World Wetlands Day: 25 Wetlands of International Importance in Iran
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I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y FEBRUARY 2, 2020 SOCIETY 9 World Wetlands Day: 25 Wetlands Iran suspends China flights due to coronavirus of International Importance in Iran SOCIETY TEHRAN — Iran has restricted all flights and By Faranak Bakhtiari observed in the most recent 13 years of censuses, deskrecreational travels to and from China due to TEHRAN — Iran currently has 25 sites and more than 20 species of waterbirds surpass coronavirus outbreak, IRIB news agency reported on Saturday. designated as Wetlands of International Im- the 1% threshold (Criteria 5 and 6), and 15 fish Health Minister Saeed Namaki said that screening and sur- portance (Ramsar Sites), covering a surface species depend upon the site as an important veillance is underway across all the country’s air and sea borders, area of 1,488,624 hectares. source of food (Criterion 8). and no cases of coronavirus have been reported so far. The Ramsar Convention for the conserva- Hamun-e-Puzak, south end tion and sustainable use of wetlands, recog- Hamun-e-Puzak, south end is located in nizes the fundamental ecological functions Sistan and Baluchestan province with an area of wetlands and their economic, cultural, of 10,000 hectares; the Iranian portion of the scientific, and recreational value. vast Hamun-e-Puzak wetland, is an important The Convention on Wetlands is the oldest area for wintering waterbirds. of the modern global intergovernmental en- Substantial declines in bird numbers may vironmental agreements. The treaty was ne- have occurred due to widespread drought gotiated through the 1960s by countries and and vegetation degradation in the Sistan non - governmental organizations concerned Basin by the construction of a dam on the about the increasing loss and degradation of Helmand River in Afghanistan. wetland habitat for migratory waterbirds. It Hamun-e-Saberi and Hamun-e-Hel- was adopted in the Iranian city of Ramsar in mand Meanwhile, Mohammad Mehdi Gooya, head of the health 1971 and came into force in 1975. Hamun-e-Saberi and Hamun-e-Helmand ministry’s center for infectious diseases, told IRNA that rumors World Wetlands Day is observed annually are placing on 50,000 hectares of Sistan and that the novel coronavirus has reached Iran’s neighborhood are on February 22, emphasizing on the impor- Bujagh National Park Rud-e-Mindab in Bandar Abbas also is covering Baluchestan; forming a single wetland complex untrue, according to reports by the World Health Organization. tance of the wetlands and sustainable use of Bujagh National Park of Gilan province has an area of 45,000 hectares; coastal mudflats, with Hamun-e-Puzak, consists of two shallow, Gooya went on to say that the novel coronavirus has not been these valuable ecosystems. covered 3,177 hectares of the lands; which is a mangroves and saltmarshes around the deltas predominantly freshwater lakes and associated reported in Iraq, Kurdistan of Iraq, Pakistan or any of the neigh- According to the Ramsar Convention, wet- broad, shallow embayment of the Caspian Sea of three rivers, subject to spring flooding. wetlands. boring countries and the only country in the region which has lands remove water pollutants, control storms, and associated deltaic wetlands at the mouth A shallow, inshore zone includes mud and Bird populations may have declined due to confirmed the virus, is the UAE. curb climate impacts absorbing 30 percent of of the Sefid Rud River. sand flats, bars and spits. Arid plains and steppe drought and river control structures (dams). An outbreak of the disease is spreading around the world after land-based carbon, share a great biodiversity With a variety of marine, coastal and inland occur inland. The area is also of great impor- There is increasing pressure from urbanization originating at a seafood market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan; helping human life, store and supply water, and freshwater and brackish wetland types, the tance for wintering water birds. and agricultural irrigation. which killed at least 259 people and infected 11,791 in China, and help 1 billion people to make a living worldwide. site is important as a spawning and nursery Fereydoon Kenar, Ezbaran and Kanibarazan Wetland about 100 cases have been confirmed in 21 other countries. Moreover, wetlands are home to 40 percent ground for fish, and as breeding, staging and Sorkh Ruds Ab-Bandans Kanibarazan Wetland is located in West According to the World Health Organization, coronaviruses of all species, and provide a great part of food wintering area for waterfowl, including Dal- All located in Mazandaran province, cover Azarbaijan province; stretching to 927 hec- (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging supply, while being an important source of matian Pelican Pelecanus crispus. an area of 5,427 hectares; an artificially main- tares; consists of a freshwater lake surrounded from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle flourishing tourism in the countries. It supports more than 1% of the Caspian tained wetland in the South Caspian lowlands. by diverse plant communities and