PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. — «ΑΜΜΠΡ JUNE 18SS. T«L. 23, 12. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY A*VTM ™ ΜΟΒΝΙΝΟ. MARCH 12, 1873. ΓΓτπιπ Tft tm pfp advance.

THF. PORTLAND DAILY PBESS FOUND. TO LEI. WANTS, LOST, REAL ESTATE. A Daiibury young man oui of employment Published the 1-8.7-3. MISCELLANEOUS. THE every day (Sundays excepted) by PRESS. and health, desires to act »» substitute for of the war of lt>12. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Board. Lost. some pensioner Ko ob- Geo. & Co's REPORT OF THE CONDITION WEDNESDAY the FEW can be accommodated at R. Davis MORNING, MAR. >Ï3. to into country. GENTLEMEN tills city on Thursday last, on Brackett 12, jection going At 100 Exchange St, Portland. at 1Π o( Cumberland. street, OP THE A Myrtle street, corner between Carlton anil a of he has read of Ieb23 lm IN Vaughan, pair heavy A Dauburv man beg- Also table boarders, bowed SPECTACLES. The finder will be suit- BULLETIN/ nap Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance gold (Ji>sih> and gars with stockings full of silver, but ably rewarded by leaving them at the office, MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, («loaning:*. dying To Let. Argus the lie ever saw had real estât· mclill dot monrr iu «uni» only beggars τπΕ Wr arc prepared lo loan OF POR'iXANDi 9IK. in μαινεΊϊτατε tress connected furnished rooms with board at 119 on i*»l theirs. from 910Φ to any auonul dc*ircdt The Maine State At Very pale grey paper, with cross lin of Cumberlaud cor. of Franklin Sts. first-class canvassers Press close of business February* 23, 1873. ngs la Thursday TWO Wanted, for Abbott's L\fe Cape Eliza· A often wiuters like piblislied every Morning at $2 00 a febïl tf clan» mortuIfcn iu Ponland gold, is the latest novelty for billets-dour. Danbury boy (not year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a of Napoleon III. New Edition, with accounts of the Parti»· dc- this a harmonica f year. belli, West brook, or Deering. BESOUBCES. one, however,) ttole riday Prussian and the last hours of to Board, War, the Emperor; nloo be accommoda 63 evening sereuade his and w»» Rvtes ok Advertising : One inch ot in Quiet •irouaor baildiuffcnn Over 025,906 girl with, space, making an elegant octavo of 700 The times Drafts ; 'm 48 Roehefort is reported to have utilized his im- sending thunder leng.h of constitutes a GENTLEMAN and a home pages. with loniw. and through it column, "square-" Lady wishing quiet ted U.S. Bonds to secure when lightning 50 can lind Hunt rooms and the theme renders it the most work of circulation 300,000 in a novel. overhauled $. per square daily first week ; 75 cents per A pie with board at No. 4 popular CEO. K. DAVIS & CO,, * prisonment writing by his father and the owner, — « ultiee ug every other after lirst 50 cents. two single gentlemen can be acoommodated also. won t take hold day week, Β. B. Russell, Mass. tf 03 worth a cent. Half three insertions or 75 cents one jan7 Publisher, Boston, sei'24 DmfroÎîuSiBond8an'1 Mortgagee.''.! 22|β13 the is the square, less, ; Mrs. Lander tragedian, spending A parent writes week. Si 00 ; 50 cents week after. mchlO dlw&w3wll Rrnmball Duo from A«'U I» to us that he per MtE.-Home No. 16 SS?Î^Llie8erï0 T!'^ in Rome. and is annoyed Special one third additional. A Few Good Bents in " winter pained by his son Notices, Street, aeren room·, parlor finished 'm W atks staying out and Uudcr head of "Amusmements," $2 00 per square FOR Roll Estate81*.10 usit we can nights, applied for at once. Wanted. blnck walnut, marble mantel· Parlor present a for per week ; three insertions or less $1 50. House heated fur- Current Expenses has ten remedy this IF MATTOCKS & ono that has had and ball freacoed. by 25'?ifl u4 Meissonier ave:aged pictures per rapidly growing evil. There Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State FOX, APOTHECARY CLERIC, BEST WEEKLY PAPER Checks and Cash Items are «-vera! rem- nov5dtf 88 Middle street. Address nace. Good cellar. IValcr aid ιαι. Lot in ίίΐ 14il edies. The » Press" Las a large circulation in every Antwo or three vears experience. Apoth- Bills of National Banks annum for boy spine can be (wh'.cli part marlO^w 50xti4. to E. «. PATTERSON on Vjct thirty-'.wo years. an or broken with of the for SI 00 per lor first P. O. Bex 1787 Portland. Apply Fractional and axe, he cau be nailed to State) square insertion, ecary, She >r to CEO. R. DAVIS Ar CO. Currency Nickelsι gjj 40 the floor and 50 cents square for each inser- premise*, a red hot railroad with per subsequent STORE TO LET. r Specie 1*^41 no spice, driven Partner, mu 7 ec*12w through hli tion. Wanted—A Legal Tender Notes A in Philadelphia has in- abdomen, but the most Address all communications to of the sell- «Ιοοο philanthropist effectual li large brick store in the Rackleff Block, corner a small capital, to take charge lor him to way to PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. FOR SALE—A $10,000 Farm vented a new of fence for local compel wear patched A of Middle and Ce arch streets—basement and WITHing department of an Agricultural Implement <1,131,186 32 style politi- clothing. first and toundrv all IN floor, elegant h finished and adapte 1 to jobbing Manufactory. Work shop, patterns, $500011 Situated in Cumberland MAINE: LIABILITIES. cians to sit oti. or other similar trade. dry goods Capital Stock, In 300,000 BUSINESS CARDS. to ALLEN HAINES. REED. Real Estate Agent, Co., on line of both Grand Trunk paid Mulitndinou» Apply "inquire ofrjoSEPH Fund 60,000 Matiimonv. septlldtf 6 Brown's cor. Congress and Brown Sts. an ■ Central Railroads. Surplus to ''save No. Block, Maine Profit and Loss 62,341 05 Philadelphia ladies are beginning mai 7 coJlw* return stamp, Discount 25 STROVT & HOLMES, Address, enclosing 10,212 up," so as to make a stunning appearance how it woims rs ctau—a To the Honorable Charles W. GEO. R. DAVIS & CO., Portland, 132,513 30 rLtuuos Walton, Bccause it the WIFE NAUKATES HEB one of the Jniiticre of the Supreme Ju- Girl Wanted. Me. gives more reading Circulation 270,000 during Centennial celebration. EXPERIENCE. and Counsellors at Law, dicial Attorneys Court ol the State of iTIaine. 10 do house-work In a small family. No. 2 Cor- fel)20 4w State Circulation 4,M6 matter than Dividends 17 undersigned, Nathan Webb, Attorney ot the Τ ner Cumberland an'l Pearl. any other; unpaid 1,529 BANK BUILDING, 19 Little with and Some facts CANAL THEUnited States of America tor the District of mar7tf E. LORD. Individual Deposits 381,921 ebony barrels, gold hoops interesting about the lunar Sale. U.S. 22 of the Maine, a duly authorized agem of said United States Real Estate for Because it is a NEWS Deposits 10,276 silver are the latest in chate- workings peculiar institution of PORTLAND, ME. thoroughly U. S. 31 hunting horns, Utah for this purpose, respectiully represents that the Wanted Disbursing Officers deposits 32,849 came out in a recent lecture 13 laine by Mrs. Stea- United States aforesaid are desirous of purchasing Due to National Banks 507 vinaigrettes. A. A. 8TBOCT. GEO. Γ. HOLMES. class custom coat and pants PAPER; house—an intellectual and ou the for the erection of a furt and a certain tract whole a battery at who found herself fjb3 d3in of land situated in the town of Cane Elizabeth, in FirstMakers, AND LOT NO. 76 STATE ST., 81,134,186 32 lovely woman, duplicated A. S. Merchant HOUSE Because it has a Drunkard to a admit the Countv of Cumberland, within tiie limits of the FERNALD'S, Tailor, larger Editorial policeman—"I you and triplicated through the religious zeal of State of Maine, bounded and described marCdlw (Up stairs.) ill Middle Street. her SCRIBNER k JORDAN. particularly Lot contains 34,000 feet of land, with fine fruit gar- force I, Charles Paysun, Cashier of the Merchants Na- arc physically the stronger ; but in au intel- husband. The lecturer was proud to as follows:— at a bolt in a rock on than any other in (ay Beginning copper etc. to paper tional of do the that the Mormon women did not side of tne road den, cold, grapery, Apply Bank, Portland, solemnly swear,that lectual I am ac- the southerly leading from the coun- WASTED. W· H. FESSENDEN, above statement is true to the best of contest, your superior." willingly Attornevs and. Solicitors road to he Portland Head my knowledge cept polygamy. They were into ty Light House, said cop- marCtf 215 Commercial Street. Maine; and belief. CHAS. PAYSON, Cashier. betrayed ΟΓ pei bolt being about eleven hundred feet distant a revelation which waj «aid to com· Cumberland Couxty : obeying from the county road known as the shore rond, thence Bccausc β». Thurlow it is or first of a of two Administrator's Sale of Real Estate its Market, Con .Weed, said, reads Dickens from God, which made it necessary for their American and southerly at light angles with said Light House April May, by family persons Marine, Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 8th day of Foreign Patents, in the town of a Protestant woman who at sale in the town of March. 