WARDURTON, JL Ral'li OK Tilk Uimnirpi Klvh.H

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WARDURTON, JL Ral'li OK Tilk Uimnirpi Klvh.H THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 18G8. Bohr M. B, Carlisle, Potter, beuce, at Providence NEWS SUJUMaRY. FROM WASHING TON, 14lb Inst. DRY GOODS. PROPOSALS. schrs J. A. Crawford, Buckley, from Danvemnwt; AMUSEMENTS. I.ot-tt- l A Dtupmtch K. Nlckersnn, Hay-no- r. frill rn. Special to Tht Kvening Telegraph. H. Huntley, trom Bos' on; B J. OP C A D E M Y O HmrhlDS. from New Bedlord; rlf-I-I IMI'ROVEMEM TUB DBS MOINES F A Sarah Clark. m MU8IC. Tlit various MiHcitl isoriaHor.s of Phila- Wariunoton, November 16. n for Newport; Ben, strong, Brown, frnui Bridge- WARDURTON, JL RAl'li OK TilK UIMnirPI KlVh.H. delphia arc actively etitiannl hi rankins; the 4 port, all Philadelphia, at New York loth NOI ICK lO IUNTKAU I'OKrt. H. L. The Ij'cr ourUMarllal, ler Init, UNITJCU STAKKH . DirectX preliminary ir.tiitftrpnt lor the UNUtNKKa'H OKriL'K. neccsarT which met this morning, attracted alirge NOTICE TOM ARINCRS. Ao. 1001 C1IKSXUT Street, JOWB, Oct. 11. 1". j "feTOUa-- pmnd SifiiRPricst to hi hrlflin tho city of oninlal Inrormatlon has ormi received this qrtloe J; rrPosals, in uupiKMte. will ne receiveu at crowd, and at 11 ItaUlmor" in July next tne pro(crarnin! of the ln'er&Jt in it, which had pretty lhat la diuer lo mark deep-wate- r tMhollloe ouiil M. WkDNKHOA Y. ofNuV.or ,er IN. r.ir; the channel ol tne NAt'BIFK'EI NAKIFICK Af'BIFKB! 1W8. which comprises the retention of thn guests on weil died out, seems to bo revived. Geueral ur.rihfm entrance Into the port of Clvlia Veccala, lor coniploung the eicavadnn ol tlie frism, and LtfcHANLiE DUCHI88I. Wfst or pilesur-Djounte- const ruction rJCcoud apt 10; Hun 11, roast Jialy, a beacon, consisting ol a llavlnf disposed of the Lease and Fixtures of the the oi t e "all ol t'lecituai e.rauceof Saturday, July Jay, July a sacrri Kodmau was the only witness examined to day by a bail, has been erected Iu reel at low lor ibe impru.emeut of tlie ilea Mo.ues iiapias ol tbe MAD'LLR LUCILLR TOST EE concert, "MessUs," in th water at lb or Biore, MisMiinll pi River. AND ALL THK with fmuri chorus It expected new will elicited extremity the bank extending trom Enplifh latifrnauc; Monday, July 12, pilze sitiif-tn- not auythlng be li.e north end ot the breakwater The ball Is paluted Ibeca al is tu be about 7X milt along, pitenrllnv LEDCC.01'Oi'AVOKif"' mo, with a white band, an of The Whole of eur Stock Must lie Irom NHRbvllle, Iowa, to Keokuc, Iava. l'be widili Me.tr,. Tuesday, July 13, grand mass auii combina- beyond what was brought out by tho Ordnance 14 horlsomat at elevation Sold Oat feet above Ibesea; U la distant yards at ihe IriKldvot tne Canai l tu be frmu LAQRIFFOUL, 11, it Irom ths ii id 400 tion concert, ami Wenoeday, July a th Comnllti es of the two houses. breakwater, and about ball a cable from the point of by the 6th of December. tu fel lu nilia kiiivul and mo Iu xov.-llcr.aiid AKD closing out-doo- r feti-trI- . tne on In low water to eercmont, an lanntife The Cuban Committee, i.ataret, the mainland. The beacon mm', be UUvr feet cei. Al. tne SicoDd appearanreof DCJIIESNI. luyitatiotit have bcn extended to the I'llibunlcr leit ou the starboard band when enterlug the purt. A rurtlier Il"l notion of rirtoen Per Cent. niatrrial exravated Ironi tbo filnm ol tlieCiual to be which was announced to call upon the Piesl-de- ct in oulldn g tne euiliankuient. I he lalier HONS. J. I'KCRE. principal vocal mtisieorgmnzatiOiHof (Jcnniiny, A breakwater Is In annrse of On the previous great reduction of tnreurhoutud tlie THE RKNOSVNKD TENOR, to-da- construction off the trvater part of the dlftnca, win ne w.tta a (air prospect of Ua-i- belna rcpr j8ctitjn and Srcretury Reward has not made town (,l scuta Venere, Gulf of r.uphemla and THIRTY-FIV- PER CUNT. BELOW COST, about siu iret Irom Hie Iowa shore. Wtiere lock p"f nd appearaure of Snia s botiooj MAD'LLH; ROcK A1ND MAD'LLK bj deputa'ions ot sinner. The Western miners its appearance. It Is hardly probable that any enrvllluear lorro, In tie general direction ope oicu tbe or tbeCauai will nave a LAM8KLLE. pa t 01 Nil. and SW. The distance r.f trie works In pro- Fifteen Cents Discount will be 1, Inibes to tbe uille. Tbe eruDankmeot to be ttVlVBIB, NOV. 17. will also take with those of the Pnairrn will come gress Is about 828 yards taken off bniltof earib, clay, and rocaj n (LA6TMUHTIUYBUT 1 B RkE OF 1 II fa, SEASON) committee lure for the purpose of from the shore, aud their ti ten wide on A prospect nn iiium-c- al ibe top, Hinludlng rlo-ra- et I. Htatcc, and the ot immene asking northern end Is marked by a fixed red light. Each Dollar rurchabed. the covering aad la lie two llOlhllk llli.ULVtli reuiiion 1" auttfipaied. Toe associations of the Government to conseut to engage in Kyorrier. W. H. SH H HKICK, Chairman. ltetaboyhigtiwat" nia k wltu alones of l'i bane Treasury Department, Olllce Lighthouse Board, Wash- on the outside, and M to Iphia which accepted Invitations tueh business. THE OHEATEbT BARGAINS EVEB ave-ag- e bate lveiilcal Opera Bouffe In 4 I'biladt tiao ington. Out. SO, 1868. OFFERED on tbe Innlce. a lie tliiukn-aso- r acts, by J produced with 1 ntim'ojr I. C, the rip ran ' to pirucioa'e in he celebrstion Nccrelnry Nfnnril, IN THIS CITY. pr otecilou to be feenou tbe outside, 2 leet on tue the nirtt mplete ml.e en scm. twenty-thre- e, ex- Notice Is given aud 1 ou EN1IRF4.Y NKW P N COSTB already aud the desire to-d:- bersbv that the fl'st clasi Iron Can loot the to j. Rll ilES is who had u Interview with the President Buoy placed to mark -- Broad Cove In HrAL and IMITATION LACK 00"DS, A Portion o the ebovebas already been URAND IUOUVJS pressed by tiie coiiTCLiiou tj eal st Hoc." nutranue , constructed English origin enprebses the opinion that no organization of to Portland hnrbor, M went adrift from Its moor- SILKS. SATINS, VELVETS, RI say tbe balanco, or o mucu tlicre .f the voesl societies cf to ings rinrlDg the lam severe i.-.l,'?- approprlavea-abo- ut ai FULL ORCHESTRA. storm. , weare determ tr " u"! ""'" do away with the riu '.iucr.oiis of separate importance exists In the United Hta.es having it will be replaced as soon as practicable, Etc lnd too lose out tne atocrt tw pay for, Is to oh relet me.i-n- r Jiy order of the Lighthouse RK(J AHDLRSH COST. All propi nlilons Mn.lral Director M, ADOLPH nationalities, winch bus In u (treat Board. OF must state tlie price at which eanh m . BIRhPULD dcslDs upon Cuba. every LCUtltietoi . kj t. 1..., . .1 i, here- Portland, Nov. 18, 1k8. SALES POSITIVE AND WITHOUT and kind of work si.e-.'llle- In tue proDowol Is ,.oir. wiVUU, i..,u 11. A0UUery characterized the celebrations Ornn('4 IlESERVE to be di lie, and no bid will be considered tofore. Uenrrnl FOR TI1HKE WEEKS. uellnlie lu tbl. respect. tuatlsuot WEDNESDAY KVKNINrt. Noy. 18, On Sunday morninsr last Mr. Anto'ne Och, abtence from the city, and the published state- A prlutea copy of this advertisement niiat be LA BELLE KELENE. reMiUnrr No. 12:S3 Moctrinic went a ment that be refuses to consider applications CURTAINS. WARKURTOV, altarlied to facli propoHal. at sree, IbeOovernuieut reserves the right to rejoot any Admission. ONE DOLLAR KUnniui; in Hip ot the Fox Chase, for oflice, does not diminish the size of the 11 10 If So. 1004 'Iir.SL'r Street. ano all bids. ' in company with Christian Koppel aud JLacb bid contain a gua- family CiVcV. ' 75 Jiibn tundlc of letters received every day at tho (JUKTAIN ESTABLISHMENT. mitt written or printed cento Roi-s- . Afier several shots had hern Ara l, lion rantee, signet) by two i'tHioiiHloie perBoutt. 1". KliMiks I. rropm-iil- t n!,y e any Aoa-iir- tt a'kfil Ojbf to lum an I headquarters bespeaking various place under r f the luroi with "vrd lor blunt, at the Rive tome shot; while W. farm ol guarantee, will be furulsbeu upou applicutlou Musl0' n(1 liter's Store. No. Hoi Ochs wiib walkiim toward Itoss lor t'le purpose bis iidministratiou, from Cubinet positions J0IL TII0MS, to this tt.ee. ' oliuut , don of compijine wiih, tne leque-it- his (i)chV) sun Tbe subscribers are now receiving Tbo P' Ire or prices in the contract will be cousll-ert- d -- petty sec-r- e' their dis- to poftofliccs. Gen. Badcau, Grant's as iLCitidlug tlie expense or lurnlsliing a.i ihe CHE8NLT STREET TUEATRK. caught in some bushes. uut the pice whs pung right wav NJW 1 ary, has a way of disposing of these which, Nos. 105 407 N. SECOND material (exct of aud lan1 for charged, the load cmerum Oclis' hca uoder the and St., liuplou ents, and niaulilnery, and HOUSES CROWDKO. liphl e:ir. canbinp almost Instant death. The however It may fail to crralify the senders, cer- FALL IMPORTATIONS all Hie work according to tbe plans audspecllica-tiori- s THE NEW COMPANY PRONOUNCKD THR deceased leaves a il'o an 1 child.
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