Additional powers for Inhabit

By Paul Strack ([email protected]) (28 June 1995)


OK, one of the (few) problems I have with is that most of the lower level Inhabit powers only work with advanced Technology. Seeing as how the Artificers Guild is one of the oldest and most powerful guilds, I think Inhabit is an ancient Arcanos. To fill the void, I've made up a few additional lower level powers for it.

Basic Abilities

Evaluate Relic

Artificers regularly work with relics, including those created during a wraith's death, and those claimed and brought across the shroud by other Artificers. By examining a relic, the wraith can tell if it is a more durable death-relic, or one that was created via Inhabit. The wraith can also tell if the relic is Empowered or Invested, if it has any unusual properties, who the original "creator" of the relic was, etc.

System: The Artificer rolls Perception + Inhabit (difficulty 6). Each success reveals one fact about the relic, starting with the most basic information and moving on to the more complex.

* Curse of the Maker

By use of this art, the wraith can briefly "contact" an object in the Skinlands, lightly possessing it, though not actually entering it. The wraith has no fine control, but can cause problems for anyone using the object, jerking it away from its intended path.

System: The player must roll Wits + Inhabit (difficulty of the local Shroud level). The number of successes gained subtracts from the successes of the living person currently using the object. For example, this power can be used to deflect weapons. The power only blocks a single "use" of the object; further deflection requires additional rolls. The wraith can also "yank" the objects short distances, one inch per success, but in an uncontrolled fashion (chose the direction at random).

** Guiding Hand

This art works like Curse of the Maker, but the wraith has a greater degree of control, to the point where she can aid a living person using the object. This power is limited by the wraith's knowledge of how the object is actually used.

System: The wraith must spend 1 Pathos, and make a Wits + Inhabit roll (again, difficulty depending on the level of Shroud). The wraith's successes add to the successes of the user. However, the wraith cannot add more successes than her rating in the Ability needed to use the object properly. Thus, if the wraith had a Firearm skill of 3, she could add no more than three successes to someone using a gun. With this level of power, she can pull an object 1 inch per success, and control the direction.

*** Energize Relic

Talented Artificers are able to strengthen the plasmic form of relics, lengthening their lifespan in the Shadowlands. With greater effort, they can even repair broken relics with the material of their own Corpus.

System: The wraith must spend a number of Pathos depending on the relic's size as described under the Level 4 power, Claim. The wraith makes a Stamina + Inhabit roll (difficulty 7). Each success adds a year to the life of death-relics, but only a month to the life of relics created via Claiming. The roll is botched, the relic is completely destroyed, ceasing to exist.

With three successes, the wraith can fix broken relics as well. If the art is used in this way, the Artificer must also spend Corpus equal to the Pathos needed for the size of the object, to provide the necessary plasm for the repair. Befuddle

By Jayke Rhyen and Kirstin Hargie


Harlequins were never truly granted guild status. They were like the Chanteurs guild, the Bards guild, and the Artisans guild in that they were entertainers, but there all similarity ended. The Harlequins were the actors and court jesters of the Hierarchy. They held a fair amount of political influence, and still are rumored to hold a fair bit. Harlequins are renowned for their unusual abilities.

Harlequins are well known for their flamboyance in manner and dress. Those still found in Stygia still wear their tradiational Harlequin garb of black and white.

Basic Abilities

Audible Glamour : Harlequins learn that sound is easy to manipulate. They learn to imitate sounds, throw their voices, and alter the volume and quality of sound.

System: To do any of the arts of Audible Glamour the player must roll Manipulation + Befuddle (Diff. Of targets Perception + Alertness). Two successes are needed.

Visual Glamour This art allows a wraith to alter the vision of another by creating hallucinations in the targets peripheral vision.

System: The player must roll Manipulation + Befuddle (Diff. of targets Perception + Alertness). Each success determines the duration of the hallucination. Note: The hallucination is selected by the Storyteller.

Duration Table # of Successes Duration 1 OneH our 2 OneD ay 3 OneW eek 4 OneM onth 5+ ThreeM onths

Jesting: Jesting allows the wraith to communicate in a gestural language.

System: The viewer of the Jesting must roll her Perception + Enigmas (Diff. 7) to understand the gestural language. Only one success is necessary for each sentence conveyed. Only one sentence can be portreyed every other turn.

Storytellers Note: You may want the players to act out the sentence to be understood instead of rolling to see if the target can guess the sentence.

* Thrill

Thrill is a Harlequin's ability to amplify the emotions of another when they are watching her.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Befuddle (Diff. of subjects Willpower). The successes indicate the duration of amplification. This art requires one pathos.

Duration Table # of Successes Duration 1 OneH our 2 TwoH ours 3 OneDa y 4 TwoD ays 5 OneW eek

** Imago

Imago allows a wraith to create an illusion of something he has seen. The illusion is not real, and not tangible, but it is an exact re lica of the ob ect. Harle uins also call this ower hostin '. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Befuddle (Diff. 7). The illusion will last until its creator loses concentration. Imago requires one pathos.

** Stump

Stump allows a wraith to tell a riddle or joke that consumes the listener with the need to solve the riddle.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Befuddle (Diff. Of the subjects Willpower, or the highest Willpower in a group). To answer the riddle one must gain a number of successes equal to the riddlers Wits + Enigmas x 2 on a Wits + Enigmas roll (Diff. 7). Once the person/s tells the answer the enchantment is dissolved. This art requires one pathos per affected subject.

*** Jinx

With Jinx a wraith can turn her fools luck in reverse and inflict bad luck on someone.

System: The player rolls Wits + Befuddle (Diff. 7). Each success adds one to the subjects difficulty (up to 9) on the next three rolls. Note: The number of times this power maybe used in a game should be decided by the Storyteller prior to the start of the story. If this power is overused it may be altered so that something unlucky will happen to the target with each success on the roll determining the magnitude of the unlucky situation. Jinx requires two pathos.

*** Impromptu

Impromptu allows a wraith to create a temporary movable illusion of anything. This illusion will normally confuse all five senses. This illusion also has one health level, but can take no voluntary actions.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Befuddle (Diff. 7). The illusion lasts until the creator is out of sensory range (sight), he terminates it, or it is destroyed. Impromtu requires two pathos + one willpower.

**** Glamour

Glamour allows a wraith to create a permanent illusion of anything the creator wishes. The illusion is just like an Impromptu illusion but it can remain without the presence of the creator and has two health levels.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Befuddle (Diff. 7). This illusion lasts until the creator terminates the illusion or it is destroyed. Glamour requires two pathos + two willpower.

***** Psychodrama

Psychodrama allows the wraith to create an illusionary realm around a target. The realm will seem real to those encased in the illusion.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Befuddle (Diff. of the targets Willpower, or highest Willpower in a group). The number of successes equals the duration the illusionary realm will last (See Duration Table for Vision Glamour). The player must describe the realm and assign two health levels to primary illusions. He may spend additional pathos to add extra health levels 1p/2 health. The cost of creating a Psychodrama is three pathos + two willpower. Note: If the Psychodrama is created with the intent to do harm to the target the player will gain 2 angst per turn the target remains in the illusion.

***** Fatuus

Fatuus allows the wraith to convince one person that an illusion is absolutely real to the point that if the illusion can cause harm it will. If he creates a sword it will cut, if he creates fire it will burn.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Befuddle (Diff. of the targets Perception + Alertness). Each success gives the illusion one extra health level and/or two die to do damage when applicable. All illusionary damage will disappear if the target realizes it is not real or if the illusion is destroyed. Note: Imago, Impromptu, or Glamour must be used to create the illusion. Fatuus requires one pathos + one willpower. Beguile

By Kirstin Hargie and Jayke Rhyen


Let me tell you a story. It shouldn't take too long. It's about what you feel, and the things you're going to do for me. Now, now, don't get up! I'm not giving you a choice in this matter! I was just being polite. I'm going to tell your story now, and it starts like this...

This Arcanos governs the realm of social manipulation -- of altering the social reactions and interactions of the wraith and others. Beguile is not an outright form of manipulation. It is hidden and veiled within layers of etiquette and performances.

Storyteller's Note : To perform these arts on mortals the wraith must use Embody 2, or Puppetry 3. If a player botches on any Beguile power the subject cannot be affected by the powers of Beguile for an amount of time determined by her willpower (see chart below).

Botch Table Willpower Duration 1 or2 1 hour 3 or 4 12 hours 5o r6 1D ay 7 or8 3 Days 9 or 10 One Week

Bards -- Beguile

The bards once were, and still are the storytellers of the Underworld. They were, like all entertainer guilds, never truly sanctioned by the hierarchy. Though they did not hold any power within the hierarchy they were still respected and feared. Bards are known for their ageless eyes that seem to burn with cold fire, and their always witty expressions.

Basic Abilities

Numb the Heart: This art allows the wraith to conceal the use of Beguile from others.

System: The player must roll Manipulation + Beguile (Diff. 6). This art can be countered by Eyes of Grandeur.

Eyes of Grandeur : This art allows the wraith to sense the use of Beguile by others.

System: The player rolls Perception + Beguile (Diff. 6).

Heart of my Heart: This art allows a wraith to gain insight into the passions that drive another wraith.

System: The player rolls Perception + Beguile (Diff. of subjects Wits + Subterfuge). The number of successes indicates how much about a subjects passions can be learned.

* Enthrall

This art allows a wraith to charm a subject. The wraith must carefully phrase the command which the subject must obey unless it is against her nature.

System: The player rolls Appearance + Beguile (Diff. of subject's Willpower). Note: This power cannot be used on a subject for 24 hours hours or two slumbers after the command has been completed. The cost to employ Enthrall is one pathos.

Duration Table Successes Duration 1 OneH our 2 OneD ay 3 OneW eek 4 OneM onth 5+ OneY ear ** Inspire

This art allows a wraith to speak an idea or plan to someone and convince him it was his own idea. The subject will be consumed with the need to fulfill this idea or plan.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Beguile (Diff. of the subjects Willpower). The number of successes indicates the difficulty required to resist the need to fulfill the idea. This "desire" lasts for two turns. The cost is one pathos + 1P/turn to increase duration.

Success Table # of Successes Difficulty 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9

** Harmonize

This art allows a wraith to twist her words into whatever the target wants to hear.

System: The player rolls Wits + Beguile (Diff. of target's Wits + Alertness). This power only requires one success. This art costs one pathos.

*** Unholy Grace

Unholy Grace allows a wraith to talk her way out of any minor situation by sheer grace.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Beguile (Diff. 7). Each success indicates one "1" that can be ignored on a Wits, Manipulation, or Charisma roll. Unholy Grace requires two pathos.

*** Heart Strings

Heart Strings allows a wraith to create or alter the emotional state of a subject.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Beguile (Diff. of subjects willpower). If successful the character can 1) amplify a passion temporarily, positively or negatively or 2) Drain a passion temporarily. The number of successes indicates how long the passion will take to return, or how long it will remain. The source of a passion must be created with Inspire. Note: This art requires the use of Inspire. Cost is one pathos or one pathos + one angst if a passion is amplified in a negative direction.

Success Table # of Successes Duration 1 OneH our 2 TwoH ours 3 OneD ay 4 TwoD ays 5 OneW eek

**** Articulate

Articulate allows a wraith to manipulate her words so that anything she speaks will be considered the 'ultimate' truth. She can use this art to prove or disprove almost anything.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Beguile (Diff. of the targets Wits + Enigmas). The player must have three successes for this power to take effect. If the player is speaking to a group he must make this roll against all members of the group. Cost is one pathos per subject affected. ***** Geas

Geas allows a wraith to cause others to do his bidding. The Geas cannot work against the targets nature. Complex acts can be commanded using this art, and the target/s must fulfill them.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Beguile (Diff. of the subjects Willpower). If the player is attempting to Geas a group then the Willpower equals the highest willpower in the group. Each success indicates one sentance that can be given to describe the geas. Cost is one pathos + one for each target.

***** Narrate

Narrate allows a wraith to create interactive stories which others must act in, or in which they believed they have acted.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Beguile (Diff. of the targets Willpower). The player must have three successes in order for Narrate to take affect. Difficulty to affect a group is the highest willpower in the group. Note: If this power is used on a willing target the Diff. is automatically 6 and only two successes are needed. Cost is one pathos for each target or two for a willing group. Catalysis


By John Eno ([email protected])


"Of course Oblivion is a horrible thing. Most of our existences are spent doing our damnedest to avoid it. . . else we'd be Spectres. But you're not so innocent that you didn't ever wonder if you could use it for your own ends somehow, now are you? Come here and give me a hug and I'll show you Oblivion. . . ."

Catalysis is the ability to draw forth and manipulate the dark power of Oblivion. It can be used to introduce disorder into systems and objects, sometimes to the point of destroying them.

This Arcanos is extremely dangerous to use, both because of the obvious closeness to Oblivion that use of this art entails, and also because practitioners of this art are looked upon as little better than Spectres or Oblivion-cult Heretics by many (and indeed, there are rumors of both types of wraiths making extensive use of Catalysis. . .).

However, despite public opinion, not all uses of this Arcanos are necessarily negative. It provides one of the easiest ways to destroy Spectres, for instance; they only need to be "injected" with a very small amount of Oblivion to be shoved spiraling into the Void for good. Catalysis can also provide a good way to subdue wraiths undergoing Catharsis without hurting the wraith.

This Arcanos was developed by Stephen of Glastonbury, an 11th-century mage who was heavily involved with necromantic and entropic magicks. After entering the Shadowlands, he became a master of Outrage, Argos, and Eolin Noctus and spent much of his time at the very shore of Oblivion, studying its black mass. Eventually he learned to extract small pieces of it, often at a high cost, and manipulate them to affect objects and other beings.

Nihilists -- Catalysis

Nihilists are deeply distrusted throughout the Shadowlands, both for fear of their powers and due to the superstition that they carry a taint of Oblivion. The Nihilists were never an official Guild, though many Deathlords made use of their abilities in secret.

The Nihilists were similar to a secret society, much in the same way the Guilds are today. They were often sought out by Renegades, as Catalysis seems to be a natural power of choice to use when trying to destroy an organized governmental structure.

Nihilists are still employed by upper-level Hierarchy types, though this must be done extremely secretively, as anyone found consorting with a Nihilist tends to be sent to the Soulforges or discorporated as an object lesson to those who would truck with Oblivion.

Nihilists are almost uniformly quiet and reclusive. Too much social contact could lead to their being discovered as semi-agents of Oblivion, after all. They tend to dress all in black and often stare lengthily at objects: fascinated by the beauty of its decay as they gaze at it with Deathsight.

Nihilists can be identified by both their eyes, which turn completely black like a veteran Harbinger's, and their emaciated appearance. They are always very thin, almost like concentration camp victims (Oblivion eats slowly away at their Corpus, just not enough to actually cause damage). This is true no matter how physically developed the Nihilist is (and many are quite strong). Experienced Nihilists also develop black spots on their hands and lower arms that will eventually grow to cover their entire hands and forearms, much in the same way that Pardoners do.

Basic Abilities

Locate Nihil: This art allows a wraith to sense the presence of the nearest Nihil, whether she is in the Tempest, the Shadowlands, or the Skinlands.

System: The player must roll Perception + Catalysis (difficulty 6). The number of success indicates how much information the player receives about the Nihil; how far away it is, how big it is, even (with four or more successes) if there are any beings nearby on the other side of the Nihil.

Sense Entropy: The Nihilist can make even more use of his Deathsight than normal wraiths can, pinpointing the exact amount of decay in an object or being.

System: This is similar to the sub-use of Deathsight, Discern Weakness, on page 135 of the Player's Guide. This basic Catalysis art is more powerful than a wraith's normal Deathsight, however. The number of successes rolled on a Perception + Catalysis (difficulty assigned by the Storyteller to reflect the quality and relative strength of the item or subject) adds that many dice to the wraith's potential damage pool when attacking that item or being, rather than just one.

A botch on this roll will leave the wraith unable to use Lifesight for an amount of time determined by the severity of the botch in addition to providing the wraith with false information about his intended target.

Note: All Catalysis arts (excluding the Basic Abilities) require the character to make contact with his intended target. If the target attempts to dodge or the art is used during combat, roll Dexterity + Brawl, with the target able to roll Dexterity + Dodge as usual. Arts can also be used if another wraith makes contact with the Nihilist.

* Divestiture

The Nihilist can use small doses of Oblivion to remove the outer layer of corpus or plasm from objects and other wraiths. This art can be used for various purposes: making masks slide off other wraiths, removing the Enshroud from a Harbinger (if the Nihilist can somehow hit her), causing a wraith's relic clothing to fall off, giving "leprosy" to extra limbs granted by Moliate (but not changing a Moliation, which can only be done with another Moliation).

System: The player rolls Dexterity + Catalysis (difficulty of 6). The Storyteller must determine the number of successes required, based on the effect desired. Use of this art costs 1 Pathos.

** Disintegration

The bane of the Artificers, this art allows the wraith to use the negative energy of Oblivion to destroy relics and possibly Artifacts.

System: Roll Strength + Catalysis, versus a difficulty determined by the size and relative strength of the relic to be destroyed.

Object Size Difficulty Coin 4 Mask 5 Shotgun 6 Bed 7 Car 8 Large Truck 9 House 10

The number of successes determine how much the relic is damaged by the Disintegration. One success indicates that the object is beginning to crumble and will probably fall apart after a hard blow, while five means not even plasmic dust is left behind. Three successes are needed to destroy something, though there will be plasmic remains.

To destroy an Artifact, use the table above but add the level of the Artifact to the difficulty. If the difficulty is raised above ten, Disintegrate cannot affect the Artifact; only Sunder can destroy something so powerful.

This art costs 2 Pathos.

*** Fragmentation

The wraith can now begin to use Oblivion to affect other wraiths, weakening their corpuses by infecting them with small doses of Oblivion. This reduces their Physical Attributes by one each. This art can also be used to put down a wraith undergoing a violent Catharsis without doing undue damage to the wraith.

System: Successful use of this art requires a roll of Wits + Catalysis with a difficulty of the victim's Stamina + 3. Use the table below to determine the duration of the Fragmentation; after this time period the Attributes automatically return.

Successes Duration 1 Onetu rn 2 Oneh our 3 Oned ay 4 Onem onth 5 permanently (Attributes can be brought back up with experience)

Wraiths reduced to zero Strength or Dexterity cannot move until these Attributes are recovered. Wraiths reduced to zero Stamina immediately go into Slumber and do not awaken until the Stamina point returns. If the wraith has no Fetters he immediately undergoes a destruction Harrowing. Note that if the wraith's Shadow has the Shadow Life Thorn, the Shadow will take over during this Slumber just as it would any other. Its Attributes are unaffected by the Fragmentation used against its host, though the Nihilist can use Fragmentation against the Shadow-driven wraith; if the Shadow's Stamina is reduced to zero, it will rejoin its Psyche in Slumber.

Fragmentation can be used against any wraith undergoing Catharsis. If the wraith enters Slumber as a result of the Fragmentation, the Psyche will be in control again once that wraith awakens, even if it before the end of the scene.

This art costs 3 Pathos to use.

*** Devolution

This art, developed by wraiths who were forced to spend a lot of time in the Tempest, allows the Nihilist to manipulate the high levels of Oblivion in Spectres, causing it to explode out of them. This art is commonly taught to Doomslayers learning Catalysis as a means of combating Spectres.

System: The player must roll Manipulation + Catalysis. The number of successes indicates the amount of Angst points the Spectre loses; for each point of Angst lost, the Spectre suffers one level of aggravated damage as the Oblivion literally tears through its corpus, exploding out of its system into the outside world. A Spectre reduced to zero or less Angst as a result of this art is immediately destroyed even if it has Corpus levels left after the damage has been dealt. Use of this art costs 2 Pathos.

**** Perturbation

This art can introduce insanity in others, as the effects of Oblivion race through their mind unchecked. The wraith using this Arcanos cannot determine the specific type of madness his victim will become infected with.

System: Roll Manipulation + Catalysis, difficulty of the victim's Willpower. The number of successes details how long the victim will be affected by the Derangement. The actual nature of the Derangement is selected randomly or chosen by the Storyteller. The Derangement need not be overpowering, and the victim can temporarily suppress the Derangement with a Willpower point, but she cannot get rid of it entirely until the end of the duration, at which time the victim regains full sanity.

Successes Duration 1 Oneh our 2 Oned ay 3 Onew eek 4 Onem onth 5 Oney ear

A botch on this roll will result in the wraith using it to get the Derangement. Use of this art costs 2 Pathos and gives 1 temporary Angst.

***** Sunder

The use of this art can destroy anything of the Shadowlands, be they wraiths, plasmic buildings, or the fabric of the Shadowlands itself. If used on the actual plasm of the Shadowlands itself, it opens a Nihil. This is the power that makes Nihilists as feared as they are (and some believe is the origin of their name). Objects and wraiths Sundered totally are consigned immediately to Oblivion as the black stuff of the Void consumes them.

System: The player must roll Strength + Catalysis against a difficulty that varies according to the nature of the thing affected.

Target Difficulty Wraith Wraith's Stamina + 3 Relic 6 (+ level of Artifact) Shadowlands 9

The number of successes on the first two types of rolls are unsoakable aggravated damage levels. The number on the third is the size of the Nihil: one success makes a hole only big enough to stick a hand through, while five creates one the size of a train tunnel. Three are required to make a Nihil big enough to get a wraith through. Of course, this is also the minimum size for spectres to get through . . . .

Using this art costs 3 Pathos and gives 1 temporary Angst. A botch on this roll inflicts the number of botch dice on the wraith using it in aggravated wounds, as Oblivion rips uncontrolled through her plasm.

Note: Any of the uses of Catalysis can be used on objects and people in the Skinlands; however, the wraith must first have contact with the object, either through Embody, Inhabit, Outrage, or some other Arcanos that directly touches the Skinlands. The Risen can make use of Catalysis while in the Skinlands; however, Storytellers should grant their Shadows an extra point of temporary Angst each time it is used, like any use of Pandemonium by the Risen, as this directly taints the Skinlands with Oblivion energy in a similar manner to that Arcanos. Conflagration

By Leroy Van Camp III ([email protected])


"I remember that day like no other. Walking towards the Citadel, our thralls slogging on before us, when Eddy burst into flames. The blue-black flames of soulfire. I fell back, unable to do anything other than look on in horror. I will never forget the way his corpus melted and ran, like wax. That's what one gets, I suppose, for bragging about stiffing a Conflagrant."

In the Shadowlands, fire and flame are a valuable commodity, and those capable of creating it are rare. With few things, including relics, being inflammable, keeping a flame alive requires other means. The Arcanos of Conflagration is the art of transmuting the emotional energy of Pathos into soulfire and soul crystals.

If it were not for soulfire, and those who create it, the Underworld would be a far different place. It is soulfire that the Artificers use for their forges, and it is soulfire that is used in the many torches that light Stygia and her colonies. Because of this, the Conflagrants hold a lot of clout, even though their Guild is long dead.

The Guild

The Conflagrants were a Guild closely allied with the Artificers, mainly due to the latter's reliance on the former. If it were not for the soul crystals and the soulfire they give off, the forges of the Artificers would go unused.

The Conflagrants were a selfish lot, though, and as time went on they began to raise the prices for their services. Knowing that society itself depended on their skills, they felt they could charge whatever they wanted. And as more and more of the Artificers profits were consumed by these payments, the richer the Conflagrants became.

In the end, this arrogance is what brought them down. Over time, many Artificers began to pick up on and learn the skills of Conflagration, and started to phase out the need for Conflagrant Guild members. Within several decades, the Artificers severed all ties with the Conflagrants. The Guildsmen were shocked by these actions, and tried to make reparations, including a drastic reduction in their fees. But the Artificers no longer needed them.

The Guild leadership, worried about their future, tried to assure everyone that things would be fine, that there were many other markets for their talents. At the same time, they started to clear the coffers and steal away in the night. In the end, the Guild died completely, and the Conflagrants started to work independently. All of this happened long before the attempted coup by the Guilds.

These days, Conflagrants see a lot of work, but none of it is organized in the old Guild faction. Many Conflagrants do little more than spending their time churning out soul crystals and selling them where ever they can. Others work for the Hierarchy, keeping the flames of the Moliated torches alight.

Practitioners of Conflagration are commonly adorned with a whispery nimbus of flame about their heads, which grows slightly brighter with the more Pathos the wraith has.

Some Rule Notes

I have slightly altered a few niggly details in the original rules. The primary being my separation of the flames of soulfire from that which gives it off. Soul crystals are the actual crystalized Pathos, while soulfire is the Pathos flame it slowly gives off. I added that the flames can be doused, shut off, allowing soul crystals to be hoarded for later use.

Also, Usury 5 allows the creation of soul crystals, basically in a similar fasion as Rock Candy, below. A Storyteller who choses to use Conflagration is his own chronicles will have to decide whether to allow Usury to retain that ability, or to remove it. This author recommends its removal, especially since it does not reduce Usury's power appreciably. It is mostly a change in setting dynamics.


Botches with Conflagration tend to painful, causing extensive corpus damage, sometimes to others as well. A fairly common botch is for the Conflagrants Pathos to uncontrollably transmute to soulfire, setting the wraith alight. Basic Abilities

Flip the Switch

This is a simple ability, requiring no roll. It allows the wraith to either ignite or douse the flames of a soul crystal. The crystal must be within line of sight.

* Feed the Flames

By pouring Pathos into a pre-existing soulflame, the wraith can cause it to flare up, burning hotter, as well as longer. This art can also be used on flames in the Skinlands

System: The player rolls Manipulation+Conflagration, difficulty of 5, or the current Shroud if used on Skinland fires. Each success lets the character do one of two things. First, it can be used to increase the flame's heat, with each success indicating a one step increase on the Heat of Fire chart on page 234. The second causes the flame to burn longer. Each success increases its current potential duration one hundred percent.

Note that these can be mixed. For example, a player who rolls four successes can use two to make the flames burn for 3 times the normal length, and two to raise it up two steps on the heat chart.

This art costs 1 Pathos per success, though the wraith can choose not to use all the rolled successes.

** Flame Ward

With this art the wraith has learned to resist the heat of soulfire, toughening his corpus to the flames. This art will also allow a wraith to wade through Skinland fire without becoming incorporeal.

System: By spending 1 Pathos each turn she is taking damage from soulflame, the wraith can add her level of Conflagration to her soak rolls.

When confronted with Skinland flame, the wraith can make a Stamina+Conflagration roll, difficulty being the flame's heat level, as per the chart on page 234. Each success allows the wraith to withstand the heat for two turns without going incorporeal. Each such roll (not each success) costs 1 Pathos.

*** Rock Candy

This is the ability of creating soul crystals from one's own Pathos. This was the treasured art of the Conflagrant Guild, the one that kept their coffers full in the days of old. The sale price of a soul crystal is typically 1 obolus per point of Pathos it holds, though this will vary based on location.

System: The wraith rolls Manipulation+Conflagration, difficulty 7, for each crystal she wishes to create. The number of successes is the maximum amount of Pathos a wraith can put into that crystal, which manifests in the wraith's hand.

A soul crystal will put off soulfire for a week per point of Pathos. This flame burns with the heat of a torch, which is what they are often used for. This flame is not hot enough for forging; Feed the Flames is used to stoke the soulfires of the Artificer's forges.

**** Hellfire

A powerful, though drastic art, this is the ability to shoot gouts of soulfire from the body, converting one's own Pathos into flame. Where this flame leaves the corpora does not matter, though through the hands, eyes or mouth are the most common.

This is a particularly unsubtle power; there is little chance of concealing the jets of flame, or the screams of those who are struck with them.

System: For every success rolled on Manipulation+Conflagration, difficulty of 6, the wraith can channel one Pathos into soulfire, which must be directed from the corpus immediately, lest it char the Conflagrant. Striking another with the flame jet requires a Dexterity+Firearms roll. Damage is equal to the initial roll, and is aggravated. The target, if struck, can soak this damage.

Using this power grants the wraith a point of Angst. ***** Burning Inside

The dreaded power of the Conflagrants, the art that inspired fear in many, Burning Inside is the ability to transmute the Pathos of others into soulfire, while it is still within them. This causes the target to burst into flame, often resulting in an agonizing death. Range is about 100 yards, and the Conflagrant must be able to see his target.

System: The player rolls Manipulation+Conflagration, difficulty of the target's Stamina+3. Each success transmutes one of the target's Pathos into soulfire, which burns within. Initial damage is equal to the number of Pathos converted, and is aggravated. The victim continues to take damage, with the initial damage dropping by one each turn. So, for example, if damage was 4 on the first turn, it would be 3 on the second, 2 on the third, and so on. The victim gets a soak roll each turn, but any sort of armor does not help.

If the target has Hellfire, he can try to channel this flame out from himself, reducing or eliminating the damage. This allows the Conflagrant to use his Manipulation+Conflagration as a soak roll. It does not give the normal point of Angst.

Targets with Flame Ward can use that ability against Burning Inside normally.

This art requires 2 Pathos and 1 Willpower each time it is used. It also gives the wraith 2 Angst. Eclipsium

By Robert Perks and Ron King


This art enables the wraith to use the darkness of the Shadowlands for his own purposes. Eclipsium was used by the more powerful Deathlords. Therefore, it was forbidden to be used by all except Deathlords.

It was rediscovered by Lord Goddard in an ancient text found in England. He then learned the Arcanos and became a master.

The ancient book was stolen from the Hierarchy and eventually brought to Atlanta, Georgia. There it was intercepted by Lord Goddard, already an outlaw for his illegal possession of the dreaded Darksteel. Goddard deciphered it upon the Hierarchy tower to make fools of all the Hierarchy officers. Eclipsium is still a forbidden art but used by Goddard and his apprentice, Panthros.


Halflings spend most of their time walking in the dark. They also have a bizarre acquaintance with their shadows. They wear black cloaks and medallions of the moon.

The Deathlords were extremely strict during the time that halflings existed. Most of the Halflings were mercilessly hunted down and obliterated.

Halflings can be identified by their crescent-shaped eyes and the right side of their face is a darker shade than the left half, even when looking directly into any light.

Basic Abilities

Sense : This allows the wraith to perceive other wraiths to be dopplegangers.

System: To detect Dopplegangers, the player rolls Perception + Eclipsium (difficulty 6).

* Darken

This allows a wraith to darken the area around a target mortal/wraith up to 5 feet. The effect lasts for one turn per success. This blinds the target as if he was in pitch blackness. The user is unaffected.

System: The player rolls Dexterity + Eclipsium (difficulty subject's Willpower). May be resisted by using Wits + Meditation (difficulty 7). This art costs one Pathos to use.

** Blend

This art is similar to the Argos ability, Enshroud. There are a few exceptions; the user must be in a dark, shadowy area, and must remain motionless. The wraith simply vanishes into the shadows.

System: The player must roll Charisma + Eclipsium (difficulty Shroud). The player must also roll Stamina + Awareness (difficulty 6) to remain perfectly still. If the player fails that roll then the character automatically reappears. This art costs two Pathos.

*** Blackout

This art is an expansion of Darken. It completely blacks out a target area for one turn per success. The area covered depends upon the number of successes thatt must be made. The user is unaffected.

System: The player rolls Wits + Eclipsium (difficulty Shroud). This art costs three pathos to use.

# of successes Area Amount 1 Kitchen 2 SmallB edroom 3 Garage 4 1Ac re 5 SchoolG ymnasium 6+ OlympicS tadium

**** Darkfire

This art lets the user cast a black fireball that does 4 dice of aggravated damage to whatever it hits.

System: The player rolls Dexterity + Eclipsium (difficulty 8). This art gives the user three Angst points and costs four Pathos points.

