Global Atmosphere Watch GAW

Liisa Jalkanen Atmospheric Environment Research (AER) Division WMO Secretariat AREP GAW World Meteorological Organization Independent technical UN agency 189 Members manage through WMO Congress and Executive Council Secretariat in Geneva (staff 280)

Technical Departments

Observing and Information Systems (OBS) Climate and Water (CLW) Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction Services (WDS) Research (RES) Atmospheric Research and Environment Branch (ARE) Atmospheric Environment Research Division (AER) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) AREP GAW THE GAW MISSION

• Systematic long-term monitoring of atmospheric chemical and physical parameters globally

• Analysis and assessment

• Development of predictive capability (GURME and Sand and Dust Storm Warning System) AREP GAW Components of the GAW Programme

OPAG EPAC Scientifc Advisory Groups Expert Groups | UV | GHG | RG | PC ET-WDC Chapter 2.3 JSSC Aerosols | GURME

Administration WMO/GAW IGACO Offices Management Ozone/UV | GHG | Air Quality | Aerosols Chapter 2.5 Secretariat N M H S s Central QA/SACs WDCs & GAWSIS CCLs WOUDC | WDCGG | WDCA Facilities WCCs | RCCs Chapter 2.4 WRDC | WDCPC | WDC-RSAT

Observing Contributing GAW Stations Systems Networks Global | Regional Aircraft Chapter 3 Contributing

Parties to the Systems Programs Operational Research Users & Conventions GEOSS | GCOS IGAC | SOLAS Centers Projects Applications UNFCCC | Vienna C. GMES | … iLEAPS | … AREP GAW Observations

• Weather related observations (OBS)

• Climate observations (GCOS)

• Atmospheric chemistry and related physical parameters (GAW) AREP GAW GAW observations

• Stratospheric Ozone • Tropospheric Ozone

• Greenhouse Gases (CO 2, CH 4, N 2O, CFCs)

• Reactive Gases (CO, VOC, NO y, SO 2) • Precipitation Chemistry

• Aerosols (chemical, physical, AOD)

• UV Radiation

• (Natural Radionuclides, Rn 222, Be 7, 14 CO) AREP GAW GAW Station Information System … GAWSIS Online - comprehensive information on all GAW stations • Database • Search / Update • Inventory / Audit (Supported by Switzerland) AREP GAW AREP GAW

Included: Products and Services (Assessments) AREP GAW Quality assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)

Serves both developed and developing countries

The GAW QA/QC system impacts all aspects of atmospheric chemistry observations, including • training of station personnel; • assessment of infrastructures, operations and the quality of observations at the sites; • documentation of data submitted to the WDCs; • improvement of the quality and documentation of legacy data at the WDCs.

The primary objectives of the GAW QA/QC system are to ensure that the data in the WDCs are consistent, of known and adequate quality , supported by comprehensive metadata, and sufficiently complete to describe global atmospheric states with respect to spatial and temporal distribution. AREP GAW GAW and GCOS

WMO/GAW Global atmospheric CO 2 CH 4 and

global N 2O monitoring networks are “comprehensive” networks and the GAW Dobson, Brewer and ozone sonde networks are “baseline” networks of GCOS.

Similar status is being sought for aerosol networks. AREP GAW

Observations are also needed in NRT

Criteria different from data for climate services AREP GAW GAW WIS WIGOS Pilot Project Improvement of Dissemination of Ozone and Aerosol observations in NRT - Rationale

• Availability of ozone and aerosol data would allow ingestion into atmospheric models in support of improved weather forecasts, surface UV and air quality. • WMO ozone bulletins need ozone data in NRT • Large, integrating projects, such as GEMS and MACC need ozone and aerosol data in NRT for model validation • Delivery of NRT data can help to detect problems at stations at an early stage. AREP GAW Provision of data Data analysis and distribution GAWSIS, WDCs, Experts, Stations Assessments Need observations, research and collaboration

Current ones (WMO and …): • Ozone assessment (UNEP) • Precipitation assessment (SAG, GESAMP) • Black carbon and Ozone assessment (UNEP) • Megacity assessment (IGAC)

Data and Data quality relevant! AREP GAW Annual Bulletins Published in time for COP (Conference of Parties to UNFCCC) meetings 6th Bulletin: Potential methane releases from northern permafrost and wetlands, under future , is of great concern and is becoming a focus of intensive research and observations. (available at the meeting) AREP GAW WMO Antarctic Ozone Bulletins An example of a need for integrated products in near-real time

Every Two Weeks Aug to Nov + Summary in Dec/Jan AREP GAW Need to consider all scales

Climate change interactions AREP GAW AREP GAW GURME FOCUS: Air Quality Forecasting (AQF) Workshops and Training • Basic AQF for Latin American Countries, July 2006, Lima, Peru • Air Quality Forecasting for South Asia, December 2008, Pune, India • Air Quality Modeling for Latin GURME Latin America Cities Pilot America, August 2009, Mexico City Project, Mexico City Aug. 2009 • IWAQFR, Nov 2010, Quebec • Modelling Training Workshop, with Key AQF topics covered : EANET, January 2011, Niigata , chemistry, emissions • NRT in AQF, March 2011, Hangzhou Forecasting approaches Forecasting operations & communication Planned: and use of products • With NASA and EPA, AQF, Central Observing systems (met & chem), including the use of satellites America, Panama, 2011 Model training (e.g., WRF & WRF/Chem) • KLIMA meeting in Hamburg, Aug, Impact prediction/analysis (health, heat 2011 wave, agriculture) Case studies AREP GAW

More on GAW ozone and UV: Geir Braathen AREP GAW MeteoWorld Pavilion, World Expo 2010 Better City Better Life, in Shanghai Theme: Safety and well-being of the people

A Contour- Design Description of the Pavilion “Cloud Droplets” AREP GAW

Collaboration critical for success!