For further information, contact the North For information, theNorth contact West further of Agriculture, Department &Environment, Conservation Tel: (018) 3895111 Aerial view: UpperMolopo River Aerial view: trees todie. The aggressive invasion of cat claw creeper is of particular concern as it is causing many large riparian the abstraction of water from Kromellenboog Dam. No ecological flows are released from these dams. D category a to integrity of result a as altered severely is River Marico habitat Klein the of section lower dam. The the of downstream the of deterioration a to contributes Dam Maricopoort Klein The well asthedischargeoftreatedwastewater. as here, occurring bridges and obstructions of number a with Zeerust, at again deteriorates integrity The removal. vegetation riparian indigenous reduced and zone riparian the in vegetation alien of absence an to due improves downstream river the of integrity The habitat. modified largely the to adds trees poplar white of stands dense by modification channel River activities. agricultural and zone riparian the in vegetation alien by Habitat integrity in the upper Klein Marico River is predominantly impacted Habitat IntegrityResults:KleinMaricoRiver Aerial view: LowerMolopo River Aerial view: Lower GrootMaricoRiver Riparian Sector Riparian Instream a gentleslopingtopography, resultinlargeareasoftheriverchannelbeinginundated. river. the of zone instream the on impact significant the of inundation the and releases flow Constant Twasa in Weir has Dam, by Molatedi events flood large of attenuation with together modification. This, flow and channel of terms zones. The erratic release of water from the Molatedi Dam for agricultural use has a high impact on the river, both in and agricultural water supply. This domestic results in for severe provide flow modificationsthat that impactDam) onMolatedi both theand instreamBosveld and riparian (Marico dams large by dominated is Marico Groot Lower The these in turbidity increased rivers. The riversaregenerallyinagoodconditionwheretheyflowthroughgorges. in result Loop se Ribbokfontein and Kaaloog in mining slate from Runoff Rietspruit, vegetation. Loop, se Kaaloog (Draaifontein, alien invasive as well as activities agricultural by impacted largely are and plateau the over flow reaches lower the catchment Marico Groot Upper the Ribbokfontein se Loop, Van Straatensvlei, and in Sterkstroom), consist of natural wetlands in the upper reaches, while tributaries the general, In Habitat IntegrityResults:GrootMaricoRiver riparian zonehabitatintegrityassessment Table 1:Weights andcriteriausedintheinstream Riparian Sector Instream Riparian as aprecursortobioticintegrityassessments.Habitatandtogetherconstitute ecologicalintegrity. seen be can assessments integrity Habitat realised. be to integrity biotic of level certain a for template the provides river a (temporally and spatially) that are comparable to the natural riverine habitat characteristics. The habitat integrity status for Habitat integrity refers to the maintenance of a balanced, integrated composition of H physico-chemical and habitat characteristics assessed accordingtotheabovehabitatintegrityproceduresandground-truthed. was integrity rivers. habitat the The of condition the of Westtaken and coverage video Provinceand 2005 during collected were instream the North the classify of rivers of to recordings Video legend). used map (see category is integrity descriptive ratings a to according these facets zone of riparian sum The integrities. habitat riparian and instream river’sto the used is assess integrity), habitat determining in importance perceived its to (according criterion each for weights differing on is criteria these of terms in condition habitat compared to observed a perceived unperturbed conditions The to estimate the change in habitat integrity.(Table1). criteria Akey rating system of (Tablenumber 2), based a to according undertaken are integrities habitat riparian and instream the of assessments Separate 1994). Engelbrecht, & Kleynhans see information further (for assessment final the as well as data, of interpretation and collation the in used were methods integrity Habitat Water abstraction Flow modification Bed modification Channel modification Water quality Inundation TOTAL Solid wastedisposal Exotic fauna Exotic macrophytes HABITAT INTEGRITY Instream Criteria t a t i b a D D C B B 107 B 52 D D B B A 106 A 53 B B B 105 I B B B C C 104 A 50 C C B Weight y t i r g e t n A A 103 A 100 14 13 13 13 14 10 49 6 8 9 C C C C C 102 B 56 C C C B B 101 A Indigenous vegetationremoval Exotic vegetation encroachment Bank erosion Channel modification Water abstraction TOTAL Water quality Flow modification Inundation 55 D C C B B 100 A

