Bohr M. B, Carlisle, Potter, beuce, at Providence NEWS SUJUMaRY. FROM WASHING TON, 14lb Inst. DRY GOODS. PROPOSALS. schrs J. A. Crawford, Buckley, from Danvemnwt; AMUSEMENTS. I.ot-tt- l A Dtupmtch K. Nlckersnn, Hay-no- r. frill rn. Special to Tht Kvening Telegraph. H. Huntley, trom Bos' on; B J. OP C A D E M Y O HmrhlDS. from New Bedlord; rlf-I-I IMI'ROVEMEM TUB DBS MOINES F A Sarah Clark. m MU8IC. Tlit various MiHcitl isoriaHor.s of Phila- Wariunoton, November 16. n for Newport; Ben, strong, Brown, frnui Bridge- WARDURTON, JL RAl'li OK TilK UIMnirPI KlVh.H. delphia arc actively etitiannl hi rankins; the 4 port, all Philadelphia, at New York loth NOI ICK lO IUNTKAU I'OKrt. H. L. The Ij'cr ourUMarllal, ler Init, UNITJCU STAKKH . DirectX preliminary ir.tiitftrpnt lor the UNUtNKKa'H OKriL'K. neccsarT which met this morning, attracted alirge NOTICE TOM ARINCRS. Ao. 1001 C1IKSXUT Street, JOWB, Oct. 11. 1". j "feTOUa-- pmnd SifiiRPricst to hi hrlflin tho city of oninlal Inrormatlon has ormi received this qrtloe J; rrPosals, in uupiKMte. will ne receiveu at crowd, and at 11 ItaUlmor" in July next tne pro(crarnin! of the ln'er&Jt in it, which had pretty lhat la diuer lo mark deep-wate- r tMhollloe ouiil M. WkDNKHOA Y. ofNuV.or ,er IN.; the channel ol tne NAt'BIFK'EI NAKIFICK Af'BIFKB! 1W8. which comprises the retention of thn guests on weil died out, seems to bo revived. Geueral ur.rihfm entrance Into the port of Clvlia Veccala, lor coniploung the eicavadnn ol tlie frism, and LtfcHANLiE DUCHI88I. Wfst or pilesur-Djounte- const ruction rJCcoud apt 10; Hun 11, roast Jialy, a beacon, consisting ol a llavlnf disposed of the Lease and Fixtures of the the oi t e "all ol t'lecituai e.rauceof Saturday, July Jay, July a sacrri Kodmau was the only witness examined to day by a bail, has been erected Iu reel at low lor ibe impru.emeut of tlie ilea Mo.ues iiapias ol tbe MAD'LLR LUCILLR TOST EE concert, "MessUs," in th water at lb or Biore, MisMiinll pi River. AND ALL THK with fmuri chorus It expected new will elicited extremity the bank extending trom Enplifh latifrnauc; Monday, July 12, pilze sitiif-tn- not auythlng be li.e north end ot the breakwater The ball Is paluted Ibeca al is tu be about 7X milt along, pitenrllnv LEDCC.01'Oi'AVOKif"' mo, with a white band, an of The Whole of eur Stock Must lie Irom NHRbvllle, Iowa, to Keokuc, Iava. l'be widili,. Tuesday, July 13, grand mass auii combina- beyond what was brought out by tho Ordnance 14 horlsomat at elevation Sold Oat feet above Ibesea; U la distant yards at ihe IriKldvot tne Canai l tu be frmu LAQRIFFOUL, 11, it Irom ths ii id 400 tion concert, ami Wenoeday, July a th Comnllti es of the two houses. breakwater, and about ball a cable from the point of by the 6th of December. tu fel lu nilia kiiivul and mo Iu xov.-llcr.aiid AKD closing out-doo- r feti-trI- . tne on In low water to eercmont, an lanntife The Cuban Committee, i.ataret, the mainland. The beacon mm', be UUvr feet cei. Al. tne SicoDd appearanreof DCJIIESNI. luyitatiotit have bcn extended to the I'llibunlcr leit ou the starboard band when enterlug the purt. A rurtlier Il"l notion of rirtoen Per Cent. niatrrial exravated Ironi tbo filnm ol tlieCiual to be which was announced to call upon the Piesl-de- ct in oulldn g tne euiliankuient. I he lalier HONS. J. I'KCRE. principal vocal mtisieorgmnzatiOiHof (Jcnniiny, A breakwater Is In annrse of On the previous great reduction of tnreurhoutud tlie THE RKNOSVNKD TENOR, to-da- construction off the trvater part of the dlftnca, win ne w.tta a (air prospect of Ua-i- belna rcpr j8ctitjn and Srcretury Reward has not made town (,l scuta Venere, Gulf of r.uphemla and THIRTY-FIV- PER CUNT. BELOW COST, about siu iret Irom Hie Iowa shore. Wtiere lock p"f nd appearaure of Snia s botiooj MAD'LLH; ROcK A1ND MAD'LLK bj deputa'ions ot sinner. The Western miners its appearance. It Is hardly probable that any enrvllluear lorro, In tie general direction ope oicu tbe or tbeCauai will nave a LAM8KLLE. pa t 01 Nil. and SW. The distance r.f trie works In pro- Fifteen Cents Discount will be 1, Inibes to tbe uille. Tbe eruDankmeot to be ttVlVBIB, NOV. 17. will also take with those of the Pnairrn will come gress Is about 828 yards taken off bniltof earib, clay, and rocaj n (LA6TMUHTIUYBUT 1 B RkE OF 1 II fa, SEASON) committee lure for the purpose of from the shore, aud their ti ten wide on A prospect nn iiium-c- al ibe top, Hinludlng rlo-ra- et I. Htatcc, and the ot immene asking northern end Is marked by a fixed red light. Each Dollar rurchabed. the covering aad la lie two llOlhllk llli.ULVtli reuiiion 1" auttfipaied. Toe