Masters in Art : a Series of Illustrated Monographs
JULY, 1908 EL GRECO PRICE, 20 CENTS IftpStajHitflrt |^M|k EL GRECO PART 103'- VOLUME 9 JJateHflDGuildQompany, Kublteljerg 42<$aunit$tRrt MASTERS I N ART A SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED MONOGRAPHS: ISSUED MONTHLY PART 103 JULY VOLUME 9 351 <£r CONTENTS Plate I. The Annunciation Owned by Durand-Ruel Plate II. Portrait du Cardinal Tavera Museum, Toledo Plate III. The Assumption Art Institute, Chicago Plate IV. Portrait of Cardinal Sforza Pallavicino Art Museum, Boston Plate V. The Nativity Plate VI. St. Basil Prado Museum, Madrid Plate VII. Portrait of a Physician Prado Museum, Madrid Plate VIII. Portrait of Cardinal Don Fernando Nino de Guevara Private Collection Plate IX. Head of a Man Prado Museum, Madrid Plate X. Christ Dead in the Arms of God Prado Museum, Madrid The Life of El Greco Page 23 The Art of El Greco Page 28 Criticisms by Justi, Stirling-Max well, Muther, Ricketts, Lafond and Geffroy The Works of El Greco: Descriptions of the Plates and a List of Paintings Page 38 El Greco Bibliography Page 42 Photo-engravings by Suffolk Engraving and Electrotyping Co.: Boston. Press-work by the Everett Press: Boston. A complete index for previous numbers will be found in the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, which may be consulted in any library. PUBLISHERS’ ANNOUNCEMENTS SUBSCRIPTIONS: Yearly subscription, commencing with any number of the current calendar year, $2.00, payable in advance, postpaid to any address in the United States. To Canada, $2.25 ; to foreign countries in the Pos¬ tal Union, $2.50. As each yearly volume of the magazine commences with the January number, and as indexes and bindings are prepared for complete volumes, intending subscribers are advised to date their subscriptions from Jan¬ uary.
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