances, l'holle WE. !- nlinl premllunn hnd been paid, nut ing of viaitlnK nurses and for vis-! and Mrpenfent P wor.kk, flaffetonerie tor ter- 93.000 WIIH delivered to the wltlovv. •:.CH. I CENKRAL JOBBING—No ob too '.permanent jBsuhalt drlvn" ' - its to cunctr patients Unable to pay ways i ^BeljEten btoefip \ How can you lin'ot-d to tuke a tshnnce SECRETARY •mall—promp•mall—pro t Mrylctw. , l.elgh, bi when your family'** Tumulty Is in- for their own bedside nursing care wvruty far 4«nM4#4 •!»>» We offer other butine** service* t Public Stenog- ACl'IVl; IIIOAL KS'I'ATK ulnmu Coll WE, 2-i»«4>M. 7-3-St ldadsf drains. T>. Vlliane and ii* tvnrk In fmlrii llt»MPaMm4i wantcrt fui- ,ittlvt ofl'tccf. Apply Cnnl«Hl»| WE. 2-0776, WE.. volved? * at home. "« ; ": , raphy, Mi«MO«rapliint, Direct Mail Advertiiing, IIAIIOM) <:. VOl'Xf. CO. RESPONSIBLE POSITION Jir Oiitrnl Are.* LAftTEnino. Flant«w. CMAMI HARRY n. W1M.M0.N. "Recent studies nave dramatical- etc. . • . HIJ X J work. Sp«ol«ltr In chlmn«y« and •P«<1II ArtAit> ly brought to ,oti* *ttentibn the se- ALSO flrep!ne««. Fmnk Navcllo, Mason RO0MK0, HOOF RKP Tkt Contrnctor, »H Blpley Pl«e«, Tel. —«••<•»•« Lite luiruit tvelc»iiCf PI) TWO H. s. niKLS want JODB B* II. * B. MOTOII KAIiKII, baM»Hters. Cull We, 2.23C4-.M or E3URNITURE REPAIRING the local program must come from We. 2-2013-W. lMP SHADRS Mn4« To I>r4«r 3.12 X. Broad It.. within and be supported,by indi- DOM MAXWBI.1. . WEilllM Z-«n« new or rebuilt from old frtttties, KI.IX VMKT1I, X. .J . EI.I*. .1-.MS> omi, wmil-s part time job ss IDS Mountain Ave, Also noapltM Lampft rev>uired untl reVJirurl. ftcn- 7-J-5t viduals and agencies—-public: and mothtT'fc hplper. "We. 2-0720-J. boa. - 7-3-st uonabie prices. Callotl for and niiKvrci) LAtLtnuBiis would >ruperly attended. Howard 1041 MKUCinV STATION H cancer and other chronic illnesses like wtjvk to do in own TlotftR. 2-36U4-M. 7-3-51 exoellent condition. $1800. are not incurable but do require Cull We. 2-8343 between 10 and faiFhcar, 1009 Columbus Ave. Tel. 2-0H46. la noon Friday. WK. 2-2MS. 7-3-nt PERMANENT a long period of treatment before OJ.BT, <-door nedon, 7a,- they cnu bo rehabilitated. G1UI* WISHES clays work, Monday, DRIVEWAYS 000 milew, engine, tlre« nll'J body Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I,cmtcr DriiliiH, Coni^rvilnK, OTnil- good condition, inuke offer. V" "Hume care may precede oi' fol- •i, . >ve. 2-a2!tS-M. REFRIGERATION inir, HeedliiM', lIlllliloReT and 'I'rnv- 2-S650-U. low hospital care, or may in itself flnrrli>.R/r mid Hepntrlitjr AH MakM, ' v?u-Division, American Cancer Society way. Wrjtd or 'phone HaUw&y 'Tot S3 Yam We«tllel4'i FowmoM sxa v:iiin-r si. aon or vacatlow. Linden 2-7464. 7-1200, K«8/iBion. ?y7,,Str. B. H, I'lnno Tutaer." «*:. S-13011 . .; 7-3-St jSlmlts, Fo<;iiup)|!eJ J)cnart,|>)ent|j cs TAXI la nan- oyrriKtmc <_r&> nm nw outh X44 W«jl«mt5t.. WE. 2.2325 KXI'IOHT THKK SMIIVIflO. t-uri'd ittnv lmblllty lliHur westerly direct Ion nlong snJd side HtmbH X,Alm, «t Piano Tuner7.3-t.t • &vev«r»«n tthrnrlnir. F Call We. 3-4261. i line of Spring Ktroet from ItH Inter 111! POST la.S'OINBHlt, Win-, and JL J^iiwn. Cnre. section wltn the southerly side line oiilld want unfuriURheil 4 or more of South Avenue, which betduniitg romn liouHe or npartment. Will Bulldozer — Excavating point In In the dividing'-line between pay yp to one year's rent In ad- Hough Krmilna* I'luiii cicntiiiiK' lota nine (il) find ten (10) In Ulock THEY'RE STILL TALKING ABOUT IT vnnee. Contact W. J. CoraeB, KH>IAM3i\T itHIVIiWAVS, our KNliiimleN in a Boutheitflterly dlroc- 7-3-3t dump trucks for Hire. '['«!. 1*1. U-2MW ur l'A.V. 2-70ON-W tlon aloui? aahl dividing Hue a dl«t- above photograph werQ other and Other sites were then considered IILVK MTAU TlUC nnce of ilfty-four /F»4> feet more or CATHOLIC FAMIIiV, with 2 daUBH TREES AND SHRUBBERY less to n point, running thence (2) more exasperating problems than the and, of the seventeen offered ns de- ters find Infant non. Is desirous BOMB IHrnOVEMENTI 40 rn.M si. AND m:rAiHs VI 1!:!fO^ Kl) In a northeasterly directio1 n and still deplorable condition of the business of InratlnK n*»ar Holy Trinity along said dividing line ii dlatnnce sirable by the Committee, the Council lUnti School in Wosifiold, foi- next CAnPENTEll AND MASON T7OHK. ROCK WALLS ERECTED nf five (f>) feet' more or 1e»« to n center, at Broad and Elm Streets, after approved the purchase of the Sinclair G yellrn or longer. Need YioUNe or ,AMJ CI.M tE *fi;PI — Clutlr point, running: thence (.1) In a. ttouth-1i the rain. Here, in a small room, be- apartment n-lth 2 or 3 bedrooms, HANS CHRISTENSEN caning1. A. Minor 162 Mountain SI.ITHJ TANKS easterly direction nnd «tlll along , lot, at Walnut and Elm Streets, for unfurnished. Will assure perfect ( Cnl! A. It. WIQNT, rAmH hind the closed doors and windows, WE. 2-1837 Ave., Weatllald 8-3038-M. IC no HIIIU divlrting Unit a distance of ftfty-,1 $13,000. The vote in Council was cart, and maintenance. Please 7-3-Bt answer,, 'plione evenln&H, 7-t T-r.t two (?i3) feet moie ur IOSH to a cull Mr. Nelson, collect, Routh point in the rpftr 3ine oi lot twenty-, above the corner grocery store, the close, 6 to 4, and the minority proved Orange 3.1SS9. . ?.3-3t -7-3-5t IH.V 171li—I1E(JIST RIOAUIKO 'J'lie 1 four (24) in «ald Mock, running 1, Mayor and his official family fixed the KlTCIlliN MOIIK.nNI7.lNC. For ex- MCK DFIOllIO. Wc*«lrM render—Published every thence (4) tn ii BOiithwcuterSy direc- highly vocal. A week later, 300 citi- ll''f'1'—•*•• AKTME.M' or SMALL port advice, prices nnd workm&n- TlmrsiUvy afternoon, Mrw. P. Har-tion alonjj tlio dividing line hetWRen | tax rate, determined the nature and flhlp on aufitoTn hnllt modorn Hcl- All Klml* of AlnNfm \Vi>rk. rlHon, 76B Clark St., will rucelve I I'I' nlno (!)> and twenty-four (21) zens met in the Wcstficld Club Hall Wifurnlslieil |,oun(,, needert l>y 1 extent of • public improvements, and . rouble. No children or Dels. Best enco kitchens cilll fildewnlka, CLivbn tnul l")ilvcw;iyB. twC tickets to «ee koretta Young to protest against building a town hall 015 <;I:\TU.VI, AVI;, iinit Joxeiih Gottejt In T'lie Far- in «ald Mock a dlHtnnt'C of thirty references. Writs Bos 02, Leader. tlir«o (33) foet to ft point, rminlntr did their conscientious best, in a on any site, at any price. Again the 7-IO-U HANS CHRISTENSEN tun ivcMiiiviii -'-ison-w, mer's Dn tiff liter" lit fTTo 2'Un.tlo 'Piu-'*i-n. Wo.4tJleId, Tuesday. July thonct! (B) in a northwesterly dlreo- changeful decade, to keep down tho WE. 2-1837. 7-3-5t tlon and along the dividing lino be- Council demurred. In March, another notion mid wii'ia, «„< ,xiw. -be- • • • . • . 7-3-Bt 22, 1947. high coat of living. Here there was PBRMAIVKNT nniVKWATS, sl(l6- tween lotH.eiicht (8) umi nine (») in I : group suggested the purchase of the IIJB trnnafomiil lo the ()n\K»ollt walks, tanrtBcaplng. KatimateB The holder of tbia advertisement said block ft dlstilnca of one hun- I'Uiilt «f Oonrrnl Aniline, wlnh to glvqn without pnl(gallon. How- will present proper Identification tired five feet nnil live tenths of n always a storm brewing I Westfield Club House—^"a most desir- rent a 2-boaYoom anarltnent or at The Lender Oft Ice la order 1O»Ji_ss Knit nrousl Sit. ard Batt, Jr.. Oonoral Contractor, foot (10T..5') morp or IOHH t.) a point kount, preferably h, Wefllflnlrl. wBsw>mw •phone "WE. Z-306B-M. 7-3-&t to rerolv« thft tlcikets. In the H'llfl HOtlthetiHterly slile lino .Not the least of their worries con- able property!" While the plans were Ij-terenci.., furnlHiini, Write 'Box of SprliiK Strtiet and rxinninff thpnuo being prepared, the Council decided _^- 61. Leader 1-10-Jt (6) In n northejiHterly direction j cerned the building of a "decent town iiR, 708 Cen- LEGAL NOTICES illonff said Kldt! lino u dlKtfUiet; of to abandon Gale's Club House nnd en- <»VAI. ourtCKit iioHlri'. u, rent WKStKIELn noldentlnt Service— hall". The question when, where and Howe pnlntlnff, roonner, sruttera tral'Ave, Wcstllcld I"nOpOSAI,S FOB twenty-eljrht (2S) feet to Hit? liolnt gage more commodious quarters in '-iieiirraiin, unfurnished home ov and lexdera, window caulking, 7-10-U lllld ot UKQ1NN1NC1. wherewith to build had been debated, nwrtnifnt, contact, Lt It. U lenoral repairo. WE. 2-8105. MGHa Town Clerk Lloyd Thompson's Stand- **«c16 and re- plant was partially destroyed by fire, chine: moderate prlcoH. R. B. BUSINKSS SERVICE, 128 Quimby Inpr of snld Cnuncll to bo hald nt tho corded tho same date in BOOK G!'1 "tired of being kicked around from St., "Wesilleld, N. J. WJ5. 2-r*r.t<1nlre«. reject any anindd alnill l)lHIIUO WOTIt'H Jersey, in AiUlolpiitlon of the one year, with the option of purchas- 7-3-r,t Honnhla prices. WlQat. _-481O or PHIJUC Notice IH hereby (jlven thnt nnce of horulH, Uoml Antlclpulion 1 ing the propei;ty for $8,000., within ordinance to purchase the Thompson S-3305-W, 5-22-13t nn orilhiiitiRo entitled us ff>llo\v« W«M of Haiti Town which shall not' pnHMt'il nnd iidontml h>- tho Council exceed In agrKretrato principal that time. At a special meeting in building wa* passed on first and sec- TELEPHONE "WATCH nmPATtUNG of the Town »f AVcHtflehl at a meet- amount the aum of four thousand ond reading. Owing to the sturdy op- One weeK eervico on most JobH, ing1 theroof ln>l47. aollnrn (lOOD.OU). Bald notiw nhnll July, it was decided to ask the voters 11 All worK dona on premises. Thin bear Interest at a rate %\'hleh nlinH position of Councilrnen Floyd and •Kliv•tin iy |,,"''""",", ,'" W«»tflel, d, ,or ANSWERING CHAUI.RS OtiAHIC, to approve the purchase of the prop- No y Hn Bt N() u|ll ( r< n la ft full time Job me (not Town clork. not exceed ftlx per ecnl, per annum l!(1 BOOKKEEPING a hohby). Hours—l to c p. in. ainl may he reneived from lime to erty, and the building of a town hall Middleditch, however, final action was ffili l li , fi-"'''nu..» furnlslicd. July ifjth, 1047. tune pursuant to ana wlttilu the 1J(». c/n".' --,' = 1:'-«' "•• write Box MAILING Cloned vVficlnnsrtstys nnd Hundays, smciAT onoiNAivon \ «ra theroon, at a cost not to exceed $75,- postponed for a decade. Nothing V; itOSHNAOKL, AJV OHIH\A\t;i<3 VKt| 01 Al presidential year, and a large majority passed and the Thompson Building Sikt. I ,',' ' THAl-HBH woulil 1IA1HOS, lKKT ileclared that the period of uBoful- I bus™ "'."" wltli n prlvnti. family, UNION COUNTY jHt oreiAnnsBS. -1 7-11 Peon 13.00 nen.1 of the purpose for the III preferred rather to vote against Wil- became the property of the Town for HING MA(;IIIM_S, I:TC. of which said noteUHMs navo to uttl)I.IO NOTICE ii polloil or thirtty (30() ) yyi*ii liam Jennings Bryan than to vote for R. Yeagery vhflro ynu may en !1( with the Public Notice i*t heroby irlvon mt from llhhi (ln(line of snin d in .1920. Since then, a rather timid nesurftiico of snilfifactlon. that tin ordinance at ft-hlch tho fol- a town hall. The Council was left 225 E. Broad St. lowing: M a vopy, wan (ntroduoocl, ts lmrol»y in a quandary. Having moved into majority has occasionally expressed ''So' ?j;Bpi»i<'>iV.'"a "ndu\"»,uri WESTFIELD 2-5614 MAYFAIR RADIO, Inc., reuO imil pns.sest on llrMt rentllii)? by that tbe .S ntal Dfljt !0T CHIIilinY ST. thi? Council of tHo Town of \Vest- Gale's Club House, they didn't know the hope that Westfield some day will I-01" We :%!« ''' »»'"••••"««>»• Tel. Wi-»tlli-U\ 2-:utl3 lidH nt » liiiii-llnR I10I1I .Inly nth, been duly mnilr- nui have n Municipal building worthy of 7-3-r.t 1517. •iml tlml tho Hiiia Cuuncll will olllc.. of tlie Towr. (Merle of Killd what to do with the placo. Time was further consular tlio same for llntU Town, and tlmt sdi-lt HtuKMiii-iit !io running out on thorn. But, as antici- its historic associations. "'*" !•• n7.' - •-'•m.i; *iMil>fe nlno wiilln nnd woooworK wiwliwl. ISI.I5OTII1OAI, ItOlTSR WIHIlsC pnHHiiRn 011 (lie BStli (lily t>r Julv, IIIIMI Mholva Hint The m-oiis. ileht (if 1 | v/ull oulli-tH nml DWIIclieit inumll- 5 "'"! lion,,. ,„"" ll"»'lni a«»iii- , "' '" <'i' wi» nmlllEAll'I'U'lt!, Alumlnnm Wnll THe nllliff, "WB. 2-»6'JI-.l. R-lB-lOt BulKllnp, 121 I'ruupoct. Btr»et, Wnal- '*«• •• p',.flr""',T !'"r'- »' !>'•>"»- liiHtniled. SiKtoon colors lo ennono fl.'ld, New Jprr!':y, nt wliU'.h tlmo -ml mx.-H aulhorlzod liy (his ovilln- "' *"-in M • Ho»r.|l,. I-HI7.1 nnd plnco nny P"r«on who Hiny bo anco will be wllliln nil .Iclil ltinlln- W. UOMUHll. Permanent Driveways llitfrc.Htiil tlinr^Sn will bo gU'en mi iioiis predcrlbwl hy said Imv. laa anlmby SI. opPfiitunUy to li.»hnll tnlti- i-C- 30 WIC. 2-5501). co.NX'Hivi'i: wonic suoh uraiuanfH). feet Hveni\- dfivs< nl'li.r tin- flr.^t THE WESTFIELD TRUST COMPANY 7' J-i»t Curbing—Concrete or Rock inilillcntion theivor after Iliiitl ,""" in- in,,.;,' 1 r "' 1 >'"•"> «i«n- s cwinic, (ID !*'1!" In nd,:.,',' " *"" I'"!'. 8 inn. Landscaping • '".»n t.;•".) •,,'•>H 1'. HfitrJnnil. l.IVOI WM HlnK T<»IJ» Heimlrcil. Town Clevlt, (•• Ml nnd uiliililril 11)17. Now tol« InhtlUlpa Tfiuwi nect'S- Estimates FreeSy Given SPl 'XIAl, (IIIIJINANCI! NO. 2 uury. (nil ,\. II. WKST We, «-n27U-VV •iftOO Capital Funds Exceed 1Q4- W. I1OI.IIIBB. TUI: A<'«inwiTjo\ OK i.o'r o. 1892 1V4/ .40 lia' (Vuiinliy S<. lMlblh: Ni lli-i. !•• hiMLliy RIVC I Hi $1,100,000 •\IVI'IN<>—lll'.l*"!'.' III.IK'IC IIDIl. KNOWN AS \O. II »TTitt it?i nisi! ir inri'lliui lii i'i! li 'ltl M. iinl. If. 19li, lit r-lntit {'•Ti1!!" ••.•niW.V-1',"'::!..'".11.1 ».'"irt'- [,,Mi.l,.. i.ntHlrl.-. V. IT rm1.1Af.VKD hy the July 2Sih, 50 Cull WH. 2-13-IS. 7-17-lv of fin. TIIM'IAf.VKII of M'eslflfdd) liy . In 'Jin l f llnit'l. jit Hif VmiKS, C unly ';i>.;-.'*, nil il nt' !I||. 'I'fiU'll 2-ai3»: it mi niui Alum l.ii rt'tlliill Hit, Intel or parm-l r 'J.--1 '•'< ml iiml tr.-i U.'IIH?, h-ituat!-, Ivliu; ni mls J. !ilH;hS In )>nviim-i A.'.BII. N. J. . i;.:ii- licliKr In tl TulVll nf W,.mrleld, I iiiicnt ta': llfii I M-IIJlli-tur Broad and Elm Sta. Westfield, N. J. -17-31 llin l-mmtv • f I'nlfiii and HUiU. 1 ivcrlnic l.ol. Nil. SI SildfK 180 '; «• .lersoyI . w-lilell l« more imvtlev i nn Nn. H2 1-jH^. iO A " GLASS "AND MIRRORS Slllli WALK". *'i;l,t.AK !i rl.r il"»erlhi. Better Rail Service Jltig&tiqn both before the tive director of Sister Kenny In- the federal courts with stitute meet with national direc- PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING I to many pliSMi of the Ceri- tors of the Institute. SPECIALIZING IN One of the old timer* still on the job. Railrosd problem. He said In accepting the post for this MAKE-UP ANALYSIS For expert work calll—» Wiilwad had divided into two drive, the ftatc chairman said, "The Sister Kenny Institute drive 'companies, a Pennsylvania com- bers volunteered to bring this be- The Sister Kenny Institute drive * For a Demonstration A. Vredenburgh * »«y showing a profit while the fore governing bodies of commun- ter Kenny diive ran from the last 'thithis year will ccalll for tthee unstintunstn - TUNEK AND UEBUII.Dtsit tfew Jersey road shows a losa. the ities not at present active in this week in November through De- 1 ing efforts of every man, woman CALL WESTFIELD 2-0519-R ExtMie* Furmcmtt On Repair Work Arr»«»««. ' urban passenger service being fight to prevent curtailment or cerabcr. lam! child in the United States. No 740 North Are., W., CRANFORD Tel. Cr. 6-0123-M 1 Tf»ponslble for a considerable elimination of passenger service in tpdtihn of the latter. Under the this area. "•-•---- d reorganiiation plan, the It was pointed out that discon- y,,satd, «*«.railroad, ijould tinuance of trains W« affect not. il-or discontinue trains }f itonly persons using the trains for i * IOM of $500,000 for each passenger service but business in f two wiccestive years. general as the railroad accommo- jfc Mr. Knraa declared that the use dations have attracted many per- F the Central tracks and facilities sons to build or rent homes along f the Baltimore & Ohio as -well jag the Central line. "; Beading loads complicates mat' A controlling Interest of the ,.;«! Railroad stock is held by O'Donnei] Heidi ' Seadlng Railroad while the I 0. holds about 40 per cent of Sifter Keaaey Drive atoek in tin Reading, it was Both B. A O. and Read- The appointment of J. Frank i become ''Central trains" O'Donnell, president of the Peter DAIRYCREST operate over the Ccn- Breldt Brewing Co., Elizabeth, as

For An Ideal Gift REFRIGERATOR GIVE CARTON Personalized - Napkins, Coasters, Stationery. Pencils. Matches A;- -V A few eWen ft««. taw ••»*<• **•**• Dairycrost NOWI / Ifcily ~ 9 A. M. to f P. M. tm Mmiif *•* FrMkf Etwaia* Until 8:30 P. M. * IDEAL COFFEES-Jr45ci Unmatchable flavor held' it Hi best by vacuum packing- *OSC0 Coffee a 39c 2 a 77c f"»'i Fine South American coffeis, expertly bltndcd and hiat-flo roasted,

