Established 1922 Madison College,' Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, April 16, 1943 Vol. XIX No. 29 Maids Select Attendants Stratford Gives Dr. Jarman Speaks For May Celebration play In June Miss Harris To Direct; -1 To Freshman Class The twelve maids recently elected Clougherty Has Lead to the May Court with the attendants "One of the supreme marks of an they have selected are as follows: Bette Clougherty will play Alice, Glee Club Gives educated person is the attitude of "T" Albright, Tilli Horn and Dot the leading part in Alice Sit By the Wonder and awe of the universe of Pitts; Jean Burgess, Ann Brown and Fire, Stratford Dramatic club's pro- Easter Program duction which will be presented on man and beauty and love of God," Peggy Brooks; Marguerite Clark, The Messiah by George Frederick Friday, June 4. said Dr. L. Wilson Jarman, president Eloise Hurd and Gordon Sampson; Handel will be presented on Easter' The play, which will be directed of Mary Baldwin College, In assembly Catherine Cothran, Eleanor Karpe Sunday afternoon at four o'clock in by Miss Ainslie Harris, assisted by on Wednesday. "The man who loves and Sugar Johnson Faroe, Eleanor Wilson hall, by the Glee club, assist- Mrs. Eleanor Pincus Karpe, has the beauty will find truth there." Fitch, Jo Ann mith and Julia Rich- ed by the leading male singers of ards; Ann Griffith, Mary McKay and following cast: Ginevra, Frances local choirs and several members of Speaking in Freshman Class Day • Nancy Peters; Nellie Hatcher, Tommy Mullen; Amy, Emma Royal Lile; on the subject, "The Scientific Way the a capella choir of Shenandoah Cofnio, Martha Millan; Col. Grey, Jacobs and Piggy Altken; Louise Conservatory. of Life," Dr. Jarman told the student Martin, Pat Carner and Mary Lee Janet Russell, Nurse, Marie Suttle; body that the tradition of liberal edu- The Glee Club members selected Wayland; Elizabeth McDanieL Mil. Steve, Jane Rebman; and Richard, cation today is in the hands of worn, this special season to bring to the eon, Mary F. Goodrich. dred Christian and Mary Hamner; en's colleges, their faculty and campus their best program of the Joyce Poole, "Nicky" DeMott and Louise Miller is the head of the students. Hence, he said, we all need year, which will include the Easter Frances Waddell; Ann Valentine, makeup committee, Judy Hoffler, of to be more serious about the matter selections from the Ontario. The Jackie Turnee and Marian Watkins; the props; Marie Suttle, costume, and of education today. Women should program will feature several solos "Toddy" Young, Jean Wall and Eliza, Maggie Wright, head of the staging continue their education in college, and the well beloved Hallelujah Cho- committee. beth Overton. \ I and find their place in service after- rus as the concluding selection. It ward. The theme of this year's May Day has been customary for all audiences Home Management Dr. L. Wilson Jarman, president of College students are studying, Dr. will be the songs and dances of our to stand during the singing of the Mary Baldwin College at Staunton, Jarman went on, and searching for Allied nations. Groups chosen from Hallelujah Chorus since its first Girls Plant Food who spoke in assembly on freshman knowledge and skills in the tools of the various physical education classes presentation in England in 1742. At class day. learning. They should secure some will present seven dances, each of this time the King and Queen rose For Victory 1 degree of knowledge and understand- which is characteristic of some par- to honor the composer, Handel, who ticular section of our Allied world, Mrs. Pearl P. Moody, Mrs. Adele ing of the world in which they live. had become an-English citizen. The Blackwell, and the home manage- Pre-Easter Service "This is the first time the world while the Glee club will be in charge audience rose also and since then all of songs for the occasion. ment girls have secured a plot of has passed this way," Dr. Jarman audiences have followed this prece- ground behind the library in which In Friday Chapel said. "Each generation faces a new The seven Allied divisions to be dent. to plant a victory garden. Good Friday services will be held world and one thing we have to ex- represented and the countries which Faculty, students, and friends of After a great deal of difficulty they on Friday, April 23, at 12:00 in pect is change. There are more and they include are as follows: the college are invited to be present. British empire, including Aus- have succeeded in getting the plot Wilson auditorium, announces Betty more difficult problems ahead than tralia, India, New Zealand, Canada, plowed, harrowed, and ditched. Pota- Gravatt, president of Y.W.C.A., who the world has ever known. Educated South Africa, and Great Britain; IKIilLlPMUM! toes, peas, beans, lettuce, radishes, will lead the program. people should plan for change." ? Mexico, South ■and Central America, carrots, spring and winter onions Dr. Jarman concluded his talk by including Costa Rica, Honduras, have already been planted. listing the Habits which are the Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Placements For mark of educated people. They are Panama, Cuba, Brazil, Haiti, Domini- Announcement the habits of awareness, of definite- ness in observation and in speech, of can Republic, and Bolivia; Russia; BUY All seniors graduating in' "v Junior Dietetics China; Central and South-east ,/ MITED STATES June, 1943, who