Carthage & Adirondack Railway Company Bond
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PHILADELPHIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL TRACTION COMPANY RAIL-ROAD COMPANY * 489 * 486 1906, Pennsylvania. Purple/Black/ 1851, Illinois. $1000 bond bear- White. Stock certificate for 19 ing 6% interest. Black. Vignette shares. Vignette of electric street of three women flanked by coun- railway car and horse drawn car- THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. try scene and water scene at top. riage at top center. Punch cancelled Colored pen and punch cancelled. and very fine. $40 - up * 483 Very fine. $75 - up 1898, Pennsylvania. Stock certificate for 5 shares. Litho. An attractive multi-vignetted certificate depicting a steam locomotive, machinists at work and two male portraits. Founded in 1856 by Thomas Dick- son, the company manufactured boilers and steam engines primarily for use locomotives. The company merged with seven other firms in 1901 to form the American Locomotive Company. Accompanied by a choice engraving of the Dickson Manufacturing locations at Scran- ton and Wilkes-Barre. Uncancelled and Extremely Fine. $250 – up COEUR D’ALENE RAILWAY & NAVIGATION COMPANY ANDROSCOGGIN AND KENNEBEC RAILROAD * 490 COMPANY 1888, Idaho. Stock certificate for 1 share. Green\Black. Engraved vi- * 487 gnette of a steam locomotive and 1853, Maine. $200 Bond. Black. riverside scene with steamboats. Litho. Steam locomotive vignette at Stamp and punch cancelled. Ex- top center. Litho. In 1862, this road tremely Fine. $90 - up merged with the Penobscot & Ken- nebec Railroad to form the Maine Central Railroad. Nice, early New England piece. Punch cancelled and Very fine. $90 - up CARTHAGE & NATIONAL PROPERTIES ADIRONDACK RAILWAY COMPANY AMERICAN BELLEVILLE & COMPANY BOND RAILWAYS SOUTHERN ILLINOIS RR * 485 * 484 COMPANY STOCK 1916, Delaware. One thousand dol- 1892, New York. Bond for $1,000. lar bond bearing four-six percent. NEW CASTLE & BEAVER Green/White. Vignettes of a train * 491 Black \ Green. Vignette of a seated VALLEY RR CO at top center and of a deer at left 1870, Illinois. Stock certificate for allegorical female with locomotives 1143 shares. Printed entirely in Red. border. Attached coupons. Uncan- in background at top center. Green * 488 Vignette of a steam locomotive at celled and very fine. $75 - up 1863, Pennsylvania. Stock certifi- underprint and border. Partial cou- center. Litho. Attached adhesive cate for 1 share. Black with attached pons attached. Uncancelled and revenue stamp at lower left corner. paper seal. Vignette of train at top Fine. $90 - up A scarece variety from this railroad. center. Ornate borders. Punch can- Stamp and cut cancelled with all pa- celled and very fine. $45 - up per intact. Extremely Fine. $80 - up 72 CAPE COD RAILROAD COMPANY FARGO AND SOUTH- WESTERN RAILROAD * 497 COMPANY 1871, Massachusetts. $1000 bond bearing 7% interest. Black/White * 500 BELLINGHAM BAY AND EASTERN with green overprint. Vignette of 1893, Dakota. Stock certificate for RAILROAD COMPANY male bust at top center. Pen can- one share. Black/White. Litho. Star celled. $125 - up punch cancelled. $125 - up * 492 1902, Washington. Stock certificate for 2 shares. Brown. Vignette of a steam locomotive in upper left corner. Lithographed by Western Bank Note Company, Chicago. One of only ten pieces found issued. Lightly pen and punch cancelled and Extremely Fine. $175 - up BIG FORK AND GEORGIA RAIL ROAD & INTERNATIONAL FALLS BANKING COMPANY RAILWAY COMPANY * 501 * 498 1859, Georgia. Stock certificate for 1913, Minnesota. Stock certificate 10 shares. Black. Vignette of small for one share. Gold/Black. Top train at center flanked by two small- CENTRALIA EASTERN center vignette of a train leaving er train vignettes in upper right and RAILROAD COMPANY a tunnel. Litho. Stamp cancelled. left corners, and three bust in left margin. A nice early railroad stock. BRAINERD AND $175 - up * 493 Pen cancelled and Fine. $100 - up 1908, Washington. Stock certificate NORTHERN for 300 shares. Black/Gold. Spread- MINNESOTA RW CO. eagle vignette in upper left corner. Litho. Lightly pen cancelled and * 495 Extremely Fine. $110 - up 1897, Minnesota. Stock certificate for 225 shares. Green/Black. Vi- gnette of spread eagle. Litho. Pen cancelled. $110 - up WILKES-BARRE AND EASTERN RAILROAD CO. BOSTON, HARTFORD & * 499 1913, Pennsylvania. Stock certificate ERIE RAILROAD for 3 shares. Orange/Black. En- COMPANY CHICAGO ELEVATED graved vignette of steam locomo- NEW YORK, ONTARIO TERMINAL RAILWAY tive. The company was chartered * 502 1800’s, New York. $1000 bond COMPANY AND WESTERN RAILWAY in 1892 for the primary purpose of COMPANY delivering coal from the Northeast- bearing 7% interest. Green/Black with gold overprint. Vignette at top * 494 ern Pennsylvania mining region to 1891, Illinois. Stock certificate for * 496 the port of Edgewater, New Jersey. and bottom center of train at load- 20 shares. Green/Black. Blind em- 1945, New York. One thousand Lightly pen cancelled and Extreme- ing platform and female allegorical bossed seal. Ornate border. Stamp dollar bond bearing four percent in- ly Fine. $100 - up figure and eagle. Uncancelled and cancelled. $75 - up