Anoufae62.261 LARGEST CIRCULATION of ANY PAPER .IN11 AMERICA J PAGE 6) to *,Nvestigatoris 12-Year Probe Reveals
TiONAL 30' May 4, 1976 ANOUfAE62.261 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER .IN11 AMERICA j PAGE 6) To *,nvestigatoris 12-Year Probe Reveals. sSossin Was Trained as .0.001d .Double • , . , Michael . Eddesies;'-eneted I ilsh. Invesil--7 T "-..` 1 '.. • ' t --- gotPre writer, won wide wreaks,' In Europe %lop nvestgator s 12-Year Probe Reveals . .---"-- by proving thot,Timothy Evans, an English- Man' who Wei mistakenly hanged - ler the. - . murder of‘,his baby daughter, was Innocent - of the crime. Evans was given sr posthumous F ' Was• Killed, „._,. ... by, a Russ;, . end pardon offer Eddowes proved beyond a doubt ., that the reel killee W(.12 mail murderer John _. Reginald Holliday Christie. In his new beak, "November • 22 — How They killed Kennedy," Eddowes presents shocking new evidence that a Russian KGB agent, posing as Lee Harvey Orweldi assassinated President Keene,* A spokesman for Sen. Richard Schweiker IR.-Pe.), who heeds a Senate suheomnsittee investigating the JFK assassination. told The ENQUIR- ER: "fletaose of Mr..Eddowel' previous record in the Timothy Evens case, the panel is taking a very careful 'and serious look at the information he has supplied an Lee Herter COtir4TY MroiCikt: EXAMINER Oswald and the isssasilnation 'of President Kennedy." ...••., - • . ... • • ' • ••• ,. • By WILLIAM DICK and ART DWORKEN . -, ' , . – •. .,. 1111. !..1, r President John F. {Kennedy was slain :by a Russian KGB, agent posing as Lee HarVey Oswald, says British author Michael Eddowes )4,t.., /,,,7 .n.v.t*ri . if4.3...)56 after a 12-year investigation of the crime of the century. • , rit,-;11 (KINLIA, Lee HoTroT ranal Vlitn Cris, lid* Eddowes, 72, one of England's foremost investigative writers, has 1, published a new book unraveling what he describes' as a devious Soviet i,k-1.001 &Itelt 11-24-63, a/45 r..K.