Wherein the Stars help him to fall asleep Immedi- dotes to sleeplessness. They both I AMUSEMENTS._ OPA Secretary Is Chosen ately and sleep like a log! drink warm milk before they retire.! Tell How They Put Bette Davis has a repeating phono- Vera Vague, who teamed with which records over and Colonna in "Priorities of 1943," has graph plays News Chances Today Themselves to off auto- | | For Role in Film Sleep over again and then shuts a similar w-ay of treating insomnia.1 LIBYAN FRONT—AUCHINLECK I Goldwyn After the seventh re- HOLLYWOOD. matically. She sips hot chocolate. Jap T Boat Sunk; Saboteurs on Trial; I cording, the phonograph's nightly "KALTEXVIORN EDITS THE NEWS’*; I of Role Counting sheep to fall asleep is Bob Burns’ formula is nearest to TEX for Defense**! I Mary Byrne Texas Will Play work Is done. MeCRARY; Health out of date for Priscilla Lane. sheep-counting. The comedian Bowline; Cartoon. Adm., '47e. Tax St. I Joel McCrea recites Lincoln’s FRI.—Menace of the Risinc Sun. I She Worked in Here in Picture harks back to his boyhood on an The feminine star of Paramount's Address. La- Gettysburg Dorothy Arkansas farm. He counts pigs! With Boh as “Silver Queen," a society drama of mour repeats the telephone numbers Hope Reporter of her friends. Frances Gifford 1870, has another method of wooing goes AMUSEMENTS. JAY CARMODY. over the names of all the trans- _| By and she insists it's sure- Morpheus Atlantic liners she can remember— 1 DAY » PERSON Fin de siecle department: A few weeks ago Washington drama desks A SCREENFUL OF STARS IN fire. Priscilla turns on her tiny spelling them out as she goes. ] were laden with, among other things, a release from the THF. TOP COMEDY IN YEARS! table radio to the police calls and thinks over the words put yoc TOMORROW publicity department. Washington’s secretaries—those in the Federal listens to the stream of reports on to a new song and so silently puts from 10:30 to 11 a.m. > to be combed, the release said, for an unpremeditated departments—were holdups, murders and accidents. himself into the realm of the un- >^STIWAIir£s£&£7 number of the most beautiful and talented who would be cast in Goldwyn’t She says she falls asleep in less conscious. Anne Shirley’s maid puts picture, "They Got Me Covered.” than 10 minutes of hearing the Brahms’ ‘’Lullaby’’ on the phono- It sounded like a. Hollywood one of those in publicity piece, things monotone of the police reporter's graph. which too much faith was not to be-*>—-— voice. By a coincidence, Jerry Colonna a s aream. piacea, press agent pipe There are wOK m TMT «* n enough to steal it and that was that. many other film stars and have the same anti- There have been many such pieces. he was. who doze off and never bother to oneofMeVO BESrofo/Ztime! gINIS Joel Frequently Barbara Drama desks do f i American producers have been count the woolly animals. Clark AMUSEMENTS. WMTEH 8DENNAN-HIDDEN HUNGCR* not believe them. for recites child- * coming slowly to the same theory, Gable, example, STANWYCK McCREA I They are ac- slowly and reluctantly. hood poems to himself, the ones he cepted usually at | FRIDAY, JULY 17, 8:30 P. M. I That have come is the memorized as a schoolboy. 'the .GREAT MAN’S LADY' I their face value, they point. Latest illustration that such is the When drowsiness fails to meet National Synfphony Orchestra Plus on which is zero. Stage ^ I case is to be found in a brief se- Claudette Colbert on schedule, she SUNSET SYMPHONIES “Usually” that AT THE WATER GATE quence in “This Above All” which counts her fingers mentally until & otter ten Is. At their face RKO KEITH'S I , jPENNISDAY was she drops of! to sleep. Andy Devine screened yesterday for critics. U. S. on value of zero Opps. Traaaury 15th St. JB has discovered that a hot bath will In it, in the role of a harassed el- ALL-GERSHWIN "SSJS' they are throwm • derly waitress, audiences will find no Rhapsody in Blue in the w' a s t e An American in Paris less an actress than TICKETS NOW ON SALE Sara Allgood, AMUSEMENTS. Songs from PORGY and BESS basket with FOR once of the Abbey Theater, later of Special Bus Service from l«th At K N.W. never a second Broadway and finally of Hollywood. Seats fine tax): ROe, 7Re. SI.10, II.RO WED. NIGHT JULY 29th * Drought. Kitt's, MOMM* In the few minutes she is on the On Sale at Symphony Box Office. SffiWWH The Goldwyn 13.10 G St. N.W. XA. 7332 at 9 P. M. I.* ;| screen, stars Joan Fontaine and Ty- publicity release, P. M. • rone Power are practically nowhere TONIGHT, 8:30 I ,*XTi«Httr I had its however, in "This Above All.” LILY PONS—KOSTELANETZ SAMUEL GOLDWYN .... i Ja* Carmody. piquant aspects. For Relt.f '*'• It is quite as it should be, as it Army »nd Navy proaonta sum# It sounded like that would On Stage 1 something should have been long ago, consid- sound marvelous if it were printed ering the fact that little people al- EAGLE OFF DUTY—At this particular moment in “Wings for ,» HOUSE anywhere else but Washington, a Blltf ways nave Known their big moments the Eagle” is Dennis Morgan and his wife, Ann Sheridan, who with "HellapQPP*"tjM***) totJ In IU piece that would call attention to the in life—if not very often in the in the that name 'THE PRIDE of YANKEES' tmnuo have the leads picture of which comes to the the fact that