%' ' ^Win-Crest CoffeeiV.37c 2'^73c A Hahfrr bodltd, y>t strong tasting eoff«». Try IH PEACHES Annla Juice "°V 17c WHn>* VAM CM*! ^ « •»•» SALE Fancy freestone. T M Tomdl Juice 2 c eans OF OUR EXCLUSIVE ; S#rv« peaches Grape Juice Jl'S 25c ° vm ^ ' ? T \ »« « end ice cream! KnpiiS«^t-?S tt'-? &tt AfmourTreet'r35c "MADEMOISELtE" |pZn-» f^ii Cocklai1 aifc Swift Prem '£ 35c i A url c ami RHYTHM STEP Lmon luirp ™- Sr . ""' Hath ""* *""' 26c ^ ^ Lemon juice Mn JC u,ini'. T*MI* o i^.. 4A nasn winmsiOi- Urge, sweetredripe^ 26 lbs, overage, SHOES ounw.Hi IWMI oMnmuir nliniS i«,H 3 «... I7C MMOURI SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS ON SUMMER SHOES Juice3r.'25crf9c SifiiH .71»* ,fr Chopped Ham '£ 43c AND DISCONTINUED MODELS OP DARK SHOES tomatoesbox17 Orange'^3^2^ fStSSJ - 25c Nabisco Rib Jt 29c 600 PAIRS OF Firm quolity, perfect slicing V-8 "214c t^ 29c Spaghetti \tS.117c Cheez-lt Jr ££ We "MADEMOISELLE" •T.95 .95 SHOES 00 BeanS Green Peas ^T 3 !Sir 29c Beans^^U'^c Arrowroot ^X 18c f] ^ " Originally 12.95 to 15.95 -8 Celery Hearts^ " 1?c ioaf 300 PAIRS OF Enriched Supreme Bread 12c P It tastes better, roosts better, and stays fresh longer. Try a loaf! £ RHYTHM STEP tan • ••»*»••»# • •* i SHOES .95 SlringBeans2:.;v25c Corn tML 13c Milk Z£L12 23c I ' NOW 6 6 |]Q j-i'iiiiuicuaii k . Originally 10.06 sSBeans '*• 14c Butter Kernel,, ::" 17c Grahams "t P XS 26c ' Blueberries Lima Beans af 10c Cbrnfc--^-°-»iA»r 3-MinufeOatsrCulS Bmlltll, J9-oi. carn 19'•>'c» ; • BROKEN SIZES BUT A GOOD ASSORTMENT wu>w ,« Fruit Cocktail 2£ 38c \ ALL SALES FINAL Peas '£"• 17c ZUC CHOICE UNKEIED HALVES ! , Government Graded "U. S. Good Carrots SlanJori J 1 r,|».,_ DAIRY DEPt. FEATURES I/C LflTSUP ,^ Apricols T 29c * 2 C Your favorite dilry food is here I Chuck Roast v S H'H Chili Sauce ^..,. ..v . -•-- DAVID BRUCE Ltd. b 1 14c 11 c FINE FOOTWEAR and ACCESSORIES Good Luck MargarinePl ,. 40c ...JT ™. '"' Pickles *•",", 19c IffifS **"* ^ Asco Margarine £,. 37c 137 PARK AVENUE ft PLAINFIELD, N. J. ,49 g Asparagus ^T 29c PickleJUNKEs "£££%T 23c MayonnaisSPRe Y«-i- 39c Telephone PUInfield 6-7S14 Bone m. Sav-U-Trim gives you more '. Larad ».it Pur. fwni t Potato Salad Rtnnat Fowder Open Daily Till 5:30—Thund.j Till 9 Chef's Best i'/i-«. Q- Cloied Monday., July and Aufu.t =»»"uT^r,r-.ment graded i cto ^: sic pickaft 7 \d l fc "," 19c Ut C»l, Cnamy »»nnil-Cuita;di ft 42c'it 1.19 F,My fc< iC. ..: JWISS eh..» OVC American «.'.'" ">• 43c JIFFY „,. Serv» <««V «"»" for a ch'nfl" Devonshier BALL Zinc-Top Pabstett "^r *.„,23. 23c c PIE CRUST OLD ENGLISH MOTHERS! here's an easy I Fryers ^.T »• 45c Borden Chateau Bread Crumbs MASON JARS V- Delicious,, economical, easily prepared! Aged Cheddar -^ 67c 14c way to give children medicines fc c Agtd 10 Month to 1 Y.or. Dout» n / tj\m ,.j Ducklings ^w k J* Boneless Veal Roast ' we Glendale Club ea Ba ls 35c Woodbur Facia| Sog 3 25c; Fresh Ground Beef lk 4Vc J i , r •' - y p - lk CHEESE FOOD V, Smoked Tongues 47c deal Fancy Apple Sauce ^ 17c Noxon Metal Polish ,5.21c ^ lb S[lc«t, ipriadt t GreSolvent HG V Skinless Franks 49c and teatti iigler s Apple Sauceu 2 ^ 29c Gre-Solvent "«'"" ""PS«n 13c FAMIIY MdDICINES ptrfcctly y:?n, t5c Kirkman's Gran. Soap ,, SINCf 11)54 lb 2 £ 79c I Beef Liver ^ -59c 19c t: ;35c Kirkma sC l HUMPHREYS lb ^ "•'• -—— w •••••IIIIUI"'I v UlWtllli/VI A« Ctint llX* BB B B Cc"" In tot FREE copy t>! «(.pari tooklrt. "Horn. | Luncheon Meat l£.i 55c OPEN EVERY 399C c ! lb Nik.*, A" •»-2 »"• $1-13 Kirkman's Soap Powder ^ 23c ' ' " °* "' "' Cottnoa AOmcnl. o( CMMn™TO JAdulfai. " Liverwurst -55c FRIDAY Niblefs Asparagus Alw"»,--'; 35c Films «£S 25c SS.29cii 33c MOUNTAINSIDE DRUG CO. Frosh Boston UNTIL ^ P. M. BORDEN HEMO KIRKMAN BELL'S PHARMACY BOND DRUGS, Inc. Powtl.r or liquid BLACK FLAG . Mackerel >b-15c 16-ci. jar SOAP FLAKES Liquid Insecticide 5% D.D.T. "in Quart -7C Bollls JjC * \ • Codft. 25c .TYPEWRITERS- OLD DUTCH KIRKMAN I Fresh Fillet of CLEANSER BORAX SOAP THOMPSON TvPtwiiTERs"'"Sc. I- Haddockft. 39c 2 -19c IWHOaiHAVBWUR PlM,fi.flO44. I. I — •—~—"™ for di- {or settlement of debt dispute be- tax liens—"staU would in effect be th. Governor Vetoes tween municipality and hospital deprived of its day in court In an \ considerable confusion. board's and boards of managers of cannir for indigent tick—"public A member of the board said the indeterminate number of cases in- iiannold (R-Gloucester) Re- county hospitals for communicable matter has not been discussed by Nursing Home Seeki Score OfBills hearings to establish uniform stan- volving unpaid corporate franchise quiring permit from Conservation diseases $10 for each meeting at- his colleagues since they expressed dards and regulations" will be rec- tax claims and liens." Department for wells more than 50 tended—"these measures would re- themselves in disfavor of the in- New Location ommended by the governor. feet deep — "inconsistent provi- verse u well-founded principle that Wei-Don, Redding (R-C»pe May)—M»k- crease at a board meeting a month Driscoll Gives McCay (R-Biirlinsrton, — Vali- sions" and "conservation functions such boards should be composed of ago. SCOTCH PLAINS - Union dating all public and private sales mg obligations of county bridge are, for the most part, already in- outstanding volunteer citizens with- Nursing Home which has been lo- Concrete commissions legal investments for eluded within the scope of' the out any monetary inducement." Under the new law, the Union cated at 2072 Mountain avenue for Reasons For All |;y county or municipality—would state and political subdivisions— excuse failure to comply with any broad powers afforded the Dejmrt- County board is one of 14 permit- six and a half years has been evict- sat eeuards • until such time as the earning ca- Mathis (R-Ocer,n)—Two bills to ted to vote its members maximum ed from ttie premises in order that Corporation A bill making use of aliases, faw» • ' imposed by i ment of Conservation." 1 parity and financial experience of peimit referenda at primary elec- salaries of $3,000 a year, a differ- t)i|» -vpspnt (}. I, y Q(,.(; . stage or pen-names a crime un- such commissions can be adequate- Wright (R-Essex)—Designating tions to permit pension plonB for owner ma U ence of $2,000, with an additional py hU house. , TRANSIT MIXED less registered with the Secretary Litveny (K-Easex)—Penalty for ly determined it would seem prop- April as Fight Cancer Month— municipal water department cm- salary of $600 for the director. of State wa3 vetoed last week by violating any weiehts r.nj meas- er to withhold such broad author- fully included in previously issued ployes—"it is highly questionable Until a new location is secured,! CONCRETE These come under the provision information may bo ha() by writ- Governor DrlMoll. ures regulations—"nowhere in the ity." executive proclamation. fleers—"it is highly questionable which embraces counties with pop- for Road*, Walks, Drives, Weights and Measures Lew is wncthor adoption of these IOCHI ing 2217 Westfleld avenue, Scotch The measure introduced by As- Van Alstyne (R-Dcrgen)—Al- Keim (R-Merccr)—State to re- ulations between 47,000 and 500- Plains. Foundations, Etc. then any provision requiring any imburse counties for cost of trial pension plans pan provide sound semblymnn Merrill H. Thompson lowing savings banks to invest in systems." 000. (K.-Monmouth) to hit at subver- publication or describing any meth. of an inmate of a state institu- od of promulgation of such rules! preferred stocks of public utility Ih smaller counties, the maxi- OFFICE> sive elements was among 11 bills and industrial companies under tion on charge punishable by death; Gosrdln* Hall disapproved by Driscoll. and regulations." I "no forceful reasons for the Intro- mum was set at .$5,000 and in R1AL7O BUILDING, , certain conditions—"our national | Freeholders Not counties with more than 600,000 Guarding the malli was one ot tha WESTFIELD, N. J. . With fictitious names often used Thomas (R-Union)— Salary in- banks and state banking institu- duction of this new precedent. 'jdd dutltt marines performed In creases authorized for clerks of population the top salary was set by plain clothes policemen, Drjgcoll tions opeiating substantial savings Bator

MEATS COSMETICS, STHEfiT FLOOR ThaniBouId ba nodoufct that prompt traatraent la vim than ntalact. Uaa Full Flavor — Tender Cein'a till*. II la baltar to raly on a Medicine that nahui won countrywidcountiywTdae ap>p- Install It Now! proval than oniGm.lhlnon eomelhln,," laaihrofibtr OWNED and OPERATED BY Known, ftwn'aI'I hava baaborna triad and tail- JOHN and MABEL LORTON II. J. GOERKE III. ELIZABETH OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 Open Thursday Nights 'til 9 CHRY8IIR #AIRTMP DOANS PILLS OIL BURNER

Modernize your old heating erate. It's engineered for long, Plant...putanendtoheating trouble-free life. Fully ap- woric and worries with this proved by Underwriters Lab- moaernconversionoil burner, oratories; behind it stands irs economical to buy and op- the Chrysler Corporation. PESTMASTER Visit or Telephone Today for a Free Home Heating Estimate Homemaster Sales Co. JR056 Westficld 2-5604 or 2-5607 TREATMENT 3-tn-l Roift Treof ment does triple duty Job without messy mixing.


T^TO NEED for more than one cabinet in the living room J- ^ with this Genera! Electric television set. It's a radio, fair Radio, Inc. too. The brilliant pictures are big enough for everyone in TUTTLEBROS. the room to enjoy. You see all the action in natural clarity 107 Quimby Street -heat every sound in natural tone. All 13 teievisioti dun- South Avenue nels-each one factory pre-Suned. Beautiful modern cabintt BELL'S PHARMACY Westfield, N(. J. •veneered in genuine Honduran mahoiranv. 201 East Broad St. , ; Tel. Weatficld 2-2633 $625.00 Plus Inatallntioi Paa* Ten THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 17. 1947 ceremony a wedding breakfast for Miller-Schade guests of Mrs. Rufus S. Tucker of Yvonne Hunter-Van Snevily 'Barbara Kennedy To Wed Jane Maddox Chooses the bridal party w«s held at tho V Hillside avenue this week-end. Mrs. _ _ Halfway House, Mountainside. In Engagement Announced Tucker will hohi open houw Sai- Wedding lhis Saturday i William Peden, Saturday August 16 For Wedding the afternoon a reception was held uiday evening for any of the Leigh- * .,. 7" ... -,, ' Mra. Barbara Butcher Kennedy, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mra. Anton Miller uf ABOUT TOWN ton's friends who wish to see them. Miss Jane Maddox, daughter of For(jFordss rfo f j,1100 Weaterve)Westervelt t avenueavenue,, Mount Pleasant, formerly of West- The wedding of Miss Yvonne t, htLT of Mr. anlj Mrs. charts Mr. and Mrs. James C. Maddox of: | from Dr. Hoy Dahlbtiom of AUIen nve- plBinfleI( i Upon thelr retorn field, announce the engagement of „ , _- - Hunwr daughter of Sirs. Raymond , A Butcher uf mi Wychwood road 624 Coleman place, has chosen weddln. „,,„ ,he coUt)i0 wI1J ,.e. nue returned- Thursda— - y from a si- x l'™he Hunter of 63^ BradfordI ave. i . ,j William Peden, their daughter, Margaret, to Mr, m be Ill!ln ie t(l Aug. 10 as the date for her raar.,8lde jn E1,M,£thi Juhn Schade, HUH uf Mr. and Mis, weeks business trip to England, nue ami Robert Van Keuren Snev- Robert wiliiam Pedell with SALLY ....„, to Roburl Gardner, son of J. D. Schade, 415 South avenue. Hollimd, Gcrinat.y ami Norway. lly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert I of rib ueivi,je,.e avenue and the St. Clair Snevily of 8o4 Btamlisli, , . , i , lnp; Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gardner of Miss Miller graduated from atc M] 1>f denj SutuR ny c en 125 Ludlow place, Home From Camp Mr. and Sirs. A. Guy Overman avenue, will take place Saturday'^ 0 0>|1(K.k at the Litt]e chinch Westfield High School and the New lt< i ' - lime—despite tho Mrs. Robert W. Pedeii of Delvi- uf the Boulevard and Mrs. Over- evening at 8 o clock at the home of • Al0uml tho Corner, New York, Tho wedding will take place at Jersey Beauty Culture Academy. man's sister, Miss Huth Jennings 11 a. m. in the chapel of the Cres- •un V"r J i weddings'and coun dere avenue has returnee! from hr>>' tlie bride. j JI,,S ]-)onlm LOU Hanlinirham of Eight young people returned Mr. Schade is a graduate of Con- try i 'i h • \rities arc keeping summer home on Luke Champlain have returned from Vincenncs, The Hev. Merle S. Irwin, asso-, Concord, N. H., sister of Mi's. Ken- cent Avenue 1'resbvterian Church cordia Institute, Bronxville, N. Y., Ind., where they attended the wci- in Plainfield, with the Itev. Dr. home Tuesday from the Presby- tho* .1 ' J in a constant whir to aliend the wedding of her don ciate minister of the Presbyterian | lwiyl W]U l,e matron of honor and and spent three years in the serv- —-and \ i U'I lists continue their William K. I'eden and Mrs. Bar ding" of the Ovei man's son, Guy, to Church will officiate. A reception j Miss Betty Nolan of Westfield will John Wesley Lord, minister of the terian Church Camp at Pennington ice. No date has been set for the Peggy Lou Neusbaum, which too! Ullllll.1 am « rings. bara Butcher Kennedy, which will will follow at the home. ,' be maid of honor. Mr. Peden will Methodist Church here, officiating. Island, near Frenchtovn, after a wedding. tntie place Saturday at the Littlu plnee Saturday. Accompanying A reception will follow at The them home was saotlier sister, Mrs. Miss Hunter will be given in | have his bi other, Robert, of Dur- week's stay. They included Doro- Ljit* nf pii IIJS for Yvonne Hunt Church Around the Corner, New marriagc by her brother, Uay-j Hngton, Vt., as his best man and Garden in Plainfield. Wi riaui^i •• 1 -f Mm. Raymond L. k J. A. Swaim of Russellville, Ark., thy Nein, Shirley Sanford, Cath- York. mond Loslie Huntfr Jr., nml her ushcii! will be Pin. Jim Peden, US Miss Madribx will have as her The royal antelope, tound on th« Hunter << I'Mdford avenue, and William Willoughby of who will be their guest. erine Gibbs, Joan Lowell, Barbara Mrs. gy maid of honor will bo Miss Mar-lMC, another brother and Robeit maid of honor, Miss Naomi Lau- Witt eoitt of Africa, ii th« imallett Vti Sue' .' fhoso marriage will ll Dixon, Shirley Williams, Barbara Plainfleld entertained for lift-lmra Mr. and Mrs."Malcolm Wright garet N. Inglis of 017 Lawronc? | Butcher of Westfield, brother of biicli of Finesville, N. .1. Mr. Card- o( til tru« cud-chewlnf anlmali. R Uk* iiiE-i ••htuTda.y evening at nt a dinner Tuesday night. Mrs. avenue. Cpl. Andrew J. Carroll, the bride-to-be, ner's best man will be Dave Kreutz Herr and Diana Hunter. T»otim\ Ii ;,' Van'V' s parentst , 1 and family of Hillside avenue ere Ii only about ten inchei kifh. - p, Robert I . Ashbtiugh of Kimball spending the month at Lake Pitas, of Albany, N. Y., at present -hos-1 Mrs. Kennedy attended Steph- of this town und ushers will bo JHr. aid Mil turn will entertain the bridal patty pitalized' at Walter Reed General: ens College in Missouri nnd the Jobert S. Snevity nf ant, N. Y. Bud Irion and William Irion, also i ue, entertained fit nt luncheon Saturday. Hospital from wounds received in | University of California and is a of Westfield. , ep»a hjuw f> them Saturday nft- -*• Mr, and MTH. Monty Campbell action, will be Mr. Snovily's best The bride-to-bo is a graduate of •mocn Tin member of Kappa Kuppa Gamma weie assisted by Mr. and Mrs, Knlph W, Atkinson entertained Tuesday evening at man. Ushers will bo Alfred J. sorority. Mr. Peden served as a Westfield High School and Tren- .?. Lowe, Mrs, Ken of Watcfrungfork arc home after the Starlight Roof for Mrs. Camp- Luessenhop, Harold Richardsor, naval air force pilot during the ton State Teachers College. Mr. Fahii-r kjjiiii Mrs- Robert a vacation at Ocean Grove. They bell's nloce, MIES Doris Hall of Douglas G, Parizonu and Lee W. Gardner is also a graduate of the B, BOM Mr- >L<)we was hostess war in tho Pacific theatre. He is CLEARANCE SALE h have as their fruest, their daugh- Baton Rouge, La., who is a guest Rich, all of Westfleld. Westfield High School and of the ilin'n r i irty last week for studying engineering ut the Mis- ter, Mrs, NormaiL Morash and chil- at the Campbell home on Cherry Miss Hunter attended Warren- souri School of Mines. United States Merchant Marine iuplf mi' their parents and dren of Stamford, Conn, lane. i I ton Country School in Virginia and Academy. He is working at pres- iiiKii! f Lawrence avenge _+. • Westfleld Senior High. Mr. Snev- Mrs. Downs, Mr. Eyre ent with the BoWen Engineering faterUuntil *• B miscellaneous Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Byrne and Mr. and Mrs. E. Sharts of ily also graduated form the Senior over fcr 1 vinne, lino last week, Co. und will attend Lehitfh Univer- On All Summer Dresses daughter of Canterbury lane arc Ridgewood have announced the High School Iwi'u. He entered the Mr and MM finevily will «nter- Wed In Home Ceremony sity, Bethlehem, Pa., in Septem- vacationing at Sevangey, N. Y. birth of a daughter, Melinda Glov- army upon graduation in l'J43. He ber, ttin it • buffet sup)*r following er, July 5 at Overlook Hospital, Mrs. Gerald Whitaker Downs of 1 received his honorable discharge in * UNENjI ! tte wedding rthearaal. Mayor and Mrs. Charles P, Summit. Mrs. Sharts ia the for- January, while at Walter Reed 228 Prospect street and Louis J. ••. n i •( • i Bailey, and daughter, Barbara, of mdr Elizabeth Wallace, daughter Hospital, where hs was convales- Eyre of Sehuylor, Va., were inar-jMlSS DUtler, Mountainside ; < CHAMBRAYS C, r Khcclyright Jr., of For- St. Marks avenue, left Tuesday fnr of Mr. and Mrs. Charles. F. Wal- cing from wounds received in Ger- ricd Sunday afternoon nt the homi •>tniie ii urneil Tuesday on a four weeks vacation at Atlantis lace of Tremont avenue. many. Ho will attend college in of the bride in a ceremony per- Wed To New York Resident PIQUES Qmr i h aaiktk after a ten Island, ChippewB Bay, N. Y, Wooster, 0., this fall. formed by Rt. Rev. Alsgr. Henry " bum lien- trip through Eu- Mr, and Mrs. Robert Buck and J. Wutterson, pastor of Holy Trin- Miss Mary Butler, daughter of ! OXFORD CREPES K iich he vialteted SwoSwo- Mrs. J. Herbert Loighton and daughter,' Ferris, of Brlghtwood ity Church. A reception followed. Mrs. Margaret Butler of Ever- 8»ilwi'«nd, Italy, Franco daughter, Sylvia, of California, avenue arg visiting Mr. Buck's Nelson Hagar To Wed Given in marriugu by her broth- green court, Mountainside, nnd SHANTUNGS formerly of WeatflcliT, will be the mother, Mrs. A. C, Vundcrink ano* er, Willium Benuiid Traylor of Vincent Ilotzer of New York City Mr. Vunderink at Clarks Summit, Wilma Gardner August 2 Washington, D, C, the bride wore were married Saturday nt 10:30 RAYONS an aqua silk jersey dress and a n. m, in St. James Church, Spring- SILKS Mr.- and Mrs. William K. Gard- corsngo of orchids. Her daughter, field, The Rt. Rev, Msgr. Daniel Mr, and Mrs, Stanley P. Waugh ner of Olncy, 111., have issued In- Mrs, Howard Purdy of 228 Pros- Coylo officiated at n Nuptial Mass of.Clnrk street left Tuesday for vitations for tho wedding of their i pect street, woro a beige crepe The bride, given in marriage by Nifvn Sootln. , daughter, Miss Wilma Maxinej gown and a corsage of pink roses. her brother, J. Robeit Butler, yove ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED Summer Clearance Gardner to Nelson Fink Hagar, Thomas Grlnnell of Eurlysville, a gown of white crepe with a nep- Mr. and Mrs, William Gault am) aon of Prospect street and Mrs, son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles N. Va., was best man for Mr. Eyre. lum of Chuntiliy lace nnd a white Leo H. Qonine and son of Colum- Hagar of 700 Wostfield avenue. After n few days' stay in New feather trimmed hat. She carried bus avenue are visiting in Platts- The wedding will take place in York, tho couple will live in Schuy- a prayer book and n white orchid. butg, N. Y. the First Methodist' Episcopal ler. Miss Eleanor M. Knochel, New- FEL Church, Plattsburg, N. Y., Satur- Mrs. Eyres is the widow of tho ark, was tho bride's attendant. SALE Miss Marjorie Bross of. Hoi't day, Aug. 2 at 2 o'clock with tho 37 ELM ST. WESTFIELD, N. J. late Gerald W. Downs of West- Her gown was blue silk and she street was one of the bridesmaids pastor, Rev, Frederick J. Ball, of- fleld. wore a largo picture hat and. cur- STORE HOURS: 9.00 to 6)00 Daily at the wedding Saturday of Miss ficiating, A reception will follow AmonK the out of town guests ried purple orchids. Dorothy Tompkins of Scqtch Plains at the Homestead, Cumberlund ' here for tho wedding were Mr. and John J. Savory of New York City Open until • Monday Er»in(> and Norman Bulger of New Yolk. Head, Plnttsburir. Mrs. Thomas Grinnoil of Earlye- served ns best mnn. Following the Bathing suits ;Miss Bross entertained for the Miss Lillian Gardner of Olney' ville, Mr. and Mrs. William Be. Closed Wednefdan durin( July and Aututt bride-recently at her home, will be her sister's maid of honor nurd Traylor of Washington; Mr. Mr. and Mis. David M. Tlinber- nnd the bridesmaids will be Mis*land Mrs."John Eyre of Washinu- Winifral Combs o£ Urbana, 111., tont , 1).D C , brothebth r nndd sister-in- Play Suits . law of the bridegroom; Mrs, Her- £UROP t bert Hopkins nnd Mis. Lo Roy Liv- r the Meudowside in Mt. Pocono. Hagar Jr., will be his brother's ingston, both of Washington, D. C, WELCOME FRIENDS Shorts and Halters »+• best man nnd the ushers will hn sisters of tho bride;' Mrs. Eyre'9 Elwooil W. Reynolds of Glen Thomaa Hagar and John Lndue, brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Regular Expreit De Luxe Sailing! TO YOUR COOL YARD I* avenue will leave tomorrow to both of Plattsburg. I Mra. Stewart Firth of Orange and in the World'i Largest Linen i join Mrs. Reynolds at Groton Long- j Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Miller of Lake- Joan Kenley Blouses point, Conn. SAVE WASTE FATS i wood, N. V. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Carle QUEEN ELIZABETH Thomas of Tlirch nvouuo have as their house guests their daughter, QUEEN MARY Cotton Peasant Blouses Mrs. Charles D. Oliver and her son, Dickson, of Cincinnati, O. Mr. NEW MAURETANIA Oliver will join them tomorrow. »»d 3 new Cunanleri dm fall Mr, and Mrs. John Ferguson of] Deer Path, Mountainside, had as Savings Up To 50% alio the recent guests, Mrs. Guy C. Baer and son of Providence, R. I. famout Swedish liner* direct lo • Mrs. Eric von Mchrcn Jr., and Sweden and Denmark children, who wcrp visiting Mr. von Mehren's parentx of East Dud. ley avenue, hnve gone to Martha's Flan for 1B48 — NOW! Vineyard where they will be the Bookings already being made Milady's Shop guests of her parents for the re- mainder of the summer. 1«7 E. Boad Street F. HARDING LOCK Wettfield Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Davis of Colo- j man place have as their guests 108 Central Ave., Weitfield, N. J. Mafco your lawn your summer living room with outdoor Mrs, Charles H. D. Osborn and furniture. HIGHWAY FURNITURE SHOP ha. ,ome Open Monday Evenings 'Til 9 son, DaiKla.1 of Winter Park, Fla exciting valucj for you in eummer fnvnituret We're having a clearance of lawn and porch pieceg. Modest pricey are even, lower nowl Drivo out and look around, VENETIAN BLINDS lnere aplenty Sparking space while you .hop leisurely. Custom Made Friendhr people help you find what you want. . Aluminum, Steel, Wood F*» Delivery—Interior Decorator Sarvlct For Frca Estimate Cull Open Thursday and Saturday Evening* WE. 2-4586 f "yOUR Sewing Center is headquarters for x JOHN SVENDA, women who sew a little or a lot. Under 619 South Ave., f the guidance of our trained experts, we can GARWOOD, N. J. HIGHWAY • teach any fashion-minded woman how to Old Blinds Reconditioned FURNITURE SHOP . make the season's smartest clothes. i ROUTE 29, NORTH PLAINFIE1D PL. 6.1583 • We have special classes for budget-wise Teen Agers too! (After school and Saturdays ^ at reduced rates.) SUP COVERS? DRAPERIES? NEW = SPECIAL OFFERING = Your home will be prettier than ever after a visit to your Sewing Center. Courses in Home Decoration include Draperies, Curtains, Slip PASTEL COTTON Covers, and dozens of clever ideas for sprue- WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY DRESS ing up every room in the house. BROADCLOTH DRESSES Complete Courses In Home Dreismokina or Home Docoratlon-$10.00 Single lesson»-$1.50 aach IN THE STORE AT REGULAR PRICE !WB snlufe the maker of thesa SINGER pastel cottons—a true achieve- SEWING CENTER 62 Elm Street - Westfield ment at this price. Who would YOU MAY HAVE ANOTHER DRESS Telephone We. 2-5626 J ever think it possible in this $yl 00 day and age? One and two- FOR ONLY - piece cotton broadcloth dresses The Carosan>linaa Tefleaa RooRnd hot water ta tprlukls D C. Talc of Went Dudley ave- the former Mabel Galloway, teach- Hnrry L. Wahl, Rutgers '49, is Six boys from Explorer Troop er in the Lincoln School, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Cogswell working with the "publicity man- 78, lioy Scouts, returned home on clothe* before ironing Tbey will b« nue entertained at luncheon fo Mr. and JUra. Otto G. Liudberg Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. EH- moie evenly dampfntd thos of New Providence road have gone and son, Richard, of Railway ave- ager of the Cleveland Indians for Tuesday after a week of campinj Mrs. Osborn Tuesday. and Mrs. Walter E. Deal nue, left latt week-end for West wooiJ of 559 Colonial avenue, who on Bi,ch Island, Kezar Lake, Me,, «pilnkled by hand. to Flagstaff, Me., for the summer. with their ton, Juntos, and daugh- thu summer. Ho is a member of Big doings planned at Echo ami fami.y of Fairmont avenue aic Harwich, Cape Cod, where thev Beta Theta Pi fraternity snd in near the summer home of Chris homo after a trip to Kansas. will remain until about Aua. 10. ter, Susan, will move July 25 to Lake" Country Club' in the near Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Seybold _^_ Shrevepoi-t, La., have been enter- majoring in journalism. Martin of Cedar terrace. They | I were Frank and Stanley Tate, I future. Informal dances are sched- of Clark street have as their guest Mr. and Mrs. E. Warren Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bishop of j tained extensively by local friends. Where Heit Oocf uled for Saturday nnd on Aug. 2. Mrs. Scybold'a niece, Miss Frances den of Fairmont avenue have rc- John H. Curlctt Jr., is attend- Campbell Newman, Gordon McGin In a typical residence, M4 per 413 Benson place heve returned Among those who have enter- ing Bordentown Military Institute's The annual Pool Night will be Brabson of Dayton, 0. turned from a vacation spent in tained recently are Mr. and Mrs. nis, James Maxwell and James cent ol the heat Is lost through root from a month's vacation at Rocky summer session. Yordan. held Aug. 18, with swimming Bermuda. • Mountain National Park, Colo., and J. liuss-ell Freeman of North and walls and it is to re£uc« this events, followed by a dance. Mr. and Mrs. Ly!e Reynolds and • • • loss that both new sod old homes daughter, Jean, of Faiimont ave- Yellowstone National Pork in Wyo- Chestnut street, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mrs, Harold H. Dempsey of Frederick C. liaumann is amomr' run YOU KNOW THAT ,. . are insulated. Mr. and Mrs. Howard V. Letter nuo are vacationing at Sebago, Me. ming. S. Dcmarest of Maple street, Mr. students who hnve returned to' Fourth avenue gave a personal —^~ and Mrs. Roy Workman and Mr. and small son, Bobby, of Carleton their homes followingg completiop n of . . . Few names associated with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Van Leu- shower Thursday evening for Miss Mrr.. and MrsMrs. .Walter M, Sump- and Mrs. Gioijre H. Denny of For- thi; history of wine in America are road, have returned from a motor Ruth Braunsdorf, daughter of Mr. thho finafil term at the Galesburl s Di- more notable than that of Thomas trip tu Toronto, Canada and Deca- ven of Prospect street and Mr. Von and Mrs. Sampscin's mother, est avenue, who entertained jointly vision of the University of b h h Lcuven's sister, Miss Harriet Van and Mrs. Wesley K. Braunsdorf of Mrs. A. E. Frost of Mountain ave- In the Workman home in 'fiemont 'j JvfTeison, born April 13th, J743 tur, III, where they visited friends. Benson place. Ruth is to be mar-: nue are at their enmmer home at Me is enrolled in the College o Leuven of Brooklyn, are at Camp avenun; and Mrs. Clyde Schwartz Commerce. who throughout his long tenure in Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sweet of Wotauda, Merldith, N. H. lied Aug. 30 to Henry S. Gilbert. Point Pleasant, of Colonial avenue who entertain- public service during this nation's of Qlasionbury, Conn. I i the Boulevard are spending throe | ed at a dinner party for Mr. and Arthur Stockingei is among: thj formative days, as well as in his i ^ i Mr. and Mrs. Luther B. Martin of Cedar ter- E midshipmen of Duke University role us a private citizen at his Mon weeks at East Brewster, Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mann of Lenox avenue""^r^, d 'taS I "«• »?T~!* •»* t»»ilr family, p y p race returned Tuesduy from his M ia v h h i SS CIM Skem , , . FaHMM t"m Mr and Mrs. Dan Sweet and son, and daughter, Betty, of Eftlnaham week from a visit with their son-i "' W 'A "**not ***&**<> aboard the new heavy cruiser USS ticellu estate, championed the use of David, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard summer home on Birch Island, Ke- in-l w and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. l^mlw"l's; Ch°rlos E. McCulluch Oregon City, which is now on a wine as a beverage of distinction Or.r SO v«»r> *• H«« Cnw th—m. zar Lake, Me., where hi family place, arc in Chicago attending a 8 V Smith of Bradford, Pa., former- 3 Inhn li jrovn,u>, \oi,i«.. * u_. °* Highwnd avenue, Mrs, Horace familiarization cruise with calls ami of temperance. Westfield Li- are spending the summer. family reunion, Another daugh- John J{. Human Ashley of Har- Wood and Mrs j_ jj No]1 of nJ_ ly' of Westfield, joined them this ter, Mrs. Philip M. Dreyfuss and wlchport, Cape Cod. scheduled at Trinidad, Guantana- quors, 221 E. Broad St.—Adv. Nee Dell Shoe Stores week. _^ videre avenue at a joint luncheon ma San Juan, Bermuda and Now Mrs. J. P. Derge and daughter Mr. Dreyfuss also of Effingham thhe Winifred, and son-in-law and place are also attending. Mr, and Mrs. Roland Graham I''" NolNlll homh e MrsM . JosepJ h York. t ACCMSWIM 171 E. BROAD ST. Miss Nancy Jacoby of Hgstings- J • • * One of the best wayi to |unrd MMUUf on-the-Hudson is the guest of Bar- daughter, Mr. and Mrs, John Ack- and son, Mark, have returned from Sl^Vi&^L"."• .V * wismno Momiioww ermaiv and two children of East Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Jenkins Huntlcy of Highland avenue, Mrs. Miss Mary Mavosa, daughter of against that sudden turpriie for > and son of Dorian road left Fri- have been the guests of Mrs. Gra- bara Bowden of Fairmont avenue. Dudley avenue are at feint Pleas- ham's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Will- George Divenger of Montclair and Mr. and Mrs. Peter. Bay;osa, 573 ipecial occasion is to keep on hand ant. day for Williamson, N. Y., where Mrs, Charles Patterson of Dorian Downer street, has enrolled in the a supply of spotlesi accessories— Mr. and Mis. STT. Swallow and they ore visiting Mrs. Jenkins' iam A. CUrk of Forest avenue and of Mr. Graham's parents, Mr. androad also entertained at luncheons. July class at the Berkeley School enowy white collars, cults, jabots, son of Chestnut street are spend- mother. 1 pg Motor* Mr. and Mrs. George R. Corko M^'R'RTGWiKT; also of Forest Miss. William Merker of Belvldcre of Secretarial Trainingg East Or- glovei and tho liks,-frMb~(rc*n. U». ing a vacation at Peake'a Island, avenue is entertaining today for Cwtttry md Jmhr < of Clark street are vacationing in Mr. and Mrs. S, V. Stewart of avenue. ShShe attendettddd WtfilWestfieldd HiHigh soBPSudi. They will do wonders for Me. ^ the Poconos. Mrs. Ellwood at luncheon and Mrs. School. s dark dreis or a suit, f»und*tion$ Summit nvenue are vacationing at -•- E. S. Winter of Lincoln road en- A daughter wag born to Mr, and •5 Mr. and Mrs. Philip H, Oppen- Suzanne de Wysocki, daughter finngeloy Lakes, Me. tertained at luncheon Tuesday. heimer, their daughter, Edith and Mrs. Fred Carpenter of Central Speed Defroitlnr of Mr. and Mrs. Fred de Wysocki The Bertram Slacks of West avenue1' at Muhlenberg Hospital Mrs, Ellwood who Has been a To speed up the defrosting of your son, Eric, of Shadowlawn drive, of Fairmont avenue returned Tues- returned last week from Detroit, Dudley avenue have gone to Ocean last week. resident of Westfield for 12 years, refrigerator, empty Uio Ice trayi and JOSEPHINE day from a two-week vacation with City for a vacation. hns been active in the League of Oil with hot water. Put the trays Mich., where they took part in a relatives at Cohasset, Hasa. CORSITIIRI family reunion at the home of Mrs. Mrs.Joseph August Imd children | Women Voters, tho Westfield Wom- back in the evaporator, turn th* ti soMMUT Oppcnhcimer's brother, In honor of And the Albert Hoiks and eon,of 560 First street and Mrs. Hiram MI'S Club, where she was chairman control knob to "off" and close th» Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Marik '?.• tho 70th birthday of Mrs. Oppen- Eichurd, of Euclid avenue are at Fink and daughter, also of First of the International Relations refrigerator door. In about IS min- HAINPIM and family of the Boulevurcl are Ocean Grove. heimer's mother, Mrs. Else Sterne, street, have returned from a week's' Group, and church and civic utes the ic--e will scale of-.-t and —th t • vr Vi Y. OKyh Ml* I home from Noyac Bay, L. I. They vacation at Ocean Grove. i groups, • «4» have as guests Mr, and Mrs. Lan- Miss Virginia Taylor of Elm unit It ready to reset for freezing, j £gSiSSEuw!Sft£I! Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Knlffin sing Vedder and son and daughter street is attending; tho Canadian end family of Hillside avenue arc of Climax, N. V. Bible Conference nt Muskoka, Lake on a trip through the west Ontario. Bcntley Dodd, formerly of West- . Mr. ,an d_ Mrs. ,Walte r W. Youn. g- Jr of De Mr. and Mr lucntin Ticdje field, now of Las Vegas, Mar., is -. <»l>ath,, and son, Mark, havo rturned from a three weeks trip to fowa. They spent some time on their farm near Newton and visited relatives in CLEARANCE SALE Des Moincs and Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Young of Coolodgo street have as their STORE WIDE REDUCTIONS guest, Mrs, Young's siater, Mrs. J. j H. McDowell of Washington. Miss Helen Lynde of Elm street Westfidd's No. 1 specialty shop will now sell almost it's entire inventory of summer is on a western t'ip. Dr. Florence Bt:tiato and her merchandise at Clearance Sale Prices. Femine apparel and accessories for Children, Girls, sister, Edith, are on a two months auto trip to California. Teen-Agers, Juniors, Misses and Women are included in this store wide event. Miss William Nestor and Mrs. William O'BIemin of Westfield, Mrs. William Krenkc of Union and Mrs. B. Nolle Sr., of Mountainside OPEN have returned from a hip to Iowa. ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Mrs. O'Blcmis visited friends in Gllar Btyap OUR STORE IS Akron, 0., on Ihe return trip. AN,D A1R Henry West, Bon of Mr. and Mis. MONDAY and FRIDAY NEXT TO THE LIBRARY CONDITIONED Mr. and Mrs. Barry Greene have purchased the H. A. West of .Baker uvenue, is n spending the at Cump NIGHTS F0R YOUR COMFORT residence nt 232 Watchung Fork, Indian Forest, from Half Moon, Great Harrington, UNTIL 9i0O WE. 24131 • WESTFIELD •Mr. and'Mrs. Wilson Rich. ; We ^fc the brokers; Mass. Mr. and Mm. William Cowpeiv thv.'aito of Evergreen court, Moun- MISSES tainside, are vacationing in Akron, CHILDREN'S * GIRLS « TEEN « MISSES JUNIORS - MISSES Ohio. REYNOLDS & FRITZ Mr. and Mrs, Frederick G. Kro- BLOUSES kell of Cedar terrace have hud as SHORTS Formerly T. B. & N. F. Reynolds their guest, Mr. Krekell's brother, BATHING SUITS Harry Krckell of Flushing, L. I, REALTORS — INSURERS Now 2.OO Mrs. L. E. Sleiner and daujrh Rialto Theatre Building ter of North Euclid avenue jm VALUES TO 1.50 visiting in Xanana, FORMERLY Weitfield 2-1010 REDUCED UP TO 50% Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Conrad of 5.95 3.95 North Euclid avenue are in Main Nancy F. Reynolds Charles J. Fritz for a vacation. •••- _Re8. 'phone 2-0485 Res. 'phone 2-1665 Mr. and Mrs, Howard C. Wick JUNIORS * MISSES CHILDREN'S COTTON and GIRLS SKIRTS PLAY SUITS SUNDRESSES TEENS — MISSES and 2.50 NOW 8.95 VALUES TO 16.95 PINAFORES VALUES TO NOW S.9S VALUES TO 1O.95 2.50 VALUES TO 3.95 for 3.95 NOW 3.95 VALUES TO 9.95 4."5 VALUES TO 7.95 the HOSTESS