wish to make open-mindedness and tolerance, of suspended judgment, of objective (. See Attendants, Page Four) WAR application for a Virginia teach, Majors Given thinking and observation, of con. BONDS er's certificate, will please meet AND secutive thinking, of question and sin PS in the auditorium Thursday, Mrs. Varner has announced the analysis of all statements and con. Military Drill April 22, at 11:50 a. m. placements of the junior dietetics in 11 3 11 elusions, and the habit of boldness of \ hospitals for their eight weeks' of thought and action. summer training. The girls and the Is Suspended After the assembly program a hospitals in which they have been luncheon was held in the tearoom. The Defense committee on physical Choir Presents Concert placed are as follows: Those attending were Dr. and Mrs. fitness has decided to discontinue Dorothy Blackburn, Sheppard-Prltt (See Class Day, Page Four) drill for the remainder of the quar- On Palm Sunday Night Hospital, Baltimore; Sue Boggs, ter. Norfolk General Hospital; Georgette 6 Additional Books The faculty and students who did Linza Mason Is Soloist; Carew, St. Luke's Hospital; Bethle- come out to drill each time, who . Watkins Gives Lecture hem, Pennsylvania; Mary Betty In Browsing Room spent their time working on it, and Dent, Jefferson Hospital, Roanoke; who showed an Interest in it are to The Crucifixion by Sir John Stajner Elaine Eggert FreemanT" Jefferson ©the following new books will be be commended. will be given on Palm Sunday night, Hospital, Roanoke; Jane Elmore, added to the ^Browsing Room on The comittee feels that a different April 18, at 8 o'clock in the Meth- Johnston-Willis Hospital, Richmond; April 1.6th: program should be adopted next year odist church. The concert will be Nancy Harbaugh, Emergency Hos. Tunnel from Calais—by David and recommends that Physical edu- presented by the combined choirs of pital, Washington; Edna Earle Rame. This story holds its read- cation be given to all students and the church. Holmes, University Hospital, Char- ers tense with foreboding, but that it be included in the-regular Linza Mason, a tenor, who is the lottesville; Fanny Hutchinson, Stuart has profound interest for Eng- - curriculum. * production man of WKRC, the Cin- Circle Hospital, Richmond; Jane lish and Americans and their cinnati Times Star radio station, is Lane, Harrisburg Hospital, Harris- allies. Students Complete one of the\soIoists. Among his radio burg, Pennsylvania; Cary Lawson, I Am An American—by Famous productions are Jimmy Scrlbner's Rockingham Memorial Hospital; Bet- Naturalized Americans. This is Swimming Course Johnson Family and Singin' Sam the ty McGrath, Rockingham Memorial a warm-hearted and colorful American's declaration of faith Mr. Max Rhodes, lifeguard and Barbasol Man. Mr. Mason has also Hospital; Minnie Lee McLelland, and optimism in our country and swimming .instructor from the Red been featured for the past six years University Hospital, Charlo.ttesville; things it stands for. Cross, gave some practical lessons In on many Cincinnati radio shows In- Dorothy Meidllng. Lynchburg Gen- Agenda For A Post War World functional swimming, by arranging cluding Ship of Song, Sundown Sere- eral Hospital; Doris Millner, Wom- —by J. B. Condliffe. This sets the conditions as though they were nade, Sunday Matinee, Tours Thru en's Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland; forth the economic issues that actually what would happen'in case Tuneland, and Music For You. Dorothy Perkinson, St. Luke's Hos- must be faced in any attempt to of a capsized boat, a sinking ship, or The other soloist will be Thomas pital, Richmond; Gertrude Sears, establish a lasting peace when in event of some such accident in N. Leef of Washington, D. C, who is University Hospital, Charlottesville; water. a baritone. Mr./Leef has had wide Barbara Smith, Union Memorial Hos- this war ends in total defeat of liinza Mason, tenor soloist from the totalitarian aggressors. Buckets, washtubs, knotted inflated experience as church and concert pital, Baltimore, Maryland; Annie \ My World and Welcome To It— pajamas, shirts, and big balls were singer, having been bass soloist at Cincinnati, who will sing at the Whitlock, Stuart Circle Hospital, by James Thurber. employed to keep afloat. the Saint Alban's Episcopal church Methodist Church Sunday night. Richmond; Ann Whittington Sjogren, Press Pass—by Kathleen Ann Mr. Rhodes is giving courses of and an Atwater Kent Contest win- Lewis Gale Hospital, Roanoke; Mar. this type to further the interest in, ner. club, will take place at 7:30 o'clock tha Belie Williams, St. Elizabeth _ Smallzried. Mrs. . Parkington—by Louis swimming. "Forty per cent of the The concert will be preceded by an In the Sunday school auditorium of Hospital. Richmond; Mary Helen Bromfield. This is a love story drafted men do not know how to explanatory lecture by Miss Evelyn the Methodist church. Seats for the Wygal, Memorial Hospital, Cumber- which covers one of the most swim," he said, "and ninety per cent Watkins of the Main street training concert will be reserved in the church land, Md.; Evelyn Messick, Univer- exciting, multi-colored periods are unable to swim for even ten school. The lecture, which is being for those who wish to attend the lee- sity Hospital, Charlottesville; Louise of American history., minutes." sponsored by the University Women's lure. Maus, Norfolk General Hospital.