associations of the Government to conseut to engage in Kyorrier. W. H. SH H HKICK, Chairman. ltetaboyhigtiwat" nia k wltu alones of l'i bane Treasury Department, Olllce Lighthouse Board, Wash- on the outside, and M to Iphia which accepted Invitations tueh business. THE OHEATEbT BARGAINS EVEB ave-ag- e bate lveiilcal Opera Bouffe In 4 I'biladt tiao ington. Out. SO, 1868. OFFERED on tbe Innlce. a lie tliiukn-aso- r acts, by J produced with 1 ntim'ojr I. C, the rip ran ' to pirucioa'e in he celebrstion Nccrelnry Nfnnril, IN THIS CITY. pr otecilou to be feenou tbe outside, 2 leet on tue the nirtt mplete ml.e en scm. twenty-thre- e, ex- Notice Is given aud 1 ou EN1IRF4.Y NKW P N COSTB already aud the desire to-d:- bersbv that the fl'st clasi Iron Can loot the to j. Rll ilES is who had u Interview with the President Buoy placed to mark -- Broad Cove In HrAL and IMITATION LACK 00"DS, A Portion o the ebovebas already been URAND IUOUVJS pressed by tiie coiiTCLiiou tj eal st Hoc." nutranue , constructed English origin enprebses the opinion that no organization of to Portland hnrbor, M went adrift from Its moor- SILKS. SATINS, VELVETS, RI say tbe balanco, or o mucu tlicre .f the voesl societies cf to ings rinrlDg the lam severe i.-.l,'?- approprlavea-abo- ut ai FULL ORCHESTRA. storm. , weare determ tr " u"! ""'" do away with the riu '.iucr.oiis of separate importance exists In the United having it will be replaced as soon as practicable, Etc lnd too lose out tne atocrt tw pay for, Is to oh relet me.i-n- r Jiy order of the Lighthouse RK(J AHDLRSH COST. All propi nlilons Mn.lral Director M, ADOLPH nationalities, winch bus In u (treat Board. OF must state tlie price at which eanh m . BIRhPULD dcslDs upon Cuba. every LCUtltietoi . kj t. . 1..., . .1 i, here- Portland, Nov. 18, 1k8. SALES POSITIVE AND WITHOUT and kind of work si.e-.'llle- In tue proDowol Is ,.oir. wiVUU, i..,u 11. A0UUery characterized the celebrations Ornn('4 IlESERVE to be di lie, and no bid will be considered tofore. Uenrrnl FOR TI1HKE WEEKS. uellnlie lu tbl. respect. tuatlsuot WEDNESDAY KVKNINrt. Noy. 18, On Sunday morninsr last Mr. Anto'ne Och, abtence from the city, and the published state- A prlutea copy of this advertisement niiat be LA BELLE KELENE. reMiUnrr No. 12:S3 Moctrinic went a ment that be refuses to consider applications CURTAINS. WARKURTOV, altarlied to facli propoHal. at sree, IbeOovernuieut reserves the right to rejoot any Admission. ONE DOLLAR KUnniui; in Hip ot the Fox Chase, for oflice, does not diminish the size of the 11 10 If So. 1004 'Iir.SL'r Street. ano all bids. ' in company with Christian Koppel aud JLacb bid contain a gua- family CiVcV. ' 75 Jiibn tundlc of letters received every day at tho (JUKTAIN ESTABLISHMENT. mitt written or printed cento Roi-s- . Afier several shots had hern Ara l, lion rantee, signet) by two i'tHioiiHloie perBoutt. 1". KliMiks I. rropm-iil- t n!,y e any Aoa-iir- tt a'kfil Ojbf to lum an I headquarters bespeaking various place under r f the luroi with "vrd lor blunt, at the Rive tome shot; while W. farm ol guarantee, will be furulsbeu upou applicutlou Musl0' n(1 liter's Store. No. Hoi Ochs wiib walkiim toward Itoss lor t'le purpose bis iidministratiou, from Cubinet positions J0IL TII0MS, to this ' oliuut , don of compijine wiih, tne leque-it- his (i)chV) sun Tbe subscribers are now receiving Tbo P' Ire or prices in the contract will be cousll-ert- d -- petty sec-r- e' their dis- to poftofliccs. Gen. Badcau, Grant's as iLCitidlug tlie expense or lurnlsliing a.i ihe CHE8NLT STREET TUEATRK. caught in some bushes. uut the pice whs pung right wav NJW 1 ary, has a way of disposing of these which, Nos. 105 407 N. SECOND material (exct of aud lan1 for charged, the load cmerum Oclis' hca uoder the and St., liuplou ents, and niaulilnery, and HOUSES CROWDKO. liphl e:ir. canbinp almost Instant death. The however It may fail to crralify the senders, cer- FALL IMPORTATIONS all Hie work according to tbe plans audspecllica-tiori- s THE NEW COMPANY PRONOUNCKD THR deceased leaves a il'o an 1 child. O :hs ha I been tainly gives Grant little trouble. OFFERS HI3 exhibited at Ihe Itttii'K. b'J KONuasT IN PHILADELPHIA.. in of Mr. Hons for eeveral years. or liueu per cent, or the amount of any work done, READ IHE OPINIO.NSI OF TUE PKifiSS the cnil'jn)i'iit or i urniHlied, price The ttunday Jjlspalch Eiicacnurnent of rVniisvlvHtiin. The 'lnlelll1(eiicer" materials at the contrail thoreor, sav.: "1'bls play Is aim), The Urand y LAKUE will he leserved ui work wlilult U rably produced, capital of tc-da- contains a columu prais- AD ELEGAM MOCK til tb whole tbe and the acting mages tua held Hs annual seehiou yesterday, at the O Id threc article RICH CURTAIN FABRICS sulijtxt of coiitrfct shall tie euilroly ciupleied. M.htV a great siicc-s.