Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1981 SESSION OF 1981 165TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 58 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The House convened at I p.m., e.d.t. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 1981, will be post- THE SPEAKER (MATTHEW J. RYAN) poned until printed. The Chair hears none. IN THE CHAIR PRAYER HOUSE BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED REV. EARLE W. FIKE. JR., chaplain of the House of Representatives and pastor of the Church of the Brethren, No. 1848 By Representatives McCALL, LUCYK, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: TRELLO, PETRARCA, J. L. WRIGHT, CLYMER, STUBAN, HASAY, SHUPNIK, Let us pray: WAMBACH, PISTELLA, HALUSKA, 0 God, Thou who dost treat everyone as if all were one RYBAK, BELFANTI, TELEK, GRAY, and each one as if there were only one, give Your creative DeWEESE, WOZNIAK, LETTERMAN, vision and wisdom to those who labor in these halls. GEORGE, KUKOVICH, STEWART, There seem to be no end to decisions that must be made. WACHOB, GALLAGHER, PRATT, Keep these decisionmakers from volume despair. There seem BLAUM, COLAFELLA and WARGO to be so few decisions that are purely right or wrong. Save these decisionmakers from sliding over the hard tasks of An Act amending "The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease searching for the best options. There seem to be so many deci- Act," approved June 21, W39 (P. L. 566, No. 284), further providing for burial compensation. sions that have their origin in private, individual, or regional interest. Save these decisionmakers from fear of constituency.
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