—. V. \ THE BREEZE Are You Guilty? Mommas hiV Helper i By GKOR'GETTE CARKW The biggest problem in industry today is absenteeism—workers staying home from es- Dear Momma, ■ sential war jobs without valid excuses. Em- Another week, another job!!! As I told you last ployers all over the nation are attacking these week, I was lunch cook and boy what a busy week it was. None of the girls here are incapacitated so I virtual saboteurs. Many have been "dismissed guess my cooking isn't too, too, amateurish. Would with prejudice." you believe it, Momma, I even fixed brains! I sure . -Our job as college students, as we all well looked brainy while I was preparing them and I do know, is to prepare to the best of our ability to mean it literally; messy things, one's brains. do our share in the war effort. Many of us will You know, this matter of getting an education is accept teaching positions that are vitally essen- an all-inclusive job, right now we are going out 'boot tial today. But here at Madison as in the fac- training' in gardening. We have a Victory Garden, tories we are guilty of absenteeism. Many— but once you see the girls at work, "defeet" is all far too many—students come before the ad- over" the place. Please pardon that awful pun, willya. ministrative council with invalid excuses for Daddy would get a big kick out of seeing all of us, absences from classes. We ask for more class approximately 20 girls, and two 'bosses' out working in our two-by-four garden. With a garden book in cuts but if these conditions continue the change one hand and a rake in the other, we all manage to in the class cut system may be in the other di- plant carrots, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, and rection. Each class we miss puts us farther other spring vegetables. Although the garden may behind and makes us less capable of complete be small, you remember the old saying that all,good mastery of our work. The laborer is "discharg- things come in small packages. I'll probably be sent ed with prejudice." What should be done about home for pulling out tomatoes instead of weeds, al- student absentees? though the garden at home has helped me out to Let's not make it necessary to employ re- distinguish between good and Dad. medial measures. We, as Madison college stu- This week I had a casualty in the way of getting dents, should have enough patriotism and gen- two fingers caught Somewhere between the kitchen uine interest in the task we have undertaken to and dining room. The swinging door Swung too fast and my fingers are not so nimble now. Now, I am prevent this condition from arising. Perhaps swinging-door shy and go through the living room to we just don't stop to think how important reg- reach the dining room; it is a bit inconvenient but I ular class attendance is. But we must think! From The Hcadlines do feel safer. Let's honestly try to decrease unnecessary class Wit'ssE End^ Getting back to my past week's duties, I had a By Jane Rudasill Lee Anna Deadrick absences and make the most of our opportuni- kinda tough time keeping from yelling "Come and Mother: "Louise, your hair is all Pacific Plans. There is fighting ties to prepare ourselves to be of as great ser- Get It," when the lunch was ready for consumption. rumpled. Did that young man kiss every day in th|8 Pacific. Allied vice to our country as the aircraft constructor We use a quieter system here and use bells, then you against your will?" bombing planes are smashing at the or the shipbuilder. Let's abolish absenteeism each one tries, in a lady-like manner, to beat the Louise: "He thinks he did." ring of air and naval bases Japan at Madison!—B. W. Is* building north of Australia. In other to the table. You'd be surprised how many times I lost out. "Say, do you know, my roommate's New Guinea, \jungle-hardened Aus- Well, Ma, enough is enough, so I'll ciH it quits a regular nut!" tralians and Americans are painfully .until next week when I'll bend my sleepy head over "Tell me all." clearing the Japs out of one area this paper to write to you again—you guessed it, "Why, I was writing a letter the after another. Far to the north, The Breeze next we'ek I am breakfast cook. And only too well other night, and I saw her pecan." American planes and warships snipe at the Jap footholds in the Aleutians. you know how "I hate to get up in the morning." Domestically, Curious One (to owner of a ban- Bloody battles are fought on the soil Yer Lil Helper daged arm in splints): "What! of China. Have you a broken arm? How did it Noire of this fighting is conclusive. happen?" The Allied strategy is still to con- Student with broken arm: "No; centrate on knocking out Hitler while you see, I was trying to pat myself holding the Japanese, although *Grape Vine Glimpses J^MMA JANE ROGERS '. Editor on the back for not asking so many they're not foregoing some pretty Louise Vaughn gets the blue ribbon of the week HELEN PECK Business Manager fool questions, and I strained my tough blows at Japan before Hitler BETTIE WOLFE Assistant Editor orange juice." goes under. because she got a letter from Dr. Liu less than a week after he'd been here as Kappa Delta Pi's chapel LENA BOURNE Managing Editor ' . LEE ANNA DEADRICK News Editor Nazis Fear Invasion. Small signs speaker. Louise thinks it's perfectly wonderful that Frosh: "Then you, too, have felt In Nazi activity and a lot of talk in VIRGINIA RUSSELL '. Cartoonist the subtle touch of his genius?" he remembered her having mentioned that she was GEORGETTE CAREW .Feature'Editor Allied territory Infers that Germany Senior: "Oh, yes. And the subtle a home ec major, and sent her three pages of EDNA REID Copy Editor fears invasion this spring, as com- genius of his touch .", Chinese recipes. Dr: Liu wanted to know how MARY ELIZABETH ROBERTSON Proof Editor pared to the British preparation two things turned out in case she got around to trying PETE WRIGHT Desk Editor years ago for a German invasion of them. All this_ element of domesticity is quite BETTY CAMPBELL Headline Editor He: "What did your father say their island home. touching, is it not ? , Why don't you bake him a ANNE CHAPMAN Headline Editor when you told him my love was like There are reports of British para- MERLE DAWSON.; Publicity Editor a broad and gushing river?" Chinese cake, Louise? RUSTY MORRIS Photographer She: "He said, 'Damit!' " chutists landing in Norway to hide —G.V.G.