***** Outcast

This powerful ability temporarily disembodies a target wraith's Shadow. This enables the Shadow to be attacked and harmed but not destroyed. The effects last for one turn per success. if the shadow can be defeated in that amount of time, then it loses all of its Angst.

System: The player must roll Stamina + Eclipsium (difficulty willpower). This art uses two Willpower points and costs nine Pathos points. If the roll is failed, the Willpower points must still be paid. However the Pathos points may be kept until the roll is successfully made. * NOTE: The disembodied Shadow is in the shape of a Doppleganger; therefore it has the same traits as the wraith that it belongs to (Thorns not included).

Lord Goddard

Death: Last Stand Year of Death: 1313 Demeanor : Bravo Nature: Caregiver

Attributes: Strength 4 (powerful), Dexterity 4 (cat-like reflexes), Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 4 (silver-tongued), Appearance 1, Perception 4 (patient), Intelligence 3, Wits 2

Abilties: Alertness 3, Awareness 3, Dodge 4 (dive), Empathy 4 (backgrounds), Etiquette 3, Firearms 4 (pistols), Melee 4 (swords), Stealth 4 (shadows), Investigation 2, Linguistics 3, Occult 3, Science 2

Arcanos: Pandemonium 3, Argos 5, Embody 2, Mnemosynis 5, Usury 1, Eclipsium 5

Backgrounds: Artifact 5, Eidolon 2, Old Soul 4, Wealth 3

Pathos: 10

Willpower : 9

Image: Goddard wears a long black over coat and has long black hair with a white stripe. He has black eyes and crescent shaped irises. He is very tall (around eight feet).

Roleplaying Hints: Goddard Feels like everyone owes him something. He will help Enfants in every way he can. However, he will not do everything for them.

History: Goddard is so old that he doesn't even know what his real name is. All he knows is the year he died.

Passions: Destiny (Determination) 5

Quote: "What do you want now youngin?"

Angst: 3/5

Shadow: Pusher

Thorns: Dark Allies, Spectre Prestige

Artifacts: Goddard's Ring, Soulfire , Souled Shotgun, Cloak of Night, Flask of Liquid Hate, Eternal Timepiece, Darksteel Broadsword

Merits: Cold, True Love, Danger Sense Flaws: Hatred(False Honor), Distinctive Appearance (White Streak, Crescent Eyes, Dark Face), Short Fuse Eolin Noctus

By Kirstin Hargie

This Arcanos is extremely rare and powerful. It should only be used at the Storyteller's discretion.

Basic Abilities

Spirit Nature: Spirit Nature allows the wraith to determine if a spirit/shade/spectre has good or evil intents. System: Roll Empathy + Eolin Noctus at a difficulty of 7.

Tempest Path: Tempest Path allows the wraith to orient within the Labyrinth in the Sea of Shadows. System: Roll Perception + Eolin Noctus at a difficulty of 8. This art may only be used when the wraith is using Level 5 Eolin Noctus.

Oblivion Ward: Oblivion Ward offers protection against harrowings when the Wraith is traveling through the Labyrinth. System: Roll Wits + Eolin Noctus at a difficulty of 8. This roll must be made once an hour. This art may only be used when the wraith is using Level 5 Eolin Noctus.

* Shadesight: Shadesight detects the presence of Oblivion creatures within 10 ft. System: Roll Perception + Eolin Noctus at a difficulty of 6. Each success beyond the first extends the distance a further 10 feet. This art requires the expenditure of 1 Pathos.

** Shadeshape: Shadeshape alters the corpus so that the wraith appears to be a spectre. System: Level 2 Moliate (Sculpt) is Required. Roll Manipulation + Eolin Noctus at a difficulty of 7. When Oblivion creatures are present the wraith must roll Manipulation + Eolin Noctus, difficulty variable depending on the creature, to avoid detection. Difficulty 6 for Shades, 7 for Dopplegangers, 8 for Nephwracks, and 9 for Malfeans. The wraith gains one temporary angst when this art is employed. This art requires the expenditure of 2 Pathos.

***Abyss Radiation: Abyss Radiation forms a mask around the wraith that radiates the black rays of Oblivion. This will mask the Pathos aura that surrounds most wraiths, and will allow the wraith to further their Shadeshape. System: This art requires Shadeshape. Roll Wits + Eolin Noctus at a difficulty of 7. The wraith gains one angst when this art is employed. This art requires the expenditure of 2 Pathos + 3P/day in this form.

**** Deceive: Deceive allows the wraith to enter the Labyrinth unnoticed and undisturbed by Spectres. System: This art requires Abyss Radiation. Roll Wits + Eolin Noctus at a difficulty of 8. A willpower roll (diff. 7) must be done every hour to remain in Labyrinth. If the roll fails the wraith must return to the Tempest or suffer 1 permanent derangement. If the roll is botched the wraith gains one permanent derangement. This art requires the expenditure of 2 Pathos.

*****Ambulation: Ambulation allows the wraith to move within the Labyrinth for as long as necessary. Tempest Path is used to orient within the Labyrinth. System: This art requires Deceive. Roll Wits + Eolin Noctus at a difficulty of 7. No willpower roll is required, but character will gain 2 Angst/day. This art requires the expenditure of 2 Pathos. Ergosis

By Zach Archer ([email protected])


After the third great Maelstrom, a Heretic group known as the "Philosopher's Stone" devised some interesting experiments involving the relation of thoughts to the Shadowlands. It has been speculated that the underworld exists only in a Wraith's mind, and that the Tempest is but the raging chaos of the subconscious, the Shroud is composed of all the gaps and flaws in one's memory, and Oblivion is denial incarnate. Ergosis was developed, out of an attempt to connect the inner mind of the Wraith wth the other world (Shadowlands) which the mind has built. It is different from the idealism found in Mage in that it is not subconscious belief that forms the world; Ergosis feeds on the active, conscious mind, and the patterns that waking thoughts dance upon.

Ergosis is considered a dying art (no pun intended); many wraiths would give an arm and a leg of their corpus to master it, but for some reason none of the Neurots ever agree to teach any new pupils. Neurots can be identified by their occasional hallucinations or strange behavior. They often gaze upward at the sky, seeing "things" in the clouds, or jump over imaginary obstacles, just for fun.

Basic abilities

Sense Flaw: As persuading as the images of Ergosis are, their forms are almost always distinguishable from "legitimate" objects in reality. To sense if anything in the area is amiss, roll Perception + Ergosis, difficulty 6. A single success identifies the "flaw," while a triple success may convince the Wraith that the flaw isn't there at all, and she can then consciously decide to not let it affect her.

Thousand Points: A Neurot can adjust her vision to see a starmap of all the surrounding points of consciousness. The brighter the point, the closer the mind, usually. To use this technique, roll Perception + Ergosis, difficulty 8.

* Warm Glow

The Neurot can see and feel the glow of thought energy surrounding any mind. The Quick emit a firey white shine from the tops of their heads, while the Dead are a bit harder to see, as they are surrounded by a thick black aura. Note that this art can actually distinguish the activity level of the mind; Someone actively shooting bullets and fearing for his life will have a much stronger mental signal than someone lounging at home, watching TV.

System: The Neurot rolls Perception + Ergosis, difficulty 6. The difficulty can be adjusted depending on the light level in the room and how far away the other minds are. This art costs 1 Pathos.

** Astral Projection

The Neurot can detatch her mind from her corpus and float around freely as a point of consciousness in space. While projecting, the Neurot can wander into the bodies/corpuses of other beings and observe their thoughts, and if very skilled, can see thoughts and images boil out of people's heads.

System: To begin the projection, the Neurot rolls Wits + Ergosis, difficulty 8. The more successes, the more "mental" the trip will be, and the more likely the Neurot will be to see thoughts. Freedom of movement during projection depends largely on the Neurot's state of mind; walking-speed is no problem, although it is possible for the astral mind to jump anywhere in the world it wishes. However, if the jump is too great, the mind could get lost and enter a fantastical dream world which resembles reality, but does not really exist. To make huge leaps or move extremely quickly, roll Dexterity + Ergosis, difficulty 6. This art costs 3 Pathos.

*** Pay Attention

The Neurot can control the conscious thoughts of another entity, subliminally encouraging her to focus and concentrate on one thing.

System: If the Neurot wants to be the focus of attention, she rolls Appearance + Ergosis. Otherwise, roll Manipulation + Ergosis. The difficulty is as follows:

Talkin to the entit holdin hands 5 Int he entity's field of view 7 Hiding close by, watching the scene 9

The number of successes is how many turns the attention will last. This effect can only work on one entity per turn. Costs 2 Pathos and a Willpower point.

**** Pay Damn Good Attention

Just like level 3 Pay Attention, except it works on multiple entities at once. The number of turns the effect lasts is now twice the number of successes. In rare cases, it is as if everything in the room is paying attention to the object in question; silverware points at it, water on the floor beads toward it, insects take an unusual liking to its odor. Costs 3 Pathos and a Willpower point.

**** Flaw Reality

The Neurot can alter fundamental aspects of Shadowland reality, including basic laws of physics, what the senses perceive, and minor time/space distortions. The effect will last as long as it is actively maintained and experienced; Otherwise it will fade away, like a relic.

System: The Neurot rolls Stamina + Ergosis. The difficulty is between 7 and 10, some examples:

Ina sewer, bad things smell good & vice versa 7 Illuminatea na reai ns tarkb lacka ndw hite 8 Changeg ravityo nth es ideo fa h ill 9 Changeg ravityo nt hes ideo fa m ountain 10 Create a permanent wind that carries Wraiths up the side of a cliff 10

The number of successes determines how long the effect lasts. To create anything lasting, you can count on needing atleast 5 successes and having the effect being visited frequently by other Wraiths. If these conditions are not met, the effect will fade away anywhere between a few minutes and a few days. This art costs 3 Pathos. If the effect is intended to be annoying or detremental, it grants the Neurot 1 point of Angst.

***** Spawn Astral Matter

The hallmark of the Ergosis tradition, the envy of creative Wraiths everywhere. This powerful Arcanoi allows the Neurot to literally spawn objects out of thin air.

The name Astral Matter was supposedly invented by a Dreamspeaker Mage, and somehow corresponds to a place they call the "High Umbra." Astral Matter is a highly volatile element which takes the shape of whatever thoughts are enacted upon it. It has no set state; it can change from solid to liquid to gas depending on what the Neurot thinks it ought to be. A wraith who desires a metal key could spill some of it on her hand and think, "form a metal key." Alternately, to melt a hole though a door, a wraith could take some solid Astral Matter and scrape it against the wood, concentrating on a mental picture of a wounded door, or just thinking of open air. However, once Astral Matter has been 'thought' into some other form, it cannot be forged into anything else. When Astral Matter is turned into something else, it is a permanent change; it is speculated that the entire world was once a big glob of Astral Matter, and the first mind to tamper with it was the mind of God. Also, complicated technological devices such as watches and electronics will not function unless invested with Pathos, much like Relics.

Itching to try it out? System: Roll Stamina + Ergosis, difficulty 9. The number of successes determines how much Astral Matter is spawned:

Thes izeo fa to oth 1 The size of a small house key 2 Thes izeo fa fo rk 3 The size ofa piece ofb read 5 A luxurious fortress hidden underground 47,000

Extrended rolls are fine, but if anything disturbs the Neurot's thought process during the extended session, the difficulty is raised to 10. The Astral Matter flows out of the Neurot's Corpus and changes into a new object as soon as any creature with a mind touches the Astral Matter and consciously thinks it into being something else. Botching a roll can be disasterous... Remember the last battle in Ghostbusters? Ooohh.... Each use of Spawn Astral Matter costs 5 Pathos and a Willpower point. Essenscion

By Derek Marcoux ([email protected]) for the Ferrymen.


This rare Arcanoi is reserved for the Ferrymen (there have been instances where ordinary wraiths were taught it though). It allows the wraith to utilize the essence of corpora. There is a rumor floating (hehe) around the Shadowlands, that some wraiths are trying to create a guild of their own, called the Scions. If this is true, the hierarchy hasn't done anything... yet.

Basic Abilities

Feel Corpora: Roll Rerception + Essenscion diff: 6 (Psychometry) 1 success. = vague impressions, 3 successes = normal impressions, 5 successes = perfect clarity,

* Sense Corpora

Roll Perception + Corpora, diff: 6. The wraith can sense anything made of corpus and can tell how healthy it is.

** Anchor

Roll Stamina + Corpora, diff: 8 Cost: 2 Pathos, 1 Angst. After spending pathos, the number of successes is added on to the difficulty to physically or psychically move him.

*** Heal Corpus

Roll Stamina + Essenscion, diff: 7. Cost: 1 Pathos Successes equal Corpus levels healed.

**** Energize Corpus

Spend two Pathos and add +3 to all physical attributes.

***** Wither

Roll Strength + Essenscion, diff: target's willpower. Cost: 2 Pathos, 2 Angst. Successes = damage to corpus. Figmentation

By Kiri Hargie and Jayke Rhyen


Seeing is believing is what I've always said. Or was it believing is seeing? No matter. It really doesn't matter to one as artistic as myself. What? You don't like art? Well I can change that, because you haven't see mine yet...

Figmentation is a power of the twisted mind. It enables a wraith to turn anothers greatest dream or darkest fantasy to life.

Storyteller's Note: This Arcanos is very powerful. If Figmentation is used in a negative fashion it will feed the shadow, causing the wraith to gain angst as noted. Storytellers should feel free to give angst at their discretion.

Basic Abilities

Envision: By studying another wraith she can sense what emotions (good or bad) affect the wraith most strongly.

System: The player rolls Perception + Figmentation (Diff. of subjects wits + subterfuge). The number of successes indicates how much information about the subjects passions are learned.

Evaluate: This power allows a wraith to sense whether or not an object or person is under the influence of figmentation.

System: The player rolls Perception + Figmentation (Diff. 6). The number of successes indicates how much can be learned about the strength of the art in use.

Medium: This art allows a wraith to sense the difference in pathos that has been distilled.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Figmentation (Diff. 6). The number of successes necessary is based on the amount of distilled pathos that is being sensed.

Medium Table # of Successes # of Distilled Pathos 1or 2 8 3or 4 7 5+ 6

* Filling the Palette

This art allows a wraith to steal Pathos from objects and other wraiths. The wraith must be in contact with the object for this art to take place.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Figmentation (Diff. 6 for objects, otherwise subject's Willpower). The number of successes equals the amount of Pathos that can be transferred. Note: If the wraith has attained Level 4 Figmentation and the transferred Pathos is Dark Pathos then the player will gain 1 point of angst per point transferred.

** Water Colors

This art allows a wraith to convert pathos into a tangible liquid form. When this liquid is used in Figmentation the liquid pathos becomes the embodiment of an exact emotion.

System: The player must first decide how much pathos she intends to convert (at least 2 points), and the emotion that the liquid pathos will convey. She then rolls Manipulation + Pathos (Diff. 7). Each success results in the conversion of one point of pathos to the liquid form. A botch results in a loss of all intended pathos. The cost to employ this art is the number of intended pathos + 1 point of corpus/2 points pathos.

*** Expressing the Muse

This art allows a wraith to infuse "water colors" into a work of art. The work will then convey the emotion carried by the liquid pathos. System: The player rolls Manipulation + Figmentation (Diff. 7). Each success indicates that a point of water color has been transferred to the piece of art. A botch results in the loss of all transferring water color. The cost to employ this art is the number of pathos held in water color. If the water color is carrying a dark emotion/passion then the cost is the number of pathos carried by the water color + 1 point of angst per pathos transferred.

*** White Wash

This power allows a wraith to strip the pathos from an object (e.g. a piece of art) leaving it blank and empty. This power is particularly used on objects that have been previously imbued with Figmentation.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Figmentation (Diff. 6). Each success indicates that one point of pathos has been stripped. Note: Tromp Loue must be removed through the expenditure of one willpower point.

**** Oil Paints

This art allows a wraith to distill Dark passions into tangible forms.

System: The player must first decide how many pathos she will transfer to the dark passion. The player rolls Manipulation + Figmentation (Diff. 7). Each success indicates a point of pathos transferred to a tangible dark passion. A botch results in the loss of all intended pathos. When employing this art the player gains one point of angst per pathos spent.

**** Tromp Loue

This art allows a wraith to infuse an object with pathos and make it seem real.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Figmentation (Diff. 8). Each success indicates one sense that is fooled, except touch. Note: The power 'expressing the muse' must be used to create the object infused with Tromp Loue. This change is permanent until dissolved. This art costs one pathos + one willpower.

**** Sketch the Scene

This art allows a wraith to make anything done to an object seem like it was done in reality. The artist may draw a picture of a room. If the artist then powers the picture to make it seem real, and then the artist tears the picture in half, the 'real' room will carry the illusion of being torn in half.

System: The player rolls Wits + Figmentation (Diff. 8). Each success defines the extent of the illusion. 1-2 successes = the illusion can be broken by touch. 3-4 successes = the illusion can be broken by white wash only. 5+ successes = the illlusion is permanent and the player must roll Wits + Enigma (Diff. 7/2+ sucesses) to believe the illusion is a fake.

***** Touch of Life

This art allows a wraith to create a 'living' three dimensional object from a piece of art.

System: The player rolls Wits + Figmentation (Diff. 8). See Touch of Life table for explanation of successes. Note: If an object is granted life with the intent to do evil or is fueled with dark passion then the amount of angst gained is tripled. P=pathos, C=corpus, A=angst.

Touch of Life Table # of Successes C ost Living Object 1-2 (1P+ 1 C) (1P+ 1 C) 3-4 (2P+ 1 C+ 1 A) (2P+ 2 C) 5-6 (3P+ 2 C+ 1 A) (3P+ 2 C) 7+ (5P+ 2 C+ 2 A) (3P+ 3 C) Filch

By Paul Niziol

Level 4 Arcanos

In many ways similar to the Jump power, Filching allows the Wraith to bend the Tempest in order to move objects. By manipulating the Tempest around an object that can be held in , the object can be brought from where it lies to the hand of the Harbinger using this ability.

System: The player must roll Perception + Argos (difficulty 8). The target object must be within view, and must be able to be moved in a normal fashion... i.e. It cannot be part of a larger object. The size of the object determines the number of successes needed to Filch it.

1 success palm sized (metal miniature, cassette tape, a bullet) 2 successes small box, handgun, clock radio 3 successes brief case, large book 4 successes two handed catch (small TV, large box) 5 successes steamer trunk

Note that this power only works on objects that the Wraith can affect. If the object is in the living world, she must Embody or Inhabit. Even then, there is a high likelihood that the object will be dropped after it has been filched. Also note that the object moved must be within the strength limits of the character. A 98 pound weakling could not move the above mentioned trunk. Ignis Fatuus

By Matt McFarland

This Arcanos originated in the British Isles, but is practiced worldwide. What country's legends, after all, do not include stories of ghostly lights or will-o-the-wisps? In Wraith terms, a will-o-the-wisp is a spectre with this Arcanos.

Though found worldwide, this power is not often practiced, as other Arcanos can accomplish similar effects and are more easily taught. Still, it can be a useful power.

Basic Abilty:

Sense Lunacy: The wraith can discern true madness from Arcanos-induced. System:Roll Perception + Ignis Fatuus(difficult 7). Success indicates that the wraith knows whether a mortal is truly mad or has been driven mad by Arcanos. With enough successes, the wraith could even divine vampiric intervention(such as the Dementation discipline).

* Flash: Causes a momentary glow of light which vanishes if anyone takes a step toward it. This can be used to distract or warn mortals, but isn't really bright enough to blind them.

System: Roll Charisma + Ignis Fatuus (difficulty of the local Shroud). Success indicates a yellow-white flash of light in the Skinlands, which lasts only a few seconds, and, as stated, vanishes if anyone approaches it.

** Second Light: With this art, the wraith can cause an unliving object in the Skinlands to glow faintly. Any mortal witnessing this will fall under the effects of the Fog.

System: The wraith must brush her hand over the intended object and roll Charisma + Ignis Fatuus(difficulty of the local Shroud). The number of successes indicates the number of turns the object will glow. This art costs one Pathos.

*** Corpse Candle: This art makes the wraith a true Will-o-the-wisp. She causes a glow around her Corpus that mortals find alluring. If they take a step toward it, they find it hard to stop. Spectres with this art lure mortals into dangerous situations and watch them die. System: Roll Manipulation + Ignis Fatuus(difficulty of the local Shroud). Any mortal who takes a step toward the light may either spend a Willpower point to stop or succeed in an opposed Willpower roll vs. the wraith's Arcanos roll(difficulty of 8).

This art costs 1 Pathos to use.

**** Lunacy: At this level, the wraith can drive mortals temporarily insane. The wraith induces a paranoid terror which sends the victim into fits of gibbering and laughing. Acting violent is not uncommon. Like Puppetry, the mortal will try to rationalize his actions later. System:Roll Manipulation + Ignis Fatuus (difficulty of the target's Willpower) opposed by a Willpower roll(difficult of 7). If the wraith succeeds, the mortal goes mad for a number of hours equal to the successes rolled.

It costs 2 Pathos to use this art, and it's use bestows a point of temporary Angst on the user.

***** Mesmerize: This art is the perfected version of Corpse Candle. When used, a mortal viewing the light will be determined to follow it at all costs. Scrupulous wraiths will use this art to lead mortals away from danger. Spectres use it to kill them and steal their souls for food.

System: Roll Manipulation + Ignis Fatuus(difficulty of the local Shroud). Success indicates that the target follows the glow until the wraith turns it off or the target is physically unable to do so. There is no opposed roll possible, though the Storytellar may elect to allow the target to spend Willpower to resist in certain circumstances. This art costs 3 Pathos to use. Using it to endanger or harm bestows a point of Angst. Ixaos

By Zach Archer ([email protected])


Stygia's finest generals, the Warmasters use Ixaos to give the Hierarchy an advantage in any battle situation. Ixaos was supposedly a common Arcanoi at one point, thus the Renegades were able to use it to their own ends and effectively combat all Hierarchy plots. Several Harrowings later, Ixaos was a rare find outside of Stygia, and the Hierarchy resolved to keep this art protected.

Warmasters explore the boundaries of instinct and animal impulses. They frequently develop animal-like traits such as pointy ears, fur, claws, tails, scales, fins, and other non-human anatomy, due to the primal effects this art produces.

Basic Abilities

Who Is Fried? The Warmaster can see who is being affected or controlled by an Ixaos effect. (Chances are, so can everyone else in the vicinity!) Roll Perception + Ixaos, difficulty 4.

* Terror Reflex

The Warmaster can instill any creature with feelings of excitement and danger. Even Wraiths will feel as if their blood is pumping adrenaline through their veins, and they will imagine they are panting heavily. This is a perfect Arcanoi to cast before doing battle, as the difficulty of some physical feats may be lessened. However, mental tasks and concentration will be more difficult.

System: The Warmaster rolls Manipulation + Ixaos. The number of successes determines how many turns the "Terror" lasts. Even after the duration of the effect, it will take several more turns for the rush to completely subside. Most Warmasters have one favorite way of instilling this effect, such as waving a knife in front of the target, or screaming loudly to raise the nearby tension level. If the Terror Reflex effect causes primal fear and despair in the target, the Warmaster takes a point of angst. This art costs 1 point of Pathos.

** Dream

A nasty little Arcanoi that can render every creature in the vicinity crippled and dumb for a few turns. The Warmaster's Corpus shakes violently, emitting a piercing noise which incites a barrage of thoughts and dreams in everyone around her, swamping their minds. It is painful and some creatures affected by this Arcanoi will actually damage themselves in hysteria.

System: Roll Strength + Ixaos, difficulty 7. The surrounding creatures are temporarily crippled, docked as many health levels as successes rolled. Using Dream Shocker requires 2 Pathos, and 1 or 2 Willpower points, depending on how many entities are about to get shocked. This art grants a point of angst; if someone dear to the Warmaster is affected by this Arcanoi, the Warmaster takes two points.

*** Legacy

The Warmaster can re-create the death experience for any Wraith. This process consists of the Wraith feeling "alive" momentarily, and then slowly dying and coming back to the Shadowlands, while seeing her life flash before her eyes.

System: Roll Charisma + Ixaos, difficulty 8. Most Warmasters talk their targets into a sleep-like trance, then grip them to begin the effect. The experience is very pleasant and helps affirm a Wraith's existence, thereby granting the Wraith either 2 points of Willpower, or a momentary rush of confidence which reduces the difficulty of a few rolls, depending on the storyteller. Friendly hint: Don't botch! Costs 3 Pathos points.

**** Hemlock Grip

A modern philosopher once speculated that the cycle of existance does not consist of only Alive, Dead, and Transcended. This philosopher claimed that there are dozens of "layers" of existence, and as we die in one realm and shed that skin, we are taken to one of the next realms, and a deeper experience begins. The Hemlock Grip simulates the re-death of a Wraith, "killing" her Corpus and giving her a taste of the next realm. It is an intense sleep which lasts about an hour, and most Wraiths feel very refreshed upon returning.

System: Roll Charisma + Ixaos, difficulty 9. With three or more successes, the Wraith phases out of Shadowland reality, and is "re-born" an hour later with a full Corpus.

***** Primal State

The Warmaster can reduce anyone's psyche to utter "fight-or-flight." Complex thought becomes impossible, yet the difficulty of physical rolls is substantially lowered.

System: Roll Manipulation + Ixaos, difficulty 7. The effect lasts for as many turns as twice the successes rolled. Use this Arcanoi with caution; No one knows what will happen when someone is reduced to a total animal! Costs 2 Pathos, 2 Willpower and gives the Warmaster a point of Angst. Mercuriality

By Jayke Rhyen and Kirstin A. Hargie

"You want it there? and quickly! Right, well, i'm not the mail man you're used to; I can get it there quicker than you ever thought possible, and I don't even ask for your soul as payment!"

This Arcanos is used to move quickly and safely through any kind of terrain. Mercuriality enables a Wraith to move without the hindrances of normal travel.

Storytellers note: Mercuriality governs movement and speed, but does not allow entrance to the Tempest. Difficulties are the local shroud if used outside the Shadowlands or the Tempest

Couriers -- Mercuriality

The Couriers Guild was once one of the most highly regarded guilds in Stygia. They were the Hierarchy's messagers, a bizarre offshoot of the Harbingers Guild. Most Couriers still practicing are in the service of the Hierarchy; but there are many Ferrymen who use Mercuriality, and teach it to independents.

One can identify a Courier by her hyperactive nature, rapid speech, and the subtle rippling of her corpus from resistance alterations.

Basic Abilities

Liquidity: This art is a side effect of a learning that a Wraith's plasm offers less resistance to its surroundings. This allows her to slide and move at greater speeds. Higher friction while utilizing this art will endanger the corpus.

SYSTEM: The player rolls Dexterity + Mercuriality, difficulty of 6. The number of successes are added to successes on a movement roll with a plus one difficulty for every two successes.

Tread: This art allows a Wraith to have greater manipulation over the resistance of her plasm while using Liquidity. She learns to redirect her plasm to give her greater balance and control over her movement.

SYSTEM: The player rolls Dexterity + Mercuriality, difficulty of 6, to gain balance. Every two successes lowers the difficulty of movement by one. The player rolls Dexterity + Mercuriality (Diff. 6) to push herself away from an object of greater weight than herself. Each success pushes her 12 inches away or will hold her 12 inches off the ground one turn per success. This art requires 1 Pathos.

Landscaping: This art allows a Wraith to have greater understanding of the terrian on which she travels. She can sense objects in her immediate vicinity without her common sense, and envision mental maps.

SYSTEM: The player rolls Perception + Mercuriality (Diff. 6). Each success allows her to sense a larger area. Each success extends the art one turn. Note: This art does not allow the Wraith to see through objects such as walls, trees, fences, etc...

* Swiftness: This art allows the Wraith to take extra actions. It is the super quickness that a Courier possesses.

System: The player rolls Dexterity + Mercuriality (Diff. 6). Each success after the first adds one extra action for that turn. This art is the first action for the turn, a botch will prevent the Wraith from taking her next action.

** Instability: This art is the foundation of altering plasm resistance. This art allows the Wraith to shift objects in the Shadowlands and the Tempest into incorporeal states without doing damage to the objects. This art can be used on the Wraith to reduce corpus damage by one.

System: The player rolls Strength + Mercuriality (Diff. 6) to effect an object. The player rolls Stamina + Mercuriality (Diff. 8) to effect herself. Each success allows her to reduce corpus damage by one. This art requires the expenditure of 1 Pathos.

*** Feather Flight: Because ease of movement is of utmost concern, flight is a logical alternative to walking. Flight is a necessary tool to avoid contact with uneven terrain.

System:The player rolls Dexterity + Mercuriality (Diff. 6). Each success allows a Wraith to fly for one turn. This art requires Instability and 1 Pathos.

**** Deflection: Moving at high speeds increases the dangers of hitting objects that are blurred with motion. This art allows the Wraith to deflect objects from her path. Objects such as boxes, bushes, bullets, and other free standing or flying objects may be deflected.

System:The player rolls Strength + Mercuriality (Diff. 6). Each success equals a 5' radius of deflection, and one turn duration. This art is most successfully used with Landscaping, and requires 2 Pathos + 1P/turn.

**** Ripple: This art allows the Wraith to use Instability on another Wraith.

System: The player rolls Strength + Mercuriality (Diff. 7). The Wraiths must be touching to employ this art. Each success reduces corpus damage by one. Note: To travel at the speeds of Mercuriality, Ripple must be activated. This art requires the expenditure of 1 Pathos by each Wraith involved. **** Phaze: This art allows the Wraith to occupy the same space as another object of equal or greater size, without inflicting corpus damage.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Mercuriality (Diff. 7). Each success allows her to co-locate with the object for one turn. She may only enter and leave one object at a time. She will sense when the rolled successes are running out, and she may revive the power by making another roll. This art requires 2 Pathos.

***** Quicksilver : This art causes the corpus to become freeflowing upon impact. This allows the Wraith to move around objects without taking corpus damage.

System:The player rolls Stamina + Mercuriality (Diff. 7). Success allows corpus damage to be ignored. A botch causes corpus damage to be doubled. This art requires 2 Pathos + 1P/turn past the second turn that is spent in this form.

***** Phaze Shifting: This art allows the Wraith to move through a series of objects, or one large object (a building), and not take corpus damage.

System: The player rolls Dexterity + Mercuriality (Diff. 8). Each success allows her to move one turn at normal speed, unless Swiftness is invoked. This art requires 3 Pathos + 1P/turn past the first turn that is spent in this form. Mnemosynis 6

(Activate Meme)

By Ryan Tuccinardi ([email protected])


This power allows the user to activate a genetic mutant of a memory (i.e. making everybody be scared of eating red meat). This has been used only a few times in history, notably when several wraiths joined their powers to bless humans with the Delerium. Memes will originally act as a genetic mutant in one in utero individual, usually somebody close to the user. This individual will spread the gene so that gradually, the entire human race will have it. It is not known whether this makes the first victim more likely to have kids or if he dies never passing the gene on, it might be reborn immediately or maybe it would have to be cast again.

This requires the use of thirty temporary Pathos, and one point of permanent Corpus, obviously not coming from the same individual. One point of permanent Angst is immediately gained and a futuristic Harrowing is immediately endured. Necronomics

By Cassandra Keaton ([email protected])

"Are you willing to let darkness embrace you? Well then if you are, come with me and I will teach you."


Necronomics allows the wraith to tap into the dark forces of Oblivion without the immediate attainment of Spectrehood. The primary dealings of this arcanos is with the Shadow element of a wraith. This art was first used and created by Philip Wallace Sterling, an occultist during his lifetime. The arcanos was created in cooperation with his Shadow, who had brought the knowledge from within the Spectral hive-mind. Together they created the five levels and basic abilities of Necronomics. First, they intertwined some of the widely used arcanoi with the levels of their own. This took Sterling and his Shadow almost three more lifetimes, and by the time they had finished Sterling had become a master of quite a few arcanoi. Any who wish to learn the powerful art of Necronomics, must first find Sterling and then prove worthy to both Sterling and his Shadow.