A plant - a bouquet - FLOWERS, SUNBACKS BEACH COATS for your hostess ,will be most MISSES • JUNilORS a MISSES • JUNIORS DRESSES PPreciated and if they're from here, she'll know they are particu- A AC were 8.9S larly fine bloonts, 1 U."5 VALUES TO 19.95 • TEENS • JUNIORS ' ' " ' ' " • MISSES • WOMENS 1 *) Q'i were 16i9S 6.95 VALUES TO 12.95 YES! Hundreds of Crisp Cool, Summer Sport and After- noon Dresses Gloveskin CHILDREN'S and MISSESS flevisf Does GIRLS 601 W. GROVE ST. „ Tel. WE. 2.1144 Pltnl, of Parking Space Miracles DRESSES SAMPLE VALUES POLO SHIRTS Overnight. L50 VALUES TO 2.95 If you must ORIGINALLY NOW Wash a Dish £-.50 VALUES TO 3.95 1.5O or FOR ALL OCCASIONS Puli a Weed 4.50 VALUES TO 6.50 VALUE 2.25 or 19.95 * 1O95 Abuse your hands in any way, Have a jar of CHILDREN - GIRLS Glovofliin handy. 12.95 • 6.95 CHILDREN'S JARVIS WASHABLE 54 ELM ST. Cotton Pajamas 9.95 • 4.95 OVERALLS JEWELERS • OPTICIANS 1.25 1.75 VALUES TO 2.90

SINCE jeoo VALUE TO 2.79 550 • 3.95 1.25 VALUES TO 2.2S BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD, N, J., THE WESTHELD LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY ].r..|,o»ed the present sale. I end works Agency, Aue.' 4; from QUICK AND HEARTY duty. It «» estimated that 70(1,000 i Mporatiun amlei honorable eondi- Add a little minced onion and : I I lie Board of Freeholders was small butirieesmen certified bj the nien and' women within the Third tions. In coses' of doubt is to Favorite Indiana jCountyToBuy required to obtain slate approval i RFC Aug. 0; from state and local parsley to seasoned mashed pota- ifions Due Naval Diftrlft alone, I'oinpri&iiig ' which medals DI- i-lasim tli« appli- , before the d>>al with the State' governments, Aug. 0; jroin non- toes, anil put between two slices of New Yorit State, Connecticut and | rant i« eligible in receive, his sign- ' House Commission coulJ be com- profit institutions, Aiig. 7 and irom luncheon loRf. Bake for about 20 New Jersey, jiorlh of Trenton, will | ed stn'ementfc on the receipt furm Food Recipes Vote Machines non-priority buyers Aug. 8 to 14. minutes in a moderate oven. One Navy Medals apply, ' will be iicvepU'i*. In no catie wiil ' pluted. "sandwich' 'to a person makes a i The machines will be available Allan said catalogs listing each llle 1 l dal s 1 u tlw rhai By HARY II'. AKMSTROSG hearty main dish. The jiuge job of pi-oces'iim the " ' 1 •'<-' '•""""I' , ;- Makes Saving* In I for the general election in Novem- item for sale aro now available at i August 1 applications and distiibuting the deter of Ihe wpaiatuin Is In doubt. Comity Howe Agent Additional Purchase [ her, the Newark Customer Service Cen- medals- has been assipned to Naval I In the Third Nnval District, 2B SALAMI MAKES A if'T ! Befhu Diitributien Recruiting stations thioughout the | rccruitm* stntiuiih will process the | "Back Home Again in Indiana" | ' Several districts now require ter and at Linden. He emphasized two or three machines for a normal that under a new procedure adopt- country and to Naval activities ] in-per.-on applications and issue is the song on the lips of many n The Board (if Freeholders hns To give new zest to ogff salad 1 flection. N«vy Oeparunent will bi>- specially designated by the ('(ml-! the nu'dals. Oni mam station is 'Jersey resident, as he prepares f<;i- approved acquisition of 31 votlnc ed for this sale only inspection of sandwiches, auri chopped or ground .'the distribution of American mnndants of the Nnval Dl»trirti. i located in New Yolk City nt Ml a vnmtiun in the state of his birth • machines for which imiualK'e of an material will be at Linden—that salami. Try the same trick with Service Medals, with Fleet and » sub Those applying for medals mui-t or earlier living. Anil one of the j emergeiiry note for $35,752.45 was the orders and accompanying de- the stuffing- of deviled eggs. The riamps, and World War II appear i n person nt theithir neaicst| timi in tin- post office building, In things he's apt to tell you he al- pp p 1 authorized on recommendation of pusiLS will be placed in the New- meat will add heartiness as well _ Medalii Aug. 1 to all oli- Ncwark. vnjs enjoys on his vacation trips. Army Surplus Nuval Keeniitliii; Station, present- Chairman Charles E. Smith «f ark WAA office. as extra flavor. i vetcraiiB of the Naval Serv- ing their discharge «>i lificntes or Eligibility inr the American De-• the good home ™>kin>;. Wi'sth'clil of the linince ciimmit- pgrsonnel now on active release orders to give evidence of fense Service Mcdul culls tor nc- j I've been studying some Indiana Catalogs Ready live naval suiviiu between Sept.! cook books recently, inspired by Tho purchase was requested by «, 103!) and Dec. 7, 1!M1, inclusive.! the loyal sons and daughters reailj- the Board of Elections and was The Fkct Clasp will be issued to trek middlewestward for their NEWARK—Catalogs describing made possible under unusual cir- in detail each item in a new $1,- along with the Defense Medal to holiday. I didn't find many rt'C- cumstances. The machines ate those who served on the high seas ipes that we don't u°e in some 500,000 inventory of machine tools ready for delivery in the ware- and industrial supplies located at during that period in any \i-s>sel : parti of New Jersey, but I did find house of the manufacturer, Auto- THE PLAY FAIR oi iilrci-aft squadron. Those who ' lots of dishes which we all like, Linden are now ready for distri- matic Voting Machine iCorp., of served on bases or Naval station? | Don't these sound like popular dish. WALTER BURO Jamestown, N. Y., from whom the bution, North Jersey WAA Direc- ouUide the continental limits of j es in Jersey homes? Strawberr, county bought the 310 now In use. tor Robert W. Allan announced to- the United States during the pe- shortcake, milk ham with gravy The first purchase was 10 years day, riod will be eligible to receive the hot fudge sauce for ice cream oi ago. He said the public sale will be- Bare Clasp. Only one clasp will meringue shells, wilted lettuce, and gin July 23, and that items range he issued in any one person. round steak smothered in onions. The price of a machine has ad- vanced approximately $200 in that in price from arbor presses al The Woim vvarU Victory Medal We can have them all without trav- elling very far, and many of us period, but the county will receive less than $5 each to a huge auto- < Is awarded lor active duty in the this lot at an advance of only $47- inntic drilling machine that has [ Armed Forces at any time be- do. But to those not brought up Large AsMrhnent in rural New Jersey, milk gravy .60 above the cost 10 year's ago. been tagged at $17,332. j I tueen Dec. 7, 1941 and Dec, 31 The saving on each machine, Smith Items in this sale may be in- 1D4G, inclusive. and wilted lettuce may not be fa mlllar and we are giving the tee estimated, is $155.05. spected at the Linden Disposal Enough medals will lie available Center between 0:30 a. m. to 8:301 for all who apply. Limitations of ipes here. These are good summer The machines were purchased by time dirties^ and the chocolate sauce the State House Commission when p. m., Monday through Fridays, BEACH BALLS, personnel assigned to the distri- until July 23. Buyers then must bution, in some cases, will cause will also 1)6 enjoyed. The recipes that agency was charged with elec- for all are given. tion installations in Hudson and place their orders at the Newark delay in their receipt. Customer Service Center, 125 First The Bureau of Naval Personnel Indiana strawberry shortcake Camden counties. More were ac- must be made with a baking pow- quired thnn Mure needed and this street, according to their priority will make all posthumous awards standings on the following dates: SWIM RINGS, VESTS and will process the applications der biscuit buse and the steak lot never was delivered. The cor- RECIPE FOR A VERY of Naval veterans now residing; smothered with onions is very spe- poration wanted to clear them from Orders will be taken from fed- outside of the United States. Com- cial too, These recipes will also be its warehouse and its New Jersey eral agencies July 23 to 29; from manding Officers of ships and sta- provided on request, Bales manager, D, A. Wolfe, cog- certified World War II veterans., tions will apply for and issue the Hoosier Milk Gravy nisant of the need, in this county, July 30, 31, Aug. 1; from the Fed- SUCCESSFUL BIRTHDAY: AND WATER WINGS meduls to men and women now on 4 thin slices bacon active duty. 2 tablespoons flour ' • Merely call Blake, our Banquet In cases where persons are dis- 2 cups milk and cream mixed abled or unable for some reason Salt and cayenne Manager, and let him plan a aurpriie to apply at their nearest recruit- 1 teaspoon chopped parsley ing station, the Commandant, Third Lay the bacon strips in frying f OR YOUR CONVENIENCE Birthday Dinner for yon at any time Naval .District, has provided for pan and cook in the oven untl you ipecify. Veil supply the cake, SEE OUR WADING POOL the sending of the medals through crisp; lift thi-tn out and put on the mall. Mail applications should brown paper to drain, Pour off the cindlet, the pre-meal refreshment! include the reason for applying in all but 2V4 tablespoons of the ba- thnt manner, and all the documen- con fat. Add Sour, mix well, nnd and Bipedal dinner menu for your tary evidence, to establish eligibil- before the flour begins to blown gueiu . . . cither in a private din- AND SAND BOX ity required of those appearing in pour in the milk and cream; let person. They should be addressed bubble up several times and add ing room or at a ipeciil table in our • to the Commandant, Third Naval salt nnd cayenne and chopped pars- Main Dining Boom. Expensive? Not District, Assistant Chief of Staff ley. Especially good over broiled r for Personnel, Medals and Awards tomatoes. •t aU| t Section, 00 Church street. New Indiana Wilted Salad Yofk City. Papers establishing Separate the leaves of two heads PLAINFIELD 6-34Q0 the applicant's eligibility will be of garden lettuce, wash carefully "MUCH BETTER FURNITURE FOR MUCH LESS" returned with gy nrid dry. Put into a heated bowl, the medals upon sprinkle with salt and pepper and THE PLAY FAIR their issuance. " pour on the fat that remains In IS OPEN MON., FRI., SAT. EVENIM3S 47 ELM ST. Women a Refuge the skillet after frying four slices 'Til 9 A custom noted among members of bacon. Heat two teaspoons of 9KRK HOTEL ot the Circassian tribe of the Cau- vinegar in the same skillet and add WESTFIELD 2-0155 casus mountains was that certain to the greens. To?s until thorough- CLOSED WEDNESDAYS DURING JULY and AUG. • 7th STREET cl ARLINGTON AVENUE • crimes could not be punished 11 th» ly mixed and eat nt once. A lit- CLOSED WEDNESDAY DURING JULY .nd AUGUST criminal reached a woman's home, tle sugar is sometimes added to 256 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD AFFILIATED WITH touched her hand nnd remained un- this in Indiana, but outsiders will J HOTEL tONfflT THAT HOTH ITACY-TMNT der the protection of her roof. ' probably like it better without. Nr. Rialto Theatre New jwtey ttamrk, N. J. TfMiw, N. I | Hot Chocolate Sauce 1 hi cups *ugar Deferred Payments up to 15 month* ALIEXT W. tTINDEH PruUwt Few grains salt iJ--.* 2 squares chocolate % cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix together the sugar, salt, chocolate, milk, and butter and heat slowly, stirring until choco- late is melted. Boil, covered, 2 minutes; uncover, and continue boiling until a little dropped into a glass of cold water forms a very soft ball. Remove from fire, add vanilla and beat for a few seconds. If too thick, thin to desired con- slstenoy with a little heavy cream. Serve hot with vanilla ice cream, or with meringue shells filled witn whipped cream, or with any choco- late pudding.

Revolutionary Washer "Bevolutlonary" is the term ap-' piled to a new automatic washing machine to com« o« the production line. Containing only 30 moving parts against 60 to 220 in other ma- chines, the new low-cost washer is said to bo the ftrit that can be operated in a home without a water heater.