— _- _. with Norwegian guerrillas in the_ PEGGY TURNER Chief Typist Mr. Marshall says that the best news of the week mountains. The British have an- NANCY HARBAUGH Circulation Manager Female Driver: "I want a glase of is a kind of joke on Bev Woolley. She spent all SUE BOGGS Circulation Manager nounced restrictions on the move- water for the radiator, a thimble of Sunday afternoon preparing a music manuscript and ments of ciivlians in a wide belt EDITORIAL STAFF: Mary Nelson Ruffin, Barbara oil for the motor, and a demi-tasse of then spilt a bottle of ink on it. Rumor has it that Ann White, Evelyn Normant, Jane Hand, Margaret along the English coast, and there Bev got so mad her roommate had to leave the room. Wilson, Dot Finley, Jacqueline Habbarde, Jane Gary, gasoline. I think that will be all." are grim war games being played in Mary Bryan Taylor, Helen White, Ruth Weinthal, Ask Toni. Frances Bender, Jane Rudasill, Harriet Clark, Joan Attendant: "Couldn't I cough In this area right now. —G.V.G.— . Griffith, Cordelia Robbins, Jean Fawley, Bette Clougherty, your tires?" It is the region from whfch a Con- Grace Richardson, Dot Hollins, Caroline Reese, Cornelia tinental invasion would start, and in Ev McDonald made a deep impression on her Maupin, Terry Taylor, and Mary Kathryn Fultz. a sort of cautious movement across young and handsome government swimming instruct- HEADLINE STAFF: Bette Clougherty, Edith Mayhew. . Saint Peter: "Who are you?" the Channel, the Germans are clear- or the other day, but it wasn't exactly the kind of BUSINESS STAFF: Phyllis Black, Elizabeth Bobbitt, Applicant: "Student at Madison ing civilians out of costal areas. Mary Lee Dillard, Jane Rebman, Dona Ruth Stafford, impression she wanted to make. She jelly fish floated College." tg Russian Deadlock. Their winter Margaret Dew Settle, Doris Fisher, Madeline Fisher, way down the pool for a long time after everyone Polly Wood, Dot Meidling, Trudy Hall, Harriet Preas, Saint Peter: "Were you at Mili- campaign is over, announce the Rus- Lois Vaughn, Peggy Merriweather, Marie Van Lear, and else in the class WAS out, and when she emerged, tary Drill Monday?" sians, although they're still pushing Marion Mayhew. 1 against certain areas. But spring has dripping and exhausted, everyone else was laughing CIRCULATION STAFF: Stuart Anderson, yirginia Applicant: "No." . Wilhelm, Virginia Pratt, Dunreath Thornton, Vivian Saint Peter (pressing button): slowed down most of the fighting on and laughing at her, including Mr. Young and Hand- Siainback. the Russian front and little news "Going down." some. Ev, needless to say was embarrassed. Exhibit TYPING STAFF: Ellen Mitchell, Annie Bradshaw, comes of any major battles. A: Ev McDonald. Earline Squires, Barbara Raush, Betty Yeagley, Helen Only in the far south, where the Bishop, Nancy Brown, Mary Frances Goodrich, Vivian Dressing Salad —G.V.G.—x summer sun is drying the mud, is Shristenson, Janet Jones, Elenor Ruddle, Romine Chappel, Adam: "Say, Eve, was that my Louise Griggs, who is confined to the infirmary Gaylc Chowning. there important action. Here the suit you threw in the salad?" Russians are advancing hoping to cut with mumps, wouldn't be too elated to hear what her Member off and destroy the Nazi forces in the roommate, Helen Crymes, replied when asked how Two Morons Plssocialed CbUe6iate Press Caucasus. Griggs is looking these days. Cryme's comment Distributor of ' • "j r"^-—£2! Two-tttttg morons were- talking, was, "Well really, it seems to me that the rnqrnps is

■ and one of them said, "You know, CbBeftiate Di6est A Reality To Army Men becoming to Louise." I'm going to buy all the gold, and all Twelve University of California co- —G.V.G.— the silver, and all the platinum, eds decorated their boarding house Didn't Nellie Hatcher and a few other Tri Sigmas and all the pearls,, and all the with greenery and entertained 24 look simply dashing the other morning enroute from emeralds, and all the diamonds, soldiers at a dance. Lincoln House to the dining hall at 7:14 A. M.? In- In the whole, wide world." The greenery turned out to be cidentally, Hatch lost her pearls on that last stretch The other rubbed his chin poison oak. The 12 co-eds and their THE BEST PAPER reflectively 4or a few minutes, and hasn't located them as,yet Why don't you in- and finally said, "Don't know house mother were indisposed next vestigate these low-hanging limbs between Ashby and MONEY CAN BUY/ that J care to sell." day. Their was no Information on Harrison, Hatch? WAR BONK *5TAI\APJ —The Richmond Collegian. the condition of the soldiers. o .1 -


/ ' V"