One of the side effects of using Necronomics, is that the user's voice will be at a constant whisper. Once attainment of the third level is reached the wraith's demeanor will change to that of his Shadow's. And finally, once the user masters Necronomics (attains the final level), the wraith's hands and arms, from wrists to elbows, will become charcoal black.


A Necronomic botch usually does one of these three effects; the wraith's Shadow could be strengthened by doubling the number of Angst points gained, loss of points of permanent Corpus, or the user could be thrown completely into the Oblivion.

Basic Abilities


This ability allows a wraith to communicate directly to another's Shadow by talking directly to it. The number of successes determines how well the wraith communicates with the Shadow.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Necronomics (difficulty 7).

Sense Oblivion

This ability allows a wraith to detect the "taint" of Oblivion anywhere in his vicinity. The number of successes determines the strength of the "taint", how far away it is, and in what direction it is.

System: The player rolls Perception + Necronomics (difficulty 7).

* Shadowhold

The wraith may manipulate the amount any Shadow, but his own, has in the way of temporary Angst points. The wraith may add or take away as many points of the temporary Angst as he gets successes. A prerequisite for this level is at least one level in Castigate.

System: The player rolls Wits + Necronomics + Castigate (difficulty 8). This art costs 1 Pathos.

** Corpse Rider

With this art, a wraith may enter a dead vessel instead of a living host. The number of successes determine how well the wraith has control over the body, i.e. walking, speaking, and just general movement. A prerequisite for this level is at least one level in Puppetry.

System: The player rolls Dexterity + Necronomics + Puppetry (difficulty 8). This art costs 2 Pathos. *** Dark Form

At this level, a wraith is able to give his or her Shadow a form all of its own through the Corpus of the wraith. The number of successes determine how different the new form is from the original form. A prerequisite for this art is at least one level of Moliate.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Necronomics + Moliate (difficulty 8). This art costs 3 Pathos and adds one point of temporary Angst.

**** Death Wail

This level of Necronomics gives the wraith the ability to decimate enemies with a from Oblivion itself. All successes determine total points of damage, and all those within close proximity to the "wailer" take aggrevated damage. A prerequisite to use this art is at least one dot in Keening.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Necronomics + Keening (difficulty 8). This art costs 3 Pathos and adds two points of temporary Angst.

***** Nothing Touch

This final and most destructive level of Necronomics allows the wraith to destroy whatever he or she touches. This effect is permanent to whatever is touched. Successes determine the amount of aggravated damage. A prerequisite for this level is at least one point of Outrage.

System: The player rolls Strength + Necronomics + Outrage (difficulty 8). This art costs no Pathos to use, but adds three temporary Angst points whenever used.

Note: The effects have to always be rolled whenever the wraith touches something with his or her bare hands. Poltergeist

By David Posner ([email protected]) (20 March 1995)

A new Level 5 power for Outrage, that would seem to have been more of an oversight then anything else, I've called Poltergeist.

Level 5 Arcanos

Causes all objects in an area to violently move and swirl about. All objects not bolted down and of small enough weight will fly and swirl. Essentially the Wraith becomes enraged and directs all of his will and pathos into conjuring up a whirlwind which she directs through the violent writhings of her own body.

System: Strength + Outrage (difficulty = local Shroud unless affecting only objects in the Shadowlands where difficulty is only 4). Each success determines the size and intensity of the Poltergeist. 1 = little more then a dust devil. 5 = a room of 50 feet square being violently swept up in a whirling of debris and objects as large as heavy furniture. 10 = a major tornado force (300+mph). Area of effect = 10 feet square diameter per success. Duration is up to 1 turn per Stamina + Outrage (or less if desired).. Damage effects of debris determined by storyteller. Wraith who causes a Poltergeist is not harmed as she is at the eye of the storm, so to speak. The effect moves with the Wraith as she moves about an area.

Cost: 4 Pathos and 2 Willpower, 1 Pathos per additional turn continued beyond normal maximum duration. Repartition


By Jayke Rhyen and Kirstin A. Hargie

If you need it, I can find it. If you broke it, I can fix it. If you want it bad enough, hell, I'll invent it!

This Arcanos allows a Wraith to alter an object or relic. It also governs the forging of new relics, allowing the wraith to locate, fix, destroy, and invent them. She can copy objects from the Skinlands and give them form in the Shadowlands. She can also graft relics on her corpus with this Arcanos.

Squires - Repartition

The squires were a guild closely related to the Artificers. They often were in the employ of well respected Legioneers. They created and maintained weapons, and powerful relics alongside the Artificers. Around the time of the 3rd Maelstrom the Guild disbanded and many Squires were assimiliated into the Legions and the Artificers guild. While the Squires numbers dwindle their art has never truly been lost.

The Squires Guild was one of inventors and craftsman. They actively recruited artisans and sculptures. They held great reknown for their indestructible relics, and their bizarre art of grafting relics and weapons in and on their corpus.

One can identify a Squire by her insatiable lust for relics, and if they are powerful Squires their grafted relics. Squires also have what look like pools of reflective mercury rather than eyes.

Corpus Chart for Level Five Repartition

Object, Tiny (ring, key, penny....) 2 Corpus 2 Successes Object, Small (book, candle, doll...) 4 Corpus 3 Successes Object, large (book bag, t-shirt,...) 6 Corpus 4 Successes Object, extra large (computer, tv, chest...) 8 Corpus 5 Successes Object, 2 XL (statue, chair, lawn mower...) 10 Corpus 6 Successes Object, 3 XL (refrigerator, couch...) 16 Corpus 7 Successes Object, 4 XL (car, boat....) 20 Corpus 8 Successes Object, 5 XL (brickwall, semi...) 24 Corpus 9 Successes Object, Gigantic (Building, Eifel Tower...) 28 Corpus 10 Successes

Duration Table

1 day 1 success 2 times 1 week 2 successes 4 times 1 month 3 successes 6 times 1 year 4 successes 8 times Permanent 5 successes 10 times

Basic Abilities

Evaluate: Squires work with things not people. Working with these objects gives them insights into the objects purpose, durability, designer/destroyer, and if the object has been given special powers. They think of this as their secret language of passions.

SYSTEM: The player rolls Perception + Repartition (Diff. 6). Each success allows him to ask one question about the object. The difficulty may be adjusted depending on the difficulty of the question.

Localize: This art allows a wraith to find an object she has been in contact with, wherever it may reside.

SYSTEM: The player rolls Perception + Repartition (Diff. 8, or the local Shroud). The number of successes determines the preciseness of the localization.

* Tap the Flow: This art allows the wraith to drain an object's plasm by touching the object.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Repartition (Diff. 6). Each success equals one point of corpus that is drained. Note: the player cannot drain all of the corpus from an object. One point must remain in the object. The wraith cannot hold more than 10 corpus, and this power does not work on other wraiths.

** Contact: Squires lust after objects and so they must learn to aid or hinder the user of special objects. To do this the wraith must have knowledge of how the object is used.

System: The player rolls Wits + Repartition (Diff. 6, or the local shroud). Each success is added to or subtracted from the users successes. Note: The wraith cannot add or subtract more successes than his rating in the appropriate ability. He may also apply the succeses to an object that is not being used to move it 1 inch per success.

*** Devise: This art allows a wraith to create a blueprint or 3D illusion of an object.

System: The player rolls Wits + Repartition (Diff. 6). Each success tells how well the object has been conceptualized. Note: See Corpus Chart for the number of successes required to create an object with Invent.

*** Infuse: This art allows the wraith to attach a relic to her corpus. This will cause a temporary increase in her corpus corresponding to the amount of corpus in the relic. This increase will be removed when the relic is removed.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Repartition (Diff. 7). See the Duration Table for the amount of time that the object will remain infused in the corpus.

*** Aport: The bond between a Squire and her objects grows with time. This art allows the Squire to summon an object that has been 'bonded' from anywhere in the Shadowlands or Tempest.

System: To bond with an object the wraith must prepare the object by investing 1 Pathos and rolling Wits + Repartition (Diff. 7). To summon the object the player must roll Wits + Repartition (Diff. 6), plus invest 1 Pathos. Note: The object can be apoted the number of times that are equal to the number of successes described in the Duration Table.

**** Improve: Objects become so important to a Squire that they learn to infuse them with their own corpus. This makes the object stronger, and more durable.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Repartition (Diff. 7). Each success adds one corpus level to the object and the life span of the object is increased by the duration listed in the Duration Chart. If the roll is botched then the relic receives damage equal to the number of corpus points intended to be invested in the object. This art can only be used once on any one object. This art requires the number of corpus to be invested, and 2 Pathos.

**** Unbind: This art enables a wraith to take an object apart to siphon all of its plasm. It also allows her to sever or cut away part of her own corpus to reform into objects.

System: The player rolls Strength + Repartition (Diff. 8). The number of successes necessary to tear the object apart are listed in the Corpus Chart. This art does not require an investment of corpus, but does require 2 Pathos.

***** Invent: This study and understanding of this art is the paramount goal of becoming a Squire. This art allows the wraith to create a relic of his design from his corpus.

System: The player rolls Stamina + Repartition (Diff. 8). Each success adds one corpus level to the object and allows it to last for a time equal to that stated in the Duration Table. Note: To use this art one must devise a blueprint. The object can have no more successes than are invested in the blueprint. This art requires the amount of corpus indicated in the Corpus Chart. Phantasm Revised

By Brandon Quina ([email protected])


This arcanos allows the wraith to manipulate the dreams of a mortal. Its users are known as Sandmen, and are fairly common.


Those are all suitable and I saw no need to change them.

* Lucidy

This art allows you to change portions of a mortals dream. Like a Ocean to a desert, a Calm day to a torrential downpour. You roll Manipulation + Phantasm (difficulty 6)

Cost: 2 Pathos

** Meld with Dreamer

This art allows you to enter into the dream of a mortal, and talk with him, or manipulate the dream. He will not remember most of the dream involving you unless you roll 4 successes, but it will be in his subconscious. Roll Charisma + Phantasm (difficulty equal to local shroud).

Cost: 1 Pathos

*** The Dreamsculpter

This art allows the wraith to totally script every piece of the mortals dream.

You could completely control every aspect of it, throughout the entire dream. You must roll Manipulation + Phantasm (difficulty 8)

Cost: 3 Pathos

**** Agon

This allows the wraith to rip a dreaming soul from its body; it is very painful, and harmful. Roll Strength + Phantasm (difficulty 8) Each Success causes one health level upon awakening.

Cost: 3 Pathos and gain one Angst.

***** Phantasmagoria

With this art the wraith may weave his pathos (And Corpus) into the stuff of dreamsculpting and illusions. This illusion cannot cause any real harm or impede a wraith unless corpus was spent. You can use this in the living world, provided you embody first. Roll Charisma + Phantasm (difficulty 8) Each success is how many successes are needed on a Perception + Alertness to see through your illusion. If you spend a Corpus level your illusion becomes quasi-real (and thus dangerous). For ever corpus level you spend the illusion can take one level of damage.

Cost: 3 Pathos + 1 per turn. Scripture

By Jayke Rhyen and Kirstin A. Hargie

They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, and that knowledge is the key to everything. I believe this to be the greatest truth, but here in the lands of the dead I have no need for the pen, I have my mind, and I have no need for paper for I have my soul.

This Arcanos is used to read and gather together ideas, emotions, and thoughts of both the living and the dead. This is not its boundaries. It can also be used to manipulate these ideas, emotions etc. to imprint them upon a recipient soul. This Arcanos deals with the realm of the tangible mind.

Storytellers note: The power of moliate will not undo the powers of the soul scribe, psyche script or the like. Inscribed script is only temporarily blurred. Moliate does however hide any inscribed script work. The power of fatal vision (Fatalism) cannot be used to read soul script. All difficulties are the local shroud when applicable.

Scribes - Scripture

The scribes have been an important part of the hierarchy for ages. They have compiled and altered history in favor of the various factions. The scribes worked closely with the Pardoners Guild and they are sometimes referred to as monks at low levels, and illuminators at higher ones.

The scribes were, and still are, the librarians and archivists of wraith and mortal history. They have been collecting 'documents' since Charon ordered the first stone laid in Stygia. They were also responsible for the branding of many of the hierarchy's criminals.

The typical scribe is quiet, and wide eyed. They strive to learn everything. Many scribes get so caught up in the world of the mind they care little for material objects. Their most prized possessions are the books written on their souls.

One can identify a scribe by the blue, black and violet markings that adorn their bodies. Their irises also tend to turn white, and the pupil widens and takes on a gem-like quality of shifting blues, violets, and black. This gem like quality is due to their unique style of bodyart.

Basic Abilities

Empathos: This is the basis of all telepathic abilities a scribe learns. Empathos gives a wraith insight into the emotional states of a subject, and into the passions of another wraith.

SYSTEM:The player rolls Perception + Scripture (Diff. 6). Each success indicates an emotion starting with the surface feelings and moving deeper. A wraith may also spend one point of pathos to roll to learn of another wraiths passions or dark passions. Each success is one passion learned starting with the weakest, and moving to the strongest.

Blanking the Slate: This is the art that allows a wraith to shield his ideas, thoughts, and memories from others.

SYSTEM: The player rolls Manipulation + Scripture (Diff. 6). Each success is subtracted from the opponents roll to read, or tamper with her mind. This power lasts one turn. Note: This power does work against Mage Mind, Spirit Spheres, Dominate, Necromancy, or Spirit Thaumaturgy. This art requires 1 Pathos + 1 for every level higher of the opposing power.

Empathic Blur : With this art a wraith learn to shield its emotions and passions as it does to ideas with Blanking the Slate.

SYSTEM: The player rolls Manipulation + Scripture (Diff. 6). Each success is subtracted from the opponents roll to read, or tamper with her emotions or passions. This power lasts for one turn. Note: This power does work against Mage Mind, Spirit Spheres, Dominate, Presence, Spirit Thaumaturgy, Keening, and other applicable powers. This art requires 1 Pathos + 1P for every level higher of the opposing power.

Clarity: This art allows a wraith to think quicker and about more things at one time.

SYSTEM: The player rolls Wits + Scripture (Diff. 6). Each success allows the wraith to take on another task for the number of turns equal to her intelligence.

Scripture Difficulties

6 = Your Signatured Scribework 6 = Your Scribework on You 7 = Another's Scribework on You 7 = Scribework on target Corpus 7 = Personal Embellished Scribework 8 = Another Scribe's work on himself 8 = Another Scribe's Embellished work on a target 8 = Another Scribe's Signatured work on a target

* Eyes of the Beholder : This art allows a wraith to see through the eyes of another wraith or mortal. She gains no other senses than sight.

System: The player rolls Perception + Scripture (Diff. 6) plus 1 willpower. She may stay in the "eyes" for one turn per success. Note: Unless she is using the art Clarity she may not sense anything but what is in range of the targets sight. This art requires 1 Pathos.

* Decryption: This art allows a wraith to read the soul script of other scribes and sense the death marks of other wraiths.

System: The player rolls Perception + Scripture (Diff. 6 if reading Death Marks, see sidebar for Diff.). A botch indicates that the wraith has misread the soul script. This art requires 1 Pathos.

** Mind Sight: This art allows a wraith to view the thoughts of a subject as if they were his own.

System: The player rolls Perception + Scripture (Diff. 7) + 1 Willpower. Each success allows a wraith to 'sense' for one turn, and learn of one exact idea or thought up to his intelligence. Note: Unless he is using Clarity he may not sense anything but the targets mind.

** Signature: This art allows the wraith to mark her own scripture. It is extremely difficult for others to read, but quite simple for the signee.

System: The player rolls Wits + Scripture (see sidebar for Diff.). One success is required for the signature. If the signature is done on an object Signature increases the difficulty of using the object by one for every two successes. This art requires 1 Pathos.

*** Soul Scribe: Soul scribe is the most important art to a scribe. It allows the wraith to imprint thoughts and ideas upon her corpus in the form of cryptic glyphs.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Scripture (Diff. 6) to write upon herself. Note: To read this without the art of Scripture the player must roll Perception + Enigmas (Diff. 8). This art requires the expenditure of 2 Pathos, and 1 Willpower.

*** Cleanse: This art is used to erase soul script. Note: This art will not erase Death Marks.

System: The player rolls Wits + Scripture (see chart for Diff.). Each success eliminates 25% of the scribework. A botch will cause 3 Corpus damage that can be soaked normally, and lowers the difficulty of reading the script by 2 for players without Scripture. This art requires 2 Pathos.

**** Psyscript: This art allows a wraith to rewrite an idea or thought in the mind of the target.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Scripture (Diff. 8 or the local shroud). Each success reveals how long the alteration will last. 1 = one day, 2 = one week, 3 = one month, 4 = one year, 5+ = permanent. If the player botches the roll, she cannot reroll until the target has slept or slumbered. This art requires 3 Pathos, and 1 Willpower.

***** Embellish: This art allows a wraith to embellish scribe work with one of her Arcanos, making it available to others.

System: The player must first roll Wits + Scripture (Diff. 7, or the local shroud). The number of successes indicates the highest level of the Arcanos that can be Embellished. While using the Arcanos he must reroll Wits + Scripture (Diff. 7, or the local Shroud), and each success indicates that 1 level of the Arcanos has been successfully Embellished. The Embellishment can carry its own Pathos pool. To create the Pathos pool the player must invest 3 Pathos to charge the Embellishment + any number of additional Pathos up to a maximum of 10 to fill the pool. If the Embellishment carries a Pathos pool the Embellishment will shimmer. Note: If the Embellishment does not carry a Pathos pool the Arcanos can only be learned through the art of Illuminate. An Embellishment that carries a Pathos pool is evoked through Decryption or as any Soul Script (Diff. 8).

***** Illuminate: This art allows a scribe to learn Arcanos that have been inscribed on a Wraith's corpus.

System: The player must roll Perception + Scripture (see chart for Diff.) to read the scripture. Then she must roll Wits + Scripture (see chart for Diff.). The number of successes indicates the level of the Arcanos that can be learned. The learning of the Arcanos does not automatically allow the player to use the Arcanos. A successfully learned Arcanos must still be purchased, but at half the cost + 1 Willpower. Note: Once the Embellished Arcanos is learned by one Wraith the pathos spent to charge the Embellishment is lost and the Embellishment disappears. This art requires the expenditure of 2 Pathos. Tectonics

By Kabael ([email protected])


All difficulties are equal to the local shroud, unless otherwise stated. Each level can be used both in the Skinlands and Shadowlands, and in the Shadowlands the difficulty is 5+level of effect. Of course, some powers would be limited in the Shadowlands; there is not much water or other fluids there.

* Body of Wind

Using this basic power, the wraith becomes used to creating a body out of materials and interacting with the physical world. On a roll of Intelligence+Tectonics, the wraith can collect a quantity of air under his command. The effective dexterity equals the wraith^s own, but strength is limited to 1 dot, as is stamina when dealing with endurance. Any strong wind or big fan will disperse the wraith^s wind. The body lasts for a number of turns equal to twice the number of successes. This effect costs 1 Pathos.

** Form of the Fluid

The wraith is now able to control liquids to a limited extent, requiring a roll of Manipulation+Tectonics. Strength is now limited to 2, as is Stamina, but Dexterity is again the wraith^s own. The total height of the fluid shape is limited to a human-like shape or the approxamite volume of a human 1 foot in height for every point of willpower the wraith has. The duration is 1 turn per success rolled. This is again 1 Pathos.

*** Movement of Wood

Not really limited to wood, the level 3 ability allows the wraith to collect bits of trash and refuse about him into a body, including things such as sticks and twigs and plastic, but nothing as strong as metal or stone. This requires a roll of Stregnth+Tectonics. Strength and Stamina max out at 3, but Dexterity does not. Maximum height is Willpower+successes in feet. Duration is 1 turn per success. Movement of Wood costs 2 Pathos.

**** Shape of Steel and Stone

The wraith can now warp and shape his surroundings into a body, not needing to use only loose objects. Rolling Stamina+Tectonics, the wraith can shape steel, stone, or similarly hard objects into whatever bodily shape desired. Strength and Stamina are not limited, but Dexterity cannot exceed 3. Height is equal to Willpower+success+Stamina. The form lasts 1 turn per success and costs 3 Pathos per use.

***** Energy Existence

The culmination of Tectonics, the wraith no longer needs physical obejcts for a body; he can now manipulate energy into a cohesive form. Electricity, fire, magnetic fields, anything is possible. The one wraith who tried the harness the power of the atom was never heard from again however, not even in the whispers of spectres. This power requires Wits+Tectonics to succeed. Strength is effectively 0, and Stamina is equal to the wraith^s, but usable only in resisting factors that would influence the energy chosen. Electricity would provide the ability to shock like lightning, fire would burn, and magnetic fields can attract suitable metals. Any damage caused by the form is the same as the mundane version. This effect lasts for 1 turn every 2 successes and takes 4 Pathos to activate. Telesthesia

By Dan Coffin ([email protected]) with changes by Brandon Quina ([email protected])


I developed this especially for my "B5" chronicle. The elite few with this Arcanos are still a guild (but not a guild by name) and have been absorbed into the Stygian military structure (like the Psi Corps in B5). Much like the Psi Corps, these few wraiths might be the one thing that stand between Oblivion and victory.

[Note: use of this arcanos causes your left palm to become filled with what looks to be a tattoo of deep space (i.e. stars, in various colors). The more you use the arcanos the more stars.]

Basic Abilities

Guarded Thoughts: Before a wraith can learn to plumb the dark depths of an alien mind, he must first learn to master his own. Through meditation and mental exercices, a wraith can learn to structure his thought patterns and strengthen his willpower.

System: To protect the character's mind from others' prying use of Telesthesia, the player rolls Wits + Telesthesia (opponent's level of Telesthesia). All difficulties of Empathy, Sense Deception, and Intimidation rolls against the character are increased by two.

[Signal : You can send a short phrase to someone who you have eye contact with. You have no information about them, or their thoughts with them, merely silent one-way communication.

System: No roll is required unless the target resists. If he does you must roll Wite + Empathy (target's Wits+2). This art costs 1 Pathos.

Confuse: By sending incoherent thoughts to another's mind, you may cause him great confusion. The target knows what you are doing and could get very mad, if not already mad at you.

System: Roll Wits + Empathy (target's Wits+3), each success creates a -1 die penality to all actions, though never below one die. This ar costs 1 Pathos.]

* Second Sight

Through the use of this art, the psyker can use his powers to gaze through the eyes of another. The target will not know that he is being used by the psyker, and the only outward sign of this "possession" of the target's sense of vision is a change in the color of the target's eyes. The natural eye color of the target will change to the eyes color of the psyker's and will remain that way until the effect is discontinued.

System: This art can be used on a mortal or a wraith. The player rolls Manipulation + Telesthesia [ Manipulation+Empathy ] (target's Wits attribute [target's Wits+3]). This art costs 1 Pathos.

** The Big Picture

With this level of Telesthesia, the psyker can not only "access" his target's sense of vision, as with the first level, but can experience sensory input from all of the target's senses- sight smell, sound, touch, and taste.

System: This art can be used on a mortal or a wraith. the player rolls Manipulation + Telesthesia [ Manipulation + Empathy ]). This art costs 2 Pathos.

*** Presentiment

By utilizing Telesthesia at this level, a psyker can read a target's surface thoughts. By spending a few moments to concentrate, the psyker can penetrate the target's built-in mental defenses and suddenly "know" whatever the target is thinking at the moment. The information garnered through the use of this art is often superficial and unimportant, but can come in handy is certain instances. Two psykers with *** Presentiment can also share a crude form of telepathic communication, each one reading the other's thoughts and "thinking" a response. Note that this ability does not apply to deep memories, emotions, etc. System: This art can be used on a mortal or wraith. The player rolls Intelligence + Telesthesia [ Intelligence + Empathy ] (target's Wits [Wits + 3] attribute ). If the player botches a roll, not only does the attempt fail, but the target becomes aware of the psyker's attempt to read his thoughts. This art costs 2 Pathos.

**** Plumb the Ego

This art allows the psyker to delve into the depths of the target's deep consciousness, revealing those thoughts that the target would hide from others (and sometimes even himself). Any information in the target's mind is open to the psyker should he succeed in his attempt to use this art, including deep-seated memories, dreams, emotions, truths, etc. While this art can be used for healing or therapeutic purposes, it is most often utilized in a more insidious and hurtful manner; to tear information violently from an unwilling victim's mind. Such "mind rape" is damaging to the victim and is a serious crime punishable by discorporation in Stygia.

System: This art can be used on a mortal or wraith. The player rolls Intelligence + Telesthesia [ Manipulation + Empathy ] (target's Wits [Wits + 4] attribute) to first enter the target's deep consciousness. To find a particular thought, memory, or emotion, the player rolls Perception + Telesthesia [ Perception + Empathy ] (target's Intelligence [Intelligence + 3]). If the player botches a roll, the art not only fails, but the target knows of the character's intrusion into her mind. With a successful Willpower roll, the target can expel the psyker from her mind.

***** Whispers of the Conscious

With this highest level of Telesthesia, the psyker can use his power to transmit his thoughts, usually just one or two sentences, to his chosen target. The target cannot communicate directly back unless he has Telesthesia at this level as well, but by using this art in concert with *** Presentiment, a psyker can read his target's surface thoughts and then send a reposnse.

System: This art can be used on a mortal or wraith. The player rolls Manipulation + Telesthesia (target's Intelligence) to successfully send a message. Only 1 success is needed to send a few words, 2 successes for a sentence, or 3 success for a picture or esoteric concept (i.e. broadcasting "love").

[***** Reconstruction

With this art the character can reconstruct whole segments of the targets memory. Or destroy the same memories. This can be therapeutic, but can also be used for destructive purposes. This is a very difficult art, and is only attempted if sorely needed for some reason, because of the drain it places on the psyker. Note: 'Destroyed' memories are still there, but are seal up behind mental blocks.

System: This art may be used on a mortal or wraith. The player rolls Intelligence + Empathy (Targets Wits +4) to enter the target's deep conscious. To modify or erase memories the player makes a Manipulation + Empathy resisted by the target's willpower. (Difficulty of 6 for psyker, and 8 for the target). The psyker needs to get 10 successes to change or erase memories. If willing, the target doesn't need to resist. A botch on this roll causes the memories of the psyker and the target to overlap confusing their own memories for another's. Each roll the psyker makes cost 1 Pathos. The art (not each roll) also grants 3 angst.] Wrath of Hell

Way of the Soul level 4

By Brian Anderson ([email protected])


This art calls the P'o up from the depths of the wraith's soul to aid in battle. The wraith enters a sort of battle frenzy that increases his own ability in combat.

System: The player rolls Charisma+Manipulation (difficulty of his Po's Permenant Angst). The character gains the Merit Speeding, 2 Str., and 2 Dex for the duration of the art. The cost is 3 Pathos, 1 WP, and a gain of 1 Angst for every 2 successes (round down). The duration of this art is one turn per success.

The danger of this art is that the user must continue fighting for as long as the art is going, but the Po' cannot attempt to take control until the art ends. This has made some unfortunate wraiths cut down their friends in a battle that has already ended. Most wraiths do not put all of their power into the use of this art. Players can roll less than their full pools. The Bass of Bob Connor

By Timo Harjunen ([email protected])

Level Two Artifact


Back in the eighties there were many garage bands in [insert city name here]. Most of them sucked, but there were few that burned brighter than the others. One of these bands was 'Fatrazor', a heavy-punk group formed in 1987 by three high-school classmates. They became somewhat famous in the underground music scene of the city mostly because of their bizarre stage- acts. After a year of rehearsing and performing, they got a record deal with a small local indie label Scum Records. All was going really well for the band until that fatal evening in November 1988. The boys were performing in a local heavy-club for the biggest audience so far. While playing their hit song 'Deepthroat', bassist Bob Connor decided to do some stage diving (this was his speciality). But something went terribly wrong and Bob fell on the floor and suffered a blow that broke his neck. He was dead in a second. Afterwards Bob became a local hero, an example for the punk-scene in the region. His bass (which he had ironically named 'Neckbreaker') was placed in a local club on display. It was however destroyed in a fire that burned down the club in 1991.

For some reason the bass ended up as an artifact in the Shadowlands. It has since served many wraiths and was last owned by a successful performance artist Jack Hubber. Someone stole it from his locker room after a sold-out show at 'Ye Olde Haunter' (a popular pub for wraiths, it was once a legendary tavern in the real world but was torn down about a hundred years ago and now exists only in the Shadowlands) and no one knows its current whereabouts.


The bass is an old Ibanez [or some other manufacturer that you prefer], built in 1984. It is in a pretty bad shape (it looks like it's been banged into walls and such a few times) and two of the four strings are broken (good luck in finding artifact strings!). It has three stickers on it (one of them is a Batman logo, another one has the word 'Neckbreaker' written on it and the third one is a picture of Gene Simmons spitting blood!).


The bass is a real instrument and can be played by anyone who has the skill. It doesn't require electricity or an amplifier of any kind. The sound is heard clearly by wraiths. Mortals can't hear anything except for Mediums who hear the sound just like wraiths do. The bass has a weird special power. Any wraith who (after someone has performed with the bass) applauds to the musician must dance for the duration of the next song played by the bassist. There is nothing special about this action; the listener just has the overwhelming urge to dance.

The bass doesn't have any other special powers but it can be used as a weapon (add +1 to the weapon skill because of the fact that in real life, Bob used to whack roadies with it on-stage). Dead Radio

By Tod T. Fox ([email protected]), inspired by the novel Godmother Night by Rachel Pollack


"This is KRPS, coming to you dead and in-person from the necropolis of Austin, Texas. Our broadcast this eternal night is brought to you, as always, by the Hierarchy and all they stand for! "Later on this evening, we're pleased to announce we'll have a live, well, almost, performance by Texas' own Janis Joplin! For now though, we'll continue our theme of the music you remember from this great state . . . up next, an entire hour of Buddy Holly!

"And remember, only the Hierarchy can bring you acts this big right to your relicradio!"

Broadcasts from Beyond the Grave

Sometimes, when a radio station closes, it is so loved that the memories are strong enough to carry it across the shroud. At other times, such a station or parts of its equipment are brought across by cataclysm -- fire, earthquake or deliberate destruction. It behooves one to remember that many radio stations are simply an antennae and a shack in a field, making them extremely vulnerable. Artificers have succeeded to some extent in creating radio stations of their own, but they are, for some reason, less reliable than those made of the substance of memory. They have, fortunately, had more success making the radios.

Just as is to be expected, the music played on the radio stations of the dead is most often yesterday's top 40, ranging anywhere from the big band hits of the 1920s through the songs of the 60's peace movement to the music of the Renaissance. Since recordings themselves must be found or somehow made, and due to the variety of generations to be found in the Shadowlands, many stations are more eclectic than even those found at the colleges of the Quick. The vast majority of the radio stations are controlled by the Hierarchy, but the occasional 'pirate' broadcaster springs up, playing the role of 'Tokyo ' to legions.

The behavior of otherworldly radio is often unpredictable. One night, a station may have a broadcast radius over an entire state or more and the next barely reach the next 3 blocks. Some wraiths dislike having a radio station nearby, as they have been known to spontaneously 'tune in' to random conversations. On very rare occasions, the broadcast has been known to reach across the Shroud and appear on the radios of the living. The officials of the Hierarchy are usually unconcerned by this -- the best efforts of Artificers and Proctors alike have been unable to recreate such occurrences and, as one DJ commented bitterly, "the Quick are usually too stupid to know what they're hearing."