- Fellows' Hull. North Sixth street, Grand ing Thaddeus Stevens as a statesman OF Tip tinme or tiunic ot the pernous piopoxlng ru'ist Ibe feULday Republic says: "The story as written the aud be in mil, place by Is difjomied hot Mantiee Finn, presioi-jfr- . The FOR written out with tiielr of residence the author Mr. Minn has made 1'atiiarch, patriot. It holds him up as au example to and I'ohi Otlice adtlrcns. sufliclent changes and additions to preserve tbe uuitv attendance ot members Iro'u the vinous parts men of WINTER DRY Plana, maps spec! llcat ions, am all nnotsnry papers 01 the plot.1' of the jorisdiutiou was quite large, Reports living public all ponies. I'AKLOII, CHAMBER, A1 LIBRARY. GOODS, will ue reaoy lor examination at tuis OUice lor litieea The Minday Transcript says; "The company at were and considered, amoue; days prior to the date ot the letting. the Ch'snut Is ihe best In tbo sity. Those who wlsb rnd them the Earthquake in New EMBRACING ALL OF THE I'trtnni to cunlrart tire rrijuextnl In visit ' very interesting; Report of ijiostiip 'ChSTuZrjr' " visi, the the Representative! New nnd examine lite location of the wore btfore itiutiny in to the Grand Lidge of the UuiteJ States. York, Nov. 16. Four distinct shocks of WINDOW CURTAINS tin ir bids. The Age. Press, Bulletin. Tki.foaph, Star. Post Fifteen new were elected and earthquake wete felt in Elizabeth, N. J., last MWEKT DESIWXS AND FABRICS, Prrposa1 should be addrcspd to the nnilerittgned Feruld. l. dger, Inquirer, and North American A r r members qualiileJ. AKB at Keo.ulr, Iowa, should be endorsed: "tro-pctal-H Bay "THAT Titles PL. AY its monthly meeting; ot Board Light about 10 15 o'clock. The lonr sliockj and " The the oi Trade continued some twenty for work ou tbe Improvement of the Doa MAOMKICEN TLY PRODUCKD was lield last eveniug, at their rood)?, Che-ur- n seconds, and chairs, AT TRICED WARRANTED TO BE Homes Rapids." ANO WELL ACTED " tables, beds, and other articles of furniture J. n. WILSON, itreet, above Fittb. Fre.udeot John Welsh, in FURNITURE COVERINGS, Lkutpoant-Colone- swayed to and fro. AS LOW AS CAN l 35th Infantry, .Brevet Major-Oener- BYRON'S NEW DRAMA, the chair. The following genilenien were THEY BE ItomilT U. h, A. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY. seletted representatives In the National Board COMPRISING I.SEVlIi;iti:, 8 20 rp Ojliciai; I.ANl'AbHIRK LAS. of Trade, which holds its first annual in An oflicial publication emanating from L. COOPER OV KRMAN, 'A PARTY BY THK NAME OK JOHNSON " rueetitiu rlUMCH SATINS AND BROCATELLKS, 10 80 lGt C'piHla Corps of Engineers. MATINEE SATURDAY Kre-deri- ck the French Government gives following APTEU.NOON Cifcciiiuati on the second of lcember: the In rehearsal, BLOW FOR BLOW, Fraley, Trice M. figures as rj;0 COUNTRY MERCHANTS. J. Wctbeiill. Georao representing the present annual ROYAL TAPK9TBIE3 It O P O S. In which the new Company will appear. Allen. James C. Hanl, and Samuel V. Merrick. produce of tobacco in the world, and the p SAL corner-ston- e Ro-Pfl- t) SILK 1ERBY AND COTELINE8, ST. TUBATKE. BEGINS 7A The laving of the of the 155,-OW.0- OrrifT; Pkpot Q. m.. AT quantity consumed in ; Asia, We have now In store a very large end varied A- ani WALNUT utku great pleasure OfttnoI'C VuUr(U. ot st" Uona'ftcius took WOOL TEBKY, UEPi, 11DOH. Uld'AKTMKNr OK TUB 6DUTH in aJ kilogrammes; Europe, 141,000,000; DAMA8K8, ETC ssortment of Nov. m S58.) Douuclugau eugugeujeot. poslnvely limited to ISisLop Atlanta U. TEN NlunTd, place on Sunday, the 'fit. Rev. Amerioa, 124,000,000; Africa, 12,000,000; and Realed Pr.innsals will lm rpnlved at nil. imirA cost 5100,000. un.ll 11 M. ft OMJJAV, Mov'. 28, lbtiS, for Willi oflieiatmtr. It will con- ALSO, LADIES' CLOAKINGS. supplying MR. EDWIN FORREST, The owners of property on Spruce street, , 400,000. The present annnal ti Is lienot with Who will make bis second appearance KJO.iWi pou mil WEMTERN OATS. (Tuesday) between Fitteenth aud Sixteenth, have obtained sumption in France is, iu snuff, 7,7U!),471 Just Opened, direct from the Manufacturer. By calling on ns yon can not only see all the styles 44 10 Us THIS EVE.S1NO, Nov. 17. poui CORN. Sheridan Know.e' tragedy, lu live acts, af I emission to put down the Belgian pavemeut kilogrammes; iu tobacco for smoking, In vogue, but be supplied In quantities to suit at the 1,'iO.K'O pounds TIMOTHY IIAY.baled. ViaulivILa. is said the rate