VOL. XI. CRANBURY, N. J., FRIDAY, 31ARCH 6, 1896. NO. 36. ' In xutbematlos and ohomistr; WHEN THE DAY IS D3M0 ill but two days, and hor granSjnoth- Then, as if bo might solve the problem CLEVELAND ON HOME MISSIONS THE NEWS EPITOMIZED! bad promised ber a now in another way, he inquirod, anxiously, : France leads the -world at present. ITALY'S fflAT DEFEAT. The President Preside* at a Presbyterian TOuhlBgtoD Items. ttarllng, whoa (he chadows fall, 'rock i( Bho stood head at tho o of "Who's Ann Elizaboth?" Mass Bleetloe In Notv 1'ork. The Agricultural Appropriation hill was- And tno day i3 done, third month; and The littlo Squire's mother answered ' Bpeakor Beod pronounces it "Ar- Grover Cleveland, President ot the Oolted passed by tba Sonata Whoi toe crimson veil Is dmwa .izaboth's frocks wero voluminous 'or him, with a faint smile. "She's Humbert's Army Routed in Abys- States, presided at the Presbyterian *'Homo A telegram to tbe Navy Department «n- kan«aw," when he recognizes a Bepro- O'er too sunken sun, ind came almost down, to her heels ono of the children down at tho little Illusion Rally" meeting, at Carnegie Music nounorn that the Alert nailed rrom AeapqU - Through tho moadows, moist with dew* ibe was immensely proud of a now Squire's schooL" sinia With Heavy Losses. CQ, Mexico, for Corinto, Nicaragua, to glra o'cntativo from that State. Hall, Naw York City. It was a grund gath- protection .to American interests to tho ' Swift I hie away; io. "We'd just duBt," said the littlo ering ol moro than 400} persons, whtoh was event ft any serious outbreak following tho organized under tho auspices ~o( the New ' The United States roiaeB more to- AH my hours of pleasure eomo "I'm a common girl, I know that," Iquiro, pcrseveringly; "I'd dust the Incipient row nt Leon. With tho closo of day. repeated Ann Elizabeth; "aud you're liano legs wbiio Grandmother dust tho < ROMAN POPULACE INCENSED. Tork Presbytery. • Tbovast throng cheered Tho Honso Committee on Horchsni Ma- bacco than any other country on the the President again and again during the de- rine end Fisheries has authorized.- a favor- As tho perfumes from tho flowers A fine little gontlomno, everybody ihairs. Sally never half dusts, any- globo. British India cornea next, pro- knows that, and I got a grandmother ray. And Grandmother and I could liverance ot his address. *1« report < a bill providing tbat so vessel Tho President reached CarnoRle Hall at iballbe considered a vessel o! thoCnitod Grow more street at night. javo a flower bed back |of tho parlor Tcoopi Coder General Bflrattarl Driven ducing nearly as much. As tho don-drops softer glow •nd eo hev you." 7.45 o'clock p.m. ami was received by tha llates and entitled to tbo privileges apper- vindows; tbat wouldn't be servant's taining to such » all its officers are nor cltt- In tho palo moonlight. Sho was looking ovor the back of Back anil Surrounded—ThoauwU Committee of Arrangements nnd ushered tho Bhaggy pony, far away from tho 'ork, Fathor." The little. Squiro al- PATH'S nAUiBOAD. Tho National American Woman's Were KHIod—All tho Artillery und upon theslage. Ho was greeted with cheers, eensof the United States. Ohiot engineers .. The new naval register shows mat So, tho hours of oare all rassed >uffrage Association has deoidod that whioh lasted nearly 0vo minutes. Tho plat- nnd assistant engineers are lnolnded .In this- - littlo Squire's honest eyes. ioBt Btuttorod in MB eagerness, wbilo Hero is a littlo story being told of Provisions Captured—Crlipr* Cabinet form was crowded. Tne hnll was ono denso provision. the United States now etanda fifth With tho sunken sun, ho big Squire's amazemont grew and Fatti, the diva. It is well known that tho "Woman's Biblo" is a striotly per- The little Squiro was going to bo an- Offered to Iteilgo. mass of humanity. As Dr. John Hall and Commissioner of Pensions Lochran has In- among tho naval Powers of the earth, Joy comes springing to my soul ry, but he smilod instead. grew. sho bnilt a railroad in Wales from her sonal thing, with whioh itjhaa nothing Dr. T. Dewitt Talmaga took their scats on When the day is dono. formed Mrs. Belva A. Lookwood that tier - Baying advanced five pointB within the ''That's so, Ann Elizabeth," be said. But tho lad's mother had her arms castle, Craig-y-Nos, to Swansea, but it to do. ROME, Italy, Ma roll 4.—Tho disaster which the stage tba audience yOllod wildly. appeal from the action of tho Pension OfBco The President irrceled both. Dr. 