In game terms, most radio equipment should be treated as a Relic of level 3 or 4, depending on the amount, quality, and condition. An entire radio station, or the complete equipment to make one would be a Relic 5, or higher.

In order to operate radio equipment, a character should have a good grasp of Technology. In addition, a successful DJ will need a fair helping of Expression and Performance. Death Guitars

By Ryan LaBarge ([email protected])


A Death Guitar usually looks like any other relic guitar in the Shadowlands, but like wraiths its appearance is shaped by the first wraith to hold it right as it enters the Shadowlands.


The statistics of a Death Guitar change depending on how many dots it has.

Dots Description Difficulty Damage 0 Toy 2 Str 1 Cheap 3 Str+1 2 Amateur 4 Str+2 3 Normal 5 Str+3 4 Pro 6 Str+4 5 Bass 7 Str+6


A Death Guitar adds its rating to all Keening rolls. Goddard's Ring

By Robert Perks and Ron King

Refer to the Eclipsium Arcanos for background information.

Level 5 artifact


Lord Goddard's special ring which he found in a Hierarchy Tower . had no special ability until he had it infused with Arcanos. It enables him to use the Basic Abilities of any Arcanos. The trouble with this is that anyone that has one of the six rings he made is that her Shadow gain two Points of Angst as soon as the ring is put on. Hela's Balance

Level 4 artifact

By Kirstin A. Hargie ([email protected]) (27 June 1995)

The possession of Hela's balance by any but Hela is expressly forbidden. Punishment is immediate disposal into Oblivion. Hela's balance is crafted of Stygian metal. It's sole purpose is to weigh Enfants. The Enfant is balanced against a lock of Hela's hair. If the Enfant weighs more than the hair the Enfant's caul is removed and they are sent to one of the domains of Niflheim. If the Enfant weighs less than the hair the Enfant is sent straight to Oblivion. No one but Hela can properly operate the balance. The balance is housed in the throne room of Elvidner. Loki's Masks

Level 2 artifact

By Kirstin A. Hargie ([email protected]) (27 June 1995)

Loki had several Masks commissioned for an All Hallow's Party. The masks were given as favors to thirty guests, none of which Loki particularly enjoyed in his company. Upon placing the masks on their faces the visages of the guests were transformed into the visage of their last acquaintance. Not only did their faces change, but their corpus gradually shifted to their acquaintance's appearance. Loki teased his guests mercilessly as some reverted back to their former corpus while others tried in vain to remove the mask. On the eve of the 2nd of November, Loki finally relayed the key to removal of the mask, and the guests were promptly returned to their former corpus.

Loki's masks have been passed through time to various wraiths, but their abundance is extremely rare, and many masks have been occasionally purchased at astounding prices. The possessor of Loki's mask will shift corpus to that of the last acquaintance or full photo/statue/likeness observed. This shift takes about 1 hour. The wraith will remain in this state until Loki's key is turned (the expenditure of 3 Pathos, and 3 oboli to the Tempest), until the wraith touches the true likeness of the corpus, or until 3 maelstroms have passed. If the mask is worn for 3 maelstroms the mask will remove itself and disappear into the tempest, and the bearer will gain 2 points of permanent angst. The Mask of the Soulcollector

By Dave Seward ([email protected]) with commentary by Timothy Toner ([email protected]) (emphasized text)


These masks appear to be a medieval woodcut mask. On further inspection the wraith will note that they have been soulforged. The size is fixed to the viewer so that it seems to be just his size. There are only four masks known to exist, and they are highly sought after relics. The Hierarchy has deemed them as the work of heretics and offers a reward to any wraith who recovers one.

Heretics? Try Oblivion. That sucker's nasty.

System: When a wraith dons the mask he must spend a pathos point to attune the mask to him. The mask can be taken off at will and once attuned it can only be used by that wraith.

When a wraith first uses the mask, the Shadowguide selects what the appearence of the Soulcollector will be. The most common form is that of a Reaper, although some have claimed to have seen a viking, a Roman soldier, and a mongol warrior.

The wraith loses 2 points of Manipulation when donning the mask as it is difficult to speak with the mask on. When a wraith does speak it sounds low and gutteral.

Make that Charisma, and I'll buy it. I don't care how badly I can hear him. I'll do what he tells me to.


The Masks of the Soulcollector allow a wraith to use another wraith's pathos for his own arcanoi. When a wraith is sent to a destruction harrowing because of a Soulcollector, the collector gains the wraith's remaining pathos to store and use later.

Hm. I'd much rather give a passle of Arcanos, as well as a "pool" of pathos the user of the mask can draw from. This pathos can be reassigned either from corpus (which you state) or from fulfilling Dark Passions.

Also the masks come with a very sharp scythe (or sword whatever is appropriate to the form taken) the tie between the mask and the weapon cannot be severed.

It's pretty obvious that the scythe does permanent corpus damage. This is nasty in the context of wraith, but as long as you're dodge is up there... In addition, one thing that isn't know by anyone is that strikes from the scythe actually devour Angst. So, you see, there is a benefit to the damn thing. This explains why those killed by the scythe automatically transcend.

System: When using pathos gained by this method the Soulcollector gains one temporary point of angst per two pathos used. Note that you cannot use one gained and one of your own to avoid this.

Right. This is nice. In addition, I'd say that the wearer would become a spectre pretty damn fast,, and to free the wearer from this influence, the pathos of the mask has to be disrupted (see below).

When used on the quick, the Collector gains seven pathos, and the victim appears to have had a heart attack.

The Collector rolls Dex+Brawl diff 7 to grab the person's heart, once the victim's heart is grasped, the Collector rolls Str+Brawl to retain his grip. The victim is allowed to roll his willpower diff 8 to resist.

It should be stated that only wraiths can interfere with this action. In fact, any attempt to disrupt the squeeze breaks the concentration necessary, meaning that the reaper has to be all alone to get his prize.

On Pathos gained

Any pathos gained by Soulcollecting bleeds off after two complete scenes. The Soulcollector may use any of this pathos during those two scenes. The Storyteller should keep a running total on all pathos gained. One side effect from the mask is that when a wraith has gained and used a hundred pathos overall he is sent to a destruction harrowing.

A hundred Pathos = Fifty temp Angst = 5 permanent angst gain. I think the fella has a little something else to worry about.

On What the Shadow thinks Many shadows do not stop a wraith from attaining these; in fact many wraiths are driven by their shadow to find one.


A Soulcollector must have Argos and Inhabit to be able to use the mask. The Soulcollector also must have at least one fetter or the mask will send him into a destruction harrowing.

How to Destroy a Collector

To destroy a Collector is not an easy thing. You must bring the collector to zero corpus and destroy one of his fetters. If this is done the collector is sent straight to Oblivion. No harrowing.

Hm. I'd say it's possible to sever the connection between the Collector and the Mask by inflicting hellacious amounts of damage. In essence, the collector gets health equal to pathos. Damage against the collector is not soaked, but then again, it doesn't do any damage to the collector. However, once the mask is drained of pathos, the wearer has a choice of using his own to keep it on, or the mask falls off, and the collector is sent on a destruction harrowing. This simulates the attack by the machine gun rather well. Rings of Corwyn

By John Donoghue ([email protected])

Level three Artifact


The Rings of Corwyn are potent artifacts created by a powerful wraith named Corwyn. These rings were designed to allow the wraith in possession of the ring to interact with life beyond the Shroud. The wraith must be in the Shadowlands and then put on the ring. The wraith must then spend a Pathos to activate the ring. This will make the wraith become audible and visible, but not tangible, to all supernaturals (If the wraith wants to be seen by mortals it must spend yet another Pathos). The Wraith is still in the Shadowlands and corporal to things there but can now be seen just fine in the Skinlands (the rules for going incorporeal still apply). The effect will last for an hour or until the ring is taken off. To turn it back on, it must be put on again and another Pathos must be spent. Sigil of Hela

Level 4 artifact

By Kirstin A. Hargie ([email protected]) (27 June 1995)

The Sigil of Hela is a Stygian metal coin with the Coat of Niflheim on the front, and a thin-line drawing of Nightshade on the reverse. The Sigil is worn by Hela's minions. It will transport it's bearer to Elvidner when a short incantation is recited and 1 Pathos is expended. The incantation is said to be part of the Elvidner Code. Sigil of Odin

Level 4 artifact

By Kirstin A. Hargie ([email protected]) (27 June 1995)

The Sigil of Odin is a small disc made of an unknown metal. Odin's likeness is carved upon the face, with the reverse side bearing a Norse ship. It is rumored that Odin himself carved 10 Sigils, of which only 5 still remain in the hands of active wraiths.

Once the appropriate incantation is said, Odin's Sigil will glow and a high pitched sound will emit from the bow of the Norse ship. If the bearer is within the Tempest, an unmanned barge will approach which will take the bearer anywhere within the Tempest. If the bearer is within the Shadowlands, the Sigil will glow, and the wraith will find themselves transported to the Tempest where the barge will appear.

Possession of the Sigil is forbidden to all except Odin's descendents or their emissaries. Sword of Gunze

By Joshua Lee Peryea ([email protected])

Also Known As...

Slayer of Oni, Executioner of Akuma, Wrath of Kami [Spirits, Gods or Heavens]


In 1310 C.E., the village of Tomakomai, on the island of Hokkaido, suffered a plague of Oni. The Oni wished to make Nippon into the next and most powerful Hell. The Five Courts native to Tomakomai could not stop the Oni's Evil. Five shen sorcerers then joined forces, after the Oni destroyed the ruling Courts. Misawa Rai-ki, the Chi'n Ta [Mage]. Nakano Juniko, the Kitsune. Maedasata Akiko, the Hsien Noble [Changeling]. Okamura Shin-Tai, Wan Kuei [Kuei-jin]. Odakyu Kogyo, Kami [Wraith]. The Five Sorcerers labored religiously, crafting a powerful blade, using sacred metals and stones as raw materials. Silver, Iron, Jade and others were used. A kami of Yang and a kami of Yin, were worked into the Sword. Finally, the Sword was finished, but the Sorcerers were too exhausted by their labors to wield it in battle. Misawa sent Rai-ko, their Nushi, to find a great Warrior. Rai-ko found Gunze Go, Samurai-no-Hakken, who was left Ronin after his Court was destroyed and his Sentai butchered by Oni. Gunze was led to Okamura's retreat [Haven? or Dragon Nest?], and was given the weapon. By the next sunrise, all the Oni were slain.


The blade, tsuba and other metal parts are silver in color. The handgrip is wrapped in red lacquered sharkskin[ from a Same- bito warrior who fell in battle]. The blade has jade inlay in Kaja and Nihongo. The Tsuba has jade inlay corresponding to the five Directions and Elements, the 8 trigrams of the I Ching, and symbols of the Five Sorcerers.

Story Ideas

What are the later adventures of Gunze Go, Hakken Samurai? What becomes of the Five Sorcerers Wu/Sentai/Cabal? How does your Wu/Sentai/Cabal/etc encounter this artifact?


Level five enchanted item, fetish, talisman, artifact and/or treasure

Yang Chi, Glamour and/or Gnosis: 7

Yin Chi, Arete, Rage and/or Pathos: 7

Demon Chi and/or Angst: 7


Sense Yomi [Wyrm], Hellweaving 2, Dragon's Stride [cross Wall and Ride Dragon's Path, using Yang for Yang, Yin for Yin, and Demon for Yomi], Tracking Prey [pursue anyone-or-thing injured by the Sword of Gunze], Shift [change forms]

Form Difficulty Damage Tanto( small) 4 Str+1 Tanto( large) 4 Str+2 Wakizashi 5 Str+3 Ninja-to 6 Str+4 Naginata 7 Str+4 Katana 6 Str+5 O-Dachi 7 Str+6

These are the seven Known forms. Rumors and theories of other forms abound, but none are known for certain. Tales of Shuriken, may be the Sword of Gunze, a lesser Talisman, or a Talen similar to the Bane Arrow. Notes: Hits Yomi automatically, only roll to hit non-Yomi. Yomi cannot soak, and damage is aggravated. Non-Yomi may soak as if the damage were normal, but any damage taken after soaking is aggravated. Tempestships

By Dave Seward ([email protected])


Travel within the Tempest has always been hazardous, whether by foot, reed boat, or caravan. Spectres, Maelstroms, and other denizens of the Tempest await the unwary or foolish traveler. As the popularity and practicality of sailing ships, and sea travel, within the Skinlands, arose, the number of relic ships and boats increased. At first, these relic boat captains used their ships for personal travel, carrying only themselves and their circlemates. This worked for a time, but the wear and tear upon the ships proved costly. To pay for these repairs, the captains began to hire their ships out to passengers, merchants, and even the Hierarchy to cargo thralls. The Hierarchy seeing a way to make travel safer, and a decent oboli, began to look for a way to build a Tempestship. They hired several Artificers to work on the design and construction. It took two years and thousands of souls to design and build the first ship, Charon's Oar. The ship was a success, and they were commissioned to build several more, and the same design is still used today.


The construction of a Tempestship is a long and arduous task. It can take anywhere from six months to five years, depending upon the intricacy and size of the ship. The price in souls to build one of these ships is tremendous. It can take from one hundred to several thousand. The Hierarchy realizes this and has put a limit on the number of ships to be built. The Hierarchy currently has seventeen hundred active ships in its fleet.

Class of ships

Freighter/Cargo: A cargo ship is the smallest and most commonly found class of ship in the Shadowlands. These ships are used to transport cargo or passengers from port to port. They need a minimum crew of five, but can hold up to ten crew comfortably. The Caroline is a well-known cargo ship.

Thrall: Thrall ships are a medium class vessel that sacrifices a cargo hold for a thrall brig. The ship requires a minimum crew of ten to run smoothly, however, most thrall ships carry more crew than thralls to quell thoughts of revolt. The thrall brig can hold up to thirty thralls packed wall to wall. The Paramour is an example of a thrall ship.

Explorer/Diplomatic: These are medium to large class of ships. They need a minimum of twenty crew to man the ship, but can carry up to forty crew at a time. These ships are used for trade, diplomatic, or exploring missions. The newly built Ulysses is a Diplomatic/Explorer class ship.

Warships: Warships are usually a large class of ship, but medium sized ships are not uncommon. They need a minimum crew of twenty to run properly, and can transport up to fifty men and crew if needed. Warships are used for patrol missions, and of course war. The Lassiter , Odessa, and Warsaw are large warships.

Command crew positions and duties aboard ship

Ship's Pardoner

The ship's Pardoner is responsible for the Castigation of the entire crew. He oversees a staff of Pardoners who he delegates this responsibility to. He is often the Command crew's Pardoner.

Requirements of the position:

Arcanos: Castigate 4

Abilities: Empathy

Ship's Healer

The ship's healer is responsible for healing the corpus of the crew. The healer is also responsible for creating infuses of Pathos.

Requirements of the position:

Arcanos: Usury 3, Moliate 2 Abilities: Craft

Ship's Engineer

The ship's engineer is responsible for the repairing and maintaining the ship's integrity. He must also new weapons and equipment.

Requirements of the position:

Arcanos: Inhabit 3, Moliate 3

Abilities: Craft, Repair

Ship's Helmsman

The ship's helmsman is responsible for the navigation and steering of the ship. It is his duty to ensure the ship uses the most direct and safe routes.

Requirements of the position:

Arcanos: Argos 2

Abilities: Tempestship Handling (see below)

First Mate

The first mate is second in command. It is his job to be liaison between the captain and crew.

Requirements of the position:

Arcanos: Any

Abilities: Leadership, Empathy


The ship's captain is responsible for the whole of the ship and her crew. His is the final authority aboard the ship. He is also responsible for any diplomatic relations, and any and all business transactions involving his ship, crew and cargo.

Requirements of the position:

Arcanos: Argos 4

Abilities: Leadership, Empathy, Etiquette

Helming the ship

To helm a Tempestship, the helmsman must have at least a two in Argos, and must have the skill, Tempestship Handling.

Tempestship Handling

This skill entails the ability to helm, navigate, and guide a Tempestship through the chaotic seas of the Tempest. A success on a Tempestship Handling roll can either cut down on the travel time, or choose the safest path to the destination.

* "Ok explain to me this 'starboard, aft, port' thingy to me again." ** Shift Helmsman: Can guide the ship for a little while without hitting anything. *** Helmsman: Can guide the ship for long periods of time. **** Overhelm: Can oversee a shift of helmsman and still guide the ship safely. ***** Master Helmsman: Sulu, Lenier, and you.


Ship to ship combat within the Tempest is vastly different than that of the Skinlands. Since most ships take so much time and souls to build, destroying the ship is not the object of the battle. It is far more profitable to capture the ship, and her cargo. Most combat is of the hand to hand variety, although some relic ships do have cannon or guns. Still this too is very costly as relic cannon balls and shells are hard to come by. Valkyries Ring

Level 5 artifact

By Kirstin A. Hargie ([email protected]) (27 June 1995)

Brunhild had rings crafted from souls of wraiths that blocked her Ferrymen's paths. The rings can only be worn by Ferrymen. Those who wear a Valkyries Ring without the blessing of Brunhild will witness the ring finger detach and disappear. The bearer will be immediately transported to the Tempest and subjected to a Harrowing. The ring and finger are transported to Brunhild. It is rumored Brunhild wears a necklace of fingers detached in this manner.

Upon a Ferryman a Valkyries Ring creates a holographic-like illumination of a map of all known lands and paths within the Tempest. With the expenditure of 9 Pathos a Ferryman can use the ring to show the location of all newly arrived Enfants within the past 24 hours. Valkyries Staff

Level 5 artifact

The Valkyries Staff is actually a Wraith that has been permanently bodyshaped. The staff allows the bearer to Oblivion Walk (See Arcanos: Oblivion Walk). Only Valkyries carry the staff. It is rumored that anyone attempting to use the staff will be instantly bodyshaped into a new staff, provided they are not a Valkyrie. COLLECTOR

By J.A. Stuart ([email protected])

"And it absolutely will not stop, until you are dead, Sarah."

-- Reese to Sarah Conner, The Terminator


After the Collector's visit to WRAITH-L, the helpful comments of Jim Burdo, Marc Peters and RHJ. Rees have pointed out a few changes that need to be made. The Collector, as it is now, is a hit and run device, a stripped down Wraith designed purely to gain Oboli for the Deathlords. It flagrantly breaks Charon's code, but as yet the Deathlords have kept it quiet (You see, I view them as very similar to the typical Cyberpunk government, all black and grey projects and covert operations). Either way, enjoy.


The Death Lords are acutely aware that one force in all creation is more powerful than intimidation or military and political might. Money. In their constant efforts to increase their own economic power, the Death Lords have now begun to encroach on the worlds of the living. The Collectors are only the first stage in their machinations.


The primary function of the Collector is to ensure that new Wraiths are guided to the Shadowlands. Where people stand between life and death, the Collectors hover, and, where necesary can tip the balance.

Their secondary purpose only comes into play when the balance is tipped against them. When someone who should have died survives, a Collector is empowered to enter the World of the Quick and employ any method necessary to gain the soul. For example, if someone who should have been killed in a car crash survived, the Collector would trigger a rockfall or try and cause the paramedic who treats them to make a fatal mistake. In short, their one overriding purpose is to ensure a steady stream of traffic into the Shadowlands.


Collectors were once Wraiths but have been brutally moliated and changed until very little of the original person remains. They were all people obsessed with order in life such as Judges, Cops, Accountants, Share Dealers etc or those who believe their death was unfair. This obsession with order is the only part of the original personality allowed to remain and is made the driving purpose behind the Collector. In fact, they are moliated and changed in such a way that any imbalance in order actually causes them pain, forcing them to take more and more desperate measures until the "itch is scratched."

They have no free will or personality, only an overriding sense of purpose. In essence, a Wraith who becomes a Collector becomes little more than a Bloodhound. As a result, they will always take the most direct route to a target, and are quite capable of killing anyone who gets in their way.


In some cases, the Collector will appear as a stylised version of what it was in life (A cop will still be in uniform but his face will be utterly featureless for example). More often, they will be stylised humans, light grey in colour with a featureless head. Every movement is precise and ordered, with each footstep being precisely the same length, each arm swinging an identical amount and, when they stop, their feet coming together exactly.

Their appearance in the world is entirely dependent on the situation. Often, they will not appear at all, content to use Puppetry to get their jobs done. When they do manifest however, they will often use Inhabit to take over Machinery or appear as a form of lightning (Indeed, the few Arcanum Members who have heard rumours of the Collectors search for records of their presence by looking for phrases such as "Cold Lightning").


As stated above, often not applicable. When in the Shadowlands however, an average Collector would have the following stats: Strength** * Charisma- Perception** * Dexterity** * Manipulation- Intelligence* Stamina** ** Appearance* Wits**

Fetters Passions None Order (Love) **********

Corpus Willpower Pathos ******** ********** Justice (love) ********


Inhabit * Surge ** Ride the Electron Highway *** Gremlinize **** Claim ***** Empower

Inhabit * Skinride ** Sudden Movement *** Master's Voice **** Rein in the Mind ***** Obliterate the Soul

Pandemonium * Weirdness ** Befuddlement *** Dark Ether **** Foul Humour ***** Tempus Fugit DARK RISEN

By Douglas Yee ([email protected])


The Risen. These words inspire any number of emotions within a wraith. Depending upon their affiliation and philosophies, the Risen are looked upon by other wraiths with awe, envy, hatred or distaste. At the very least, to another wraith, a Risen is worth respect; to rise from the grave takes passion of a power that can be called obsession.

There is one kind of Risen, though, that inspires only hate and fear: the Dark Risen. Driven by their Shadows, the Dark Risen are a force for destruction and Oblivion in the Skinlands. Most Dark Risen are those Risen who are unfortunate enough to have been pushed into their Conduits by powerful Shadows. Trapped in an inanimate object or dumb animal, they can only watch helplessly as their bodies, driven by their dark halves, destroys all that they hold dear. Sometimes, they can wrest control of their bodies back from their Shadows, but many are not that fortunate.

Very rarely though, a real spectre manages to Rise. This is an uncommon event, as the Psyche will not be willing to help the spectre. Sometimes it happens, though. Occasionally, a spectre can convince her Psyche to help her become a Risen. When this happens, all hell breaks loose, literally.

Game Mechanics

A Risen can become a Dark Risen when the Shadow takes control of the body. This may happen in one of two ways. The first is described in the Risen book, when the wraith is making her first roll to rise. If she fails or botches the roll, her Shadow takes over the body, while the Psyche is pushed into the conduit. This creates a Dark Risen.

The second way for a Risen to become a Dark Risen is if its Shadow becomes too strong. For normal wraiths, when their Shadows' Permanent Angst reach 10, they are plunged into the Labyrinth and become spectres. When this happens to Risen, they come Dark Risen. The Shadow becomes dominant and the Psyche is pushed into the conduit. In game terms, they become Doppelgangers.

Unfortunately for the new Dark Risen, the Shadow unconsciously wants to form a cocoon, just as when a spectre-to-be does when it is pulled into the Tempest for the first time. There is, however, no Tempest to actually form the cocoon. This tends to create all kinds of severe psychological trauma in the Dark Risen (besides any that are already there), and may even destroy new spectres before they can become real Dark Risen. Dark Risen newly created in this fashion must roll their highest Dark Passion (their new driving passion) at difficulty 9. If this roll is failed, both the Psyche and Shadow are torn from the body and drop straight into Oblivion, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

In the rare case that spectre convinces her Psyche to Rise, then the system for becoming a Dark Risen is much like the system for a wraith attempting to become a Risen. A spectre requires all the Arcanoi that a normal wraith requires (Puppetry 1 and at least 2 points in Embody, Lifeweb or Inhabit), as well as Shroud-Rending of 4, in order to properly be able to perceive the Skinlands. This obviously rules out Mortwights and Shades from becoming Dark Risen, and most Nephwracks have trouble as well, having lost all their fetters. Most Dark Risen are Dopplegangers. Spectres then needs to Skinride their old bodies and then make their Willpower rolls at difficulty 9 (the higher difficulty is due to the spectre's distance from the Shadowlands).

It should be noted that a Risen that is temporarily controlled by the Shadow (due to Catharsis) is not really a Dark Risen, as the Psyche will get back in control of the body as soon as the Catharsis is complete.

A Dark Risen is like a Risen in the way that a spectre is like a wraith. All the rules that govern spectres apply to Dark Risen. Dark Risen may learn and use Dark Arcanoi, but only Hive-Mind, Contaminate and Larceny are applicable as a Risen. Dark Risen still lose permanent Corpus from botched rolls. This manifests as a rotting of the mortal body, even if the body was embalmed. Oblivion is eating away at the corpse. Furthermore, whenever a Dark Risen loses permanent Corpus, her conduit loses a like amount of Health Levels. For instance, Xavier the Dark Risen is attempting to shoot a fleeing mortal in the back. He botches his roll, getting two more "1"s than successes. Therefore, he loses two permanent Corpus, and his conduit, an ugly black dog, loses two permanent Health Levels as well. ECTOWOLVES

By Adam Solis ([email protected]) (23 May 1996)


EctoWolves are based upon the Ghost Bunyip from Rage Across Australia, the failed pups from Rites of Passage, the Ancestor Spirits of Garou, the "Avenging Angels" created from the Hunt Rite, and the Phantasmi Fomori of The Book of the Wyrm.


Bete can and do become Wraiths. They retain their regenerative powers, Gifts, Rites, Gnosis, Rage, Regencies, and shapeshifting abilities just like any Bete of their type. Like any Wraith, they have Angst, Pathos, Corpos, and Arcanos. Angst is rolled from Rage instead of Willpower, so it is possible for an EctoWolf to start off with more Angst than Willpower. Phantasm, Embody, Keening, and Argos are popular Arcanos but all are available to EctoWolves.

Ironically, Ectowolves find that without a doubt that Rage is a taint of the Wyrm. The reason they know this is that Rage and Angst are so complementary. A wyrm frenzy results in the EctoWolf's Shadow taking over for the duration of the Frenzy. Combined with the nature of an EctoWolf's starting Angst, Ectowolves are more vulnerable to their Shadow than to Final Death. Rage, however, is also tied to Pathos. Anytime that a Rage related emotion is experienced by those around an Ectowolf the EctoWolf can roll Rage as a passion to gain pathos.

EctoWolves use most of the normal Wraith rules-they can become Risen or a Spectre, they have 10 Corpus, they can spend pathos to heal, etc. EctoWolves rarely fear Final Death thanks to thier regeneration and pathos healing.

Relations with the Umbrae

All EctoWolves have the Umbral ties flaw, meaning that they can be turned into a Fetish or Talen. To enter the Middle Umbra, the EctoWolf need merely roll their Gnosis against the difficulty of the shroud or gauntlet rating, whichever is higher. Reentering the Skinlands requires Embody, Inhabit, or other Dictum Mortem breaking Arcanos.


Being half animal, Garou are unlikely to become Wraiths for just any reason. Therefore I will list some common reasons for becoming EctoWolves:

Deciding to power a Fetish as one's dying wish, such EctoWolves are often surprised to regain consciousness after the Fetish is destroyed. Dying in a particularly brutal rite of passage. Feeling betrayed by their own tribes, these ectowolves often seek to torment living Garou Becoming a fomor and consequently dying at the hands of Garou; these are usually MortWrights Being sacrificed in the Hunt Rite, these EctoWolves dedicate themselves to fighting for Gaia from beyond the Grave Refusing to die while the Apocalypse War is still not over, such EctoWolves are called Ancestor spirits and teach Gifts to their successors. They will even possess their descendants in times of need through the cover of "Past Lives." Botching the Silent Strider Seasonal rite. This results in an EctoWolf who never technically died but is still trapped in the Shadowlands. Betrayal, a good example of this origin is the Ghost Bunyip tribe. Dedication. The Croatans became EctoWolves to stop the Wyrm from manifesting directly upon the earth ever again. If they did not, then their sacrifice would have been in vain...

The most likely tribes to become EctoWolves are the Black Spiral Dancers due to their Wyrm taint, the Skindancers due to their human origins and Wyrm taint, and Silent Striders because of their innate connection to the Shadowlands. EPHERA

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected])


There are some wraiths who exist only at a certain time. They slumber in their fetters until that time comes. When that time comes they awaken, and begin to reinact their deaths. These wraiths are known as Ephera. These wraiths are extremely rare and not known to have any sentience. Some are encountered in the Tempest but most in the Shadowlands.


When these wraiths slumber there is no waking them although their presence can be felt. Most common fetters are the rooms or areas that they died in. These places feel cold, and as the time approaches the fetter gets colder.

The Time

No one knows what will trigger an Ehera into the repeat. Sometimes it is the time of day. Other times it could be a word or specific day. It is different for each, although the trigger never changes.

System: When a trigger is selected it is set. Nothing will change it, and nothing but the trigger will induce an Ephera.

The Death Scene

Some Ephera's are stronger than others. Some appear translucent and whispy, while others are full on reinactments to the detail (smell,sounds) There is a danger in being around to observe a death scene. Some say a wraith could be pulled into the reinactment and see it from the Ephera's point of view. Others say a wraith could be trapped there forever.

System: When an Ephera's death scene is observed, a wraith will feel a pull towards it. To resist the pull, roll permanent Willpower vs. a base difficulty 6 plus a modifier based on the Ephera's rating. Consult the following table:

Rating Modifier 1-2 +1 3-4 +2 5 +3

If a wraith fails this roll it is pulled in and effectively becomes the ephera, experiencing everything the ephera did. The higher the rating the more strongly it is felt. The wraith will not be able to escape until the death scene plays out, which usually only takes a few minutes. If the wraith botches the roll then it is trapped in the Ephera forever.

Death Scene rating

1: The death scene will appear translucent and will be silent. You will see the ephera die, but not what killed it. Example: If an ephera died of gunshot wounds you will see it grab its chest but not see the killer. 2: It becomes more defined. No sounds or odor yet, but what killed it will be seen vaguely. Touch will be a little off. Example: The killer will be seen, but features will be vague. Bullets feel like wind. 3: Still a little vague. More details are seen. Sounds will be whispers, and odors faint. Touch is slightly better. Example: Killer's eyes are seen, gunshots heard, gunsmoke detected, bullets feel like light touches. 4: The scene can be viewed well. Sounds and odors are stronger. Example: killer's face is seen, gunshots louder, any smells can be detected. Bullets feel like a hard poke. (Like a bb gun or paintball gun) 5: Fully rendered scene. You are there as it happens. Example:Killer is seen in detail, gunshots heard, smells detected, and bullets feel like bullets. FORSAKEN

By Keith Kaczmarek ([email protected])

Author's Note

This is not meant to be a player-character type, but a character for Storytellers to add the idea of someone who has surpassed ordinary bonds and now travels the paths of the forbidden. They are unkillable and driven beyond belief by passions mortals cannot understand. They have death and pain, the worst of both worlds. They are not to be admired.

Ideas for this character type have come from several sources. One source was a film whose name escapes me now, but featured a dead vampire who still haunted the living much like a ghost and who eventually regained life as a vampire. Another source was the character Lilith from Marvel Comic's. She was a living vampire who was created by Gypsy sorcery to battle her father . She was killed and came back from the dead in the body of a another women. The last source was a film called The Girl With the Hungry Eyes, which featured the ghost of a women reborn as a vampire.

Also, all of these idea's come from WoD books and concepts. If anyone really wants to know all the metaphysics behind a particular ability or aspect of the Forsaken's existence, just email me.


