qb' 7! {q lT" r &u'l 387th SALE -q4' is1 POSTAL HISTORY COVERS Stalopless Covetg Free Frankr and Autographs Reihoa{ Ship ard Paclret Covere Taritodel Covem, Vestetn Covers, including Express Coverr, \trellc Fargo Covera Creneral Icsues on Covem featrning t84Vq 1E51'q 1E61ts with many F"o.y Canceltations Paciotic Coverq Lincoln Conete, C,ampaign Covete Coofederatc Covero, Priaonet's Covetr and maay more T]NITED STATES STAIIPS A Fine Creoeral Offedng, erpecially strong in Choice Eady losucs Sold by order of the Vadous"Ownera including Mr. Tom J. C,aldwell and the Esate of \flalter Fishel AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday January lzth, 13th, 14th, 15th, L97l At t:oo P. M. Each Day 10 EA$I52il1 STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 Tel.z 212 Pl,s 3.d,422 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Tho terme of sale are strictty cas! on delivery-to the highcst biddcr uolese spocial arra[gement havc bepn made prior to the salc. 2. 4|l bi$ are Ircr lot ao.ho num&r€d in th€ cstalogue and not pcr picce, unlesc otherwisc announced by auctioneer at the timCof sale. 3. 4ny lot, &e- dcscriptio.q- o-f- whic-h- is incorr€ct is retu:nabtc, but only wirhin threc days of receipt. AII disputed lots must be returned intact as roceived and lots contai4rlg five or more siaops a{e not returnable at any t'me. No lots Eai be returned !y purchasers who harrc had the opportunity 1e-slamino thcm irioi to the sale. No illustrated-lots--may be returnid becaub of ccntcriag,-Daid"s or other factors shown in the illustaration. 4. Successful bidders, unless they are koown to us or eupply acccDtable rcferencos ar9- expected to make payment in fuIl before the lots are ilelivered. MaiI bid&n will be notified of -the amount of thelr purchascs. we reeeruc tho rigbt in our sole and absoluto discretion to demand cash at tbc timc a lot is knocll.ed down to aoy bid&r who has not prcviously eEtablfuhed crcdit with us or whooc account is in alTears-. Ia thc ev-ent qny buyer refirgcc to pay cash for any lot at tho time it is knocked down to hin, the auciioneer rcserv* ine riefit to rljtfei the lot immediately for sale to the hiehest biddcr. 5. If thc purchasc pricc has not beca psid wirhin thc t'.rre limil or lots taken uo within seveadays from date of,qale, they may bc resold aad-any losscs aridoi from such salc charged to thc defaulter. - 6. All lots are sold as genuiae but ghodd any lot be prorrod othcrwi& by writtcn oqinio-n gt- any --compe-tent, recponsibte au:thority airccptaUlc to ue, iimeaiarc retund of $e tull purchaoe prici will be madc, irovidei that any $ich cloi- h madc wirhin 25 days from datc of salc. If claim- is not Eadr wi[Ain this ocrioa no lots are returuible fgr any reason ai anv tine. Nat rJty,-;t rs lffi; are notified within thc 25 day-period that an bpinion il bcing-rcuc[i tffi nattci will rcmain gpen uqti! sugh 6pinion- is rcndered-. \trc will not- bc isponriblc for 4ny charger incurrcd by thc ot'uycr for cxpcrtization fccs and coctr. 7. Th" eght ig rcserved to grgup ryo_q mbre lots, abo withdraw any lot or lote ftom thc aatre, or to act on behalf of thc aeller. 8. Until paid_for io full all lotr reoain the proporty of Robcrt A. Siegcl Auctioa Gallcrirx, Ioc. 9, No commiseioa is chargpd for buviqe_at our salcg, but all forwarding chargcs will be added to the purchasc pricri. slipmcnt will bc made to a post omco uti only if thc buycr has also furnished a- shret address. AII larsc'Iotr unsuitabli for parcel post--will bo scnt by REA Express collect, or, u16n requce! REA Air Exprcss collccl 10. upor.written ap-pl^ication^Iob_Eay -be sent for excmination prior to tho auction, con$tion upon leing mailed -back by registered mail, adcquitcly insured, wiihid Z ho-urs of receipt. Tbe applicant is comptetely resp6nsibli for- all lotr ient for cxr"linatioo, and for the insuranco of game againsi mishan from thc timo of receipt until thsy q* actually received back, andis to pay ali'cxpcnres of postago and insurance. No lots caa be sent for inspection withitr icli davs o:f the date'ot raio. 11. The placing of a bid shall coastitute arcdptance of the forgoi;i conditions ol ralc. lRKffi ,fffiTr*"*Auctionecrs In selding bids, always statc the highest price you are prepared to Dav for the lot- Your limit will not be used as i starfing Ui0 untess ibs6tutely neiefoary. DESCRIPTIONS Ex.tremely Fin+ttre finest conditioa for noteworthy, ouBtanding copies. Very Fine (V"f}-means that therc is a slight deviation from the above. Fino -(F)-- means that the perforatioqs do no! touch the