Riparian ZoneCriteria 54 E F F A A 99 A 202 D D C D D B

A 98 57 D D C D D B

inundation oftheriverinwetlandareas. of the river result in substantial impacts in terms of flow modification and have been undertaken. The road crossings that occur in the upper reaches works stabilisation bed and bank and removed, been has vegetation alien the Mafikeng Nature Reserve where wetland rehabilitation has taken place, areas intheupperriver wetland andin The is exception therehabilitated upstream from Mafikeng to a low D and E category downstream of Mafikeng. The integrity of the Molopo River varies from a largely natural (B category) Habitat IntegrityResults:MolopoRiver 97 Upper reachesoftheMolopeRiver Riparian Instream Riparian Sector 58 D D C t n e m s s e s s Molatedi Dam,GrootMaricoRiver C C 96 B 59 C C C B B 95 A 60 C C C A A 94 A C C C 61 Website address: E F 135 F 93 C C C D E 134 E C C 92 B Weight D D D 45

100 133 13 12 14 12 13 13 12 11 A A A D D D 44 D D 132 D A A 113 A P E E E 43 C C 131 B B B 114 B C C C 42 Table 2:Descriptiveclassesforassessinghabitatintegritymodifications e r u d e c o r C C 130 B Impact Class C C 115 B C C C

Moderate 39 Serious

Critical 129 Large Small B None B B D D C 38 128 C C B E F F 37 127 D D C E F F 36 126 Modification ispresentoverallwith ahighintensity. enced. Modification isfrequentlypresent.Onlysmallareasarenotinflu Modification isgenerallypresent.Largeareasarenotinfluenced. limited. Modifications presentatasmallnumberoflocalitiesandimpact is Modification islimitedtoveryfewlocalitiesandsmall. No discernibleimpact F F F 125 B B B 1550 F F F 800 Altitude 48 Habitat Integrity of Selected Rivers of the North West Province West North the of Rivers Selected of Integrity Habitat 124 Twasa weir, LowerGrootMaricoRiver B B B 0 D D D 47 123 KLEIN MARICO C C C C C C

Distance (km) 42 122 C C B 135 B B B 41 121 C C C 134 C C B 40 133 120 C C C C C C 132 35 119 C C C 131 C C C 34 Description 118 C C C 100 130 C C B 33 117 C C C 129 B B B 32 116 D D C 128 31 Lower KleinMaricoRiver 102 D 127 E E 103 101

126 30 104 E E E 105 100 125 29 99 E E E 106 124 28 98 D 107 F F 123 1500 800 27 Altitude 97 D E E 122 0 108 96 26 121 C E E 95 25 Distance (km) - 46 D D D 94 93 120 MOLOPO 51 24 92 45 D D C 23 44 119 26 52 19

33 23 28 43 27 29 50 42 30 24 34 C C C 53 48 47 25 118 31 32 22 20 21 51 49 12 11 2 22 1 41 13 18 35 Score 21-25 16-20 14 3 11-15 40 6-20 61 10 15 C C C 17 8 1-5 54 117 9 4 16 7 0 60 36 21 6 5 55 C C C 59 37 116 20 56 58 C C C 1550 38 100

800 19

57 Altitude C C C 39

0 18 C C C 17 C C C by sediment depositionintheriver. that can be integrity attributed to habitat the clearing the of vegetation and in the associated variation localised impacts the caused in resulted This vegetation. of terms in impacts specific A substantial number of new housing developments are taking place in the vicinity of Parys with substantially. integrity habitat Water deteriorates system. growth river algae the filamenteous and hyacinths throughout impact constant relatively a considered be can abstractions water and modification flow Vaalsystem, Upper River the Vaal into the Barrage from discharge constant relatively the indigenous from result which and use water the of nature the Given encroachment. vegetation alien and removal impacts, vegetation zone riparian and inundation of degree the are state moderately a in mostly is assessed River modified Vaal state (C category). The the only aspects that reduce habitat of integrity to a largely modified sections the for integrity habitat The zone is dominated by willows and white poplars. An extensive wetland system exists in the in exists system lower endofthe Taaiboschspruitwetland andSchoonspruitRiver.extensive An poplars. white and willows by dominated is zone riparian the while channel, narrow a ,by Below characterised habitat. is river the and the type of ecosystem dominating the river. The upper reaches are characterised The by Schoonspruit wetland can be divided into distinct reaches depending on the riparian zone vegetation Habitat IntegrityResults:SchoonspruitRiver

Habitat IntegrityResults:Vaal River 16 Upper Schoonspruit Riparian Instream Riparian Sector Riparian Instream Riparian Sector C C C 15 C C C 14 C C C Riparian habitat C C C C C C 13 GROOT MARICO

165 120 C C C C C C C C C 12 166 121 integrity E E E Distance (km) BOTSWANA D D C C C C 11 E: Extensivemodification(20-39%)