The Forsaken are Vampires who have entered the Shadowlands and had their physical vampiric bodies returned to life just long enough for their souls to be projected into the Shadowlands as living Wraiths, and which are then forced back into those abandoned bodies in a relationship like a Risen wraith. The Shadow is held within the Risen-like living body, and when the vampiric Beast returns, it traps and enslaves the Shadow entity, absorbing elements of the Shadow into itself. The soul's plasm phased into the vampiric flesh and enslaved Shadow makes the Forsaken more than Vampire or Wraith. The peculiarities of their creation make them much like living Wraiths, and so they can place themselves within living bodies in the Skinlands with ease and surprising results. Using their unique powers, they can even become something like living Vampires.

Forsaken resemble Vampires in most ways. The transition into one of the Forsaken merely adds new facets to the Forsaken's existence. They feed on the living, either through their Dark Passions or by draining their Vitae. They are deathless, much like the Mummies, and yet they have a singular existence. They exist within the Shadowlands and occasionally break the Shroud to Feed or perform other tasks. They are beings of spirit and flesh, much like the Garou, although they are of the Dark Umbra. They are cursed with immortality and an endless battle with the Beast, as their death-spawned powers erodes their Humanity. They are neither fully Vampire or Wraith, and so must continually hide themselves from both groups. A few have found a way to masquerade among the living full time, but they pay a terrible price, as their powerful Passions isolate them from Humanity and they have an aura of death that both fascinates and frightens the living.

The Body of the Forsaken

Forsaken resemble vampires in form and function. However, they exist as spirits in the Underworld and do not lose 1 Blood point a day as vampires. Forsaken heal at the rates and costs as Vampires. They will have seven Corpus Levels with no damage modifiers. They may Slumber for eight hours and will gain Stamina (Diff. 9) Corpus if they were lost due to non- aggravated means. Otherwise, they will not slumber during the day like vampires. If the Forsaken loses all Corpus levels to normal damage while in the Underworld, it will be reformed as a wraith after a successful Harrowing in the Tempest. Loss of all Corpus due to aggravated damage will cause the Forsaken to Wither as Mummies will after severe damage. This will last for as long as a Torpor roll in duration. See Mummy Second Edition for details on this state. They may also enter Torpor and Wither at will if they wish.

The only real way to permanently harm or kill a Forsaken is to either specifically create a spell to unravel the existence of a Forsaken or to destroy its soul. It is not possible to drain the Vitae from the Forsaken or commit Diablerie upon a Forsaken. They are driven by Dark Passions they cannot contain and cursed with immortality, so that even death is not an escape. Even Transcendence or Redemption is not a release for them.

The Vitae of the Forsaken

Forsaken may drain blood from mortals or Corpus from Wraiths to gain Blood Points on a one for one basis. They have a Generation with a Blood Pool, Max Trait, etc., of that Generation. They have a Clan, with all the advantages and disadvantages included. They may create normal Ghouls, but cannot create Childer. Corpus can be removed by vampires with Nihilistics, but they will not touch the Blood Pool or Diablerize the Forsaken. The Beast and the Shadow

The Forsaken have a strange blend of Shadow and Beast. In essence, the Beast has chained the Shadow to the Forsaken's will, binding it while incorporating some aspects into itself. This is the source of much of their powers. The Forsaken has Dark Passions, and may convert the Angst gained into either Blood Points or Willpower points on a one-for-one basis. Each successful Dark Passion roll will also call for a Humanity check(Diff. 4+number of points gained.) Each turn spent in a Frenzy grants one Angst, to be converted as chosen. Forsaken also Emote as Spectres when in Frenzy to boost Willpower. Forsaken can call on five Shadow Dice anytime during a turn at the price of a Humanity check (Diff. 4 + number of dice used). Frenzies are not merely bestial but will manifest the characters darkest urges and thoughts.

Forsaken Powers

Forsaken use Disciplines as Vampires and may purchase Thorns. Thorns that would effect a Wraith's Psyche will affect others instead. Thorns that require Angst will require Blood points. Thorns which are based on powers the forsaken cannot receive, such as "Thorn: Soul Pact" cannot be taken in their traditional form. Thorns that grant Angst call for a Humanity check (difficulty 4+amount of Angst gained, in addition permanent Angst gains will also call for an another success). Individual Arcanos powers may be purchased in this manner for a power level+2 cost as a Thorn. They will have dice pools of (Attribute + 1) +1 per every extra point spent for a Thorn. Powers that are equivalent to the point costs and effects of Demonic Investments may be purchased as Thorns of equal value plus one point. For Demonic Investment rules see The Dark Ages Companion, Storytellers Handbook of the Sabbat, and The Book of Madness. Forsaken may also use Artifacts by substituting Blood Points in the place of Pathos.

Entering the Skinlands

Forsaken who use the Thorn Arcanos powers of Embody may physically enter the Skinlands. When in the Skinlands in their natural form they are handled in all ways as vampires, including cosmetic appearances, ability to Feed on blood, and weaknesses to sunlight. Staking will cast the Forsaken back into the Shadowlands. The Embody power: Materialize will actually allow the Forsaken to mimic the form of a living vampire for its duration.

Restoring the Flesh

The Forsaken may regain the experiences of living once again. If the Forsaken possesses a living being through the Thorn Arcanos: Puppetry and makes it its Consort, it may form a special bond with the Consort by spending one point of permanent Willpower. Through the unique properties of the Forsaken's bond with the Consort, it may manifest its powers through the Consort and transfer Vitae to the Consort's flesh, making it gain the properties of a Ghoul. Forsaken will suffer the dice pool penalties of any damaged body they inhabit. This bond may be severed as if it was a five point Fetter.

The Consort will also gain the Forsaken's Physical Attributes. This can be harmful, because a Consort's body may suffer heart failure when pushed by a greater Stamina or be crushed under the weight that the Forsaken's Strength can lift. Dexterity can be used without overstress. Any expenditure of Strength or Stamina greater than the Consort's own will require a damage roll of as many levels of damage equal to the difference in the two Attributes. On the plus side, it will only require five Blood Points and one day of rest per point of Attribute difference to permanently condition the Consort's body to match the Forsaken's Attributes. Fangs may be formed for the Consort for the cost of five Blood points and one day of rest.

If the Forsaken destroys the original spirit of the Consort or places itself within a soulless body, it may keep the body alive in perfect health at the cost of one point of Vitae per day. The body will remain alive, and immune to normal vampiric banes, essentially becoming a living vampire. The Forsaken will be able to use the body to Feed or perform other normal vampiric activities. If all the Health levels of the this brand of Consort are depleted due to aggravated damage or the heart or brain is completely destroyed, the body will decompose into ash. The spirit will be booted into the Shadowlands. Reformation will be in the Tempest as if after a successful Harrowing.

The Histories

The Forsaken have many parallel origins, though only a handful of stories have begun to filter into the World of Darkness. Here are three origins. Feel free to use all or none.

History #1: The Obertus Ghoul Family has continued on a generations long quest to achieve a state of existence beyond human, ghoul or vampire. Lucius Marcus, a Tremere antitribu Ghoul, has been trafficking with demons in an attempt to achieve this goal. His studies into the nature of demons revealed several key facts about the nature of the human and undead soul, which he then incorporated into a ritual to create Forsaken. He created one test subject, used the ritual on himself, and then vanished from public view. He has shared none of his researches with his family. He is Forsaken.

History #2: Kemintiri, Setite Elder and Number One on the Camarilla's Red List made, what she believed, was the last breakthrough in her quest to turn a vampire into a Mummy. By entering the Underworld, drinking the Concoction of Life, and then using her modified version of the Spell of Life, she transcended the spiritual limits and became something more than vampire or mummy. She is Forsaken.

With the Spell of Life she is now the patron Queen of a new race of Mummies. Even now Gehenna draws near as the Antediluvians ready their pawns to do battle with her Undying Army.

History #3: Tomas DeVey was a gifted sorcerer and born medium with the power to see and communicate with the lands of the Dead. Living with the sights and sounds of the Restless Dead had made him obsessed with staying alive. A lifelong search devotion to alchemy eventually produced a potion of immortality. He found himself immortal, but still an old man, and his wounds still healed at a human rate. His travels and discussions with the Restless who haunted vampires had taught him that drinking vampire blood would grant him youthful vigor and health wounds at an amazing rate. He began hunting vampire for their blood and soon was addicted.

An encounter with Assamite antitribu accidentally brought a vial of Heartsblood into his possession. He drank this and was immediately consumed with pain and pleasure in maddening proportions. It was as if he had been Embraced and committed Diablerie in the same act, and yet the pain continued. For hours he writhed as the soul of the vampire began to devour Tomas's living soul and battle with his immortal nature for mystical dominance of his flesh. While maddened with pain, Tomas's magic coiled and struck within his breast as his powers were warped by his surrogate Embrace. As a born medium, he had always seen the Shadowlands coexisting with the he Skinlands, and in this pain-evoked insanity, his desire to end his pain shaped his remaining powers for an instant and forced his body into the lands of the Dead.

The trauma of conversion to the Lands of the Dead stopped his heart, causing his life-force to wax and wane. A Nihil opened up and pulled his mortal body and soul into the Labyrinth. A dark cocoon was exuded from the walls and covered him in its embrace. Plasm sank into his flesh and soul, binding them together in ways unimagined. Had he been a wraith, he would have become a Spectre. As a being undying but undead, living but dying, he became something more than all combined. In the cold darkness of the cocoon he healed and transformed and emerged screaming not a cry of pain but of triumph. As the first of a new species, he looked on the world with strange new eyes. He knew himself to be Forsaken. Liche

By Max Trebilcock ([email protected])


Thus far neither the Barghasts, Soul Collectors nor the new Barrow Hounds have located the renegade witch, although we have uncovered a Renegade Cell that was aiding him. Their Corpus is currently on its way back to you for Smelting. We also uncovered a number of Relic Tomes that seem to be some form of personal account and Grimoire; I have taken the liberty of digesting them as to know the enemy. My findings were of little surprise, as a former Consor of the Skinlands Mage Tradition the Euthanatos, this fact is presumably the reason you appointed me this position. However for the benefit of the Legion I submit the findings: the creature in question can, as we feared, use the ability of True Magick that he wielded in life. How he, and the others that we have learned of, have achieved this, is both unknown and according to the supposed rules of the supernatural world impossible; however I put forward this theorem. Somehow a few individuals who were mages in life, through force of will alone have retained a degree of their Avatar and an Awakened state called Arete in death. The only way for this to occur is through the retaining of a vestige of their life force. From what I have observed in this Witch, this Life Force is not kept within them, as they are dead; rather it is kept in a Vessel, usually the Witch's former heart, which has now become a Relic. This Vessel substitutes for their now inactive, although still present Arete, thus allowing them to access their former powers. The likeliest course of action is to destroy these Vessels, thus depriving them of their power. Unfortunately it would seem that these Vessels can both regenerate, be regenerated or can be replaced, so it would seem these Liche are dangerous to the extreme. I shall continue both to pursue, destroy this abomination and document as much as possible so we can destroy others that may come.

-- Marshal Dumas: Iron Legion: Witch Hunter. 1864.


The Liche is not a Guild but rather a term given to a unique type of wraith. The unique aspect of these entities is that they are capable of wielding True Magick. The reasons for this are unknown; only one fact is constant: all Liche were mages in life. Somehow they have retained their power though how this has occurred is a mystery. As stated above Liche have retained both their Avatar and Arete in death but it is no longer within themselves but takes the form of a Relic, usually the Liche's former heart, which now appears in a mummified state. This Relic is generally called a Vessel. The Liche can be likened to an Abomination. In that it can utilise the Powers of both the living and the dead, however the price of this power is high, as follows.

The Benefits of Power

The Liche can, as stated above, use both the Spheres of True Magick and Wraith Arcanooi. The True Magick is powered in the Shadowlands with Pathos (ss this is the power of Reality in the Realms of the Dead). The Liche must find a source of Quintessance should they Visit the Skinlands. Needless to say the Liche can achieve many things that the ordinary Wraith cannot. However there is a high cost.

The Price of Power

Liche are handicapped by their Power. First, none of them can start with Wraith Arcanoi, and it costs twice as much to acquire and develop these powers. Second, the Liche can only use its Magick while it has possession of its Vessel. Should it lose its Vessel it must either retrieve or fashion a new one. The Vessel is one of the Liche's Fetters (which as you can imagine is both a blessing and a Curse).

Unfortunately Liche are still affected by the forces of Paradox. For some reason even in the Awakened Shadowlands the Technocracy's laws still apply. Some think this is due to the fact that most Wraiths were Sleepers in life and still fail to believe in True Magick. Special and powerful Paradox Spirits, called Reavers, enter the Shadowlands to deal with Liche who transgress. It is thought that these Spirits are in reality Wraiths chosen by the Weaver to deal with Liche. Many members of the Hierarchy point to this as a sure indication that Liche are an Unnatural Abomination even for the Shadowlands. Liche generate Paradox for any act of Magick, at least a point; Paradox effects the Liche in the usual ways (Paradox Flaws, Backlash, Spirits) or is converted into Angst, at the Storyteller's discretion. Also Liche retain any Paradox they had in Life, which manifests as either Paradox Flaws or permanent Angst. Acts of True Magick also generate a sort of Psychic Signal, a sort of disturbance in the Force. This works on a basis of a range of 1 mile per Level of Sphere used. This force can be tracked by Barghasts and Barrow Hounds. Liche can be distinguished by a sort of Golden Light that surrounds them. Despite the unusualness of most things in the Shadowlands Wraiths are both repulsed and attracted by it. The reason for this is that this is Quintessence Energy Manifesting from the Vessel and it retains a degree of Living Force which Remind other Wraiths of what they once had.

The final cross that the Liche must bear is that due to the Golden Aura and the stran e, even Unnatural Power that the ossess, they are Hunted and persecuted.

The Hierarchy, Renegades and Heretics

The Hierarchy: Liche represent a force that the Hierarchy can neither produce, understand nor control. Their view is that the Liche are to be captured, then either controlled or destroyed. The Hierarchy view these Witches, as they call them, as a grave threat. Their lack of success has caused them to create a new form of Moliated Creature called the Barrow Hound; these creatures can only be created from people who were some form of Gifted Mortal in life, (such as Psychics, Hedge Magicians, etc.). These creatures are also used to maintain surveillance on still living mages. The existence of Liches has so far been kept a closely guarded secret, only told to officials amongst the Legion of Fate and The Iron Legion; the latter of which has been assigned (by an undisclosed Deathlord) to monitor, track and if necessary destroy any Liche found. The Hierarchy's view on Liche and their eagerness to destroy them, is rumoured to be due to the fact that certain (high ranking) Members of the Hierarchy are thought to be Liche, (supposedly even a Deathlord).

The Renegades: Some of the more powerful Renegades are aware of the existence of Liche, they have instructed their more trusted subordinates to aid any Wraiths with a Golden Speckled Aura (despite their objections). Unfortunately many Renegades act in the same way as most Hierarchy citizens, with utter revulsion and often violence.

Heretics: Heretics end to react the worst to Liche, seeing them as an affront to the cause of Transcendence. They are creatures that are dead but retain forces of life, an Abomination. With this view it is not surprising the few Heretics who know of the Liche, will attempt to destroy them.

Other Kingdoms

Stygian spies have so far been unsuccessful in ascertaining whether or not Liche exist in the other Kingdoms of the dead. They do indeed exist in the Dark kingdom of Jade. In fact the Awakening of Liche is welcomed by the Administration and any Liche must be immediately reported to the Jade Palace. Virtually all Oriental Liche are in the service of the Emperor.

The Others

Camarilla: "Wraiths that can use the Mage Magick -- preposterous, however it is very interesting." -- Aguirvane, 9th Generation Clan Tremere

Other Clans: "We have learned of these entities from our agents within the Shadowlands and of their Pariah status. We are now as we speak seeking to make contact, for the purpose of mutual benefit of course."

-- Lucious Giovani, 10th Generation Clan Giovani

Garou: "We know that these entities share the same status as the Abomination does within our society. We are also aware that some of these Liche serve themselves, while others serve the Wyrm."

-- Anam, Theurge, Silent Striders.

The Traditions: "An interesting notion, but one I fail to see any merit in discussing farther."

-- John Huxley, Order of Hermes

"We are aware that the formation of the Liche is a fairly recent creature to enter the World of Shadows. Perhaps it was even our experiments that led to their creation. We as always eager to learn more."

-- Jamar Porre, Euthanatos

The Technocracy: "Interrogation of a Death Mage, which we recently captured, has raised the notion that some mages have retained their powers after death. Needless to say these concepts of life after death, ghosts and immortality, must be eradicated from the imagination of the Masses. This matter shall be tasked to the Void Engineers, for investigation and Eradication."

-- Professor George Haimes, Information Analyst, New World Order

Changelings: "Look I do not like normal spookies, let alone ones you say can do Magic tricks, so tell us a nice story or sod off."

-- Gillespy Pooka Wilder

"Ssso far my travelsss, in the Ssshadowlandss, have not uncovered the creaturesss called Liche, but I am sssure they will, Oh yess." -- Slither, Slaugh Grump and Sorceror.

Mummies: "I have met with a Liche while in my Death cycle; she was an astute lady who showed that she held great power in life and refused to let go of such in death. We talked a long while before those that sought to hunt her forced her to move on. However beware for there are some who served the Forces of Oblivion in life as mages and now do so again."

-- Tarku Arrana, Mummy

Game System and Character Generation

The Liche is a form of Abomination, (not that I would ever allow a Player Character to play an Abomination), however the Liche (at the Storyteller's discretion) allows a player to play a strange type of Wraith or continue to play an existing Mage, without losing all of its Power. The Liche is generated as per the standard Wraith, however Points assigned to Arcanos are used to buy Spheres. The Liche cannot start with standard Arcanoi and it takes twice as much Experience to Buy Arcanoi (in play) or develop them. The Liche must also purchase several starting Backgrounds: these include Avatar, Arete, Destiny, a level of Willpower, a Relic (The Character's Vessel) and the Background: Mage in Life.

Starting Backgrounds

Avatar : As per Mage Main Book.

Arete: As per Mage Main Book. It should be noted that the Liche does not actually use his Arete in the Shadowlands. He channels his power through his Vessel. However should he return to the Skinlands he will need his Arete to access his powers.

Destiny: To become a Liche in the first place the Mage must have a Destiny rating of at least 3. It is this driving goal or act of fate that allows the Mage to retain its powers.

Willpower : The Liche must have a Willpower of at least 5, to have retained its Power.

Relic: This Relic is the Liche's Vessel. The Vessel is almost always the Liche's mortal Heart (although some cultures it could be the brain). This Relic must be brought at a Level equal to the Mages former mortal Arete.

New Background: Mage in Life

Cost: 1 Point per Level of Arete.

This Background basically reflects the fact that the Liche was a Mage in life. It demonstrates his learning, development and Magickal Power that he possessed in life, and has carried unto death. The Liche must also take any Paradox Flaws he had in life and the Flaw Hunted. The Liche gains no Freebie Points for these Flaws.

Finishing Touches

The rest of the Character Generation is as per Wraith. Any applicable Backgrounds, Merits and Flaws can be chosen from either Wraith or Mage (At the Storytellers Discretion). Should the Liche have had the Arcane or Awareness Backgrounds they can purchase them again. They work as written in the Shadowlands. Note: Due to probably high cost just for the starting requirements, I would suggest allowing the Player a lot of Flaws and basic Spheres to balance this.

Sphere Magic in the Shadowlands

True Magick affects the Shadowlands in the same way as it would in the Skinlands. The only differences are that in order to use Life on a Wraith it must be combined with Entropy; alternately it can be combined with Spirit.

Correspondence: Works normally, except in the Tempest or Labyrinth, where it is redundant.

Entropy: Works normally; the Shadowlands are its elements.

Forces: Work normally. This is one reason the Hierarchy fear Liche.

Life: Must be combined with either Entropy or Spirit to affect Wraiths. It is impossible to create Life within the Shadowlands.

Matter : Works Normally, but create and molds Plasm rather than actual Skinland Matter.

Mind: Must be combined with Spirit to affect denizens of the Shadowlands. Prime: Cannot be used to gather Quintessence in the Shadowlands. It will instead drain Pathos. However Pathos is only found in either Wraiths or Relics. It could be possible to puncture the Shroud and drain Quintessence.

Spirit: Only Wraiths, Spectre and other Denizens of the Shadowlands can be summoned. Spirits of life cannot be summoned or rather they can but will refuse to answer. It should be noted that some Totems, notably , may answer Summons from the Shadowlands if it is in their interest to do so.

Time: Works as normal, except for some reason Future Travel is impossible.

The Vessel

The Vessel is a special type of Relic, similar to a Risen's Conduit. In fact it bears a great similarity to the Conduit; both are a form of remnant from the wraith'slLiving days now used to allow the Wraith access to abilities normally only available in life. The Risen's Conduit allows it to Rise while the Vessel allows the Liche to utilise its lifetime Sphere Magick. The Liche, in order to work its powers, must have its Vessel, which is usually the Liche's heart, although as stated above it can be the brain, eyes or even an inanimate object. Initially the Liche does not choose its Vessel. Through a combination of Force of Will and Destiny, it manifests according to rituals from the Liche's original culture. The Vessel has to be bought as a Relic at the same Level as the Liche's Arete, thus should a Liche have access to Level one Spheres then he will require a level one Vessel, and so on. The Vessel has as many Health/Corpus Levels as does the Liche. It will also regenerate 1 Health/Corpus per hour of Slumber/Inactivity. The Vessel counts as one of the Liche's Fetters. Should the Vessel be destroyed then the Liche can replace it. While it is destroyed the Liche cannot access its Spheres. To construct a new Vessel the Liche must somehow access the Skinlands (Puppetry, Embody, etc.). It must then find another small Fetter or personal Object (Another part of the Liche's body will do if it is fairly intact, however it should be a part of the body that has some symbolic representation: heart, brain, eyes, etc.). The Liche can then use one of two methods to construct a new Vessel. The first is that should the Liche be able to remain in the Skinlands (i.e. it has become Risen) it can use its Spheres to construct a new link. This would require something like Correspondence: 3, Entropy: 3, Life: 2, Matter: 3 and Spirit: 3 or find an allied mage to do so. The second method only really applies to Liches that have had time to learn Arcanoi. By using Inhabit: 4: Claiming and Lifeweb: 3: Splice Strand, the Liche can construct a new Vessel. The cost of initially purchasing a Vessel is bought from Background points. To upgrade the Vessel costs 7x per Level in Experience Points and to replace a Vessel costs 9x per Level. (These should take fairly elaborate Rituals and as much Pathos as the Storyteller requires.)

Liche and The Skinlands

Needless to say many Liche, due to their control of the powers of life do not feel that they belong in the Shadowlands. Many seek to return to the Lands of the Living (now you see why their Hunted). Liche can primarily do so through either the relevant Arcanos or through replicating these effects via their Spheres. Some manage to become Risen or to achieve similar states to the Risen via True Magick. Many attempt to establish contact with mage friends in life, although most are justifiably suspicious of such an act; this hesitation also applies to other denizens of the World of Darkness. There are rumours that a particularly high Rank Black Spiral Dancer has a Liche within a Fetish. Both the Tremere and the Giovanni are very keen to locate a Liche, so you see both the lands of the Living and the Dead are hazardous for the Liche. Needless to say the Liche can often gain access to the Skinlands in a variety of ways. While in the Skinlands, the Liches' access to True Magick depends on their method of getting there. Should the Liche have used Arcanos then he must use his Vessel. This also applies should the Liche have used True Magick to emulate these powers. If the Liche has Risen (or a similar state) he can use his Spheres, Avatar and Arete, normally until he returns to the Shadowlands.

Liches and the Shadow

Liche and their shadow have a strange relationship. Paradox often manifests as Angst therefore powering the Shadow. Also, for an unknown reason the Liche's True Magick has no affect on the Shadow although the Shadow has full access to it should it take over.

Liche and Oblivion

Unfortunately some mage die in such a manner that they awaken as spectres. Even more frightening, Nephandus have died and become Liche. However thus far there have been no instances of Marauder Liche. In the battle to ward off Oblivion, the Liche could prove a powerful force, so far every side that has learned of their existence has sought to either enslave or destroy them.

The Witch Hunters

Many forces, both within the Shadowlands or the Skinlands. seek the Liche. Fortunately for them most forces of the WOD are so far unaware of them. The most relentless hunters of the Witch are the Hierarchy, for it is they who have the most to lose to this Abomination, or so they perceive. Due to inner cynicism, the Hierarchy views the Liche as a force that cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of another faction, be it Living or Dead, Unfortunately they have had very little success in tracking down these creatures. The Hierarchy also fears that their own ranks may have been infiltrated, that in order to hide the Liche have chosen the most obvious place, the Hierarchy's own Ranks. This fear is so great they suspect that high ranking members could be Liche. So fearful of this, the Hierarchy members aware of the Liche have informed only the Lady of Fate and the leader of the Legion of Iron. In the latter Sixteenth Century the Iron Legion was instructed to assemble a small Squad called the Witch Hunters. The Witch Hunters are led by a former Skinlands English Witch Hunter, Richard Dumas. Dumas has had limited success, but enough to satisfy the somewhat paranoid Hierarchy Officials. In the mid 19th Century reports reached the Hierarchy from the Ferrymen, stating that they had encountered far more tales of the Liche. In response Dumas was assigned more Guild Wraith with specialist Arcanos and a newly created Moliated creature called the Barrow Hound. The Barrow Hound is similar to a Barghast, except they are created from Wraiths who were Gifted while Mortal, usually psychics, hedge magicians, but mages have been known to have been used. The difference from the Barghast is that the Barrow Hound can intuitively sense/track those with True Magick, both within the Shadowlands and (via their Arcanoi) the Skinlands. The Hierarchy has also begun a policy of monitoring living mages (When possible) and has used Barrow Hounds to do so.

Barrow Hound

Barrow Hounds are similar to Barghasts in that they are Moliated and lobotomised to their present forms. They resemble a basically humanoid form which has been squashed into a Mastiff, complete with glowing eyes. They share all of the common abilities with the Barghast. The process of Moliating such beings and at the same time accessing their former powers is reputed to be in the hands of the Hierarchy's most senior Masquers (Moliate of level 5 or above). It is also rumoured that in addition to the one Gifted Wraith many others must be expended just to achieve the desired end result. Barrow Hounds are kept in Braces similar to Barghasts with a Hierarchy Keeper. Unlike Barghasts they are quite ferocious and handlers are always skilled in Keening to sooth the savage beast. They are also skilled in Embody (ss to be able to reign in the dogs should they cross the Shroud). The Barrow Hound was originally designed to track Liche but its role has expanded to hunting Wraiths with more exotic Arcanos (Including Wraiths from the Jade Kingdom) and living Awakened who have ventured into the Shadowlands and may pose a threat. On a darker note they have also been used to break Charon's Code and enter the Skinlands to attack Risen and Awakened forces that may pose a threat to the Hierarchy.

Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 0, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0, Perception 5, Intelligence 1, Wits 3.

Abilities: Alertness 5, Brawl 4, Intimidation 4,Stealth 3, Tracking 5.

Arcanos: Argos 2, Keening 4, Moliate 3, Outrage 3, Puppetry 2. Powers: The Barrow Hound can track Liche, wraiths actively using Arcanos, Spectres and Malfeans. This ability requires a Perception + Alertness Roll, Difficulty decided by the storyteller. Barrow Hounds can track (with the use of Puppetry) Psychics Diff: 5, Hedge Magicians Diff: 6, Kindred and Garou Diff: 8, and Mages or Changelings Diff: 9. Requires a Perception + Puppetry.

Willpower : 5

Angst: 7/5

Corpus: 10

Equipment: Muzzle, Stygian Steel spiked collar

Author's Final Note

I have not play tested the Liche and would welcome any thoughts or constructive criticisms. There is a great deal more to think about and many Storytellers are going to outlaw these creatures as too powerful. The Mask of the Soulcollector

By Dave Seward ([email protected]) with commentary by Timothy Toner ([email protected]) (emphasized text)


These masks appear to be a medieval woodcut mask. On further inspection the wraith will note that they have been soulforged. The size is fixed to the viewer so that it seems to be just his size. There are only four masks known to exist, and they are highly sought after relics. The Hierarchy has deemed them as the work of heretics and offers a reward to any wraith who recovers one.

Heretics? Try Oblivion. That sucker's nasty.

System: When a wraith dons the mask he must spend a pathos point to attune the mask to him. The mask can be taken off at will and once attuned it can only be used by that wraith.

When a wraith first uses the mask, the Shadowguide selects what the appearence of the Soulcollector will be. The most common form is that of a Reaper, although some have claimed to have seen a viking, a Roman soldier, and a mongol warrior.

The wraith loses 2 points of Manipulation when donning the mask as it is difficult to speak with the mask on. When a wraith does speak it sounds low and gutteral.

Make that Charisma, and I'll buy it. I don't care how badly I can hear him. I'll do what he tells me to.


The Masks of the Soulcollector allow a wraith to use another wraith's pathos for his own arcanoi. When a wraith is sent to a destruction harrowing because of a Soulcollector, the collector gains the wraith's remaining pathos to store and use later.

Hm. I'd much rather give a passle of Arcanos, as well as a "pool" of pathos the user of the mask can draw from. This pathos can be reassigned either from corpus (which you state) or from fulfilling Dark Passions.

Also the masks come with a very sharp scythe (or sword whatever is appropriate to the form taken) the tie between the mask and the weapon cannot be severed.

It's pretty obvious that the scythe does permanent corpus damage. This is nasty in the context of wraith, but as long as you're dodge is up there... In addition, one thing that isn't know by anyone is that strikes from the scythe actually devour Angst. So, you see, there is a benefit to the damn thing. This explains why those killed by the scythe automatically transcend.

System: When using pathos gained by this method the Soulcollector gains one temporary point of angst per two pathos used. Note that you cannot use one gained and one of your own to avoid this.

Right. This is nice. In addition, I'd say that the wearer would become a spectre pretty damn fast,, and to free the wearer from this influence, the pathos of the mask has to be disrupted (see below).

When used on the quick, the Collector gains seven pathos, and the victim appears to have had a heart attack.

The Collector rolls Dex+Brawl diff 7 to grab the person's heart, once the victim's heart is grasped, the Collector rolls Str+Brawl to retain his grip. The victim is allowed to roll his willpower diff 8 to resist.

It should be stated that only wraiths can interfere with this action. In fact, any attempt to disrupt the squeeze breaks the concentration necessary, meaning that the reaper has to be all alone to get his prize.

On Pathos gained

Any pathos gained by Soulcollecting bleeds off after two complete scenes. The Soulcollector may use any of this pathos during those two scenes. The Storyteller should keep a running total on all pathos gained. One side effect from the mask is that when a wraith has gained and used a hundred pathos overall he is sent to a destruction harrowing.

A hundred Pathos = Fifty temp Angst = 5 permanent angst gain. I think the fella has a little something else to worry about.

On What the Shadow thinks Many shadows do not stop a wraith from attaining these; in fact many wraiths are driven by their shadow to find one.


A Soulcollector must have Argos and Inhabit to be able to use the mask. The Soulcollector also must have at least one fetter or the mask will send him into a destruction harrowing.

How to Destroy a Collector

To destroy a Collector is not an easy thing. You must bring the collector to zero corpus and destroy one of his fetters. If this is done the collector is sent straight to Oblivion. No harrowing.

Hm. I'd say it's possible to sever the connection between the Collector and the Mask by inflicting hellacious amounts of damage. In essence, the collector gets health equal to pathos. Damage against the collector is not soaked, but then again, it doesn't do any damage to the collector. However, once the mask is drained of pathos, the wearer has a choice of using his own to keep it on, or the mask falls off, and the collector is sent on a destruction harrowing. This simulates the attack by the machine gun rather well. The Risen Revised

By Adam Solis ([email protected])

Author's notes

Although I truly liked the Risen book, I could not help but come up with a different concept for the Risen. As written, Risen are essentially self willed zombies without the typical putrescence properties. My concept is of the Risen more in line of the Betweeners of GURPS Voodoo or the dual beings of Shadowrun.