Mr. G. was making a GAY 90s VERSION (Tho Lifo of Lou Gohrig) movies. not about Washington called Earle Friday. Airplane building, aerial fighting, is the *• i n«Kn picture * * * * TODAY AND THURSDAY I lif vl Got Me Covered.” theme of the screen drama. “They Statistical, or accounting, depart- It also sounded like "OPERA-BALLET something ment: Motion picture stars in the FESTIVAL" if in which, printed Washington, past six months have traveled 788,- hi* duties, regular and extracur- EAST LYNNE l"0*“ **“ I might put Mr. Goldwyn in the posi- 895 miles in For Excitement 2 Great Musical Hits! I t»n t providing entertain- he has to battle with Melodrama plus Musical olio tion of choose some local ricular, fist Bob Madeleine having to ment for members of the Armed I,. I for his picture in order to save Brent Takes and foot in a rough-and-tumble HARRY BAUR girl Forces. Reporter at Tables (ace. mob Seating NOPE«CARROLL In the same period. 723 players Almost any role involving blood, fight, skirt precariously around r I it was with a Accordingly printed, have made 3,198 a personal appear- battle, mayhem or murder is old three-story window ledge and WILLARD ROOF tongue-in-cheek innocence which ances. Favorite stuff to Brent, but for rough perform all manner of daring stunts. left it distinctly up to Mr. Goldwyn In the current nation-wide bond George MUSIC HALL Yvonna B!ondijA By way of compensation he gets Printamps to make good his announced inten- 30 and excitement in a movie • selling drive, top name stars will going to kiss Brenda a or Marshall. He does fofMinfntol tion to select Washington girl, reach 35,000,000 Americans in 120 there’s like the Sun., Mon. || nothing quite part not get to boot the managing editor. Nightly except to maybe several, for a role in the cities. 'Three Waltzes' • Ktote-WKhTi I a he declares. He 8:45 P.M., Rain or Shine which will Bob of newspaperman, is the managing editor. picture star Hope. Astronomical though these fig- Mafia by I Brent should know. He has $1.65 including; tax Mr. Goldwyn has settled by choos- ures are, wait until the end of the AlWTTSriYfirVTS JOHANN STRAUSS y,tMWW*J«T»WlOHW not several. She is Miss lots oi mem, ana js now ing one, first year, says the Hollywood Vic- piayea fr OSCAR STRAUS TO THE m \ 2310 Ashmead doing another for Warner Bros, in “TRUE Mary Byrne, place, tory Committee which produced who will leave for to- a picture called “You Can't Escape An oatstanding bit Hollywood them. for mnsie lovers! morrow to represent Washington's Forever.” enormous secretariat in Hollywood. Newspaperman roles are tops for Brent because the [My Miss Byrne, a Texas girl, graduate Twain Film Borrows action, explains, of Southern Methodist University, is movie fourth estater is a combina- presently secretary to Hugh Mc- Historical Hosts tion of Pulitzer prize reporter and administrator of the Sherlock Holmes detective. He not Diarmid, chief Breaking the record of 26 real- lead ,tin and zinc section of the only scoops the town, but he often life OPA characters portrayed in “Ser- scoops the police by beating them ‘ to the solution of crimes. She will be entertained today at a geant York,” Jesse L. Lasky's pro- With this Brent has no fault to brief going-away party at the Carl- duction of “The Adventures of Mark luncheon from- ton. find. Covering club meet- ep Twain” away for Warner Bros, will pre- Miss Byrne, unless present plans ings and Chamber of Commerce sent 38 characters from the be an miscarry, will play a Washington pages banquets may important secretary in the picture in which of history. phase of newspaper work, but it isn’t the most In Hope will play a Washington corre- In addition to Samuel Clemens exciting. doing spondent. right by the patrons, the movies are and the members of his own and It will be her first exneripnee in perfectly justified in picturing the my his the movies, her acting hitherto hav- wife’s families, the real persons thrill side of a newman’s job, Brent Mother... to ing been limited to amateur theat- be depicted in the film include believes. And if the film reporters Bret ricals in school and in her home Harte, Ralph Waldo Emerson, solve crimes that the regular de- town in Texas. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John tectives are baffled by there are Greenleaf of similar instances in real Mr. Ooldwyn's press department Whittier, William Dean plenty You’re her S. says Brent. making got her the job, the result of its in- Howells, Ulysses Grant, Horace life, a In "You Can’t spiration to localize its story of cast- Bixby, famous Mississippi River Escape Forever,” Brent ing the picture. pilot; Steve Gillis, Twain”s partner runs up against a new, war- in and created of In line of * * * * mining ventures, Joe Good- type gangster. the Talk of man, editor of the first Talent The differ- newspaper department: on which the author worked. AS1U SEDltn 19, ence between minor parts in Euro- pean pictures and American pic- rnrnmvTra 3 days the Town f" tures—in I *11 ONLY pre-war days, of course, ■MljtfijlflVt when there were European pic- Where and When tures—usually was the willingness 'ftovr..y

Pix — "Three Waltzes,” Yvonne Printemps and much music: 2, 3:55, 5:45, 7:40 and 9:45 pm.

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