terest. Brown \ Black. Vignette of a Extremely Fine. $100 - up train at top left. Punch and stamp cancelled. Very Fine. $25 - up 73 CAPITOL, NORTH O STREET, & SOUTH WASHINGTON RAILWAY CO. CAPITOL NORTH “O” STREET AND * 506 WASHINGTON RAILWAY COMPANY 1894, Washington, D.C. Stock certificate for fifty eight shares. Black. Vignette of Capitol Building at upper center. Litho. Blind embossed * 503 company seal. Rare. Uncancelled and Very Fine. $200 - up 1891, District of Columbia. Five hundred dollar bond bearing five percent interest. Black\Brown. Vignette of Capitol Building at top center. Ornate border with allegorical females at corners. Partial cou- lower left. Very attractive certificate. pons attached. Some slight splits at folds. Overall Fine. $200 - up Extremely fine. $125 - up NEW ORLEANS & NORTH EASTERN RAIL- ROAD COMPANY NORTHWEST * 507 LACONIA CAR COMPANY EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1872, Louisiana. Stock certificate for five shares. White \ Black. Vi- * 509 1929, New Hampshire. Stock * 505 gnette of locomotive at top center. certificate for sixty seven shares. 1890, Minnesota. Stock certificate Small vignette of a weaver at left. Orange. Vignette of a cable car for 10 shares. Brown/Black. En- White underprint. Pen cancelled. at top center. Orange under- graved vignette of a steam locomo- Very Fine. $125 - up print. Uncancelled and Very Fine. tive at a train station. Organized in 1888, many of the company found- The Laconia Car Company was es- BELLEVILLE AND ers and shareholders rank among tablished in Laconia, New Hamp- ELDORADO RAILROAD the elite of the banking and business shire, upon the reorganization of COMPANY BOND world including John D. Rockefeller the Ranlet Manufacturing Com- and a number of other Standard Oil pany in 1881 and went on to build * 504 Company dignitaries. The company passenger and freight equipment 1880, New York. Proof. One thou- leased to the Northern Pacific a for railways, horse streetcars, elec- sand dollar bond bearing seven large number of steam locomotives tric streetcars and interurbans; the percent interest. Black. Vignette and a wide variety of passenger and company was even selected by the of a train at center flanked by two express cars, finally selling all of AMERICAN LIGHT & Steel Car Company to build the first allegorical youths. Ornate border. its equipment to the reorganized TRACTION COMPANY all steel passenger car. After nearly Punch cancellations at signature Northern Pacific Railway Company fifty years of operation, the Laconia line. Accompanied by separate in 1897. Lightly stamp and punch * 508 Car Company, facing a continuing coupon sheet proof. Red pencil cancelled. Very Fine. $90 - up New York. Specimen common approved notation on both. Both stock certificate. Brown/Black. Vi- decline in demand for its products, Fine. $225 - up gnette of woman holding light in closed its doors in 1928. $100 - up 74 MARIETTA & NORTH ulations. At the time of his death he GEORGIA RAILWAY left a fortune worth an estimated BOND $100 million. Pen and punch can- celled. $225 - up * 513 1892, New York. Bond for $1,000. Black/Orange. Vignette of a spread eagle. Uncancelled and very fine. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN $45 - up AND NORTHERN INDIANA RAIL ROAD COMPANY NEW YORK & OSWEGO * 519 MIDLAND RAIL ROAD 1868, Michigan. Stock for 3 shares. NORTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY Black. Large top center engraved vi- COMPANY gnette of a large municipal building. * 510 Imprinted revenue stamp at center. 1868, New York. $500 Bond. Black/ * 516 Stamp and pen cancelled. Very fine. White with blue overprint. Vignette 1912. Stock certificate for 5 shares. $90 - up of train at top center, cattle at top Black/White. Punch cancelled. right and lady at top left, and state NEW YORK CABLE $90 - up seal at bottom left. Punch cancelled. RAILWAY COMPANY Very fine. $80 - up * 514 1884, New York. Black/White with red overprint. $1000 bond bearing 5% interest. Coupons at- tached, sides and bottom. Very fine. $100 - up BOSTON, CLINTON & BROOKLYN RAPID FITCHBURG RAILROAD TRANSIT COMPANY COMPANY NEW YORK AND * 517 * 520 1910, New York. Stock certificate 1872, Massachusetts. Bond for HARLEM RAILROAD for five shares. Black \ Brown. $1,000. Green. Center engraved vi- COMPANY Vignette of trolley at upper left. gnette of a train moving down the Brown underprint. Uncancelled tracks with workers in the forefront. * 511 and Very Fine. $150 - up Left lower corner vignette of an al- 1850, New York. Stock certificate legorical female. Left upper corner for two shares. Red on grey paper. ST. LOUIS, ALTON AND vignette of a train. Revenue stamp Right facing locomotive under TERRE HAUTE at right border. Attached cou- company title. Pen cancelled. Some RAILROAD COMPANY pon. Stamp and punch cancelled. toning. A rare variety. Very Good. $80 - up $125 - up * 515 1878, Illinois and Indiana. Stock certificate for 100 shares. Pink. Vi- gnette of cattle at upper center with CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND a scene along the entire bottom of & GULF RAILWAY CO the certificate depicting a train trav- MANSFIELD & eling out of a mountain tunnel to A RARE ELSINORE, * 512 a small seaside station.