As the Euthanatos and Dreamspeakers are well aware, the only major difference between mages and Wraiths is that wraiths awoke at death. Despite the isolation from the mortal world, wraith arcanoi are the closest to magickal spheres of any of the supernaturals. Some Wraiths bridge that difference in a rather interesting way. When a wraith realizes that the skinlands, or physical world, must be subject to the same manipulations as the shadowlands, or Dark Umbra, they instinctively learn how to superimpose their very Corpus over their corpse thereby creating a gestalt, an alloy of flesh and plasm. Therefore all Arcanoi are available to The Risen. Requiring extra expenditures of corpus, pathos, willpower, or angst are appropriate and subject to the Storyteller's thoughts on the individual Arcanos. Even those Arcanos that have no way of interacting with the Skinlands can be used by the Risen on the other side of the shroud. You see, the Risen exist in both the skinlands and the shadowlands, for both good and ill. A Risen can be hurt and even killed by that Centurion with a darksteel sword, but that hypothetical Centurion can also be discorporated by the Risen. After all, that Centurion might have attacked a risen with Potence and/or Outrage (stonehand punch). Strength plus Potence plus Outrage plus shadow dice can add up awfully fast...

Backgrounds are also kept after the transformation. A Relic or Artifact is still usable in the Shadowlands, and with Inhabit 5 plus Embody, it can be usable in the Skinlands as well. Note, Embody three is adequate for a relic/artifact that does not have movable parts such as a sword, while embody 4 or above is necessary for more complex relics/artifacts such as a gun or Angel's Wings. Wealth can be bought separately for wraith wealth or Skinland wealth. Embody 5 can even make the Risen totally alive, with all of the appropriate ramifications, for a limited time.

On appearance, Embody 4 can be used to glamorize a Risen's appearance, as can Moliate. Also, not all Risen seem dead, the merit Baby Face from vampire is appropriate and available to Risen as well. In fact, many vampire merits are appropriate for the Risen, just as wraithly merits usually are. Furthermore, I would suggest a more varied selection for Risen disciplines: Potence, Fortitude, Celerity, Perception, and all the enhancement disciplines from the Setop Missive, Thaumaturgy (which is available to even humans in the Hunter's Hunted), and any disciplines the Risen knew before. Note that Nihilitics 6 allows a vampire to ghoul a wraith, a Risen from one of those wraiths would retain its ghouls status with "phantom blood points" only available from a vampire with Nihilitics 6. Of course, one could argue that being a wraith ghoul might allow the Risen to be a normal ghoul who can feed off a normal vampire(storytellers' choice), or with the Eat food merit anyway.

Character creation

As per the Risen book, with a few differences, mentioned above. Also, the Discipline Adept merit multiplies the discipline cost by 75%, just as the sphere adept or Art adept merits do. Since Risen are highly susceptible to their shadow, the Arcanoi Castigate or the more exotic Way of the Soul are highly useful. In fact, Way or the Soul can make becoming a Risen much easier. One's shadow cannot haggle if the Shadow and Psyche have been merged....Furthermore, the book neglected one very useful fetter -- one's own body! Not only would that decrease the difficulty of becoming a Risen, but it would lower the difficulty of all Arcanos rolls while a Risen. I admit that this stinks of munckinism, but it makes perfect sense that a Wraith incapable of accepting death would choose her own body as a Fetter. One's body being a fetter will also allow a Risen to slumber anytime, anywhere. Lowered Arcanos rolls are not too powerful considering the low number of powers available to a Risen (vampires have more disciplines than wraiths have Arcanos and the ability to progress up to level 10 in power, mages are much more versatile, bete have gifts up to level 6 and regencies and rituals, etc), their inability to become insubstantial, their vulnerability to attacks from both the Shadowlands and the Skinlands, and their heightened vulnerability to their shadow. Interesting or useful merits or flaws include weak shadow, disembodied shadow, or umbral ties.

I also think that the Conduit rules need some changes. First of all, let us call an animal conduit a Familiar to make it more specified from an unliving one. The conduit or familiar has the same number of health levels as the Risen has health/corpus levels. A Risen who had 15 health levels thanks to the appropriate merits (four extra from the full of life merit and another from the huge merit) would have a similarly robust conduit/familiar. Familiars are slightly more useful than inanimate conduits. For one, they are capable of healing by themselves, albeit slowly. They can also be healed by the Risen much faster by the appropriate use of Usury, way of the Merchant, or Healing Spirit Memoriam.

Please note that Risen Spectres do indeed exist! There are also rumors of the Jade Emperor ordering his Immortal Guardsmen to rise using their terra cotta statues. The World of Darkness has just become a bit more interesting. Servitores

By Mist ([email protected])

I took my Oath of service as a boy. It was never necessary for my master to blood bond me, for I served out of love of my master. I serve him still though he knows it not.

-- Wilhelm, A child of the Tremere


Even the dead have legends, and Servitores are but one of those legends. Servitores are wraiths who are bound by Oaths taken in life. Because the Oath is taken in life it binds the entire person's soul: psyche, shadow and eidolon. Thus Servitores, while acting to fulfill their Oaths, are whole and have many strange abilities that other wraiths are at a loss to explain.

The Oath

In early times Oaths were magic. The taking of an Oath was a serious thing and never done lightly. The breaking of an Oath had serious supernatural reprecussions, including death and worse. The keeping of an Oath was sure to garner special favors from the spirits of the world and hereafter.

When living, the person that eventually becomes a Servitore takes an Oath of service to a person, country, or institution. This Oath may be as simple as "I will serve faithfully for all my days," or as complex as the Oaths taken by teutonic knights or catholic priests. The Oath, regardless of to whom or what it was made to means everything to the person who makes it. The Oath is that person's only reason to exist.

The Oath as Fetter and Passion

The Oath once taken is irrevocable and may have unforeseen effects upon a person once they die. But an Oath is not a fetter, for it is intangible. It is not a passion, for words spoken with emotion are not the emotion.

Negative passions such as hate, fear, or anger shape the way an Oath is interpreted and perhaps even the way it is fulfilled. The same for positive passions such as love, honor, or loyalty.

The Oath is both fetter and passion. It binds a wraith to the lands of the living. At the same time it gives the wraith a reason for continuing to exist.


When death claims the Oathmaker, regardless of how, the Oath still binds the soul to the living realm. Those who become Servitores usually die while attempting to fulfill their Oaths. Even those who serve a full lifetime, dying of natural causes and in bed, may become Servitores. Others die while breaking their Oaths and thus serve out of penance and not loyalty.

For some duty is everything.


For others duty is a chain that locks their souls to the realms of living. Not all Servitores are happy about serving even after death. Some wish to be free of their Oaths. They come to resent those they serve, whether it be family, liege, country, or church. But the resentful Servitore may never willfully or knowingly do anything that violates their Oath. Not even the Shadow of a Servitore may violate the Oath, for the Oath was made when the Shadow was not separate from the psyche.

Breaking the Oath

It is far better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven. -- Milton, Paradise Lost

When the Oath generates resentment from the psyche, shadow or both, a Servitore may seek to break the chain of the Oath. This is never easy and always results in loss of special benefits and special restrictions. Servitores who wish to break their Oath must complete a long and arduous quest. The quest first leads the Servitore to the method she must use to break the Oath. The second part of the quest is the accomplishment of the method, almost never as easy as it sounds. The third part of the quest is either freedom or bleakest disappointment.


The search for and results of performing the method of Oath breaking are entirely up to the storyteller. This section only suggests a few possible ways in which an Oath may be broken.

The method of Oath breaking may appear as simple as having the recipient (person, country, or institution) of the Oath release the Servitore from service. Methods discovered and performed may be so complex as to be nearly impossible. Rituals that must be performed by living, acts of atrocity to be performed by the dead or both may be part of deliberate Oath breaking.


It is easier to simply serve. Fulfillment of the duties of an Oath may be done by following the intent or the letter. (It is suggested that regardless of which style of fulfillment the player chooses that the Oath be written down and a copy kept by both player and storyteller.) Those who serve with resent and reluctance in their souls try to pervert their Oath. This is very difficult and has severe consequences for the Servitore. The least of these consequences is intense physical pain while trying something that is against the Oath. Not even the Shadow of a Servitore may act freely.

To deliberately go against the letter or intent of an Oath Servitore or her Shadow must make a Willpower roll with 3 successes at a difficulty of 7. This will allow the most superficial perversion of the Oath. To go all out against an Oath a Servitore or her Shadow must make a Willpower roll with 3 successes at 10.

The consequence of deliberately perverting the intent or letter of an Oath may nothing more than gain Angst for the Shadow. However, some Servitores suffer physically when they reject their Oaths and lose a level of Corpus.

The storyteller always has final say at to what is true fulfillment of the letter or intent of an Oath, likewise the perversion of an Oath.

Accepting the role of Servitore does have rewards, even when the acceptance is reluctant.

Benefits of the Oath

Servitores, regardless of their willingness, benefit from their Oath. While acting to fulfill their oath Servitores are more likely to succeed at any given task. Servitores have an easier time visiting the Skinlands. Some tales of Servitores even have them taking flesh form for a short time.

Servitores, while acting to fulfill their Oath gain 1 automatic success to all rolls. However, when an extended test is involved the automatic success is exactly 1. For example, a Servitore must climb a tree to get away from an enraged Gurahl, while protecting an artifact from the Gurahl. The Servitore needs 10 success at 6 to climb out of range of the Gurahl. The Servitore gets 1 automatic success and must roll 9 more successes. If the Servitore botches and manages to get a second chance to climb the tree, she would again need 1 automatic success and 9 rolled successes to make it.

When their Oaths force a Servitore to the Skinlands the Servitore will find that it is easier to slip through the Shroud. The Shroud is effectively lowered by one for the Servitore. This is cumulative with any other lowering of the Shroud.

Losing all fetters will not free a Servitore from her Oath. However, the Oath will protect the Servitore from harm and destruction because of such loss while in the Shadowlands. Should fulfilling an Oath require the Servitore who has lost all fetters into the Shadowlands the Servitore will be protected from harm that would normally result. A Servitore without fetters cannot enter the Skinlands. Upon completion of her task a Servitore usually has about fifteen minutes to get back into the lands of the dead or suffer destruction.

Whether a Servitore may appear as a mortal to other mortals is up to the storyteller. Should a Servitore be able to interact with mortals on their own level the wraith is at risk of gaining fetters and passions.

Frequent visits to the Shadowlands and the Skinlands may give the Shadow an upper hand. Then again maybe not.

Kingdoms of the Dead

Servitore legends are known in all of the lands of the dead. Though Servitores may be known by other names.

Heretics, Renegades, and Hierarchs Servitores are more likely to be Heretics or Renegades than members of Hierarchy. The Oath that any given Servitore takes makes them more likely to interact with the Quick, something the Hierarchy would prefer not happen. Heretics and Renegades, however, attempt to use Servitores for their own ends.

Servitores know when any act will violate their Oath, because such acts cause them physical pain.


The Arcanos of choice among Servitores is Embody. Puppetry, Outrage and any other Arcanoi, which affect the Skinlands are also favored. Servitores may have their own unique Arcanoi but if so they are lost.

Final Word

The Servitore wraith is a concept meant to allow a player who wishes to continue play with the same character after reaching "final death" a chance of doing so. It can also be used as an NPC to weird out or help the characters. As with all role-playing games this set of thoughts is a guide for possibility not the fulfillment of the possiblity. EMERALD LEGION

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected])

"You ever heard the story of Mr. Faded glory? Says he who rides the pony must someday fall."

-- Mother Love Bone


He remembered that night vividly. The twisted chrome, plastic, and metal that had once been his car. He could still feel the hard pavement on his back, and he could still smell the other drivers breath, laden with alcohol. He was never sure how long he laid there in the middle of the night.

Tonight, though everything was going to be different.

Tonight, he was going to make things even, and he knew there was no turning back.


The greatest fear is not death, it's dying for nothing. No great cause, love, nor even great pain drove these wraiths to their deaths. It was an accident. Many of them left behind family, friends, futures, all for nothing.

Many find little solace in their new existence. Some throw themselves into their work, hoping to forget what they left behind. Others try to resolve their pasts so that they may deal with their futures. Whatever the case, these wraiths have much to lose for their ties to the quick still burn strong.

Common Archetypes (Ranked by Frequency)

Driven, Critic, Traditionalist, Follower, Bon-Vivant, Dreamer

Common Shadows (Ranked by Frequency)

Workaholic, Teacher, Director, Perfectionist

Merits & Flaws

Inspiration: 5 pt merit. Your accident has inspired those who were close to you, to prevent it from ever happening again, by forming an oraganization. Perhaps you are the reason exists today. You start the game with 2 pts in Memoriam, 2 pts in Eidolon, and 1 pt in Legacy. Mangled Corpus: 2 pt flaw. Your accident has left your corpus in rough shape. -1 to all appearence rolls until you have it moliated.

Common Arcanos

Because of their sensless deaths, many of these wraiths never had the chance to resolve many loose ends. Embody lets them do just that. A wraith in the Emerald Legion begins the game with one free dot in Embody.

New Embody Art: **** Love's last rememberance. A wraith using this art can attune himself to a mortal he has strong feelings for. He will find that around this person the shroud is weaker.

System: Roll Manipulation+Embody diff 8 each two successes lowers the shroud by one. Note the shroud can never be lower than 1. This art costs two pathos and one willpower.

Rarest arcanos: Because of the nature of their deaths, many of these wraiths lack strong fetters. They find Lifeweb hard to use. All pathos, willpower, and angst costs are increased by one. Famous Circles

Deacon's Patrol: This circle was recently decorated for their bravery at the New York Necropolis. During the worst Renegade offensive in decades, these wraiths almost single-handedly destroyed or captured thirty Renegades.

The Lost Circle of Job: One decade ago a strange opening appeared just outside the London Necropolis. This circle went into the opening to investigate. They have not been heard from since.

The Emerald Lord

Not much is known about this Deathlord. Certain names have been suggested: Marilyn, Earhart, but only one wraith knows for certain, and he will only comment:

"I admire him, very much."

--Gen. Patton Overlord of the Legion of Paupers

Of course he admires him, he studied him at West Point.

History: After his death in 1863, he found himself involved in another battle. This one in the Shadowlands. He was conscripted by the Emerald Legion commander and sent to organize a patrol. He found several wraiths and within hours the tide of the battle had turned. The current Deathlord seeing this lemure do so well, where his experienced men failed, he gave a post to him. He knew no other life, but the military so he used his keen military mind to teach others.

In 1910 the Deathlord was lost to Oblivion, and without anyone's knowledge, he took up the mask which he holds to this day.

Stonewall Jackson

Life: Soldier Death: Accident (he was accidently shot in the back by his own troops) Regret: Failure Nature/Demeanor: Survivor/Critic

Strict, demanding, and brutally honest, Stonewall expects quite abit from his men. He may not be very popular, but he succeeds.

Relations with others

Allies: Paupers, Silent

Opposed: Grim, Gaunt

Neutral: Iron, Penitent, Fate

Views on the others

Silent: They gave up what was robbed from us. I can be sympathetic, but what a waste of life that was.

Paupers: It's a wonder how they could forget their lives like that. In a way it's their blessing. Or maybe a curse.

Grim: Bullies and ruffians, all of 'em. They're not in it for the cause of it. They're in it to inflict pain. Sick bastards.

Gaunt: Sad, but I don't like the way they are so chummy with the Grims. You think they would hate each other. Politics makes for strange bedfellows.

Iron: In a way they're lucky. Imagine the wisdom of age and the body of a twenty year old. Damn.

Penitent: Nuts and oddballs. Sure, they're on our side, but do they know there is a war going on?

Fate: They are the big mystery. What's so special about these guys? Very diverse, almost like a pattern.

Renegades: Every government has it's dissidents. These just don't want to listen to reason. Oh well.

Heretics: Religion is fine, but when it dominates your every thought, then it becomes brainwashing.

Transcendence: I don't know. They said there was an after life and well there is. Sort of. Well who knows? Ferrymen

By Derek Marcoux ([email protected])


Who are the enigmatic Ferrymen, and what is the strange oath that binded them to protect travelers in the Tempest. What Unique Arcanoi are at their personal command, and from whom do they take as their own?


Attributes: 9/7/5

Abilities: 21/13/9

Arcanoi: 7

Background: As normal character generation (free: status-3/mentor-5)

Passions: As normal character gen.(free: To guide and protect travelers in Tempest that they may reach their destination. / honor 5)

Fetters: As normal character gen.

Pathos: 5 + memorium

Willpower : 6

Shadow: As normal shadow gen.


Upon achieving Transcendence, the ferryman must have a replacement. This replacement is a fledgling wraith that has been reaped, by the reaper (so to speak). Once an initiate receives the rank and title of Ferryman, he dons a cowl and robe. The color is ash. He receives a mask made of bone. This is the "Mask of Charon", a very potent artifact(lv.5) Upon utterance of a few words, the mask will either execute: Pandemonium (Tempus Fugit lvl.5) or: Phantasm (Agon lvl.5). The "Scythe of the Reaper" is also quite deadly:(str.+5 diff: 7/9(decapitation) and upon scoring a death blow, the scythe automatically activates: Outrage(oblivion lvl.5). Characters must be careful of their ever-growing angst score. The Reapers' cowl and robe aren't artifacts at all, just badges of office. An Apprentice wears Ash, to symbolize his wraithly death, and his rebirth, as a Ferryman. An Advocate, wears blood red to symbolize death, in all its violent forms. Finally the Reaper wears black to symbolize Oblivion, which his passengers will reach one day... GAUNT LEGION

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected])

"I don't mind about people's fear Authority no longer hears send a social engineer and I don't mind at all"

-- Bob Geldof


He sat there on the edge of the bed, like some great guardian. Watching the girl, watching, and waiting. He could feel her last breath escape from her chest. He stood, hands before her face, looking for her marks. Her eyes blinked, she folded over. Her body trembled and a new body rolled off the bed. He ripped the caul from her face and she arched, taut as a rope.

"Good, I've been waiting for you Cynthia."

"Jerry?" she asked almost timidly.

"Oh yes, Cindy, so glad you remembered my voice."

"What do you want?"

"An explanation. You knew didn't you. You knew and yet you didn't tell me. I could've been alive today, Cindy!"

"You knew the risks! You should have -- Omigod!" she said realizing her situation.

"Yes, you're dead, and believe me there are worse things than death. But I'm getting ahead of myself."


Aids, ebola, cancer, they know no boundary. We fear disease, for it is an invasion of the body. An invasion that is ultimately fatal, and intimately painful.

Disease is everywhere and the relative size of this legion proves just that. The Gaunt legion is one of the largest, second only to the Grim. These wraiths, no longer debilitated by their illness, relish the strength of their new bodies.

Common Archetypes (Ranked by frequency)

Conniver, Avant-garde, Bureaucrat, Bon-Vivant, Bravo, Follower

Common Shadows(Ranked by frequency)

Hypochondriac, Parent, Leech, Teacher

Common Arcanos

During their sickness, nothing so concerned them than their bodies. Through the use of drugs, exercise and study, these people gained great knowledge of their bodies. Moliate comes easy to these wraiths, who learn it to hone that, which in life, was flawed.

*** Coin

With this art a wraith can give another a small piece of himself, and keep track of that wraith. The piece need be no bigger than a fingertip.

System: Roll Perception+Moliate diff 7 to know where the wraith is. The giver will not "see" the other, but will know direction and distance. To end this connection the giver can spend a pathos point. This art costs two pathos per piece. Rarest Arcanos

Because of their disease, many of the Gaunt Legion are afraid of going back for fear of feeling the effects of their illness. Embody is the hardest to use for these wraiths. All pathos, willpower, and angst costs are increased by one.

Merits & Flaws

Contested over : 2pt Merit. Your death crosses the boundary of two of the legions. This puts you into a very good light as far as they are concerned. All social rolls are at a +1.

Carrier : 4 pt flaw. The disease you died from is still apart of your corpus. Any time you use Puppetry, or Pandemonium, you must be careful not to infect the quick.

Famous Circles

The Liberte`: This circle, founded in Paris, works secretly to stop the spread of disease, and experiments on humans. Many of these wraiths were experimented on by their governments and they harbor a deep resentment.

The Cardinals: This circle is more of an inquisition. They are handpicked by the Deathlord to ferret out any political dissident in his legion. They are not very popular, but they are very powerful.

The Skeletal Lord

Those of the Gaunt Legion can tell when they have a new Deathlord, simply by who they are allies with. For each lord has changed his legion's political faction to coincide with his own. The past two hundred years, however, they have been allied with the Grim.

History: Once he was dead he felt his political ambitions were over. When he crossed over he saw new ambitions arrive and he set out to fulfill them. He served well, and began meeting with those who felt the current Lord had to be removed. He agreed with them and when the timing was right, he led them to the Deathlord's tower. That night, he and his followers defeated the Skeletal lord and he took his place. His first act was to have his followers destroyed. He then threw his lot in with the Grim legion.

The Skeletal Lord Cardinal Richelieu

Life: religious advisor Death: Influenza Regret: Mission Possible Nature/Demeanor: Conniver/Driven Backgrounds- Memoriam 3, Notoriety 3, Status 9.

The Deathlord knows just who is in power right now, and is along for the ride. He fears the the Quiet Lord and is secretly trying to learn his identity. He is in secret communications with the Laughing Lady and is trying to vie for her support.

Relations with others

Allies: Grim, Penitent (?) Opposed: Silent, Pauper Neutral: Emerald, Iron, Fate

Views on the Others

Silent: They view us as weak, but our weakness is our strength. They are sore losers because they are not in the lime light anymore.

Pauper : The forgetfull ones ally themselves against us. Why? They have not the experience to understand us, much less hate us.

Emerald: They are unsure of who to support. That is fine with us, because the decision is simple.

Iron: Every government has its fence sitters. They are ours. They will not choose, but their choice will be made for them.

Penitent: They understand the value of power. It will not be long before they too will join us. Grim: Our allies. We agree on so many things. We lead the Hierarchy and it has never done better.

Fate: Our spies have told us that they are looking for something. We will have to find it for them.

Renegades: They would take our power away from us. They must be crushed.

Heretics: Religious thought and practice are fine, if they coincide with ours.

Transcendence: Please, talk of pipe dreams and fairy tales to someone else. GRIM LEGION

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected])

"And someone said fair warning Lord will strike that poor boy down turned from hunted to hunter went to hunt somebody down."

-- Van Halen


Deter looked down upon the troops. He smiled at the sight of those hundred legionaires standing at the ready. He turned from the balcony and walked through the doors.

"These are the replacements I ordered?"

"Yes, Regent, are they not satisfactory?" asked the clerk.

"No, no they are fine."

"Sir if I may ask?"


"What happened at the New York Necropoli?"

"We were over run. We needed fresh weapons and men, but received little."

"I received that requesition. I didn't see any men ordered."

"Mind your tongue! Do not question your betters." said the Butcher of New York. "Some battles are won, some lost. If I had had better men I could have won." He turned back to the balcony and shouted to his men.

"Who are you?!"

"We are the Grim!" they shouted in unison.

"Where are your weapons?!"

"We have brought our weapons!"

"Where are they?!"

"I have brought my weapon and my weapon is me!" they began to chant like some insane mantra.

Regent Deter "Butcher of New York" began to laugh. These men would be fine just fine.


Violence is everywhere. For most of us it's something we hear about on the news. For others it's right outside the door, and for those unlucky few it's found inside their homes.

These wraiths are more than murderers; they are cops, soldiers, and victims. They find diversity in their ranks and a common bond in their loyalty to the Hierarchy.

Common Archetypes (Ranked by frequency)

Bureaucrat, Traditionalist, Bravo, Survivor, Follower, Gambler

Common Shadows (Ranked by frequency)

Paranoid, Monster, Freak, Lover Common Arcanos

Due to the very nature of their deaths, these wraiths are filled with a rage they do not understand. To deal with their anger they turn to the very thing that brought them to this state. This anger is harnessed and used to fuel their arcanos of Outrage.

Legion Arcanos: **** Biting wound

With the use of this art, a wraith may increase the damage of his melee weapon. The wraith focuses on the weapon and when it hits the damage is added.

System: Roll Strength+Outrage diff 7 each success adds one die of damage. This is for one hit only. If the wraith wishes to use this art again he must strike and hit his target and then use the art and pay it's costs. This art costs 2 pathos and 1 willpower.

Rarest Arcanos

The anger that strengthens them, also hinders them in Castigate. This is not due to any lack of guilt, but because of the very nature of their will to exist.

Merits & Flaws


1-3 pt merit

You hold a high rank in your Necropoli. This is due to your many years of service to your legion. 1 pt for Centurion/ 2pt for Marshal/ 3 pt for Regent.

Red Tape 2 pt flaw

You have been caught up in red tape. Your duties, identity, and rank are undefined at this time. You are treated as a second class citizen and are always given inconsistent duties.

Famous Circles

The Redcoats: This circle is responsible for ferreting out dissidents in the legion. Many legionaires tremble at the thought of a Redcoat in his Necropoli. They are fiercely loyal, and unbribable.

The Butchers' Men: This circle of Regents is headed by Deter of NY. They lead the legion's war against its enemies. Its tactics can be costly, but they often lead to victory.

The Smiling Lord

No other Deathlord is so reviled, respected, feared, or loved. He controls the largest legion and uses it to control the Hierarchy. His men are loyal beyond belief, but many outside his legion see him as a powermad dictator.


In 1097 this young man was heading off for the Crusades. He was eager to serve his Pope, his faith, his God. He never reached that goal. On his way from Glastonbury he was beset by horse thieves and left for dead. He awoke in the Shadowlands and was chosen for duty by the Grim legion. He proved to be a fine warrior with an unequaled hate for renegades. His leadership was instrumental in the battle of Glastonbury Nec., and it earned him Aneceronship. He served there until 1562 when he was named advisor to the Smiling lord.

There he was taught by the current Deathlord, Hannibal, politics and military tactics. He learned quickly and Hannibal was impressed by the young man, although a little concerned about his anger. In 1629 he was called to the Deathlord's private chamber. Here Hannibal took off his mask, and instructed him to act as Deathlord until he returned. He accepted and Hannibal left that night undetected. It's been three hundred years since Hannibal left, and there has been no sign of his return. Which is just fine with the Smiling Lord. The Smiling Lord Cirroc of Glastonbury

Life: True Believer Death: Violence Regret: Unfulfilled Destiny Nature/Demeanor : Traditionalist/Architect Backgrounds: Mentor 4, Notoriety 5, Status 9

Cirroc has made many changes in the legion since Hannibal's departure. He feels that its his legion now, and would fight to keep it should Hannibal ever return.

Relations with the Legions

Allies: Gaunt

Opposed: Silent, Paupers

Neutral: Iron, Penitent, Emerald, Fate

Views on the Others

Silent: They feel that they should lead the Hierarchy. Hah! The gave up in life when things got tough, what will they do in death?

Paupers: Lapdogs of the Quiet Lord! We would respect them if they had any balls.

Emerald: They're good fighters, but they have too much life type crap to deal with. Get over it, you're dead.

Iron: They serve their purpose and stay out of our way. I like them okay.

Gaunt: They understand our position and join us in leadership. We serve each other and that is good.

Penitent: Their madness makes them erratic. They serve the Hierarchy well, so I can't complain.

Fate: So many rumors about them. If we were investigate every one, we'd be here forever.

Renegades: Hateful terrrorists! Either they convert or they are sent to the forges.

Heretics: Religious idiots. As long as they stay out of our way . . .

Transcendence: It is illegal to believe in transcendence. If you try to engage me in this conversation again I will be forced to arrest you. Harvesters of Lost Futures

By Bruce Baugh ([email protected])

Author's Notes

While reading about World War I and the life stories of some of the key decision-makers, I was struck by a sense of how much potential talent, drive, and earnest concern went to waste as people locked themselves into various conceptual tunnels. This a response to that.

It is sort of a back-door route into alternate histories for the World of Darkness. I like the pocket realms that form around Unbidden in Whispering Vault, and seek here to do something similar, except tinged with the gentler colors of lost possibilities.


There are, among the Stygian dead, those who take the Dictum Mortuum seriously, and yet who hate to see so much waste pass by without any mitigation whatsoever. To the Hierarchy, their activities would be -- if discovered -- as dangerous as any other challenge to the sanctity of the Shroud, while to thorough-going Shroud-toppling Renegades they'd be merely cowards lacking the courage of their convictions. Which, if any, of these interpretations is true is a matter for judgment.

The Harvest begins with Oracles. With Fatalism, they can sense which individuals are likely to rise to positions of power and influence. They can also, sometimes, sense which of these individuals will rise on piles of shattered dreams.

Those with this insight then turn to others to do something about it. Specifically, the Oracles turn to Sandmen and to Sluagh. Both sorts of creature can harvest samples of the vital dreams of predestined dream-shatterers while the dreams are fresh -- most often they harvest from people in their 20s and 30s, settling into adulthood but still carrying enthusiastic vigor.

The Harvesters then take these dreams away for safekeeping, into deep realms of the Tempest or obscure corners of the Dreaming. There they build little domains in which to release the dreams, and watch the unfolding of futures that might have been.

The Harvesters don't exactly do anything with the dream-histories they shelter. That's not the point. For them it's sufficient that some fraction of early hopes not go altogether to waste.

At least, it's been sufficient so far. If the Harvesters were to turn activist, they might become quite dangerous. Implanting the harvested dreams in the minds of mortal men and women would probably simply cause insanity in most. But in some it might spur fresh efforts to make those dreams real. This might even be admirable, except that nothing ensures that the implanted dreams would escape the same cycle of degredation and lost that befell their original dreamers.

Most occupy spherical volumes a few feet across, usually suspended within glass or crystal globes. Some are much smaller, and flourish within jeweled pendants or rings, while a few are much larger and spread like mirror-flat lakes across small valleys.

It's also possible that an outside explorer -- a Silent Strider, perhaps, or a Harbinger, or even a Void Engineer -- could encounter these quiet byways where groves of dream-worlds flourish. The incautious explorer could easily fall into one...and perhaps lose the memory of how she got there. She might also seek to bring one back to use as a trap for others. IDEALIST RENEGADES

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected]). Refer to the Renegades Expanded.


Idealists. It sounds harmless, serene, but an idea against a political body is a dangerous sword. The word spreads and soon it is on the minds of all the citizens. The idea is a virus. Or so the Hierarchy believes. It wages a war upon these Renegades that is made up of scare tactics and Gestapo tricks. The Idealists know this, yet they are more concerned with your freedom than their own. They spread their ideas through street-preaching, late night meetings, and entertainment.

Character Creation

Common Archetypes: (in order of frequency) Martyr, Caregiver, Leader, Mediator, Dreamer

Common Shadows: (in order of frequency) Martyr, Leech, Parent, Teacher

Attributes: Social Attributes are primary, and anything can be secondary.

Common Abilities: Expression, Performance, Empathy

Common Arcanoi: The most common and useful arcanoi are Keening and Phantasm. Both are used to get the message to the masses.


The methods of this group are as varied as the messages they preach.

Streetpreaching: This method involves the wraith standing on a corner or other busy area Of a Necropoli and shouting anti- Hierarchy propaganda to passerby's. Keening is very useful here as well as Expression and Performance.

What it'll get you: Usually the Hierarchy will disperse the crowd and take the preacher to HQ. There they'll try and scare him into not doing it again. If it happens again he can expect a beating within an inch of his corpus.