'John Ball In requiring her to refund 825 in a certain For thy pleasant face I groct '1'vo got a grandmother, and so havq ibout him. "Tho littlo Squire may bo i9 not generally known that all who Belva A. Lockwood does not soem to has just befallen the Italian arms at Adaa sat on the right of tho Cblof Eieontlvo: last five years. wish to use it, do so froo of charge.— olnim has bees allowed, acd that the money Aud thy smile I see, rou." ight," she said softly; "we must lot havo elevated tho practioo of law very (or Adowa) Is the most sorious suffored by Dr. TalmaRo on the loft. Dr. Hall opened will bo returned to her.. '• ' Whon across tho dewy fields him do what ho can to make Grand- New York Advertiser.. much, She has been disbarred from any civilized army In recent veors. Tho tne big mooting .nnd Introduced Mr. Clevo- 'My grandmother," said Ann Eliz- !and. To long continued applause 'and A 'Jill authorising lnoreass ot tbo enlisted '' It is reported that tho constanu TI- I havo come to thoo; abeth, looking wiokedly into tho won- mother happy." practicing boforo the Pension Boroan lotost despatches say that tbe Italian losses cbeers Presldont Cleveland aroso and made owe of tno Navy was passed unanimously bration, caused by the heavy eteam When I hasten homo, my love. dering face of tho littlo Squiro, "helps It was a happy day for the littlo.old IOUNOEST SENAT0RI4I, PASTE. for taking an illegal fee. In killed alone exceed 8000. an earnest plea for aid for tbo raoso of the by tho Senate. and traction cars in Paris, haa caused With tho sinking sun, • with the baby and bakes pies and doeB grandmother when, enveloped in a Tho youngest wife in tho Senatorial A recent paper ohronioles a London Tho Abysslnians captured sixty guns, moro Presbyterian Borne Missions. Be alluded to Tho Venezuelan Boundary Commission All my sweotest pleasures oomo than half the Italian artillery, and all the his Presbyterian tralninc, and how Pnsby- met and began consideration ol tbe merits great damage, especially to tall build- a turn most everywhere; yon can't go whito apron, she dusted the conter- circle ot Washington this winter is burglary by a woman, and in the para- terlanism had been Instilled into Jilm by Us of tho dispute. ,.' . • , • • Whoa tho day done. tablo in the front partor. The little Mrs. Imoy Day Martin, wife of the fathor. An President Clovvland finished ings, and many of them are in an u - by tho hooso yon don't hear ber sing- graph following, reoords tho BUOOOSB- .Thomas P, Morgan. ex-Conmlssloner of u •Danlol J. Donahoo, in Boston Transcript in'. Oflot your grandmother went a Squire sat nndor tho piano feasting Senator from Virginia. Sho is a ful attempt at oapturo of a bnrcflar in wavo after wnve ot applause swept over tbe the District of Columbia, died a few days BOfe condition. house, and "lid not COMO until ha arose and potterin' 'round at Farmer Hath- ii• s oyes upon hes.._i...r befor—e hu—e vigorousls 1y_ pratty woman, nnd a brilliant one as Paris, tho captor being a woman. Introduced tho Rev. Dr. William C. Roberts, ogo nthla residence In Washington.. •- sway'a, workin' bard as anybody 'foro [anted tho legs. And that flower bed well. Mrs. Elkins, of West Virginia, Mrs. Cannon, wife of the new Utah Eeoretary of tbo Board of Homo Missions, Attonioy-Geaer&l 'Harmon submitted to ! South Carolina bos passed a bill, ITTLE SQUIRE'S SCHOOL. she married the Square's father; now mder tho back windows; why, from who offered up a prayer. Postmagter-General Wilson a decision to tho wife of another of tho new Sonators, is Senator, is an earnest believer in enectthatthe numeronBbond endlnvestmont which puts the lifoof ooy _nnd every you keep her lock ebo was a cbiny tea- ;ho very beginning it brought tho a beauty, and is very fond of society, Dr. T. Dewitt Tatmage then snoke for an scnemea condnoted throughdut tbe country woman suffrage, but is, nevertheless, hour and three-quarters. Professor Booker dog in tho Stato at the meroy of any HE village, with pot or eomo'n; dress her in silk, and ughter into Grandmother's littlo an orthodox Mormon and a stoat de- aro lotteries. And not estltloil to tho privi- I'moat set hor in a chair. She do look wrinkled face. T. Washington, the famous colored orator, leges ot tho malls. ' . person who may catoh it sway from j tho sohool and PBA0T1CAX, CLUB WOBK. fender of the dootrine of plural mar- received a grand ovation from tbe crowd. > everything in it, laok a obiny doll, euro 'nongb, settin' Tho little Squire entered bis school A number of young girls of Cleve- riages.
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