167 122 E E E C: Moderately modified(60-79%) A: Unmodifiednatural (90-100%) C C C C C C 10 Habitat IntegrityCategories D: Largelymodified(40-59%) 168 123 I E E E B: Largelynatural (80-89%) x e d n C C C C C C 9 169 124 E E E D D C C C C 8

170 125 E E E F: Unacceptable f o C C C C C C

Department of Department Water North Affairs & Forestry: Region,West (012) 2531093; Free StateTel: MbathoRegion, (018) 3843270 orHartbeespoort GautengRegion, Tel: (051)4059000; Tel (012)392 1301 7 Not recorded

171 126 D D D Mafikeng H NORTH WEST D D C C C C 6

172 127 D D D b a C C C C C C 5 i D 173 128 C C t a t C C C C C C 4

174 129 D D E Middle Schoonspruit I C C C C C C 3 Molopo

175 130 r g e t n E E E

C C C C C C 2

e n a m e l o 176 131 M C C C Instream habitat C C C C C C 1

177 132 250 i Klein Marico y t integrity C C C C C C

178 133 Lichtenburg

C C C C C C 179 134 Marico Groot D D D C

C C 180 135 o c i r a M t o o r G D D D 181 F F F 136

direction intheCrocodilesystem. downstream the areas in improves gradually irrigated integrity habitat intensive integrity.The habitat the of deterioration the to contributes in removal and zone vegetation riparian the in infestations plant alien Heavy use andreturnflowsfromagriculturaluse,urbanareasminingactivities. modification. channel and bed in resulting for ofwater agricultural volumesdownstream and abstraction flow variability the by the impacted riverisfurther The alters which RoodekopjesDams, and Hartbeespoort of impoundments major the of result the are impacts the and utilised heavily is system River Crocodile The Habitat IntegrityResults:CrocodileRiver

m o o r t s k r e t S D D D D D D Riparian Sector 182 137 Riparian Instream D D C C 183 E E 138 D D C C E E 184 139 Orkney D D C D

D D D D D 58 e l i d o c o r 185 140 Skoonspruit C LIMPOPO D D D D D D C C C 186 141 57 D D D Lower Schoonspruit D D D C C C 187 142 56 D D D C C C C C C

188 143 Rustenburg 55 D E E D C C 189 54 FREE STATE D D D Klein Hex Elands 53 D D Mooi D Mooi 52 D D Loopspruit C Hex 51 D D C 50 C C C 49 D D D 48 Vaal Brits D E E 134 133 135 132 47 136 131 Invasive alienplants:Vaal River 137 143 D D D 129 128 138 Ga-Rankuwa 142 46 Mabopane GAUTENG 140 130 D D E 127 Website address: 45 139 126 141 1500 D D Altitude D 44 125 0 D D D LOOPSPRUIT Temba 43 122 Distance 124 C C C 121

123 42 D D C 120 41 D D C Habitat destruction:CrocodileRiver

165 40 C C C 164 165 39 C C C 166

70 38 D C C 163

167 37 162 154 155 153 D C C 161 156 158 157 146 160 36 147 145 159 168 144 D D D 1550 142 800 209 152 141

169 35 151 150 Altitude 208 148 171 0 C C C 149 170

Vaal River 34 150 Aerial perspectiveoftheVaal River 207 C C C 206 205 172 33 173 C C C 204

174 175 32 C C C 203 201 31 dam. thedamsfor from channel is deeply incised, with made alien vegetation encroachment becoming a serious problem below the are Noreleases abstraction. ecological and water purposes. The Lindleyspoort Dam supplies irrigation modification farmers with flow water, of as a result result the river a as The Swartruggens and Lindleyspoort Dams contribute towards the degradation of the habitat integrity Sesbania hasinfestedlargepartsoftheriverandispresentinV river.the of reaches lower and middle the in catchment the from loads sediment high and erosion of result a as deteriorated also has river.quality the water of The zone riparian the of integrity the of dumping of slate by-products into the river. The dumping has contributed primarily to the degradation The upper reaches of the catchment is dominated by slate mining activities which has resulted in the grazing. typified by is old weir structures catchment and communal cattle River Hex lower The quality. water on impacts and removal vegetation in resulted 70 and 69 segments in activities agricultural Intensive alien Olifantsnek Dam are of the major impacts on the river. infestations the of a result as modification flow and vegetation heavy Rustenburg Below downstream fromtheOlifantsnekDam. problem particular a is problems. encroachment erosion vegetation Alien and turbidity increased the to adding activities mining and agricultural the to relating mostly and abstraction water with impacts, flows, of modification the and impoundments various to subjected is River Hex The Habitat IntegrityResults:HexRiver Habitat IntegrityResults:ElandsRiver 176 Distance (km) Riparian Riparian Sector Riparian Sector Instream Instream Riparian 202 C C C 199 200