The Secret Meeting: This method is very involved. A Renegade will watch a prospective "rebellious" citizen for a time. He will then approach the wraith and discuss Hierarchy evils with him. If the wraith seems interested, the wraith will take him to a meeting with his Thought mates. Here they will try and convince the wraith to work with them.

What it'll get you: If you aren't careful, this could blow up in your face. Most Thoughts do not engage in this sort of recruitment. It is far too dangerous to try.

The Reporter : This method has a wraith follow (hopefully very stealthily) a patrol of Legionnaires. The wraith will Keen out the patrols whereabouts every block or so. This will allow any Renegades in the area to vacate to safer ground.

What it'll get you: Beaten very badly. Also some patrols see this as high treason and will destroy the offending wraith on the .

The Entertainer : This involves a wraith writing a dreamplay with an anti-Hierarchy message. Phantasm, expression, and good actors make this a winning technique and usually garners the support of citizens.

What it'll get you: Believe it or not, an entertainer is relatively safe from persecution. The citizenry love a good dreamplay and any actions against their favorite Sandmen will Bring about a great stink.

The Makeup of a Thought

The membership of a thought is different for each. Most tend to agree on A message, and each member in turn uses his/her unique talents to convey the Message. The ideal way of getting the message across is to diversify. Streetpreaching May work for some, while dreamplays work for others. Each member is important to the Thought and most allow input from each member. Some Thoughts won't allow new members to voice their opinions until they gain More experience.

Beliefs The Idealists believe that an organization set up to fight Oblivion and Protect it's citizenry is fine, but The Hierarchy utilizes too many foul practices: slavery, subjugation, Soulforging, and the denial of personal freedoms. The Idealists don't want to bring down the whole of the Hierarchy; they just wish to abolish its crimes against all Wraithdom. They wish to see a Hierarchy that allows its Citizens to voice it's displeasure, to allow it's citizens to choose their lot in death. The only way to change the Hierarchy is active participation By its citizens. Each thought knows this, and tries to keep a Necropoli's citizenry well informed of what exactly is going on.

Guild Affiliation

While the Renegades are generally hated and feared, some guilds find them useful. These guilds use the Renegades to try to garner citizen support of the Guilds. They also use them for recruitment and as couriers. The Idealists have long been allied with, and supported by the Artificers, Chaunters, and the Sandmen Guilds. These guilds have helped by offering advice, oboli, and training in their respective arcanoi. Not all Idealists agree with being supported by these guilds. They see this as fighting one political body, while selling their souls to another.

Famous Thoughts

Revolution Online: This Thought is made up of wraiths who use the World Wide Web as the medium for their message. They help spread the word of reform, and help other Renegades keep in contact with each other.

The Screamers: This Thought has been very active in the New York Necropolis, and are hunted by Deter's men. Not only do they have a message, but they back up that message with violence against those who seek to silence them.

Theatrical Troupe of Hamlet: This troupe of Sandmen and actors travel from Necropolis To Necropolis putting on their very popular dreamplays. What the Hierarchy doesn't know is that in these plays are various messages and signals used to communicate with other Renegades. These messages include: patrol movements, locations of Thrall trains, and other sensitive information.

Famous Idealist: Joshua Harris

During the fifties, Josh was the stereotypical Beat artist. Hanging out at coffee bars, spouting decent poetry, he found his niche and enjoyed life. On a fateful night Josh was in a car accident and was killed. He found himself on a thrall train and was confused as to where he was going. When he was informed of what was to become of him, something inside him snapped, and Josh began to use his voice. He began to shout and yell. Many of the thralls and his captors weren't ready for this and Josh escaped during the confusion. He has been spreading the word ever since.

Views of the Idealists

Terrorists: Violence isn't the first and only answer to this. They unwittingly destroy those who our message is for. I understand them, but wish they would try to understand us.

Subversives: Knocking off Tyrants is a noble idea. The problem is that there is always someone worse or just as bad to take his place.

The Hierarchy: While no government is perfect, this one is far off the mark. It's up to us to spread the word of revolution through the halls of Tyranny.

The Heretics: Some of these cults are fine, and truly care about their parishoners. Others are just as bad as the Hierarchy. IRON LEGION

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected])

All in time, but the clock is another demon that devours our time in Eden.

-- 10,000 Maniacs


He laid there looking at the clock. Four am is all it had to say. He sighed and rolled over, and was startled by a presence in the room.

"Who's there? Nurse?" The figure in the chair stood and crossed the room.

"No need to worry," she said.

"I'm not so much worried as surprised. Do I know you? you look familiar." He said reaching for the light.

"You do, in a way."

As he reached the light switch his hand went right through the wall. He jumped a little, then smiled and looked over to the bed.

"I'm dead aren't I?"


"And I missed it. Are you here to take me to heaven? Or hell."

"Neither, but I am here to collect you. There's a place right in the middle, and it needs your help. I need your help."

"Why does it need me? I'm a tired old man, what good am I?"

"Take my hand, Mr. Leary, I'll explain."


Certain things are inevitable. The slow failing, and withering of the body is one of them. While the spirit is strong, the flesh is weak and these wraiths epitomize this.

They have been given the blessings of a lifetime, to learn, to experience, to age. Their final rests suspended indefinitely, they learn to adapt, and go on with their unlives. They have taken up the mantle of the wise man, the sage, the teacher, and they are respected for it.

Common Archetypes (Ranked by frequency)

Mediator, Traditionalist, Survivor, Architect, Critic, Explorer

Common Shadows (Ranked by frequency)

Rationalist, Sophomore, Comedian, Director,

Common arcanos

The most common fact of all these wraiths' lives, is that during the latter part of their lives they were spent hooked to a life support machine. This machine kept them from crossing the shroud; their spirit trapped in a shell, begins to learn to explore other places. Inhabit is almost learned before they die. All Iron legion wraiths start with an automatic dot in Inhabit. Legion Arcanos

**** Store

With this art the wraith is able to store pathos into an object. This pathos can be used by any wraith who holds the object.

System: The wraith rolls Stamina+Inhabit diff 7, for each two pathos installed. This art costs 2 pathos(Yes those are the ones to be stored)and 1 willpower.

Rarest Arcanos

Because many of these wraiths simply gave up, they found their anger was sated. With death the last battle all of them had to face, many just let go. Outrage is hardest for them to learn simply because of this. All pathos, willpower, and angst costs are increased by one.

Merits & Flaws

Hearty: 3 pt merit They don't make them like they used to, and you're proof of that. You used to walk miles to school, go to work, come home and do your chores. These new wraiths just don't measure up. You get one automatic success on any stamina roll.

Alzheimers: 4 pt flaw Unfortunately your death was caused by this horrible disease. And what's worse is you still suffer from it. Once per chapter a willpower roll diff7 is made to determine if you have an attack. If less than three successes are made, you lose one of your passions untill the end of the attack. These attacks usually last anywhere from an hour to six hours. If the willpower roll is a botch the passion is lost for good.

Famous Circles

The Recruiters: This circle generally hang out in hospitals, and elderly homes. They make sure that these incomming wraiths are processed correctly and not sent straight to the forges.

Rogers Crew: These wraiths were recently recognized for their timely help in making peace with the renegades in the Miami Necropolis. This temporary truce helped win the day against a spectre invasion.

The Ashen Lady

To say that a Legion is shaped by its Deathlord is an understatement. The Iron Legion has remained relatively the same for hundreds of years. Thsi is due to the fact that there have only been three to reside in this mask.

History: After her death, she was quickly processed and put into a patrol. She served well for years until she found out what her equipment was made of. Horrified, she planned on deserting until she came up with an idea. She worked even harder and became a valuble asset to the Legion. She was named as high Castiger in 1923 and a short decade later she bacame the Ashen Lady. It wasn't long after she became the Deathlord, that she began to realize her dream. She started (in a well done disguise) an underground movement to free those who were to be forged. It amuses her that her life's work would continue into her death's.

The Ashen Lady Harriet Tubman

Life: Abolitionist Death: Old Age Regret: Unfinished business. Nature/Demeanor: Leader/Caregiver Backgrounds: Eidolon 6, Legacy 3, Memoriam 4, Status 9

Harriet is begining to transcend, and she knows it. She has found her heir and shared her dream with him. Harriet has told no one about his crossing over and keeps him with her in the tower.

Relations with others

Allies: None Opposed: None Neutral: All Views of the Others

Silent: We of all the legions, understand their need for death. Long pain and suffering that only ends with death. Yes we understand.

Paupers: It is unfortunate that these wraiths have forgotten all of life's lessons. Now they have only death's harsh realities to teach them.

Emerald: Many of them still long for life, and that is noble. The truth, however is that life is over and there is work to be done.

Grim: It is sad that all they think about is paperwork and battle. They could be so much more if only they would temper their anger with mercy and wisdom.

Penitent: In my day they locked these poor souls up. I'm glad we don't, but they are a bit disturbing.

Gaunt: Disease is a sad fact of life. This legion makes it a part of death as well.

Fate: I don't see the pattern here. Lady Fate just chooses those she likes. No big mystery.

Renegades: Ever since my death, the Hierarchy has been my home. These wraiths would put that home to the flames. Why? Just to rebel?

Heretics: In my day there used to be snake oil salesmen. Good to know the times haven't changed that much.

Transcendance: I believe in God in his heaven, and I believe in Lucifer in his hell. And I know I'm here to help those who fell through the cracks. LEGION OF FATE

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected])

"Wait upon a blackened sky far beyond the glaring streetlights sleeping on empty dreams."

-- Sarah Mclachlan


I like to come up here at times. Just to stare out at the city lights. I don't know why, but it calms me after a patrol. It seems funny 'cause the neon looks infected and the buildings look delapitated, but hey it's home. It's been two years since I joined the legion, and I still don't feel like it's important work. Oh I know the whole "We're doing the Lady's work," but what about us. What about me? Why am I here? I'm tired of looking for some missing icon. I mean he's gone right? There's the whistle, time to go back out. Maybe we'll give up this wild goose chase.


Fate, destiny, kismet, call it what you will. Each of us has it, a predetermined path that encompasses our life. Be it good or bad, fate cannot be cheated, nor bribed for she has spun the web that guides us all.

The men and women of this legion are not chosen because of the circumstances of their deaths. Nor are they chosen because of the lives they led. They are chosen by the Lady of Fate for reasons only she knows. And the Lady keeps her secrets.

Common Archetypes (Ranked by frequency)

Explorer, Survivor, Visionary, Scientist, Gambler, Leader

Common Shadows (Ranked by frequency)

Abuser, Pusher, Rationalist, Martyr

Common Arcanos

When these wraiths cross over they are branded with fate's mark on their right cheek. This mark comes with a heavy responsibility, and a true understanding of her power. Fatalism comes naturally to these wraiths and they use it well.

Legion Arcanos **** Lachesis' Prophecy

With the use of this art a wraith may cast a prophecy about a person, place, or object. The wraith is given a cryptic vision of a future event tied with that he cast it upon.

System: Roll Perception+Fatalism diff 8. Each success means the vision becomes clearer and longer. These visions can last from a minute to several hours. This art costs 2 pathos and 1 willpower.

Rarest Arcanos

Because of their connection with fate and the lives she touches, they find Inhabit the hardest to learn. They find machines cold, inhuman, and unfeeling. All pathos, willpower, and angst costs are increased by one.

Merits & Flaws

The Ri ht Hand of Destin 5 pt merit

Not only were you chosen by fate once, but twice. You have been given a sacred power, the power of recruitment. You may mark a mortal as fate's own. Upon their death they will cross over and will be branded with the mark of Fate. You may only use this power eight times and then it is gone. This mark upon you is a sixth finger upon your right hand, which will disappear when you exhaust this power.

Arcanos Inept

6 pt flaw

For some reason you are unable to learn and use an arcanos. You cannot use it and any attempts to do so fail.

Famous Circles and Orders

The Order of Destiny's Divine: These wraiths are handpicked by the Lady herself with another symbol found upon the corpus. It is these wraiths duty to explore the Tempest, Shadowlands, and Skinlands for one reason; to search for Charon. No one, except the Order and the Lady, knows of their true purpose. The symbol is a handprint over the heart.

League of Tidings: This order of prophets reside in a temple inside the city of Stygia. It is said that a wraith seeking wisdom should visit this temple.

The Lady Fate

Of all the Deathlords, none are more mysterious as she. Some say she isn't a wraith; that she is a force of Nature. Only she knows the truth.


After being rejected by her husband, she had a vision. In her vision she saw a city on an isle and a man in a mask. She sought him out, but didn't find him while she was alive. She died and crossed over, and it was here that she found her island. Another vision assaulted her; this time it was of a peasent boy leading many to this isle of sanctuary. She resolved herself to find the boy.

It took her thousands of years, but she found him. She placed a mark upon his forehead and watched him till the day he died. He crossed over and she instructed him to lead these lost souls to an island. There he would build a city to protect them. She gave that boy a name; Charon. After two thousand years, that boy was lost in battle, and in that moment the Lady of Fate was shocked. She had not forseen this event. She gathered her most trusted legionaires and sent them looking for him.

The Lady of Fate Lachesis Second wife of Adam

Life: Oracle Death: Old age Regret: Rejection Nature/Demeanor : See appearence. Backgrounds: Eidolon 5, Artifact 5, Legacy 5, Status 12

Appearance: The Lady's mask makes her appear as three different women; A sultry young woman, a plump middle age woman, and an old woman. While they seem to have three different personalities, they really are one person. Young woman/Temptress: Avant-Garde, Middle Aged woman/Wife: Caregiver, Old woman/Crone: Critic

Ever since Charon's dissappearence, Lady Fate has been desperately looking for her lost boy. So far no success.

Relations with the others

Allies: None

Opposed: None (Grim)

Neutral: All

Views of the others Silent: Their lives were more precious than they thought. It is good that they have a second chance.

Paupers: While they have forgotten their lives, their destinies still wait for them.

Emerald: They believe their deaths were for nothing, but we know different.

Iron: They thought that they had lived out their life's path, but we know that it has only just begun.

Penitent: Madness leads to insight; insight leads to truth. These wraiths understand much.

Gaunt: Disease had not only taken their lives, but it seems to have robbed them of their morality.

Grim: They certainly are. They need to look beyond the fight.

Renegades: They fight out of hand, and without understanding what they fight for.

Heretics: The religious have their place, and the fanatics have their harrows.

Transcendence: Yes, I believe in it. I hope to one day achieve it, but for now I am content. LEGION OF PAUPERS

By Dave an Kim Seward ([email protected])

"When we face the sun we cast no shadow."

- Oasis


I'm here again. This alleyway, at this time, again. It stinks here. Like garbage, feces, and rotten fruit. I search this place over and over again, but nothing. No memories, no flashbacks. There's a bum over by the dumpster, maybe I'll talk to him tonight. Yes, I think I will. I'll appear to him and he'll leave. Omigod! He said a name, Travis! I name it's Travis. I remember, no wait! I don't want to, I don't want to!


If we are the sum of all our experiences and memories then these wraiths are nothing. Bereft of their identity, they must carve out a new existence in this hostile environment.

Some have no recollection or their lives while others hold on to hazy memory. They cling to their wraithly duties because it's all they've ever known. And those that have memories either divorce themselves from them, or hold on to them as a painful reminder of what they used to be.

Special note: Although the books say that they forget how they died, I felt that it would be more dramatic if they had lost their memories of their lives.

Common Archetypes (Ranked by Frequency)

Architect, Survivor, Driven, Child, Explorer, Bon Vivant

Common Shadows (Ranked by Frequency)

The Pusher, Leech, Hypochondriac, Paranoid

Merits & Flaws

Shadow lost: 3 pt merit. Your shadow is as in the dark as you are about your past. He doesn't know, and you know he doesn't.

Shadow in the Know: 3 pt flaw. Your shadow knows of your past. He will constantly bribe, and cajole you about it. You may be in for a rough time.


Due to the fact that their lives are a mystery, their fetters become even more vital. So the arcanos Lifeweb is commonly taught. All Paupers begin the game with a free dot in Lifeweb.

Legion Arcanos: **** Strengthen Fetter

With this art a wraith is able to strengthen his connection with a particular fetter.

System: The player rolls Strength+Lifeweb diff 8. If he succeeds he temporarily loses 1 point of strength for a scene. This art costs two pathos and one willpower point.

The rarest arcanos is Mnemosys. Their disconnection with the past hinders them with this art. All pathos, willpower, and angst costs are increased by one. Famous Circles

Pandora's Circle: This circle was founded after the Code of Paupers was introduced. They believe that all wraiths should know of their past, and would help any who would know.

Dictum's Circle: This circle was handpicked by the Beggar lord to ferret out those who seek their past.

Cohorts of Haley: This circle has existed for over one hundred years. Each member has a face and an identity. When that member is lost a new member assumes that face and identity through moliation.

The Beggar Lord

No one knows who he is, and speculation is rampant. Only one Beggar lord's identity was discovered and that was long after Canute II was gone from his Beggarlordship. All that is known is that he has been several people. He has been known to be harsh, just, cruel, and kind. This current one has been the most popular.

History: After his death in 1778, he found himself in the Paris necropoli, unsure of how he got there, and more importantly who he was. He joined the legion, and was given the name, Jared. In 1810 he was named advisor to the Beggar Lord, and in ten short years replaced him.

He has stopped wondering who he is. In fact he once searched adamantly, but with no success. In the past few years he has thought of repealing the Code of Paupers, which state that no wraith shall search for his past. He knows he cannot, for he would lose control.

The Beggar Lord Francois Marie Arouet

Life: Blank slate Death: Mystery Regret: Legacy Nature/ Demeanor: Scientist/Visionary Backgrounds: Eidolon 3, Legacy 4, Status 9, Memoriam 4.

One of the greatest debators, Voltaire constantly tries to improve the Hiearchy. His social reforms have made him very popular. His alliance with the Silent Legion has garnered support from his men.

Relations with the others

Allies: Silent, Iron

Opposed: Gaunt, Grim

Neutral: Emerald, Fate, Penitent

Views of the Legion of Paupers

Silent: We have so much in common. They try to forget what we already have.

Emerald: These have joined us through no fault of their own. Sadly, some are too wrapped up in their fromer lives.

Grim: There is more to this existence than fighting. Exploration, insight, and study. These are lost on them.

Iron: Intelligent, thoughtful, these wraiths understand us, and we them.

Penitent: Some see insanity as a weakness, others as insight.

Gaunt: Poor souls. Their policies and actions are too much.

Fate: Lady Fate has chosen these for her own. Wonder why?

Renegades: I understand the need for reform, but through policies and dictums, not through violence and pain.

Heretics: Searching for something more is admirable, but not someone else's dream thank you.

Transcendence: This is the only life I have ever known. I shall worry about it when it comes. PENITENT LEGION

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected])

"She says she's close to understanding Jesus. And I know she's more than a little misunderstood. She has trouble acting normal when she's nervous."

-- Counting Crows


They were cleaning out his room. He didn't understand why, but it didn't matter to him now. What's cleanliness to a dead man. Well that's okay; he liked a clean haunt. They were talking about him now. Saying mean things that hurt his feelings. Well that's okay too. This is the middle of the night. Anything can happen, especially in a room that was occupied by a deadman. The tall one's afraid of bugs, and the short one, he's afraid of the dark. Mmmmmm...this feels good. It feels like revenge.


Madness, the fracturing of the mind to deal with a reality the psyche cannot. This shattering of the persona leaves these wraiths in an awkward battle between themselves, their madness, and their shadows.

You would think that their madness would tear this legion apart, yet it binds them strangely together. This legion is notorious for its loyalty. A brotherhood of understanding to some, a brotherhood of madness to others.

Note: All Penitent Legions start with a derangement.

Common Archetypes (Ranked by Frequency)

Deviant, Bon vivant, Avant garde, Child, Dreamer, Conniver

Common Shadow (Ranked by Frequency)

Leech, Parent, Monster, Freak

Merits & Flaws

Aura: 2pt merit. When your madness is about to strike you, you will get an advanced warning. A facial tick, a voice, something that will alert you to the rising of your delusions.

The Madness Escapes you: 5pt flaw. Sometimes your madness escapes you and your pandemonium will get out of control. This happens without warning and any costs for the arcanos has to be paid.


Common Arcanos

Not surprisingly these wraiths are able to channel their madness through their pathos. With the use of Pandemonium some wraiths find a little ease of mind by freeing their demons.

Legion Arcanos: **** Instill the Madness

With the use of this art a wraith may instill one of his derangements into another. He doesn't lose that derangement, but simply shares it.

System: Roll Manipulation+Pandemonium. Diff is the target's permanent willpower. The wraith chooses one of his derangements and it is instilled into the target for one scene. The wraith will not suffer from this derangement for that one scene. When the scene is up, the wraith then gains the derangement back. This art costs 2 pathos, 1 willpower, and 1 temporary angst. Rarest Arcanos

It is not known why Keening is hard for these wraiths. Some say it's only in their delusions, others say it's because the voice of their madness drowns the voice of their soul. All pathos, willpower, and angst costs are increased by one.

Famous Circles

The Cleaners: This circle specializes in exorcising the living from haunts. They are in high demand ever since the Amityville job.

The Redmen: When a wraith's madness becomes too much for him he becomes a danger to him and his fellows. These are the wraiths who are called upon to retire him. Those who are retired usually end up as equipment for the legion.

The Laughing Lady

She is many things, beautiful, grotesque, charming, uncouth, all these describe her and much more. She is never far from constant politicking and is very keen at it. She supports those she picks on a whim and is truly a wild card in any polotical arena.

History: After her execution, she found herself in the middle of a debate over her by the Grim and Penitent legions. She ended this arguement by joining the Penitent legion. She quickly proved her worth by spying on the other legions for her Lord. She was seen as a useful asset and was afforded special privilages. All this ended in 1946 when Frederick Nietzche lost his battle with Oblivion. She quickly seized power and took over the Lordship.

The Laughing Lady Mata Hari

Life: Exotic Dancer/Spy Death: Execution Regret: Guilt Nature/Demeanor: Bon Vivant/Avant Garde Backgrounds: Legacy 2, Notoriety 3, Status 9

Mata Hari loves her new "life" as a Deathlord. Her spies bring her information she uses to decide which way to vote. She knows the real powers are the Grim and Gaunt alliance and votes with them on certain things. Other times she votes with the Quiet Lord.

Relations with others

Allies: None Opposed: None Neutral: All

Views on the Others

Silent: They found life so painful they decided to end it. Great. Now they found themselves in even greater pain.

Pauper : Who am I, they ask. Who knows. All that matters is this side of the shroud. They can really appreciate that.

Emerald: These guys really know how to deal with life's little unexpected problems. Now if only they could handle deaths problems.

Grim: I'm not a cog in the machine, but they are. In order to do anything forms have to be filled out in triplicate. Give it a rest guys.

Gaunt: Cough! Cough! Uch! Oh sorry that's how they were in life. Let me show you how they are in death...

Iron: Well these old farts are great. They talk up a storm, but watch 'em hit the high road when trouble comes.

Fate: Our spies say there is something up. Scary bunch.

Renegades: These guys know what's up. They fight against a government that they just don't understand. Sounds rational to me.

Heretics: And they say I'm crazy!

Transcendence: I believe in it, but I know the reality that I'll never see it. Renegades Expanded

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected])


Freedom-fighters, terrorists, revolutionaries, and rabble rousers. All these are used to describe and classify them. One thing is true about them; the Hierarchy is their hated enemy, and the feeling is mutual.

It's hard to classify a group of unorganized wraiths who have only one thing in common: hatred for the Hierarchy rule. The Hierarchy has classified them into four groups (pg. 78 WPG). Political dissidents, Philosophical Idealists, Fugitives, and Situational Renegades.

This works fine for the Hierarchy, but the Renegades see themselves differently. They classify themselves through methodology rather than beliefs or situations. This is due to the fact that their beliefs and situations are too similar. They use these terms to divide themselves: Idealists, Terrorists, and Subversives. Each of these Groups have their own beliefs, and ways of fighting the Hierarchy.

What makes a Renegade a Renegade?

The decision to fight against a government is a difficult one, and isn't decided upon hastily. This decision is the one common thread that binds all Renegades. It's what is called a Defining Moment. It's what they tell their Circle mates, their students, and their enemies. The Defining Moment is the moment in a wraith's life he decided to fight back. Every Renegade holds this as a personal triumph and uses it to bolster his resolve.

System: During character creation, a Renegade character must have his defining moment As his number one passion. No other passion may have a higher rating than this. Also should a Renegade character be caught and interrogated by the Hierarchy she may use Stamina and Her Defining Moment rating to resist the interrogation. (It is highly recommended that the defining moment be role-played during the prelude or during the chronicle.)

Who goes there? Or How do I know you're a Renegade?

The way to identify a fellow Renegade is different in each Necropoli. Some use hand signals, while some will use passwords. One way that is universal is the retelling of the Defining moment. Few Hierarchy spies can speak about their 'defining moment' with the true passion a Renegade has. Upon entering Renegade territory, the wraith will first be watched and then approached by three or four Renegades who will then ask her questions as to who she is, and certain other information. While this is going on, there will be several passwords that are injected into the questions. If the wraith in question picks up on these and answers correctly, then the questioning moves on to the second part. This is usually the question, "How did you get to be here?" The wraiths are not asking the directions you took, they are asking about her Defining moment. Should she slip up, The questioning is over and the wraiths book out of there. If she doesn't slip up, she is then trusted and brought to the local camp.

My Enemy my friend?

There are many ex-legionnaire's in Renegade society. They just don't hold any true positions of power. They are often put into the most hazardous situations and suicide missions. They put up with this knowing that they are not trusted, but at least they are free. Renegade society does put A difference upon service in the Legions. If you were a legionnaire for a short time, the trust factor is higher than it would be for a legionnaire who spent years in service of the Hierarchy.

How do I join?

So you want to join, eh? Well it's not as simple as going to your local recruitment office. The first thing is to find the Renegades. This is easier than it sounds. The moment you cross into Renegade territory you will be confronted by them. This part is critical. Any mistake could get you sent into a Destruction Harrowing. They'll question you and you must make sure they understand your intentions of joining.

They'll be skeptical at first, but will take you to their camp (moliating your eyes first of course). Here they will question you some more, and then test you by sending you out on a mission against the Hierarchy. This mission is called a Truth. Most Truths are very difficult and will usually involve sending a Hierarchy agent into a Destruction Harrowing. The perspective Renegade will be followed secretly by other Renegades to see if the mission is completed. At it's completion the Renegades will hurry back to the camp to give a report on the Truth. When the recruit finds his way back he is confronted by another test called the Lie. The Lie usually involves the Renegades calling the recruit a liar and by saying he has no proof that the mission was completed. Should the recruit offer proof it will be refuted. This goes on for awhile until they see the recruit begin to break down. This is usually the last test and the Renegades will admit to having been there when the Truth was completed. The recruit is then assigned a circle and is semi-watched for about a year. If his service to the circle is without Incident, he becomes a full Renegade. If there is an incident he will be destroyed.


A Thought: A circle of Idealists wraiths.

A Cell: A circle of Terrorists wraiths.

A Murder : A circle of Subversives wraiths.

A Truth: A test to prove your worth, and willingness to be a Renegade.

A Lie: Another test during recruitment.

A Boundman: A Hierarchy wraith marked for destruction by a Murder.

Lost boy: A Renegade who has been caught by the Hierarchy and is marked for destruction for what he knows.

Camp: A haunt belonging to a Cell/Murder/Thought of Renegades. Servitores

By Mist ([email protected])

I took my Oath of service as a boy. It was never necessary for my master to blood bond me, for I served out of love of my master. I serve him still though he knows it not.

-- Wilhelm, A child of the Tremere


Even the dead have legends, and Servitores are but one of those legends. Servitores are wraiths who are bound by Oaths taken in life. Because the Oath is taken in life it binds the entire person's soul: psyche, shadow and eidolon. Thus Servitores, while acting to fulfill their Oaths, are whole and have many strange abilities that other wraiths are at a loss to explain.

The Oath

In early times Oaths were magic. The taking of an Oath was a serious thing and never done lightly. The breaking of an Oath had serious supernatural reprecussions, including death and worse. The keeping of an Oath was sure to garner special favors from the spirits of the world and hereafter.

When living, the person that eventually becomes a Servitore takes an Oath of service to a person, country, or institution. This Oath may be as simple as "I will serve faithfully for all my days," or as complex as the Oaths taken by teutonic knights or catholic priests. The Oath, regardless of to whom or what it was made to means everything to the person who makes it. The Oath is that person's only reason to exist.

The Oath as Fetter and Passion

The Oath once taken is irrevocable and may have unforeseen effects upon a person once they die. But an Oath is not a fetter, for it is intangible. It is not a passion, for words spoken with emotion are not the emotion.

Negative passions such as hate, fear, or anger shape the way an Oath is interpreted and perhaps even the way it is fulfilled. The same for positive passions such as love, honor, or loyalty.

The Oath is both fetter and passion. It binds a wraith to the lands of the living. At the same time it gives the wraith a reason for continuing to exist.


When death claims the Oathmaker, regardless of how, the Oath still binds the soul to the living realm. Those who become Servitores usually die while attempting to fulfill their Oaths. Even those who serve a full lifetime, dying of natural causes and in bed, may become Servitores. Others die while breaking their Oaths and thus serve out of penance and not loyalty.

For some duty is everything.


For others duty is a chain that locks their souls to the realms of living. Not all Servitores are happy about serving even after death. Some wish to be free of their Oaths. They come to resent those they serve, whether it be family, liege, country, or church. But the resentful Servitore may never willfully or knowingly do anything that violates their Oath. Not even the Shadow of a Servitore may violate the Oath, for the Oath was made when the Shadow was not separate from the psyche.

Breaking the Oath

It is far better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven. -- Milton, Paradise Lost

When the Oath generates resentment from the psyche, shadow or both, a Servitore may seek to break the chain of the Oath. This is never easy and always results in loss of special benefits and special restrictions. Servitores who wish to break their Oath must complete a long and arduous quest. The quest first leads the Servitore to the method she must use to break the Oath. The second part of the quest is the accomplishment of the method, almost never as easy as it sounds. The third part of the quest is either freedom or bleakest disappointment.


The search for and results of performing the method of Oath breaking are entirely up to the storyteller. This section only suggests a few possible ways in which an Oath may be broken.

The method of Oath breaking may appear as simple as having the recipient (person, country, or institution) of the Oath release the Servitore from service. Methods discovered and performed may be so complex as to be nearly impossible. Rituals that must be performed by living, acts of atrocity to be performed by the dead or both may be part of deliberate Oath breaking.


It is easier to simply serve. Fulfillment of the duties of an Oath may be done by following the intent or the letter. (It is suggested that regardless of which style of fulfillment the player chooses that the Oath be written down and a copy kept by both player and storyteller.) Those who serve with resent and reluctance in their souls try to pervert their Oath. This is very difficult and has severe consequences for the Servitore. The least of these consequences is intense physical pain while trying something that is against the Oath. Not even the Shadow of a Servitore may act freely.

To deliberately go against the letter or intent of an Oath Servitore or her Shadow must make a Willpower roll with 3 successes at a difficulty of 7. This will allow the most superficial perversion of the Oath. To go all out against an Oath a Servitore or her Shadow must make a Willpower roll with 3 successes at 10.

The consequence of deliberately perverting the intent or letter of an Oath may nothing more than gain Angst for the Shadow. However, some Servitores suffer physically when they reject their Oaths and lose a level of Corpus.

The storyteller always has final say at to what is true fulfillment of the letter or intent of an Oath, likewise the perversion of an Oath.

Accepting the role of Servitore does have rewards, even when the acceptance is reluctant.