1873. for an salvation and exaltation in heaven that road seven hundred and nineteen leet more or less to IN Alfred, be sold private Cape hour, every night, before he goes to they J. E. understands housework, and is willing to five miles from Portland on the COFl»IIV, Consulting Engineer. a copper bolt set in the line of a stone wall, which general WILLElizabeth, gressioual, Legislative and othei C. O. J. P. should give to their husbands other wive· make herself useful. To one who is com- to so the Real BANCROFT, wall is the of land now or for- generally road f:om the Cape Spurwink called, Attest : sleep. even 74 middle cor. southerly boundary and a Correct, though that act of obedience should Gxcbangn file., Portland, of B. thence said petent, with good references, liberal wages good Estate of Sarah L. Jordan, late of Cape Elizabeth, reports are fuller than Me. merly Benjamin Dyer; easterly by any other Jacob McLellan, ι were wall four home will lie given. in the Cumberland, deceased. Said estate crucify themselves ; and they betrayed stone about hundred and twenty-eight feet Countj^f Geo. S. ! Directors. coroners care of acres with a one-story Hunt, are reported to be that to the sea shore; thence by the sea Addess, stating wages requ'red, etc., "H.," contains nine and one-half in marl0d3t Kofus E. Wood. Chicago having by abnegation which women have al- Examinations made by our in northeasterly Merrill & Me. ieb'.'6tf and situation paper Maine; ) agent Washington fchore to the where the side line of Kaler, Co., Portland, House and Bam thereon. Soil good excellent luck at seine a shown in a cause. mora when desired. Consultation free. Letters of point southerly fishing, averaging ways religious The inquiry the road from road to the Lteht House pro- for Fruit and Vegetables. cheerfully and promptly answered. All business in county Because its State News REPORT OF THE CONDITION at cast alluring doctrine of a ot th· would strike the sea at low water Lost. virtue of alicence from Hon. J, A. Waterman, is the couple of corpses every kinship spirit, res>>ect to an for longed shore line; By application Patent can be transact- Probate for Cumberland County. assertion that all women must have hui- thence westerlv on such prolongation of the souther- CITY HALL, on Friday evening, at the Judge of ed bv mail. J ν2 Τ Τ «& S tf MILTON Administrator. most collected Oi- THE bands in order to be ly side line of the road to the Light House to the first AT Blues' Masquerade, part of a new Waterproof DYER, carefully and select saved, and that true mar- 28th, The to rate some time as bounds; said described parcel of land containing Cloak, seams stayed with white tape. Another was Cape Elizabeth, February 1873.^ Japanese expect riage was not for time only, but for all eterni- j. H. about nine acres. That the sole owner of said de- left in of the one which the owner can HOOPER," place taken, FIRST NATIONAL civilized after our but for ty, was taught. scribed tract of land is supposed to be one Benjamin have by calling at 143 Middle street with the one tak- BANK, thoroughly fashion, B. of Elizabeth and of mistake. The first symptom of that Dyer, Cape aforesaid, capable en through feb25 For Sale. of Portland, in the State of Maine, at the close of I the present prohibit expectoration in the coming polygamy UPHO LSTERER ■conveying the same to said United States. That the un- is the house on State occupied by the business on 28, 1873. perceivable by first wife is eenerallv a said B. owner as aforesaid of said Street, Friday, February street* of their cities. Benjamin Dyer, Cord Wood Wanted. This house is built of mue quiet, signing ou the of the hua- Nos. 31 and 33 Free tract of land, from disagreement in regard to the Choppers THEdersigned. thoroughly^ WANTED Î part SL, brick and stone and has ail modern conveniences. RESOURCES· band. Ile becomes serious. price of the same, or from some other cause to this ALLEN HAINES. very Hie mind and to the said United States Loans and Discounts Why thon doth fle«b, a bubble-glae of breath, is He MANUFACTURER OF applicant unknown, GOOD CHANCE—SI PER CORD. 1872. seplU-tt {1,096,091 05 evidently occupied. ejhibits a more hath refueod and still refuses to said tract of Portland, Sep. IStb, U. S. Bonds to aecure circulation Hunt alter honour and aduancement vaine convey " 678,000 00 tlian usual zeal for the faith. " " " And reare a He goes and to said United States; deposits 200,000 00 trophee for deuring death regu- Parlor Suite, Lounges. Spring Good With BO PTftilt. liihnnr nns certain to bom· nmeled Ac. entitled "An act for the to the United JOKDAIV, 40 Rooms.Gas and Scbago Due from Bankers 4,669 85 its bring Chair*, relinquishment febl5dtf Bar Mills. to Ε. H. Newburyport supplements juvenile ghost some States in certain cases of title to lands for Files of Apply GILLESPIE, Banking House 5,000 00 present, and he tells bis "sweet little No. 34 Plum St. story witli a tale of a cat discovered Ï-3T λιι ϋΐηιω οι lupauiug uuauj uuuc. ruimiuie liiiht stations on the coast and waters of the State," Wanted. sepl3-tf Expenses 1,443 04 petrified wife,' how much be lores her, that "she fill· Premiune 00 boxed and matted. oct5-'69TT&Stt approved February 18,1871, as amended by an act en- Oar triends eaunot conler » more 13,275 in the of a his and that s > room on or acceptable New belfry church long suspected of heart" be "is happy in her titled "An Act to ameud Chapter six hundred and PLEASANT Spring St., vicinity, FOR SALE ! Cash Items 350 00 furnished or uufuruished. Without board. Year's Gift than b? each «ending one or » dozen new tor of affection." Whenji wife in Utah hears this JOST & forty-nine oi the private laws of one thousand eight A Fxpenses Clearing House 14,973 84 pusseyism. KELLER, hundred and seventy-one, relating to light janlOtt Address BOX 1336. ol βΙΐΚθΛ»1ΚΑΙ·α Bills of National Banks 28,700 00 kind of language she may be certain that houses," House No. 21 Emery St., bead Fractional approvod February 20,1872, to be published in somo Currency 4,570 63 there is another revelation awaiting bar. FRESCO in Cnsbman Street. 956 Thiers is said to be his PAINTERS, newspaper Portland, nearest to where said tract Specie 85 preparing speeches The affectionate husband becomes re- of land once Tender Notes very lies, in each week for the space of four BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Said liouse is one of the best locations on Legal 111,750 00 for publication. What a sublime Office 134 Middle stairs. which idea of flective and observing. His Brother Jones St., up months, notice shall contain an accurate de- on the street ; lino neighborhood. Consists of scription of said tract of with the Un 33 French under that man has three Brother Smith and PORTLAND, ME. land, together two story framed House and ell, containing ça,406,208 patience1 suffering wives, two, name of the supposed owner, and shall require all for Machines, Ε walls Brother who ba« not been half s· Orders be left at F. F. Hale*» Agency Sewing mgmy finished rooms; painted throughout; has I Robinson, may picture gallery persons interested in said lands to come foiward on a cellar and heated furnace brick cis- LIABILITIES. ana O. M & F. P. No. 333 St. w. β. οϊκκ, κ», ara middle et. au gas ; good by ; large many years in the church as he has, baa even Brooks', Congress day to be specified in said notice and file their objec- filtered well drained. One of the most desi- A "Ν" OFFER. ET"AH Orders attended to. il should kintl* of Machines for sale and to let. tern, ; Capital Stock *800,0C0 oo four while he. ha* promptly tions, any they have, to the proposed pur- rable and convenient houses in the city; close to Mr. Kistner and Hiss wives, poor man, only juu25 tf cbs Fe» Repairing. Profits, viz., Surplus Fund....160,000 00 Quigg—wonder If one. He then street hue of cars ; can be seen from 3 to 5 P. begins very gently with, And this in behalf of said United Spring Discounts 13,877 68 applicant, States, M. Terms easy. oh the premises. anybody could be happy wilh such names— "This will never we are not further that on return Bakers. Enquire Profit and Loss.. 27,695 98 do, my dear, L. B. prays, the day specified in June 19. dtt DENNETT, r 66 got buta St. Louis calls >t our I am sou.etime» afraid said notice iury may be empannelled in the manner IV. C. COBB, No·. '28 and 30 Pearl Street. $201,573 married; paper living religion. now α law to assess Circulation 00 that the providi by the value of said tract Oil direct route between New Custom 601,000 the "clandestine of two «oui*." anger of the Lord will be kindled of land at its fair market and all l>eposite, \iz., Individual 484,032 59 wedding Counsellor at Law, value, damages sus- Home and Po»t Office, near the Market. FOÏI SALE! We will send an extra copy of the Weeklv PitKsa against us." He makes bis wife (eel that it tained the owner of the lands so United States. 