.<-■ What's News German And Cotillion Heads Seven Girls Try Out Announce Additional Members Seven girls tried out for positions Bids were Issued last week by on the Breeze staff last Monday night. Sororities Make Cotillion and German dance clubs. Those trying out were: Emma Lou Marjorie Hurt-president of Ger- -rf Graybeal, Mary Moore, Elizabeth man club, announces that the follow- Carpenter, Dot Burkholder, Martha Spring Plans ing girlB have accepted bids for mem- McNeer, Kathleen Messick, and Ruby bership: Key. The four campus sororities are The results will be posted on the planning spring activities under the Betty Gravatt, Marjorie Perkins, back of the Breeze room door, next leadership of their jhew presidents. Evelyn Sinclair, Mary Helen John- week; and will be published in next Tommy Harrelson announces that the ston, Elizabeth Holland, June Stead, week's Breeze. \ most Important project of PI Kap is Gable Fray, Virginia Gilbert, June the continuation of the Stamp and Johnston, Jean Raup, Frances Stan- Bond Drive. As in the first two quar- ton, Audrey Hatcher, Katie McGee, \ Walton Is Elected Head ters, one week, probably about the Marie Bause.rman, Virginia Morton, last of April or first of May, will be Mary Elizabeth Robertson, Marion The new officers of the Disciples set aside for the drive. Defintte^plans Barritt, Lulu'Crist, JUne Pettit, Eliz- club, who will serve lor the year have not been made for the manner abeth Miller, Kitty Ralford, Alice 1943-44, are: Marie Walton, presi- of selling stamps and bonds. Gurley, Mary Ann Keeter, Vivian dent; Verdella Van Landingham, A HA To Have Breakfast Gilllam, Frances Dorf, Bess Burford, vice-president; Katherine Hale, sec- Jean Nelms, new president of and'Glada Jarvls. retary; Elizabeth Carpenter, treas- Alpha Sigma Alpha, states that a Marjorie Fltzpatrlck, president of urer; and Carolyn Reese, reporter breakfast will be given May 9 for the Cotillion, announces the following and chairman of the program com- Jean Bell, of Norfolk, and "Dot Wilkinson, of" Petersburg, who will seniors of this sorority as well as for new members: Joyce Smith, Marjorie mittee. reign as queen and maid of honor respectively, at May Day festivities on any of the other members who wish Powell, Jane Cotton, Peggy Merrl- May 8. to attend. The mothers of A.S.A. _ $=£ _ weather, Louise Travers, Jean Dean, girls are also invited. May 13 is the Peggy Lee Marston, Mary Lee fourth anniversary of the local Alpha Holt Is Vespers Leader flal Thurston Plays TRADE POST Dillard, Lucia Zlegler, and Lib by Sigma chapter.- There will be a cele- Mrs. Raymond C. Dingledlne will Thompson. be speaker in Y. W. vespers Sunday For Dance May 8 Weseeg£^+,TigePtt0 bration for the occasion. Tri Sigma Plans Celebration afternoon. Anne Holt is leader of the be exact that one of tne most tra ic With Hal Thurston and his orches- . 8 Tri Sigma is planning to celebrate program. tra, the May Day dance, to be held consequences of the war has been its Founders' Day Tuesday, April 20. Johnson Weds at 8:30, will adopt an English theme effect on the heretofore luxurious (?) The theme, Latin America, will be this year. The color scheme will cen- traveling style of Hampden-Sydney Dugger Is Elected Head carried out in decorations, programs, ter on the pastel shades. students. In prewar days it was con- Faroe, April 4 and place cards. All Tri Sigma mem- Maxlne Dugger has recently been Although it has not been definitely sidered a disgrace to pay for one's bers and pledges will attend the ban- Edythe Johnson became the bride elected president of the Wesley Foun- decided whether there will be one or *Ide anywhere and now arises a dan- quet which will be held In Senior of Lieutenant Edward Ellis Faroe in dation, Methodist student group. two dances, it is probable that there «er tnat students may forget the art dining hall at 6 o'clock. Guests will a double ring ceremony at the Other officers are Edith Mayhew, vice will be only one. of the hitch-hiker. Hampden-Sydney ., president; Bessie Rutter, secretary; men would support the moral and include Dr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Duke, Lutheran Church of the Good Shep- and Peggy Brittingham, treasurer. social advantages of hitch-hiking in Miss Clara Turner, 'Miss Martha Boaz, herd at St. Hollis, Long Island, New Miss Margaret Hoffman, Miss Ruth MOVIE words to this effect: "Hampden-Syd- York, on April 4, 1943, at 6 o'clock Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Graltan Price, v Scribbler's HaS Meeting The movie, Iceland, starring Sonja ney is so far out in the country you The church was decorated with gold have to thumb to get anywhere! Miss Marine Aleshire, and Mrs. Annie The regular monthly meeting of Henle and John Payne, will be shown Thumbing ,bullds character. tnere. Bailey Cook. vases and white flowers and two gold the Scribbler's club was held Wed- ln Witaon Auditorlum APrtl 17 at fore Hampden-Sydney builds charac- Margaret Hoffman, chairman of the candlesticks with white candles. 8:00 p. m. program committee, announces that The bride wore a gown trimmed in nesday night at Miss Margaret Hoff- n g mov, HoUda lm ter; Introverts never make success- 1 ul Jean Bell will be toastmistress. Those man * h«™Q with iwto„ ««.♦». t>„ - ' hitch-hikers, therefore, he should net and ruffle of real chantilly lace mans home with Miss Martha Boaz 8tarring Blng Cro8Dy, Marjorie ^V-he aent to u..s, wheTe h&n hltch.hlke offering toasts will b; Nellie Hatcher, and Miss Hoffman acting as joint nolds, and Fred Astaire, will be . , „ Sarah Overton, Mi r..m Watkins, with a full skirt and long train. Her 'or stay at school. 8hown in Wll80n r m fingertip veil was held by a seed ^teases. *"™° i« - And from a reprint in the B. C. (See Sororities, Page Four) pearl crown arid tfhe carried a IRC Initiates 11 Members £W C A Cabinet Invites ^ior gals have glamour Spanish Club Elects bouquet of gardenias. . Cnurcn Heads The bride's sister, Mrs. Gerald Thursday Night April 15 To Meetings junior gai8 have baits; The Y. W. C. A. cabinet has in- Sophomore gals have well-known Sanderson Prexy Lockyer, was"matron tit honor. She Eleven new members were initiat- vited the heads of all the denomina- llnes, wore a blue gown and carried yellow ed into the International Relations At Meeting tional organizations on campus to at- Freshman gals have dates. daffodils in striking contrast. club at a meeting held Thursday And tnat seems t0 tend the cabinet meetings each require no other Fannie Lee Sanderson took over night, April 15. Mr. Gerald Lockyer was best man. Wednesday night for the purpose of explanation. the presidency of the Spanish club ^ Those installed were Ida Marian i fellowship and con- According to the Rotunda, the The groom is now stationed in Mon- f08tering c 08er Tuesday night