VOLUME II Dljristmaa

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VOLUME II Dljristmaa VOLUME II SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1902 NUMBER 25 dljristmaa AM stare I have always thought of Christinas time as a good time; a Kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only I time I Know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-tip hearts freely, and to thinK of people around them as if they really were fellow-travelers to the grave, and not another race of crea- tures bound on other journeys. And therefore, though it never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it ! lichens' (Christmas (Carol Christmas Morning at Home. His stockings were not big enough. 586 CHRISTMAS IN C. F. & 1. CO. CAMP KINDERGARTENS. CHRISTMAS IN C. F. & I. CO. CAMP KINDERGARTENS. 587 be, indeed, a "Merry Christmas" for all. and warlike spirit be satisfied, but all chil- The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company as dren have stomachs which naturally demand Santa Claus. attention from Santa Claus, and which re- This year, as usual, the Sociological De- fuse to consider Christmas as Christmas un- partment has tried to impress upon Santa less they are appeased with goodies of one Claus the importance of remembering the sort or another. The Colorado Supply Com- children of the kindergartens, and "Old pany has conspired with Santa to furnish at Santy" has made his preparations accord- all the kindergartens in camps where they ingly. have stores an abundance of candies and or- Dolls for the Girls. anges. The candies are put up in neat, Three hundred pretty dolls, blondes and pretty boxes which will be uniform through- brunettes, flaxen-haired, brown haired and out all the kindergartens. Tarabino and The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company as Santa Claus. II. Drums, Gifts of the Sociological Department to the Boys of the Kindergartens. black haired, all stylishly attired in dresses Company of Engle, M. Nigro of El Moro, of pretty shades of red or pink or blue or and John Aiello of Berwind have all gener- green or lavender or yellow, and with be- ously arranged to supply these goodies for coming hoods matching the colors men- the kindergartens belonging to their respec- tioned, are to be distributed at the various tive camps. We are sure that all of these Christmas trees. These dolls are thor- generous firms heartily join with the Socio- oughly educated and well trained, and will logical Department in wishing both parents close their eyes and go to sleep without the and children a, most merry Christmas and necessity of coaxings or lullabies when you enjoyment to the full of toys and sweets lay them down or put them to bed. which the season will bring. Drums for the Boys. Of course the martial spirit in the boys A Task for Fortitude. must be recognized, and Santa Claus knows To be honest, to be kind, to earn a little all about this. Therefore two hundred and and to spend a little less; to make upon the whole a for his fifty drums will be given out to delight the family happier pres- ence; to renounce where that shall be souls of the boys, and to furnish warlike necessary, and not to be embittered; to entertainment. keep a few friends, but these without capit- above on Candies and Oranges for All. ulation; all, the same grim condi- tions, to keep friends with himself: here is Drums and dolls only would never make a task for all that a man has of fortitude a true really Christmas. Not only must and delicacy. eyes and ears and hands, maternal instinct ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. 588 PROGRESSIVE ORIENT. PROGRESSIVE ORIENT. New Quarters for the School. JHILE all the readers of Camp and In the summer the attention of the de- Plant know of Orient, and are more partment was called to the need of in- or less acquainted with its location creased school facilities, and authority was and its interesting features, prob- soon obtained to make such alterations in ably few of us have ever visited it or one of the Company buildings as would pro- know its people and what their enterprise vide commodious enough quarters for the and public spirit have enabled them to ac- school children. Recently the building has complish. As is well known, Orient is located been completed, and with new furniture up in one of the ranges bounding the San installed will doubtless make a very accept- Luis Valley, and in greater measure than able public school. We should not fail to most of The Colorado Fuel and Iron Com- mention here the public spirit and generous pany's camps is isolated from the rest of interest of Superintendent Timothy McNa- the world. The population is small, few mara