36,448 01 by appropriated by to us five new with is as much her as his. He asks his wife reason of such appropriation, and that such other any person sending subscribers, Disbursing OiHcer.169,444 28 duty NO. 1 EXCHANGE STREET, Booksellers and Stationers. National Banks.. 85 There is newspaper out West which cele- which ot all the of her and further proceedings may dc had in pursuance of $10. .113,709 young girls acquain- the aforesaid acts of the of the State of tance would make a wife—a PORTLAND. HE. Legislature ηογτ, FOGG & I3BEED, No. »1 Middle Special club rates icay bo obtained by applying!/-" Total brated Washington's birthday by good pleasant Maine as be to to said United ΤΕΒΒΕ"πΓ Deposits 803,634 73 deelaring may requisite convey Street. HOUSE, the Publishers. companion for ter—one who would respect JttnlO tf States of America a and absolute title to thë '•its every issue to be a daily illustration of good her. He mentions a half one of above described tract oi land against all peisons SPRINGVALE. $2,406,208 39 the dozen, so Book Binders. little-hatchet-and-cherry-tree story." whom be had and one F. & C. B. NASH, whatsoever; and will ever pray. determined upon, that Dated at Portland, in the County of Cumberland, Wffl. A. QUINCY, Boom 11, Printer'» STATE OF MAINE, County of Cumberland, ss. is selected. The wife, of course, Is not de- the of October. A. D. 1872. No. Ill St. WILL BE SOLD CHEAP ! NO. 172 AND 174 FORE twenty-ninth day Exchange, Exchange I, William Ε. Cashier of the Ala· ceived ; she teels that is uselesa. STREET, NATHAN Gould, First National (quod slie) behold each pleasant groene opposition WKBB, SMALL Λ 811ACKFOBD, No. 35 Plum As the owner wants to go West. Bank of Portland, do swear that the above Will now renew hie sommer'» : Soon the husband to Attorney of the United States for the District of solemnly l'uery has meetings attend, PORTLAND, MAINE, Street. statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be- The flowers which hnue Dot been eeeue Maine. SAMUEL D. TEBBETS. lief. fragrant business engagements after business hour* jau31 WM. E. GOULD, Cashier. Will flourish now (ere lone) in : Having been appointed Agents for one of the brauery He is seen or with a THE NEXT YEAR Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8th day The tew'er buddes, whom colde hath long kept In, walking riding younf» Lead in STATE OF MAINE· Carpenters and Builders. of argsst Manufactories New England are Mareh, 1873. HOWARD GOULD, N. P. Will spring and spronte, as they do now begin. girl, and then she leels that she has been de- WHITNEY & MEANS, Pearl op- Correct. Attest: ow prepared to offer Sheet Lead and Lead Pipe, to Cumberland, ss. Street, EDUCATIONAL. —Oatcoignt. ceived, and her idol is broken. 1Γ a man bas the Nathan Webb posite Park. Chas. Holder, the trade at Boston priocs. d«28tf Upon foregoing application by ) twenty wives he makes the first one believe of the United States of America, it H. J. Libby, Directors. Attorney having J The north-wind is full of and she is bis first and been satisfactorily made to appear tome that the Dentists. J. B. Brown, ) courage, puts only love. Slid is a mchll the stamina ot endurance Into a man, and it There is a of women in applicant duly authorized agent of said DB. W. R. over Π. Π. Hay's. Eaton School 2t class Utah pro- C. W. M. JOHNSON, Family would into a STOCKMAN, D., United States to ma^e the same, and that the mat- No efforts will be spared to make tbe Maine probably woman too if there fessedly devoted to polygamy, as they are to ters of fact therein set forth are true, and that it con- REPORT OF I HE CONDITIO? were a series of resolutions THYSICIAN A\D State Press m ore acceptable to itspatrens. Indeed passed to that ef- faith in Christ, who act as drill-sergeant* to SURGEON, tains an accurate description of the lands proposed to Dye-House. fect.— be FOR BOYS, the Publishers will not relax their eftorts to make Warner the other women. These lead Las removed to purchased by the Uuited States for the erection of F. SYMONDS, St. VelTet Cloak· of Tax Mormon poly- a fort and with the names battery, together of all dyed and finished. the paper a necessity to those who have been accus- gamic society and get up memorials to C in- known or owners of said it is No. Î207 supposed lands, FOSTER'S 34 Union Street." tomed to read it. We that the An Iowa speculator has stocked a gress, etc. They form what is called the Con«?ress Street, Ordered, That notice of said application be given Dye House, pledge during year Case© National Bank large Female Relief and to women who (Opposite the Paik.) *o all persons interested in the lands thereiu de- Maine. 1873, the Weekly Press shall be more a NEWSPA- farm entirely with with a view to ulti- Society, Norridgewock, geese to scribed, and especially to Benjamin B. therein Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. PER than so AT object marriage say, "Would it not Office Hours from 6 to 10 A. M., and2 to 4 and 7 to Dyer ever, that tho famil·' that thoroughly PORTLAND, mate they named as supposed owner, them to come feather-beds, which he thinks will an- be for 9 P. M. requiring WALTER COBEI & No. reads the will better you to be one of the officers of a de!3tf forward in the Supreme Judicial Court in Portland CO., Arcade, paper have all the current events of the IN IS Free Street. THE STATE OF MAINE, ser better than any other investment iu that fine of war than to be the of a in the County of Cumberland, on Tuesday .the eighth day. ship cap>ain F. of A. D. the second REOBGI A. No. 36 Ex- climate. small smack ?" it is better HENRY T. MERRILL, day April, 1873, being Tuesday WHITNEY, At the close of business February 28tb, 1872. I "fishing meaning of next, at 11 o'clock in the and file change St. of all kinds to be one ot the wives a April forenoon, Upholstering TERM the Eaton School will of great man than their if have, to th done to order. SPRING of COUNSELOR AT objections, any they -proposed pur- the wife of an obscure man. LAW, chase by the said United States of said iescr.bed lands THEcommence Another exhibition of the of only No. 3d RESOURCES. development A broken-hearted wife went to Eliza Exchange St., Portland. by pubiicaiion of a true and attes.-ed copy of the Miss Furniture and House Furnishing Woods. Loans and Discounts 09 woman. One in Baltimore has her- Formerly of the U. S. Treasury Department and eame application and of this order thereon, once in 31,271,852 provided R. Snow—one of the wives of MARCH 24th, U. S. Bonds to secure circulation Brigham Atuu ney in all the courts in the District of ol umbia, each week for the space of four months in tne Port- BENJ. ADAMS, cor. Exchange and Fed- 535,000 00 self tfith two hundred of and told her the of her life. Other Stocks, Bonds and 00 pairs stockings Young—and miseiy will attend to the of « lairas before the land Daily a in Portland eral Streets. 1STΟ CHROMOS. Mortgages 48,511 prosecution Press, newspaper published And continue thirteen weeks. Due from and "I eannot endure the Court of Claims and various nearest to where said land the last to Redeeming Reserve Ag'ts. 158,827 58 an is confident she intends to or- it," exclaimed unhap- the departments at lies, publication HOOPER & EATON, Old Poit Office, For Circulars address 44 44 exchange be at one National Banks 23 16 woman. "But must endure re- Washington. octll-if least week before said eighth date of April. Street. 44 44 β, py you it," Exchange marl0d3w HAMLIN F. EATON. State Banks and Bankers.... 789 ganize a hose company. Dated at Portland in the County of Cumberland 24 plied her comforter. "It will kill me, I know L. F. II©YT, No. It Preble Street. Up- Banking House. 80 the thirtieth day of Octaber, A. D. 1872. 20,000 It well !" she uttered in "Then ROSS & C. W. holstering done to order. Other Real Estite 20,000 00 despair. yoe STURDIYANT, WALTON, MAINE WESLEYAN SEMINARY Current Is will wear a Justice of the Judicial Court of Maine Expenses 1,179 83 It observed that the colored folks still martyr's crown, sister," replied Supreme Cash Items WHOLESALE COAL DEALERS A true copy of and order of Court Furniture and W oSer no to make the value ot the (including stamps) 37,392 06 this soulless woman. application Upholstering. — AND ? pictures Pbbs BUIb of National Banks regard Charles Sumner as their Moses. We thereon. 12,430 00 In it is no uncommon DAVID W. No. 89 Federnl St. up to Its Fractional Utah thing to find a 179 Commercial Portland· : DEANE, price. Currency (including nickels). 1,543 27 incline to that their St., Attest think, however, regard wife's own sister or as All kinds of VJphols « ring and Repairing Specie. ... 80 sisters brought home D. W. FESSENDEN. Clerk. FEMALE COLLEGE. 