in the Recital room. Garnett, Emma Lou Graybeal, Kath- tact among the various church Farmville home economics girls seem tana. erine Hale, Dorothy Lou Ellis, Eliza- groupg. The-organization heads who to be killing three birds with one Jane Spooner became vice-president; Bess Queen, secretary; and Betty Mae -..beta Mae Carpenter* Nancy Tuck, are invited to attend are: Maxlne stone. First of all the girls have College Life To Become Edith Mayhew, Jane Moody, Jane Dugger, Methodist; Ellen Collins, planted a victory garden covering Womack, treasurer. Retiring officers Traditional college life will become - . Rudasill, Mary Hope Lilly, and Lu- pre8byterian; Evangellne Bollinger, two-third acres. This work will he were Eva Domlnitz, president; Dot cille Johnson. Newman; Mary Nelson Ruffln, Epls- the girls' part in the physical fitness Finley, vice-president; Harriet David, more of a reality to the men engaged Judy Hoffier, the club's president, copal; Amelia Artz, (Christian; Mar- program this quarter, with each girl in the Army Specialized Training secretary; and Edna Reid, treasurer. presided over the meeting, after garet Wright, Baptisj.; and Wilda working on a regular schedule of Program as two new rulings of the which refreshments were served. Comer, United Brethren. . three hours a week. The products Tommy Harrelson, accompanied by War Department go into effect. The j*-- —— 1 ' from this garden are to be preserved Fannie Lee Sanderson, sang AY, AY, first provides that the soldier-stu- Ci..J i Z7' J P • if T !• i /~"I Ior use in the Home Management AY, a Spanish song by Osman Perez dents may join fraternities if invited Students rind Enjoyment In History Llass h0Use next year. Did you know that Freire, after which Mary McKay "Johnny Mac" Makes American History Live our gl^a "*?' t0°7 — played Fire Dance, a piano solo. to do so. The second establishes a After singing a selection of Spanish program of competitive team sports By Carolyn Reese Ilwraith leading! the discussion, we p //,/.,/,* ]A/hni Fnrd songs, the club adjourned with the w'thin the Specialized Training Units Jabber, jabber. What a racket! chase Rommel all over North Africa. DainiUDS, VV nOl rOT. announcement that the conversation- to help inculcate the "will to win" Well, anyhow, class hasn't begun yet, studentg really enjoy thl8 clas8 StuJentOoinWrtS VaW 11 1 U , WB V 9f al Spanish group would meet again and to aid in physical conditioning we're Just getting warmed up for the mademadfi especiallyMnficia„v InterestinglntfirfiaMn*: andan„ lively„VP.v y* *"? " P f M each Tuesday at 12 noon in Reed 3.' discussion to follow. Whose class is by tne profj who makea a statement, Or, what are bath tubs for? A of the men. it? You'll find out pretty soon. then stands back and enjoys the flood freshman might say it's something 1 . ' Pretty soon, a little fellow strolls of comment looged Dy his remark. you have to wait in line to get a bath in with a newspaper under one arm, through U8ually> by the tlme he get8 in. Luxury? We haven't heard of a Dagger Speaks For Martinsburg and a book or two under the other. talking everyone l8 won over to his tax on tubs, though.there was once It's that prof known to students and sjde 0f tne i88ue- - teachers alike as ''Johnny Mac." This one on windows. Congregation On Sunday, April 11 Slightly scoffing at some events and is the title applied to him behind his bring light to the darknesses of sor- definitely approving of others, "John"- Sophomore: Bath tub—snoring "I am come a light into the world back, of course. procedur'es, laughing at others, and over a certain underlined history that whosoever believeth on me shall row, ignorance, war, and sin. —WeB, Mr. McllwTaith vainly tries ny Mac" doesn'tleave much doubt as book—a«eF"twelve. Win someone not abide in darkness," waa, the text IftcTuded In the course uf her SCTJI *•?• to command the attention Of his class t0 wnat he thlnks about 80me thlng8 ^ me hQw , ^ ^ myse,f used by Maxlne Dugger as she mon were excerpts from two original Jeached the Sunday night service by merely staring at the students (?) in particular and everything in gen- S .„„,„,. poems, "Africa" and "My Prayer." r 8n0rln with twinkling eyes. Finally, a few eral i - ° B? Id at the Calvary Methodist church After the service when she was be- notice that he's present, and the noise „' „ ' ,. ll. Junior: A bath tub is where you Martinsburg, W. Va., April 11'. . . . . Well, thank you anyhow, "Johnny • ' . „. , ing congratulated by members of the begins to fade away as everyone .. „ . ,. - fight with a room-mate, jump In, find Driving up before the church, Max- . . , ' ' Mac," ifor your Ideas on everything, congregation who were pleasantly lne was astonished to see on the bul- eagerly awaits todays news. Finally, for m American history live, the water is cold, and jump out. Mce surprised'by the sermon she ,was Mr. Mcllwraith speaks words that . , .. , , .„ . letin board that the evening service and for straightening out currentL place to sleep. more than surprised to hear one per- will go down as a remark typical of was to be conducted by Rev. Maxine events for us. We enjoy every minute Senior: My child, they are sym- son say that her Dad, being a Meth- him: "You sure^tan tell it's a bunch Burger; Maxlne's only comment was, odist minister, had probably written of It, especially your dislikes of bols of luxury, prosperity, and a of wlmmen," or sometimes merely, "Gosh, I'm glad that my first name the ser^non and that it had taken her North Carolina and Mrs. Roosevelt, means' of judging cultural back- "These wlmmen." is not Ham."^ sixteen years to memorize it! This an Now we proceed to delve into the d your apparent liking of every- ground. (Thanks, old topper, we'll Before an appreciative congrega- came as a shock, since Maxine had news of the day, and with Mr. Mc- thing else. weep when you,graduate.) tion Maxine told how Christ can written It on Sunday morning.