Benefits of the Oath

Servitores, regardless of their willingness, benefit from their Oath. While acting to fulfill their oath Servitores are more likely to succeed at any given task. Servitores have an easier time visiting the Skinlands. Some tales of Servitores even have them taking flesh form for a short time.

Servitores, while acting to fulfill their Oath gain 1 automatic success to all rolls. However, when an extended test is involved the automatic success is exactly 1. For example, a Servitore must climb a tree to get away from an enraged Gurahl, while protecting an artifact from the Gurahl. The Servitore needs 10 success at 6 to climb out of range of the Gurahl. The Servitore gets 1 automatic success and must roll 9 more successes. If the Servitore botches and manages to get a second chance to climb the tree, she would again need 1 automatic success and 9 rolled successes to make it.

When their Oaths force a Servitore to the Skinlands the Servitore will find that it is easier to slip through the Shroud. The Shroud is effectively lowered by one for the Servitore. This is cumulative with any other lowering of the Shroud.

Losing all fetters will not free a Servitore from her Oath. However, the Oath will protect the Servitore from harm and destruction because of such loss while in the Shadowlands. Should fulfilling an Oath require the Servitore who has lost all fetters into the Shadowlands the Servitore will be protected from harm that would normally result. A Servitore without fetters cannot enter the Skinlands. Upon completion of her task a Servitore usually has about fifteen minutes to get back into the lands of the dead or suffer destruction.

Whether a Servitore may appear as a mortal to other mortals is up to the storyteller. Should a Servitore be able to interact with mortals on their own level the wraith is at risk of gaining fetters and passions.

Frequent visits to the Shadowlands and the Skinlands may give the Shadow an upper hand. Then again maybe not.

Kingdoms of the Dead

Servitore legends are known in all of the lands of the dead. Though Servitores may be known by other names.

Heretics, Renegades, and Hierarchs Servitores are more likely to be Heretics or Renegades than members of Hierarchy. The Oath that any given Servitore takes makes them more likely to interact with the Quick, something the Hierarchy would prefer not happen. Heretics and Renegades, however, attempt to use Servitores for their own ends.

Servitores know when any act will violate their Oath, because such acts cause them physical pain.


The Arcanos of choice among Servitores is Embody. Puppetry, Outrage and any other Arcanoi, which affect the Skinlands are also favored. Servitores may have their own unique Arcanoi but if so they are lost.

Final Word

The Servitore wraith is a concept meant to allow a player who wishes to continue play with the same character after reaching "final death" a chance of doing so. It can also be used as an NPC to weird out or help the characters. As with all role-playing games this set of thoughts is a guide for possibility not the fulfillment of the possiblity. SILENT LEGION

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected]) (18 October 1996)

"Don't try to do it, don't try to kill your times you might do it, then you can't change your mind You have to hold on to your mind till you break through these times of trouble."

-- Temple of the Dog


The bathwater was an off red color now. So were the words, he thought as he continued to stare at the letter through heavy eyes. But it was the two words that kept running through his head; Irreconcilable Differences. It kept at him, and he could hear it in her voice.

He slipped under the lukewarm water for a moment. He could hear his heart and it was slowing. Good it was time.

It was time.

Cold, he sat up. No longer was he in his tub. His vision blurry, he stood up. All around he could hear sounds. He rubbed his eyes and looked around again. Something fell from his face and he could see. It was his bathroom alright, but it looked...old. He turned to the tub, and collapsed when he saw what was laying there.

{Irreconcilable differences}

His body looked bloated, and his nose...he turned away, face in his hands.

"Get up, son."

Startled he stood. A tall man with a strange breastplate was looking at him.

"Who are you! What are you?" Tony stammered.

"Josh of the Legion of Paupers. Legionnaire of the Republic of Stygia. I see we have joined the Silent legion," he said looking at the body.

Tony looked at his body laying in the tub, and he knew then he had made a mistake.


To be one of the Silent legion is to be one of the forsaken; those poor souls who thought that ending their lives would be the end all. The promise of Heaven, or Hell, or even nothingness unfulfilled, they are tortured by their continued existences. That is what it means to be one of the legion.

Or so they say.

There are many who live up to the stereotype, but not all. Some see this as a second chance, others as a way to finally "live." Whatever the case may be, this is where they belong, and this is where they are taught to serve.

Common Archetypes (Ranked by frequency)

Martyr, Leader, Follower, Traditionalist, Rebel, Caregiver, Architect

Common Shadows (Ranked by frequency)

Perfectionist, Director, Abuser, Bully

Merits and Flaws

Mark of Honor : 2pt merit. For something you did in the past that the legion was impressed by you were given this honor. It gives you a +1 to all social rolls outside your legion. It gives a +2 to all social rolls in your legion.

Mark of Shame: 2pt flaw. For something that you did in the past that the legion considered shameful you were marked for it. It gives you a -1 to all social rolls outside your legion, while in your legion it's a -2.

Deaths reminder : 2pt flaw. Some wraiths (especially the Silent legion) have the visage of their death upon their corpus. Example if you slit your wrists your corpus would have slit wrists as well. Attempts to moliate this will fail.


The most common arcanos is, strangely enough, Keening. No one is sure why, but there are many theories. The most prominent one is that maybe their final desperate cry for help and attention was finally given voice. All Silent legions begin with a free dot in Keening.

Legion Arcanos Keening: **** Sound the Call

The Silent legion was the first to use this art to send messages in a domain. Using an elaborate system of notes, a legionnaire can send a vocal message to anyone within a three mile radius without compromising the message.

System: Roll Stamina+Keening(difficulty 7) This art costs 2 pathos.

The rarest arcanos found in the Silent legion is Puppetry. It's said that their suicide severed their ties with life and that returning to that life is just too hard for them. All pathos, willpower, and angst costs are increased by one.

Famous Circles and Orders

The Order of Simon: This order believes that their wraithly existence is a travesty. They work to help those wraiths who wish to rest in peace.

The Bearers of Light: This circle helps spread the word of Transcendance to their legionary brothers. While they are not highly regarded they are left alone.

The Quiet Lord

There are many rumors as to who he/she is, and just as many candidates. Socrates, Paul the Apostle, and Joan of Arc, have all been rumored to be the Quiet lord. Speculation continues and the Deathlord has remained silent.

History: After his defeat in 71bc, he was assumed dead. His remaining men were rounded up and asked to identify his body. The men knowing he was alive and among them would not comply. The Romans, angered by this, gave an ultimatum that if no one would identify him they would all be crucified.

Knowing that his men would never give him up, he stood, but his men began to stand as well and hundreds of voices cried: "I'm Spartacus!"

The Romans decided to crucify all of them. Many became wraiths, and Spartacus and his men joined the Hierarchy after witnessing the forces of Oblivion at work. He served the legion well and soon rose up the ranks.

In 217 A.D. Socrates Transcended, and Spartacus became the Quiet Lord where he has served to this day.

The Quiet Lord Spartacus

Life: Gladiator Death: Martyr Regret: Failure Nature/Demeanor: Leader/Visionary Backgrounds: Eidolon 5, Legacy 3, Status 9, Memoriam 3

Spartacus is one of the oldest Deathlords. He has kept himself from Transcending out of a strong sense of duty towards his legion. Lately, he has been alarmed at the way the Hierarchy has been fracturing into seven different factions. He has been trying to change this, but has met with little success.

Relations with the others

Allies: Paupers, Emerald Opposed: Grim, Gaunt

Neutral: Iron, Fate, Penitant

Views of the Silent Legion

Paupers: These mystery men have got it easy. I'd like my former life to be erased.

Emerald: Accidents can happen, and that's too bad. They make nice comrades though.

Grim: All these guys want to do is fight, or swamp you with red tape. Give them a wide berth and maybe they won't bust you up. Maybe.

Iron: Wise men and women. They have the true wisdom that comes with age. Listen to them well.

Penitent: Their madness is their weakness. Cold, calculating, brrrrr.

Gaunt: These are a pitiable bunch. They don't talk much, and they're worth even less.

Fate: Nice enough folks. Odd how they all fit together like that.

Renegades: Sure this ain't the greatest system, but it's all we've got. These guys would tear it all down and then what?

Heretics: Fanatics, all of them. Dangerous ones too. All of them, just chasing a pipe dream.

Transcendence: Do I look like I believe in transcendence! SUBVERSIVE RENEGADES

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected]). Refer to the Renegades Expanded.


Subversives: the word brings fear to the heart of any Hierarchy Official who hears it. Rumors abound in the Hierarchy about this secretive faction of Renegades. Some say that they are assassins, other say they are elite spies, and those who know that both rumors are true don't exist very long.

Character Creation

Common Archetypes: (in order of frequency) Loner, Survivor, Driven, Bravo, Gambler

Common Shadows: (in order of frequency) Director, Freak, Rationalist, Perfectionist

Attributes: Any Attribute can be primary, though social often is.

Common Abilities: Acting and investigation are the most highly taught and sought after skills.

Common Arcanoi: The most common Arcanoi are Mnemosynis, and Moliate. They are used in every aspect of Subversive operation.


The Subversives have only one method of combating the Hierarchy. They have used it for a very long time, and practice makes perfect. The Subversives study a particular corrupt Hierarchy official, then organize a Cohort (called a Murder) that has easy access to the target (called a Boundman). The Murder studies the Boundman until they feel that the time is right. The Murder then Moliates one of their members into the exact visage of the Boundman. The Murder then kidnaps the Boundman and replaces him temporarily with the Moliated member (called an Actor). The Murder then use extensive Mnemosynis upon the Boundman, transferring his memories to another of their group (called a Thespian). When all the memories are transferred, the Actor is replaced by the Thespian. The Thespian then begins to either discredit the Boundman, or take his place and right all the crimes that the Boundman committed. When he is done, the Thespian fakes his own Obliviation, and rejoins his group. The Boundman, if he was discredited, has his memories wiped of the kidnapping, and returned to his position to face the music. If he was replaced, he is soulforged. When the assignment is over both the Actor and the Thespian, are returned to their old visages and the Murder move on to the next target. This method is called Boundings.

The Makeup of a Murder

A Murder generally has from three to four members, each specializing in an aspect of their job. They specialize in Mnemosynis, Moliate, acting, and investigation. This allows each member to concentrate on his particular task, as one slip up can bring utter disaster.


The Subversives are very different from the other factions of Renegades in their opinion of the Hierarchy. They believe that the Hierarchy is a good organization. It is certain corrupt officials that drag its ideals down. They hope that by eliminating these officials, the Hierarchy may once again be the force for good it once was.

Guild Affiliation

Not surprisingly, the Mnemoi, and the Masquers, are the patrons of this renegade faction. The guilds offer instruction, inside information, and oboli to the cause. The guilds are smart enough, however, to know not to push this faction, as they may become their next targets.

Famous Murders The Masqs: The Masqs operate out of Los Angeles, and have been involved in over thirty Boundings, between its members. They are considered the unofficial leaders of the Subversives.

The Underground: This Murder, located in Paris, France, is made up of all Actors and Thespians. They are all on call for those who need a 'professional touch' to their Boundings.

El Diablo: This Murder is considered very unconventional, even in renegade society. They kidnap their Boundman, and then announce the deed to the local Hierarchy. they then release the Hierarch and watch as the Hierarchy torture the 'imposter' for information.

Famous Subversive: Number One

No one is sure what his real name is. Some say even he isn't sure. No. 1 has been a Thespian twenty times in his career and is considered the best. He is called upon for only the toughest assignments, and is insulted with anything less.

Views of the Subversives

Idealists: They have the ear of the people, which is good, but they don't do a damn thing with it. A pity.

Terrorists: Their methods are a last resort. We want the citizens to understand and join us, not fear and hate us. They need to learn to deal with their anger.

The Hierarchy: Hey there are worse governments. This one is fine; it's the people running it who need to be taken out. Once we take care of those who use and abuse the system, we'll all be better off.

The Heretics; I have never seen anyone Transcend, so I don't believe. On the other hand, when I was still alive I never saw a ghost either... TERRORIST RENEGADES

By Dave and Kim Seward ([email protected]). Refer to the Renegades Expanded.


When one thinks of Renegades, these wraiths are truly the image it conjures: fanatics who are willing to face any obstacle in order to bring down the local Citadel. The fight is constant, the fight is all and these wraiths embody this. Yet there is more to them than the fight. There is a passionate vision of something better.

Character Creation

Common Archetypes: (in order of frequency) Rebel, Survivor, Visionary, Driven, Bravo

Common Shadows: (in order of frequency) Lover, Monster, Freak, Parent

Attributes: Physical Attributes are Primary, though anything can be Secondary.

Common Abilities: Politics, Strategy, City Knowledge, as well as any combat oriented skill, or talent

Common Arcanoi: Due to the constant struggle and need for fresh weapons, Outrage and Inhabit are the most commonly found. Both are used at the highest of skill level, for an incompetent Terrorist ends up as a tasteful desk accessory.


Many of these methods involve violence and are fairly direct and simple. It's in the application that's unique.

Ambush: This method involves getting your targets into a situation that is unfavorable to them, but favorable to you. This is very violent and usually ends with one side being sent to a Harrowing.

What it will get you: If it works you will have one less patrol to worry about. If it backfires, you will be destroyed or soul-forged.

Assassination: Usually the Subversives handle this, but when one is not available, Terrorists feel more than competent in using this tactic against a particularly hated official.

What it will get you: If successful, it will rid you of an agent of the Hierarchy. It will also mean that an enormous amount of pressure will be put on the Renegades as the Hierarchy will begin searching for the assassin. If it backfires, you will be destroyed no questions asked.

Supply lines: The destruction of supply or communication lines are one of the most devastating methods a Cell can use against a Necropolis. This usually requires a wellplaced spy on the inside.

What it will get you: If successful it will cause confusion, and demoralization of a Necropolis. If caught, you will be sent to the forges.

Byway Robbery: Fighting a monolithic government is expensive, and this method helps pay the cost. It is an easy way to acquire oboli, weapons, and other goods. Cells who use this method are called Robins.

What it will get you: Oboli, weapons, and goods. Also a fair price on one's head.

The makeup of a Cell

Many Cells are made up of diverse elements and each lend their unique talents and skills to the fight against the Hierarchy. Some Cells are very specialized and concentrate on only one or two methods of fighting. Some Cells take a militaristic view of their Cell and organize it accordingly. It generally goes along with the views of the leader and how well he leads his Cell. A bad leader won't stay leader for very long.


The Terrorists believe that the Hierarchy is too corrupt and vile to serve and govern. While there may be an uncorrupted official somewhere, it is only a matter of time before even he succumbs. The Terrorists feel that they must tear down the whole of the Hierarchy . When this is done they shall create a better government, one that realizes the worth of the individual.

Guild Affiliation

The Artificers and the Spooks find these Renegades great breeding grounds for talented wraiths. They manipulate these wraiths to destroy enemies of their respective guilds. The Artificers support Terrorists by teaching them to forge weapons, and oboli with which to lend to the great fight. The Spooks instruct them on their particular Arcanos and offer advise on tactics and stratagems. While some Terrorists do not like the idea of being allied with guilds, it's hard to turn down weapons, and oboli.

Famous Cells

The Collins gang: This cell is made up of five men who were once on their way to the forges. They escaped together and decided to fight together against those who would enslave others.

Hellbent: These wraiths rebel because the know of no other lifestyle. Made up of gang bangers, and bikers, they roam the Shadowlands looking for a good fight.

The United Front: This rather large cell (thirty members) have been trying for the past decade, to unite all Renegades. They have met with little success.

Famous Terrorist: John Collins

During the twenties, John was a simple farmer with a large farm. When the Stock Market crash occurred John lost everything. He, in a fit of despair, put a shotgun to his head.

When he awoke, he found himself being chained up and walking toward a forge. He didn't like the looks of this and asked what was happening. When he was told he was to be forged, John made up his mind to never give up again. He lashed out at his captors and a riot began. He and four other escaped together and now he leads them in the fight against the new governor of the New York Necropolis.

Views of the Terrorists

Idealists: They claim to have a message. That would be fine if anyone cared. They don't understand that the average Joe Hierarchy would rather soulforge you than listen to that message.

Subversives: Sneaky bastards. We have a lot in common, but if they had to fight out in the open, they'd be worthless.

The Hierarchy: Maybe they had noble intentions once, but no longer. Even Rome fell; they will too.

The Heretics: Sick freaks. Give them some space 'cause when they come calling, it's time to be somewhere else. SONS OF TERTULLIAN

By Lars Strøbæk ([email protected])


Despite the Shroud and the Dictum Mortuum, wraiths have always meddled with the lands of the living, at least in part due to their still mortal Fetters. Though rarely malevolent, the fear they put into the hearts of men cannot be measured. Several groups exist in the Skinlands that are dedicated to oppose the Restless Dead and their interfering in mortal affairs. Outstanding among them are the Sons of Tertullian.

The Sons are a subgroup of the Society of Leopold, the holy Inquisition whose mission it is to cleanse the earth of the minions of Satan, namely the demons, witches and vampires that lurk among humanity. The Society's standpoint is that the supernatural entities of the World of Darkness have, through their actions and nature, proven themselves to be the servants of the Antichrist and sworn enemies of humanity.

The level of orthodoxy within the Society varies greatly. Where the Sanbenito, ex-inquisitors believing in mercy rather than hatred, are one extreme, the Sons of Tertullian are the other. The common opinion among the Sons is that all that stand in the way of their holy mission must be possessed or otherwise manipulated by the Devil, and that the cause is all that matters. This zealousness have driven many Tertullians to cruel and inhuman acts, such as the use of torture on the possessed and other consorts.

Where most Inquisitors see vampires as humanity's foremost enemy, the Sons of Tertullian see the insidious and subtle spirits of the dead as being equally, if not more dangerous than their material counterparts. Although several opinions can be heard within the Society about the Restless Dead, the view of the Tertullians is the one most often referred to. They claim that the beings known as ghosts are truly the spirits of the deceased. But instead of going to Heaven or Hell, these twisted souls have been deemed vile enough by Lucifer Himself to serve Him by terrorizing and possessing innocent mortal bodies and doing the Devil's work. The Sons combat these evil spirits mainly by exorcising the possessed, and, on rare occasions, by venturing into the Underworld to pursue a particularly diabolical soul. The latter is usually the province of the elusive Sect of St. James.

Despite their expertise on exorcisms, the Sons of Tertullian have very little information about the Underworld and its inhabitants. They consider all the Restless they encounter to be "evil spirits", and make little attempt to identify the nature of the souls with whom they deal. That the dead have a society of their own is incomprehensible to most Sons. The Tertullians themselves, however, have a detailed ranking system ranging from the First to the Seventh Rank. Advancement is regulated through practical knowledge, so monitoring a certain number of exorcisms could be the requirement for a rise in rank, for instance.

The Sect of St. James

This subgroup within a subgroup is one of the strangest within the Society. Despite the Sons' conservative religious standpoint, the St. James believe in suicide as a means of entering Heaven. Their rationale is that the greatest sacrifice you can offer the Lord is your own life, and that this act of devotion proves their honest love of God. Many also believe that their deaths will absolve the Inquisition's sins and strengthen the cause of Christianity, mimicking the act of our Lord Jesus Christ. They see the Restless Dead as an affront to their zeal, believing them unwilling to embrace the grace of our Lord and find peace in Heaven. To this end they constantly seek out wraithly manifestations, trying to convince them to accept the glory of an ascent into Heaven, and failing that, to banish them to the pits of Hell.

The famed Swords of St. James are unique to the Sect, being potent religious artifacts without actually being relics. Each member forges his own Sword, using secret rites known only to the St. James, but he is usually assisted by a senior member of the Sect. The favored method of suicide is by one's own Sword -- after the member feels he has fulfilled his duty to the Sect and has deserved Paradise -- but hanging or exposure are considered equally appropriate methods of sacrifice. The Swords of St. James are widely feared by wraiths, as are their wielders, for they are able to do great damage to the corpora of the Restless Dead.

Unbeknownst to the Sect, their high-raving ideals have the unintentional effect of feeding Oblivion. If a member's suicide does not hurl him into Void, but turns him into a wraith instead, then his Shadow in almost all cases takes advantage of the despair he experiences from not having reached Heaven, but the twilight existence he spent his life combating instead. Even in life, members of the Sect are brimming with angst and despair, combined with an unwavering faith, and are an exceptionally grim faction of an already desperate Society.

Other sects within the Sons of Tertullian exist, but they are little known. The Sect of Mary is the small female counterpart to the Sect of St. James, while the Children of Solomon preach knowledge before action.

Character Creation

The creation of a Sons of Tertullian character does not differ from that explained in The Inquisition, but some extra considerations should be made. The special involvement of the Sons means that they rarely participate in regular autos-da-fe, but concentrate on the grueling exorcisms of unwilling wraiths from their consorts (The art of exorcism is covered by the Warding rules in the Wraith rulebook). Willpower is the most important trait for an aspiring Tertullian, as it is vital for a successful Warding. Social or Mental attributes are often primary, especially Manipulation, Perception and Wits, and Stamina is vital for physical as well as spiritual endurance. Knowledges are nearly always the primary choice of Abilities, with emphasis on Occult, Medicine, Rites and Scripture, though Intimidation, Interrogation and Torture are also favored.

The question of True Faith is very relevant in the case of the Sons. On one hand, Faith in the merits of your actions is the basis of exorcism, and helps considerably during the act itself. On the other, with the widespread use of torture on victims of possession, it is nearly impossible to maintain high levels of Humanity. Basically, generalization is not applicable, and those Sons that do not practice torture are as likely to have True Faith as those that do are to have high Willpower. The St. James, however, frequently do possess Faith scores of 2 or more, as they often have very high Conscience scores and would never engage in torture.

The Sect of St. James, exclusively male, is more martially inclined than the rest of the Sons of Tertullian. They see a powerful body as a worthier sacrifice than a weak one, as well as the advantages of physical fitness when it comes to confronting the Restless on their home turf. The members of the Sect relish their role as martyrs, and their altruistic fervor often leads them to flagellation and overexertion. High Strength and especially Stamina scores are paramount for the austere Sect members.

An Inquisitor of the Sect of St. James can, if he possesses four dots in the Relic Background, choose to begin play with his own Sword of St. James. This artifact usually takes the form of a cavalry saber or similar blade, and does Strength + 3 lethal damage against physical beings. Against wraiths, spectres and other souls, however, this damage is aggravated. The sword can be used both against materialized or possessing wraiths, but will also be carried across the Shroud if its owner does.


The Rituals used by the Sons of Tertullian are purely Christian ones that allow the Lord's will to be focused into certain actions. In order to learn a particular ritual, the student has to possess a number of dots in the Rituals knowledge equal to the level of the Ritual, indicating how complex and extensive the procedure is.

The Kiss of Heaven

Level 2

A special type of exorcism practiced only by the Sons of Tertullian, it focuses the exorcist's anger in order to scare away the possessing spirit. The process differs little from a normal Forbiddance, but the exorcist must choose to "set aside" a number of dice from the Willpower roll. These dice are not used in the roll. Instead, if the Willpower roll is successful, the exorcised spirit takes a number of Corpus levels of damage, soakable by Stamina, equal to the number of dice set aside.

Remembering that your True Faith rating is added to all Willpower rolls, and the effects of The Healing Touch, this ritual is the reason the Sons are considered masters in the field of exorcism.

The Healing Touch

Level 3

This Ritual is described in The Quick and the Dead, but is used here with the following correction: The initial roll to cut off the skin from the scalp should be Dexterity + Torture, not Manipulation + Intimidation.

The Descent into Hell

Level 3

This Ritual is also described, in great detail, in the Quick and the Dead.

The Martyr's Quest

Level 4

In order to affect wraiths that are not possessing human bodies, the Sons of Tertullian have devised a Ritual that allows one of their number to temporarily cross the Shroud. About a dozen Inquisitors are normally present, chanting, but the Ritual itself must be performed by a nominated Liturgian. The subject of the Ritual, he who is to actually make the cross, has to bring himself into a trance; this requires a Willpower roll (difficulty 10 minus the character's Meditation score). Then the Liturgian recites the appropriate litanies, which takes about an hour, after which he makes a True Faith roll (difficulty 7) and dabs the subject's eyelids with Holy Water. If the roll fails, the subject falls out of the trance, and another attempt cannot be made until the next day. If the roll is a success, the subject can attempt to force himself across the Shroud with a Willpower roll, difficulty of the local Shroud. If successful he fades away from the Skinlands and into the Shadowlands, bringing with him only his Sword of St. James, provided he has one and was touching it while in the trance. The subject can stay in the Underworld for a number of hours equal to the number of successes gained on the Liturgian's final roll. If he is not in the Shadowlands when time runs out, his spirit is lost in the Tempest or wherever he is at the time. If the Willpower roll fails, his body does not make the cross but his soul does. This can be quite disturbing for the unprepared Inquisitor. His consciousness fades into the Shadowlands, leaving his comatose body behind. In this state he appears in the Shadowlands as a thin, ethereal shape, and his Manipulation score takes the place of Strength, his Wits replaces Dexterity, and his Intelligence becomes Stamina. The duration is the same as above. If the Willpower roll botches, he is rebuffed with such power that he is knocked unconscious or some similar effect, and loses a point of permanent Willpower.

This Ritual requires the same three days of praying and fasting as the Descent into Hell, and the two Rituals are usually performed simultaneously on the subject, but normally only special days when the Shroud is known to be weak. The only Inquisitors strong enough to undertake the journey across the Shroud are generally the Sect of St. James, but it is not unheard of for other Tertullians to try. TRUE BELIEVERS

By Dave Seward ([email protected])

"In God we trust."


Faith; it's an overused word, with many definitions to many people. To the true believer, it is more than just a word, it's a lifestyle. To them it is more than just lip service you receive on Sundays, and then disregard for the rest of the week. True believers know that going to church on Sunday doesn't make you faithful anymore than walking into a garage makes you an automobile. Faith is something that must be practiced diligently each and everyday of the week. It fills you, and guides you with the promise of eternal reward, or eternal damnation.

Everyone has a deep need for the spiritual, the knowledge that there must be more than just this mortal coil we have found ourselves willing or unwillingly participants of. Some faithful look to the heavens for their guidance, to some unknowable benevolent God that has given his only son to die for their sins. To others, they look deep within themselves, believing that they are more than this crude flesh that they wear. That they are a part of a bigger picture and that we are all a tiny piece of the universe that has taken on a decidedly human experience.

Whichever the case, these believers wear their faiths like winter coats, hugging them against the cold wind of skepticism, sharing them with others, taking them to whereever they roam. Whatever religion they follow, be it Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, or Islam, the faithful will endure whatever test that is presented to them, be it scientific theory, or even the ultimate test -- the Shadowlands.

The Shadowlands is the ultimate test of faith for any faithful person. To some, it is the final test that breaks their will, a broken promise by a cruel or nonexistent God. To others, it is the second chance, a chance to spread their beliefs to those who truly need it. To those who were sinful or unminding of the disciplines of faith, they must spread the word, and bring even those who God saw fit to place here, to Heaven. A second chance to fight evil, the true evil of Oblivion, like they could not do in life. Now they have the power to do so, and do so willingly, rightfully, and yes even legally.

Common Archetypes

Fanatic, Caregiver, Martyr, Traditionalist

Common Shadows

Freak, Martyr, Rager, Rationalist

Common Arcanoi

Due to their inner need to preach and spread the word of their religion, True Believers find that Keening works best for them. Whether through the use song or just the sound of their voice, True Believers always have at least one dot in Keening. Another common Arcanoi to be found among True Believers is Castigate. What better way to fight sin, than to quash the evil found within each wraith. Many True Believers are in fact Guildswraiths.

True Faith Merit

Note: The True Faith merit has gone through many revisions over the course of the years and I have added some ideas that I use for Wraith, as I believe it has special consideration in this game.

This merit works exactly as the Wraith Players guide with the following exceptions:

You may add your True Faith rating to your Expression ability if your are preaching or defending your faith. In fact any tens on the roll may be added to temporary Willpower, and may exceed your permanent rating. However, the temporary Willpower points gained in this manner are lost after the scene in which they are gained.

You may add your True Faith rating to your roll to resist your Shadow. This may be used only once per story.

You may use your True Faith against spectres in the same manner as used against Vampires. The roll is Manipulation + True Faith vs. the spectre's Being. A botch infuriates the spectre even more, and True Faith is temporarily lost, and can be regained (up to ST as to how). Success drives the spectre back, duration again is up to the ST. Note that this power does not work on Malfeans at all. Period.

Guild Affiliation

True Believers find certain Guilds to be very much on the same wavelength as they are. They have a special relationship with the Pardoners, as they are very much involved in helping wraiths find inner peace and their way to Transcendance.

True Believer Circles

The Brotherhood of Saints: The Brotherhood of Saints is a circle of True Believers. They believe themselves to be caught between Heaven and Hell, and they hope to find a way to enter Heaven. This belief has led them into contact with the Far Shores. They are not certain that Heaven is there, but neither are they certain it's not. The Brotherhood is made up of mostly Christians, but any denomination that believes i n God's heaven, can join. They do however, exclude anyone they find 'lacking'. The definition of this word changes case by case, and is at the whim of the circle.

Light of the World Circle: This Circle of True Believers has gained notoriety throughout the Hierarchy as constant flaunters of the Dictum Mortem. The Circle's methods are extreme to say the least, though to some it is inspiring. The Circle use its wraithly powers to "prove" the existence of angels and therefore the existence of God. Each Circle member takes the name of an angel, and Moliates her features into angelic ones, wings and sexlessness, and then use Embody to appear to mortals as angels. Into doing this, they either save the mortal from danger and claim to be the mortal's "guardian angel" or to tell the mortal that they must change their ways lest they risk eternal Damnation. The Circle also visits churches regularly and appear during services it deems worthy. The most interesting part of all this is that its members really do believe that they are angels, sent to fight the onslaught of satanic Oblivion, and to guide the living.

The Preachers: This Circle travels the Shadowlands preaching the word of Transcendence through the word of Allah. They use Mohammed's teachings to bolster the faith of others and to help fight off the taint of Oblivion. They do not believe that Oblivion is the nothingness that it truly is. Instead they believe that to kill a spectre is to give it a second chance at life and wraithdom so that it can make wiser decisions than it did last time.

The Breakers of the Word: While not really a True Believer Circle, they do deserve a special note. The members of this Circle in life were once extremely faithful, almost to a fault. They lived their lives in true piety, basing all the aspects of their lives, their decisions upon the word of God, enduring the hardships of life with a smile and heart full of hope. When they died, they rejoiced, knowing that they would sit at the hand of God. Instead they ended up here in the Shadowlands, forsaken, lost. They wept at this at first believing that they had transgressed in some way. After further thought, they decided that they were in the right and that God was wrong. So now they will get the ultimate revenge by breaking each and every commandment -- again and again and again.

View on Transcendance

To the True Believer, Transcendence is the final judgement upon a soul. They believe that those who Transcend have finally been judged and either have been sent to Heaven or Hell. Those True Believers who take a universal approach in faith believe that the Transcended soul has been reborn and cast upon the karmic wheel once more.

Views on the Others

Charlatans: "These horrible souls plague our society and ruin any chances we may have in gaining the trust of those we seek to help. Expose them at all costs, and show those poor souls what true faith is."

Dark Revelers: "The wickedness of these -- creatures -- is a stain upon all of God's creations. Suffer no evil, and the light of God shall burn these Satan worshippers into the fiery pit they so richly deserve!"

The Hierarchy: "Poor, poor fools. Their constant denial of a higher power or of Transcendence works against them. Do they not know that every soul cries out for the touch of God?"

Renegades: "I do not pretend to understand them, but it seems that we share the same stigma that the Hierarchy put upon us. They are not our friends, nor even allies. We're just in the same boat."