5,837 for him is the Sole agents in Maine for the sale and shipment of done to order. Legal Tender Notes 70,000 00 regard of an affectionate people wives, and some mothers have been obliged te To the Celebrated Coal mined by Messrs. Ham- the Honorable C hartoii W. Walton The Spring Term af this Institution will commence fora Moses in ruins. rive their own daughters to be wives to their one of the Jin «tic en of 02 uiett Ne ill & of the Saprcme Ju- Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. $2,190,026 husbands. once admitted te Co., Philadelphia. dicial Court of the State of Maine. LIABILITIES. Brigbam Young We have aleo lor sale at lowest market ». F. SHERRY, No. 9 Clapp's Block MARCH 9tli, Hepworth Dixon that he saw no objection to price, The undersigned, Nathan Webb of the Capital Stock 800,000 00 The London Attorney Congress Street, opposite Old City Hall. Fund Publiihcrs' Circular points brothers and sisters Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Lackawanna, and Pittston United States of America, for the District or Maine, We intend to make α paper tor Surplus 160,000 00 marrying. and w 1' continue thirteen weeks. Discount· out the fact that of hav- told Coals, shipped from the of New York. Ves- a duiy authorized agent of said United States for this 14,1*77 18 "many the clergy, Mrs.Stenhouse the tunny story ot Sis- vicinity H. P. Profit and Loss 96 purpose, respectfully represents that the United Horse and Ox Shoeing For circular address the Près dent, Torsey, sens i. 'e 138,802 ter Picknei'e funeral. The was sels procured for the tranportation of coals from people, and make tt worth ing much leisure and some literary taste, are following States aforesaid are aesirous of purchasing for the Done in the best possible manner S. LL.D. 313,781 14 port of shipment any point desired. t£apr27 by Bishop Hardy's sermon: "Wal, bruthrun erection of a fort and battery, a certain tract of land YOUNG & No. lOO Fore St. R. C. PINGREE, Sec'y of Trustees. Circulation, 478,600 00 very anxious to from alto- CO., $3 to e^fh subscriber for the Dividends escape theology and are all and se situated in the town of in the Coun- t Jan 2173 Kent's Hill, Me., Feb. 10,1873. *8w8 year unpaid 1,325 00 sisters, you here, I 'spose, PORTRAIT PAINTER. Cape Elizabeth, and are industrious In ty ot Cumberland, within the limits of the State of Deposits 562,623 83 gether, exceedingly we'll begin. Wal, our sister is dead; let her 1873. Due to National Banks Maine, particularly bounded and described as fol- Jewelry and Fine Watches. 33,696 05 writing for the periodicals." rest. Our sister bas suffered ana made oth- J. G. lows the sea shore at the School CLOUDMAIV, Beginningat Northeasterly Navigation ! ers but now she's dead we'll let her corner cf a lo* of land recently conveyed to the Unit- IBNER LOWELL, 301 Congress Street. Total Deposits $597,641 88 suffer, 148 EXCHAKOB ST. ed States by Asa T. Webster," and the Southeasterly Agents for Howard Watch Company. Louise Muehlbach has just published a new rest. She opened the door to the devil* and jao22tf corner of the parcel of land described in and conveyed NAVIGATION SCHOOL will be opened at No. «2,190,026 02 historical novel, under the title "The let tbem in five years ago when her husband a deed from Asa T. Webster to C. Thirty by George Thomp- Manufacturers of Trunks, Valises and A 15J Exchange street, March 3d, to be under took his young wife. I told her then they son, dated March 23d, 1849 and recorded in Cumber- the charge of Capt. Edward Breen and C. H. Farley. STATE OF MAINE, Tears' War." Louise Otto's new novel J. II. LAIHSOK. Now is the time to subscribe. M would kill her if she did not take care, and land Registry ot Deeds, Book 216, Page 465, thence Carpet-Bags. Instruction will be given every aiternoon by Capt. County ok Cumberland, J bears the title "Rome in ," and now done it. She was a torment t· bv the division line between said two pieces of land V. R. DURAN 13 Cm Portland, Me. scription land, together with the nam*# rangement kept Portland Dailv Press evening. οι me supposed owner, ana snau au H. PEARSON, No. 99 Temple St., near constantly moving over the contents of the Refriger- can tell where she went after require persons LIABILITIES. More than nine hundred feeble churches you the party interested in said lands to come forward on a to Congress. All kinds of Silrer and Plated ator. The Patent upon this has been fully tested in WM. L. SOUTHARD, day was over. She was glad it was for her be specified in said notice and tilt* their objections, if Ware Repaired. tue U. S. Courts and its validity established in eigh- Capital Stock paid in 000,000 00 hare been assisted from the Loan fund which late, teen cases. Fund husband had not come home. She sat and IV·. 5 Penaberton square Boston, any they should have, to the proposed purchase. Surplus 120,000 00 And this applicant, in behalf of said United For LICENSE, RIGHTS, &c., apply to 18 — Discount 07 the Methodists established not long since, read au hour, and her husband did not come. Will Buy and Sell on States, SilTer and Plated Ware. 11,605 further prayr, that on the return day specified in said Exchange 175 00 and which has now increased to nearly $400,· She wrote fur an hour, and he did not com·. a be in the manner ι, .suJ (jnngreee street· SCOTT D. JORDAN, Profit and Loos 79 COMMISSION notice, ju ry may empannelled 131,492 She sat at the for an but he dit now 3d law, to assess the value of said tract S« 000 the liberal of a piano hour, SEAL Oc provid by AtïENT FOB HAINE, 9263,272 by subscriptions large not three and ESTATE, LAND, STOCKS, of land at its lair market value, and all damages sus- National Bank Circulation outstanding.. 479,390 00 come, At length, between Schools. The and tulleet » " number of the coun- — — largest dally paper published In State laymen throughout ALSC tained by the owner of the lands so Bank .. 9,447 00 four o'clock, there was a noise at the door, appropriated by EiïGLIMH find 430 No. 2 Park Street or No. 80 Middle St., reason or such and that such other FREHCH SCnOOL, and In the an in the the Publish- Dividends Loans on and other appropriation ; Maine, future past, unpaid 2,240 and two held him lu their arms. Negotiate Mortgage· Congress Street. Individual try. policemen and further may be had in pursuance of to wh'm all applications should be made, and who ers to make It the Deposits 36?,077 23 Securities. proceedings propose beyond question, Due She knew them both well by this tun·. It the a lore said acts of the Legislature of the State of has full power to settle infringements. meh4tf to National Banks 23,512 51 REFERENCES: bo Main ». as may bo requisite to convey to said United Stair Builder. The publication of Tyndall's lectures will happens often that she knows every po- Faneuîl Hall Nat. Bank. Hon. John P. Healey. State of Ame a and absolute title to the her ri^a, good B. F. liVBRV. Lo. '259 Fore Hirer I, cor. #1,743,939 CO be liceman on the beat. They bade good Messrs. Thos. Dana & Co. Hon. Isaac S. Morse. above escribed tract of land all somewhat later than was intended, since 44 against persons Cross St., in Drlenc'· Hill. NOTICE. night. She him in. She locked her Scudder & Co. Hon. J. S. Abbott. : ever GAS brought " Harvey whatsoever and so will pray. ■t been K. L. HOOPfiB Ac Sncceeftorn to I, B. C. Soroerby, Cashier of "The Canal National has decided to print In an appendix abuse him. Kemble & Hastings. Gen. J. S. Whitney. Dated at in the of CO., child's room that he might not Portland, County Cumberland, Iiittlefieid & Cor. York & ma- of Utley & Boynton. Joseph Dix, Esq. the of A. D. 1872. Wil»on, Bank, Portland," do solemnly swear that the the brilliant addresses at the farewell dinner She took the abuse as he himself upcm twenty-ninth day October, ple Street·. nung α *i « sQulres«&Co. R. A. Ballou, Esq. NATHAN above statement Is true to the best of Sam I B. WEBB, Best in my knowledge in New and thus make it a the bed. She took off his neckcloth >1)4 krogmau, Esq. F. W. Pelton, of the United States for tho District at Orders for of Newspaper Maine, York, complete fel,g Esq. Attorney removal obstruct- and belief. B. C. SOMEItBY, Cashier. coat, and sat there until be should fall into eod&wtf Maine. Watches, &c. memorial of the scientist's visit to thi s Jewelry, great his She was the woman who I. \V. & II. II. HCDIIFFEE,Cw. middle stupid sleep. J. II. F Ο Ο Ο ions in service pipes, if left at the country. The book may be expccted early had wine a , STATE OF MAINE. Ac Union Ste· Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of refused the glass of with shudder. es.: in Cumberland, March, 1873. GEO. C. PETERS, J. P. March. You did not know the story. You thought the Nathan Office in the will be at- and Upon foregoing application by Webb, Morning Correct, Attest: she was gay and bright. I know her story, Attorney Counsellor at ol the United States of America, it having