ITALY's Fflat DEFEAT. the President Preside* at a Presbyterian Touhlbgtod Items
VOL. XI. CRANBURY, N. J., FRIDAY, 31ARCH 6, 1896. NO. 36. ' In xutbematlos and ohomistr; WHEN THE DAY IS D3M0 ill but two days, and hor granSjnoth- Then, as if bo might solve the problem CLEVELAND ON HOME MISSIONS THE NEWS EPITOMIZED! bad promised ber a now in another way, he inquirod, anxiously, : France leads the -world at present. ITALY'S fflAT DEFEAT. The President Preside* at a Presbyterian TOuhlBgtoD Items. ttarllng, whoa (he chadows fall, 'rock i( Bho stood head at tho o of "Who's Ann Elizaboth?" Mass Bleetloe In Notv 1'ork. The Agricultural Appropriation hill was- And tno day i3 done, third month; and The littlo Squire's mother answered ' Bpeakor Beod pronounces it "Ar- Grover Cleveland, President ot the Oolted passed by tba Sonata Whoi toe crimson veil Is dmwa .izaboth's frocks wero voluminous 'or him, with a faint smile. "She's Humbert's Army Routed in Abys- States, presided at the Presbyterian *'Homo A telegram to tbe Navy Department «n- kan«aw," when he recognizes a Bepro- O'er too sunken sun, ind came almost down, to her heels ono of the children down at tho little Illusion Rally" meeting, at Carnegie Music nounorn that the Alert nailed rrom AeapqU - Through tho moadows, moist with dew* ibe was immensely proud of a now Squire's schooL" sinia With Heavy Losses. CQ, Mexico, for Corinto, Nicaragua, to glra o'cntativo from that State. Hall, Naw York City. It was a grund gath- protection .to American interests to tho ' Swift I hie away; io. "We'd just duBt," said the littlo ering ol moro than 400} persons, whtoh was event ft any serious outbreak following tho organized under tho auspices ~o( the New ' The United States roiaeB more to- AH my hours of pleasure eomo "I'm a common girl, I know that," Iquiro, pcrseveringly; "I'd dust the Incipient row nt Leon.
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