seasonal East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Res- Iran also has a great share of wetlands, as populations of Greater White-fronted Goose Comprises four “damgahs”, i.e. shallow fresh- wetlands which become dry during summer piratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is 105 wetlands are in Iran stretching 3 million Anser albifrons and Whooper Swan Cygnus water impoundments based on rice paddies and autumn. a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. hectares of lands. Here, we take a glimpse at Cygnus. The site also supports the globally developed as duck-trapping areas, surrounded Kanibarazan Wetland is one of the most Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, some of them: Endangered Caspian Seal Pusa caspica. by forest strips and reedbeds, and including a important habitats for waterbirds in the region, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In Alagol, Ulmagol and Ajigol Lakes Bujagh National Park is floristically di- Wildlife Refuge (48ha). supporting more than twenty thousand birds more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute Alagol, Ulmagol and Ajigol Lakes are locat- verse and has 24 endemic species together The area is of outstanding importance as with more than one hundred and forty-four respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. ed in northern Mazandaran province with an with many traditionally-used medicinal plant wintering grounds for the entire western popula- bird species recorded at this site, including Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include area of 1,400 hectares; added to the Montreux species. The site is used for recreational and tion of the Siberian Crane (Grus leucogeranus), a number of important species such as the regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing Record, in 1993. Ulmagol and Ajigol are sea- commercial fishing including aquaculture, listed as ‘critically endangered’ in the IUCN endangered White-headed Duck. and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close sonally-filled freshwater lakes, fed by autumn livestock grazing, reedcutting, hunting, rice Red Book. Having reappeared at the site in This site is important for water purification contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness and winter rains, which become desiccated in farming and recreation/tourism. 1978 after 60 years’ absence, the number of and water storage; it also prevents salt water such as coughing and sneezing. drought periods. Alagol is slightly saline and It is impacted by waterfowl hunting, transport Siberian Cranes now fluctuates between 7-14. from intruding into upstream areas. fringed by extensive reed and grass marshes. pressure from commercial fisheries, recreation, Other endangered species using the site Lake Parishan and Dasht-e-Arjan Ulmagol is sparsely vegetated. There are uncontrolled summer grazing and illegal fish- include Red-breasted GooseBranta ruficollis, Lake Parishan and Dasht-e-Arjan, located several human settlements. The site supports ing; a decrease in wintering waterfowl has been Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus, in Fars province with 6,200 hectares, both are 8-year-old boy battling Anatidae (ducks, geese, swans, etc.), flamin- attributed to fishing and hunting disturbance. Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus and oc- permanent freshwater lakes subject to sea- cancer achieves dream of gos, and nesting White-tailed Plover. Placed A management plan is under development. casionally Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax sonal fluctuations in level, fed by springs and on the Montreux Record in 1993 due to high Bujagh National Park is an Important Bird Area pygmaeus, and wintering raptors such as Falco seasonal streams. becoming a fireman levels of disturbance from wildfowl hunters and and is considered a potential site for the rein- sp. and Haliaeetus albicilla. Parishan is subject to fluctuating salinity the extraction of water for irrigation purposes, troduction of the Siberian Crane. The original The site’s agricultural lands are flooded depending on precipitation. Both lakes are Ramsar site (1975) was significantly enlarged during summer, thus supporting groundwater fringed by marshes dominated by reeds, and SOCIETY TEHRAN — Arian, an eight-year-old boy which has lowered lake levels considerably, desk especially during summer. as of September 2009. recharge and water supply for irrigation during are important staging and wintering areas for suffering from cancer, got to fulfill his wish Amirkelayeh Lake Choghakhor Wetland the dry months. Apart from rice farming the numerous species of migratory waterbirds. The of becoming a firefighter. Located in Gilan province, Amirkelayeh Lake Located in Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari province, land is used for forestry and fishery. area also supports a variety of nesting water- Arian celebrated his eighth birthday on Friday with Ahvaz is a deep, freshwater lake supporting extensive Choghakhor Wetland is flowing on 1687 hec- In the past at the end of each trapping season birds including pelicans, Ardeidae (herons, city’s officials, citizens and firefighters in attendance.