law, Attorney By making all Its departments fuller and more valu W. w. because I ain her minister. bave a t>ecn made to appear to me, that the L. C. JOHNSON & Thomas, ) The Tear Book for 1873 the They satisfactorily SON., tended to same if lcit late in Wm. Baptist gives we are is a authorized agent of the said day; able. Deeriko, } Directors. sort of skeleton in the closet which said applicant duly A. L. statistics of the Chnrch as follows: 1191-2 EXCHANGE the and that the mat- —HAVING TAKEN THE—- as a Gilkey, ) Baptist are not. And when ST., United States to make same, Tlie growlngimportanceofPortland distributln mchlO permitted to see and you ters of fact therein set forth are true, and that it con- the not receive at- d3t In the United States there are 853 that we (Corner of Exchange and Federal Sts..) day, they may centre for Maine, and Its Increasing wholesale trade associa- we see that skeleton, do you wonder tains an accurate dcscripiion of the lands proposed to RESTAURANT a full sametimes thing"" about mod- l>e purchased by the United States for the erection of make Dally paper imperatively necessary. tions, 10,720 churches, 11,802 ordaiDed min- say pretty sharp feb27 tf a tention till next Saw Gummer & erate and the offered at PORTLAND, ME. fort and battery, together with the names oi all day. With a larger Editerai corps than any paper In Sharpener. isters and members. The drinking temptations known or it is mder the New City Building in Lewiston, for the 1,585,232 Sunday- Hnle. owners of said lauds, and with unexcelled facilities for ?—Jtev. £· E. supposed ierm of five would now to the Argon Advertiser copv. Jan31dl f Maine, collecting new parties Ordertd. that notice of said application be given to year», say public that A CHEAP, simple, and durable school statistics show 9,412 schools, 653,742 J. all persons ivci nt3 : d to keep a first-class place in every respect. and more space-to devote to details, the Publishers Machine—easily ENGER, interested in the lands thei ein described operated and wheels from 8 χ λ and of Fare shall be in wi' h the Portland running inches t > 12 scholars, The contributions re- especially to George C. Thompson, therein Dur Βκ. keeping will make every exertion to render the Daily Press χ linch. aggregate A Standing antidote for pobon named as Markets. do not by Ivy, them to come uid Boston Those visiting Lewision HAMBURGS! 46 PIAXO-FORTE TUJVER supposed owner, requiring a fuller and more complete paper than It has hitherto ported are $4,926,427.04. There are peri- etc is to take a bandlul of quicklime, dis- forward in the Supreme Judicial Court, in Portland, "orget to call at Price in the of shall hi every respect of 1 Welsh and solve in let It stand half an ajtd County Cumberland, on Tuesday, the eighth open this day one of the largest and best been,fand Machine, $15. odicals, of which 2 are German, water, hour, of April, A. D. 1873, WEline of Edges and ever in Wheels which then the with day beinjj the sccona Tuesday of Insertion-, opened bevelled, double bevelled and round are 9 paint poisoned parts It. Three at eleven ο clock Manufacturers' and Merchants' and at that face from 1 French. There theological seminaries, April next, in ihc forenoou, and file Portland, prices defy competition 82.12 to $7.35, according to tlilck- or four applications will never fail to repairer. tbeir if any tc ne«s. Heavier and 57 academies cm· objections, they have, tho proposed Machines $70 and ®90, run- 34 colleges and universities, the most cases. Orders in the or the said United aggravated Poison from city country will receive prompt purchase by States ot said described RESTAURANT, ning Wheels up to 24 inches in diameter. students, bees, attenMon. Add reps of a true GREAT BARGAINS AT over 500 instructors and 9,000 at U. S. Hotel, or 31 Temple St. lands, by publication aud attested copy of For illustrated or address with hornets, spiuer-bites, etc., is arrest- feb!3 and of this Pamphlets Photoerapbs. instantly eodSm the same application order tbercou, once CITY BUILDING, Pine Street, THE TANITE CO., ed by an application of common salt week for tho of four months and car- in each space in the Port- A FIRST CLASS Stroudsburg, Monroe Co., Pa. A mild and aflfectionate wife in Lancaster bonate of well rubbed in land Press, a published in MAINE. 121-2c, 2©c, 25c, 50c. NEWSPAPER. soda, on tLe JAMES O'DONNELL, Daily newspaper Portland, Ι,ΕΤΤΙβΤΟϊΤ, that ber bitten or place nearest to where said land lies, the last publication to overheard an acquaintance remark stung. LEWIS C. JOSEPH A. be at least one week before said eighth day of JOHNSON, JOHNSON, waited COUNSELLOR AT April dlvnewoSm SPECIAL· NOTICE, busband was too fond of loo. She LAW, next. jan'21 & COMPARY. COYELL All of the TANITK CO.'S are direct- when he came has removed to Dated at Portland, in tho County of Cumberland, good up for him that night, and ly made the at their own Factory and under niSCBLLANXOCB ΚΦΤΚΒ1. the thirtieth day of October, A. D. 1872. Dissolution of Partnership. by Co., if he had been NO. 841-9 MIDDLE W. their own Patents and Processes. home demanded to know STREET, C. WALTON, heretofore between Copartnership existing It is to Standard Goods directly from (2nd door below Caoal Justice of tl:e Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. the HAMBURGS! The'Publishers congratulate themselves that their cheaper buy his time with Loo. The un- For all the Bank.) THE undersigued is this day dissolved by mutual well known manufacturers than to buy of D»len or spending again complaints to females, A true copy of application and order of Court conseni. ^ efforts to peculiar jan24 make the Peers acceptable to its eet or The fullest informa- that he MAINE. patrons low βriceei cohubbcui. rtbeet. [From the A. M. SMITH, bargain, BP"Orders from Dealers filled Danbnry News.] cure in 1 minute feb2Gd&wtt w9 News promptly mch7 dtl Pike's Toothache Drops tyAttends to *11 kinds of Patent business A. P. MORGAN, °' °""·10 I. P. BUTLER. Address docs-pub· does and nurî-eodlw&wlt d3m Notice. Jdh™sna A Df«laircourse Portland, Maxell 1st. 1873. mar3d&w2w Lumber and Dock Timber Wanted suataIn3 one aDd Seed Meal W. PIERCE of retiree from our K^itSr for WOOD! 2000 Bags Cotton Portland, Advertisers naturally seek the meant WOOD A Fine Business CIIAS.firm, and hlB iuterest and ceases In exchange for Opening trom responsibility receptions In are aad —FOB SALE BY— this date. J"i®P'ivate Washington the number of readers, a young or middle aged man of Portland Publishing Co. Ltcnaetlrc Boilers* Horizontal *° in reaching largest Ν«· « unexceptiona- NORTON MILLS CO., Engine·, cosmopolitan their character The Pa*»· ble character. Experienced accountant and one Feed JPumpe and Other those the best quality. Daily FOR Lnmher Machinery. giving them are to adorn qf & I thousand dollars capital. Investigation is invited Manufactures, G. , thos,e obliged better tku aar WM. KENDALL· νΓΗΙΤΛΈΤ, Norton Mille and Island Pond ,vt. Address, H. ANDREWS. .heir parlors with the well known motto: fills the bill in both particulars BOB. it/ Ad4r«M Box 29U Portland lit. nov21« Island fcMdti 178 Pearl Pond, Sept. J, 1672. «Ttl Portland, Dec. ûMbJlST*. St., N»w York. 'Beware of pickpockets." other daily journal la Maiaa. while for the correction of from life, liquors, the dealer Stunned by a Meteok.—The sin- not on their retirement public following STATE Charleston and in the less cider NEWS. ; Ralph Carlton, Patten, Matanzas 18 dr^ conspicuous for noxious they have no dis- gular incident which occurred on the night of SPECIAL NOTICES. THE PEESS. η,,» u. τ „„Λι, >,hf,en so Victor, Wass, Savannah. new advertisements cretion, and must resort to the nuisance act, the 13th of November, when the meteors of the Ar 10th, brigs Ε Η Kennedy, Hallett, from Sagua; Faustina, Blanchard, Havana 18 days ; Onalaska, that moat terrible of all the weapons in the November period were is narrated in a let- KENNEBEC COUNTY. MORM>U, MAR. 12, >78. due, ROCK SEOOPS. Wheeler, EcU Car- WEDNESDAY ter Messrs Wm. S and denas 13 Lisbanudays; Keokuk, Jasper, from Mr. Bobin Allen, of the William E. of from to one Hun- days. well-stocked armory of the prohibitionist. Secretary Ν. Hadley WANTED SLOOPS caning filty EOST ! would wrong of the Portsmouth, H., have bought the Augusta dred Tons Hocks. at No. 13 Cahoon Block, Jasper, Cardenas 13 days. the may be Corporation Trinity House, to the Presi- Apply riiViîtî.' Every regular attache of the Press is famished For selling poor whiskey penalty House in Augusta. near City between the hours of one ana Dove, Morriman, San Fran- some ι dent of the of Building cisco .Florida, T. special the Royal Society which seven and nine mariotr Curtis, bar.iue G W Kose- With a card certificate countersigned by Stanley an for selling good cider, England, KNOX COUNTY. two, o'clock P. M. velt, Herriman Mollendo; easily paid fine; appears in the