Dick-Perm Follows Anne Back To Madison; WARB Westbrook Explains Mysteries of His Guitar " QUIZ Showgoer By Betty Campbell "A tobacconist," explained Rfthard have studied .ardently." Johnny West. Monday through Friday, April 19- Deeply human skeins of many men's Penn to a curious reporter, "is a man brook haa- taught music >for many 22, the Virginia Theater will feature lives all bound together In the life who wae in business before the war." years and has a large invisible radio Q. What kind of Bonds are War Savings Bonds? and in of the ship they serve are seen MrT^Penn was "formerly connected audience. At present, he is working A. They are appreciation They Got Me .Covered, Samuel Gold-' through the picture. with the exporting of tobacco. How- on a series of books, which he hopes Bonds, that is, they are wyn's new laugh riot. Friday and Saturday, April 23-24, ever, since such an occupation1 is" no to publish after the war, on the sub- sold on a discount basis. After issue, they in- Hope enacts the role of a zany for- the State features Tarzan's Triumph. longer a reality, he spends much of ject, "The Treatment of Harmony." crease in value, reach- eign correspondent for a big New This story Is another of the thrilling his time entertaining at U.S.O. pro- w««tbrook Explains Guitar ing their full value in York news syndicate, and Miss La- adventures of Tarzan In which he res- 10 years. The increase - grams for servicemen. mour enacts that of his girl-friend cues his son, "Boy," who has fallen Did he meet his wife at Madison? An electric Hawaiian guitar, as ex- in value, which you re- ceive when you redeem and head of the syndicates' Washing- off a high cliff -while discovering the "Well," Mr. Penn replied with a Pained by Mr. Westbrook, ie really the Bonds, is the inter- ton office. It is truly a top hilarity hidden city of Palondrya. In so do- twinkle in his eye, "I met her some- a fascinating instrument. The elec- est on your investment. with the lid off when a war cor- ing, he meets Zandra, princess of a where else but I followed her here." trie guitar has taken over all the Q. How long will War Savings respondent is trapped in the mud- . white race Inhabiting the city. Mean- When asked whether he volun- qualities of the original Hawaiian Bonds and Stamps be on sale? bath section of a fashionable beauty while, he receives a letter from his teered his services to the U.S.O. or guitar, and in addition, by means of A. No time limit has been salon while trying to run down Axis wife, Jane, in London, telling of war whether the organization requested electricity, it gives to the normal set. The sale will con- saboteurs, which is exactly what"hap- horrors and Nazi 'brutality. Tarzan his aid, Mr. Penn replied thoughtful- sound both amplification and susten- tinue until it is stopped at the discretion of the pens to Bob Hope in They Got Me Is not impressed, but he and his son ly, "Both," while his pretty wife, still sion. "It won't make an audible • Secretary of the Treas- Covered. The exciting action takes ury. are molested by German Invaders. dressed in her gala colored gown, re- sound unless it's hooked up," Johnny place in New York City and in, Wash- Q. Can children purchase War The invaders are wiped out, and Tar- minded him, "He pushed me Into it." confessed. This was his first visit to ington, D. C, and includes a sensa- Mad,son and nls Savings Stamps and Bonds? zan Is victorious in the toughest fight Violin Is American Made taP'esBlons were tional kidnapping and a daring public of his career. Mr.' Penn'* violin was made by an «■"• Arable. "The school's site is murder by Axis agents. Although American, E. H. Sangster, of Niagara ^ely and the buildings and grounds everything he does is wrong, Bob CLASS DAY -~ „ ». „ ,_ mv i„n_ ..„„„„,! command immediate respect. The rac- Falls, New York. The violin, accord- Hope, with the aid of Dorothy .La- *i _..* ultyu and students (those whom I (Continued from Page One) ing to Its owner, was recently put •* mour who loves him, finally solves S. P. Duke, Dr. and Mrs. Anson B. through the most grueling of tests at have met) are lovely. I can't think the crimes and rounds up the enemy Barber, Mrs. Lincoln, Laura Yancey, Harvard University. The instrument, of any school being nicer than Madl- criminals. Ann Bennett, Cornelia Maupln, Ann By Gib Crockett. competing against several Stradi- son. The supporting cast Includes Otto Camden, and Elizabeth Smith. varius's and superior models and A. Yes. Millions of chil- Preminger, Edward Ciannelli, Marion Mrs. A. T. Gunn, who accompanied dren are buying them The class night program was a tir- played by two of the world's most re- Martin, Donald Meek and others. The Dick Penn at the piano, is also a na- regularly as their share cus presented In two acts. Between nowned violinists, was found to be in the national savings production is directed by David But- acts Annabelle Chilton sang "With- equal In every way to the other tlve of Danville. "I have two sons in program. ler for RKO Radio release. out A Song," and Ann Bennett played violins. the service," she said, "and whenever Q. Will the Government accept a personal check in payment The State theatre features In the piano. Freshmen wore red sweat- Former Madison Student they write they can't say too much for a Bond? Which We Serve, Monday through ers, white skirts, and clown faces il- Anne Penn, vivacious wife of the f0r the U. S. O." Mrs. Dan Dickinson A. Yes; subject to collec- Thursday. This is the epic story of a lustrating their colors and class day tion. violinist, attended Madison in 1928 and uule Mls8 Ann penn ai80 ac- ship—a story whose heroine is a de- theme. and 1929. She majored in elemen- Q. If both coownere of a War stroyer in the British Navy. Through companled the Penn's to Madison and Savings Bond die before the . tary education and has never had her stormy career, from the time h£r appeared on the program. Bond is presented for re- SORORITY training in dancing. "She is just un- demption, who gets the keel was.laid in 1938 until her heroic money? (Continued from page 3) usually talented," said her husband. end three years later, we follow the A. The estate of the co- Marjorle Fitzpatrick, Ann Milliner, Incidentally, Anne taught only one ATTENDANTS owner whose death took lives, the struggles, and the hopeB of Ann Valentine, and Kay Valentl. year before she was married. She place but. .. (Continued from Page One) her commander and many of the Ann Brown will sing "Saludos AmL lost no time In reaching the altar. • . ... Europe, including Poland, Yugosla- members of her crew. The ship, gos," and Margaret Hoffman and Report cards were issued at 10 a. m. Remember—the longer H.M.S. "Torrin," receives its first Vivian Snyder will present a Spanish and wedding bells rang on the after. via- Greece- and Czechoslovakia; you keep War Bonds, skipper, Captain Edward Kinross, In skit. noon of the same day. West and Northwest Europe, includ- up to 10 years, the more valuable they become. 