MARTIN'S Toy & Sport Shop Pathway 148 E. BROAD ST. i

WILL BE CLOSED to Prosperity

FOR Launderall These tracks are pur tracks. You and.the railroads, IS THE ONIY COMPtETaY AUTOMATIC HOME 1AUNDRV VACATION working together, must keep their clear, so that nothing will prevent us from reaching our goal of prosperity. JULY 12th to JULY 28th /TOPFILDOR These tracks are your tracks;:: the railroad itself is your rail- road. You ride on it. You ship over it You own shares of its There is no bending or stoop. I stock; your insurance companies and banks own its bonds. Your ing with Laundernll-it Ioadi I and unloads from the waist- ' personal financial security is related to its financial security. high top for greater ease and . You have a vital interest in maintaining its equipment, its ser- convenience. | vice, its health;

These tracks are your tracks. It is in your own interest that the

BITTER Iniloll AITICO railroads want to keep them iu top condition-and to do this Alumlnvm TO« tconen- must earn a reasonable and adequate return on investment- kolty. wlljiaul d!iru,tioo<« lo •» fcouioMd, Coili U3 to I ll lau at least 6%. SOLD, INSTALLED AND SERVICED Ihon ordinary doy ,||4 |n,|n||,d, (No waiting tor installation) *'•'••" «Vi>-°Pf><>ifflntj colon, trlohl- V" '•"""•' , nunerl,,, ,„„ ts *» *•»• everyday living. The letters. ed public employees under tenure by Ronald Glass would forbid dis- ' written 1>V "Lizzie," <*• composite member of the League of Womtn I hope that, getting working pa- crimination because of race, color, tacked by Zukauskus Friday ni^hi ard reported her nurse, cotitaining . pers will not diEcouvage boys and In Constitution and civil service given constitu> upl)i-oxtm»te]y ¥64, missing after Yoltn of We'tfiM- tionnl status. Such a proposal is or religion. Tho teacher-group asks in Watchung Reservation. She ghh from working. I believe that that this lie a part of the Bill of the struggle. ' i July 17, 19*7.. ~— sponsored by MM. Pauline Peter- said she was left dozed and bat- II "be payable to the employee propel' jobs are the very best un- TRENTON —. The New Jeremy Rights. ' son. They urge that this would tered for more than six hours be- EAVE WASTE FATS Denr Sis: . IQT hja dependents which shall be •swer to some of our juvenile prob- Education Association, through lems. What's that quotation about Frederick L. Hipp, executive socre- strengthen the state's personnel Tlie average housftwife around) doubic the amount payable under practices for public employment, WJI certninly has become interest- i the schedule provided in sections the devil unil idle hands? I once tury, has endorsed six proppst'd Youth Held On jn working papem for minors ,35:15-12 and 34;1D-19 of this title. heard Mrs. Siilone Uruenburg soy chants in the State Constitution. so that able men and women can pd build their lives upon a perma- You atkerf » many question* wri i ,,„,,, empoIyel. a]tlllc and notth e that a wise parent could go and All six have been submitted to the AiMuh Charge Jmynetehtois asked more BO I •- hous•——e —an d> —iswin—g OU -...T - schools help us—do they get enough that such a recommendation . ap- mt, or guavdiuEuavdiun of the minor*. "'If. .. jctjiiw, rang the doorbell to ask iC money to do u good job? I'm go- ke injured employee at the tin*** f 4 Jib hint to cut it. I .Id "Y-. I i^To finToir^rnineZlw ,f tlit accident is a minor under U ! ;ears of line employed In violatiM, •H^iiit::me tha!t TrJShe did ino y*2it need :the, im? i «i»»t you,.? Love, Jot labor law,, or a minor betWtMi iu«e his father hag a good job; LIZZIE OF THE LEAGUE 111 nrd IB years of 8KC empby«4» he only cut grass for pocket lermltted or suffered to work with- t tried to tell him my un- out en age nnd schooling certlf-** MUKi of the situation but BicycluU Warned Jlcau) or an age and work certify •>»>wcnt away quite convinced that To Observe Lights lioatc or at nn occupation prohtbl$- worKing paperpp s were socially bc- led at that age by the labor iMfr 1|^4t1|4thh hihim and ththatt ttheh y practicaltil- |a compensation or death beheflt Twenty bicyclists lost their lives ly put one on the unemployment and 433 were injured in accidents, involving motor vehicles in New Thit it the montJi to'treat your family Jersey last year according to the New Jersey State Safety Coun- to * vegetable ipice! The wide variety cil. of green foodi in Ma»n right now Traffic signal lights npply to cy- Diakei it easy to enjoy tatadi and tmipt- YOU CANT BUY clists and motorists alike Fred M. Rosseland, executive of the coun- ng cooked vegetible dishes aplenty. cil warns. He urges observance Plan toitrve two or three different ones FINER 1100R WAX of these simple rules to help reduce at each meaL And to be Mire of FUI bicycle accidents: ride in the right hand lur.e nnd avoid confusing mo- eating pkuure, buy where quality ytt-lt eottsyeu torists by sudden turns and stops; GUARANTEED . .. make your selec-j^J cautious cyclists dismount nnd walk tioni at S«fcway. thpir bikes acrcias dangerous in- LESS! tersections, records prove it re- FRESH CRISPY BARTLETT duces accidents; hitching behind Made of imported Camaubt moving vehicles cnuscs many injur- Wax, OLD ENGLISH dries ies, rider is in danger from both Cucumbers PEARS FRESH PEACHES quickly to a brighter, lonp?r- Riiles, front nnd rear; cyclist should lasting lustre. None finer t vide in single file and always use u any price! Eoooonlcul Qiitrt hand signal when stopping; avoid i{89i crossbar passengers, it is a bijr factor in cycle crack-ups; cycling Shine* ond Weor»-W«an and SMnw GREEN BEANS -,] 7<» PEPPERS on sidewalks endangers cyclists j_ t CANTALOUPES am! pedestrians nnd is foruiild••*«« '£S* 32« OR SALADS For tenderness and perfect flavor, choose from Safeway'8 /I French Dressing «*" *t?" -19< guaranteed meats. You must like them, or your money back.' ^$ . Sandwich Spread lS*« *i? 18< Olive Oil ( ..15C u HEAVY Ib. WHITE SANDWICH STYLE Peanut Oil ^ 43< DESOTO. FOWL" ££7= - r 40- lll y 45< Stuffed Olives » 42« Mrs. Wright's 20o* FRYERS-BROILERS BREAD . . >»' -Mixed Pickles fSS, 27* Sweet Relish the best car I ever SANDWICH BUNS or f' ** 19e bag Knox Gelatine SAUSAGE MEAT FINGER Walnuts t** i it t»j 53« SPICED LUNCHEON SHOULDER 45ROAS.roi HYDMUUC mm «MI tire) nm DKVI towage Cheese Limburger ROKA CHE£SE ? «• i" 23« Black Tea CANIMW«» Vegetable Soup ^S 2™25c Cheese Spread" American Cheese MOON 1^15« Tea Bags CAMUMUM / Clam Chowder S « « ™ 19« Pabsf-ett CHfESi SMNDARD • p*» 39= N 443 NORTH AVE. W£STFiELD Breeze Cheese « '^26 Social Teas **KO \ 4c Noodle Soup Mix 3 «*»•• 32<= BERKSHIRE • • MEDIUM EXCEUENT FLAVOR Westfieid 2-1020 - 2-20 5 Krispy Kruncli Jellied Consomme»"«° ™M5e CHEDDAR CHEESE Nosfle's Morsels r.tPto. 18e Jiffy Lou Puddings .Sir^S. p*>- 7« Blackberry Jam My-T-Fine Dessert «m«<«"c'' P*» 7« PRUNE JUICE i;| EVAPORATED MILK Pepsi-Cola >&> *» i 6 **,. 29c SUNSWEET Peanut Butter n™£2L »».i-35e E 1 CHERUB - HOMOGENIZED Marmalade S^s ( iM«25e Kool Aid *s»M» fuvoK 2 P " 9« e , Shortening *om SAIN I ib. i« 39c A, iml. csnj 23 Preserves SSf • "i*.i-24e PMISH wrni D. n. t. IS oi teitta 1 9C All-White I«.I»I.1Q ?ly-Ded HARVBT BLOSSOM GOLD MEDAL Old Mill ~ " SNO-Wltl tR0 C CIDER VINEGAR Salf RtCUlAii °t 2 11). plj. 7i Liquid Wax * 14 oi. on 25 - FLOUR FLOUR 13030 C Wax-Tex wi«& '""«" 1 Maiches DIAMOND 3b.«. 17c bag 65 Spic & Argo Lux Woodbury Ivory Chiffon Ik- Pi Span Starch Soap Soap Flakes Flakes tfHHHHii yrv 1601.171 ' bm !g. 24 oi. la MM pi«s. L Ic 3 25° pks- 31-

WL UUKNER Al«U i>lUkER SERVICE Quimby Street near Elm Street Westfioid., N. J. THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1947 HawksScare 7-0 ShmniijifWTInion In County League States'Softball Publinx Tourney Monmouth Park Johnny Morris Holds Visitors To Inter-Playground Open* Saturday At Halfway Mark 4 Hits In First Game This Year Baseball League Play Scheduled Sixty-four of the top Jersey pub- lic link golfers have qualified for MONMOUTH PARK — Mon- : North Plainfleld's Field will be match play in the New Jersey Pub- '„ Johr.nj Morris, pitching his firs SENIOR LEAGUE mouth Park has reached* {he half j the site of the 1947 Middle Atlan- lic Golf Organization Tournament, way mark of its 36-day summer I V game In more than 10 months, got MCKINLEY ! tic Amateur Softball Association scheduled for the Galloping Hill J.j> credit for a shutout against Union Standings in the Coinmunit: AB R H E meeting, and is headed into the Championships, on Aug. 2!), 30, 31 course in Union, Saturday. The final .18 days with attendance and |r Sunday afternoon when the local Softball League as of the end o: E. Bulloek.'c 3 110 and Sept. 1, for Class AA ama- first match starts at 12:30 p. m. ?* Count} Leaguers defeated the vis- last week follow: D. Page, cf 3 0 0 0 pai'i-mutuel figures continuing to teur softball teams. Qualifying rounds were conduct- soar to record-breaking height). * ,iton 7-0 at Tamaaues Park, here. W 1 I. Monroe, 2b 3 12' The Union County eliminations, ed lap.t Sunday at Branch Brook, Another home game is scheduled Scotch Plains 12 W. Brown, If 2 0 0 0 The nearby Jersey Shore is teem- for Class AA, A and B teams will Broadacres, Valley View, Passaic ing with vacationists as the sea- ~for this Sunday, with Cranford Bachelors 11 B, Peterson, ss 2 11'-) open on Aug. 2 at Warinanco Park, and Galloping Hill. 1 to appear on the Tamaques Triangles IS H. Jackson, 3b 2 111 side track enters the richest and FIRST TWO BATTI ' and applications to enter the elim- Mike Elko of Kenilworth, one most important half of the meet- Wildcats 8 D, Jackson, rf 2 0 1 O ANOABE THROWN inations are now being accepted of the veteran golfers of this state, Harris gave up only four hits Senators 8 B. Bullock, lb 1 1OO THE RATE ATTEMPTING ing, with six stakes remaining on by George T. Cron, State ASA was the medalist at Galloping Hill the calendar, led by the $25,000 unit the weaker Union nine, North Stars 8 D. Dishop, p 2 0 0 0 RUNS.THE NEXT , Commissioner. Entry applications r TMBEEMENHIT INFIELD with a one-under-par 71/ Mike Choice Stakes on Saturday and the his te»iumate« collected 11 VFM 8 SINGLES, LD«.DIN0 THE should be mailed to Mr. Cron at Kascln of Garwood, Joe Birofka, the two visiting moundsmen, Glenvicw Manor 7 1 Totals -.:... 20 6 6 2 BASES-THE SIXTH 6AT- 125,000 Monmouth Handicap on the Union County Park Commis- Summit, and Ray Sullivan, Hill- July 26, attractive to the best " t and Jim Freeman. The for. Hantrah Old Men 6 1 KOOBEVKLT TER HITS A BASE JUN sion Box 231, Elizabeth, accom- side, were next in line with 73s, r worked for seven innings, r>ur. American Legion 1 1 AB R H E NESS WITH A BATTKD BAU., ,©• horses in training. Ca>NEH / panied by an application fee of $5 each going one over par. • which h« was touched for nine P. Giordano, 2b 3 0 10 and team roster on or before July During! the initial 18 days of last i and six runs, He was retired B. Mastriun, p 8 0 11 AND THE SIDE/BUT THE ///. The field will be cut to 32 at the 'BATTEB GETS CREpIT //[ 25, close of Saturday's play, The sec- year the attendance count was 183,- .' tb« Hawks brought in three M. Scarkos, lb 10 10 Depending on the number of 787; for the same period this meet- in their half of, the seventh. Race Wagering T. Bavosa, 3b 2 2 10 ond round will be played Sunday teams to enter each classification, also starting at 12:30 p, m. Ing the turnstiles have clicked 242,- > relieved him for the final T. Murtz, ss 2 0 0 0 the tournament will be either a I "TflT'llntes for an increase of 58,977 [ and allowed one run. G. Jaeger, c 1 2 0 0 Richard S. 'Young 'of Cr'arifoifS,' ( Is Big Business single or double elimination affair. president of the public golf organ- or a percentage of 32. A surprlj. ' Tbt Hawks opened with two In B. Gcblor, If 2 10 0 Winners in the Union County tour- ing factor is that, during the past flnt and brought in a lone ization, is in charge of the tourna- $300,000,000 a year I It sound L. Maculuso, cf 0 0 0 0 nament will qualify for the State week, more than 100,000 patrons 1 in UM Afth. Wettfleld's clug- like a senatorial appropriation— J. Williams, rf 1 1 0 (1 ment. I had their usual toad diy, But- Championships, which will open on streamed through the choked gates, but it isn't. It's merely the bank- E. Neur, cf 0 10 0 Aug. 16. The1 Middle Atlantic an indication of the start of the kitting thnc for three, Ne- roll handled by Mort Mahoney, THE AMERICAN Ray Thompson and S. 6KI JUMP RECORD Championships will be open to 20 Trottcra May Start Bummer season along the shore. king of the pari-mutuels, during a Totals IB 7 4 1 Class AA teams only, with the •on, two for four, Butler McKinley 12 10 1—5 «»SSET & IINHIC In Hambletonitn Mutuels are maintaining an even year's action on the American turf, WON 40 RACES Ortcf« STAOTS •IOKIS AT IB0NWOOO, winner of that tourney, qualifying Memeth tallied three baggeri Mahoney, currently serving as mu- Roosevelt 0 1 5 1 0—7 ANO THE HORSE THAT BEAT'BIG MICH. WITH A LEAP brisker pace. . Last season total Bay Thompton and Nemeth 1 for the National Championships to tuels manager at Monmouth Park, REO'WAS APPBOPRlOTELY NAMED OF *¥> FEET/ 1 GOSHKN, N. Y.—With the $56,- wagering through 18 days reach- the sensationally successful north- be held at Cleveland later in the ed the sum of $12,477,113, for a JUNIOR LEAGUE fall. 000 Hambletoninn stake less than ern New Jersey race course, is also MCKINLEY JK, three weeks away, 20 three-year-old daily average of $693,173. This I ramtina the outfit to sub- Teams who are eligible to qual- in the same capacity at Hialesh, AB E H trotters seem likely to start in it year's 18 days registered a "play". in the title pity. The first ify for the county eliminations Atlantic City, Garden State Park, J. Waynes, 2b 3 2 1 at Gnod Time Park here Aug. 6, of f 18,668,351 and an average of i outfit downed the Eliitbeth must submit a roster of not more Namgansett, Rockingham, Pim- P. Gilo, c 3 0 2 according to Al Saunders, veteran $1,037,130, a rise of ¥6,101,230 in , • to 1 while Somerville, num- Swim Meet At Echo Lake Sunday than 20 players. A team must lico and several lesser courses, and R. Vantiniglia, ss 3 0 0 race secretary. Of these, Rodney mutuels for a 49 per cent increase. ' twv team, noted out Plainneld have participated in five contests Is today juggling those three hun- C. Bullock, p 2 has the shortest odds, 2 to 1, with If the present pace is maintain- t it Rmellc downed Cranford The fourth, annual Junior Swim prior to July 16, or be a member dred millions of dollart without W. Monroe, rf 2 Hoot Mon and Way Yondar shar- ed, officials of Monmouth Park are I ( and Hillside won font Gar- ming Meet will be held ut Echo Softball Schedule of a league of not less than four batting an eye or a fool ball. J. Vantiniglia, lb 2 ing odds of 3 to 1. sanguine that the final mutuels ut , *•* and 2-1 in a double head- Lake Country Club Sunday after- teams. Teams may sign up for Mort could keep you up nights J. Monroe, If 2 ' TONIGHT ~~~ Other probable starter* in the the close of the season will reach R. Spino, 3b 2 noun at 3 o'clock, [n addition to only one classification, and no play- i and Korci: spinning yarns about horse racing, Legion vs. Wildcats order of their likely posttime oddB the f40,O0O,000 mack, with atten- F, Bavos, cf 2 standard events, there will be fa Senators vs. VFW er may sign with more than one W L Pet and exciting episodes In a career thcr-son and mothe]'-daughter re- are: Volotone, Scotch Thistle, De- dance bordering the (100,000 figure, TOMORROW team. A player must have played 9 0 1.000 that extends back more than four lays. William Clotworthy, in in at least five official games with anna Hanover, Flying Dutchees, decades on the turf. Some of the Totals 21 North Stars vs. Bachelors 2 .778 I charge of the meet, has arranged the team that carries him on the Mighty Morris Nymph Hanovci, Ford Nine Suffers irioit colorful figurea in the sport GRANT JR. Scotch Plains vs. Triangles Buckshot B. Joe's Pride, Laura AB I for exhibition dlvinf ; by top per. roster in order to be eligible. Ama- have called him friend, and memor- R H Jersey Schot MONDAY Hanover, Niblik, Patrick Hanover, C. Hlte, ss-c 3 2 2 formers in the New Legion vs, Triangles teur Softball Association rules will Firat Defeat ies shuttle through his brain of astic meet. Lloyd Hanover, Friday Return, Rlley Grannon, Pittsburgh Phil, D. Drake, c-3b-cf 3 1 1 North Stars vs. Senators govern the Union County Champi- Also on Sunday, the club will onships. American Ballad, i Mrs. Popydoou, Wadell Equipment rates us the Mike Owyer, John "Bet-A-Million" B. Bonctti, p 2 1 1 TUESDAY Eula Hanover and Fedor. ' R. Drake, lb-2b 2 0 0 hold a medal play U ornament for big surprise in the' Union County Gates, "Chicago" O'Brien and oth- pairs using one bail. VFW vs. Glenvlew ers who today live in the pages of Carl Lucchesf, 3b-ss ..1 1 1 Hamruhs vs. Wildcats PARTY SHORTCAKE If- more than IE horses go to the Junior Baseball- League today. post at 3 p. m. (Arst heat of Ham- racing's yesteryear. G. Smith, If 1 0 0 Sweepstakes events over the WEDNESDAY This Is the season for fresh Beaten twice in a row at the start weuk-end were featured by the un bletonian) Aug. 6, a new record of the campaign, the Garwood "During my youthful years I F. Downs, 2b-rf 2 0 1 Bachelors vs. Scotch Plains strawberry shortcake, and there's B. Davidson, cf 1 0 0 usually low net 60 e cored by club Glenviow vs. North Stars nothing more delightful to serve for'the rich sulky derby'will be 'to'saers' have' come back to Win was a Wall Street commissioner," president Winfleld C. Brower, who set. Hoot Mon, now second choice, three straight including two over Mahoney revealed the other day at B, Sweeney, ss 0 1 0 at a party! For a variation with C. Smith, rf 1 0 0 IBII Saturday's Class B with 90-30 a real party touch, serve a slice 13 the costliest colt ever to race in undefeated teams. UNION' Monmouth Park as he prepared —60, Class A leader was Gilbert Freehold Raceway the Hambletonian, having been sold AB R H his department for another on- T. Evans, lb 1 0 0 of vanilla ice cream in the middle The Wudcll boys knocked West- Dietrich with 84-14—70. of split baking-powder biscuits, last summer for |60,000 by Charles field Ford out of undisputed pos- If 4 0 1 slaught on the mutuel windows Opens July 31 Phellis, Greenwich, Conn., to Mrs. ki, sa 3 0 0 "One day some of the traders had Totals 17 6 C Sunday, Class A was headed by and plenty of sweetened berries session of first placo Monday night, , McKinley Jr 10 10 0—2 Hem Merry with 74-14—66 and over the top. The berries may bo James Johnson, Lexington, Ky. recisterinR a 6-0 upset at Unumi l b n hot tip on a horse and I -was FREEHOLD — Fifteen harness ill, 3b 3 0 0 Grant Jr 3 111 x—6 Clnss B by Charles Schmidt who sliced or partially crushed, if de- Park, Joe Costa held the Weslflel* pressed into service to take the races carrying purses of $1,000 f 4 0 0 bet to the track. It was my first Doubles—Curtis Bullock, Call posted 88-20—68. sired; and light syrup may be SANDWICH REMINDER era .to four scattered hits while his 4 0 1 each are Included on the schedule -doling, 2b 4 0 0 visit to a race course, and during Lucchesi; winning pitcher—Bon- Complete swcepstal es scores fol- used for sweetening. When making sandwiches with mates bunched all five of their hit! etti, 4 strike out, 0 walks; losing for tho 24-day meeting of the Free- sliced left-over roust (other than off Corbett to score six times in the ^-Vecchione, lb 4 0 0 the running I became so excited I low: hold Racing association that opens lost bath my hat and my compos- pitcher—Bullock, 3 strike outs, 3 LEFT-OVER LAMB DISH hum), be sure to add a touch of first. Wcstflcld committed four er- 5* Amm*»n, rf 4 0 1 Saturday Sweepstn tes, Class A: here July 31, officials of the or- J.-Gillick.-p 2 0 1 ure, and decided right then that walks; double plays—Grant 1 To make a new. dish out of the salt. Tho seasoning • is also im- rors in this framn nnd went down (Sweeney to Evans to Swtonoy to Gil Dietrich, 84-14- -70; W. A. ganization ^announced today. portant in.making any.minced meat L.Wickha Wkkham „ 1.1 0 0 it wa> the life for me," Lean, 86-15—71; Prank Montgom- left-over, lamb rdast, cut the meat to Its. first defeat, leaving the Hlto). _ ...... First of ^the special events; will In .small cubes and add to a mush- spread. The best way to know league without an unbeaten tew fftehan, p 1 Mahoney has come up through McKinley scoring—first inning, ery, 87-15—72; Ed. Aborn. 75-3— be The Inaugural on the opining the" mixture is well-seasoned is to the ranks to the position of trust 72; M. E. Risley, 81-S—72. Class rfjpm sauce, made with either fresh ). Totals ! „ 34 ,0 4 Waynes singled, stole second, and day program. This race is for or canned mushrooms. Season well, taste it! ' ; ,. ... and'affluence'he now occupies iu scored on Gilo's single. Third in- B; W. C. Brower, 90-30—60; Jack three-year-olds and 27 class pacers. Save Your Waste Paper For J ' -v WESTFIELD the'racing world, nerving in capac- Naglo, 80-22—67; H enry Czerny, and serve piping hot on baked mac- ning; Waynes reached first on an Also eligible will be non-winners aroni timbales. R- H ities' during the bookmaking- dhys 88-28—«Bj.Charles S. hmidt, 90-20 in. 1946 of $700 in 22 class or slow- LEADER WANT ADS PAT Boy Scout Drive Sept. 7tk 2 0 error, and scored on Bullock's 5, : tl and, with the advent of the parl- double. —70. er, • Builcr gb ...: 3 2 3 mutUEls, working in all depart- Sunday 2 2 Grant scoring — first inning. Sweepstab is, Class A: Workmen are engaged in getting ITmetii, lb 4 ments until he is today the most Kemingtoi n MerryM , 70- 0 2 important cog in the intricnte to- Jito, D, Drake and Bonetti singled, 14—66; Den- Freehold Raceway ready for tho Thompson, cf 4 Lucchesi and G. Smith walked, ny Pcniston, 81-13—GB; Ed. Field, USO, tf 4 0 1 talisator works that so accurately 1947 meeting, which will include 1. 1 record the daily betting trend. forcing in two runs, and Downs 82-13—69; Walter Sebert, 81-11 racing every day except Sunday. -Jtagtsr, c 3 singled, scoring tho third run. Sec- 70; Fred Thomas, 86- WE HAVE THEM ^>ugherty, 3b 4 0 0 15—70. Class The curved portion of the track, COMF IN TODAY 0 2 During the current year he will ond Inning, Hite singled and stole B: Charles Schmidt 88-20—68; whore the trotters and pacers swing Thompson, ss 4 handlB upwards of three hundred Jforns, p 4 0 0 second, third and home. Clarence Voorhees, 87-16 — 71; around as they enter the home *UY THI AMAZING NIW millions of dollars, as racing pa Third inning, Lucchesi doubled, Henry Czerny, 100-2 i—72; R. S. stretch has been made 20 feet wid- '£,* * TotaU '. 33 7 11 trons vigorously back their judc- stole third and scored on G. Smith's Snevily, 96-24—72. er and will provide better racing ment through the windows, prob- long fly. Fourth inning—Sweeney conditions with less likelihood of firofont ;''8coie by Innings: ably as large a sum of money as .t-.Union 000 000 000—0 walked and scored on a three base serious accidents. will flow through tho hands of any error. .^Weitfield 200 010 31x—7 other mnn, regardless of business ATHLETES FOOT ITCH DELUXE CHAMPIONS ,-"• Errors, Majeskl, Buob, Butler, associations. HOW TO STOP IT EMERGENCY ITEM thm Sofetf, Longmrt-Warlnt Iln*'. *w, IvHt I Standing to date: MAKES S MINUTE TEST A jar of dried boof on the shelf J, Dougherty, S. Thompson; two-buso Of that sum, approximately $40,- SENIOR DIVISION X*w to dttiinl New in nuttrisli! N«w in p«rfonnMu«l Vt ; nits, Nemeth, K. Thompson; thrce- lie! Tl-i-OI. ul IIIIJ- ilr is a life-saver for emergency meals. 000,000 is expected to bo handled W L >!)• till* I'OWEIIFUI, PHNHTIIAT. Try a casserole of boiled noodles, •j>&«M«"l PP «o soft mm non-dtia w^vfinR £ i base hits, Butler, Nemeth, Singer; at Monmouth Park, where wager- EN<» full|clt'lt!i> Ifri.I, KT1IHNGT1I. double plays, Majc»kl-Young-Vec- McKinley 2 2 IteufliPH MOIM3 Kcrnm

