Response of Night-Migrating Songbirds in Cloud to Colored And

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Response of Night-Migrating Songbirds in Cloud to Colored And Responseofnight-migrating songbirds incloud to coloredand flashing light WILLIAMR. EVANS ß OLDBIRD, INC. ß 605WEST STATE STREET ß ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 ß (CORRESPONDINGAUTHOR; E-MAIL: WREVANS@CLARITYCONNECT. COM) YUKIOAKASNI ß LIGHTINGRESEARCH CENTER ß RENSSELAERPOLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE ß 21 UNIONSTREET ß TROY,NEW YORK 12180 NAOMI S. ALTMAN ß DEPARTMENTOF STATISTICS PENN STATEUNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYPARK, PENNSYLVANIA 16802-2111 ALBERTM. MANVILLE,II ß UNITEDSTATES FISH & WILDLIFESERVICE ß 4401 NORTHFAIRFAX DRIVE, MBSP 4107 ß ARLINGTON,VIRGINIA 22203 Figure1.1500W halogen test lights with blue and red filters used to study the impact of light upon migrating birds. Abstract tion on clear nights (Sauer 1957, Emlen causebird aggregationbehavior by Cochran Night-migratingbirds often accumulate near 1967),and on cloudynights they can orient and Graber(1958) and in a subsequentstudy bright man-madelight on nightswith low by sensingthe axial inclination of the earth's by Averyet al. (1976). The towersin these cloud cover or rain. Massavian mortality magneticfield through a light-dependent studieshad multiple tiers of slowflashing red eventsassociated with thisphenomenon have mechanism,probably residing in their eye beacons,each alternating with a tier of non- beendocumented for more than 150 years. (Wiltschko et al. 1993, Ritz et al. 2000, Ritz et flashingred beacons in accordancewith Unit- Understandingthe mechanismthat induces al. 2004, Mouritscnct al. 2004, MOllcr et al. ed States Federal Aviation Administration the aggregationof migrantsin lightedair- 2004. Thalau et al. 2005). (FAA)regulations. By the 1970s,bird kills at spacecould lead to a reductionin suchmor- The groundswellof artificiallighting asso- such towers were widespreadin eastern tality.Toward this end, we subjectednight- ciated wzth modern human habitation has North America (Weir 1976, Avery et al. migratingbirds flying in densecloud cover to greatlyaltered the earth's nocturnal photic en- lq80), with annualmortality of more than alternatingshort periods of differentartificial vironment. Little is known about ho• this 2000 birdsper year at sometowers (Banks light characteristics.Bird aggregationoc- light affectsmigrants on clear nights,but 1979).One long-term study found more than curredduring periods of white, blue, and birdshave long been observed to aggregatein 120,000 bird carcassesunder a 300-m TV greenlight but not in red lightor flashing flight around isolatedbright light sources towerfroin 1957-1995(Kemper 1996). This whitelight. We discussthese results with re- duringnights with low cloudceiling or with included24 individualnights when more spectto visualand magnetoreception-basedlight to moderaterain. The phenomenonwas than 1000 birds were documented killed in aggregationtheories and the phenomenonof widelyrecognized at coastallighthouses zn the tower'svicinity (Kemper,pers. comm.). light-inducedbird mortality at tall television westernEurope and eastern North America in Suchlarge nocturnal tower kills appear to be towers in North America. the nineteenthcentury. By themid-twentieth exclusivelyassociated with low cloudcover century,artificial lighting was known to be a or rain; under such conditions,a tower'savia- Introduction principalagent for causinglarge bird killsat tionobstruction lights clearly induce aggrega- The nocturnalmigration of birds evolved airportceilo•ncters, tall television(TV) tow- tionsof migratingbirds (primarily species in with only starlightand moonlightas consis- ers,smokestacks, and tall buildingsin inland the order Passcriformes)Most of the kills are tent photonsources. It is known that some easternNorth America (for a recent review, believed to result when birds collide with a speciesutilize this subtle light for navigation- see Gauthrcaux and Belscr 2006). towergsupporting guy wires, the tower itself, al aid.They use point sources of lightin stel- In North America, aviation obstruction or frommid-air collisions with otherfi)4ng lar arraysaround the NorthStar for orienta- lightingon tallTV towerswas documented to birds. 