ot tax for ltfGJ will 18,440,911); for chewing, 75o,025. con- ItO.OtiO pounds HI II A V,, baled. Virginias It that The loweut wholesale raus. f)as aud Corn lo be of prime quality, sound, free - Mr EDWif $1'5U $100, WKLiNKMJAY-JAC- K. Forrest probably be on the au increase of sumption of cigars is, of cigars at 20 cents, Embroidered Lace Curtains Comparison of stock and r rices with any wholesale Irom dim I or dirt, and put up In good, strong sack. CADE. cents over the piesent late. heueesullulied. Hay and rjtraw be well baied, per ectiy cured, THURSDAY 'It'rtKuLU, ten kilogrammes; at 15 cents, 63,0W; at 10 nusi FRIDAY-RICHA- RD 111. Samples sent by mall wh 2n desired, anil tree Irom weed., dust, or dirt, Ihe whole will be Iom-att- c AllMirn. cents, 17S,0U0; and at 5 cents, 2,734,585. NEW DESIGNS, subjected tn a right Inspection. cars on JOHN DKEW'S ARCH STKET THE. All 1'o'age and Straw to he delivered la the hull-pait- Gold closed jeetenlay at 130?. The Minister of Public Instruction in siding Wrlglit carr, Hie MRS. Begins at STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER oi Messrs. Oienn, or at 1 The new Citv Ice Boat will bj launched on to From tbe lowest to the highest quality some of Quarttruiaatet's Storehouse, loot of Forsyth street, '1 HE NLAttUlHK LAtS, . France has caused an inquiry be made as to the DREW Wednesday-- the RICHEST MADE. Atlanta. by Mis. JOHN and lompanv. the sanitary condition of the various lyces of CENTRAL EMPORIUM, commence January 1, 189, to con- THK bUcCEBS UK' TUE HE SON. The fuueral of the Rev. Phtncas Stone took Delivery to and WEEK. the capital. The subject had become one of NOTTINGHAM LAOE CURTAINS. tinue in qnuiitiiies ou the liist day of each SECOND CROWDED HOUSES place in Boston yesterday, and was larirely AND MARKET STKKKT.H, for live niomlis ensuing. TO N1UHT AND EVERY N1UHT, Con. EIGHTH mouth Play, etil-tie- niteuded. interest to parents. The ollluially declared Prupni-al- should he made for each hici'a-batkl- H, J. Bj lou's great EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. . article fall 024 Am PHILADELPHIA. and tru-licatb- with a eo-i- ol this THE LANCA8U1RE LASS, Bishop Stevens had a at South Betlile result is expcted to satisfy them. Acoordine la with every bceue New, by which ne an C JACQUARD AND MUSLIN DRAPERIES nt a'taclted to each, and bear the lulo hrm, Sunday nitiht, had arm to the report, students out of 18,000 die in iu trie r own hand or tbe persouH ot tvb'iin and Htarttlng Mechanical EB'ects. and Ictr broken. the course of a year; that is, 1 in 8000. On VES1IBULE CURTAINS, In great variety. & there roust be at Irani tiro, ollered nn surety ror the Beats secured six days lo advauce. Secretary McCullcch and Commissioner the other band, the deaths of children of EYRE LAKDELL, tail li tul performance of tlie contiacl, If awarded. COM1QUE, had a conference yesterday about the like CARVED. FLAIN, GILT, AND WALNUT COR Bids will he received lor any amouut not lent than THEATRE SEVENTH STREET Rollins ages between 10 15 l(i(i.i ARCH. Begins 7 80. ' . that is, and years in NICES. i0 pom ds al fcupervieorr-nips- TOURTII ghtis toreeelve orr'J-c- s such parts LtPPeeaih. Manager J. C. OREOORY Bingham' rost office made Paris amount to 5 in 1000 annually. and arcd:, Ther nsfived may General carriers WHITE AND COLORED SHADES. or tbe wnoie of bids as be lor the bet Interests of GENUINE bUCCEHs. UhNUlNK BlilMKHi. 977 delivery and 1031 collection trips during the ll'pseivice. 1111s EVENIIsU CAltltllAI MAl'IAICE. HAVE REDUCED T8E1R PRICKS FroporHl' should be addressed to the nndeMgnel, THE UATHER1NUOF IHE CLAMS. lan month. Experienced and reliable workmen superintend our and tudorst-- upon the envelope, ' rropoaals for the 100 ltKAUTIFUl CHILOREN. eeir-rtefen-se, and killed MARINE Mr. Jouee, iu fhot TELEGRAPH. Upholstery Department, every effort Is employed As much, and perhape more, than others, UeP V, ry of Fornge anil siiraw." MAD li.E UER RU DE'd a uoted desperado, at Madison, and M ZlftnTroupevf Educated Aniuial-- , Jacob Gaunter, g iiy ot Brev. ll! For additional Marine Newi tee ifirst I'aae, lo give satisfaction and secure promptness la fulflll-lu- lor tlie sine Class of wood.. tider THE UREHORYS. ind.. yesterday inoriiins. cuarge ' Tlie tbe orders entrusted to as, Prevet Captain and A. A. l M., U. S, A lu of MAD'LLK AUUUaTA, Noith Caroiina LeaislaUire aseoibled ALMANAC iOa fHliiADK LI'HIA THIS DRESS GOODS BEBUCED. Jjeoo'. A nd Thirty Ladles ol the Corps de Ballet. 