Among the local entries arc Ai- red Benedict of Union and Will LAWN SPRINKLERS frod Rooney, North Arlington Other outstanding competitors in elude R. H. Anderson, Rcdlunds, ^al,; Charles D. Covino, Now York GRASS EDGERS •ity; John Voight, Baltimore; Na- thaniel W. Boyd, Philadelphia; William E. BurUin, Manchester, "oim., anil John A. Dick, Milwau- kee, Wia. Dick competed lust year RUMSEYELECTRIC MOWERS ill this event. five I'liampionnhips will l>u hold, in addition ti> AAU opi'ii handi- caps. The fivo an- running broad HAND MOWERS jump, throwing tho jnvelin, 200. QCEANPORT, N. J. Betvwn Bid Bonk & long Branch meter dash, throwing the discus Designed for your comfort/ See lh» !>nd 1500-meter run. Handicap nice.-, will In. ]00 iind -1-HI yards GRASSRAKES Turf's most beauttfu/ C/ub Houie. :unl the mile, us well u» a i,000- NOW thru July 30 ynrd run und u one-mile walk. Hut thol.s Stuktl RACING GAILY RXCIPT SUNDAYS USED AND RECAPPED TIRES US.fftfl Added Tennis Club To POST 2:30 • Dally Double Closes 2:15 Meet Netherwood W BV CMs BMUI 35, ton ittitmlwn to mrauuUi iuu Tfltfc The s SPECIAL TRAINS BlfiKT TO GRANDSTAND ENTRANCE Oohs The Wesl field Tennis Club team will meet the Nothmvood Tennis NORTON and McDONOUGH tl!wl» SI, ». V. k» ta b* *viry. N* Ma, •• wh»r*. Ma Kaw seen, a drop of 40 per cent nico- •tollllw. HiB,»fc, prim m HIM itarti t.Hlnj aoi wfc» riihln Htf ma it water) about the roots of the fore they get so larKe that a thor- »« *»» •• miny happy ,vv mUj nMI LHf>m. II VOU r — -j is*, BVJ w^t; Hi«L a UIU1- Itw «••'• |d Hunt and cuti baHai. lit) fca Mf «•)• twa sulfate may kill them. If von Kl1 cov man crmy I«SI. Craiy % haatawlvH •• Mr. it «m plant? after a little soil haa been are using any materiatori l for mulch ' ™ C">ge cannot be obtained " tin »ri«i It bits. evtr Ihal uid in A FUIH "I iff?!L™» "• > / ih lnttla Dr Ct lik. • hx. wWi tM Uwnt aricn ill drawn into the hole. Plants set ing that may be infested witli bor- i - "»ad M. Hacnseler, II ... now should have a little shade for era„,.„ , .b. e sure that jt .B tho h] proieiwr of phnt pathology. DueU thii whalt wii, warld. two or thii'e days. Strawberry bas- dried before spreading it upon the' ? (1 *• *PPlie a ipeclil ch.mi- gardeners can protect their plants, plain tlfht ani the material, Here cim be piled Or. Haenscler said, by using cop- IfHHHrflt - all vegetable waste from the kitch- Ml bath after btint «ra«m » flneit l per sprays or dusts, available at en, weeds that hav« not bloomed, »t flneit lnduitrlal.iliamond hardware and garden supply tree leaves in season and so oft. WilablAto tabrleat* tunjston stores, * " • OORN FLAKES • . ^^ 2 * 21o Tllfi JIuke layers about six Inches deoj, «*>t ,wlri for Uktl toi and CAUFMNIA YEUOW CUNO tramped down, sprinkle each lay«r Hot dry weather will lessen the ; '*** with garden - soil, fertilizer arid danger, Dr, rjaenseier said. ! QOMN FUKES . . -- 15. lime, Keep it moist. In a feir HWtUfcily. «i|Ui#tw computed PEACHES OHEESE - . • - 2 27c ir.onths it should be ready to dig tKta Bagwems Damafing KiUOMI . • into the garden soil or to use ai an •l|_™^UB|J mtfla „, ttt wl PWT4EH SMcnl • - — 23c a Mulch. J« • «»!• ba|anM.iti»4Uv» timutk Ol Pl to rte«4 ttr wright ot « pencil Q MK KRISHES • « 2 **• 25c Common stalk borers (the dahlia tntk oo • post.*. , . " borer) threaten to be plentiful thia torap Interesting but destructive bag- rtMi OkctN ••."«-*«*"**» *«• *• 25e year, so keep down the weeds in worm larvae now are feeding; on •°1«««D WHUT • . - 14e No. 1M can the vicinity of your garden. Where many ornamental plants. They MWMN'I will continue to feed until late July UUOM-i there art wild Brasses, or weeds FATS AND WASTE >APKR W-*. ak(. with hollow stems these insects or even into the middle of August n CCHATEAU 25c ARE STILL BADLY NEEDED. Bald Fred D. Osmnn, Union Coun- MATT ty Agricultural Agent lit the Court {"] HEP . • • . . 2•'"•"• 25c House today. This pest multiplies fast because • feniales deposit an average of 900 0 VARIETY PA0KA6E - . - - 24c to 1,000 eifBB in each bag. They xtuoaa'i ' ...... J UBBY-S FRUITS SHERWSN-WiLUAMS Increase rapidly also because many ' . ONE OF MR. JOi'S LIIIY'I homeowners think their evergreens • RUSH KM ....•» 15, are producing "cones" for the first FEATURED BRANDS. Q FRUIT COCKTAIL . . - • time. A closer lnok will prove these tlHY'l ' ' ^RESEARCH are not cones, but the protective covering hagworms use as r. sort PREMIER - »-"•'••'•• 23c of house. PMMIEIt And Mr. JM con btrama • BARTLEn PEARS - - '-"< • 43c MJS YOUR HOUSEKCEPIN* vary firm wkin anram IIIIY'S By looking over such plants as 14oi, boll. 4 1 f> arborvitae, red cedars spruces, firs • CHILI SAUCE - - a m< tilnli thai h» might willows, maple, poplars and plane MEMIER roll, a prle. wh«t It'.'. • FRUIT SALAD trees occasionally, the home owner li.i'l niittiary. can find bagworms in time to de- Q CATSUP • - - KECHNUT stroy them. On smaller plnnts MEMIK STMINn> hr around the home grounds the sim- ntmit GARDEN • BABY FOODS 12 95c plest control is hand picking, CJ- • • CUW'f plains Osman, but he says be suit' "• SWEECRANBERRT PEAY SSAUCE to burn them after they are co!-! ntmn ow FASHIONED CUT BABY FOODS SIKAINU lectod. 12 " 95c If worms are seen feeding be- • STRING BEAMS nuts fore bays arc foimed', a spray of niAIND |2 hr 95J iraenato of load will kill thorn. S1WPAUHDAIE HAND • BABY FOODS Heavy infestations and control No. JW can HEINZ on larger plants offer different • SAUERKRAUT - - 10c STUAINED problems. Helpful information is SUNSHINE 12 * 95c contained in Circular 363, "The • BABY FOODS Bajrworra," available freo on re- Q KRISPY CRACKERS - - -25c quest to Agricultural Agent, Court AU'FIAVOK IEVEMCES House, Elizabeth i, N. j. • LORD CALVERT - •»••-*»•*•«« • PANETELLAS 2 " 25c — «• 5.00 I Mos« homo accidanli are FRUIT SAUCE WITH TORK To give a pork roast an up-to- • GULDEN'S MUSTARD 2 ' 25c • HARVESTERS - - 9c *«"«• 4.00 the-season flavor, try serving this, IIBHEART ANTLSLIP wax, bean' lha Rhubarb and Apple Sauce with IIBHEART A!C D1ITS IUCKSTONB the meat. Cook 2 pounds rhubarb 3 — 37,3 45 ihade wall fin**- Flash! Just Arrived! A Nowhere to Compare Special A nawarrar COLORS! ei th« lovaliiii colon you'va POISON IVY aver leenl N6w you can glv» DERMOCEN — An improved C non-itaining greateleu lotion, roomi lho iicho«, handiomsst helpi to reltev« itching and finiih imeflinablo — durable, weeping- irritation earned by lutingly lovelyl Poiion Ivy. DERMOOEN !• a raluabla addition to tho Firit WATERMELONS"'' - 49 \ld Kit. SWEET CALIFORNIA ^m mm FREESTONE KILLS WEEDS C C K' WITHOUT . Sold at JARVIS PLUMS ... k LARGE FANCY 15 PEACHES 3 2S PfSIBBlf Trwnco CTDIM/M tec KITCHENS IIANS .. Planned and Installed With Counter Tops of 10%DDTAe. Plaaljc—Linoleum »»U AM!»i£ !III tAW» FOB ' UoA Stainless Steel Kill dandelions, oihor ugly Custom Built For You. brood-leaf weed«. Si " spray iionlSafal VAN'S APPOANCE *••. SALES CO. NORTH AVE, STORES & CENTRAL, WestfiaW. WEslfteld 2-3726 1 -i. J. COMB IN .AND ItltOWSE Plain fwiij 4.87Si AROUND GROCERY PRICES EFFECTIVE THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1347 . ^—— **'i ""._'. " ii "of the New Jersey Constitutionnl \ meat loaf, bake the meat mixture the political science department of wide background in such matters, Government Forum the University of Pennsylvania Convention. | in individual loaves. Large mul- VISIT said: The institute sefsions will be fin tins may be used; or the loaves "Fight Fire With pored j At Rutgers Monday and editor of the Stale CoiUtitu- "We don't wnnt to be hampered | tion of tho Future, and John E. held in the University Commons. may ^ si,aj,cci ],y hand and cooked on this program. I'm certain it| liebout, assistant secretary of the ill any open shallow pan, in a slow ~- SIMOX'S... Fire," Smith Says National Municipal League and QUICK MEAT LOAF FOR ... n New Jersey to moderate oven. j ly. After ull, this, is a new bort [ ; To speed up the cooking of a • IEACH MODS • WARIH •OHI Ii Member Of Senate | of warfare. We shall be vigilant Monday will be a forum on" "Areas • WNEEL «ODt • IYM SETS Sponsored by the New Jersey *~ Foreign Relation* Group arid slras straight thinking andjof Controversy" with nationally e TOYS F«R ALL MIS • truth. And we shall likely tri-| known authorities on state gavern- Association of Teachers of the So-( Longer-Lasting All AT MOMM« MICH WASHINGTON — Scholarly, umiih." ! nient participating. cial Sciences and Rutgers Univer- l ii • maimi] mild-mannered V. 8. Sen, H. Alex- He believes that with only little They are Dr. W. Broolce Graves, sity, the institute will open with i ~ii'(i,i!,a l!l!',.l,i-IHi.l Hillil i'HH:4ini1if;i lilP'U:!l!lliiUHI!ai!!(l!il.ll»HN UROf KUCTION OF 1 •c- .under Smith of New Jersey, who time left before the first session | c),jef of the law seetion of the of welc0 -"is scheduled to play a leading role oi'the Congress ends, it is unlikely i Legislative Reference Service of f ™. ? CP.EETINO CAROS FOR ALL OCCASIONS j 1 PERMANENT in the current ideological conflict the measure will be pasted until • the Library of Congress, and theA.bcrt E. M^e^^ta., after Jan. ). He said, too, that|p thiefly responsible for the between this nation end Russia, Crson the 150 teachers uf government and »rnteiff: DDr afternoon's program in order to D i , . Concreting — Excavating f- on the other hand, recognises the concluded. Charles C. Rohlftng, chairman of permit attendance at the session ra m i^SifniXy of, the individual" >S , Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg, who jitai beecrho •«!•'Senate's ii.ven-n r policy eipcrt, recently asked Smith ,vto hiad • sub-committee of the tt Mfhly-important Senate Foreism j<otattoni Committee to deal with j&^sjhiral relation* with other coun- •S Vies. Smith accepted without lies. S'Jtetion. ' ' S£, H« W»B to serve, it was under. IjJ.'lbwd, as a liaison between his own &*Ml a coreipondlng House Rroup'. I S". Tte Mundt Bill estsbllshinf a hnancnt cultural. program .and 8, Information' Service* ibrosti is pasted recently in the House. , Is now before the Senate. The gMftcommiUae headed by Smith is. I to begin hestlncs Imnw-

1 and literature, Smith ; It not only is possible to jate thtt Irqn curtain of Bas- 1 her sattellit**, • but that trial and error and coif I effort it is s certainty. " m pictures, too, can tic to portray in unusual ilneai the, way 'of. lit* In rica," hi taU. ' Ithoufh hounded by secret pc- threatened by imprisonment 1 day* Ubor, the people'in Corn- countriees havhsv«e Ortnri food radio audience., Smltt NESTLES MORSELS . pkf. 18c fe -He saidl he agreed with Secre- JUICY* LUSCIOUS MAINE SARDINES CM 13c £«wy

• Remodeling Bathroom., Kitchens, Playroom*. Smoked Ham Either End 0 Roofing, Siding, Ga- Birds Eye PEAS pkg. 29c rage* and Driveway*. Dole PINEAPPLE pkg RIB ROAST ht Six Ribs Birds Eye SPINACH pkg. 26c French Fries pkB EatitnAtea Birds Eye CORN pkg. 23c pkg- Furaiahed. Financing Arranged. BACON Sliced Pkg. 1/2 772 Prospect St. Plate and Navel Beet {k25c FRESH 0R CORNED THE WESTFIELD LEADER. THURSDAY, JTTT.V 17, 1947

Fanwood News 613 Lose Driver's same period lait year, an increase to bo undertaken jointly with the of ID per cent. Total license revo- Pettit Nominated Clark Motors Gets License Since January cations this year for ell causes bringing to 11, the number of com were 6,223, a Uo per cent increase By County Legion County Car Sale ' Action On Gas J munity members. Mayor H. Ever TKENTON—Because they fail- over last year. ett Peters, Councilman Ralph Rus ed to heed the .Motor Vehicle De- H. Frank Pettit of Martin Wal- Othet meml bcrg Post, Ainciican Legion, here, Hugh Claik Motors, or Noilli sell, Boiuugh Attorney William M had progressed in the „" - **"-- «r3 of the tlair I partment's warning after their sec- Post OfiicTwiF" lias been nominated to bo a junior avenue, has been awarded j tliB FANWOOD — Final action on Councilman John M, Hull Jr., fi S??,'d of AtlJusLl"<1nt to succeed revoke! duiinsr the first six months the request of the Trojan Oil Co. A Joll show will be the feature of the year, Motor Vehicle Commis- held Aug. 14. Bertram E. Stew- Board of freeholders to be pur- nance chairman, reviewed local William Y. Bellerjeau, who resign- Contemplate! employment of "ad- chased for iiso of the prosecutor'* for pei mission to erect a gasoline ed. attraction today. Also included in sioner Arthur W. Magee reported ditional substitute carriers at theart of Onion was nominated for budget expenditures for the first the position of county commander. staff. storage depot and distribution cen- six months of the year and report- the piogram will bo handicraft today. local post office was announced to- ter on property on LaGrande ave- classes, dramatics, archery am ed expenditures of $40,260 against "When a motorist fails to 're-day by John H. Traynor, postmas- nue, neer Second street is expect- a budgeted figure of $£2,340.69. music appiodation. In the boys' ter, who announced that an exam- ed at the August meeting of the Softball league the Buckeyes will form after two convictions and Only two accounts to run in excess Add Assistant a warning, he deserves no further ination for appointment us substi- Borough Council. Further hear- of the 60 per cent allotment at the play the Comets and the Beetle tute clcrk-currier auj a special dc- Mclntyre's Lawn Mower Shop ing on the question was held at the will meet the Mauraudcrs. consideration from the state and half year mark were Other Ex- receives none," commented the com- , livery messenger at starting salar- LAWN MOWERS EXPERTLY REPAIRED recent meeting of the council but penses under Administrative and At Playgrounds ies of $1.04 per lioui*-v,ill bo held. no action was taken. Originally The first in a aeries of elghi missioner. "These habitual viola- Executive and Salaiy and Wages swims at a lake near Chatham will tors, or repeaters, usually have a Applicants must reside within AND SHARPENED tabled at a meeting: several months nnd Other Expenses under library. FANWOOD - Miss Margaret the delivery area of the local office. ago, the company appeared at the Baker of Chetwood tcirace, a stu- be held tomorrow for youngsters record of accidents and the only All Kindt of Hand and Power Mower* The Itoads Committeee was au- who have their,parents permission safe course, therefore, is to remove The examination will be on sorting, last mcetincr with a map showing dent at Winthrop College, South following instructions and a gen- Sharpened and Repaired the proposed layout. The pla'n calls thorised to prepare data for an or- Carolina, has been added to theto participate 111 this activity. them from 'circulation' until they Bought . Sold . Exchanged dinance for the future purchase of Transportation will be provided. have cultivated a greater respect eral test. Application forms may for flvo 10,000 gallon under ground supervisory staff of the Fanwood be secured at the .post office and NEW LAWN MOWERS FOR SALE tanks, a pumping house building a new road grader and loader at playgiound. She will be in charge Besides Mr. Eemcho and Miss Sin- for safety." a price quoted in the neighborhood clair, Kenneth Harris, a swimming may be filed there or with the Di- CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED and an office. of the 6- to 8-year old group and During th« sama six-month pe- rector, Second U. S. Civil Service of ?3,OD0. Equipment to bo traded will take over the story hour and ir.stiuctor in a nearby day camp, The Council decided to enroll the in will net approximately 82,000, will assist in supervision at theriod, 632 drivers were convicted of Region, Federal Bldg., Christopher games as well as teach handicraft driving: while intoxicated as com- street, New York. They must be George Mclntyre, Jr. community in the Intermunicipal it was said, to the younger group. lake. Gioup for Better Kail Seivice, pared with 447 convictions in thefiled not later than July 24. 235 ELMER ST., WESTFIELD, N. J. Borough Engineer Lewis report- The Fanwood Kecieational ABBO- Other events scheduled will be WE. 2-2528 a study hour, games and contest for the 5- to 0-years group, two midget softbali league games and handicraft classes for the older

Vacation Bible School Opens Season Time *tb FANWOOD_The Daily Vaca- tion Bible School of the Presbyte- rian Church opened its fourth sea- son Monday and will continue for a 10-day period, Sessions arc being held each day from 8 until 12 noon. A gradua- tion program iwlll be given Friday, July 26, at 8 p. m. in the church. The age limitations are fiom 4 to 16 years for both boys nnd girls. A staff of 22 teachers, includes Rev. Nod Calhoun, who IsNionduct- ing n class on "Church History" for the older children. Department superintendents are Mrs. Allen Darby, beginners j Mrs. Clyde Bnvcr, primary; Mis. Geo. Goudy, junior and intermediate, assisted by Mm. Hany Yamagata. Building Permits In June Valued At $44,675

FANWOOD—Building construc- tion valued ot $44,075 was author- ized by Acting Building Inspector Joseph L. Gorsky during June, nc- cordinir to a report submitted to the BuioiiKh Council. Peimits weie issued for three new dwellings, five additions, one alteration and seven oil burners.

Ui Hi B*|laU ToBrSUrtrwara

md Mhtmn m kf r»- •teM to Mwir wtoM Imtn , ntf km* « mMcMkb •rt, MM n 14M1, MARINO'S • 111 WAVNCWOOO rAM of Railway • FUIMIMILD, NIW JflSJY (Highway 27) . The habit of BEDWETTIN6 in adult or child can be corrected! For personal interview at The cab is FIEXI-MOUNTED— n ruhh a jinst office or in the privacy of ttiTf °- r B "»<» your home, write or call , torsion und vibration!... Ri. 6-7276 — 6-6547 s compartment is wider, 1'^""! Wid d; Amelia Lewis Method 45 N. Broad St., Ridgewood

Get away for fun and play . . . for vacation pleasures to lift your spirits and refresh your soul. Now isi