476 NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS RESPONSEOFNIGHT-MIGRATING SONGBIRDSINCLOUD TO COLORED ANDFLASHING LIGH1] Morethan 30 yearsago, Avery et al. (1976) 0.25 called for field studies on the reactions of night-migratingbirds to lightsof variousin- tensities,wavelengths, and flashrates as a meansfor increasingour understandingof 0.20 81750W waFI bird aggregationat tall lightedtowers. We re- A1750W wRF I port hereon the firstdirect investigation of • 0.15 •A1 750WwGFI O •j-•A1750WnoFL theseartificial light variables for causingbird aggregation. -- 0.10 In October2005, on fivenights with steady bird migrationand a cloudlayer at ground level,we alternatedperiods of skyward-facing ,-, 0.05 bright light of knownspectrum and irradi- ancewith periodsof no light.Acoustic moni- 0.00 toringof avianflight-calls was used to indi- catethe presenceor absenceof flyingbirds 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 duringall light and dark periods.Visual ob- Wavelength (nm) servationsof birdsflying in the lightedspace weremade to verifybird aggregationduring Figure2. Spectralpower distributions ofradiation with and without filters used in this study. Meast•ements arefor a singlehalogen nonflashing light periods. lamp(750W; with UV filter). Filter codes: noF: nofilter, wBF = bluefilter, wRF: red filter, and wGF = greenfilter. We concludedthat a specificlight type in- ducedbird aggregation if periods of thatlight rate,quantification of flyingbirds involved in curatelybetween birds, bats, and largein- correspondedwith strongacoustic and visual actualaggregation events was not reported. sects,but operationis impededby cloudand evidencefor the presenceof birdsin at least Because these studies were all carried out at rain conditionsthat oftenaccompany aggre- four consecutivealternating cycles with a pe- tall TV towers,the lightsinvolved in altering gationevents. Similar to verticalbeam radar, riodof a differentlight type and/or a periodof avianflight behavior were well aboveground targetcounts during artificial light aggrega- no light in which bird presencewas not level.The birdsstudied were generally well tionevents can only be activity indicators due stronglydocumented. Good correspondence above ground level but under a low cloud to individualbirds flying in andout of theim- betweenthe acousticand visualdata during ceiling,not flyingwithin cloud. agingzone. nonflashinglight periodsgave us confidence Our investigationaimed to studybird ag- Acousticmonitoring is notablefor being in relyingon the acousticdata [or evaluating gregationat a ground-basedlight sourcein capableof discerningstrictly birds--and in flashinglight testswhen we couldnot verily densecloud. This scenariopresents unique manycases the species of birds--in nocturnal thepresence or absenceof birdsvisually. challengesfor tryingto monitorsystematical- flight (Evansand O'Brien2002), and this We firstdocumented that white light could ly the quantityof birdsin the airspacenear methodis not impededsignificantly by fog be usedto inducemigrant bird aggregation. the light. Many nocturnalmigration studies andlight rain.But birds that do not call,and We then experimentedwith flashingwhite have used marine radar in the surveillance variablecalling rates among individuals and light,three different colors, and a combination modeto attemptto quantifya passagerate for species,confound quantitative estimates. Re- o[ red incandescentbeacons commonly used targetsproceeding directionally in migration. centstudies indicate that there is at leastgross [ormarking aviation hazard on tall TV towers. But this techniquecan haveproblems with correlation between acoustic data from vocal echoesfrom ground clutter and in detecting birdsand the densityof targetsin someloca- Materialsand methods very low-flyingbirds. Quantifying masses of tions at sometimes (Larkin et al_2002; Evans, Rationalefor studymethod birds in aggregationaround artificial lights in prep).Iwo previousbird aggregationstud- Todocument whether bird aggregation is oc- would be difficult with marine radar in the ies at IV towersfound correspondence be- curringin a givenairspace subject to artificial surveillancemode, and there is a potential tweenflight-calling and the grossnumber of lightalterations, one needs some means to as- problemof validatingthat the targetsare birdsin the vicinityof a tower.Avery et al. sessthe quantit),of birdsflying in that air- birds.The use of flightspeed as a criterionfor (1976)used a cellometer(spotlight) to count space.Since the visuallybased studies by distinguishingbirds from insects may not be birdsvisually in aggregationaround a tall IV Cochranand Graber(1958) and Averyet al. reliableduring aggregation events. towerin North Dakota.When skiesbegan to (1976), fourstudies of bird flightbehavior in When marine radar is used in the vertical clear,they noted that the number of birds the vicinityof TV towerswith aviationob- mode,ground clutter can be eliminated,and seenand hearddecreased sharply. In an all- strucuonlighting have been reported,each low-flyingbirds can be detected.But in cases nightstudy of a towerkill phenomenonon 28 employinga differentmethod. Larkin and wherebirds are milling around in lightedair- September1960, Ogdenand Munro noted Frase(1988) usedtracking radar. Gauthreaux space,quantitative resolution is greatlydi- grosscorrelation between flight-calling and used a thermal imagingdevice, and Gau- minisheddue to theinability to trackindivid- birdsdropping to the ground(Ogden 1960). threauxand Belserused an imageintensifier
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