11 10 Ct H niv. llt65 yesterday at Ralciuh. (iovornor lloldeu'd mes-ia- ee Son Kisna...M. 4W Moon Sicr.... will be sent in PN HKTS i 10 HlH VATHIR S Hi SHAWLS OF FINE GRADE. C. ON CERT HALL MISS KKLLOGG. The'Louisville Democrat has been sold to PHILADELPHIA UOXH1) OJ!' Tit A OK. rSIIEFPARD, VAN llARLLXGEN & LYONS COAT VELVETS. LEGAL NOTICES. Mr. Max rstrakoscu takes pltamie iu uuu,un-citi- R AMM, the Hi si appearancri, since her returu Irom Ed-rop- e, John E. Hatcher, wtio will be tho managing KnHUND A. B'jUDdB, ") VELVETS." oi the reuownid American Prima Douua. wb le W. Henry Peirin, late of the bmkR U buzby, Monthly Coumittsr, LY0I.8 PURE BILK TN THE DISTRICT CODKT OP THE U SITED MlSb CLARA LOUIeta. KKLIWU, editor, UAH JO. L D.ASTEKN Ol'1 Journal, will be the publi.-hc- r. UJtL STuK KS. J KTATKM FOIt THE DISlRICi' IN TWO URAND EE! LOUU CONCEttl'd'AaS A Louisville I0G8 CHESNUT Street, FASHIONABLE POPLINS. Ph r Kfc Y i.V A MA, FAREtVElL MATINEE, Our "Good Will" Die boys are alieady secur- UUVKB1K9ITS OV OCEAS tic. MKYK.R P. Kl RATI! (or tho late flrmi of Weil A to plaoe STKAaiEUS. lailei-ptl- take during the week commencing the 23d of ing quarters 1n Washington lor inauguration FA fell lONABLE SERGES. BtrnuH anil Well, elrau & Mockslttdter). of Ph ovember, asusled by dPainguhlied Peiin...... JJoiiJoQ 10 29 tbstnlOtrp PHILADELPHIA. tiavlng peiltloiied tor dim.'liargd several artists. Over 100 Uiembers of the company, Wm. f.o York Oct. 31 GOLD KEPELLANT3. hiinkrupl, hi. 1 he sale ol tickets to commence i n b urday, Nov. int. JJiverpout...Nuw MIXED will ue he'd on the Cay - a hose carriage con-Btiuc- ted Altl'po York Nov. 3 anitetliiBOi creditors third F1;..' "A-,w- Bt Trumpler s Music No. lully equipped, and with Aiiiuit-niiitt- . IN M., before Kesls-te- r. S.ore. m ijivri iiuui...libv i,v 10 ol Drceuilie', 15 at t o'oclock P the CHESNUT Street the occasion, will be in attendance. iigicnU iur. BEbT Bl ACK VELVETEENS. 18 tQthOm II. FISHKR, Ksq., at his olllcw. for .i,lvri)uul...New Yurie Nov. 4 LIFE INSURANCE. FRANKLIN at Pa tlculars lu luture advertisements. llliltf The Comptroller ot the Currency has sent uaiiiuibie....eouiuaniiiou...ui'iaioro Suv. 4 Ho. lit) . Mtevt.lti the city oi PmiadelphU, Public l'liutlng Ollire BLUES, BROWNS, PURPLES, ETC. . that the examination or fie bankrupt my be his annual report to the Kew any busluetiH mceuugs required by sec- LIND TOM'S CONCERTS, Washington. Ha advises the redemption of Ftna. Yorlc.Livoriiool Nov. 17 VV. and COUMKACINU AT at wai'iiniin. rfrw I urK.jiani!)l(rj WOV, 17 CLARK & CO., tions 27 or ?8 ol the act of Congresa trauHarted. HALL, rotes in New York and the pro- ..Mew Yorlc... Mveroool .N,iir m E. Regluer will certify the Bankrupt has OOMEKT national bank Java MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. The whether MONDAY EVfNliNU, 0V. 10. payment of interest on bank Kunjpa New Yoi'k...ulasgow ....nov. 21 conlorrntd to his duty. TOM, hibition of the U on BLI.D by the banks in that city. Ville i'Kria...:sew York...Uvri) .Nov. wt A hearing will a mo bo held WKDNE5DAY, the THE WONDERFUL NEtRu BOY PIANIST, fcalauces Iow New Yorl...UlKaKnw- -. -- ..Nov. 2 BANKERS, IBtb dav ol December, oeiore the C mrt at. Phil J,OK A TTtlOlIlII STItEET II.IUUON SXOJtK Hi partus SHORT IsEAbON. .New A. V., Y AflnirH. Wm. Feiin i ork... Loudon Njv. as deli bla. at o'clock wheie intertuted MATINEES, WEDNE-DA- AND SATURDAY. Fureiffii COAoTWISii, DOMRsTIt:. KTO. may show Cause against tne aiscnargH. At 2 O'clock. Lokdon, Nov. 1C The announcement is made fnnlata ...... riillaaa n oriHina Nnt ia No. 107 N. EIGHTH STREET, Atiesrea oy tue vi"ri& auu rtegiter, iii.inu N B. Seats may ( seal of be secured at Trumpler's No. 9J6 Loudou journals that Arch, bald Camp- jluiiibltt...... Nw York...Havauo...... Nov. ID No. 35 South THIRD Street, rniiiB ol Ihe Judge, utidtr ihe Cbesnnt street. 111801 to dav iu Plonker Fhnada.... WUmtMKUm vu Four doors above ARCH Street. CorU 11 10 tu 31 Bishop of London, has baen appointed .....,..ov. bell Tait, Touawandk...... riilJad Havauualt Nav 21 ORTICULTURAI, HALL. GERRIA NIA Aichbishop ol Cautcrb.iry. S. America New York...Klo Janeiro...... Nov. H3 PHILADELPHIA, I have now open for the TN TUB DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED OhtUtsfK.,.