iriiitoi the time to look abend to gala country weekends ... or •mromtneout- f'k-b fa<»M weather America's First restful enjoyment in your own back yaul . . . late afternoon rm used air Advance-Design Trucks dates at the country club . . . weekend beach picnics. . .. acclaimed from coast to coast! Now's the itmo you want to fuel young and gay, looking your'best ;it all times, for every vacation occasion. Everywhere ... wherever you go... truck users'are i praising the sensational new line of Advance-Design A shopping trip to Roscnbaum's will provide you Chevrolet trucks. Reason? They're really new, really different, introducing the unique cab that "breathes" MEISEL & SANK, with all the wardrobe rcuuidlcH so esKcnliul > —that almost literally "Inhales" fresh air and to deriving the maximum fun i'rom summer. "exhales" used air,* plus scores of other new features % and innovations long-awaited—long-wanted! Built We're uld-timer.s at helping ciistoinprs soluct wardrobes to be first, and built to last, they're big-looking, big-loading, powerful yet economical trucks to do a worn with pleasure during vacation-time. more profitable job for you. See them now. *l'nsh-aiTfteatint and ventlloilnn tystem optional at extra coit Q8lc« at Westfleia, N. J., gering under sky high costs. - u p«end CUn Mattw. Runway avenue --armory, as the erning Territories. the department. _ jbllaliedI Thurmarss at W««t(leldW««t(leid,, New JenarJ mar, So the miner gels more in his weekly 302nd group is reorganized. As its name indicates, the work Eight territories, located in Af- The Wwtflcli'-•-i- laage- r Printin— • • g ana- Pub— bhatl hin' g pay envelope. But he and millions of Betty Purvis, who toured the Pa- of the Department of Trusteeship rica and the South Pacific and In- . comamny. An Independent Nairwavtr. cific with a USO unit, returns to and Information from Non-Self- cluding some 13,000,000 inhabi- Official paper for tho Town of V.'cstfleia. other consumers will pay more for many Governing Territories involves two g-j,v . #ubacrl|>tlon r«u» I!,50 a year In advance, Westfield from la Shima, Okinawa, tants, have so far been placed un- thing's they buy. Multiply this a hun- Corrcgidor and other battlefields. separate forms of responsibility, der trusteeship. EeWblishe* 1S90. dredfold and you have a very good idea FIVE YEARS AGO though in general the principles at In the second field', relating to OCIeet to Sim Street, WeetfleU, N. jr. of why prices are where they are today, Nine thousand, five hundred re- stake are the same. information from non-self-govern- T6L WJ9. J-M07—Wfl. t-MOt. ceive gasoline books and 800 re- In connection with the Trustee- ing territories, the department re- for Lewis' new contract follows thous- quest extra allotment here. ship System, created by the United ceives the information which, in ands of others over the past few years TEN YEARS AGO Nations to replace and develop the accordance with the charter, UN CD1TDRIALJ Early completion of Westfield's League of Nations Mandates Sys- member nations must transmit Arranging POMOIMI loan* it right up our SSOCIATION which have raised wages of production new post office is expected as con- tem, the department must prepare yearly with respect to social and workers to record heights. struction Is speeded. and service the meetings of the economic conditions within terri- alley. We have Mv«ral planf, ao that • The property, between Eahway Trusteeship Council; charged with tories which they govern bat are M»m»»r;-«ualltj- Wet»H« of M. J. avenue and Lambert's Mill road, the system's supervision. The de- not included in the trusteeship loan to belt fit your need* can be worked Uniformity Spelts Safety owned by the town and: familiarly partment functions as the council's system. known as the "Town Sower Farm," permanent staff. It furnishes the The department is at present out| When you need to arrange a loan, No sympathy can be spared the auto- council with information regarding mobile driver who, through carelessness gets new title as the Town,Coun- dealing with information from 74 THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 cil nnmes it Tamaques Reserva- conditions in the trust territories such territories, comprising a popu- in. or deliberate disregard of safety or traf- tion. and supplies the trained personnel lation of some 185,000,000 persons fic regulations, is involved in a fatal ac- FIFTEEN YEAUSAGO for the yearly visits to these terri- scattered over the for corners of Continued Progress One case of infantile paralysis tories which the council decides the globe. The department must cident. Yet consider the plight of the is reported in Westfield as the upon, The department also handles summarize, classify and analyze Announcement Monday night by the driver who innocently crashed his auto- Board of Health acts to prevent the yearly reports which must be this information, and forward it to |T, Town Council that it would proceed with mobile into another one or ran down a spread of disease. submitted by the authorities of the yearly sessions of the UN Gen- :pl»ns for s new municipal building, Study Dhows the historic elm re- the various countries entrusted eral Assembly for possible action. pedestrian because he did not know the moved last week from its East with the government of the tl'ust In addition to handling special ;.*waitJrigrthe time when building condi- traffic regulations ofj-thc, locality'in Broad street home Is only 100 years territories, covering existing condi- tasks which may be assigned to it p. tions -will be favorable and authorisation which he was driving at the time. old, not as ancient as history claim- tions in accordance with a ques- by the Secretary-General, such as HE NATIONAL BAN Sp for the' purchase of another piece of ed it to be, tionnaire prepared by the council. assisting the staffing of the re- This can easily happen. It does hap- TWENTY YEARS AGO The deportment receives the pe- cently set up Palestine Committee, property on Spring street points up the pen daily — especially during these Herbert It. Welch, local realtor titions which may be addressed to the department maintains close co- id progress Weatfield hag made in statistician, compiles figures indi- UN by the inhabitants of trust operation with other departments months of tourist travel—because of the territories or by anyone in their _Jt« post war projects. cating healthful growth of. town; of the Secretariat working in re- amazing lack of uniformity in traffic not "a boom town," he says as he behalf, and presents them to the lated fields, such as the Economic •TU Owlr NatifcMl Basil Is W*.l(.U" ,t Beginning with the new high school, regulations throughout the nation. Dif- shows a marked increase in local council. A recent example wns the ' and Social Departments, and with i ', t realty trunsferg. petition for self-government of the such Specialized Agencies as the Tfc. Baak With tk. Cbch e-" which was number one on the list of de- ferences in regulations and traffic con- inhabitants of Western Samoa, a ed improvements, the town then, in Windsor Rosecrans, don of Po- International Labor Organization trol devices make for confusion and mis- lice Chief and Mrs. John C. Rose- trust territory administered by (ILO) and the .World Health Or- ipld order, proceeded with the im- understanding which increase fatalities crans of Elmer street, wins com- New Zealand. As a result, the ganization (WHO), which have a council decided to send a special direct interest in the social and ;p*ovement of Quimby street, E. Broad on our streets and highways. Tourists missioned ut second-lieutenant In mission to Western Samoa, to study 1,'itreet, the Wychwood entrance, the New Jersey National Guard. economic conditions of dependent often don't know what to expect in TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, AGO conditions on the spot with a view peoples. |:',Pro*p(>ct street parking lot and more re- arm signals, light dimming nnd other The advisability of a YMCA or y Phone Rahway 7-03S4-J - MUtly, the purchase of the Broad street rules, with the result that they innocently a community house for young peo- jt«lto for a future municipal building, rail- ple of Westfield is discusseikjiy become involved' in accidents or viola- tho Rotary Club. w property on the south side, also tions while acting in good faith. Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman Food Price Cut Jersey Spuds PANTING AND DECORATING public parking^ - paving and exten- By Speed limits vary from state to state, entertain members of the Grace- — _ _ mm i |}*ton of Mindowaskin Park and the Plaza land Civic Association at their, a right-turn arm signal in one state home on South avenue and Cross- \hc* lifting. Seen By Fall On Market Soon means left turn in another, SLOW and ways place. MAKAR A cut in the average American's New Jersey potato growers be- f~; Much credit goes to the Town Couix- STOP signs in one region look like route food bill of as much as 15 per cent BEST WESTFIELD REFERENCES •ffl, which has set up a planned program by the fall of 1848 has been pre- gun digging the 1947 harvest of markers in the Jiext |The unhappy LETTERS TO THE dicted by one of the nation's lead- . cpuda thif, Yv'cvk, tut; Sltllt; Depull- WHITE HOMES A-SPECIALTY progress in-keeping with the ability motorist cannot be expected to memorize EDITOR ing food processors. ment of Agriculture reports, Lim- *-«f the town to foot the bills, yet mindful ited offerings already have appear- ' 1698 PARK STREET RAHWAY, N. J. the varying rule books of 48 different But the U. S. Chamber of Com- ed in South Jersey counties. L", of the fact that the community which states. merce took sTiarp issue with this not go forward, disintegrates. The Old Guard statement, declaring the Marshall Kecent observations of Central What, then, can be done to help the Plan for European aid was likely Jersey fields lead marketing an- individual driver reduce highway acci- Editor, Leader: to Involve "very Considerable up- alysts to predict that Garden State We want to thank you for your ward price pressure." fnrmers will harvest n very satis- The People Rule dents and save lives? An important favorable comment on "Westfield These opposing views were giv- factory crop this summer. Pro- As the first Republican Congress in and much needed step is a concentrated Old Guard" In the editorial of your en to the" Senate-House economic longed spring rains made it neces- ,.-15 years draws towards its close, the effort to slandardize.traffic laws, so that last issue, The Old Guard is a committee by Clarence Francis, sary far farmers to extend tho unique organization created in an- board chairman of General Poods normal planting season and then Prescription 4 country is beginning to evaluate its we shall have greater uniformity and swer to o demand from an unusual- Corp. and Emerson P. Schmidt, late frost hit some fields. How- achievements. The sum of public opin- more consistent enforcement. We must ly capable group of men, who find the chamber's director of economic ever, plonty of rain and cool weath- themselves in a difficult Sociological research. er, followed in turn by good grow- Optician ion will be of great political importance. bring order to our confused and variable position. We cite the case of one ing conditions during the past i'qw To date, it would seem that the people systems of traffic regulation. of our members. Mr. X. who after Francis snid he believed food weeks, have offset the poor start. are once again • frttling: :t*e i coAtftry years of service finds his employer • prices may drop as much as IB per The time and effort expended by can no longer use him because he cent year, regardless!'' findsh e is not want- reports that surpluses at homo complied with government requests ROBERT R DAY promises that they would legislate to ed in the bu8iness world and he would equal if not overbalance the for acreage reduction, planting' •-turb labor abuses, that they would ro- that of other states would be justified must stay home and loaf in West- increased foreign demand. " only about 51,000 acres, or about • djee taxes, and that they would main- if even one of the many lives lost could field. "Domestically, most of the pipe- one-fifth less than in 1940, These In the past he spent only his lines are filled in food trade chan- factors of lower yield and Emaller ; tsin a bi-partison attitude in foreign af- be saved by such actions. The cost nights in Westfield and the days would be insignificant in comparison neis today," he declared. "Wo acreage may cut production nbout DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST £ fairs. .This platform met with the ap- were spent in New York with his hnve a record wheat crop. There 30 per cent, it is estimated. Early CLOSED MONDAY UNTIL 6:30 '_ proval of the voters at the election. with the two billion dollars in economic business friends who he has now is some carry-over in corn, offset- predictions place the crop at 8,500,- lost. He is facing a mental vac- ting a prospective lower yield this 000 bushels. AND OPEN UNTIL 9. The labor bill was the biggest domes- loss caused last year by traffic accidents. uum with nothing to do. "Nature year. REGULAR HOURS—9 to 5:30. tic Issue. The one finally passed may * HI n abhors u vacuum," so he would Schmidt said spending billions - be imperfect, but considering that the Labor Not Hurt soon become a mental casualty. A abroad meant depriving people at No Motor Court Now that all tho shouting about the subject for treatment by a prac- home of services, good's and mate- •-matter was so controversial, it is doubt- titioner of mental hygiene, Mr. X. rials, thus placing "additional up- For Mountainside labor bill has died down, the public can wns in such n state. His wife found ful if a better bill could have been writ- ward pressure on our price struc- Phone WE. 2-3288 sit back and see for itelf which side of tho situation so difficult-she insist- ture," The Mountainside Council has 'tcn at this time. The Republicans get ed he join the Old Guard, which accepted the recommendation of that momentous question waa right in he did and is now orio of our most He added it was tho duty of the all the credit for this legislation. Presi- government "to make clear in ad- the Board of Adjustment that .tho 6 ELM ST. WESTFIELD, N. J. dent Truman vetoed the measure and the long debate on the subject. The ardent advocates; to him the Old petition of Zullo Brothers of Rah- Guard is a necessity, as it meets vance the cost in real terms—and "only three Republicans voted to sustain cries of the labor bosses was that the not simply in the euphonious 'for* way for the erection of a motor Opposite Peoples Bank & Trust Co. bill would destroy the. unions and labor's every Thursday morning at the eign credit'—what this program court on the southerly side of Route his veto. YMCA where we have high-class will involve in terms of belt tight- 29 on Lot 8, Block 23-C, should be The first tax reduction bill, written rights along with them. Proponents of entertainments and our average at- ening," denied. The proposal was original- the bill claimed that it would do nothing tendance is 100. Except during ly rejected at the meeting of the and pahsod by the GOP Congress, met a July and August, when we have council after a public protest. r similar fate when it reached the Presi- 111 "S™.™1* correct flagrant picnics in Tnmaques Park, we have Save Your Waste Paper For abuses which had gone without restric- never failed to have a meeting on dont. This time there were not quite Thursday for 14 years, it has be- Boy Scout Drive Sept 7th LEADER WANT AD8 PAT enough votes to override, but the party tion too long, and which threatened to come a habit and his days nro is still attempting to lessen the burden wreck our private enterprise system planned, Thursday the Old Gunrd EXCAVATING — GRADING — LAWNS on the taxpayer, as it was instructed to Last week, labor had its first chance nnd &lnda5'the church. Both an him FILL DIRT — TOP SOIL do lntt November. to prove its side when Lewis began nogo- We* "are "most grateful for the In Iho important field of foreign af- tiations for a new contract with the coal publicity you have given us in your PERMANENT DRIVEWAYS. operators. His talks reaulted in a smash- paper. The Old Guard is a worthy fairs, there was a definite bi-partisan organisation and ia doing good No Lower Prices Anywhere Policy. The principle executive recom- ing victory for his union—in his own work. mendation, the Greek-Turkey aid bill, words, the best contract they ever had. J. H. VERLENDEN, R. MANNINO & SONS BATHING CAPS WESTFIELD, N. J. lasaed with a minimum of debate and the V**3 event hardly sustains the charge Vice Director. WE. 2-5488 the bil1 waa 25c to *»vU FLASHLIGHT appointment of Secretary Marshall waa . designed to destroy the Safety TIpOiThe Week as warmly received by the Republicans unions and enslave the workingman. 100 1 Doz, GLYCERINE aa by the Democrats. It is, in fact, doubtful if the bill will TWO SECONDS TO KILL ASPIRIN TABLETS SUPPOSITORIES How long ia two seconds? Not ...cut to accomplish its purpose. But it is cer- very longk Barely long enough for cut to tainly to be hoped that it will, in some Education Needed a pedestrian to say, "I've got plenty Pound Some bright day, the buying public degree at least, curb labor abuses which of time before that cor gets here." QUART FLIT are harmful to labor as well as to busi- Barely long enough for him to PARADICHLOR- will decide that since it is paying the tako six stops into tho roadway. with DDT.... 290 BENZENE 39* bill for its commodities, it should have a ness. And it is to be hoped that the But an automobile going 40 miles union member will realize that this is an hour travels 118 feet in two better knowledge of the reasons why seconds—and' even on good pave- prices go up or down, with the hope its chief purpose and that the mere fact ment, even with good brakes, the that knowing the reasons, it can do that a man is a labor leader does not driver cannot stop unilor 128 feet, SPECIAL SPECIAL endow him with the ability to do no Speed of oncoming cars is very something about hitting a fair average. hard to judge in daylight—impos- 10-inch VSMB. $2.50 An excellnnt example of the vicious wrong. sible at night. Lust your some 130,000 pedestrians were killed or Oscillating COOL-RAY circle in which tho consumer finds him- Labor bosses in general will fight any injured beCwecn intersections be- COLGATE self today, has just started to develop "•""'i, no matter how reasonable, that cause they guessed wrong or just FAN SUN with the new contract for coal miners. wore'nt thinking .it nil. The place TOOTH endanger their enormous powers, to cross the street is nt crosswalks now V GLASSES iollowing it will shed a great deal of the greatest of which is over their own POWDER and if them is no traffic \\KM it LABOf Jilt OLONLY now lurhf on tho sullied. members. pu.VK dividends in life and limb to Ii WHTWHEN- YOU BUY wait until the way is clenr. Two , OINOI«NTT lift AT Ji, The now wage- scale, which gives second., is often all the time It takes 8.89 [BOTH worker* nn inrr<,,,B of 44 cents an hour, The, Wall Street; Journal recently de- to dio. FOR 1.98 reduces the work day by one hour and hed what has happened in the case ® If you owe money the G^000 government-backed biiMi- r ,. „ © If you don't owe incnwen ihu tonnage charge for the s t0 vetwnns ail)ce Quantities limited -Take 2/10ths of welfare fiinii. hii-. benn estimated 1945 ° •'"'in- Earliest Engine money — Deposit us rn- your earnings to pav l/10th or more of your HoHinjr in nl,(,ut ;i o)le dollar After inuny increuso By nntl lm-gR, tho C,h hnve proven L hcr inventor? had off debts; put l/10th earnings regularly; live per IIJH for ,.u;il. good mkR As of May 25, the ;Lt n- failed, George* £t h m your thrift account; porting <„!,,, oulv ]41a , , fir-it sue Hie on what you have left, Stool, wliii ]] ,1Sljf, a jrrent deal of th« ill-it sueci'ssf,.! interim] i-oinhimtioii use the rest to live on. and got ahead faster. mined coal. i»:tini;it:eB an increase in cost faulted, houKh ail8 other hun-ow • B • ----'-»JJ».»*.(I. Ill Olds' 8lrnight-line imstsmlily, Kord's which vtlll br .-similarly alToctecl. Sled, „ . --'"JT biisimvsoa, Peivpi'l" DIIISS prniliii'tinii and HiiiitiHrilizcfl Filling Prescriptions la the Most Importan Part ' age of JailuroH has ho" '".10« , id liuild n trillion dolliu- im|us. ELD TRUST J.Tj-Ji-won. ii poPTlnWiiutomobilea, so ;{;^'«™«!hoir ,,ip ,,Uo death ; try. It hiiH (.rented n,.nrlv sevra PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED (linn t service- itW1• IHVrpcrlyme . ' ~ nnand imllinn joua in i,;w5 citiea in U ArmJzcwuj, NEW JERSEY tint! fiUltl'.Hl —PHONE WE. 2,2U2 Scotch Plains BRANCHES. Garweod THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY P««e Nil wheel omniscience seems to be de- j agesV»ji'; «6t' recognized. The through safety measures, the pita-] Uniform Safety Regulations Urged mandert et them at the present mamting Wghtfay casualty lists ciple of uniformity plays e vital' Cancer Control time, ( when the volume of inter» tell us thSt'Js is f«upt/wjth haz- x'Ole from first to last. Indeed it state travel is greater than ever ards. We know that it,' hampers goes-back to the very,elements of To Aid Driving And Cut Accidents before in our history. This tre- the:•(re*Hop/of traffic and causes highway design itself. Thus the Costing $700,000 mendous increase is reflected in a great deal ., rights and duties. And certainly of warning signs, signals and pave- Council, co-ordinating the work of no logical reason can be adduced ment markings. It is likewise es- scientists throughout the nation He juit ap^icDow^ w by, the;, different jurisdictions lor sential in the administration of who are working on phases of the failure: to .standardise equipment motor vehicle departments; in the nvestigation into the cause and \lt|itticMi time is a requirements, including lights, training of personnel in the engi- nxre of cancer, • brakes: and warning devices, as neering, enforcement and educa- , A total of $413,274 has been ap- well as limitations on the size and tional fields of safety; in the estab, ropriated for expenditure In the ^lat^' Kwp alUour VftluablM in weight

County medical projects, service r no disputing that uniform provi- velopriient of an adequate system . " "•'•-:•• '''•'<- • •' ;' •'•• ••.'."•.-••'••-.-• " -./•">//". ;.'": "C of accident reporting and analysis, and education programs In 16 coun- The, daily" telephone sions for drjver licensing are high- ties now cost a total of |3l6,Q89. 1 ly desirable, in order that each without which no full-scale attack call "back home * is 1 on the accident problem can hope These include direct grants to hos- PEOPLES MM *^r«^GMB^ state may recognize operators' and to ucceed th e pital cancer clinics, purchase of regular practice with chauffeurs' permits Issued in oth- » - . {" t . ««™ manner, : er jurisdictions. Neither can there! «!'f ?rm «"<.te8ted mPthods of ,m0: radium and ration seeds, x-ray ma- . -•••-. On>«it« IU!lrM4 StattM ... .;'}: f ]i thousands of persons blllzbillztnsr nubllpublicc support are our best chines and other equipment. Ap- be any doubt of the usefulness of I '"K ^fVOtt are our best propriations have been made to im- away from home and uniform provisions for suspension hope of moulding in every individ- WEiTFIELD* NEWJJSWEY business during the ual an attitude of personal respon- prove services at clinics in 81 gen- M*«k«r r***nt Otntll IannuiM and revocation of licenses, so that sibility for safety. eral hospitals of the state. In ad- summer month*. incompetent and' reckless drivers In short, uniformity offers a pat- dition to radium and equipment, 1907— FORTY YEARS OF SERVICE —1647 may be weeded out. And so on tern of demonstrated value for al- personnel expenditures cover the At times their calls down the line with the other im- most every kind of safety activ- cost of nurse follow-up workers make the telephone portant regulations designed to ity. It makes possible. maximum and clinic nurses. circuits to and from improve the safety and efT-tency results from our concerted effort. In some counties funds are ap- of highway transportation—uni- In a very, real senee, uniformity propriated for bedside nursing care New Jersey's shore and formity not only provides the bas- means a united American front at home and for transportation of 9 lake resorts extra busy is *• for comprehensive statutory against traffic accidents. cancer patients to clinics. but most calls go agreement on a national scale but The service program includes Framed Pictures helps to ensure more effective mo- making and distribution of dress- through promptly. We tor vehicle control locally. L. E. Pleninger On ings for cancer patients. have installed new All the fundamental require- European Trip The education program includes • Floral Prints equipment and em- ments for good traffic law are em- showing of motion picture films, loyed and trained ad- braced in. the Uniform Vehicle Louis E. Pleninger of 315 JcfTer- distribution of literature in homes, • Artist Supplies Code for states and the Model Mu- son nvenue, vice president in charge schools, manufacturing plants and ditional operators nicipal Ordinance for cities, which of foreign sales for American Type meetings of all kinds, throughout the State together comprise the nationally Founders Sales Corp., Elizabeth the service and education pro- to help handle the accepted standards for such legis- has gone to Europe for a several- gram at state level provides serv- load. But there's still lation. Enactment of these basic weeks' tour of ATF sales ugencies ice to cancer patients, physicians statutes by every commonwealth on the continent and a study of and hospitals. It provides services SWAIN'S ART STORE a lot more to be done. and community is urged by the postwar "eono"ition»""there "in* th to county chapters where they can press, state highway and motor ve- hi arts industry. be provided more economically at h 8 0 e ials t 01 w 8 grap c state than at county level. Tho We're wording steadily i .t. - ? _ ' ^° .P ^' ?,™^ Mv. Pleninger waa born in Eng- 317 W. FRONT ST. PLAINFIELD, N. J to meet all needs for clubs, farm organizations..„ . , Cham.„ - land, has spent his entire business society this year appropriated $97,- service and make it bers of Commerce, automotive clubs life in the export trade field, anil 185 for this phase of the program, Telephone PUinfield 6-1707 and numerous other groups thru- is considered an outstanding au- Tho state-wide service includes better than ever. out the United States. In fact, 81 thority on this phase of market- a biopsy program, through which national organizations with a to- ing. physicians are provided containers tal membership of over 100 million for tissue specimens to be sent to persons, are now working toward clinical pathologist^ for examina- New Jersey Bell that end. The President's High- Fire In Bakery tion. A broad statistical research way Safety Conference set up the I n.| , Rvnnemno- program is also being carried on at Telephone Company achievement of uniformity thru-1 uelaawy8 Reopening state level. Mortality statistics out the length and breadth of the have been analyzed for New Jer- Fanwood Stone Crushing land as a majoj r objective of the A fire in the kitchen ceiling o: sey and for each of t^e 21 coun- Nationwidide • accideni t preventioi n the Bonat Bakery, 220 East Broai ties, and other phases of statis- and Quarry Company program. street, Saturday afteraooni causei tical study are now under way. p slight damage, which delayed thi '"In theh " drama of saving lives and reopening of the business^ follow "I1IIDW8 A OMATW TilfTHONI MaVKI KM A OMATM NiW JlltttV huge economic losses ing vacation. Fined For "Numbers" CRUSHED BLUE TRAP ROCK The store had been closed for the On a charge of being disorderly past two weeks for vacations, as and having numbers tickets in his for Roftdt, Wallet, Drirw. etc. is its custom and preparations were possession, James B. Williams, 35, being.made for the reopening on of 356 Spring street, was fined Monday. Smoke was noticed by $100 Saturday by acting recorder . i people passing the store and theCharles N, Thorn, at a special ses- z. alarm waa turned in. sion of court. Williams was ar- \ rested Saturday morning by Lieut. OFFICEi TELEPHONESi SAVE WASTE FATS Chnrles Benninger and Sgt. Geo. RIALTO BUILDING, OFFICEi WEilfield 2-3454 WESTFIELD, M, J. QUARRYi FAnwood 2-7M0 the wheel of LUGGAGE REPAIRING a smart new Oldsmobile' • ZIPPERS S1311VICKD • LABU58' HANDBAGS You've probably heard these words on the RUSKIN LUGGAGE REPAIR SHOP radio—these catchy, up-to-the'tntnitt* words 24-HOun sisnvicra — pun i-osno PERMANENT DRIVEWAYS from th« brand new Olisntobile long. Non- Located At 140-150 NORTH AVJE., PLAINLIOLD, N. 1. Next to 11. It. Station 'r „ Win. A. Parkhurst STOCKS AND BONDS Contractor PHONE WESTFIELD 2-1738 . P. O. BOX 334, WESTFIELD BOUGHT-SOLD-QUOTED, RESIDENCE. Mill Uu, MOUNTAINSIDE. N. J. Listed or Unlisted


THE LOWEST-PRICED CAR WITH Until your new • O..H-I O Oldsmobile is here... igjfHYDRA-MATICJS UNION COUNTY "MORTGAGEFBEE HOME 'Optional ol trtr* toil INVESTORS

Ji a thrill t:;: to drive « car so imart pushing a clutch! That's what motoring •k W appearance, so advanced In styling, is like with GM Hydra-Matic Drive* "at people turn odininnc eyes as you —tins fully proved, fully automatic drive For your convenience our office go s»iling by.- , that is availablo only in Oldsmobile among low and medium-priced car*. If It*is, you ought (o find out "about this jffcal a thrill!;:: t0 &ive a car ,o 6mooiU ... let us Help you keep your present 125 Broad St., Elizabeth Hydra-Malic Drive shifts geata auto- 1 institution's helpful and practical home- ™ Performance, so soothing in its coil- car in shupe . Summertime is yac** EL. 2-1623 tushionca riding ease, that the UBI mile matically—eliminates the clutch, pedal tion lime —- you drivo more often financing ptan. Here monthly payments arc completely. And Hydra-Malic Drive is equipped to provide complete facili- fitted to your income—and systematically «y«ur vacation trip 8Mm8 just an restful and make longer trips. That's brings atepped-up performance—im- why lop'tjiifllity service — OtHsmo- ties for servicing investments and brok- reduce principal until you own your home proved economy—greater safety, tool bile service—h particularly imj>or- erage accounts. free-and-clcar. Here you have the advan- K** a spxkl drill 1 : : ; m drive tant during these next few wecknl tage, too, of dealing with people long me m<* mile, through town anil cross- No wonder BO many cnthusiadic owners Inquiries Invited familiar with the home financing problems, g agree... *7t's SMART to Own an Olds!" of this community. ~ ever Shifting gaara or sgi F.P.RISTINE&CO. Members New York * New York" YOUR DEALER Stock Exchange Curb Exchungo Philadelphia Stock Exchange Branch Office— NORRIS CHEVROLET, Inc. 135 Central Ave., Wcntfield AND i Authorized Dealer far Your Own Town 30 East Broad Street, We»tfield, N. J. Tel. We. 2-O22O WE. 2-2686 4. Removal power strengthened, tonicy ircneiuli heinetaiy of state j Central /Veto Jersey's Largest and Finest SinjtU' department heads can bo and keeper of the stiite prison (illin- j Highlights Of ivmuveil Klthe KOVK Midi's pleasure; inateil; (lovci-mu's right to form | , , , any other state uflit'cr oi- employe, cabinet from maximum of 20 slate '< A iff ^ffrfllintfllflQlnA Furniture and Home Furnishings Depts. . ., ^Proposal For except Jt'Kii-latura, judfiea and Ihow departnivnl's es-tablistied. i AIU 1¥1UU1IIC*1IHJIUV rlei-tci) by the be 10. County oflicej's such OH prose- | cutui.s, sheiill's, ck'ikft, surrojfotes 134 East Front Street, Plainfield N Constitution 5. Two-thirds vote rather thai: a1"' c<"'"'"'rs letain constituUwial j Change Needed, How- pL't>*M?iit majority needed to over-i -"tutus, j Ever To Be Effective • ' Highlight:: of a tentative conati- ride Kowrnor'a veto; any appro-! H. Civil service and sys-! 1 miiclc on New Jwisey ex- nriation Lill can bo vetoed in whole] *<™ eonliiiuMl in state government I TRENTON — Gov. Alfred E. :>.'.!.lid an£ present one, Senate president and then the , 'amount; to AH per cent of t)u> tax th fuithir le-election after lapse' speaker of the Rouse to t» acting Camp Watchuna Scout advance- .ratabks, the fundR received t^be PAYMENT NECESSARY AND TAKE TWO FULL YEARS TO f four yean. governor until next general elec- merit continues at a rapid pace it: limited to taxes on" the park pi'op- . 3. All mngli' department heads tion. If bath die or cannot serve, wus reported by District 4 Board ' C]-ty which would be in excess of t lie appointed bv the governor ex- the JegisTRture is to ehoo&e nn net* of Revu-w, ivho sat nt the camp I tho 35 per cent of municipal rata- PAY FOR YOUR PURCHASES! tpt fiwul oflictis who check cx- ing governor. liiflt week-end, under Chairman ti. | bit's. itndituiri! Appointment of drree- 8. Aliliiia to bo organized accord- Conrad Reior of Westfleld. Mr. | Assemblyman Ftrescher conced. fFR by bo«ids or commissions, ing to law, but the governor is to Rcici- was assisted by Messrs. H. ed the law as worded wilt not A. O'Neill, S. S. Bowlm, B. P. bring county revenue to Mountain- Mdins depai tinents, to be ap- naine general and flag officers, Brown, L. S. fionncll, E. J. Mahler THIS OFFER AVAILABLE BY THE COOPERATION OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY AND rt¥*l by the trovernor. 0. Constiutional status for at- side or any other Union County and C, H. Rothrock. municipality. Two canoe trips on the Delaware He atr/reed that while 35 per cent THE BANKS OF NEW JEHSEY and an Appalachian Trail hike of Mountainside's area is owned by were' conducted from damp thin the park commission, this does not this week. necessarily constitute 86 per cent Many highlight features are pro- of the borough's, ratables. Larg» grammed as Watchunr movea in- areas of the park commission's to its fourth week of summer camp- property are swampy or mountain, ing Sunday. A Klondike "Gold oua and would not, be highly; as- Rush" is being planned by the sessed, it was said. staff. Later in the season a min- Brescher pointed out the bill, ai strel show is planned. This will passed', was requested by the-mayor be supported by a minstrel band. and borough council of Mountain- Parents will be Invited to a buffet side, He said the measure prob- pi Date to be announced ably would have to be changed to later. read "area" instead of "tax rata- bles" in order to benefit the bor« Panes AttwMys' ough. Sir. Brescher said an increasing lit OUIMBr STREET • WESTFIELD 2-2200 Bar ExMunation share of the borough's taxable land Cuddie E. Davidson Sr., 436 In recent years has been taken over Grove street, a native of Indiana by tbe park commission and thus public schools and an Indiana State converted to non-taxable property. NorraaJ graduate, degree of LL.B,, This has decreased the borough's Chicago Law School, passed his tax income while expenses of ad- attorney's examination recently. A ministration have remained un. member of Oklahoma Bar. he has changed. practised law at Miami. Okla., and Silent Korth Oil Burner served two terms as county judgo ReiideatV Car of Ottawa County in that slate. Prwptir . Priced He has been in tho office of A, C. Damaged In Crash Nash, Elm street, fpr the past ' The automobile of John N. Ab- two yeart.' bott of 902 Summit avenue and that of Louia nisikoff of Brooklyn Were damaged slightly when they collided Tuesday morning at the Intersection of Somerset street and Route 2», Plainfleld. Nona was hart, Mr. Abbott had stopped foe a traffic light when tho other car V The Tradition Of Quality crashed into it, police reported.

in the luxury, manner... famous "I^roehler" 3-pc living room suite

I «7 O • VJ\J complete • . large, easy-to-sit-on Sofa • 2 lovely Easy Chair?