last number of Sagua ; brig L M Merrltt. Herriman, Editor. All steamboat and liote the "Proceed- office do; schs Battle t Κ Ρ1η· Pullen, railway, all in the most valuable must be severe. The little post at Rockland takes more Smith, Brown, for Porto OVSL, "ΓϋΙΛ Y° "5c κ et is, taken all, penalty, if anything, The letter runs Lizzie Lee, Plata; i&K0"*"8,! Λ, will confer a favor us demanding Lyncli ings." thus: money orders than New Smith, Baracoa; Mabel F managers upon by the last legislation is foreign York or any FERNALD, H S Kowe Staples, Cole, our servant that goes out with the the purpose of "I al" the Galveston ; Norfolk raf, ssf ,τγ ciier credentials of to represent Forty- Fourth, directed to acquaint other office in country. A large number of Tavenen, tke tor every person claiming public you that on the has received liia and Passed through Hell Gate 9th, sehs wbich a suitable reward win b« rMarT.:V *'bum- to the sale of cider by making it perfectly 13th of November at 2 Scotch, English and Irish stone cutters New Goods from tlie New York Geo Shattuek, as we have information that several second Congress. stop last, a. m., a meteor are em- Mills. New York for Gloucester; Pacific. at this office. journal, the burst the in the Ginn, do for Apply the name of all restrictions from sale against Seven Stones ployed granite quarries there, who take Boston for 1873. Kockland; Victor, Look, Savannah muiSMt mers" are courtesies in free and to remove Lightvessel, be- Markets, tor Addison; seeking ; longing to this this mode of sending to their Lord. New York lor to be, even pas- The first division of the new parliament of utmost Corporation, and moored about money families Call in at Catawamteak, Kockland. Press, and we have no disposition it with the rigor. in the old world. NEW HAVEN—Old 8tli, sch Card. by punishing byN. of the Scilly and Mary C, (Br) Cook, a to such fraud. the Dominion occurred last on an is that it ha-»>' Islands; Portland and St John, NB. Mr. F. Κ. sively, party Friday the free cider party pleased with the been reported that PENOBSCOT COCNTY. A. S. FERNALD'S, appointed Lewi», Trav.ir·* Fifth, the watch were PROVIDENCE—Ar sch Aeent for my recently patented election case and in such a as to show struck senseless for a 8th, Josephine Knowles, HAVING Bam sifter fii way because it concedes to them short period, noth- The arrival of Hou. John A. shown Dim will be and communi- new arrangement, seeing Peters is an- merchant Tailor, Merritt, Hobokeu. courtesies fully appreciated letters the the but that on fcb28 p. We do not read anonymous relative of the ministerial and The ultra are "li^fore shock, recovery,balls nounced by the Whig. Ol MIDDLE sn3w Ar 10th, ech C W Holt, Delay, Savannah. d.tcbSEkt of the writer are in strength all they desire. prohibitionists ot π re, like STREET. With name nd address large stars.were in the water Sid 10th, sch Paragon, Shute, New York. Μ. Λα R. MtlliVeu cations. The The vote stood 95 to like falling The total cost of the Bangor fire department not necessarily for publication opposition parties. 79, also enchanted with it, because after splendid and that the decks NEWPORT—In port 9th, sens Gem, Arey, and An- Portland, March 12th, 1873. marl2*lw all cases e, alluring fireworks, was GG indispensab were covered with last year $12,523 34; §4,476 less than the MUSICAL· Rockland for New York ; Crescent of faith. so that the present has a majority of cinders, which crushed un geline, Robinson, but as a guaranty good ministry the unsuspecting countryman by promisej of der the Portland for H II Fisk, or erve com- sailors' feet as walked. It appropriation. A fine Lodge, Hatch, do; Wixon, To Let. to return pre about in the last they appear- Church Organ, with two hanks oi and for W3 cannot undertake twenty against sixty strong into violations of the law it sudden- the meu The that the "Reform" ratifica- keys do for Baltimore: Saml C Hart, from Rockport impnnity ed, said, as if something was Whig says pedals for sale at and desirable front room» on that are not used. passing a very reasonable price at Norfolk. very pleasant munications This Is a small particu- and disembowels and met with the tion in Monday night, ended in vigor- and parliament. majority ly swoops down him—jest swiftly, obstruction of the Bangor, VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 8th. sch Percy, Colwell, TWOCongress St., between High Qreen Sts. in- vessel and burst. The ous fisticuffs. ■A1ÏES & CBAGIN'I) Terms reasonable. at ll8 Fore Street, where members are to be more a Superintendent reports New York for Apply larly likely as the sturgeon displays number Eastport. mar 12 barbels, that the men there was a died in Music Store. a Ar for tf "Honest John inteiests say very decided Blake, Esqr, who recently Also largo of Woods 9th, schs H G Fay, Philbrook, Jacksonville Lynch.'' fluenced measures affecting local like smell of George variety Smiths, lor by looking eartli-wfcrms, depending from the brimstone." Hampden, was the eldest son of Gen. John and Estey's Heed organs. Boston; George G Jewett, Patterson, New York The retirement of Hon. John from no lead- do; Black Lynch than a name that represents under side of its mouth which Blake, who served in the Revolution. Mr. febl3 Warrior, Stevens, do for Portland ; Frank by party by small fishes en-dim & Emily, McCobb, Charleston for the national legislature on the 4th of tke is said that if the Important Decision.—Λ η Ogdensburg, Ν. Blake was a subscriber of the Weekly Courier Rockport. NOTICE EXTRA. ing principle or policy. It are attracted within and then Sid, schs Percy, Abbie Perkins. reach, easily for 54 years, ia advance. If you want η nice Passed month deserves more than a to the demands of Y., despatch says that an important opinion paying Photograph or Tin by, barque Ellen Stevens, Skinner, Matan- present passing does not accede and devoured. to zas for ministry remorselessly has been in SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Type, go A. M. McKonny.'s 161 Middle Street. Portland; sch Almeda, Smith, Elizabethport notice. His term of service has the members of that given that place by Judge James lor Pembroke. been longer New Brunswick that If these five He warrents them as as can be propositions are not reconcila- of the The Bath Times that the Maine Central good made in Port- Ar sebs than that of and if Sir Supreme Court, in a suit against the says loth, M J Cbadwick, Coan, Baltimore for One Price ! No Variation ! any other Representative from will the opposition ; ble with each has ceased tickets to Boston ex- land. ag5-eodtf sn Portland. province join other, it is not fault. Trustees and of the Vermont Central selling through this grants my managers over the Eastern and the Knox sch Addie M Bird. district, with a single exception, since John A. Macdonald's government are all cept railroad, They inductions from such explana- and Vermont & roads. The suit was & Lincoln is to follow suit. With To Let. «'earner Alh mbta, the it he is equally compelled ?flTC1i.10l.h·tor Wright, admission of Maine to the Union in 1820. New Brunswick what asks, tions of Bath & Halifax; for SALE the recent legislation as have brought to recover about $1,400—for supplies the Portland charter in her pocket the commodious four storied Brick Store, No. 57 St tihn TIR? brig Fidelia, White, CLOSIJTO of Ontario and appear- Eastern railroad in Commercial St.—immediate Si'^rtel, Smith, to load And we believe that his constituents of both certain to offend the province ed. & effect has "bagged" all the THE posession given. for New Yorii Rockport, The truth is that no man or set of furnished the Ogdensbnrg Lake Cliamplain of ELIAS THOMAS & to the benches. men, railroads in Maine. Inquire CO., parties will unanimously assent to t'.ie propo- send its members opposition in leased the defendant and No. 90 Commercial St. ΗΛΛ-· Joh"A PREVIOUS TO TAKING STOCK. the Legislature or out of seemed to road, by roads, prop- C. V. of seems probable that the it, Capt. Minott, Phipsburg, is getting Or oi \V. W. THOMAS, Canal National Bank. Dltrte^lSS^yNOrt0n·Cldllth, schs Isaac sition that in the which It, therefore, quite on the road was attached. A motion was Rich, Studlev for Philadolnhii- eight years during know what was desirable in relation to cider. erty the necessary material to build another ship, septl2sntf Bertha J oi the Dominion be Fellows, Smith, Rockport to New- he has represented them at he government may made to dissolve the which motion this scasou. T. B. Bowker, has a Ν J. loidfor Washington present There were two that reasona- attachment, Esq., splen- ark, at most time in things might did schooner of one hundred tons, new measure- has sustained as enviable a reputation for found in the minority any was granted on the ground that all the proper- FARM FOR SALE ! E. T. ELDEN & CO., bly have been done, and only two. One was ment, upon