-P- U B LIO itEll E AtttsALH London, Nov. 16. Parliamentary nominations StaroaudS(rli8Pliliala Hovana Uec. 2 FOR THb. EVERY WEDNESDAY, !, P. M. Bold i ny every X KIiHS EASTERN DldXttlCT at Ticket were made today iu nearly two hundred unnuB iurrui'u 8ieri)cr ID ineremilar and winter season, OE PENNSYLVANIA. at the door, and all principal Music Store. Packages line. Tbe steamers for or from I.tvernnni uii o fall At PhliarlHluhla Oct. 2G. A. D. 1868. ol live lor i; single, 20 cents. counties of Ens;laud, Scot- II AQliNTS and nine UneenstowD, except cbe BAS-TER- boiouerhs Canadian us, wutcb call nt GEKHAL. The nndeisii t ed hereby gives notice ol ins appoint- Engagements can bemaue by addressing G. aud . Ttiere is great excitement, livuuuuunrj, inn inwuion ror or uom tueuonil-uen-t a Splendid assortment of USON, Phila- land, call at Southampton. JOB TUB ment as Assignee of THOMA H. of Ne. vai MONTEHaY btruet; Wittlg's Musio but (o far the elections arc attended with little delphia, in the county of Philadelphia aud the Store. No. 1021 Cbesuut street; Andre's Music Store, CLEARED YK8TERDAY. bonnet ribbons, velvets, Htaie of PennHylvut la. within bald District, who No. llin Chesuut street. lo 19 3 111 or no violence. aoliuigeu a oannrupt upon own pavilion forty-on- e constituencies show Bchr Oneida, ljavla, HohIou, Warren Off ex. National Life Insurance Co. bas rieen uis Returns from a I said AMERICAN VARIETY -- 2 cnr x;caiur uaKes unity, xuii JUVer, trimming ribbons, satins, by the Dlsu t Court ol District. THEATRE. that the Liberals have sained six member. The V., l'ixou, Nevtburyport, J.Kouimel.Jr. CHARLES H.WATHKWB, AsMgnee, FOA'8 EVEN1NW aKI) BA1URDAY actir I. do. 10 No. 740 HANSOM elcctiou of the following prominent candidites Cclir Hiawatha. Lee. Ne bury port, do. OP TBI 27tu8t otreet. AFTEKISOON. or may be considered Bchr K- - venue, Gaudy, batin ribbons, bilks, GREAT COMBINATION TROUPS, has been decided certain: i'all Klver. do, tn Grand Ballets, Etmoplao Burlesques, Bongs B. Disraeli, Buckinghamshire; Rlaliig iud, ftloore. Ktchoiond, Captain. Conservatives-- Hearcit H. K. Kunsell, Mehalluy, UNITED STATES OF AMEIIICA, crapes, WINDOW BLINDS AND SHADES. Dances. Pantomimes. Uymuaat A eta, etc. G. W. Hunt, Noitlamptonshire; G. Hardy, ilart, Wauuemacber velvet ribbons, Oxford University; C. B. Adderly, Btattbrd-Phiie- ; St'r U. WIlllnK. Cundlff. Baltimore. A. G roved, jr. TOR TBE laces, hats, 6ENTZ' AND MARK HASSLEK'3 Montague, Huntingdonshire; Colonel Hi't Bristol. WalUce, New York. W. P. Clyde & no. ggLIN D 8 SHADES. CARL M AT1NEEH, nVERY SATURDAY Alien; ' n. luaa TUou'Ui jenersop, . lookoiii,. Alexander M IN MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Taylor. Dublin: G. Sclater Booth, Hampshire; . t. .. ( B . t I . . L States of rennsylvaiila and Southern Xew flowers, bonnets, ttl3'i t. Cambridge University; J. R. fco clis. Package ol 4 tickets, 1, al Boner's. S. Walpole, llaltloiore, with Jowe ol barges, W. P. Ude ft Co. No.litiiCHEsNUTbt.. and at the Door, 1114 U Oxford Un.vcreity: Stephen Cane, Jersey. feathers, frames 15. WILLIAMS & SOAfS, Mowbray, ARItrVKD YESTERDAY. J. Shoneham; B. Cope, Cambridge University; G. Steamablp Vuluuieer (new), uailaehnr. frim nt,... To which would kindly call the attention Wolverham-ton- COM-PAN- I G. Glyn, Shaltsbury; C. P. Villiers, ; ler inbailaat to Jolin obi. Tlie V. It Intended to THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE Y Ne, 10 NORTH SIXTH STREET, G. Deuuan, Tiverton; Colonel Kykes, run between Pbllailelpbla and New York, in eausort la a corporation chartered by Special tbe ladles. with ibe bieaniablps Brunolte and Faulta. JULIUS 8ICHEL, LARGEST MANUFACTURERS, AND BELL Aberdeen. etiaiBuiiiuip jtomun, Maker, 44 from Boston of Congress, approved July 25, 1808, witu Nov. There was a beun ' Act . LOW PRICES. Lokdok, Ith rutlae. to H. Wnmor & Co. No. 107 N. EIGHTH Street, slignt dibturbanco at Manchester to day, but it nieauieuip Ilunter, IloKer,3ti hours from Providence A CASH CAl'ITAL OF OXE MILLION BLINDS painted and trimmed. move, D, fe HE soou quieted by the police. No reports of lib to H. htutHon Co. 10 8 SHADES made, and lettered 829.ntha2m PRINCIPAL DEPOT was Scbr K KalKb t Seerly iroiu New York, with P. B. No trouble to show goods. rp 8IOIUC T serious disorder have been received lroui any to caivln b. Crowell & Co. mri. DOLLARS, quarter. lreuce. HuOhou. 6 dava Imm EiDjihinnw London, Nov. 1G. A despatch from river, wlib rulroad ilea to Col lot A Cj. And Is now thoroughly organized and prepared FOR THE LADIES. COPARTNERSHIPS. FOR THE BALK 07 death of the King of Biara. heDruriiionua, J amels. tdayi Iroiu Jurugs Blver. announces the Willi pine wood to Co Una fe Co. for Imulneus. 16. corporate autho- OP PARTNERSHIP. THE Loudon, November The Scbrbylvan. Itlnuchard. 6 days from Ntwort. In DISSOLUTION of Brighton will mve a banquet to Reverdy ballast to Warreo Ur. ut. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solici- exlbtlug between the rities t 1 CASCaDEN, Ihe name George on Tuesday next. UibT M. C. Burnlie, JjurOornuch, day from Cam-de- tors, who are invited to apply at oar office. aud JAMUt under REVENUE STAMPS, Johnson and Del., wlih grain lo Jan. L. betvley t O'. ot BAILEY A CAtsOAUKN, having been dissolved Madbid, Nov. 16. An Immense demonstration fccbr imsei, taawn. 2 Oav from Muiou, Iel w ib particulars to be had on application at by the death ot Mr Cascadeu, all persous Indeiled lo came oil hrre on Saturday In favor of a mon- gram lo Christian A Co. Full said Hrm are requested to make luiu edUte paymeut, government. Addresses were hour ciayiuB A Lowoer. jbckbod. i nay from our oflice, located In the second stsry of our aud those havlug claims aualnst said hrm lo preaeut No. 304 CHESNUT STREET. archical foim of 1 Smyrna. el., with grain to Jas. L. Bewley A 00, House, Pam- them lor BettUmtnt. JOHN T. BAII.KY, made by Olozaga, Maitoz, Serrano, Prim, tscbr K. U Irwin. Alklna, trotu Boston. Hanking where Circulars and buivlvlug partner ol B.lley & Caioaden. aud others. Not less than 60,000 per- Hcbr W. P. Hbllllpa Somem. from Norw th, phlets, fully describing the advantages offered fopete, rACAZIN DBS MODES, BUSI-N- CENTRAL DEPOT, No. 103 S. were pre?ent. HchrJ. S. Walaon llotick. from Lynn. JOHN T. BAILEY will continue the BAO i FIFTH ST., sons 24 by the Company, may be had. bH t old stand, N. E. c Ot M A It K E T a 16. -- Btiron James RitUscbild, Steamer Ann .l a. Hlciianls hours from New at he jruer id Paris, Nov. Y rk, with udse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. So. 1014 WALNUT STREET. WA'lER Streets. Pliilanelphla lit mutual bead of the bouse of Rothschilds, bankers, died steamer Valley Cl'y. Morgan, from Richmond and E. W CLARK & CO., here yesterday. Nnrlnlk. with nirlsH. lo W. P. Civde A I O. (One door below Oliesnnt street), to-da- y Steamer I. C. ureen. Ionian. 24 hours from Kew Havana, Nov. 16. The Diarlo pub- RO. S SOUTH TUIBD STREET, better convenience of her Patrons, DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. following: Colonel l.euo remains at Yi rk, with mdBP. to W. P. Clyde Co. For the lished the lagTbos. JeO'eron. Allen, from Baltimore, with a 8 FHILADEDPHIA. Tunas. Several flags carried by the revolution- tnw nfbirm tn W. P. Cllvoa A (In. 8tuftf MHS. PHOOTOR YORK DYKING AND PRINTING ESTABLISHED 1862. ists hive beeu captured. They are triangular Tug Lookout. 'Alexander, from Baltimore, with a NEWsT A to L 1 3 J 1 M EN T. aud have the suu iu the centre with tow ol DarKea to w. r, i :iyae at UO. HAS REMOVED HSR DRESS: MAKING ROOMS WORKS ON h'l'ATKN ISLAND. in Tun CbeHHpeake. Mernhon, Iroiu Baltimore, with a PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. OUlctS. No. 40 N. ElOHTU ntre ei, went side, Palla,; Tbe tale of Revenue Stamps la still radiating stripes of ditfereut colors, TheZaro tnw of iiaruen tr W. P. (Ilvde A Cfk. To No. 1014 WALNUT Street, No. 88 DUANE btieet continued regards the laibing of this Hag as an ludicatiou Tug Palry Queen, Shears, from Baltimore, with a No. 752 BKOoliWAY, New York, and at tne Old- - Established Agency. insurgents intend to declare the inde- tow oi Dargaa to W. x, ciyaedt ijo. Where she will be happy to see her friends. Nos, 1U4 aud liiti PIERKEk-ON- Street, Brooklyn. lhat the yJ ALL PAPERS. This old and extensive establishment havlug been comprises every pendence ol , and savs: iWe sreelad f wi t . iy AivnA I RV GOODS BUSINESS will be In existence a half century are piepared to J) Y A aud Tbe stock denomination Ship Petrel, Mr; The GENERAL that thi rebels have removed th' ir m tk. Tue lieu tie, 0r Pblladelpbla, sailed from heretofore, at No. W0 CtlESNUT oh C'LKANbE Ladies' aud Oentieiuen's Oarmuukt aud printed by tbe Government, and having at all Spaulth Goycrniient IiWerpucl lal lust ocutiuucu as Piece Ot.ods ot every descriptlou aud labile lu their right and duty of the to Ship Alaska. Small, heuce, at New Orients HENRY S. MATLACK, manner. times a large supply we are enabled to fill and lltb 11 J. W. PROCIOR A CO. usually unsurpassed dispones and annihilate thcte traitots is no li'n... via iiiuuuv, hAMCEL MARSH, Prosldont forward (by Mail or Express), all orders, Imme- oucstlou of Dolitics. It be omes a SUlp Cordelia, Klnsr, hence, sailed from Brouwen J. T. Young, Secretary. 10 11 uiwiuiu iinocr r baveumilh uli. fnr Helvnel. 