design on issues after 1g90, but in some cascs map jurt touch in earlier issues; if us.d] fairly lishttiffidtt;d: Very Goo{ (V-G)-means..that the appearaoce is generally fine but that the perforatims cut tte dcsign olightly Good (GFme,nr averago off-+entering; or fairly attractive with slight defects. Original gum (OG)-is oot to be expected on 19th Century stamps unless so statcd. Miot-with origiaal gum and osvsl hingcd. scofi 1971 -s_qcci{ize{ c-atalogue used for cataloguing lots of u. s. aad possession& Scoc t97l Staodard Catiloguc for othen. FIRST SESSION TUESDAY, JANUARY t2th, l97l - 1:00 P.M. UNITED STATBS FREE FRANKS & AUTOGRAPHS I ll:l P. T. Barnum, Autograph on note, dated Sept. 11, 1867 with envelope, also in his handwriting, to N. Y. with 3c Rose (65) tied, "Bridgeport, Conn. pmk., Tear at top, otherwise Very Fine .............. E. II 2 Bartholdi, (Frederick Auguste Bartholdi) Designer of The Statue of Liberty, signature on Illustrated card, with envelope in which is was mailed from Paris to Trenton, N.J., Very Fine.... E. III 3 Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard, Autograph on 1852 War Dept. letter, written while he was a Brevet Major, Very Fine, with Photograph E. Itr 4 Wm. Bryan, signature as Consul of The Texas Republic & known to collectors as Postal Agent for Texas at New Orleans, on 1840 official consular form, Very Fine .............. E.m 5 lffl J. C. Calhoun, Autograph, Free Frank as Sec'ty of War on 1822 folded letter to N. H., InterestiDg contents refer to widows claim for Bounty Lands, Fine, Very Scarce, also Treasury Dept. cover same correspondence, franked by Peter Haynes, Auditor E. IV 6 ll:l W. F. Cody (Buffalo BiIl), Free Frank as Chief Clerk of Office of Indian Affairs, Imprinted on neat cover to Camp Cooke, M.(ontana) Terr.' "Washington, D.C., Free" pmk., Very Fine . ............ (Photo) E.VI 7 Ena Comell, (Founder of Cornell University) Holograph signed letter on college stationery, dated May 17,1873, Very Fine .... ...... E. III 8 Ch. Darwin, signature of The famed scientist on small piece, together with letter of George H. Darwin (his son) contributing the signature to the recipient, Very Fine E. III Jeffn. Davis, Holograph sigrred letter, dated 28 Jan'y 1851, to Gen. Towson, least bit aged & mended tear at top, with photograph, Very Fine appearance E. IV l0 lE Jeffh Davis, Autograph ot 4r/zxlr/a" card, with envelope, dated 1870 with damaged 3c Rose (65), in which it was mailed E. III 1l Jeffenon Davis, Full autograph on visiting card, dated Attg. 27, 1887, shortly before his death, a typical signature of an aging man, written in his 80th year, Very Fine .... ........ E.m 12 B lhomas A. Edison, Holograph signed letter, headed Orange, N. J. Sept. 2/87, ot plain ruled paper, Very Fine ..... E. IV 13 lE Cyrus IY. Fieftl (who laid the first Atlantic Cable), Holograph Signed letter, NewYork, Mar. 1, 1853, to Springfield, Mass.,3c Red (11) Large margins to barely touched at B., Field return oval in Red, Bold Red "Paid"' Friendly letter cancelling a debt, Very Fine .. E.trI LOTS ON VIEW FROM JANUARY 7th OFFICES OPEN SATURDAY BEFORE SALE -3 - 14 ll:l J. A. Garfield, M. C. Free Frank on cover to N. Y., with "Washington, D. C., Free" pmk., Cover torn & irregularly reduced at R., otherwise Fine E. II 15 U. S. Grant, General, Autograph on card, with envelope in which it was sent, 3c Rose (65) tied by cork, small "Washington, D. C." pmk. E. m 16 lE H. Hamlin, (Hannibal Hamlin), Lincoln's First Vice-President, signature on letter sheet, dated Sept. 12, 1872, with his Free Frank on envelope in which is was mailed, "Bangor, Me." pmk., Very Fine E.III 17 llV Bret Harte, Poet & Politician, Free Frank on neat cover to Virginia, Red "Washington, D.C., Free" pmk., Very Fine ........... E.II 18 Th. Jefferson, signature on small (ls/+x4l/t) piece of document, Bit aged E,III 19 Andrew Johnson/ Y[ashington City, Oct. 8th, 1867, Autograph, while President, on visiting card, slight toning, Very Fine, Scarce E.IV 20 R. E. Lee, Lexington, Va. Autograph on 5x2Vz" slip of paper, Very Fine E.V 2l Samuel F. B. Morse, Thomas A. Edison, First on holograph, signed letter, Aug.8, 1871, other a signature on small card, with 1917 letter from Edison Laboratories, Fine ........ E.m 22 I Free Frank Pierce, sigrature as President franking small cover to Brooklyn, N.Y., "Washington, D.C., Free" pmk., 1853 letter enclosed, written by Mrs. Abby Means, a retative of Mrs. Pierce; lnteresting contents on Par- ochial Schools & Pres.
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