The 3rd International Simuliidae Symposium, including the 29 th meeting of the British Simuliid Group, the 7 th European Simuliidae Symposium and EMCA Blackfly working group Abstract book Vilnius September 9 th – 12 th , 2008 The 3rd International Simuliidae Symposium, including the 29 th meeting of the British Simuliid Group, the 7 th European Simuliidae Symposium and EMCA Blackfly working group Abstract book Vilnius September 9 th – 12 th , 2008 ISBN: 2008 09 08. Tiražas 100 egz. Spausdino VŠ Į “Vilniaus universiteto leidykla”, Universiteto g. 1, LT-01122 Vilnius Editors: Vincas B ūda and Andrius Petraši ūnas Programme and Scientific committee: Organizing committee: Prof. Peter Adler, USA Prof. Sigitas Pod ėnas Prof. Dr. Ladislav Jedli čka, Slovakia Prof. Vincas B ūda Dr. Robert A. Fusco, USA Dr. Milda Žygutien ė Dr. John Davies, UK Dr. Rasa Bernotien ė Dr. Rory Post, UK Dr. Jolanta Rimšait ė Dr. Adrian Pont, UK M. Sc. Giedr ė Višinskien ė Dr. Manfred Car, Austria M. Sc. Andrius Petraši ūnas Dr. Jan Emil Raastad, Norway M. Sc. Pavel Visar čuk Dr. Doreen Werner, Germany M. Sc. Aleksandra Ignjatovi ć Ćupina, Serbia Hosting institutions: Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University Lithuanian Entomological Society Sponsors: LIETUVOS VALSTYBINIS MOKSLO IR STUDIJ Ų FONDAS Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation 4 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 5 WORLD PERSPECTIVE OF SIMULIIDAE Peter H. Adler Department of Entomology, Soils & Plant Sciences, Clemson University, 114 Long Hall, Box 340315, Clemson, SC 29634, USA. E-mail:
[email protected] The total number of living, described species of black flies in the world is 2019. Black flies, therefore, represent 0.2% of all described species of insects and 1.3% of all described species of Diptera in the world.