178 30 177 MOOI C C C

198 29 179 C C C 197 181 28 180 C C C C C B 196 183 C C 113 61 C 27 Physical structures:CrocodileRiver 182 D D C C C B C C C 185 184 112 62 26 C C C C B B 186 C C 111 63 C 25 C C C C C B 188 D D D 187 110 64 24 C C C C C B D D D 189 109 65 23 D C C C E E 160 C C 108 66 C 22 D D D E F F C C 107 67 C 21 D D D C F F river flow substantially. The habitat is also extensively modified near modified Potchefstroom. extensively also is habitat The substantially. the flow altering river by level unacceptable an to habitat the degrades reaches river.the middle from the abstraction in water Dam by Klipdrift and The further reduce habitat integrity through the reaches removal middle of the in riparian river.activities vegetation the Farming of into reaches upper sewage the treated of discharge the as well as Fochville, at activities urban and activities mining are impacts Major state. modified largely to moderately a in predominantly is Loopspruit the of integrity habitat The Habitat IntegrityResults:LoopspruitRiver in further Potchefstroom deteriorates belowthePotchefstroom Dam. integrity habitat The Dam. Boskop below habitat river the the dominates reduced vegetation that Alien catchment. the has of part this eye in integrity dolomitic water Minnebron Gerhard processing the from mining receives deteriorates the water quality. Peat mining in Wonderfonteinspruitthe tributary that is formed The diamond mining,withresultantbedandbankmodifications. and prospecting historical by on impacted been have that areas wetland hasbeen river the by dominated are river the of reaches upper the Dam, Klerkskraal the of dams andBoskop Downstream category). (E state unacceptable an to modified extensively At Kerkskraal state. modified In general the habitat integrity in the Mooi River is in a largely or moderately Habitat IntegrityResults:MooiRiver C C C Riparian Instream Riparian Instream Riparian Sector Riparian Sector 106 68 20 D C C C E E C C 105 69 C 19 D E E E F F C C 104 70 C 18 D D D C E E D E E A A A C C 209 141 103 71 C 17 D D D D D C D D D D D C C C 208 142 102 72 C 16 D D C C C C D D D C C C C C 207 144 101 73 C 15 D D C F F F D D C C C C C C 206 145 100 74 C 14 D C C C F F D D D D D C C C 205 146 99 75 C 13 D C C C C C D D D D D D C C C 98 76 Altitude 1250

204 147 800 12 C C C C C C E E E F F F C C C

97 77 0

203 150 1600 11 800 C C C C C Altitude C D D C C C C C C 96 78 C 202 149 0 10 C C C C C C D D C C C C C C 201 148 95 80 C 9 D C C C E E C C C C C C C C 200 150 94 81 B 8 C C C D D C C C C B B 199 151 93 B aalkop Dambasin. 7 C C C C C C C C C E F F C C 198 152 92 151 C 6 C C C C C C D D C C E E C C 197 153 91 152 C 5 C C C C C C Distance (km) D D D D D C C C 196 154 90 153 B 4 ELANDS C C C C C C D D D C C 89 154 B

155 CROCODILE 3 Distance (km) C C B 103 Free StateRegion Gauteng Region North West Region Water Affairs andForestry: D D D B B 88 B 102 106 156 110

107 2 105 111 108 C C C 104 D D D B B B 109 113 157 87 101 1 112 C C C D C C 100

86 114

158 115 C C B 99 C C C 85 98

159 116 97 E F F 1 117 D D C 84 2 160 96 E F F 4 3 C C C 161 83 95 94 5 D D D C C C 200 6 82 8 162 93 7 9 92 C C C 10

163 12 91 151 13 11 D D D 152 Mooi River 90 Aerial perspectiveoftheMooiRiver High sedimentloadsintheElandsRiver

Aquaculture intheLoopspruitRiver 164 15 plants intheElandsRiver Farming andinvasivealien activities 14 16 154 D D D 89 153

165 17 67 88 71 73 18 74 66 87 65 68 19 63 72 62 Dolomitic eye on the Mooi River 61 86 64 69 70 20 85 21 75 1500 25 84 26 300 76 22 23

Altitude 24 77 0 28 83 27 78 82 80 81 29 36 43 30 35 42 34 41 46 33 31 40 44 32 45 Distance (km) 39 37 38 47 48 HEX 51 49 50 52 55 March 2007 54 53 56 57 58 120