and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Garland, who men being needed to operate the iron work- planned and supervised these improvements. ings in comparison with the number re- Before the alterations in the building quired to run a coal mine or coking plant. were completed a subscription was taken Despite these facts, the Sociological De- up, and money enough secured to purchase Coovr/otif/9O2 tvffcfman MasA* The Dear's Christmas. partment has experienced from the begin- for the school an organ, singing books and ning a hearty co-operation with its plans some other desired furnishings. and efforts to better educational conditions The Sociological Department's Way of and to make life more enjoyable and worth Showing Its Appreciation of Co- the living. operation. Active Support and Co-operation With the Good for Orient all this shows a practical Sociological Department. and earnest, and not a passive interest in For a year past a reading room has been their camp and their public school! Just in operation and has received active sup- as a little token of appreciation of these both port, financial and moral. In this efforts, the Sociological Department has in- connection former Superintendent T. J. vited Santa Claus to represent it at the Quinn and former Clerk H. J. Smith, both public school Christmas exercises at Orient of whom have recently been transferred to also, and to distribute the usual dolls and Lime, deserve honorable mention for the drums. "Merry Christmas" to Orient and interest took and they the efforts they made its children, and may their cup of joy be to insure the success of the venture. full to overflowing. H. J. W. MISCELLANEOUS. 589 Conservative. a subject he didn't know anything about, and he replied: Senator Mason of Illinois was recently "If I didn't know anything at all about it asked, according to the Argonaut, if he I don't think I could talk more than three thought that Senator Morgan's reputation days about it!" of being the longest-winded speaker in the This recalls, indirectly, the story of the United States senate was founded on fact. prominent politician who, when asked how he for the of an The Illinoisan replied: long required preparation address, replied: "If I can have all the time "I am not certain that senatorial courtesy I want to range around over the subject, I will permit me to answer that question; shan't need any preparation. If I am to be a for I will and, being candidate re-election, limited to half an hour, give me a week to it. this I will I asked dodge But say: once get ready. If I am to have but five minutes Senator Morgan how long he could talk on I must have a month." Christmas Morning in the Hills. 590 SLAVONIC DEPARTMENT. vodstva v Denveru omajati. Kasneje je se druga stranka, zastopajoca ogromne zele2- nicne interese, stopila na dan, da si prisvoji vec ko mogoce vpljiva pri "Colorado Fuel Delu v jeklarni ne nikaka nevarnost. preti and Iron Company." Blizo pol leta je, odkar se je med tukajs- S kratha: bil se je boj nnancnih velikanov nimi Slovene! zacela siriti govorica, da bodo za merodajni, najvecji vpljiv pri kompaniji. dela jeklarne prenehala. Nihice pa ni mogel Sedaj pa so se te stranke zdruzile v to, da povedati natanko, kedaj se bode to zgodilo. se vse nedovrsena dela brz ko Res so se dela v nekaterih strokah velikans- pri jeklarni mogoce dovrsijo in da se izdelovanje zeleza kega podjetja ustavila, pa to je bilo vselej in jekla na najsirsi podlagi godi. le zacasno. V teh sestih mesecih se je n. pr. delo pri najveSjemu plavzu "A" ustavilo. To je dobra in vesela vest za delavce v Veliko jih je reklo, to je zacetck, zdaj bodo Pueblo, nic manj pa tudi za vse prebivalce eno tovarno za drugo opustili, o Novem letu nasega mesta. Meujusobno pobotanje tako pa bo vse zastalo. Da je plavz, imenovan velikanskih denarnih sil v jeden in isti "A," prenehal rudo topiti, je bilo zato, ker smotr, je osiguralo mestu Pueblo in vsled je njegovi znotranji del in kateri trpi najvec tega tudi tukajsni slovenski koloniji, gotov, po vro6ini, ogorel, ter je potrebno bilo, da stalen in blagodejen obstanck. Tukaj se se znova prezida. V teku sestih tednev se bo razvilo najvcjo obrt zelezne stroke na je to zgodilo in plavz se je zopet zazgal. celem zapadu in v vsch Zjedinjenih drzavah Vsak clovek more bo le Pittsburg, Pa., videti, da je tako pre- v temu oziru Pueblo strojenje v gotovih presegal. casih neobhodno pot- Prebivalstvo na za- rebno, ker tudi najbo- padu se pomnozuje Ijsa "ognovarna" ope- leto za letom cudovi- ka se ozge in razsipa- to hitro in tudi to ti zacne, ce nanjo noc bode sluzilo v to, da in danvrocinaupljiva, bo vrednost tuka- katera meri vec tisu- jsnih podjetij in po- devstopinj.
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