the stocks at Meadow Brook Junc- FOREIGN FORTH. and as any of his the ty was held under authority of the Court of ability, integrity industry future^ to continue in the direction pursued for the tion. At Auckland, NZ, Jan 23. ship Polar Star, Stetson, now offer their entire assortment of illus- in and for the of the YORK COUNTY. from ar for to predecessors, not even excepting the Children are to Vermont, trust, purposes Melbourne, 12th, Europe, load cargo of popularly supposed ape last few years, and cider in all The Farm owned the late situat- barque Robert. laurels place respects trust, and could not be attached on a suit The Biddeford Times a of by Bailey Talbot, Rich trious whose brightest the "tricks and the manners" on publishes portrait ed about mile from the nf South At Jan 21. and Low Priced Dress Goods Fessenden, of their elders ; a par with other intoxicants, and so end murderer £ viiliage Freeport, Dunediu, NZ, barque Helena, Snow, brought against the trustees in their official the alleged Wagner. aud on the road between there and Yarmouth, (from Melbourne) for Boston, ldg; Conquest, Small, were won as a member of anotaer body. but Hall of a all controversy and doubt in that George Ma.yland, school-boy, way. Rev. Silvanus of the Con- This Farm lying on the tide waters of Harriseeket from Boston, ar Jan 12. s Another was capacity; but that John Gregory Smith, W. C. Haywcrd, pastor The Mr. way to abandon with can be dressed from the and is un- Ar at 9th Plus circumstances attending Lynch has introduced a innovation equal gregational church at South Berwick, has re- River, easily sea, Antwerp inst, ship Ne Ultra, Klrby, Until shocking upon frankness the idea of cider the Smith, Joseph Clark, B. P. and Law- rivalled in the country as a farm. It contains New York. April 1st, The time lias been embracing in Cheney that after there seven hay return home are ejtablished habits. signed office, laboring for about 125 acres ot land peculiar. George loved his list of and rence trustees and with plenty of wood. House Ar at Liverpool Sth inst, ship Bombay. Emmons, Amelia, intoxicating beverages, to aban- Barnes, managers, were per- and 2 at less than New York and when the honesty of a Congress- years. Barns. Can be bought to advantage before the Savannah ; Kate Prince, Hamilton, New Orleans. Itoston pecuniary schoolmate, and, because she didn't answer don formally all interference with its sale in liable for all debts and contracts made 1st of it would ; sonally Two men recently caught 500 trout a April Ar at Honolulu 8tk ult, barque Powhattan, Black- man would be and when other words to at and during For of M. presumed, a letter, shot her. This was all but stop prohibition cider, them. in a Cornish particulars enquire L. Talbot, on the stone, Port Gamble, (tond sailed 15th on return.) regular, by single day pond. H. 6 WHOLESALE PRICES! be an to him on legaiu us purjwse as oeen iuinnea premises, or, Talbot, No. Clapp's Block, Con- At Surinam 20th Ho, Closson, for impertinence congratulate instead of uaving IN GENEBAL. ult, brig Tally immediately shooting himself, as other gress St., Portland, Me. feb21d&wsntf Boston next day. the crime ot when all intoxicants are successfully The Catastrophe at Smyrna.—The Levant freedom from vulgar thieving. was to be The were issued to Maine Ar at Demarara 8th ult, brig Rocky Glenn, Dow, expected, he marched off and jug- prohibited. Either of these courses, (I do following patents the only inquiry would have been Herald gives additioual particulars of the terri- inventors for the week Feb. LEA Sc PERKINS' Hamburg; 18th, sch Martha Maria, Veazie, Boston; BARGAINS Formerly himself under not undertake to which is would at ending 18th, 1873, Ε do. gernauted the wheels of a say right) ble at caused the fall of and each that date: Leavitt CAUTION ! 20th, brig Mary Pennell, Eaton, his ability and the fidelity with least be But this of calamity Smyrna, by bearing Bartlctt, Worcestershire Sauce At Mayaguez 25th from New- touching train on the Baltimore intelligible. mixing up N. D. ult, brig Tulu, Reed, bo and Philadelphia rail- the Cafe Kivoto into the sea. The was Yarmouth, fly catcher; Beacroft, Ban- buryport, ar schs Ada from may expected he the interests of how to do it with how not to do is confu- place are cautioned to avoid the numerous 21st; Barker, Barker, which had supported his it, gor, hoe; Ε. K. Buyers Coun- G via road. The loves of school children have al- built upon piles, and at the time of the disaster Dean, Bangor, damper. terfeits and Imitations offered for Brunswick, a, St John, PR, ar 20th; Clara Ε the if to no one else, to sale. from constituents. Unhappily times have sing, was filled with about one hundred and Rogers, Rogers, Philadelphia, ar 20th. been in a somewhat FIBST NUISANCE. fifty Ar at Bermuda 13th In ! and there are ways regarded jocose who were the JOHN DUNCAN'S New ult, brig Long Reach, Currier, Every Department changed, to-day many of Mr. persons, 'Witnessing performance Many medicine· in One. SONS, Vork, New York for Havana, of some leaky. light, but if the susceptibility to homicidal acrobats. Suddenly the piles gave In of the SldlOtli, sch Emma Lynch's late associates returning to their con- speaking extraordinary rapidity with Agents for the United States. McAdam, Murch, Baltimore. Purchasers will find it especially for their Interest way and the whole building sank beneath the «» â»uu.uwn a. 1» «^.u affection is to be acquired at so youthful an Washington Matters. which Hostetters Stomach Bitters recruit a dcbilita- octlfl eodsnly Ult, BCU IYU1UI1. iVIC 1VUWI1, LI UJJJ to examine itituents, fresh from shameless robberies water. Only a few persons escaped, and the Savannaft, ar 14th, for North of Hatteras. it becomes a matter. At this to ed and exhausted system, the preparation is usually Cld at St 8th which have age very serious cries of those unable gain the doors or win- Lost. John, NB, inst, scbs George Calhoun, placed upon them an ineffacea- reterred to as a tonic of marvellous Price, and OUR STOCK ASD PRICES rate of have babies SEEDS AND BULBS BY MAIL. dows were only heard for a few minutes. At vegetable power. Spring Bird, McLean, Boston. ble brand of progress we shall soon A GOLD RING with cluster of Pearls and a Gar- disgrace. Men of de- last accounts eighty dead bodies had been re- But those who suppose that its operation is limited before their integrity each other in their cradles. ÏY The Post-office Department, in a circular net in the center. The ring is marked S. J. B. Five SPOKEN. making selections. serve and will receive slaughtering covered. and it was believed that fifty more to its direct effect upon the digestive organs, little dollars will be to who will it to attention and respect to observe the paid any person bring Feb 14, lat 30 Ion 62 II requires postmasters carefully lay buried beneath the waves. This awful ca- No. 11 Hancock street and will 24, 21, brig Houston, steering to understand the true nature of this comprehensive no questions be asked South-east. proportioned their rarity and to the And now the New York Evening ±Ost lias following instructions, based on the amend- has caused the mchG lw* temp- lamity deepest gloom through- March 2, lat 35 30 N, Ion 74 30 W, sch M H Snecial Rsii»£rnin« to the 133d section of the new Postal Drew, tations which the new tolerance of fraud discovered that the has been more ments out the adjoining country. All other cafes of a from Jacksonville for Belfast. by country laxitive, an active antibilious a mild law: of and similar character have been closed order of medicine, March 6, ott* sch Saml from the most eminent Packages seeds, roots, bulbs, by a wholesome a and a MARRIED. Hatteras, Fish, Bruns- public men has placcd in and more thoroughly appreciating year by the diuretic, exbilerant, regulator, wick, Ga. for Philadelphia. scions, not exceeding four pounds in weight, police. general alteartive. It is to this combination of their Such many March 3, lat 35 50, Ion 72 40, path. heightened attention and that SeDator of New York is to be mailed at a of one essential the article owes its suc- brig George Gilchrist, year, Conkling are prepaid postage canitary properties from New York for Cuba. I'ree High the towu of cess in a of In this March Rev. A. K. P. Small. John respect are due to Mr. He has not not an honest but an able man. Per- cent for each two ounces or fraction of an Schools.