1939. Quickly the Captain establishes THETA SIG PLANS BANQUET Johnny Westbrook, the guy whose ing Belgium, Norway, The Nether- a warm relationship with his crew. ThetaSlgmaUpsllqn is also planning sentimental rendition of "There Are lands, Free France, Denmark, and But with war clouds gathering; the Founder's Day for April 29. A ban- "OUTFIT THE OUTFIT" Such Things," and "Moonlight Be- Luxenvbourg; and the United States, destroyer is made ready for sea in quet will be given in Senior Dining comes You," Initiated so many sighs A young girl with a martial snap thjee days rather than the cusObnary hall with Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Duke and among the audience, is especially in- ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ by tQ faer three weeks. Captain Kinross pre- Mrs. Annie Bailey Cook as guests. terested in arrangement composition / of. the.. . am pares to leave his wife, Alix, and two President Barrow. f °us war bond Minute Man, The sorority sponsors, Dr. Mary* and harmony. "I've never had a les- children, Lavinia and Bobby. .War is Charlie (King Kong) Keller is be- accomPanied by the slogan, "She's Armentrout and Miss Davis, will also son," he admitted with a grin, "but I inevitable. Ready, Too!" ■ be present. Elaine Eggert, president, ing rpredicted as a probable successor m ,,_ » . ,. ,, ,, ThatW s theK poster4 idea now kicking The story of the "Torrin" is the announces that the sorority will hold to Ted Williams, American League 0ff the second big war loan drive for story also of its crew—of Chief Petty an informal supper and social hour Sports Folio batting champion, provided he can 13 billion dollars on campuses of the Officer Walter Hardy, hiB wife and his each Sunday night at the house. make a substantial cut in those 95 nation's women's colleges. To get the waspish mother-in-law, of Seaman - By.Anne Chapman ^^ Shorty Blake and Freda, the girl he strikeouts chalked up againsfhim college gals' loose change where it THE MCCLURE CO., INC The nation's favorite sport, base- meets and marries, of several others last year wlll do most good rlgnt now> the PRINTERS ball, seems to be a little bit more whose fortunes are intertwined with Billy Dickey, catcher, has staked Treasury has cooked up "Outfit the hard hit every day by the war situa- the career of the ship. Every man In Phone 605 Staunton, Va. tion. Between the transportation sit- up 210 flying hours, and even though Outfit" ae a special theme for worn- his own way shares the glory of the uation and the chilling call of the he is probably too old for actual fly- en's schools, "Torrin," which, her flags flying, her draft board the new line-up for the ing service in combat duty he could The treasury hopes to boost sales guns iblazing, emerges from battle, WARNER Jter duty nobly done. We see the old major league teams hardly sound qualify as an instructor if called into of war savings stamps by linking BROS. STATE familiar with only a smattering of gallant destroyer between periods of service. them with clothing and equipment Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the old players listed among the action back at her base, her men purchases for the armed forces. For ) April 19-20-21 rookies. briefly reunited with their loved ones. the $1.05 a whimsical lapel pin Since the teams have been training The fEPI'^ in the north the training season was would cost, ifor instance, the U. S. not expected to produce exceptionally FAMOUS RESTAURANT can buy a soldler'B steel helmet. good results, but the season's ap- ^VIRGINIA proaching end seems to indicate that THE PLACE THAT SATISFIES Send The Breeze Home MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY the results were better than hoped APRIL 19-23 for. i THOSE WHO ARE FUSSY MORE MAJOR AWARDS" The Yankees have only Joe Gor- I ASK THE STUDENT WHO'S j ABOUT THEIR FOOD. e than any oilier Motion Picture' don, Charlie Keller, and Bill Dickey BEEN THERE back as regulars and the rest of the 79 North Main Street line-up Is new. f Loker's Shoe Repairing Shop} Joe Gordon Is reported to have had Phone 86-R 45 E. Market St "In Which a narrow escape in a plane accident < HHinillllllHHMIIIIIIIMIHIIIIHItlllMIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIMIIMM «* i- and is said to have given up flying The' Smart Madison Girl Will Find Ule Serve' Compliments ■ ■ and to have sold his airplane, prob- SMART FASHIONS - SOU CpWAKC- of at Harrisonburg's Style Center A r'fifi ' THE PARISIAN SHOP laughingly presents Thursday, Friday and Saturday (< The Bluebird The Nut Shop 46 South Main Street • April 22-23-24 Will Be SKIRTS SWEATERS BLOUSES BOB DOROTHY IIIIIIIMIIflMIIIIIIIIII|l< HORF, LAMOUR ZANDRA CLOSED—Monday, April 19 M/ftM And Will ^"' • ' im 11111111111111111,1,^ XAHZAN! REOPEN—Tuesday, April 20 HAYDEN'S, | JULIAS RESTAURANT 2«tllllllllllHil||l||||HIH HtMIMIIIIIIIMItllllMIIIMHIIIIHtllM,. Dry Cleaning Works FOR Where Food is Delicious m .. . ■ FINE PRINTING Suits, Plain Dresses and ! . ~ Plain Coats SATURDAY, APRIL 24 OF Where Service is Quick CLEANED and PRESSED ALL TYPES Cash and Carry % .75 Where College Girls Meet THE ftftfUr GARRISON PRESS 165 North Maini StiStreet Main Street, Harrisonburg

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