IN GENUINE MAHOGANY $ WOOD VENEER AT clearance! our regular 32.50 summer chaises 10% Down — $12 Per Month 495 Fancy Burl Walnut (Plus smell carrying charge) slightly more complete with innerspring mattress The manufacturer of this popular-priced piano ia one of the leading spinet makers A!l-»te<,l chaise with comfortable innersoring mattress. All in Amenca-one of the originators of thi8 new style musical mstnnLt. H Tmt enly has the knovrJuw" but also "long-time connections" Trftb the right eourcea of Bupply to get the quality materials necessary to produce a deoendalilfl musical instrument at this low price. " ae^Mabl° 218 E. BROAD ST. I WESTFIELD, T!

IJ^earejmtaf&ooftheqimlitfspkificaticim'oJtUs spinet that make it a dependable musical instrument Full scalo 88-nolo keybom'd "COOLMOR" PORCH SHADES Trair, ReadiicUoff For Openings Five-post back > . Gloveskin T Drop For Openings Tins bushed with rock mnplo 3' wide 4.25 y Drop Hcmarkably even ovcrslnmg scale Does 4' wide 5.95 T wide 10.35 Folding music desk 5' wide 7.50 8' wide 12.25 Permanently crowned seasoned .pruco founding board Miracles 6' wide 8.55 9' wide 13.90 Hock maple bridge* 10' wide 15.50 Wool felt hammcru Colors Unusually long copper wound bass strlngg Overnight. are Green or Brown and Tan Combinations! If you must Wash a Dish DOUBLE GUARANTEE* Ve nnhedtaUy^u our owo or five year guarantee to that of the manufacturer of this piano. Pull a Weed or SUMMER FIBRE RUGS by "DELTOX" Worrprcot the folding mahct of fine piano. Abuse your hands in any way, Have a jar of HAMMOND ORGAN xnd THE SOtOVOX Gloveskin handy. or, size and quality. ."T SCOTT ,l SIACNAVOX KADIO PHONOCRAPHS . JARVIS flll 54 ELM ST. SUMMER GLIDERS "The MIIIIC Center of New Jersey" ADIRONDACK CHAIRS GRIFFITH PIANO COMPANY 49.50 2.98 603 BHOAI) STREET, NEWARK 2. NEW JERSEY <>l'l\ WEIHVESDAYMTT/VfAY.V vs;',,, Ntm y 4 98 SfUrdy Unpaintetl chal"'t t " f ', andsorn' e and Adirondack an/nh !i practical. Moil ana phone orders fiifed. .VFES LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 17,1047

{•'nance of staying out of an arc!- j So much difficulty has been experi- Even two or thcee drinks way at- j Iff J__ T»» [Drunk Driving Leading Traffic dent. The average driver in this j diced in some places in convicting feet, judgment in driving and con- tPUQVC I 0 range is 55 tiinvi more likely to be jdrivers who are under the influ- tribute to an accident, THE YEAR'S NEWEST PATTMW ME MERE! involved in fin accident than d»iv- '• ence but not "staKgering drunk" Problem-Public Knows Danger era with no alcohol! that enforcement has been direct- State's Tenants , , i The public is well aware of the-ed at only the most obvious cases. Aims To Preserve WALL-PAPER By IP. EARL HAIL | ports understates the true picture, dangers of driving after drinking. Many progressive enforcement Cit Surveys involving chemical tests I In a public opinion poll for the agencies, however, have turned to Fed. Eviction Notica T« Safety of Wood or other body materials of j National Committee for Traffic use of chemical testa to provide the Family Life Permit 6-Montbt Stay drivers tested who had been in-'.Safety, each person interviewed needed aeiditfonnl evidence. Such jurcd or killed in trnffic accident*! wan asked which of 10 listed fnc- tests show definitely whether there The formation of a state-wide Tenants given eviction notices . Drinking bjr drivers and pedes- showed that half of the drivers j tors caused the greater number of is sufficient alcohol in the blood conference to combat the disinte- under the old federal rent control trians in « growing traffic safety hail alcohol in their systems. About, accidents, in his opinion. Driving itrenm and brain to cause intoxi- (.'ration of family life "under the law will have the full protection of problem. The most recent records one-third of all the drivers tested' while under the influence of In- cation. Their use eliminates guess- "tresses of present-day influences" he stay given them, usually a six- : w s of state authorities show that in had sufficient alcohol to be under toxicating liquor ranked number work by showing whether a drink- » announced Tuesday by the month period from the time the N cne out of every four feUI traffic ing driver has enough alcohol in y Judge Feller in refusing to i A chemical tenting program has visited the Trailside Museum in tho | allow sudden evictions during tho many advantages. Thore are more Wutchunjr Reservation last Sun-1 brief tlnui when OPA lapsed. In Washed Waxed Double Tank (4 tttet) $132 to $318 t0 picas of Ruilty, • and fewer citsnn day. All from Calcutta, India, I that brief but hectic period, many with Solo Valve $112 $270 necessitating jury trial, with this they were Misses Aroti Bosc, a stu- landlords, mostly owners of small attendant expense. There is less dent ; Monoramu Bosc, a teacher, properties, instituted action to re- chancs of a miscarriage of justice anil D. Thores, studying labor re- guin their premises. 4 Retaped Recorded —the non-drinker and tho mild lations. They cume to the museum drinker are spared the embarrass- as guests of Ralph Atkinson of Weldon Co. Wins ALL SOFTENERS CAN BE FINANCED! ment of unjust arrest. These tests Wcstlield. actually "free the innocent and Miss Elizabeth McClelland, di- State Road Contract convict the guilty." Special Summer Prices NO DOWN PAYMENT rector of the Tioiuti Museum in ganiiaticms taking up the Palisades Interstate Park, gave an , The Weldon .Contracting Co., of l Committee for ' Traffic illustrated lecture lit the tntis'oum Weslficld was low bidder at $81,- AS LOW AS $4.85 FOR 18 MONTHS !_Safety look upon drinking nnd Sunday. Host for that day to 1,- 210 nnd was awarded tho contract "driving as a safety problem. Tho 400 visitors was Elmore F. Furth, for the construction of the traffic committee Is concerned in seeking president of the. Summit Nature circle sepm-ators at Whito Horse, NEWBUNbS to develop greater public ncccpt- Club and u member of tho Trail- below Trenton, lust week by-State WRITE OR TELEPHFONE FOR A SURVEY} aneo of the responsibilities for side Museum Committee. Highway Commissioner Spencer avoiding the social tragedy and , Miller Jr. Tho work will be at tho economic waste caused by traffic I junction of Routes 37 and 39 and Aluminum accidents. As far as liquor ia con- Save Your Waste Paper For I White ITorso avenue. cerned, we urge only: "When you ! Erection of n viaduct 1,«45 feet 55c sq. ft Homemaster Sales Co. "jBoy Scout Drive Sept. 7th have been drinking, don't drive," I lone nnd 11 overpass bridges at Steel I Newark between Port street, at Chry»ler Airtemp Heating Equipment 10 sq. ftt. minimum jWctfield Modufloyr - by Minneapolis Honeywell i Newark Airport ami the Pulaski Wood 244 North Ave. i Skyway will be among tho impor- Thatcher Heating Equipment i iant contracts for which Miller will 2-5604 i receivb bids in the near future, Homeaw Water Softeners Westfield, N. J. i The construction when completed ! 2-5607 Chelsea Ventilating Fans will serve for the new Route 25 j Chrysler Air Conditioning HERSHETS eastbound and will carry to Ray-1 moml Boulevard the eight-lane de-1 C. C. Downe Company sign now nearlng completion be-' tween North avenue, Elizabeth and 10S ELM STREET . WESTFIELD 2-0161 ICE CREAM Port street. "IF IT'S NEW — LOOK UP DOYVNES" LEADBg WANT AO8 PAT

AT THE *W ,'j

307 SOUTH AVE. (Opp. Station Lot) BANQUETS/ PARTIES, PICNICS, ETC. SUPPLIED CALL WESTFIELD 2-0543 SEE IIS FOR OPEN SUNDAYS SPRING WEATHER the year round! 25 TO 50% REDUCTION ON All • A» hundreds of TIMKEN owners will fell you, OUTDOOR CHILDREN'S EQUIPMENT PORTRAIT ECONOMY OF OPERATION is tha big difference between tho TIMKEN ond ordinary burners. TIM- SAND BOXES 36" x 48" KEN'S unique "Wall-flame" principle places tho RflNWReeD MtTAt BOTTOM CANVAS CANOPY 1Q.98 heat whsro It doss the most good—rlaht next to of d Woman Doing a Wash ADJUSTABLE, COLOtTUl lha firewall. TIMKEN Conversion burners—now BEACH ready for initallailon In your home—can bo used Believe it or not she is doing the The new electric washers have all WADING POOLS • BAILS washing. And that's the way it should kinds of improvements. They save In any type of furnace, steam, hot water or hoi oir. Also special burners for supplying hot water. be done—easily and thoroughly. It wear and tear on clothes. They wash 3-PIECE C LARGE C SAILBOATS takes an electric waGhetto do it that iind rinse and damp dry. They clean GARDEN SETS 39 89 Phono us for a free estimate. Wa y- It s the swishing and tewashing Large Salettlon FOLDING and drain themselves. You don't WHEELBARROWS, -g a<){| and the dashing of water over and even have to put your hands In hoc All Mulol - ill CARRIAGES, CRIBS, Be, through the clothes that. eq« them water ... Your electric dealer carries b JUVENILE FURNITURE - TOYS All SIBEt cfcn. washers, too. GYM $16.9S

sxs Ba&3 rsotsT KTBHET ra*jsrajr.D, n, i, 1630 SOUTH SECOND STREET Opp. Bttintl Op«a Slmnxtay Mil » — »•'. «. «-»M5 PLAINF1ELD, N. J.. Twenty-Two Great men are very apt to havi his brother, Andrew H. Campbell But, by all thy nature's weakness, I-- of 40 Bauer terrace, Elizabeth, of- Hidden faults and follies known, great faults; and the faults Bf. Answers To Westfield Was Indian Camping ficers of the new company. Be thou, in rebuking evil, pear, the greater by their .contra^ pand give each other came to be referred to as the west Horning Krvice Sunday at. 9:SO the Presbyterian parish house with on-the-jof? training!" the Railway River where Union Resident, Promoted u n. Sermon by the Rev. Fred their lunches. Everyone ii Invit- avenue now crosses it. fleldB of Elizabeth Town. When "VM fteen of Mewiah Lutheran A. No, The Veterans Adminis- the land was occupied by dwell- These advanced, improved, scientific ed to join the group. Those plan- tration will not approve appren- Regular Indian paths or trails TOKYO—Edward A.' Cheaslcy, r.-Church ot Plainflelil. ings it became known as "The West a graduate of Westfield High and ning to do so should contact Mips tice or on-the-job training where led from Pennsylvania, western Fields" and later Westneld. Tra- Th* Vwation Bible School It Shirley Sargent, of 553 Pierson a veteran is the owner, or part New York, and even the far north- a former resident, has been pro- laundry methods are used to pro- street, so that she may make ar- dition says that the town establish- moted to the rank of technician j*rlMM wcry ToewUy from 9:30 to owner, of a business establishment. west to the seaboard. One of the ed its identity as a village within rangements for transportation. Therefore, two veterans who enter fifth grade, it was announced re- L]| tnd children may be enrolled most Important of theae was the the more widespread' community at My teuton. The achool is un- partnership may not receive on- Minisink Trail, which ran from cently by Headquarters, 49th Gen- tect YOU. ' ti» the supervision of Mrs, A. the-job training from each other. embracing Scotch Plains, Branch eral Hospital in Tokyo. Grace Church Bible Minisink Island, south of Milford, Mills and Willow Grove about 1720. ' Brita. A sound notion picture of Q. "What does it mean when a Pa., from the Delaware Eiver thru It is probable that about this time Formerly known as the Saint ft Bible ttory will be shown Aug. 5. School Opens Monday veteran is gIVen a CDD?" Culver's Gap, south of Lake Ho- a store, road house, or hotel was Lukes International Medical Cen- patcong, through Dover, Rocka- Holy Communion will b« cele- A. A CDD is a "Certificate of built here. ter, the 49th General Hospital to- .' kated Sunday, Aug. 3, Registrar The Dally Vacation Bible School Disability Discharge." It is the way, Whippany, Hanover, Milburn, day is one of the foremost medical fgtta will be made on Friday, Aug. Westfield, Metuchen, Sayrevillo, to Agriculture mostly occupied the Send YOUR Laundry to of Grace Church will open Mon- authority under which a medical time of the early inhabitants and installations in the Orient. kl, TiW to 9 p. m. at the parson- day with classes meeting in the discharge is given. It is the only Shrewsbury Inlet. Insofar as the |^M*i W Cowperthwaite place, church building at the corner of path can be traced in this immedi- there were grist mills at Branch Corporal Cheaslcy began his mil- method now used by the Army to Mills and Willow Grove. A tan- itary career on Aug. 1, 1946, when Dorian road and Westfield avenue. release a man for physical disabil- ate vicinity, it crossed the Norma- Children eligible to enter kinder- hlggin at Branch Mills, came to the nery was located on the stream he enlisted in the Regular Army |Ck«li(MCkrut.ScknBit ity. Section II, AR 01P360, Sec. in what is now Mindowaskin Park, garten in the fall to those 15 years I, ace the Sections of the Army head of East Broad street, thence at Fort Dix. After basic training j of age are Invited to attend. The Regulations relating to discharge to Willow Grove east. of Ash and cider mills were common; in at Camp Polk, La., he sailed over- . - Service*: Sunday, 11 a. m.j (no program of Bible lessons, munle, Swamp to Metuchen, and-crossed fact, the community was known seas for duty with the occupation ' [/•iwwm aervlc* during July and for disability. It is an honorable handwork and games is designed discharge and carries no stigma. the Karitan at a point culled' in for its good cider. forces of Japan. He received spe- *. Awpurt); Sunday school, 11 a. in.; to meet tho needs and lntcre£>tft of early times Kent's Neck, near (To be continued) cialized training at the X-ray Tech- ITelMiday evening, 8 p, in. Q. "Do powers-of-attorney con- nician School in Japan. At pres- each age group. The hours of, the tinue in force after servicemen are where Sayrevllle is now located. JUuuidfui Stfunct "Lift" It the leisDn-iermon sub- school are from 9 to 11:30 a. m. ent he is assigned the duties of an •rt for Sunday. ' discharged?" The Indians traveled regularly Resident Partner , x-ray technician at the 49th Gen* Registration for those who find / The authority granted by over this path from the mountains T«1. W«tn«ld 2-120O C«ldt& uxt: "The Lord it the it convenient will be held'at the such an instrument continues un- eral Hospital in Tokyo. itfoB of mini Inheritance, and ot to the coast. Among the camp Bites In Barrel Company His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- church tomorrow afternoon from til it is terminated by'revocation, en route were the Indian spring in DRIVE IN SERVICE — FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE j ntpi thou maintained my lot. 1 to 4 o'clock. Others may regis- by operation of law, or by death of Acquisition of the Eastern Steel don L, Cheaslcy, reside at 33 the i . Thou wilt shew me the path ^ranford (then Crane's Ford), ter when the children first attend. either the grantor or the attorney. Echo Lake Golf Club, Miller's farm Barrel Corp. of Bound Brook was Strand, New Castle, Del. Hfe." (P. 16:5, 11). It can be roVoked at any time by „ • Sermon. Passages from the King ut the heud of East Broad street, announced' last week by J. E, giving a written notice of revoca- Sand Pit on the Pierson farm east Campbell of 341 Benson placo and |g*\ hmt* \enion of thn Bible include: Will Conduct Service tion to the "attorney." Copies of " "Verily, verily, I say unto you, of Fairview Cemetery, Riploy place At Ocean Grove notice of revocation, in such num- and Ash Swamp. A few of the ' -Jj ..' He that hearcth my word, and be- bers an - muy be necessary, should jb llfveth on him that Bent me, hatn Indian nnmes that have come down Rev, John W, Lord, D.D., pastor bo recorded wherever the powor-of- to us are Mindowaskin, Shacka- y^everlaihng life, and shall not come nttorncy has been recorded. jiinto condemnation; hut in passed of the Methodist Church, will lead mnxon, Raritan, Normahiggin, Deep and Lasting : from death unto life." (John 5:241. a "Pilgrimaise of Service" program Q. "I was recently retired from Lcnape, Munsee, Delaware, Wee- Correlative passages from "Sci- at the Ocean Grove Auditorium, the Army with runk of Staff Ser- quuic, Pasaaic and Pequannac. Refreshment •nee and Health with Key to the Ocean Grove Aug. 23, it was an- geant. Is my wife entitled to hos- pitallzation in an army hospital?' Of sturdy Scotch, Dutch and Eng. Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy nounced by Sanford C. Flint of liah stock, early settlers were used A. Tho dependents of retired , Include: Interlaken, to hardships and went cheerfully lo hundreds of thou- army personnel are admitted to about their tasks of clearing off the "Trip sinless joy,—tho perfect army hospital!) only in cases of I sands, ..the ..thoughtful harmony and immortality of lifts, Young People Will land and laying the foundation for extreme necessity and when, in the the municipalities that dot the ter- reading of the Christian possessing unlimited divine beauty opinion of the commanding officer Science .textbook ..has and jtonrlnem without a single bod- Attend Conference ritory today, If the Indians were of the hospital or his authorized belligerent at times,_tiiV settlers vy pleusuic or pain,—constitutes li'lircscntutlvc, admission is necos- , me or.y veritable, indestructible . Tho fallowing young people from fought theni off with their clumsy newal, and with it Riding the Baltimore & Ohio is like taking sary to save life or to prevent flintlocks but never ran from them, man, whose being is spiritual." tne Presbyterian Church in West- greater suffering. Admission is | from disease and a holiday. There are comfortable trains to (P. 78} field will leave Monday for Blairs- The land now included in the difficulties, increased use- also dependent upon suitable fa- whisk you along, excellent meals to enjoy, town to attend the second of the cilities being available. town of Westfield was originally I fulness, success, and hap- Westminster Fellowship Summer owned by a man named Hart, but service that's always friendly. JVctbrteriu Church Conferences at Blair Academy: later became known as tho Baker pineas — benefit* -which Faith Bocktus, Isabella Brearley, New Jeney Deserves tract. The names of Joseph Fra- have proved to be perman- - Sunday: ~~ Gladys Downs, Marianrta Carlson, Garden State Title zey and John Clark appear among ent. * Whether you travel by day or by night, -ti°j30 "• m- Biblfl scho01- The Audrey Rumple, Marilyn Sturgcs, those who purchased acreage from Men and women in all there's a fine air-conditioned train to serve kindergarten-primary group meets Curolyn Wellmnn und Elkubcth tho Baker holdings, from 1678 to • in the parish nouse. The interme- Wheeler. Th6 following will be TRENTON—Nearly 5,000 Bcres 1687. In 1696, John Erskine, a I walks of life, by applying you-a train you know will arrive at your fliatc and wi lor-adult croups meet attending from Madison Avenue in Now Jersey are devoted to nu'rs. Scotchman, owned 100 acres in the 1 the teachings of this book, destination on time. • In the mam room of the chapel, Chapel! Lois Hartvigsen, Ann eiy crops, the State Department immediate vicinity of the town, |J"The lesson for July 80 will be il- Skorge und Phyllis Peek. oi" Agriculture reports. True to what was later the Gideon Ross SCIENCE and HEALTH the name of the Garden Stute, the homestead, New Jersey nursery industry con- | with Key to the Scriptures tinues to rank high as a source of A volume entitled Gaseteer and I by Mary Baker Eddy ornamental plants, trees and shrubs History of New Jersey, published whiclj are furnished not only to In 1834, and now in tho collection • have found their skill in- , ncB'cb'y markets but also are ship- of Colonel Leigh M. Pearsall, re- I creased, and havle been ped throughout the nation. All fers to Plainfleld as "a largo and thriving village of Westfleld Town- I enabled to ..with stocks aro Inspected annually by 1 greater inspiration, assur- CUSTOM the department and certified when ship, Essex County on Green found free from injurious insects Brook •••* on a plain of very ance, and accomplishment. | To BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON and diseases. level land, between two and three In simple, direct Ian- I miles wide and about 11 long-." I Combined with the returns of Mention is made of.a four-horse i guage, the book gives the MADE New Jersey's flower-growing in- mail stage to New York three complete .explanation of dustry, the total value of the out- times a week, and as often to Phil- I Christian Science and its I put of all horticultural establish- udelphiu, on alternative days. Of DliSEL-ELECTWC STUAMUNER ments in the state WUB estimated scientific a 11 y .Christian ' AUTOMOBILE Westneld, the volume say3, "it was I method of liberation from lv. JjUiabtth i i i i i i t i j ; j j ; «,5i AM ut ?18,O00,00O in 1946. a township in Essox County, 7 LV. Plalnfl.W . ; sjjj; ijjjji 9.04 AM Frunk A. Soraci, supervisor of miles in length and 6 wide, with • sickness, fatigue, frustra nursery inspection, reports that Ar. Baltlmor* .iiiiiuuii. 11.43 AM SEAT COVERS an area of 18,000 acres. It con- I tion, and other evils. Ar. Washington, iiiitisitii 12.3S PM Choose From Our Wide Selection of Fabrics. New Jersey has 443, nurseries. Al tains a Presbyterian Church, a tav- though Bergen County leads in thb ern, store and smithy, and 25 dwell- I A book for everyone to I »C0od.^Ob.ervall«.loU»8.Co,,P.rtw CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. number of nurseries, more land in ings. Lands valued at $25 an . understand and usg3 Shopp., Dliw. Ceodi r...r«3 fr.«, Seat* Rebuilt With Foam Rubber. Middlesex County is given over to acre. A more abundant find de- the industry where 1,146 acres are lightful country is scarco any- "'• $3.S0 » WAIMWOTOM under cultivation. Union County where to bo found," adds the rec- is fifth with 356 acros. ord, "than that along from the, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE I C. C. DOWNE CO. foot of the mountain, north of READING ROOM 105 ELM STREET . WEstfield 2-0161 Save Your Waste Paper For Scotch Plains, through the town- lieQuimnySt. "IF IT'S NEW — LOOK UP DOWNES" ship. Westfield, Plainfleld and Boy Scout Drive Sept. 7th Scotch Plains nro villages and post Open Weejtday* To PITTSBURGH-CHICAGO towns of the precinct." 10 A. M. to 4.30 P. M. Religiously, tho section first came under Quaker Influence, with | Cloaed Saturdays at 12 P. I Lv. eiizobtth , For the Children of West field — age* 4 to IS Battlements at Plainfieltf und Rttij. 11.51AM •*V during July & August. . Lv. Plainfleld , urayVaV>h,i(* r"ore or l„,(,,, B.droom D£J Church music that inspires youth POSTWAR COLORS ••rvalten.lo»,.Cor,R dio,St,worda». Nurse from Woiklngton0. «f°m*. Comeortmsnt, end S Handwork and other projects that arc fun Finest Materials and Workmanship. Nurae from WoiM Pedagogical ly up to date I Bib)e True, FAST SERVICE All lime, .hcwnlor. Sl0Ba8rd Th,.. Boynthl Only $90.00 i b 1 bow lolftf TWO WEEKS ONLY JULY 21 to AUGUST 1 Necessary body work extra. d to 11 ;3O A. M. or tompli/. Information; hfapftent We will also paint your window frames ami dash Mteheth 2.90S1 or tLohlKId 66700 or Jf possible roister the church on Fri., July 18, between 1 and 4 p. m. for an additional charge. nl W. T. Huidy, D/j), />„„, fgp. Everyone welcome 1 Call today WE. 2-4945 W H,,A Tom Bide., 135 tmai SI: No chargcal „._„ .mt_ ClUaMh 4,M K. I.I. r»(Ul.. K/iofc.11tUtvbM, a-tSOO3-6600 Your child cannot afford to miss it! B. L. EGERT, 317 Hazel Avenue . Westfield, N. J, BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD THE WESTFIELD LEADEJK, THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1947 te! will be incorporated in tlw new the promotion ex. and Raritan rosd, have been re- be suitable for use as H meeting 01* /VTOUUQ I UC aininatfon.for lieutenant and ser-1 ioned by the Borouffh Council to room, dance hall, basketball court case. geant qualified, it was learned at permit construction of a S3.000,- Buck Testifies At Phone Rate Hike Thu original petition for an in- The University ol Michigan 1 or banquet hall, and the balcony iU 130tb y»a» cf uUtHKLe. lht t, ; the ofllce of the Civil Service Com- 000 garden apartment project by will have offices whor*_the service eressB of $10,781,000 -was filed by ROSKLLE PARK—Expressing j mission. Of tha 12 who appeared verstty was ct«ate4 in 1817 fcy,-* the Milton L. Ehrlich Corn., of work of the post can be carried! Safety Hearing Is Suspended the company in January. territorial legiititut* btfeu* .,An«-i-n over the spread of poison i for 'the lieutenant examination, New York. No opposition to the on t. gan became • stite. When Mi#k$/; I; ,u»t the boroush, the Board } ««*£«- «£**, "" '" rezoning appeared at a public hear- WeitfieldTiiot Call, Increase Held Up What en absurd thing it is to ean was admitted *i. a stata hus ordered gaining j JQ ing preceding final passage of Expect,Chanfet In paai over all the vsluable parts 1S37, the university Kit mm*4i ordinance making the change ef- Temperature A Factor For Three Months uf a man, and fix our attention on Detroit to Ar.n Arbor. NEW PROVIDENCE TOWN- fective. The enliru pioject, em- Judiciary System h:« infirmities.—Addison. SHIP—The Planning Board re- bracir.e garden apartments i'ur 288 has instituted a campaign of weed families and 80 detached dwelling N. Buck of Westfleld was The Public Utilities Commission I Wiling along pidewalki where pe- cently gave tentative approval to NEW BRUNSWICK — A new one of two pilots representing the has suspended for three months, preliminary plans for garden houses, plus u shopping cunter, court system for New Jersey tak- destrians may easily became afflict* play yards, gai'upes HIMI parking Air Mnc Filota Assoiiution, who stavtintr AUK. 7, n proposed r.ew apartments opposite the south side ilig shape ot the judiciary eomivH- testified last week nt a hearins; schedule o{ ip.tes filed by tho New ci, was ordered to intensify the ureas, will be known us the War- r MATS, tee of the Constitutional conven- drive and concentrate on the mote of the Murray Hill railroad sta- ren J. Locfcwood Village, hfltl by Prraidetit Truman's Air Jersey Bell Telephone Co. nskitiB EVES. AT TM ' infested areas. tion. The apartments would be tion oppears to trend toward the iSafety Hoard. for an increase of $10,152,000 in RIALTO ELIZABETH—Hope for solu- following changes: UNION—Township officials will built and owned by. Michael A, Mr. Buck, of Transcontinental its intraatale rates annually. tlon of the Elizabeth Ueneral Ho»- An independent Court of Appeals BAT., * KOMDAVS CONnKCOL'S FROM: l;t« seek a conference with high olB. Stavitnky of South street, a resi- and Western Air, criticized the The order provides that Increns- dent of the borough for move Slum pitul's finance problems was seen of seven members replacing the failure to include temperature as ... proposed undor the -terms of ciais of the Port Office Department today by Nathan R. Leuvitt, finance present 38-nicmber court whose this month -with the objective of 20 years, The "plans call for 214 & factor in calculating aircraft the new schedule remain suspend- TODAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY committee chairmnn, in EL new Hate jmigea perform dual duties. take-off weights. For every de- id until Nuv. 1 unless, prior to ironing out details which, it is apartments of 3% and 4Vb rooms law permitting county appropria- CORNELL WILDE — MAUREEN O'HARA in 13 buildings. They will cover A Supreme Court having law rise above the standard tem- that time, the commission shall hoped, will result in tha beginning tions to cover deficits of hospitals nnil equity branches, with pt'rma —IV— lesn.thmi 25 per cent of the 13 perature of fi» degrtes, ho said make B determination disposing of of construction* work on ft new which offer, charitable services. nent of judges to each that an airplanu in effect gains township post office. atMB aoned for apartment use. the issues involwd, Tlis new pub- County Treasurer Arthur N. Pier- division, and having a» appellate 250 pounds of weight. lication embrace* the proposed in- in Technicolor EMZABETH—A large major- ELLt.i—Portion! s of a 2323- son of Wwtfleld pointed out that division to screen cases before they crease of «10,781,000 in rates filed THE HOMESTRETCH iiy of those members of the police acre'track adjoining the Roselle the 1210,000 which now goes to could be carried to the court of He said this means chat a CO,. Till'* *1iJ. 3-D* - *•**• NAT. 1M •. 5.» - S^» 000 pound load at 85 deeroea tem- by the company early this year —PlA'll— department who recently took the Golf Club, located *t Wood avenue county hospitals ia divided among last report. plun $5,871,000 additional asked for the institutions on n proportionate Unless there is a sharp change perature actually would be a CC,- JACK CARSON -- JAHIl 500 pound load, the equivalent of to cover payroll and other expenses basis, depending upon the number of opinion, one committee member growing out of the settlement of of fro* days of service the hospi- said, Chancery Court, as it now 88 passengers in a 60 passenger plane. the recent strike of telephone work- "LOVLOVE AND LEARN" tal has rendered to county residents exists, is doomed, but there is ers. unable to pay. He said any in-strong feeling that equity should J. E. Wood of Eastern Airlines, HOMEOWNERS!!! crease<4n the appropriation would not be interwoven with law aa in the other pilot, recalled to the No date has been set for a hear- SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY be distributed in the same manner tho federal courts. board, headed by James M. Landis, ing on the proposed rates tariffs. although the freeholders would be Civil Aeronautics Administration It in the intention of the PUC to permitted under the new law to chairman, how the ALPA seven complete the original case in which YOUNG COTION BARVYMOM make a special provision to meet Rep. Caw Votes Yes years ago had protested asrainst the company is seeking « tlO,78l,- all or part of a particular hospi- federal permission to aircraft man- 000 rise in intrastate rates before HE MENJOU , CRANPORD — Copt. Newell income tax reduction bill, design- Later, stalling speed limitations Rodney Fi»kc Post 336, Veterans ed to cut $4,000,000,000 from fed' were removed completely, Mr. of Foreign Wars, announces the eral revenues effective next Jan. 1. Wood said, and' pilots were prom- MR DISTRICT AH0RNEY completion of plans for n memo- ised that uirport runways would *VK. MS - «.« - »»!». Mttfi,, TlF-ft., S.4« • T.»» - 1O.W ' ••; He supported the early bill ve- be lengthened and equipped with I rial home to be erected on South toed by the President, and voted avenue, east On the main floor of adequate lighting and other aids NEXT WEEK—WED. THRU SAT. Z to override the President's veto. to landing. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO ASSURE MEET- a spacious lobby will be n lounge, "The Republican party," Case HUMPHREY 1OGART —BARBARA STANWYCK: ING THE TWO UNWRITTEN OBLIGATIONS IN a fully equipped, modern kitchen said, "is trying to give the taxpay- In objecting, "we are castigated and the main room of the building. ers of the country relief. I aup roundly by engineers and other The main room and its balcony vill ported it before and I do it now experts as obstructionists," the 1. PROVIDE FOB UQUIDATION OP YOUR with even greater assurance. I pilot said. But "in spite of our THETWOMRS.CARROLLS flght for air safety, wo got tho —AND-. MORTGAGE IF YOU DIE BEFORE THE believe it will not reduce the over all revenues of the government." high landing speeds and high stall- , ABBOTT &C05T£U.Oia END OF THE MORTGAGE PERIOD. . ing speeds . . . But today we still do not have the improved run- Now Thru Wednesday "BUCK PRIVATE COME HOME" Firit Plow Patent ways or the landing aids we were Clnude Jnrninn. Jr. 2. PROVIDE A CASH RESERVE TO CON- promised." TINUE MORTGAGE PAYMENTS IF YOU The first patent for a cast-iron Tho proposals grew out of the plow was awarded to Charles New United Air Linus take-off crash SHOULD MEET FINANCIAL REVERSES. bold of New Jersey in 17B7. In nt New York's La Guardiu Field 194G there were 1,103 manufac May S!», with a death toll of 44. PLUS — SAVINGS TO YOU IN INTEREST IF turera with 1,258 plants producing Investigation disclosed that, al- THE UPHOLSTERY SHOP farm machines and equipment in though It may not have caused the YOU ARE NOW PAYING MORE'THAN 4%. the United States, according to tho crash, the noujtla1! DC-4 was over- Bureau of the Census. Inventions loaded for the 3,500-foot runway. DELICIOUS inspired by patents, have built this Now Thru Wednesday of WRITE FOR FREE INFORMATION AND SERV- highly competitive industry. Koth aircraft manufacturers and Slifrlf'r Temiilr+tfiuy MniMnun TENDER airline operators opposed the Pres- Kritiu-hfit ICE BY FILLING OUT BLANK *ELOW. idential KTOUP'K recommendations "HONEYMOON," SEA-TANGY on thp ground that they were "nv- CHARLES LECHER Save Your Waste Paper For —I>1.1S— bitrnry" and not necessary to Boy Scout Drive Sept. 7th safety. 'Dick Tracy's Dilemma' 396 CUMBERLAND STREET 11AHI4V li. WI1XS0.V, with lllrhnrd Dvril LOBSTER .corner South Avenue , THE OM.Y LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIET1| Uroll'll. Col* AlII-CO.vniTIOM-.II THKVT11P. The N E Vf..TAeatn OF TUB I'. 8., Broad Street — Elisabeth (Mr BMBBBK CRESCENT, «|M PAILT tl«* A.M. CLOSED MONDAYS i. HUBERT FRI. & SAT. Now Thru Tuesday 2 Smash Hits Johmir *lVrfnnilluller isnw. u. noiu.\so> "Tarzan and During JULY and AUGUST , DATI3 OF IirilTII ..,., i,o> n((Ai,iK FRI. • SAT. • SUN. "THE RED HOUSE" the Huntress" | TEAR HOl'SE llriLT RPBNCKII TRACY nor iKKinnN "BACK LASH" 1 HOME IN OKLAHOMA OK PJtESPlVT MOnTOAUK —IN— Wed. July 23 - 1 day Stanley & Livingstone SUN. THRU TUES. TG.tnH MORTGAGE HAS TO HVS ,. 2 Technicolor Hits 'MARINE RAIDERS" —ALSO— —wltli— DUE ON OUR I > YYO.NNK Dul'Alll.O Pat O'llrleil mill llulh Iliiaarr I FRKSEfCT RATE OP IIVTEIIEST .... nan nonoTicv 1IHIA\ DON! IV V —AI.HO— Hope Lamour "SONG OF "Enchanted Forrest" COOL SCREWED PORCH 11 WOn.l) UKB IVFORMATIOir CONCERNING I —IN— SCHEHERAZADE" in color IUNCHEONS A DINNERS I (CHECK OSI3) • 1OJ4 YKAH PfcAW D IS TDAE PfcABf DAVID MVK.V 1 "They Got Me Covered" W« . Mm. 1<1 M ri is ve*n FLAX • 20 TBAII FLAW HAV.MOMI MANH1JV l mid Vrte Htxln SERVED DA.IIY ft SUNDAYS I C 14 YKAll PLAN D 23 YBAR PI.AW I7AIITOOM NIIOW Every Sn(. "STAIRWAY TO • 10 YKAK Starts Thurs., July 24 (Except Tutidayi) NuiKlnr Mntlnrr HEAVENf Buy Mtllnnil 'IVrrMi WrlicM In ••IWI'KIII'KC'I1 I.A11V MON. TUE. WED. THUR. WED. & THURS. lMua FUlillT TO JO WIIKRK 2 Requett Hits ON PtllK AVK.. SCOTCH PLAINS Van Johnson XA \NI>IIKU> RESTAURANT Now Under Managemtnt of ONB ni.nnK ovv KOUTIC z» \\M' IIAXTMIt —IN— "THE NORTH STAR" GEORGE FETZ ••>•* *" "No Leave - No Love" PLUMBING - HEATING i:

Now At FIlil'MHS OS Al.t. ENJOY DELICIOUS MEALS Ml'SH'AI. INMTHl'MliiVr AT SERVED AMID PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS • lOM-i OX 1'IIK.MISIW THE COOL Edw. Mackie & Sons rving Norihtm N. J. tar Orer BO Year*. At "New JvrHPy'a Mutwu Plnliiflelii II-H2VI VANDERBILT Department Stori'" 9 UPHOLSTERING Clothes of Distinction I-'KI. SAT. - SUN. Old Raritan Road . Scotch Plains, N. J. simiiB SLIP COVERS Store Mourn — 9-6 Daily Cooper Oberon MATTRESSES AND BOX MUSIC CENTER "THE COWBOY Specialising la Business Men's Lunches Monday, Friday, Saturday Until 9 P. M. SPRINGS RENOVATED 330 WEST FRONT ST. AND THE LADY" Visit Our Cocktail Bat !'2 ELM WESTFIELD, N. J. • •I.AtNFIUM) KtHlV t'AXTOII 320 SOMERSET STREET, TEL. PLAINFIELD fl.'JS-te M. J. Oiipn 'I'tiiipwliij- MimliMt 'i'HI ••• "PALMt DAYS" "' SO-V. IIA'I1. I t'All'I'OONH THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 «nd their claims and demands against y e the rSurrogate0, the estate of said deceased within ^'•^ «eir unt.S J»^-r^ S^ ^ ^»iro|^sr.ra Scotch Plains News q responp d their excellent U.-non Thursday ^M.1. day frogrdjr^rtt.ej.^.J.m prosecuting oer reco^^ree d equipment the damage would have, same against the subscriber. JiOHKUT S HNEVity." WILLIAM M. BEARD, i'Ctn inurh gieater. The commun-1 PEOPLES HANK Ht TH1JHT f'O Executor. way; movies by Carl Fucller of the ity may well be proud of thin 01- Wetl field, N. J., BEARD & MCGAIJJ. Proctors, Elizabeth YMCA nml a truck ganization." 66 Elm St., Westfleld, N. J. Camp Endeavor Willed Juris 13, 1947. 6-19-6t Fee« »7.80 sightseeing trip through Wutchunj; TThh e ftiri o ile-lroyeil f the burn and SNKVILY & EL.Y. Pis«tor>. BARON'S and the mountains, automobile stjred there. | ""lYll' (iVlmblby St.,'Weatfiei,d,St Wtflld' N._J._ KOTICJ5 TO CIIEDIT0BS. Two cars stored in a second barn !6-1" BSTATK OF WAIJT&K B. JOBS, Ends Session The board of trustees met dur- Peceasefl. . ing the week and conducted s touri VerC removerumOVtUd tWo SafetY When ! ,«•„,, mA r.nBimmnnu Pursuant to the order of of the camp, making special inspec- „ , , „ 1 i \OTIC13 TO CREDITORS. I J-UIDUJK.- * %.•*O u. J^ R •,•S . -- SCOTCH PLAINS—Eighty chil- tion of the newly installed bunks, flames spread to the roof of that' ESTATr OF FJIEHUKHT U SMITH. • CHARLES A. OTTO. JH.. Surrogat« dren rctiirid to their homes in Tepairs made to the swimming pool building. Firemen battled the blaze j ^^gjjf™*; t,,c or(ior nl tiAi^i^^yupon applicatioSTunrln of th? eSt. un dersluned, as Executor of the |8pr!i.rfitl'. iJnion, Cranford, Gar- and the new truck. for moie than 2 Vi hours and lat- fHAliiLKS A. OTTO, JR., Surrognte 1M7, iWOhl, 1 nr'tood, Scotch Plains, er leturned to the scene to wet, othfe tli(Sixteente Counth y daofy Unionof June, mad, Ae. mD.i, •estate of paid deceased, notice la ' Mrs. Richard Lcmal of Fanwood 1347, upon application of the un-hereb| y glvon to thu creditors of • Pla nfV.-i AM£ Dunellen, after down KinoMci'ing hay. deralgned, as Executrix of tho, Bald deceased to exhibit to the s«o- has been named to assist Mrs. I f>Kluto of «Hld decoaned, notice i», ucrlber under oath or affirmation - ipti lir.R .1 10-day vacation at LounBbury with the visitation work ncierjy given 10 mo crruuoi* ui i Ihelr claims and demandB against Car ) Li li mvor in the Watchung Athletic Club Plant said deceit"S to exhibit to the nub- ' the estate of ealcl deceased with connected with the camp. Hcrlher under oath or affirmation six months from th-e date or salt »•-„ MninU'n# Saturday. August Picnic their claims and demands agalnpt order, or they will be forever barrei F J Iighl> : cw children arrived on Mrs. Rose Dimino of Elizabeth the, cmate of mild deceased within from prosecuting: or recovering th K1*1, Monilav I* sinpt their 10-day vaca and MissLoretta Suwalski, Plain- siix monthH from the date of *nlenld eame against the subscriber. SCOTCH PLAIN'S —Plans for FAY B. MCDOWELL, tfar. all ')i-n Elizabeth. During field, have been named to the cook- order, or they will be forever barred 1 in? staff and they are being as- the annual summer picnic have from nromecutinB or recovering tho Executo their sUj i ey will enjoy a musi- been made by the Rainbow Ath- Mame against the eubscrlber. WIL1.1AM M. BEARD, Proctor, emn presented by Mrssiste. d by Miss Mary Good of Plain- VJSBA O. SMITH. 86 Elm St., Westfleld, N. J. letic Club. The event will be held Kxpcutrix. 6-19-5t Fees fv.8 „.. (lurrf, minister of music field. Junior helpers nt the camp this year include Donald Singer of next month, the exact date and BEARD & MCGALIJ, Proctors, the lint Presbyterian Church, 66 Elm St., Weatfield. II. S. STATE OP SEW k Westfidd. location to be announced inter. G.)O-Dt . Foes 17.80 •Mill* hc will play her aecor- Carl Ponzio, president of the DEPARTMEN(SHAIT O) F STATE Mi Mueller will again pre- TO AH, TO WHOM THESS PIJES club, named the following mem- HOTICK TO cnnniTOita. ENTS SHALL, COMB, OHBET tmi mm M and on' Sunday the Praiie* Firemen bers to Eerve on the picnic com- ESTATE OK JOSEP WlllTH, INO: Her Gilbert Van Sever, pastor of Deceased. WHEnBAS, It appears to my oat mittee: Howard Fritz, Armond Pursuant to the order Isfaction, by duly authenticate- » Senr.d Presbyterian- Church For Quick Work Mingione, Joseph Long, Albert Di- HAHLBH A OO JIl S Haliway, will speak There will Donato, Henry Baraldi Sr. and I* daily awlm, handicraft, hikes Alex E. Mettlach of Martine ave- Vincent Perrucci. nue, in,-.a .communication to the "The childrtn during their tUy Ltadir, praises the woik of the ' • pNtram'- which included Scotch Plains Fire' Department at N. J. Guardsmen win :'antalk by Joan Heit- the fire in a barn on his prop- erty Friday morning. Eligible For Point ot Wwtflald; the Rev, Ches- six months from the date of said Certificate of Dissolution. K. Davli, putor of the First Mr. Mettlach, writing for both Enlisted men in the New Jersey order, or they will be forever barred NOW THEHEI'OHIil, j, LLOYD Church of Bahwayi himself and Mrs. Mettlach, wrote from nrorecutlnff or recovering the B. MARSH, Secretary ot StatS e "ofi National Guard will again be eligi- eaino agalnut the subicrlber. i the State of New Jersey, 00 HBHE- and th» presentation of bal "I have the highest praise for theble for appointment to the United BLIZABBTH W1KTH. ' BY CERTIFY, that the aald cor- •peed with which the men answer- ExecutrlxExecu . n—. un on the Second day of : law anand lnllypops by the Trinity States Military Academy starting WILLIALIAM If. BBAHD. Proctor, July, A. D. 1947, Me In my office o ;H«tl»dia' t Young People of Rah-ed the call and the efficiency with with the July, 1948, class, Briga 86 EEllm BBt.t , WtllldWeBtlleld,..NN . J.J . duly executed and attested consent «-19-5t Fees 17.80 |n wrltins to the dissolution of said dier General James I. Bower, state corporation, which wald consent and adjutant general, has announced. the record of the proceedings afore-, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. said, are now on file In my said Admissions from the National KSTATE OK oltlce us provided by law. Guard lire to be based on a com-VIltaiNINIA BROWN KRAZEH, IN TESTIMONY WHEUEOF, Doceased. have" hereunto set my hand dn& petitive examination to be given Pursuant to the order of , at I this November. Academic sub- CHARLES A. OTTO, JR., Surrogate nilenffiled myy Officiartic l Heal, at of the County of union, m&do on Trenton, this Second day of GLASSER'S jects to he covered in the exami- ththo SittSixteenthh dda y of JunJunee , A. DT>, July, A. D. Nineteen hundred I nation arc algebra, plane geome- 1947, upon application of the un- f no'd"' a«""lteeoute.U rr of" Jho SEAr"oF TH5?"sBCRETARY try, grammar, English composition Utili ooff' sasa"d densodd"en°s od,, notice IS OPP TH THEE STATE OF NEW and literature, and history. hereby givei n to thth e creditordit s of JERSEYJERSEY. said decoasert to exhibit to tho sub- ' Uoj-d B. Jin rub In order to be eligible lor ap-sSrlber under oath or affirmation 7-10-St MCKESSON pointment, however, an enlisted Secretary of State man must be not less than 22 years and unmarried, must pass the physical'and mental examinations, ASPIRIN and must have completed one years WHITES,BLACKS, BROWNS,"BLUBS service prior to July 1, 1848. Otlwn Applications are to bq submit- EYES EXAMINED ted by letter through military chan- nels in time to reach the adjutant general not later than Oct. 15. COLGATE Values to $10.95 "NOTICES"' Dr. Morton N. Maivn NOTICE] TO CHBIIITORS. E8TATM OF KATHKVN L. McKBC. TOOTH Deceased. OPTOMETRIST «'•' Pursuant tn tho of CHAIILES A. OTTO, JR., Surrogate REDUCED TO $Gy" of tho County of Union, nmrte on POWDER tho Hlxtoonth day of June, A. D,, ia<7, upnn nppllcntlon of tho un- 227 EAST BROAD ST. . WESTFIFXD iIci'Hlgned, as Artmlnifrtrntoru of the cHtiito of tuikl deceased, notico IK hereby fftvtw to the credltoia of taid deceuHcd to exhibit to tho sub- Glauet Made On Premuea. Calf* g Suedes 9 Patent! % Gabardines scribers umler outli or affirmation Lhclr clr.lmu und domnndtj Uff:»inht tho cstaio or said decensod within Dim Style* # Casual Styles # Open toes nix months from tho date of mild Htvi 9—S Phone order, or they will tie forover brtrrod SMITH BROS. from prosecuting or recover lntr the Open backs % High er Low heels sarao against tho subscribers. by Appointment WE. 2-5177 CHAHLRB H. MCKKK, All colors but not in all styles and sizes HOHAC13 J, McKEK, AUOUBTUB 0. XASH*d£ZTt0"' COUGH DROPS ]M rjim St., Wutfleld, N. J. 6-lNBt POPS J7.S0 NOT1CI3 TO ClIKDITOIIN. ESTATB OF STEPHEN 0. AULOSY, Deceased. Purnunnt ' to the order of CHAUL.E3 A. OTTO, JR., Burroeule of tho County of Union, mudo on Delicious Roasts, ths Blxtocnth day of Juno, A. I)., 1.00 BERKLEY LIGHTER < 111)7. upon application of tho un- dritilgufMt, an Expcutrlx of the estate of said deceased, notice 1B hereby given to the creditors of Bald deceased to exhibit to the sub- Sea Foods, Salads, WITH scriber under oath or nffirmatlon their claims and demands against 109 QUIMBY ST., the estate of said deceased within ilx months from tho date of nald irder, or they will bo forever barred Steaks and Chops BLADES FOR _rom prosecuting- or recovering the Shop in Our New Air-Coditioned Store same,against the suhscrlhnr. THEHESA It. JHLOSY, Complete Plate Dinner* to Take Out. WIL.MAM HUCK, Jn., Proctor"^'*' Bloumflold Bank & Trust Co BIIIK Bloomlluld, N. J. " 50c e-10-Dt Fees 17.80 NOW OPEN 24 HOURS EVERY DAY. NOTICE OF SETTLEMEiVT. NOTICE IS HEBEBY OIVEN, BARBASOL That Iho llnul account of the sub. scrlbers, Trustees under - the last Will and Testament of Frederick Tel. We.tfield 2-2173 Tuttle's Have the Things C. Leary. deceased, will bo audited BRUSHLESS SHAVE 2 for 51c You Need for Garden, ELECTRICAL WestHeld Diner APPLIANCES 213 E. Broad St., next to John Franks Lawn and Home REPAIRED 15c SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS FACIAL Better than pre-war quality. TISSUES 2 for 16c BADGER WATER SOFTENER PROMPT—EXPERT Good Credit LAWN CHAIRS . BEACH UMBRELLAS RADIO . WASHER REFRIGERATOR is simply a EXPRESS WAGONS . SAND BOXES AND VACUUM matter of ALCOHOL BOTH CS WHITE BEACH SAND REPAIRS good planning PHILCO RADIOS . PHILCO REFRIGERATORS WITCH HAZEL FOR O 1c CENTRAL APPLIANCE MONARCH RADIOS AND PHOTO 601-603 CENTRAL AVE. SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. GARDEN TOOLS • Good credit rating, an a«iel lo ever; one who enjoys It, ii more a mailer oi character and a LAWN GRASS SEED record of prompt payment than it Is of having MILLWORK . LUMBER WESTFIEU'S SUNDAY fxlcnsivc collateral. A FRIENDLY loan will liclp you lo pay annoying lillla promptly— MASON MATERIALS DRDGST0RB8CHEDIILB and preserve your credit by putting Indebted1- ue!B on on tasylorrpay, long term liailj. COAL . FUEL OIL OPEN THIS SUNDAY - JUST CALL WISTFIELD 2-5161 - JARVIS 9 A. M. to 9 P. M, Continuous Service

CLOSED THIS SUNDAY 333 CAST BROAD ST. • WCStFIEW, HIW JERSEY Bell's Whclan'Whclan's lOPPOSIte CENTUM AVI.) JOHN 8. PIICM-R. M9», 6 Baron' Mo. Kal. VA A nmavt HIM POR IVERY Nets 0 We R«s«rv« the Right to Umlt Quantity*