11 and 13 Korth KLNTH diately upon receipt, a matter of great Impor- question ot national uuiry." It is represented Ship for Philadelphia, Nos. Street, a'l the revolutionary leaders are Brauil. Hlhberl from London tance, that t..rlv viiiiuiieii ium uil IKl. tn iouk. WOODI-AJU- CEMKTERY COMPANT either Dominicans or Mexicans. Anunberof S eauisbln Mar of the Union, Joiihs, for Polladel. TBILabELPUIA, iollowliig Managers aud Ollioera have capiurcu uy troops were Ptila via Havana. Balled from HW. l'anl 1Kb Inst. been e:ected lor the year United States Notes, National Bank Notes, rebel prisoneis iuc Prawns-er- tor Phi adelnhln-- U. B. Bowen and Wm. ia: iu-u- y. IMPORTER AND DICALKR IN on Philadelphia, aud Foal OUice Orders brought to Havana WtilJsi n. Cargo SIS bales ootton. Mi bbd-- . sugar. 15 Wm. H. Moure. Wm. W. Keen. Drafts uii'B, uioiansea, loo bills, bines, ana 'it Dales moil. Samuel K Moon, Ferdinand J. i.roor, received In puyruent. Syracuse. Xa'Qlle Hilda. N.HHen. hanr-R- . at (4ravnsHnd 'd Inst. Oeorge L Buzby, from Barque AND AME1UOAN Ut ile. 'allett. KvmiTfii!. Nov. 16. Frank II. Robblns. for Lalla. Bxnt, trom London for Pnlladelpbla, FHENOH HOOP SKIRTS. jjowiu ureoie. rt. A. tVUIgnt. Any Information regarding the decisions of Cut IUIO St. Helen'n 1'nailn lit Inxl recretai v and Treasnrer JOS. B. TOWN8END. merly a ronfldeutial cle.k in the enploy of Barque Advance. Vlckery, beuot. at Fla hlr g 31st Tho Managers bave passed a resolution requiring tbeCotumlaslonerof Internal lievenue cueur-full- y Borns, sauoiery buu umuwnrf uinnuiuu ulilmo. fiQQ HOOP SKIRTS, gOQ both Loibolders and Vlellors to present tlokotH at the a Barque Argaatlne, Moick, heuce, t HelvcetSlst WALL PAEEK3. and gratuitously turuisbed. turers here, has been detected in extensive em ' NEW FALL STYLES, eutrance for aduilsblon to the Cemetery. Tickets upon exploits were in oli'mo. mav be bad at the Olllce of the Company, No. Sul Revenue Stamps printed Drafts, Checks K...,iumilit. Ilia latest col Brti(i"e Leander, Warkmelster, bence, at I'.llau Street, or ot any ol the Managers. 7 noney from the creditors of the tlrra, ?Nlh lilt. ALL ORDERS PERSONALLY ATTENDED TO. LA PANIKB, and all other desirable styles and AKCH tl Receipts, eto. lectins BtKglns: tbeooun-try- . Ot our i reason to believe that he is oue- - Biiraucs Woodland. Louisa. Dehihv: and t'otupeteut workmeB sent to all parts of ,lie The following rates of commission are allotvod ..i Postreue BJnunrsn, fur Pblladelpbla, entered out at Work executed at city prices. (16 tutbsSoa CELEBRATED CHAMPION SKIRTS, raiing exteuslvelj in tho Wcstein States in this Xivuruoui inst. (or ladim.ifcUiBwj, aud children, oonstantly on CRUMP, on Stamps and Slumped Pi pen-- On Brig Samuelin Llndsey, Wllsin, for Philadelphia to roer aanortuieut la a1 JOHN and u.ade i LarKeat tbeoill CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 825 aud upwards M ..... 2 per e ant. manner. sailed trom Liverpool mi iubi. aud siitclally adaptf d fur tlr.t class trade. Brig Harry Vlrden Coillus, for Phllade phla, en UOKOKTHI UORSBTI'SI 100 " - 3 " IleavT Robbery. r Iverno"! 1st Inst. COKnE'lHl SbopaiNo.SIS I.OIMJF.Sfreef, anil No. 1733 lered mil at f ELFEMSTEIN BeiKUluf at very low prices. Our asourtmeut Is 800 " i " 16. Rirbsrds A Bons. No. 6 Brig Kila Moore, Maralers, hence, at Queenstown &tYIS' cooipieie, enibraoini l liooipnou's mora jrnilog, in. Klrect, Kew York. Nov. , tlltSL'r all , to money valu- - all giadr-a- Iron fei MS H a'ao; Bevkel's tuperlui PIIILADELVIItA. Address orders, etc Buclay street, vfere robbed of and Brig Gondolier, Roberts, benoe, at St, John, N, B to (lOi supe JJ6J 1UI h ll.Rt FreiiCb WbTto Corset., from ail I lor Wbaleboue baud made Corset., Iroiu all oeo . tt STAMP AGENCY, Itr-s- with Brig H. C. Brooks, Davis, from Fall Blver for Phi gore; Foy'i 8. have been made in connection the At 'At InHt. lie, lu sblnlus aad circular Maaaiue GRANT, larinWiht Nuwnnrt h bklrt fupporters, at MERCHANT STREET, affair. Srbr Florenoo HUay, llulse. bence, at Barcelona ooiset Abduu) WILLIAM Avenue, Philadelphia No. 804 CHESNUT PHILADELPHIA 2H1) Also. Mis. Moody's Patent No. IS. DELaWa ult. neerlng, Philadelphia, IRINTXNGftOOMS Dal Coraeiit; wblnb every lady!.sbouid xauilae. AOhMT FUR BTATE3 POSTAGE STAMPS of rrom Hew York. fohruaorgl Wlllard, for CMjibet Ciasps, tt cents a pair. Dnpcat's Ounwowder, Reflned NHre, ('barcoal etc UNITED f'ha-le- s cleared at 1'nrtland Uilr Inst. and Co.1. Cocoa, UNVELOPJgd ir- - nns id King, of H. Dltjhtiin 1410 Inst, Wbolmale and Retail Maoulactory Salesroom W Baker A Chucolate. and rtrotna, all kinds, and STAMPED coar it nffir bebr K. Dean. Cook, bence. at Urn.. A VVi'H VelK'W bhe iittr, was dangerously stabo:d by a Ger. P. m H'own. Kodmau for PUl'aJelp'ala.sliW Ir'cker Jtla NtaiiUj Wa ua-u- Jenev City, trh' Solta, Aaila, . M . .1 l lllM. 111. i.i j) t rjosu all jwv "iu " at