—Monday variety distressing complaints, each of city, 6, by Lynch. only which in ordinary practice is subjected to a different F. St. John and Miss Lizzie S. Bailey, both of Port- BLACK the ounce. First—Said must be put Alfred appropriated $300 and Limerick §500 land. SILKS, only escaped disgraceful fall of Ames, Col- haps no one of our public men has been more packages mod ot treatment. It is impossible to invigorate a so that the contents can be exam- for free in accordance with the feeble and diseased In South Gorham, March 8, J. L. lax, Brooks and and up readily high schools, organization without regulnting by Curtis, Esq., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Paisley Long and Square Patterson, the lighter persistently misrepresented and maligned without the Sec- and purifying it. The Betters do both.. George H. Marsh and Miss Sarah Burnham, all of Shawls, ined, destroying wrappers. free high school act of the last Legislature, Gorham. shadows that have for the moment, at leaet, than Mr. Conkling, and the Post has always ond—Sealed made of material sufficient- bags, which provides that the State contribute a like Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, clouded the otherwise foremost in assaults to show the contents PROBATE NOTICES, spotless reputations of been upon him. It is ly transparent clearly sum. without may be used for such mat- SPECIAL NOTICES. DIED. Dawes, Bingham and Wilson, but he has also to see so an of ster- opening, To all Per···· interested in either #f the Housekeeping Λ Mourning Goods. refreshing bright example ter. as well as all other third those far-ofT Third—This, I; Littell's Living Age.—The last number of Eatate* hereinafter named: escaped suspicions that haunt ling integrity and ability living down detrac- mail must be In this class matter, fully prepaid by LitteU'a contains arti- city, March 10, Addie Maria, only daughter a Court of Probate at Perfoin AtVioM ·»λ 1 Living Age interesting House for Sale. held Portland, within blame into the same of and Irene 2 years and 6 tion and turning praise by sheer postage stamps affixed, otherwise Augustus Bowers, aged AT and for the of Cumberland on the first cles on Thackeray, Paganini, the of AT GOBHAM, ME., a large handsome two story months. County mired and trusted as shall not be forwarded. Marriage Tuesday of Mareli, in the year of our Lord E. T. ELDEN & of yore. We believe force of a adherence to hon- house, rooms ot both stories ot good size and height on at 2 at eight- CO., straightforward the Emperor of Force in LFuneral Wednesday afternoon, o'clock, een hundred and the matter· China, Literature, on a fine lot having 274 rods front on South a No. 10 seventy-three, following that no act or vote of Mr. while a orable and statesmanlike Senator THE STATUE OP THOMAS. St., Orange street. having been presented for the action here- Lynch purposes. and much other readable matter. short distance from Church, Post-office and Depot. In this March thereupon of city, 11, Mr. Jacob Giddings, aged 81 inafter indicated, it Is member of now demands from is a man of whom his State and the The friends of the Society of the Army The Choice Situation in Gorham: besides 1 month 11 hereby Ordered, Ko. 5 Free Congress Conkling years days. That notice thereof be to all inter- Street, the Cumberland will be to learn that numerous and fine shade trees, flower beds and services given persons him either or pleased News and Other Items. [Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2£ o'clock, a of this order explanation apology. Like nation have just cause to be hedges, there are a hundred fruit ested, by causing copy to be published proud. the last acts the nearly trees, apple, at the residence of his son, Ambrose No 108 weeks among passed by Forty- Loads of false hair on the heads of crab-apple, and ten Giddings, three successively in the Maine State Press Waahbume of Illinois and Sumner women, pear, peach cherry, grape vines, Spring street. Relatives and friends are invited. PORTLAND, ME. second Congress was onë authorizing the and a good and Eastern Argus, papers printed at Portland afore- A cable that tte Berlin are out of fashion. The will garden containing many currant bushes, In this March Mrs. wife of Charles mcblO eod2w be has been so far abore as despatch says an going change city, 11, Ellen, said, that they may appear at a Probate Court to be reproach never to erection et equestrian statue to the mem- gooseberry bushes, strawberry and asparagus beds, 55 nne Smith, aged years. held at said Portland on the first of newspapers express at the Thomas. greatly benefit the upholsterers. pieplant *cc. There are about 33 acres of Tuesday April incur the smallest He has formed great indignation ory of Major-Gen. George H. The laud, [Funeral services Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clk, at at ten the suspicion. affording pasturage and choice house lots. next, of clcck in the forenoon, a«d to be erected in And now Franklin B. "the North- many at No. 5 street. Relatives are » no sentiments expressed by President Grant in statue is Washington. The Evans, of JOHN W. Hampshire and friends be heard thereon, and if see cause. part of ring ; jobs and schemes for de- Inquire PERKINS. Portland, or Rev. invited to attend. object they BONDS his and declare that monarchical act appropriates eighty-eight condemned can- wood murderer," claims that he, too, is a victim Geo. A. Perkins, on the premises. marl2sntf WILLIAM H. minor child and heir the have found no inaugural, In Standish. March 11, ot paralysis, Hon. John H. MERRYMAN, pleting treasury friend in non for the which is to be erected un- of Hudson B. statue, of "malicious slander." Philbriek, aged 58 years. Merryman late of Harpswell, deceased. SALE. governments should cease to hold diplomatic newspaper Account fer FOR him ; he has left such shabby tricks as that der the direction of the of the MABB HEIRS. [Funeral services forenoon at 11 o'clock, preeentel allowance by Paul C. Alexan- by Society Army There were 528 deaths. 505 192 mar- Thursday Guardian. relations with this The of Cumberland. This births, at his late residence. der, which Congressmen have secured back country. offending the society will meet Portland e's pay riages and 40 still births in New York last at ALZIDA F. Β ABB, minor child and heir of Alzida of th3 President lies in the fact that he ex- on the 10th of next September, in heirs law of John Marr, formerly of Kit- to chevaliers of like Butler and Pittsburg, in York P. Babb, late of Bridgton, deceased. First account industry when will be taken to week. THEtery, eounty, Maine, have deeided to Bangor 6's the that the of Penn., proper steps hold a DEPARTURE OF OCEAN βΤΕΑΜΕΗΗ presented for allowance by Joshua D. Guar- Banks. It to a source pressed opinion tendency the convention in Portland, on the 26th day of Roberts, ought be of pride to the completion of the statue. A despatch says that the dian. Cook ?'s is toward forms of expedite Washington appli- March next, at 10 A. M., in the United States Hotel, ΚΑΜΕ FROM FOR DATE County us all that our in age Republican govern- for the of Minnesota HENRY W1THAM. late Representative the last four THE INTEBNAL BEVENUE DISTRICT CONSOL- cations of females to become Postmistresses are purpose taking measures to establish their New York. Liverpool Mch 12 of C&sco, deceased. Pe- Chicago 7's ment—a fact that events estab- heirship to the property which is said to be left by Calabria New York. .Liverpool Mch 12 tition for license to sell and convey real estate, pre- comes back to us passing fully IDATION. ... Congresses having fairly rapidly increasing. John Erskine, 11th Earl of Mar in Scotland. A full Columbia New York.. Glasgow Mch 12 sented by Spencer Decker, Administrator, de boni· Columbus, Ohio 8's lish. Doubtless it is a of this fact was attendance is New York. non. won the title of "Honest John at a knowledge The commissioner of internal revenue is An offer of §6,000 recently refused for a requested. Per order. Tybee St Domingo...Mch 12 Leeds & R. β'β Lynch" WM. P. Frisia New York. 13 Farmtngtou R., guaranteed that rouses the ire of those a list of collectors under the new lot of land in MARK, .Hamburg—Mch JCHN MARSH, late of New Gloucester, deceased. time when men of mere pretentious virtue divine-right-of preparing unimproved Detroit, Mich., SAMUEL M. City of Mexico New York.. Hav & VCruzMch 13 Portland & Rochester R. R. 7's western SKILLING, Petition for license to sell and convey real estate, pre- fellows. law. As the States have not a JOHN .. have won far less desirable sobri- King yet which the owner gave musket for thirteen MARR, Polynesian Portland .Liverpool... .Mch 15 sented by Joseph Cross, Administrator. Maine Central R. R. 7's popular been as MRS. WM. Olympus Boston Liverpool —Mch 15 definitely arranged, except qualified years ago. TRICKEY, FRANCIS late of da- feb20dsntd MRS. C. R. SHAW. City of Brussels New York. Mch 15 BLACKSTONE, Pownal, Central R. R. 7's quet*. ShsatobHabx.au' s Chroni- have been given to Congressmen .Liverpool.... ceased. First account of Iowa (το 1(1 Washington promises It is from Boston that since the lire Adriatic New York. Mch 15 presented for allowance, by The and others as to the final Γη reported .Liverpool David Grose and Samuel L. principal triumph of Mr. Lynch's cle is the that disposition. JWfe and I'll