THE FUTURE OF BIOPESTICIDES IN DESERT LOCUST MANAGEMENT REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP HELD IN SALY, SENEGAL 12-15 FEBRUARY 2007 i The workshop was organized with support from: International Fund for Agricultural Development International Organization of the Francophonie World Bank Rapporteur: Joyce Magor FAO/AGPP Documents: The workshop documents are available on CD. The CD’s as well as hardcopies of the report can de obtained from FAO/AGPP Please send your requests to: James Everts FAO/AGPP. Via delle terme di Carracalla 00150 Rome, Italy e-mail:
[email protected] tel: +39 5705 3477 Correspondence on the workshop and the report should be directed at James Everts The opinions expressed in this document represent those of the participants of the Workshop and do not necessarily reflect an official position of the FAO, the Worldbank, OIF, IFAD or the Government of Senegal. ii The Future of Biopesticides Acronyms and abbreviations AGRHYMET Centre de formation et d'information en agro-hydro-météorologie Centre for Training and information on Agrometeorology and Hydrology APLC Australian Plague Locust Commission BCP Biological Control Products SA (Pty) Ltd CABI CAB International CERES-Locustox Centre for Ecotoxicological Research in the Sahel CFA Coopération financière d'Afrique CILSS Comité permanent Inter-états de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel CLCPRO Commission de lutte contre le Criquet Pèlerin dans la Région Occidentale Commission for controlling the Desert