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Download the Program Commencement Class of 2020 May 23, 2021 Celebrate UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE COMMENCEMENT MAY 23, 2021 WILDCAT STADIUM, 10 a.m. UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF NEW HAMPSHIRE BOARD OF TRUSTEES John W. Small, Chair Joseph G. Morone, Vice Chair Amy Begg, Secretary The Honorable Christopher T. Sununu, Governor, Ex-Officio Kassandra Spanos Ardinger Robert A. Baines Donald L. Birx, President, Plymouth State University, Ex-Officio Todd R. Black James P. Burnett III James W. Dean Jr., President, University of New Hampshire, Ex-Officio Frederick C. Dey M. Jacqueline Eastwood Frank Edelblut, Commissioner of Education, Ex-Officio Suzanne M. Foster Cathy J. Green Nadia Hasan, Keene State College Student Trustee Shawn N. Jasper, Commissioner, New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Ex-Officio Todd J. Leach, Chancellor, Ex-Officio Christian Merheb, UNH Student Trustee Kenneth C. Moulton Christopher M. Pope Mark Rubinstein, President, Granite State College, Ex-Officio J. Morgan Rutman Marjorie K. Smith, Designee for the Speaker of the House Donna M. Soucy, President of the Senate, Ex-Officio Wallace R. Stevens Melinda D. Treadwell, President, Keene State College, Ex-Officio Alexander J. Walker, Jr. PLATFORM PARTY James W. Dean Jr. President Wayne Jones Provost Allison MacPhee 2019-2020 Student Body President Erin Sharp Chair, Faculty Senate Ken Holmes Senior Vice Provost for Student Life Kate Ziemer Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Anthony Davis Dean, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture Michele Dillon Dean, College of Liberal Arts Deborah Merrill-Sands Dean, Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics Lou Ann Griswold Associate Dean, College of Health and Human Services Cyndee Gruden Dean, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance University Wind Symphony Andrew A. Boysen Conductor and Professor of Music OPENING OF THE CEREMONY James W. Dean Jr. President of the University (Please stand and remain standing through the Words of Inspiration.) THE NATIONAL ANTHEM Alexandra Burke ’20 WORDS OF INSPIRATION Timothy Hafner ’82 Intervarsity Campus Minister OPENING REMARKS James W. Dean Jr. President of the University GREETINGS FROM THE FACULTY SENATE Erin Sharp Chair of the Faculty Senate and Associate Professor of Human Development & Family Studies INTRODUCTION OF THE COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Allison MacPhee ’21 Former President of the Student Body 4 MAY 23, 2021 COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Wolf Blitzer Journalist HONORARY DEGREES David P. Brownell ’78 Retired Senior Vice President, Tyco International Conferred by President Dean Presented and Hooded by Wayne Jones Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs GRANITE STATE AWARD Jane A. Difley Retired President/Forester, Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests Conferred by President Dean Presented by Provost Jones CONFERRING OF DEGREES Conferred by President Dean Presented by the Deans Graduate School Dean Cari Moorhead ’99G College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and Dean Anthony Davis Thompson School of Applied Science College of Liberal Arts Dean Michele Dillon College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Dean Cyndee Gruden Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics Dean Deborah Merrill-Sands College of Health and Human Services Associate Dean Lou Ann Griswold ALMA MATER UNH Chamber Singers WELCOME TO THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Heidi Dufour Ames ’02 President of the Alumni Association Board of Directors CHARGE TO THE GRADUATES AND CLOSING REMARKS President Dean RECESSIONAL March from Suite in F University Wind Symphony 5 HONORARY DEGREE Wolf Blitzer Wolf Blitzer, currently the anchor of The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, began his career with the Reuters News Agency in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1972. He then moved to Washington, D.C., where he was a correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, reporting from the nation's capital for more than 15 years. Blitzer joined CNN in 1990 as the network's military-affairs correspondent at the Pentagon. As CNN's senior White House correspondent, he covered President Bill Clinton from the November 1992 election until 1999, when he became anchor of CNN's Sunday public affairs program Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer. Throughout his career, Blitzer has interviewed some of history's most notable figures, including U.S. Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. He also has interviewed many foreign leaders such as the Dalai Lama, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former South African President Nelson Mandela. Among other awards, Blitzer has been recognized with the Sol Taishoff Award for Excellence in Broadcast Journalism by the National Press Foundation, the distinguished Leonard Zeidenberg First Amendment Award from the Radio & Television Digital News Foundation, the Journalist Pillar of Justice Award from the Respect for Law Alliance and the Daniel Pearl Award from the Chicago Press Veterans Association. He was part of the team that received a George Foster Peabody award for Hurricane Katrina coverage; an Alfred I. duPont Award for coverage of the tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia; and an Edward R. Murrow Award for CNN's coverage of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Additionally, he is the recipient of an Emmy Award from The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and a Golden Cable ACE from the National Academy of Cable Programming. He is the author of “Between Washington and Jerusalem: A Reporter's Notebook” and “Territory of Lies.” 6 HONORARY DEGREE David Brownell, Retired Senior Vice President, Tyco International David Brownell joined Tyco International in 1984 and retired almost 30 years later, in 2003, as senior vice president for corporate marketing and community affairs. Prior to Tyco, he worked at General Electric Co. for 19 years. He was a member of the board of directors of Unitil Corporation, serving on the company’s compensation committee and chairing the nominating/governance committee. Brownell volunteers his time to various non-profit organizations in New Hampshire, serving as chair of the stewardship committee for Stratham Community Church, vice chair of the board of trustees for the RiverWoods continuing age communities, chair of the RiverWoods board governance committee, a member of the Stratham Circle Learning Center advisory board, a member of the advisory council for UNH Athletics and as a member of the UNH Foundation emeriti board. Previously he was interim president of the UNH Foundation, vice chair of the UNH Foundation board of directors, vice chair of the board of trustees at Exeter Health Resources, president of the United Way of the Greater Seacoast, and chair of that organization’s endowment committee. He also was the chairman of the “Character Under Construction” capital fund campaign for the Daniel Webster Council, Boy Scouts of America. David Brownell, for your continued commitment to the State of New Hampshire, we are proud to confer upon you the honorary degree of honorary doctor of humane letters. 7 GRANITE STATE AWARD Jane A. Difley, Retired President/Forester, Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests Jane Difley was the fourth executive and the first female president/forester of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests (Forest Society), retiring in 2019 after 23 years. Her conservation leadership includes guiding the Forest Society in the effort to establish the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program as well as playing a key role in the protection of the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters, the Balsams and Mount Major. Under her leadership, in response to the loss of forests to development, the Forest Society focused on increasing the pace of land conservation. The organization’s 2001 strategic vision, New Hampshire Everlasting, called for protecting up to 40 percent of the land area in every town. During the past 22 years, the Forest Society more than doubled the size of its conserved forest reservations to 56,000 acres and was involved in protecting more than 290,000 acres overall, including the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters in northern New Hampshire. The Forest Society also led the successful effort against the Northern Pass electrical transmission on her watch. Previously, Difley served as executive director of the Vermont Natural Resources Council, vice president of forestry programs at the American Forest Foundation and national director of the American Tree Farm system. She also was the first woman president of the Society of American Foresters, the national professional association for forestry. Difley received the Kingsbury Browne Conservation Leadership Award from the Land Trust Alliance and was named the Kingsbury Browne Fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy for 2019-2020. 8 Faculty Marshals Faculty Marshals Class Marshals Sajay Arthanat Mardi Kidwell Chief Class Marshal Professor and Interim Department Chair, Associate Professor and Department Chair Edward James Towle Speidel Occupational Therapy of Communication B.S., Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics Reagan Baughman Brad L. Kinsey Class Marshal Associate Professor of Economics Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Lilia Whitney Madden Materials Science M.S.W, Graduate School Cristy Beemer Associate Professor of English and Director Michael Kukenberger Muzaffar Ali Mohammed of Composition Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior M.S., Graduate School

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